Newton's Laws

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Newton's Laws
Quick Look
Grade Level: 8 (7-9)

Choose From: 3 lessons and 7 activities

Students explore Newton's laws of motion


Move it! This unit explores Newton’s Laws of Motion. Students have fun exploring the concepts of forces and changes
in motion, action and reaction, angular momentum, and pendulums. A variety of hands-on investigations and related
activities help learners make sense of motion.

Engineering Connection

Whether designing objects that move or stay put, understanding Newton's Laws of Motion helps engineers of all
disciplines quantify the "invisible" forces acting on all objects. For example, engineers take advantage of their
understanding of rotational inertia and angular momentum to maximize the thrilling spin experience on amusement
park rides. Besides being used in clocks, engineers use pendulums in equipment to detect earthquakes, design buildings
to resist shaking due to earthquakes, and help robots balance.

Unit Schedule

Suggested activity order:

Action-Reaction! Rocket
Super Spinners!
Swing in Time
Couch Potato or Inertia Victim?
Spin Me a Story
Cosmic Rhythm


© 2020 by Regents of the University of Colorado

Last modified: December 10, 2020

Lesson Motion Commotion
Quick Look

Grade Level: 8 (7-9)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Lesson Dependency: None

Students explore Newton's laws of motion


Students learn why and how motion occurs and what governs changes in motion, as described by Newton's three laws
of motion. They gain hands-on experience with the concepts of forces, changes in motion, and action and reaction. In
an associated literacy activity, students design a behavioral survey and learn basic protocol for primary research, survey
design and report writing.

Engineering Connection

Whether they design moving objects (scooters, boats, compact disk players, blenders) or stationary objects (dams,
bridges, stoves, sunglasses, picture hangers), understanding Newton's laws of motion helps engineers of all disciplines
quantify the "invisible" forces acting on the objects.

Learning Objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to:

Identify Newton's three laws and explain what each law physically describes with respect to motion.
Predict results from the various motions presented in the activities and be able to explain why these motions
Give examples of why Newton's laws are important to engineering.
Relate the variables in the F = ma equation


When Isaac Newton was 23 years old, he identified three traits of moving objects. His identification of these traits, now
accepted as Newton's laws of motion, revolutionized science and transformed human understanding of the natural
world. Newton's laws are universal, describing the motion of everything, everywhere!

Scientific application of Newton's laws led to advancements in every aspect of engineering, from building machines
and structures to the functioning of airplanes and rockets. Sir Isaac Newton is the founder of the modern study of
movement and balance because of his development of the three laws of motion.

Newton's laws hold true everywhere and at all times. Understanding the laws of motion helps us to understand what
causes every movement we make throughout the day. The laws apply to ALL movement, from you, to a running
stream, to a falling leaf, to a bird's flight. Having three laws that describe the why and how of all motion is an
incredibly useful tool!

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

Simply stated, Newton's three laws of motion are:

Law #1: Objects at rest will stay at rest, and objects in motion will stay in motion in a straight line unless they are acted
upon by an unbalanced force. (law of inertia)

Law #2: Force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. (F = ma)

Law #3: For every action, there is always an opposite and equal reaction.

Newton's first law is also known as the law of inertia. It says that if you were to kick a ball and there were no forces
acting on the ball, it would keep going in a straight line forever! This law is somewhat abstract because on Earth,
invisible forces are always at work. Gravity, friction and air pressure are examples of "invisible" forces that act on
objects everywhere. Therefore, objects on Earth are constantly changing direction, speeding up and slowing down — a
ball does not keep going forever because there are forces acting to slow it down. Scientists and engineers must always
keep in mind these "invisible" forces acting on the object's motion.

Newton's second law means that if you kick two balls that weigh the same, the ball you kick harder will go farther (that
is, for a constant mass, exerting a greater force yields a greater acceleration). The second law also says that if you have
a heavy ball and a light ball, you have to kick the heavy ball harder to make it go as fast as the lighter ball (that is, for a
constant acceleration, a greater mass requires a greater force). The mathematical way to state this law is:


(Force = mass times acceleration)

If you hit a golf ball and a baseball with the same amount of force, which one would go farther? The golf ball! Why?
Because the golf ball has less mass than the baseball, therefore less force is needed for the golf ball to achieve the same
distance as the baseball.

Newton's third law is possibly the most widely known — for every action, there is an equal but opposite reaction.
There is always a partner of forces at play: an action force and a reaction force. Even though this is possibly the most
famous of his three laws, it is not necessarily the most intuitive. For example, when you walk on the ground (action
force), the ground pushes up on you with an equal reaction force. You cannot see the force, and we are so accustomed
to walking on the ground, we do not even realize there must be a reaction force that keeps us from sinking into the
ground. Imagine sinking into the ground with every step we take! That's exactly what would happen if this third law
were not true.
Lesson Closure

Ask the students to explain Newton's three laws of motion. Have them give some examples of what life on Earth would
be like if these laws were not true. Ask the students why Newton's laws are so important to engineers. Have them write
on the board at least three reasons why Newton's laws are important to engineers, or what has become possible with the
understanding of these laws. (Possible answers: Has made it possible to build airplanes that fly, elevators that move,
amusement park rides and roller coasters, cars that drive safely, seatbelts in cars, bridges and buildings that do not
collapse; basically, Newton's laws are the foundation for all structures that move or are stationary.)


Acceleration: Rate of change in velocity with respect to magnitude, direction or both.

Force: Something that acts from the outside to push or pull an object. For example, an adult pulling a child in a wagon
exerts a force upon the wagon.

Mass: The amount of material (matter) present in an object.


Pre-Lesson Assessment

Discussion Question: Ask a question to get students to think about the upcoming lesson. After soliciting answers,
explain that these questions will be answered during the lesson.

When you kick a soccer ball up in the air, why does it come back down? Should it not just keep going? (See
Background section to add more depth to this discussion.)

Post-Introduction Assessment

Question/Answer: Ask the students and discuss as a class

Who came up with the three laws of motion? (Answer: Sir Isaac Newton)
How old was Sir Isaac Newton when he came up with the three laws of motion? (Answer: 23)

Lesson Summary Assessment

Flashcards: Using index cards, have the student groups write Newton's three laws or questions that apply to one of the
three laws. Have them write the appropriate law number or answer on the back of the card. Have the teams exchange
flashcards. Each member of the team reads a flashcard, and everyone attempts to answer it. If they are right, they can
pass on the card to the next team. Give the team five minutes to figure out, through teamwork, the answers to the
flashcards. If they feel they have another correct answer, they should write their answer on the back of the flashcard as
an alternative. Keep rotating the cards until all teams have had a chance to look at all the flashcards. Clarify any

Lesson Extension Activities

Inertia Zoom Ball

In this hands-on demonstration of Newton's first law of motion, students use plastic bottles and string to see how force
causes an object to change in motion.

Inertia Zoom Ball

More Power to You

Newton's third law of motion is illustrated in this hands-on activity in which students fuel a plastic bottle boat to move
on water.

More Power to You

Library research project

Have the students research Sir Isaac Newton, write a book report and present their findings to the class.


Gittewitt, Paul. Conceptual Physics. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley, 1992.

Hauser, Jill Frankel. Gizmos and Gadgets: Creating Science Contraptions that Work (and Knowing Why). Charlotte,
VT: Williamson Publishing, 1999.

Kagan, Spencer. Cooperative Learning. San Juan Capistrano, CA: Kagan Cooperative Learning, 1994. (Source for the
Flashcards assessment.)

Newton's laws of motion:

Newton's laws of motion:


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado.


Sabre Duren; Ben Heavner; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise Carlson

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no.
0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National
Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: December 3, 2020

Hands-on Activity Catapults!
Quick Look

Grade Level: 8 (7-9)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Expendable Cost/Group: US $5.00

Group Size: 4

Activity Dependency: None

Students make model catapults to explore Newton's second law of motion.


Students observe the relationship between the angle of a catapult (a force measurement) and the flight of a cotton ball.
They learn how Newton's second law of motion works by seeing directly that F = ma. When they pull the metal "arm"
back further, thus applying a greater force to the cotton ball, it causes the cotton ball to travel faster and farther.
Students also learn that objects of greater mass require more force to result in the same distance traveled by a lighter

Engineering Connection

Understanding the scientific concepts of Newton's laws of motion has made it possible for engineers to build airplanes
that fly, elevators and amusement park rides that are exciting but safe, cars that drive safely at high speeds and
structures that do not collapse. Aerospace engineers save fuel by exploiting the second law when they let the planet's
force of gravity pull a spacecraft towards the planet to increase its velocity, and then steer the spacecraft away from
crashing into the planet.

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

Recognize that understanding the scientific concepts described by Newton's laws of motion enables engineers to
design airplanes, amusement park rides, elevators, and much more.
Use the catapult model to explore the force exerted on the cotton ball and graph the correlation between angle
(force) and distance traveled (acceleration).
Collect data throughout this experiment, including the maximum height of the cotton ball in flight and the
distance traveled until it lands on the floor.
Calculate the average of a data set.

Materials List

Each group needs:

2 wooden blocks
1 thin strip of metal banding (8-inches long)
1 protractor
4 long nails (or a C-clamp, or duct tape)
1 small nail
1 cotton ball
1 hammer
tape measure or meter stick
Newton's Second Law – Catapult Worksheet, one per student

Worksheets and Attachments

Newton's Second Law – Catapult Worksheet (pdf)

Visit [] to print or download.


Catapults were first used around 400 BC in Greece and China as weapons to launch rocks, arrows and other projectiles
against enemies. In the centuries after their first appearance, bigger and bigger catapults were constructed. Over time,
catapults were made so big that they became too difficult to use, and eventually were no longer used. However, the
fundamental concepts used in working catapults are still in use every day.

Engineers need to understand how much force is required to make an object with a certain mass move. Catapults are
one good way to learn about the relationship between force, mass and acceleration. The relationship F = ma is called
Newton's second law of motion because it is a mathematical description of the relationship among force, mass and


Before the Activity

Figure 1. Diagram of the activity's simple catapult.

Gather materials and make copies of the Newton's Second Law – Catapult Worksheet.
Choose appropriate locations for students to fire their catapults.

With the Students

1. Open with a discussion question: Has anyone ever seen or built a catapult? How does it work? Tell the students
that we will find out more about this in today's activity.
2. Hand out a worksheet to each student.
3. Bend the metal banding into an L shape and insert the "L" end between the two wooden blocks (see Figure 1).
4. Hold the blocks securely in place by one of three options: Nail them together by hammering two nails on either
side of the metal stripping, use a C-clamp or use duct tape to hold the blocks together.
5. Tape the protractor vertically to the front of the catapult, close to the metal band (arm).
6. Ask students make predictions (hypotheses) of what angle of the catapult they expect will make the cotton ball
travel highest and furthest.
7. Once the catapult is built, assign roles to each team member. Instruct one student to fire the cotton ball, one to
spot the maximum height of the cotton ball when in flight, one to spot the landing point where the cotton ball
first hits the ground, and two to measure the height and distance of flight.
8. Place cotton ball at the end of the arm.
9. Pull the metal band (arm) back 10° and release. If it flies straight up or backwards, fire again. Conduct two trials.
10. Have students record their measurements on the worksheet as they proceed through the activity.
11. Repeat firing process at 20° through 90°.
12. Have students complete the rest of the worksheet.
13. While waiting for other students to finish their worksheets, have students with completed worksheets compare
their answers with their peers.
14. Review worksheet answers as a class.


Pre-Activity Assessment

Discussion Questions: Solicit, integrate and summarize student responses.

Has anyone ever seen or built a catapult? How does it work?

Activity Embedded Assessment

Worksheet: Have students record measurements and follow along with the activity on the Newton's Second Law –
Catapult Worksheet. After students have finished their worksheets, have them compare answers with their peers.

Post-Activity Assessment

Worksheet Discussion: As a class, review and discuss the worksheet answers. Student answers reveal their depth of
understanding and mastery of the subject.

Safety Issues

While cotton balls are of minimal concern, have students wear safety glasses if they use other objects as projectiles.

Troubleshooting Tips

The cotton ball may fly straight up or even backwards from the catapult. If this occurs, have the student repeat the
process for that angle again.

Students need to pay close attention to observe exactly where the maximum height occurs. Tell them to be sure to keep
their "eye on the ball."

Make sure students record the distance traveled with respect to where the ball lands, not where it rolls to a stop.

Activity Extensions

Repeat the experiment with different objects to examine the affect of mass on the force and acceleration due to the

Internet research: What is the biggest catapult ever made? When were catapults used as weapons? How are catapults
still used today? (Hint: Search for catapults and aircraft carriers.)

Activity Scaling

For lower grades, work together to complete the worksheet; do the averages together as a class. Substitute a bar
graph for the X-Y plot.
For upper grades, have each individual complete his/her own worksheet, computing averages and making the


Activity adapted from AIMS Education Foundation, 1987.


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado


Sabre Duren; Ben Heavner; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise W. Carlson

Supporting Program
Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering and Applied Science, University of Colorado


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under grants from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation (GK-12 grant no.
0338326). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or
National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: September 26, 2022

Hands-on Activity Action-Reaction!
Quick Look

Grade Level: 7 (6-8)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Expendable Cost/Group: US $1.00

Group Size: 4

Activity Dependency: None

Students examine rocket motion


Students construct rockets from balloons propelled along a guide string. They use this model to learn about Newton's
three laws of motion, examining the effect of different forces on the motion of the rocket.

Engineering Connection

Engineers of all disciplines apply their understanding Newton's laws of motion to quantify the "invisible" forces acting
on all objects. Just like a ball can be twirled on the end of a string, satellites and spacecraft stay in orbit around the
Earth due to the balance between gravitational and centripetal forces. Eventually, satellites slow down due to the
miniscule drag in the upper atmosphere, to the point at which gravity pulls them out of orbit. To keep them in orbit,
engineers exploit the second law by designing thrusters that burn fuel and expel it from the thruster. The spacecraft
moves forward in an amount equal to the force of the gas leaving the thruster, causing enough movement to re-orient
the path of the object and keep it in orbit.

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

Explain practical applications of Newton's laws of motion.

Use a balloon model explain the different forces that act on the rocket.
Collect data from the experiment and graph the results.

Materials List

Each group needs:

plastic drinking straw

plastic bag, about the size of an inflated balloon
paper streamers
fishing line, 25 ft (20-50g weight) or string (nylon [slippery] string works better than twine [rough])
long, tube-shaped balloon
tape measure or meter stick
Action-Reaction! Worksheet, one per student

Worksheets and Attachments

Action-Reaction! Worksheet (pdf)

Visit [] to print or download.


Start with an in-class demonstration. For example, have a student or the teacher stand on a skateboard and throw a
basketball. What happens? Have a student or the teacher throw a basketball filled with lead weights or medicine ball,
very heavy object (this could be dangerous; be careful not to fall). What happens? (Answer: The person rolls
backwards on the skateboard.)

Or, as another demonstration: Pass around three containers (such that students cannot see the contents), one filled with
something light such as feathers or foam peanuts, one filled with something heavy such as lead weights and one filled
with something in the middle such as rice or grains. Ask students which is heavier. Ask them what they think is inside.
Tell them that the heaviest one is heavier because it has a higher mass.

Rockets and rocket-propelled flight has been in use for more than 2,000 years. People in ancient China used gunpowder
to make fireworks and rockets. In the past 300 years, people have gained a scientific understanding of how rockets
work. Now, aerospace engineers use their understanding to make rockets fly farther, faster, higher and more accurately.
Our understanding of how rockets work arises from Sir Isaac Newton's three laws of motion. It is important for
engineers to understand Newton's laws because they not only describe how rockets work, they explain how everything
that moves or is at rest works!

This activity demonstrates all three of Newton's laws of motion. The focus of the activity is Newton's third law of
motion, but the first and second laws are intrinsically involved with the motion of the rocket as well. The air pushing its
way out of the balloon is an action force, and it causes an equal reaction, which is the movement of the balloon. The
more air initially in the balloon, the further the balloon travels along the string because the action force is greater. By
the same token, if only a small amount of air is initially in the balloon, the balloon travels a shorter distance.

Simply stated, Newton's three laws of motion are:

Law #1: Objects at rest stay at rest, and objects in motion stay in motion in a straight line unless they are acted
upon by an unbalanced force. (law of inertia)

Law #2: Force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. (F = ma)

Law #3: For every action, there is always an opposite and equal reaction.


Before the Activity

Figure 1. Setup for the action-reaction rocket activity.

Gather materials and make copies of the Action-Reaction! Worksheet.

Choose appropriate locations for students to set up the experiment.

With the Students

1. Have students vote on which of Newton's three laws of motion applies to the flight of rockets. Tabulate votes on
the board. (Answer: Trick question! All three laws apply.)
2. Hand out a worksheet to each student.
3. Tape a drinking straw along the side of a plastic bag (see Figure 1).
4. Tape streamers along the open edge of the plastic bag.
5. Thread the string through the straw.
6. Tie each end of the string to a chair, and pull the chairs apart so that the string is taut (see Figure 1).
7. Position the bag at one end of the string, with the open end of the bag facing toward the chair.
8. Blow up a balloon and put it into the bag, holding the balloon closed.
9. Count down to zero, and let go of the balloon. . . ZOOOOM!
10. Have students measure the distance their balloon rockets traveled on the string and complete the worksheet.
11. While waiting for other students to finish their worksheets, direct students with completed worksheets to
compare their answers with their peers.
12. As a class, review and discuss the worksheet answers.

Pre-Activity Assessment

Voting: Ask students to vote on which of Newton's three laws applies to the flight of rockets. Tabulate votes on the
board. Give the answer: It's a trick question! All three laws apply.

Activity Embedded Assessment

Worksheet: Have students follow along with the activity on their worksheets. After students have finished their
worksheets, have them compare answers with their peers. Review their answers to gauge their mastery of the concepts.

Graphing: Have students calculate the volume of the balloon and then plot volume vs. distance traveled.

Post-Activity Assessment

Numbered Heads: Have students on each team pick numbers (or number off) so each member has a different number.
Ask students questions from the worksheet. Have the members of each team work together on the answer and everyone
on the team must know the answer. Call a number at random. Students with that number raise their hands to answer the
question. If not all the students with that number raise their hands, let the teams work a little longer. Encourage students
to include terms that they have learned in the answers.

Flashcards: Have each group make three flash cards with a question on one side and its answer on the other. In writing
the questions and answers, have students incorporate the new terms that they have learned. Have students pass the
cards to the group next to them to answer the questions and then pass them along. Example questions:

1. What is inertia? (Answer: When an object is at rest or in a constant state of motion.)

2. How are action and reaction forces related? (Answer: They are equal.)
3. If acceleration = 6 m/s2 and mass = 6,254 g what is the force? (Answer: 37,524 Newtons [gm/s2].)
4. What would happen if you changed the direction of the force (that is, the balloon blew out toward the floor)?
Would the balloon travel a shorter distance, longer distance or the same? (Answer: The balloon would travel a
shorter distance if it moves at all, because it would not be able to travel in the direction opposite the force.)
5. According to Newton's third law, how do you know that the action and reaction forces on the balloon are equal?
(Answer: Because for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.)
6. What vocabulary word best describe your experience when you are a "couch potato"? (Answer: Inertia.)
7. If an equal forces is applied to a Mini Cooper and a semi-trailer truck, which will have greater acceleration?
(Answer: A Mini Cooper, due to its smaller mass.)
8. What does acceleration depend on? (Answer: Mass and force.)
9. If you kick two balls that weigh the same, which ball goes further? (Answer: The ball that you kick harder.)
10. Does air have mass? (Answer: Yes. It can be measured on a scale.)
11. When mass is multiplied by acceleration, what results? (Answer: Force.)

Safety Issues

Straws make excellent projectile shooters. Make sure to collect them at activity end.

Troubleshooting Tips

Be sure the students blow up their balloon to different sizes—small, medium and large—to compare the different
magnitudes of reaction that are produced.

Thicker fishing line (20-50g) works best for this activity. Next best is nylon string. Rough string or twine creates too
much friction for the balloons to travel as far.

Make sure to pull the string taut for the balloon rocket launch. The balloon does not travel as far on a slack string.

This activity can also be done without the plastic bag by taping the straw directly to the balloon. In this case, use large
round balloons instead of long balloons.

Activity Extensions

Run the experiment with a bigger or smaller balloon.

Have students fill up their balloons with water and repeat the experiment. Ask them why the balloon moved so slowly
(if at all) and why. (Answer: Because the water is heavy, it takes more force to move water than air, and the water spills
out of the balloon slowly (compared to air), thus the reaction force is equally as slow as the action force. Note: This is
messy! Make sure to follow the water-balloon with a bucket to catch the water or do this activity outside.

Tape pennies to the outside of a rocket to increase its mass. How does increased mass affect the flight of the rocket?
(Answer: Because of Newton's second law, the same force exerted upon a larger mass will result in a lower
acceleration–the rocket will not go as far!)

Have students re-engineer their balloon rockets again, adding extra features to make the balloon go further. Permit
them to use more straw and tape, and more than one balloon. Conduct a race to see which engineering team built the
best balloon rocket. Ask that team to explain why their design worked as it did, in terms of Newton's three laws of

Ask students to write journal entries on how the balloon rocket experiment could relate to something else they've
encountered. Why are Newton's laws of motion so important in our world?

Activity Scaling

For lower grades, complete the worksheet as a class, with different groups using different sized balloons. Use the
data from each group's work to construct a plot together, as a class.
Give more advanced students all materials except the worksheet that tells them how to put the rocket together.
Ask them to figure out on their own how to construct the rocket.


Hauser, Jill Frankel.Gizmos and Gadgets: Creating Science Contraptions That Work (and Knowing Why). Charlotte,
VT: Williamson Publishing, 1999. (Activity adapted from Hauser.)

NASA Quest > Space Team Online:

Other Related Information

Browse the NGSS Engineering-aligned Physics Curriculum hub for additional Physics and Physical Science
curriculum featuring Engineering.

© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado


Sabre Duren; Ben Heavner; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise W. Carlson

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under grants from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and the National Science Foundation (GK-12 grant
no 0338326). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the DOE or NSF, and you should not
assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: March 11, 2020

Hands-on Activity Couch Potato or Inertia Victim?
Quick Look

Grade Level: 6 (5-7)

Time Required: 2 hours 30 minutes

(three 50-minute sessions)

Expendable Cost/Group: US $0.00

Group Size: 2

Activity Dependency: None

Screens and activity levels: an opportunity for research


Students design a simple behavioral survey, and learn basic protocol for primary research, survey design and report
writing. Note: The literacy activities for the Mechanics unit are based on physical themes that have broad application to
our experience in the world — concepts of rhythm, balance, spin, gravity, levity, inertia, momentum, friction, stress and

Engineering Connection

For large-scale engineering projects that impact a lot of people, engineers conduct primary research. For example,
building a new power plant or a dam can have positive and negative consequences on the surrounding environment,
community and populations. Engineers strive to collect all the facts, opinions and points-of-view; then they analyze
what they learned and report their findings. Understanding the problem helps engineers design a solution that best
meets all the requirements.

Learning Objectives
After this activity, students should be able to:

Describe how engineers conduct primary research for large-scale engineering projects that impact a lot of people
Learn basic protocol for primary research, survey design and report writing.
Incorporate source materials into their speaking and writing (for example, interviews, news articles, encyclopedia
Write and speak in the content areas using the technical vocabulary of the subject accurately

Materials List

paper, pencils and clipboards

access to the Internet

Worksheets and Attachments

Kids Say TV is Not the Enemy of Physical Activity Reading (pdf)

Kids Say TV is Not the Enemy of Physical Activity Reading (docx)
Visit [] to print or download.

Pre-Req Knowledge

General familiarity with Newton's laws of motion, specifically inertia


Are you a couch potato? Are you feeling the effects of inertia? Do you know anyone who is? You may have heard that
behavioral researchers are finding that young people are watching screens more and more, and becoming less and less
physically active. Researchers worry about the effects of a sedentary lifestyle on health.

In this activity, you will learn about how primary research is conducted. You will design a simple survey questionnaire
and interview friends and acquaintances in your age group about how much time they spend in an average week on
devices, watching TV and playing video games. You will also ask questions about their level of physical activity,
including organized sports and free play. After you complete your interviews, you will tally your findings and analyze
the results using simple percentages. Then you will write a report of your findings.


Technically, inertia is resistance to acceleration — a body at rest tends to remain at rest and a body in motion tends to
remain in uniform motion unless acted on by an outside force according to Newton's first law of motion. Colloquially,
inertia is associated with the tendency of a body to remain at rest, namely, the human body: "I need to overcome my
inertia and get back to work." "I've got a bad case of inertia today." Imagine a court of law where a lawyer is defending
his client against a charge of laziness: "Your Honor, Mr. Slouchbottom is not a couch potato, he's an inertia victim!"

In a previous lesson (Mechanics unit, Lesson 3), students learned about the mechanics of inertia. In this literacy
activity, they will think about the physical and psychological effects of a body at rest tending to remain at rest,
specifically, the effects of a sedentary lifestyle centered on devices, TV-watching, video game playing and snacking —
the life of the couch potato.

Recent research appears to demonstrate conclusively that excessive screen time is linked to obesity because it
encourages unhealthy snacking and discourages physical activity. That makes logical sense. But research conducted in
Australia suggests that the picture may not be so black and white. Viewing sports or other activities on television or
playing activity-oriented video games appears to encourage physical activity in children (see the References section:
TV Motivates Kids...).

In this literacy activity, students conduct their own peer-group study to determine the degree to which being on devices,
watching TV and playing video games correlates with levels of physical activity. They learn the basics of research
protocol, survey design and report writing. As an introduction, the project is kept simple. Only basic math is required to
tally results, with no complex statistical analysis, just simple percentages. The research itself follows the basic
approach of the Australian research, focusing on the relationship between TV watching/screen time and activity levels,
and not on the question of obesity. Once students have completed their research, a positive class discussion can bring
out the health implications of being physically active.

"The challenge for adults is not so much to stop kids from watching TV, but to channel this enthusiasm for play and fun
into healthy, physical activity."

Source: see the attached Kids Say TV is Not the Enemy of Physical Activity Reading.


Have the students do some background reading to learn about research that has already been conducted. Some links to
summaries of existing research are:

Using Screen Time to Encourage Physical Activity:

The Effects of Screen Time on Fitness and Health:
Screen Time: Overview:

(Additional sources are listed in the References section).

What does most research on trends in screen time, TV viewing and video-game playing show in terms of the effect on
physical activity? Also, look at the summary of a study completed in Australia that provides a contrasting view,
the perspective that screen time has the potential to motivate kids to be active and try out a sport.

Stephanie Walker, age 11, is an example. She watches TV, but also plays three basketball games a week, swims once or
twice a week and plays netball once a week. "I just tape something if I am going to be playing sport," she says. "I
would be out of the house if I had to watch it more than that. I couldn't be away from the sport. I really love my sport...I
think you can watch television and be a fit person." Source: TV Motivates Kids: Study Challenges Past Links to
Childhood Obesity by Laura Anderson, Herald Sun Melbourne, December 10, 2003,

You are going to conduct a survey and see how your findings compare. You will see if your findings confirm or deny
the other research. In the Australian study TV Motivates Kids..., 200 kids aged 8-12 were interviewed. If possible, as a
class project, try to interview at least 100 students in the same age group. If you have 20 students in your class, each of
you will interview five students. Tip: 100 is a nice round number; it will be very easy to calculate percentages. But, if
time does not permit, just interview your class members (approximately 25 interviews), or your class plus one other
class (50 or so interviews).

Protocol — In doing research of this kind there is a certain "code of conduct" called a protocol — a way of doing
things — that you should keep in mind. First, some professional terms:

The survey is the research project as a whole, as distinguished from the questionnaire, which is the formal set of
questions you use to interview (question) a respondent, someone who responds to your questions. You will record the
responses you receive, using a separate questionnaire for each respondent. When you are through with your interviews,
you will make a tally of your results. Finally, you will analyze the results in terms of simple percentages and write a
report of your findings.

1. The first rule of any research is objectivity. To remain objective, you will need to keep your personal opinions
and feelings to yourself. You should not influence the respondent. Simply ask the question and record the
2. The second rule is confidentiality. If you want to use the name of your respondent, be sure to ask permission.
Otherwise, assure your respondent that the results will be kept confidential.
3. The third rule is accuracy. Be sure you record responses accurately and quote respondents accurately. They will
be very upset if you do not, especially if you quote them.

Purpose of the Research — To develop appropriate questions, you need to keep your overall objective in mind. Your
purpose is to determine what impact, if any, screen time, TV watching and video-game playing have on the physical
activity levels of students in your age group. You are also going to ask students their opinions of whether screen
time, watching TV and playing video-games makes them more or less interested in sports and other physical activities.
Brainstorm possible questions.


Make the survey design and reporting a class project. Everyone can participate in brainstorming the questionnaire.
Then, divide up the remaining tasks, assigning teams to type up the questionnaire, interview respondents, tally the
results, analyze the results in terms of percentages and decide which quotes are most interesting to use in the report.
The results should be discussed by the class as a whole and written up by the team of "analysts."

Prepare the Questionnaire and Conduct Interviews — Keep your questionnaire as simple as possible in order to get the
basic information you need. Try to make your questionnaire no longer than 10 questions.

Generally there are two types of questions. Closed questions are answered with a simple "yes" or "no" response. They
usually begin with a form of the verb "be," "do" or "have." "Do you watch TV?" is a closed question. Open-end
questions are similar to journalist's questions. They usually begin with "who, "what," "when," "where," "how" and
"why," and can lead to longer responses. “What do you watch on TV?” is an open-ended question.

One way to control open-ended questions is to limit possible responses to true/false or multiple choice. It is easier to
tally responses for controlled-choice questions than for open-end questions. You will want to ask at least one open-
ended question, though, to get a better sense of your respondent's opinion, for example the quote from Stephanie in the
Australian research, as stated in the Observing section. Quoting from your respondents will also give life to your

Below are some example questions that would be appropriate to ask in this research project. These are just examples;
you will want to come up with your own questions or versions of these. When conducting your interview, use a
separate questionnaire sheet for each respondent. Circle the response for each question.

1. On average, how many hours of TV do you watch per week? (If the respondent has trouble thinking of a number,
it is okay to have them think of an average day and multiply by seven.)
a. None

b. 1-2 hours

c. 3-4 hours

d. More than 4 hours

2. On average, how many hours per week do you spend playing video games? (Provide same answer choices as in
question 1.)
3. On average, how many hours per week are you on a device? (Provide same answer choices as in question 1.)
4. What sports do you participate in? (Make as long a list of choices as you think is necessary to cover the

a. Soccer

b. Skateboarding

c. Basketball

d. Swimming

e. etc.

5. How many hours per week do you participate in the sports you mentioned? (Insert the name of each sport
mentioned. When you tally the results, you will add up the total. In your report, you will compare this total with
the combined total hours of TV viewing and video game playing.)

a. _______ (sport): ____ hours

b. _______ (sport): ____ hours

c. etc.

6. Do you think that screen time/watch television makes you more interested in doing sports and other physical
activities or less interested? Why?

a. More interested

b. Less interested

Notice that the last question, which asks "why," is an open-end question. Be sure to leave enough room to take notes
you can quote from accurately.

Finally, be sure to ask your respondent's age. Note whether the respondent is a boy or girl. If you plan to quote your
respondent, you can either do so anonymously (without mentioning the name) or by name. In either case, you need to
ask permission.

Tally Results — Once you have completed all the interviews, tally the results. You can either use a computer program,
such as google sheets or Microsoft ExcelTM, or you can use pen and paper to make a hand tally. The hand tally marks
could look like this:
To keep track of the questionnaires, number them in the upper right-hand corner from 1-25 or 1-100, depending on the
number of interviews conducted. Use a blank questionnaire to keep track of the tally marks next to each question.
Collect answers to open-end questions on separate blank sheets. An easy way to do this is to copy the answers and cut
and paste them onto the blank sheets of paper. That way you can see all the open-end responses together. Just make
sure to number each open-end response with the number of the questionnaire (source) it came from.

Report Your Findings — As time permits, the report can be a simple discussion of results as a class, or an oral report
prepared by a team of "analysts" or an individual- or class-prepared written report.

Your results will guide you as to what needs to be included in the report. You will be looking for patterns in the
answers to the questions that prompted the research in the first place. Is there a connection between time on devices,
TV watching, video-game playing and low levels of physical activity? Or does it seem that students who are on screens
are also active in sports? What do students say about the effect TV and the media have? Do they think the media is
turning them into couch potatoes or introducing them to new sports? By watching their sports heroes on TV, do they
get ideas about how to improve their abilities in sports they already love? Are results different for boys and for girls? Is
age a factor?

These are just a few of the possible questions you might answer in your research. Have fun with it. This is called
primary research (first-hand research). It can be a great way to learn what real people think and do.


anonymous: Having an unknown or unacknowledged name: an anonymous survey respondent.

confidential: Given and kept secret as a matter of trust: confidential information.

confirm: To support or establish the certainty of. Verify: confirm the results of the research.

couch potato: A person who spends much time sitting or lying down, usually watching television.

inertia: The tendency of a body to resist acceleration; the tendency of a body at rest to remain at rest or of a body in
straight line motion to stay in motion in a straight line unless acted on by an outside force. Resistance or disinclination
to motion, action or change: the inertia of bureaucracy.

influence: A power affecting a person, thing or course of events, especially one that operates without any direct or
apparent effort: the influence of television on modern life.

objective: Uninfluenced by emotions or personal prejudices: an objective critic. Based on observable phenomena;
presented factually: objective research.

primary research: Information collected by interview or questionnaire.

protocol: A code of correct conduct or proper method: a research protocol.

questionnaire: A form containing a set of questions as a way of gathering information for a survey.

respondent: One who responds.

sedentary: Characterized by or requiring much sitting: a sedentary job. Accustomed to sitting or to taking little

survey: A gathering of a sample of data or opinions considered to be representative of a whole.

tally: (noun) A mark used in recording a number of acts or objects, most often in series of five, consisting of four
vertical lines canceled diagonally or horizontally by a fifth line; (verb) to reckon or count.

trend: The general direction in which something tends to move.


Pre-Activity Assessment

Questions: During brainstorming and preparation of the questionnaire, question students orally to determine how well
they understand the importance of objectivity, confidentiality, accuracy in survey data collection, tallying and reporting.

Activity Embedded Assessment

Mock Interviews: Have students conduct a few mock interviews to be sure they ask the questions correctly and
consistently, and record responses accurately.

Post-Activity Assessment

Survey Report: Tallies should be checked for accuracy. The quality of the final report demonstrates how well the
students understood and executed the assignment.

Troubleshooting Tips

Plan on three 50-minute class periods: one to prepare the questionnaire; one to conduct the survey; one to tally the

Activity Extensions

Think about how extreme sports athletes work with and against gravity (see Riding the Gravity Wave literacy activity
for Mechanics unit, Lesson 2) and work with the force of inertia. Write an article about the role of inertia in extreme
sports with the title, Inertia...It's not just for Couch Potatoes. For reference, see Skateboard Science at and Momentum Machine at

Activity Scaling

For lower grades, the questionnaire can be quite simple with only three or four questions.
For upper grades, the questionnaire can be more complex.


Conducting Polls: Gathering Information Often Includes Surveys. Cyber Oregon Online COOLSchool. Accessed May 12, 2004.
Design a Survey Using Microsoft Word, Then Evaluate the Data Using Microsoft Access. Updated April 14, 2004.
Microsoft Corporation. Accessed May 12, 2004.

Kaufman, Ron. Kill Your Television. Accessed May 11, 2004.

Kids Say TV is Not the Enemy of Physical Activity. Updated December 9, 2003. Media Centre Archive, Department of
Health, South Australia.
tabid=53&mid=454&ctl=ViewDetails&ItemID=1098&PageIndex=1&DisplayDateIndex=15 Accessed January 2,

Momentum Machine, How ice skaters, divers and gymnasts get themselves spinning and twisting faster, Science
Snacks. Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA. Accessed May 11, 2004.

Skateboard Science. Exploratorium, San Francisco, CA. Accessed May 11,

Television and Obesity among Children, Fact Sheet. Updated July 7, 2002. National Institute on Media and the Family. Accessed May 11, 2004.

TV Used to Fight Child Obesity. The Age Company, Ltd. Updated December 9, 2003. Accessed May 12, 2004.


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado.


Jane Evenson; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise Carlson

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no
0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National
Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: July 21, 2023

Lesson Ring around the Rosie
Quick Look

Grade Level: 8 (6-8)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Lesson Dependency:

What Makes Airplanes Fly?

Crash! Bang!
Motion Commotion
Rocking the Boat

The motion of figure skaters demonstrates the concept of angular momentum


Students learn the concept of angular momentum and its correlation to mass, velocity and radius. They experiment with
rotation and an object's mass distribution. In an associated literacy activity, students use basic methods of comparative
mythology to consider why spinning and weaving are common motifs in creation myths and folktales.

Engineering Connection

Engineers take advantage of their understanding of rotational inertia and angular momentum to maximize the spin
experienced on amusement park rides (Ferris wheels, merry-go-rounds, etc.) for people's thrill and enjoyment. In our
everyday lives, engineers also design objects intended to spin as part of their mechanical workings, such as car and
bicycle axles, compact disk players, fishing pole casting gear, textile and other industry machinery, washing and drying
machines, blenders, mixers and centrifuges, to name a few.
Learning Objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to:

Relate engineers' use of the concept of angular momentum to designing objects intended to spin as part of their
mechanical workings, such as car and bicycle axles, compact disk players, fishing pole casting gear, textile and
other industry machinery.
Describe how mass and radius relate to angular momentum.
Explain the law of conservation of angular momentum.
Know where the axes are located on their bodies and what type of rotation is correlated to the different axes.

Pre-Req Knowledge

Forces (lift, weight, thrust, drag), linear momentum, Newton's first law of motion (inertia), center of mass and balance.


Understanding rotation is not only practical, it's FUN! Spinning around in a circle pulling our arms in and out till we
get so dizzy we cannot even see straight is a favorite childhood (and adulthood) activity. Have you ever seen an ice
skater or ballerina spin? Ferris wheels and merry-go-rounds also spin around, but on a much larger scale. Engineers
take advantage of their understanding of rotational inertia and angular momentum to maximize the spin of these
activities for people's thrill and enjoyment. Gymnasts, ballerinas and ice skaters apply mechanical physics and rotation
to perform daring and crowd-pleasing rotations and spins. In this lesson, we discover how these acrobats maximize
their spinning and how we can use our body to change our own rotational inertia and rotational velocity.

A classic example of conservation of angular momentum. When a spinning figure skater pulls in her arms,
she reduces her moment of inertia, in turn allowing her to rotate faster.

Following the lesson, students can expand their new learning to explore common motifs in creation myths and folktales
with the associated activity Spin Me a Story.
Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

In regards to the vocabulary for this lesson, students will intuitively understand most of the terms, and the vocabulary
will help them more thoroughly grasp the concept of rotation. Students can also conduct the fun and hands-on
associated activity Super Spinners! to incorporate these vocab words in an exploratory experiment.

Circular Motion

Circular motion is a term engineers use to describe revolutions and rotations. The difference between revolutions and
rotations is whether the axis the object rotates about goes through the object (rotation) or does not (revolution). For
example, a Ferris wheel rotates about its own axis (the center), but the people on the Ferris wheel revolve around the
axis of the Ferris wheel (the axis is external to the rider's own axis). Similarly, the Earth rotates on its own axis, marked
by days and nights, but the Earth also revolves around the Sun, marking the passage of years.

One way scientists and engineers describe circular motion is by measuring rotational speed. Rotational speed is the
number of rotations or revolutions an object makes within a certain amount of time, which is often expressed in
rotations or revolutions per minute (RPM).

When an ice skater's arms and legs are spread out away from the body, the skater spins slowly (a small-
sized V represents a small velocity and a large-sized R represents a large radius). When the ice skater's
arms and legs are pulled in towards the body, the skater spins more quickly (a large-sized V represents a
large velocity and a small-sized R represents a small radius).

Another important aspect of circular motion is rotational inertia. Recall Newton's law of inertia: Objects moving in a
straight line tend to keep moving in a straight unless they are acted upon by an external force. A similar law for circular
motion states, "An object rotating about an axis tends to keep rotating about that axis." Scientists and engineers call this
tendency of rotating objects to keep rotating "rotational inertia."

Rotational inertia depends upon how much mass an object has, and also the distribution of the mass. In other words, an
object that is skinny (like an ice skater with her arms pulled in tight) has a different amount of rotational inertia than an
object that is spread out (like an ice skater with her arms spread out wide). There are numerous equations that describe
the rotational inertia of objects that depend on the distribution of mass. For this introductory lesson, we focus on the
equation that describes rotational inertia if all the mass is located at one distance (for example a pendulum). This
equation is:

I = mr2

Where: I = rotational inertia

m = mass

r = radius to concentrated mass

This equation shows the relationship of radius to the rotational inertia — the radius is squared! Therefore, rotational
inertia — the tendency of a rotating object to keep rotating — is much less when the mass is located closer to the axis
of rotation, because the radius is smaller. For example, a rotating object that is shaped like a big donut will tend to keep
spinning longer than an object shaped like a pencil spinning on its tip.

Angular Momentum

Building on the concept of rotational inertia, engineers and scientists are also interested in what is called angular
momentum. Angular momentum is a measurement of how difficult it is to make an object change the way it spins — to
start spinning, stop spinning, speed up, slow down or change direction. It is related to rotational inertia — things with
high rotational inertia will generally also have high angular momentum — but it also depends upon how fast an object
is spinning. More specifically, angular momentum is defined as the rotational inertia times the rotational velocity. For
simplification in the classroom, use the equation:

H = mvr2

Where: H = angular momentum

m = mass

v = rotational velocity

r = radius

This equation is true for objects with a large radius with respect to the object.

Angular momentum is a lot like linear momentum. Recall that linear momentum is a measurement of how much mass
an object has and how fast it is moving in a straight line. Remember, too, that linear momentum can be transferred
between objects through collisions, and that the linear momentum of a system before a collision is the same as the
linear momentum of a system after a collision. This is called the law of conservation of linear momentum. Since
angular momentum is like linear momentum, it should not be a surprise that there is a law of conservation of angular
momentum, too.

The law of conservation of angular momentum says that if there is not something working to slow down a rotating
object, the angular momentum of the system will not change. This law, expressed in the equation above, explains why
ice skaters pull their arms in to spin faster! Imagine applying the equation to an ice skater. As an ice skater pulls her
arms in to her body, her mass (m) does not change. And, as described by the law of conservation of angular
momentum, her angular momentum (H) does not change. However, the radius (r) from her axis of rotation to her arms
becomes smaller. The only way that angular momentum (H) cannot get smaller if the radius (r) gets smaller is if the
skater's rotational velocity (v) gets bigger. In other words, when the skater's arms are next to her body, v is BIG, but r is
SMALL. When the skater moves her arms outward, v is SMALL, but r is BIG! So, the v and r terms counteract each
other, to conserve angular momentum.

Lesson Closure

Ask students why they think rotational motion is important to engineers. For what other professions is an understanding
of rotational movement important? Have the students sit on a rotating chair or stool and spin in a circle while slowly
opening and closing their arms. Ask them to explain why they speed up and slow down in terms of rotation al inertia
and rotational velocity. Try having the students jump while spinning, with their arms out and their arms in. Which is
easier? Have them explain why.


Angular momentum: A measurement of how difficult it is to make an object change the way it spins.

Axis of rotation: The straight line about which rotation takes place.

Law of conservation of angular momentum: This law states that an object or system of objects will maintain a constant
angular momentum unless acted upon by an unbalanced external torque.

Mass: A measure of how much matter there is in an object.

Revolution: The spinning motion that takes place when an object moves around an axis that does not go through the
object (like the Earth around the Sun).

Rotation: The spinning motion that takes place when an object moves around an axis that goes through the object (like
the Earth spinning, resulting in days and nights).

Rotational inertia: The tendency of an object that is spinning to continue circular motion.

Rotational speed: The number of rotations or revolutions per unit of time.

Velocity: Speed together with the direction of motion.


Pre-Lesson Assessment

Discussion Question: Solicit, integrate and summarize student responses.

Have you ever watched an ice skater spinning around? What do they do with their arms and legs? (Answer: They
pull them in tightly to their body or over their head.) What happens when they move their bodies that way?
(Answer: They spin faster.) Explain that the ice skater spins faster because of something called angular
momentum, one important concept in understanding how things rotate. Tell them they will learn more about
rotation during this lesson.

Post-Introduction Assessment

Voting: Ask a true/false question and have students vote by holding thumbs up for true and thumbs down for false.
Count the votes and write the totals on the board. Give the right answer.

True or False: Engineers use their understanding of rotational inertia and angular momentum to design roller
coasters for the enjoyment of people. (Answer: True)
True or False: Gymnasts and ice skaters use rotational inertia during their routines. (Answer: True. They use
rotational inertia to perform daring and crowd-pleasing rotations and spins.)
True or False: We can apply the concepts of rotational inertia to our own bodies on the playground. (Answer:
True. We can demonstrate rotational inertia by spinning around.)
Lesson Summary Assessment

Inside-Outside Circle: Have the students form into two concentric circles (an inner-outer circle), so that each student
has a partner facing him/her from the other circle. Ask the students to define a vocabulary word introduced in this
lesson. Have partners consult each other to discuss the answer. Call on either the inner or outer circle group to answer
the question all together. Repeat until all the vocabulary words have been addressed and answered correctly.

Using the Equations: Ask students to solve the following problems using the equations from the Lesson Background.

A 60 kg skater has a radius to concentrated mass of 0.110 m radius when skating. Calculate her moment of
inertia. (Answer: I = mr2 = (60 kg)*(0.110 m) = 6.6 kg m2).

H = 10 kg *m2/s

m = 70 kg


Find v.

(Answer: H = mvr2 --> v = H/(mr2) = (10 kg *m2/s)/(70 kg * (5m)2))= 0.00571 rad/s)

Lesson Extension Activities

Have the students make observations throughout the day, compiling a list all the objects they see that spin. Is each
object one that spins naturally or did an engineer design it? What was the most interesting item they found that spins
and what causes it to spin? Can they make it spin faster or slower, and how?


Gittewitt, Paul. Conceptual Physics. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley, 1992.

Hauser, Jill Frankel. Gizmos and Gadgets: Creating Science Contraptions that Work (and Knowing Why). Charlotte,
VT: Williamson Publishing, 1999.

Kagan, Spencer. Cooperative Learning. San Juan Capistrano, CA: Kagan Cooperative Learning, 1994. (Source for
Inside-Outside Circle assessment.)

Wolfson, Richard and Jay M. Pasachoff. Physics: For Scientists and Engineers. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Longman Inc., 1999.


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado.


Ben Heavner; Sabre Duren; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise Carlson

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no.
0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National
Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: December 20, 2021

Hands-on Activity Super Spinners!
Quick Look

Grade Level: 8 (7-8)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Expendable Cost/Group: US $1.00

Group Size: 2

Activity Dependency: None

A super spinner demonstrating rotational inertia.


Students are challenged to design and build spinners that spin the longest. They build at least two simple spinners to
conduct experiments with different mass distributions and shapes. Use this hands-on activity to demonstrate rotational
inertia, rotational speed, angular momentum, and velocity.

Engineering Connection

Engineers understand the concepts associated with circular motion and angular momentum as they design equipment,
systems and products with spinning components. Aerospace engineers design satellites to spin as they orbit around the
Earth so that they do not tumble out of control. Automotive engineers design car parts to spin in specific ways so that
they do not come apart at high speeds. Mechanical engineers design generators, washers, dryers, fans and other
machines so that they are balanced as they spin. Even a forward pass in football is more effective and stable with the
right spin.

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

Explain how mass and radius relate to angular momentum.

Describe the law of conservation of angular momentum.
Collect, analyze and interpret data on the rotational speed of an object and correlate the speed to variations in the
geometry of the object
Explain how engineers apply the concepts associated with circular motion and angular momentum to design
equipment, systems, and products with spinning components.

Materials List

Each group needs:

a flat round object, such as a jar lid, compact disk or paper plate
2 pencils (or, alternatively, thumbtacks or pushpins)
2 rubber bands
cereal box-weight cardboard
6 pennies
The Spin on Things Worksheet, one per person

Worksheets and Attachments

The Spin on Things Worksheet (pdf)

The Spin on Things Worksheet (docx)
Visit [] to print or download.


Aerospace engineers design satellites to spin as they fly above the Earth so that they do not tumble out of control.
Automotive engineers design car parts to spin in very certain ways so that they do not come apart. Mechanical
engineers design generators and other machines so that they are balanced as they spin. Even children on playgrounds
who play on swings and spinning merry-go-rounds for fun care a lot about how things spin!

With today's activity and worksheet, you will explore how things spin. What makes some things spin a long time, and
other things fall over right away? What is the best shape for a spinner? How do spinners work? We will find the
answers to these questions and more!


Before the Activity

Gather materials and make copies of The Spin on Things Worksheet.

Have students bring in from home some circular objects such as jar lids and old CDs, pennies, and cardboard
cereal boxes or paper plates.

With the Students

1. Discussion: Ask students if any of them has ever built a spinner. If necessary, explain what a spinner is. With
what did they make the spinner? (Examples: A football, a penny, etc.) How do their spinners work? Explain that
in this activity students will learn more about how spinners work as they design and build their own spinners.
2. Draw three circles on cardboard by tracing around a circular object. Cut them out.
3. Poke a pencil through the middle of one of the cardboard circles. Hold it firmly in place by winding rubber bands
around the pencil above and below the cardboard.

Secure the cardboard shape on the pencil (axis of rotation) by placing wound rubber bands on the pencil
above and below where you want it.

4. With a marker, draw a thick, dark line at any point on the cardboard spinner top. Have the students spin the
spinner. Count the number of rotations the spinner makes within 10 seconds. Write this number down. (The line
must be very dark to be able to read it while the shape is spinning.)
5. Poke the pencil through another disk at a point away from its center. Describe the motion.
6. Give your spinner a long handle and a short tip by pushing just a little of the pencil through the hole. How well
does the spinner spin?
7. Now push most of the pencil through the cardboard circle to make a long-tipped spinner with a short handle.
Does the spin change?
8. Now tape six pennies on to the outer rim of one spinner, and six pennies close to the center of another spinner
(both spinners should have the pencil at the center of the circle).
9. Repeat Step 4 with both of these spinners.

Different weight distributions. Which one will spin best?

10. Cut a square or triangle shape from cardboard. Poke a pencil through the center and give it a whirl. Which top
stays spinning the longest? Repeat Step 4 with this spinner.
11. Have student groups fill out the worksheet and check their answers with another student group.
12. Review the worksheets with the entire class.
Different spinner shapes. Which one will spin best?


Pre-Activity Assessment

Discussion Questions: Ask the students and discus as a class:

Has anyone has ever built a spinner? If necessary, explain what a spinner. With what did they make spinners?
(Examples: A football, a penny, etc.) How do their spinners work? Explain that in this activity, students will learn
more about how spinners work as they make and test their own spinner designs.

Activity Embedded Assessment

Worksheet: Have students use the activity worksheet to help them complete the activity. Review their answers to gauge
their mastery of the subject.

Pairs Check: As student groups finish their worksheets, have them check their answers with another team, giving all
groups time to finish the worksheet.

Post-Activity Assessment

Class Presentation: Have the groups present their best spinner designs to the rest of the class and discuss why they
worked best, in terms of the rotation concepts.

Safety Issues

Sharp pencil points and thumbtacks present a hazard.

Troubleshooting Tips

If the pencils are too unstable, thumbtacks or pushpins may serve as a better axis for the spinners to rotate about.

Sometimes the spinner is hard to keep balanced. It may take the students several tries before they can balance the
spinner and count the line as it passes.

Keys to spinner design (Hauser, 1999):

A disk shape evenly distributes the mass about the center. That is also why poking the pencil through the center
works best.
A long handle and a short tip. The top is more stable when it has a low center of gravity.
Weight evenly distributed at the outer edge gives the top more spinning inertia.
The harder you twist when you start the spinner, the longer the spin.

Activity Extensions

Have students devise their own spinning creations at home, using lids, plates, cardboard and other household materials.
Have them report back to the class what designs worked best. Have them demonstrate using their homemade spinners.

Hold a contest to see which spinner can spin the longest. Ask the team with that spinner to explain why their spinner
lasts the longest.


Hauser, Jill Frankel. Gizmos and Gadgets: Creating Science Contraptions that Work (and Knowing Why). Charlotte,
VT: Williamson Publishing, 1999. (Activity adapted from Hauser.)


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado


Ben Heavner; Sabre Duren; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise W. Carlson

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under grants from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation (GK-12 grant no
0338326). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or
National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: December 20, 2021

Hands-on Activity Spin Me a Story
Quick Look

Grade Level: 6 (5-7)

Time Required: 1 hours 45 minutes

(two 50-minute sessions)

Expendable Cost/Group: US $0.00

Group Size: 2

Activity Dependency: None

Students examine why spinning and weaving are common motifs in creation of myths and folktales


In a spin-off to studying about angular momentum, students use basic methods of comparative mythology to consider
why spinning and weaving are common motifs in creation of myths and folktales. Note: The literacy activities for the
Mechanics unit are based on physical themes that have broad application to our experience in the world — concepts of
rhythm, balance, spin, gravity, levity, inertia, momentum, friction, stress and tension.

Engineering Connection

Since the days of hand spinning wheels and weaving looms, the modern textile industry has become highly mechanized
for mass production with the use of engineer-designed equipment. The textile industry is also continually evolving with
the engineering of creative materials — micro fibers, high-tech fibers and polymeric structures — that provide special
characteristics such as vapor-humidity transmission, liquid-humidity transmission, air permeability, static electricity or
thermal properties, for use in everything from rain jackets to cleaning up oil spills to medical surgery.

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

Apply skills in analysis, synthesis, evaluation and explanation to their writing and speaking.
Write and speak in the content areas using the technical vocabulary of the subject accurately.
Relate the concepts of spinning and weaving in an engineering context.

Materials List

Paper and pencils

MythQuester Myth Log, one per student
MythQuester Mind Map Worksheet, one per student
Access to the Internet

Worksheets and Attachments

MythQuester Myth Log (pdf)

MythQuester Mind Map Worksheet (pdf)
MythQuester Mind Map Teacher's Sheet (pdf)
Visit [] to print or download.


Remember the tale of Rumpelstiltskin? In the story, a miller brags to the king that his daughter can spin straw into gold.
With the aid of a gnome, she is able to spin a roomful of flax on each of three successive nights. But there's a price to
pay to the gnome each night — first a necklace, then a ring and lastly, the promise that she will give her first-born child
to the little man. The miller's daughter desperately agrees to the final terms, thinking the terrible outcome is a remote
possibility. But the king is so impressed with her gold-spinning that he marries her and makes her his queen. A year
later they have a child. Suddenly the gnome appears to claim his reward. The queen is horrified and the little man takes
pity on her tears. He gives her three days to guess his name. If she cannot, she must forfeit the child. She sends a
messenger through the land who eventually overhears the little man reveal his secret. On the third day, the queen
astonishes the gnome by pronouncing his name, Rumpelstiltskin. The balance of power shifts and she keeps her child.

This is a charming tale. Perhaps when you were younger you even found it a little frightening. Did you ever wonder
why things in this tale (and many others) come in threes: three rooms of flax, three gifts, three days and three attempts
to guess Rumpelstiltskin's name? And, what do you suppose is behind the magic of spinning flax into gold? And, why
such an odd task — guess a name and you keep your child? What's in a name?
In this activity you will find answers to these and many other questions about fairy tales and myths, possible answers
because the meaning of such tales is always a matter of interpretation. That is the beauty of myth. There are many
versions of individual myths and folktales, created over centuries by many tellers. In this sense, myths and legends are
communal artifacts. At the same time, these tales speak to a profound depth within each of us as individual members of
a larger community and may be individually interpreted.

The study of parallels between cultures as expressed in common mythical themes is called comparative mythology.
Keep in mind, however, that it is easy to get carried away when making comparisons. Parallels between myths can be
striking and can reveal our essential humanness, but cultures should be respected as the unique expression of the
human beings who participate in those cultures.


In Mechanics unit, Lesson 8, students learned about the principle of angular momentum, in other words, "spin." The
title of that lesson, "Ring around the Rosy," from the familiar nursery rhyme, has suggested the theme of this literacy
activity. Students will be directed to inquisitively search online, i.e. go on a WebQuest, to explore themes of spinning in
world mythology.

As Bruno Bettleheim and Marie-Louise von Franz made clear, fairy tales are not just for children. "Ring Around the
Rosy," the simple but enigmatic little rhyme —"Ring around the rosy,/ Pocket full of posies./ Ashes, ashes,/ We all fall
down!" — has been linked to the Black Death of the 14th century, the Great Plague of London in 1665 and to Shiva,
the Hindu destroyer deity, and the dance of reincarnation! (Source: Richard Stoney's "Ring around the Rosy" and Shiva

Preteens who have moved beyond the stage of magic and wonder and are beginning to think analytically may no longer
be captivated by fairy tales. But, they are still likely to take an interest in a comparative study of common themes in
myths, legends and folktales — to learn why these stories are told, adapted and retold in our ongoing effort to make
sense of the world. In the process, they discover that ancient myths are still relevant to their contemporary experience.

So we will spin a tale about "spin" and consider why tales of spinning and weaving are popular the world over: Native
American tales of the trickster spider, the spider woman and benevolent Grandmother Spider who spun the world out of
herself and bestowed wisdom and a knowledge of the arts upon her creatures; African tales of the wise and lovable
trickster spider, Anansi; Greek myths of Arachne, the weaver, who was transformed into a spider because of her vain
pride in craftsmanship, and the Three Fates, who spun human destiny; their northern counterparts, the Norns, spinners
also; European tales of Sleeping Beauty, The Three Spinners, The Gold Spinners, Rumplestiltskin, and Mother Holle;
and the ancient-modern myth of the web-spinning super-hero, Spider Man; as well as the charming modern take on
magical spider legends, Charlotte's Web.


Go on a WebQuest by searching online to learn as much as you can about Rumplestiltskin. One way to gain insight on
this tale, in which the art of spinning plays a prominent role, is to compare it with other tales that feature spinning and
the related activity of weaving. To help you get started on this research and background reading, use some of the
following links:

As you begin your WebQuest using a search engine, such as Google, here are a few keyword suggestions. Remember
that when you type keywords into Google, it is generally best to narrow your search by using more than one term. For
example, "spinning" by itself is not enough; combine "spinning" with "myth" or "legend." Same with "spider";
combine it with other terms to pinpoint folktales about spiders. You might also try an ethnic term such as "Native
American" or "African" along with other relevant keywords. You might also try "dreamcatcher" and "Maypole." For
spider legends try "grandmother spider" or "Anansi."

Hint: Remember to put quotation marks around two terms that go together, such as "grandmother spider." Otherwise,
you will retrieve many individual sites about grandmothers and about spiders, rather than specific legends.


As you collect stories about spiders and Maypoles and dreamcatchers, and the acts of spinning and weaving in the
world, keep track of the tales and their central motifs on the MythQuester Myth Log. Jot down possible interpretations,
and get ready to write your own myth or modern fairy tale.

In preparation for their own writing, have students analyze the elements they recorded in their myth log: Create a mind
map as a way to compare story elements found in two or more folktales or myths. Look for elements that the stories
have in common or that are unique to each story, and draw your mind map on the MythQuester Mind Map Worksheet.
(A mind map is a non-linear, highly-developed branching form of note taking. See the MythQuester Mind Map
Teacher's Sheet for an example mind map. For more information, see the Notetaking information at Leeds University,


Write your own "spider" story and present it to the class, either by taking on the role of storyteller yourself or acting out
the story with your classmates.


Artifact: A product of human conception or agency.

Comparative mythology: The study of myths that seeks to identify common elements and universal themes.

Motif: A recurrent thematic element in an artistic or literary work.

WebQuest: An inquiry-oriented lesson format in which most or all the information that learners work with comes from
the web.


Pre-Activity Assessment

Brainstorming: The suggestions students offer as they brainstorm keywords for a Google search indicate to what extent
they have understood the topic.

Activity Embedded Assessment

Logs & Worksheets: Review students' MythQuester Myth Logs and Mind Map Worksheets for thoroughness and to
gauge their understanding of the assignment.

Post-Activity Assessment
Expressive Writing: Evaluate the students' spider stories in terms of creativity, humor, writing style and grammatical
correctness. Students may also perform their tales and be evaluated on how well they captivate their audience.

Troubleshooting Tips

For students of this age, it is a good idea to introduce the topic of myth as a sophisticated "analytical" concept, because
some may think they are too "grown up" for fairy tales.

Plan on one 50-minute class for the online search/WebQuest and one 50-minute class to discuss findings and prepare
for writing.

Activity Extensions

Arial photograph of the mysterious Nazca lines in Peru.

Develop your mythical imagination. Try to imagine how someone would explain how the spider spins its web without
using concepts of modern science. Write a sketch of how you would view the spider from the perspective of an early
modern human (Cro Magnon).

Find out how spiders actually do spin their webs. Report your findings to the class.

The mysterious Nazca lines were constructed around 200 B.C. on a high desert plateau about 200 miles south of Lima,
Peru. No one knows their purpose for certain. The gigantic shapes, one of which is the spider in the accompanying
photograph, are only visible from the air. Go on a WebQuest to see what you can learn about the Nazca lines. Hint:
Watch out for flying saucers. There is a more likely, but equally wonderful human explanation for the lines. Report
your findings to the class.

Activity Scaling

If some students have minimal experience with web research, it helps if the online search/WebQuest is a two-
person team project.

References Great Books Online. Accessed May 15, 2004. (Online source for texts of folktales, myths and legends)
Bettleheim, Bruno. The Uses of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy Tales. Vintage, 1989. (Classic
Freudian interpreter) Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. Accessed May 15, 2004. (Source of vocabulary definitions, with some

The Internet's Sacred Text Archive. J.B. Hare. Accessed May15, 2004. (Online source for texts of folktales, myths and

Jenks, Kathleen. Mythology's Myth*ingLinks: Common Themes, East and West — Weaving: Arts & Lore (Cosmic
Webs, Spinning, Spindles, etc.). Updated October 7, 2001. Department of Mythological Studies, Pacifica Graduate
Institute. Accessed May 15, 2004.

Project Gutenberg. Updated April 15, 2004. Ibiblio. Accessed May15, 2004. (Online source for texts of folktales,
myths and legends)

Stoney, Richard. "Ring around the Rosy" and Shiva. Updated 1996. Accessed May 15, 2004. (A theory that the nursery
rhyme is based on Hindu mythology)

von Franz, Marie-Louise. The Interpretation of Fairy Tales. Updated 1996. Shambhala. (Classic Jungian interpreter)

White, E. B. Charlotte's Web. Harper Trophy, 1974.


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado.


Jane Evenson; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise Carlson

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no
0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National
Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: August 4, 2020

Lesson Swinging on a String
Quick Look

Grade Level: 8 (7-9)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Lesson Dependency:

What Makes Airplanes Fly?

Ring around the Rosie

pendulums made clocks possible


Students explore how pendulums work and why they are useful in everyday applications. In a hands-on activity, they
experiment with string length, pendulum weight and angle of release. In an associated literacy activity, students explore
the mechanical concept of rhythm, based on the principle of oscillation, in a broader biological and cultural context —
in dance and sports, poetry and other literary forms, and communication in general.

Engineering Connection

Engineers know that understanding the physics of how pendulums behave is an important step towards understanding
all kinds of motion. Many other objects move back and forth regularly like pendulums, such as a weight bouncing up
and down on a spring, and the back and forth movement of radio waves. In addition to using pendulums in clocks,
engineers use them to detect earthquakes, measure how fast a bullet is flying, help buildings to resist earthquake
shaking and help robots balance. In Taiwan's capital city, the Taipei 101 skyscraper has a giant 726-ton pendulum
suspended over the 88th floor to counteract winds, reducing the building's sway and keeping motion sickness at bay.

Learning Objectives

After this lesson, students should be able to:

Explain how weight, length and angle of swing affect the period of a pendulum.
Relate the study of physics and Galileo's experiments with the creation of clocks.
Describe how the conservation of momentum relates to pendulums.
Give examples of how engineers use pendulums.

Pre-Req Knowledge

Basic understanding of forces such as lift, weight, thrust and drag, and rotational motion and angular momentum.


Have you ever played on a swing? As you swing, you smoothly ride from the top of one arc, through the bottom, to the
top on the other side of the swing, and back again. When you are on a swing, you move like a pendulum. A pendulum
is a string hanging from a fixed spot with a weight (called a bob) at one end that can swing back and forth.

One day in the late 1500s, a budding scientist named Galileo Galilei was sitting in church when he noticed
the chandeliers hanging from the ceiling were swinging back and forth. Some of the lamps were making great big
swings, and others were only making little swings back and forth, but they all went back and forth pretty regularly.
Galileo was curious, and so he decided to use his heartbeat to measure how long it took the pendulums to swing back
and forth. He was very surprised by what he learned. Today, you will repeat Galileo's experiment to learn about

Many people consider Galileo to be the "father of experimental science." Before Galileo, most people tried to
understand the world around them just by thinking about the things they saw. Galileo certainly thought a lot, but he did
something that not many other people did — he designed experiments to test his ideas. This is how people do science
and engineering today!

From his experiments, Galileo was able to describe the motion of a pendulum with the mathematical equation included
in this lesson. Eventually, he came up with the idea of using a pendulum as a way to keep track of time. He used his
discoveries as a tool for other experiments, in which he made many other discoveries.

Engineers also use inventions and discoveries to build new things. Today, engineers use pendulums in clocks, but they
also use them for detecting earthquakes and helping buildings resist shaking. Engineers use pendulums to measure how
fast a bullet is flying, and to help robots balance. Maybe you can think of some new ways to use a pendulum, too!

It turns out that understanding a pendulum's motion is really useful. Many other objects move back and forth regularly
like pendulums, such as a weight bouncing up and down on a spring, a wheel spinning around — even radio waves go
back and forth! The physics of understanding how pendulums behave is an important step towards understanding all
kinds of motion. Refer to the associated activity Swing in Time for students to learn how pendulums work by using
simple, hand-made pendulums to experiment with various string lengths and weights.

During his life, Galileo made many scientific discoveries, including descriptions of gravity and the motion of falling
objects, moons of Jupiter, new kinds of thermometers and many other things. He was a pioneer of the scientific method
of investigating the world around us. Today, we will follow in Galileo's footsteps to learn about how pendulums

Lesson Background and Concepts for Teachers

Galileo's interest in pendulums is generally believed to have started when he was sitting in the Cathedral at Pisa, Italy.
After he noticed the lamps swinging back and forth regularly, he began experimenting with pendulums to learn about
their motion. Pendulums are pretty simple devices, and the factors that could affect their motion are the length of the
string, the weight of the bob, and the size of the swing. Galileo experimented to determine which of these variables
determined how often a pendulum swings.

In this lesson, students observe that the size of the swing does not affect the time it takes for a pendulum to swing back
and forth. Just like Galileo, students find that even when a pendulum swings through a small angle, the time of each
swing (the period) remains the same as if it swung through a large angle! Like Galileo, students also find that it does
not matter what mass the object at the end of the string is — the time for each oscillation (the period) is still the same.
Since Galileo was in medical school when he did his experiments, he decided the pendulum would be useful to
measure the pulse of patients. Perhaps the students will think of some new uses, too! Refer to the associated activity
Cosmic Rhythm for students to explore the mechanical concept of rhythm, based on the principle of oscillation, in a
broader biological and cultural context

Thanks to Galileo, we now know that the period of a pendulum can be described mathematically by the equation:


P = period; i.e., the time for one pendulum swing [sec]

l = length from the fixed point at the top of the pendulum to the center of mass of the bob [m]

g = gravitational constant (9.8 m/sec2)

π ≈ 3.14 (dimensionless constant)

Note that this equation does not include terms for the mass of the pendulum or the angle it swings through. The only
factor that significantly affects the swing of a pendulum on Earth is the length of its string.

Students might wonder why the length of the string is the only thing that affects a pendulum's period. This can be
explained by examining possible effects of each of the three variables: the length of the string, the mass of the bob, and
the angle displaced. The length of the string affects the pendulum's period such that the longer the length of the string,
the longer the pendulum's period. This also affects the frequency of the pendulum, which is the rate at which the
pendulum swings back and forth. A pendulum with a longer string has a lower frequency, meaning it swings back and
forth less times in a given amount of time than a pendulum with a shorter string length. This makes that the pendulum
with the longer string completes less back and forth cycles in a given amount of time, because each cycle takes it more

The mass of the bob does not affect the period of a pendulum because (as Galileo discovered and Newton explained),
the mass of the bob is being accelerated toward the ground at a constant rate — the gravitational constant, g. Just as
objects with different masses but similar shapes fall at the same rate (for example, a ping-pong ball and a golf ball, or a
grape and a large ball bearing), the pendulum is pulled downward at the same rate no matter how much the bob weighs.

The angle that the pendulum swings through (a big swing or a small swing) does not affect the period of the pendulum
because pendulums swinging through a larger angle accelerate more than pendulums swinging through a small angle.
This is because of the way objects fall; when something is falling, it keeps accelerating. As long as an object is not
going as fast as it can, it is speeding up. Therefore, something that has been falling longer will be going faster than
something that has just been released. A pendulum swinging through a large angle is being pulled down by gravity for
a longer part of its swing than a pendulum swinging through a small angle, so it speeds up more, covering the larger
distance of its big swing in the same amount of time as the pendulum swinging through a small angle covers its shorter
distance traveled.

Finally, the conservation of momentum states that the total momentum of an isolated system remains constant if no
external forces act upon it. In the case of a pendulum, the swinging motion is an example of an isolated system, as the
only forces acting upon it are gravity and the tension in the rope or string that supports it. As the pendulum swings, the
momentum of the bob changes direction, but the total momentum remains constant. This means that as the bob swings
to one side, its momentum increases in that direction, and as it swings back the other way, its momentum decreases in
the opposite direction. This back-and-forth motion is a result of the conservation of momentum.

Lesson Closure

Ask the students to explain which factors might affect the period of a pendulum. (Answer: Pendulum length, bob
weight, angle pendulum swings through.) Which factor(s) really do affect the pendulum's period? (Answer: The length
of the pendulum.) Why does the weight not make a difference? (Answer: Because the pendulum, just like falling
objects, is not dependent on weight.) How does the length of a pendulum's string affect its period? (Answer: A
pendulum with a longer string has a longer period, meaning it takes a longer time to complete one back and forth cycle
when compared with a pendulum with a shorter string. Also, the pendulum with the longer string has a lower
frequency, which means it completes less back and forth cycles in a given amount of time as compared with a
pendulum with a shorter string.) Why does the angle the pendulum starts at not affect the period? (Answer: Because
pendulums that start at a bigger angle have longer to speed up, so they travel faster than pendulums that start at a small


bob: The swinging weight at the end of a pendulum.

gravity: The force that attracts bodies toward the center of the Earth.

oscillation: The back and forth swinging motion of the bob of a pendulum. One oscillation is complete when the bob
returns to its starting position.

pendulum: A string with a weight at one end suspended from a fixed support so that it swings freely back and forth
under the influence of gravity.

period: The amount of time it takes the bob of a pendulum to return to its initial position.


Pre-Lesson Assessment
Discussion Questions: Ask the students and discuss as a class.

Have you ever swung on a swing? Do you go faster when you're making big swings or small swings? (Answer:
Big swings.) Have you ever observed a pendulum? Which is faster: a pendulum on a long string, or a pendulum
on a short string? (Answer: Long string.) Can you think of things that move like pendulums? (Possible answers:
Swings on swing sets, a rope swing, a tire swing, a grandfather clock, balancing mechanisms on robots, a circus
trapeze, etc.) Tell students they will learn more about pendulums in today's lesson.

Post-Introduction Assessment

Voting: Ask a true/false question and have students vote by holding thumbs up for true and thumbs down for false.
Count the votes and write the totals on the board. Give the right answer.

True or False: Because he did experiments, Galileo is considered a founder of modern science. (Answer: True)
True or False: The motion of a pendulum can be described with mathematics. (Answer: True)
True or False: Pendulums are only used in clocks. (Answer: False)
True or False: Pendulums help us understanding a lot of things that move in back and forth motion. (Answer:
True or False: Engineers use pendulums to design different things, such as robots. (Answer: True)

Lesson Summary Assessment

Human Matching: On ten pieces of paper, write either the term or the definition of the five vocabulary words. Ask for
ten volunteers from the class to come up to the front of the room, and give each person one of the pieces of paper. One
at a time, have each volunteer read what is written on their paper. Have the remainder of the class match term to
definition by voting. Have student "terms" stand by their "definitions." At the end, give a brief explanation of the

Lesson Extension Activities

As a library research project, have the students research Galileo Galilei. What other scientific findings did he make
during his lifetime? Have the students' research the ways that engineers use pendulums today. Some suggestions:
seismographs, inertial dampeners, in sky-scrapers.


Galileo's Battle for the Heavens, NOVA programming on air and online, February 2004:

Galileo's Pendulum Experiments, The Experiment Group, February 2004:

Gamow, George. The Great Physicists from Galileo to Einstein. New York, NY: Harper and Brothers, 1961.

Gittewitt, Paul. Conceptual Physics. Menlo Park, CA: Addison-Wesley, 1992.

Inclined Plane, Tel-Aviv University, Virtual Museum of Science, Technology and Culture, February 2004:

Wolfson, Richard and Jay M. Pasachoff. Physics: For Scientists and Engineers. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley
Longman Inc., 1999.

Other Related Information

Browse the NGSS Engineering-aligned Physics Curriculum hub for additional Physics and Physical Science
curriculum featuring Engineering.


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado.


Sabre Duren; Ben Heavner; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise Carlson

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no.
0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National
Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: May 2, 2023

Hands-on Activity Swing in Time
Quick Look

Grade Level: 8 (7-9)

Time Required: 45 minutes

Expendable Cost/Group: US $1.00

Group Size: 3

Activity Dependency: None

Students examine the motion of pendulums


Students examine the motion of pendulums and come to understand that the longer the pendulum string, the fewer the
number of swings in a given time interval. Student groups conduct an experiment, collecting and graphing data on a
worksheet. They see that changing the weight on the pendulum does not have an effect on the period.

Engineering Connection

Engineers use the motion concepts learned from pendulums in many applications, including timekeeping, earthquake
detection, satellite orbits and energy dissipation. Control engineers incorporate pendulums into vibration isolation
systems for manufacturing and industrial equipment, and controlling walking robots and rocket thrusters. Inverted
pendulum systems monitor dam performance and structural behavior by detecting angular movement. Anti-sway
software builds upon pendulum concepts to provide more safe and efficient operation of construction cranes, yard
cranes, telescoping boom cranes and shipboard cranes.

Learning Objectives

After this activity, students should be able to:

Describe the motion of pendulums.
Collect data while experimenting with pendulums, and use that data to predict future behavior.
Use collected data to explain the relationship between pendulum length and frequency.
Give examples of situations in which engineers use pendulums.
(activity extension) Use knowledge acquired from data analysis to create a pendulum that solves a design

Materials List

Each group needs:

110 cm of string
fishing weights (1 oz. and 2 oz.)
metric ruler or tape measure
colored markers

Worksheets and Attachments

Swing in Time Worksheet (pdf)

Visit [] to print or download.

Pre-Req Knowledge

Basic understanding of forces such as lift, weight, thrust and drag, plus rotational motion and angular momentum.


Waves in water go up and down, cars bounce up and down when they hit a bump, and people go back and forth when
they are playing on a swing. Can you think of other things that have a regular back and forth motion? Items that move
back and forth regularly move in similar ways. If scientists and engineers can understand one kind of back and forth
motion, such as a swing, then they can apply that understanding to other items that move in a back and forth motion.

In this activity, you will examine the motion of a pendulum. If you have ever played on a swing set, you are already
familiar with some of the ways that a pendulum can move. In this lab, you will examine specific factors that might
affect the way a pendulum swings. You will time a pendulum swinging back and forth, and see what factors make it
speed up and what conditions make it slow down.

The motion of a pendulum was first mathematically described by a man named Galileo Galilei in the late 1500s.
Galileo also investigated how things fall, how planets move, and many other scientific phenomena. Many of his
discoveries grew out of his observations of how pendulums swing. Just think—maybe you can figure out how
something works by understanding pendulums!

Pendulums were not only used in the 1500s, though. Engineers use the motion of pendulums today. In fact, some of the
most advanced building designs incorporate large pendulums to dissipate the energy if the building is shaken by an
earthquake. Engineers use pendulums in robots and in clocks. Can you think of useful ways to use a pendulum?

Before the Activity

Cut string pieces to 110 cm.

Attach either the 1 oz. or the 2 oz. weight to all pendulums.
Label fishing weights 1 oz. and 2 oz.
Make copies of the Swing in Time Worksheet, one per student.

With the Students

1. Introduce the activity: Ask students if they know what a pendulum is. Ask them if they know how pendulums are
used. Tell them they will learn more about pendulums and their movements in this activity. See the associated
lesson for more background information and motivation.
2. Hand out the worksheets. Direct students to use the worksheets to follow along with the activity.
3. Working in groups of three, have students measure and mark their string at 10-cm intervals, starting
measurement at the middle of the weight and marking up to 100 cm.
4. Have students tape the pendulum to their desks at the 10-cm mark.
5. Pull the weight back at a 45-degree angle for consistency in the swing.
6. Predict and test: First have students predict the number of times the pendulum will swing back to its original
starting point (a swing or oscillation) during a 30-second timing, for the pendulum length and weight being
tested, and record this in the worksheet table. Next, have one student time the swing for 30 seconds and two
other students count the number of complete swings (oscillations), and record this in the worksheet table.
7. Repeat the "predict and test" process, taping at the next 10-cm increment (20 cm). Repeat again, up to a 50-cm
8. Have students create bar graphs with the number of swings (oscillations) on the vertical axis and the pendulum
length on the horizontal axis. Expect students to observe a pattern.
9. Repeat the procedure using the second weight. Ask students to observe any differences between the two weights
(there should be no difference).
10. Expect their bar graphs to look similar to the example below. (Note: The weight has a negligible effect on the
number of swings, but due to experimental error, there may be a slight discrepancy.)

11. Following the pattern, students should be able to make predictions for the results at the 60-cm to 100-cm
12. Have students continue to record their predictions, test and record their results on the worksheet.
13. Conclude with a class discussion to review and share results, worksheet answers and conclusions.

bob: The swinging weight at the end of a pendulum.

gravity: The force that attracts bodies toward the center of the Earth.

oscillation: The back and forth swinging motion of the bob of a pendulum. One oscillation is complete when the bob
returns to its starting position.

pendulum : A string with a weight at one end suspended from a fixed support, so that it swings freely back and forth,
under the influence of gravity.

period: The amount of time it takes the bob of a pendulum to return to its initial position.


Pre-Activity Assessment

Discussion Question: Solicit, integrate and summarize student responses. Ask students: What is a pendulum? Then
brainstorm examples of pendulums. (Possible answers: Playground swings, rope or tire swings hanging from trees,
grandfather clocks, circus trapeze swings and ropes, balancing mechanisms for some robots, etc.)

Activity Embedded Assessment

Worksheet: Have students follow along with the activity using the Swing in Time Worksheet and use it to record their
lab observations and measurements.Review their data, answers and graph to gauge their depth of engagement and

Pairs Check: After student groups finish working on worksheets, have them compare answers with another completed
group, giving all students time to finish the worksheet.

Post-Activity Assessment

Worksheet Discussion: Review and discuss worksheet answers with the entire class. Students' answers indicate their
mastery of the subject.

Safety Issues

Small weights can be a choking hazard.

Troubleshooting Tips

It may be helpful to model this activity for the students.

Make sure that students keep an accurate count of the pendulum's oscillations. Have two students count and agree on
the number of swings.

Activity Extensions

Sand Pendulum: Make a cone-shaped cup and fill it with sand or salt. Swing the cone like a pendulum, letting the sand
pour out from a hole in the bottom of the cone. Observe the pattern it makes.

Experiment with two or more pendulums at one time: Swing the pendulums in the same direction, in the opposite
directions, two one-way and one another, criss-cross, etc.

Predict the amount of time it will take the pendulum to come to a complete stop.

Ask students to find a string length that makes the pendulum swing exactly 60 times per minute. How would this be
useful? (Answer: A pendulum could be used as a clock if each swing took one second.)

Design Challenge: Challenge students to design a pendulum that swings back and forth 10 times in 1 minute.
Encourage students to "fail quickly," so they can test many different designs within the allotted time. Also encourage
students to use what they learned about pendulums from this activity to make the necessary adjustments to their

Activity Scaling

For younger students, have them draw pictures of something that swings, such as a tire swing or a clock
pendulum. After they have finished drawing, have them show the class what they drew. Ask students what they
think controls how fast the pendulum swings—the mass or the length of the pendulum?
For older students, have them create line graphs rather then bar graphs.


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado


Sabre Duren; Ben Heavner; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise W. Carlson

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under grants from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation (GK-12 grant no
0338326). However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or
National Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: July 19, 2021

Hands-on Activity Cosmic Rhythm
Quick Look

Grade Level: 8 (7-9)

Time Required: 1 hours 45 minutes

(two 50-minute sessions)

Expendable Cost/Group: US $0.00

Group Size: 1

Activity Dependency: None

Metronome can set the tempo


Students write poems using rhyme and meter as they come to understand the mechanical concept of rhythm, based on
the principle of oscillation, in a broader biological and cultural context, as seen in dance and sports, poetry and other
literary forms, and communication in general. Note: The literacy activities for the Mechanics unit are based on physical
themes that have broad application to our experience in the world — concepts of rhythm, balance, spin, gravity, levity,
inertia, momentum, friction, stress and tension.

Engineering Connection

Engineers are concerned with oscillations or resonances in the design of mechanical devices. They design automobiles
to minimize vibrations from the motor and driving conditions, which can be dangerous and noisy for passengers.
Aerospace engineers design to avoid wing flutter, which is a growing oscillation of an aircraft's wing surface resulting
in stresses that can lead to structural failure. Engineers also design systems to control the oscillation of moving parts in
factory machinery and power system oscillations that could lead to unstable power systems.

Learning Objectives
After this activity, students should be able to:

Explain why engineers are concerned with oscillations or resonances in the design of mechanical devices
Write poems using rhyme and meter to understand the mechanical concept of rhythm, based on the principle of
oscillation, in a broader biological and cultural context
Use reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing skills to solve problems and answer questions

Materials List

paper, pens or pencils

access to the Internet


An animation of a pendulum arc.

The definition of rhythm, according to The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition:

1. Movement or variation characterized by the regular recurrence or alternation of different quantities or conditions:
the rhythm of the tides.
2. The patterned, recurring alternations of contrasting elements of sound or speech.
3. Music.

a. The pattern of musical movement through time.

b. A specific kind of such a pattern, formed by a series of notes differing in duration and stress: a waltz rhythm.
c. A group of instruments supplying the rhythm in a band.

a. The pattern or flow of sound created by the arrangement of stressed and unstressed syllables in accentual verse or
of long and short syllables in quantitative verse.
b. The similar but less formal sequence of sounds in prose.
c. A specific kind of metrical pattern or flow: iambic rhythm.
a. The sense of temporal development created in a work of literature or a film by the arrangement of formal
elements such as the length of scenes, the nature and amount of dialogue, or the repetition of motifs.
b. A regular or harmonious pattern created by lines, forms, and colors in painting, sculpture, and other visual arts.

6. The pattern of development produced in a literary or dramatic work by repetition of elements such as words,
phrases, incidents, themes, images, and symbols.
7. Procedure or routine characterized by regularly recurring elements, activities, or factors: the rhythm of
civilization; the rhythm of the lengthy negotiations.


Obviously, rhythm is a rich concept with application in many areas. Notice how often the word "pattern" appears in the
definitions. Other important terms are "regular," "repetition," "recurring" and "alternation." Rhythm is essentially a
repeating pattern.

This repetition of pattern powerfully assists memory and learning. Think of the simple but compelling patterns of
rhyme and rhythm of the Dr. Seuss books, including the classic Green Eggs and Ham, the best-selling Seuss book of all
time. Notice how the lines have the back-and forth rhythm of a pendulum.

Do you like green eggs and ham?

I do not like them, Sam-I-am.

I do not like green eggs and ham.

You can feel your body sway back and forth as you are carried along by the rhythm. Not all poetry is this regular, of
course, and there are many rhyming patterns. The rhythm of poetry is measured by its meter and counted by means of a
unit called a foot, which is composed of a pattern of stressed ( / ) and unstressed ( ^ ) syllables. There are several types
of metrical feet, which have names derived from Greek: iambic ( ^ / ), trochaic ( / ^ ) , anapestic ( ^ ^ / ) and dactylic ( /
^ ^ ). For this activity, it is not essential for you to know all the different metrical types (there are several more). For
now, just notice the pendulum-like effect of the trochaic line:


Do you like green eggs and ham?

...and the iambic lines:


I do not like them, Sam-I-am.


I do not like green eggs and ham.

Iambic meter is the most common in English verse. It is said to be most like the natural rhythm of English speech. For
additional introductory information on the meter of poetry check out the following sources:

The theme for this activity — rhythm — takes its cue from the mechanical oscillation of a pendulum, as explained in
Mechanics unit, Lesson 9.

In the immortal words of Duke Ellington, "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing." "It" includes everything from
the beating of our hearts, to the ebb and flow of tides, to the rotation of pulsars. This literacy activity is a celebration of
rhythm in its many cultural forms — music, poetry, art and dance. The activities included are only a starting point for
students to begin a lifelong exploration of the wonders of rhythm.


Using the definition of rhythm (see the Introduction/Motivation section) as a start, think of as many things as you can
that are rhythmical. Over a 24-hour period, make a list in your journal of rhythmical things you observe around your
classroom and school, at home or on a walk through your neighborhood. See who can come to class the next day with
the longest, most unique list. See who thinks of the most remarkable, unusual or often unnoticed rhythmical


Generally, we think of rhythm in terms of sounds we hear with our ears, such as music or the drip of a leaky faucet.
But, sounds are felt with the whole body as movement or vibration. Rhythm can also be experienced visually as in the
harmonious lines of a painting or sculpture, or a beautifully engineered object such as a suspension bridge or sailing
ship. In this respect, rhythm is often associated with concepts of balance and proportion in design. Use all your senses
to add to your list of rhythmical things.

Rhythm of the river: A meandering stream.

Perhaps, in composing your list, you thought of the rhythm of day and night, or waking and sleeping. Did you include
the rhythm of the tides on your list? Did you know that rivers also move in rhythmic patterns? Over time, rivers form
oscillating curves called meanders.

This rhythmic power provides an obstacle to engineers who seek to channel or dam rivers for flood control. The rhythm
of the river works constantly to create new channels. Notice how the meanders of the river resemble the graphical
curve of the pendulum swing shown in the introductory graphic. How many other natural rhythms can you think of?


Are you a poet and don't know it? Do you ever notice that sometimes your speech patterns develop a rhythm? Not all
poetry has to rhyme, but all poetry benefits if it conveys a sense of rhythm in some fashion, either through patterns of
words or rhythmic movements within the lines of the poem.

Notice how the repetitions of words (such as "mark'd," "filament," "surrounded" and "till") and word-forms ending in -
ing (such as "unreeling," and "musing, venturing, throwing") and initial sounds ("vacant, vast" and "seeking the
spheres") contribute to the rhythmic effect of this poem by Walt Whitman:

A NOISELESS, patient spider,

I mark'd, where, on a little promontory, it stood, isolated;

Mark'd how, to explore the vacant, vast surrounding,

It launch'd forth filament, filament, filament, out of itself;

Ever unreeling them — ever tirelessly speeding them.

And you, O my Soul, where you stand,

Surrounded, surrounded, in measureless oceans of space,

Ceaselessly musing, venturing, throwing, — seeking the spheres, to connect them;

Till the bridge you will need, be form'd — till the ductile anchor hold;

Till the gossamer thread you fling, catch somewhere, O my Soul.

Now, try writing a poem yourself. You might want to experiment with the fun rhymes and meters of Dr. Seuss or the
stirring free verse rhythms of Walt Whitman. You could first try closely imitating the poet's meter, using your own
subject. What metrical foot is used throughout the following Emily Dickinson verse and the imitator? (Answer: Iambic
[ ^ / ])

Emily Dickinson original:

Because I could not stop for Death —

He kindly stopped for me —

The Carriage held but just ourselves —

And Immortality.

Sample imitation:
Because the car ran out of gas

I had to walk a mile

I met a troll along the way

We walked and talked a while.

Source: A Brief Guide to Poetic Imitation, Honors Program, University of Nevada at Reno, 2004, formerly located at


alternation: Successive change from one thing or state to another and back again.

free verse: Verse composed of variable, usually unrhymed lines having no fixed metrical pattern.

meander: To follow a winding and turning course: Streams tend to meander through level land.

meter: A particular arrangement of words in poetry, such as iambic pentameter, determined by the kind and number of
metrical units in a line.

oscillate: To swing back and forth with a steady, uninterrupted rhythm; to waver, as between conflicting opinions or
courses of action; Physics. To vary between alternate extremes, usually within a definable period of time.

phenomenon: An occurrence, circumstance or fact that is perceptible by the senses.

recur: To happen, come up or show up again or repeatedly.

regular: Occurring at fixed intervals; periodic: regular beats of the drum.

stress: The emphasis placed on the sound or syllable spoken most forcefully in a word or phrase.

synchronize: To cause to occur or operate with exact coincidence in time or rate: We synchronized our watches.


Pre-Activity Assessment

Journaling: Journal entries of rhythmical things indicate how observant students are and how well they understand the
concept of rhythm prior to the class discussion, and poetry analysis and writing exercise.

Activity Embedded Assessment

Kinesthetic Movement: While the rhythm of the river is being discussed, students may act out the principle of
oscillation physically in the form of a dance or pantomime.

Post-Activity Assessment

Writing Exercise: By writing an imitation of a famous poem or an original poem that uses meter and rhyme, or other
rhythmic principle, students demonstrate how well they understand the principle of rhythm and apply it in their own
Activity Extensions

Activities on the topic of rhythm are potentially endless; below are just a few suggestions. Students can make
observations in their journals about the activity, or write a brief report, essay or poem about their understanding.

All that Jazz — Play Duke Ellington or other jazz greats in class. For starters, try Ellington's "Take the 'A' Train"
or the long version of Benny Goodman's "Sing, Sing, Sing" from his Carnegie Hall concert. Learn more about
the different types of jazz and their distinctive rhythmic signatures. For more ideas and information, see All
About Jazz,
Stomp! — Create your own Stomp group. Stomp is an exciting modern dance troupe using everyday objects in
non-traditional ways. To learn more, visit Stomp,
Got Game? — Think of all the ways that a good sense of rhythm improves performance in sport and helps
athletes get "into the zone" — from the rhythmic dribbling of a basketball to the even strokes of a swimmer to
the steady pumping of a marathoner's legs.
Tête-à-tête — In conversation, as in all areas of life, it is good to have a sense of give and take. Pay attention to
the rhythm of your speech, especially when you are talking with someone else. Good communication has a kind
of pendulum swing — tête-à-tête, as the French say, from head-to-head — with neither partner dominating the
conversation. Practice taking turns listening and speaking, and develop the rhythm of give and take.
The Rhythm of the Night — Visual art can also convey a sense of rhythm. Does the swirl in Van Gogh's "Starry
Night" painting remind you of anything? (Answer: The swirl defined by the pendulum arc in the introductory
graphical animation.) Visit a local art museum to explore how works of visual art incorporate rhythmic elements
or convey a sense of rhythm or balance.

The Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh, 1889. The artist painted furiously and his painting vibrates with
rockets of burning yellow while planets gyrate like cartwheels. The hills quake and heave, yet the cosmic
gold fireworks that swirl against the blue sky are somehow restful.

Activity Scaling

Some students may need to practice imitating the rhythmic pattern of a famous poem several times before
attempting an original composition.
The Activity Extensions address a wide range of interests, abilities and learning styles and can be used
selectively, as appropriate.


Jazz. The Web's Ultimate Guide to Jazz. Accessed May 15, 2004. All About Jazz.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language. Fourth Edition. Houghton Mifflin Company, 2000.
Source of "rhythm" definition. Available online at:

DeSerio, Robert. "Chaotic Pendulum: The Complete Attractor." American Journal of Physics. Vol. 71, pp. 250-257,
2003. (Source of animated gif of chaos movement. Used with permission. See Accessed August 12, 2004.)
: Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. Accessed May 15, 2004. (Source of vocabulary definitions, with some

Klawitter, George. Scansion. Updated July 23, 2000. Poetics, St. Edward's University, Austin, TX. Accessed May 15,
2004. (A basic introduction to scansion)

Percussion for Kids. Stomp. Accessed May 15, 2004.

Rhythm, Meter and Scansion Made Easy. Mr. Black's 5th and 6th Grade English Page, Riverdale, Oregon. Accessed
May 15, 2004.

Stomp, The International Percussion Sensation. Accessed May 15, 2004.

Toon, John. Out of Time. Updated September 10, 2000. Georgia Tech Research Horizons. Accessed May 15, 2004.
(Researchers recreate 1665 clock experiment to gain insights into modern synchronized oscillators.)


© 2004 by Regents of the University of Colorado.


Jane Evenson; Malinda Schaefer Zarske; Denise W. Carlson

Supporting Program

Integrated Teaching and Learning Program, College of Engineering, University of Colorado Boulder


The contents of this digital library curriculum were developed under a grant from the Fund for the Improvement of
Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education, and National Science Foundation GK-12 grant no
0338326. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policies of the Department of Education or National
Science Foundation, and you should not assume endorsement by the federal government.

Last modified: July 30, 2021


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