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Electrical Engineering (Objective Questions)

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OVER 4000 MCQs

Edition: August, 2024

By AP Experts
A team of scholars and retired faculty from IIR, Roorkee

Aarushi Publications

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Chapter 1 Basic Concepts and Network Theorems

Chapter 2 Magnetic Circuits

Chapter 3 Measuring Instruments

Chapter 4 Power Generation

Chapter 5 Power Transmission and Distribution

Chapter 6 Power System Protection

Chapter 7 DC Machines

Chapter 8 AC Fundamentals and Polyphase Circuits

Chapter 9 AC Machines and Transformers

Chapter 10 Utilization of Electrical Power

Chapter 11 Basic Electronics

Chapter 12 Control System

Every chapter contains:

• Warm Up Questions
• Questions from SSC-JE/PSU exams
• Questions from ESE (formerly IES) exams
• Questions from GATE exams
(c) decrease
WARM-UP QUESTIONS (d) remain constant
1. Identify the passive elements among the 7. A series circuit consists of a 4.7 k, 5.6
following. k, 9 k and 10 k resistors. Which
(a) Voltage source
resistor has the highest voltage across it?
(b) Current source (a) 4.7 kW
(c) Inductor* (b) 5.6 kW
(d) Transistor (c) 9 kW
(d) 10 kW*
2. Determine the total inductance of a
parallel combination of 100 mH, 50 mH 8. The total power in a series circuit is 10
and 10 mH.
W. There are five equal value resistors in
(a) 7.69 mH*
the circuit. How much power does each
(b) 160 mH resistor dissipate?
(c) 60 mH
(a) 10 W
(d) 110 mH (b) 5 W
(c) 2 W*
3. If the voltage across a given capacitor is (d) 1 W
increased, the amount of stored charge
(a) increases*
9. When a 1.2 k resistor, 100  resistor, 1
(b) decreases
(c) remains same k resistor and 50  resistor are in parallel,
(d) is exactly doubled the total resistance is less than
(a) 100 
4. How much energy is stored by a 100 mH (b) 50 *
inductance with a current of 1 A? (c) 1.2 k
(a) 100 J (d) 1 k
(b) 1 J
(c) 0.05 J* 10. If one of the resistors in a parallel
(d) 0.01 J circuit is removed, what happens to the total
5. The following voltage drops are (a) Decreases
measured across each of three resistors in (b) Increases*
series 5.2 V, 8.5 V and 12.3 V. What is the (c) Exactly doubles
value of the source voltage to which these (d) Remains constant
resistors are connected?
(a) 8.2 V 11. Six light bulbs are connected in parallel
(b) 12.3 V across 110 V. Each bulb is rated at 75 W.
(c) 5.2 V How much current flows through each
(d) 26 V* bulb?
(a) 0.682 A*
6. A certain series circuit has 100  , 270  (b) 0.7 A
and 330  resistors in series. If the 270 W (c) 75 A
resistor is removed, the current will (d) 110 A
(a) increase*
(b) become zero 12. Superposition theorem is valid only for
(a) linear circuits*

(b) non-linear circuits

(c) both(a) and(b)
(d) neither(a) nor(b)

13. When superposition theorem is applied

to any circuit, the dependent voltage source
is always
(a) opened (a) 3V
(b) shorted (b) 2.5 V*
(c) active* (c) 2 V
(d) none of the above (d) 0.1 V

14. Maximum power is transferred when 19. Three equal resistances of 3  are
the load resistance is connected in star what is the resistance in
(a) equal to source in resistance* one of the arms in an equivalent delta
(b) equal to half of the source resistance circuit?
(c) equal to zero (a) 10 
(d) none of the above (b) 3 
(c) 9 *
15. The superposition theorem is not valid (d) 27 
(a) voltage responses
20. Three equal resistances of 5  are
(b) current responses
connected in delta. What is the resistance in
(c) power responses*
one of the arms of the equivalent star
(d) all the above
(a) 5 
16. Determine the current I in the circuit
(b) 1.67 *
(c) 10 
(d) 15 

21. Norton’s current in the circuit is given


(a) 2.5 A
(b) 1 A
(c) 12 A*
(d) 4.5 A

17. The reciprocity theorem is applicable to (a) (2i/5) *

(a) linear networks only (b) zero
(b) bilateral networks only (c) infinite
(c) both(a) and(b) * (d) none
(d) neither(a) nor(b)
22. The nodal method of circuit analysis is
18. Thevenin voltage in the circuit shown in based on
figure is (a) KVL and Ohm’s law
(b) KCL and Ohm’s law*
(c) KVL and KCL
(d) both(a) and(b)

23. A practical voltage source consists of an (c) 2 A

ideal voltage source in (d) 1 A
(a) series with an internal resistance*
(b) parallel with an internal resistance 28. Which one of the following can be
(c) both(a) and(b) applied to analyse communication
(d) neither(a) nor(b) networks?
(a) Thevenin’s Theorem
24. Find the voltage between A and B in a (b) Norton’s Theorem
voltage divider network (c) Superposition Theorem
(d) Maximum-power Transfer Theorem*

29. Thevenin’s Theorem cannot he applied

to a network whist contains
(a) resistors
(b) linear impedance
(c) non-linear impedance*
(a) 90 V* (d) none of these
(b) 9 V
(c) 100 V 30. Superposition Theorem is valid for
(d) 0 V (a) non-linear bilateral network
(b) linear bilateral network*
25. The algebraic sum of all the currents (c) non-linear unilateral network
meeting a junction is equal to (d) linear unilateral network
(a) 1
(b) –1 31. The equivalent voltage source of the
(c) zero* current source as shown in figure is
(d) can’t say

26. Norton’s equivalent current of the

circuit in figure is

(a) 3 V
(b) 75 V*
(a) 1.67 A (c) (3/5) V
(b) 2.5 A (d) 5 Volt
(c) 2 A
(d) 1.25 A* 32. A resistor is a/an
(a) non-linear element
27. Norton’s equivalent current of the (b) active element
circuit in is (c) Unilateral element
(d) none of these*

33. The current flowing through the

resistors of 10 , 20 , and 30  connected
in series is 2 A. The circuit is connected
across a dc supply of
(a) 1.875 A (a) 240 V
(b) 0.9375 A* (b) 60 V

(c) 120 V* (a) ampere

(d) 30 V (b) volt
(c) watt
34. The value of the current I in the single- (d) joule*
loop circuit of figure is
39. According to KVL, the algebraic sum of
all IR drops and emfs in any closed loop of
a network is always.
(a) zero*
(b) positive
(c) negative
(d) determined by battery emf
(a) 2/5 A* 40. The load resistance needed to extract
(b) 7/25 A maximum power from the circuit of figure
(c) 3 A is
(d) 9/16 A

35. Efficiency of maximum power transfer

(a) 100%
(b) 50%*
(c) 25%
(d) 10%
(a) 2 *
36. The power dissipated across the 3  (b) 9 
resistor of figure is (c) 6 
(d) 18 

41. A 12 Volt source with an internal

resistance of 1.2  is connected across a
wire resistor. Maximum power will be
dissipated in the resistor when its resistance
(a) 133.33 W* is equal to
(b) 93.29 W (a) zero
(c) 127.6 W (b) 1.2 W*
(d) 146.91 W (c) 12 W
(d) infinity
37. The value of V1 of the circuit in figure
is 42. Which of the following elements is
(a) Diode*
(b) Resistor
(c) Capacitor
(d) Inductor
(a) 10.6 V
(b) 18.2 V* 43. Two 6 V, 2  batteries are connected in
(c) 16.7 V series. This combination can be replaced by
(d) 21.13 V a single equivalent current generator with a
parallel resistance of
38. The unit of energy is the (a) 3 A, 4  *

(b) 3 A, 2  (d) +18 V

(c) 3 A, 1 
(d) 6 A, 2  50. In the above question, the potential at
the positive terminal of the 6 V battery is
44. If two identical 3 A, 4  Norton ______ volt
equivalent circuits are connected in parallel (a) +6
with like polarity to like, the combined (b) –6
Norton equivalent circuit is (c) –12*
(a) 6 A, 4  (d) +12
(b) 6 A, 2 *
(c) 3 A, 2  51. What is the equivalent resistance in 
between points. A and B of figure
(d) 6 A, 8 

45. Two capacitances having 20F and 5F

capacitances are connected in series. Their
equivalent capacitance is
(a) 5 F
(b) 20 F
(c) 25 F
(d) 4 F*
(a) 12
(b) 14.4
46. Kirchhoff’s voltage law is concerned
(c) 22
(d) 2*
(a) IR drops
(b) battery emfs
52. In the circuit shown in figure,
(c) junction voltages
(d) both(a) and(b) *

47. A good electric conductor is one that

(a) has low conductance
(b) is always made of copper wire
(c) produces a minimum voltage drop* Thevenin’s equivalents voltage is
(d) has few free electrons (a) 50 V*
(b) 100 V
48. Which of the following material has (c) 10 V
nearly zero temperature coefficient of (d) 150 V
(a) Carbon 53. Thevenin’s equivalent resistance for
(b) Porcelain circuit shown in figure is
(c) Copper
(d) Manganin*

49. The positive terminal of a 6 V battery is

connected to the negative terminal of a 12
V battery whose positive terminal is
grounded. The potential at that negative
terminal of the 6 V battery is
(a) + 6 V
(b) –6 V
(c) –18 V* (a) 0 

(b) 10.2 * (c) zero sequence Current

(c) 20  (d) none of these
(d) 300 
61. A conductor has a cross-sectional area
54. How many electrons pass a given point of 3 mm2 while the length is 100 m. If the
in a conductor in 10 s if the current strength conductor offers 8  resistance, the
is 18 A? conductivity of the material is
(a) 1.6 × 10-19 (a) 2.5 × 106 Siemens/m
(b) 18 × 1019 (b) 9.2 × 106 Siemens/m
(c) 112.5 × 1019* (c) 4.17 × 106 Siemens/m*
(d) 1800 × 1011 (d) 6.19 × 106 Siemens/m

55. Delta-star conversion of each equal 62. A charge of 100 C passes through a
resistances in each branch leads to conductor in 20 seconds. What is the
(a) decrease of resistance* corresponding current in amperes?
(b) increase of resistance (a) 5 A*
(c) same resistances (b) 2.5 A
(d) none of these (c) 10 A
(d) 7.5 A
56. Tesla is the unit of
(a) magnetic flux 63. If the length of a wire of resistance R is
(b) magnetic flux density* uniformly stretched to n times its original
(c) reluctance value, its new resistance is
(d) flux intensity (a) nR
(b) R/n
57. One radian is equal to (c) n2R*
(a) ° (d) R/n2
(b) 180°
(c) 0/1800* 64. Two wires A and B of the same material
(d) 180/0 and length L and 2L have radius r and 2r
respectively. The ratio of their specific
58. The unit of conductance is resistance will be
(a) Coulomb (a) 1 : 1
(b) Siemens* (b) 1 : 2*
(c) Farad (c) 1 : 4
(d) Henry (d) 1 : 8

59. In an electrical circuit, the base voltage 65. A length of wire having a resistance of
is 4 kV while the base current is 100 amp. 1W is cut into four equal parts and these
The base power would be four parts are bundled together side by side
(a) 25 KVA to form a wire. The new resistance will be
(b) 400 KVA* (a) 1/4
(c) 40 KVA (b) 1/16*
(d) 250 VA (c) 4 W
(d) 16 W
60. When the current comes out from the
+ve polarity of the device, the current is 66. The hot resistance of the filament of a
called bulb is higher than the cold resistance
(a) +ve Current* because the temperature coefficient of the
(b) –ve Current filament is
(a) negative

(b) infinite (a) the bulbs together consume 100W

(c) zero (b) the bulbs together consume 50W
(d) positive* (c) the 60 W bulb glows brighter
(d) the 40 W bulb glows brighter*
67. A network contains linear resistors and
ideal voltage sources. If values of all the 72. Twelve 1  resistors are used as edges
resistors are doubled then the voltage across to form a cube. The resistance between the
each resistor is two diagonally opposite corners of the
(a) halved cube is
(b) doubled (a) 5/6 *
(c) increased by four times (b) 1 
(d) not changed* (c) 6/5 
(d) 3/2 
68. A 10 V battery with an internal
resistance of 1  is connected across a 73. All resistors in the circuit shown in
nonlinear load whose VI characteristic is figure are of R  each. The switch is
given by 7 I = V2 + 2V. The current initially open. When the switch is closed the
delivered by the battery is lamp’s intensity
(a) 0
(b) 10 A
(c) 5 A*
(d) 8 A

69. All the resistors in figure are 1  each.

The value of I will be

(a) increases
(a) 1/15 A (b) decreases
(b) 2/15 A (c) remains the same*
(c) 4/15 A (d) depends on the value of R
(d) 8/15 A*
74. Two 2 kW, 2  resistors are connected
70. For the circuit shown in Fig. 1.42, the in parallel. Then combined resistance and
equivalent resistance will be wattage ratings will be
(a) 4 k, 4 W
(b) 1 k, 4 W*
(c) 1 k, 2 W
(d) 1 k, 1 W
(a) 36 
75. The nodal method of circuit analysis is
(b) 12  based on
(c) 6  (a) KVL and Ohm’s law
(d) 4 * (b) KCL and Ohm’s law*
(c) KCL and KVL
71. Two incandescent light bulbs of 40 W (d) KCL, KVL and Ohm’s law
and 60 W rating are connected in series
across the mains. Then

76. A network contains only an independent

current source and resistors. If the values of 83. Point out of the WRONG statement. In
all resistors are doubled, the value of the the node-voltage technique of solving
node voltages will networks, choice of a reference node does
(a) become half not
(b) remain unchanged (a) affect the operation of the circuit
(c) become double* (b) change the voltage across any
(d) none of these element
(c) alter the p.d. between any pair of
77. Superposition theorem is not applicable nodes
to networks containing (d) affect the voltages of various nodes. *
(a) nonlinear elements
(b) dependent voltage source 84. Calculate the Thevenin resistance across
(c) dependent current source the terminal AB for the following circuit.
(d) transformers*

78. Kirchhoff’s current law is applicable to

(a) closed loops in a network
(b) electronic circuits
(c) junctions in a network* (a) 4.34 ohm
(d) electric circuits. (b) 3.67 ohm*
(c) 3.43 ohm
79. Kirchhoff’s voltage law is concerned (d) 2.32 ohm
(a) IR drops 85. Calculate Vth for the given circuit.
(b) battery e.m.f.
(c) junction voltages
(d) both(a) and(b) *

80. According to KVL, the algebraic sum of

all IR drops and e.m.f.s in any closed loop
of a network is always (a) 5.54V
(a) zero* (b) 3.33V
(b) positive (c) 6.67V*
(c) negative (d) 3.67V
(d) determined by battery e.m.f.s.
86. Calculate the current across the 4 ohm
81. The algebraic sign of an IR drop is resistor.
primarily dependent upon the
(a) amount of current flowing through it
(b) value of R
(c) direction of current flow*
(d) battery connection.

82. Maxwell’s loop current method of (a) 0.86A*

solving electrical networks (b) 1.23A
(a) uses branch currents (c) 2.22A
(b) utilizes Kirchhoff’s voltage law* (d) 0.67A
(c) is confined to single-loop circuits
(d) is a network reduction method. 87. The Thevenin voltage is the –––

(a) Open circuit voltage* (b) Open circuit current

(b) Short circuit voltage (c) Open circuit and short circuit current
(c) Open circuit and short circuit voltage (d) Neither open circuit nor short circuit
(d) Neither open circuit nor short circuit current
95. Norton resistance is found by?
88. Thevenin resistance is found by ––– (a) Shorting all voltage sources
(a) Shorting all voltage sources (b) Opening all current sources
(b) Opening all current sources (c) Shorting all voltage sources and opening
(c) Shorting all voltage sources and opening all current sources*
all current sources* (d) Opening all voltage sources and
(d) Opening all voltage sources and shorting all current sources
shorting all current sources
96. Norton’s theorem is true for –––
89. Thevenin’s theorem is true for ––– (a) Linear networks*
(a) Linear networks* (b) Non-Linear networks
(b) Non-Linear networks (c) Both linear networks and nonlinear
(c) Both linear networks and nonlinear networks
networks (d) Neither linear networks nor non- linear
(d) Neither linear networks nor non- linear networks
97. Calculate the Norton resistance for the
90. In Thevenin’s theorem Vth is ––– following circuit if 5 ohm is the load
(a) Sum of two voltage sources* resistance.
(b) A single voltage source
(c) Infinite voltage sources
(d) 0

91. Vth is found across the ––– terminals of

the network.
(a) 10 ohm
(a) Input
(b) 11 ohm
(b) Output* (c) 12 ohm*
(c) Neither input nor output
(d) 13 ohm
(d) Either input or output
98. Calculate the short circuit current is the
92. Which of the following is also known as
5 ohm resistor is the load resistance.
the dual of Thevenin’s theorem?
(a) Norton’s theorem*
(b) Superposition theorem
(c) Maximum power transfer theorem
(d) Millman’s theorem

93. Can we use Thevenin’s theorem on a (a) 0.72A*

circuit containing a BJT? (b) 0.32A
(a) Yes (c) 0.83A
(b) No* (d) 0.67A
(c) Depends on the BJT
(d) Insufficient data provided 99. Find the current in the 5 ohm resistance
using Norton’s theorem.
94. The Norton current is the_______
(a) Short circuit current*

105. Which one of the following is the

dimensional formula resistivity?
(a) ML3T-3A-2 *
(b) ML3T3A2
(c) ML3T3A-2
(d) ML-3T-3A-2 (SSC JE 2018, Air force
(a) 1A 2021 )
(b) 1.5A Hint:  = RA/L
(c) 0.25A
(d) 0.5A* 106. Which of the following is the correct
expression for the capacitance?
100. Which of the following is also known (a) C = Q/V*
as the dual of Norton’s theorem? (b) C = Q - V
(a) Thevenin’s theorem* (c) C = QV
(b) Superposition theorem (d) C = V/Q (SSC JE 2018)
(c) Maximum power transfer theorem
(d) Millman’s theorem 107. In parallel combination of capacitances,
the equivalent capacitance is
QUESTIONS FROM SSC/PSU (a) equal to the larges capacitance of the
EXAMS combination
(b) lower than the largest capacitance of the
101. Which of the following laws states that:
in any electrical network, the algebraic sum
(c) lower than the smallest capacitance of
of the currents meeting at a point is zero?
the combination
(a) Ohm’s law
(d) greater than the largest capacitance of
(b) Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL)
the combination*
(c) Faraday’s law
(SSC JE 2015, 2017, 2018)
(d) Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL)*
1 1 1 1
(SSC JE 2018, 2021) Hint: = + + ..... +
Ceq C1 C2 Cn
102. The SI unit of conductivity is-
(a) Ohm-m 108. Determine the potential difference (in
(b) Ohm/m V) between the ends of a conductor when
(c) Mho-m the conductor has a conductance of 0.4
(d) Mho/m* (SSC JE 2018, 2014, PGCIL) Siemens and carrying a current of 8 A.
(a) 10
103. The capacitor in circuit opposes the (b) 20*
sudden change of: (c) 30
(a) Voltage (d) 50 (SSC JE 2018)
(b) temperature Hint: V = IR = I(1/conductance)
(c) Energy
(d) current (SSC JE 2008, 2019, PSPCL 109. What will be the value of capacitance
2019) (in micro-Farad) of a capacitor when the
potential difference between the terminals of
104. Ideal voltage source should have the capacitor is 40 V and the charge stored
(a) Zero internal resistance* in the capacitor is 8 mC?
(b) Infinite internal resistance (a) 150
(c) Large value of e.m.f. (b) 180
(d) Medium internal resistance (c) 200*
(SSC JE 2017, 2019) (d) 240 (SSC JE 2018)

110. Determine the temperature coefficient

of resistance of a resistor at 0 degree
Celsius, when the resistor has a resistance of
20 ohms at 0 degree Celsius and 40 ohms at
60 degree Celsius.
(a) 0.012
(b) 0.013
(c) 0.017* (a) 6.32
(d) 0.019 (SSC JE 2018) (b) 4.22
Hint: (c) 2.71*
Rt = R0 (1+α0 × Δt) (d) 1.72 (SSC JE 2018)

111. A wire of 30 ohms resistance is 114. Determine the power dissipated (in W)
stretched to double its original length and by the 6 ohms resistor in the circuit given
then cut into two equal parts. These two below
equal parts are connected in parallel with a
battery that draws a current of 2 A.
Determine the potential difference (in V)
between the terminals of the battery.
(a) 30
(b) 60* (a) 0*
(c) 90 (b) 6
(d) 120 (SSC JE 2018) (c) 36
(d) 120 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Rn = n2 R = 22 x30 = 120 Hint: Apply nodal analysis
Req =
60 x60
= 30 V1 V1 − V2
+ =2
60 + 60 3 6
V = IR = 2 x 30 = 60 V V V − V1
and 2 + 2 =6
112. What will be the value of current I4 (in I 6
A) for the diagram given below?
115. What will be the peak value of voltage
(in V) of a voltage waveform, when the root
mean square value of the voltage is 30 V?
(a) 42.42*
(b) 41.14
(c) 40.24
(d) 40.62 (SSC JE 2018)
(a) 1* Hint: Peak value of voltage = value of r.m.s
(b) -1 × 2
(c) 2
(d) -2 (SSC JE 2015, 2018) 116. What will be the frequency (in Hz) of a
Hint: I3 + I4 = I7 + I5 + I6 sinusoidal wave, when the time-period of
113. What will be the value of current (in A) wave is 2ms?
drawn from the voltage source for the circuit (a) 400
given below? (b) 500*
(c) 600
(d) 800 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Frequency = 1/time period

117. What will the peak value of alternating 122. The average value of a sinusoidal
voltage (in V) when the average value of the waves is
voltage is 140 V (a) 0.637 × maximum value*
(a) 216 (b) 0.5 × maximum value
(b) 214 (c) 2 × maximum value
(c) 220* (d) 2× maximum value (SSC JE 2018, 2019)
(d) 240 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Peak = average/0.637 123. When only current source is active in
the circuit, find the current through the 10Ω
118. Determine the capacitive reactance (in resistor?
Ohms) of a circuit, if the supplied frequency
is 50 Hz and the capacitance of the circuit is
60 micro Farad.
(a) 52.4
(b) 53.1*
(c) 54.4
(d) 55.5 (SSC JE 2018)
(a) 1.33 A
Hint: X C = (b) 1.66 A
2 fC (c) 0 A
(d) 0.66 A* (SSC JE 2014, 2019)
119. Determine the value of reactive power Hint: Given that only current source is
(in VAR) of a circuit having power factor of active so voltage source deactivate with
0.6 when the apparent power of the circuit is equivalent resistance (Re = 0)
120 VA.
(a) 75
(b) 78
(c) 84
(d) 96* (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Power factor = cos
Apply current divider rule
Reactive power (Q) = (VA)sin
i2 = I10 = 2 x A
120. Find the net capacitance of the 5 + 10
combination in which ten capacitors of 10
μF are connected in parallel. 124. ____is the measuring unit of inductive
(a) 1μ F susceptance.
(b) 0.1 μF (a) Mho*
(c) 50 μF (b) Tesla
(d) 100μF* (SSC JE 2010, 2018, 2019) (c) Henry
Hint: Ceq = C1 + C2 + C3............... Cn (d) Weber (SSC JE 2019)

121. A coil is wound with 50 turns and a 125. Two bulbs of rating 230V, 60 W and
current 8 A produces a flux of 200 μWb. 230 V, 100 W are connected in parallel
Calculate inductance of the coil. across supply mains. Identify the correct
(a) 1.25 mH8 statement.
(b) 0.125 mH (a) The 100 W bulb will glow brighter*
(c) 0.25 mH (b) Neither bulb will glow
(d) 2.5 mH (SSC JE 2019) (c) Both will glow equally bright
Hint: L = N/I (d) The 60 W bulb will glow brighter
(SSC JE 2019)

Hint: For parallel connections of bulbs, has a large cross sectional area, if the
higher rating of bulbs will glow brighter as resistance of the other wire is 20 Ω?
compare to low rating because of lower (a) 40
resistance and for series connection lower (b) 20
rating bulb glows brighter. (c) 30
(d) 10* (SSC JE 2018)
126. How much power (in W) will be R1 l1 A2
dissipated by a 5 Ohm resistor in which the Hint: = x
R2 l2 A1
value of current is 2 A?
(a) 10
(b) 30 131. What will be the resistance (in Ω) of
(c) 20* bulb A for the circuit given below?
(d) 40 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: P = I2R

127. What is the resistivity (in Ohm-m) of a

2 Ohm cylindrical wire when the length and
the diameter of the wire are 10 m and 0.4 m
(a) 0.025*
(b) 0.0025 (a) 4.65
(c) 0.25 (b) 2.35
(d) 0.05 (SSC JE 2018) (c) 3.3*
(d) 1.33 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Resistivity () = RA/l
Hint: I = P/V = 110/20
Resistance of bulb A = P/I2
128. What is the equivalent capacitance (in
μF) for the circuit given below?
132. Determine the value of current (in A)
through both the resistors of the given

(a) 4.56
(b) 4.32*
(c) 54.62
(d) 54.28 (SSC JE 2013, 2014, 2018)
(a) –2, –1.5
(b) 2, 1.5*
129. What will be the resistance (in Ohms)
(c) –2, 1.5
of a lamp rated at 220 V, 200 W?
(d) 2, –1.5 (SSC JE 2018)
(a) 220
Hint: By applying nodal analysis,
(b) 224
I1 = V/R = 20/10
(c) 244
I2 = [20 - (-10)]/20
(d) 242* (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: R = V/P
133. Determine the value of current I1 (in A)
and V1 (in V) respectively, for the circuit
130. Two wires of same resistivity have
given below.
(a) 4, 32*
length. The cross sectional area of first wire
(b) – 4, 32
is two times to the area of the other. What
(c) 6, 30
will be the resistance (in Ω) of the wire that

(d) – 6, 30 (SSC JE 2018) to an a.c. source. The frequency of the

Hint: Apply KCL, source is:
Incoming current at Node 'x' = Outgoing (a) 50 Hz*
current at Node "x" (b) 200 Hz
I1 = 1 + 3 = 4 Amp (c) 500 Hz
Current flow through Node 'x' I1 = 4 Amp (d) 20 Hz (SSC JE 2014)
Now, V1 = I1 × R = 4 × 8 Hint: f = 1/4T

134. Three resistors, each of 'R' Ω are 138. Which of the following is non-linear
connected in star. What is the value of circuit parameter ?
equivalent delta connected resistors? (a) Condenser
(a) 2 R Ω (b) Wire wound resistor
(b) R/3 Ω (c) Transistor*
(c) 3 R Ω* (d) Inductance (SSC JE 2014)
(d) R/2 Ω (SSC JE 2014)
139. Two electric bulbs have tungsten
135. Find R3 for the circuit shown in figure: filament of same thickness . If one of them
give 60 W and the other gives 100 W, then:
(a) 100 W lamp filament has longer length
(b) 60 W lamp filament has longer length*
(c) 60W and 100W lamp filaments have
equal length
(d) 60W lamp filament has shorter length
(SSC JE 2014)
(a) 25 ohm Hint: P = 1/R and R  L
(b) 25 kilo ohm*
(c) 25 mega ohm 140. Two 100 W, 200 V lamps are
(d) 25 milli ohm (SSC JE 2014) connected in series across a 200 V supply.
Hint: Apply KCL The total power consumed by each lamp
50 mA = 10 mA + I will be watts.
I = 40 mA (a) 50
By current division rule (b) 100
Current in R2 = 10 mA (c) 200
= R3/(R3 + 1000 KΩ) × 50 mA (d) 25* (SSC JE 2008, 2014)
136. If a 10- μF capacitor is connected to a 141. The power factor of industrial loads is
voltage source with v(t) = 50 sin 2000 t V, generally :
then the current through the capacitor is (a) unity
__A. (b) lagging*
(a) cos 2000 t* (c) leading
(b) 500 cos 2000 t (d) zero (SSC JE 2008)
(c) 106 cos 2000 t
(d) 5 × 10−4 cos 2000 t (SSC JE 2014) 142. The value of V in the circuit shown in
dV (t ) the given figure is:
Hint: ic (t ) = C c

137. The magnetic field energy in an

inductor changes from maximum value to
minimum value in 5 msec when connected

(a) 100 W
(b) 774 W
(c) 500 W
(d) 433 W* (SSC JE 2007)
Hint: Average power
= VrmsIrmscos30
= (100/2)(10/2)(3/2)
(a) 1V 146. The ratio of resistances of a 100 W,
(b) 2V 220 V lamp to that of a 100 W, 110 V lamp
(c) 3V* will be at respective voltages
(d) 4V (SSC JE 2008) (a) 4*
Hint: Apply KCL at node B (b) 2
VB VB + 3
+ =3 (c) 1/2
1 1 (d) 1/4 (SSC JE 2010)
and VA = 3 x1
147. In series combination of resistance, the
current through each resistance is
143. For the circuit shown below, voltage (a) higher in largest resistance
V1 will be
(b) lower in largest resistance
(c) same in each resistance*
(d) higher in smaller resistance
(SSC JE 2018)

148. What will be the value of equivalent

(a) 2.64 V capacitance, if three capacitors having
(b) 3.64 V capacitance C are connected in series?
(c) 6.0 V* (a) 3C
(d) 9.1 V (SSC JE 2007) (b) C/3*
Hint: Take V1 and V2 voltage at node A and (c) 6C
B respectively Applying nodal analysis at (d) C/6 (SSC JE 2017, 2018)
node A and B 1 1 1 1
V1 − V2 V1 Hint: = + +
+ = 10 Ceq C1 C2 C3
2 1
V − V1 V2 V2
and 2 + + +5 = 0 149. What will be the colour–coding of a
2 4 4 resistor when the resistance of the resistor is
50 ± 2% ohms?
144. The effective value of voltage given by (a) Green–Black–Brown–Red
V = 100 + 25 sin 3ωt + 10 sin 5ωt will be (b) Green–Black–Black–Brown
(a) 1000 V (c) Yellow–Brown–Black–Red
(b) 101.8 V* (d) Green–Black–Black–Red*
(c) 1.01 V (SSC JE 2015, 2018)
(d) 135 V (SSC JE 2007, 2012) Hint:
2 2
 25   10 
Hint: 100 + 
 + 
 2  2

145. The voltage v and current i of a device

are v = 100 sin 377t, i = 10 sin (377t + 300)
The power P indicated by wattmeter will be-

152. Determine the voltage (in V) between

point A and B for the given electrical circuit:

(a) 40
(b) 20*
(c) 60
(d) 30 (SSC JE 2018)

153. What will be the value of current (in A)

150. What will be the value of current (in A)
through R3 resistor, if a source of 3 V with
drawn from a 4V battery when a wire of 20
internal resistance 3 Ω is connected at P–Q
ohms resistance is stretched to double its
terminals with positive terminal at P?
original length and then cut into two equal
parts and these equal parts are connected in
parallel with the battery?
(a) 2
(b) 4
(c) 0.2*
(d) 0.4 (SSC JE 2018) (a) 1.2
Hint: R =  L / A (b) 1.6*
R = Resistance (c) 2.2
ρ = Resistivity (d) 2.6 (SSC JE 2018)
L = Length of wire Hint: Apply 3 volts across Terminals P and
A = Cross-section area of wire Q, whose internal resistance is 3Ω, We get
When a wire is stretched doubled its original the following circuit
length, cross sectional area will get half.
Hence the effective resistance will be 4
Hence the resistance = 4 × 20 = 80 Ω
Now this wire is cut in to two equal parts.
Hence each wire will have 40 Ω resistance. Applying Nodal Analysis in the circuit
Now they are connected in parallel. shown in second figure
Equivalent resistance of the circuit = 20 Ω.
Current (I) = V / R = 4 / 20 = 0.2 A.

151. Determine the heat dissipated (in Joule)

through a conductor of 10 ohms resistance,
when 1 A of current is flowing through the
conductor for 5 seconds.
(a) 50*
V − 18 V V − 3
(b) 40 + + =0
(c) 20 (3 + 3) 3 3
(d) 60 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: H = I2RT

154. The maximum voltage induced in the 158. Kirchhoff's voltage law is based on
coil is 200V and the rotation angle of the which of the following principle?
coil is 45 degrees with respect to the coil. (a) Conservation of charge
Find the instantaneous value of the (b) Conservation of energy*
sinusoidal waveform produced : (c) Conservation of force
(a) 200 sin450 * (d) Conservation of momentum
(b) 200 cos 450 (SSC JE 2018)
(c) (200/2) sin 450
(d) (200/2) cos 450( SSC JE 2018) 159. What is the value of an unknown
Hint: V = Vm sinωt voltage 'V' (in V) across the terminal A and
B, in the circuit given below?
155. There are N resistances, each are (a) 6
connected in parallel having value R with (b) 10
equivalent resistance of X. What will be the (c) 12*
total resistance when these N resistances are (d) 16 (SSC JE 2018)
connected in series?
(a) NX 160. How much time (in sec) will be taken
(b) RNX by 40 C of charge to pass through a point in
(c) X/N a circuit, if a current of 8 A flows through
(d) N2X* (SSC JE 2018) it?
(a) 2
156. 'Erg' is a unit of measurement for (b) 3
(a) Energy* (c) 4
(b) Power (d) 5* (SSC JE 2018)
(c) Voltage Hint: Q = it
(d) Impedance (SSC JE 2018)
161. Three electric lamps of 70 W each are
157. What is the equivalent inductance (in connected in parallel across AC mains.
H) between the terminals A and B in the What is the total power consumed (in W) by
circuit given below? the parallel combination?
(a) 70
(b) 140
(c) 210*
(d) 380 (SSC JE 2018)
(a) 1
(b) 1.42 162. The dimensions of a cuboidal metal
(c) 3.2* strip are a = 5 cm, b = 15 cm and c = 10 cm.
(d) 7 (SSC JE 2018) What is the ratio of resistances Ra:Rb:Rc
Hint: 1 H, 1H and 1H are in series between the respective pairs of opposite
So, L1 = 1H + 1H + 1H = 3H faces?
Again 1H and 1H are in series (a) 1 : 3 : 5
L2 = 1H + 1H = 2H (b) 1 : 3 : 2
Now L1 and L2 are in parallel (c) 1 : 9 : 4*
1 1 1 1 1 5 (d) 1 : 9 : 16 (SSC JE 2018)
= + = + = Hint: R = l/A
L3 L1 L2 3 2 6 Ra = a/(b x c) = 5/150 = 1/30
L3 = 6/5 =1.2 H Rb = b/(a x c) = 15/50 = 3/10
Therefore L3, 1H and 1H inductance are in Rc = c/(b x a) = 10/75 = 2/15
Leq = 1H +1H + L3 = 1 + 1 + 1.2 = 3.2 H 163. In which combination, the electrical
appliances are connected at home?

(a) Series In the given circuit, point A and C are

(b) Parallel* parallel and path ADC, ABC have same
(c) Series–parallel resistance (9 Ω ). Resistance of path ADC =
(d) None of these (SSC JE 2018) 5+4=9Ω
Resistance of path ABC = 4 + 5 = 9 Ω
164. How many nodes and junctions are So current flowing in branch, ADC and
present respectively in the circuit shown ABC is 12/2 = 6 Amp
below? Voltage across point AD = IR = 6 A × 4 Ω
= 24 volt
Voltage across point AB = I × R = 6 Ω × 5
Ω = 30 volt
Potential difference between B and D,
VD −VC = 30 V (i)
VB −VC = 24 V (ii)
Now solve.
(a) 5, 2*
166. The open circuit voltage across the load
(b) 5, 5
terminals is 30 V. The terminal voltage
(c) 2, 2
drops to 20 V, when the load of 15 ohms is
(d) 2, 5 (SSC JE 2018)
connected across the open circuited
Hint: There are five nodes (A, B, C, D, E or
terminals. What is the internal resistance (in
F) and two junctions (B, E) in the given
ohms) of the source?
circuit, because junction is a meeting point
(a) 5.5
of three or more than three branches.
(b) 6
(c) 7
165. Determine the potential difference (in
(d) 7.5* (SSC JE 2018)
V) between nodes B and D.
Hint: Load terminal voltage equals to source
terminal voltage in case of open circuit,

So, VS = VL = 30V
When adding 15Ω resistance,
(a) –5 I = V/R = 20/15 = 4/3 amp
(b) 5
(c) –6*
(d) 6 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: See following figure

Where, Ri is internal resistance

resistance are connected in series and
current will be same.
Voltage drop due to 20V load voltage drop,
Vi = VS − VL = 30 − 20 = 10V
internal resistance Ri = V/I

167. Determine the current 'l' (in A)

delivered by the source in the circuit given

RAB = RA + RB +

171. An electric iron is rated at 230 V, 400

W, 50 Hz. The voltage rating 230 V refers to
(a) 35 (a) rms value*
(b) 38 (b) peak-to-peak value
(c) 42 (c) average value
(d) 44* (SSC JE 2018) (d) peak value (SSC JE 2012)

168. Determine the average value of 172. A non- sinusoidal periodic waveform is
alternating current (in A) when the peak free from DC component, cosine
value of current is 14 A. components and even harmonics. The
(a) 8.92* waveform has
(b) 6.56 (a) half wave and odd function symmetry*
(c) 4.26 (b) half wave and even function symmetry
(d) 2.94 (SSC JE 2018) (c) only odd function symmetry.
Hint: Iavg = 0.637 × Ip (d) only half wave symmetry (SSC JE 2012)

169. The equivalent resistance between 173. Form factor of an alternating wave is
terminals X and Y of the network shown is (a) Form factor = average value/RMS value
(b) Form factor = (RMS value)2/Average
(c) Form factor = RMS value/Average
(d) Form factor = RMS value × Average
value (SSC JE 2012)
(a) 8 Ω
(b) 100/3 Ω 174. Which of the following is the best
(c) 40/3 Ω* conductor of electricity?
(d) 20/9 Ω (SSC JE 2012) (a) Warm water
(b) Salt water*
170. Three resistances 5 Ω each are (c) Cold water
connected in star. Values of equivalent delta (d) Distilled water (SSC JE 2012)
resistances are
(a) 1.5Ω each 175. A 20 micro farad capacitor is connected
(b) 2.5Ω each across an ideal voltage source. The current
(c) 5/3Ω each in thecapacitor
(d) 15Ω each* (SSC JE 2012) (a) will be very high at first, then
Hint: See figure. exponentially*
decay and at steady state will become zero.

(b) None of these are true (a) 2

(c) will be zero at first, then exponentially (b) 6
rise. (c) 4*
(d) will be very high at first, then (d) 8 (SSC JE 2015, 2018)
exponentially decay (SSC JE 2012) Hint: e = L(di/dt)

176. Three lamps are in circuit as shown in 178. Determine the voltage (in V) of a
Figure. battery connected to a parallel plate
capacitor (filled with air) when the area of
the plate is 10 square centimetres, the
separation between the plates is 5 mm and
the charged stored on the plates is 20 pC.
(a) 12.3
(b) 10.3
(c) 11.3*
(d) 14.3 (SSC JE 2018)
A  0 r A
Hint: C = =
At what condition 100 W lamp will have the d d
maximum brightness? and V = q/C
(a) K1 is closed, K2 is open and K3 is also
open 179. What will be the equivalent resistance
(b) Both (c) and (d) (in ohms) between the point x and y for the
(c) Key K1 is closed, K2 is open and K3 is given electrical network?
(d) Key K1 is open, K2 is closed and K3 is
open* (SSC JE 2012)
Hint: Resistance of 100 W bulb = 2002/100
= 400ohms
Resistance of 60 W bulb = 2002/60 =
666.67ohms (a) 2
Resistance of 40W bulb = 2002/40 = 1000 (b) 1*
ohms (c) 4
Therefore, total resistance in series = (400 + (d) 3 (SSC JE 2015, 2017, 2019)
666.67 + 1000) = 2066.67ohms
Current in the circuit = 200/2066.67 = 180. Determine the power delivered (in W)
0.0967A by the current source for the given electrical
Therefore, actual power consumed by circuit:
“40W” bulb = 0.09672 x 1000 = 9.35W
(much lesser than any of the original)
The 40 W bulb will grow the brightest as the
current is constant in all three and it has the
maximum resistance. But it would consume
much less than 40W as the bulbs are
connected in series, and voltage would be (a) 80*
divided across all three filaments depending (b) 40
upon resistances. (c) 60
(d) 30 (SSC JE 2018)
177. What will be the voltage (in V) across a
8 H inductor, when the rate of change of 181. Two resistors are connected in parallel
current in the inductor is 0.5 Amp/sec. to a stable voltage source. How do current

and power of the resistor R1 change when 186. A geyser is operated from 230 V, 50 c/s
the resistance of R2 is decreased by half? mains. The frequency of instantaneous
power consumed by the geyser is
(a) 25 c/s
(b) 50 c/s
(c) 100 c/s*
(d) 150 c/s (SSC JE 2013)
Hint: Frequency of instantaneous power
consumed = 2 f
(a) Current is constant and power decreases
(b) Current increases and power is constant 187. In a 3-phase 400 V, 4-wire system, two
(c) Both current and power constant* incandescent lamps, one having 230 V, 100
(d) Both current and power decrease W specification and the other 230 V, 200 W
(SSC JE 2017) are connected between R phase-neutral and
Y phase-neutral respectively. If the neutral
182. If a capacitor is charged by a square wire breaks
wave current source, the voltage across the (a) 100 W lamp will fuse first*
capacitor is (b) 200 W lamp will fuse first
(a) a square wave (c) both the lamps will fuse together
(b) triangular wave* (d) both the lamps will glow (SSC JE 2013)
(c) step function Hint: The 100W lamp will fail first,
(d) zero (SSC JE 2017) Although the voltage across the 100 w lamp
will be higher (293V), it will fail because of
183. Kirchhoff’s voltage law applied to the effective current (0.489A) which is more
circuit with than the 100 w lamp’s normal current
(a) Linear elements only (0.4A). An increase in current causes more
(b) Non-linear elements only heat and the heating element will fail.
(c) Linear, non-linear, active and passive
elements 188. We have three resistances each of value
(d) Linear, non-linear, active, passive time 1 Ω , 2Ω and 3Ω. If all the three resistances
variant as well as time invariant elements* are to be connected in a circuit, how many
(SSC JE 2017) different values of equivalent resistance are
184. Which of the following is an active (a) Five
element of circuit? (b) Six
(a) Resistance (c) Seven
(b) Inductance (d) Eight* (SSC JE 2013)
(c) Capacitance
(d) Ideal current source * 189. An electric heater draws 1000 watts
(SSC JE 2017, 2018) from a 250 V source. The power drawn from
a 200 V source is
185. In electronic circuits, for blocking the (a) 800 W
DC component of a voltage signal, a/an___ (b) 640 W*
is connected in series with the voltage (c) 1000 W
source. (d) 1562.5 W (SSC JE 2013)
(a) capacitor *
(b) diode 190. A voltage source having an open-
(c) resistor circuit voltage of 150 V and internal
(d) inductor (SSC JE 2013) resistance of 75 Ω, is equivalent to a current
source of
(a) 2 A in series with 75 Ω

(b) 2 A in parallel with 37.5 Ω (c) supplies energy*

(c) 2A in parallel with 75 Ω* (d) receives energy (SSC JE 2015)
(d) 1 A in parallel with 150 Ω
(SSC JE 2013) 195. Determine the conductance (in
Siemens) of a conductor, when the potential
191. There are 3 lamps 40 W, 100 W and 60 difference between the ends of the conductor
W. To realise the full rated power of the is 30 V and the current flowing through the
lamps they are to be connected in: conductor is 3 A.
(a) Series or parallel (a) 0.1*
(b) Series only (b) 1.1
(c) Parallel only* (c) 2.4
(d) Series-parallel (SSC JE 2015) (d) 4.2 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: G = 1/R Siemens
192. A node in a circuit is defined as a :
(a) closed path 196. Determine the energy stored (in J) by a
(b) junction of two or more elements* 5 H inductor, when the current flowing
(c) group of interconnected through the inductor is 6 A.
(d) open terminal of an element. (a) 94
(SSC JE 2014, 2015) (b) 90*
Hint: (c) 60
(d) 40 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: E = (1/2)LI2

197. Determine the value of current I (in A)

drawn from the voltage source for the circuit
given below.

193. If the power factor is high, then the

consumer maximum KVA demand:
(a) remains constant (a) 2.5
(b) increases (b) 3.4
(c) decreases* (c) 4.3*
(d) becomes Zero (SSC JE 2015) (d) 6.5 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Power factor= Real power / Apparent
power 198. Which of the following represents the
Now since real power consumed by a relation between the peak value and RMS
consumer will remain same it's the apparent value of voltage for a sine wave?
power that changes. For high power factor (a) Vrms = 1.412Vpeak
Apparent power will be less (so that the ratio (b) Vrms = 0.637Vpeak
increases) and will almost be equal to real (c) Vrms = 0.424Vpeak
power. But as the power factor becomes (d) Vrms = 0.707Vpeak* (SSC JE 2018)
poor apparent power increases hence KVA
also increases. Hence the KVA will decrease 199. Determine the average value of an
if the power factor of the load improves. alternating current (in A) when the peak
value of the current is 10 A.
194. An active element in a circuit is one (a) 14.14
which : (b) 10.63
(a) both receives and supplies energy (c) 6.37*
(b) dissipates energy (d) 4.36 (SSC JE 2018)

Hint: Iavg = 2Ipeak/ 205. Which of the following wave will have
the highest RMS value for equal peak
200. Observe the figure and find the correct values?
relation from the four given options? (a) Sine wave
(b) Sawtooth wave
(c) Square*
(d) Triangular (SSC JE 2018)
sine wave
RMS value = 0.707 (Peak)
Average value = 0.637 (Peak)
square wave
RMS value = Peak value
Average value = Peak value
(a) i1 + i2 + i6 = i4 + i5 + i3* triangular wave
(b) i4 + i2 + i3 = i1 + i5 + i6 RMS value = 0.577 Peak
(c) i1 + i2 + i4 = i3 + i5 + i6 Average value = 0.5 Peak
(d) i1 + i2 + i3 = i4 + i5 + i6 (SSC JE 2019)
Hint: Kirchhoff law 206. Which one of the following has the
least number of free electrons in it?
201. Which of the following is the correct (a) Conductors
way of expressing the rating of a fuse? (b) Semiconductor
(a) Watts (c) Superconductor
(b) Amperes* (d) Insulators* (SSC JE 2018)
(c) Volts
(d) Ampere-hours (SSC JE 2019) 207. The closed path made by the
combination of several branches of the
202. The names of four materials have been network is called as
given, select the one which has the least (a) terminal
resistivity at 200C? (b) circuit
(a) Iron (c) loop*
(b) Silver* (d) junction (SSC JE 2018)
(c) Glass
(d) Nichrome (SSC JE 2019) 208. Who invented the alternating current?
(a) Tesla*
203. In parallel combination of resistance, (b) Faraday
the voltage is (c) Maxwell
(a) lower across largest resistance (d) Edison (SSC JE 2018)
(b) higher across largest resistance
(c) same across each resistance* 209. Determine the source voltage Vs
(d) higher across smaller resistance
(SSC JE 2018)

204. Electrical conductivity of a conductor

is measured in
(a) Siemens
(b) Ohms
(c) Siemens/meter*
(d) Ohms/meter (SSC JE 2018)

(a) –30 V 215. The time constant of an RC circuit is :

(b) 20 V (a) RC*
(c) 30 V* (b) RC
(d) –20V (SSC JE 2020) (c) R/C
Hint: By KVL (d) C/R (SSC JE 2018)
-VS - 10 + 20 + 50 - 30 = 0
216. The transient current in RLC circuit is
210. The relationship between Electrical oscillatory when:
Power and current is (a) R = 2L/C
(a) linear (b) R = 0
(b) non-linear* (c) R > 2L/C
(c) constant (d) R < 2L/C* (SSC JE 2014)
(d) exponential (SSC JE 2018)
217. Determine the transient time (in
211. Kirchhoff’s voltage law is concerned seconds) of a series RC circuit, when the
with capacitance of the circuit is 4 mF and the
(a) IR drop resistance of the circuit is 6 kilo-Ohms.
(b) Battery e.m.f. (a) 24*
(c) Junction voltage (b) 22
(d) both (a) and (b)* (SSC JE 2018, 2020) (c) 20
(d) 18 (SSC JE 2018)
212. For solving electric circuits, nodal Hint:  = RC
voltage method is based on
(a) KVL and ohms law 218. Calculate the time (in seconds) taken
(b) KCL and ohms law* by a series RL circuit having inductance of
(c) KCL and KVL 0.6 H and resistance of 30 ohms to reach a
(d) KCL, KVL and ohms law (SSC JE 2017) steady state value.
(a) 0.02
213. Kirchhoff's law states that in a closed (b) 0.05
loop of a circuit (c) 0.1*
(a) That total current, algebraically summed (d) 0.5 (SSC JE 2018)
is zero Hint:  = L/R
(b) The algebraic sum of the potential
differences is zero* 219. Time constant of the network shown in
(c) Voltage across component is zero figure is
(d) None of these (SSC JE 2017)

214. Which circuit will not always produce

any transients?
(a) RL circuit
(b) Linear circuit
(c) RLC circuit
(d) Pure resistive circuit* (SSC JE 2020) (a) 2 RC
Hint: he inductor and the capacitor store (b) 3 RC
energy in the form of the magnetic field and (c) RC/2
electric field respectively, and hence these (d) 2RC/3* (SSC JE 2010)
elements have transients. Hint: τ = ReqCeq
Circuits containing only resistive element
has no transients because resistors do not 220. A constant voltage of 60 V is applied at
store energy in any form. t = 0 across a series R–L circuits as shown

in the figure Determine the current (in A) in (d) parabolic function (SSC JE 2017)
the circuit at t = 0
226. In the circuit shown in the figure
below, it is desired to have a constant direct
current i(t) through the ideal inductor L. The
nature of the voltage source v(t) must be:
(a) constant voltage
(b) linearly increasing voltage
(c) an ideal impulse*
(d) exponentially increasing voltage
(a) 4 (SSC JE 2017)
(b) 3
(c) 0* 227. Which one of the following can act as
(d) 2 (SSC JE 2018) an open circuit for dc and a short circuit for
ac of high frequency ?
221. What will be the transient time (in (a) An inductor
seconds) of a series RC circuit, when the (b) A capacitor*
capacitance of the circuit is 8 mF and the (c) A resistor
resistance of the circuit is 8 kilo–Ohms? (d) None of these
(a) 64* (SSC JE 2017)
(b) 52
(c) 44 228. The current and voltage in the given
(d) 36 (SSC JE 2018) element are i(t) =5e–5t A and V(t) = 10e–5t V
for t ≥0, respectively. Both V(t) and i(t) are
222. The time constant of the network zero for t <0. Find the power supplied to the
shown in the figure is element?
(a) CR/4 (a) p(t) = 50 e-5t W
(b) CR/2 (b) p(t) = 10 e-5t W
(c) CR* (c) p(t) = 50 e-25t W
(d) 2 CR (SSC JE 2012) (d) p(t) = 50 e-10t W* (SSC JE 2021)

223. The transient currents are due to 229. Superposition theorem is valid for
(a) voltage applied to circuit which of the following circuit elements?
(b) resistance of the circuit (a) Non-linear elements
(c) impedance of the circuit (b) Passive elements
(d) changes in stored energy in inductors (c) Linear bilateral elements*
and capacitance* (SSC JE 2017) (d) Resistive elements (SSC JE 2009, 2014)

224. A coil with a certain number of turns 230. When a source is delivering maximum
has a specified time constant. If the number power to the load, the efficiency will be
of turns is doubled, its time constant would (a) 50%*
(a) remain unaffected (b) 100%
(b) become double* (c) 99%
(c) become four-fold (d) 25% (SSC JE 2008, 2014, 2017, 2018)
(d) get halved (SSC JE 2014) Hint: The efficiency is only 50% when
maximum power transfer is achieved, but
225. The impulse response of an R-L circuit approaches 100% as the load resistance
is a___ approaches infinity, though the total power
(a) rising exponential function level tends towards zero.
(b) decaying exponential function*
(c) step function

231. Maximum power transfer from source (a) Superposition theorem

to load resistance is _____ the internal (b) Millman's theorem
resistance of the circuit. (c) Compensation theorem
(a) equal to* (d) Norton's theorem* (SSC JE 2018)
(b) more than
(c) less than 235. What will be the Norton's resistance (in
(d) double (SSC JE 2011) ohms) between terminals A and B for the
circuit given below?
232. Thevenin's theorem converts a circuit
to an equivalent form consisting of
(a) a current source and a series resistance
(b) a voltage source and a parallel resistance
(c) a voltage source and a series resistance* (a) 2.25
(d) a current source and a parallel resistance (b) 2.75*
(SSC JE 2012) (c) 3.25
Hint: (d) 3.75 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Voltage source should be short circuit
for obtaining Norton's equivalent resistance.

236. What will be the value of Norton's

current (in A) through load resistance RL for
the given electrical circuit?
233. Application of Norton's theorem in a
circuit results in
(a) a current source and an impedance in
(b) a voltage source and an impedance in
series (a) 6.2
(c) an ideal voltage source (b) 5.2
(d) an ideal current source (SSC JE 2013) (c) 4.2
Hint: Norton’s theorem states that “any (d) 2.5* (SSC JE 2018)
circuit has several energy sources; Hint: To find Norton's current load
resistances can be replaced by an equivalent resistance (RL) should be short circuit.
current source in parallel with the single
resistance” 237. The Norton's current in the circuit
From this explanation, we get a direct shown below is
answer option. That Norton theorem gives
an equivalent circuit with an equivalent
current source in parallel with equivalent

(a) 2 A
(b) 120 A
234. Which one of the following theorem is (c) 4 A
the converse of Thevenin's theorem? (d) 12 A* (SSC JE 2019)

Hint: According to the Norton theorem, to

find the Norton current, the load is removed 241. What will be the value of Thevenin's
by a short circuit. voltage (in V), Thevenin's resistance (in Ω)
and the load current (in A) respectively,
238. The Thevenin's resistance as seen across the load resistor in the given
through the terminal A and B is electrical circuit?

(a) 7 Ω (a) 40, 22, 2.22

(b) 6Ω (b) 50, 32, 1.11
(c) 5 Ω* (c) 60, 22, 2.22*
(d) 4Ω (SSC JE 2019) (d) 60, 32, 1.50 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Short circuit 2V and 25 V voltage Hint: In Given circuit applying Thevenin's
source. theorem, Voltage source will be short
circuited and load resistance (RL) will be
239. Which of the following statement is open.
(a) Norton's theorem is same as 242. Determine the Norton's current (in A)
superposition theorem and Norton's resistance (in Ω) respectively,
(b) Norton's theorem is the converse of for the given electrical circuit across the
superposition theorem load resistance' RL
(c) Norton's theorem is same as Thevenin's
(d) Norton's theorem is the converse of
Thevenin's theorem*
(SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Norton's theorem is the converse of
Thevenin's theorem. It consists of the
equivalent current source instead of an (a) 2.09, 7.66*
equivalent voltage source as in Thevenin's (b) 2.34, 3.45
theorem. (c) 4.34, 3.26
(d) 2.34, 2.55 (SSC JE 2018)
240. What is the value of Norton's resistance
(in Ω) between the terminal A and B for the 243. Using Millman′s theorem, find the
given Norton's equivalent circuit? current through the load resistance RL of 3 Ω
resistance shown below:

(a) 6 A
(a) 2 (b) 8 A
(b) 4 (c) 12 A
(c) 4.66* (d) 4 A* (SSC JE 2014)
(d) 5.6 (SSC JE 2018) V1G1 + V2G2 + V3G3
Hint: Short circuit voltage source. Hint: Vm =
G1 + G2 + G3

1 247. Determine the maximum power (in W)

Rm = transferred from the source to the load of the
G1 + G2 + G3
circuit given below:
G = 1/R

244. If Rg in the circuit shown in figure is

variable between 20 Ω and 80 Ω then
maximum power transferred to the load RL
will be

(a) 18
(b) 30
(c) 45*
(d) 90 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: Source impedance = conjugate of load
(a) 15 W* impedance = (20 − j30)
(b) 13.33 W  RL = 20 
(c) 6.67 W Now, Pmax = V2/4RL
(d) 2.4 W (SSC JE 2010)
Hint: I = V/(Rg + RL) and 248. The current through ZL in the circuit
Power transferred = I2RL shown below will be

245. Which of the following theorem states

that the sum of instantaneous power in 'n'
number of branches of an electrical network
is zero?
(a) Compensation
(b) Maximum power transfer (a) 2.5 Ampere*
(c) Superposition (b) 0.66 Ampere
(d) Tellegen's* (SSC JE 2018) (c) 0.33 Ampere
(d) 1 Ampere (SSC JE 2017)
246. What will be the value of source Hint: Source impedance (Zth) = conjugate of
impedance (in Ohms) for transmitting load impedance (ZL) = conjugate of 10 + j20
maximum power to the load in the circuit = (10 − j20)
given below? V
Now, I =
Z L + Z th

249. Which of the following theorems

enables a number of voltage (or current)
source to be combined directly into a single
voltage (or current) source?
(a) 5+ j2 (a) Compensation theorem
(b) 5 – j2* (b) Reciprocity theorem
(c) 2 + j5 (c) Superposition theorem
(d) 2 – j5 (SSC JE 2018) (d) Millman's theorem* (SSC JE 2017)
Hint: For transmitting maximum power to
load in the circuit in question the value of 250. Superposition theorem requires as
source impedance must be equal to complex many circuits to be solved as there are
conjugate of load impedance. (a) nodes
(b) sources*

(c) loops (c) 4 + j8

(d) None of the above (SSC JE 2013) (d) 4 – j8 (SSC JE 2018)
Hint: If source impedance is complex then
251. The Superposition theorem is used load impedance has to be a complex
when the circuit contains conjugate of source impedance for
(a) A single voltage source maximum power transfer to occur.
(b) active elements only
(c) a number of voltage sources* 256. On which of the following concept, the
(d) passive elements only (SSC JE 2015) superposition theorem is based?
(a) Duality
252. Thevenin's theorem cannot be applied (b) Linearity*
to (c) Reciprocity
(a) linear circuit (d) Non-Linearity (SSC JE 2018)
(b) nonlinear circuit*
(c) active circuit 257. Determine Thevenin's equivalent
(d) passive circuit (SSC JE 2015) resistance (in Ohms) and voltage (in V)
respectively across terminal 'a' and 'b' for the
253. Which one of the following is the given electrical circuit.
CORRECT statement for superposition
(a) The algebraic sum of all the voltages
around any closed path is zero.
(b) The overall current in any part of a linear
circuit is equal to the algebraic sum of the (a) 12, 40
currents produced by each source (b) 20, 80
separately* (c) 10, 30*
(c) The sum of currents entering a node is (d) 10, 50 (SSC JE 2018)
equal to the sum of currents leaving the Hint:
(d) The algebraic sum of all the voltages
around any closed path is equal to one.
(SSC JE 2018)

254. Which one of the expression satisfies

the condition of maximum power transfer Rth = 10 ||10 + 5
(a) ZL = ZS* * 10 x10
= +5
(b) ZL = RL 10 + 10
(c) ZL = 2ZS Thevenin voltage
(d) XL = RL (GPSC 2021, SSC JE 2018)
Hint: If source impedance is complex then
load impedance has to be a complex
conjugate of source impedance for
maximum power transfer to occur.
Applying KVL in loop (1)
255. What will be the value of load 20 = 10i + (4 + i)10
impedance (in ohms) for transmitting i = –1
maximum power from the source to load Applying KVL in loop (2)
when the source impedance is 8 + j4 ohms? (4 + i) × 10 + 0 × 5 = Vth
(a) 8 – j4* Vth = 30
(b) 8 + j4

Eth 2
258. Which one of the following statement Pmax1 =
is TRUE? 4 Ri
(a) Superposition theorem is not applicable Eth2 RL Eth2 (3Ri )
for voltage calculation. Pmax 2 = =
( Ri + RL )2 ( Ri + 3Ri ) 2
(b) Superposition theorem is not applicable
for power calculation* Find ratio.
(c) Superposition theorem is not applicable
for bilateral elements. 261. When a source is delivering maximum
(d) Superposition theorem is not applicable power to a load, the efficiency of the
for passive elements. (SSC JE 2018) circuit___:
Hint: Superposition theorem is not (a) is always 50%
applicable for power calculation. (b) depends on the circuit parameters*
Superposition theorem is applicable only for (c) is always 75%
linear network. (d) None of these (SSC JE 2017)

259. For the circuit shown below, find the 262. The Thevenin and Norton equivalent
Millman's equivalent current source (in A) circuits of a D.C network are shown in
across the terminals x-y. Figure.

(a) 5 The values of current I and resistance R in

(b) 10 the Norton equivalent are:
(c) 12 (a) 2.5A, 2Ω*
(d) 1*6 (SSC JE 2018) (b) 2.5A, 0.5Ω
Hint: (c) –2.5A, 2Ω
(d) –2.5A, 0.5Ω (SSC JE 2017)

IN = Vth/Rth and RN = Rth

263. Which of the following is essential for

260. Determine the percentage (in %) of the reciprocity theorem to be applicable?
maximum power delivered to the load (a) Linearity
resistance, when RL = 3RTH (b) Bilateralism
(a) 50 (c) No initial history
(b) 65 (d) All options are correct*
(c) 70 (SSC JE 01.03.2017)
(d) 75* (SSC JE 2018)
264. Using superposition theorem, find Vx
Hint: Pmax = in the following circuit.
4 RL

Net Vx = 5+20 = 25V

265. The condition for maximum power

transfer is ____ and amount of maximum
power is ______.
(a) 20 V (a) RL = 4Rth, Vth2/Rth
(b) 30 V (b) RL = Rth, Vth2/Rth
(c) 15 V (c) RL = 4Rth, Vth2/4Rth
(d) 25 V* (SSC JE 2020) (d) RL = Rth, Vth2/4Rth* (SSC JE 2018)
266. Determine the value of current l (in A)
through the load resistance for the given
electrical circuit:

(a) 0.33
When supply by only 20V then current (b) 0.85
(c) 1.21*
source is open circuit
(d) 2.54 (SSC JE 2018)
E E2 E
+ + .... n
R R2 Rn
Em = 1
1 1 1
+ + .....
R1 R2 Rn
Rth =
1 1 1
KCL at node Vx + + ....
Vx − 20 Vx R1 R2 Rn
+ = 0.1Vx
20 4 Em
Vx = 5 V Rth + RL
When supply by only 4 A source then
voltage source is short circuit 267. Which one of the following is
applicable to any network linear or non-
linear, active or passive, time varying or
invariant as long as Kirchhoff's laws are not
(a) Tellegen's theorem*
(b) Reciprocity theorem
(c) Maximum power transfer theorem
(d) Superposition theorem (SSC JE 2017)
Apply KCL at node Vx
Vx V 268. A network has two AC sources of
− 4 + x − 0.1Vx = 0
20 4 different frequencies. Which method of
Vx = 20 V analysis can be used to find current and
Apply superposition theorem voltage of different branches ?
Net response = algebraic sum of all (a) Kirchhoff's Law
individual response (b) Superposition theorem*

(c) Thevenin’s theorem (c) 6 A*

(d) Tellegen’s theorem (DMRC 2012) (d) 1 A (DMRC 2017)

269. When analyzing two port network in 274. According to Kirchhoff's law, the
cascade, which of the following is more algebraic sum of all IR drops and emf in any
convenient to use ? closed loop of a network is always:
(a) z-parameters (a) One
(b) h-parameters (b) Zero
(c) T-parameters* (c) Positive
(d) y-parameters (DMRC 2012) (d) Negative* (DMRC 2018)

270. How can Thevenin’s impedance and 275. An ideal voltage source is one which
Norton’s impedance be correlated in a AC has:
circuit ? (a) zero internal resistance*
(a) Always the same* (b) infinite internal resistance
(b) Generally the same (c) very high internal resistance
(c) Sometimes the same (d) very low internal resistance (DMRC
(d) Always different (DMRC 2012) 2018)

271. What is Thevenin’s equivalent of an 276. Find the current flowing through the 6
AC network generally ?  resistor in the above figure.
(a) Resistance
(b) R and L in series
(c) R and C in series
(d) Either R and L in series or R and C in
series* (DMRC 2012)

272. For the given circuit shown, the current

supplied by the battery is:
(a) 2A
(b) 4 A*
(c) 6 A
(d) 5 A (DMRC 2018)

277. Estimate the resistance of the filament

of a 50 W, 100 V bulb.
(a) 200 *
(a) 5 A* (b) 50 
(b) 3 A (c) 150 
(c) 1.2 A (d) 100  (DMRC 2018)
(d) 2 A (DMRC 2017) Hint: P = V2/R
273. For the circuit shown find I: 278. Maximum power transfer from source
to load occurs when the load resistance is
the internal resistance of the circuit.
(a) more than
(b) double
(c) less than
(d) equal to* (DMRC 2018)
(a) 3 A
(b) 0 A

279. All energy source forces a constant QUESTIONS FROM ESE

current of 2 A for 10 s to flow through a
lightbulb. If 2.3 kJ is given off in the form of
light and heat energy, calculate the voltage 283. A voltage source-series resistance
drop across the bulb. combination is equivalent to a current
(a) 260 V source-parallel resistance combination if and
(b) 130 V only if their
(c) 230 V 1. Respective open-circuit voltages are
(d) 115 V* (DMRC 2020) equal.
W W 2. Respective short-circuit current are equal.
Hint: V = = 3. Resistance remains same in both cases.
q I t
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1 and 2 only
280. How much energy does a 100 W (b) 1 and 3 only
electric bulb consume in two hours? (c) 2 and 3 only
(a) 720 kJ* (d) 1, 2 and 3* (ESE 2020)
(b) 72 kJ Hint: See figure.
(c) 720 J
(d) 7200 J (DMRC 2020)
Hint: Energy = p (in W) × t(in sec) J

281. For the circuit shown here, find the

current through 8 Q resistor.
284. For a network graph having its
fundamental loop matrix Bf and its sub-
matrices Bt and Bl corresponding to twigs
and links, which of the following statements
are correct?
1. Bl is always an identity matrix.
2. Bt is an identity matrix.
(a) 0.75 A 3. Bf has a rank of b – (n – 1), where b is the
(b) 0.25 A* number of branches and n is the number of
(c) 0.50 A nodes of the graph.
(d) 0.10 A (DMRC 2020) (a) 1 and 2 only
(b) 2 and 3 only
282. Find the resistance in the following (c) 1 and 3 only*
circuit. (d) 1, 2 and 3 (ESE 2020)

285. The resistance R of a conductor is

(a) EA/Jl
(b) EJ/Al
(c) EI/JA*
(d) JA/El (ESE 2020)
(a) 5.6  E = Electrical field intensity
(b) 21  A = Cross-sectional area
(c) 15  J = Current density
(d) 11.2 * (DMRC 2020) l = Length of conductor
Hint: J = σE = (1/ρ)E
∴ ρ = E/J
∴ ρ(l/A) = (E/J)(l/A)

As R = ρl/A are the rate of change of current at the

∴ R = El/JA instant of closing the switch at t = 0 and the
magnitude of the final steady state current
286. Which of the following statements are respectively?
correct for an ideal constant voltage source? (a) 80 A/sec and 80 A
1. Its output voltage remains absolutely (b) 400 A/sec and 8 A*
constant whatever the change in load (c) 8 A/sec and 80 A
current. (d) 400 A/sec and 80 A (ESE 2021)
2. It possesses zero internal resistance so Hint: See figure.
that internal voltage drop in the source is
3. Output voltage provided by the source
would remain constant irrespective of the
amount of current drawn from it.
4. Output voltage provided by the source
varies with the amount of current drawn
di(t )
it. 240 = 30i(t ) + 0.6
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only dt
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only t = 0+, i(0+) = 0 A
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only + di (0+ )
(d) 1, 2 and 3 only* (ESE 2020) 240 = 30i (0 ) + 0.6
Hint: See figure.
∴ di(0+)/dt = 400 A
At steady state inductor acts as a short
i() = V / R = 240 / 30 = 8 A

289. A current of 10 A flows in a circuit

with a 30° angle of lag when the applied
287. Which of the following statements are
is 100 V. What are the values of resistance
1. A lowpass filter passes low frequencies
and reactance in the circuit respectively?
and stops high frequencies.
(a) 8.66 Ω and 5 Ω*
2. A highpass filter passes high frequencies
and rejects low frequencies. (b) 5 Ω and 8.66 Ω
3. A bandpass filter passes frequencies (c) 6.66 Ω and 4 Ω
within a frequency band and attenuates (d) 4 Ω and 6.66 Ω (ESE 2021)
V 100
frequencies outside the band. Hint: Z = = = 10300
4. A bandstop filter passes frequencies I 10 − 30 0

within the band and blocks/attenuates = 10cos300 + j10sin300 = (8.66 + j5)Ω

frequencies outside a frequency band.
(a) 1, 2 and 4 only 290. Consider the following statements
(b) 1, 3 and 4 only regarding reciprocity theorem:
(c) 2, 3 and 4 only 1. In any passive linear bilateral network, if
(d) 1, 2 and 3 only* (ESE 2020) the single voltage source Vx in branch x
produces the current response Iy in branch y,
288. A coil resistance 30 Ω and inductance then the removal of the voltage source
0.6 H is switched on to a 240 V supply. from branch x and its insertion in branch y
What will produce the current response Iy in
branch x.

2. The interchange of an ideal voltage source (a) 4.05 Ω, 1.945 Ω, 1.297 Ω*

and an ideal ammeter in any passive, linear, (c) 7.672 Ω, 4.887 Ω, 4.223 Ω
bilateral circuit will not change the ammeter (b) 6.02 Ω, 3.762 Ω, 3.162 Ω
reading. (d) 8.345 Ω, 6.893 Ω, 5.634 Ω (ESE 2021)
3. The interchange of an ideal current source Hint: P20 = V2/R20
and an ideal voltmeter in any passive linear R20 = 92/20 = 4.05 Ω
bilateral circuit will change the voltmeter Power in first branch = 25 W
reading. Which of the above statements are Total resistance of first branch = 9 x 9/25
correct? = 3.24 Ω
(a) 1 and 3 only Current through first branch
(b) 1 and 2 only* I = 9/3.24 = 2.777 A
(c) 2 and 3 only P15W = I2R15
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (ESE 2021) 15 = 2.7772R15 ⟹ R15 = 1.945 Ω
6. What is the value of V0 in the given Similarly, 10 = 2.7772 x R10
circuit? Giving R10 = 1.297 Ω

293. For the circuit in figure, the values of i1

and i4 are respectively,

(a) 12 V
(b) 6 V
(c) 24 V*
(d) 15 V (ESE 2021)
Hint: Apply KCL, (a) -7.5 A, 2.143 A*
3 + 05io = i0 (c) 3.4 A, -6.5 A
i0 = 6 A (b) -2.5 A, 3.93 A
Vo = 6 x 4 = 24 V (d) 7.1 A, -3.4 A (ESE 2021)
Hint: Write KVL in 4th loop
291. A network has 8 branches and 4 10i4 - 8i3 = -I0 (1)
independent loops. How many nodes are Substitute
there in the network? i4 = -I0 in eq. (1)
(a) 11 10xI0 + 8i3 = 10
(b) 13 I0 = 1 - 0.8i3
(c) 5* Write KVL equation for 3 loops at a time
(d) 3 (ESE 2021) 2i1 + 6i2 + 12i3 - 8i4 = 0
Hint: No. of links = b - n + 1 i4 = -I0
4=8–n+1 2i1 + 6i2 + 12i3 + 8I0 = 0 (2)
Substitute I0 value in eqn. (2)
292. Three light bulbs are connected to a 9 2i1 + 6i2 + 5.6i3 = -8 (3)
V battery as shown in the figure. What are i2 - i1 = 5 (4)
the i2 - i3 = 3I0 (5)
values of the resistance of 20 W, 15 W, 10 Sub. I0 value in eq. (5)
W bulbs respectively? i2 - i3 = 3(1 - 0.8i3)
i2 + 1.4i3 = 3 (6)
Solve eq. (3), (4) and (6),
i1 = -7.5 A,
i3 = 3.928 A
I0 = -2.143 A

i4 = 2.143 A (a) 40 V, 4 Ω*
(b) 20 V, 8 Ω
294. An energy source forces a constant (c) 40 V, 8 Ω
current of 2 A for 10 s to flow through a (d) 20 V, 4 Ω (ESE 2022)
light bulb. If 2.3 kJ is given off in the form Hint: Case 1: Vth
of light and heat energy, what is the voltage
drop across the bulb?
(a) 120 V
(b)| 115 V*
(c) 110 V
(d) 105 V (ESE 2021) Vth = 50 x = 40V
Hint: H= I2Rt 20 + 5
2.3 x 103 = 22 x R x 10 Case 2: Rth
R = 57.5 Ω and V=IR = 115 V

295. What is the input impedance of the

circuit, if the circuit operates at ω = 50

5 x 20
Rth = = 4
5 + 20

297. What is Ceq for the given circuit?

(a) (5.63 - j5.94) Ω
(b) (3.22 - j11.07) Ω*
(c) (4.54 + j6.79) Ω
(d) (6.86 + j13.54) Ω (ESE 2021)
Hint: See figure.

(a) 6.18 μF
(b) 3.18 μF*
(c) 8.23 μF
(d) 12.67 μF (ESE 2022)
Hint: Simplify circuit.

(8 + j10)(3 − j 2)
Z in = − j10
(8 + j10 + 3 − j 2)
= (3.22 – j11.07)Ω

296. The Thevenin voltage and resistance

across the terminal a-b of the circuit in the
figure respectively are

(d) 14.4 V (ESE 2022)

Hint: A simplified circuit is given below.

V = -2.5 X 5 = -12.5
|v| = 12.5

300. When angular frequency for d.c.

sources is zero, capacitor and inductor will
act like
(a) short circuited, open circuited
(b) open circuited, short circuited*
(c) open circuited, open circuited
(d) short circuited, short circuited (ESE
Hint: When angular frequency is zero,
Ceq = 3.177 μF = 3.18 μF ω = 0 ⟹ XL = ωL = 0 or inductor behaves
as short circuit.
298. Consider the following statements with Similarly,
respect to Kirchhoff's laws for a circuit XC = 1/ωC = 1/0 = ∞
comprising of resistances and independent The capacitor behaves as open circuit.
1. The number of independent element volt- 301. What are the unknown currents i5 and i3
ampere equations is equal to the number of respectively for the circuit shown in the
resistances. figure below?
2. The number of independent KVL
equations is equal to one more than the
number of nodes.
3. The number of independent KVL
equations is equal to the number of
independent loops.
Which of the above statements is /are not
(a) 1 only (a) 2 A and 1 A*
(b) 2 only* (b) 1 A and 2 A
(c) 2 and 3 only (c) 18 A and 9 A
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (ESE 2022) (d) 9 A and 18 A (ESE 2023)
Hint: i5 = 10 A
299. What is the voltage v in the circuit i1 = 5 A
diagram? i2 + i3 = 5 A
i3 = 5 - i2 = 5 - 4 = 1 A
i4 + i5 = 5
i5 = 5 - 3 = 2 A
(a) 7.5 V
302. What is the current delivered by the 10
(b) 16.5 V
V source in the circuit shown below?
(c) 12.5 V*

(a) 2.132 A (a) 10 Ω

(b) 3.132 a (b) 20 Ω
(c) 1.132 A* (c) 100 Ω*
(d) 0.532 A (ESE 2023) (d) 200 Ω (ESE 2023)
Hint: See figure. Hint: See figure.

Hint: Vs = 200(I1) = 200(I + 9I + 1)

∴ Vs = 200 (10I + 1) (1)
KCL at node A Also Vs = -2000I (2)
VA − 10 VA − VB VA + 20 − VC Solving I = -0.05 A
+ + =0 Vs −2000(−0.05)
5 8 4 Rth = = = 100
23 V V Is 1
VA − B − C = −3 (1)
40 8 4
KCL at B 304. An experimental circuit as shown in the
VB − VC VB VB − VA figure below has the variable resistor RL
+ + =0 which is adjusted to the value of the load
10 20 8 resistor as 10 Ω. What is the maximum load
−VA 11 V power?
+ VB − C = 0 (2)
8 40 10
KCL at node C
VC VC − VB VC − 20 − VA
+ + =0
25 10 4
−VA −VB 39
+ + VB = 5 (3)
4 10 100
Solve these equations.
VA = 4.34 V
I1 = (10 – VA)/5 (a) 981 mW
(b) 816 mW
303. The following circuit shown in the (c) 733 mW
figure has a voltage source and a dependent (d) 625 mW* (ESE 2023)
current source. What is the Thevenin V 10
equivalent resistance at terminals a - b? Hint: I L = = = 0.25 A
RS + RL 30 + 10

P = I L2 RL =   x10 = 625mW (a) 5 Ω
4 (b) 10 Ω
(c) 15 Ω
305. In the circuit of the figure shown (d) 20 Ω (ESE 2024)
below, the source voltage is 100 V, the Hint: See figure.
resistance is 10 kΩ, and the capacitance is
0.005 μF. In how much time can the
capacitor voltage be discharged to 5 V after
the switch is turned to position 3?

(a) 50 μs
(c) 150 ms
(b) 50 ms
(d) 150 μs* (ESE 2023)
Hint: The initial voltage, VC = 100 V
Time constant,
τ = RC = 10 x 103 x 0.005 x 10-6 = 50 μsec
The final voltage, V(t0 ) = 5 V
The % change in voltage = (100 – 5)/5
t0 = 3τ = 3 x 50 = 150 μsec

306. What is the value of VA8 in the 308. The Thevenin equivalent circuit voltage
network shown in the figure? and resistance for the given circuit between
terminals a and b respectively

(a) 0.86 V
(b) 0.96 V*
(c) 0.66 V (a) 49.2 V, 10 Ω
(d) 0.76 V (ESE 2024) (b) -49.2 V, 15 Ω
Hint: VAB = VA – VB (c) -49.2 V, 20 Ω*
= 10(20/30) – 10(40/70) = 0.96 V (d) 49.2 V, 20 Ω (ESE 2024)
Hint: Applying KVL in loop 1
307. Five resistances of 10 Ω each are 24 = 25I1 + 30
connected between terminals A and 8 as I1 = -6/24 A
shown in the figure. What is the total Vth = 5I1 – 48 = 5(-6/24) – 48 = -49.2 V
resistance between terminals A and B? Rth = [(10 + 10) || 5] + 16 = 20 Ω

309. What is the maximum power that can Which of the above statements is/are
be delivered to the variable resistor R in the correct?
circuit? (a) 1 only
(b) 2 only
(c) 1 and 3 only*
(d) 1, 2 and 3 (ESE 2024)

311. What is the value of voltage V0 shown

in the circuit?

(a) 15.77 W
(b) 18.77 W
(c) 19.77 W
(d) 20.77 W* (ESE 2024)
Hint: See figure. (a) -8 V
(b) 8 V
(c) 24 V*
(d) -24 V (ESE 2024)
Hint: Applying KCL
V0 V0
+ = 4900
j 6 − j3
1 1 
V0  +  = j4
 j 6 − j3 
Condition for maximum power transfer is ∴ V0 = 24 V
For Rth calculation,
Rth = (10 || 20) + (25 || 5) = 325/30 Ω 312. The Z parameters of a two-port
For Vth calculation, network are Z11 = 20 Ω, Z22 = 30 Ω, Z12 =
20 5 Z21 = 10
Vth = 60 x − 60 x = 30V Ω. The corresponding values of ABCD
30 30 parameters are
= th =
30 x30
= 20.7W 2 0.1
(a) 
4 Rth 4(325 / 30)
50 3 

310. Consider the following statements

3 50 
(b) 
regarding the initial conditions for inductor 0.1 2 
and capacitor : 2 40 
(c) 
3 
1. If there is no current flowing through the
inductor at t = 0-, the inductor will act as 0.1
an open circuit at t = 0+. 2 50 
(d) 
3 
2. If there is no voltage across the capacitor * (ESE 2024)
at t = 0-, the capacitor will act as an 0.1
open circuit at t = 0+. Hint: V1 = 20I1 + 10I2 (1)
3. If a current of value I0 flows through the V2 = 10I1 + 30I2 (2)
inductor at t = 0-, the inductor can be V1 = AV2 – 8I2
regarded as a current source of I0 ampere at t I1 = CV2 – DI2
= 0+. From eq 2


I1 = − I2 (3)
10 10 EXAMS
Substitute (3) in eq 1
315. The Thevenin equivalent voltage, VTH,
V 
V1 = 20  2 − 3I 2  + 10 I 2 in V (rounded off to 2 decimal places) of the
 10  network shown below, is _______ .
V1 = 2V2 − 50 I 2 (4) (GATE 2020)
From eqn. (3) and eqn. (4), ABCD
 2 50 
parameters are:  
0.1 3 

313. What is the value of equivalent Hint: See figure.

inductance of the network shown in the

(a) 19 H (Vth – 4)/2 = 5

(b) 21 H* ∴ Vth = 14 V
(c) 23 H
(d) 25 H (ESE 2024) 316. A resistor and a capacitor are connected
Hint: Leq = L1 + L2 + L3 + 2M12 - 2M23 - in series to a 10 V dc supply through a
2M13 = 10 + 5 + 6 + 2(2) - 2(1) - 2(1) = 21H switch. The switch is closed at t = 0, and the
capacitor voltage is found to cross 0 V at t =
314. An initially uncharged 1 mF capacitor 0.4τ, where τ is the circuit time constant.
has the current shown in the figure. What is The absolute value of percentage change
the voltage across it at t = 2 ms? required in the initial capacitor voltage if the
zero crossing has to happen at t = 0.2τ is
_______ (rounded off to 2 decimal places).
(GATE 2020)
Hint: If initial charge polarities on the
capacitor is opposite to the supply voltage
then only the capacitor voltage crosses the
zero line.

(a) 50 mV
(b) 100 mV*
(c) 200 mV
(d) 250 mV (ESE 2024)
100 x10−3 t
Hint: i (t ) = = 50t ;0  t  2
2 x10−3 Vc(t) implies final value + (initial value –
1 2 x10−3 1 2 x10−3 final value)e-t/τ.
Vc (t ) = 
1x10−3 0
i(t )dt = 50tdt 0 = 10 + (-V0 – 10)e-0.4
C 0
V0 = 4.918 V
t = 0.2τ
0 = 10 + (-V0’ – 10)e0.2
V0’ = 2.214

% change in voltage = ](4.918 –

2.214)/4.918] x 100 = 54.99%

317. In the circuit, switch 'S' is in the closed

position for a very long time. If the switch is
opened at time t = 0, then iL(t) in amperes,
for t ≥ 0 is (a) 10 V in series with 12Ω
(a) 10 (b) 35 V in series with 2Ω
(b) 8e-10t (c) 50 V in series with 2Ω
(c) 8 + 2e-10t* (d) 65 V in series with 15Ω (GATE 2021)
(d) 10(1 – e-2t) (GATE 2021) Hint: See figure.
Hint: At t = 0-

VTH = 15 + 50 = 65 V
iL(0 ) = 10/1 = 10 A
At t > 0

Vx = 2 + 3 +10 = 15 V
At t = ∞ Rth = Vx/1 = 15 Ω

319. In the given circuit, for voltage VY to

be zero, the value of ~ should be ____
(Round off to 2 decimal places).
(GATE 2021)

i(∞) = 40/5 = 8 A

Vx − 6 Vx Vx − Vy
+ + =0
1 4 2
τ = L/Req = 0.5/5 = 0.1 sec
If Vy = 0 the we get Vx = 24/7
i(t) = 8 + [10 – 8]e-t/0.1
Vy − Vx Vy − Vx
Now, + =2
318. For the network shown, the equivalent 2 3
Thevenin voltage and Thevenin impedance Putting Vy = 0, β = -3.25
as seen across terminals 'ab' is
320. The input impedance z;n(s), for the
network shown in

−j −j
= = = − j 2
(a) 7s + 4 C 1000 x0.5 x10−3
23s 2 + 46 s + 20
4s + 5 Z in = 2 || j 2 =
25s + 46 s + 20
2 + j 2 1 + j1
4s + 5 For maximum power
(d) 6s + 4 (GATE 2021) 2
RL =| Z th |= = 2 = 1.414
Hint: Consider circuit in s domain. 2

322. In the given circuit, the value of

capacitor C that makes current I= 0 is __ μF.
(GATE 2021)

− sI1 + (4 s + 5) I 2 = 0
I2 = I1
4s + 5
V1 = (4 + 6 s ) I1 − I1
4s + 5 Hint: See figures.
V1 (4 + 6s)(4s + 5) − s 2
I1 4s + 5
24s 2 + 30s + 16s + 20 − s 2
4s + 5
23s + 46s + 20
Z in =
4s + 5

321. In the given circuit, for maximum

power to be delivered to RL, its value should
be ___ Ω, (Round off to 2 decimal places).
(GATE 2021)
Z L = ( j 5) || ( j 5 − jX C )
( j 5)( j 5 − jX C )
j 5 + j 5 − jX C
j5 + j5 -jXC = 0
From this, XC = 10Ω
XC = 10 =1/ωC ⇒ C = 20 μF
Hint: See figure.
323. The network shown below has a
resonant frequency of 150 kHz and a

bandwidth of 600 Hz. The 0-factor of the

network is __ . (round off to nearest integer). 325. Consider the system as shown below:
(GATE 2022) x(t) where y(t) = x(et).

The system is
(a) linear and causal.
(b) linear and non-causal*
(c) non-linear and causal
(d) non-linear and non-causal (GATE 2022)
Hint: Q = f0/BW Hint: The given system will satisfy law of
superposition. So the system will be linear.
324. In the circuit shown below, the switch Now, y(t) = x(et)
Sis closed at t = 0. The magnitude of the Put, t = 0,
steady state voltage, in volts, across the 6Ω y(0) = x(1)
resistor is __ . (round off to two decimal Since output is depending on future value of
places). (GATE 2022) input. So the system is non-causal.

326. The value of parameters of the circuit

shown in the figure are:
R1 = 2 Ω, R2 = 2 Ω, R3 = 3 Ω
L = 10 mH
C = 100 μF

Hint: In steady state capacitor acts as an

open circuit for DC supply.

For time t < 0, the circuit is at steady state

with the switch 'K in closed condition. If
the switch is opened at t = 0, the value of the
voltage across the inductor ( VL) at
t = 0+ in volts is _____ (Round off to 1
decimal place). (GATE 2023)
Hint: For t = 0-

I L (0− ) = 10 x = 6A
(3 + 2)
The voltage across 6Ω is VC (0− ) = 6 x2 = 12V
V0 = 10 x = 5 For t = 0+
(2 + 2)

20 = 12 + VL Applying KVL
VL = 8 V 10 + j10 = (10 + j10)ix – 4ix + (10 – j10)ix
ix = (10 + j10)/16
327. For the circuit shown in the figure, V1 Vth = ix(10 – j10)
= 8 V, DC and I1 = 8 A, DC. The voltage = 0.884∠450 x 14.142∠-450 = 12.5∠00 V
Vab in Volts is ____ (Round off to 1 decimal Vth = 12.5sin1000t = 12.5sin1000 x 5 x 10-3
place). (GATE 2023) = -11.98 V

329. The circuit shown in the figure is

initially in the steady state with the switch K
in open condition and K in closed

Hint: See figure.

The switch K is closed and K is opened

simultaneously at the instant t = t1, where t1
> 0. The minimum value of t1 in
milliseconds, such that there is no transient
By applying voltage division rule, we can in the voltage across the 100 μF capacitor, is
get ____ (Round off to 2 decimal places).
 1.5  (GATE 2023)
Vab = 8   = 6V
 1.5 + 0.5  Hint: t = 0-

328. For the circuit shown, if i = sin 1000t,

the instantaneous value of the Thevenin's
equivalent voltage (in Volts) across the
terminals a-bat time t = 5 ms is ____ (Round
off to 2 decimal places). (GATE 2023)

1 1
XC = = = 10
C 1000 x100 x10−6
VC = 100 x *(− j10)
10 − j10
Applying source transformation

(10)(− j10) 10 + j10

= = x = 5 − j5
10 − j10 10 + j10
VC = 7.07 − 450
VC (t ) = 7.07sin(1000t − 450 )
At t = t1 (a) 1.5
(b) 1.25*
VC (t ) = 7.07sin(1000t1 − 45 ) 0
(c) 0
VC () = 5V ; = RC = 10 x100 x10−6 = 10−3 (d) 1 (GATE 2024)
−3 Hint: Leq= 1 + 1 + (1||1) = 2.5 H
VC (t ) = 5 + [7.07sin(1000t1 − 45) − 5]e− (t /10 )
Req = 2Ω
7.07 sin(1000t1 − 45) = 5 τ = Leq/Req
From this t1 = 1.57 msec
332. All the elements in the circuit are ideal.
330. The number of junctions in the circuit The power delivered by the 10 V source in
is watts is

(a) 100
(b) 0*
(c) dependent on the value of α
(d) 50 (GATE 2024)

(a) 8
(b) 6*
(c) 7
(d) 9 (GATE 2024)
Hint: See figure.

A point at which more than two elements are

joints together is called Junction. A, B, C, D,
E and F are junction.

331. The circuit shown in the figure with the

switch S open, is in steady state. After the
switch S is closed, the time constant of the
circuit in seconds is

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