Product Vision

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Product Vision

how to create a product vision

kannan kamatchi
Product Vision..............................................................................................1
1. Understand the Purpose of a Product Vision........................................1
2. Define the Problem Your Product Solves...............................................1
3. Envision the Future..............................................................................1
4. Keep It Simple and Clear......................................................................2
5. Align with Company Mission and Values..............................................2
6. Involve Key Stakeholders.....................................................................3
7. Make it Inspiring and Aspirational........................................................3
8. Use the Product Vision to Guide Decision-making................................3
9. Write Your Product Vision Statement....................................................4
Product Vision
Creating a product vision is essential to defining the direction and purpose
of your product. It acts as a guiding light for your team, stakeholders, and
customers, helping everyone understand the product's long-term goals.
Here's a step-by-step tutorial on how to create a compelling product

1. Understand the Purpose of a Product Vision

Goal: Clarify what a product vision is and its importance.

Key Points:

Long-term perspective: A product vision describes the future state of the

product, ideally 35 years from now.

Unifies the team: It provides direction and keeps the team aligned on a
common goal.

Inspires stakeholders: It motivates internal and external stakeholders by

clearly defining the product's impact.

Guides decision-making: Acts as a North Star for prioritizing product

features and strategies.

2. Define the Problem Your Product Solves

Goal: Clearly articulate the core problem your product addresses.


Identify user pain points: Conduct user research to discover what

frustrations or challenges your customers face.

Research competitors: Understand how other products are solving similar

problems and where the gaps are.

Focus on the user: Frame the problem in terms of the user’s experience,
rather than internal technical challenges.


Problem Statement: “Small businesses struggle to manage logistics

efficiently, leading to high costs and delays."

3. Envision the Future

Goal: Create a bold and inspiring future state for your product.

Imagine the ideal scenario: Think about how the world will look if your
product succeeds in solving the user’s problem.

Set long-term aspirations: Your vision should not be limited to current

capabilities. Think 35 years ahead.

Describe the product’s impact: Define how your product will change
users' lives or the industry.


“Our platform will empower small businesses to manage logistics

seamlessly, reducing costs by 30%, and providing real-time insights that
simplify operations.”

4. Keep It Simple and Clear

Goal: Write a vision statement that is easily understandable and


Avoid jargon: Use clear and simple language.

Keep it concise: A vision should be no more than 12 sentences long.

Focus on outcomes: Emphasize what the product will achieve for

customers, not how it will achieve it.


“Our vision is to become the world’s leading AI powered logistics

platform, simplifying operations and cutting costs for small businesses

5. Align with Company Mission and Values

Goal: Ensure that the product vision aligns with the broader company
mission and core values.


Review the company’s mission: Understand the overarching mission of

the company and ensure your product contributes to it.

Incorporate values: Reflect on how the company’s values (e.g.,

innovation, customer centricity, sustainability) shape the product vision.

If the company mission is about "empowering small businesses through
technology," your product vision could align with that by focusing on
automation and AI to help small businesses succeed.

6. Involve Key Stakeholders

Goal: Get buy in from key stakeholders to ensure alignment and support
for the product vision.


Gather feedback: Involve executives, product teams, marketing, and

sales to refine the vision.

Validate with users: Conduct interviews or surveys with users to ensure

the vision resonates with their needs.

Iterate: Incorporate feedback and refine the vision as needed.


After internal alignment, you might adjust the vision to clarify a specific
user pain point based on stakeholder feedback.

7. Make it Inspiring and Aspirational

Goal: Create a vision that motivates your team and excites your


Focus on impact: Emphasize the positive change your product will create.

Use aspirational language: Words like "transform," "empower," or

"revolutionize" can inspire.

Create emotional resonance: Ensure the vision evokes a sense of purpose

and excitement.


“We will revolutionize how small businesses manage logistics by using AI

to create operational efficiency, putting them on par with industry giants.”

8. Use the Product Vision to Guide Decision-making

Goal: Ensure the vision is not just a statement but a practical tool for
guiding product decisions.


Prioritize features: Use the vision to prioritize features that align with your
long-term goals.
Evaluate opportunities: When new opportunities or challenges arise, ask
whether they align with the product vision.

Communicate regularly: Reinforce the vision during team meetings,

product updates, and planning sessions to keep the team aligned.

9. Write Your Product Vision Statement

Goal: Create the final version of your product vision statement.


Incorporate the key elements: Problem, future state, and alignment with
company goals.

Refine and polish: Ensure it is clear, concise, and motivational.

Share it: Make the vision visible to all team members and stakeholders,
using it as a reference in product planning.

Final Example:

“Our vision is to become the most trusted AI driven logistics platform,

enabling small businesses to scale effortlessly by reducing operational
complexity and maximizing efficiency."

Creating a product vision is more than just writing a statement; it’s about
understanding your market, customers, and the long-term impact of your
product. A strong vision aligns your team, inspires stakeholders, and
provides a North Star for your product development efforts. By following
these steps, you’ll craft a product vision that can guide your product’s
success for years to come.

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