Jeffrey W. Knopf - Doing A Literature Review
Jeffrey W. Knopf - Doing A Literature Review
Jeffrey W. Knopf - Doing A Literature Review
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Students entering a graduate program In general, a literature review has two or not in dealing with a certain problem.
often encounter a new type of assign key elements. First, it should concisely In this context, one might focus, for ex
ment that differs from the papers they summarize the findings or claims that ample, on the "lessons learned" from
had to write in high school or as college have emerged from prior research efforts previous efforts to deal with a certain
undergraduates: the literature review on a subject. Second, a literature review problem (and those lessons learned might
(also known as a critical review essay). should reach a conclusion about how have been proposed by outside scholars
Put briefly, a literature review summa accurate and complete that knowledge is; or by practitioners themselves).
rizes and evaluates a body of writings it should present your considered judg To return to the first context, review
about a specific topic. The need to con ments about what's right, what's wrong, ing existing knowledge can itself be the
duct such reviews is by no means limited what's inconclusive, and what's missing end goal if one simply wants to ascertain
to graduate students; scholarly research in the existing literature. In contrast to the current "state of the art" on a partic
ers generally carry out literature reviews some other ways of surveying a body of ular subject or problem. In this context
throughout their research careers. In a literature, such as an annotated bibliogra (as well as the other two), it is important
world where the Internet has broadened phy, the literature review is a work of not to simply summarize the available
the range of potentially relevant sources, synthesis. For this reason, it is important research, but also to evaluate it critically.
however, doing a literature review can not to simply write a summary list of Such critical analysis should not be ex
pose challenges even to an experienced what each individual work says, but in clusively negative; it is also important to
researcher. stead to focus on the body of work identify positive results to take away
In recent years, I have taught a viewed as a whole. from the existing work.
course designed to help students in a Conducting a literature review can Second, a review of existing knowl
policy-oriented Master's program draft have several benefits: edge can be a preliminary step in a
thesis proposals. In looking for readings larger research project. Such a literature
to assign to guide their literature re * It can give you a general overview review is often required for a thesis or
views for these proposals, I discovered of a body of research with which dissertation proposal; it is also frequently
a paucity of appropriate published you are not familiar. an element in proposals for research
sources.' The vast majority of methods * It can reveal what has already been grants. The most basic reason to under
textbooks written for students in politi done well, so that you do not waste take a literature review in this context is
cal science or public policy contain no time "reinventing the wheel." to make sure the proposed research ques
discussion whatsoever of the literature * It can give you new ideas you can tion has not already been answered. If an
review.2 Some general methods texts use in your own research. existing study convincingly answers the
contain sections on the literature review * It can help you determine where question you want to address, it is better
(for example, Cresswell 2003; Patten there are problems or flaws in exist to find out before you get started than
2005), but these turned out not to be ing research. when you are in the middle of a research
very helpful in meeting the needs of * It can enable you to place your re project.
the student population I was teaching. search in a larger context, so that Assuming no prior study has solved
Finally, there are a few books devoted you can show what new conclusions your problem of interest, then the pur
solely to preparing a literature review might result from your research. pose of your proposal's literature review
(Fink 2005; Galvan 2005; Pan 2004), is to situate your proposed project in re
but these were too long to be a viable Three Contexts for Literature lation to existing knowledge. This en
reading assignment for the course. In
the end, I drafted my own "how to"
Reviews ables you to address the concept of a
"contribution to knowledge," which is
handout on doing a literature review. In In general, literature reviews are pro important because potential advisors and
the hope that my observations might be duced in one of three contexts: A litera other people who might review a pro
helpful to others, I have adapted my ture review can be an end in and of posal generally ask of any research pro
handout for publication here. itself; it can be a preliminary stage in a posal "what is the expected contribution
larger research project; and it can be a to knowledge?" or "what will be the
component of a finished research report. value added of completing this re
In any of these contexts, a literature re search?" The goal here is to show that
Jeffrey W Knopf is visiting associate view can address either theoretical or people who read the final research prod
professor of National Security Afairs at the practical questions. In academic settings, uct are likely to learn some new or dif
Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Monte review essays most often focus on the ferent information or argument compared
rey, CA. He is the author of Domestic Soci theories scholars have proposed to ex to what they would find in existing stud
ety and International Cooperation: The plain some phenomenon; sample topics ies. In short, a literature review in a re
Impact of Protest on US Arms Control Policy
might include the causes of terrorism or search proposal provides an overview of
(Cambridge University Press, 1998). This
essay developed out of materials the author
the pre-conditions for democratization. A existing scholarship and explains how
prepared for a course in research methods literature review can also be used, how your proposed research will add to or
that he helped create for a new profes ever, to determine and assess the practi alter the existing body of knowledge.
sional Master's program in Homeland Secu cal know-how available in regard to Conducting a literature review at a
rity at NPS. which measures are likely to be effective preliminary stage of a research project
* In drafting this overview, I have incorpo researchers who want to supplement the informa 4. Paul Pitman first suggested to me this
rated some points made by Paul Pitman in a tion in this essay conduct their own search for phrasing and the reasoning behind it, for which I
lecture delivered to students at the Naval Post web pages on doing a literature review. thank him.
graduate School. I have also incorporated some 2. The one exception I have found is John 5. For example, many political science mate
suggestions contained in a handout prepared by son and Reynolds (2004, ch. 5). rials of this sort are available through Political
John Odell for students in the School of Inter 3. For an introduction to Bayesian statistics, Research Online (PROL); this includes papers
national Relations at the University of Southern see Wonnacott and Wonnacott (1985, 75-79 and presented at Annual Meetings of the American
California. 515-75). For a discussion of the relevance of Political Science Association (APSA). See
1. In Internet searches, however, I have found Bayesian reasoning in qualitative research, see
several good items. Given the mutability of the McKeown (1999, 179-83). 6. This is the first suggestion on a short
Internet, rather than list URLs here, I suggest that handout created by John Odell. It's a good place
Booth, Wayne C, Gregory G. Colomb, and Jo Galvan, Jose L. 2005. Writing Literature Re McKeown, Timothy J. 1999. "Case Studies and
seph M. Williams. 2003. The Craft of Re views, 3rd ed. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak the Statistical Worldview." International Or
search, 2nd ed. Chicago: University of Publishing. ganization 53: 161-90.
Chicago Press. Johnson, Janet Buttolph, and H. T. Reynolds. Pan, M. Ling. 2004. Preparing Literature Re
Cresswell, John W. 2003. Research Design: 2004. Political Science Research Methods, views, 2nd ed. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak
Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Meth 5th ed. Washington, D.C.: CQ Publishing.
ods Approaches, 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Press. Patten, Mildred L. 2005. Understanding Research
CA: SAGE Publications. King, Gary, Robert O. Keohane, and Sidney Methods: An Overview of the Essentials, 5th
Fink, Arlene. 2005. Conducting Research Litera Verba. 1994. Designing Social Inquiry: ed. Glendale, CA: Pyrczak Publishing.
ture Reviews: From the Internet to Paper, Scientific Inference in Qualitative Wonnacott, Ronald I, and Thomas H. Wonna
2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Research. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univer cott. 1985. Introductory Statistics, 4th ed.
Publications. sity Press. New York: John Wiley & Sons.