Midterm withOUT Answer

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Pasig Campus

Midterm Exam

Name: ____________________________________
Yr. & Course _______________Date___________
6. Team working proficiency characterized by the
I. Identification:
unconscious ability to work with both real and
a. Tutorial
virtual partners to solve problem.
b. Simulation
c. Games
7. Adds meaning by way of design and art.
d. Discovery
e. Technology
8. Means being an effective consumer and
f. Evaluation
producer and producer of digital contents from
g. Drill and practice
a variety of different sources.
h. Creativity fluency
i. Media fluency
9. Use principle of leadership, ethics,
j. Promoting
accountability, awareness, global citizenship
k. Synthesizing
and personal responsibility and considers
l. Analyzing
his/her actions and their consequences.
m. Data storage mand management
n. Digital leadership
10. Distinguishing similarities and differences
o. Information processing
seeing the project as a problem to be solved.
p. Analyzing
q. Internet access
11. Selling of new ideas to allow the public to test
r. Learning
the ideas of themselves. __________________
s. Solution fluency
12. Making spontaneous connections among ideas,
t. Collaboration fluency
does generating interesting or new ideas.
13. Provide opportunities or students to repeatedly
1. The science of application of knowledge to
practice the skills that have previously
practical purposes to a particular field.
presented and that further practice is necessary
for mastery. __________________
2. The act of acquiring new, or modifying and
14. Includes both the presentation and information
reinforcing existing knowledge, behaviors,
and its extension into different forms of work,
skills and values. __________________
including drill and practice, games and
3. A holistic approach, all the phases of learning
simulation. __________________
must be seen because all of them contribute the
15. Software often creates a contest to achieve the
total development of the child.
highest score and either beat others or beat
others computer. __________________
4. Refers to the capacity and creativity in problem
16. Software that can provide an approximation of
solving. __________________
reality that does not require the expense of real
5. Ability to access digital information to find the
life or its risks. __________________
desired information. __________________
17. Provide a large database of information specific
to a course or content area and challenges the
learner to analyze, evaluate based on their
explorations of the data. __________________
18. Used to process vast amounts of data, Essay (15 points 300 words)
transforming raw information into meaningful
insights. __________________ Discuss how technology has transformed the learning
19. Provide access to the internet, allowing users to experience by providing access to a vast amount of
explore vast amounts of information, access information, interactive learning tools, and online
online services and engage in e-commerce, resources. Highlight the benefits of using technology
social networking and entertainment activities. in promoting active learning, collaboration, and
__________________ personalized instruction.
20. Serve as storage devices, storing data in various
formats. Including text messages, videos, and
databases. __________________
II. Enumeration:

1-4 The 4D’s of assessment

1. __________________

2. __________________

3. __________________

4. __________________

5-8 4 IT-Based Projects

5 __________________

6 __________________

7 __________________

8 __________________

1-5 5 key tasks to develop creativity

9 __________________

10 __________________

11 __________________

12 __________________

13 __________________

1-2 ways of production of self-made multimedia

14 __________________
15 __________________ 2nd semester /2023-2024

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