Physics Lab Report 1

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LAB 1: Graph Matching

Daniel Martinez


Florida International University

PHY 2048L U03A

TA: Daniel Pacheco

Preliminary Questions:

1. Below are four position vs. time graphs labeled (i) through (iv). Identify which graph

corresponds to each of the following situations and explain why you chose that graph.

a. An object at rest.

- Graph ii represents an object at rest because its position remains constant,

indicating that it is not moving. As the time changes, the object’s position

remains the same showing it is at rest.

b. An object moving in the positive direction with a constant speed.

- Graph iv corresponds to an object moving in a positive direction with a

constant speed because its position is increasing positively shown through the

linear graph.

c. An object moving in the negative direction with a constant speed.

- Graph i shows an object moving in the negative direction with a constant

speed because its graph is moving in the negative direction through a linear

graph. The line decreases as time changes, indicating a constant speed through

its change in position as time changes.

d. An object that is accelerating in the positive direction, starting from rest.

- Graph iii shows an object accelerating in a positive direction, starting from

rest because its initial position begins constant and then exponentially

increases shown through the curve in the graph.

2. Below are four velocity vs. time graphs labeled (i) through (iv). Identify which graph

corresponds to each of the following situations. Explain why you chose that graph.

a. An object at rest.

- Graph iii shows an object at rest. Velocity indicates an object’s displacement

over the change in time. For an object to be at rest in a velocity vs. time graph,

the velocity must be zero over the change in time. This is the only graph that

shows this as its time changes.

b. An object moving in the positive direction with a constant speed.

- Graph iv corresponds to an object moving in a positive direction with a

constant speed because it is a horizontal straight line on the positive side of

the graph. This indicates a constant velocity in the positive direction as time


c. An object moving in the negative direction with a constant speed.

- Graph ii shows an object moving in the negative direction with a constant

speed because there is a horizontal line on the negative side of the graph. This

means that the velocity remains the same as time changes, but the object

moves in the negative direction.

d. An object that is accelerating in the positive direction, starting from rest.

- Graph i shows an object accelerating in the positive position, starting from

rest because its line increases linearly, indicating its positive position as time


 Graph 1:

This graph shows my group’s initial testing of the motion detector, not accounting for speed. The

line indicates that our position from the motion detector is a slow gradual incline as time


 Graph 2:

This graph shows the change in position as time changes after we initially tested how the motion

detector works but this time walking faster than our first test. This line is slightly different from

the first graph as it is steeper than the other showing the change in time as our position travels at

a faster rate.
 Graph 3:

This graph shows our attempt to match the original graph visualizing how an object can

become stationary after gradually moving to then move again.

 Graph 4:

This graph is our second attempt to closely match the original graph. This graph shows an

error in our attempt as there is a spike in the middle of the graph. This could indicate that

an external source could have affected this graph. This could be due to movement behind

the trial attempt, whether it be other groups or the detector picking up the slightest

changes as we approach and move away from the detector.

 Graph 5:

Finally, this graph represents how an object’s velocity changes as we move in a positive

and negative direction. Our velocity is a little shaky as we approach a stationary position,

this can be due to the white board shaking as we attempt to move back and forth.


Part II Position vs. Time Graph Matching:

1. Describe how you walked for each of the graphs that you matched.

a. For Graphs 3 and 4, we started our position around 1 meter away

from the detector. As we began, we stayed at rest for about 1

second and the started to gradually walk away from the motion

detector so our position increased in the graph. We then became

stationary at around 3 seconds and held that position for about 3

seconds and then began to move towards the detector and became

stationary about 1.75 meters away from the detector.

2. Explain the significance of the slope of a position vs. time graph.

Include a discussion of positive and negative slope.

a. The slope of the position changes with the velocity. If the velocity

is positive, then the position increases. This means that if the

velocity is faster and the distance is greater, then the slope will

appear higher. This relationship also works in reverse. If the

velocity is negative, then the slope will gradually decrease. A

positive slope indicates that the distance from the sensor is

increasing, while a negative slope indicates that the distance is


3. What type of motion occurs when the slope of a position vs. time graph

is zero?

a. If the slope is zero, this indicates that there is no motion occurring

meaning, the object is at rest.

4. What type of motion occurs when the slope of a position vs. time graph

is constant?

a. If the slope is constant, it means that the position is constant

throughout as the time changes.

5. What type of motion occurs when the slope of a position vs. time graph

is changing? Test your answer to this question using the Motion


a. When the velocity is not constant, the slope changes along with the

distance, resulting in fluctuation throughout the time interval.

Part III Velocity vs. Time Graph Matching

6. Describe how you walked for each of the graphs that you matched.

a. For graph 5, we held our position for about 2 seconds. We then

started to move away from the sensor and held the position around

0.5 meters away from the detector. After around 3 seconds, we

began walking towards the sensor getting closer and closer.

7. What type of motion is occurring when the slope of a velocity vs. time

graph is zero?

a. When the slope of the graph is zero, the velocity remains constant

throughout as the time changes.

8. What type of motion occurs when the slope of a velocity vs. time graph

is not zero? Test your answer using the Motion Detector.

a. If the slope is not zero across the graph, this means that the

velocity is fluctuating throughout the time interval.

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