REF: Be glad, o people of the earth, lift up your hands with song and dance, for I am with you yes within you forever, you are the heart of my heart. 1. I will never forget you, O my people, on the day of anguish I will answer you, as we join in celebration my joy will move among you. 2. I will make your faith burn brightly, so that others may find life’s fullness. Freedom for all captives, and justice for all nations. 3. No longer will the circle of your life, its pain and goodness, Be just for yourself, your gift to share will flower. 4. As you work for others’ freedom, with the seed of hope within you, Hunger shall not harm you, nor thirst withdraw your courage. KYRIE: MASS OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL REF: Lord have mercy (*3) mercy Lord have mercy. 1. You were sent to heal the contrite of heart, mercy Lord have mercy. 2. You came to call sinners Christ, mercy Christ have mercy. 3. You are seated at the right hand of the Father to intercede for us, mercy Lord have mercy. GLORIA: MASS OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL REF: SOLO: Glory to God in the highest. ALL: glory to god in the highest and on earth peace to people of good will. CODA: Glory, glory, glory, glory to God in the highest. 1. We praise you, we bless you. we adore you, we glory you. We give you thanks for your great glory. Lord God heavenly King, O God almighty father, Lord Jesus Christ only begotten son, Lord God lamb of God, son of the father. 2. You take away the sins of the world have mercy, mercy on us. You take away the sins of the world receive, receive our prayers. You're seated at the right hand of the Father have mercy, mercy on us. 3. For you alone are the Holy One, you alone are the Lord, you alone are the Most High, Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit, in the glory of God the Father Amen. PSALM: Ps 118 : 57. 72. 76 – 77. 127 – 130.. R/ v. 97 REF: O Lord how I love your law, how I low your law. 1. My part I have resolved O Lord, Is to obey your word, The law from your mouth means more to me , than silver and gold 2. Let your love be ready to console me, By your promise to your servant, Let your love come to me and I shall live, For your law is my delight 3. That is why I love your commands, More than finest gold, That is why rule my life by your precepts, I hate false ways 4. Your will is wonderful indeed, Therefore I obey it, The unfolding of your word gives light, And teaches the simple ACLAMATION: HALLELUJAH HALLELUJAH REF: Hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah, hallelujah the word of God is alive and active. CREDO: MASS OF IMMACULATE CONCEPTION REF: I believe in one God, the father the almighty (*2). 1. Creator of heaven and earth (*2), and in Jesus Christ, his only son, our Lord, who was conceived by the Holy spirit, born of the virgin Mary. Suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified died and was buried; (*2). 2. He descended into hell (*2); on the third day he rose again, he rose again from the dead; He ascended into heaven (*2), and is seated at the right hand, of God the father almighty. From there he will come to Judge, he will come to judge the living and the dead (*2). 3. I believe in the Holy spirit, in the holy Catholic church. The communion of saints the forgiveness of sins. The resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting Amen. UP: O LORD HEAR MY PRAYER O Lord hear my prayer (*2) when I call answer me. O Lord hear my prayer (*2) come and listen to me OFFERTORY: I. RECEIVE OUR GIFTS, LORD REF: Receive our gifts, Lord, receive our gifts, Father, Symbols of our thanks to You, receive our gifts, Father. 1. Receive our bread and wine, (all) we offer to You. Receive our gifts O Lord, (all) we offer to You. 2. Receive our deacons, Lord... Receive their efforts, Lord... 3. Receive our priests, O Lord... Receive their sacrifice... 4. Receive our bishops, Lord... Receive their courage, Lord, II. AID ME, LORD, TO DO YOUR BIDDING REF: Aid me, Lord, to do Your bidding (*2), I am not able on my own (*2) Aid me, Lord, to do Your bidding (*2) 1. The world compromises the truth, time has come for You to send me, Lord, So aid me, Lord, to do Your bidding. 2. If the Lord builds not the house, in vain do its builders labour, So aid me, Lord, to do Your bidding. 3. Without You I can do nothing, but with You I can do everything, So aid me, Lord, to do Your bidding. 4. I am weak, I am so fragile, on my own I cannot do Your will, So aid me, Lord, to do Your bidding. III. O BERI WE TAR O REF1: O beri we Tar o, we gee rbonŋ ne wer a mi si o, lanŋlanŋ ŋjip muu wo a (*2). Ref2: Caa la ne see du fa yu see a tur ne Nyu-a, caa la ne. (*2) 1. Wer a ye yer ta-a ambo a ce bonŋnŋee o. (all) lanŋlanŋ ŋjip muu wo a. Wer a ye yer ta-a ambo a ce konŋ wer o. (all) lanŋlanŋ ŋjip muu wo a. Ref1 2. Wer a ye yer ta-a ambo a ce ja’ we o. (all) lanŋlanŋ ŋjip muu wo a. Wer mnti vi ce lu’ci ŋjobi’ we Tata Nyu. (all) lanŋlanŋ ŋjip muu wo a. Ref1 3. Caa la ne bee ce a konŋ ye o Ref2 . O bee ce a konŋ Nyu o Ref2. O bkar vi Nyu o Ref2. Caa la, caa la, caa la, caa la, caa la. Ref2. IV. OUR OFFER REF: Take this our dear father Lord, receive our hearts and consecrate us, take thisoffer, take this our gifts, take and bless us in return. 1. We sing our song of Thanksgiving it's a joyful sacrifice it draws our heart closer to you, our voices we bring, take and bless us in return. 2. The gift you gave we bring with us the works of human hand, it will turn to be the flesh of Christ this bread that we bring; take and bless us in return. 3. The gift you gave we bring with us the works of human hand, it will turn to be the blood of Christ this cup that we bring; take and bless us in return SANCTUS: MASS OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL REF: Holy, holy, holy Lord God of hosts, Lord God of hosts (*2). CODA: Hosanna, hosanna, hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest. 1. Heaven and earth, heaven and earth are full of thy glory holy Lord. 2. Blessed is he who comes, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, Holy Lord. PATER: MASS OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL REF: Our Father eh, who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come. 1. Thy Kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and for-give us our trespasses. 2. As we forgive those who trespass who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. 3. For the kingdom the power and glory, are yours now and forever (*2). AGNUS DEI: MASS OF OUR LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL 1. Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world have mercy on us have mercy. 2. Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world have mercy on us have mercy. 3. Lamb of God You take away the sins of the world grant us peace grant us peace. COMMUNION: I. I COME TO THEE ONCE MORE MY GOD 1. I come to thee once more, my God, No longer willgo roam, For I have sought the wide world through, And never found a home 2. Though bright and many are the spots, Where I have built a nest, Yet in the brightest still I pined, For more abiding rest. 3. Riches could bring joy and power, And they were fair to see, Yet gold was but a sorry god, To serve instead of thee. 4. Then honour and the world’s good word. Appeared a nobler faith. Yet could I rest on bliss that hung. And trembled on a breath. II. HOW CAN I REPAY THE LORD 1. How can I repay the Lord, for all he has done for me a self offering I now make you have called me by name, I feel it deep within me answering I say here I am. REF: I will praise the Lord, for his goodness to me to all his good news I'll proclame, my vows to him I will fulfill before all his people my God how great you are. 2. This is a mystery so deep surpassing mind and might so immense a treasure to behold, what is my lineage Lord that you have brought me this far give me the grace to do your well. 3. The Lord now call you go confort the mouners and the sicks, to the prisoners preach freedom, set the down trodden free bring glad tidings to the poor, God's year of favour do proclaim. III. KNOWING YOU JESUS 1. All i once held dear built my life upon, all this world reverence and wars to own, all I once thought gain, I have counted lost spent and worthless now compared to this. REF: Knowing you Jesus, knowing you there is no greater thing, your my all, your my best, your my joy my righteousness all I want is you. 2. Now my heart desire is to know you more, to be found in you and known as yours to possess by faith what I could not earn, all so passing gift of righteousness. 3. Oh to know the power of your risen life and to know you in your suffering, to become like you in your death my Lord so with you to life and never die. IV. HALLELUJAH CHORUS SECOND BASKET: I. PRAISES EXIT: GO IN PEACE REF: Go in peace to love God and neighbour let us go with the peace of Christ, to serve God in man for the love of God. 1. As a child of God, do you feed the hungry? As a child of God, do you shelter the homeless? As a child of God, do you cover the naked? Go! 2. As a child of God, do you help the weary find rest? As a child of God, do you calm the fears of the anxious? As a child of God, do you listen and care for the restless? Go! 3. As a child of God, do you welcome the strangers? As a child of God, do you find job for the unemployed. As a child of God, do you stretch out a hand of kindness? Go!