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Building Statistics Kerala 2021-2022

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Department of Economics & Statistics,

Government of Kerala
Thiruvananthapuram- 695 033

Construction sector plays a pivotal role in the infrastructure development of

Kerala which has considerable impact on the social, economic & environmental
dimensions. Building Statistics plays a crucial role in understanding the growth,
development, and dynamics of urban and rural areas. This compilation consolidates
pertinent information pertaining to newly constructed buildings and completions during
the fiscal year 2021-’22. The report contains information on the number of newly
constructed buildings, their sectorwise classification (rural and urban), ownership
categorization, roofing types, density of new constructions, and comparative analysis
with data from previous years. Data are sourced from Grama
Panchayat/Municipality/Corporation at secondary level.

I hope this compendium ‘Building Statistics Report 2021-’22’ serves as a valuable

resource for policymakers, researchers, and all those who pursue in Kerala's
development journey. By leveraging data-driven insights, we can make well-informed
decisions and collectively work towards more prosperous and equitable future for the
people of Kerala. I appreciate ‘Housing Statistics Division’of the Directorate for their
painstaking effort in bringing out such a worthy publication, under the supervision of
Shri.Sijith K.S, Assistant Director (Labour & Housing) and guidance of Shri.Manoj.M,
Additional Director (State Income).

Any suggestions for improvement of this report are highly appreciated.

Sreekumar. B
Thiruvananthapuram Director

Particulars Page Number

Introduction 1

Concept and definitions 2

Highlights 3

Summary of findings 7

Conclusion 50
Detailed tables

In the context of rapidly advancing economy, housing and building

construction statistics plays vital role in its various aspects. Followed by agriculture,
the construction sector stands as a primary source of employment generation. As per
the recommendations of National Statistical Commission and direction from the
Government of Kerala, Department of Economics and Statistics has been collecting,
collating, compiling, validating, analyzing, disseminating and publishing panchayat
level building statistics (Rural) since 2001-’02. The department has been doing the
same from all Local Bodies of both rural and urban sector of Kerala since 2015-’16.
The secondary data included in this report were collected from local bodies
concerned, by the field level officers of the department. Data on un-registered
buildings are not covered in this report.
This compendium consists of the number of different types of buildings
(residential- dwelling and others, non-residential- industrial, commercial, institutional
and others) constructed during the period 2021-’22. Also their categorization based
on sector (rural/urban), classification according to ownership, types of roofing used
and a comparative examination from preceding years’ data.

Concepts and Definitions

T he concepts and definitions of some of the important terms used in the building
statistics report are given below.
1. Building is any independent or free standing structure comprising one or more
rooms or other spaces, covered by a roof and usually enclosed within external
walls or dividing walls which extend from the foundation to the roof. Dividing
walls refer to the walls of adjoining building which have been constructed so that
they are contiguous, e.g. dividing walls of house in a row.
2. Buildings Completed: A building on which work is completed and which is
physically ready for occupation.
3. Residential Building: A building which is primarily intended or used for dwelling
purposes. Other buildings are Non-residential.
4. Dwelling Houses: It is a room or suit of rooms and with its accessories (viz.
kitchen, store, bath, latrine etc.) if any, in permanent building or structurally
separated part thereof which by the way it has been built, rebuilt or converted, is
intended for habitation by the household. It should have separate access to the
street or to a common passage or stairways. Other type of residential buildings in
case any dwelling unit have been constructed therein. (e.g, out houses etc).
5. Non-Residential Buildings
a) Industrial Buildings: All buildings intended for industrial activities; Refinery,
factories, workshops, textile mill, food processing plant, power plant and other
plants etc.
b) Commercial Buildings: All buildings which are built for use primarily in the
wholesale, retail and service trade including warehousing activities .e.g. shops,
ware-houses, offices, cinema theatre, hotels, lodges, auditorium, convention center
c) Institutional Buildings: All buildings intended primarily for institutional activities
such as schools, colleges, govt. offices, hospitals, dispensaries, religious buildings,
orphanages, libraries etc.
d) Other buildings: All buildings elsewhere classified, examples passenger shelter,
cattle shed attached to households, pump house located in residential premises and
farms, etc.

 The construction sector in Kerala marked a significant upswing in the fiscal
year 2021-’22, witnessing the completion of 3,95,803 newly registered
 Calculated across Kerala (excluding forest areas), the average density of new
buildings stands at 14 per square kilometer.
 The number of buildings built in 2021-’22 is 11.22% more than that of
previous year.
 Malappuram district took the lead with a noteworthy 53,774 newly constructed
buildings, in contrast, Idukki reported the lowest count at 8,751.
 Thiruvananthapuram district has the highest density of newly constructed
buildings in this year (29/sq. km) and Idukki has the lowest (4/ sq. km).
 Among the block panchayths of Kerala, Kanjirappally in Kottayam district has
the highest number of new buildings (4,660) and Pampakkuda in Ernakulam
district has the least number of new buildings (550) in this financial year.
 Among the Municipalities of Kerala, Alappuzha Municipality takes the lead in
the construction panorama, reporting the highest number of new buildings at
3,170 in the fiscal year. In a stark contrast, Kasargod Municipality, witness the
least number of new constructions at 48.
 73.58% of the total new constructions in 2021-’22 take the form of residential
 Within the residential landscape, 2,86,731 structures materialize as houses.
 Out of the total number of residential buildings newly built in Kerala this year,
1.54% is meant for other residential purposes.
 The year 2021-’22 witnessed the construction of 1,04,586 buildings for non-
residential purposes and it is 18.84% more than that of previous year.

 Highest number of dwelling houses is constructed in Thiruvananthapuram
(40,339) district and least in Idukki district (6,916).
 Buildings erected for commercial purpose comes to 85.52% of the total
number of non-residential buildings .
 Out of the total 3,95,803 buildings constructed, 3,86,944 (97.76%) buildings
are owned by private parties, 3,017(0.76%) buildings by Government/Local
Bodies and (5,842) 1.48% by others.
 The ownership spectrum of private buildings in the year 2021-’22 unfolds with
a male-female ratio at 2.7:1.
 Kerala's architectural skyline sees a significant shift, with a 92.12% of the
newly constructed buildings opting for concrete roofing in 2021-’22, signaling
a pronounced embrace of modern construction materials.
 Amidst the prevailing trends, a mere 1,890 (0.48%) of the total new
constructions opt for thatched roofing, underscoring the dwindling popularity
of traditional roofing methods in contemporary Kerala.

സം ഗഹം

 2021-’22 സാ ിക വർഷ ിൽ തായി 3,95,803 െക ിട െട

ർ ീകരണ ിന് സാ ം വഹി െകാ ്, േകരള ിെല നിർമാണ േമഖല
ഗണ മായ ഉയർ േരഖെ ി.
 വനവി തി ഒഴിവാ ിയാൽ തിയതായി നിർമി െ െക ിട െട
സാ ത ച ര കിേലാമീ റിന് 14 ആണ്.
 2021-’22 സാ ിക വർഷ ിൽ നിർമി െ െക ിട െട എ ം ൻ
സാ ിക വർഷ ിൽ നിർമി െ വെയ ാൾ 11.22% തലാണ് .
 തിയതായി നിർമി െ െക ിട െട എ ം ഏ ം തൽ മല റം
ജി യിലാണ് (53,774), റവ് ഇ ി ജി യി ം ആണ് (8,751).
 തിയതായി നിർമി െ െക ിട െട സാ ത ഏ ം തൽ
തി വ രം ജി യി ം (ച ര കിേലാമീ റിന് 29) ഏ ം റവ് ഇ ി
ജി യി ം ആണ് (ച ര കിേലാമീ റിന് 4).
 േ ാ ് പ ായ കളിൽ േകാ യം ജി യിെല കാ ിര ി േ ാ ്
പ ായ ിലാണ് 2021-’22 വർഷ ിൽ ഏ ം തൽ െക ിട ം (4,660)
എറണാ ളം ജി യിെല പാ ാ ട േ ാ ് പ ായ ിലാണ് ഏ ം റവ്
െക ിട ം (550) നിർമാണം ർ ിയാ ിയത്.
 േകരള ിെല നിസി ാലി ികളിൽ സാ ിക വർഷ ിൽ ഏ ം തൽ
തിയ െക ിട ൾ റിേ ാർ ് െച െകാ ് (3,170) ആല ഴ നിസി ാലി ി
ിൽ നിൽ . തിക ം വ ത മായി ഏ ം റവ് നിർമാണ ൾ ്
സാ ം വഹി ത് കാസർേഗാഡ് നിസി ാലി ിയാണ് (48).
 േകരള ിൽ 2021-’22 വർഷ ിൽ നിർമാണം ർ ിയാ ിയ െക ിട ളിൽ
2,91,217 (73.58%) എ ം പാർ ിട ിന് േവ ി വയാണ്.
 2021-’22 വർഷ ിൽ നിർമാണം ർ ിയാ ിയ പാർ ിട ിന് േവ ി
െക ിട ളിൽ 2,86,731 എ ം വീ കളാണ്.
 തിയതായി നിർമാണം ർ ിയാ ിയ പാർ ിട ിന് േവ ി
െക ിട ളിൽ 1.54% “അദർ െറസിഡൻഷ ൽ പർ സിന്”
േവ ി വയാണ്.

 2021-’22 വർഷം 1,04,586 െക ിട ൾ ”താമേസതര ഉേ ശ ിന്” േവ ി
നിർമി ി വയാണ്, ഇത് ൻ വർഷേ ാൾ 18.84% തലാണ്.
 2021-’22 വർഷ ിൽ ഏ ം തൽ ഭവന ൾ നിർമി െ ത്
തി വന രം ജി യി ം (40,339) റവ് ഇ ി ജി യി ം (6,916) ആണ്.
 2021-’22 വർഷ ിൽ നിർമാണം ർ ിയാ ിയ പാർ ിടാവശ ിന ാ
െക ിട ളിൽ 85.52%- ം വാണിജ ാവശ ൾ േവ ി വയാണ്.
 ഈ വർഷം നിർമാണം ർ ിയാ ിയ ആെക െക ിട ളിൽ 3,86,944
(97.76%) എ ം സ കാര വ ിക െട ഉടമ തയി ം 3,017(0.76%) എ ം
സർ ാർ/തേ ശ സ യം ഭരണ ാപന െട ഉടമ തയി ം
ബാ ി വ ‘മ ് ഉടമ തയി ം ’5,842 (1.48% ) ഉ വയാണ്.
 ഈ വർഷം സ കാര ഉടമ തയി െക ിട െട
ഉടമ ാവകാശ ിൽ ീ- ഷാ പാതം1 : 2.7ആണ്.
 2021-’22 -ൽ തായി നിർമി െക ിട ളിൽ 92.12 ശതമാന ം േകാൺ ീ ്
ഫിംഗ് ഉ വയാണ്. ഇത് ആ നിക നിർമാണ സാമ ിക െട കടമായ
ഉപേയാഗെ ചി ി .
 നിലവി വണതയിൽ, െമാ ം തിയ നിർമാണ ളിൽ െവ ം 1,890
(0.48%) മാ മാണ് ഓല േമ േമൽ ര ഉ വ. ഇത് സമകാലീന
േകരള ിൽ പര രാഗത ഫിംഗ് രീതിക െട റ വ ജന ീതിെയ
ചി ി .

Summary of Findings
1. Number of registered buildings newly constructed

The total number of buildings newly constructed and completed during 2021-’22
stands at 3,95,803, with 2,91,217 residential buildings and 1,04,586 non-residential
buildings. This robust construction activity indicates a thriving economy and a growing
demand for both residential and commercial spaces in the state. Number of buildings
newly constructed and completed in Kerala State during the year 2021-’22 is 11.22%
more than that of the previous year. This may be due to the financial improvement after
the impact of covid-19.

60000 Total number of registered buildings newly constructed in 2021-2022


40000 37491
30000 28261
21684 21047
20000 15964


Malappuram district has the highest number of newly constructed buildings

(53,774), followed by Thiruvananthapuram district (49,731). The least number is in
Idukki district (8,751) followed by Wayanad district (12,171). Number of buildings
newly constructed in 8 districts viz. Kannur, Kozhikode, Malappuram, Thrissur,
Ernakulam, Pathanamthitta, Kollam, Thiruvananthapuram districts are more than that
of previous year, but it is not in the case of other 6 districts.
Out of 3,95,803, buildings built, 2,91,217(73.58%) are constructed for
residential purposes and 1,04,586 (26.42%) buildings for non-residential purposes.
Among these residential houses 2,06,651 (70.96%) are constructed in rural area and
84,566(29.04%) in urban area. Among these non-residential buildings 72,814
(69.62%) are constructed in rural area and 31,772 (30.38%) in urban area.

District Total Number of buildings

KSD 14771
KNR 25714
WYD 12171
KKD 34316
MPM 53774
PKD 31514
TSR 37491
EKM 40614
IDK 8751
KTM 21684
ALP 21047
PTA 15964
KLM 28261
TVM 49731
Total 395803

Malappuram emerges as the district with the highest number of newly constructed
buildings at 53,774. This substantial figure signifies robust construction activity,
potentially influenced by factors such as population growth, urbanization, and
economic development through foreign remittance.

2. Density of buildings newly constructed

Density of buildings newly constructed when the number of buildings

constructed during 2021-’22 is compared with the geographical area (excluding
forests), it can be seen that, an average of 14 buildings have been constructed per

square kilometer in the State during the year 2021-’22.Thiruvananthapuram emerges
as the district with the highest building density, recording 29 buildings per square
kilometer. This is indicative of concentrated construction activities in the state
capital, possibly influenced by urbanization and economic development. Malappuram
follows closely with a density of 21 buildings per square kilometer, emphasizing
robust construction in this district. The significance of construction in Malappuram
could be attributed to population growth, economic activities, or infrastructural
development. Idukki, characterized by hilly terrain, exhibits the lowest building
density (4/sq.km), underscoring the challenges associated with construction in such
topographies. Densities of 8 districts are above and 6 districts are below the state
average. Other districts such as Kozhikode and Thrissur also exhibit relatively high
building densities, suggesting active development and urbanization.
Density of Buildings newly constructed in 2021-’22
Sl.No. District Area excluding forest Total No. of new Density
area(Square. km) buildings (per Sq. km)
1 KSD 1935 14771 8
2 KNR 2484 25714 10
3 WYD 1342 12171 9
4 KKD 1933 34316 18
5 MPM 2520 53774 21
6 PKD 3113 31514 10
7 TSR 1993 37491 19
8 EKM 2352 40614 17
9 IDK 2379 8751 4
10 KTM 2123 21684 10
11 ALP 1410 21047 15
12 PTA 1100 15964 15

13 KLM 1673 28261 17

14 TVM 1689 49731 29

Total 28046 395803 14

Density of buildings
30 29


21 19
18 17 15 15 17
10 10 10

5 8 density
state average

The density of newly constructed buildings in districts like Thiruvananthapuram,

Thrissur, Malppuram, Kozhikode, Kollam and Ernakulam highlights the need for
meticulous urban planning. Addressing issues such as traffic management, waste
disposal, and green spaces becomes imperative to maintain a sustainable living

3. Residential buildings

The following data set provided here offers a comprehensive overview of

residential building construction across various districts in Kerala during the fiscal
year 2021-’22. Kerala witnessed the construction of a total of 2,91,217 residential
buildings during the fiscal year 2021-’22. This substantial number highlights the
state's commitment to meeting the housing needs of its residents. Out of total
2,91,217 residential buildings constructed in 2021-’22, 2,86,731(98.46%) are
dwelling houses and remaining 4,486(1.54%) are other types of residential units,
including out-houses and shelter homes. Among all buildings newly built in 2021-
’22, about 73.58% are residential buildings. Thiruvananthapuram leads in the
residential category, reflecting a significant focus on housing development.
Thiruvananthapuram district has the most number of residential buildings (40,604)
followed by Malappuram district (34,591). Idukki district (7,076) has the least
number of residential buildings followed by Wayanad district (8,993). The
prominence of certain districts in residential construction reflects the ongoing trend of
urbanization over there. Districts such as Thiruvananthapuram, Ernakulam, and
Kozhikode exhibit a substantial number of residential buildings, emphasizing the
urbanization trend and high demand for housing in these areas. Thiruvananthapuram
and Ernakulam, as economic and administrative hubs, witness a surge in housing
demand, driven by population influx and employment opportunities. While these
districts lead in total numbers, several other districts, including Kasargod, Wayanad,
and Idukki, also contribute significantly to residential construction. This indicates a
balanced development approach across urban and rural landscapes of Kerala State.

District Number of residential buildings

KSD 10919
KNR 18117
WYD 8993
KKD 23086
MPM 34591
PKD 23770
TSR 26387
EKM 30779
IDK 7076
KTM 16213
ALP 16376
PTA 12496
KLM 21810
TVM 40604
Total 291217

Residential buildings newly constructed in 2021-2022
45000 40604
35000 30779
30000 26387
23086 23770
25000 21810
20000 18117
16213 16376
15000 10919 12496
10000 7076

The focus on residential constructions across various districts indicates the

success of programmes aimed at promoting housing and home ownership. The report
is instrumental in assessing the effectiveness of government housing policies and
initiatives.The high number of residential buildings in Thiruvananthapuram,
Malappuram and Ernakulam points to a demand for housing infrastructure,
emphasizing the necessity for complementary developments in transport, healthcare,
and education.

4. Dwelling houses

During 2021-’22, in Kerala state 2,86,731 dwelling houses were built, it is

about 72.44% of the total buildings newly built. Among these dwelling houses,
2,03,684 (71.04%) are constructed in rural areas and 83,047 (28.96%) in urban area.
Highest number of dwelling houses was built in Thiruvananthapuram district
(40,339) followed by Malappuram district (33,866) and least is in Idukki district
(6,916) followed by Wayanad district (8,687).

District Residential buildings
Dwelling Houses Others Total
Kasargod 10650 269 10919

Kannur 17588 529 18117

Wayanad 8687 306 8993
Kozhikode 22463 623 23086
Malappuram 33866 725 34591
Palakkad 23299 471 23770
Thrissur 26229 158 26387
Ernakulam 30546 233 30779
Idukki 6916 160 7076
Kottayam 16117 96 16213
Alappuzha 16198 178 16376
Pathanamthitta 12081 415 12496
Kollam 21752 58 21810
Thiruvananthapuram 40339 265 40604
Total 286731 4486 291217

The majority of residential buildings fall under the category of dwelling houses.
Districts like Thiruvananthapuram, Malappuram, Ernakulam and Thrissur report a
considerable number of dwelling houses, reflecting the demand for individual
housing units.

Dwelling Houses
Rural Urban Total
Kasargod 8762 1888 10650
Kannur 12731 4857 17588
Wayanad 7298 1389 8687
Kozhikode 16237 6226 22463
Malappuram 27299 6567 33866
Palakkad 19886 3413 23299
Thrissur 14467 11762 26229
Ernakulam 19317 11229 30546
Idukki 6428 488 6916
Kottayam 14013 2104 16117
Alappuzha 11892 4306 16198
Pathanamthitta 8608 3473 12081
Kollam 17134 4618 21752
Thiruvananthapuram 19612 20727 40339
Total 203684 83047 286731

Dwelling houses newly built in rural and urban area
25000 Urban
19886 19317
20000 19612
14467 14013
15000 12731
11762 11229 11892

10000 8762 8608

6226 6567 6428
4857 4306 4618
5000 3413 3473
1888 1389 2104

In rural sector, the highest number of dwelling houses is constructed in

Malappuram (27,299) district and the least in Idukki district (6,428). In urban sector
highest number of dwelling houses is constructed in Thiruvananthapuram district
(20,727) and least in Idukki district (488).

5. Other residential buildings

In the year 2021-’22, 4,486 buildings are constructed for other residential purpose.
This is about 1.54% of total residential buildings built in the year. Malapuram district
(725) has the most number of other residential buildings followed by Kozhikode
district (623) whereas Kollam district has the least number of other residential
buildings (58) followed by Kottayam district (96).

800 Other Residential buildings
700 725
500 471
300 269 265
200 158 160
100 58


Percentage of Residential buildings



Dwelling houses


The ratio between dwelling houses and other type of residential buildings newly built
in 2021-’22 is about 64:1.

6. Non-residential buildings

Throughout the fiscal year2021-’22, our State has witnessed the construction of
1,04,586 non-residential buildings, constituting approximately 26.42% of the total
buildings erected. Notably, Malappuram district takes the lead with the construction
of 19,183 non-residential buildings, followed by Kozhikode district with 11,230,
while Idukki district reports the lowest count at 1,675, followed by Wayanad with

Non Residential Buildings

Districts Industrial Commercial Institutional Others Total
Kasargod 94 3505 124 129 3852
Kannur 247 6516 309 525 7597
Wayanad 150 2625 99 304 3178
Kozhikode 323 10210 230 467 11230
Malappuram 716 16908 345 1214 19183
Palakkad 366 6642 213 523 7744
Thrissur 528 9248 178 1150 11104
Ernakulam 715 8013 275 832 9835
Idukki 178 1166 78 253 1675
Kottayam 459 4492 86 434 5471
Alappuzha 288 3933 112 338 4671
Pathanamthitta 205 2804 152 307 3468
Kollam 292 5628 212 319 6451
Thiruvananthapuram 536 7753 230 608 9127
Total 5097 89443 2643 7403 104586

Malappuram leads in nonresidential building construction, and second place in

residential building construction, emphasizing robust construction in this district.The
significance of construction in Malappuram could be attributed to population growth,
economic activities, or infrastructural development.
Number of non residential buildings

20000 19183

11230 11104
9835 9127
10000 7744
5000 3852 3178 3468


District Number of Number of non

residential residential Total number of
buildings buildings buildings
Kasargod 10919 3852 14771
Kannur 18117 7597 25714
Wayanad 8993 3178 12171
Kozhikode 23086 11230 34316
Malappuram 34591 19183 53774
Palakkad 23770 7744 31514
Thrissur 26387 11104 37491
Ernakulam 30779 9835 40614
Idukki 7076 1675 8751
Kottayam 16213 5471 21684
Alappuzha 16376 4671 21047
Pathanamthitta 12496 3468 15964
Kollam 21810 6451 28261
Thiruvananthapuram 40604 9127 49731
Total 291217 104586 395803

Number of residential and non residential buildings 40604


25000 23086 23770

20000 18117
16213 16376
15000 12496
10919 11230 11104
8993 9835
10000 9127
7597 7744 7076
5471 6451
5000 3852 3178


Residential buildings are largely built in Thiruvananthapuram district (40,604)

and least in Idukki district (7,076). The largest number of non-residential buildings is
there in Malappuram district (19,183) and the least in Idukki district (1,675).
Distinguishing among the various types of non-residential structures, commercial
buildings emerge as the predominant category, representing a substantial 85.52% of
the total non-residential buildings constructed. This underscores the significance of
commercial activities and economic development, further emphasizing the state's
commitment to fostering a diverse and dynamic business landscape.

Commercial buildings

18000 16908

12000 10210
10000 8013 7753
8000 6516 6642
6000 4492 3933
4000 2625 2804

Commercial buildings constitute the majority of non-residential structures,

with Malappuram reporting the highest number at 16,908. This reflects the
commercial vibrancy of the district. Notable commercial centers include
Kozhikode, Malappuram, Thrissur, Ernakulam and Thiruvananthapuram, reflecting
economic hubs within the state.

Industrial buildings
716 715

528 536
500 459

400 366
288 292
300 247
200 178


In this fiscal year 2021-’22, Malappuram and Ernakulam lead in industrial
constructions, highlighting these districts' role as industrial hubs. Malappuram district
stands out with the highest count of industrial buildings at 716, indicative of a robust
industrial sector in the region. Other districts, such as Thiruvananthapuram (536),
Ernakulam (715), and Thrissur (528), also report notable numbers, reflecting diverse
industrial activities across the state. Districts with a higher concentration of industrial
buildings may require targeted infrastructure development to support industrial
activities, including transportation and utilities. Kasargod reports the lowest number
of industrial buildings (94) among the districts, indicating a relatively lower emphasis
on industrial development in this region.

District Commercial Non- Percentage of

buildings residential commercial buildings
buildings to non-residential
Kasargod 3505 3852 90.99
Kannur 6516 7597 85.77
Wayanad 2625 3178 82.60
Kozhikode 10210 11230 90.92
Malappuram 16908 19183 88.14
Palakkad 6642 7744 85.77
Thrissur 9248 11104 83.29
Ernakulam 8013 9835 81.47
Idukki 1166 1675 69.61
Kottayam 4492 5471 82.11
Alappuzha 3933 4671 84.20
Pathanamthitta 2804 3468 80.85
Kollam 5628 6451 87.24
Thiruvananthapuram 7753 9127 84.95
Total 89443 104586 85.52

Percentage of commercial buildings to non-residential buildings

90.99 90.92 88.14
85.77 85.77 83.29 87.24 84.95
90 82.6 81.47 82.11 84.2 80.85

Industrial Commercial Institutional Others Total

5097 89443 2643 7403 104586

(4.87%) (85.52%) (2.53%) (7.08%)

The high percentage of commercial buildings aligns with a focus on economic

development and business activities across the state. The ratio between newly built
institutional, industrial, others and Commercial buildings in the state are
approximately 1:2:3:34.

The correlation between economic activities and residential construction is

evident. There is a high positive correlation (0.8) between total number of
commercial and industrial buildings in each district with number of residential
buildings in that district. Districts with a notable number of commercial and industrial
presences report a significant number of residential buildings.
Number of non residential buildings


5097(4.87%) Commercial
89443(85.52%) Others

Sector Industrial Commercial Institutional Others Total
4339 4627
1 Rural 61899 (69.20%) 1949 (73.74%) 72814 (69.62%)
(85.13%) (62.50%)
2 Urban 758(14.87%) 27544(30.80%) 694 (26.26%) 31772(30.38%)

3 Total 5097 89443 2643 7403 104586

Among the non residential buildigs built in 2021-’22, 72,814 (69.62%) are built
in rural area and 31,772 (30.38%) are built in urban area. Among commercial
buildings built, 61,899 (69.20%) are built in rural area and 27,544 (30.80%) are built
in urban area. Among new buildings built in 2021-’22, 85.13% of industrial
buildings, 73.74% of institutional buildings are built in rural area and the remaining,
14.87% of industrial buildings, 26.26% of institutional buildings, are built in urban
area. Rural areas contribute substantially to the commercial sector, constituting
69.20% of the total. This indicates a considerable presence of businesses and
economic activities in rural settings. Rural areas host 73.74% of the total institutional
buildings, reflecting a commitment to providing essential services such as education
and healthcare in rural areas.

70000 Number of non residential buildings in rural & urban area

60000 Industrial

40000 Others



4339 4627 2776

10000 1949 694

Rural Urban

7. Type of ownership

The total ownership count for each district is a combination of private,

government/local bodies, and other ownership categories. The private ownership is
again bifurcated as male and female ownerships. During 2021-’22, out of 3,95,803
buildings constructed, 3,86,944 buildings are owned by private parties, which is
11.15% more than previous year and 3,017 buildings owned by government/Local
Bodies which is 20.96% less than previous year. Majority of buildings (97.76%) are
owned by private parties. This year percentage of Govt/Local body ownership is

Type of ownership

govt/Local bodies




In general, male ownership exceeds female ownership across all districts,

which is a common trend in property ownership statistics.There is notable female
ownership, indicating a positive trend in property ownership diversity. Malappuram
district leads in private ownership with 53,068 buildings, reflecting a significant
contribution from private individuals or entities.

Ownership of buildings
District Private Govt. / Local Others Total
Male Female Total Bodies
KSD 9859 4581 14440 157 174 14771
KNR 17552 7407 24959 194 561 25714
WYD 8054 3800 11854 125 192 12171
KKD 26051 7469 33520 249 547 34316
MPM 42160 10908 53068 215 491 53774
PKD 22334 8608 30942 379 193 31514

TSR 25890 9060 34950 260 2281 37491

EKM 29652 10425 40077 164 373 40614
IDK 6101 2478 8579 110 62 8751
KTM 16506 4744 21250 167 267 21684
ALP 15322 5526 20848 80 119 21047

PTA 11657 3914 15571 239 154 15964

KLM 18797 9269 28066 120 75 28261

TVM 32763 16057 48820 558 353 49731

Total 282698 104246 386944 3017 5842 395803

45000 Gender wise ownership of buildings


35000 Male 32763

29652 Female
26051 25890
25000 22334
20000 17552
16506 16057
10908 11657
9859 8054 10425
8608 9060 9269
10000 7407 7469
6101 5526
4581 4744 3914
5000 3800 2478


District Male ownership Female Male-Female
ownership ownership Ratio
KSD 9859 4581 2:1
KNR 17552 7407 2:1
WYD 8054 3800 2:1
KKD 26051 7469 3:1
MPM 42160 10908 4:1
PKD 22334 8608 3:1
TSR 25890 9060 3:1
EKM 29652 10425 3:1
IDK 6101 2478 2:1
KTM 16506 4744 3:1
ALP 15322 5526 3:1
PTA 11657 3914 3:1
KLM 18797 9269 2:1
TVM 32763 16057 2:1
Total 282698 104246 3:1

In the case of ownership of private buildings male ownership is more than

female ownership. The gender ratio in building ownership remains consistent across
rural and urban areas, reflecting a broader pattern of male dominance in property
possession, irrespective of the geographical context. On a statewide scale, the ratio
between male and female ownership stands at 3:1, portraying a significant gender
imbalance in private property possession across Kerala. Malappuram district
amplifies this gender imbalance, reporting the highest ratio of 4:1. This trend
underscores the need for a nuanced examination of gender dynamics in property

8. Government/Local bodies owned buildings

Out of 3,95,803 buildings constructed in 2021-’22, only 3,017 buildings are

owned by government/local bodies. This is only about 0.76% of the total number of
buildings newly built in this year, and which is 20.96% less than previous year,
underscoring the government and local bodies exhibit a decline in their ownership
share. Thiruvananthapuram district takes the lead in governmental constructions,
boasting 558 buildings in the public domain. In contrast, Alappuzha district reports
the least government-owned buildings, standing at a modest 80.

Govt/Local body buildings newly built in 2021-2022

600 558


400 379

300 260
249 239
200 157 164 167
125 110 120
100 80


District Govt/local body Total number of Percentage of Govt/
owned buildings buildings Local Body owned
KSD 157 14771 1.06
KNR 194 25714 0.75
WYD 125 12171 1.03
KKD 249 34316 0.73
MPM 215 53774 0.4
PKD 379 31514 1.2
TSR 260 37491 0.69
EKM 164 40614 0.4
IDK 110 8751 1.26
KTM 167 21684 0.77
ALP 80 21047 0.38
PTA 239 15964 1.5
KLM 120 28261 0.42
TVM 558 49731 1.12
Total 3017 395803 0.76

9. Type of roofing

Roofing plays a pivotal role in the construction landscape, serving as a

protective and defining element of a building. Beyond its fundamental function of
shielding occupants from the elements, roofing contributes significantly to a
structure's aesthetic appeal. The choice of roofing material reflects a delicate balance
between tradition, functionality, and modern design trends. Type of roofing is one of
the indicators of standard of living of people, and may be changed according to
climatic conditions and technology. The introduction of new materials and
technology reasoned drastic change in the roofing pattern of houses. People preferred
stronger roofing pattern. As a result, thatched and tiled roofing diminishes slowly.

During 2021-’22, 3,64,613 (92.12%) of buildings were built up with concrete roof.
Only 1,890(0.48%) buildings were constructed with thatched roof and 7,817 (1.97%)
with tiled roof and 5.43% with other materials.

Number of buildings built according to Type of Roofs

District Thatched Tiled Concrete Others Total
KSD 12 410 14096 253 14771
KNR 4 323 24909 478 25714
WYD 63 273 10562 1273 12171
KKD 100 554 33458 204 34316
MPM 61 707 51400 1606 53774
PKD 869 1194 27431 2020 31514
TSR 22 188 35954 1327 37491
EKM 243 466 38572 1333 40614
IDK 123 566 7094 968 8751
KTM 14 455 18053 3162 21684
ALP 13 727 17461 2846 21047
PTA 236 617 14058 1053 15964
KLM 39 773 24998 2451 28261
TVM 91 564 46567 2509 49731
Total 1890 7817 364613 21483 395803

Roofing of buildings built in 2021-2022


5.43% thatched


Percentage wise distribution of each type buildings in Districts

% of % of % of other type
% of tiled
District Thatched concrete buildings
buidings buildings
KSD 0.08 2.78 95.43 1.71

KNR 0.02 1.26 96.87 1.86

WYD 0.52 2.24 86.78 10.46

KKD 0.29 1.61 97.5 0.59

MPM 0.11 1.31 95.59 2.99

PKD 2.76 3.79 87.04 6.41

TSR 0.06 0.5 95.9 3.54

EKM 0.6 1.15 94.97 3.28

IDK 1.41 6.47 81.07 11.06

KTM 0.06 2.1 83.25 14.58

ALP 0.06 3.45 82.96 13.52

PTA 1.48 3.86 88.06 6.6

KLM 0.14 2.74 88.45 8.67

TVM 0.18 1.13 93.64 5.05

0.48 1.97 92.12 5.43


Thatched roofs, a traditional and eco-friendly roofing material, are relatively
uncommon in buildings.Tiled roofs, reflecting a blend of tradition and aesthetics,
were prevalent across Kerala. Now-a-days concrete roof dominate the construction
landscape in Kerala, representing modern and durable building practices.

10. Local body wise analysis

Block panchayats that have highest number of buildings built in 2021-’22

Sl. No. District Block Number of buildings

1 Kottayam Kanjirappally 4660

2 Ernakulam Angamali 4171

3 Malappuram Perinthalmanna 4125

4 Kozhikode Kunnamangalam 3990

5 Malappuram Wandoor 3924

Kanjirappally block of Kottayam district has the highest number of buildings

constructed in 2021-’22 and Angamali block of Ernakulam district has the second
Block panchayaths that have least number of buildings built in 2021-’22
Sl. No. District Block Number of buildings
1 Eranakulam Pampakkuda 550

2 Alappuzha Veliyanad 614

3 Idukki Devikulam 682

4 Thrissur Mullassery 693

5 Pathanamthitta Pulikeezhu 696

Pampakkuda block panchayath of Eranakulam district has the least number of

buildings constructed in 2021-’22.
Municipalities that have highest number of buildings built in 2021-’22.
Sl. No. District Municipality No.of buildings
1 Alappuzha Alappuzha (M) 3170

2 Ernakulam Thrikkakkara (M) 2884

3 Ernakulam Kalamassery (M) 2591

4 Thiruvananthapuram Neyyattinkara (M) 2339

5 Malappuram Manjeri (M) 2023

Alappuzha municipality has the highest number of buildings constructed in

2021-’22. Thrikkakkara Municipality of Ernakulam has the second place.

Muncipalities that have least number of buildings built in 2021-’22.

Sl. No. District Municipality No.of buildings

1 Kasargod Kasargod(M) 48

2 Kottayam Pala (M) 66

3 Ernakulam Aluva(M) 74

4 Alappuzha Chengannur(M) 112

5 Ernakulam North Paravur(M) 120

Kasargod municipality has the least number of buildings constructed in 2021-’22.

11. Rural and urban wise analysis of buildings constructed during 2020-
’21 & 2021-’22.

During 2020-’21, 3,55,874 buildings are constructed of which 2,68,050 are in

rural area and 87,824 are in urban area. During 2021-’22, out of 3,95,803 buildings
constructed, 2,79,465 were in rural area and 1,16,338 were in urban area.

Number of buildings newly constructed during 2020-’21 & 2021-’22

Year Rural Urban Total
2020-’21 268050 87824 355874
2021-’22 279465 116338 395803

Number of buildings constructed in rural and urban area



200000 Rural
116338 Urban
150000 87824



2020-21 2021-22

The total number of newly constructed buildings witnessed a notable increase,

growing from 3,55,874 in 2020-’21 to 3,95,803 in 2021-’22, indicating a substantial
growth of 11.22%. Rural areas experienced a rise in construction activity, with the
number of newly built structures increasing from 2,68,050 in 2020-’21 to 2,79,465 in
2021-’22. This reflects a growth rate of approximately 4.26%, suggesting a steady but
moderate increase in rural construction. Urban areas demonstrated a more significant
surge in construction, with the number of newly constructed buildings escalating
from 87,824 in 2020-’21 to 1,16,338 in 2021-’22. This represents a robust growth
rate of 32.47%, signifying accelerated construction activity in urban centers after the
covid-19 impact. The faster pace of construction in urban settings may be attributed
to factors such as urbanization, infrastructure development, and increased economic

Number of residential buildings constructed

Rural Urban Total
Year Total Total Total
Residential Residential Residential
Buildings Buildings Buildings
2020-’21 203798 268050 64069 87824 267867 355874

2021-’22 206651 279465 84566 116338 291217 395803

The total number of residential buildings experienced a noteworthy increase,

rising from 2,67,867 in 2020-21 to 2,91,217 in 2021-’22, indicating an overall growth
of 8.72%. In rural areas, the number of residential buildings grew from 2,03,798 in
2020-’21 to 2,06,651 in 2021-’22. Despite a slight increase (1.40%), rural residential
construction maintained a substantial share, representing 70.96% of the total
residential buildings in 2021-’22. In urban area the percentage of increase in number
of residential buildings in 2021-’22 is 31.99% as compared to previous year.

Residential buildings - Rl & Un
203798 206651
200000 Rural


100000 84566


2020-21 2021-22

Number of buildings constructed by Govt./Local Bodies

Rural Urban State
Govt./L Total
Year Total Govt./Local Total Govt./Loca
ocal buildin
buildings Bodies buildings l Bodies
Bodies gs
2020-’21 2794 268050 1023 87824 3817 355874

2021-’22 2038 279465 979 116338 3017 395803

Number of Govt/Local body owned buildings
3000 2794



1023 979


2020-21 2021-22

In 2020-’21, a total of 3,817 buildings were constructed by government/local

bodies, comprising 2,794 in rural areas and 1,023 in urban areas. In 2021-’22, 3,017
buildings are govt. owned and which is 0.76% of the total number of buildings that is
800 less than the previous year. Number of govt. owned buildings in rural area is
2,038 (0.73%) and in urban area it is 979(0.84%) in 2021-’22 which are respectively
756 and 44 less than previous year.
Policymakers can use this data to evaluate the effectiveness of government-
driven construction initiatives and adjust policies accordingly. Addressing the
decrease in the count of buildings constructed by government/local bodies may
require a reassessment of strategies and resource allocation.

14. Analysis of building statistics since 2015-16

The table below encapsulates a comprehensive overview of building construction

activities in the state of Kerala over the financial years from 2015-’16 to 2021-’22.
The data provides a meticulous account of the number of newly constructed buildings
each year, reflecting the dynamic landscape of urban and rural development. As
Kerala continues its journey towards progress and modernization, this analysis aims
to shed light on the evolving trends, key milestones, and potential factors influencing
the building construction sector during this seven-year period.

Total number of different type buildings completed in Kerala since 2015-’16

Sl. Financia Dwelling Residential Commercial Nonreside Total

No. l year houses buildings buildings ntial number
buildings of
1 2015-’16 276393 283585 64517 80602 364187
2 2016-’17 294471 301970 69739 87574 389544
3 2017-’18 274800 283045 69640 87895 370940
4 2018-’19 316502 323585 75832 96597 420182
5 2019-’20 326556 333405 75702 95708 429113
6 2020-’21 262803 267867 73603 88007 355874
7 2021-’22 286731 291217 89443 104586 395803
Total 2038256 2084674 518476 640969 2725643

From 2015-’16 to 2021-’22, 27,25,643 buildings were completed in Kerala

State. Among these 20,84,674 are residential buildings and 6,40,969 are non
residential buildings. 97.77% of residential buildings are dwelling houses and 80.89%
of non residential buildings are commercial buildings.

Total number of buildings built
450000 420182 429113
400000 395803
364187 370940
300000 355874

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

Total numbers of buildings built in each year since 2015-’16 shows an oscillating
tendency. Total number of buildings completed in each financial year increases from
2015-’16 to 2016-’17, then it decreases from 2016-’17 to 2017-’18. Then it again
increases from 2017-’18 to 2019-’20. This increase in number of buildings built in
two years may be due to the impact of “Re-build Kerala” programme implemented by
Govt. of Kerala after the flood occurred in the month August 2018. So the reasons for
the variations in number of buildings may due to reconstruction activities in post
flood situation and govt. sponsored programmes. The total number of new buildings
built since 2015-’16 was least in the year 2020-’21. This may be due to the effect of
the pandemic Covid-19 which hit Kerala first time on the month of March 2020.
Then the lockdown period started and it affected the construction sector badly. Again
the number of buildings increases in 2021-’22; it may be due to the financial recovery
achieved after the covid pandemic crisis. Total number of newly built buildings in
2021-’22 is 11.22% more than the previous year.

Number of residential buildings

323585 333405
300000 291217

250000 283585 283045





2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

The overall growth trajectory illustrates a general upward trend in residential

construction, with occasional fluctuations influenced by external factors. Residential
buildings completed in each financial year since 2015-’16, show an increasing
tendency except for the financial years 2017-’18 and 2020-’21. The notable surge in
residential buildings from 2018 to 2020 is primarily attributed to the impactful
"Rebuild Kerala" initiative spearheaded by the Government of Kerala. This strategic
response aimed to reconstruct post-flood scenarios, contributing significantly to the
increased building activities during this period. However, a conspicuous dip is
observed in 2020-’21, aligning with the global pandemic's onset.

The lockdowns and ensuing financial constraints resulting from the Covid-19
crisis led to a notable reduction in residential constructions during this fiscal year.
Interestingly, the subsequent financial year, 2021-’22, witnessed resurgence in
residential building completions. The financial constraints induced by the preceding
year's challenges appeared to alleviate, fostering an environment conducive to
increased construction activities. The percentage increase in residential buildings for
this year stands at a notable 8.72.

Number of Dwelling houses
350000 326556
316502 286731
250000 276393 274800




2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

There have been 20,38,256 dwelling houses constructed over these seven years.
This comprehensive figure encapsulates the collective efforts and investments in
providing residences for the population. Dwelling houses completed in each financial
year since 2015-’16, show an increasing tendency except for the financial year 2017-
’18 and 2020-’21. Number of dwelling houses built is least in the year 2020-’21 since
2015-’16. In this year, 2021-’22, the percentage of increase in the number of dwelling
houses is 9.10%.

Number of Non Residential Buildings
96597 95708
100000 87895

80602 88007




2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

The cumulative impact of seven years of non residential building construction

in Kerala is reflected in the total count of 6,40,969 non residential buildings. The data
shows an overall increasing trend in the construction of non-residential buildings,
with some fluctuations in between. The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact
on various industries, including construction, and it's highly likely that it played a
significant role in the decrease in non-residential building construction in the
financial year 2021-’22. The construction of non-residential buildings in Kerala has
demonstrated a positive growth trend with a remarkable surge in the financial year
2021-’22. Percentage of increment in the number of non residential buildings is 18.84
with respect to previous year. This suggests a thriving construction industry and
possibly a growing economy.

Number of commercial buildings
90000 89443
80000 75832
70000 75702 73603
60000 64517
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-2022

The cumulative impact of seven years of commercial building construction in

Kerala is reflected in the total count of 5,18,476 commercial buildings. The dip in
commercial buildings in 2020-’21 is a direct result of the global pandemic, Covid-19.
In this year, 2021-’22, the number of commercial buildings built are 89,443 and is
21.52% more than previous year. The substantial rebound in 2021-’22 showcases a
rejuvenated focus on commercial development, reflecting a positive economic
outlook and recovery.

Roofing of buildings since 2015-’16

The cumulative figures in the following table provide an overarching view of

the extensive construction activities, reaching a total of 27,25,643 buildings over the
seven-year period. Out of total number of buildings made since 2015-’16, 18,629 are
thatched buildings, 74,909 are tiled buildings, 24,53,551 are concrete buildings and
1,78,554 are other roof type buildings.

Sl. No. Financial Thatched Tiled Concrete Other Total
year buildings buildings buildings buildings number
1 2015-’16 3443 9531 323512 27701 364187
2 2016-’17 2666 10119 346813 29946 389544
3 2017-’18 2585 11959 331140 25256 370940
4 2018-’19 2450 14258 375712 27762 420182
5 2019-’20 3444 10868 390454 24347 429113

6 2020-’21 2151 10357 321307 22059 355874

7 2021-’22 1890 7817 364613 21483 395803

Total 18629 74909 2453551 178554 2725643

Percentage of concrete roof buildings



89 89.27

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

The cumulative impact of seven years of building construction in Kerala is

reflected in the total count of 24,53,551 concrete buildings. This figure underlines the
integral role of concrete in shaping the state's urban and rural landscapes. Percentage
of concrete roofed buildings built since 2015-’16 shows a steady increasing tendency
except for the year 2020-’21. The dip in 2020-’21 may be attributed to external
factors such as the global pandemic, which influenced construction activities and
material availability. Percentage of total number concrete roofed buildings that has
been built since 2015-’16 is 90.02%. This year percentage of concrete roof buildings
is 92.12, ever greatest since 2015-’16.

The total cumulative percentage of tiled buildings built over the entire period
calculated is at 2.75%. This average reflects the overall contribution of tiled

Percentage of tiled buildings

3.5 3.22

3 2.62 2.91



2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

structures to Kerala's construction during these seven years. Total number and
percentage of tiled buildings built since 2015-’16 is 74,909 and 2.75 respectively.
The declining trend of tiled roof buildings in recent years may signify a growing
inclination towards modern roofing materials (concrete).

Percentage of thatched buildings
0.68 0.8
0.7 0.6
0.5 0.58
0.4 0.48

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

The data reveals the gradual decline in the construction of thatched buildings
over the years, indicating a shift towards more durable and modern roofing materials.
During all these years, from 2015-’16, percentages of thatched buildings newly built
in each year is below one percentage. Out of total number of buildings built since
2015-’16, 18,629 are thatched buildings, and it is about 0.68% of the total buildings.
In this year, 2021-’22, percentage of thatched buildings is 0.48%.

Sl. Year Percentage Percentage Percentage Percentage Total

No. of of Tiled of of Other number
Thatched buildings Concrete buildings of
buildings buildings buildings
1 2015-’16 0.95 2.62 88.83 7.61 364187
2 2016-’17 0.68 2.6 89.03 7.69 389544
3 2017-’18 0.7 3.22 89.27 6.81 370940
4 2018-’19 0.58 3.39 89.42 6.61 420182
5 2019-’20 0.8 2.53 90.99 5.67 429113

6 2020-’21 0.6 2.91 90.29 6.2 355874

7 2021-’22 0.48 1.97 92.12 5.43 395803

Total 0.68 2.75 90.02 6.55 2725643

Percentage of roofing of total buildings has been built since 2015-16

90.02% 6.55%



90.02% of the total number of buildings that have been built since 2015-’16 are
concrete roofed and 2.75% tiled, 0.68% thatched and 6.55% others.

Male-Female ownership in private buildings

The data provided here sheds light on the ownership distribution of buildings in
Kerala across the financial years from 2015-’16 to 2021-’22, with a specific focus on
male and female ownership.

Year Male ownership Female-Male Ratio
2015-’16 257813 95754 1: 2.7
2016-’17 279271 101696 1:2.7
2017-’18 265620 97174 1:2.7
2018-’19 301075 109677 1:2.7
2019-’20 298468 122383 1:2.4
2020-’21 254453 93677 1:2.7
2021-’22 282698 104246 1:2.7
Total 1939398 724607 1:2.7

Ownership of private buildings
350000 Male
301075 298468
300000 279271 282698 Female
257813 265620


95754 101696 97174 93677 104246


2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22

The male ownership is more than female ownership in the case of private
buildings. The total number of private buildings owned by male is 19,39,398 and
female is 7,24,607 since 2015-’16. Throughout the seven-year period, the female-
male ownership ratio remains remarkably steady at 1:2.7. This steadfast ratio
indicates a persistent trend of property ownership in Kerala.

Building-related statistics serve as principal component of assessing the
infrastructure development. The information on building statistics is highly useful for
Town Planning department and planners who seek the trends in construction sector.

Residential buildings claim a lion's share, constituting 73.58% of the total, with
a nuanced breakdown showcasing a preference for houses over other residential
structures. Commercial buildings represent the majority, constituting a significant
85.52% of the total non-residential buildings. The robust growth in commercial
constructions, accounting for 21.52% of non-residential buildings, more than
previous year reflects the state's economic vibrancy and entrepreneurial spirit.
Concrete roofing emerges as the material of choice for 92.12% of new constructions,
symbolizing a modern shift towards durable and contemporary construction practices.
However, the minimal adoption of thatched roofing (0.48%) suggests the fading
tradition of indigenous architectural methods. The male-female ownership ratio in
private ownership indicates a higher prevalence of male ownership, reflecting
traditional property ownership patterns.

High building density in certain districts necessitates strategic urban planning

to manage infrastructure, traffic, and environmental concerns. Districts, with high
building densities may require specific attention to sustainable development
practices. Districts with moderate density shall focus on maintaining a balance
between development and environmental conservation, ensuring that growth is
sustainable and inclusive. The low building density in certain districts, particularly
Idukki, may be influenced by geographical constraints. Policymakers should consider
implementing tailored strategies to address the unique challenges faced by these

The concentration of residential constructions in certain districts aligns with
population distribution patterns. Some districts witness higher construction activities,
while other districts have a more balanced development approach. The high number
of residential constructions underscores the demand for supporting infrastructure.
This includes amenities like schools, healthcare facilities, and transportation
networks, necessitating strategic urban planning to cater to the growing population.
Districts with a higher concentration of industrial buildings may require targeted
infrastructure development to support industrial activities, including transportation
and utilities. Policymakers can use this data to evaluate the effectiveness of
government-driven construction initiatives and adjust policies accordingly.
Addressing the decrease in the count of buildings constructed by Government/Local
Bodies may require a reassessment of strategies and resource allocation.

The correlation between economic activities and residential construction is

evident (i.e. positive). Districts with a notable number of commercial and industrial
presences report a significant number of residential buildings. Malappuram's notable
performance in non-residential construction suggests a thriving economic
environment, possibly driven by commercial and industrial activities. This trend can
be indicative of economic growth and diversification in the region. Across districts,
there is a consistent presence of commercial buildings alongside non-residential
structures, emphasizing the economic vibrancy and diverse business activities in
different regions of Kerala. Districts such as Malappuram and Thrissur, boasting a
substantial number of commercial buildings, emerge as commercial hubs, along with
Ernakulam and Kozhikode. This reflects their significance as economic and business
centers within the state.

In conclusion, the ‘Building Statistics Report of Kerala in 2021-’22’ offers a

comprehensive snapshot of the state's building construction landscape. The data not
only reflects the magnitude of development but also serves as a compass for future

planning and policy formulation. The trends identified provide a foundation for
evidence-based decision-making. As Kerala navigates the balance between
urbanization and rural development, this report serves as a valuable resource for
assessing continued progress and prosperity of the state.


Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kasargod Block : Kanhangad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Othe Indust Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+No Femal Other Thatch Tile Concr Other
Total Total Male Local Total Total
House rs rial al al s nRes) e s ed d ete s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ajannor 271 0 271 2 82 1 0 85 356 248 104 2 2 356 0 0 341 15 356

2 Madikai 248 3 251 3 66 3 8 80 331 174 142 8 7 331 0 0 313 18 331

3 Pallikkare 312 4 316 2 61 2 6 71 387 233 141 7 6 387 0 0 385 2 387

Pullur -
4 414 5 419 3 107 2 9 121 540 363 159 5 13 540 0 0 538 2 540

5 Udma 622 0 622 0 214 4 9 227 849 530 306 4 9 849 0 72 777 0 849

Total 1867 12 1879 10 530 12 32 584 2463 1548 852 26 37 2463 0 72 2354 37 2463

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kasargod Block : Kasaragod

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat Dwell t. /
. Total(Re Ot
ing Oth Industri Commerci Institution Other Femal Loc Other Thatc Concr
Total Total s+NonRe Male Total Tiled her Total
House ers al al al s e al s hed ete
s) s
s Bod
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21

1 Chengala 610 0 610 5 302 1 7 315 925 750 152 8 15 925 0 3 922 0 925

2 Badiyadukka 366 0 366 5 134 1 0 140 506 370 135 0 1 506 0 103 403 0 506

3 Chemnadu 178 0 178 1 102 0 1 104 282 222 59 0 1 282 0 0 282 0 282

4 Madhur 338 14 352 0 27 0 2 29 381 317 62 0 2 381 0 28 353 0 381

5 Mogral puthur 177 3 180 0 19 0 2 21 201 150 48 1 2 201 0 7 194 0 201

6 Kumbala 364 0 364 4 163 4 1 172 536 411 120 1 4 536 0 4 532 0 536

Total 2033 17 2050 15 747 6 13 781 2831 2220 576 10 25 2831 0 145 2686 0 2831

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kasargod Block : Manjeswar

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat Dwelli t. /
ng Oth Industri Commerci Institution Other Tota Total(Res+N Femal Loc Oth Thatc Tile Concr Other
Total Male Total Total
House ers al al al s l onRes) e al ers hed d ete s
s Bod
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Enmakaje 106 18 124 0 18 1 1 20 144 93 49 1 1 144 0 8 136 0 144

2 Mangalpady 264 19 283 3 80 4 2 89 372 263 103 4 2 372 0 10 362 0 372

3 Manjeswar 318 0 318 3 152 2 4 161 479 354 116 4 5 479 0 2 464 13 479

4 Meenja 360 2 362 4 69 0 5 78 440 336 100 4 0 440 0 19 421 0 440

5 Paivelige 222 26 248 8 46 0 2 56 304 204 94 6 0 304 0 18 286 0 304

6 Puthige 169 0 169 0 89 0 3 92 261 169 90 1 1 261 0 12 249 0 261

7 Vorkkady 164 9 173 0 14 1 4 19 192 126 59 3 4 192 0 11 167 14 192

Total 1603 74 1677 18 468 8 21 515 2192 1545 611 23 13 2192 0 80 2085 27 2192

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kasargod Block : Neeleswar

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Oth Indus Commerci Instituti Oth Total(Res+No Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Total
House ers trial al onal ers nRes) e s hed d te ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Cheruvathur 127 6 133 2 88 3 3 96 229 162 59 2 6 229 0 4 222 3 229

Kayyur -
2 156 7 163 6 74 1 0 81 244 185 57 1 1 244 0 6 238 0 244

3 Padanna 133 4 137 2 89 2 0 93 230 151 61 0 18 230 0 3 208 19 230

4 Pilicode 163 5 168 1 77 11 10 99 267 157 90 5 15 267 0 2 263 2 267

5 Thrikkaripur 268 0 268 2 108 2 0 112 380 241 130 2 7 380 0 14 366 0 380

6 Valiaparamba 58 0 58 0 14 1 2 17 75 43 22 2 8 75 0 2 70 3 75

Total 905 22 927 13 450 20 15 498 1425 939 419 12 55 1425 0 31 1367 27 1425

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kasargod Block : Karadka

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Oth Industr Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+No Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Total
House ers ial al al s nRes) e s hed d te ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Bedadka 310 0 310 0 78 0 6 84 394 290 93 11 0 394 0 0 390 4 394

2 Bellur 50 8 58 0 7 0 0 7 65 44 21 0 0 65 0 0 61 4 65

3 Delembady 123 0 123 2 25 1 0 28 151 101 49 1 0 151 0 24 112 15 151

4 Karadka 268 0 268 0 88 2 2 92 360 276 80 3 1 360 0 33 327 0 360

5 Kumbadaje 78 13 91 0 17 0 0 17 108 85 23 0 0 108 0 1 103 4 108

6 Kuttikkol 153 0 153 0 69 6 3 78 231 172 49 3 7 231 0 8 209 14 231

7 Muliyar 258 0 258 0 243 0 0 243 501 328 173 0 0 501 0 0 501 0 501

Total 1240 21 1261 2 527 9 11 549 1810 1296 488 18 8 1810 0 66 1703 41 1810

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kasargod Block : Parappa

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Oth Indus Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Total
House ers trial al al s NonRes) e s hed d te ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Balal 175 0 175 7 64 29 100 275 179 67 29 0 275 0 0 275 0 275

2 East Eleri 131 8 139 0 22 0 4 26 165 112 50 0 3 165 0 5 148 12 165

3 Kallar 157 0 157 0 11 6 0 17 174 135 39 0 0 174 0 0 174 0 174

4 279 9 288 0 83 3 3 89 377 226 146 5 0 377 12 0 348 17 377

5 Kodom Belur 136 6 142 0 11 2 4 17 159 101 45 0 13 159 0 0 151 8 159

6 Panathadi 100 0 100 0 7 1 0 8 108 72 35 1 0 108 0 0 107 1 108

7 West Eleri 136 0 136 4 30 1 35 171 117 53 1 0 171 0 0 157 14 171

Total 1114 23 1137 11 228 42 11 292 1429 942 435 36 16 1429 12 5 1360 52 1429

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022
District : Kasargod

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwellin Other Indus Comme Institut Other Total(Res+ Femal
Concre Othe
g Total Total Male Local Total tche Tiled Total
s trial rcial ional s NonRes) e s te rs
Houses Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kanhangad 1867 12 1879 10 530 12 32 584 2463 1548 852 26 37 2463 0 72 2354 37 2463

2 Kasaragod 2033 17 2050 15 747 6 13 781 2831 2220 576 10 25 2831 0 145 2686 0 2831

3 Manjeswar 1603 74 1677 18 468 8 21 515 2192 1545 611 23 13 2192 0 80 2085 27 2192

4 Neeleswar 905 22 927 13 450 20 15 498 1425 939 419 12 55 1425 0 31 1367 27 1425

5 Karadka 1240 21 1261 2 527 9 11 549 1810 1296 488 18 8 1810 0 66 1703 41 1810

6 Parappa 1114 23 1137 11 228 42 11 292 1429 942 435 36 16 1429 12 5 1360 52 1429

7 Kasargod (M) 37 0 37 1 7 2 1 11 48 33 10 3 2 48 0 0 48 0 48

8 Neeleswar (M) 1445 20 1465 20 76 17 21 134 1599 848 716 21 14 1599 0 11 1538 50 1599

9 Kanjangad (M) 406 80 486 4 472 8 4 488 974 488 474 8 4 974 0 0 955 19 974

Total 10650 269 10919 94 3505 124 129 3852 14771 9859 4581 157 174 14771 12 410 14096 253 14771

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Edakkad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. Ot /
ing Industr Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+No Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
her Total Total Male Local Total Total
House ial al al s nRes) e s hed d te ers
s Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chembilod 291 5 296 2 25 1 0 28 324 200 122 0 2 324 0 0 323 1 324

2 Kadambur 114 25 139 2 8 1 5 16 155 102 41 3 9 155 0 0 153 2 155

3 Kolacheri 213 0 213 1 41 3 1 46 259 150 107 1 1 259 0 0 259 0 259

4 Munderi 318 4 322 1 40 0 2 43 365 223 139 1 2 365 0 0 365 0 365

5 Peralasseri 179 4 183 0 30 0 2 32 215 129 79 2 5 215 0 1 212 2 215

Total 1115 38 1153 6 144 5 10 165 1318 804 488 7 19 1318 0 1 1312 5 1318

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Irikkur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit /
Industr Comme Total(Res+ Femal Other That Tile Concre Oth
g Others Total ution Others Total Male Local Total Total
ial rcial NonRes) e s ched d te ers
Houses al Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Eruvessi 103 4 107 1 22 0 0 23 130 92 35 0 3 130 0 0 129 1 130

2 Irikkur 132 7 139 1 18 0 1 20 159 97 61 0 1 159 0 0 157 2 159

3 Kuttiyattoor 252 0 252 6 68 1 18 93 345 212 82 2 49 345 0 0 343 2 345

4 Malappattam 80 0 80 26 4 0 1 31 111 77 33 1 0 111 0 1 107 3 111

5 Mayyil 263 13 276 1 66 0 5 72 348 217 129 1 1 348 0 0 348 0 348

6 Padiyoor-Kalliad 199 4 203 0 23 0 18 41 244 169 75 0 0 244 0 26 206 12 244

7 Payyavoor 134 4 138 2 53 4 5 64 202 154 43 1 4 202 0 0 197 5 202

8 Ulikkal 336 16 352 3 145 1 5 154 506 407 98 1 0 506 0 12 479 15 506

Total 1499 48 1547 40 399 6 53 498 2045 1425 556 6 58 2045 0 39 1966 40 2045

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Iritty

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwelli
. /
ng Other Indust Comm Institutio Total(Res+N Femal Other That Tile Concre Oth
Total Others Total Male Local Total Total
House s rial ercial nal onRes) e s ched d te ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Aralam 195 6 201 4 80 3 3 90 291 169 106 15 1 291 0 10 277 4 291

2 120 0 120 2 44 3 1 50 170 125 41 4 0 170 0 0 169 1 170

3 Keezhallur 142 54 196 1 51 4 0 56 252 169 78 0 5 252 0 0 252 0 252

4 Koodali 253 8 261 2 70 4 6 82 343 261 80 2 0 343 0 2 339 2 343

5 Payam 211 8 219 2 106 4 5 117 336 235 89 5 7 336 0 1 312 23 336

6 Thillankeri 147 0 147 1 12 2 3 18 165 89 70 4 2 165 0 19 141 5 165

Total 1068 76 1144 12 363 20 18 413 1557 1048 464 30 15 1557 0 32 1490 35 1557

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Kalliasseri

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Oth Indust Comme Institu Other Total(Res+No Femal Oth That Tile Concre Other
Total Total Male Local Total Total
House ers rial rcial tional s nRes) e ers ched d te s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Narath 143 20 163 0 32 0 5 37 200 115 80 5 0 200 0 0 200 0 200

2 Cherukunnu 75 0 75 0 57 0 0 57 132 100 32 0 0 132 0 0 132 0 132

3 Cheruthazham 267 0 267 9 212 17 1 239 506 197 243 1 65 506 0 0 505 1 506

4 Ezhome 158 1 159 0 57 1 1 59 218 151 66 1 0 218 0 0 218 0 218

5 Kalliasseri 188 3 191 0 0 90 0 90 281 187 84 0 10 281 0 0 281 0 281

6 Kannapuram 96 0 96 0 6 0 0 6 102 84 18 0 0 102 0 0 102 0 102

7 Madayi 131 0 131 0 29 0 0 29 160 99 61 0 0 160 0 2 158 0 160

8 Mattool 171 0 171 0 8 0 0 8 179 84 95 0 0 179 3 0 176 0 179

Total 1229 24 1253 9 401 108 7 525 1778 1017 679 7 75 1778 3 2 1772 1 1778

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Kannur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Other Industr Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+No Femal Oth That Tile Concre Other
Total Total Male Local Total Total
Hous s ial al al s nRes) e ers ched d te s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Azhikkod 264 0 264 0 38 0 6 44 308 205 103 0 0 308 0 0 306 2 308

2 Chirakkal 225 0 225 0 29 0 2 31 256 171 85 0 0 256 0 0 255 1 256

3 Pappinisseri 197 1 198 0 35 1 0 36 234 123 98 1 12 234 0 0 234 0 234

4 Valapattanam 21 1 22 0 6 0 0 6 28 16 12 0 0 28 0 0 28 0 28

Total 707 2 709 0 108 1 8 117 826 515 298 1 12 826 0 0 823 3 826

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Koothuparamba

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit Total(Re /
Other Industr Commer Other Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
g Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Local Total Total
s ial cial s e s hed d te ers
Houses al s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chittariparamba 179 0 179 4 65 0 2 71 250 167 81 0 2 250 0 0 246 4 250

2 Kottayam 99 1 100 0 75 4 2 81 181 123 52 6 0 181 0 0 180 1 181

3 Kunnothuparamba 178 0 178 2 38 9 4 53 231 184 46 1 0 231 0 0 231 0 231

4 Mangattidam 114 12 126 0 49 0 1 50 176 140 36 0 0 176 0 0 176 0 176

5 Pattiam 210 9 219 2 34 1 1 38 257 166 90 1 0 257 0 1 255 1 257

6 Thrippangottur 114 0 114 1 12 1 3 17 131 99 29 3 0 131 0 0 131 0 131

Total 894 22 916 9 273 15 13 310 1226 879 334 11 2 1226 0 1 1219 6 1226

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Panoor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwel
. /
ling Other Indu Commerci Instituti Other Total(Res+N Femal Other Tota Thatche Tile Concret Other Tota
Total Total Male Local
Hous s strial al onal s onRes) e s l d d e s l
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chokli 170 8 178 7 31 4 0 42 220 142 70 3 5 220 0 0 220 0 220

2 Kathirur 185 0 185 0 47 4 1 52 237 172 60 4 1 237 0 0 237 0 237

3 Mokeri 86 0 86 0 13 2 0 15 101 72 28 1 0 101 0 0 101 0 101

4 Panniannoor 115 0 115 0 52 0 0 52 167 125 42 0 0 167 0 0 167 0 167

Total 556 8 564 7 143 10 1 161 725 511 200 8 6 725 0 0 725 0 725

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Payyannur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Other Indus Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Total
House s trial al al s NonRes) e s hed d te ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Cherupuzha 278 2 280 9 26 6 9 50 330 212 118 0 0 330 0 16 308 6 330

2 Eramam-Kuttoor 234 2 236 12 215 3 34 264 500 340 147 10 3 500 0 33 441 26 500

3 195 0 195 1 18 0 16 35 230 186 43 1 0 230 0 7 218 5 230
4 183 0 183 10 118 0 15 143 326 257 62 3 4 326 0 0 325 1 326

5 Kunhimangalam 93 0 93 2 45 1 3 51 144 110 29 1 4 144 0 0 144 0 144

6 207 15 222 6 57 2 3 68 290 203 83 4 0 290 0 8 270 12 290

7 Ramanthali 126 6 132 1 21 0 0 22 154 106 45 0 3 154 0 3 147 4 154

Total 1316 25 1341 41 500 12 80 633 1974 1414 527 19 14 1974 0 67 1853 54 1974

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Peravoor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Oth Indus Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+N Femal Othe That Tile Concre Oth
g Total Total Male Local Total Total
ers trial al al s onRes) e rs ched d te ers
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kanichar 90 0 90 3 29 0 0 32 122 87 35 0 0 122 0 4 109 9 122

2 Kelakam 152 15 167 4 108 0 2 114 281 213 64 4 0 281 0 14 237 30 281

3 Kolayad 157 10 167 2 28 3 2 35 202 133 66 3 0 202 0 2 199 1 202

4 Kottiyoor 114 0 114 0 9 0 0 9 123 83 40 0 0 123 0 5 109 9 123

5 Malur 151 16 167 8 20 3 0 31 198 124 66 3 5 198 0 7 191 0 198

6 Muzhakkunnu 270 16 286 2 139 0 9 150 436 385 51 0 0 436 0 17 370 49 436

7 Peravoor 203 0 203 0 19 0 4 23 226 160 63 3 0 226 1 0 225 0 226

Total 1137 57 1194 19 352 6 17 394 1588 1185 385 13 5 1588 1 49 1440 98 1588

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Thalasseri

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwelli /
Other Industr Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+No Fema Othe That Tile Concre Oth
ng Total Total Male Local Total Total
s ial al al s nRes) le rs ched d te ers
Houses Bodi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Anjarakandi 198 4 202 2 44 3 3 52 254 180 69 5 0 254 0 0 254 0 254

2 Dharmadam 108 0 108 0 21 0 0 21 129 88 41 0 0 129 0 0 128 1 129

3 Eranholi 149 1 150 3 44 2 2 51 201 156 42 0 3 201 0 0 200 1 201

4 102 0 102 0 11 0 0 11 113 75 38 0 0 113 0 0 113 0 113

5 New Mahe 43 0 43 0 2 0 0 2 45 19 25 0 1 45 0 0 45 0 45

6 Pinarayi 232 0 232 2 58 0 1 61 293 194 88 0 11 293 0 0 293 0 293

7 Vengad 302 27 329 1 104 7 4 116 445 311 130 1 3 445 0 1 442 2 445

Total 1134 32 1166 8 284 12 10 314 1480 1023 433 6 18 1480 0 1 1475 4 1480

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur Block : Thaliparamba

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin / Tha
Oth Indus Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+ Femal Other Concr Other
g Total Total Male Local Total tche Tiled Total
ers trial al al s NonRes) e s ete s
Houses Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alakkode 328 0 328 12 122 2 25 161 489 199 283 4 3 489 0 5 459 25 489

2 Chapparapadavu 224 5 229 2 98 2 2 104 333 241 87 1 4 333 0 1 324 8 333

3 Chengalayi 171 0 171 3 82 0 10 95 266 201 61 2 2 266 0 3 245 18 266

4 209 4 213 0 102 4 4 110 323 245 71 6 1 323 0 0 323 0 323

5 Kurumathur 396 0 396 5 180 3 47 235 631 466 152 6 7 631 0 0 602 29 631

6 Naduvil 150 10 160 0 89 0 7 96 256 175 74 2 5 256 0 0 249 7 256

7 Pariyaram 410 4 414 6 235 2 15 258 672 510 157 5 0 672 0 0 660 12 672

8 Pattuvam 109 0 109 0 16 0 3 19 128 75 52 0 1 128 0 0 123 5 128

9 Udayagiri 79 13 92 0 17 0 1 18 110 75 34 1 0 110 0 7 86 17 110

Total 2076 36 2112 28 941 13 114 1096 3208 2187 971 27 23 3208 0 16 3071 121 3208

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kannur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Govt
. Corporation Dwellin ./
Instit Total(Re Tha
Other Indus Comme Other Loca Othe Other
g Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Total tche Tiled Concrete Total
s trial rcial s l rs s
Houses al s) d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Edakkad 1115 38 1153 6 144 5 10 165 1318 804 488 7 19 1318 0 1 1312 5 1318

2 Irikkur 1499 48 1547 40 399 6 53 498 2045 1425 556 6 58 2045 0 39 1966 40 2045

3 Iritty 1068 76 1144 12 363 20 18 413 1557 1048 464 30 15 1557 0 32 1490 35 1557

4 Kalliasseri 1229 24 1253 9 401 108 7 525 1778 1017 679 7 75 1778 3 2 1772 1 1778

5 Kannur 707 2 709 0 108 1 8 117 826 515 298 1 12 826 0 0 823 3 826

6 Koothuparamba 894 22 916 9 273 15 13 310 1226 879 334 11 2 1226 0 1 1219 6 1226

7 Panoor 556 8 564 7 143 10 1 161 725 511 200 8 6 725 0 0 725 0 725

8 Payyannur 1316 25 1341 41 500 12 80 633 1974 1414 527 19 14 1974 0 67 1853 54 1974

9 Peravoor 1137 57 1194 19 352 6 17 394 1588 1185 385 13 5 1588 1 49 1440 98 1588

10 Thalasseri 1134 32 1166 8 284 12 10 314 1480 1023 433 6 18 1480 0 1 1475 4 1480

11 Thaliparamba 2076 36 2112 28 941 13 114 1096 3208 2187 971 27 23 3208 0 16 3071 121 3208

12 226 7 233 0 149 2 12 163 396 287 106 3 0 396 0 17 379 0 396

13 Mattannur(M) 820 31 851 22 357 29 16 424 1275 903 346 6 20 1275 0 67 1156 52 1275

14 Payyannur(M) 562 11 573 2 313 5 31 351 924 652 237 9 26 924 0 0 904 20 924

15 Thalassery(M) 442 0 442 14 324 20 0 358 800 605 175 7 13 800 0 0 800 0 800

16 218 0 218 2 151 3 4 160 378 276 99 1 2 378 0 0 378 0 378

17 Panoor(M) 296 0 296 0 50 6 0 56 352 243 106 2 1 352 0 0 352 0 352

18 323 0 323 3 126 3 8 140 463 244 155 8 56 463 0 4 454 5 463

19 Anthoor (M) 261 89 350 0 110 0 8 118 468 342 123 2 1 468 0 1 464 3 468

20 Iritty (M) 464 3 467 13 663 15 3 694 1161 978 156 9 18 1161 0 26 1104 31 1161

21 Kannur (C) 1245 20 1265 12 365 18 112 507 1772 1014 569 12 177 1772 0 0 1772 0 1772

Total 17588 529 18117 247 6516 309 525 7597 25714 17552 7407 194 561 25714 4 323 24909 478 25714

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Wayanad Block : Mananthavady

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Ot /
Indu Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+N Femal Other Thatc Tile Conc Other
g her Total Total Male Local Total Total
strial al al s onRes) e s hed d rete s
Houses s Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Vellamunda 212 8 220 1 91 0 0 92 312 278 34 0 0 312 0 1 299 12 312

2 Thirunelly 297 24 321 1 52 3 0 56 377 226 144 3 4 377 0 27 333 17 377

3 Thondernadu 193 17 210 6 94 1 48 149 359 262 93 2 2 359 5 11 337 6 359

4 Edavaka 393 0 393 0 201 4 2 207 600 451 118 1 30 600 0 0 530 70 600

5 Thavinhal 267 15 282 2 18 2 13 35 317 206 105 3 3 317 0 11 236 70 317

Total 1362 64 1426 10 456 10 63 539 1965 1423 494 9 39 1965 5 50 1735 175 1965

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Wayanad Block : Sulthan Bathery

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Other Indu Commerci Institu Other Total(Res+ Other Thatc Tile Conc Other
g Total Total Male Female Local Total Total
s strial al tional s NonRes) s hed d rete s
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Noolpuzha 278 28 306 4 64 12 8 88 394 250 129 10 5 394 0 2 289 103 394

2 Nenmeni 330 31 361 1 70 9 2 82 443 256 178 8 1 443 0 3 394 46 443

3 Ambalavayal 475 2 477 43 104 2 83 232 709 508 178 11 12 709 0 8 531 170 709

4 Meenangady 231 0 231 9 98 2 109 340 206 123 3 8 340 0 0 220 120 340

Total 1314 61 1375 57 336 25 93 511 1886 1220 608 32 26 1886 0 13 1434 439 1886

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Wayanad Block : Kalpetta

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
No Name of Panchayat Go
. Dwell vt. /
Total(Re Tha
ing Other Indust Commerci Instituti Other Loc Oth Concr Other
Total Total s+NonRe Male Female Total tche Tiled Total
House s rial al onal s al ers ete s
s) d
s Bod
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Vengapally 349 0 349 1 12 0 4 17 366 241 125 0 0 366 0 0 366 0 366

2 Vythiri 279 10 289 0 95 5 2 102 391 257 128 6 0 391 0 43 348 0 391

3 Pozhuthana 469 1 470 0 12 2 2 16 486 243 239 4 0 486 0 0 484 2 486

4 Thariyode 143 0 143 6 100 2 6 114 257 170 74 5 8 257 0 0 197 60 257

5 Meppady 311 6 317 0 106 8 0 114 431 293 129 9 0 431 11 42 378 0 431

6 Muppainadu 154 29 183 5 57 11 1 74 257 211 45 0 1 257 0 24 232 1 257

7 Kottathara 105 1 106 8 5 0 1 14 120 79 40 1 0 120 26 94 0 120

8 Muttil 340 3 343 2 112 5 27 146 489 369 112 4 4 489 0 0 425 64 489

9 Padinjarathara 729 27 756 3 95 5 6 109 865 599 245 7 14 865 0 0 586 279 865

Total 2879 77 2956 25 594 38 49 706 3662 2462 1137 36 27 3662 11 135 3110 406 3662

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Wayanad Block : Panamaram

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Other Indus Comme Institut Total(Res+ Femal Thatc Tile Conc Other
g Total Others Total Male Local Others Total Total
s trial rcial ional NonRes) e hed d rete s
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Panamaram 365 8 373 9 111 7 7 134 507 362 121 6 18 507 0 0 421 86 507

2 Kaniyambetta 408 0 408 2 45 3 8 58 466 255 203 8 0 466 0 6 460 0 466

3 Poothady 600 38 638 20 198 1 18 237 875 474 347 8 46 875 0 0 725 150 875

4 Pulpally 226 5 231 6 179 5 4 194 425 307 113 4 1 425 0 27 393 5 425

5 Mullankolly 144 0 144 0 15 0 11 26 170 87 73 0 10 170 32 1 137 0 170

Total 1743 51 1794 37 548 16 48 649 2443 1485 857 26 75 2443 32 34 2136 241 2443

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Wayanad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/ Buildings
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwell Instit /
ing Other Indu Comm Total(Res+ Other Thatc Concre Other
Total ution Others Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
House s strial ercial NonRes) s hed te s
al Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Mananthavady 1362 64 1426 10 456 10 63 539 1965 1423 494 9 39 1965 5 50 1735 175 1965

2 1314 61 1375 57 336 25 93 511 1886 1220 608 32 26 1886 0 13 1434 439 1886

3 Kalpetta 2879 77 2956 25 594 38 49 706 3662 2462 1137 36 27 3662 11 135 3110 406 3662

4 Panamaram 1743 51 1794 37 548 16 48 649 2443 1485 857 26 75 2443 32 34 2136 241 2443

5 Kalpetta (M) 265 20 285 6 57 4 1 68 353 242 100 1 10 353 0 0 352 1 353

6 696 18 714 6 349 5 33 393 1107 696 404 4 3 1107 13 41 1042 11 1107
Sulthan Batheri
7 428 15 443 9 285 1 17 312 755 526 200 17 12 755 2 0 753 0 755

Total 8687 306 8993 150 2625 99 304 3178 12171 8054 3800 125 192 12171 63 273 10562 1273 12171

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Balussery

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat t. /
. Dwellin
Oth Indus Comm Institutio Total(Res+ Femal Loc Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
g Total Others Total Male Total Total
ers trial ercial nal NonRes) e al s hed d te ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Balusseri 224 30 254 0 135 0 3 138 392 294 95 0 3 392 8 2 382 0 392

2 Koorachundu 133 27 160 1 54 1 8 64 224 164 51 8 1 224 0 1 207 16 224

3 Kottoor 183 0 183 3 45 5 3 56 239 177 59 3 0 239 5 5 229 0 239

4 Naduvannur 196 0 196 6 220 1 4 231 427 363 60 3 1 427 11 32 384 0 427

5 Panangad 230 0 230 7 68 1 0 76 306 236 69 1 0 306 6 8 292 0 306

6 Ulliyeri 182 1 183 0 107 1 2 110 293 233 59 1 0 293 10 2 281 0 293

7 Unnikulam 378 0 378 6 156 7 13 182 560 435 120 3 2 560 6 9 536 9 560

Total 1526 58 1584 23 785 16 33 857 2441 1902 513 19 7 2441 46 59 2311 25 2441

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Chelannur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. Ind /
ing Other Commer Institutio Other Total(Res+ Femal Oth Thatch Concr Oth
Total ustr Total Male Local Total Tiled Total
House s cial nal s NonRes) e ers ed ete ers
ial Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chelannur 431 1 432 5 30 4 2 41 473 343 128 1 1 473 2 1 469 1 473

2 Kakkodi 438 5 443 2 77 5 2 86 529 415 112 1 1 529 0 2 525 2 529

3 Kakkoor 244 3 247 1 69 0 0 70 317 189 128 0 0 317 0 0 317 0 317

4 Nanmanda 176 0 176 2 68 1 0 71 247 184 61 0 2 247 0 4 238 5 247

5 Narikkuni 228 2 230 1 108 2 0 111 341 202 137 2 0 341 3 0 338 0 341

6 Thalakulathur 191 0 191 7 35 1 1 44 235 128 107 0 0 235 0 21 212 2 235

Total 1708 11 1719 18 387 13 5 423 2142 1461 673 4 4 2142 5 28 2099 10 2142

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Koduvally

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Oth Indus Commerci Instituti Other Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Total
House ers trial al onal s NonRes) e s hed d te ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kizhakoth 414 16 430 4 2 8 0 14 444 307 103 0 34 444 0 4 440 0 444

2 Koodaranji 154 22 176 12 55 2 2 71 247 195 47 2 3 247 0 0 236 11 247

3 Madavoor 304 14 318 3 2 6 0 11 329 240 66 0 23 329 1 2 326 0 329

4 Omassery 253 9 262 2 102 2 4 110 372 322 36 3 11 372 6 0 366 0 372

5 Puthuppady 241 0 241 2 254 1 5 262 503 409 90 4 0 503 0 0 503 0 503

6 Thamarassery 313 5 318 2 408 2 4 416 734 560 174 0 0 734 4 0 730 0 734

7 Thiruvambadi 238 0 238 8 155 0 2 165 403 354 35 2 12 403 0 0 395 8 403

8 Kattippara 177 0 177 2 81 2 10 95 272 170 95 7 0 272 0 0 272 0 272

9 Kodencherry 239 6 245 21 221 6 9 257 502 414 80 5 3 502 0 0 495 7 502

Total 2333 72 2405 56 1280 29 36 1401 3806 2971 726 23 86 3806 11 6 3763 26 3806

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Kozhikkodu

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwel
. Indu /
ling Other Commerci Institut Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatch Tile Concret Oth
Total stria Others Total Male Local Total Total
Hous s al ional NonRes) e s ed d e ers
l Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kadalundi 186 1 187 2 105 2 11 120 307 198 103 3 3 307 2 4 301 0 307

2 Olavanna 735 1 736 14 635 4 26 679 1415 845 225 2 343 1415 0 3 1412 0 1415

Total 921 2 923 16 740 6 37 799 1722 1043 328 5 346 1722 2 7 1713 0 1722

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Kunnamangalam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit /
Indus Commer Other Total(Res+ Other That Tile Concre Oth
g Others Total utiona Total Male Female Local Total Total
trial cial s NonRes) s ched d te ers
Houses l Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chathamangalam 259 0 259 2 111 0 5 118 377 292 84 0 1 377 0 49 328 0 377

2 Karassery 213 0 213 1 119 4 6 130 343 250 72 10 11 343 0 17 326 0 343

3 Kodiyathoor 134 0 134 6 82 4 4 96 230 179 45 4 2 230 0 0 226 4 230

4 Kunnamangalam 439 0 439 9 201 2 3 215 654 514 126 3 11 654 0 0 654 0 654

5 Kuruvattoor 602 0 602 4 143 2 4 153 755 651 98 6 0 755 0 0 751 4 755

6 Mavoor 187 0 187 0 97 1 2 100 287 217 64 1 5 287 0 6 281 0 287

7 Perumanna 590 39 629 0 49 4 2 55 684 560 115 5 4 684 0 3 676 5 684

8 Peruvayal 428 47 475 11 150 2 22 185 660 559 98 0 3 660 0 0 654 6 660

Total 2852 86 2938 33 952 19 48 1052 3990 3222 702 29 37 3990 0 75 3896 19 3990

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Kunnummel

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. / Tha
ing Oth Indust Commer Institut Other Total(Res+ Femal Other Concre Oth
Total Total Male Local Total tche Tiled Total
House ers rial cial ional s NonRes) e s te ers
Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kavilumpara 177 0 177 0 47 0 0 47 224 163 61 0 0 224 0 36 188 0 224

2 Kayakkodi 291 0 291 7 65 2 13 87 378 113 262 0 3 378 0 69 308 1 378

3 Kunnummel 196 0 196 10 399 19 5 433 629 503 111 1 14 629 0 81 547 1 629

4 Kuttiyadi 147 1 148 4 100 7 7 118 266 191 66 4 5 266 0 12 253 1 266

5 Maruthomkara 82 0 82 9 32 2 1 44 126 94 32 0 0 126 0 11 105 10 126

6 Naripetta 165 0 165 0 68 0 0 68 233 186 47 0 0 233 0 21 212 0 233

7 Velam 182 0 182 0 102 0 0 102 284 240 44 0 0 284 0 7 277 0 284

Total 1240 1 1241 30 813 30 26 899 2140 1490 623 5 22 2140 0 237 1890 13 2140

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Melady

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Other Industr Commerci Instituti Total(Res+N Femal Other That Tile Concret Oth
Total Others Total Male Local Total Total
House s ial al onal onRes) e s ched d e ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Keezhariyoor 96 0 96 5 21 0 1 27 123 99 23 1 0 123 0 3 116 4 123

2 Meppayur 261 0 261 0 98 0 4 102 363 305 55 1 2 363 0 0 355 8 363

3 Thikkodi 144 0 144 3 35 2 0 40 184 135 47 0 2 184 0 3 179 2 184

4 Thurayoor 72 0 72 3 76 0 3 82 154 118 35 1 0 154 0 1 151 2 154

Total 573 0 573 11 230 2 8 251 824 657 160 3 4 824 0 7 801 16 824

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Panthalayini

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Name of Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
. Dwellin Ind Total(Re Govt. /
Comme Institu Other Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
g Others Total ustr Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Total
rcial tional s s hed d te ers
Houses ial s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Arikkulam 75 0 75 2 20 0 1 23 98 78 18 1 1 98 0 10 87 1 98

2 Chemmancherry 141 2 143 0 77 0 1 78 221 184 37 0 0 221 0 0 216 5 221

3 Chengotukavu 196 11 207 5 39 0 1 45 252 208 44 0 0 252 0 0 247 5 252

4 Moodadi 246 4 250 1 78 1 1 81 331 262 68 0 1 331 0 0 329 2 331

5 Atholi 209 0 209 0 86 0 2 88 297 234 62 0 1 297 2 0 295 0 297

Total 867 17 884 8 300 1 6 315 1199 966 229 1 3 1199 2 10 1174 13 1199

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Perambra

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Total(Re /
Dwelling Oth Industr Commer Instituti Other Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
Total Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Total
Houses ers ial cial onal s s hed d te ers
s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chakkittapara 160 0 160 9 56 0 0 65 225 174 37 14 0 225 0 6 215 4 225

2 Changaroth 302 5 307 9 247 2 3 261 568 489 65 14 0 568 7 0 561 0 568

3 Cheruvannoor 177 0 177 7 90 2 1 100 277 231 45 0 1 277 2 6 265 4 277

4 Kayanna 91 0 91 0 12 2 1 15 106 72 31 2 1 106 0 0 106 0 106

5 Koothali 109 0 109 0 23 1 0 24 133 96 36 1 0 133 0 0 133 0 133

6 Nochad 200 0 200 6 118 1 3 128 328 259 64 3 2 328 3 6 314 5 328

7 Perambra 227 0 227 13 322 12 6 353 580 457 111 6 6 580 5 8 563 4 580

Total 1266 5 1271 44 868 20 14 946 2217 1778 389 40 10 2217 17 26 2157 17 2217

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Thodannoor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Oth Indus Commer Institut Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Tile Concret Oth
g Total Others Total Male Local Total Total
ers trial cial ional NonRes) e s hed d e ers
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ayancheri 173 6 179 4 114 0 0 118 297 242 55 0 0 297 0 16 281 0 297

2 Maniyoor 284 0 284 7 52 0 5 64 348 274 69 4 1 348 0 0 337 11 348

3 Thiruvallur 347 0 347 0 101 2 4 107 454 389 59 2 4 454 0 11 443 0 454

4 Villiapally 213 0 213 3 63 0 2 68 281 232 48 0 1 281 0 16 265 0 281

Total 1017 6 1023 14 330 2 11 357 1380 1137 231 6 6 1380 0 43 1326 11 1380

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Thuneri

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Total(Re /
Dwelling Oth Industria Commer Institu Other Femal Other Thatch Tile Concret Oth
Total Total s+NonRe Male Local Total Total
Houses ers l cial tional s e s ed d e ers
s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chekkiyad 122 0 122 3 88 0 4 95 217 171 42 4 0 217 0 0 217 0 217

2 Edachery 172 1 173 1 20 0 0 21 194 159 35 0 0 194 0 0 194 0 194

3 Puramery 143 12 155 1 32 0 1 34 189 169 19 1 0 189 0 0 185 4 189

4 Tuneri 165 0 165 6 21 7 1 35 200 138 54 7 1 200 0 22 177 1 200

5 Valayam 109 0 109 4 33 2 1 40 149 129 17 2 1 149 6 2 141 0 149

6 Vanimel 179 0 179 5 70 5 6 86 265 216 42 7 0 265 10 0 255 0 265

7 Nadapuram 226 16 242 3 246 6 0 255 497 439 54 1 3 497 1 2 491 3 497

Total 1116 29 1145 23 510 20 13 566 1711 1421 263 22 5 1711 17 26 1660 8 1711

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode Block : Vadakara

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwel
. /
ling Other Indu Commerci Instituti Oth Total(Res+N Femal Other That Tile Concr Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Total
Hous s strial al onal ers onRes) e s ched d ete ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Azhiyoor 180 0 180 0 69 0 0 69 249 200 49 0 0 249 0 0 249 0 249

2 Chorode 263 0 263 2 67 1 2 72 335 228 107 0 0 335 0 0 335 0 335

3 Eramala 279 0 279 2 59 0 2 63 342 278 63 0 1 342 0 3 337 2 342

4 Onchiyam 96 0 96 0 81 2 1 84 180 149 28 2 1 180 0 2 178 0 180

Total 818 0 818 4 276 3 5 288 1106 855 247 2 2 1106 0 5 1099 2 1106

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kozhikode

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwellin Instit Total(R /
Other Indus Comme Other Femal Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total ution Total es+Non Male Local Total Tiled Total
s trial rcial s e s hed te s
Houses al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Balussery 1526 58 1584 23 785 16 33 857 2441 1902 513 19 7 2441 46 59 2311 25 2441

2 Chelannur 1708 11 1719 18 387 13 5 423 2142 1461 673 4 4 2142 5 28 2099 10 2142

3 Koduvally 2333 72 2405 56 1280 29 36 1401 3806 2971 726 23 86 3806 11 6 3763 26 3806

4 Kozhikkodu 921 2 923 16 740 6 37 799 1722 1043 328 5 346 1722 2 7 1713 0 1722

5 Kunnamangalam 2852 86 2938 33 952 19 48 1052 3990 3222 702 29 37 3990 0 75 3896 19 3990

6 Kunnummel 1240 1 1241 30 813 30 26 899 2140 1490 623 5 22 2140 0 237 1890 13 2140

7 Melady 573 0 573 11 230 2 8 251 824 657 160 3 4 824 0 7 801 16 824

8 Panthalayini 867 17 884 8 300 1 6 315 1199 966 229 1 3 1199 2 10 1174 13 1199

9 Perambra 1266 5 1271 44 868 20 14 946 2217 1778 389 40 10 2217 17 26 2157 17 2217

10 Thodannoor 1017 6 1023 14 330 2 11 357 1380 1137 231 6 6 1380 0 43 1326 11 1380

11 Thuneri 1116 29 1145 23 510 20 13 566 1711 1421 263 22 5 1711 17 26 1660 8 1711

12 Vadakara 818 0 818 4 276 3 5 288 1106 855 247 2 2 1106 0 5 1099 2 1106

13 Quilandy (M) 475 20 495 2 60 3 12 77 572 406 159 7 0 572 0 21 548 3 572

14 Vadakara (M) 258 0 258 0 213 0 0 213 471 383 82 2 4 471 0 0 471 0 471

15 Payyoli(M) 394 0 394 4 182 2 4 192 586 431 149 1 5 586 0 2 580 4 586

16 454 0 454 5 51 1 0 57 511 310 201 0 0 511 0 0 501 10 511

17 Feroke(M) 554 0 554 19 138 3 10 170 724 431 287 6 0 724 0 0 702 22 724

18 Koduvally(M) 381 3 384 0 76 2 2 80 464 291 164 3 6 464 0 0 462 2 464

19 Mukkom(M) 234 0 234 2 323 2 94 421 655 505 86 64 0 655 0 2 650 3 655

20 Kozhikkodu (C) 3476 313 3789 11 1696 56 103 1866 5655 4391 1257 7 0 5655 0 0 5655 0 5655

Total 22463 623 23086 323 10210 230 467 11230 34316 26051 7469 249 547 34316 100 554 33458 204 34316

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Arikkode

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Insti /
Other Indus Commer Total(Res+ Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
g Total tutio Others Total Male Female Local Total Total
s trial cial NonRes) s hed d te ers
Houses nal Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Areacode 266 3 269 1 194 2 7 204 473 415 55 1 2 473 0 1 469 3 473

2 Cheekkode 270 19 289 1 88 6 8 103 392 341 46 1 4 392 1 3 380 8 392

3 Edavanna 274 2 276 1 88 1 3 93 369 327 37 1 4 369 0 6 349 14 369

4 Kavanoor 273 0 273 12 263 0 6 281 554 506 46 1 1 554 0 4 543 7 554

5 Keezhparambu 196 6 202 1 78 4 13 96 298 263 32 1 2 298 0 4 278 16 298

6 Kuzhimanna 228 0 228 7 101 2 9 119 347 301 42 2 2 347 0 6 317 24 347

7 Pulpatta 290 0 290 8 119 1 9 137 427 343 76 0 8 427 0 8 397 22 427

8 Urngattiri 238 4 242 17 63 2 3 85 327 259 57 3 8 327 0 0 325 2 327

Total 2035 34 2069 48 994 18 58 1118 3187 2755 391 10 31 3187 1 32 3058 96 3187

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Kalikav

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Instit Total(Re / Tha
Dwelling Other Indus Commer Other Femal Other Tile Concre Other
Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Local Total tche Total
Houses s trial cial s e s d te s
al s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Amarambalam 357 0 357 9 259 3 5 276 633 528 101 1 3 633 0 0 563 70 633

2 Chokad 271 4 275 1 150 0 6 157 432 316 113 1 2 432 2 3 427 0 432

3 Edappetta 332 8 340 0 32 0 3 35 375 282 93 0 0 375 0 3 372 0 375

4 Kalikavu 337 4 341 2 169 0 5 176 517 364 147 0 6 517 0 15 500 2 517

5 Karulayi 200 0 200 7 109 1 2 119 319 255 59 0 5 319 0 0 298 21 319

6 Karuvarakundu 272 5 277 2 81 4 7 94 371 288 72 4 7 371 1 4 322 44 371

7 Thuvoor 240 12 252 2 77 2 3 84 336 289 43 1 3 336 0 0 312 24 336

Total 2009 33 2042 23 877 10 31 941 2983 2322 628 7 26 2983 3 25 2794 161 2983

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Kondotty

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Oth Indu Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+N Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
g Total Total Male Local Total Total
ers strial al al s onRes) e s hed d te ers
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Muthuvalloor 212 3 215 3 154 1 2 160 375 332 40 0 3 375 0 20 355 0 375

2 Chelempra 302 0 302 1 137 2 2 142 444 362 76 0 6 444 0 1 428 15 444

3 Cherukavu 213 0 213 7 53 2 2 64 277 221 54 2 0 277 0 6 259 12 277

4 Pallickal 447 35 482 9 173 8 1 191 673 565 96 4 8 673 0 0 673 0 673

5 Pulikkal 365 6 371 13 178 7 5 203 574 473 89 0 12 574 0 38 534 2 574

6 Vazhakkadu 307 0 307 0 125 0 14 139 446 335 97 0 14 446 2 0 441 3 446

7 Vazhayoor 243 3 246 1 155 0 66 222 468 406 59 2 1 468 6 0 461 1 468

Total 2089 47 2136 34 975 20 92 1121 3257 2694 511 8 44 3257 8 65 3151 33 3257

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Kuttippuram

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin / Tha
Other Indus Commer Institut Other Total(Res+ Femal Other Tile Concre Other
g Total Total Male Local Total tche Total
s trial cial ional s NonRes) e s d te s
Houses Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Athavanad 298 0 298 6 435 2 65 508 806 734 66 4 2 806 0 0 757 49 806

2 Edayoor 280 0 280 15 0 54 20 89 369 302 67 0 0 369 0 0 345 24 369

3 Irimpiliyam 254 0 254 9 117 2 11 139 393 301 87 0 5 393 0 0 365 28 393

4 Kuttippuram 165 0 165 5 68 0 0 73 238 155 76 3 4 238 0 5 233 0 238

5 Marakkara 276 0 276 26 119 6 4 155 431 325 104 1 1 431 0 0 390 41 431

6 Kalpakanchery 430 0 430 0 227 1 5 233 663 556 104 3 663 0 0 581 82 663

Total 1703 0 1703 61 966 65 105 1197 2900 2373 504 11 12 2900 0 5 2671 224 2900

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Malappuram

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Name of Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
. Govt. /
Dwelling Other Indus Comme Institut Other Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Tile Concret Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Total
Houses s trial rcial ional s NonRes) e s hed d e ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Anakkayam 348 16 364 6 195 4 1 206 570 472 77 1 20 570 1 1 549 19 570

2 Kodur 354 21 375 4 196 2 6 208 583 479 93 1 10 583 0 3 578 2 583

3 Othukkungal 284 12 296 1 28 1 0 30 326 213 113 0 0 326 0 0 315 11 326

4 Morayoor 206 0 206 13 161 4 1 179 385 317 60 1 7 385 0 0 385 0 385

5 Ponmala 220 5 225 3 77 4 10 94 319 270 45 3 1 319 0 11 280 28 319

6 Pookkottoor 192 0 192 3 161 0 8 172 364 316 36 7 5 364 0 0 340 24 364

Total 1604 54 1658 30 818 15 26 889 2547 2067 424 13 43 2547 1 15 2447 84 2547

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Mankada

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Oth Industr Commerci Institu Other Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
g Total Total Male Local Total Total
ers ial al tional s NonRes) e s hed d te ers
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Koottilangadi 435 24 459 71 24 0 1 96 555 486 69 0 0 555 0 7 548 0 555

2 Kuruva 466 8 474 0 185 0 1 186 660 516 144 0 0 660 0 2 658 0 660

3 Makkaraparambu 545 5 550 0 117 0 2 119 669 527 142 0 0 669 0 2 667 0 669

4 Mankada 327 11 338 9 142 0 0 151 489 343 146 0 0 489 0 3 486 0 489

5 Moorkkanad 341 13 354 4 159 0 3 166 520 368 152 0 0 520 0 0 518 2 520

6 Puzhakkattiri 298 26 324 1 193 0 0 194 518 395 123 0 0 518 0 2 516 0 518

Total 2412 87 2499 85 820 0 7 912 3411 2635 776 0 0 3411 0 16 3393 2 3411

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Nilamboor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Com Total(Re /
Dwelling Other Industria Institu Other Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
Total merci Total s+NonRe Male Local Total Total
Houses s l tional s e s hed d te ers
al s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chaliyar 106 5 111 3 39 4 2 48 159 123 32 4 159 0 1 141 17 159

2 Chungathara 250 22 272 8 130 2 1 141 413 313 87 1 12 413 0 7 394 12 413

3 Edakkara 432 0 432 16 311 0 6 333 765 592 167 6 0 765 0 4 761 0 765

4 Moothedam 217 0 217 11 92 1 1 105 322 255 65 0 2 322 0 5 287 30 322

5 Pothukallu 309 0 309 5 137 0 2 144 453 335 107 11 453 0 6 447 0 453

6 Vazhikkadavu 365 0 365 5 51 6 10 72 437 337 82 11 7 437 0 4 403 30 437

Total 1679 27 1706 48 760 13 22 843 2549 1955 540 33 21 2549 0 27 2433 89 2549

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Perinthalmanna

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Industr Comme Institu Other Total(Res+ Femal Othe Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Others Total Total Male Local Total Total
ial rcial tional s NonRes) e rs hed d te s
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Angadippuram 704 16 720 0 218 21 28 267 987 727 258 0 2 987 0 2 961 24 987

2 Alipparamba 356 17 373 9 98 2 1 110 483 327 156 0 0 483 0 3 480 0 483

3 Ealamkulam 276 9 285 11 92 0 6 109 394 252 133 5 4 394 0 16 341 37 394

4 Keezhattur 273 0 273 3 96 7 2 108 381 283 96 2 0 381 7 5 369 0 381

5 Melathur 318 0 318 6 162 13 4 185 503 363 137 3 0 503 6 0 497 0 503

6 Pulamanthole 511 18 529 9 212 5 38 264 793 595 185 4 9 793 0 39 714 40 793

7 Thazhekkode 258 6 264 2 51 0 11 64 328 274 49 5 0 328 0 2 326 0 328

8 Vettathoor 173 2 175 3 69 3 6 81 256 181 63 0 12 256 0 0 245 11 256

Total 2869 68 2937 43 998 51 96 1188 4125 3002 1077 19 27 4125 13 67 3933 112 4125

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Perumpadappu

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Oth Indust Comm Institution Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Concr Oth
g Total Others Total Male Local Total Tiled Total
ers rial ercial al NonRes) e s hed ete ers
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alamcode 307 0 307 10 269 0 11 290 597 421 176 0 0 597 0 63 534 0 597

2 Marancheri 141 1 142 0 28 1 0 29 171 141 28 2 171 15 0 156 0 171

3 Nannammukku 229 0 229 7 74 5 3 89 318 255 60 0 3 318 1 31 286 0 318

4 Perumpadappu 179 0 179 8 67 2 6 83 262 229 33 0 0 262 4 6 252 0 262

5 Veliyamkode 220 0 220 0 204 4 1 209 429 387 42 0 0 429 4 18 407 0 429

Total 1076 1 1077 25 642 12 21 700 1777 1433 339 2 3 1777 24 118 1635 0 1777

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Ponnani

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Other Indust Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+N Femal Other Thatc Concr Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Tiled Total
Hous s rial al al s onRes) e s hed ete ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Edappal 118 21 139 3 155 0 3 161 300 218 79 3 0 300 0 3 297 0 300

2 Thavannur 367 0 367 11 82 11 5 109 476 292 181 3 0 476 6 88 382 0 476

3 Vattamkulam 197 19 216 3 265 1 23 292 508 378 129 1 0 508 0 45 463 0 508

4 Kaladi 174 0 174 0 140 3 0 143 317 220 95 2 0 317 5 2 307 3 317

Total 856 40 896 17 642 15 31 705 1601 1108 484 9 0 1601 11 138 1449 3 1601

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Thanur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Oth Indus Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+ Femal Other That Tile Concre Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Total
House ers trial al al s NonRes) e s ched d te ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Cheriyamundam 195 0 195 0 40 0 3 43 238 166 27 0 45 238 0 0 238 0 238

2 Niramarathur 272 0 272 2 31 0 7 40 312 243 69 0 0 312 0 2 294 16 312

3 Ozhur 298 1 299 0 22 0 0 22 321 258 62 1 0 321 0 0 312 9 321

4 Permannaklari 151 0 151 0 21 3 1 25 176 106 45 1 24 176 0 4 170 2 176

5 Ponmundam 187 1 188 0 37 1 1 39 227 178 47 1 1 227 0 2 219 6 227

6 Thanalur 236 0 236 4 76 0 6 86 322 284 35 1 2 322 0 0 296 26 322

7 Valavannur 527 0 527 0 0 0 6 6 533 493 34 6 533 0 0 533 0 533

Total 1866 2 1868 6 227 4 24 261 2129 1728 319 10 72 2129 0 8 2062 59 2129

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Thirurangadi

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin / Tha
Oth Indus Commerci Instituti Total(Res+ Femal Other Tile Concre Other
g Total Others Total Male Local Total tche Total
ers trial al onal NonRes) e s d te s
Houses Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Munniyoor 515 0 515 10 601 1 56 668 1183 958 216 3 6 1183 0 0 1098 85 1183

2 Nannambra 235 14 249 4 130 3 0 137 386 260 120 1 5 386 0 0 380 6 386

3 Peruvallur 151 0 151 3 148 1 0 152 303 272 31 0 0 303 0 1 302 0 303

4 Thenjippalam 321 0 321 2 114 0 0 116 437 395 42 0 0 437 0 0 426 11 437

5 Vallikkunnu 188 24 212 8 108 0 1 117 329 280 47 0 2 329 0 0 315 14 329

Total 1410 38 1448 27 1101 5 57 1190 2638 2165 456 4 13 2638 0 1 2521 116 2638

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Tirur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Oth Indus Comme Institut Total(Res Oth That Concre Other
g Total Others Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers trial rcial ional +NonRes) ers ched te s
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Mangalam 271 0 271 0 50 0 0 50 321 261 60 0 0 321 0 13 306 2 321

2 Purathur 213 0 213 0 41 0 2 43 256 203 49 0 4 256 0 0 224 32 256

3 Thalakkad 110 0 110 0 38 0 0 38 148 99 49 0 0 148 0 0 148 0 148

4 Thirunavaya 216 0 216 0 31 1 0 32 248 161 86 1 0 248 0 3 243 2 248

5 Thriprangode 256 0 256 4 245 0 0 249 505 307 198 0 0 505 0 0 494 11 505

6 Vettam 250 0 250 4 76 3 0 83 333 253 78 1 1 333 0 10 321 2 333

Total 1316 0 1316 8 481 4 2 495 1811 1284 520 2 5 1811 0 26 1736 49 1811

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Vengara

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Instit Total(Re / Tha
Dwelling Industr Comme Other Other Tile Concre Other
Others Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total tche Total
Houses ial rcial s s d te s
al s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 A.R. Nagar 308 0 308 12 69 2 8 91 399 329 66 2 2 399 0 0 362 37 399

2 Edarikkodu 192 6 198 0 20 0 0 20 218 75 143 0 0 218 0 0 216 2 218

3 Kannamangalam 565 0 565 16 225 2 58 301 866 674 158 0 34 866 0 0 760 106 866

4 Orakam 229 6 235 1 128 0 4 133 368 242 119 0 7 368 0 4 362 2 368

5 Parappoor 198 115 313 7 90 4 4 105 418 368 40 9 1 418 0 0 406 12 418

6 Thennala 195 0 195 0 42 2 0 44 239 198 40 0 1 239 0 0 239 0 239

7 Vengara 366 0 366 6 342 3 15 366 732 560 125 0 47 732 0 0 684 48 732

Total 2053 127 2180 42 916 13 89 1060 3240 2446 691 11 92 3240 0 4 3029 207 3240

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram Block : Wandoor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwell Th
. Govt. /
ing Oth Indus Commer Institut Total(Res Other at Concre Other
Total Others Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
House ers trial cial ional +NonRes) s ch te s
s ed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21

1 Mampad 356 0 356 15 163 0 1 179 535 412 122 0 1 535 0 12 522 1 535

2 Pandikkadu 360 0 360 9 216 6 4 235 595 456 127 7 5 595 0 11 555 29 595

3 Porur 455 0 455 23 177 11 7 218 673 565 101 5 2 673 0 60 612 1 673

4 Thiruvaly 234 1 235 28 75 0 103 338 286 51 1 0 338 0 9 302 27 338

5 Thrikkalangod 510 0 510 12 185 6 6 209 719 631 85 2 1 719 0 37 621 61 719

6 Wandoor 407 2 409 24 616 4 11 655 1064 888 169 4 3 1064 0 12 1028 24 1064

Total 2322 3 2325 111 1432 27 29 1599 3924 3238 655 19 12 3924 0 141 3640 143 3924

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Malappuram

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/ Buildings
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwell Instit Total(R / Tha
ing Other Indus Comme Other Other Concre
Total ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Total tche Tiled Others Total
House s trial rcial s s te
al Res) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Arikkode 2035 34 2069 48 994 18 58 1118 3187 2755 391 10 31 3187 1 32 3058 96 3187

2 Kalikav 2009 33 2042 23 877 10 31 941 2983 2322 628 7 26 2983 3 25 2794 161 2983

3 Kondotty 2089 47 2136 34 975 20 92 1121 3257 2694 511 8 44 3257 8 65 3151 33 3257

4 Kuttippuram 1703 0 1703 61 966 65 105 1197 2900 2373 504 11 12 2900 0 5 2671 224 2900

5 Malappuram 1604 54 1658 30 818 15 26 889 2547 2067 424 13 43 2547 1 15 2447 84 2547

6 Mankada 2412 87 2499 85 820 0 7 912 3411 2635 776 0 0 3411 0 16 3393 2 3411

7 Nilamboor 1679 27 1706 48 760 13 22 843 2549 1955 540 33 21 2549 0 27 2433 89 2549

8 Perinthalmanna 2869 68 2937 43 998 51 96 1188 4125 3002 1077 19 27 4125 13 67 3933 112 4125

9 Perumpadappu 1076 1 1077 25 642 12 21 700 1777 1433 339 2 3 1777 24 118 1635 0 1777

10 Ponnani 856 40 896 17 642 15 31 705 1601 1108 484 9 0 1601 11 138 1449 3 1601

11 Thanur 1866 2 1868 6 227 4 24 261 2129 1728 319 10 72 2129 0 8 2062 59 2129

12 Thirurangadi 1410 38 1448 27 1101 5 57 1190 2638 2165 456 4 13 2638 0 1 2521 116 2638

13 Tirur 1316 0 1316 8 481 4 2 495 1811 1284 520 2 5 1811 0 26 1736 49 1811

14 Vengara 2053 127 2180 42 916 13 89 1060 3240 2446 691 11 92 3240 0 4 3029 207 3240

15 Wandoor 2322 3 2325 111 1432 27 29 1599 3924 3238 655 19 12 3924 0 141 3640 143 3924

16 Kottakkal(M) 391 0 391 2 432 4 1 439 830 573 251 5 1 830 0 0 828 2 830

17 Malappuram (M) 428 22 450 3 237 1 8 249 699 428 264 1 6 699 0 0 692 7 699

18 Manjeri (M) 921 0 921 15 974 30 83 1102 2023 1422 532 15 54 2023 0 0 2013 10 2023

19 Nilambur(M) 632 51 683 5 274 5 0 284 967 735 223 3 6 967 0 6 914 47 967

Perinthalmanna 0
20 1012 29 1041 74 441 3 302 820 1861 1493 362 6 0 1861 0 1853 8 1861

21 Ponnani (M) 538 0 538 0 251 3 0 254 792 676 114 2 0 792 0 13 779 0 792

22 Tirur (M) 534 0 534 0 460 2 31 493 1027 849 147 19 12 1027 0 0 1027 0 1027

23 Thanoor(M) 611 2 613 4 76 1 8 89 702 502 195 1 4 702 0 0 670 32 702

Parappanangadi( 0 0 0 0
24 419 419 3 322 0 4 329 748 552 196 0 748 736 12 748
Thiroorangadi(M 0 0 0 0
25 336 336 2 439 4 87 532 868 759 104 5 868 790 78 868

26 Valancheri(M) 312 0 312 0 138 17 0 155 467 388 74 5 467 0 0 441 26 467

27 Kondotty(M) 433 60 493 0 215 3 0 218 711 578 131 0 2 711 0 0 705 6 711

Total 725 34591 716 16908 345 1214 19183 53774 42160 10908 215 491 53774 61 707 51400 1606 53774

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Alathur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat Dwell t. /
ing Other Indus Comme Institut Other Total(Res+ Loc Oth Thatc Tile Concre Other
Total Total Male Female Total Total
House s trial rcial ional s NonRes) al ers hed d te s
s Bod
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alathur 220 0 220 10 65 4 6 85 305 180 120 3 2 305 12 0 264 29 305

2 Erimayoor 226 0 226 0 14 0 1 15 241 153 87 1 0 241 9 0 197 35 241

3 Kannambra 160 0 160 0 16 0 7 23 183 119 57 7 0 183 8 4 146 25 183

4 Kavassery 242 1 243 1 48 1 4 54 297 215 80 2 0 297 17 10 245 25 297

5 Kizhakkenchery 290 2 292 6 33 0 4 43 335 87 246 2 0 335 22 10 272 31 335

6 Puthucodu 141 0 141 1 35 0 6 42 183 132 43 6 2 183 9 7 151 16 183

7 Tarur 180 0 180 0 41 0 45 86 266 185 78 3 0 266 5 10 230 21 266

8 Vadakkancherry 203 1 204 1 18 0 5 24 228 193 30 1 4 228 2 3 213 10 228

Total 1662 4 1666 19 270 5 78 372 2038 1264 741 25 8 2038 84 44 1718 192 2038

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Attappady

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwe
. / Tha
lling Other Tota Industri Commerci Institution Other Tota Total(Res+ Femal Other Concr Other
Male Local Total tche Tiled Total
Hou s l al al al s l NonRes) e s ete s
Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Agali 421 23 444 5 208 11 28 252 696 452 221 18 5 696 0 8 598 90 696

2 Puthoor 120 1 121 1 27 0 39 67 188 102 63 10 13 188 0 63 105 20 188

3 Sholayar 149 36 185 0 16 4 19 39 224 127 88 8 1 224 0 28 127 69 224

Total 690 60 750 6 251 15 86 358 1108 681 372 36 19 1108 0 99 830 179 1108

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Chittoor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat t. /
. Dwellin Instit
Other Industr Comme Other Total(Res Loc Oth Thatc Concre Other
g Total ution Total Male Female Total Tiled Total
s ial rcial s +NonRes) al ers hed te s
Houses al
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Eruthempathy 246 0 246 10 24 0 2 36 282 162 118 2 0 282 67 42 121 52 282

2 Kozhinjanpara 237 0 237 0 112 1 3 116 353 209 142 2 0 353 47 89 203 14 353

3 Nelleppully 277 0 277 5 54 0 2 61 338 237 94 0 7 338 1 5 312 20 338

4 Elapully 292 0 292 10 36 12 4 62 354 249 98 4 3 354 0 0 255 99 354

5 Polpully 142 0 142 2 19 2 1 24 166 110 56 0 0 166 0 0 100 66 166

6 Perumatty 214 0 214 9 38 5 2 54 268 174 86 5 3 268 52 20 138 58 268

7 Vadakarapathy 634 1 635 3 55 0 0 58 693 504 189 0 0 693 208 176 309 0 693

Total 2042 1 2043 39 338 20 14 411 2454 1645 783 13 13 2454 375 332 1438 309 2454

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Kollengode

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Ind Govt. /
Oth Comme Institut Oth Total(Res+ Other Thatc Conc Other
g Total ustr Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers rcial ional ers NonRes) s hed rete s
Houses ial Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Koduvayoor 140 0 140 0 149 0 3 152 292 195 94 0 3 292 0 5 262 25 292

2 Kollengode 135 0 135 0 12 0 19 31 166 90 57 19 0 166 12 4 131 19 166

3 Muthalamada 245 0 245 3 33 1 3 40 285 165 115 3 2 285 45 6 220 14 285

4 Puthunagaram 135 0 135 0 37 1 4 42 177 138 35 3 1 177 9 11 126 31 177

5 Vadavannur 83 0 83 0 8 0 1 9 92 62 29 0 1 92 5 1 77 9 92

6 Pattanchery 219 0 219 2 22 2 4 30 249 159 83 4 3 249 2 46 184 17 249

7 Peruvemba 255 0 255 6 37 0 4 47 302 192 103 7 0 302 0 92 190 20 302

Total 1212 0 1212 11 298 4 38 351 1563 1001 516 36 10 1563 73 165 1190 135 1563

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Kozhalmannam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin / Ot
Other Indus Comme Institu Other Total(Res+ Femal Thatc Concre Other
g Total Total Male Local her Total Tiled Total
s trial rcial tional s NonRes) e hed te s
Houses Bodie s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kannadi 247 0 247 0 48 1 3 52 299 212 83 4 0 299 3 36 254 6 299

2 Kottayi 188 0 188 2 19 0 0 21 209 137 72 0 0 209 50 13 136 10 209

3 Kozhalmannam 146 0 146 0 47 2 5 54 200 129 63 4 4 200 6 4 170 20 200

4 Kuthanur 227 0 227 0 31 0 1 32 259 206 53 0 0 259 9 17 222 11 259

5 Mathur 256 0 256 0 16 0 1 17 273 160 113 0 0 273 11 8 242 12 273

6 Peringottukurissy 259 0 259 1 39 0 4 44 303 190 113 0 0 303 18 12 229 44 303

7 Thenkurissi 224 9 233 2 21 0 0 23 256 179 75 2 0 256 51 15 178 12 256

Total 1547 9 1556 5 221 3 14 243 1799 1213 572 10 4 1799 148 105 1431 115 1799

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Malampuzha

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Ind / Tha
Comme Institut Other Total(Res+ Femal Oth
g Others Total ustr Total Male Local Others Total tche Tiled Concrete Total
rcial ional s NonRes) e ers
Houses ial Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Akathethara 192 0 192 1 22 0 2 25 217 150 67 0 0 217 0 1 213 3 217

2 Malampuzha 268 0 268 0 23 2 3 28 296 198 93 5 0 296 0 26 251 19 296

3 Marutharode 219 0 219 0 53 3 0 56 275 203 71 1 0 275 0 1 270 4 275

4 Kodumba 175 0 175 5 38 2 0 45 220 134 84 2 0 220 0 2 212 6 220

5 Puthupariyaram 235 0 235 1 46 0 1 48 283 204 79 0 0 283 0 3 275 5 283

6 Puthussery 429 2 431 8 42 10 1 61 492 351 138 1 2 492 4 8 478 2 492

Total 1518 2 1520 15 224 17 7 263 1783 1240 532 9 2 1783 4 41 1699 39 1783

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Mannarkkad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(Re / Tha
Oth Indu Comme Institut Other Femal Oth Concre Other
g Total Total s+NonRe Male Local Total tche Tiled Total
ers strial rcial ional s e ers te s
Houses s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alanallur 417 2 419 17 284 2 12 315 734 599 131 0 4 734 0 30 696 8 734

2 Kanjirapuzha 328 3 331 4 235 0 10 249 580 439 127 3 11 580 0 75 503 2 580

3 Karimba 189 0 189 1 59 0 4 64 253 104 146 3 0 253 0 0 241 12 253

4 Kottupadam 351 0 351 1 180 1 17 199 550 445 96 6 3 550 0 1 527 22 550

5 Kumaramputhur 265 0 265 10 52 1 1 64 329 285 44 0 0 329 0 0 307 22 329

6 Thachampara 130 4 134 2 22 1 1 26 160 124 33 3 0 160 0 0 159 1 160

7 Thachanattukara 238 0 238 17 114 2 5 138 376 301 70 3 2 376 0 0 366 10 376

8 Thenkara 271 4 275 14 26 0 4 44 319 215 100 2 2 319 0 8 285 26 319

Total 2189 13 2202 66 972 7 54 1099 3301 2512 747 20 22 3301 0 114 3084 103 3301

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Nenmara

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(R /
Other Indus Commer Institutio Other Femal Other Thatc Tile Concr Other
g Total Total es+Non Male Local Total Total
s trial cial nal s e s hed d ete s
Houses Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ayiloor 235 0 235 7 19 5 3 34 269 166 93 9 1 269 14 29 208 18 269

2 Elevencherry 168 0 168 4 20 2 1 27 195 168 23 3 1 195 23 8 162 2 195

3 Melarcode 176 0 176 0 24 0 16 40 216 136 74 6 0 216 26 8 151 31 216

4 Nelliampathy 54 2 56 0 0 0 0 0 56 22 32 0 2 56 54 0 2 0 56

5 Nenmara 290 0 290 0 28 13 1 42 332 205 123 4 0 332 7 8 282 35 332

6 Pallassena 168 0 168 4 4 0 4 12 180 113 63 4 0 180 7 1 155 17 180

7 Vandazhy 213 0 213 4 46 8 17 75 288 189 67 21 11 288 30 9 215 34 288

Total 1304 2 1306 19 141 28 42 230 1536 999 475 47 15 1536 161 63 1175 137 1536

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Ottappalam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit Total(Re / Tha
Indus Commer Other Oth Tile Concr Other
g Others Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total tche Total
trial cial s ers d ete s
Houses al s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ambalapara 717 0 717 10 205 2 13 230 947 688 244 3 12 947 0 0 675 272 947

2 Ananganad 110 0 110 3 39 0 2 44 154 113 39 2 0 154 0 0 134 20 154

3 Chalavara 118 0 118 3 39 1 3 46 164 115 46 2 1 164 0 0 156 8 164

4 Lakkidiperur 301 0 301 11 78 4 0 93 394 271 116 0 7 394 0 0 386 8 394

5 Vaniyamkulam 307 0 307 13 83 1 4 101 408 288 113 4 3 408 0 0 352 56 408

6 Nellaya 337 0 337 7 56 2 1 66 403 299 102 0 2 403 0 0 385 18 403

7 Vallappuzha 142 0 142 2 44 2 0 48 190 155 33 2 0 190 0 0 176 14 190

8 Trikkadeeri 178 0 178 2 83 1 10 96 274 191 72 8 3 274 0 0 274 0 274

Total 2210 0 2210 51 627 13 33 724 2934 2120 765 21 28 2934 0 0 2538 396 2934

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Palakkad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(Re /
Oth Industri Comm Institutiona Other Oth Thatch Tile Concre Other
g Total Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Total
ers al ercial l s ers ed d te s
Houses s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Keralassery 160 0 160 6 35 1 3 45 205 157 45 3 0 205 0 1 187 17 205

2 Kongad 115 0 115 0 28 0 5 33 148 107 36 4 1 148 0 1 129 18 148

3 Mangara 119 9 128 3 22 2 1 28 156 98 48 3 7 156 0 1 144 11 156

4 Mannur 154 12 166 1 57 1 1 60 226 161 63 2 0 226 0 0 203 23 226

5 Mundur 440 0 440 0 117 5 12 134 574 355 204 10 5 574 0 52 435 87 574

6 Parali 290 0 290 0 103 8 4 115 405 318 83 4 0 405 0 0 402 3 405

7 Pirayiri 397 0 397 8 56 7 2 73 470 339 123 8 0 470 0 0 464 6 470

Total 1675 21 1696 18 418 24 28 488 2184 1535 602 34 13 2184 0 55 1964 165 2184

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Pattambi

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
No Name of Panchayat Gov
. Dwell t. /
ing Industr Comm Institu Total(Res Loc Oth Tile Concr Other
Others Total Others Total Male Female Total tche Total
House ial ercial tional +NonRes) al ers d ete s
s Bod
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kolukkalloor 229 21 250 4 118 1 5 128 378 304 70 1 3 378 0 2 343 33 378

2 Koppam 208 28 236 4 136 2 5 147 383 276 95 5 7 383 0 0 375 8 383

3 Muthuthala 160 0 160 3 55 6 0 64 224 183 36 5 0 224 0 1 220 3 224

4 Ongallur 237 27 264 7 205 2 8 222 486 418 65 3 0 486 0 0 469 17 486

5 Paruthur 101 6 107 6 31 0 0 37 144 113 31 0 0 144 1 0 143 0 144

6 Thiruvegapura 186 15 201 2 63 5 6 76 277 221 47 3 6 277 1 2 268 6 277

7 Vilayoor 227 19 246 18 114 5 30 167 413 324 85 0 4 413 0 7 338 68 413

Total 1348 116 1464 44 722 21 54 841 2305 1839 429 17 20 2305 2 12 2156 135 2305

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Sreekrishnapuram

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat t. /
. Dwellin Total(R
Oth Indus Comme Institut Other Femal Loc Oth Thatc Tile Concr Oth
g Total Total es+Non Male Total Total
ers trial rcial ional s e al ers hed d ete ers
Houses Res)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kadampazhipuram 263 0 263 2 79 4 6 91 354 260 85 9 0 354 5 3 340 6 354

2 Karimpuzha 389 0 389 2 62 1 0 65 454 352 98 4 0 454 7 2 445 0 454

3 Pookkottukavu 125 0 125 0 18 0 3 21 146 92 49 5 0 146 0 3 141 2 146

4 Sreekrishnapuram 206 6 212 0 81 0 0 81 293 179 108 1 5 293 0 0 287 6 293

5 Vellinezhy 140 0 140 8 53 0 4 65 205 146 57 2 0 205 2 22 181 0 205

6 Karakurussy 218 2 220 8 36 6 2 52 272 209 59 4 0 272 0 14 255 3 272

Total 1341 8 1349 20 329 11 15 375 1724 1238 456 25 5 1724 14 44 1649 17 1724

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad Block : Thrithala

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Other Indu Comme Instituti Total(Res+ Other That Til Concre Oth
g Total Others Total Male Female Local Total Total
s strial rcial onal NonRes) s ched ed te ers
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21

1 Anakkara 146 0 146 1 38 0 0 39 185 145 40 0 0 185 0 1 184 0 185

2 Chalissery 116 7 123 7 89 0 2 98 221 180 40 0 1 221 0 0 210 11 221

3 Kapur 248 38 286 2 76 9 0 87 373 298 48 19 8 373 0 0 367 6 373

4 Nagalassery 111 15 126 2 34 0 4 40 166 125 37 4 0 166 0 0 162 4 166

5 Pattithara 167 0 167 4 73 0 3 80 247 188 48 0 11 247 8 0 237 2 247

6 Thirumittacode 205 32 237 3 174 0 9 186 423 337 77 6 3 423 0 0 418 5 423

7 Thrithala 155 64 219 1 162 1 2 166 385 302 81 1 1 385 0 0 378 7 385

Total 1148 156 1304 20 646 10 20 696 2000 1575 371 30 24 2000 8 1 1956 35 2000

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Palakkad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwellin Com Instit Total(Re /
Other Indus Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total merci ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Others Total Tiled Total
s trial s hed te s
Houses al al s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alathur 1662 4 1666 19 270 5 78 372 2038 1264 741 25 8 2038 84 44 1718 192 2038

2 Attappady 690 60 750 6 251 15 86 358 1108 681 372 36 19 1108 0 99 830 179 1108

3 Chittoor 2042 1 2043 39 338 20 14 411 2454 1645 783 13 13 2454 375 332 1438 309 2454

4 Kollengode 1212 0 1212 11 298 4 38 351 1563 1001 516 36 10 1563 73 165 1190 135 1563

5 Kozhalmannam 1547 9 1556 5 221 3 14 243 1799 1213 572 10 4 1799 148 105 1431 115 1799

6 Malampuzha 1518 2 1520 15 224 17 7 263 1783 1240 532 9 2 1783 4 41 1699 39 1783

7 Mannarkkad 2189 13 2202 66 972 7 54 1099 3301 2512 747 20 22 3301 0 114 3084 103 3301

8 Nenmara 1304 2 1306 19 141 28 42 230 1536 999 475 47 15 1536 161 63 1175 137 1536

9 Ottappalam 2210 0 2210 51 627 13 33 724 2934 2120 765 21 28 2934 0 0 2538 396 2934

10 Palakkad 1675 21 1696 18 418 24 28 488 2184 1535 602 34 13 2184 0 55 1964 165 2184

11 Pattambi 1348 116 1464 44 722 21 54 841 2305 1839 429 17 20 2305 2 12 2156 135 2305

12 1341 8 1349 20 329 11 15 375 1724 1238 456 25 5 1724 14 44 1649 17 1724

13 Thrithala 1148 156 1304 20 646 10 20 696 2000 1575 371 30 24 2000 8 1 1956 35 2000

14 Thathamangala 571 0 571 4 154 16 4 178 749 496 233 19 1 749 0 0 748 1 749
15 631 5 636 4 242 3 5 254 890 530 360 0 0 890 0 10 880 0 890

16 Palakkad (M) 958 48 1006 12 384 6 18 420 1426 1160 240 21 5 1426 0 0 1397 29 1426

17 Shornur (M) 431 4 435 2 40 2 0 44 479 349 130 0 0 479 0 75 404 0 479

18 Pattambi(M) 348 22 370 6 128 8 7 149 519 396 112 7 4 519 0 0 499 20 519

19 268 0 268 4 34 0 5 43 311 214 97 0 0 311 0 31 280 0 311
20 206 0 206 1 203 0 1 205 411 327 75 9 0 411 0 3 395 13 411

Total 23299 471 23770 366 6642 213 523 7744 31514 22334 8608 379 193 31514 869 1194 27431 2020 31514

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Anthikkad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwelli
. /
ng Other Tota Industri Commerci Institut Total(Res+No Femal Other Tota Thatche Tile Concret Other Tota
Others Total Male Local
House s l al al ional nRes) e s l d d e s l
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Anthikkad 87 0 87 0 50 0 1 51 138 96 41 0 1 138 0 0 138 0 138

2 Arimpoor 164 10 174 2 35 1 1 39 213 117 94 0 2 213 0 0 205 8 213

3 Chazhur 183 0 183 2 35 0 3 40 223 148 66 0 9 223 0 0 222 1 223

4 Manalur 87 0 87 2 60 2 16 80 167 135 24 1 7 167 0 1 166 0 167

5 Thanniyam 125 0 125 2 15 0 1 18 143 98 42 2 1 143 0 0 143 0 143

Total 646 10 656 8 195 3 22 228 884 594 267 3 20 884 0 1 874 9 884

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Chalakkudy

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Other Indus Commerci Institution Other Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatch Tile Concret Oth
Total Total Male Local Total Total
Hous s trial al al s NonRes) e s ed d e ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Athirapally 30 0 30 1 20 0 3 24 54 26 19 6 3 54 0 0 49 5 54

2 Kadukutty 134 6 140 7 35 3 7 52 192 124 59 4 5 192 0 0 172 20 192

3 Kodassery 203 0 203 1 68 1 2 72 275 214 60 0 1 275 0 0 269 6 275

4 Koratty 170 2 172 27 118 0 8 153 325 244 59 5 17 325 0 0 295 30 325

5 Melur 178 1 179 8 34 1 6 49 228 149 75 2 2 228 0 0 218 10 228

6 Pariyaram 121 0 121 7 26 2 1 36 157 96 58 2 1 157 0 0 152 5 157

Total 836 9 845 51 301 7 27 386 1231 853 330 19 29 1231 0 0 1155 76 1231

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Chavakkad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwel
. Govt. / Ot
ling Other Indus Commer Institut Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Tile Concret
Total Others Total Male Local Total her Total
Hous s trial cial ional NonRes) e s hed d e
Bodies s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 21

1 Kadappuram 85 0 85 1 12 1 1 15 100 68 32 0 0 100 1 2 97 0 100

2 Orumanayoor 38 0 38 0 4 0 0 4 42 33 9 0 0 42 1 1 40 0 42

3 Punnayoorkulam 182 6 188 0 88 0 0 88 276 190 75 9 2 276 2 1 271 2 276

4 Punnayur 199 0 199 3 44 0 0 47 246 186 60 0 0 246 6 2 238 0 246

5 Vadakkekkad 90 1 91 1 59 1 0 61 152 131 11 2 8 152 1 1 150 0 152

Total 594 7 601 5 207 2 1 215 816 608 187 11 10 816 11 7 796 2 816

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Cherpu

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(Re /
Oth Indu Commerci Institution Other Femal Other Thatch Tile Concret Oth
g Total Total s+NonRe Male Local Total Total
ers strial al al s e s ed d e ers
Houses s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Avinissery 280 0 280 24 31 0 11 66 346 162 118 0 66 346 0 8 310 28 346

2 Cherpu 212 0 212 12 102 2 2 118 330 248 79 2 1 330 0 1 327 2 330

3 Paralam 142 0 142 3 34 1 0 38 180 139 40 1 0 180 0 1 177 2 180

4 Vallachira 136 0 136 14 11 0 15 40 176 102 36 0 38 176 0 9 152 15 176

Total 770 0 770 53 178 3 28 262 1032 651 273 3 105 1032 0 19 966 47 1032

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Chowannur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Oth Indust Comme Institut Total(Res Femal Other That Tile Other
g Total Others Total Male Local Total Concrete Total
ers rial rcial ional +NonRes) e s ched d s
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Choondal 233 0 233 0 33 0 2 35 268 183 83 0 2 268 0 0 265 3 268

2 Chowannur 90 0 90 12 26 1 5 44 134 101 31 0 2 134 0 1 130 3 134

3 Kadangode 245 0 245 1 180 2 9 192 437 408 25 1 3 437 0 0 437 0 437

4 Kadavallur 288 1 289 6 24 3 1 34 323 250 69 4 0 323 0 10 303 10 323

5 Kandanissery 186 0 186 1 31 0 1 33 219 158 60 0 1 219 0 0 215 4 219

6 Kattakampal 157 16 173 10 37 2 7 56 229 159 60 7 3 229 0 6 223 0 229

7 Porkulam 104 11 115 9 6 1 11 27 142 91 48 1 2 142 0 1 141 0 142

8 Velur 267 0 267 11 62 1 3 77 344 271 70 3 344 0 0 340 4 344

Total 1570 28 1598 50 399 10 39 498 2096 1621 446 16 13 2096 0 18 2054 24 2096

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Irinjalakkuda

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin /
Other Industr Commer Instituti Other Total(Res+ Femal Other That Tile Concr Other
g Total Total Male Local Total Total
s ial cial onal s NonRes) e s ched d ete s
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Karalam 107 4 111 5 39 1 2 47 158 116 40 2 158 0 3 145 10 158

2 Kattoor 97 3 100 3 27 0 3 33 133 89 41 1 2 133 0 0 126 7 133

3 Muriyad 195 0 195 10 63 0 1 74 269 158 109 0 2 269 0 0 191 78 269

4 Parappukkara 210 0 210 13 72 0 3 88 298 195 90 0 13 298 0 0 258 40 298

Total 609 7 616 31 201 1 9 242 858 558 280 3 17 858 0 3 720 135 858

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Kodakara

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit /
Other Indus Commer Other Total(Res Femal Other That Concre Other
g Total ution Total Male Local Total Tiled Total
s trial cial s +NonRes) e s ched te s
Houses al Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Alagappa 0
1 142 1 143 4 32 1 1 38 181 147 30 4 0 181 1 162 18 181

2 Kodakara 174 0 174 8 77 2 2 89 263 169 86 6 2 263 0 0 254 9 263

3 Mattathur 218 2 220 16 92 6 1 115 335 197 133 4 1 335 0 3 314 18 335

4 Nenmenikkara 104 0 104 1 65 2 2 70 174 122 49 0 3 174 0 0 166 8 174

5 Puthukkad 112 0 112 2 36 1 1 40 152 110 41 1 0 152 0 1 145 6 152

6 Thrikkur 164 0 164 5 39 2 0 46 210 146 55 0 9 210 0 0 128 82 210

7 Varandarapilly 281 7 288 9 126 1 6 142 430 321 104 3 2 430 0 0 427 3 430

Total 1195 10 1205 45 467 15 13 540 1745 1212 498 18 17 1745 0 5 1596 144 1745

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Mala

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat t. /
. Dwellin Instit
Oth Industr Comme Total(Res Loc Other Thatch Concr Other
g Total ution Others Total Male Female Total Tiled Total
ers ial rcial +NonRes) al s ed ete s
Houses al
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Aloor 222 0 222 9 99 1 10 119 341 325 13 1 2 341 0 0 324 17 341

2 Annamanada 145 0 145 3 47 0 1 51 196 149 46 0 1 196 0 0 185 11 196

3 Kuzhur 117 0 117 7 15 3 0 25 142 81 58 3 0 142 0 0 126 16 142

4 Mala 225 0 225 9 194 6 13 222 447 345 101 1 0 447 0 0 432 15 447

5 Poyya 153 0 153 2 62 0 6 70 223 161 62 0 0 223 0 0 220 3 223

Total 862 0 862 30 417 10 30 487 1349 1061 280 5 3 1349 0 0 1287 62 1349

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Mathilakom

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit Total(Re / Tha
Other Indus Commer Other Femal Other Tile Concre Other
g Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Local Total tche Total
s trial cial s e s d te s
Houses al s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Edathuruthy 214 1 215 1 15 4 1 21 236 156 75 3 2 236 0 12 219 5 236

2 Eriyad 342 5 347 2 160 2 3 167 514 346 146 2 20 514 0 4 490 20 514

3 Edavilange 139 0 139 2 56 2 2 62 201 145 54 0 2 201 0 2 186 13 201

4 Kaipamangalam 338 0 338 11 169 0 4 184 522 367 141 0 14 522 0 2 486 34 522

5 Mathilakam 189 0 189 4 96 2 6 108 297 204 83 4 6 297 0 2 285 10 297

6 Perinjanam 131 0 131 3 90 0 3 96 227 151 72 1 3 227 0 1 210 16 227

Sree 0 0 0 0 0
7 179 179 4 84 0 88 267 195 72 267 13 254 0 267

Total 1532 6 1538 27 670 10 19 726 2264 1564 643 10 47 2264 0 36 2130 98 2264

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Mullassery

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwel
. Indu /
ling Other Commerci Institut Other Total(Res Femal Other Tota Thatche Tile Concret Other Tota
Total stria Total Male Local
Hous s al ional s +NonRes) e s l d d e s l
l Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Elavally 179 0 179 1 19 0 0 20 199 153 46 0 0 199 0 0 199 0 199

2 Mullassery 93 4 97 0 34 0 1 35 132 97 35 0 0 132 0 2 129 1 132

3 Pavaratty 113 0 113 2 78 3 0 83 196 163 33 0 0 196 0 0 196 0 196

4 Venkidangu 103 3 106 1 59 0 0 60 166 124 41 0 1 166 0 0 163 3 166

Total 488 7 495 4 190 3 1 198 693 537 155 0 1 693 0 2 687 4 693

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Ollukkara

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Oth Indus Commerci Institu Total(Res Oth Thatc Concre Oth
Total Others Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
House ers trial al tional +NonRes) ers hed te ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Madakkathara 137 0 137 3 24 0 2 29 166 119 47 0 0 166 0 4 155 7 166

2 Nadathara 316 0 316 6 54 0 6 66 382 267 112 3 0 382 0 0 363 19 382

3 Panancherry 377 0 377 2 136 0 7 145 522 284 237 1 0 522 4 12 499 7 522

4 Puthur 242 0 242 3 56 4 3 66 308 231 70 7 0 308 0 1 297 10 308

Total 1072 0 1072 14 270 4 18 306 1378 901 466 11 0 1378 4 17 1314 43 1378

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Pazhayannur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat Dwell t. /
. Com Total(R
ing Other Indust Instituti Loc Thatc Tile Concr Other
Total merci Others Total es+Non Male Female Others Total Total
House s rial onal al hed d ete s
al Res)
s Bod
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chelakkara 195 0 195 4 39 2 0 45 240 163 75 2 0 240 0 2 232 6 240

2 Kondazhy 207 0 207 3 72 1 0 76 283 200 81 2 0 283 0 2 277 4 283

3 Panjal 122 0 122 0 41 5 0 46 168 122 40 4 2 168 0 0 168 0 168

4 Pazhayannur 184 0 184 3 46 0 1 50 234 163 70 1 0 234 1 2 221 10 234

5 Thiruvilluamala 188 0 188 2 54 2 11 69 257 190 60 6 1 257 0 2 253 2 257

6 Vallathol Nagar 171 5 176 0 57 1 2 60 236 179 51 6 0 236 0 0 200 36 236

Total 1067 5 1072 12 309 11 14 346 1418 1017 377 21 3 1418 1 8 1351 58 1418

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Puzhakkal

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of Govt
Panchayat ./
. Total(R Tha
Dwelling Industri Commerc Institutio Othe Loca Othe Til Concr Other
Others Total Total es+Non Male Female Total tche Total
Houses al ial nal rs l rs ed ete s
Res) d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21

1 Adat 274 0 274 0 70 11 0 81 355 207 137 0 11 355 0 0 355 0 355

2 Kolazhy 158 0 158 0 44 5 0 49 207 147 56 4 0 207 0 0 202 5 207

3 Avannoor 159 0 159 3 31 8 1 43 202 140 59 3 0 202 0 1 199 2 202

4 Kaipparambu 154 0 154 1 33 1 4 39 193 140 45 4 4 193 0 0 180 13 193

Mulamkunnathu 0 0
5 114 3 117 1 36 5 0 42 159 82 72 5 0 159 159 0 159

6 Tholur 86 0 86 0 18 0 1 19 105 71 33 0 1 105 0 1 104 0 105

Total 945 3 948 5 232 30 6 273 1221 787 402 16 16 1221 0 2 1199 20 1221

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Thalikkulam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwel
. Govt. /
ling Other Indust Comm Institut Other Total(Res+ Other That Concr Oth
Total Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
Hous s rial ercial ional s NonRes) s ched ete ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Engadiyoor 89 0 89 2 49 0 0 51 140 104 35 0 1 140 0 0 132 8 140

2 Nattika 102 0 102 1 75 0 0 76 178 144 34 0 0 178 0 6 168 4 178

3 Thalikkulam 193 3 196 4 71 0 0 75 271 216 55 0 0 271 0 8 260 3 271

4 Vadanapally 117 18 135 0 19 1 2 22 157 91 36 1 29 157 0 0 157 0 157

5 Valappad 178 0 178 1 72 1 5 79 257 226 31 0 0 257 2 2 245 8 257

Total 679 21 700 8 286 2 7 303 1003 781 191 1 30 1003 2 16 962 23 1003

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Vellangallur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. Total(Re /
ing Oth Indus Comme Institut That Oth
Total Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Others Total Tiled Concrete Total
House ers trial rcial ional ched ers
s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Padiyoor 126 0 126 1 8 0 0 9 135 80 55 0 0 135 0 21 114 0 135

2 Poomangalam 58 0 58 2 16 0 4 22 80 53 26 1 0 80 0 5 75 0 80

3 Puthenchira 122 0 122 4 17 0 4 25 147 96 46 1 4 147 0 0 133 14 147

4 Vellangallur 255 0 255 9 134 1 0 144 399 235 162 0 2 399 0 0 386 13 399

5 Velookara 201 0 201 20 50 1 0 71 272 177 91 0 4 272 0 0 250 22 272

Total 762 0 762 36 225 2 8 271 1033 641 380 2 10 1033 0 26 958 49 1033

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur Block : Wadakkancherry

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit Total(Re /
Other Industr Commer Femal Other Thatc Tile Concret Oth
g Total ution Others Total s+NonRe Male Local Total Total
s ial cial e s hed d e ers
Houses al s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Desamangalam 180 0 180 0 72 4 9 85 265 207 54 4 0 265 0 0 260 5 265

2 Erumapetty 169 0 169 5 114 2 11 132 301 228 61 9 3 301 0 2 283 16 301

3 Mulloorkara 114 1 115 0 32 0 3 35 150 106 40 4 0 150 0 0 149 1 150

4 Thekkumkara 247 0 247 6 83 0 3 92 339 259 76 1 3 339 0 0 338 1 339

5 Varavoor 130 0 130 0 42 14 1 57 187 137 36 13 1 187 0 0 178 9 187

Total 840 1 841 11 343 20 27 401 1242 937 267 31 7 1242 0 2 1208 32 1242

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thrissur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwellin Instit Total(R / Tha
Other Indus Comme Other Femal Other Concre
g Total ution Total es+Non Male Local Total tche Tiled Others Total
s trial rcial s e s te
Houses al Res) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Anthikkad 646 10 656 8 195 3 22 228 884 594 267 3 20 884 0 1 874 9 884

2 Chalakkudy 836 9 845 51 301 7 27 386 1231 853 330 19 29 1231 0 0 1155 76 1231

3 Chavakkad 594 7 601 5 207 2 1 215 816 608 187 11 10 816 11 7 796 2 816

4 Cherpu 770 0 770 53 178 3 28 262 1032 651 273 3 105 1032 0 19 966 47 1032

5 Chowannur 1570 28 1598 50 399 10 39 498 2096 1621 446 16 13 2096 0 18 2054 24 2096

6 Irinjalakkuda 609 7 616 31 201 1 9 242 858 558 280 3 17 858 0 3 720 135 858

7 Kodakara 1195 10 1205 45 467 15 13 540 1745 1212 498 18 17 1745 0 5 1596 144 1745

8 Mala 862 0 862 30 417 10 30 487 1349 1061 280 5 3 1349 0 0 1287 62 1349

9 Mathilakom 1532 6 1538 27 670 10 19 726 2264 1564 643 10 47 2264 0 36 2130 98 2264

10 Mullassery 488 7 495 4 190 3 1 198 693 537 155 0 1 693 0 2 687 4 693

11 Ollukkara 1072 0 1072 14 270 4 18 306 1378 901 466 11 1378 4 17 1314 43 1378

12 Pazhayannur 1067 5 1072 12 309 11 14 346 1418 1017 377 21 3 1418 1 8 1351 58 1418

13 Puzhakkal 945 3 948 5 232 30 6 273 1221 787 402 16 16 1221 0 2 1199 20 1221

14 Thalikkulam 679 21 700 8 286 2 7 303 1003 781 191 1 30 1003 2 16 962 23 1003

15 Vellangallur 762 0 762 36 225 2 8 271 1033 641 380 2 10 1033 0 26 958 49 1033

Wadakkancher 0
16 840 1 841 11 343 20 27 401 1242 937 267 31 7 1242 2 1208 32 1242
Chalakkudy 0
24 288 2 290 3 171 6 7 187 477 352 116 6 3 477 2 460 15 477

25 Chavakkad (M) 322 0 322 4 65 1 1 71 393 319 73 1 393 0 0 393 0 393

26 653 29 682 15 85 2 3 105 787 609 173 4 1 787 4 0 780 3 787
Iringalakuda 0
27 352 0 352 6 129 2 17 154 506 347 142 8 9 506 2 477 27 506
Kodungallur 0
28 833 2 835 22 278 5 12 317 1152 659 461 22 10 1152 7 913 232 1152
Kunnamkulam 0
29 405 5 410 8 193 7 1 209 619 423 188 5 3 619 10 586 23 619
Wadakkancher 0
30 346 2 348 35 148 3 2 188 536 391 126 16 3 536 5 514 17 536
y (M)

33 Thrissur (C) 8563 4 8567 45 3289 19 838 4191 12758 8467 2339 28 1924 12758 0 0 12574 184 12758

Total 26229 158 26387 528 9248 178 1150 11104 37491 25890 9060 260 2281 37491 22 188 35954 1327 37491

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Alengad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwelli Instit Total(Re /
Othe Industr Comme Other Other That Concr Other
ng Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
rs ial rcial s s ched ete s
Houses al s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alengad 530 0 530 2 112 0 5 119 649 548 68 0 33 649 0 0 632 17 649

2 Kadungallur 384 0 384 7 136 5 2 150 534 408 121 0 5 534 0 2 532 0 534

3 Karumalloor 774 0 774 1 79 0 23 103 877 550 327 0 0 877 0 10 857 10 877

4 Varappuzha 162 0 162 0 15 0 0 15 177 122 55 0 0 177 0 0 171 6 177

Total 1850 0 1850 10 342 5 30 387 2237 1628 571 0 38 2237 0 12 2192 33 2237

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Angamali

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Instit Total(Re Govt. /
Other Indu Comm Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Others Total Total
s strial ercial s hed d te s
Houses al s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ayyanpuzha 46 0 46 4 9 1 1 15 61 51 10 0 0 61 0 1 51 9 61

2 Kalady 1896 21 1917 145 705 13 138 1001 2918 2041 877 0 0 2918 0 72 2846 0 2918

3 Kanjoor 138 0 138 1 54 4 12 71 209 164 45 0 0 209 0 0 208 1 209

4 Karukutty 222 0 222 4 88 0 0 92 314 291 23 0 0 314 0 0 309 5 314

Malayattoor -
5 137 0 137 5 26 0 0 31 168 168 0 0 0 168 0 0 168 0 168

6 Manjapra 76 7 83 0 69 0 21 90 173 111 48 0 14 173 0 0 161 12 173

7 Mukkannoor 121 0 121 5 29 2 1 37 158 119 37 1 1 158 0 24 134 0 158

8 Thuravoor 131 0 131 16 21 1 1 39 170 138 31 1 0 170 0 2 153 15 170

Total 2767 28 2795 180 1001 21 174 1376 4171 3083 1071 2 15 4171 0 99 4030 42 4171

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Edapally

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwel
. Com /
ling Other Indus Institutio Total(Res Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
Total merci Others Total Male Female Local Total Total
Hous s trial nal +NonRes) s hed d te ers
al Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Cheranalloor 63 0 63 0 11 1 2 14 77 53 23 1 0 77 0 2 73 2 77

2 Elamkunnapuzha 501 1 502 0 116 0 3 119 621 469 152 0 0 621 0 4 617 0 621

3 Kadamakudy 81 0 81 0 10 0 10 20 101 90 7 0 4 101 0 1 97 3 101

4 Mulavukad 172 0 172 0 10 28 0 38 210 150 60 0 0 210 0 0 210 0 210

Total 817 1 818 0 147 29 15 191 1009 762 242 1 4 1009 0 7 997 5 1009

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Koovappady

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Com Total(Re / Tha
Dwelling Other Industria Institut Other Femal Other Tile Concre Other
Total merci Total s+NonRe Male Local Total tche Total
Houses s l ional s e s d te s
al s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Asamannur 136 15 151 21 40 1 3 65 216 133 83 0 0 216 0 0 196 20 216

2 Koovappady 186 1 187 20 52 0 0 72 259 185 74 0 0 259 0 0 167 92 259

3 Mudakkuzha 110 0 110 19 32 1 5 57 167 120 42 1 4 167 0 27 121 19 167

4 Okkal 96 0 96 4 53 1 4 62 158 130 28 0 0 158 0 0 149 9 158

5 Rayamangalam 545 39 584 63 210 3 24 300 884 743 127 6 8 884 0 0 810 74 884

6 Vengoor 143 0 143 7 41 9 6 63 206 156 44 6 0 206 0 0 175 31 206

Total 1216 55 1271 134 428 15 42 619 1890 1467 398 13 12 1890 0 27 1618 245 1890

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Kothamangalam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Com Instit Total(R /
Indus Other Femal Other Thatc Concre Other
g Others Total merci ution Total es+Non Male Local Total Tiled Total
trial s e s hed te s
Houses al al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kavalangad 476 18 494 8 152 0 26 186 680 428 252 0 0 680 0 0 663 17 680

2 Keerampara 207 6 213 5 41 0 8 54 267 194 72 1 0 267 69 0 198 0 267

3 Kottapady 126 0 126 20 65 0 9 94 220 175 45 0 0 220 0 0 198 22 220

4 Kuttampuzha 104 0 104 2 22 0 20 44 148 102 46 0 0 148 18 0 130 0 148

5 Nellikuzhy 324 0 324 17 141 0 3 161 485 405 78 2 0 485 0 0 441 44 485

6 Paingottoor 96 3 99 1 6 0 3 10 109 71 38 0 0 109 0 0 104 5 109

7 Pallarimangalam 139 0 139 4 36 0 1 41 180 157 23 0 0 180 0 0 176 4 180

8 Pindimana 108 0 108 2 40 1 1 44 152 112 40 0 0 152 0 27 125 0 152

9 Pothanicadu 99 0 99 3 15 1 0 19 118 89 29 0 0 118 0 10 108 0 118

10 Varapetty 196 0 196 0 41 2 1 44 240 185 54 1 0 240 0 7 231 2 240

Total 1875 27 1902 62 559 4 72 697 2599 1918 677 4 0 2599 87 44 2374 94 2599

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Moovattupuzha

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwell
. Total(Re Govt. /
ing Other Indust Comm Institut Other Thatc Concre Other
Total Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Others Total Tiled Total
House s rial ercial ional s hed te s
s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Arakuzha 89 0 89 2 20 1 3 26 115 87 27 1 0 115 0 0 109 6 115

2 Avoli 167 3 170 5 39 0 1 45 215 148 67 0 0 215 14 0 201 0 215

3 Ayavana 165 0 165 9 20 2 7 38 203 140 59 4 0 203 0 16 187 0 203

4 Kalloorkadu 91 0 91 3 10 1 0 14 105 90 14 1 0 105 0 0 99 6 105

5 Manjalloor 162 0 162 7 58 2 11 78 240 164 70 1 5 240 0 0 229 11 240

6 Marady 78 0 78 16 33 2 0 51 129 109 20 0 0 129 8 0 121 0 129

7 Paipra 523 0 523 8 193 2 0 203 726 602 124 0 0 726 0 0 711 15 726

8 Valakom 107 4 111 2 24 1 1 28 139 114 25 0 0 139 3 0 136 0 139

Total 1382 7 1389 52 397 11 23 483 1872 1454 406 7 5 1872 25 16 1793 38 1872

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Mulanthuruthy

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Total(
. Dwellin /
Other Indus Comme Institut Other Res+N Other Thatc Concr
g Total Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Others Total
s trial rcial ional s onRes s hed ete
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Amballoor 69 0 69 0 17 4 1 22 91 64 26 1 0 91 0 7 78 6 91

2 Chottanikkara 194 3 197 10 23 0 0 33 230 174 50 6 0 230 55 0 175 0 230

3 Edakkattuvayal 127 1 128 3 23 1 3 30 158 108 45 4 1 158 2 5 151 0 158

4 Maneed 85 1 86 9 19 1 2 31 117 82 33 2 0 117 0 4 99 14 117

5 Mulanthuruthy 364 0 364 15 81 7 1 104 468 281 187 0 0 468 1 25 441 1 468

6 Udayamperur 360 0 360 4 56 2 6 68 428 337 91 0 0 428 0 0 428 0 428

Total 1199 5 1204 41 219 15 13 288 1492 1046 432 13 1 1492 58 41 1372 21 1492

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Palluruthy

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwel
. Total(Re Govt. /
ling Other Indust Comm Institut Other Tota Thatche Tile Concret Other Tota
Total Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local
Hous s rial ercial ional s l d d e s l
s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chellanam 242 0 242 0 0 0 0 0 242 186 56 0 0 242 0 2 235 5 242

2 Kumbalam 369 0 369 0 53 12 0 65 434 352 74 1 7 434 0 0 434 0 434

3 Kumbalangi 238 0 238 0 66 10 1 77 315 206 108 1 0 315 0 0 315 0 315

Total 849 0 849 0 119 22 1 142 991 744 238 2 7 991 0 2 984 5 991

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Pampakkuda

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Total(Re Govt. /
Other Industr Comm Institu Thatc Tile Concr Oth
g Total Others Total s+NonR Male Female Local Others Total Total
s ial ercial tional hed d ete ers
Houses es) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Elenji 51 0 51 0 25 0 0 25 76 66 9 1 0 76 0 0 76 0 76

2 Palakkuzha 95 0 95 6 29 0 6 41 136 89 31 0 16 136 0 4 118 14 136

3 Pampakuda 75 0 75 7 14 0 0 21 96 72 24 0 0 96 0 0 84 12 96

4 Ramamangalam 73 0 73 7 23 0 2 32 105 73 28 1 3 105 0 2 93 10 105

5 Thirumarady 115 0 115 0 22 0 0 22 137 82 55 0 0 137 0 0 126 11 137

Total 409 0 409 20 113 0 8 141 550 382 147 2 19 550 0 6 497 47 550

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Parakadavu

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Total(Re / Tha
Dwelling Oth Industr Commer Institut Othe Femal Other Tile Concre Other
Total Total s+NonRe Male Local Total tche Total
Houses ers ial cial ional rs e s d te s
s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chengamanadu 133 2 135 1 45 1 1 48 183 139 44 0 0 183 7 1 175 0 183

2 Kunnukara 180 0 180 7 44 13 5 69 249 190 36 23 0 249 0 0 231 18 249

3 Nedumbassery 320 6 326 6 120 10 15 151 477 320 151 6 0 477 10 0 415 52 477

4 Parakadavu 201 0 201 7 83 0 0 90 291 229 62 0 0 291 0 23 268 0 291

5 Sreemoolanagaram 124 0 124 1 20 1 0 22 146 100 46 0 0 146 2 0 144 0 146

6 Puthenvelikkara 109 0 109 3 30 3 9 45 154 110 44 0 0 154 0 0 122 32 154

Total 1067 8 1075 25 342 28 30 425 1500 1088 383 29 0 1500 19 24 1355 102 1500

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Parur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
No Name of Panchayat Govt.
. Dwellin Indu Total(R /
Other Commerci Instituti Othe Thatc Tile Concr Oth
g Total stria Others Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Total
s al onal rs hed d ete ers
Houses l Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chendamangalam 159 0 159 0 45 1 0 46 205 126 78 1 0 205 0 0 190 15 205

2 Chittattukara 147 4 151 2 19 0 0 21 172 117 55 0 0 172 0 2 165 5 172

3 Ezhikkara 99 0 99 1 13 0 3 17 116 86 29 0 1 116 0 3 109 4 116

4 Kottuvally 290 0 290 3 86 0 8 97 387 257 111 6 13 387 23 1 363 0 387

5 Vadakkekkara 157 0 157 2 26 6 8 42 199 134 55 5 5 199 0 0 195 4 199

Total 852 4 856 8 189 7 19 223 1079 720 328 12 19 1079 23 6 1022 28 1079

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Vadavukkode

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Name of Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
. Dwellin Total(Re Govt. / Ot
Other Industr Commer Institu Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Total Total s+NonRe Male Female Local her Total Total
s ial cial tional s hed d te s
Houses s) Bodies s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Aikkaranadu 172 0 172 5 57 0 13 75 247 174 67 0 6 247 0 0 226 21 247

2 Kunnathunad 466 27 493 58 159 1 20 238 731 700 31 0 0 731 0 57 674 0 731

3 Mazhuvannoor 249 0 249 11 110 0 13 134 383 298 82 3 0 383 0 0 337 46 383

4 Poothikka 109 0 109 4 48 0 17 69 178 142 23 12 1 178 0 4 156 18 178

5 Thiruvaniyoor 322 0 322 5 64 4 24 97 419 256 79 4 80 419 0 0 392 27 419

6 188 2 190 12 38 1 6 57 247 134 106 6 1 247 0 0 230 17 247

Total 1506 29 1535 95 476 6 93 670 2205 1704 388 25 88 2205 0 61 2015 129 2205

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Vazhakkulam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. / Tha
ing Oth Industr Comme Institut Total(Res+ Femal Oth Tile Concr Other
Total Others Total Male Local Total tche Total
House ers ial rcial ional NonRes) e ers d ete s
Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Choornikkara 327 0 327 0 113 0 2 115 442 236 200 1 5 442 0 0 441 1 442

2 Edathala 758 0 758 2 161 3 26 192 950 728 220 2 0 950 0 0 898 52 950

3 Keezhmad 403 0 403 5 107 0 0 112 515 456 59 0 0 515 0 0 515 0 515

4 Kizhakkambalam 681 4 685 39 141 6 0 186 871 671 200 0 0 871 0 0 671 200 871

5 Vazhakkulam 348 0 348 12 72 6 5 95 443 327 112 4 0 443 0 0 405 38 443

6 Vengola 379 0 379 0 95 8 0 103 482 373 109 0 0 482 6 0 476 0 482

Total 2896 4 2900 58 689 23 33 803 3703 2791 900 7 5 3703 6 0 3406 291 3703

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam Block : Vypin

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Total(R Govt. /
Oth Indu Comm Institutio Other That Concr Oth
g Total Others Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers strial ercial nal s ched ete ers
Houses Res) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Edavanakkad 125 0 125 0 34 0 1 35 160 126 34 0 0 160 0 0 160 0 160

2 Kuzheeppilly 80 0 80 1 26 0 3 30 110 86 21 2 1 110 0 6 101 3 110

3 Nayarambalam 168 0 168 0 20 2 1 23 191 124 57 0 10 191 0 8 183 0 191

4 Njarakkal 144 0 144 0 21 6 0 27 171 137 33 1 0 171 0 0 171 0 171

5 Pallippuram 115 0 115 0 53 0 0 53 168 110 57 1 0 168 0 0 168 0 168

Total 632 0 632 1 154 8 5 168 800 583 202 4 11 800 0 14 783 3 800

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Ernakulam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwellin Com Instit Total(R /
Other Indus Other Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total merci ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
s trial s s hed te s
Houses al al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alengad 1850 0 1850 10 342 5 30 387 2237 1628 571 0 38 2237 0 12 2192 33 2237

2 Angamali 2767 28 2795 180 1001 21 174 1376 4171 3083 1071 2 15 4171 0 99 4030 42 4171

3 Edapally 817 1 818 0 147 29 15 191 1009 762 242 1 4 1009 0 7 997 5 1009

4 Koovappady 1216 55 1271 134 428 15 42 619 1890 1467 398 13 12 1890 0 27 1618 245 1890

5 Kothamangalam 1875 27 1902 62 559 4 72 697 2599 1918 677 4 0 2599 87 44 2374 94 2599

6 Moovattupuzha 1382 7 1389 52 397 11 23 483 1872 1454 406 7 5 1872 25 16 1793 38 1872

7 Mulanthuruthy 1199 5 1204 41 219 15 13 288 1492 1046 432 13 1 1492 58 41 1372 21 1492

8 Palluruthy 849 0 849 0 119 22 1 142 991 744 238 2 7 991 0 2 984 5 991

9 Pampakkuda 409 0 409 20 113 0 8 141 550 382 147 2 19 550 0 6 497 47 550

10 Parakadavu 1067 8 1075 25 342 28 30 425 1500 1088 383 29 0 1500 19 24 1355 102 1500

11 Parur 852 4 856 8 189 7 19 223 1079 720 328 12 19 1079 23 6 1022 28 1079

12 Vadavukkode 1506 29 1535 95 476 6 93 670 2205 1704 388 25 88 2205 0 61 2015 129 2205

13 Vazhakkulam 2896 4 2900 58 689 23 33 803 3703 2791 900 7 5 3703 6 0 3406 291 3703

14 Vypin 632 0 632 1 154 8 5 168 800 583 202 4 11 800 0 14 783 3 800

15 Thrikkakkara (M) 2305 1 2306 4 496 43 35 578 2884 2232 651 1 0 2884 0 0 2836 48 2884

16 Thrippunithura (M) 917 0 917 2 280 4 38 324 1241 856 286 7 92 1241 0 0 1185 56 1241

17 Aluva(M) 61 0 61 0 13 0 0 13 74 54 20 0 0 74 0 0 74 0 74

18 Angamaly (M) 330 0 330 6 214 0 19 239 569 412 148 3 6 569 1 0 568 0 569

19 Eloor (M) 258 0 258 2 52 0 9 63 321 237 76 8 0 321 0 24 297 0 321

20 Kalamassery (M) 1854 0 1854 0 595 4 138 737 2591 2038 548 5 0 2591 0 0 2522 69 2591

21 Maradu (M) 829 0 829 0 168 11 11 190 1019 850 165 4 0 1019 0 0 1016 3 1019

22 Moovattupuzha (M) 204 9 213 4 57 5 8 74 287 172 101 5 9 287 23 5 257 2 287

23 North Paravur (M) 72 0 72 2 43 3 0 48 120 73 47 0 0 120 0 0 98 22 120

24 Perumbavoor (M) 189 51 240 2 137 0 0 139 379 319 58 1 1 379 1 1 363 14 379

25 Piravam(M) 146 0 146 1 31 1 5 38 184 143 34 1 6 184 0 0 177 7 184

26 Koothattukulam(M) 208 4 212 1 67 0 3 71 283 227 56 0 0 283 0 0 279 4 283

27 Kothamangalam (M) 378 0 378 5 345 6 4 360 738 594 140 3 1 738 0 71 667 0 738

28 Kochi (C) 3478 0 3478 0 340 4 4 348 3826 2075 1712 5 34 3826 0 6 3795 25 3826

Total 30546 233 30779 715 8013 275 832 9835 40614 29652 10425 164 373 40614 243 466 38572 1333 40614

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Idukki Block : Adimali

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Indust Comm Institut Total(Res+ Other That Tile Concr Oth
Others Total Others Total Male Female Local Total Total
House rial ercial ional NonRes) s ched d ete ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Adimali 284 0 284 0 38 1 18 57 341 215 125 1 341 0 4 337 0 341

2 Bison valley 97 1 98 0 0 0 0 0 98 70 27 1 0 98 0 0 97 1 98

3 Konnathady 213 0 213 3 24 4 13 44 257 162 79 2 14 257 0 0 246 11 257

4 Pallivasal 71 0 71 0 10 1 11 82 53 28 1 0 82 0 0 75 7 82

5 Vellathooval 137 51 188 3 18 0 1 22 210 151 53 2 4 210 7 48 155 0 210

Total 802 52 854 6 90 6 32 134 988 651 312 7 18 988 7 52 910 19 988

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Idukki Block : Azhutha

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. Total(Re /
ing Other Indus Comm Institu Other Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
Total Total s+NonRe Male Local Total Total
House s trial ercial tional s e s hed d te s
s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Elappara 217 0 217 0 58 4 0 62 279 186 81 12 0 279 0 0 279 0 279

2 Kokkayar 141 3 144 12 16 0 4 32 176 144 32 0 0 176 0 30 79 67 176

3 Kumily 256 18 274 1 42 10 14 67 341 249 84 8 0 341 0 0 267 74 341

4 Peerumade 216 44 260 0 36 5 14 55 315 182 128 5 0 315 0 22 178 115 315

5 Peruvananthanam 69 15 84 5 8 0 2 15 99 68 27 4 0 99 21 0 78 0 99

6 Vandiperiyar 259 0 259 0 7 2 16 25 284 173 106 5 0 284 22 0 262 0 284

Total 1158 80 1238 18 167 21 50 256 1494 1002 458 34 0 1494 43 52 1143 256 1494

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Idukki Block : Devikulam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat t. /
. Dwellin Total(Re
Oth Industr Comme Institutio Other Femal Loc Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Total Total s+NonRe Male Others Total Total
ers ial rcial nal s e al hed d te s
Houses s)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chinnakkanal 21 0 21 0 1 0 1 2 23 14 7 2 0 23 5 0 18 0 23

2 Kanthalloor 156 0 156 0 11 0 0 11 167 74 90 3 0 167 0 0 164 3 167

3 Mangulam 114 0 114 0 9 0 0 9 123 60 63 0 0 123 0 0 118 5 123

4 Marayoor 160 0 160 0 63 5 6 74 234 135 74 4 21 234 0 0 229 5 234

5 Moonnar 2 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 2

6 Santhampara 62 1 63 0 9 2 1 12 75 38 34 2 1 75 0 0 67 8 75

7 Vattavada 9 0 9 0 0 5 1 6 15 11 3 1 0 15 0 0 4 11 15

8 Devikulam 28 0 28 0 0 0 0 0 28 26 2 0 0 28 0 0 28 0 28

9 Edamalakkudy 15 0 15 0 0 0 0 0 15 9 6 0 0 15 15 0 0 0 15

Total 567 1 568 0 93 12 9 114 682 369 279 12 22 682 20 0 630 32 682

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Idukki Block : Elamdesom

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(Re /
Oth Industri Comme Institut Oth Thatc Concr Oth
g Total Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers al rcial ional ers hed ete ers
Houses s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alakkode 70 0 70 4 11 0 2 17 87 64 23 0 0 87 0 0 71 16 87

2 Karimannur 180 5 185 36 9 3 7 55 240 171 67 2 0 240 0 45 195 0 240

3 Kodikkulam 106 1 107 20 7 0 4 31 138 102 32 2 2 138 0 3 120 15 138

4 Kudayathur 59 0 59 0 12 0 0 12 71 62 9 0 0 71 0 0 70 1 71

5 Udumbannur 122 0 122 3 30 2 3 38 160 122 33 4 1 160 0 0 150 10 160

6 Vannapuram 227 2 229 5 31 5 4 45 274 185 84 5 0 274 0 0 262 12 274

7 Velliyamattom 81 0 81 0 15 4 9 28 109 75 30 4 0 109 3 3 85 18 109

Total 845 8 853 68 115 14 29 226 1079 781 278 17 3 1079 3 51 953 72 1079

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Idukki Block : Idukki

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Other Indust Comm Institut Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Concre
Total Others Total Male Local Total Tiled Others Total
Hous s rial ercial ional NonRes) e s hed te
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Arakulam 96 0 96 0 27 4 2 33 129 94 31 4 0 129 0 10 110 9 129

Idukki - 0 0 0 0 0
2 173 173 12 0 9 21 194 122 72 194 0 194 0 194

3 Kamakshy 103 0 103 1 18 0 41 60 163 121 42 0 0 163 1 2 60 100 163

4 Mariyapuram 108 1 109 1 10 1 3 15 124 104 20 0 0 124 0 94 26 4 124

5 Vathikudy 198 1 199 12 29 0 9 50 249 194 53 1 1 249 0 0 148 101 249

6 Vazhathope 116 0 116 0 78 2 1 81 197 126 68 2 1 197 0 69 128 0 197

Total 794 2 796 14 174 7 65 260 1056 761 286 7 2 1056 1 175 666 214 1056

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Idukki Block : Kattappana

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
No Name of Panchayat
. Ind Instit Total(R Govt. /
Dwelling Other Comme Other Other That Tile Concre Other
Total ustr ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Total
Houses s rcial s s ched d te s
ial al Res) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ayyappan coil 59 0 59 1 4 0 2 7 66 50 15 1 0 66 0 4 62 0 66

2 Chakkupallam 84 0 84 1 27 0 0 28 112 81 30 1 0 112 0 6 98 8 112

3 Erattayar 119 1 120 0 13 3 1 17 137 92 37 8 0 137 8 9 115 5 137

4 Kanchiyar 162 1 163 6 36 2 16 60 223 146 73 4 0 223 0 0 151 72 223

5 Upputhara 147 0 147 0 18 0 7 25 172 106 66 0 0 172 0 0 114 58 172

6 Vandanmedu 134 4 138 1 29 1 4 35 173 112 58 1 2 173 0 0 170 3 173

Total 705 6 711 9 127 6 30 172 883 587 279 15 2 883 8 19 710 146 883

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Idukki Block : Nedumkandam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. Total(R /
ing Other Indust Comm Institut Other Thatc Conc Other
Total Others Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
Hous s rial ercial ional s hed rete s
Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Karunapuram 166 3 169 0 32 0 7 39 208 138 63 7 0 208 12 74 122 0 208

2 Nedumkandam 191 0 191 33 0 0 0 33 224 201 23 0 0 224 0 100 101 23 224

3 Pambadumpara 106 0 106 5 19 0 2 26 132 87 45 0 0 132 0 0 84 48 132

4 Rajakad 134 0 134 0 60 0 2 62 196 151 44 1 0 196 0 32 164 0 196

5 Rajakumary 45 0 45 0 5 0 4 9 54 25 26 3 0 54 0 0 38 16 54

6 Senapathy 107 0 107 0 22 0 3 25 132 93 36 3 0 132 3 0 117 12 132

7 Udumbanchola 98 1 99 0 2 1 0 3 102 74 28 0 0 102 25 0 77 0 102

Total 847 4 851 38 140 1 18 197 1048 769 265 14 0 1048 40 206 703 99 1048

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Idukki Block : Thodupuzha

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit Total(Re / Tha
Other Industr Commer Other Other Tile Concre Other
g Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total tche Total
s ial cial s s d te s
Houses al s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Edavatty 241 0 241 7 16 0 2 25 266 193 72 1 266 0 0 199 67 266

2 Karinkunnam 78 1 79 1 6 0 3 10 89 69 19 0 1 89 0 0 80 9 89

3 Kumaramangalam 169 6 175 1 4 0 1 6 181 99 82 0 181 0 0 159 22 181

4 Manakkad 74 0 74 3 18 0 6 27 101 79 18 1 3 101 1 4 85 11 101

5 Muttam 81 0 81 7 30 2 3 42 123 109 9 1 4 123 0 0 120 3 123

6 Purapuzha 67 0 67 2 2 3 4 11 78 51 20 0 7 78 0 7 61 10 78

Total 710 7 717 21 76 5 19 121 838 600 220 3 15 838 1 11 704 122 838

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Idukki

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwellin Instit Total(R /
Other Indus Comme Other Femal Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total ution Total es+Non Male Local Total Tiled Total
s trial rcial s e s hed te s
Houses al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Adimali 802 52 854 6 90 6 32 134 988 651 312 7 18 988 7 52 910 19 988

2 Azhutha 1158 80 1238 18 167 21 50 256 1494 1002 458 34 1494 43 52 1143 256 1494

3 Devikulam 567 1 568 0 93 12 9 114 682 369 279 12 22 682 20 0 630 32 682

4 Elamdesom 845 8 853 68 115 14 29 226 1079 781 278 17 3 1079 3 51 953 72 1079

5 Idukki 794 2 796 14 174 7 65 260 1056 761 286 7 2 1056 1 175 666 214 1056

6 Kattappana 705 6 711 9 127 6 30 172 883 587 279 15 2 883 8 19 710 146 883

7 Nedumkandam 847 4 851 38 140 1 18 197 1048 769 265 14 1048 40 206 703 99 1048

8 Thodupuzha 710 7 717 21 76 5 19 121 838 600 220 3 15 838 1 11 704 122 838

9 Thodupuzha (M) 176 0 176 4 136 6 1 147 323 254 68 1 0 323 0 0 315 8 323

10 Kattappana(M) 312 0 312 0 48 0 0 48 360 327 33 0 0 360 0 0 360 0 360

Total 6916 160 7076 178 1166 78 253 1675 8751 6101 2478 110 62 8751 123 566 7094 968 8751

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Vaikom

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total( /
Other Indus Comme Institut Other Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total Total Res+N Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
s trial rcial ional s s hed te s
Houses onRes) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Thalayazham 257 0 257 4 47 0 3 54 311 244 63 3 1 311 0 0 206 105 311

2 Chembu 182 0 182 2 19 1 0 22 204 155 49 0 0 204 0 20 169 15 204

3 Maravanthuruthu 191 0 191 1 22 1 3 27 218 165 53 0 0 218 0 15 186 17 218

4 T.V. Puram 133 0 133 3 16 0 5 24 157 113 34 0 10 157 0 0 126 31 157

5 Vechoor 359 7 366 8 66 0 3 77 443 323 110 6 4 443 0 0 277 166 443

6 Udayanapuram 155 0 155 3 13 0 4 20 175 127 48 0 0 175 0 0 148 27 175

Total 1277 7 1284 21 183 2 18 224 1508 1127 357 9 15 1508 0 35 1112 361 1508

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Kaduthuruthy

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
No Name of Panchayat Govt.
. /
Dwelling Oth Indus Comm Institu Other Total(Res Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
Total Total Male Local Total Total
Houses ers trial ercial tional s +NonRes) e s hed d te s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kaduthuruthy 285 0 285 18 79 0 10 107 392 289 65 10 28 392 0 0 344 48 392

2 Kallara 78 1 79 2 12 1 6 21 100 67 27 6 0 100 0 0 89 11 100

3 Mulakkulam 135 0 135 9 6 0 3 18 153 122 29 0 2 153 0 0 124 29 153

4 Njezhoor 99 0 99 6 9 0 1 16 115 89 25 1 0 115 0 0 85 30 115

5 Thalayolapparambu 179 0 179 2 45 1 13 61 240 174 61 5 0 240 0 0 216 24 240

6 Velloor 122 1 123 2 28 1 0 31 154 117 36 0 1 154 0 0 132 22 154

Total 898 2 900 39 179 3 33 254 1154 858 243 22 31 1154 0 0 990 164 1154

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Ettumanoor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total( /
Other Indus Comm Institu Other That Concre Other
g Total Total Res+N Male Female Local Others Total Tiled Total
s trial ercial tional s ched te s
Houses onRes) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Neendoor 99 0 99 0 15 1 0 16 115 95 19 0 1 115 0 3 111 1 115

2 Kumarakom 243 0 243 0 16 1 8 25 268 183 79 2 4 268 0 0 197 71 268

3 Thiruvarppu 153 0 153 4 23 1 1 29 182 135 40 1 6 182 0 0 151 31 182

4 Arpookkara 98 0 98 3 8 0 6 17 115 86 24 5 0 115 0 8 107 0 115

5 Athirampuzha 588 24 612 47 115 3 21 186 798 645 153 0 0 798 0 0 586 212 798

6 Ayimanam 131 0 131 2 23 3 2 30 161 125 32 2 2 161 0 12 140 9 161

Total 1312 24 1336 56 200 9 38 303 1639 1269 347 10 13 1639 0 23 1292 324 1639

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Uzhavoor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit Total(Re /
Other Indus Comme Other Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
s trial rcial s s hed te s
Houses al s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kadaplamattom 30 0 30 0 10 0 0 10 40 30 10 0 0 40 0 0 32 8 40

2 Marangattupilly 45 0 45 7 1 0 5 13 58 45 13 0 0 58 0 0 51 7 58

3 Kanakkari 181 1 182 1 53 0 5 59 241 168 64 0 9 241 0 19 222 0 241

4 Veliyannoor 59 2 61 6 13 1 1 21 82 46 32 4 0 82 0 0 64 18 82

5 Kuravilanagad 132 0 132 8 48 4 4 64 196 149 42 3 2 196 0 23 173 0 196

6 Uzhavoor 71 1 72 0 7 0 0 7 79 62 17 0 0 79 0 0 72 7 79

7 Ramapuram 205 0 205 45 7 2 6 60 265 170 91 4 0 265 0 0 247 18 265

8 Manjoor 238 0 238 21 34 0 0 55 293 184 109 0 0 293 0 0 240 53 293

Total 961 4 965 88 173 7 21 289 1254 854 378 11 11 1254 0 42 1101 111 1254

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Lalam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Com Total(R /
Dwelling Other Indus Institut Other Femal Other Thatc Concre Other
Total merci Total es+Non Male Local Total Tiled Total
Houses s trial ional s e s hed te s
al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Bharananganam 91 0 91 2 21 1 4 28 119 94 21 1 3 119 0 0 101 18 119

2 Karoor 245 0 245 4 42 0 2 48 293 243 46 2 2 293 0 10 283 0 293

3 Kozhuvanal 95 0 95 6 40 3 0 49 144 123 19 2 0 144 0 4 120 20 144

4 Kadanad 154 0 154 3 27 1 9 40 194 169 16 4 5 194 0 0 189 5 194

5 Meenachil 94 0 94 8 24 0 0 32 126 118 8 0 0 126 0 0 120 6 126

6 Mutholy 183 24 207 0 19 0 0 19 226 154 72 0 0 226 0 3 223 0 226

Total 862 24 886 23 173 5 15 216 1102 901 182 9 10 1102 0 17 1036 49 1102

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Erattupetta

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Other Indu Comme Institut Other Total(Res+ Other Thatc Tile Concr Other
Total Total Male Female Local Total Total
Hous s strial rcial ional s NonRes) s hed d ete s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Melukavu 69 0 69 2 33 0 0 35 104 82 22 0 0 104 0 0 100 4 104

2 Moonnilavu 37 1 38 3 4 2 2 11 49 37 8 2 2 49 4 0 45 0 49

3 Poonjar 69 0 69 6 26 1 2 35 104 76 27 0 1 104 0 4 91 9 104

Poonjar 0 0
4 67 67 5 48 1 3 57 124 106 15 1 2 124 0 122 2 124

5 Teekoy 52 16 68 4 12 0 3 19 87 62 23 1 1 87 0 6 64 17 87

6 Thalanad 17 0 17 0 0 0 0 0 17 9 8 0 0 17 0 0 17 0 17

7 Thalappalam 125 0 125 6 70 0 4 80 205 174 27 3 1 205 0 2 180 23 205

8 Thidanad 128 0 128 6 31 0 5 42 170 125 39 4 2 170 0 22 148 0 170

Total 564 17 581 32 224 4 19 279 860 671 169 11 9 860 4 34 767 55 860

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Pampady

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(Re /
Indus Comme Institu Other Femal Oth Thatc Concre Other
g Others Total Total s+NonRe Male Local Total Tiled Total
trial rcial tional s e ers hed te s
Houses s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Akalakkunnam 112 0 112 2 4 0 2 8 120 93 26 1 0 120 0 0 97 23 120

2 Elikkulam 187 0 187 11 45 0 2 58 245 188 56 1 0 245 0 0 231 14 245

3 Kooroppada 173 0 173 8 31 3 2 44 217 156 59 2 0 217 0 0 190 27 217

4 Pampady 278 1 279 8 120 3 15 146 425 313 93 17 2 425 0 0 347 78 425

5 Pallikkathode 102 0 102 5 27 3 2 37 139 92 42 5 0 139 0 0 123 16 139

6 Manarcaud 180 0 180 8 48 2 3 61 241 181 56 1 3 241 0 0 212 29 241

7 Kidangoor 106 0 106 3 13 0 7 23 129 94 35 0 0 129 0 0 121 8 129

8 Meenadom 77 0 77 0 3 0 1 4 81 60 21 0 0 81 0 0 71 10 81

Total 1215 1 1216 45 291 11 34 381 1597 1177 388 27 5 1597 0 0 1392 205 1597

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Madappally

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(Re /
Oth Indus Comme Institut Other Other Thatc Concr Other
g Total Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers trial rcial ional s s hed ete s
Houses s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Madappally 187 8 195 2 45 0 0 47 242 197 45 0 0 242 10 40 182 10 242

2 Paippad 296 0 296 1 54 0 0 55 351 275 76 0 0 351 0 30 321 0 351

3 Thrikkodithanam 294 0 294 2 56 0 2 60 354 267 87 0 0 354 0 27 327 0 354

4 Vakathanam 239 0 239 7 32 2 1 42 281 209 54 2 16 281 0 26 255 0 281

5 Vazhappally 228 0 228 3 20 1 2 26 254 203 49 0 2 254 0 48 206 0 254

Total 1244 8 1252 15 207 3 5 230 1482 1151 311 2 18 1482 10 171 1291 10 1482

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Vazhoor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Ot Total(R /
Indust Commer Institut Other Other That Concre Other
g her Total Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
rial cial ional s s ched te s
Houses s Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chirakkadavu 555 0 555 7 220 2 41 270 825 643 169 4 9 825 0 0 519 306 825

2 Kangazha 156 0 156 20 106 0 16 142 298 208 81 3 6 298 0 45 253 0 298

3 Nedumkunnam 299 0 299 3 91 4 7 105 404 238 159 0 7 404 0 15 309 80 404

4 Vellavoor 99 0 99 3 40 2 1 46 145 108 33 3 1 145 0 0 119 26 145

5 Vazhoor 195 0 195 15 51 0 2 68 263 209 50 2 2 263 0 31 232 0 263

6 Karukachal 183 0 183 0 36 0 0 36 219 128 91 0 0 219 0 9 210 0 219

Total 1487 0 1487 48 544 8 67 667 2154 1534 583 12 25 2154 0 100 1642 412 2154

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Kanjirappally

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(Re /
Oth Indu Comme Institut Other Thatc Concr Other
g Total Others Total s+NonR Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers strial rcial ional s hed ete s
Houses es) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Manimala 64 0 64 1 3 0 4 8 72 65 7 0 0 72 0 0 58 14 72

2 Erumely 1282 0 1282 0 636 7 31 674 1956 1697 241 4 14 1956 0 0 1715 241 1956

3 Kanjirappally 715 0 715 24 281 7 41 353 1068 780 244 2 42 1068 0 0 710 358 1068

4 Koottickal 51 0 51 0 26 1 4 31 82 64 15 3 0 82 0 0 66 16 82

5 Mundakayam 286 0 286 13 114 4 4 135 421 316 93 3 9 421 0 0 329 92 421

6 Koruthode 635 0 635 20 69 0 9 98 733 507 215 2 9 733 0 0 398 335 733

7 Parathode 243 0 243 10 66 0 9 85 328 246 78 4 0 328 0 0 323 5 328

Total 3276 0 3276 68 1195 19 102 1384 4660 3675 893 18 74 4660 0 0 3599 1061 4660

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam Block : Pallom

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Name of Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
. Com Instit Total(R Govt. /
Dwelling Other Industr Other Femal Other Thatch Concre
Total merci ution Total es+Non Male Local Total Tiled Others Total
Houses s ial s e s ed te
al al Res) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kurichy 175 0 175 0 30 0 11 41 216 170 46 0 0 216 0 0 180 36 216

2 Panachikkad 272 0 272 1 34 0 7 42 314 248 66 0 0 314 0 0 291 23 314

3 Puthuppally 177 0 177 3 29 1 2 35 212 147 61 2 2 212 0 0 200 12 212

4 Vijayapuram 100 0 100 3 44 3 3 53 153 108 36 2 7 153 0 0 132 21 153

5 Ayarkunnam 193 0 193 2 41 1 9 53 246 177 60 0 9 246 0 0 194 52 246

Total 917 0 917 9 178 5 32 224 1141 850 269 4 18 1141 0 0 997 144 1141

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kottayam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Name of Block/
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
No Municipality/
. Corporation Com Insti Total(R Govt. / Tha
Dwelling Other Indus Other Femal Concre Other
Total merci tuti Total es+Non Male Local Others Total tche Tiled Total
Houses s trial s e te s
al onal Res) Bodies d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Vaikom 1277 7 1284 21 183 2 18 224 1508 1127 357 9 15 1508 0 35 1112 361 1508

2 Kaduthuruthy 898 2 900 39 179 3 33 254 1154 858 243 22 31 1154 0 0 990 164 1154

3 Ettumanoor 1312 24 1336 56 200 9 38 303 1639 1269 347 10 13 1639 0 23 1292 324 1639

4 Uzhavoor 961 4 965 88 173 7 21 289 1254 854 378 11 11 1254 0 42 1101 111 1254

5 Lalam 862 24 886 23 173 5 15 216 1102 901 182 9 10 1102 0 17 1036 49 1102

6 Erattupetta 564 17 581 32 224 4 19 279 860 671 169 11 9 860 4 34 767 55 860

7 Pampady 1215 1 1216 45 291 11 34 381 1597 1177 388 27 5 1597 0 0 1392 205 1597

8 Madappally 1244 8 1252 15 207 3 5 230 1482 1151 311 2 18 1482 10 171 1291 10 1482

9 Vazhoor 1487 0 1487 48 544 8 67 667 2154 1534 583 12 25 2154 0 100 1642 412 2154

10 Kanjirappally 3276 0 3276 68 1195 19 102 1384 4660 3675 893 18 74 4660 0 0 3599 1061 4660

11 Pallom 917 0 917 9 178 5 32 224 1141 850 269 4 18 1141 0 0 997 144 1141

12 165 0 165 7 14 0 5 26 191 112 77 0 2 191 0 4 163 24 191

13 Pala (M) 30 0 30 0 36 0 0 36 66 44 22 0 0 66 0 0 66 0 66

14 Erattupetta(M) 256 0 256 3 380 0 31 414 670 529 97 20 24 670 0 25 645 0 670

15 Ettumanoor(M) 393 8 401 0 124 2 4 130 531 355 168 6 2 531 0 0 473 58 531

16 Kottayam (M) 967 1 968 5 323 6 8 342 1310 1101 198 3 8 1310 0 4 1250 56 1310

17 Vaikom (M) 293 293 0 68 2 2 72 365 298 62 3 2 365 0 0 237 128 365

Total 16117 96 16213 459 4492 86 434 5471 21684 16506 4744 167 267 21684 14 455 18053 3162 21684

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Ambalapuzha

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
No Name of Panchayat Govt.
. Total(
Instit / Tha
Dwelling Industr Comme Other Res+ Fema Othe Tile Concr Other
Others Total ution Total Male Local Total tche Total
Houses ial rcial s NonR le rs d ete s
al Bodi d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ambalapuzha North 303 0 303 1 68 9 1 79 382 269 106 5 2 382 0 0 308 74 382

2 Ambalapuzha South 178 0 178 2 41 0 1 44 222 167 55 0 0 222 0 0 177 45 222

3 Punnapra North 125 2 127 9 29 0 2 40 167 113 51 0 3 167 0 0 100 67 167

4 Punnapra South 184 2 186 8 24 0 6 38 224 197 23 4 0 224 0 0 184 40 224

5 Purakkad 179 1 180 2 5 2 1 10 190 136 54 0 0 190 0 0 157 33 190

Total 969 5 974 22 167 11 11 211 1185 882 289 9 5 1185 0 0 926 259 1185

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Aryad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. Total(Re /
ing Oth Indus Comme Institutio Oth Thatc Concr Other
Total Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
House ers trial rcial nal ers hed ete s
s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Aryad 286 0 286 5 70 0 11 86 372 280 91 0 1 372 0 17 296 59 372

2 Mannancherry 133 0 133 2 47 1 0 50 183 148 35 0 0 183 0 0 122 61 183

3 469 13 482 11 131 3 24 169 651 475 169 4 3 651 0 0 427 224 651

4 Muhamma 262 0 262 16 199 16 0 231 493 407 83 1 2 493 0 0 354 139 493

Total 1150 13 1163 34 447 20 35 536 1699 1310 378 5 6 1699 0 17 1199 483 1699

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Bharanikkavu

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Com Total(R /
Other Indus Institut Thatc Concr Other
g Total merci Others Total es+Non Male Female Local Others Total Tiled Total
s trial ional hed ete s
Houses al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Bharanikavu 357 0 357 0 88 2 7 97 454 342 109 0 3 454 0 10 432 12 454

2 Chunakkara 167 0 167 3 54 1 2 60 227 156 69 0 2 227 0 34 192 1 227

Mavelikkara -
3 222 0 222 9 64 3 3 79 301 208 89 4 0 301 0 7 278 16 301

4 Nooranad 204 0 204 2 50 2 3 57 261 183 78 0 0 261 0 52 209 0 261

5 Palamel 264 0 264 6 62 2 9 79 343 240 100 3 0 343 13 20 310 0 343

6 Vallikunnam 246 0 246 16 72 3 2 93 339 239 96 4 0 339 0 5 324 10 339

Total 1460 0 1460 36 390 13 26 465 1925 1368 541 11 5 1925 13 128 1745 39 1925

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Chambakkulam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwel
. Com /
ling Other Indus Institut Total(Res+ Other Thatc Concr Other
Total merci Others Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
Hous s trial ional NonRes) s hed ete s
al Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chambakulam 23 0 23 0 15 0 0 15 38 29 9 0 0 38 0 0 28 10 38

2 Edathua 400 30 430 6 54 0 0 60 490 414 71 0 5 490 0 0 396 94 490

3 Kainakary 123 1 124 0 26 3 4 33 157 121 32 4 0 157 0 7 114 36 157

4 Nedumudi 70 9 79 1 5 0 0 6 85 63 22 0 0 85 0 11 46 28 85

5 Thakazhi 36 0 36 0 0 0 2 2 38 30 8 0 0 38 0 0 30 8 38

6 Thalavady 37 0 37 0 5 0 1 6 43 34 8 0 1 43 0 0 31 12 43

Total 689 40 729 7 105 3 7 122 851 691 150 4 6 851 0 18 645 188 851

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Chengannur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwel
. Total(Re /
ling Other Indus Comme Institut Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
Total Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Total
Hous s trial rcial ional s hed d te s
s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ala 80 2 82 1 17 0 4 22 104 70 34 0 0 104 0 0 104 0 104

2 Bhudhannoor 80 0 80 8 15 1 0 24 104 82 21 1 0 104 0 29 75 0 104

3 Cheriyanad 159 6 165 6 32 5 3 46 211 171 39 1 0 211 0 0 166 45 211

4 Mulakuzha 200 0 200 6 58 0 0 64 264 201 61 0 2 264 0 0 244 20 264

5 Pandanad 99 0 99 2 8 1 1 12 111 81 29 1 0 111 0 5 104 2 111

6 Puliyoor 57 0 57 0 17 2 0 19 76 58 15 2 1 76 0 0 76 0 76

7 Thiruvanvandoor 78 0 78 2 27 0 0 29 107 88 19 0 0 107 0 3 103 1 107

8 Venmony 65 0 65 0 21 7 2 30 95 71 24 0 0 95 0 0 79 16 95

Total 818 8 826 25 195 16 10 246 1072 822 242 5 3 1072 0 37 951 84 1072

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Harippad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Total(R /
Dwelling Other Indus Comme Institut Other Other Thatc Concre Other
Total Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
Houses s trial rcial ional s s hed te s
Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Cheruthana 72 0 72 0 3 0 3 6 78 60 18 0 0 78 0 6 68 4 78

2 Karthikapally 78 0 78 0 5 0 5 10 88 68 20 0 0 88 0 4 78 6 88

3 Karuvatta 161 0 161 0 8 0 4 12 173 133 40 0 0 173 0 4 148 21 173

4 Kumarapuram 132 0 132 0 5 0 5 10 142 106 36 0 0 142 0 3 129 10 142

5 Pallippad 61 0 61 0 3 0 2 5 66 48 18 0 0 66 0 7 55 4 66

6 Thrikkunnapuzha 125 0 125 0 5 0 2 7 132 92 40 0 0 132 0 0 122 10 132

7 Veeyapuram 80 0 80 0 2 0 5 7 87 66 21 0 0 87 0 5 78 4 87

Total 709 0 709 0 31 0 26 57 766 573 193 0 0 766 0 29 678 59 766

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Kanjikuzhi

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwell
. Com Insti Total(Re Govt. /
ing Oth Indus Other Thatc Concre Other
Total merci tuti Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
House ers trial s hed te s
al onal s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Cherthala south 272 9 281 3 34 5 3 45 326 243 77 4 2 326 0 28 292 6 326

2 Kanjikuzhi 339 5 344 7 24 1 5 37 381 248 130 1 2 381 0 23 334 24 381

3 Mararikulam north 305 6 311 3 43 1 6 53 364 235 126 0 3 364 0 13 331 20 364

4 Thanneermukkom 368 6 374 6 40 1 22 69 443 282 156 0 5 443 0 37 314 92 443

5 Kadakkarappally 101 6 107 3 18 2 5 28 135 94 39 1 1 135 0 32 101 2 135

Total 1385 32 1417 22 159 10 41 232 1649 1102 528 6 13 1649 0 133 1372 144 1649

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Mavelikkara

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Total(R /
Dwelling Other Industr Comme Institut Other Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Oth
Total Total es+Non Male Local Total Total
Houses s ial rcial ional s e s hed d te ers
Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Chennithala -
1 41 0 41 3 7 0 0 10 51 40 9 0 2 51 0 8 43 0 51

2 Mannar 199 0 199 13 45 1 0 59 258 207 49 1 1 258 0 13 245 0 258

3 Chettikulangara 205 0 205 2 33 2 0 37 242 177 63 2 0 242 0 4 231 7 242

Mavelikkara -
4 219 0 219 8 85 1 2 96 315 204 110 1 0 315 0 0 315 0 315

5 Thazhakkara 217 4 221 1 72 0 0 73 294 182 112 0 0 294 0 3 287 4 294

Total 881 4 885 27 242 4 2 275 1160 810 343 4 3 1160 0 28 1121 11 1160

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Muthukulam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit /
Other Indus Comm Other Total(Res Femal Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total utiona Total Male Local Total Tiled Total
s trial ercial s +NonRes) e s hed te s
Houses l Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Arattupuzha 109 0 109 2 16 0 0 18 127 104 23 0 0 127 0 0 118 9 127

2 Cheppad 96 0 96 0 10 0 5 15 111 74 37 0 0 111 0 8 94 9 111

3 Devikulangara 142 0 142 0 13 0 3 16 158 129 28 0 1 158 0 10 125 23 158

4 Kandallur 122 0 122 3 48 0 0 51 173 105 68 0 0 173 0 0 170 3 173

5 Krishnapuram 298 0 298 1 30 0 4 35 333 284 49 0 0 333 0 13 290 30 333

6 Muthukulam 112 0 112 3 21 0 6 30 142 113 29 0 0 142 0 0 134 8 142

7 Pathiyoor 168 0 168 0 32 0 7 39 207 158 49 0 0 207 0 0 198 9 207

8 Chingoli 109 0 109 0 19 0 5 24 133 98 35 0 0 133 0 3 118 12 133

Total 1156 0 1156 9 189 0 30 228 1384 1065 318 0 1 1384 0 34 1247 103 1384

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Pattanakkad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit Total(R /
Oth Indus Commer Other Other Thatc Concr Other
g Total ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers trial cial s s hed ete s
Houses al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Aroor 294 5 299 6 68 2 13 89 388 284 99 2 3 388 0 2 324 62 388

2 Ezhupunna 166 1 167 4 47 0 13 64 231 166 57 7 1 231 0 3 191 37 231

4 Kodamthuruthu 203 0 203 3 62 4 4 73 276 201 64 3 8 276 0 3 219 54 276

5 Kuthiyathode 134 0 134 2 27 0 6 35 169 119 50 0 0 169 0 2 138 29 169

6 Pattanakkad 180 4 184 1 56 3 6 66 250 128 116 3 3 250 0 4 224 22 250

7 Thuravoor 263 0 263 8 86 11 3 108 371 265 92 9 5 371 0 120 246 5 371

8 Vayalar 173 8 181 4 48 3 4 59 240 118 95 2 25 240 0 8 198 34 240

Total 1413 18 1431 28 394 23 49 494 1925 1281 573 26 45 1925 0 142 1540 243 1925

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Thycattussery

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Total(R Govt. /
Other Industr Comm Instituti Other Thatc Tile Concr Other
g Total Others Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Total
s ial ercial onal s hed d ete s
Houses Res) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Arookutty 132 5 137 1 38 0 0 39 176 124 51 0 1 176 0 3 141 32 176

Chennam -
2 178 9 187 28 77 0 1 106 293 203 90 0 0 293 0 0 208 85 293

3 Panavally 204 14 218 4 76 0 3 83 301 203 98 0 0 301 0 4 248 49 301

4 Perumpalam 101 5 106 1 9 1 6 17 123 78 44 0 1 123 0 4 101 18 123

5 Thycattussery 156 12 168 32 82 0 3 117 285 194 88 0 3 285 0 3 207 75 285

Total 771 45 816 66 282 1 13 362 1178 802 371 0 5 1178 0 14 905 259 1178

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha Block : Veliyanad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwell
. Total(R Govt. /
ing Other Indust Comm Institutio That Concre Other
Total Others Total es+Non Male Female Local Others Total Tiled Total
Hous s rial ercial nal ched te s
Res) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kavalam 78 0 78 2 30 0 14 46 124 91 19 0 14 124 0 0 87 37 124

2 Muttar 21 0 21 0 11 0 1 12 33 21 12 0 0 33 0 0 27 6 33

3 Neelamperur 42 0 42 0 6 0 5 11 53 36 11 0 6 53 0 0 39 14 53

4 Pulimkunnu 214 0 214 0 28 0 4 32 246 150 95 0 1 246 0 0 235 11 246

5 Ramankary 73 0 73 0 7 1 0 8 81 66 14 1 0 81 0 0 65 16 81

6 Veliyanad 63 0 63 0 12 2 0 14 77 47 30 0 0 77 0 0 70 7 77

Total 491 0 491 2 94 3 24 123 614 411 181 1 21 614 0 0 523 91 614

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Alappuzha

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Gov
. Corporation Dwellin t. /
Com Instit Total(R
Other Indus Other Loc Other Thatc
g Total merci ution Total es+Non Male Female Total Tiled Concrete Others Total
s trial s al s hed
Houses al al Res)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ambalapuzha 969 5 974 22 167 11 11 211 1185 882 289 9 5 1185 0 0 926 259 1185

2 Aryad 1150 13 1163 34 447 20 35 536 1699 1310 378 5 6 1699 0 17 1199 483 1699

3 Bharanikkavu 1460 0 1460 36 390 13 26 465 1925 1368 541 11 5 1925 13 128 1745 39 1925

4 Chambakkulam 689 40 729 7 105 3 7 122 851 691 150 4 6 851 0 18 645 188 851

5 Chengannur 818 8 826 25 195 16 10 246 1072 822 242 5 3 1072 0 37 951 84 1072

6 Harippad 709 0 709 0 31 0 26 57 766 573 193 0 0 766 0 29 678 59 766

7 Kanjikuzhi 1385 32 1417 22 159 10 41 232 1649 1102 528 6 13 1649 0 133 1372 144 1649

8 Mavelikkara 881 4 885 27 242 4 2 275 1160 810 343 4 3 1160 0 28 1121 11 1160

9 Muthukulam 1156 0 1156 9 189 0 30 228 1384 1065 318 0 1 1384 0 34 1247 103 1384

10 Pattanakkad 1413 18 1431 28 394 23 49 494 1925 1281 573 26 45 1925 0 142 1540 243 1925

11 Thycattussery 771 45 816 66 282 1 13 362 1178 802 371 0 5 1178 0 14 905 259 1178

12 Veliyanad 491 0 491 2 94 3 24 123 614 411 181 1 21 614 0 0 523 91 614

13 Alappuzha (M) 2471 0 2471 1 695 1 2 699 3170 2440 729 1 0 3170 0 0 2602 568 3170

14 Chengannur (M) 107 0 107 1 4 0 0 5 112 82 29 0 1 112 0 0 110 2 112

15 568 0 568 0 110 0 13 123 691 611 80 0 0 691 0 45 540 106 691

16 Mavelikkara (M) 178 0 178 0 27 0 0 27 205 118 87 0 0 205 0 0 205 0 205

17 Cherthala (M) 682 13 695 8 372 7 41 428 1123 674 436 8 5 1123 0 90 854 179 1123

18 Harippad(M) 300 0 300 0 30 0 8 38 338 280 58 0 0 338 0 12 298 28 338

Total 16198 178 16376 288 3933 112 338 4671 21047 15322 5526 80 119 21047 13 727 17461 2846 21047

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Pathanamthitta Block : Elanthur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Ind Total(Re Govt. / Tha
Oth Comme Institut Other Tile Concre Other
g Total ustr Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total tche Total
ers rcial ional s d te s
Houses ial s) Bodies d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chennerkara 156 0 156 3 15 1 0 19 175 132 42 1 0 175 0 0 169 6 175

2 Cherukole 80 0 80 1 7 0 0 8 88 71 17 0 0 88 0 0 87 1 88

3 Elanthoor 93 0 93 2 22 3 4 31 124 89 31 3 1 124 0 0 96 28 124

4 Kozhencherry 251 0 251 0 205 1 45 251 502 381 67 38 16 502 0 0 433 69 502

5 Mallapuzhassery 98 0 98 6 14 1 0 21 119 81 36 2 0 119 0 0 97 22 119

6 Naranganam 302 1 303 2 63 0 4 69 372 287 78 1 6 372 0 0 286 86 372

7 Omallur 174 0 174 2 55 1 6 64 238 204 28 6 0 238 0 0 229 9 238

Total 1154 1 1155 16 381 7 59 463 1618 1245 299 51 23 1618 0 0 1397 221 1618

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Pathanamthitta Block : Koipram

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. Ind /
ing Oth Comme Institutio Total(Res Other Thatc Tile Concr
Total ustr Others Total Male Female Local Total Others Total
House ers rcial nal +NonRes) s hed d ete
ial Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ayroor 148 0 148 3 20 1 6 30 178 87 83 3 5 178 0 0 157 21 178

2 Eraviperoor 259 0 259 7 37 3 0 47 306 276 27 3 0 306 0 29 277 0 306

3 Ezhumattor 67 2 69 4 10 0 1 15 84 57 25 1 1 84 0 2 44 38 84

4 Koipram 150 0 150 1 27 1 1 30 180 156 23 1 0 180 0 0 177 3 180

5 Puramattom 90 1 91 1 23 0 1 25 116 85 28 0 3 116 0 0 108 8 116

6 Thottupuzhassery 68 0 68 1 24 0 0 25 93 62 31 0 0 93 0 3 76 14 93

Total 782 3 785 17 141 5 9 172 957 723 217 8 9 957 0 34 839 84 957

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Pathanamthitta Block : Konni

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Indu Com Total(Re Govt. /
Oth Institut Other Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total stria merci Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers ional s s hed te s
Houses l al s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Aruvappulam 124 1 125 5 26 0 2 33 158 116 38 4 0 158 0 0 152 6 158

2 Konni 498 0 498 9 173 0 55 237 735 528 152 15 40 735 0 0 571 164 735

3 Malayalapuzha 70 0 70 0 7 1 2 10 80 57 20 1 2 80 0 1 73 6 80

4 Mylapra 124 0 124 0 22 0 0 22 146 126 20 0 0 146 0 0 138 8 146

5 Pramadam 212 2 214 0 47 7 0 54 268 191 75 2 0 268 0 11 247 10 268

6 Thannithode 52 0 52 0 4 0 1 5 57 39 18 0 0 57 0 0 45 12 57

7 Vallikode 151 0 151 0 27 3 30 181 111 67 3 0 181 0 0 174 7 181

Total 1231 3 1234 14 306 11 60 391 1625 1168 390 25 42 1625 0 12 1400 213 1625

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Pathanamthitta Block : Mallappally

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Com Total(Re Govt. /
Oth Indus Institut Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Total merci Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Total
ers trial ional s hed d te s
Houses al s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Anicad 69 0 69 1 14 2 2 19 88 74 13 1 0 88 0 0 79 9 88

2 Kallooppara 106 0 106 1 10 0 0 11 117 92 24 0 1 117 0 0 108 9 117

3 Kaviyoor 93 1 94 0 16 1 2 19 113 90 19 1 3 113 0 0 98 15 113

4 Kottanad 493 0 493 21 77 3 7 108 601 465 124 9 3 601 0 0 505 96 601

5 Kottangal 109 0 109 4 30 3 4 41 150 119 28 3 0 150 0 0 128 22 150

6 Kunnamthanam 200 0 200 4 34 4 3 45 245 185 55 3 2 245 0 7 218 20 245

7 Mallappally 60 0 60 0 2 2 1 5 65 45 19 1 0 65 0 0 59 6 65

Total 1130 1 1131 31 183 15 19 248 1379 1070 282 18 9 1379 0 7 1195 177 1379

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Pathanamthitta Block : Pandalam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwelli
. /
ng Indust Comme Institutio Total(Res+ Femal Thatc Tile Concr Oth
Others Total Others Total Male Local Others Total Total
House rial rcial nal NonRes) e hed d ete ers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

Pandalam - 0
1 170 0 170 0 37 4 1 42 212 156 54 2 0 212 25 181 6 212

2 Thumbamon 46 9 55 1 19 1 0 21 76 51 25 0 0 76 0 0 76 0 76

3 Aranmula 131 0 131 1 37 0 8 46 177 127 45 5 0 177 0 0 177 0 177

4 Kulanada 136 0 136 0 20 0 3 23 159 86 36 3 34 159 1 0 145 13 159

5 Mezhuveli 106 0 106 0 27 0 4 31 137 101 36 0 0 137 0 0 134 3 137

Total 589 9 598 2 140 5 16 163 761 521 196 10 34 761 1 25 713 22 761

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Pathanamthitta Block : Parakode

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. Instit Total(Res /
ing Other Indus Comme Other Femal Other Thatc Concre Oth
Total ution Total +NonRes Male Local Total Tiled Total
House s trial rcial s e s hed te ers
al ) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Enadimangalam 160 0 160 4 16 5 0 25 185 132 51 2 0 185 0 18 159 8 185

2 Erathu 463 0 463 16 77 2 58 153 616 412 148 54 2 616 93 0 523 0 616

3 Ezhamkulam 266 1 267 15 20 1 0 36 303 232 71 0 0 303 0 40 256 7 303

4 Kadambanad 582 0 582 18 119 1 4 142 724 556 154 10 4 724 141 0 581 2 724

5 Kalanjoor 187 0 187 14 36 5 3 58 245 162 76 7 0 245 0 34 211 0 245

6 Kodumon 205 0 205 4 44 2 1 51 256 171 83 2 0 256 0 34 206 16 256

7 Pallikkal (Pta) 300 0 300 6 73 2 10 91 391 276 111 4 391 0 11 355 25 391

Total 2163 1 2164 77 385 18 76 556 2720 1941 694 79 6 2720 234 137 2291 58 2720

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Pathanamthitta Block : Pulikeezhu

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwelli
. Govt. /
ng Other Indus Comme Institut Other Total(Res+ Other Thatc Tile Conc Other
Total Total Male Female Local Total Total
House s trial rcial ional s NonRes) s hed d rete s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kadappra 115 0 115 2 16 1 0 19 134 105 28 0 1 134 1 0 133 0 134

2 Kuttoor 94 0 94 0 10 1 0 11 105 84 21 0 0 105 0 11 94 0 105

3 Nedumpuram 85 0 85 1 20 1 1 23 108 81 26 1 0 108 0 0 94 14 108

4 Niranam 122 0 122 6 36 0 1 43 165 142 22 1 0 165 0 25 140 0 165

5 Peringara 129 0 129 4 48 1 2 55 184 120 63 1 0 184 0 29 155 0 184

Total 545 0 545 13 130 4 4 151 696 532 160 3 1 696 1 65 616 14 696

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Pathanamthitta Block : Ranni

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwell
. Ind Com Instit Total(Re Govt. / Tha
ing Oth Other Other Tile Other
Total ustr merci ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total tche Concrete Total
House ers s s d s
ial al al s) Bodies d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chittar 145 0 145 0 43 1 44 189 118 70 0 1 189 0 0 156 33 189

2 Naranammoozhy 116 0 116 1 21 1 4 27 143 106 35 2 143 0 0 133 10 143

3 Ranni 105 0 105 0 48 0 2 50 155 113 40 2 0 155 0 0 153 2 155

4 Ranni - Angadi 96 0 96 0 10 1 0 11 107 87 19 0 1 107 0 0 105 2 107

Ranni - 0
5 126 2 128 56 3 4 63 191 136 48 1 6 191 0 3 168 20 191

6 Ranni - Perunad 70 0 70 0 36 0 3 39 109 79 30 0 0 109 0 3 90 16 109

7 Seethathode 84 0 84 3 19 2 0 24 108 63 39 2 4 108 0 2 91 15 108

8 Vadasserikara 134 0 134 9 34 1 6 50 184 133 48 3 184 0 0 166 18 184

9 Vechuchira 138 0 138 0 13 1 1 15 153 119 31 0 3 153 0 0 150 3 153

Total 1014 2 1016 13 280 10 20 323 1339 954 360 10 15 1339 0 8 1212 119 1339

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Pathanamthitta

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwellin Com Instit Total(R /
Other Indus Other Femal Other Thatc Concre
g Total merci ution Total es+Non Male Local Total Tiled Others Total
s trial s e s hed te
Houses al al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Elanthur 1154 1 1155 16 381 7 59 463 1618 1245 299 51 23 1618 0 0 1397 221 1618

2 Koipram 782 3 785 17 141 5 9 172 957 723 217 8 9 957 0 34 839 84 957

3 Konni 1231 3 1234 14 306 11 60 391 1625 1168 390 25 42 1625 0 12 1400 213 1625

4 Mallappally 1130 1 1131 31 183 15 19 248 1379 1070 282 18 9 1379 0 7 1195 177 1379

5 Pandalam 589 9 598 2 140 5 16 163 761 521 196 10 34 761 1 25 713 22 761

6 Parakode 2163 1 2164 77 385 18 76 556 2720 1941 694 79 6 2720 234 137 2291 58 2720

7 Pulikeezhu 545 0 545 13 130 4 4 151 696 532 160 3 1 696 1 65 616 14 696

8 Ranni 1014 2 1016 13 280 10 20 323 1339 954 360 10 15 1339 0 8 1212 119 1339

9 Adoor (M) 443 0 443 0 54 2 0 56 499 360 137 0 2 499 0 0 499 0 499

Pathanamthitta 0
10 1005 384 1389 5 347 37 3 392 1781 1310 454 12 5 1781 0 320 1461 1781

11 Thiruvalla (M) 1417 0 1417 15 389 38 31 473 1890 1393 483 14 0 1890 0 9 1783 98 1890

12 Pandalam(M) 608 11 619 2 68 0 10 80 699 440 242 9 8 699 0 0 652 47 699

Total 12081 415 12496 205 2804 152 307 3468 15964 11657 3914 239 154 15964 236 617 14058 1053 15964

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Chittumala

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Com Total(Re / Tha
Other Industr Institution Other Other Tile Concre Other
g Total merci Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total tche Total
s ial al s s d te s
Houses al s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Thrikkaruva 134 0 134 0 26 0 26 160 108 52 0 0 160 0 12 148 0 160

2 East Kallada 113 1 114 2 25 0 6 33 147 109 32 6 0 147 0 3 118 26 147

3 Kundara 156 0 156 7 63 0 1 71 227 183 43 0 1 227 0 0 188 39 227

4 Mantrothuruthu 37 5 42 2 6 0 0 8 50 37 13 0 0 50 0 14 36 0 50

5 Panayam 134 0 134 0 29 0 4 33 167 109 57 1 0 167 0 2 145 20 167

6 Perayam 137 0 137 2 23 1 2 28 165 137 28 0 0 165 0 0 153 12 165

7 Perinadu 200 0 200 1 48 1 0 50 250 156 93 1 0 250 0 0 239 11 250

Total 911 6 917 14 220 2 13 249 1166 839 318 8 1 1166 0 31 1027 108 1166

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Ithikkara

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit Total(Re /
Oth Indu Comm Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total ution Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers strial ercial s hed te s
Houses al s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Adichanalloor 197 1 198 3 27 2 2 34 232 128 104 0 0 232 0 2 220 10 232

2 Chathannoor 216 1 217 5 42 4 3 54 271 162 109 0 0 271 0 2 258 11 271

3 Chirakkara 202 0 202 0 24 0 1 25 227 109 118 0 0 227 3 0 219 5 227

4 Kalluvathukkal 348 5 353 2 172 3 7 184 537 295 242 0 0 537 0 0 514 23 537

5 Poothakkulam 183 0 183 4 62 6 0 72 255 165 85 5 0 255 30 2 223 0 255

Total 1146 7 1153 14 327 15 13 369 1522 859 658 5 0 1522 33 6 1434 49 1522

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Mukhathala

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
No Name of Panchayat Govt.
. Dwell
Com Instit Total(R /
ing Oth Indus Other Other Thatc
Total merci ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Tiled Concrete Others Total
House ers trial s s hed
al al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Elampalloor 282 0 282 0 48 0 10 58 340 238 102 0 0 340 0 0 328 12 340

2 Kottankara 328 0 328 0 63 0 6 69 397 211 186 0 0 397 0 0 381 16 397

3 Mayyanadu 1155 0 1155 21 262 7 0 290 1445 1048 394 2 1 1445 0 170 1275 0 1445

4 Thrikkovilvattom 658 0 658 2 162 0 8 172 830 518 304 0 8 830 0 0 669 161 830

5 Nedumpana 414 0 414 16 75 12 1 104 518 365 150 2 1 518 0 0 481 37 518

Total 2837 0 2837 39 610 19 25 693 3530 2380 1136 4 10 3530 0 170 3134 226 3530

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Kottarakkara

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Othe Indust Comme Institut Other Total(Res+ Other Thatch Concr Other
Total Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
House rs rial rcial ional s NonRes) s ed ete s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Ezhukone 233 0 233 2 40 3 3 48 281 203 75 0 3 281 0 0 237 44 281

2 Kareepra 311 0 311 12 68 2 7 89 400 290 101 2 7 400 0 0 348 52 400

3 Neduvathur 163 0 163 4 47 3 5 59 222 149 68 3 2 222 0 0 194 28 222

4 Pooyappally 166 0 166 0 35 3 4 42 208 158 47 3 0 208 0 0 187 21 208

5 Veliyam 272 0 272 9 81 0 8 98 370 164 202 1 3 370 0 0 298 72 370

Total 1145 0 1145 27 271 11 27 336 1481 964 493 9 15 1481 0 0 1264 217 1481

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Chadayamangalam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Ind Instit Total(Re /
Oth Comme Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Total ustr ution Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Total
ers rcial s hed d te s
Houses ial al s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chadayamangalam 219 0 219 5 57 0 7 69 288 166 114 5 3 288 0 0 260 28 288

2 Chithara 296 0 296 2 60 0 2 64 360 180 171 9 0 360 0 4 307 49 360

3 Elamadu 235 0 235 1 62 3 0 66 301 185 116 0 0 301 0 0 275 26 301

4 Ettiva 240 0 240 2 41 2 0 45 285 168 113 3 1 285 0 0 269 16 285

5 Kadakkal 270 0 270 6 81 0 4 91 361 207 152 2 0 361 0 0 297 64 361

6 Kumil 253 0 253 5 77 1 2 85 338 205 130 3 0 338 0 0 279 59 338

7 Nilamel 117 0 117 3 45 0 3 51 168 125 43 0 0 168 0 3 137 28 168

8 Velinalloor 254 0 254 0 72 0 0 72 326 208 118 0 0 326 0 0 294 32 326

Total 1884 0 1884 24 495 6 18 543 2427 1444 957 22 4 2427 0 7 2118 302 2427

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Vettikavala

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Name of Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
. Dwellin Total(Re Govt. /
Other Indust Comm Institut Other That Tile Concre Other
g Total Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Total
s rial ercial ional s ched d te s
Houses s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kulakkada 318 0 318 7 53 3 0 63 381 269 112 0 0 381 0 0 349 32 381

2 Melila 168 0 168 0 34 3 0 37 205 160 45 0 0 205 0 0 190 15 205

3 Mylom 166 0 166 3 56 0 0 59 225 170 55 0 0 225 0 1 187 37 225

4 352 0 352 4 49 1 0 54 406 284 122 0 0 406 0 0 370 36 406

5 Ummannur 254 0 254 0 42 0 3 45 299 172 125 0 2 299 0 0 247 52 299

6 Vettikavala 178 0 178 7 52 1 1 61 239 185 53 0 1 239 0 0 230 9 239

Total 1436 0 1436 21 286 8 4 319 1755 1240 512 0 3 1755 0 1 1573 181 1755

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Anchal

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwell
. Ind Total(Re Govt. /
ing Oth Comme Institut Other That Conc Other
Total ustr Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
House ers rcial ional s ched rete s
ial s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alayamon 134 0 134 0 41 3 0 44 178 149 26 3 0 178 0 14 164 0 178

2 Anchal 303 0 303 1 41 0 0 42 345 190 155 0 0 345 0 2 334 9 345

3 Aryankavu 23 0 23 0 2 0 2 4 27 9 18 0 0 27 1 5 21 0 27

4 Edamulakkal 241 0 241 0 63 9 1 73 314 241 72 1 0 314 1 46 267 0 314

5 Karavaloor 182 0 182 1 49 0 0 50 232 126 106 0 0 232 0 4 226 2 232

6 Kulathupuzha 252 0 252 1 50 2 2 55 307 163 144 0 0 307 0 29 278 0 307

7 Thenmala 103 0 103 0 36 5 5 46 149 102 47 0 0 149 0 28 121 0 149

8 Eroor 344 0 344 23 92 1 1 117 461 300 160 1 0 461 0 14 408 39 461

Total 1582 0 1582 26 374 20 11 431 2013 1280 728 5 0 2013 2 142 1819 50 2013

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Pathanapuram

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(Re /
Other Indus Comme Institut Other Other Thatc Concre Other
g Total Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
s trial rcial ional s s hed te s
Houses s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Pathanapuram 346 2 348 11 263 3 3 280 628 474 136 18 0 628 0 0 541 87 628

2 Pattazhi 395 3 398 11 51 3 0 65 463 323 135 5 0 463 0 0 277 186 463

3 95 0 95 1 18 3 1 23 118 65 48 3 2 118 0 0 97 21 118

4 Piravanthur 145 0 145 2 48 0 0 50 195 125 69 1 0 195 0 0 164 31 195

5 Thalavoor 452 0 452 7 25 1 0 33 485 329 156 0 0 485 0 44 269 172 485

6 Vilakkudi 173 0 173 1 56 4 2 63 236 167 66 3 0 236 4 8 224 0 236

Total 1606 5 1611 33 461 14 6 514 2125 1483 610 30 2 2125 4 52 1572 497 2125

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Chavara

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Name of Gov
Panchayat t. /
. Dwellin Ind
Oth Comme Institut Other Total(Res+ Loc Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Total ustri Total Male Female Total Total
ers rcial ional s NonRes) al s hed d te s
Houses al
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chavara 254 0 254 3 51 5 8 67 321 227 89 2 3 321 0 2 283 36 321

2 Neendakara 83 0 83 0 14 0 2 16 99 73 26 0 0 99 0 0 87 12 99

3 Panmana 231 0 231 0 47 4 5 56 287 218 67 0 2 287 0 2 283 2 287

4 Thekkumbhagom 133 2 135 2 14 1 6 23 158 115 42 1 0 158 0 0 136 22 158

5 Thevalakkara 487 0 487 0 72 0 1 73 560 404 155 0 1 560 0 0 504 56 560

Total 1188 2 1190 5 198 10 22 235 1425 1037 379 3 6 1425 0 4 1293 128 1425

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Oachira

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Total(R /
Oth Indu Comm Institut Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Total Others Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Total
ers strial ercial ional s hed d te s
Houses Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Alappadu 31 0 31 2 0 0 3 5 36 30 4 2 0 36 0 2 25 9 36

2 Thodiyoor 428 14 442 5 116 1 0 122 564 423 141 0 0 564 0 9 533 22 564

3 Clappana 117 0 117 1 37 3 0 41 158 135 21 0 2 158 0 7 124 27 158

4 Kulasekharapuram 363 0 363 9 139 9 5 162 525 350 154 1 20 525 0 11 458 56 525

5 Oachira 177 3 180 0 76 11 2 89 269 174 93 0 2 269 0 2 232 35 269

6 Thazhava 282 0 282 3 83 2 3 91 373 233 138 2 0 373 0 5 338 30 373

Total 1398 17 1415 20 451 26 13 510 1925 1345 551 5 24 1925 0 36 1710 179 1925

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam Block : Sasthamkotta

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Ind Com Total(Re Govt. /
Oth Institutio Other Thatc Tile Conc Other
g Total ustr merci Others Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Total
ers nal s hed d rete s
Houses ial al s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Mynagappally 281 0 281 7 124 1 1 133 414 323 91 0 0 414 0 0 338 76 414

2 Kunnathur 240 0 240 2 61 1 2 66 306 224 80 1 1 306 0 0 294 12 306

3 Poruvazhi 248 0 248 2 106 2 3 113 361 280 79 1 1 361 0 0 345 16 361

4 Sasthamkotta 719 0 719 5 251 1 30 287 1006 739 267 0 0 1006 0 0 771 235 1006

5 170 0 170 7 47 1 0 55 225 173 52 0 0 225 0 0 217 8 225
6 244 0 244 2 64 1 1 68 312 216 96 0 0 312 0 0 263 49 312

7 West Kallada 99 0 99 4 28 2 2 36 135 103 32 0 0 135 0 0 111 24 135

Total 2001 0 2001 29 681 9 39 758 2759 2058 697 2 2 2759 0 0 2339 420 2759

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Kollam

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/ Buildings
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwellin Com Instit Total(R /
Oth Indus Other Oth Thatch Concre Other
g Total merci ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers trial s ers ed te s
Houses al al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chittumala 911 6 917 14 220 2 13 249 1166 839 318 8 1 1166 0 31 1027 108 1166

2 Ithikkara 1146 7 1153 14 327 15 13 369 1522 859 658 5 0 1522 33 6 1434 49 1522

3 Mukhathala 2837 0 2837 39 610 19 25 693 3530 2380 1136 4 10 3530 0 170 3134 226 3530

4 Kottarakkara 1145 0 1145 27 271 11 27 336 1481 964 493 9 15 1481 0 0 1264 217 1481

5 Chadayamangalam 1884 0 1884 24 495 6 18 543 2427 1444 957 22 4 2427 0 7 2118 302 2427

6 Vettikavala 1436 0 1436 21 286 8 4 319 1755 1240 512 0 3 1755 0 1 1573 181 1755

7 Anchal 1582 0 1582 26 374 20 11 431 2013 1280 728 5 0 2013 2 142 1819 50 2013

8 Pathanapuram 1606 5 1611 33 461 14 6 514 2125 1483 610 30 2 2125 4 52 1572 497 2125

9 Chavara 1188 2 1190 5 198 10 22 235 1425 1037 379 3 6 1425 0 4 1293 128 1425

10 Oachira 1398 17 1415 20 451 26 13 510 1925 1345 551 5 24 1925 0 36 1710 179 1925

11 Sasthamkotta 2001 0 2001 29 681 9 39 758 2759 2058 697 2 2 2759 0 0 2339 420 2759

12 Paravoor(M) 191 0 191 5 67 9 0 81 272 176 87 8 1 272 0 0 251 21 272

13 Punaloor(M) 294 0 294 3 74 0 0 77 371 239 130 2 0 371 0 0 326 45 371

14 231 0 231 0 58 0 4 62 293 165 124 0 4 293 0 0 291 2 293

15 Kottarakkara (M) 199 0 199 1 81 0 4 86 285 166 114 2 3 285 0 0 259 26 285

16 Kollam (C) 3703 21 3724 31 974 63 120 1188 4912 3122 1775 15 0 4912 0 324 4588 0 4912

Total 21752 58 21810 292 5628 212 319 6451 28261 18797 9269 120 75 28261 39 773 24998 2451 28261

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Athiyannur

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Ot Instit /
Indust Comm Other Total(Res+N Other That Concre Other
g her Total ution Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
rial ercial s onRes) s ched te s
Houses s al Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Athiyannur 258 0 258 1 31 1 7 40 298 263 35 0 0 298 0 0 298 0 298

2 Kanjiramkulam 175 0 175 2 58 1 4 65 240 198 41 1 0 240 0 0 238 2 240

3 Kottukal 282 0 282 0 52 2 7 61 343 232 107 4 0 343 0 0 212 131 343

4 Venganoor 376 4 380 6 56 0 1 63 443 317 121 5 0 443 0 0 443 0 443

5 Karumkulam 100 0 100 0 41 0 5 46 146 41 104 1 0 146 0 13 133 0 146

Total 1191 4 1195 9 238 4 24 275 1470 1051 408 11 0 1470 0 13 1324 133 1470

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Chirayinkeezhu

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Non Residential Buildings
Name of Buildings
Panchayat Dwell
. Govt. / Tha
ing Oth Indus Comme Institut Total(Res Oth Concre Other
Total Others Total Male Female Local Total tche Tiled Total
House ers trial rcial ional +NonRes) ers te s
Bodies d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Anchuthengu 51 0 51 0 28 0 0 28 79 35 44 0 0 79 0 0 51 28 79

2 Chirayinkeezh 284 35 319 0 33 0 0 33 352 286 66 0 0 352 0 0 315 37 352

3 Kadakavoor 268 24 292 0 33 0 0 33 325 220 105 0 0 325 0 0 306 19 325

4 Kizhuvilam 173 2 175 4 48 0 1 53 228 154 73 1 0 228 20 3 203 2 228

5 Mudakkal 228 1 229 8 39 2 2 51 280 129 120 1 30 280 8 2 239 31 280

6 Vakkom 192 13 205 2 28 0 0 30 235 186 48 1 0 235 0 0 221 14 235

Total 1196 75 1271 14 209 2 3 228 1499 1010 456 3 30 1499 28 5 1335 131 1499

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Pothencode

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Total(Re Govt. /
Oth Indust Comm Institut Other Other That Concre Other
g Total Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
ers rial ercial ional s s ched te s
Houses s) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Andoorkonam 372 14 386 13 28 3 31 75 461 268 191 1 1 461 0 0 461 0 461

2 Kadinamkulam 397 0 397 4 107 8 8 127 524 304 214 1 5 524 0 0 524 0 524

3 Mangalapuram 328 0 328 9 101 3 1 114 442 354 85 3 0 442 0 0 442 0 442

4 Pothencode 418 0 418 11 61 6 3 81 499 335 160 2 2 499 0 0 499 0 499

5 Azhoor 167 0 167 1 25 1 1 28 195 121 74 0 0 195 0 0 194 1 195

Total 1682 14 1696 38 322 21 44 425 2121 1382 724 7 8 2121 0 0 2120 1 2121

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Kilimanoor

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwelli /
Othe Indus Comm Institut Other Total(Res+ Other That Concr Other
ng Total Total Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
rs trial ercial ional s NonRes) s ched ete s
Houses Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Karavaram 405 0 405 3 83 1 1 88 493 336 157 0 0 493 0 0 403 90 493

2 Kilimanoor 165 0 165 0 43 3 0 46 211 126 80 0 5 211 0 41 170 0 211

3 Madavoor 128 0 128 1 43 0 5 49 177 107 65 5 0 177 0 0 147 30 177

4 Nagaroor 130 0 130 17 0 2 10 29 159 76 64 12 7 159 0 36 123 0 159

5 Navaikulam 398 80 478 0 49 6 4 59 537 299 221 10 7 537 0 0 537 0 537

6 Pallickal 93 0 93 8 34 1 6 49 142 76 60 6 0 142 0 0 122 20 142

Pazhayakunnu 0 0 0 0 0
7 440 440 0 87 1 42 130 570 364 206 570 298 272 570

8 Pulimath 429 0 429 4 87 2 0 93 522 314 207 1 0 522 0 0 394 128 522

Total 2188 80 2268 33 426 16 68 543 2811 1698 1060 34 19 2811 0 77 2194 540 2811

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Nedumangad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. /
ing Other Industr Comme Institutio Total(Res Other Thatch Tile Concr Other
Total Others Total Male Female Local Total Total
Hous s ial rcial nal +NonRes) s ed d ete s
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Anad 302 1 303 1 34 1 0 36 339 246 93 0 0 339 0 0 313 26 339

2 Aruvikkara 306 1 307 4 48 1 2 55 362 233 128 1 362 0 0 326 36 362

3 Karakulam 206 0 206 9 63 1 4 77 283 199 84 0 0 283 0 0 264 19 283

4 Panavoor 277 0 277 21 86 1 16 124 401 229 156 3 13 401 0 0 338 63 401

5 Vembayam 256 0 256 4 9 0 0 13 269 212 57 0 0 269 0 0 253 16 269

Total 1347 2 1349 39 240 4 22 305 1654 1119 518 4 13 1654 0 0 1494 160 1654

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Nemom

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Instit Total(R /
Indus Comme Other Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Others Total ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Total
trial rcial s s hed d te s
Houses al Res) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Balaramapuram 258 0 258 2 81 0 2 85 343 205 138 0 0 343 0 0 314 29 343

2 Kalliyoor 535 2 537 8 82 0 0 90 627 434 193 0 0 627 50 0 577 0 627

3 Malayinkeezhu 624 0 624 1 91 2 11 105 729 466 258 2 3 729 0 0 697 32 729

4 Maranalloor 353 0 353 24 66 1 1 92 445 327 114 1 3 445 0 0 384 61 445

5 Pallichal 471 0 471 10 161 2 14 187 658 463 191 3 1 658 0 0 594 64 658

6 Vilappil 334 0 334 2 26 0 1 29 363 273 90 0 0 363 0 0 350 13 363

7 Vilavoorkal 499 0 499 4 35 0 2 41 540 381 159 0 0 540 0 4 508 28 540

Total 3074 2 3076 51 542 5 31 629 3705 2549 1143 6 7 3705 50 4 3424 227 3705

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Parassala

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Ot Com Instit Total(R Govt. /
Indus Other Thatc Other
g he Total merci ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Others Total Tiled Concrete Total
trial s hed s
Houses rs al al Res) Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chenkal 339 0 339 4 83 9 0 96 435 330 102 3 0 435 0 0 407 28 435

2 Karode 365 0 365 4 81 1 1 87 452 357 95 0 0 452 0 75 377 0 452

3 Kulathur 244 0 244 5 91 1 2 99 343 296 45 2 0 343 0 0 310 33 343

4 Parassala 469 0 469 9 120 1 0 130 599 485 112 2 0 599 0 67 532 0 599

5 Poovar 97 0 97 1 20 1 1 23 120 91 28 0 1 120 0 0 101 19 120

6 Thirupuram 75 0 75 4 24 2 0 30 105 72 30 3 0 105 0 0 93 12 105

Total 1589 0 1589 27 419 15 4 465 2054 1631 412 10 1 2054 0 142 1820 92 2054

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Perumkadavila

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
No Name of Panchayat Govt.
. Dwell
Ind Com Insti Total(Re /
ing Other Other Other Thatc Concr Other
Total ustri merci tuti Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total Tiled Total
House s s s hed ete s
al al onal s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Amboori 100 0 100 0 14 2 6 22 122 65 51 2 4 122 0 0 82 40 122

2 Aryankode 151 0 151 37 2 11 0 50 201 118 80 3 0 201 0 65 136 0 201

3 Kallikkadu 72 0 72 1 13 0 3 17 89 55 32 1 1 89 13 0 75 1 89

4 Kollayil 404 0 404 6 51 2 0 59 463 334 127 2 0 463 0 61 402 0 463

5 Kunnathukal 304 0 304 1 88 5 11 105 409 310 97 1 1 409 0 61 348 0 409

6 Ottashekaramangalam 176 0 176 0 21 0 2 23 199 122 77 0 0 199 0 0 154 45 199

7 Perumkadavila 179 0 179 2 27 1 0 30 209 148 61 0 0 209 0 38 171 0 209

8 Vellarada 470 0 470 2 145 8 4 159 629 424 199 1 5 629 0 0 448 181 629

Total 1856 0 1856 49 361 29 26 465 2321 1576 724 10 11 2321 13 225 1816 267 2321

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Vamanapuram

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
Panchayat Dwell
. Instit /
ing Oth Indus Comm Total(Res+ Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
Total ution Others Total Male Local Total Total
House ers trial ercial NonRes) e s hed d te s
al Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kallara 130 2 132 0 24 1 1 26 158 130 28 0 0 158 0 0 136 22 158

2 Manickal 292 2 294 1 40 1 2 44 338 295 43 0 0 338 0 0 314 24 338

3 Nanniyode 335 0 335 1 26 1 1 29 364 196 166 1 1 364 0 78 254 32 364

4 Nellanad 220 1 221 2 38 1 1 42 263 236 27 0 0 263 0 0 235 28 263

5 Pangode 271 1 272 0 29 0 3 32 304 280 24 0 0 304 0 0 276 28 304

6 Peringamala 306 0 306 5 93 6 0 104 410 243 167 0 0 410 0 0 380 30 410

7 Pullampara 378 0 378 6 82 1 13 102 480 348 131 0 1 480 0 0 414 66 480

8 Vamanapuram 156 0 156 3 31 0 7 41 197 146 51 0 0 197 0 0 152 45 197

Total 2088 6 2094 18 363 11 28 420 2514 1874 637 1 2 2514 0 78 2161 275 2514

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Varkala

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential
Name of Non Residential Buildings
No Buildings
. Dwellin Com Govt. /
Oth Indus Institut Other Total(Res+ Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Total merci Total Male Female Local Total Total
ers trial ional s NonRes) s hed d te s
Houses al Bodies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Chemmaruthy 315 0 315 5 100 4 5 114 429 287 137 0 5 429 0 12 375 42 429

2 Cherunniyoor 288 3 291 0 54 0 11 65 356 282 71 3 0 356 0 0 342 14 356

3 Edava 335 0 335 4 54 0 28 86 421 292 128 1 0 421 0 0 352 69 421

4 Elakamon 190 0 190 3 81 2 0 86 276 182 91 0 3 276 0 0 235 41 276

5 Manamboor 177 0 177 6 33 0 0 39 216 135 81 0 0 216 0 0 209 7 216

6 Ottoor 139 0 139 8 31 0 1 40 179 133 44 2 0 179 0 0 147 32 179

7 Vettoor 115 0 115 1 31 0 7 39 154 72 82 0 0 154 0 0 147 7 154

Total 1559 3 1562 27 384 6 52 469 2031 1383 634 6 8 2031 0 12 1807 212 2031

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram Block : Vellanad

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Non Residential Buildings
Sl Buildings
Name of
No Govt.
. Dwellin Com Total(Re /
Oth Indus Institut Femal Other Thatc Tile Concre Other
g Total merci Others Total s+NonRe Male Local Total Total
ers trial ional e s hed d te s
Houses al s) Bodie
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Aryanadu 153 0 153 0 16 0 4 20 173 109 62 2 0 173 0 0 148 25 173

2 Kattakada 244 0 244 0 71 11 4 86 330 194 121 10 5 330 0 0 234 96 330

3 Kuttichal 185 0 185 10 35 1 5 51 236 146 87 1 2 236 0 0 169 67 236

4 Poovachal 298 0 298 8 92 7 2 109 407 352 48 6 1 407 0 0 404 3 407

5 Tholicode 243 0 243 1 44 5 9 59 302 161 129 6 6 302 0 0 262 40 302

6 Uzhamalakkal 204 0 204 2 39 1 1 43 247 152 93 1 1 247 0 0 208 39 247

7 Vellanad 237 0 237 4 68 1 2 75 312 201 107 2 2 312 0 0 270 42 312

8 Vithura 278 0 278 4 52 11 5 72 350 194 142 12 2 350 0 0 273 77 350

Total 1842 0 1842 29 417 37 32 515 2357 1509 789 40 19 2357 0 0 1968 389 2357

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022

District : Thiruvananthapuram

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Name of Block/
No Municipality/ Govt.
. Corporation Dwellin Com Instit Total(R / Tha
Other Indus Other Other Concre Other
g Total merci ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Total tche Tiled Total
s trial s s te s
Houses al al Res) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Athiyannur 1191 4 1195 9 238 4 24 275 1470 1051 408 11 0 1470 0 13 1324 133 1470

2 Chirayinkeezhu 1196 75 1271 14 209 2 3 228 1499 1010 456 3 30 1499 28 5 1335 131 1499

3 Pothencode 1682 14 1696 38 322 21 44 425 2121 1382 724 7 8 2121 0 0 2120 1 2121

4 Kilimanoor 2188 80 2268 33 426 16 68 543 2811 1698 1060 34 19 2811 0 77 2194 540 2811

5 Nedumangad 1347 2 1349 39 240 4 22 305 1654 1119 518 4 13 1654 0 0 1494 160 1654

6 Nemom 3074 2 3076 51 542 5 31 629 3705 2549 1143 6 7 3705 50 4 3424 227 3705

7 Parassala 1589 0 1589 27 419 15 4 465 2054 1631 412 10 1 2054 0 142 1820 92 2054

8 Perumkadavila 1856 0 1856 49 361 29 26 465 2321 1576 724 10 11 2321 13 225 1816 267 2321

9 Vamanapuram 2088 6 2094 18 363 11 28 420 2514 1874 637 1 2 2514 0 78 2161 275 2514

10 Varkala 1559 3 1562 27 384 6 52 469 2031 1383 634 6 8 2031 0 12 1807 212 2031

11 Vellanad 1842 0 1842 29 417 37 32 515 2357 1509 789 40 19 2357 0 0 1968 389 2357

12 Attingal (M) 336 9 345 1 76 1 0 78 423 250 173 0 0 423 0 0 402 21 423

13 Nedumangad (M) 1218 12 1230 7 172 11 2 192 1422 818 594 6 4 1422 0 0 1362 60 1422

14 Neyyattinkara (M) 1772 0 1772 7 448 9 103 567 2339 1384 927 28 0 2339 0 0 2339 0 2339

15 Varkala (M) 323 3 326 5 85 18 0 108 434 302 130 2 0 434 0 8 426 0 434

Thiruvananthapuram 0
16 17078 55 17133 182 3051 41 169 3443 20576 13227 6728 390 231 20576 0 20575 1 20576

Total 40339 265 40604 536 7753 230 608 9127 49731 32763 16057 558 353 49731 91 564 46567 2509 49731

Details of registered buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022 in Rural Area

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
No Name of District Instit Total(R Govt. /
. Dwelling Other Indus Comme Other Other Thatc Concre
Total ution Total es+Non Male Female Local Total Tiled Others Total
Houses s trial rcial s s hed te
al Res) Bodies

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 Kasargod 8762 169 8931 69 2950 97 103 3219 12150 8490 3381 125 154 12150 12 399 11555 184 12150

2 Kannur 12731 368 13099 179 3908 208 331 4626 17725 12008 5335 135 247 17725 4 208 17146 367 17725

3 Wayanad 7298 253 7551 129 1934 89 253 2405 9956 6590 3096 103 167 9956 48 232 8415 1261 9956

4 Kozhikode 16237 287 16524 280 7471 161 242 8154 24678 18903 5084 159 532 24678 100 529 23889 160 24678

5 Malappuram 27299 561 27860 608 12649 272 690 14219 42079 33205 8315 158 401 42079 61 688 39952 1378 42079

6 Palakkad 19886 392 20278 333 5457 178 483 6451 26729 18862 7361 323 183 26729 869 1075 22828 1957 26729

7 Thrissur 14467 114 14581 390 4890 133 269 5682 20263 14323 5442 170 328 20263 18 162 19257 826 20263

8 Ernakulam 19317 168 19485 686 5175 194 558 6613 26098 19370 6383 121 224 26098 218 359 24438 1083 26098

9 Idukki 6428 160 6588 174 982 72 252 1480 8068 5520 2377 109 62 8068 123 566 6419 960 8068

10 Kottayam 14013 87 14100 444 3547 76 384 4451 18551 14067 4120 135 229 18551 14 422 15219 2896 18551

11 Alappuzha 11892 165 12057 278 2695 104 274 3351 15408 11117 4107 71 113 15408 13 580 12852 1963 15408

12 Pathanamthitta 8608 20 8628 183 1946 75 263 2467 11095 8154 2598 204 139 11095 236 288 9663 908 11095

13 Kollam 17134 37 17171 252 4374 140 191 4957 22128 14929 7039 93 67 22128 39 449 19283 2357 22128

14 19612 186 19798 334 3921 150 334 4739 24537 16782 7505 132 118 24537 91 556 21463 2427 24537

Total 203684 2967 206651 4339 61899 1949 4627 72814 279465 202320 72143 2038 2964 279465 1846 6513 252379 18727 279465

Details of registered buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022 in Urban Area
Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed
Ownership Type of Roofs
Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Sl Govt.
No Name of District Dwelli Instit Total(Re / Tha
. Other Indus Comme Other Other Concre Other
ng Total ution Total s+NonRe Male Female Local Total tche Tiled Total
s trial rcial s s te s
Houses al s) Bodie d
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 Kasargod 1888 100 1988 25 555 27 26 633 2621 1369 1200 32 20 2621 0 11 2541 69 2621

2 Kannur 4857 161 5018 68 2608 101 194 2971 7989 5544 2072 59 314 7989 0 115 7763 111 7989

3 Wayanad 1389 53 1442 21 691 10 51 773 2215 1464 704 22 25 2215 15 41 2147 12 2215

4 Kozhikode 6226 336 6562 43 2739 69 225 3076 9638 7148 2385 90 15 9638 0 25 9569 44 9638

5 Malappuram 6567 164 6731 108 4259 73 524 4964 11695 8955 2593 57 90 11695 0 19 11448 228 11695

6 Palakkad 3413 79 3492 33 1185 35 40 1293 4785 3472 1247 56 10 4785 0 119 4603 63 4785

7 Thrissur 11762 44 11806 138 4358 45 881 5422 17228 11567 3618 90 1953 17228 4 26 16697 501 17228

8 Ernakulam 11229 65 11294 29 2838 81 274 3222 14516 10282 4042 43 149 14516 25 107 14134 250 14516

9 Idukki 488 0 488 4 184 6 1 195 683 581 101 1 0 683 0 0 675 8 683

10 Kottayam 2104 9 2113 15 945 10 50 1020 3133 2439 624 32 38 3133 0 33 2834 266 3133

11 Alappuzha 4306 13 4319 10 1238 8 64 1320 5639 4205 1419 9 6 5639 0 147 4609 883 5639

12 Pathanamthitta 3473 395 3868 22 858 77 44 1001 4869 3503 1316 35 15 4869 0 329 4395 145 4869

13 Kollam 4618 21 4639 40 1254 72 128 1494 6133 3868 2230 27 8 6133 0 324 5715 94 6133

14 20727 79 20806 202 3832 80 274 4388 25194 15981 8552 426 235 25194 0 8 25104 82 25194

Total 83047 1519 84566 758 27544 694 2776 31772 116338 80378 32103 979 2878 116338 44 1304 112234 2756 116338

Details of buildings constructed and completed during the year 2021-2022, Kerala State

Number of Buildings newly constructed and completed

Ownership Type of Roofs
Sl Residential Buildings Non Residential Buildings
Name of
No Govt. /
District Dwelling Indust Comme Institu Total(Res Thatc Concret
. Others Total Others Total Male Female Local Others Total Tiled Others Total
Houses rial rcial tional +NonRes) hed e
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21

1 Kasargod 10650 269 10919 94 3505 124 129 3852 14771 9859 4581 157 174 14771 12 410 14096 253 14771

2 Kannur 17588 529 18117 247 6516 309 525 7597 25714 17552 7407 194 561 25714 4 323 24909 478 25714

3 Wayanad 8687 306 8993 150 2625 99 304 3178 12171 8054 3800 125 192 12171 63 273 10562 1273 12171

4 Kozhikode 22463 623 23086 323 10210 230 467 11230 34316 26051 7469 249 547 34316 100 554 33458 204 34316

5 Malappuram 33866 725 34591 716 16908 345 1214 19183 53774 42160 10908 215 491 53774 61 707 51400 1606 53774

6 Palakkad 23299 471 23770 366 6642 213 523 7744 31514 22334 8608 379 193 31514 869 1194 27431 2020 31514

7 Thrissur 26229 158 26387 528 9248 178 1150 11104 37491 25890 9060 260 2281 37491 22 188 35954 1327 37491

8 Ernakulam 30546 233 30779 715 8013 275 832 9835 40614 29652 10425 164 373 40614 243 466 38572 1333 40614

9 Idukki 6916 160 7076 178 1166 78 253 1675 8751 6101 2478 110 62 8751 123 566 7094 968 8751

10 Kottayam 16117 96 16213 459 4492 86 434 5471 21684 16506 4744 167 267 21684 14 455 18053 3162 21684

11 Alappuzha 16198 178 16376 288 3933 112 338 4671 21047 15322 5526 80 119 21047 13 727 17461 2846 21047

12 Pathanamthitta 12081 415 12496 205 2804 152 307 3468 15964 11657 3914 239 154 15964 236 617 14058 1053 15964

13 Kollam 21752 58 21810 292 5628 212 319 6451 28261 18797 9269 120 75 28261 39 773 24998 2451 28261

14 40339 265 40604 536 7753 230 608 9127 49731 32763 16057 558 353 49731 91 564 46567 2509 49731

Total 286731 4486 291217 5097 89443 2643 7403 104586 395803 282698 104246 3017 5842 395803 1890 7817 364613 21483 395803





Directorate of Economics & Statistics
Vikas Bhavan P.O., Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala, PIN – 695 033
Phone No : +91- 471-2305318,
Fax No: +91- 471-2305317

E-mail : ecostatdir@gmail.com
: ecostatkeralahousing@gmail.com
Website : www.ecostat.kerala.gov.in

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