The Densitiy of Cement Phases Worksheets
The Densitiy of Cement Phases Worksheets
The Densitiy of Cement Phases Worksheets
ABSTRACT The densities of principal crystalline phases occurring in Portland cement are critically assessed and tabulated, in some cases with addition of new data. A reliable and selfconsistent density set for crystalline phases was obtained by calculating densities from crystallographic data and unit cell contents. Independent laboratory work was undertaken to synthesize major AFm and AFt cement phases, determine their unit cell parameters and compare the results with those recorded in the literature. Parameters were refined from powder diffraction patterns using CELREF 2 software. A density value is presented for each phase, showing literature sources, in some cases describing limitations on the data, and the weighting attached to numerical values where an averaging process was used for accepted data. A brief discussion is made of the consequences of the packing of water to density changes in AFm and AFt structures. Key words: Density; X-ray diffraction; Cement; Crystal Structure; Characterization
1. Introduction The densities of cement phases are fundamental parameter with many uses, for example, calculating space filling in pastes by solid cement substances as well as assessment of the potential for changes in dimension and porosity within hardened pastes undergoing phase changes. Yet it is difficult to access a self- consistent set of density data and values reported in the literature for the same substance can vary widely. The importance of having a selfconsistent data set has long been recognized: for example Taylor [1] provided data for crystalline calcium silicate hydrates and, in a later publication, gave density and powder diffraction data for many of the main cement phases [2]. Richardson [3] published updated table of crystal data together with density values for calcium silicate hydrates and related phases, but previous compilations regarding other cement compounds are incomplete and somewhat out of date. The substances comprising cement can be divided into two groups: crystalline and amorphous. The distinction is operational: in the present context, crystalline refers to substances having sufficiently regular internal structures, in terms of atomic, ionic and molecular arrangement, to enable characterization by classical crystallographic concepts. Some of the relevant phases occur in nature and some can be obtained as single crystals, natural or synthetic. Classical methods of density measurement can often be applied to single crystals. But many cement substances, while crystalline, do not occur in adequate purity or size to apply classical methods. Therefore for most crystalline substances we rely on crystallochemical data for the calculation of densities, but with the cautions given below. The principal amorphous substance of Portland cement is C-S-H. It presents particular problems in determining its density as it is insufficiently crystalline for application of conventional crystallographic methods: only experimentally-determined measurements are useful. Moreover uncertainties persist especially with respect to its water content and we note that only arbitrary distinctions between bound and free water are possible. Other phases may also be intercalated within C-S-H on a nanoscale e.g., portlandite or AFm, thus affecting density. Uncertainty therefore exists over the Ca/Si ratio as well as extent of incorporation of other ions (alkali, alumina, sulfate...), all of which potentially affect the density. Finally, possible errors may arise from classical density measurements where, for example, a liquid used for density measurement by the Archimedes method may react with C-S-H. Thus for CS-H we have no choice but to accept experimentally-determined data. Crystalline solids, on the other hand, are amenable to calculation of density from crystallographic constants using the relationship: D = (Z M)/(NA V) where: D = density in kg/m3, Z = number of formula units per unit cell, M= formula weight, V the unit cell volume and Na = Avogadros number. Volumes of the unit cells were calculated for relevant crystal systems using standard formulae: Isometric/cubic crystal system: V = a3 Tetragonal crystal system: V = a2c Hexagonal/trigonal crystal system: V = a2c sin (60)
Orthorhombic crystal system: V = abc Monoclinic crystal system: V = abc sin() Triclinic crystal system: V = abc ((1- cos2 - cos2 - cos2 ) + 2(cos () cos () cos ()) where a, b, c are the unit cell axial dimensions and ,, are the relevant angles. In some cases the unit cell contents require elucidation in order to establish the exact chemistry. The crystallographic approach provides a uniform and consistent basis for calculation but many substances contain defects which result in real densities being slightly lower than calculated (usually the error is less than one part in 10 exp 4) The occurrence of solid solution, in which for example substitution of Fe for Al occurs, also affects the mean atomic mass of ions occupying a particular lattice site or sites and hence the density. Many substances occur in several polytypes, each of which may differ in true unit cell size and symmetry and the possibility exists that preparations may contain mixtures of polytypes. Except where noted, isomorphic substitution is negligible in the selected data. We address polytypism by choosing a single subcell for the calculation and believe that this leads to the correct density, provided the subcell and Z are correctly matched. We also note that rhombohedral crystals have generally been treated on the basis of a larger hexagonal cell: again, no error results provided Z is chosen correctly. Variable site occupancy may occur, with some sites left partially vacant. For example the subcell water (H2O) content of ettringite attains a maximum of 36 but more commonly water contents lie in the range 30 to 32 H2O per formula unit, but with little change in cell size occurring in this range. This uncertainty over composition is addressed by stating the formula used for calculation although we also develop density-composition relationships in selected cases. Where a particular phase is impurity-stabilized, the impurity is deemed to be minor but, although the presence of impurity is noted, we are often unable to include it in the formula because no analysis of the phase was recorded in the data source. Temperature and pressure affect densities and the values shown here are nominally reported for 20-25C and ambient pressure, unless otherwise noted. The literature is often indefinite about the temperature used for collection of crystallographic data apart from stating that data were collected at room temperature We have assumed that room temperature lies within the range 20-25C and have not otherwise attempted corrections. Where cell dimensions were determined from single crystal methods by the Weissenberg method, or from precession methods using photographic recording, cell dimensions thus obtained are probably only accurate to +/- 1%. Therefore where a choice of methods for determination of cell parameters occurred, priority has been given to those made using calibrated powder X-ray diffraction or automated single- crystal methods with electronic recording. In a few cases our recalculation of density does not agree with the authors own calculation. Where such disagreement exceeds the normal limits of arithmetic error, authors values are noted, but we have generally been unable to resolve the discrepancy between calculations. This work is not complete because of multiplicity of phases, hydration states, and solid solution possibilities but it does include most of the significant compounds occurring in Portland cement and cement pastes. The order of data presentation divides substances into twelve main groups:
- Simple oxides and hydrated oxides - Carbonates - Sulfates and hydrated sulfates - Tricalcium aluminate - Tetracalcium aluminoferrite - Tricalcium silicate - Dicalcium silicate - Aluminate-ferrite-trisubstituent phases - Aluminate-ferrite-monosubstituent phases - Hydrogarnet - Selected crystalline calcium silicate hydrates structurally related to C-S-H (data including other calcium silicate hydrates presented by Richardson [3] ) - Hydrotalcite and related phases Experimental work was also undertaken to synthesize major AFm and AFt cement phases, determine their unit cell parameters and compare the results with those recorded in the literature. The preparative routes are described because of great interest amongst the cement community in accessing recipes. Results obtained from these preparations are included in the compilation. [1] Taylor H.F.W., Crystallographic Data for the Calcium Silicates 1956, HMSO, London, UK [2] Taylor H.F.W., Cement Chemistry 2nd edition 1997, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, UK [3] I. G. Richardson, The calcium silicate hydrates, Cement and Concrete Research 38 (2008) 137-158 2. Synthesis and characterization of AFm and AFt phases The synthesis of the relevant cement hydrates required several solid precursors. These were made from analytical reagent grade (AR) chemicals. Tricalcium aluminate, C3A (Ca3Al2O6), was prepared from a 3:1 molar ratio of CaCO3 and Al2O3, fired in a platinum crucible at 1400C for 3 days in an electrically heated furnace. Every 12 hours, the sample was cooled, reground in an agate mortar to achieve homogenization, placed back in the platinum crucible and reheated. Lime, CaO, was obtained by decarbonation of AR grade CaCO3 at 1000C for ~24 hours. Anhydrite, CaSO4, was prepared by dehydration of AR gypsum (CaSO42H2O) in a muffle furnace at 550C for 12 hours. AFm phases Using the above precursors, hydroxy-AFm, Ca4Al2(OH)146-12H2O, was synthesized by mixing CaO and C3A in a 1:1 molar ratio. The solids were slurried in degassed, ultra pure CO2 - free water (water/solid ratio ~ 10) and reacted at 5C in a sealed system with stirring for the first 72 hours and thereafter periodically agitated at 5C for 3 weeks. Finally the solid was vacuum filtered at 5C under N2 atmosphere. Monosulfoaluminate, Ca4Al2(SO4)(OH)126H2O, becomes more stable at temperatures above 40C, therefore a 1:1 molar mixture of C3A and CaSO4 was suspended in ultra pure, CO2- free water (water/solid ratio ~ 10), and kept at 85C. After 7 days the solid was vacuum filtered under N2 atmosphere.
Monocarboaluminate, Ca4Al2(CO3)(OH)125H2O, was prepared by mixing C3A and CaCO3 in a 1:1 molar ratio with previously degassed ultra-pure water at 25C and stored for 10 days with periodic agitation. Hemicarboaluminate, Ca4Al2(CO3)0.5(OH)135.5H2O, was made by addition of C3A, CaCO3 and CaO in stoichiometric quantities to previously degassed ultra pure water at 25C at a w/s ratio about 10 and continuously stirred in plastic (HDPE) bottles for 14 days before filtration. Strtlingite, Ca2Al2SiO2(OH)103H2O, was synthesized from a stoichiometric mix of CaO, Na2Si2O52H2O, NaAlO2 and water at 25C. The water :solid ratio was ~10. The suspension was stirred for 5-6 weeks at 25C. After filtration, sodium was washed out by flushing the remaining solid with double distilled water. From previous experience the sodium content of the washed solid is known to be negligible. Friedels salt Ca4Al2(Cl)2(OH)124H2O was made by mixing C3A and CaCl2.2H2O in a 1:1 molar ratio, which were dispersed in double distilled, CO2 free water (w/s~10), sealed in an airtight polythene bottle and left to age with stirring for 30 days. After ageing the solid was filtered under nitrogen atmosphere. AFt phases To prepare sulfate ettringite, Ca6Al2(SO4)3(OH)1226H2O, two reactant solutions were initially made, solution (1) by adding 6.65 g Al2(SO4)3 18H2O to 100 ml and solution (2) by dispersing 4.44 g Ca(OH)2 in 250 ml of ultrapure water (>14 M cm). The two reactant solutions were transferred to a N2-filled glove box, mixed and diluted to 500 ml with additional reagent water to which 0.5 ml of 1 M NaOH had been added. The preparation was sealed in a 500 ml high density polyethylene (HDPE) bottle, removed form the dry box and placed on a 60C hot plate, with stirring. After 48 hours, the contents were filtered under N2 using a ceramic filter funnel and rapidly dried under N2 using a poor vacuum. Carbonate ettringite, Ca6Al2(CO3)3(OH)1226H2O, was prepared by precipitation from a stochiometric mixture of CaO, NaAlO2 and Na2CO3 in a 10% w/v sucrose solution. Previously-prepared slurries of sodium aluminate and sodium carbonate were added to the sucrose - portlandite mixture, stirred for 3 days and periodically agitated at 25C for 2 weeks and thereafter filtered and washed. Experience of this preparation indicated that thorough washing was required to prevent retention of sucrose. The purified product should be free from sucrose, as determined by analysis. Data collection. A Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer was used for characterisation and X-ray analysis. Data were collected using Cu K radiation at room temperature (25-30C): the angular range was set between 5-55 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns using CELREF 2 software. 3. Results The results and comments are presented in the form of work sheets, one for each phase or related group of phases. A summary of recommended values is provided in Table 1.
1 Lime........................................................................................................................8 2 Periclase..................................................................................................................8 3 Corundum...............................................................................................................9 4 Quartz....................................................................................................................10 5 Gibbsite.................................................................................................................10 6 Brucite...................................................................................................................11 7 Portlandite.............................................................................................................12 8 Calcite...................................................................................................................13 9 Aragonite............................................................................................................. 14 10 Vaterite.................................................................................................................14 11 Magnesite.............................................................................................................15 12 Dolomite...............................................................................................................16 13 Anhydrite..............................................................................................................17 14 Soluble Anhydrite...............................................................................................17 15 Hemihydrate.........................................................................................................18 16 Gypsum................................................................................................................19 17 Arcanite................................................................................................................20 18 Thenardite............................................................................................................20 19 Aphthitalite..........................................................................................................21 20 Syngenite.............................................................................................................21 21 Aluminosulfate (calcium sulfoaluminate).........................................................22 22 Silicosulfate (calcium sulfosilicate)..................................................................23 23 Tricalcium aluminate (cubic)..............................................................................23 24 Tricalcium aluminate (orthorombic)...................................................................24 25 Tetracalcium aluminoferrite (brownmillerite)....................................................25 26 R-Tricalcium silicate (at 1200C).......................................................................26 27 R-Tricalcium silicate (stabilized with Sr)...........................................................26 28 M3-tricalcium silicate (stabilized with Mg).......................................................27 29 M3-tricalcium silicate (less well ordered)......27 30 T1-tricalcium silicate..28 -dicalcium silicate (stabilized to ambient with Ba)..29 31 32 'H-dicalcium silicate (1200C, stabilized with P2O5)....29 33 'L-dicalcium silicate (stabilized with Sr)...29 34 -dicalcium silicate.30 -dicalcium silicate.30 35 36 Ettringite.............................................................................................................31 37 Carbonate Ettringite,CO3-AFt........34 38 Iron Ettringite....................................................................................................35 39 Thaumasite..35 40 Tetracalcium aluminate-13-hydrate (hydroxy AFm).........................................37 41 Tetracalcium ferrite-13-hydrate (Fe-hydroxy AFm)..37 42 1-Tetracalcium aluminate-19-hydrate...............................................................38 43 2-Tetracalcium aluminate-19-hydrate...............................................................38 44 Tetracalcium aluminate monosulfate-12-hydrate (monosulfoaluminate)..........39 45 Tetracalcium ferrite monosulfate-12-hydrate (Fe-monosulfoaluminate)...........40 46 Dicalcium aluminate monosilicate-8-hydrate (strtlingite)...............................41 47 Tetracalcium aluminate carbonate-11-hydrate (monocarboaluminate).............42
48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65
Tetracalcium ferrite carbonate-12-hydrate (Fe-monocarboaluminate)..............43 Tetracalcium aluminate hemicarbonate-12-hydrate (hemicarboaluminate)...... 43 Dicalcium aluminate-8-hydrate..........................................................................44 -Tetracalcium aluminate dichloride-10-hydrate (Friedels salt)......................44 -Tetracalcium aluminate dichloride-10-hydrate (Friedels salt)......................45 Tetracalcium ferrite dichloride-10-hydrate (Fe-Friedels salt)..........................46 Tetracalcium aluminate sulfate chloride-12-hydrate (Kuzels salt)...................47 Tetracalcium ferrite sulfate chloride-12-hydrate (Fe-Kuzels salt)...................47 Tricalcium aluminate-6-hydrate (hydrogarnet).................................................48 Tricalcium ferrite-6-hydrate..............................................................................49 Siliceous hydrogarnet......................................................................................49 Jennite............................................................................................................... 50 Tobermorite (14 )............................................................................................51 Afwillite.............................................................................................................52 Hydrotalcite........................................................................................................53 Fe-Hydrotalcite..................................................................................................53 Meixnerite..........................................................................................................54 OH-Hydrotalcite................................................................................................54
Formula: CaO Formula Weight: 56.08 g/mol Space group: Fm3m Conventional cement shorthand notation: C
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.8105 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 3345 kg/m3 Reference: Morris M.C. et al., National Bureau of Standards Monograph 25 (1977), Vol. 14, 49 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K from X-ray powder patterns. The type of diffractometer and origin of the sample are not specified. The diffractometer was equipped with a focusing graphite monochromator; an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si standard) and Cu K radiation (1.5405 ) were used. Density calculated by Morris, et al.: 3345 kg/m3
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.815 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 3338 kg/m3 Reference: Fiquet G. et al., Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (1999), Vol. 27, 103-111 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K from X-ray diffraction experiments with synchrotron radiation; type of diffractometer and origin of the sample are not given..
1.3 1.4
Mean density of lime: Dx = 3341 kg/m3 Comment: Free lime is a minor constituent of most Portland cement clinkers. Large quantities (e.g,. greater than a few percent) possibly indicate poor control in manufacture. Lime hydrolyzes in water to Ca(OH)2 and to mixtures of CaCO3 and Ca(OH)2 in moist air.
Formula: MgO Formula Weight: 40.30 g/mol Space group: Fm3m Conventional cement shorthand notation: M
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.211 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 3581 kg/m3 Reference: Hazen R.M., American Mineralogist (1976), Vol. 61, 266-271 Cell parameters were determined at 296 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic periclase, using a Picker four circle diffractometer and Mo K radiation.
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.210 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 3587 kg/m3 Reference: Fiquet G. et al., Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (1999), Vol. 27, 103-111 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from X-ray diffraction experiments with synchrotron radiation. The type of diffractometer and origin of the sample are not given.
2.3 2.4
Mean density of periclase: Dx = 3584 kg/m3 Comment: Occurs in some Portland cement clinkers. Hydrolyzes in water to Mg(OH)2 and in air, to mixtures of hydroxide, carbonate and hydroxycarbonates.
Formula: Al2O3 Formula Weight: 101.96 g/mol Space group: R c Conventional cement shorthand notation: A
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.758 , c = 12.991 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal system): 3988 kg/m3 Reference: Swanson H.E. et al., National Bureau of Standards Circular 539 (1953), Vol. 2, 20 Cell parameters of a synthetic sample were determined at 300K, from X-ray powder patterns; X-ray intensities were collected with a Guiner-type camera using an internal standard and Cu K radiation (1.5405 ). Density calculated by Swanson, et al.: 3987 kg/m3
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.758 , c = 12.996 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal system): 3987 kg/m3 Reference: Fiquet G. et al., Physics and Chemistry of Minerals (1999), Vol. 27, 103-111 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from X-ray diffraction using synchrotron radiation; the origin of the sample is not specified.
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.7540 , c = 12.9820 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal system): 3997 kg/m3 Reference: Maslen E.N. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1993), Vol. B49, 973-80 Cell parameters were determined at 293 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of -Al2O3 crystals (origin: not specified), using a Syntex P21 four circle diffractometer (with graphite monochromator) and Mo K radiation (0.7106 ). Density calculated by Maslen, et al.: 3997 kg/m3
3.4 3.5
Mean density of corundum: Dx = 3990 kg/m3 Comment: Alumina, Al2O3, occurs in various polymorphs. Alpha (corundum) is probably the only stable polymorph at 1 bar. Some of the polymorphs are chemically stabilized: for example Al2O3 is actually close in composition to Na2O11Al2O3. Corundum is not normally present in Portland cement clinkers but has sometimes been reported in special cement made using bauxite, for example in high-alumina or sulfoaluminate clinkers.
Formula: SiO2 Formula Weight: 60.08 g/mol Space group: P3121 Conventional cement shorthand notation: S
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.9133 , c = 5.4053 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal system): 2648 kg/m3 Reference: Gaines V.R. et al., Danas New Mineralogy, eighth edition (1997), 1573-1586 Phase: synthesized - quartz (low temperature form) Details of the measurement are not given The density given in Danas New Mineralogy: 2660 kg/m3
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.92 , c = 5.42 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal system): 2634 kg/m3 Reference: Glinnemann J. et al., Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie (1992), Vol. 198, 177-212 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase, using a Philips PW 1100 four circle diffractometer (with graphite monochromator) and Mo K radiation (0.7106 ).
4.3 4.4
Mean density of - quartz: Dx = 2641 kg/m3 Comment: Two forms of quartz exist, alpha-quartz which is stable up to 573 C and beta-quartz, the high temperature form, stable between 573 and 867 C. High quartz cannot usuually be quenched to ambient so quartz usually refers to the alpha phase. However some schemes use the reverse assignment, in which low (temperature) form is designated beta. Quartz is not nominally a phase found in Portland cement but is used in its manufacture, and is often added to autoclaved cements and oil well cements intended for high temperature service. On account of the sensitivity of X-ray diffraction to quartz and its almost universal presence in nature, it is frequently encountered as a trace impurity of Portland cement.
Formula: Al(OH)3 Formula Weight: 78.00 g/mol 10
Space group: P21/c Conventional cement shorthand notation: AH3 5.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 8.684 , b = 5.078 , c = 9.736 , = 94.54 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2421 kg/m3 Reference: Saalfeld H. et al., Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie (1974), Vol. 139, 129-135 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray structure refinements of a natural mineral from Langesunjfjord, Norway, using an automated Siemens diffractometer and Cu K radiation. Identical values of the unit cell parameters were given by Balan E. et al, American Mineralogist (2006); Vol. 91, 115-119 5.3 5.4 Recommended density of gibbsite: Dx = 2421 kg/m3 Comment: Gibbsite may be considered as the hexagonally-packed AX3 layer structure but also has a cubic polymorph, bayerite. Many types of mixed stacking, some disordered and some ordered, are known as intermediates between gibbsite and bayerite.
Formula: Mg(OH)2 Formula Weight: 58.32 g/mol Space group: P m1 Conventional cement shorthand notation: MH
Cell Dimensions: a = 3.147 , c = 4.769 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2368 kg/m3 Reference: Swanson H.E. et al., National Bureau of Standards Circular 539 (1956), Vol.6, 62 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, 300 K, from X- ray powder patterns of a synthetic sample (from MgO and water held at 600C and 1333 bars water vapour pressure for 3 days), using: a Guiner-type camera (with Ni filter), Cu K radiation (1.5405 ) and an internal standard. Density calculated by Swanson et al.: 2368 kg/m3
Cell Dimensions: a = 3.148 , c= 4.779 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2368 kg/m3 Reference: Desgranges L. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1996), Vol. B52, 82-86 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (origin-not specified), using a four circle P110 neutron diffractometer at the Orphee Reactor (CEN-Saclay).
Density calculated by Desgranges et al.: 2360 kg/m3 6.3 6.4 Mean density of brucite: Dx = 2368 kg/m3 Comment: Brucite has been reported to occur as a hydration product of slag-cement blends and as an alteration product of Portland cement in sea water, brines, etc. A number of basic carbonates of general formula x Mg(OH)2y, MgCO3 H2O also exist but differ in structure from brucite. The basic carbonates have not been reported to occur as Portland cement hydration products.
Formula: Ca(OH)2 Formula Weight: 74.09 g/mol Space group: P m1 Conventional cement shorthand notation: CH
Cell Dimensions: a = 3.589 , c= 4.911 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2260 kg/m3 Reference: Desgranges L. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1993), Vol. B49, 812-817 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic sample (crystals were prepared by slow diffusion of calcium chloride into a sodium hydroxide solution), using a four circle P110 diffractometer (with Cu(220) monochromator) and Mo K radiation (0.8330 ). Density calculated by Desgranges et al.: 2260 kg/m3
Cell Dimensions: a = 3.593 , c = 4.909 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2242 kg/m3 Reference: Swanson H.E. et al., National Bureau of Standards Circular 539 (1953), Vol.1, 95 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, 300 K, from X-ray powder patterns; X-ray intensities were collected with a Guiner type camera (with Ni filter) using Cu K radiation (1.5405 ) and an internal standard; the origin of the sample is not specified. Density calculated by Swanson et al.: 2241 kg/m3
7.3 7.4
Mean density of portlandite: Dx = 2251 kg/m3 Comment: A major constituent of hydrated Portland cement. The structure consists of layers formed from rows of linked Ca(OH)6 octahedra. Calcium hydroxide dehydrates to calcium oxide at about 400C. It carbonates readily in humid air.
Formula: CaCO3 Formula Weight: 100.09 g/mol Space group: R c Conventional cement shorthand notation: C
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.991 , c = 17.062 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2710 kg/m3 Reference: Maslen E.N. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1993), Vol. B49, 636-641 Cell parameters were determined at 293 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of CaCO3 samples (crystals were grown from aqueous solution by slow diffusion), using a Syntex P3 four circle diffractometer with graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation (0.7107 ). Density calculated by Maslen et al.: 2709 kg/m3
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.9896 , c = 17.0610 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2710 kg/m3 Reference: Effenberger H. et al., Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie (1981), Vol. 156, 233-243 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (locality: Iceland), using a Philips PW 1100 four circle diffractometer with graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation.
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.990 , c = 17.002 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2722 kg/m3 Reference: Chessin H. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1965), Vol. 18, 689-693 Cell parameters were determined at 300K, from X-ray structure refinements of single crystals (origin: not specified); data were collected on an integrating Weissenberg camera using Mo K radiation.
8.4 8.5
Recommended density of calcite: Dx = 2710 kg/m3 Comment: On account of the lower accuracy of the Weissenberg method of determining cell paprameters, the value in 8.3 is not preferred. Calcite is the chief constituent of limestone, a basic raw material used in cement manufacture. It decomposes at about 900C. In nature considerable substitution of Mg for Ca may occur. This random substitution gives rise to magnesian calcite, in which some Mg substitutes randomly on nominally Ca positions: it is not to be confused with dolomite, in which Ca-Mg ordering occurs.
Formula: CaCO3 Formula Weight: 100.09 g/mol Space group: Pmcn Conventional cement shorthand notation: C
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.96 , b = 7.97 , c = 5.74 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2929 kg/m3 Reference: De Villiers J.P.R, American Mineralogist (1971), Vol. 56, 758-767 Cell parameters were determined at 294 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (locality: Grapevine Mountains, Nevada), using: a Super-Pace automated single crystal diffractometer and Cu K radiation (1.5405 ).
Cell Dimensions: a = 4.9614 , b = 7.966 , c = 5.740 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2931 kg/m3 Reference: Morris M.C. et al., National Bureau of Standards Monograph 25 (1977), Vol. 14, 44 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from X-ray powder patterns using: diffractometer with a focusing graphite monochromator, Cu K radiation, and an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si); origin of the sample is not specified.
9.3 9.4
Mean density of aragonite: Dx = 2930 kg/m3 Comment: Aragonite is a stable high-pressure polymorph. It occurs in certain metamorphic rocks but is also formed metastably at low pressure. Thus it is frequently encountered as a product of rapid carbonation of cements. It is also commonly encountered in biological composites such as shells of marine organisms, where it is apparently stabilized by intercalation with proteinlike substances. Upon heating in the air at 1 bar total pressure, aragonite converts to calcite prior to decomposition.
Formula: -CaCO3 Formula Weight: 100.09 g/mol Space group: P63/mmc Conventional cement shorthand notation: C
10.1 Cell Dimensions: a =7.16 , c = 16.98 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 12 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2664 kg/m3 Reference: Kamhi S.R., Acta Crystallographica (1963), Vol. 16, 770-773 Cell parameters were determined from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals (grown by ionic diffusion in aqueous solution), using a Picker diffractometer equipped with a General Electric single crystal orienter. Crystal sizes and habits were
dependent upon the temperature at which experiment was performed (temperatures in the region 45C to 60C were found to give the best yields). 10.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 7.15 , c = 16.94 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 12 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2659 kg/m3 Reference: Meyer H.J., Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie (1969), Vol. 128, 183-212 Cell parameters were determined from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of crystals (origin: not specified), using a Hilger & Watts microfocus diffractometer and Cu K radiation; temperature of the measurement is not specified. 10.3 Mean density of vaterite: Dx = 2661 kg/m3 10.4 Comment: Vaterite is a low density polymorph of CaCO3. It is believed to be metastable under all conditions. It may occur as a product of rapid precipitation often in mixtures with calcite, etc., as a product of cement carbonation. Upon heating in air, vaterite converts to calcite prior to decomposition. 11
Formula: MgCO3 Formula Weight: 84.31 g/mol Space group: R c Conventional cement shorthand notation: M
11.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 4.632 , c = 15.007 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 3013 kg/m3 Reference: Maslen E.N. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1995), Vol. B51, 929-939 Cell parameters were determined at 295 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic sample (prepared hydrothermally), using a four circle diffractometer and Mo K radiation (0.7073 ). Density calculated by Maslen et al: 3013 kg/m3 11.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 4.632 , c = 15.013 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 3009 kg/m3 Reference: Effenberger H. et al., Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie (1981), Vol. 156, 233-243 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (locality: Oberdorf, Austria), using a Philips PW 1100 four circle diffractometer with graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation. 11.3 Mean density of magnesite: Dx = 3011 kg/m3 11.4 Comment: See also brucite, for mention of hydroxycarbonates.
Formula: CaMg(CO3)2 Formula Weight: 184.40 g/mol Space group: R Conventional cement shorthand notation: CM
12.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 4.8312 , c = 16.166 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2811 kg/m3 Reference: Reeder R.J. et al., American Mineralogist (1989), Vol. 74, 1159-1167 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (locality: Erzberg, Austria), using a Picker four circle diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation (0.7107 ). 12.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 4.8069 , c = 16.002 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2868 kg/m3 Reference: Reeder R.J. et al., American Mineralogist (1986), Vol. 71, 795-804 Cell parameters were determined at 297 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (locality: Eugui, Spain), using a Picker four circle diffractometer equipped with graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation (0.7107 ). 12.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 4.8064 , c = 16.006 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2868 kg/m3 Reference: Ross N.L. et al., American Mineralogist (1992), Vol. 77, 412-421 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (locality: Eugui, Spain), using a Picker four circle diffractometer equipped with graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation (0.7107 ). 12.4 Cell Dimensions: a = 4.812 , c = 16.020 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2859 kg/m3 Reference: Effenberger H. et al., Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie (1981), Vol. 156, 233-243 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (locality: Oberdorf, Austria), using a Philips PW 1100 four circle diffractometer equipped with graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation. 12.5 Mean density of dolomite: Dx = 2852 kg/m3 12.6 Comment: Date are given for ideal dolomite, having Ca/Mg = 1. However natural dolomite exhibits a range of Ca/Mg ratios. Its synthesis has been reported but insufficient data are given to calculate a density [1,2]. [1] Usdowski E., Naturwissenschaften (1989), Vol. 76, 374-375 [2] Babcan J. et al., Geologica Carpathica (2001), Vol. 52, 139-146
Formula: CaSO4 Formula Weight: 136.14 g/mol Space group: Amma, Bbmm Conventional cement shorthand notation: C
13.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 7.006 , b = 6.998 , c = 6.245 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2952 kg/m3 Reference: Kirfel A. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1980), Vol. B36, 2881-2890 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (locality: Strassfurt, Germany), using a Syntex four circle diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation (0,7106 ). Density calculated by Kirfel et al.: 2952 kg/m3 13.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 7.6993 , b = 6.995 , c = 6.245 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2988 kg/m3 Reference: Hawthorne F.C. et al., Canadian Mineralogist (1975), Vol. 13, 289-297 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (locality: Leopoldshall, Germany), using a Syntex four circle diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation (0,7106 ). 13.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 6.992 , b = 6.998 , c = 6.238 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2963 kg/m3 Reference: Hartmann R et al., European Journal of Mineralogy (1989), Vol. 1, 721-722 13.4 Mean density of anhydrite: Dx = 2968 kg/m3 13.5 Comment: Active, or gamma, anhydrite is often added to Portland cement to regulate its set time in which application its readily-soluble properties are desirable. Active anhydrite is characterized by having a high specific surface often with poor crystallinity: see soluble anhydrite and is structurally different than anhydrite. 14
Soluble Anhydrite
Formula: - CaSO4, Ca(SO4)<0.05 H2O Formula Weight: 136.14 g/mol Space group: P6222 Conventional cement shorthand notation: -C
Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 N.B The formula used for calculation assumes 0.00 H2O Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2958 kg/m3 Reference: Lager G.A. et al., American Mineralogist (1984), Vol. 69, 910-918 Cell parameters were determined at 295 K, from single crystal X-ray photography of synthetic crystals using a Guiner- type focusing camera. 14.2 Recommended density of soluble anhydrite: Dx = 2958 kg/m3 14.3 Comment: Considerable controversy exists in the literature concerning existence of the phase or active anhydrite, as distinct from normal anhydrite. However, it would appear to be established as a distinct compound. It rehydrates readily to mixtures of hemihydrate and gypsum in the presence of water. 15a
Formula: Ca(SO4)0.5 H2O Formula Weight: 145.14 g/mol Space group: I2 Conventional cement shorthand notation: C H0.5
15a.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 6.930 , b = 12.062 , c = 12.66 , =90.0 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 12 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2733 kg/m3 Reference: Lager G.A. et al., American Mineralogist (1984), Vol. 69, 910-918 Cell parameters were determined at 295 K, from single crystal X-ray photography of synthetic crystals (grown from aqueous NaCl, and chemically analyzed with an electron microprobe), using a Guiner-type focussing camera. 15a.2 Recommended density of hemihydrate: Dx = 2733 kg/m3 15a.3 Comment: Also known as plaster of Paris. It is made by partial dehydration of gypsum and is often produced in Portland cement during intergrinding of clinker to which gypsum has been added: the heat generated by grinding leads to its partial dehydration. The structure of hemihydrate is closely related to that of its precursor, gypsum, and in the presence of liquid water, it readily re-hydrates to gypsum. There is uncertainty as to the maximum H2O water content of hemihydrate. Kuzel [1] found that variation was continuous from 0.53-0.62 H2O, but that a miscibility gap existed at 0.030.53 H2O. Abriel [2] reported a crystal structure refinement for a preparation with 0.8 H2O: see subsequent sheet and comment. The water content used in density calculations is stated in the formula. [1] Kuzel H.J., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Abhandl. (1987), Vol. 156, 155 [2] Abriel W., Acta Crystallographica (1983), Vol. C39, 956-958
Formula: Ca(SO4)0.8 H2O Formula Weight: 150.54 g/mol Space group: P3121 Conventional cement shorthand notation: C H0.8
15b.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 6.968 , c = 6.410 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2783 kg/m3 Reference: Abriel W., Acta Crystallographica (1983), Vol. C39, 956-958 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements (origin of the crystals: not specified), using a Huber RHD-402 diffractometer equipped with graphite monochromator) and Mo K radiation (0,7107 ). Density calculated by Abriel: 2630 kg/m3 Note: even assuming the high water content, the reported density seems low. 15b.2 Recommended density of hemihydrate: Dx = 2783 kg/m3 16
Formula: CaSO42H2O Formula Weight: 172.17 g/mol Space group: I2/a Conventional cement shorthand notation: C H2
16.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.679 , b = 15.202 , c = 6.522 , = 118.43 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2310 kg/m3 Reference: Pedersen B.F., Acta Crystallographica (1982), Vol. B38, 1074-1077 Cell parameters were determined at 294 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (locality: Hampshire, England), using a Siemens CIRCUS four circle diffractometer. Density calculated by Pedersen: 2300 kg/m3 16.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.6765 , b = 15.1952 , c = 6.5243 , = 118.49 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2312 kg/m3 Reference: Schofield P.F. et al., American Mineralogist (1996), 847-851 Cell parameters were determined at 300 K, from X-ray structure refinements of a natural sample (locality: Tuscany, Italy), using a neutron powder diffraction data, which were collected on a medium resolution Polaris diffractometer. 16.3 Mean density of gypsum: Dx = 2311 kg/m3
16.4 Comment: Interground with Portland cement clinker to retard set. Its dehydration in air at 70-200C gives hemihydrate (CaSO4~ 0.5H2O), or - CaSO4 (soluble anhydrite), or mixtures. 17
Formula: K2SO4 Formula Weight: 174.26 g/mol Space group: Pnam Conventional cement shorthand notation: K
17.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 7.476, b = 10.071 , c = 5.763 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2668 kg/m3 Reference: McGinnety J.A., Acta Crystallographica (1972), Vol. B28, 2845-2852 Cell parameters were determined at 291 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements (origin of crystals: not specified), using a Picker (Hilger & Watts) four circle diffractometer and Mo K radiation (0,7093 ). 17.2 Recommended density of arcanite: Dx = 2668 kg/m3
17.3 Comment: K2SO4 is often reported as vapour- phase condensates on clinker or as having crystallised from sulfate-rich interstitial sulfate-rich melts trapped within clinker. It is likely that the formulation is approximate because at elevated temperature, extensive solid solution occurs with substitution of sulfate by carbonate. K2SO4 is also polymorphous. Data reported here are for the low-temperature phase although the high temperature phase is frequently reported to occur in clinker. Since this composition is not quenchable to ambient as the high temperaturepolymorph, its frequent occurrence in clinker is probably stabilized by solid solution. Solid solution will of course affect the density so the value given here may require appropriate adjustment. 18
Formula: Na2SO4 Formula Weight: 142.04 g/mol Space group: Fddd Conventional cement shorthand notation: N
18.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.861 , b = 9.815 , c = 12.307 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2665 kg/m3 Reference: Mehrotra B.N. et al., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1978), 408421 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals, grown from aqueous solution, using a Siemens automatic diffractometer and Mo K radiation.
18.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.868 , b = 9.829 , c = 12.302 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2659 kg/m3 Reference: Hawthorne F.C., Canadian Mineralogist (1975), Vol. 13, 181-187 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (locality: Borax Lake, California); the type of diffractometer is not given. 18.3 Mean density of thenardite: Dx = 2662 kg/m3
Formula: K3Na(SO4)2 Formula Weight: 332.27 g/mol Space group: P m1 Conventional cement shorthand notation: K3 N
19.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.680 , c = 7.309 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2703 kg/m3 Reference: Okada K. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1980), Vol. B36, 919-921 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals, using a Philips PW 1100 automated four-circle diffractometer equipped with graphite monochromator. Density calculated by Okada et al.: 2690 kg/m3 19.2 Recommended density of aphthitalite: Dx = 2703 kg/m3 19.3 Comment: Density is calculated for the ideal formula. Some variation in Na/K ratio occurs as result of solid solution, cell parameters decreasing with increasing Na/K ratio. 20
Formula: K2Ca(SO4)2H2O Formula Weight: 328.42 g/mol Space group: P21/m Conventional cement shorthand notation: KC 2H
20.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 6.225 , b = 7.127 , c = 9.727 , = 104.153 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2607 kg/m3 Reference: Bokii G.B. et al., Soviet Physics Crystallography (1978), Vol. 23, 141-143 Cell parameters were determined at 153 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (locality: not specified), using a Syntex P21 four circle diffractometer equipped with graphite monochromator. 21
Density calculated by Bokii G.B. et al.: 2607 kg/m3 20.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 6.25 , b = 7.15 , c = 9.77 , = 104 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2575 kg/m3 Reference: Corazza E. et al., Zeitschrift fur Kristallographie (1967), Vol. 124, 398-408 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (locality: Kalusz, Galicia); intensity data were collected using an integrating Buerger precession camera. Density calculated by Corazza E. et al.: 2575 kg/m3 20.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 6.251 , b = 7.156 , c = 9.775 , = 104 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2575 kg/m3 Reference: Aruja E., Mineralogical Magazine (1958), Vol. 31, 943-946 Powder photographs were taken in at 18-cm diameter DebeyeScherrer camera as well as on a focusing camera (Cu radiation) at room temperature; a synthetic sample was prepared by immersing gypsum plaster in shallow dish of aqueous K2SO4 for 2 weeks. 20.4 Recommended density of syngenite: Dx = 2575 kg/m3
20.5 Comment: Syngenite may form in cement during storage by reaction of potassium sulfate with gypsum. It has also been found in secondary deposits in deteriorating concrete. The values by Corazza E. et al. and Aruja value are preferred because the coefficients of thermal dilation, necessary to correct data (obtained at 154 K) to ambient are not available. 21
21.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 18.39 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 16 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 2607 kg/m3 Reference: Halstead P.E. et al., Journal of Applied Chemistry (1962), Vol. 12, 413-417 Cell parameters were determined from X-ray powder data of a synthetic sample (mixtures of CaO, Al2O3 and CaSO4 in appropriate proportions were heated in platinum containers), Xray powder data were obtained using a diffractometer equipped with a Geiger counter detector and Cu K radiation; temperature of measurement was not specified. Density calculated by Halstead et al.: 2607 kg/m3 21.2 Recommended density of calcium sulfoaluminate: Dx = 2607 kg/m3
21.3 Comment: The phase occurs in commercial calcium sulfoaluminate cement clinkers as a principal clinker mineral, probably with some Fe(III) substituting for Al(III). It has also been manufactured as an expansive admixture intended to produce shrinkage-compensated or expansive formulations in mixtures with Portland or calcium aluminate cements. 22
22.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 10.182 , b = 15.398 , c = 6.850 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2972 kg/m3 Reference: Brotherton P.D. et al., Australian Journal of Chemistry (1974), Vol. 27, 657-660 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase (found coating from a lime kiln), using a Syntex four circle diffractometer equipped with Ni filter and Cu K radiation. Density calculated by Brotherton et al.: 2973 kg/m3 22.2 Recommended density of calcium sulfosilicate: Dx = 2972 kg/m3 22.3 Comment: It is obtained on heating mixtures of appropriate composition in air of ordinary humidity, and in this environment, it is stable up to 1298C at which point it decomposes with loss of sulfur. The phase is also known as sulfospurrite on account of its similarity with spurrite, calcium silicocarbonate, with which it may form solid solution. 23
23.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 15.263 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 24 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 3028 kg/m3 Reference: Mondal P. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1975), Vol. B31, 689-697 Cell parameters were determined from single crystal data, which were collected on a Nonius integrating camera using CuK radiation (1.5405 ); temperature of the measurement is not given. Density calculated by Mondal et al.: 3027 kg/m3
23.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 15.262 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 24 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 3030 kg/m3 Reference: Swanson H.E. et al., National Bureau of Standards Circular 539 (1955), Vol. 5 Cell parameters of a synthetic sample were determined at 298 K, from X-ray powder patterns, using: a Guiner-type camera with Ni filter, an internal standard and Cu K radiation (1.5405 ). 23.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 15.268 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 24 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 3030 kg/m3 Reference: Lee, F., Journal of Applied Crystallography (1979), Vol. 12, 407- 410 X-ray examinations of the synthetic samples were done at room temperature. Three graduated exposures were taken on a Guinier camera (Incentive Research and Development, Model XDC 700) with Cu K radiation. The films were read with a scanning microdensitometer specially developed at Aberdeen for reading powder films; it had a relative accuracy of 3 parts in 105. 23.4 Mean density of cubic tricalcium aluminate: Dx = 3030 kg/m3
Comment: Tricalcium aluminate reacts strongly with water, and it is the most reactive of all the Portland clinker phases. Its rapid hydration to form phases of the type Ca2AlO3(OH)nH2O leads to the phenomenon of "flash set", and a large amount of heat is generated in the course of hydration.
24.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 10.873 , b = 10.851 , c = 15.115 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 12 Density (calculated for orthorombic crystal system): 3023 kg/m3 Reference: Lee, F., Journal of Applied Crystallography (1979), Vol. 12, 407- 410 X-ray examinations of the synthetic samples were done at room temperature. Three graduated exposures were taken on a Guinier camera (Incentive Research and Development, Model XDC 700) with Cu K radiation. The films were read with a scanning microdensitometer specially developed at Aberdeen for reading powder films; it had a relative accuracy of 3 parts in 105. 24.2 Mean density of orthorhombic tricalcium aluminate: Dx = 3023 kg/m3
Comment: The orthorhombic polymorph is stabilized by Na2O. Cubic Ca3Al2O6 is stable with contents of up to 2% by weight of Na2O and the orthorhombic phase is stable between 3.5 and 4.5% Na2O in the temperature range 293 to 1810 K Thus the exact composition of the orthorhombic phase is not known but probably contained about 4 wt% sodium oxide (above 7.85 wt% Na2O monoclinic form reported). The sodium substitution mechanism is believed to involve replacement of 1 calcium by 2 sodium, one of which occupies an otherwise vacant site. The mass change is however slight Ca = 40, 2 Na = 46, so the partial substitution does not much affect the density.
25.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.584 , b = 14.60 , c = 5.374 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 3684 kg/m3 Reference: Colville A.A. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1971), Vol. B27, 2311-2315 Cell parameters were determined from single crystal data, which were collected on a Buerger-Supper-Pace-Picker automatic diffractometer using Cu K radiation (1.5405 ); temperature of the measurement and origin of the sample were not specified. Density calculated by Colville et al.: 3684 kg/m3 25.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.5672 , b = 14.521 , c = 5.349 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 3732 kg/m3 Reference: Morris M.C. et al., National Bureau of Standards Monograph 25 (1979), Vol.16, 186 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from X-ray powder patterns of the sample (origin - not specified), using: diffractometer equipped with a focusing graphite monochromator, Cu K radiation (1.540598 ) and an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si standard). 25.3 25.4 Mean density of tetracalcium aluminoferrite: Dx = 3708 kg/m3 Comment: C4AF is a member of a solid solution series based on C2F (Ca2Fe2O5). At 1 bar pressure, solid solution extends continuously from C2F to ~ 70 mol % C2A. The C4AF composition is thus an arbitrary composition in this series and is not a discrete compound, as is often claimed. However a gradual symmetry change occurs in the solid solutions, from Pcmm at C2F to Ibm2 at the C4AF composition and higher Al substitutions. Data are only given for C4AF composition free from other substituents: the ferrite in Portland cement is often a complex solid solution, containing significant Mg, Ti and Si. These substituents affect the crystallography; polytypism is also common. In general, substitution of Mg and Ti increase the resemblance of the overall structure to a perovskite-like arrangement.
Tricalcium silicate is the major, and characteristic, mineral constituent in Portland cement, responsible for setting and development of "early" strength. At high temperatures, Ca3SiO5 is rhombohedral (R). However, in the course of cooling, a series of phase changes occurs spontaneously. This sequence is sensitive to solid solution. The lower temperature phases are distorted rhombohedral with actual monoclinic (M) or triclinic (T) symmetry. Several variants of M and T are known. It is agreed that impurity stabilizes the M and R phases to ambient, but that relatively high levels of doping, several wt%, may be required to obtain R at ambient. Therefore data given here for R are for the pure phase, but obtained at high temperature, while data for the other polymorphs and polymorphic variants are at ambient.
A summary of the polymorphs of tricalcium silicate, Ca3SiO5, is as follows: >1070C : R, Rhombohedral 1060-1070C : M3, Monoclinic 990-1060C : M2, Monoclinic 980-990C : M1, Monoclinic 920-980C : T3, Triclinic 620-920C : T2, Triclinic <620C T1: Triclinic 26
26.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 7.135 , c = 25.586 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 9 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 3025 kg/m3 Reference: Nishi F. et al., Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie (1984), Vol. 168, 197-212 Cell parameters were determined at temperature 1473 K from X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase, using a Syntex four circle diffractometer (equipped with graphite monochromator) and Mo K radiation (0.7106 ). 26.2 Recommended density of R-tricalcium silicate at 1200C: Dx = 3025 kg/m 27
Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 9 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 3168 kg/m3 Reference: Ilyinets A.M. et al., 8th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Vol. 6, (1986), 489- 491 Cell parameters were determined from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals stabilized with Sr (Sr content was not given, hence the formula is shown without Sr); details of the measurement are not specified, but are believed to have been obtained at ambient temperature. 27.2 Recommended density of R-tricalcium silicate stabilized with Sr: Dx = 3168 kg/m3 28
28.1 Cell Dimensions: a =33.083 , b =7.027 , c = 18.499, = 94.12 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 36 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 3182 kg/m3 Reference: Nishi F. et al., Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie (1985), Vol. 172, 297-314 Cell parameters were determined from X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase (mixture of C3S, MgO and CaCl2-flux component), using a Rigaku AFC-5 diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation; temperature of the measurement is not specified but is believed to be at ambient temperature. The Mg content is not known and is therfore not shown in the formula. 28.2 Recommended density of M3-tricalcium silicate stabilized with Mg: Dx = 3182 kg/m3 29
29.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 12.235 , b = 7.073 , c = 9.298 , = 116.31 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 3153 kg/m3 Reference: Mumme W.G., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1995), 145-160 Cell parameters were determined from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic C3S crystals (extracted from a sample of cement clinker provided by British Cement Association), using a Siemens AED diffractometer and Mo K radiation (0.710687 ); temperature of the measurement is not specified but is believed to be at ambient Recommended density of M3-tricalcium silicate (less well ordered): Dx = 3153 kg/m3
29.3 Comment: At high temperatures tricalcium silicate is rhombohedral. However, in the course of cooling to ambient, several minor phase transformations occur. These lower the symmetry of C3S. But the nature, sequence and temperature at which transformations occur are variable depending on amount and chemical nature of impurity. As a consequence, the phase obtained at ambient typically has a large unit cell although of course retaining a simple rhombohedral pseudocell. Moreover, quenched in disorder may persist. But while doubts may persist over the symmetry unit cell and order- disorder state of the product, it is likely that the density is not significantly affected and it is appropriate to use densities in the range 316815 kg/m3. See also data for the triclinic (T1) phase. 30
T1-tricalcium silicate
Formula: Ca3SiO5, 3CaOSiO2 Formula Weight: 228.32 g/mol Space group: P Conventional cement shorthand notation: T1-C3S
30.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.67 , b = 14.24, c = 13.72 , = 105.5, = 94.3, = 90.0 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 18 Density (calculated for triclinic crystal system): 3120 kg/m3 Reference: Golovastikov N.I. et al., Soviet Physics Crystallography (1975), Vol. 20, 441445 Cell parameters were determined from X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase (C3S containing traces of MgO, Al2O3, Cr2O3, Ge), using an integrating Weissenberg camera and Mo K radiation; temperature of the measurement is not specified but probably ambient. 30.2 Recommended density of T1-tricalcium silicate: Dx = 3120 kg/m3 30.3 Comment: The reported density of T1, 3120 kg/m3 is close to that reported for less well ordered C3S (sheet - 29), density of 3153 kg/m also to that of M3 (3182 kg/m3). The preparations differ slightly in chemistry and it is not possible to deconvolute differences in density arising from composition and structure. Also, many cements contain mixtures of C3S variants.
Dicalcium silicate is a major component of Portland cement and is believed to be responsible for the development of strength at later ages. As bar pressure and as e temperature changes, dicalcium silicate passes through several polymorphic states. The higher temperature polymorphs cannot normally be preserved by cooling to room temperature unless stabilized by substituent ions. Thus several of the polymorphs are normally encountered at ambient as impurity- stabilised phases. For pure dicalcium silicate, the sequence of phase transformations and stability range of polymorphs is shown below. Rapidly reversible phase transitions are marked *: * >1425 C: Ca2SiO4 * 1160-1425C: 'H Ca2SiO4 * 680-1160C: 'L Ca2SiO4 28
500-680C: <500C:
Ca2SiO4 Ca2SiO4
31.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.579 , c = 7.150 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2968 kg/m3 Reference: Udagawa S. et al., Review of the 34th General Meeting, Cement Association of Japan, Tokyo (1980), 37 The original reference has not been consulted. These data are taken from: Taylor H.F.W., Cement Chemistry 2nd edition 1997, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, UK 31.2 Recommended density of -dicalcium silicate: Dx = 2968 kg/m3 32
32.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 9.49 , b = 5.59 , c = 6.85 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 3148 kg/m3 Reference: Saalfeld H. et al., American Mineralogist (1975), Vol. 60, 824-827 Cell parameters were determined at 1723 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase, using an integrating Weissenberg camera and Mo K radiation. 32.2 Recommended density of 'H - dicalcium silicate at 1723K : Dx = 3148 kg/m3 33
33.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 20.871 , b = 9.496 , c = 5.6 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 12 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 3092 kg/ m3 Reference: Ilyinets A.M. et al., 8th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Vol. 6, (1986), 489- 491
Cell parameters were determined from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals stabilized with Sr. The Sr content is not given and details of the measurement are not specified. 33.2 Recommended density of 'L -dicalcium silicate : Dx = 3092 kg/m3 34
-dicalcium silicate
Formula: Ca2SiO4, 2CaOSiO2, Formula Weight: 172.24 g/mol Space group: P21/n Conventional cement shorthand notation: -C2S
34.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.502 , b = 6.745 , c = 9.297 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 3326 kg/m3 Reference: Jost K.H. et al., Acta Crystallographica (1977), Vol. B33, 1696-1700 Cell parameters were determined at 293 K, from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals (grown from a CaCl2 flux without other stabilizing reagents, at 1300C), using a Hilger four circle diffractometer equipped with graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation. Density calculated by Jost et al: 3326 kg/m3 34.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.48 , b = 6.76 , c = 9.28 , = 94.33 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 3326 kg/m3 Reference: Midgley C.M., Acta Crystallographica (1952), Vol. 5, 307-312 Cell parameters were determined from single crystal X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase, using an integrating Weissenberg camera; temperature of the measurement is not specified but probably ambient. 34.3 Mean density of -dicalcium silicate: Dx = 3326 kg/m3 34.4 Comment: See discussion on - dicalcium silicate, entry No. 35 35
-dicalcium silicate
Formula: Ca2SiO4, 2CaOSiO2, Formula Weight: 172.24 g/mol Space group: Pbnm Conventional cement shorthand notation: -C2S
35.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.081 , b = 11.224 , c = 6.778 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2960 kg/m3 Reference: Udagawa S. et al., Cement Concrete Research (1980), Vol. 10, 139-144
Cell parameters were determined from powder diffraction X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase, using a Rigaku four circle diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator) and using Mo K radiation; temperature of the measurement is not specified. 35.2 Recommended density of -dicalcium silicate : Dx = 2960 kg/m3 35.2 Comment: , 'H and 'L polymorphs of Ca2SiO4 are only stable at elevated temperatures. These polymorphs can only be obtained at ambient if stabilised by solid solution and consequently, uncertainty about the unit cell contents. The normal sequence of cooling results in a reconstructive transformation to the polymorph. Its structure is markedly less dense than those of the other polymorphs. However, formation of the polymorph during cooling is often slow; persists metastably to ~ 650C at which temperature, a metastable transformation to occurs. The beta phase has a slightly collapsed version of the ' type structure and its density, 3326 kg/m3, is markedly higher than for the polymorph . Preservation of 'L below its normal stability limit, allowing to form, is assisted by ions in solid solution: Mg, Al, Fe, etc. The resulting complex series of transformations are partially manifesting by a complex internal structure of beta marked by several types of twinning and also by exsolution of other phases as the belite host composition approaches the ideal Ca2SiO4 formula. Crystals are frequently strained as a result. Densities given are therefore approximate on account of the presence of exolution lammelae in the phase.
Formula: [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)3(24+2)H2O, 3CaOAl2O33CaSO432H2O Formula Weight: 1255,11 g/mol Space group: P31c Conventional cement shorthand notation: C6A 3H32
36.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.23 , c = 21.50 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1775 kg/m3 Reference: Struble L.J., 8th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Vol. 6, (1986), 582-588 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder patterns of a synthetic ettringite, using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si standard); other details of the measurement are not specified. 36.2 Formula: [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)3(24+2)H2O, 3CaOAl2O33CaSO432H2O Formula Weight: 1255,11 g/mol Space group: P31c Conventional cement shorthand notation: C6A 3H32 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.23 , c = 21.44 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1780 kg/m3 31
Reference: Swanson H.E. et al., National Bureau of Standards Circular 539 (1959), Vol. 8, 3 Cell parameters were determined at 300 K, from X-ray powder patterns of a sample (originnot specified), using: a Guiner-type camera with Ni filter, an internal standard and Cu K radiation (1.5405 ). Density calculated by Swanson et al.: 1754 kg/m3 36.3 Formula: [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)3(24+2)H2O, 3CaOAl2O33CaSO432H2O Formula Weight: 1255,11 g/mol Space group: P31c Conventional cement shorthand notation: C6A 3H32 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.22 , c = 21.48 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1780 kg/m3 Reference: Pllmann H., Characterization of Different Water Contents of Ettringite and Kuzelite, proc. XII International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 8-13 July 2007, Montreal, Canada Cell parameters were determined by X-ray diffraction of a synthetic phase at 35 % relative humidity (CO2 free conditions) at room temperature, using analytical X-Pert and Bruker D5000 diffractometers. 36.4 Formula: [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)3(24+2)H2O, 3CaOAl2O33CaSO432H2O Formula Weight: 1255,11 g/mol Space group: P31c Conventional cement shorthand notation: C6A 3H32 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.23 , c = 21.52 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1774 kg/m3 Reference: Pllmann H., Cement Concrete Research (1993), Vol. 23, 422 - 430 Cell parameters were determined from X-ray powder patterns of a synthetic sample made by the sucrose method(using sugar to enhance solubilities) and measured at relative humidity 35%; an internal Si standard (ao= 5.4308 ) and Cu K radiation were used; measurements made at 297 K. 36.5 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.23 , c = 21.49 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1776 kg/m3 Reference: this study Cell parameters were determined at ambient pressure and 303 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic sample. Data were collected using a Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer, Cu K radiation (1.54060 ). The angular range was set between 555 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns (71 selected reflections) using CELREF 2 software; mean square deviation: MD = 0.00816 36.6 Mean density of ettringite: Dx = 1778 kg/m3
36.7 Comment: Ettringite (shorthand: AFt (aluminate-ferrite-trisubstituted) type compound) typically grows in needle-shaped morphologies, hexagonal prisms, ect. Its water content ranges between 30 and 32 H2O and water within this range is zeolitic: it can be gained or lost without significant change in structure or cell dimensions. Consequently, there is always slight uncertainty about the water contents, and hence the density. The calculations assume 32 H2O. Water contents below 30 H2O are also reported but Zhou and Glasser showed that the structure degraded and metaettringite was obtained [1]. Pllmann describes a 36 H2O variant at 100% relative humidity [2] See also the carbonate and iron analogues included in this compilation. [1] Zhou Q., Glasser F.P, Lachowski E.E., Cement and Concrete Research (2004), Vol. 34, 703- 710 [2] Pllmann H, Proc. XII International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 8-13 July 2007, Montreal, Canada 36.8a Ettringite low water content Formula: [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)324 H2O, 3CaOAl2O33CaSO430H2O Formula Weight: 1219,11 g/mol Space group: P31c Conventional cement shorthand notation: C6A 3H30 36.8a1 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.14 , c = 21.30 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1768 kg/m3 Reference: Pllmann H, Characterization of Different Water Contents of Ettringite and Kuzelite, proc. XII International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 8-13 July 2007, Montreal, Canada Cell parameters were determined by X-ray diffraction of synthetic, acetone-dried sample (CO2 free conditions) at room temperature, using analytical X-Pert and Bruker D5000 diffractometers. 36.8a2 Recommended density of ettringite with 30 H2O: Dx = 1768 kg/m3 36.8b Ettringite with high water content Formula: [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)3(24+6) H2O, 3CaOAl2O33CaSO436H2O Formula Weight: 1327,11 g/mol Space group: P31c Conventional cement shorthand notation: C6A 3H36
36.8b1 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.26 , c = 21.56
Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1861 kg/m3 Reference: Pllmann H, Characterization of Different Water Contents of Ettringite and Kuzelite, proc. XII International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 8-13 July 2007, Montreal, Canada
Cell parameters were determined by X-ray diffraction of synthetic, (100% relative humidity, CO2 free conditions) at room temperature, using analytical X-Pert and Bruker D5000 diffractometers.
36.8b2 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.255 , c = 21.54
Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1865 kg/m3 Reference: this study Cell parameters were determined at ambient pressure, 303 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic wet sample (100% relative humidity) covered with Mylar foil to prevent water loss and carbonation. Data were collected by a Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer, using Cu K radiation (1.54060 ). The angular range was set between 5-55 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns (38 selected reflections) using CELREF 2 software, mean square deviation: MD = 0.00918
36.8b3 Mean density of ettringite with 36 H2O: Dx = 1863 kg/m3
37.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 10.834 , c = 21.25 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1763 kg/m3 Reference: Struble L.J., 8th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Vol. 6, (1986), 582- 588 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder patterns of a synthetic ettringite, using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si standard); other details of the measurement are not specified. 37.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 10.851 , c = 21.257 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1757 kg/m3 Reference: this study Cell parameters were determined at ambient pressure, 303 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic sample. Data were collected by a Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer (xx reflections), using Cu K radiation (1.54060 ). The angular range was set between 5-55 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns (35 selected reflections), using CELREF 2 software, mean square deviation: MD = 0.00818 37.3 Mean density of carbonate ettringite: Dx = 1760 kg/m3
Comment: Carbonate ettringite appears to be stabilized by low temperatures, close to 0C. It accommodates limited sulfate in solid solution. However sulfate ettringite can accommodate up to ~ 50 mol % of carbonate ettringite at 20-25C.
Iron Ettringite
Formula: [Ca3Fe(OH)6]2(SO4)3(24+2)H2O, 3CaOFe2O33CaSO432H2O Formula Weight: 1312.84 g/mol Space group: P31c (determined using X- ray powder pattern) Conventional cement shorthand notation: C6F 3H32
38.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.182 , c = 22.008 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1830 kg/m3 Reference: Struble L.J., 8th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, Vol. 6, (1986), 582- 588 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder patterns of a synthetic ettringite, using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si standard); other details of the measurement-not specified. 38.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.1817 , c = 22.007 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1830 kg/m3 Reference: McMurdie, Powder Diffraction, Vol. 2 (1), (1987), 41- 52 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder patterns of a synthetic ettringite. 38.3 Mean density of iron ettringite: Dx = 1830 kg/m3 38.4 Comment: The extent of iron substitution in the ettringite of Portland cement is believed to be small and we have not found reports of natural ettringite containing much Fe. The extent of solid solution between Al/OH- ettringite and Fe/OH- ettringite is not known. 39
Formula: Ca3(SO4)(CO3)[Si(OH)6]12H2O Formula Weight: 622.62 g/mol Space group: P63 Conventional cement shorthand notation: C3S
39.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.030 , c = 10.396 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1888 kg/m3 Reference: Effenberger H. et al., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1983), 60-68
Cell parameters were determined at 293 K, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (locality: Langban, Sweden), using a Syntex four circle diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation (0.7107 ). Density calculated by Effenberger H. et al.: 1876 kg/m3 39.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 11.0538 , c = 10.4111 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1876 kg/m3 Reference: Jacobsen S.D. et al., Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, (2003), Vol. 30, 321329 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural thaumasite (locality: not specified), using a Siemens P4 four circle diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation (0.7109 ) Density calculated by Jacobsen S.D. et al: 1876 kg/m3 A discrepancy exists between data presented in Gaines V.R. et al., Danas New Mineralogy, Eighth edition (1997); the density data for thaumasite on page 671 differ from those on page 568 although both appear to rest on the same dataset. 39.3 Mean density of thaumasite: Dx = 1882 kg/m3
39.4 Comment. Thaumasite is a naturally occurring mineral, usually found in hydrothermally- altered rocks, as a late stage, low temperature mineral. It is very similar to ettringite: limited solid solutions occur between the two minerals[1]. Thaumasite is also well known as a product of sulfate and carbonate attack on concrete. Thaumasite is noteworthy because it contains Si(OH)6 groups yet does not require high pressure for its formation. The phase relations and extent of solid solution between thaumasite, carbonate ettringite and sulfate ettringite are not known in detail. [1] Macphee D.E. et al., Cement and Concrete Research (2004), Vol. 34, Issue 9, 1591-1598
40.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.752 , c = 95.27 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2046 kg/m3 Reference: Fischer R. et al., Cement Concrete Research (1982), Vol. 12, 517-526 Cell parameters were determined at 295 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic phase (all chemicals used were of reagent quality), using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si standard); when single crystals were available, lattice constants were determined using a Weissenberg camera. Precise determination of space group was not possible. 40.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.758 , c = 95.226 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2042 kg/m3 Reference: this study Cell parameters were determined at ambient pressure, 303 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic sample. Data were collected by a Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer, using Cu K radiation (1.54060 ). The angular range was set between 5-55 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns (22 selected reflections) using CELREF 2 software. Refinement was made for the space group R , mean square deviation: MD = 0.02030 40.3 Mean density of hydroxy-AFm: Dx = 2044 kg/m3 41
41.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.89 , c = 7.902 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2162 kg/m3 Reference: Schwiete H.E. et al., Zement-Kalk-Gips (1964), Vol. 17, 379-386 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder pattern of a synthetic phase. 41.2 Recommended density of Fe-hydroxy AFm: Dx = 2162 kg/m3
41.3 Comment: Believed to form a continuous series of solid solutions with Ca4Al2(OH)146H2O. As in the corresponding system with Al2O3, the phase was coexisting in solution with the 19- hydrate phase. 42
1-Tetracalcium aluminate-19-hydrate
Formula: Ca4Al2(OH)1412H2O, 4CaOAl2O3 19H2O Formula Weight: 668.48 g/mol Space group: R c or R3c Conventional cement shorthand notation: 1 - C4AH19
42.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.77 , c = 64.08 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z =3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1804 kg/m3 Reference: Aruja E., Acta Crystallographica (1961), Vol. 14, 1213-1216 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic phase, using a Guiner-type focusing camera; specimens were made in a glove box under controlled atmospheric conditions and exposed to X-rays in a sealed envelope to avoid carbonation. Density calculated by Aruja: 1804 kg/m3 42.2 Recommended density of 1-Tetracalcium aluminate-19-hydrate: Dx = 1804 kg/m3 43
2-Tetracalcium aluminate-19-hydrate
Formula: Ca4Al2(OH)1412H2O, 4CaOAl2O3 19H2O Formula Weight: 668.48 g/mol Space group: P63/m or P6322 Conventional cement shorthand notation: 2 - C4AH19
43.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.77 , c = 21.37 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1802 kg/m3 Reference: Aruja E., Acta Crystallographica (1961), Vol. 14, 1213-1216 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic phase, using a Guiner-type focusing camera; specimens were made in a glove box under controlled atmospheric conditions and exposed to X-rays in a sealed capsule to avoid carbonation. Density calculated by Aruja: 1802 kg/m3 43.2 43.3 Recommended density of 2-Tetracalcium aluminate-19-hydrate: Dx = 1802 kg/m3 Comment: C4AH19 is structurally derived from C4AH13 by the addition of an extra H2O molecules. Two polytypes (1 and 2) are distinguished.
44.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.758 , c = 26.794 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2020 kg/m3 Reference: Allmann R., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1977), 136-144 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase, using a Philips PW 1100 four circle diffractometer (equipped with graphite monochromator) and Mo K radiation. Density calculated by Allmann R: 2020 kg/m3 44.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.76 , c = 53.66 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2014 kg/m3 Reference: Pllman H. et al., American Mineralogist (1998), 909 (abstract only) Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder pattern of a synthetic phase, using Cu K radiation. 44.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.76 , c = 26.79 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2014 kg/m3 Reference: Pllmann H, Characterization of Different Water Contents of Ettringite and Kuzelite, proc. XII International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 8-13 July 2007, Montreal, Canada Cell parameters were determined by X-ray diffraction of synthetic, sample at 25C (CO2 free conditions), using analytical X-Pert and Bruker D5000 diffractometers. 44.4 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.763 , c = 53.661 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2014 kg/m3 Reference: this study Cell parameters were determined at ambient pressure, 303 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic sample. Data were collected by a Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer, using CuK radiation (1.54060 ). The angular range was set between 5-55 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns (23 selected reflections) using CELREF 2; software gave a mean square deviation: MD = 0.01361 44.5 Mean density of monosulfoaluminate (12 H2O): Dx = 2015 kg/m3
44.6 Monosulfoaluminate with high water content (14 H2O) Formula: Ca4Al2(SO4)(OH)128H2O, 3CaOAl2O3CaSO414H2O Formula Weight: 658.52 g/mol Space group: R Conventional cement shorthand notation: C4A H14 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.748 , c = 28.69 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1998 kg/m3 Reference: Pllmann H, Characterization of Different Water Contents of Ettringite and Kuzelite, proc. XII International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 8-13 July 2007, Montreal, Canada Cell parameters were determined by X-ray diffraction of synthetic phase at 25C (below 100% relative humidity, CO2-free conditions), using analytical X-Pert and Bruker D5000 diffractometers. 44.7 Recommended density of monosulfoaluminate (14 H2O): Dx = 1998 kg/m3 44.8 Monosulfoaluminate with high water content (16 H2O) Formula: Ca4Al2(SO4)(OH)1210H2O, 3CaOAl2O3CaSO416H2O Formula Weight: 694.52 g/mol Space group: R Conventional cement shorthand notation: C4A H16 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.73 , c = 30.67 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1983 kg/m3 Reference: Pllmann H, Characterization of Different Water Contents of Ettringite and Kuzelite, proc. XII International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement, 8-13 July 2007, Montreal, Canada Cell parameters were determined by X-ray diffraction of synthetic phase at 25C (100% relative humidity, CO2-free conditions), using analytical X-Pert and Bruker D5000 diffractometers. 44.9 Recommended density of monosulfoaluminate (16 H2O): Dx = 1983 kg/m3 44.10 Comment: Monosulfoaluminate forms solid solutions in which the SO42- is partly replaced by OHat ~ 25C; solid solution extends to ~ 50 mole % replacement. 45 Tetracalcium ferrite monosulfate-12-hydrate (Fe-monosulfoaluminate) Formula: Ca4Fe2(SO4)(OH)126H2O, 3CaOFe2O3CaSO412H2O Formula Weight: 680.24 g/mol Space group: R Conventional cement shorthand notation: C4F H12
45.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.888 , c = 26.625 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2119 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Zement-Kalk-Gips (1968), Vol. 21, 463-469 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from X-ray powder pattern of a synthetic phase (prepared under CO2-free conditions) and using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si). 45.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.889 , c = 26.669 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2115 kg/m3 Reference: Ecker M. et al., Mineralogical Institute of University, Erlagen, Germany, PDF 41-1472, ICDD, Grant in Aid (1991) Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder pattern of a synthetic phase using diffractometer with Ni filter and Cu K radiation (1.5405 ). 45.3 Mean density of Fe-monosulfoauminate: Dx = 2117 kg/m3 45.4 Comment: C4F H12 forms solid solutions with C4A H12. Solid solution is continuous at 100C but at 25 and 50C, a miscibility gap exists; at~25C, solid solution extends to~50 mole %. 46
46.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.747 , c = 37.64 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1936 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1976), 319-325 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of a synthetic phase (crystals were prepared by hydration of a glass of the gehlenite composition), using: X-ray rotation and precession cameras, Cu K radiation and an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si standard). Density calculated by Kuzel: 1940 kg/m3 46.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.737 , c = 37.59 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1948 kg/m3 Reference: Hentschel G. et al., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1976), 326330 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of a natural mineral (limestone inclusion of a basalt from the Bellerberg /Mayen region (Germany)), using X-ray rotation and precession cameras and Cu K radiation.
Density calculated by Kuzel et al: 1950 kg/m3 46.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.745 , c = 37.77 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1930 kg/m3 Reference: Rinaldi R. et al., European Journal of Mineralogy (1990), Vol. 2, 841-849 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (locality: Montalto di Castro, Italy), using a Philips PW 1100 four circle diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation. Density calculated by Rinaldi R. et al.: 1960 kg/m3 46.4 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.747 , c = 37.638 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1936 kg/m3 Reference: this study Cell parameters were determined at ambient pressure, 303 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic sample. Data were collected using a Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer, CuK radiation (1.54060 ). The angular range was set between 5-55 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns (29 selected reflections) using CELREF 2 software; mean square deviation: MD = 0.01183. 46.5 Mean density of strtlingite: Dx = 1937 kg/m3 46.6 Comment: Has been called gehlenite hydrate. It is an AFm phase including silicate anions in interlayer positions. The identity of natuaral phases including stratlingite and vertumnite, with the synthetic is not proven. Gehlenite hydrate is a commonly- occurring constituent of lime- pozzolan, cement - pozzolan and slag-blended cements. Its low physical density suggests that it is partly responsible for the good space filling and low permeability characteristic of well- cured blends. 47
47.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.781 , b = 5.744 , c = 7.855 , = 92.61, = 101.96, = 120.09 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1/2 Density (calculated for triclinic crystal system): 2170 kg/m3 Reference: Fischer R. et al., Cement Concrete Research (1982), Vol. 12, 517-525 Cell parameters were determined at 295 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic phase (all chemicals used were of reagent quality), using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si standard); when single crystals were available, lattice constants were determined using rotation and Weissenberg methods.
47.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.742 , b = 5.744 , c = 15.09 , = 92.29, = 87.45, = 119.54 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for triclinic crystal system): 2182 kg/m3 Reference: Renaudin G. et al., Cement Concrete Research (1999), Vol. 29, 63-69 Cell parameters were determined at 293 K, from a single crystal (prepared by hydrothermal synthesis), mounted in an automatic Nonius diffractometer. 47.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.768 , b = 5.742 , c = 7.862 , = 92.68, = 101.89, = 120.01 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1/2 Density (calculated for triclinic crystal system): 2174 kg/m3 Reference: this study Cell parameters were determined at ambient pressure, 303 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic phase. Data were collected by a Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer, using CuK radiation (1.54060 ). The angular range was set between 5-55 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns (27 selected reflections) using CELREF 2 software; mean square deviation: MD = 0.01253. 47.4 Mean density of monocarboaluminate: Dx = 2175 kg/m3 48 Tetracalcium ferrite carbonate-12-hydrate (Fe-monocarboaluminate) Formula: Ca4Fe2(CO3)(OH)126H2O, 3CaOAl2O3CaCO312H2O Formula Weight: 644.11 g/mol Space group: R3c Conventional cement shorthand notation: C4F H12 48.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.917 , c = 47.679 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2219 kg/m3 Reference: Simon G. , Erlagen, Germany, Thesis, (1984) Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X- ray powder patterns of a synthetic sample; using a diffractometer equipped Cu K radiation (1.5405 ) 48.2 49 Recommended density of Fe- monocarboaluminate: Dx = 2219 kg/m3
49.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.77 , c = 49.159 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1984 kg/m3 Reference: Fischer R. et al., Cement Concrete Research (1982), Vol. 12, 517-526
Cell parameters were determined at 295 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic phase (all chemicals used were of reagent quality), using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si); when single crystals were available, lattice constants were determined using rotation and Weissenberg cameras. 49.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.761 , c = 49.252 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for triclinic crystal system): 1986 kg/m3 Reference: this study Cell parameters were determined at ambient pressure, 303 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic phase. Data were collected by a Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer, using CuK radiation (1.54060 ). The angular range was set between 5-55 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns (22 selected reflections) using CELREF 2 software mean square deviation: MD = 0.01904.
49.3 Mean density of hemicarboaluminate: Dx = 1985 kg/m3 49.4 Comment: Most commercial Portland cements contain sufficient carbonate to form hemicarboaluminate. However, cements blended with calcium carbonate normally contain monocarboaluminate, which is more stable than AFm phases with (OH-, SO42-).
Dicalcium aluminate-8-hydrate
Formula: Ca2Al2(OH)103H2O, 2CaOAl2O38H2O Formula Weight: 358.23 g/mol Space group: R c Conventional cement shorthand notation: C2AH8
50.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.74 , c = 10.7 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1950 kg/m3 Reference: Scheller T. et al., 6th International Congress on the Chemistry of Cement (Moscow) (1976), Vol. 2, part 1, 217 Reference cannot be traced. 50.2 Recommended density of dicalcium aluminate-8-hydrate: Dx = 1950 kg/m3 51
51.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 9.98 , b = 5.74 , c = 16.79 , =110.2 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2065 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1966), 193-200
Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals (prepared hydrothermally), using a Philips Norelco diffractometer. 51.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 9.979 , b = 5.751 , c = 16.320 , =104.53 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2056 kg/m3 Reference: Terzis A. et al., Zeitschrift fr Kristallographie (1981), 29-34 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals. 51.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 9.960 , b = 5.744 , c = 16.268 , =104.471 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2068 kg/m3 Reference: Rapin J.P. et al., Cement and Concrete Research (2002), Vol. 32, 513-519 Cell parameters were determined at 20C, from crystalline samples prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. Compound was studied by synchrotron radiation using the WDIF4C powder diffractometer on the DW22 beamline of LURE. 51.4 Cell Dimensions: a = 9.955 , b = 5.748 , c = 16.754 , = 110.02 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2070 kg/m3 Reference: this study Cell parameters were determined at ambient pressure, 300 K, from X-ray powder diffraction diagrams of a synthetic phase. Data were collected using a Bruker D8 advance powder diffractometer, CuK radiation (1.54060 ). The angular range was set between 5-55 2. Unit cell parameters were refined from the powder diffraction patterns (23 selected reflections) using CELREF 2 software. 51.5 Mean density of Friedels salt: Dx = 2064 kg/m3 51.6 Comment: The monoclinic low temperature phase is transforms to a trigonal phase at 28 2 C, therefore two phases ( and ) are distinguished. Friedels salt Ca4Al2(Cl)2(OH)124H2O (C3A CaCl2 H10) is a product of chloride interaction with a cement paste [1-2]. [1] Nielsen E., Denmark, DTU, Ph.D thesis (2004) [2] Glasser F.P, Kindness A., Stronach A., Stability and solubility relationships in AFm phases: Part I. Chloride , sulfate and hydroxide, Cement and Concrete Research (1999),Vol. 29, 861-866 52
Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2090 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1966), 193-200 Cell parameters were determined at 308 K, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals, prepared hydrothermally, using a Philips Norelco diffractometer. 52.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.739 , c = 46.87 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2092 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Zement-Kalk-Gips (1968), Vol.21, 463-469 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from X-ray powder pattern of a synthetic phase (prepared under CO2-free conditions) and using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si). 52.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.724 , c = 46.689 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2111 kg/m3 Reference: Renaudin G., Cement and Concrete Research (1999), Vol.29, 1937-1942 Cell parameters were determined at 310 K, from a single crystal (prepared by hydrothermal synthesis), using INEL CPS 120 diffractometer equipped with a high temperature system. 52.4 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.75 , c = 46.89 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2083 kg/m3 Reference: Rapin J.P. et al., Cement and Concrete Research (2002), Vol. 32, 513-519 Cell parameters were determined at 40C, from crystalline samples prepared by hydrothermal synthesis. Compound was studied by synchrotron radiation using the WDIF4C powder diffractometer on the DW22 beamline of LURE. 52.5 Mean density of -Friedels salt: Dx = 2094 kg/m3 53
53.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.858 , c = 23.267 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2230 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Zement-Kalk-Gips (1968), Vol.21, 463-469 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from X-ray powder pattern of a synthetic phase (prepared under CO2-free conditions) and using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si). 53.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.861 , c = 23.279 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/2
Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2226 kg/m3 Reference: F. Gtz Neunhoeffer, Ph.D thesis (in german) (1996), University of Erlagen Nrnberg, Germany, 124-135 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature (relative humidity 35%), from X-ray powder pattern of a synthetic phase. 53.3 54 Mean density of Fe- Friedels salt: Dx = 2228 kg/m3
54.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.750 , c = 100.62 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2110 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Zement-Kalk-Gips (1968), Vol.21, 463-469 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from X-ray powder pattern of a synthetic phase (prepared under CO2-free conditions) and using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si). 54.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.74 , c = 100.6 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 6 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2118 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1966), 193-200 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals (prepared hydrothermally), using a Philips Norelco diffractometer. 54.3 Mean density of Kuzels salt: Dx = 2114 kg/m3 54.4 Comment: Kuzels salt - Ca4Al2 (SO4)1/2 (Cl)(OH)126H2O (C3A C CaCl2 H12) is an ordered compound containing both mono and divalent anions, with ratio 1:1 Cl- and SO42- [1]. It was reported as a product of chloride attack at lower CaCl2 concentrations [2]. [1] Glasser F.P, Kindness A., Stronach A., Stability and solubility relationships in AFm phases: Part I. Chloride , sulfate and hydroxide, Cement and Concrete Research (1999),Vol. 29, 861-866 [2] Hirao H. et. al, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology (2005), Vol. 3, 77-84 55
55.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.876 , c = 50.08 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2222 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Zement-Kalk-Gips (1968), Vol.21, 463-469 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from X-ray powder pattern of a synthetic phase (prepared under CO2-free conditions) and using an internal standard (high purity 99.99% Si). 55.2 Recommended density of Fe-Kuzels salt: Dx = 2222 kg/m3
56.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 12.5755 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 2527 kg/m3 Reference: Kuzel H.J., Neues Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1969), 397-404 Cell parameters were determined at 300 K, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals, prepared hydrothermally, using a Philips powder diffractometer and a Si internal standard. 56.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 12.56 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 2535 kg/m3 Reference: Brandenberger E., Schweitzeriche Mineralogische und Pertographische Mitteilungen (1933), 569 (abstract) Details of the measurement - not given 56.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 12.5695 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 2529 kg/m3 Reference: Lager G.A. et al., American Mineralogist (1987), Vol. 72, 756-765 Cell parameters were determined at 300 K, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of synthetic crystals, using an Enraf Nonius diffractometer equipped with a graphite monochromator and Mo K radiation. 56.4 Mean density of hydrogarnet: Dx = 2530 kg/m3 56.5 Comment: An end -member of the hydrogrossular solid-solution series, having the general formula Ca3Al2(SiO4)3-x(OH)4x; x = 1.5-3.0 for katoite. Hydrogarnet is not normally a product of
modern OPC hydration, although reported to occur in older Portland cements, in calcium aluminate cements (CAC) and in heat cured Portland cements. See also section 58.
Tricalcium ferrite-6-hydrate
Formula: Ca3Fe2(OH)12, 3CaOFe2O36H2O, Formula Weight: 436.02 g/mol Space group: Ia3d Conventional cement shorthand notation: C3FH6
57.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 12.73 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 2809 kg/m3 Reference: Taylor, H.F.W. (1989), Cement Chemistry 2nd edition 1997, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, UK, 171 Details of the measurement are not given 57.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 12.74 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 2801 kg/m3 Reference: Flint E.P et al., Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S., (1941), Vol. 26, 13-33 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder patterns of the synthetic phase (hydrothermal preparations). The samples were mounted on fine glass rods in the center of cylindrical cameras having radii of about 5.7 cm, and were rotated during exposure; CuK radiation was used. The absolute accuracy of this method is however relatively low. 57.3 Recommended density of Fe-hydrogarnet: Dx = 2809 kg/m3 58
Siliceous hydrogarnet
Formula: Ca3Al2 SiO4(OH)8 Formula Weight: 402.37 g/mol Space group: Ia3d Conventional cement shorthand notation: C3ASH4
58.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 12.358 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 2832 kg/m3 Reference: Rinaldi E. et al., Bulletin de Mineralogie (1984), Vol. 107, 606-618 Cell parameters were determined at 298 K, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals from Lazio, Italy, using: a Philips diffractometer, CuK radiation (1.54051 ) and an internal standard. Natural crystal contained various inclusions (Mg, S) but these are not believed to affect measurements. Formula determined in above reference nearly corresponded to the idealized formula, Ca3Al2 SiO4(OH), therefore minor elements were not included in the calculation. Density calculated by Rinaldi et al.: 2760 kg/m3
58.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 12.32 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 8 Density (calculated for cubic crystal system): 2858 kg/m3 Reference: Flint E.P et al., Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology U.S., (1941), Vol. 26, 13-33 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from X-ray powder patterns of the synthetic phase (hydrothermal preparations). The samples were mounted on fine glass rods in the center of cylindrical cameras having radii of about 5.7 cm, and were rotated during exposure; CuK radiation was used. This method has relatively poor absolute accuracy.
58.3 Recommended density of siliceous hydrogarnet: Dx = 2832 kg/m3 58.4 Comment: Jappy reported that at 1 bar pressure Ca3Al2 SiO4(OH)8 forms only limited solid solution with Ca3Al2(OH)12 Numerous minseralogical investigations of siliceous hydrogarnets report weak optical birefringence and the cubic symmetry may be only a pseudo- symmetry . [1] Jappy T.G. et. al, Advances in Cement Research, (1991/1992), Vol. 4, 1-8
Formula: 9CaO6SiO211H2O Formula Weight: 1063.44 g/mol Space group: P1 or P Conventional cement shorthand notation: C9S6H11
59.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 9.96 , b = 3.64 , c = 21.36 , = 91.8, = 101.8, = 89.6 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for triclinic crystal system): 2332 kg/m3 Reference: Taylor H.F.W. (1989), Data published in Cement Chemistry 2nd edition 1997, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, UK, 130 Details of the measurement-not given Density given by Taylor: 2332 kg/m3 50
59.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 10.593 , b = 7.284 , c = 10.839 , = 99.67, = 97.65, = 110.11 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for triclinic crystal system): 2336 kg/m3 Reference: Gard J.A. et al., American Mineralogist (1977), Vol. 62, 365-368 Cell parameters were determined from X-ray powder patterns of a natural (Crestmore) sample, using a Guiner- type camera, an internal standard (high purity 99.99 % Si standard) and Cu K radiation; temperature of the measurement is not specified. Density calculated by Gard et al: 2330 kg/m3 59.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 10.576 , b = 7.265 , c = 10.931 , = 101.30, = 96.98, = 109.65 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for triclinic crystal system): 2325 kg/m3 Reference: Bonaccorsi E. et al., Cement and Concrete Research (2004), Vol. 34, 1481-1488 Cell parameters were determined from single crystal X-ray diffraction of a natural (Fuka, Japan) sample, using synchrotron radiation at the Elettra facility (Trieste, Italy). 59.4 Mean density of jennite: Dx = 2331 kg/m3 60
Tobermorite (14 )
Formula: 5CaO6SiO28H2O Formula Weight: 785.03 g/mol Space group: B11b Conventional cement shorthand notation: C5S6H8
60.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 56.735 , b = 7.425 , c = 27.987 , = 123.25 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 2 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2228 kg/m3 Reference: Bonaccorsi E. et. al, Journal of the American Ceramic Society (2005), Vol. 88, 505-512 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (Crestmore). Two polytypes were detected but reflections of the other polytype were too weak to be used in a structure refinement and only approximate cell parameters of second polytype are given ( space group: F2dd, a~11.2 , b~7.3 , c ~56 ) 60.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 5.624 , b = 3.670 , c = 27.97 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1 Density (calculated for orthorhombic crystal system): 2224 kg/m3 Reference: Taylor H.F.W. (1989), Data published in Cement Chemistry 2nd edition 1997, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, UK, 130 Details of the measurement are not given. Idealized formula postulated: 5CaO6SiO29H2O but the actual formula given in the reference is near 5CaO5.5SiO29H2O. Calculation of density was performed for 5CaO5.5SiO29H2O. Density given by Taylor: 2224 kg/m3
Uncertainty regarding composition therefore value given by Bonaccorsi et al. preferred. 60.3 61 Recommended density of tobermorite 14 : Dx = 2228 kg/m3
Formula: 3CaO2SiO23H2O, Ca3Si2O4(OH)6 Formula Weight: 342.45 g/mol Space group: Cc Conventional cement shorthand notation: C3S2H3
61.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 16.278 , b = 5.6321 , c = 13.236 , = 134.898 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2646 kg/m3 Reference: Malik K.M.A .et al., Acta Crystallographica (1976), Vol. B32, 475-480 Cell parameters were determined at room temperature, from single-crystal X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (Kimberly, South Africa), using a Hilger and Watts Y290 four-circle automatic diffractometer and Mo K radiation (0.70926 ). 61.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 16.27 , b = 5.632 , c = 13.23 , = 134.80 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 4 Density (calculated for monoclinic crystal system): 2644 kg/m3 Reference: Megaw H.D., Acta Crystallographica (1952), Vol. 5, 477-491 Unit cell dimensions were determined at room temperature, from oscillation photographs with Cu K radiation (1.5405 ). Natural crystals from the Scawt Hill (Northern Ireland) were generally used but later compared with crystals from Kimberley (South Africa) ,which had identical unit cell dimensions. However unit cell dimensions determined by this method have low absolute accuracy. Density calculated by Megaw: 2634 kg/m3 61.3 Mean density of afwillite: Dx = 2645 kg/m3
Analysis of the synthetic is handicapped by the fine- grained nature of hydrotalcite crystals. Electron microprobe methods do not enable distinction and quantification of OH/CO3 ratios and furthermore, are frequently not reliable for Mg/Al ratios. Therefore a degree of uncertainty exists about the number of phases in this family and their properties. We have included a number of examples relevant to cement and where composition, crystallography and hence unit cell contents seem to be well established. 62
Formula: Mg4Al2(OH)12CO33H2O Formula Weight: 469.32 g/mol Space group: R m or R3m Conventional cement shorthand notation: M4A H9
62.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 3.054 , c = 22.81 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2117 kg/m3 Reference: Allmann al., Jahrbuch fr Mineralogie Monatshefte (1969), 544-551 Cell parameters were determined from X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (Vezna, Western Moravia), using Cu K radiation; other details of the measurement are not specified. Density calculated by Allmann R. et al.: 2117 kg/m3 62.2 Cell Dimensions: a = 3.051 , c = 22.81 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2119 kg/m3 Reference: Sato T. et al., Reactivity of Solids (1988), Vol. 5, 219-228 Cell parameters were determined by X-ray powder diffractometry of synthetic phases; Nifiltered CuK radiation was used. Lattice constants were calculated using silicon as an internal standard. 62.3 Cell Dimensions: a = 3.046 , c = 22.772 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2129 kg/m3 Reference: Bellotto M. et al., Journal of Physical Chemistry (1996), Vol. 100, 8527-8534 Cell parameters were determined for synthetic phases (composition checked by XRF); X-ray diffraction powder patterns were measured using a Siemens D501 diffractometer with Cu K radiation and a graphite diffracted monochromator. 62.4 Mean density of hydrotalcite : Dx = 2122 kg/m3 63
Formula: Mg4Fe2(OH)12CO33H2O Formula Weight: 527.06 g/mol Space group: R m or R3m Conventional cement shorthand notation: M4F H9 53
63.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 3.104 , c = 23.12 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2269 kg/m3 Reference: Sato T. et al., Reactivity of Solids (1988), Vol. 5, 219-228 Cell parameters were determined by X-ray powder diffractometry of synthetic phases; Nifiltered Cu K radiation was used. Lattice constants were calculated using silicon as an internal standard. 63.2 Recommended density of Fe-hydrotalcite: Dx = 2269 kg/m3 64
Formula: Mg6Al2(OH)184H2O Formula Weight: 577.99 g/mol Space group: R m Conventional cement shorthand notation: M6AH13
64.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 3.046 , c = 22.93 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/8 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1953 kg/m3 Reference: Koritnig S. et al., American Mineralogist (1976), Vol. 61, 176 (abstract) Cell parameters were determined from X-ray structure refinements of natural crystals (YbbsPresenberg, Austria); other details of the measurement are not specified. 64.2 Formula: Mg6Al2(OH)184.5H2O Formula Weight: 586.99 g/mol Space group: R m Cell Dimensions: a = 3.054 , c = 23.40 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 3/8 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 1934 kg/m3 Reference: Mascolo G. et al., Mineralogical Magazine (1980), Vol. 43, 619-621 Cell parameters were determined from the X-ray powder patterns obtained by using Guiner de Wolff camera with Cu K radiation; Pb(NO3)2 was used as a reference material. Synthetic samples were prepared under CO2-free conditions. 64.3 Mean density of meixnerite: Dx = 1945 kg/m3 64.4 Comment: The density seems to decrease as the ratio Mg/(Mg+Al) increases. 65
Formula: Mg4Al2(OH)143H2O Formula Weight: 443.33 g/mol Space group: R m or R3m Conventional cement shorthand notation: M4AH10
65.1 Cell Dimensions: a = 3.038 , c = 22.62 Number of formula units in the unit cell: Z = 1/2 Density (calculated for hexagonal/trigonal crystal system): 2036 kg/m3 Reference: Mascolo G. et al., Mineralogical Magazine (1980), Vol. 43, 619-621 Cell parameters were determined from the X-ray powder patterns obtained by using Guiner de Wollf camera with CuK radiation; Pb(NO3)2 was used as a reference material. Synthetic samples were prepared under CO2-free conditions. 65.2 Recommended density of OH- hydrotalcite: Dx = 2036 kg/m3 4. Discussion The classification of cement phases as important (and hence worthy of inclusion) is partly a matter of opinion and partly a matter of the availability of data. For example data on solid solutions at well- spaced intervals are largely absent. The compilation therefore rests on the values critically extracted from the literature but with a special focus on AFm and AFt phases. Where multiple data were available, and admitted into the compilation, an averaging process was used and density described as mean density. If some methods had relatively poor absolute accuracy and data were rejected or not heavily weighted, the density is expressed as recommended density. Review shows that quality of data reported in the literature varies. One of the principal difficulties of determining the densities of substances experimentally by classical methods is in providing assurance that preparation is phasepure. This assurance is often given by using single crystals, or handpicking enough smaller crystals, for analysis. With cement phases, this is often not possible: not only are crystals too small to select, but an ever-present inaccuracy arises because bulk preparations may contain significant content of amorphous material which escapes detection by X-ray powder analysis, etc. Regarding natural samples we have to take into consideration solid solution as well as possible physical inclusions which may affect density. However by determining unit cell sizes, coupled with the known cell contents, errors arising from physical inclusions, adhering impurities, etc. are eliminated: unit cell sizes as determined by refinement of the powder pattern are also insensitive to the presence of non-crystalline impurities. The use of crystallographic methods also calls into question the definition of a phase. For example, the cement literature tends to treat AFm as though it were a single phase, but we know that this is an oversimplification: recent studies have disclosed that several AFm phases may coexist, which form limited solid solutions. Thus the density classification reflects current knowledge and, as data permit, densities are also given for AFm phases differing in water content e.g. 13 and 19 H2O states (hydroxy-AFm), for different trivalent substituents in the principle layer e.g. with octahedral Al or Fe (III) and with different anions, e.g. sulfate, chloride, carbonate and hydroxide. Data are however available for only a few permutations; indeed not all the permutations may be stable and in at least two known examples, phase development is further complicated by ordering of anionic substituents , as occurs in Kuzels salt (distinguished by ordering of Cl and SO4) and in hemicarboaluminate (distinguished by ordering of OH and CO3). It appears that ordered AFm arrangements require both a mono-and divalent anionic substituent and it is possible that other, as yet undiscovered, anion-ordered AFm phases exist.
Problems of assessing the impact of solid solution on densities have been noted. For example, as expected from the relative formula weights, the density of Al-AFm is much less than the density of corresponding Fe(III) -AFm (Al=27 g/mol, Fe = 55.8 g/mol). Given that the two AFm phases are isostructural, or very nearly isostructural, the density difference is expected. In the absence of data on intermediate compositions, Vegards law has to be assumed that density is a linear function of composition. However a number of systems are known in which significant departure from Vegards law occurs: for example in the Al-AFm series with (OH, SO4) anions, where solid solution is incomplete but no ordered compound occurs, analysis of the thermodynamic data discloses that sulfate has a strong stabilizing action on the OH-AFm phase [1], i.e., that the solid solutions are non- ideal. It may be that similar non-ideal changes are reflected in the density function. Other possibilities occur for non- ideal solid solution. For example, carbonate can replace other anions in AFm. While some anions, e.g. chloride and hydroxide appear to behave as simple spherical ions, carbonate can appear either as a spherical ion or as a trigonal planar group. Depending on carbonate orientation, the two possibilities differ in the effective molar volume of the anionic substituent and hence differ in their contribution to density. Fig 1 shows the densities in the series of AFm phases with OH and CO3. Of course changing composition influences density but the density of hemi- and monocarboaluminate are also affected by the orientation of the trigonal planar carbonate group. It is most efficiently packed in monocarboaluminate, in which it is sub-parallel to the principal layer spacing [2,3], hence the high density, whereas in hemicarboaluminate, it is perpendicular to the principal layers. Thus the density of hemicarboaluminate falls much below the trend line, as deduced for its end-members. These differences in carbonate orientation also affect the basal spacings (d001), numerical values of which are shown in the Fig 1.
Figure 1. Density trends in the (OH, CO3) AFm phases. Interesting relations exists between the composition and density relationships in the AFm and AFt families, as shown in Fig 2. The two structures, of AFm and AFt, differ in bonding requirements. The layer spacings in AFm are easily increased to allow variable water contents, as a result of which the density decreases as the water content increases. This relation appears, by definition to be linear for OH-AFm but it is also observed to be approximately linear for the SO4-AFm series, where we have three datum. The structural role 56
of water is relatively well-defined: we can for example have the 13 H2O state or 19 H2O state but not, apparently, intermediate water contents, which can only be achieved by having a mixture of discrete AFm phases. For that reason, trend lines are shown as dashed, to emphasize that water contents are not continuously variable within a single AFm phase. Similarly, sulfate AFm at room temperature exhibits three hydrate states: 12 H2O, 14 H2O and 16 H2O, depending on relative humidity. Pllmann has established three additional lower hydration states, the densities of which are not sufficiently well established to show in Fig 2(b). However the three examples of sulfate AFm phases show a linear trend of decreasing density with increasing water content, with a much lower slope than observed for OH-AFm. The actual hydration state achieved by AFm in cement is not always well known: as we have described, loss of water may occur in the course of specimen preparation unless special precautions are taken in the course of specimen preparation and handling. However it is apparent that large potential volume changes can occur in AFm, should its hydration state change. The greatest potential seems to occur for OH-AFm, where the transition from 13 H2O to 19 H2O results in an increase in specific volume of more than 10%. For sulfate AFm, a comparable change occurs but is less marked, only a few %. It appears that the more strongly bonded water occupies less effective volume than more weakly bonded, space requirements of which approach that of free water. The calculated volume change cannot be associated with an actual expansion or contraction: it is best regarded as indicating a potential for change. This potential might, for example, be achieved in the course of thermal cycling because, other factors being equal, the highest hydration states are achieved at low temperatures. Nevertheless, the potential for expansion can be minimized by inclusion of sufficient sulfate to convert all AFm to its sulfated form with perhaps a sufficient reserve to stabilize AFt in the cement. Because sufficient sulfate is usually added to Portland cement to achieve this mineralogical state, the problem of dimensional instability resulting from changing AFm hydration states is unlikely to arise in commercial Portland cements. The arguments continue about optimum sulfate content in cement but we note that there are good reasons, more than just control of set times, why cement should not be under-sulfated: in this instance, to avoid potential dimensional instability resulting from the presence of OH-AFm in different hydration states. The hydration states of AFt show a non- linear density trend in response to changing water content, Fig 2(c). However the density trend shows a slope opposite to that of AFm: intercalation of more water in the AFt structure increases the physical density. This state is believed to arise because AFt is a three dimensional structure; it is not easy to expand or contract its framework so water in excess of 30 H2O per formula unit has to fit into a relatively unchanged physical space. However between 30 and 32 H2O the volume change per water molecule changes much less than between 32 and 36. Probably water in excess of 32 occupies a different set of sites than between 30 and 32, thus impacting differently on cell dimensions.
2100 2050 density [kg/m 3] 2000 1950 1900 1850 1800 1750 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 water content: OH-AFm
2020 2015 density [kg/m3] 2010 2005 2000 1995 1990 1985 1980 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 water content: SO4-sulfate AFm
1880 1860 density [kg/m 3] 1840 1820 1800 1780 1760 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 water content: SO4-AFt
Figure 2. Relation between water content and density of: OH-AFm (a ,top ), SO4-AFm (b, middle)
and ( c), SO4-AFt (bottom).
Many reactions occurring in cementitious systems are isochemical: that is, the chemistry remains constant but a redistribution of ions occurs amongst coexisting phases. This compilation might serve as a benchmark to enable the precise calculation of volume changes to be made in the course of isochemical mineralogical changes. Reactions between cement and its service environment generally involve exchange of mass: that is, they are not isochemical. In these conditions, the database presented forms the basis of calculation but requires application of more sophisticated calculations, taking into account the impact of mass balance changes. [1] H.F.W.Taylor, Cement Chemistry 2nd edition 1997, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, UK [2] T. Matschei, B. Lothenbach, F.P. Glasser, The AFm phase in Portland cement, Cement and Concrete Research 37 (2007) 118-130 [3] G. Renaudin, Ph.D thesis (1998), Nancy, France, p 150
lime periclase corundum quartz gibbsite portlandite brucite calcite aragonite vaterite magnesite dolomite anhydrite soluble anhydrite hemihydrate hemihydrate gypsum arcanite thenardite
CaO MgO Al2O3 SiO2 Al(OH)3 Ca(OH)2 Mg(OH)2 CaCO3 CaCO3 -CaCO3 MgCO3 CaMg(CO3)2 CaSO4 CaSO4<0.05H2O CaSO40.5H2O CaSO40.8H2O CaSO42H2O K2SO4 Na2SO4
3341 3584 3990 2641 2421 2251 2368 2710 2930 2661 3011 2852 2968 2958 2733 2783 2311 2668 2662
Density [kg/m3]
aphthitalite syngenite aluminosulfate silicosulfate tricalcium aluminate (cubic) tricalcium aluminate (othorombic) tetracalcium aluminoferrite R-tricalcium silicate at 1200C R-tricalcium silicate- Sr stabilized M3-tricalcium silicate- Mg stabilized M3-tricalcium silicate- less well ordered T1-tricalcium silicate -dicalcium silicate- Ba stabilized 'H-dicalcium silicate- P2O5 stabilized 'L-dicalcium silicate- Sr stabilized -dicalcium silicate -dicalcium silicate ettringite with low H2O content (30 H2O ) Ettringite (32 H2O) ettringite with high H2O content (36 H2O) carbonate ettringite iron ettringite thaumasite hydroxy - AFm Fe-hydroxy AFm
1-tetracalcium aluminate -19- hydrate 2-tetracalcium aluminate -19- hydrate
K3 Na(SO4)2 K2Ca(SO4)2H2O Ca4(Al2O3)3(SO4) Ca5(SiO2)2(SO4) Ca3Al2O6 Ca3Al2O6 Ca2(Al,Fe)2O5 R-Ca3SiO5 R-Ca3SiO5 M3-Ca3SiO5 M3-Ca3SiO5 T1-Ca3SiO5 -Ca2SiO4 'H-Ca2SiO4 'L-Ca2SiO4 -Ca2SiO4 -Ca2SiO4 [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)324H2O [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)3(24+2)H2O [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)3(24+6)H2O [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(CO3)3(24+2)H2O [Ca3Fe(OH)6]2(SO4)3(24+2)H2O Ca3(SO4)(CO3)[Si(OH)6]12H2O Ca4Al2(OH)146H2O Ca4Fe2(OH)146H2O
1-Ca4Al2(OH)1412H2O 2-Ca4Al2(OH)1412H2O
2703 2575 2607 2972 3030 3023 3708 3025 3168 3182 3153 3120 2968 3148 3092 3326 2960 1768 1778 1863 1760 1830 1882 2044 2162 1804 1802 2015 1998
Ca4Al2(SO4)(OH)126H2O Ca4Al2(SO4)(OH)128H2O
Density [kg/m3]
monosulfoaluminate (16 H2O ) Fe-monosulfoaluminate strtlingite monocarboaluminate Fe-monocarboaluminate hemicarboaluminate dicalcium aluminate -8- hydrate
-Friedels salt
1983 2117 1937 2175 2219 1985 1950 2064 2094 2228 2114 2222 2530 2809 2832 2331 2228 2645 2122 2269 1945 2036
-Friedels salt -Fe-Friedels salt Kuzels salt Fe-Kuzels salt hydrogarnet (katoite) Fe-hydrogarnet siliceous hydrogarnet jennite tobermorite 14 afwillite hydrotalcite Fe-hydrotalcite meixnerite OH-hydrotalcite
-Ca4Al2(Cl)2(OH)124H2O -Ca4Fe2(Cl)2(OH)124H2O Ca4Al2(SO4)0.5(Cl) (OH)126H2O Ca4Fe2(SO4)0.5(Cl) (OH)126H2O Ca3Al2(OH)12 Ca3Fe2(OH)12 Ca3Al2 SiO4(OH)8 9CaO6SiO211H2O 5CaO6SiO28H2O 3CaO2SiO23H2O Mg4Al2(OH)12CO33H2O Mg4Fe2(OH)12CO33H2O Mg6Al2(OH)184H2O Mg4Al2(OH)143H2O
Magdalena Balonis is grateful to the European Community under the Marie Curie Research Training Network MRTN-CT-2005-019283 Fundamental understanding of cementitious materials for improved chemical physical and aesthetic performance