University Catalogue

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2 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024
07 Message from the president 36 Registration
08 Academic calendar 36 Student ID
10 Where to find further information 36 Academic advising
12 Motto 37 Academic regulations
13 The university 37 Academic calendar
14 Institutional history 37 Language of instruction
14 Vision 37 Official communication
14 Mission method (email)
14 Strategic objectives 37 Duration of study
14 Licensing and accreditation 37 Change of program
16 MBZUAI leadership 38 Grading system
17 Board of Trustees 39 How to calculate your GPA
19 University leadership 39 Grade changes
20 Available services for 40 Managing courses
students on campus 40 Course registration process
20 Premise, resources, and 40 Course load
physical setting 40 Adding/dropping courses
20 Recreational facilities 40 Course withdrawal
20 MBZUAI apartments 41 Course restrictions and
22 Catering arrangements prerequisites
22 Laundry 41 Adding/dropping courses
22 Majlis/common areas 41 Course withdrawal
22 Cleaning 41 Course restrictions and
22 Prayer rooms prerequisites
22 Parking 41 Limitation of courses offered
22 Transportation 41 Class cancelations
23 Banking facilities 41 Course feedback
23 Masdar Park 42 Attendance, leave of absence,
23 Travel and tourism withdrawal and resuming studies
25 Health, wellness and safety 42 Attendance
25 Security 42 Leave of absence
25 Fire drills 42 Resuming studies
25 Medical emergencies
43 Annual leave
25 Health services
26 Student’s IT services at MBZUAI 43 Withdrawal from the university
26 Internet access and 44 Student assessments and
student email examinations
26 MBZUAI website, portal, 44 Assessment and examination
and e-Services 44 Incomplete grades
27 Labs and computing 45 Records and transcripts
27 Access to High Performance 46 Academic progress
Computing (HPC) resources 46 Academic standing
27 Student representation 47 Academic probation
27 IT helpdesk contact details
47 Academic dismissal
28 Admission
28 Admission – Master’s programs 47 Special probation
30 Admission – Ph.D. programs 48 Graduation and commencement
34 Credit transfer 50 Student rights and responsibilities
34 Recognition of prior learning 51 Use of graduate assistant
34 Course exemptions
51 Graduate assistant selection
35 Scholarships and engagement
35 Tuition fees


52 Student grievances/financial 78 Master of Science in
obligations Computer Vision
52 Grievances against grading or 82 Master of Science in
evaluation of academic work Machine Learning
53 Grievances against dismissal, 86 Master of Science in
suspension, and withdrawal Natural Language Processing
from a program/withholding or
termination of the scholarship 90 Master of Science in Robotics
54 Financial obligations: 94 Doctor of Philosophy in
Computer Science
56 Student life activities
96 Doctor of Philosophy in
56 Student activities Computer Vision
56 Student council
102 Doctor of Philosophy in
56 Student clubs and groups Machine Learning
57 Community spirit 106 Doctor of Philosophy in
57 Student housing Natural Language Processing
58 Internships 110 Doctor of Philosophy in
59 Internship procedure Robotics
59 Upon completing the internship 114 Appendix 1: Course descriptions
59 Applying for an internship 114 AI701: Foundations of Artificial
opportunity via MBZUAI Intelligence (4CR)
Student Careers 114 AI702: Deep Learning (4CR)
60 The Career Services and 114 CS701: Advanced Algorithms (4CR)
Internships team
114 CS702: Theory of Computer
60 Through the careers service Science (4CR)
61 What is expected from students 115 CS703: Operating Systems (4CR)
using the Careers service
115 CS704: Programming Languages
62 Research matters and Implementation (4CR)
63 Student conduct
115 CS705: Distributed and Parallel
64 Library Systems (4CR)
64 Membership 115 CS799: Computer Science Master’s
64 Collections Research Thesis (8CR)
66 Facilities 115 CS801: Advanced Complexity (4CR)
66 Services 116 CS802: Advanced Data Structures
66 Loan rules and periods (4CR)
67 Library hours 116 CS803: Randomized Algorithms
67 Use of resources and facilities (4CR)
68 Research labs 116 CS804: Combinatorial Optimization
70 Administration and important
information 116 CS899: Computer Science Ph.D.
Research Thesis (32CR)
70 UAE entry permit and
residency visa 116 CV701: Human and Computer
70 Emirates ID card Vision (4CR)
70 Driving license 117 CV702: Geometry for Computer
Vision (4CR)
70 Embassies and consulates
117 CV703: Visual Objec Recognition
71 Electricity and Detection (4CR)
71 UAE newspapers 117 CV707: Digital Twins (4CR)
71 Potable water
117 CV799: Computer Vision
71 Useful websites Master’s Research (8CR)
71 Dress code 118 CV801: Advanced Computer
72 Academic programs Vision (4CR)
73 Master of Science in 118 CV802: Advanced 3D Computer
Computer Science Vision 4CR)

4 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

118 CV803: Advanced Techniques in 125 ML899: Machine Learning Ph.D.
Visual Object Recognition Research Thesis (32CR)
and Detection (4CR) 125 MTH701: Mathematical
119 CV804: 3D Geometry Processing Foundations of Artificial
(4CR) Intelligence (4CR)
119 CV805: Life-long Learning 126 MTH702: Optimization (4CR)
Agents for Vision (4CR) 126 MTH703: Mathematics for
119 CV899: Computer Vision Ph.D. Theoretical Computer
Research Thesis (32CR) Science (4CR)
119 DS701: Data Mining (4CR) 126 NLP701: Natural Language
120 DS702: Big Data Processing(4CR) Processing (4CR)
120 DS703: Information Retrieval (4CR) 126 NLP702: Advanced Natural
120 DS704: Statistical Aspect of Language Processing
Machine Learning / (4CR)
Statistical Theory (4CR) 126 NLP703: Speech Processing(4CR)
120 HC701: Medical Imaging: Physics 127 NLP799: NLP799 Natural Language
and Analysis (4CR) Processing Master
121 INT799: Master of Science Research Thesis (8CR)
Internship (2CR) 127 NLP801: Deep Learning for
121 INT899: Ph.D. Internship (2CR) Language Processing
121 ML701: Machine Learning (4CR)
127 NLP802: Current Topics in Natural
121 ML 703: Probabilistic and Language Processing
Statistical Inference (4CR)
127 NLP803: Advanced Speech
122 ML 707: Smart City Services and Processing (4CR)
Applications (4CR)
127 NLP804 Deep Learning for
122 ML708: Trustworthy Artificial Natural Language
Intelligence (4CR) Generation (4CR)
122 ML709: IoT of things, Services 128 NLP899: Natural Language
and Applications (4CR) Processing Ph.D.
122 ML710: Parallel and Distributed Research Thesis (32CR)
Machine Learning
System (4CR) 128 RES799: Introduction to Research
Methods (2CR)
123 ML799: Machine Learning
Master’s Research Thesis 128 RES899: Advanced Research
(8CR) Methods (2CR)
123 ML801: Foundations and 128 ROB701: Introduction to Robotics
Advanced Topics in (4CR)
Machine Learning (4CR) 129 ROB702: Robotic Vision and
123 ML802: Advanced Machine Intelligence (4CR)
Learning (4CR) 129 ROB703: Robot Localization and
123 ML803: Advanced Probabilistic Navigation (4CR)
and Statistical Inference 129 ROB799: Robotics M.Sc. Research
(4CR) Thesis (8CR)
124 ML804: Advanced Topics in 129 ROB801: Advanced Robotic
Continuous Optimization Motion Planning (4CR)
(4CR) 130 ROB802: Advanced Topics in
124 ML806: Advanced Topics in Robotics: Multi-Robot
Reinforcement Learning Systems (4CR)
(4CR) 130 ROB803: Advanced Humanoid
124 ML807: Federated Learning Robotics (4CR)
(4CR) 130 ROB804: Vision for Autonomous
125 ML808: Advanced Topics in Robotics (4CR)
Causality and Machine 130 ROB899: Robotics Ph.D. Research
Learning (4CR) Thesis (32CR)
125 ML 812: Advanced Topics in 131 Appendix 2: Definitions
Algorithms for Big Data 133 Appendix 3: Faculty


6 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024
Welcome from the President
Welcome to Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial
Intelligence (MBZUAI), a graduate research university
dedicated to AI and AI natives. Your journey with us is going
to be no less than extraordinary: you will pursue curiosity-
driven research and develop a problem-solving mindset;
work alongside some of the brightest minds in AI; and have
the opportunity to make a lasting impact on society and

Located in Abu Dhabi, MBZUAI was founded in 2019 and is the product of
the visionary leadership of the UAE, a country committed to solving the
world’s most pressing challenges with the power of AI. We have an important
responsibility to seed a culture of research and innovation in the region to
produce AI talents and lead the world in unleashing the full potential of AI
through transformative research, diversity in thought and scientific discovery.
We are home to an outstanding faculty in computer vision, machine learning,
natural language processing, robotics and computer science, with two more
departments being added this year. Our curriculum has been designed to align
your learning experience with real-life issues and prepares you to use your
knowledge and skills to make a difference – whether you choose to stay in
research or apply your learning in industry.

What we expect from you

AI is reshaping our lives and the world that we live in at a rapid pace. Be
curious about how you can promote understanding of AI as a force for good
and make a difference in the world. Your time here should be used to work
toward that goal.
I encourage you to challenge existing norms, think creatively, and embrace

What you can expect from us

At MBZUAI, you will have unparalleled access to tools and resources that give
you the freedom to remain curious and hone your research skills. You will be
trained by top faculty in a safe and nurturing environment.
Like the great scientific revolutions before us – the steam engine, electricity
and the internet – we are helping write the story of what comes next. And you
are now part of that story.

Professor Eric Xing

President, MBZUAI


Academic calendar 2023-2024
Day Date Event
Mon–Fri Aug 14–18 Students’ orientation

Mon Aug 21 First day of classes

Fri Aug 25 Last day to add/drop courses

Last day to apply for course withdrawal/

Fri Sept 1
leave of absence without penalty

Mon–Wed Aug 14–Sep 6 Supervisors’ selection process

Fall semester

Fri Nov 17 Publish the spring 2024 class schedule


Mon–Fri Nov 20–24 Early registration for spring 2024 semester

Tue Dec 5 Last day of classes

Wed–Fri Dec 6–8 Final exams preparation period

Sun–Thu Dec 10–14 Final exams period

Fri Dec 15 360 meeting – all faculty

Tues Dec 19 Faculty to submit grades

Mon Dec 25 Grades announcement

Thu Dec 28 Students’ deadline to submit grade appeals

Day Date Event


Dec 15, 2023–


Fri–Fri Winter break for students

Jan 5, 2024
Dec 20, 2023–
Wed–Tue Winter break for faculty
Jan 2, 2024

The official holidays observed by the University during the fall 2023 semester:

Occasion Date Holiday duration

Prophet Mohammed Birthday Sep 26 or Sep 27, 2023 One day
Commemoration Day Dec 1, 2023 One day
UAE National Day Dec 2, 3, 2023 Two days

8 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Day Date Event
Spring semester Mon Jan 8 First day of classes

Fri Jan 12 Last day to add/drop courses


Fall 2022 cohort – M.Sc. students/

Mon–Tue Jan 15–Apr 30
application for Ph.D. articulation
Last day to apply for course withdrawal/
Fri Jan 26
leave of absence without penalty
Fall 2022 cohort – M.Sc. students’ final
Mon Mar 25
deadline for thesis submission

Day Date Event


Mon–Fri Mar 25–29 Spring break for students/faculty

Day Date Event

Fall 2022 cohort – M.Sc. students’ final
Thu Apr 4
deadline for thesis defense
Fri Apr 12 Publish the fall 2024 class schedule
Fall 2022 cohort – Ph.D. students’ deadline
Mon Apr 15
to sit for the candidacy (oral) exam
Spring semester continues

Mon–Fri Apr 15–19 Early registration for fall 2024 semester

Wed May 1 Last day of classes

Thu–Mon May 2–6 Final exams preparation period


Tue–Mon May 7-13 Final exams period

Tue May 14 360 meeting – all faculty

Thu May 16 Faculty to submit grades

Thu May 23 Grades announcement

Wed May 29 Students’ deadline to submit grade appeals

Qualifying exam for Ph.D. students – first
Mon May 27
Qualifying exam for Ph.D. students – second
Mon Jun 10
Thu Jun 13 Official Commencement ceremony

Day Date Event


Wed May 15 Start of summer break for students

Mon May 20 Start of summer break for faculty

The official holidays observed by the University during the spring 2024 semester:
Occasion Date Holiday duration
Eid Al Fitr Holiday April 10–12 Three days


Where to find
further information

For other further inquiries, please find below the list of contacts:
Office of the President
Provost Office
Career and internship
Campus Life

10 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

IT Helpdesk
Facilities management
Human resources



POWER from

12 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

The university
The Mohamed bin Zayed University of
Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI) is established
in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, with a clear
mission to drive AI knowledge creation and
development, foster economic and social
growth, and position the UAE as a hub for the
international AI community.

The university, in addition to its academic offerings,

will have a direct and indirect impact on AI
advancement in the UAE in multiple ways including,
but are not limited to:

• Attracting international talents (students and

faculty staff) and ensuring the transition to enter
the UAE market

• Creating an active AI community and

collaborating in AI research and publications

• Hosting conferences that attract AI experts to

the UAE and the region

• Supporting technology and AI related startups in

the UAE

• Supporting governments and businesses

by providing AI consulting services and AI
solutions/ applications

• Conducting training and workshops in various AI

fields for government entities and businesses.

MBZUAI currently offers

Ph.D. and M.Sc. programs in five AI specializations
including machine learning (ML), computer vision
(CV), natural language processing (NLP), robotics
(ROB) and computer science (CS).


Institutional history
MBZUAI was established as an independent local entity in
Abu Dhabi and shall be affiliated to the Executive Council. The
university has a Board of Trustees comprising seven members
including the chairman of the board.

Drive excellence in knowledge creation, transfer and use of AI to
foster economic growth and position Abu Dhabi as a hub for the
international AI community.

Establish and continually evolve interdisciplinary, collaborative
research and development capability in the field of AI, while
educating students to be innovators and leaders with the breadth
and depth to grow technology and enterprise in the UAE and

Strategic objectives
As a unique institution, purpose built to lead the world in AI research,
MBZUAI seeks to be a paradise for transformative research; a cradle
for the best minds in computer science; and a hub for startups and
high-tech innovation.
Its strategic objectives are:

• Attract the best talent focused on AI

• Develop, train, and retain talent for the UAE economy
• Lead Abu Dhabi’s efforts to build and sustain an AI- based
knowledge economy
• Develop real business applications in collaboration with
industry and the public sector to enhance innovation,
productivity, and growth
• Be the birthplace for high-tech innovation and AI
startups in the UAE and the MENA region.

Licensing and accreditation

The MBZUAI is located in Abu Dhabi, and is officially licensed from
March 10, 2020 by the Ministry of Education of the United Arab
Emirates (UAE) to award degrees/qualifications in higher education.

14 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

MBZUAI leadership

His Highness
Sheikh Mohamed
bin Zayed Al Nahyan
President of the UAE
Among his many interests, His Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin
Zayed Al Nahyan is known for his unwavering commitment
to enhance educational standards in the Emirate of Abu
Dhabi and raise them to be on par with the best international
standards. The university is named in his honor

16 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees (BoT) comprises of several members, including a
chairman of the board. The BoT candidates were identified based on their
knowledge and expertise in academia and AI applications across various
industries. The BoT has been formed through a resolution issued by the
chairman of the Executive Council. The board shall exercise all the powers
needed to conduct the work of the university, supervise the management of its
affairs, and achieve its objectives. The BoT meets quarterly.

His Excellency Professor Professor

Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber Sir Michael Brady Anil K. Jain
Minister of Industry and Emeritus Professor of Distinguished Professor in
Advanced Technology and Oncological Imaging in the the Department of Computer
member of the Federal Cabinet Department of Oncology of the Science and Engineering at
Chairman of the MBZUAI Board University of Oxford Michigan State University
of Trustees

Dr. Kai-Fu Lee Professor Daniela Rus

Chairman and CEO of Professor of Electrical Engineering
Sinovation Ventures and and Computer Science and Director
President of Sinovation of the Computer Science and Artificial
Venture’s Artificial Intelligence Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) at
Institute Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Peng Xiao His Excellency

CEO of Abu Dhabi-based Mansour Ibrahim Al Mansoori
Group42 Ltd Member of Abu Dhabi Executive
Council and the Chairman of the
Department of Health in Abu Dhabi


18 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024
University leadership

Professor Eric Xing

President and University

Timothy Baldwin Sultan Al Hajji

Acting Provost, Associate Provost Vice President of Public Affairs
for Academic Affairs, Department and Alumni Relations
Chair of Natural Language
Processing, and Professor of
Natural Language Processing

Ian Mathews Lily Burns

Vice President of Associate Provost for
Corporate Services Administrative Affairs

Richard Morton Hong (Dekyi) Liang

General Counsel Chief of Staff


Available services
for students on campus
From the time students are of the apartments comprise more
admitted into MBZUAI until than one bedroom. All apartments
graduation, access shall be provided have private balconies.
to a range of support services,
Common system in 1A building
facilities, and programs at the apartments:
campus. Students have access to
a range of other services, such as: • A master switch is provided
advising, IT support, health services in each room at the entrance to
and insurance, prayer rooms, dining activate all MEP systems
facilities and student lounges. (lighting, AC and water).

Premises, resources and • The lights work with motion

physical setting sensors as per occupancy
(the timing of this is adjustable).
MBZUAI is based in Masdar City, They can also be controlled by
one of the world’s most sustainable switches, which are available
urban communities, a low-carbon
inside the room.
development made up of a
rapidly growing clean-tech cluster, • AC units are installed on
business free zone and residential the ceiling – thermostats
neighborhood with restaurants, are not available to control the
shops and public green spaces, temperature inside the rooms as
surrounded by a student-friendly per building design. The AC unit’s
environment with all the needed temperature can be controlled
amenities. The campus spaces are from the building management
designed to be fully supportive of system (BMS) based on request.
an optimal educational experience
• Centralized fresh air is available
and compliant with local authorities’ and is fed to each room and the
regulations as well as international corridors.
educational standards.
• Hot and cold water is available
Recreational facilities all the time; the washbasin taps
MBZUAI is equipped with a sports work with sensors.
facility, a sizeable male and female • Each room is equipped with
gym, and a swimming pool. an electric hot plate,
MBZUAI apartments fridge, microwave, and furniture.
The residences at MBZUAI 1A is • All the room entrance doors are
split into four blocks, comprising secured with a centralized
three floors of apartments, while 1B access control system
contains additional housing blocks (access cards will be provided
of four floors each. The blocks are accordingly).
divided into male and females. Each
male and female apartment has a
bedroom, kitchen, toilet and shower,
living/dining, and study area. Some

20 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

• Window blind curtains are • Centralized fresh air is available
available and can be operated and is fed to each room and the
manually. corridors.
• A common laundry room is • Hot and cold water is available
available in each residential all the time; the washbasin taps
building. work with sensors.
• Centralized garbage chutes • Each room is equipped with
are available in each floor with two types of hot plate – an
designated bins (general waste, electric hot plate and induction
plastic, organic, and aluminum hot plate (only induction pans
cans). will work on the induction hot
plate) – a fridge, microwave, and
Common system in 1B building furniture.
• All the room entrance doors are
• A master switch is provided in secured with a centralized
each room in 1B building access control system (access
apartments – the user must cards will be provided
insert the card in the master accordingly).
switch to activate all MEP
systems (lighting, AC and water).
• Window blind curtains are
available, and can be operated
• The lights work with motion manually.
sensors as per occupancy (the
timing of this is adjustable).
• A common laundry room is
available in each residential
They can also be controlled by
switches, which are available
inside the room. • Centralized garbage chutes
are available in each floor with
• AC units are installed on the designated bins (general waste,
ceiling, and the temperature can
plastic, organic, and aluminum
be controlled by thermostats,
which are available in each room.


Catering arrangements Cleaning
All apartments are equipped with The common areas are cleaned
an electric cooker, fridge, and frequently. It is the resident’s
microwave, but no oven. Cookware, responsibility to clean their own
crockery, and cutlery are not apartment. The Campus Life &
provided. Apartments in 1B blocks Facilities team will carry out random
have shared freezers on each floor. checks of the student dorm to
ensure cleanliness.
1A blocks have small freezers in
their refrigerators. There is also a Prayer rooms
canteen on site where breakfast, There are both male and female
lunch, and dinner can be purchased. prayer rooms located within the
Additionally, a number of retail campus. In 1B building, there are two
outlets including restaurants and prayer rooms for males and females.
cafés are located on campus. The male prayer room is located in
Bedrooms are equipped with a the Hydro residential building and
bed, built-in wardrobe, and bedside the female prayer room is located in
cabinet. Bedding is not provided. the Tidal residential building.
Bathroom facilities consist of a In 1A building, there are also male
shower, toilet, and sink. Towels and female prayer rooms. The
are not provided. Dining table and male prayer room is located in the
chairs, study desk and chair and soft Knowledge Center building and the
furnishings are provided. female prayer room is located in
Biomass residential building.
There is a laundry located within Parking
each of the blocks. There are also
At the Masdar City campus, parking
a number of common lounges
is permitted at the North Car Park.
and external balcony areas within
Parking spaces are available for
each of the blocks. Students are
faculty, staff, and students and
responsible for providing their
cannot be reserved.
own laundry detergent. The use of
washing/drying machines is free of Transportation
charge in all facilities. Bus services, routes and fared
Majlis/common areas taxis
All taxi services in UAE use meters
Common areas are provided on the
around the city so you will not need
podium level of the campus. Male
to negotiate fares. Drivers in Abu
and female majlis areas are located
Dhabi speak English and there is
in 1A and 1B. Common space can
a central national transport phone
be found in 1B and in the Learning
number that can be used to locate
Center and restaurants, cafés, and
the nearest available taxi:
the canteen.
600 535353.

22 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Banking facilities
First Abu Dhabi Bank
Tel: 02 681 1511
Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank
Tel: 02 672 0000
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank
Tel: 02 610 0600
Tel: 02 674 2484
Tel: 600 55 4722
Most banks have several branches in
each city. Contact the bank or visit
their website for details of the most
convenient branch for you.
Masdar Park
Masdar Park is a 2,500 square meter
green space adjacent to campus,
open daily from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. The
park features a children’s playground,
a music wall and art installations
themed on sustainability. Visitors
can charge their phones and digital
devices using the park’s solar-
powered benches and interact
with The Tree of Light made from
recycled building materials. The
Tree of Light changes color when
touched. For more information, visit
Travel and tourism
The Abu Dhabi Department of
Culture and Tourism and Visit Abu
Dhabi provide information regarding
travel and tourism:


Campus map
More cafes and restaurants
Emirates Post

Siemens Building
Lobby Retail Retail Lobby Sumo Sushi Lobby
Masdar offices

and parking
Biomass Wave Wind

point 6
point 7 Masdar offices


First Aid
ADNH canteen FAB Male Lobby
Bank Retail Majlis

KNOWLEDGE CENTER Assembly point 5 North car park

Masdar Park




Assembly Rozalina

point 1 Restaurant
and Sweets Public washroom Supermarket

MBZUAI Level 1 & 2 Assembly Lobby

main entrance point 3
Observatory Center Hydropower
point 4

Visitors Center Lobby
point 2

➀ ➁ ➂
Blanco Asfour
Mexican Restaurant

Tidal Power Geothermal

MBZUAI campus facilities Classrooms Canteen Medical Center

Knowledge Center Laboratory Wind tower Gym (male and female)

Recreation Library Student residences Public washroom

Residential and retail PRT station Male prayer room Car park

Swimming pool Female prayer room Assembly point

24 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Health, wellness and safety
Health and safety Medical emergencies
The MBZUAI is committed to If a student is seriously ill, he/she
providing a safe and healthy should contact either the Control
environment for our students, staff Room 24/7 on 02 811 3100 or Main
and visitors. However, students reception 24/7 on 02 811 3369.
are expected to take responsibility
for their own actions and not put Health services
themselves or others at risk. On-campus assistance is available
in the form of first aid kits placed
Any occupational health and safety
around the campus for minor
issues identified will be taken
injuries. Students may use their
seriously and addressed promptly.
health insurance cards provided by
If a student identifies any health
MBZUAI to visit a hospital or medical
and safety risks or has any health
center for more serious injuries.
and safety concerns, they must
contact Campus Life promptly to • MBZUAI will provide each
report any injuries or incidents that student with health insurance
occur. Smoking is not allowed on the during their academic journey.
MBZUAI campus.
• The health card can be used
Security for medical services
MBZUAI is accessible only to in emergency cases and for
authorized individuals. All MBZUAI basic routine treatment. A policy
premises have security gates with list will be provided stating the
security personnel stationed at each coverages included and
entrance. allocated limits.

These security officers will only allow • In the event of a serious

those who are properly authorized injury, call an ambulance by
to enter the campus. dialing 999. For minor
injuries or medical complaints, a
Fire drills medical clinic is available on
In case of fire, each academic campus which is located in
department has procedures to the Solar building podium and
follow. Students should learn where is available 24/7. The clinic is
emergency exits, fire alarms and fully equipped and ready to
fire extinguishers are located. In the accommodate all first aid needs.
event of a fire drill or emergency,
students must follow the directions
of their professor or security


Student IT services at MBZUAI
About IT Department
The Information Technology department is responsible for the planning,
delivery, and support of the University’s main computing facilities. This includes
the University’s network systems, email and calendaring, management
services, research IT and student computing facilities. The IT department also
provides support for teaching and learning in several classrooms.
Staff and students are provided with full IT support via the IT department’s
Helpdesk, which can be contacted via telephone, email or walk-in during
normal business hours.

Service Hours Contact details

Mon–Thurs, 8:00 am–5:00 pm 02-8113000 (external).
Telephone support
Fridays: 7:30 am–12:00pm Extension 3000
Mon–Thurs, 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Email support
Fridays: 7:30 am–12:00pm
Mon–Thurs, 8:00 am–5:00 pm
Walk-in support Level 1, Building 1B
Fridays: 7:30 am–12:00pm

Internet access and student email

MBZUAI students can connect their laptop, mobile phone, or tablet to the
MBZUAI wireless network to get fast secure internet access. Students in
residences can also connect to wireless networks. Connections from outside
campus are secured using a virtual private network (VPN).
In the first instance, Campus Life staff will help set up the required username
and password. It is the student’s responsibility to keep their password secure
and not misuse it. If a student forgets their password, they should contact the
IT Helpdesk. Before a student is given a password to access the internet and
their email account, he/she shall be required to sign the MBZUAI Acceptable
Use Policy. Student email is considered an official form of communication
between MBZUAI and the students. Users of the internet are governed by the
MBZUAI Acceptable Use Policy.
MBZUAI website and portal and e-Services
The MBZUAI website contains a wealth of useful information, including news
channels, links to the available library resources, research activities, the
academic calendar and more. Students can find the MBZUAI Catalogue on the
website. It contains detailed information about programs, MBZUAI’s policies,
procedures, and requirements.
The MBZUAI website has a link to the restricted access MBZUAI portal.
Students can access their email through the portal and will be offered a full
e-Services Portfolio. Students gain access to the portal with their username
and password. This can be done using a computer on the campus, at home or
anywhere with an internet connection.

26 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

In addition to the services Access to high performance
mentioned above the following is a computing (HPC) resources
list of other systems and services Ph.D. students are granted access to
that will be of interest. the MBZUAI HPC resources at MBZUAI
and must adhere to the fair use policy
• Student Information System (SIS)
that is in place. Master’s students can
• Class schedule apply for access to HPC resources
• Program curriculum with the express permission of their
• Student careers and alumni supervisor. Details can be obtained
services from the IT Helpdesk.
• Student Handbook Student representation
• Housing manual There are two representatives of the
• Microsoft Office 365 (email, MS Graduate Student Council (GSC) that
Teams, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and serve on the IT Committee. The two
OneDrive) representatives meet bi-weekly with
the Director of IT to discuss student
• Printing services
IT needs and issues and can be
• Learning management system contacted at The
(Moodle) council also operates a SharePoint
• MATLAB site.
Graduate Student Council - Home
Labs and computing
The IT department operates the
computer labs located on level 2 of IT Helpdesk contact details
building 1B. The labs are set up for There is an IT Helpdesk located on
teaching but are available for students Level 1, Building 1B on campus to help
when teaching is not taking place. students with general IT queries. The
There are 64 machines available in the helpdesk provides a walk-in service,
labs. Adjacent to the labs, there are a telephone service (extension 3000)
40 machines that are available 24/7 and an email service: helpdesk@
for student use on a first come, first
served basis. There are also several The helpdesk operates during
shared screens, keyboards, and mice university business hours, Monday to
available for student use with their Friday.
own laptops.


Master of Science (M.Sc.) programs
To be considered for admission to a Master of Science program at MBZUAI
an applicant must provide evidence of the following:
• A completed bachelor’s degree in a STEM field such as Computer Science,
Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Physics
and other relevant Science and Engineering majors, from an accredited
university or college recognized by the UAE Ministry of Education, without
the need of prior work experience.
• Academically Distinguished Student Portfolio
• Bachelor’s degree in a STEM field, plus each applicant must submit
evidence including, but are not limited to, the following:
• Research Capability & Output.
• Technical Skills.
• Graduation from a highly ranked university.
• Other factors.
• Minimum CGPA 3.0/ 4.0.
• Applicants must provide their complete degree certificates and transcripts
(in English) when submitting their application. Senior-level students can
apply initially with a copy of their transcript and upon admission must
submit official complete degree certificate/transcript. A degree attestation
(for degrees from the UAE) or an equivalency certificate (for degrees
acquired outside the UAE) should also be furnished within their first
semester at the university.
• Knowledge, skills & competencies in some of the following subjects:
• Programming skills such as Python, C, C++ or MatLab.
• Math skills such as:
• Data Structures and Algorithms.
• Linear Algebra.
• Probability and Statistics.
• Calculus
• A minimum undergraduate CGPA of 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale).

28 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

• An English Language Proficiency Certificate which must remain valid
during the application process. Minimum requirements are:
• TOEFL iBT with a minimum total score of 90, or
• IELTS Academic with a minimum overall score of 6.5, or
• EmSAT English with a minimum total score of 1550.
• TOEFL iBT, IELTS Academic and EmSAT English certificates should be
valid during the application process.
Waiver requests from applicants who undertook all their schooling (K-12)
plus a bachelor’s degree in English in a reference English speaking country
(e.g., UK, USA, Australia, New Zealand) may be processed in accordance
with the Admission Procedure.
Applicants must submit notarized copies of their documents during
the application stage and attested documents upon admission. Waiver
decisions will be given within seven days after receiving all requirements.
• A minimum of two letters of recommendations from mentors and
supervisors or others with good knowledge of the applicant’s qualification
are mandatory, at least one should be from a previous course instructor or
faculty/research advisor and the other one from a current or previous work
• Selected applicants will be invited to participate in an entry exam to assess
their knowledge and skills:
• Math and programming for CV, ML and NLP
• Math, programming and machine learning for CS & Robotics
• A Graduate Record Examination (GRE) General Score may be optionally
• Statement of Purpose: In a 500-to-1,000-word essay, the applicant should
present his/her motivation for applying to the university. It may include
information regarding the applicant’s personal and academic background
as well as his/her chosen career path; goals as a prospective student;
graduation plans; and other details that will support the application.
All applications for admission to Master of Science programs must be
submitted online providing all required documentation.


Admission Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs
In order to be considered for admission to a PhD program at MBZUAI an
applicant must provide evidence of the following:
Degree Requirements for Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Natural
Language Processing and Robotics
• Completed Degree
Bachelor’s degree in a STEM field such as Computer Science, Electrical
Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and other
relevant Science and Engineering majors, from a university accredited or
recognized by the UAE Ministry of Education (MoE) which demonstrates
academic distinction in a discipline appropriate for the doctoral degree.
Students should have a CGPA of at least 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or equivalent
and valid Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores of at least 150
(Verbal Reasoning), 150 (Quantitative Reasoning) and 3 (Analytical Writing)
is mandatory. However, the GRE can be waived if the applicant is an
academically distinguished student as specified below.
• Bachelor’s and master’s degrees in STEM fields such as Computer Science,
Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and
other relevant Science and Engineering majors, from a university accredited
or recognized by the UAE Ministry of Education (MoE). Students should have
a minimum CGPA of 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale). The GRE submission is optional for
applicants with both bachelor’s and master’s degrees although submitting a
GRE will be considered a plus during the evaluation.
• Academically Distinguished Student Portfolio
Bachelor’s degree in a STEM field, plus each applicant must submit
evidence including, but are not limited to, the following:
• Research Capability & Output.
• Technical Skills.
• Graduation from a highly ranked university.
• Other factors.
• Minimum CGPA 3.0/ 4.0.

30 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

• The GRE submission is OR
optional for applications via • Academically Distinguished
the Academically Distinguished Student Portfolio
Student Portfolio pathway,
although submitting a GRE will Bachelor’s degree in Computer
be considered a plus during the science with a minimum of 50%
evaluation. Computer Science content, or
bachelor’s and master’s degree
Degree Requirements for in computer science fields, plus
Computer Science each applicant must submit
evidence including, but are not
• Completed Degree limited to, the following:
• Research Capability & Output.
Bachelor’s degree in computer
• Technical Skills.
science with a minimum of 50%
Computer Science content, • Graduation from a highly
from a university accredited ranked university.
or recognized by the UAE • Other factors.
Ministry of Education (MoE) • Minimum CGPA 3.0/ 4.0.
which demonstrates academic Following requirments apply for
distinction. Students should have admission to all MBZUAI Ph.D.
a strong background in both
applied and theoretical aspects
of computer science with a CGPA • The GRE submission is
of at least 3.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or optional for applications via
equivalent and valid Graduate the Academically Distinguished
Record Examination (GRE) scores Student Portfolio pathway,
of at least 150 (Verbal Reasoning), although submitting a GRE will
150 (Quantitative Reasoning)
be considered a plus during the
and 3 (Analytical Writing) is
mandatory. However, the GRE evaluation.
can be waived if the applicant is • Applicants must provide their
an academically distinguished complete degree certificates
student as specified below.
and transcripts (in English) when
OR submitting their application.
• Bachelor’s and master’s Senior students can apply initially
degrees in Computer Science with a copy of their transcript and
from a university accredited upon admission must submit
or recognized by the UAE an official complete degree
Ministry of Education (MoE)
which demonstrate academic certificate/transcript. A degree
distinction. Students should have attestation (for degrees from the
a strong background in both UAE) or an equivalency certificate
applied and theoretical aspects (for degrees acquired outside the
of computer science with a UAE) should also be furnished
minimum CGPA of 3.2 (on a 4.0 within their first semester at the
scale). The GRE submission is university.
optional for applicants with both
bachelor’s and master’s degrees
although submitting a GRE will
be considered a plus during the


• Knowledge & Competencies: Demonstrate evidence of skills acquired in
some of the following subjects:
• Programming skills such as Python or C or C++ or MatLab.
• Math skills such as:
• Data Structures and Algorithms.
• Linear Algebra.
• Probability and Statistics.
• Calculus.
• Knowledge of basic machine learning algorithms such as linear
regression, decision trees, Support Vector Machines, etc.

• English Language Proficiency Certificate (for applications submitted

from Fall 2021 intake onwards). Minimum requirements are:
• TOEFL iBT with a minimum total score of 90; or
• IELTS Academic with a minimum overall score of 6.5 or
• EmSAT English with a minimum total score of 1550.
• TOEFL iBT, IELTS Academic and EmSAT certificates should be valid
during the application process.
Waiver requests from applicants who undertook all their schooling (K-12)
plus a bachelor’s degree and/or a Master’s degree, as applicable, in English
in a reference English speaking country (e.g., UK, USA, Australia, New
Zealand) may be processed in accordance with the Admission Procedure.
Applicants must submit notarized copies of their documents during
the application stage and attested documents upon admission. Waiver
decisions will be given within seven days after receiving all requirements.

32 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

• Three (3) letters of recommendation from mentors and supervisors or
others with good knowledge of the applicant’s qualifications are mandatory.
At least one letter should be from a previous course instructor or faculty/
research advisor and the others from a current or previous work supervisor

• Selected applicants will be invited to participate in an entry exam to assess

their knowledge and skills in Math, programming and Machine learning.

• Statement of Purpose: In a 500 to 1,000-word essay, the applicant should

present his/her motivation for applying to the university. It may include
information regarding the applicant’s personal and academic background
as well as his/her chosen career path; goals as a prospective student;
graduation plans; and other details that will support the application.

• Research Statement: a 1–3-page document which provides a high-level

overview of the applicant’s past research experience and the research he/
she is interested in working on, including his/her motivation for wanting to
investigate this area. Note that applicants are expected to write a research
statement completely independently. The admission committee will review
an applicant’s research statement and use it as one of the measures
to determine if an applicant’s interests and experience make them a
good fit for MBZUAI’s research programs. MBZUAI faculty will NOT help
applicants write a research statement for the purpose of the application.
It is recommended that the statement contains few sections including
introduction, literature review, problem definition, methods (optional),
timeline, and a list of references.
All applications for admission to PhD programs must be submitted online
providing all required documentation.


Credit transfer maximum of two (2) years prior to
Students applying for admission the student’s acceptance into the
who wish to transfer credit from program of MBZUAI.
a federal or licensed institution in The MBZUAI academic department
the UAE, or a foreign institution of will have the ultimate right to accept
higher learning based outside the or reject the transfer requests for
UAE and accredited in their home any student.
country must provide evidence, as
outlined in the admission procedure, All applications for transfer credit
which will allow the MBZUAI to M.Sc. or Ph.D. programs must
Academic Department to make a be submitted online providing all
determination regarding the transfer. required documentation.

• The limit for the number of Recognition of prior learning

transfer credits that may be MBZUAI does not recognize prior
accepted for a specific degree learning and does not award
program is 25% of total credit credit for informal and non-formal
hours for M.Sc. and Ph.D. learning that has taken place prior
programs. to admission into its academic
• Transfers will only be permitted programs, other than the credit
for students who are in good specified in the admission policy and
academic standing and who are associated procedures.
eligible to return to their current
Prior learning in the form of
or former institution. professional certification, training
• MBZUAI will accept the transfer programs, credit bearing courses of
of credits only for courses non-accredited degrees, and other
relevant to the degree that similar programs will not receive
provide equivalent learning any credit towards academic degree
outcomes and in which the programs.
student earned a grade of B (3.0
Course exemptions
on a 4.0 scale) or better.
A student may be granted a course
• The grade of the transfer credit exemption, rather than credit, if they
course will be recorded as a “TC” can provide evidence that a course
on the transcript record. The previously studied at a federal or
approved transfer credits will be licensed institution in the UAE,
calculated towards the credit or a foreign institution of higher
hours but not included in GPA learning based outside the UAE and
accredited in its home country, is
calculation. equivalent to a course that forms
• The course transfer credits may part of the program for which
not have been used previously the student is applying. Course
in any graduate program to fulfil exemptions are usually only granted
the requirement of any other for mandatory courses or those
that form a prerequisite for other
graduate degree.
• The course credits must have
The student must provide evidence,
been completed no more than a as outlined in the admission
procedure, which will allow the

34 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

MBZUAI academic department Scholarships
to decide regarding the course
All admitted students are granted
full scholarship upon acceptance.
MBZUAI will consider applications for The scholarship includes 100%
course exemption only for courses
tuition fees, accommodation, health
relevant to the degree that provide
equivalent learning outcomes and in insurance and a competitive monthly
which the student earned a grade of stipend and annual ticket to the
B (3.3/4) or better. student’s home country.
The grade of the exempted course To retain a scholarship, students
will be recorded as a “EX” on the must meet the following criteria:
transcript record. The exempted
course will have no credit assigned • Maintain a CGPA of 3.3 or above.
and will not be used in the • Complete their degree
calculation of the CGPA. requirements within the allowed
The exempted course will not count duration, as set out in the
towards the course requirements for Academic Progress Policy.
a program. • Maintain a clean deed record, and
The previous study being used as with no evidence of dishonest or
evidence for the course exemption unethical behavior.
must have been completed no more
than a maximum of two (2) years Tuition fees
prior to the student’s acceptance
into the MBZUAI program. Program Fee per one credit
The MBZUAI Academic Department M.Sc. AED 5,000
will have the ultimate right to accept Ph.D. AED 6,600
or reject the application for course
exemption for any student.
All applications for transfer credit
to M.Sc. or Ph.D. programs must
be submitted online providing all
required documentation.


Student ID • After meeting with the
Every student at MBZUAI receives supervisors, each student
an MBZUAI identity card after being is asked to submit, via an
admitted and enrolled. The card is e-form,their top three choices
valid until the students complete of faculty (no more than one
their studies. These cards are issued co-supervisor is permitted
by the Office of Campus Life. ID during the first year of study, but
cards will be distributed to all students still need to provide a
students during orientation week. ranked list of faculty).
The student should ensure to carry • Wherever possible, the
preferences of students who
his/her card at all times around
have identified a preferred
the university and should not allow
MBZUAI supervisor prior to their
anyone else to use this card.
arrival at the University will be
Academic advising honored. Accordingly,they should
MBZUAI will provide the appropriate submit their preference via
infrastructure and student advising the e-form, as outlined above,
framework to allow students to and include a comment noting
complete their education and the rationale for the preferred
research in a timely and productive supervisor.However, the following
manner. should be noted and will be
• Student advising shall be - There is no guarantee that
impartial and focus on students’
needs rather than those of the preferred supervisor will be
individual departments or the assigned.
• During the initial weeks of the
first semester of study, faculty
will showcase their research by
means of presentations.
• During that time, students are
given the opportunity to schedule
1:1 meetings with any faculty they
want to meet.

36 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Academic regulations
Academic calendar components (as per their intake
MBZUAI follows an academic year year - taught courses, internship
that starts in August through to May, and thesis/dissertation) within the
with a two semesters setup per year, normal allowed time to completion.
of 17 weeks study per semester. The normal time to complete for a
master’s program is two years, and
Language of instruction
the maximum time to complete is
All courses in MBZUAI programs four years, inclusive of any approved
offered in English only. leave of absence.
Official communication method The normal time to complete a
(email) Ph.D. program is four years, and
MBZUAI has adopted email as the maximum time to complete is
the primary means for official six years, inclusive of any approved
communication to its students, leave of absence.
faculty, and staff. The university will
Change of program
send all official communication
regarding academic and To change the current program, a
administrative matters, important student must submit a program
information, and time-sensitive change e-form. The form must be
notices to the email accounts approved by the student’s supervisor
provided by the university. It is the and the department chair of both
student’s responsibility to monitor the student’s current program and
their university email regularly to the student’s requested program.
ensure that such communication Changes of program are subject to:
is received. Failure to check
email, errors in forwarding email, • Space being available in the
and returned email due to full requested program
mailbox, will not excuse a student
from missing announcements or • The student can change his/her
program only once and before
deadlines. Students are expected
the beginning of the second
to use the email account provided
by the university to communicate
official matters to the university. • The student should be in good
academic standing at the end of
Duration of study
the first semester
Students are required to make
steady progress towards meeting • This change should not affect
degree requirements and must the allotted study duration of the
successfully pass all program program


Grading system
For Fall 2022 intake onwards, the following grades and guidelines are used at
Grade letters, points, percentages and descriptors
Grade Grade points Percentage Grade definition
A+ 4 97.0 – 100%
A 3.7 92.0 – 96.99%
A- 3.5 87.0 – 91.99%
B+ 3.3 80.0 – 86.99%
B 3 75.0 – 79.99%
B- 2.7 71.0 – 74.99%
C+ 2.3 67.0 – 70.99%
C 2 64.0 – 66.99%
C- 1.7 60.0 - 63.99%
F 0 0.0 – 59.99% Failing grade in coursework
Unsatisfactory in Internship/Thesis
U 0 0
WF 0 0 Withdrawal after the add/drop week

Prior to 2022 the following grades and guidelines were used at MBZUAI:
Grade letters, points, percentages and descriptors
Grade Grade points Percentage Grade definition
A 4.0 95-100 Exceptional
A- 3.7 89-94.99 Excellent
B+ 3.3 83-88.99 Very Good
B 3.0 77-82.99 Good
B- 2.7 71-76.99 Average
C+ 2.3 65-70.99 Below Average
C 2.0 59-64.99
C- 1.7 50-58.99
F Fail Less than 50 Failing grade in coursework
U Fail Unsatisfactory in internship/ thesis/research
WF after the add/
drop week

38 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Additional letter grades are used to How to calculate your GPA
denote special cases. These letter Fall semester
grades do not have corresponding
Core Credit Grade Grade Quality
grade points, and hence are not courses hours value points
used in calculating a student’s grade ML701 4 B 3.0 12.0
point average.
AI701 4 A 3.7 14.8

Other letter grades MTH701 4 B+ 3.3 13.2

Grade Description Semester

12 40.00
I Incomplete
Semester GPA = 40 ÷ 12 = 3.33
TC Transfer
W Withdrawn Spring semester
Core Credit Grade Grade Quality
EX Course exemption courses hours value points
S Satisfactory in internship/ ML703 4 B+ 3.3 13.2
thesis/research ML702 4 B 3.0 12.0
CV705 4 A+ 4.00 16.0
Term grade point average (TGPA).
12 41.2
The grade point average for a term Total
or semester is calculated by dividing Semester GPA = 41.2 ÷ 12 = 3.43
the sum of the quality points earned
in that term or semester by the Core Credit Grade Grade Quality
courses hours value points
number of credit hours attempted.
GPA 24 80.00
Cumulative grade point
CGPA = 81.2 ÷ 24 = 3.38
average (CGPA).
The cumulative grade point average Grade changes
is calculated by dividing the sum Final course grades are officially
of the quality points earned in all
reported by the instructor at the
terms and semesters by the credit
hours attempted in all those terms end of an academic semester and
and semesters. This average is recorded by the Registrar’s Office.
used to assess the student’s overall Officially recorded grades can only
academic standing at the University. be changed with the approval of the
course instructor and department
At the end of each semester,
student grade point averages are chair. A request to change a grade
used in determining academic may be initiated in writing by the
actions (good standing, probation, student or the course instructor.
dismissal, etc.) and scholarship
A student may appeal an officially
recorded grade by submitting a
Conversely, academic actions Change Grade Request Form within
and scholarship decisions will be three working days of when the final
updated if a student’s grade point grade was posted to the Registrar’s
average is altered due to approved Office. Grade appeals will be
faculty grade changes. processed as per the provisions in
Registrar’s Policy Manual.


Managing courses
Course registration process approval of the supervisor, Registrar
and the department chair/deputy.
• A student must be officially
registered in a course to earn Adding/dropping courses
academic credit. A student may only change his/
• Students must meet with their her schedule during the add/
academic supervisor during the drop period as designated in the
announced registration period University calendar. If the deadline
to agree on the courses to be has passed, a student cannot
registered. change their class schedule
unless they provide evidence for
• Students must register during extenuating circumstances and
the designated registration period
as published in the University after the approval of the supervisor,
calendar each term until the department chair/deputy and the
degree has been formally Registrar.
awarded. Course withdrawal
Course load A student who encounters
unanticipated difficulty in a course
Students admitted to MBZUAI
may withdraw from a course until
programs are required to maintain
the end of the second week from
a full-time status by registering
the start of the semester (as per
in a minimum of 12 credit hours
the university calendar) through a
per semester during the first year.
“course withdrawal request form”
In exceptional circumstances, a
approved by the student’s primary
student may be approved to carry
supervisor, department chair/deputy,
a reduced credit load upon the
and the Registrar.

40 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Withdrawing from a course after are not permitted to register for a
the deadline results in academic/ course with a prerequisite unless
financial penalty and requires the the prerequisite course has been
approval of the academic supervisor completed with a passing grade.
and the Provost through a “course
withdrawal request form”. Limitation of courses offered
The University reserves the right
In case the course withdrawal to cancel any course listed in
will result in the student being the catalogue or scheduled to be
underload (less than 12 credits), offered. Notification of a cancelled
then Provost approval is required in course will be sent to any affected
addition to the above approvals. students at their university email
Course restrictions and address.
prerequisites Class cancellations
Enrollment in some courses may On rare occasions, it may be
be restricted. For example, a course necessary to cancel a scheduled
may be open to students within a class. Under such circumstances,
specific program or require that a students will be notified in advance.
student has master’s or doctoral
level standing. In some cases, Course feedback
registration may not be permitted Students are required to give
without the approval of the course their feedback on all courses at
instructor. A program of study the end of every semester, which
may also require that courses be ensures the quality of course
taken in a certain order or taken delivery. Student feedback is further
together. A course that is required considered during course review and
to be taken before another course development.
is called a “prerequisite”. Students


Attendance, leave of absence,
withdrawal and resuming studies
Attendance Leave of absence
Class attendance is not mandatory A student may request a leave of
unless specified as a requirement absence for one semester only
in the course syllabus. However, during the period of study at MBZUAI
all MBZUAI students are strongly for extenuating circumstances by
encouraged to attend in person submitting the “leave of absence
as there is a correlation between request form”, approved by the
attendance and academic academic advisor and the Provost.
achievement. If the student requests to extend
If attendance is a course the leave of absence for another
requirement, the instructor will semester, he/she should submit an
keep track of attendance in his/her appeal to the Appeal Committee.
classroom. If the student exceeds the approved
Full-time students should be leave of absence duration without
aware that they are not allowed a formal notification, he/she will
to work more than 20 hours per be considered withdrawn from the
week to ensure that they are not university and financial penalties will
overloaded by paid work, which will apply.
inhibit the time that they can attend
Resuming studies
their classes or affect their study
outcome. A student who has been on a “leave
of absence” status for a semester or
more and would like to resume his/

42 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

her studies, he/she should submit Withdrawal from the
a “Resume Study Request Form” to University
the Registrar’s office.
A student may voluntarily withdraw
Annual leave from the University after the
Full-time graduate students holding approval of the Appeal Committee
MBZUAI scholarship may be eligible and subject to the terms and
to take annual leave as per the conditions of the scholarship
entitlement stated in the financial contract.
obligations policy. Students should be aware they shall
• Students must meet, discuss pay to the University all expenses
and obtain the approval of their including tuition fees, monthly
advisor(s) prior to applying for allowances, medical expenses, and
leave. The advisor is responsible any other expenses incurred by the
for guiding the student and University during the period of study.
approving annual leave requests. If the student submits legitimate
• Students must notify the Office justification for withdrawal to the
of Campus Life after receiving Appeal Committee, the University
their advisor’s approval. may, if it deems necessary, exempt
the student from all or some of the
• Students must apply for annual obligations stipulated in the financial
leave at least two weeks prior to
obligations policy.
the first day of absence.
The student should complete
• Generally, annual leave can be the clearance process, which can
taken only during the official
be initiated by submitting the
study breaks published in the
application for “complete withdrawal
university academic calendar.
from University”.


Students assessments and
Assessment and examination
All courses must have an approved course assessment plan. It is the
responsibility of the faculty teaching a course to ensure the course assessment
plan in the course syllabus is followed and communicated, including deadlines,
to students at the beginning of the course.
Faculty members are free to assess students’ performance in their classes
by using a variety of appropriate assessment methods. Assessment methods
include, but are not limited to, written examinations, papers, presentations and
In-class examinations must be proctored by faculty teaching the course or
their designees. In all assessments, students must strictly comply with the
policies on academic integrity.
All course assessments will be graded as per the grading policy.
Faculty members must keep complete records of student assessments for a
minimum period of two (2) years to ensure the accurate calculation of student
performance and as a reference in the event of an appeal.
In the event of late submission of coursework, the faculty member shall decide
whether to accept the coursework, apply a penalty for late submission or
reject it. Faculty should follow the late assessment policy.

Incomplete grades
Students are expected to complete their course(s) in the semester in which
they are registered. In exceptional circumstances, a student may be allowed
to complete a course in the following semester after securing permission
from the course faculty member through an “incomplete grade request form”.
A grade of “I” (incomplete) will be assigned for the course. Students must
complete the course requirements no later than the first week of the following
semester. Failure to meet the deadline, will cause the student to receive a
grade of “F” for the course.
All final grades must be submitted by faculty members into the Student
Information System within the deadlines specified by the Registrar. The chair of
each program must approve the submitted grades prior to the announcement
of final grades by the Registrar’s Office.
A student may appeal a grade issued by MBZUAI. The student’s ability to appeal
a grade once submitted is strictly controlled in the context of the Student
Grievances/financial obligations policy.

44 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Records and transcripts
• The Registrar is responsible for maintaining all students’ personal and
academic records, ensuring the privacy and confidentiality of these records,
and ensuring compliance with the policies and regulations of MBZUAI.
Electronic files will be secured with restricted access.
• Students have the right to review their personal information, academic
and educational records, and to update or change their personal data and
contact details.
• The Registrar’s Office is the only unit who has the authority to print official
• Disclosure of information on the educational records to anyone within or
outside MBZUAI, except as indicated in this policy, requires the student’s
written consent.
• MBZUAI may have access, without the student’s prior consent and without
a record being made, to specific student records in which they have a
legitimate educational interest. For this purpose, university officials include
both academic and administrative personnel. Only those university officials
who need to obtain information about the student may have access to that
• Educational records may be disclosed, with a student’s prior consent,
to officials of another educational institution in which the student seeks
or intends to enroll, or in which the student is enrolled concurrently.
Information may be released to government ministries and agencies for
compliance or accreditation purposes.
• Information related to grades, finances and some personal information
is private. MBZUAI is responsible for the appropriate protection of private
information, and holds the individuals who enter, maintain and review this
data accountable in this regard.
• Any document that contains non-public information about students or
applicants – especially sensitive items such as admission applications,
letters of recommendation, grades, or private addresses – should receive
special handling when retention is no longer needed. It should either be
shredded or destroyed in some way that maintains its confidentiality.
• MBZUAI will comply with all applicable laws, regulations and standards in
the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the UAE, governing the privacy and integrity
of student information.
• The University reserves the right to share student information as required
by government entities in the UAE, award sponsor and/or any other entities
requesting the information, as per the University’s policies and procedures.


Academic standing :
• A student’s academic standing at the end of a semester will determine the
students’ eligibility to continue their progress towards earning their degree
at MBZUAI. For spring 2021 & fall 2021 intake: at the end of each semester,
the academic standing of the students will be determined according to the
• If the student is registered in coursework:
- Cumulative grade point average (CGPA). To remain in good academic
standing, a student must maintain a CGPA of 3.0/4.0 or above.
• If the student is registered in the research thesis:
- To progress in the research thesis, students must achieve a minimum
evaluation of satisfactory by the supervisor(s) at the end of each
• For fall 2022 intakes onwards: at the end of each semester, the academic
standing of the students will be determined according to the following:
• If the student is registered in coursework:
- Cumulative grade point average (CGPA). To remain in good academic
standing, a student must maintain a CGPA of 3.3/4.0 or above.
• If the student is registered in the research thesis:
- To progressing in the research thesis, students must achieve a minimum
evaluation of satisfactory by the supervisor(s) at the end of each
• Initial registration in the research thesis:for Ph.D. students is contingent
- Successful completion of all coursework; and
- Successfully passing the qualifying exam (QE). Students will have two (2)
attempts at passing the qualifying exam. If a student fails both attempts,
they will be dismissed from the Ph.D. program.
• Ongoing registration in the research thesis for Ph.D. students is contingent
- Successfully passing the candidacy exam (CE) at the end of the second
thesis semester; and
- Achieving a minimum evaluation of satisfactory by the student’s
supervisor(s) at the end of each semester.

46 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Academic standing
Good standing: students shall be considered in good academic standing if they
maintain the required minimum cumulative grade point average (CGPA) as per
their intake year.

Academic probation
A student will be placed on academic probation for a semester if:

• The CGPA is lower than the required CGPA as per the intake year.
• The student receives a third (C) grade during his/her study tenure.
• The student receives an “F” in any course in any semester.
• The student receives a grade of unsatisfactory (U) for thesis/dissertation
If the student is placed on academic probation, then:
a. The student should retake the course/s that led to the drop of the CGPA.
b. The student should pay the tuition fees of the repeated course/s only.
c. The student should report on a bi-weekly basis to the supervisor and must
not achieve less than the required CGPA according to their intake year by
the end of the semester.
Academic dismissal
A student will be given academic dismissal from MBZUAI if his/her CGPA
remains lower than the required CGPA as per the intake year for two
consecutive semesters. A student who has been given an academic dismissal
from MBZUAI may submit an Academic Appeal Request.

Special probation
A student who has been granted an academic appeal against dismissal will
be placed on special probation for one semester. The student should achieve
the required minimum CGPA as per their intake year for that semester to be
placed in good standing and continue his/her studies at MBZUAI.
If the student could not achieve the required CGPA, then he/she will be
academically dismissed, and he/she will not be entitled to any further appeals.


Graduation and commencement
A student must successfully pass all program components (taught
courses and thesis) within the allowed time and maintain the
required CGPA or better-as per the student’s catalogue year to
qualify for graduation.

For fall 2022 intake onwards:

• Internship will be considered as a graduation requirement in addition to all
program components (courses and thesis).
• A student must successfully pass all program components (taught courses,
internship, and thesis) within the allowed time and maintain an overall CGPA
of 3.3/4.0 or better in order to qualify for graduation.

48 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Master’s degree Doctoral degree
• A master’s degree consists of 36 • A Ph.D. degree consists of 60
credit hours. credit hours.
• The normal time to complete • The normal time to complete for
for a master’s program is two a Ph.D. program is four years, and
years, and the maximum time to the maximum time to complete
complete is four years, inclusive is six years, inclusive of any
of any approved leave of absence. approved leave of absence.


rights and
MBZUAI seeks to create an
environment that promotes
academic achievement and integrity,
that is protective of free inquiry,
and that serves its educational
mission. MBZUAI assumes that all
students come to the University for
a serious purpose and expects them
to be responsible individuals who
demonstrate the highest standards
of ethical behavior, honesty and
academic integrity in their pursuit of
Unethical behavior is not worthy
of members of the university
community and will be dealt with
severely. Academic dishonesty
in any form undermines the very
foundations of higher education and
will not be tolerated.
Academic dishonesty includes, but
is not limited to, cheating, fabrication
and falsification, misconduct in
research, plagiarism, and recycling or
multiple submissions.
The Academic Integrity Policy
explains in greater detail the
behaviors that are considered
academic misconduct. The
Academic Integrity Procedure
sets out the steps and processes
associated with the policy and
clarifies the roles and responsibilities
of the Academic Integrity
Committee, faculty and students in
the academic integrity processes.

50 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Use of graduate
Graduate assistant selection and
• Students may be selected as graduate
assistants to assist faculty members in
their course delivery tasks. Selection will
be based on a student’s academic results
during their studies and their soft skills
and proficiency. Thus, to be eligible for the
Graduate Assistantship program, students
must fulfill the following criteria:
- Attain at least B+ in the course that
the assistant will contribute to.
- Demonstrate proficiency in terms of
soft skills (e.g., communication and
social skills, character or personality
traits). Students may be evaluated
through an interview conducted by the
concerned faculty member or through
informal observation.
- Additional criteria set by the Provost
and approved by the President such as
previous experience in similar projects
or courses, experience in carrying out
literature searches, etc.
• Selected students will receive a financial
compensation on an hourly basis,
decided by the Provost.
• The use of graduate assistants should not
exceed six hours per week.
• The supervisor faculty member may
assign different tasks to the graduate
assistant that include, but not be limited
- Preparation of laboratory material.
- Marking of student assignments.
- Assistance with exam organization.
- Marking of exams.
Please refer to the “use of graduate
assistants” section of the Academic
Programs Policy and associated procedure.


Student grievances/
financial obligations
Grievances against grading or evaluation of academic work
Stage one
If a student suspects that an error has been made in recording a final
grade, the initial recourse for the student should be to contact the
faculty formally (via email). A student must be able to provide copies
of graded assignments along with any other relevant documents to
support the appeal. If an error is detected, faculty members should
submit a “Change Grade Request Form” to the Registrar with justification
copying the department chair within three working days from the date
of posting the grade.

Stage two
If a meeting and thorough discussions with the faculty member alone
does not resolve the student’s concern, the student should formally (via
email) contact the department chair. The department chair will meet
with the student and the faculty member, providing an independent
review. If an error is detected, faculty members should submit a “change
grade request form” to the Registrar with justification copying the
department chair within five working days from the date of posting the

Stage three
If after having completed both levels of communication, the dispute
persists, a student wishing to challenge a final grade formally, must
submit an Appeal Statement Form to the Appeal Committee, chaired
by the Provost, within seven working days of when the final grade was

The following should be completed by the student:

The student’s submission must do the following:
• Demonstrate having followed the above required channels of
communication with both the faculty member and department chair.
• Demonstrate that communication with the faculty member regarding the
grade was initiated within five working days of when the final grade was
• Provide copies of graded assignments along with any other relevant
documents to support the appeal.
• Describe in detail the conditions and factors that led to the perceived
grievance and the actions taken during the resolution process.

52 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Actions by the Appeal Committee
• If a member of the Appeal Committee was in any way involved in a
student grievance, they shall recuse themselves and a replacement will be
randomly selected from MBZUAI faculty or staff.
• The committee investigates and consults with all the parties involved and
after consideration of the case, the committee by a majority vote decides
on an appropriate action:
 Dismiss the grievance.
 Uphold the grievance and address it by instructing appropriate
reparations including changes in the student’s academic record no later
than the end of drop/add week of the following semester as indicated in
the university academic calendar.
• Decision of the committee is final.
Grievances against dismissal, suspension, and withdrawal from
a program/withholding or termination of the scholarship
• The student submits an Appeal Form within three working days from
posting the academic standing or posting the decision that led to the
withholding or termination of scholarship to the Appeal Committee.
• The student’s submission should describe in detail the conditions and
factors that led to the perceived grievance and the actions taken during the
resolution process.
• The committee investigates and consults with all the parties involved and
after consideration of the case decides on an appropriate action as below:
 Dismiss the grievance.
 Uphold the grievance and address it by instructing appropriate
reparations including changes in the student’s academic record/ status
no later than the end of drop/add week of the following semester as
indicated in the university academic calendar.
• Decision of the committee is final.
• The final decision should be communicated to all concerned parties.


Financial obligations:
Financial obligations are calculated based on the below entitlements received
by the student according to the rational of appeal:
• 100% paid tuition fees.
• Monthly stipend.
• Accommodation in university dorms/housing allowance.
• Health insurance for expat students.
• Annual ticket allowance for expat students.
The complete withdrawal from the University:
The financial obligations are calculated according to the below and
students are requested to settle the payment of:
• Tuition fees of all registered credit hours.
• All previously paid monthly stipends.
• Accommodation allowance if any.
• Cost of the health insurance incurred during tenure of study at MBZUAI.
• Cost of the paid ticket allowance (excluding the onboarding ticket).
Dropping a course after the deadline
If the student requests to drop a course after the deadline while continuing
his/her studies, then the financial obligations are calculated according to
the below and students are requested to settle the payment of:
• The tuition fees payment of the dropped credit hours only.
Note: the student will still be entitled to all other benefits.
Leave of absence
The student requests to suspend his/her studies for a semester. Therefore,
all the scholarship benefits will be terminated for the suspension duration.

When the request is initiated within the deadline, no financial penalties

are due. However, when the request is initiated after the deadline, the
financial obligations are calculated according to the below and students are
requested to settle the payment of:
• The fees of all the registered credit hours of that semester.
• The paid monthly stipend for that semester if any.
• Cost of health insurance for that semester.
• Cost of the paid ticket allowance (excluding the onboarding ticket).
Retake of a course due to failure
If a student fails a course, he/she should repeat the course in the following
semester. The financial obligations are calculated according to the below
and students are requested to settle the payment of:
• The retaken fees of the repeated credit hours.

54 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

• The student is entitled to appeal against the financial obligations
pertaining to the above actions to the appeal committee which
consists of:
• The primary supervisor
• The department chair
• The Provost
• The committee members discuss and agree to approve/
reject the appeal and on the % of the waiver. The Registrar’s
Office communicates the final decision with the student, finance
department and all parties.
• Below is the students’ payment plan of the tuition fees against
course withdrawal, leave of absence, and complete withdrawal
after the deadline.
No obligations Within the deadline
Payment of 25% of the tuition fees After one week
from the deadline
Payment of 50% of the tuition fees After two weeks from the deadline

Payment of 75% of the tuition fees After two weeks from the deadline

Payment of 100% of the tuition After four weeks from the deadline

Program Fee per one credit hour

M.Sc. AED5,000
Ph.D. AED6,600


Student life activities
Student activities Student council
The All student entities and clubs The Graduate Student Council (GSC)
are to be formed and governed by at MBZUAI is the elected student
the policies and guidelines drawn body authorized by the university
up by the Campus Life Department administration to articulate student
views and interests and be the voice
and MBZUAI’s vision, mission and of students.
strategic objectives.
Students who stand for election
The Campus Life Department is to the council should meet the
committed to offering its students following requirements:
extracurricular activities in the areas
• Be a full-time graduate student
of culture, recreation, and sports. Maintain a GPA of 3.5 or above

Extracurricular activities are to be in • Be free from any academic
line with the MBZUAI’s policies and violation
procedures. • Be in good financial standing with
The Campus life department is Have completed all admissions

committed to providing the facilities, criteria
planning, and resources needed to • Should be able to serve one
promote approved student activities. complete year in the position.
The Campus Life Department will The election of the council will
aid in the planning and coordination take place on campus and will be
for the successful execution of announced by the Campus Life
student activities. The execution of Department.
the activity is the responsibility of Student clubs and groups
the organizer(s).
The Campus Life Department
If the activity is to take place encourages students to be positive
off-campus, prior approval and examples of on-campus student
coordination with the Campus Life leadership. Student clubs are a
Department is mandatory. great way to develop interest and
leadership. They empower and
enrich students offering them the

56 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

opportunity to enhance personal seminars, maintaining software
development; while providing packages, serving on departmental
excellent networking opportunities committees, grading for a graduate
with like-minded members of the course, planning and running social
university community. activities, giving tours, and hosting
Active clubs must meet the visitors.
following requirements:
Student housing
• Be MBZUAI enrolled students. MBZUAI provides student housing.
• Register with the Campus Life Living at MBZUAI residences offers
Department. students the opportunity to develop
• Have at least four main club their social skills in tandem with
members. their academic potential, while
• Sponsor at least two activities forging lasting friendships and
on campus each year. Typical participating in social activities.
activities could include, but are Students enrolled at MBZUAI
not limited to, participating in will be entitled to on-campus
the annual club fair, hosting a accommodation for the duration of
fundraiser, coordinating a service their study.
project, sponsoring a program or
attending a conference. Recreation facilities include a variety
of options for sports, leisure and
Community spirit cultural activities that exist on
Our sense of community is well- campus and in the surrounding
known as a distinguishing aspect Masdar community.
of MBZUAI. It is one of the reasons Students will be provided with
many students choose to come accommodation containing en-suite
here. MBZUAI is proud of its strong facilities, kitchen and living area with
community spirit, which we foster internet connection. Facilities on
through close working relationships campus for all students include a
between students and supervisors, gym, multipurpose areas for sports
among faculty, and among students. activities, restaurants, coffee shops,
People volunteer their time, energy, laundry, plus a canteen that is open
intellect, talent, and other skills to for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
do many of the things that keep Students must collect the key to
our environment running smoothly. their on-campus accommodation
These efforts include organizing from the facilities department.


As of 2023 intake internships are The internship should be conducted
a two credit-bearing experiences in-person or follow a hybrid
that add considerable value to approach (three days in the office
a student’s overall educational and two days virtual/remote).
experience. At least one (1)
internship is mandatory for M.Sc. While discouraged, it is possible to
and Ph.D. students as a graduation complete the internship requirement
requirement for 2022 intakes and via an unpaid research internship
onwards. at the university. The topic of the
research internship should be
For M.Sc. students, the internship clearly demarcated from the thesis/
should be conducted during the dissertation topic.
summer months (mid-May to mid-
August), be six weeks in duration Students must attend one of the
and align with the working hours internship orientation workshops
of the host organization. While it is conducted by the Career Services
preferable to have the internship and Internships team.
relate to the student’s research area,
Regarding evaluation of the
it is not a necessary requirement.
internship (for 2022 intakes
For Ph.D. students, the internship onwards), the host organization shall
is recommended to take place complete an internship evaluation
upon completion of the qualifying form. The student shall submit an
examination and all required internship self-reflection report, and
courses. The duration of the deliver an oral presentation to the
internship should be three months MBZUAI supervisor, for which the
during the summer (mid-May to MBZUAI Supervisor shall award an
mid-August). The internship should evaluation of Pass or Fail.
directly relate to the student’s
research. Internship requests from industry
partners or MBZUAI students, which
The internship shall be conducted
with the support of the Career differ from the criteria listed above,
Services and Internships team, the shall be reviewed on a case-by-
MBZUAI supervisor and industry case basis with all relevant internal
partner. The criteria and learning stakeholders. In particular, requests
outcomes of the M.Sc. internship must be agreed in partnership with
and Ph.D. internship can be viewed the student’s MBZUAI supervisor,
in the MBZUAI Internship Student and the Provost’s Office, to ensure
Guides (The MBZUAI Student ongoing priority is given to MBZUAI
Internship Guide Master’s Programs commitments.
and MBZUAI Student Internship If applicable, necessary measures
Guide PhD Programs, are available are put in place to ensure that
via the Career Services and course learning outcomes will be
Internships team). met, and all assessment tasks
The student may either select an satisfactorily completed.
internship opportunity from the
MBZUAI Student Careers Portal or
discuss with the team if they have
found their own opportunity.

58 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Internship procedure: hours. Sick leave letters should
If an internship has been secured be submitted to both the host
independently: organization and the Career
Services and Internships team.
• Students should book an
appointment with the Career • Students should dress and
Services and Internships team, behave in a professional
who shall support throughout manner, in accordance with the
the internship process, including organization’s dress code.
finalizing the details of the • Students should track hours
internship with the industry completed via the MBZUAI
partner. Student Careers Portal.
Applying for an internship Upon completing the internship:
opportunity via the MBZUAI
Student Careers Portal: • The host organization shall be
asked to submit the Industry
• If successfully selected by the Partners Evaluation Form to the
industry partner, the student Career Services and Internships
should inform the Career team.
Services and Internships team.
The learning outcomes of the • Students will be asked to
internship shall auto-populate complete a post-internship self-
the relevant field on the MBZUAI reflection report and deliver an
Student Careers Portal, upon oral presentation to their MBZUAI
selecting the program. supervisor. Please review the
relevant MBZUAI Internships
• Students are expected to be Students Guide (M.Sc. or Ph.D.).
diligent, thorough, responsible,
and professional with all assigned Please note that receiving payment
tasks. or an appreciation certificate is
decided by the host organization.
• Students should adhere to
the rules and regulations of For more information, please email:
the company where they are
working during the period of the
• Confidentiality in the workplace
has to be observed at all times,
including posts regarding the
company on social media.
• Non-attendance must be
reported to both the host
organization and the Career
Services and Internships team.
• Students should try, when
possible, to arrange medical
appointments out of work


Career Services and
Internships team
The Career Services and Internships The Career Services and
team aims to empower students Internships team will facilitate
and graduates to access AI-related opportunities for employer
internship and employment engagement including (but are
opportunities by offering a high- not limited to):
quality personalized service.
• An annual internship and
Students will have the opportunity to opportunities fair.
explore career options through the
provision of accurate and relevant • Interviews with industry
partners and relevant research
information on AI career pathways
and up-to-date labor market organizations
information. • Networking events –
Students shall be able to book engagement in conversations
individual appointments via the with professionals from AI
MBZUAI Student Careers Portal to • Industry partner sessions –
review career needs and identify organizations sharing industry
realistic courses of action to follow- knowledge and company insights.
up including developing, evaluating
and implementing education, • A range of workshops will be
employment, career, entrepreneurial offered to help students develop
decisions and plans. their employability skills and
obtain appropriate internship and
Students shall receive support with employment opportunities such
developing professional materials as networking skills, job search
(resumes, cover letters, internship/ strategies and mock interview
job applications, LinkedIn, and preparation.

60 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

• Students shall have access to a campus/ off-campus or virtual
database of internship and job interviews. Students should advise
opportunities via the MBZUAI the Career Services and Internships
Student Careers Portal, achieved team, 24 hours prior to the interview,
through close partnerships with if they are unable to attend.
industry. Signposting to other Students are requested to represent
departments and agencies as MBZUAI in a professional manner,
appropriate will be offered (for
and for professional materials such
example, personal counseling).
as their resume/LinkedIn account to
• The Career Services and be approved by the Career Services
Internships team will develop and Internships team prior to sharing
and recommend appropriate with industry partners. Students can
AI-related information and review appropriate resources via the
resources. MBZUAI Student Careers Portal, MS
What is expected from students Stream and the MBZUAI Student
using the service? Opportunities LinkedIn page, prior to
attending an industry partners event
Students are expected to keep and/or interview.
confirmed appointments with the
Career Services and Internships Students are asked to respond to
team. Students should advise requests for information as needed,
the team, 24 hours prior to the for example, up-to-date / accurate
appointment, if they are unable to student information, internship,
attend. employment and graduation data.
Students are expected to keep
confirmed appointments with
industry partners, such as on-


Research matters
MBZUAI is an independent
government entity and will ensure
that it offers the highest possible
standard of excellence and
autonomy in research and thought
leadership to all those associated
with the university, whether
students, faculty members or
MBZUAI creates and disseminates
insightful and state-of-the-
art research output in artificial
intelligence and its numerous
applications within the region and
Academic research initiatives are
conducted by the academic affairs
division, whereas the non- academic
research initiatives are overseen
mainly by the outreach department,
supported by the research division,
in collaboration with UAE public
entities, external organizations or
UAE external individuals.
Students work on research projects
under the guidance of their
supervisors, who are domain experts
in their fields among MBZUAI faculty
MBZUAI students shall be bound
by confidentiality regulations, as
defined by the applicable laws
and regulations in UAE in matters
related to internal research
projects (commissioned and non-

62 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Student conduct
Students should conduct
themselves in a manner that
contributes positively to the
university environment in which
respect, civility, diversity, opportunity,
and inclusiveness are valued.
They are expected to act honestly
and responsibly and respect the
University regulations, policies and
guidelines to assure the success
of both the individual and the
community. Any student at MBZUAI
must respect other students, faculty
members, staff and the public.
The Code of Conduct sets out the
right and responsibilities of students
The purpose of the code is to:
• Inform students of their rights
and responsibilities.
• Define the general standard of
conduct expected of students.
• Provide examples of conduct that
may be subject to disciplinary
• Clarify the procedures that the
University will follow to address
allegation and cases of non-
academic misconduct.
• Provide examples of disciplinary
measures and potential sanctions
that may be imposed by the
University in case of violations.
• Students are expected to
be aware of, and to conduct
themselves in accordance with
the code.


MBZUAI has an equipped library and
technological resource on campus
to assist students in the effective
completion of their academic work
and research assignments. The
following facilities are available
to students on campus: library,
technology, and computer-based
services and research laboratories.
The MBZUAI library provides print
and electronic resources, facilities,
and services to support the
academic, research and professional
information needs of the students,
faculty, and staff of MBZUAI.

The library is open for the purpose
of study and research to enrolled
MBZUAI students, current faculty and
staff, alumni, visiting researchers,
and approved guests.

Collection development focuses on
scholarly and academic publications
in the interdisciplinary field of
artificial intelligence, and additional
resources are collected to support
professional, teaching and learning
needs and interests. All resources • Access to closed collections
are discoverable through the library’s (course reserve collections) is
single-search interface and materials mediated by library staff.
available for borrowing include • Licensed electronic resources
books, periodicals, course reserve include bibliographic and full-text
materials and equipment. content and are available and
accessible through university-
• Physical collections are classified provided credentials.
and arranged according to the
Library of Congress Classification • Access to faculty open access
System. affiliated publications and
MBZUAI student theses and
• Open collections (main collection, dissertations is available through
reference, and periodicals) are
the institutional repository,

64 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

• Multiple copies of student • Access to electronic textbooks
textbooks are not typically is available through library eBook
purchased by the library; platforms or eRental platforms.
however, the library maintains Links to these resources
a limited number of copies of are provided on the learning
required textbooks that are only management system (Moodle) or
available in print and makes directly through the library portal.
these available on course reserve
(short-term loans) to students.


Facilities Loan rules and periods
The library provides stable Wi-Fi, Student identification is required
study space, printing and scanning to borrow physical materials and
facilities, access to course reserve university-provided credentials
and other collections, and an are required to access licensed
opportunity to consult in person electronic content.
with library staff on resource and
research needs. • Main collection material is
available for long-term
Services borrowing (three weeks or
Students are provided with personal longer) by enrolled students,
library accounts (My Account) to faculty, and staff of MBZUAI.
renew books, place holds, review • High demand material,
outstanding fines and fees, and including course reserve items
create booklists. Other eServices and equipment, is available for
include title recommendations short-term borrowing
and requests, interlibrary loan and access may be restricted to
requests, and resource and research in-library use.
• Items located in reference,
Librarians provide research and periodicals, special collections,
resource support, publish online and archives are normally not
guides, and host instruction through available for circulation outside
scheduled sessions and individual the library (non-circulating).
consultations, onsite and online. • Electronic content may have
Inter-library loans (ILL) and indefinite or varying periods
document delivery services are of loan and can be accessed via
available to support students’ the library’s website or individual
resource needs not met by the URL links provided on the
library, and if available from a learning management system
partner library or document delivery (Moodle).
Materials are checked out and
Quotas may be applied, and returned at staffed circulation desks.
materials obtained through ILL are All patrons remain responsible for
strictly intended for individual use. items checked out in their names.
An institutional repository, • Overdue notices are sent as a
eCommons, is maintained by the courtesy.
library to curate and disseminate • Fines may be levied for the late
faculty scholarship and MBZUAI return of items, in accordance
student theses and dissertations. with notices displayed in
Students are required to submit a the library and on the library’s
digital copy of a correctly formatted website and are charged at
and approved thesis/dissertation to rates determined and
meet graduation requirements. approved annually by the
Academic Committee.

66 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

• Fines will continue to Use of resources and facilities
accumulate until an item Students are expected to acquaint
is returned or reported missing, themselves with the library’s policies
and up to 20 days for long- term and regulations and refrain from
loans and 50 hours for any behavior that interferes with the
short-term loans, at which stage, right of others to access resources
patrons will receive a statement or use the library for the purpose
for the replacement cost, of research and study. Library staff
including administrative are empowered to interpret and
charges and accumulated fines. enforce library policies, suspend
Exceptions may apply. privileges, and refer serious breaches
of conduct to the Director of
• Students are required to clear Educational Affairs.
all outstanding fines and fees
directly with the finance • Facilities and equipment,
including the library computers,
department and borrowing
are intended to support
privileges will be suspended for
MBZUAI academic and research
students with outstanding fines
programs and use may be
and fees of AED 300 or more.
mediated to ensure equitable
• Items that may not be renewed access and appropriate use.
online through the My Account
service include recalled and • The use of computing and
network resources, and licensed
overdue items, course reserve
electronic resources must
items, and books borrowed from
comply with the university’s
another library (interlibrary
policies, licenses, contracts, and
applicable laws.
• Patrons may request a hold
on an item currently checked • The use of the library’s printing
and scanning equipment for the
out to another patron and the
reproduction of
library reserves the right to
copyright-protected material
recall an item. All items
requires compliance with
may be recalled for inventory
copyright laws and conventions.
purposes at the end of each
semester. • Posting notices, taking photos
All borrowing policies and fines are or video recording in the
published on the Library website > library, requires permission from
Services > Borrowing policies. the Head of Library Management.
• With the exception of covered
Library hours drinks (for example, coffee and
Library opening hours support tea), food and drinks should not
access to physical resources, be consumed in the library, and
facilities, and services and are single-use plastic is discouraged.
posted on the library website.
For more information, please refer to
the MBZUAI Library Resources and
Services Policy.


Research labs
Our research labs boast a robust AI, data-intensive processing. These
infrastructure of 96 powerful resources are tailored to meet the
workstations, each equipped diverse academic and research
with powerful NVIDIA Quadro needs of our students, providing
RTX GPUs, ample data storage them with cutting-edge technology
capabilities, and a comprehensive to support their coursework,
suite of commercial and academic experiments, simulations, and data
software specifically designed for analytics tasks.

68 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Three types of labs will be available:
Data Acquisition Lab Data Observatory Center
Deployed with special equipment Equipped with high-resolution
with the latest technology such as video walls incorporating latest
camera systems, thermal imagers, visualization technologies to
dynamic vision sensors, acquisition support the delivery of research and
systems, and drones. educational products.


Administration and
important information
UAE entry permit and • Passport
residency visa A PRO will book an appointment
MBZUAI Students must have a for the medical test, Emirates ID
valid entry visa to enter the UAE application typing, fingerprint scan
(depending on their nationality). (for the Emirates ID), and issue health
This permit will be issued and sent insurance to complete the required
prior to leaving home. The validity documents for the residence visa.
of the visa depends on rules at the Emirates ID card
current time; they may be valid for
30 or 60 days from the date of issue. As per the law of the Population
Therefore, entry to the UAE must be Registry and the Identity Card
within this period. program, all nationals and legal
residents of the UAE must obtain the
For the initial processing of the entry Emirates ID card.
permit(s) and insurance procedures,
Students will be required to obtain
students will need to send the
an Emirates ID card for themselves
education certificate (bachelor’s/
and MBZUAI will reimburse the cost
master’s), photocopy of the passport,
of the Emirates ID card.
and color passport photo with
white background. Please send the For further information, please see
requested documents to admission@ Driving license
It should be noted that there should To obtain a driving license, students
be at least six months’ validity on should visit the Abu Dhabi Police
passports for entry into the UAE and Department’s Office. Regulations
application for the residence visa. for obtaining a driving license
When all the relevant documents vary by nationality. Therefore, this
have been received, the admissions department will advise of the latest
office will process and email a copy regulations and provide guidance
of the entry permit(s). regarding the process required for
Students will need to show a copy obtaining a driving license.
of the entry permit to the airline/ Note: Students can only apply for
immigration at their point of a driving license when they have
departure. Students with certain obtained their residence visa.
nationalities must undergo a pre- Embassies and consulates
medical test and pre-approval for
the entry permit in the home country There are many foreign embassies
through the UAE consulate before and consulates located in Abu Dhabi
their departure. and Dubai.
Upon arrival in the UAE, a public Embassies and consulates are
relations officer (PRO) will handle generally open from 8:45 a.m. to 1:30
the residence visa procedures. The p.m, Monday to Friday. Some may
residence visa will be stamped on the close early on Fridays.
passport. Some embassies have websites
To start these procedures, students while others do not. For a
should report to Campus Life office, comprehensive list of embassies
as soon as possible after their arrival, and consulates in the UAE, please
with the following documents: see:
• Original entry permit Consulates.

70 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Electricity observed regarding student dress at
Electricity is 220 volts at 50 cycles the university.
per second. Transformers are readily • No offensive wording, drawings,
available in the market for electronic or pictures are allowed on
equipment that runs on 110 volts. clothing.
If students bring their personal • Clothing or attire must not
computer for use in their home, they interfere with the safe operation
will need to purchase a transformer. of duties or equipment.
Some computers switch either
manually or automatically from 110 • In respect for the needs
for identification and security,
to 220 volts. we request all female students
UAE newspapers to forgo face-covering veils while
Newspapers are readily available on campus.
in both English and Arabic, and • Students should not wear
delivery is available to campus revealing clothes. “Revealing
housing. To view the comprehensive clothes” refers to clothing that
list of available newspapers, please has very sheer fabric or clothing
view the following link: http://www. that is tight. Blouses, etc should have no cleavage visible. The
Potable water lower back, abdomen and upper
Tap water in the Emirates is safe arms should be covered. Skirts
to drink. However, most people should be below the knee.
prefer bottled water, which • All students are to wear
can be delivered to individual appropriate business attire
accommodations weekly, at a cost when representing the
of approximately 10 dirhams per University on official trips
five-gallon bottle. such as conferences, summits
Useful websites and meetings with external
For additional information on
working and living in the UAE, the Examples of acceptable clothing:
following websites will prove useful: • Female students – UAE National attire, long skirts/
pants/dresses with length that covers the knees, long-
en/homepage sleeve blouses, smart T-Shirts,
Dress code jumpers, jackets, and suits (note:
no sleeveless).
MBZUAI has a multicultural
environment that respects the • Male students – UAE National
norms of UAE society. Students attire, business suits, sports
must not behave or dress in a way jackets, blazers, trousers/slacks,
that may offend cultural sensitivities. smart T-shirts and shirts.
The following points must be

Curriculum Changes
All MBZUAI programs are subject to change. MBZUAI adheres to a
curriculum development policy that encompasses all changes, additions
and/or eliminations with respect to academic programs and credit-bearing
courses in academic programs. The program and curriculum development,
approval and revision section of the Academic Programs Policy provides
a framework to guide decisions regarding MBZUAI’s academic program
development, delivery, assessment, and improvement.


Master of Science Doctor of Philosophy

72 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Master of Science in
Computer Science

Program Aims
The goals of the Master of Science in Computer Science
are to train specialists to (1) analyze complex computer
science and AI problems, (2) take a scientific, innovative,
ethical, and socially responsible approach to conducting
and contributing to computer science research, and (3)
solve complex problems in the field. As technological
progress accelerates, so does the demand for skilled
computer science professionals. The Master of Science
in Computer Science is intended for students desiring to
substantially advance their knowledge and skill in a field
or fields of computer science. Students will be supervised
and mentored by faculty members with world-class
expertise in a variety of areas in computer science,
including algorithms, systems, and computational
intelligence. This master's program is ideally suited to
students wishing to become senior professionals in the
technology industry or to those seeking to prepare for a
career in scientific research.

National Qualifications Framework – five strands

The program learning outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with the Emirates
Qualifications Framework and, as such, are divided into the following learning
outcomes strands: Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR),
Role in context (RC) and Self-development (SD).


Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Analyze real-world problems and apply principles of computer science
and other relevant disciplines to meet desired needs (Knowledge, Skill,
Autonomy and Responsibility, Role in Context, and Self-development).
2 Analyze and prove the properties of data structures, algorithms and/
or computing systems using the theoretical underpinnings of computer
science (Knowledge, Skill, Autonomy and Responsibility, and Self-
3 Identify and apply mathematical foundations, algorithmic principles, and
computer science theory in the modelling and design of computer-based
systems (Knowledge, Skill, and Self-development).
4 Function effectively as a member and leader of a team engaged in
computer science projects and research of varying complexity (Skill,
Autonomy and Responsibility, Role in Context, and Self-development).
5 Communicate the practical and entrepreneurial feasibility and
sustainability of research findings and innovations, orally and in written
form, to both specialist and general audiences (Skill)
The PLOs are mapped to a level nine (9) qualification according to the five
strands of learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework
set by the UAE National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of
Education (MoE):

Program Aspects of competence

learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 K-1, 2, 3L9 S-1, 3L9 AR-1, 3L9 RC-1L9 SD-3L9
PLO2 K-4L9 S-1L9 AR-3L9 - SD-1L9
PLO3 K-1, 2L9 S-2L9 - - SD-1, 2L9
PLO4 - S-1L9 AR-1, 2L9 RC-2L9 SD-3L9
PLO5 - S-4L9 - - -

Aligning PLOs for Master of Science in Robotics to QF Emirates Level 9

Program study plan
Students are expected to complete coursework in the first year of degree
and focus more on the research project and thesis writing in the second year.
However, this is an indicative plan and students have the flexibility to take a
light course load in the second year as well and, similarly, can start research in
the first year (e.g., literature review, background study, data collection or initial
framework design) with the approval of their supervisory panel.
A typical study plan is as follows:
CS701 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures

74 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

MTH703 Mathematics for Theoretical Computer Science
CS702 Theory of Computer Science
CS703 Operating Systems + two electives
INT799 Internship (up to six weeks)
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods
CS799 Master’s Research Thesis
CS799 Master’s Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Master of Science in Robotics is 36
credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
At least one internship of up to six weeks duration must be
satisfactorily completed as a graduation requirement
Research Methods 1 2
Research thesis 1 8

Program courses
Core courses
The Master of Science in Computer Science is primarily a research-based
degree. The purpose of coursework is to equip students with the right skillset,
so that they can successfully accomplish their research project (thesis).
Students are required to take MTH703, CS701, CS702, CS703, RES799 and
INT799 as mandatory courses. They can select two electives. To accommodate
a diverse group of students, coming from different academic backgrounds,
students have been provided with flexibility in course selection.
The decision on the courses to be taken will be made in consultation
with students’ supervisory panel, which will comprise two or more faculty
members. Essentially, the student’s supervisory panel will help design a
personalized coursework plan for each individual student by looking at their
prior academic track record and experience, and the planned research project.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
The following core courses must be taken by all students:
Code Course title Credit hours
CS701 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures 4
MTH703 Mathematics for Theoretical Computer Science 4
CS702 Theory of Computer Science 4


CS703 Operating Systems 4
INT799 Internship 2
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods 2

Elective courses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of eight
(or more) credit hours based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career
aspirations, in consultation with their supervisory panel. The elective courses
available for the Master of Science in Robotics are listed in the tables below.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.

Code Course title Credit hours

CS704 Programming Languages and Implementation 4
CS705 Distributed and Parallel Computing 4
DS701 Data Mining 4
DS702 Big Data Processing 4
NLP701 Natural Language Processing 4
NLP702 Advanced Natural Language Processing 4
NLP703 Speech Processing 4
ROB701 Introduction to Robotics 4

Research thesis
The Master’s Thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research
problem, where they are required to propose new solutions and contribute
towards the body of knowledge. Students pursue an independent research
study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one year.
For further details on the research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course
Code Course name Credit hours
CS799 Master’s Research Thesis 8

76 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

We are
innovators and
future leaders in AI
CATALOGUE | 2023-2024
Master of Science in
Computer Vision

Program Aims
The goals of the Master of Science in Computer Vision
are to train specialists to (1) analyze complex problems
within the field of computer vision (2) take a scientific,
innovative, ethical, and socially responsible approach to
conducting and contributing to research, and (3) solve
complex problems in the field. This scientific field
studies how computers can be used to automatically
understand and interpret visual imagery. It aims to
mimic the astounding capabilities of human visual cortex
using machine vision algorithms. It studies how an image is
created, the geometry of the 3D world and high-level tasks
such as object recognition, object detection, and tracking,
image segmentation and action recognition. Computer
vision has important applications in augmented/virtual
reality, autonomous cars, service robots, biometrics and
forensics, remote sensing and security and surveillance.

National Qualifications Framework – five strands

The program learning outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with Emirates Qualifications
Framework and as such are divided into the following learning outcomes
strands: Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR), Self-
development (SD), and Role in context (RC).

78 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Demonstrate highly specialized knowledge of computer vision in line with
the underlying mathematical and computational principles (Knowledge
and Autonomy & Responsibility).
2 Perform critical literature survey and develop new ideas by integrating
multidisciplinary knowledge (Knowledge and Skill).
3 Apply advanced problem-solving skills to analyze, design and execute
solutions for the existing and new problems in computer vision faced
by both industry and academia (Knowledge, Skill and Autonomy &
4 Initiate, manage and complete multifaceted computer vision projects
and clearly communicate concepts, complex ideas, and conclusions both
orally and in the form of technical reports (Skill and Role in context).
5 Function independently and in a team to address computer vision
problems under complex and unpredictable real-world settings (Skill,
Autonomy and responsibility).
6 Contribute to cutting-edge computer vision research to produce new
knowledge or take responsibility to lead innovative and impactful
computer vision projects in industry (Knowledge, and Skill).
7 Manifest the right learning attitude during coursework and research
that clearly shows ownership, personal and technical growth, and
responsibility (Autonomy and responsibility and Self-development).
8 Articulate legal, ethical, environmental, and socio-cultural ramifications
of computer vision technologies, and take a lead in making informed and
fair decisions on complex issues (Autonomy and responsibility, and Self-
The PLOs are mapped to a level nine (9) qualification according to the five
strands of learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework
set by the UAE National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of
Education (MoE):

Program Aspects of competence

learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 K-1L9 - AR-1L9 - -
PLO2 K-2,4L9 S-1,2L9 - - -
PLO3 K-2L9 S-1,2,3L9 AR-2L9 - -
PLO4 - S-1,2,3,4L9 AR3L9 RC-1L9 -
PLO5 - S-2,4L9 AR-1L9 RC-1,2L9 SD-1L9
PLO6 K-3L9 S-1,3L9 - - -
PLO7 - - AR-2,3L9 RC-2L9 SD-1,2L9
PLO8 - - AR-1,3L9 RC-1L9 SD-3L9

Aligning PLOs for Master of Science in Computer Vision to QF Emirates Level 9



Program study plan
The students are expected to complete coursework in the first year of the
degree and focus more on the research project and thesis writing in the
second year. However, this is an indicative plan and students have the flexibility
to take a light course load in the second year as well and similarly can
start research in the first year (e.g., literature review, background study, data
collection or initial framework design) with the approval of their supervisory
A typical study plan is as follows:
AI701 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
MTH701 Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
CV701 Human and Computer Vision
CV702 Geometry for Computer Vision OR
CV703 Visual Object Recognition and Detection
+ 2 electives
INT 799 Internship
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods
CV799 Computer Vision Masters Research Thesis
CV799 Computer Vision Masters Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Master of Science in Computer
Vision is 36 credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
Intro to Research 1 2
Research thesis 1 8

Program courses
Core courses
The Master of Science in Computer Vision is primarily a research-based
degree. The purpose of coursework is to equip students with the right skillset,
so they can successfully accomplish their research project (thesis). Students
are required to take AI701, MTH701 and CV701 as mandatory courses. They
can select either CV702 or CV703 along with two electives. To accommodate
a diverse group of students, coming from different academic backgrounds,
students have been provided with flexibility in course selection. The decision
on the courses to be taken will be made in consultation with the students’
supervisory panel, which will comprise of two or more faculty members.
Essentially, the student’s supervisory panel will help design a personalized
coursework plan for each individual student, by looking at their prior academic

80 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

track record and experience, and the planned research project.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
The following core courses must be taken by all students:
Code Course title Credit hours
AI701 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 4
MTH701 Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 4
CV701 Human and Computer Vision 4
CV702 Geometry for Computer Vision OR 4
CV703 Visual Object Recognition and Detection 4

Elective courses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of eight
(or more) credit hours, based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career
aspirations, in consultation with their supervisory panel. The elective courses
available for the Master of Science in Computer Vision are listed in the tables
below. For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course
Code Course title Credit hours
CV702 Geometry for Computer Vision 4
CV703 Visual Object Recognition and Detection 4
CV707 Digital Twins 4
HC701 Medical Imaging: Physics and Analysis 4
AI702 Deep Learning 4
DS701 Data Mining 4
DS702 Big Data Processing 4
ML701 Machine Learning 4
ML703 Probabilistic and Statistical Inference 4
ML707 Smart City Services and Applications 4
ML708 Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence 4
ML709 IoT, Smart Systems, Services and Applications 4
NLP701 Natural Language Processing 4
NLP702 Advanced Natural Language Processing 4
NLP703 Speech Processing 4
ROB701 Introduction to Robotics 4

Research thesis
Master’s thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research problem,
where they are required to propose new solutions and contribute towards the
body of knowledge. Students pursue an independent research study, under the
guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one year.
For further details on the research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course
Code Course title Credit hours
CV799 Computer Vision Master’s Research Thesis 8
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods 2


Master of Science in
Machine Learning

Program Aims
The goals of the Master of Science in Machine Learning are
to train specialists to (1) analyze complex problems within
the field of ML, (2) take a scientific, innovative, ethical,
and socially responsible approach to conducting and
contributing to research, and (3) solve complex problems in
the field.The scientific study of algorithms and statistical
models that computer systems use to effectively
perform a specific task without using explicit
instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead.
These algorithms are based on mathematical models
learned automatically from data, thus allowing machines
to intelligently interpret and analyze input data to derive
useful knowledge and arrive at important conclusions.
Machine learning is heavily used for enterprise applications
(e.g., business intelligence and analytics), effective web
search, robotics, smart cities and understanding of the
human genome.

National Qualifications Framework – five strands

The program learning outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with Emirates Qualifications
Framework and as such are divided into the following learning outcomes
strands: Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR), Self-
development (SD), and Role in context (RC).

82 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Explain the modern machine learning pipeline: data, models, algorithmic
principles, and empirics. (Knowledge)
2 Employ data-preprocessing and various exploration and visualization
tools. (Skill)
3 Identify and differentiate the capabilities and limitations of the different
forms of learning algorithms. (Knowledge and Skill)
4 Critically analyze, evaluate, and continuously improve the performance of
the learning algorithms. (Knowledge, Skill, Autonomy & Responsibility and
Self-Development )
5 Analyze computational and statistical properties of advanced learning
algorithms and their performance. (Knowledge and Skill)
6 Apply and deploy ML-relevant programming tools for a variety of complex
ML problems. (Skill and Autonomy & Responsibility)
7 Problem-solve through independently applying machine learning
methods to multiple. often ambiguous, complex problems. (Knowledge,
Skill, Autonomy and responsibility, and Role in context and Self-
8 Apply sophisticated skills in initiating, managing, completing, and
communicating multiple project reports, highly complex ideas, and
critiques on variety of machine learning methods using innovative and
sustainable approaches. (Knowledge, Skill Autonomy and responsibility,
Role in context, and Self-development)
The PLOs are mapped to a level nine (9) qualification according to the five
strands of learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework
set by the UAE National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of
Education (MoE):
Program Aspects of competence
Learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
Outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 K-1L9 - - - -
PLO2 - S-3L9 - - -
PLO3 K-1,3L9 S-2L9 - - -
PLO4 K-3L9 S-1,2L9 AR-1,3L9 - SD-2L9
PLO5 K-3L9 S-1,2L9 - - -
PLO6 - S-3L9 AR-1L9 - SD-3L9
PLO7 K-2,4L9 S-2,3L9 AR-1,2L9 RC-2L9 SD1,3L9
PLO8 K-2L9 S-3,4L9 - RC-1L9 -

Aligning PLOs for Master of Science in Machine Learning to QF Emirates Level 9

Program study plan
The students are expected to complete coursework in the first year of degree
and focus more on the research project and thesis writing in the second year.


However, this is an indicative plan and students have the flexibility to take a
light course load in the second year as well and similarly can start research in
the first year (e.g., literature review, background study, data collection or initial
framework design) with the approval of their supervisory panel.
A typical study plan is as follows:
AI701 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
MTH701 Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
ML701 Machine Learning
ML703 Probabilistic and Statistical Inference
+ 2 electives
INT 799 Internship
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods
ML799 Machine Learning Master’s Research Thesis
ML799 Machine Learning Master’s Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Master of Science in Machine
Learning is 36 credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
Introduction to Research 1 2
Research thesis 1 8

Program courses
Core courses
The Master of Science in Machine Learning is primarily a research-based
degree. The purpose of coursework is to equip students with the right skillset,
so they can successfully accomplish their research project (thesis). Students
are required to take AI701, MTH701, ML701 and ML703 as mandatory course,
along with two electives. To accommodate a diverse group of students, coming
from different academic backgrounds, students have been provided with
flexibility in course selection. The decision on the courses to be taken will be
made in consultation with the students’ supervisory panel, which will comprise
of two or more faculty members. Essentially, the student’s supervisory panel
will help design a personalized coursework plan for each individual student, by
looking at their prior academic track record and experience, and the planned
research project.

84 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
The following core courses must be taken by all students:
Code Course title Credit hours
AI701 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 4
MTH701 Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 4
ML701 Machine Learning 4
ML703 Probabilistic and Statistical Inference 4
Elective courses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of eight
(or more) credit hours, based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career
aspirations, in consultation with their supervisory panel. The elective courses
available for the Master of Science in Machine Learning are listed in the tables
below. For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course
Code Course title Credit hours
AI702 Deep Learning 4
CV701 Human and Computer Vision 4
CV702 Geometry for Computer Vision 4
CV703 Visual Object Recognition and Detection 4
CV707 Digital Twins 4
DS701 Data Mining 4
DS702 Big Data Processing 4
DS703 Information Retrieval 4
DS704 Statistical aspect of Machine Learning / Statistical Theory 4
HC701 Medical Imaging: Physics and Analysis 4
ML707 Smart City Services and Applications 4
ML708 Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence 4
ML709 IoT, Smart Systems, Services and Applications 4
MTH702 Optimization 4
NLP701 Natural Language Processing 4
NLP702 Advanced Natural Language Processing 4
NLP703 Speech Processing 4
ROB701 Introduction to Robotics 4
Research thesis
Master’s thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research problem,
where they are required to propose new solutions and contribute towards the
body of knowledge. Students pursue an independent research study, under the
guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one year.
For further details on the research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course
Code Course title Credit hours
ML799 Master’s Research Thesis 8
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods 2


Master of Science in
Natural Language

Program Aims
The goals of the Master of Science in Natural Language
Processing are to train specialists to (1) analyze complex
problems within the field of NLP, (2) take a scientific,
innovative, ethical, and socially responsible approach to
conducting and contributing to research, and (3) solve
complex problems in the field.
NLP focuses on system development that allows computers
to communicate with people using everyday language.
Natural language generation systems convert information
from the computer database into readable or audible
human language and vice versa. Such systems also enable
sophisticated tasks such as inter-language translation,
semantic understanding, text summarization, and holding
a dialog. The key applications of NLP algorithms include
interactive voice response applications, automated
translators, digital personal assistants (e.g., Siri, Cortana,
Alexa), chatbots, and smart word processors.

National Qualifications Framework – five strands

The program learning outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with Emirates Qualifications
Framework and as such are divided into the following learning outcomes
strands: Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR), Self-
development (SD), and Role in context (RC).

86 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Analyze and model textual and speech data with applications to real-
world scenarios. (Knowledge, Skill and Autonomy & Responsibility)
2 Identify and explain the syntactic and semantic structures in speech and
textual data (e.g., the predicate-argument structure). (Knowledge and
3 Implement cutting-edge NLP algorithms and benchmark the achieved
results. (Knowledge, Skill, Role in context and Self-development)
4 Formulate own research questions, analyze the existing body of
knowledge, propose, and develop solutions to new problems.
(Knowledge, Skill and Autonomy and responsibility)
5 Use and deploy NLP related programming tools for a variety of NLP
problems. (Knowledge and Self-development)
6 Work independently as well as part of a team, in a collegial manner, on
NLP related projects. (Skill, Autonomy and responsibility, Role in Context
and Self-Development)
7 Effectively communicate the feasibility and sustainability of experimental
results, innovations and research findings orally and in writing, and
critique existing body of work. (Knowledge, Skill and Role in context)
The PLOs are mapped to a level nine (9) qualification according to the five
strands of learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework
set by the UAE National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of
Education (MoE):
Program Aspects of competence
Learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
Outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 K-1L9 S-1L9 Ar-1,3L9 - -
PLO2 K-2L9 S-4L9 - - -
PLO3 K-2L9 S-2L9 - RC-1L9 SD-2L9
PLO4 K-2,4L9 S-1,2,4L9 AR-1,3L9 - -
PLO5 K-4L9 - - - SD-3L9
PLO6 - S-2L9 AR-1,2L9 RC-1L9 SD-1L9
PLO7 K-3L9 S-1,4L9 - - -

Aligning PLOs for Master of Science in Natural Language Processing to QF

Emirates Level 9 Framework.
Program study plan
The students are expected to complete coursework in the first year of their
degree and focus more on the research project and thesis writing in the
second year. However, this is an indicative plan and students have the flexibility
to take a light course load in the second year as well and similarly can
start research in the first year (e.g., literature review, background study, data
collection or initial framework design) with the approval of their supervisory


A typical study plan is as follows:
AI701 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
MTH701 Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
NLP701 Natural Language Processing
NLP702 Advanced Natural Language Processing
+ 2 electives
INT 799 Internship
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods
NLP799 Natural Language Processing Master’s Research Thesis
NLP799 Natural Language Processing Master’s Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Master of Science in Natural
Language Processing is 36 credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
Intro to Research 1 2
Research thesis 1 8

Program courses
Core courses
The Master of Science in Natural Language Processing is primarily a research-
based degree. The purpose of coursework is to equip students with the right
skillset, so they can successfully accomplish their research project (thesis).
Students are required to take AI701, MTH701, NLP701 and NLP702 as mandatory
courses. They can select two electives. To accommodate a diverse group
of students, coming from different academic backgrounds, students have
been provided with flexibility in course selection. The decision on the courses
to be taken will be made in consultation with the students’ supervisory
panel, which will comprise of two or more faculty members. Essentially, the
student’s supervisory panel will help design a personalized coursework plan
for each individual student, by looking at their prior academic track record and
experience, and the planned research project. For full descriptions of courses,
please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
The following core courses must be taken by all students:

88 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Code Course title Credit hours
AI701 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 4
MTH701 Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 4
NLP701 Natural Language Processing 4
NLP702 Advanced Natural Language Processing 4
Elective courses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of 8 credit
hours, based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career aspirations, in
consultation with their supervisory panel. The elective courses available for the
Master of Science in Natural Language Processing are listed in the table below.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
Code Course title Credit hours
AI702 Deep Learning 4
CV701 Human and Computer Vision 4
CV702 Geometry for Computer Vision 4
CV703 Visual Object Recognition and Detection 4
CV707 Digital Twins 4
DS701 Data Mining 4
DS702 Big Data Processing 4
HC701 Medical Imaging: Physics and Analysis 4
ML701 Machine Learning 4
ML703 Probabilistic and Statistical Inference 4
ML707 Smart City Services and Applications 4
ML708 Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence 4
ML709 IoT, Smart Systems, Services and Applications 4
NLP703 Speech Processing 4
ROB701 Introduction to Robotics 4
Research thesis
Master’s thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research problem,
where they are required to propose new solutions and contribute towards the
body of knowledge. Students pursue an independent research study, under the
guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one year.
For further details on the research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course
Code Course title Credit hours
NLP799 Master’s Research Thesis 8
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods 2


Master of Science in

Program Aims
The aims of the Master’s in Robotics are (1) to develop
students’ interest in, knowledge and understanding of
robotics and autonomous systems and (2) to prepare
them for PhD research in that area and/ or the industry
workforce. The program teaches students to apply the
research techniques and knowledge they have gained to
solve complex problems in the field of Robotics. Robotics
research and the development of intelligent systems
continue to be one of the key priorities set by both
government and industry. Interdisciplinary in scope, our
Master’s in Robotics provides an ideal foundation for what
today’s experts in robotics and intelligent systems need to
know. Along with the chance to learn from world leaders in
their fields from across the globe,our program offers hands-
on activities where you will learn by designing, prototyping,
and validating intelligent robotic systems. As a graduate of
the Master’s in Robotics program you will take a leading role
in the development of integrated robotics technologies and
systems, both locally and internationally.

National Qualifications Framework – five strands

The program learning outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with the Emirates
Qualifications Framework and, as such, are divided into the following learning
outcomes strands: Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR),
Role in context (RC), and Self-development (SD).

90 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Discuss and explain concepts and key components of robotics
technologies (Knowledge and Skill).
2 Compare and contrast various robot sensors and their perception
principles that enable a robot to analyse their environment, reason
and take appropriate actions toward the given goal (Knowledge, Skill,
Autonomy and Responsibility, Role in Context and Self-development).
3 Analyze and solve problems in spatial transformation robot locomotion,
kinematics, motion control, localization and mapping, navigation, and
path planning (Knowledge and Skill).
4 Critically appraise current research literature and situationally appropriate
experiments with state-of-the-art robotic algorithms on a robotic
platform (Knowledge and Self-development).
5 Effectively communicate the practical and entrepreneurial feasibility and
sustainability of robotics concepts, innovations and design decisions
using a range of media/visual mediums (Skill).
6 Function effectively in and lead a team that creates a collaborative and
inclusive environment, establishes research goals, plans tasks, and meets
desired objectives (Autonomy and Responsibility, Role in Context and
The PLOs are mapped to a level nine (9) qualification according to the five
strands of learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework
set by the UAE National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of
Education (MoE):
Program Aspects of competence
Learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
Outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 K-1 L9 S-1L9 - - -
PLO2 K-1, 3 L9 S-2, 3 L9 AR-1, 3 L9 RC-1 L9 SD-1 L9
PLO3 K-1 L9 S-1, 2, 3 L9 - - -
PLO4 K-2, 4 L9 - - - SD-1 L9
PLO5 - S-4 L9 - - -
PLO6 - - AR-1, 2 L9 RC-1, 2 L9 SD-1, 3 L9

Aligning PLOs for Master of Science in Robotics to QF Emirates Level 9

Program study plan
Students are expected to complete coursework in the first year of degree
and focus more on the research project and thesis writing in the second year.
However, this is an indicative plan and students have the flexibility to take a
light course load in the second year as well and, similarly, can start research in


the first year (e.g., literature review, background study, data collection or initial
framework design) with the approval of their supervisory panel.
A typical study plan is as follows:
AI701 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence
ROB701 Introduction to Robotics
+ one elective
ROB702 Robotics Vision and Intelligence
ROB703 Robot Localization and Navigation
+ one elective
INT799 Internship (up to six weeks)
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods
ROB799 Master’s Research Thesis
ROB799 Master’s Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Master of Science in Natural
Language Processing is 36 credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
Introduction to Research 1 2
At least one internship of up to six weeks duration
must be satisfactorily completed as a graduation requirement
Research thesis 1 8

Program courses
Core courses
The Master of Science in Robotics is primarily a research-based degree. The
purpose of coursework is to equip students with the right skillset, so that
they can successfully accomplish their research project (thesis). Students
are required to take AI701, ROB701, ROB702, ROB703, RES799 and INT799 as
mandatory courses. They can select two electives. To accommodate a diverse
group of students, coming from different academic backgrounds, students
have been provided with flexibility in course selection.
The decision on the courses to be taken will be made in consultation

92 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

with students’ supervisory panel, which will comprise two or more faculty
members. Essentially, the student’s supervisory panel will help design a
personalized coursework plan for each individual student by looking at their
prior academic track record and experience, and the planned research project.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
The following core courses must be taken by all students:
Code Course title Credit hours
AI701 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence 4
ROB701 Introduction to Robotics 4
ROB702 Robotics Vision and Intelligence 4
ROB703 Robot Localization and Navigation 4
INT799 Internship 2
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods 2
Elective courses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of eight
(or more) credit hours based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career
aspirations, in consultation with their supervisory panel. The elective courses
available for the Master of Science in Robotics are listed in the table below.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course
Code Course title Credit hours
MTH701 Mathematical Foundations for Artificial Intelligence 4
DS701 Data Mining 4
DS702 Big Data Processing 4
HC701 Medical Imaging: Physics & Analysis 4
ML701 Machine Learning 4
ML703 Probabilistic and Statistical Inference 4
ML707 Smart City Services and Applications 4
ML709 IoT Smart Systems, Services and Applications 4
NLP701 Natural Language Processing 4
NLP702 Advanced Natural Language Processing 4
NLP703 Speech Processing 4

Research thesis
The Master’s Thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research
problem, where they are required to propose new solutions and contribute
towards the body of knowledge. Students pursue an independent research
study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one year.
For further details on the research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course
Code Course title Credit hours
ROB799 Master’s Research Thesis 8
RES799 Introduction to Research Methods 2


Doctor of Philosophy in
Computer Science

Program Aims
The goal of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer
Science is to produce highly trained researchers for industry
and academia. The program prepares students to apply the
research techniques and knowledge they have gained to
solve complex problems in the field of Computer Science
and AI.
The PhD in Computer Science offers exciting opportunities
to do innovative applied research and produce new
intellectual contributions with world leaders in their field.
It is designed to prepare students for leadership careers
in academia, industry research labs and education in
computer science. As a graduate of this program, students
will not only have strong technical and research expertise in
their field but will also have the ability to work effectively in
interdisciplinary teams and be able to tackle problems that
require both technical and non-technical solutions.

National Qualifications Framework – five strands

The program learning outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with the Emirates
Qualifications Framework and, as such, are divided into the following learning
outcomes strands: Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR),
Role in context (RC), and Self-development (SD).

94 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Analyze complex computing problems and apply principles of computing
and other relevant disciplines to devise solutions (Knowledge, Skill,
Autonomy and Responsibility, Role in Context, and Self-development).
2 Develop research projects in computer science that meet high standards
of theoretical and methodological rigor (Knowledge, Skill, Autonomy and
Responsibility, and Role in Context).
3 Recognize social and professional responsibilities and make informed
decisions, which consider the impact, sustainability and entrepreneurial
feasibility of computer science solutions and innovations in global and
local, economic, environmental, and societal contexts (Knowledge, Skill,
Autonomy and Responsibility, Role in Context, and Self-development).
4 Systematically review, analyze, and interpret the body of scientific
literature and innovations in computer science (Knowledge, Skill, and
5 Communicate new knowledge orally and through original research of
publishable quality that satisfied peer review (Skill).
The PLOs are mapped to a level ten (10) qualification according to the five
strands of learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework
set by the UAE National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of
Education (MoE):

Program Aspects of competence

learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 K-1, 2 L10 S-1, 2 L10 AR-1 L10 RC-1 L10 SD-1, 3 L10
PLO2 K-1, 2 L10 S-2 L10 AR-1 L10 RC-1, 2, 3 L10 -
PLO3 K-2 L10 S-1 L10 AR-2 L10 RC-3 L10 SD-1, 3 L10
PLO4 K-2 L10 S-1 L10 - - SD-2 L10
PLO5 - S-3 L10 - - -

Aligning PLOs for Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science to QF Emirates

Level 10 Framework.
Program study plan
Students are expected to complete course work in the first year of degree
and focus on the research and thesis writing in the subsequent three years.
Students must successfully pass a qualifying exam (QE) at the end of the first
year to progress to the research component of the Ph.D. At the end of the
second year, which is focused on research, students must present evidence of
satisfactory research progress at a candidacy exam (CE) to progress to the final
two years of research.
A typical study plan is as follows:
CS801 Advanced Complexity


CS802 Advanced Data Structures
+ one elective
CS803 Randomized Algorithms
CS804 Combinatorial Optimization
+ one elective
INT899 Internship (up to four months)
RES899 Advanced Research Methods
CS899 Ph.D. Research Thesis
CS899 Ph.D. Research Thesis
CS899 Ph.D. Research Thesis
CS899 Ph.D. Research Thesis
CS899 Ph.D. Research Thesis
CS899 Ph.D. Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer
Science is 60 credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
At least one internship of up to four months duration must
be satisfactorily completed as a graduation requirement
Research Methods 1 2
Research thesis 1 32

Program courses
Core courses
The Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science is primarily a research-based
degree. The purpose of coursework is to equip students with the right skillset,
so that they can successfully accomplish their research project (thesis).
Students are required to take CS801, CS802, CS803, CS804, RES899 and
INT899 as mandatory courses. They can select two electives. To accommodate
a diverse group of students, coming from different academic backgrounds,
students have been provided with flexibility in course selection.
The decision on the courses to be taken will be made in consultation

96 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

with students’ supervisory panel, which will comprise two or more faculty
members. Essentially, the student’s supervisory panel will help design a
personalized coursework plan for each individual student by looking at their
prior academic track record and experience, and the planned research project.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
Code Course title Credit hours
CS801 Advanced Complexity 4
CS802 Advanced Data Structures 4
CS803 Randomized Algorithms 4
CS804 Combinatorial Optimization 4
INT899 Internship 2
RES899 Advanced Research Methods 2

Elective Ccourses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of eight
(or more) credit hours based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career
aspirations, in consultation with their supervisory panel. The elective courses
available for the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science are listed in the
table below. For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course

Code Course title Credit hours

NLP801 Deep Learning for Language Processing 4
NLP802 Current Topics in Natural Language Processing 4
NLP803 Advanced Speech Processing 4
NLP804 Deep Learning for Natural Language Generation 4
CV804 3D Geometry Processing 4

Research thesis
The Ph.D. research thesis exposes students to cutting-edge and unsolved
research problems in the field of computer science, where they are required
to propose new solutions and significantly contribute towards the body
of knowledge. Students pursue an independent research study, under the
guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of three to four years. For further
details on the research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
Code Course name Credit hours
CS899 Ph.D. Research Thesis 32
RES899 Advanced Research Methods 2


Doctor of Philosophy in
Computer Vision

Program Aims
The goal of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Computer
Vision is to produce highly trained researchers for industry
and academia. The program prepares students to apply the
research techniques and knowledge they have gained to
solve complex problems in the field of Computer Vision and
This scientific field studies how computers can be used to
automatically understand and interpret visual imagery. It
aims to mimic the astounding capabilities of human visual
cortex using machine vision algorithms. It studies how an
image is created, the geometry of the 3D world and high-
level tasks such as object recognition, object detection,
and tracking, image segmentation and action recognition.
Computer vision has important applications in augmented/
virtual reality, autonomous cars, service robots, biometrics
and forensics, remote sensing and security and surveillance.

National Qualifications Framework – five strands

The program learning outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with Emirates
Qualifications Framework and as such are divided into the following learning
outcomes strands: Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR),
Self-development (SD), and Role in context (RC).

98 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Develop expertise in several specialized areas of research in computer
vision (Knowledge).
2 Compare and contrast existing literature, apply reasoning, and master
necessary skills and techniques to develop novel ideas that are
recognized by the experts of the computer vision discipline (Knowledge,
Skill, Autonomy & Responsibility and Self-development).
3 Apply advanced problem-solving skills to analyze, design and execute
innovative solutions for the existing and/or new problems faced in both
industry and academia (Knowledge, Skill, Autonomy & Responsbility, Role
in Context and Self-development).
4 Initiate, manage and complete technically challenging computer vision
projects and clearly communicate concepts, highly complex ideas, and
key findings in the form of technical reports, scientific publications, and
oral presentations at relevant technical venues (Knowledge, Skill, and
Autonomy and responsibility).
5 Select and use programming tools, libraries, and other relevant resources
to solve real-world computer vision problems (Knowledge and Skill).
6 Develop advanced ability to work independently with substantial
authority or in team collaboration with professional integrity to complete
highly challenging computer vision projects in a timely manner (Skill,
Autonomy and responsibility, and Role in context).
7 Develop new knowledge in computer vision that makes students suitable
for a role in academia or industry (Skill,Knowledge).
8 Practice research ethics and commit to professional responsibilities while
conducting cutting-edge innovative, sustainable and entrepreneurial
advancement in computer vision discipline. (Autonomy and
Responsibility and Self-development).
9 Articulate legal, ethical, environmental, and socio-cultural ramifications
of computer vision technologies, and take a lead in making informed and
fair decisions on complex issues (Skill Autonomy and responsibility, and
The PLOs are mapped to a level 10 qualification according to the five strands of
learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework set by the UAE
National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of Education (MoE):

Program Aspects of competence

learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 K-1L10 - - - -
PLO2 K-1L10 S-1,2L10 AR-1L10 - SD-1L10
PLO3 K-1L10 S-1,2L10 AR-1L10 RC-1L10 SD-1L10
PLO4 K-2L10 S-1,3L10 - RC-1L10 -
PLO5 K-1L10 S-1,2L10 - - -
PLO6 - S-1,2L10 AR-1L10 RC-1,2,3L10 -
PLO7 K-2L10 S-2L10 - - -
PLO8 - - AR-1L10 - SD-2,3L10
PLO9 - S-3L10 AR-2L10 - SD-3L10

Aligning PLOs for Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Vision to QF Emirates Level

10 Framework.
Program study plan
The students are expected to complete course work in the first year of their
degree and focus on the research and thesis writing in the subsequent three
years. Students must successfully pass a qualifying exam (QE) at the end of
the first year to progress to the research component of the Ph.D. At the end
of the second year, which is focused on research, students must present
evidence of satisfactory research progress at a candidacy exam (CE) to
progress to the final two years of research.
A typical study plan is as follows:
CV801 Advanced Computer Vision
CV802 Advanced 3D Computer Vision
+ 1 elective
CV803 Advanced techniques in visual object recognition and detection
CV804 3D Geometry Processing
+ 1 elective
INT899 Internship
RES899 Advanced Research Methods
CV899 Computer Vision Ph.D. Research Thesis
CV899 Computer Vision Ph.D. Research Thesis
CV899 Computer Vision Ph.D. Research Thesis
CV899 Computer Vision Ph.D. Research Thesis
CV899 Computer Vision Ph.D. Research Thesis
CV899 Computer Vision Ph.D. Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer
Vision is 60 credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
Advanced Research Methods 1 2
Research thesis 1 32

Program courses
Core courses
The Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Vision is primarily a research-based
degree. The purpose of coursework is to equip students with the right skillset,
so they can successfully accomplish their research project (thesis). Students
are required to take CV801, CV802, CV803 and CV804 as mandatory courses.

100 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

To accommodate a diverse group of students, coming from different academic
backgrounds, students have been provided with flexibility in course selection.
The decision on the courses to be taken will be made in consultation with
the students’ supervisory panel, which will comprise of two or more faculty
members. Essentially, the student’s supervisory panel will help design a
personalized coursework plan for each individual student, by looking at their
prior academic track record and experience, and the planned research project.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
The following core courses must be taken by all students:
Code Course title Credit hours
CV801 Advanced Computer Vision 4
CV802 Advanced 3D Computer Vision 4
CV803 Advanced techniques in visual object recognition and detection 4
CV804 3D Geometry Processing 4

Elective courses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of eight
(or more) credit hours, based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career
aspirations, in consultation with their supervisory panel. The elective courses
available for the Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Vision are listed in the
tables below.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
Code Course title Credit hours
ML801 Foundations and Advanced Topics in Machine Learning 4
ML802 Advanced Machine Learning 4
ML803 Advanced Probabilistic and Statistical Inference 4
ML804 Advanced Topics in Continuous Optimization 4
ML806 Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning 4
ML807 Federated Learning 4
ML808 Advanced Topics in Causality and Machine Learning 4
ML812 Advanced Topics in Algorithms for Big Data 4
NLP801 Deep Learning for Language Processing 4
NLP802 Current Topics in Natural Language Processing 4
NLP803 Advanced Speech Processing 4
NLP804 Deep Learning for Natural Language Generation 4
CV805 Life-long Learning Agents for Vision 4
Research thesis
The Ph.D. research thesis exposes students to cutting-edge and unsolved
research problems in the field of computer vision, where they are required
to propose new solutions and significantly contribute towards the body
of knowledge. Students pursue an independent research study, under the
guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of three to four years. For further
details on the research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
Code Course title Credit hours
CV899 Computer Vision Ph.D. Research Thesis 32
RES899 Advanced Research Methods 2


Doctor of Philosophy in
Machine Learning

Program Aims
The goal of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Machine
Learning is to produce highly trained researchers for
industry and academia. The program prepares students
to apply the research techniques and knowledge they have
gained to solve complex problems in the field of Machine
Learning and AI.
The scientific study of algorithms and statistical
models that computer systems use to effectively
perform a specific task without using explicit
instructions, relying on patterns and inference instead.
These algorithms are based on mathematical models
learned automatically from data, thus allowing machines
to intelligently interpret and analyse input data to derive
useful knowledge and arrive at important conclusions.
Machine learning is heavily used for enterprise applications
(e.g., business intelligence and analytics), effective web
search, robotics, smart cities and understanding of the
human genome.

National Qualifications Framework – five strands

The program learning outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with Emirates Qualifications
Framework and as such are divided in the following learning outcomes
strands: Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR), Self-
development (SD), and Role in context (RC).
Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Express comprehensive and deep understanding of the pipelines at the

102 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

frontier of machine learning: data, models, algorithmic principles, and
empirics (Knowledge).
2 Apply a range of skills and techniques in data-preprocessing, exploration,
and visualization of data-statistics as well as complex algorithmic
outcomes (Knowledge and Skill).
3 Identify the capabilities and limitations of the different forms of learning
algorithms and critically analyze, evaluate, and improve the performance
of the learning algorithms (Knowledge, Skill, Autonomy & Responsibility
and Self-development.).
4 Develop problem-solving skills through independently applying the
principles and methods learned in the program to various complex real-
world problem (Skill, Role in Context and Self-development)..
5 Compare and contrast statistical properties and performance guarantees
including convergence rates (in theory and practice) for different learning
algorithms (Knowledg, Skill and Self-development ).
6 Employ and deploy ML-relevant programming tools for a variety of ML
problems (Autonomy & Responsbiltiy).
7 Identify the limitations of existing machine learning algorithms and
conceptualize, design, and implement an innovative, sustainable,
and entrepreneurial solution for a variety of highly complex problems
(Knowledge, Skill and Role in context).
8 Initiate, manage, and complete research manuscripts that demonstrate
expert self-evaluation and advanced skills in communicating highly
complex ideas related to machine learning (Knowledge, Skill, and Role in
9 Initiate, manage, and complete multiple complex project reports, and
critiques (Skill, Autonomy & Responsibility, Role in context and Self
The PLOs are mapped to a level 10 qualification according to the FIVE strands
of learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework set by
the UAE National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of Education
Program Aspects of competence
Learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
Outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 K-1L10 - - - -
PLO2 K-1L10 S-2L10 - - -
PLO3 K-1L10 S-2L10 AR-1L10 SD-1L10
PLO4 - S-2L10 - RC-2L10 SD-3L10
PLO5 K-1L10 S-1L10 - - SD-1L10
PLO6 - AR-1L10 - -
PLO7 K-2L10 S-1L10 RC-3L10 SD-1,3L10
PLO8 K-2L10 S-3L10 - RC-1,2L10 -
PLO9 - S-1L10 AR-2L10 RC-1,2L10 SD-2,3L10

Aligning PLOs for Doctor of Philosophy in Machine Learning to QF Emirates

Level 10 Framework.


Program study plan
The students are expected to complete coursework in the first year of their
degree and focus more on the research project and thesis writing in the
second year. However, this is an indicative plan and students have the flexibility
to take a light course load in the second year as well and similarly can
start research in the first year (e.g., literature review, background study, data
collection or initial framework design) with the approval of their supervisory
A typical study plan is as follows:
ML801 Foundations & Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
ML802 Advanced Machine Learning
+ I elective
ML803 Advanced Probabilistic and Statistical Inference
ML804 Advanced Topics in Continuous Optimization
+ 1 elective
INT899 Internship (up to four months)
RES899 Advanced Research Methods
ML899 Machine Learning Ph.D. Research Thesis
ML899 Machine Learning Ph.D. Research Thesis
ML899 Machine Learning Ph.D. Research Thesis
ML899 Machine Learning Ph.D. Research Thesis
ML899 Machine Learning Ph.D. Research Thesis
ML899 Machine Learning Ph.D. Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Machine
Learning is 60 credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
Advanced research method I 2
Research thesis 1 32
Program courses
Core courses
The Doctor of Philosophy in Machine Learning is primarily a research-based
degree. The purpose of coursework is to equip students with the right skillset,
so they can successfully accomplish their research project (thesis). Students

104 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

are required to take ML801, ML802, ML803 and ML804 as mandatory courses.
To accommodate a diverse group of students, coming from different academic
backgrounds, students have been provided with flexibility in course selection.
The decision on the courses to be taken will be made in consultation with
the students’ supervisory panel, which will comprise of two or more faculty
members. Essentially, the student’s supervisory panel will help design a
personalized coursework plan for each individual student, by looking at their
prior academic track record and experience, and the planned research project.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
The following core courses must be taken by all students:
Code Course title Credit hours
ML801 Foundations & Advanced Topics in Machine Learning 4
ML802 Advanced Machine Learning 4
ML803 Advanced Probabilistic and Statistical Inference 4
ML804 Advanced Topics in Continuous Optimization 4

Elective courses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of eight
(or more) credit hours, based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career
aspirations, in consultation with their supervisory panel.
The elective courses available for the Doctor of Philosophy in Machine Learning
are listed in the tables below. For full descriptions of courses, please refer to
Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
Code Course title Credit hours
ML806 Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning 4
ML807 Federated Learning 4
ML808 Advanced Topics in Causality and Machine Learning 4
ML812 Advanced Topics in Algorithms for Big Data 4
CV801 Topics in Advanced Machine Learning 4
CV802 Advanced 3D Computer Vision 4
CV803 Advanced techniques in visual object recognition and detection 4
CV804 3D Geometry Processing 4
CV805 Life-long Learning Agents for Vision 4
NLP801 Deep Learning for Language Processing 4
NLP802 Current Topics in Natural Language Processing 4
NLP803 Advanced Speech Processing 4
NLP804 Deep Learning for Natural Language Generation 4
Research thesis
The Ph.D. research thesis exposes students to cutting-edge and unsolved
research problems in the field of machine learning, where they are required
to propose new solutions and significantly contribute towards the body
of knowledge. Students pursue an independent research study, under the
guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of three to four years. For further
details on the research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
Code Course title Credit hours
ML899 Machine Learning Ph.D. Research Thesis 32
RES899 Advanced Research Methods 2


Doctor of Philosophy in
Natural Language

Program Aims
The goal of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Natural
Language Processing is to produce highly trained
researchers for industry and academia. The program
prepares students to apply the research techniques and
knowledge they have gained to solve complex problems in
the field of Natural Language Processing and AI.
NLP focuses on system development that allows computers
to communicate with people using everyday language.
Natural language generation systems convert information
from the computer database into readable or audible
human language and vice versa. Such systems also enable
sophisticated tasks such as inter-language translation,
semantic understanding, text summarization and holding
a dialog. The key applications of NLP algorithms include
interactive voice response applications, automated
translators, digital personal assistants (e.g., Siri, Cortana,
Alexa), chatbots, and smart word processors.

National Qualifications Framework – five strands

The Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with Emirates
Qualifications Framework and as such are divided in the following learning
outcomes strands: Knowledge (K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR),
Self-development (SD), and Role in context (RC).

106 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Devise cutting-edge NLP algorithms with applications to real-life. (Skill,
and Autonomy & Responsiblity)
2 Implement, evaluate, and benchmark existing state-of-the-art NLP
scholarly publications. (Knowledge, Skills, Role in Context & Self-
3 Identify open research problems, and the gaps in the existing body of
knowledge, to formulate high impact research questions. (Knowledge,
Skills and Self-development)
4 Independently develop innovative solutions, through extensive research
and scholarship, to resolve unsolved research problems in high-
impact real-life applications of NLP. (Knowledge, Skills, Autonomy and
responsibility and Self Development)
5 Invent innovative, sustainable, and entrepreneurial state of the art
solutions to existing open research problems. (Knowledge, Skills and
Autonomy & Responsibility)
6 Pursue an NLP project either independently, or as part of a team in a
collegial manner, with minimal supervision. (Autonomy and responsibility
and Role in Context
7 Initiate, manage, and complete research manuscripts that demonstrate
expert self-evaluation and advanced skills in scientifically communicating
highly complex ideas. (Role in context and Self- development)
8 Initiate, manage and complete multiple project reports and critiques,
on a variety of NLP problems Knowledge, Skill, Role in context, and Self-
The PLOs are mapped to a level 10 qualification according to the 5 strands
of learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework set by
the UAE National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of Education
Program Aspects of competence
Learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
Outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 - S-1L10 AR-1L10 - -
PLO2 K-1L10 S-1,3L10 - RC-1L10 SD-1L10
PLO3 K-1L10 S-1,2L10 - - SD-1L10
PLO4 K-2L10 S-1,2L10 AR-1L10 - SD-1L10
PLO5 K-2L10 S-1L10 AR-1,2L10 - -
PLO6 - - AR-1L10 RC-2,3L10 -
PLO7 K-2L10 S-3L10 - RC-1L10 SD-2,3L10
PLO8 - - AR-1,2L10 - SD-1,2L10

Aligning PLOs for Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Language Processing to QF

Emirates Level 10 Framework.
Program study plan
The students are expected to complete course work in the first year of their


degree and focus on the research and thesis writing in the subsequent three
years. Students must successfully pass a qualifying exam (QE) at the end of
the first year to progress to the research component of the Ph.D. At the end
of the second year, which is focused on research, students must present
evidence of satisfactory research progress at a candidacy exam (CE) to
progress to the final two years of research.
A typical study plan is as follows:
NLP801 Deep Learning for Language Processing
NLP802 Current Topics in Natural Language Processing
+ I elective
NLP803 Advanced Speech Processing
NLP804 Deep Learning for Natural Language Generation
+ I elective
INT899 Internship (up to four months)
RES899 Advanced Research Methods
NLP899 Natural Language Processing Ph.D. Research Thesis
NLP899 Natural Language Processing Ph.D. Research Thesis
NLP899 Natural Language Processing Ph.D. Research Thesis
NLP899 Natural Language Processing Ph.D. Research Thesis
NLP899 Natural Language Processing Ph.D. Research Thesis
NLP899 Natural Language Processing Ph.D. Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Natural
Language Processing is 60 credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
Advanced Res M 1 2
Research thesis 1 32

Program courses
Core courses
The Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Language Processing is primarily a
research-based degree. The purpose of coursework is to equip students with
the right skillset, so they can successfully accomplish their research project
(thesis). Students are required to take NLP801, NLP802, NLP803 and NLP804
as mandatory courses. They can select two electives. To accommodate a

108 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

diverse group of students, coming from different academic backgrounds,
students have been provided with flexibility in course selection. The decision
on the courses to be taken will be made in consultation with the students’
supervisory panel, which will comprise of two or more faculty members.
Essentially, the student’s supervisory panel will help design a personalized
coursework plan for each individual student, by looking at their prior academic
track record and experience, and the planned research project.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
The following core courses must be taken by all students::
Code Course title Credit hours
NLP801 Deep Learning for Language Processing 4
NLP802 Current Topics in Natural Language Processing 4
NLP803 Advanced Speech Processing 4
NLP804 Deep Learning for Natural Language Generation 4
Elective courses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of 8 (or
more) credit hours, based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career
aspirations, in consultation with their supervisory panel. The elective courses
available for the Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Language Processing are listed
in the tables below.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
Code Course title Credit hours
ML801 Foundations and Advanced Topics in Machine Learning 4
ML802 Advanced Machine Learning 4
ML803 Advanced Probabilistic and Statistical Inference 4
ML804 Advanced Topics in Continuous Optimization 4
ML806 Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning 4
ML807 Federated Learning 4
ML808 Advanced Topics on Causality and Machine Learning 4
ML812 Advanced Topics in Algorithms for Big Data 4
CV801 Advanced Computer Vision 4
CV802 Advanced 3D Computer Vision 4
CV803 Advanced techniques in visual object recognition and detection 4
CV804 3D Geometry Processing 4
CV805 Life-long Learning Agents for Vision 4

Research thesis
Master’s thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research problem,
where they are required to propose new solutions and contribute towards the
body of knowledge. Students pursue an independent research study, under the
guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one year.
For further details on the research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course
Code Course title Credit hours
NLP899 Natural Language Processing Ph.D. Research Thesis 32
RES899 Advanced Research Methods 2


Doctor of Philosophy in

Program Aims
The goal of the Ph.D. program in Robotics is to prepare
the next generation of world-class researchers, industry
leaders, academics, and educators in the field of robotics
and autonomous systems.
The Ph.D. in Robotics focuses on human-centered and
autonomous robotics research and prepares exceptional
students for careers at the cutting edge of academia,
industry, and government. Our world-leading robotics
researchers, students and industry partners collaborate
to advance discoveries in various aspects of robotics,
such as perception and applied machine learning, human-
robot interaction, cognitive and soft robotics, and swarm
intelligence. Ph.D. students in Robotics enjoy the unique
experience of conducting world-class research with
the state-of-the-art equipment and under the guidance of
internationally renowned experts

National Qualifications Framework – five strandsThe Program learning

outcomes (PLOs) are aligned with the Emirates Qualifications Framework and
as such are divided into the following learning outcomes strands: Knowledge
(K), Skills (S), Autonomy and responsibility (AR), Role in context (RC), and Self-
development (SD).

110 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Program learning outcomes
Upon completion of the program requirements, graduates will be able to:
1 Analyze a problem and apply an appropriate selection of advanced
methods in robotics and autonomous systems. (Knowledge, Skill,
Autonomy and Responsibility, Role in Context, and Self-development)
2 Design and integrate advanced software and hardware to realize
autonomous robotic solutions, in teams and individually. (Skill, Autonomy
and Responsibility, and Role in Context)
3 Critically evaluate the potential for multi-robot systems, robotics, and
autonomous systems across a range of applications. (Knowledge, Skill,
Autonomy and Responsibility, and Self-development).
4 Review and critically appraise current research topics, problems, and
challenges within robotics and autonomous systems. (Knowledge, Skill,
Role in Context, and Self-development).
5 Discover, interpret, and communicate new knowledge orally and
through novel research of top-tier publishable quality. (Knowledge, Skill,
Autonomy and Responsibility, and Self-development)
The PLOs are mapped to a level ten (10) qualification according to the five
strands of learning outcomes as per the National Qualifications Framework
set by the UAE National Qualifications Authority (NQA) and the Ministry of
Education (MoE):
Program Aspects of competence
Learning Knowledge Skill Autonomy and Role in Self-
Outcomes responsibility context development
PLO1 K-1 L10 S-1 L10 AR-1 L10 RC-2 L10 SD-1, 2, 3 L10
PLO2 - S-2 L10 AR-1 L10 RC-2, 3 L10 -
PLO3 K-1 L10 S-1, 2, 3 L10 AR-2 L10 - SD-1, 2 L10
PLO4 K-1, 2 L10 S-1, 3 L10 - RC-1 L10 SD-1 L10
PLO5 K-2 L10 S-2, 3 L10 AR-1 L10 - SD-1, 3 L10

Aligning PLOs for Doctor of Philosophy in Robotics to QF Emirates Level 10

Program study plan
Students are expected to complete course work in the first year of degree
and focus on the research and thesis writing in the subsequent three years.
Students must successfully pass a qualifying exam (QE) at the end of the first
year to progress to the research component of the Ph.D. At the end of the
second year, which is focused on research, students must present evidence of
satisfactory research progress at a candidacy exam (CE) to progress to the final
two years of research.
A typical study plan is as follows:
ROB801 Advanced Robotics Motion Planning


ROB802 Advanced Topics in Robotics: Multi-Robot Systems
+ 1 Elective
ROB803 Advanced Humanoid Robotics
ROB804 Vision for Autonomous Robotics
+ 1 Elective
INT899 Internship (up to four months)
RES899 Advanced Research Methods
ROB899 Ph.D. Robotics Research Thesis
ROB899 Ph.D. Robotics Research Thesis
ROB899 Ph.D. Robotics Research Thesis
ROB899 Ph.D. Robotics Research Thesis
ROB899 Ph.D. Robotics Research Thesis
ROB899 Ph.D. Robotics Research Thesis

Program degree requirements

Completion requirements:
The minimum degree requirements for the Doctor of Philosophy in Robotics is
60 credits, distributed as follows:
Core courses Number of courses Credit hours
Core 4 16
Electives 2 8
Internship 1 2
At least one internship of up to four months’ duration
must be satisfactorily completed as a graduation requirement
Research Methods 1 2
Research thesis 1 32

Program courses
Core courses
The Doctor of Science in Robotics is primarily a research-based degree. The
purpose of coursework is to equip students with the right skillset, so they
can successfully accomplish their research project (thesis). Students are
required to take ROB801, ROB802, ROB803, ROB804, RES899 and INT899 as
mandatory courses. They can select two electives. To accommodate a diverse
group of students, coming from different academic backgrounds, students

112 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

have been provided with flexibility in course selection. The decision on the
courses to be taken will be made in consultation with students’ supervisory
panel, which will comprise of two or more faculty members. Essentially, the
student’s supervisory panel will help design a personalized coursework plan
for each individual student, by looking at their prior academic track record and
experience, and the planned research project. For full descriptions of courses,
please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
The following core courses must be taken by all students:
Code Course title Credit hours
ROB801 Advanced Robotics Motion Planning 4
ROB802 Advanced Topics in Robotics: Multi-Robot Systems 4
ROB803 Advanced Humanoid Robotics 4
ROB804 Vision for Autonomous Robotics 4
INT899 Internship 2
RES899 Advanced Research Methods 2
Elective courses
Students will select a minimum of two elective courses, with a total of eight
(or more) credit hours based on interest, proposed research thesis, and career
aspirations, in consultation with their supervisory panel. The elective courses
available for the Doctor of Philosophy in Robotics are listed in the table below.
For full descriptions of courses, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.

Code Course title Credit hours

ML806 Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning 4
ML807 Federated Learning 4
ML808 Advanced Topics on Causality and Machine Learning 4
CV804 3D Geometry Processing 4
NLP801 Deep Learning for Language Processing 4
NLP802 Current Topics in Natural Language Processing 4
NLP803 Advanced Speech Processing 4
NLP804 Deep Learning for Natural Language Generation 4

Research thesis
The Ph.D. research thesis exposes students to cutting-edge and unsolved
research problems in the field of robotics, where they are required to propose
new solutions and significantly contribute towards the body of knowledge.
Students pursue an independent research study, under the guidance of a
supervisory panel, for a period of three to four years. For further details on the
research thesis, please refer to Appendix 1: Course descriptions.
Code Course title Credit hours
ROB899 Ph.D. Research Thesis 32
RES899 Advanced Research Methods 2


Appendix 1:
Short Course descriptions
Teaching plan of courses throughout a semester:
Two lectures per week, each lecture of 1.5 hours, one lab per week of two hours.
Course Descriptions
AI701 Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (4CR)
Prerequisites: Basic concepts in calculus, linear algebra and programming
Core course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning , M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing
M.Sc. in Robotics
Elective course for: None

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to artificial intelligence. It builds upon

fundamental concepts in machine learning. Students will learn about supervised and unsupervised
learning, various learning algorithms, and the basics of the neural network, deep learning, and
reinforcement learning.

AI702 Deep Learning (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basics of linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics
Proficiency in Python
Core course for: None

Elective course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to artificial intelligence. It builds upon
fundamental concepts in machine learning. Students will learn about supervised and unsupervised
learning, various learning algorithms, and the basics of the neural network, deep learning, and
reinforcement learning.

CS701 Advanced Algorithms (4CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: M.Sc. in Computer Science

Elective course for: None

We study techniques for the design of algorithms (such as dynamic programming) and algorithms for
fundamental problems – such as fast Fourier transform (FFT). In addition, we explore computational
intractability, specifically, the theory of NP-completeness. The key topics covered in the course are:
dynamic programming; divide and conquer, including FFT; randomized algorithms, including RSA
cryptosystem; graph algorithms; max-flow algorithms; linear programming; and NP-completeness.

CS702 Theory of Computer Science (4CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: M.Sc. in Computer Science

Elective course for: None

This course uncovers the science behind computing by studying computation abstractly without
involving any specifics of programming languages and/or computing platforms. Specifically, it
studies finite automata that capture what can be computed using constant memory, the universal
computational model of Turing machines, the inherent limits of what can be solved on a computer
(undecidability), the notion of computational tractability, and the P vs NP question. Finally, the course
also involves Boolean circuits, cryptography, polynomial hierarchy, rigorous thinking and mathematical

114 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Course descriptions
CS703 Operating Systems (4CR)
Prerequisites: MTH703 and CS701
Core course for: M.Sc. in Computer Science

Elective course for: None

This course discusses the advanced concepts in operating system design and implementation. The
operating system provides a convenient and efficient interface between user programs and the
hardware of the computer on which they run.

CS704 Programming Languages and Implementation (4CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Science
This course aims at uncovering the fundamental principles of programming language design,
semantics, and implementation.

CS705 Distributed and Parallel Systems (4CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Science
Parallel and distributed systems are ubiquitous in many applications in our daily life including AI,
online games, social networks, web services and healthcare simulations. These systems distribute
computation over many computing units because they must sustain massive workloads that cannot
fit into a single computer. Designing efficient, easy-to-maintain and correct parallel and distributed
systems is challenging. In this course, we specifically study distributed computing, consistency,
remote procedure calls, logging, recovery, and MapReduce. Further, we will cover instruction-level
parallelism, parallel programming, cache coherence, memory consistency, and synchronization

CS799 Computer Science Master’s Research Thesis (8CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: M.Sc. in Computer Science

Elective course for: None

Master’s thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research problem, where they are
required to propose new solutions and contribute toward the body of knowledge. Students pursue
an independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one year.
Master’s thesis research helps train graduates to pursue more advanced research in their Ph.D.
degree. Further, it enables graduates to pursue an industrial project involving a research component

CS801 Advanced Complexity (4CR)

Prerequisites: CS701 or equivalent, CS702 or equivalent
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Elective course for: None
The course covers the following topics:
• The theory of NP-completeness and its relationship to the complexity classes P and NP.
• Circuit complexity and alternations.
• SAT, the complexity of counting, and algebraic circuit complexity.
• Circuit complexity lowerbound, hardness vs randomness, ironic complexity, and interactive
proof systems.


Course descriptions
CS802 Advanced Data Structures (4CR)
Prerequisites: CS701 or equivalent, MTH703 or equivalent
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Elective course for: None
This course covers a broad overview of the many diverse types of data structures, including
persistent, retroactive, geometric data structures, like a map, and temporal data structures, as in
storage that happens over a time series. A comprehensive study of these data structures is a vital
component of this subject. It also covers dictionaries, static trees, strings, succinct structures, and
dynamic graphs. Finally, the course will cover the major directions of research for a wide variety of
such data structures.

CS803 Randomized Algorithms (4CR)

Prerequisites: MTH703 or equivalent, CS701 or equivalent
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Elective course for: None
Randomized algorithms went from being a tool in computational number theory to finding wide-
spread application in many types of algorithms. Two benefits of randomization have spearheaded this
growth: simplicity and speed. This course discusses the basic and advanced concepts of ran-domized
algorithms. Specifically, it includes random sampling, tail inequalities, probabilistic meth-ods,
algebraic methods, and random walks. Further, it also covers linear programming, graph algo-rithms
and approximate counting topics.

CS804 Combinatorial Optimization (4CR)

Prerequisites: MTH703 or equivalent , CS701 or equivalent
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Elective course for: None
This course covers the topic of polyhedra, including various mathematical concepts and algorithms
such as Farkas lemma, duality, complementary slackness, and decomposition of polyhedra. The
course also covers topics like integer polyhedra, matrices, matching (bipartite and non-bipartite),
graphs, matroids, polymatroids and submodular functions. The course will also cover the application
of these concepts in machine learning.

CS899 Computer Science Ph.D. Research Thesis (32CR)

Prerequisites: Coursework + pass in qualifying exam
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Science
Elective course for: None
Ph.D. thesis research exposes students to cutting-edge and unsolved research problems, where they
are required to propose new solutions and significantly contribute toward the body of knowledge.
Students pursue an independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for
a period of three to four years. Ph.D. thesis research helps train graduates to become leaders in
their chosen area of research through partly-supervised study, eventually transforming them into
researchers who can work independently or interdependently to carry out cutting-edge research.

CV701 Human and Computer Vision (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basics of linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics
Proficiency in Python None
Core course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing; M.Sc. in Machine Learning
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the basics of human visual system and color
perception, image acquisition and processing, linear and nonlinear image filtering, image features description
and extraction, classification and segmentation strategies. Moreover, students will be introduced to quality
assessment methodologies for computer vision and image processing algorithms.

116 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Course descriptions
CV702 Geometry for Computer Vision (4CR)
Prerequisites: CV 701: Human and Computer Vision (or equivalent)
Hands-on experience with Python and Pytorch
Core course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing
The course provides a comprehensive introduction to the concepts, principles and methods of
geometry-aware computer vision, which helps in describing the shape and structure of the world.
In particular, the objective of the course is to introduce the formal tools and techniques that are
necessary for estimating depth, motion, disparity, volume, pose and shapes in 3D scenes.

CV703 Visual Object Recognition and Detection (4CR)

Prerequisites: CV701: Human and Computer Vision (or equivalent)
Basics of linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics demonstrated
through relevant coursework
Proficiency in Python and Pytorch
Core course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing.
This course provides a comprehensive overview of different concepts and methods related to visual
object recognition and detection. In particular, the students will learn a large family of successful and
recent state-of-the-art architectures of deep neural networks to solve the tasks of visual recognition,
detection and tracking.

CV707 Digital Twins (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basic concepts in programming
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Machine Learning;
M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing;
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to digital twins. Students will learn about digi-tal
twin technology, its common applications, and benefits, how to create a digital twin for pre-dictive
analytics using sensory data fusion, and primary predictive modeling methods, and how to implement
and interact with a digital twin using different platforms.

CV799 Computer Vision Master’s Research (8CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision
Elective course for: None
Master’s thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research problem, where they are
required to propose new solutions and contribute toward the body of knowledge. Students pursue
an independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one
year. Master’s thesis research helps train graduates to pursue more advanced research in their
Ph.D. degree. Further, it enables graduates to independently pursue an industrial project involving a
research component.


Course descriptions
CV801 Advanced Computer Vision (4CR)
Prerequisites: Understanding of basic image processing and computer vision concepts
Hands-on experience with Python and Pytorch or equivalent language/library
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning, Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to advanced computer vision techniques. The
students will develop skills to critique state-of-the-art computer vision research papers. The course
aims at building foundation concepts for modern computer vision as well as developing expertise in
several specialized areas of research in computer vision. The following topics will be covered in the
(i) Deep learning for computer vision
(ii) Recent developments in convolutional neural networks and transformers
(iii) Advanced techniques in object detection and segmentation
(iv) Advanced Vision applications such as medical image segmentation and remote sensing change detection
(v) Development of efficient computer vision architectures
(vi) Human centric vision
(vii) Introduction to vision language models and diffusion models.

CV802 Advanced 3D Computer Vision (4CR)

Prerequisites: Linear algebra, numerical methods or equivalent hands-on experience
with Python and C++ or equivalent language/library.
Basic knowledge in computer vision
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing; Ph.D. in Machine Learning.
The course exercises an in-depth coverage of special topics in 3D computer vision. Students will be
able to critique state-of-the-art methods on multi-view stereo, 3D reconstruction, 3D shape analysis,
3D deep learning and synthesis. Students will have to implement papers to accomplish the following
goals: (1) reproduce results reported in the papers, and (2) improve the performance of published
peer-reviewed works. This course assumes that the students are familiar with the basic concepts of
omputer vision, linear algebra and numerical methods.

CV803 Advanced Techniques in Visual Object Recognition and Detection (4CR)

Prerequisites: CV801 or equivalent
Hands-on experience with Python and Pytorch or equivalent language/
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning, Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing.
This course provides focused coverage of special topics on visual object recognition (image
classification), detection and segmentation. The students will develop skills to critique the state-of-
the-art works on visual object recognition, detection and segmentation. Moreover, students will be
required to implement papers with the following aims: (1) reproduce results reported in the seminal
research papers, and (2) improve the performance of the published works. This course assumes
familiarity with fundamental concepts in computer vision and machine learning.

118 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Course descriptions
CV804 3D Geometry Processing (4CR)
Prerequisites: Linear algebra, C/C++ programming, computer vision, basic AI/ML
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning, Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing, Ph.D. in
Robotics, Ph.D. in Computer Science
This course introduces 3D geometry processing, an important field that intersects computer vision,
computer graphics, and discrete geometry. This course will cover the mathematical foundations for
studying 3D surfaces from a discrete differential geometric standpoint and present the full geometry
processing pipeline: from 3D data capture, mesh smoothing, surface reconstruction, parameterization,
registration, shape analysis (correspondence, symmetry, matching), data-driven synthesis, interactive
manipulation, to 3D printing. This course will offer practical coding exercises to understand basic
geometry processing algorithms and exciting project around data capture and geometry processing.

CV805 Life-long Learning Agents for Vision (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basics of linear algebra, calculus, computer vision/machine learning and
probability and statistics demonstrated through relevant coursework
Proficiency in Python and Pytorch
Core course for: None
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing; Ph.D. in
Machine Learning
In the field of computer vision, models have typically been trained to perform well on a specific task
or dataset by maximizing performance on a validation set. However, this approach only represents
a small part of the types of scenarios that are of interest in real-world applications. In recent years,
there has been growing interest in exploring different approaches to learning that can be applied in
more diverse and dynamic environments. These approaches, which include lifelong learning, continual
learning, meta-learning, transfer learning, multi-task learning, and out-of-distribution generalization,
aim to enable models to be more robust, efficient, versatile, and well-behaved in non-stationary
settings. This graduate course will focus on these emerging learning paradigms and how they can be
applied to computer vision and multimodal learning tasks.

CV899 Computer Vision Ph.D. Research Thesis (32CR)

Prerequisites: Coursework + pass in Qualifying Exam
Core course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision
Elective course for: None
Ph.D. thesis research exposes students to cutting-edge and unsolved research problems, where they
are required to propose new solutions and significantly contribute toward the body of knowledge.
Students pursue an independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for
a period of three to four years. Ph.D. thesis research helps train graduates to become leaders in
their chosen area of research through partly-supervised study – eventually transforming them into
researchers who can work independently or interdependently to carry out cutting-edge research.

DS701 Data Mining (4CR)

Prerequisites: Discrete mathematics, probability and statistics
Proficiency in Java or Python
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing; M.Sc. in Robotics; M.Sc. in Computer Science
This course is an introductory course on data mining, which is the process of discovering patterns in
large data sets involving methods at the intersection of machine learning, statistics, and database


Course descriptions
DS702 Big Data Processing (4CR)
Prerequisites: Databases
Proficiency in Java or Python
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing; M.Sc. in Robotics; M.Sc. in Computer Science
This course is an introductory course on big data processing, which is the process of analyzing and
utilizing big data. The course involves methods at the intersection of parallel computing, machine
learning, statistics, database systems, etc.

DS703 Information Retrieval (4CR)

Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Statistics.
Proficiency in Java or Python or C++.
Core course for: None
Elective course for: MSc in Computer Vision; MSc in Machine Learning; MSc in Natural Lan-
guage Processing;
This course is an introductory course on Information Retrieval (IR). The explosive growth of available
digital information (e.g., Web pages, emails, news, Tweets, Wikipedia pages) demands intelligent
information agents that can sift through all available information and find out the most valuable and
relevant information. Web search engines, such as Google and Bing, are several examples of such
tools. This course studies the basic principles and practical algorithms used for information retrieval
and text mining. It will cover algorithms, design, and implementation of modern information retrieval
systems. Topics include: retrieval system design and implementation, text analysis techniques,
retrieval models (e.g., Boolean, vector space, probabilistic, and learning-based methods), search
evaluation, retrieval feedback, search log mining, and applications in web information management.

DS704 Statistical Aspect of Machine Learning / Statistical Theory (4CR)

Prerequisites: Familiarity with the fundamental concepts of probability theory, Linear Algebra,
Real analysis. A first course in Statistics would be a plus. ML701 or AI701.
Core course for: None
Elective course for: MSc in Machine Learning;
This course covers the fundamentals of theoretical statistics, which are the foundation for the
analysis of the properties of machine learning algorithms. Covered topics include statistical models,
statistical inference, maximum likelihood estimation, optimal hypothesis testing, decision theory
and Bayesian inference, non-parametric statistics, and Bootstrap, (generalized) linear model and
high dimensional statistics. All necessary tools from Probability theory: deviation inequalities, type of
convergence, law of large numbers, central limit theorem, properties of the Gaussian distribution (etc)
will be introduced whenever needed and their proofs given at the end of each chapter.

HC701 Medical Imaging: Physics and Analysis (4CR)

Prerequisites: Familiarity with Python programming
Undergraduate course in signal processing or signals and systems
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing; M.Sc. in Robotics
This course provides a graduate-level introduction to the principles and methods of medical imaging,
with a thorough grounding in the physics of imaging problems. This course covers the fundamentals of
X-ray, CT, MRI, ultrasound, and PET imaging. In addition, the course provides an overview of 3D geometry
of medical images and the two classic problems in the analysis of medical images: segmentation and

120 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Course descriptions
INT799 Master of Science – Internship (2CR)
Prerequisites: Prior to undertaking an internship, students must have successfully
completed 24 credit hours
Core course for: M.Sc. Machine Learning, M.Sc. Natural Language Processing, M.Sc.
Computer Vision, M.Sc. Robotics, M.Sc. Computer Science
Elective course for: None
The MBZUAI internship with industry is intended to provide the student with hands-on experience,
blending practical experiences with academic learning.

INT899 Ph.D. Internship (2CR)

Prerequisites: Prior to undertaking an internship opportunity, students must have
successfully completed 24 credit hours
Core course for: Ph.D. Machine Learning, Ph.D. Natural Language Processing, Ph.D.
Computer Vision, Ph.D. Robotics, Ph.D. Computer Science
Elective course for: None
The MBZUAI internship with industry is intended to provide the student with hands-on experience,
blending practical experiences with academic learning.

ML701 Machine Learning (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basic concepts in calculus, linear algebra and programming
Core course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning;
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing; M.Sc. in
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to machine Learning. It builds upon fundamental
concepts in mathematics, specifically probability and statistics, linear algebra, and calculus. Students
will learn about supervised and unsupervised learning, various learning algorithms, and the basics of
learning theory, graphical models, and reinforcement learning.

ML 703 Probabilistic and Statistical Inference (4CR)

Prerequisites: Familiarity with fundamental concepts in probability, linear algebra,
statistics, and programming
MTH701 – Mathematical Foundations for AI
Core course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing; M.Sc. in Robotics
Probabilistic and statistical inference is the process of drawing useful conclusions about data
populations or scientific truths from uncertain and noisy data. It is the foundation and an essential
component of machine learning since machine learning aims to learn and improve from experience
(which is represented by data). This course will cover the different modes of performing inference,
including statistical modelling, data-oriented strategies, and explicit use of designs and randomization
in analyses. Furthermore, it will provide in-depth treatment to the broad theories (frequentists,
Bayesian, likelihood) and numerous practical complexities (missing data, observed and unobserved
confounding, biases) for performing inference. This course presents the fundamentals of statistical
and probabilistic inference and shows how these fundamental concepts are applied in practice.


Course descriptions
ML 707 Smart City Services and Applications (4CR)
Prerequisites: Basic concepts in calculus, linear algebra and programming, and basic AI/
ML knowledge
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing; M.Sc. in Robotics
This course comprehensively introduces using AI/ML in smart city services and applications. The
course will start by reviewing basic concepts. Students will learn how to apply AI/ML to develop,
design, and improve smart city services. They will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the
smart city concept, applications, requirements, and system design. They will develop capabilities
of integrating emerging technologies in smart city components and be able to implement them.
In addition, they will gain knowledge in applying security, data analytics, Internet of Things (IoT),
communications, and networking and work on case studies solutions for smart city infrastructures.

ML708 Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (4CR)

Prerequisites: ML701 or CV701 or NLP701
Basic understanding of machine learning concepts and algorithms
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing; M.Sc. in Robotics;
This course provides students with a comprehensive introduction to various trust-related issues in
artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. Students will learn about attacks against
computer systems that use machine learning and defense mechanisms to mitigate such attacks.

ML709 IoT of things, Services and Applications (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basic concepts in calculus, linear algebra and programming, and basic AI/
ML knowledge
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing; M.Sc. in Robotics;
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to using AI/ML in Internet of Things (IoT) smart
systems, services and applications. The course will start by reviewing advanced concepts. Students
will learn how to apply AI/ML to develop, design and improve IoT systems and services. They will
be able to demonstrate an understanding of IoT concepts, applications, requirements and system
design. They will develop capabilities of integrating emerging technologies in smart IoT components
and be able to implement them. In addition, they will gain knowledge and skills in applying security,
data analytics, AI models, communications and networking and work on case study solutions for IoT

ML710 Parallel and Distributed Machine Learning Systems (4CR)

Prerequisites: AI701 or equivalent
Core course for: None
Elective course for: MSc in Machine Learning; MSc in Computer Vision; MSc in Natural Lan-
guage Processing
As Machine Learning (ML) programs increase in data and parameter size, their growing computational
and memory requirements demand parallel and distributed execution across multiple network-
connected machines. In this course, students will learn the fundamental principles and representations
for parallelizing ML programs and learning algorithms. Students will also learn how to design and
evaluate (using standard metrics) and compare between complex parallel ML strategies composed out
of basic parallel ML “aspects” and evaluate and compare between the architecture of different software
systems that use such parallel ML strategies to execute ML programs. Students will also use standard
metrics to explain how compilation and resource management affects the performance of parallel ML

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Course descriptions

ML799 Machine Learning Master’s Research Thesis (8CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning
Master’s thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research problem, where they are
required to propose new solutions and contribute toward the body of knowledge. Students pursue
an independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one year.
Master’s thesis research helps train graduates to pursue more advanced research in their Ph.D.
degree. Further, it enables graduates to independently pursue an industrial project involving research

ML801 Foundations and Advanced Topics in Machine Learning (4CR)

Prerequisites: Linear algebra, probability
Proficiency in Python
Basic knowledge of machine learning
Core course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision, Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing
This course focuses on building foundations and introducing recent advances in machine learning,
and on developing skills for performing research to advance the state of the art in machine learning.
This course builds upon basic concepts in machine learning and additionally assumes familiarity with
fundamental concepts in optimization and math.
The course covers foundations and advanced topics in probability, statistical machine learning,
supervised and unsupervised learning, deep neural networks, optimization, reinforcement learning, and
causality. Students will be engaged through coursework, assignments, and projects.

ML802 Advanced Machine Learning (4CR)

Prerequisites: Linear algebra, probability
Proficiency in Python
Basic knowledge of machine learning
Core course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing
This course is designed to explore recent breakthroughs in machine learning and provide students
with the necessary skills to conduct research and advance the field of machine learning. It will cover
highly specialized topics related to large-scale optimization for real-world problems, including large-
scale training of kernel methods, sparse learning, bilevel optimization, black box optimization, and
spiking neural networks. Prior knowledge of fundamental concepts in machine learning, optimization,
and statistics is assumed.

ML803 Advanced Probabilistic and Statistical Inference (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of linear algebra, statistics, probability, calculus, and
statistical inference
Core course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing
The study of probabilistic and statistical inference deals with the process of drawing useful
conclusions about data populations or scientific truths from uncertain and noisy data. This course
will cover some highly specialized topics related to statistical inference and their application to real-
world problems. The main topics covered in this course are latent variable learning, kernel methods
and approximate probabilistic inference strategies. This course will provide an in-depth treatment
to various learning techniques (likelihood, Bayesian and max-margin) and numerous practical
complexities (missing data, observed and unobserved confounding, biases) for performing inference.


Course descriptions
ML804 Advanced Topics in Continuous Optimization (4CR)
Prerequisites: Basic optimization class
Basics of linear algebra, calculus, trigonometry, probability and statistics
Proficiency in Python, PyTorch
Core course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing, Ph.D. in Computer Vision
The course covers advanced topics in continuous optimization, such as stochastic gradient descent
and its variants, methods that use more than first-order information, primal-dual methods, and
methods for composite problems. Participants will read the current state-of-the-art relevant
literature and prepare presentations to the other students.
Participants will explore how the presented methods work for optimization problems that arise in
various fields of machine learning and test them in real-world optimization formulations to get a
deeper understanding of the challenges being discussed.

ML806 Advanced Topics in Reinforcement Learning (4CR)

Prerequisites: Good understanding of basic RL
Basics of linear algebra, calculus, trigonometry, probability and statistics
Proficiency in Python and good knowledge of PyTorch library
Core course for: None
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning; Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing, Ph.D. in Robotics
The course covers advanced topics in reinforcement learning (RL). Participants will read current,
state-of-the-art relevant literature and prepare presentations to the other students. Participants
will explore how the presented methods work in simplified computing environments to get a deeper
understanding of the challenges that are being discussed. Topics discussed include exploration,
imitation learning, hierarchical RL and multi-agent RL in both competitive and collaborative settings.
The course will also explore multi-task and transfer learning in RL setting.

ML807 Federated Learning (4CR)

Prerequisites: Understanding of ML principles and basic algorithms
Good knowledge of multivariate calculus, linear algebra, optimization,
probability, and algorithms
Proficiency in some ML framework, e.g., PyTorch and TensorFlow
Core course for: None
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning; Ph.D. in Computer Vision, Ph.D. in Robotics,
Ph.D. in NLP
This is a graduate course in a new branch of machine learning: federated learning (FL). In FL, machine
learning models are trained on mobile devices with an explicit effort to preserve the privacy of
users’ data. FL combines supervised machine learning, privacy, distributed and edge computing,
optimization, communication compression, and systems. This is a new and fast-growing field with
few theoretical results and early production systems (e.g., Tensor Flow Federated and FedML). This
course aims for students to become familiar with the field’s key developments and practices, namely
optimization methods for FL and techniques to address communication bottlenecks, systems and
data heterogeneities, client selection, robustness, fairness, personalization and privacy aspects of
FL. The evaluation of the course heavily relies on students’ paper presentations and the final project
selected by the student

124 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Course descriptions
ML808 Advanced Topics in Causality and Machine Learning (4CR)
Prerequisites: Basics of Machine Learning
Basics of Python (or Matlab) or PyTorch
Core course for: None
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning; Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing; Ph.D. in Robotics
In the past decades, interesting advances were made in machine learning, philosophy, and statistics
for tackling long-standing causality problems, including how to discover causal knowledge from
observational data, known as causal discovery, and how to infer the effect of interventions.
Furthermore, it has recently been shown that the causal perspective may facilitate understanding
and solving various machine learning/artificial intelligence problems such as transfer learning, semi-
supervised learning, out-of-distribution prediction, disentanglement, and adversarial vulnerability.
This course is concerned with understanding causality, learning causality from observational data, and
using it to tackle a large class of learning problems. The course will include topics such as graphical
models, causal inference, causal discovery, and counterfactual reasoning. It will also discuss how we
can learn causal representations, perform transfer learning, and understand deep generative models.

ML 812 Advanced Topics in Algorithms for Big Data (4CR)

Prerequisites: Good knowledge of calculus, linear algebra, probability, and statistics
Core course for: None
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning; Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Natural Lan-
guage Processing.
This course is an advanced course on algorithms for big data that involves the use of randomized
methods, such as sketching and sampling, to provide dimensionality reduction. It also discussed topics
such as sub-space embeddings, low rank approximation, L1 regression, and data streams. The course
lies at the intersection of machine learning and statistics.

ML899 Machine Learning Ph.D. Research Thesis (32CR)

Prerequisites: Coursework + pass in qualifying exam
Core course for: Ph.D. in Machine Learning
Elective course for: None
Ph.D. thesis research exposes students to cutting-edge and unsolved research problems, where they
are required to propose new solutions and significantly contribute toward the body of knowledge.
Students pursue an independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for
a period of three to four years. Ph.D. thesis research helps train graduates to become leaders in
their chosen area of research through partly-supervised study – eventually transforming them into
researchers who can work independently or interdependently to carry out cutting-edge research.

MTH701 Mathematical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (4CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Natural
Language Processing;
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Robotics
This course provides a comprehensive mathematical foundation for the field of artificial intelligence.
It builds upon fundamental concepts in linear algebra, probability theory, statistics, and calculus.
Students will learn how these mathematical concepts can be used to solve problems frequently
encountered in AI applications.


Course descriptions
MTH702 Optimization (4CR)
Prerequisites: Linear algebra, matrix analysis, probability, and statistics.
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning
This course provides a graduate-level introduction to the principles and methods of optimization, with
a thorough grounding in the mathematical formulation of optimization problems. The course covers
fundamentals of convex functions and sets, first order and second order optimization methods,
problems with equality and/or inequality constraints, and other advanced problems.

MTH703 Mathematics for Theoretical Computer Science (4CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: M.Sc. in Computer Science
Elective course for: None
The course is designed to comprehensively understand various mathematical concepts and their
applications for theoretical computer science. The lectures will cover topics such as asymptotics,
the central limit theorem, Chernoff bounds, mathematical problem solving, computational models,
spectral graph theory, linear programming, semidefinite programming, error correcting codes,
derandomization, expander graphs, constraint satisfaction problems, treewidth, analysis of Boolean
functions, communication complexity, information theory, LP hierarchies and proof complexity,
quantum computation, cryptography, hardness assumptions, and the sketch of the PCP theorem.

NLP701 Natural Language Processing (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basic concepts in linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics
Programming in Python or similar language.
Core course for: M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Robotics;
M.Sc. in Computer Science.
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to natural language processing. It builds upon
fundamental concepts in mathematics, specifically probability and statistics, linear algebra, and
calculus, and assumes familiarity with programming.

NLP702 Advanced Natural Language Processing (4CR)

Prerequisites: NLP701, Basic concepts in linear algebra, calculus, probability and
statistics Pro-gramming in Python or a similar language
Core course for: M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Robotics;
M.Sc. in Computer Science
This course provides a methodological and an in-depth background on key core natural language
processing areas based on deep learning. It builds upon fundamental concepts in natural language
processing and assumes familiarity with mathematical and machine learning concepts and

NLP703 Speech Processing (4CR)

Prerequisites: NLP701
Basic concepts in linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics
Programming in Python or a similar language
Core course for: None
Elective course for: M.Sc. in Natural Language Processing; M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in
Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Computer Science; M.Sc. in Robotics
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to speech processing. It builds upon fundamental
concepts in speech processing and assumes familiarity with mathematical and signal processing

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Course descriptions
NLP799 Natural Language Processing Master Research Thesis (8CR)
Prerequisites: Coursework
Core course for: MSc in Natural Language Processing
Elective course for: None
Masters thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research problem, where they are required
to propose new solutions and contribute towards the body of knowledge. Students pursue an
independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of 1 year. Masters
thesis research helps train graduates to pursue more advanced research in their PhD degree. Further,
it enables graduates to independently pursue an industrial project involving a research component.

NLP801 Deep Learning for Language Processing (4CR)

Prerequisites: Understanding of calculus, algebra, probability, and statistics
Programming in Python or a similar language
Core course for: Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Machine Learning; Ph.D. in Robotics;
Ph.D. in Computer Science.
This course focuses on recent advances in natural language processing and on developing skills for
performing research to advance the state of the art in natural language processing.

NLP802 Current Topics in Natural Language Processing (4CR)

Prerequisites: Understanding of calculus, algebra, probability, and statistics
Programming in Python or similar language
Core course for: Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Machine Learning; Ph.D. in Robotics;
Ph.D. in Computer Science.
This course focuses on recent topics in natural language processing and on developing skills for
performing research to advance the state of the art in natural language processing.

NLP803 Advanced Speech Processing (4CR)

Prerequisites: Understanding of calculus, algebra, probability, and statistics.
Core course for: Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Machine Learning; Ph.D. in Computer
Science, Ph.D. in Robotics
This course focuses on developing knowledge about the state of the art in a wide range of speech
processing tasks, and readiness for performing research to advance the state of the art in these

NLP804 Deep Learning for Natural Language Generation (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basic concepts in linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics,
Programming skills in Python
Core course for: Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing
Elective course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision; Ph.D. in Machine Learning; Ph.D. in Robotics;
Ph.D. in Computer Science.
The course introduces students to the emerging topic of natural language generation and prepares
them to perform research to advance the state of the art in this research area.


Course descriptions
NLP899 Natural Language Processing Ph.D. Research Thesis (32CR)
Prerequisites: Coursework + pass in qualifying exam
Core course for: Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing
Elective course for: None
Ph.D. thesis research exposes students to cutting-edge and unsolved research problems, where they
are required to propose new solutions and significantly contribute toward the body of knowledge.
Students pursue an independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for
a period of three to four years. Ph.D. thesis research helps train graduates to become leaders in
their chosen area of research through partly-supervised study – eventually transforming them into
researchers who can work independently or interdependently to carry out cutting-edge research.

RES799 Introduction to Research Methods (2CR)

Prerequisites: None

Core course for: MSc in Machine Learning; MSc in Computer Vision, MSc in Robotics; MSc. in
Natural Language Processing; MSc in Computer Science.

Elective course for: None

This course focuses on teaching students how to develop innovative research-based approaches
that can be implemented in an organization. It covers various research designs and methods,
including scientific methods, ethical issues in research, measurement, experimental research,
survey research, qualitative research, and mixed methods research. Students will gain knowledge in
selecting, evaluating, and collecting data to address specific research questions. Additionally, they
will learn design thinking skills to connect their research-based topic to practicality. After completing
the course, students will have the skills to develop a full research topic that can be innovative,
entrepreneurial, and sustainable and can be applied in any organization related to the topic of

RES899 Advanced Research Methods (2CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: PhD in Machine Learning; PhD in Computer Vision, PhD in Robotics; PhD in
Natural Language Processing; PhD in Computer Science.
Elective course for: None
This course will prepare students to produce professional-quality research and solve a practical
research challenge in an organization based on an innovative, sustainable, and entrepreneurial
research topic. This course will provide exposure to various special topics, research integrity,
ethics, organizational challenges, and needs related to various disciplines. Students will design and
implement a research project suitable for conference presentations or journal submissions relevant
to their field of interest, in addition to peer-reviewing a paper. As appropriate, the instructor and
guest lecturers will present topics necessary to develop well-rounded researchers, innovators, and
entrepreneurs in the AI disciplines.

ROB701 Introduction to Robotics (4CR)

Prerequisites: Basics of linear algebra, calculus, trigonometry, probability and statistics,

Proficiency in Python

Core course for: M.Sc. in Robotics

Elective course for: M.Sc. in Machine Learning; M.Sc. in Computer Vision; M.Sc. in Natural
Language Processing, M.Sc. in Computer Science.

The course covers the mathematical foundation of robotic systems and introduces students to the
fundamental concepts of robot operating system (ROS) as one of the most popular and reliable
platforms to program modern robots. It also highlights techniques to model formally and study robot
kinematics, dynamics, perception, motion control, navigation, and path planning. Students will also
learn the interface of different types of sensors, read and analyze their data, and apply it in various
robotic applications.

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Course descriptions
ROB702 Robotic Vision and Intelligence (4CR)

Prerequisites: AI701 , ROB701 , Basics of linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics
Proficiency in Python, Pytorch

Core course for: M.Sc. in Robotics

Elective course for: None

Robots must be able to sense and learn from experience to achieve autonomy. The most frequently
used sensing technique is vision. We will explore both the fundamental techniques used in image
processing and computer vision analysis (localize objects, recognize objects, segment images)
together with advanced tools that allow robots to estimate the motion of objects, estimate depth
or reconstruct 3D scenes from a set of images. To give robots the ability to learn, we will explore
reinforcement learning (RL). RL is a subfield of ML that is inspired by how humans learn. The RL agent
interacts with its environment, observes the impact of its actions, and receives rewards (positive or
negative, depending on how well it accomplishes a given task). We cover both the fundamental and
advanced RL algorithms and discuss their advantages and disadvantages in various robotics settings.

ROB703 Robot Localization and Navigation (4CR)

Prerequisites: ROB701 , Basics of linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics
Proficiency in Python and ROS/Gazebo
Core course for: M.Sc. in Robotics
Elective course for: None
The course covers different topics and techniques within the context of mapping, localization, and
navigation. It highlights simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) methods using various types of
filters, such as Kalman filter, extended Kalman filter (EKF) and particle filter. It investigates grid- and
graph-based SLAM and data association. It puts in perspective map-based and reactive navigation
techniques. To reinforce these concepts and methods, they are applied within robot operating system
(ROS) through dedicated state-of-the-art ROS packages, such as the tf package, AMCL, and mapping.

ROB799 Robotics M.Sc. Research Thesis (8CR)

Prerequisites: None
Core course for: M.Sc. in Robotics
Elective course for: None
Master’s thesis research exposes students to an unsolved research problem, where they are
required to propose new solutions and contribute toward the body of knowledge. Students pursue
an independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for a period of one year.
Master’s thesis research helps train graduates to pursue more advanced research in their Ph.D.
degree. Further, it enables graduates to pursue an industrial project involving a research component

ROB801 Advanced Robotic Motion Planning (4CR)

Prerequisites: ROB701 or equivalent, Basics of linear algebra, calculus, probability and
statistics, Proficiency in programming (data structures, algorithms) and
Core course for: Ph.D. in Robotics
Elective course for: None
Motion planning is an integral component of robotic applications. It helps the robot to decide
strategically on its future moves and when to take them. The course covers state-of-the-art motion
planning techniques along with their applications to different kinds of robots (e.g., ground, aerial,
marine, humanoid, manipulator). It provides a theoretical in-depth analysis of such methods and
teaches students how to implement them through several programming-based assignments.


Course Descriptions
ROB802 Advanced Topics in Robotics: Multi-Robot Systems (4CR)
Prerequisites: ROB701 or equivalent , Basics of linear algebra, calculus, probability and
statistics Proficiency in Python and ROS/Gazebo
Core course for: Ph.D. in Robotics
Elective course for: None
The course covers the foundations of multi-robot systems. It introduces students to state-of-the-
art, multi-robot research through a combination of classical teaching and seminar-style lec-tures
and labs. Students will learn how to apply a consortium of techniques, such as stochastic processes,
graph theoretic methods, geometric concepts, and optimization principles, to model, analyze, and
drive multi-robot systems.

ROB803 Advanced Humanoid Robotics (4CR)

Prerequisites: ROB701 or equivalent, Basics of linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics
Proficiency in programming in Python or C/C++, Experience with ROS/Gazebo.

Core course for: Ph.D. in Robotics

Elective course for: None

Humanoid robots have become more and more prevalent with the increase in the demand of service
and human-assistive robots. This specialized course covers various advanced topics in state-of-the-
art humanoid robots, such as their kinematics, dynamics, modeling, control, motion planning, object
grasping and manipulation, perception, learning, and interaction with humans. The course provides a
blend of theoretical in-depth analysis of such techniques and hands-on practice through simulation
and hardware implementation.

ROB804 Vision for Autonomous Robotics (4CR)

Prerequisites: Hands-on experience with Python and Pytorch, or equivalent lan-guage/

library, Basics of linear algebra, calculus, probability and statistics

Core course for: Ph.D. in Robotics

Elective course for: Ph.D. in Computer Vision

This Ph.D. course focuses on the key advanced computer vision techniques utilized in autonomous
robotics, such as image formation, feature detection and description, multiple view geometry, dense
reconstruction, tracking, event-based vision, visual-inertial odometry, visual simultaneous localization
and mapping (SLAM), locomotion concepts, and deep learning based visual positioning.

ROB899 Robotics Ph.D. Research Thesis (32CR)

Prerequisites: Coursework + pass in qualifying exam

Core course for: Ph.D. in Robotics

Elective course for: None

Ph.D. thesis research exposes students to cutting-edge and unsolved research problems, where they
are required to propose new solutions and significantly contribute toward the body of knowledge.
Students pursue an independent research study, under the guidance of a supervisory panel, for
a period of three to four years. Ph.D. thesis research helps train graduates to become leaders in
their chosen area of research through partly-supervised study – eventually transforming them into
researchers who can work independently or interdependently to carry out cutting-edge research.

130 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Appendix 2:
Academic Refers to ethical behavior and principles such as honesty, responsibility,
integrity respect and fairness that guides conduct in an academic setting.
Non-academic Is any type of non-peer reviewed research activity such as; outreach to the
research broader community, engagement with government agencies and industrial
Academic Determined by regulations governing good standing, probation, and dismissal.
Academic year The period of time beginning with the first day of classes of a fall semester
and the final day of the spring semester.schedules by dropping or adding
course/s.the final day of the spring semester.
Add and drop A period of time at the beginning of each semester when students can adjust
schedules by dropping or adding course/s.other matters. The student is called
an “advisee”.
Supervisor Faculty member/administrator assigned to counsel students on academic or
other matters. The student is called an “advisee”.
Master’s degree Graduate degree in which a student completes six courses in the first year
and thesis requirements in the second year which adds up to 24 months.
Doctor’s degree Graduate degree in which a student completes six courses in the first year and
thesis requirements in the following three years which adds up to 48 months.
Academic Annual listing of all official important dates and deadlines for the academic
calendar year.
Course A unit of study that may utilize lecture, discussion, laboratory, research,
recitation, seminar, workshop, studio, independent study, internship
or other similar teaching formats to facilitate learning for a student. A course
consists of a number of instructional activities over a prescribed period
of time. It deals with a single subject and is commonly described by title,
number, credits, and expected learning outcomes in the institution’s Catalog.
Course load Total credits for which a student is registered in a given semester or a faculty
member is assigned to teach
Credit One semester credit equals approximately 1 hour of time in class per week
over a semester of 15 weeks or longer. It is assumed that a student spends
two hours outside of class in independent learning or specific course
assignments for every hour in class. This implies that one academic credit
equates to a 45-hour commitment to learning over a semester.
Curriculum The term refers both to the range of courses offered by an institution, and
to a set of related courses constituting an area of specialization, such as the
computer science curriculum or the machine learning curriculum.
Internship The term applies to an experience in which a student has a program-
related assignment involving attachment to a recognized business, agency or
Full-time Any admitted student who is eligible for MBZUAI scholarship and should be
student registered on full course load each semester.
Dismissal The involuntary separation of a student from MBZUAI for unacceptable
conduct or unsatisfactory academic achievement. A student is academically
dismissed when he/she fails to achieve academic good standing in two
consecutive semesters.
Educational Records directly related to the education and academic performance of a
records student that are maintained by the Registrar’s Office.


Appendix 2:
MBZUAI - Research projects and activities undertaken by MBZUAI faculty and
related research researchers that will be branded as part of the MBZUAI activities. The name of
projects and individual MBZUAI faculty members and/or researchers can but does not need
activities to, be associated with the activity or project.
Elective course A course selected at a student’s discretion after consultation with the
academic Supervisor.
Good standing Academic designation applied to a graduate student who has achieved a
cumulative GPA of 3.3 or higher.
GPA Grade point average of the grades earned in MBZUAI courses.
Grade points The numerical value associated with each grade.
Academic Status of any graduate student who has less than 3.3 cumulative GPA.
ID card University student identification card providing and controlling access to
University facilities and services.
Prerequisite A course required to be completed prior to registration in an advanced course.
Academic Status of any graduate student who has less than 3.3 cumulative GPA.
Registration The process of enrolling students in classes.
Reinstatement The exceptional act of approving an academically dismissed student
to resume studies following dismissal. Academically dismissed students who
have been away longer than one semester may not apply for reinstatement.
Readmission The act of admitting a student back into the MBZUAI through the admissions
office after an interruption of studies. Academically dismissed students are
not eligible for readmission.
Required courses Courses necessary for the completion of a particular program.
Classes schedule A list of courses offered during a semester that specifies the days, hours, and
locations of classes and the names of the instructors.
Student schedule A listing of courses a student is taking in a given semester that specifies the
dates, hours, locations of classes and the names of the instructors.
Suspension The involuntary separation of a student from the University
for unacceptable conduct. Suspension extends from one semester to a
maximum of one calendar year.
Syllabus Descriptive outline and summary of topics to be covered in a course offered
at MBZUAI, as per the standards of CAA.
Semester Either of the two periods of instruction into which the academic year is
Transcript A student’s historical academic record.
Transfer credit Credit from course work completed at another institution that is accepted at
MBZUAI and which may or may not be applicable toward a specific MBZUAI
Tuition Fees charged for courses each semester.
Visiting student A student enrolled at another accredited institution who receives permission
to register at MBZUAI for up to two semesters to earn credit to transfer back
to his or her home institution.
Withdrawal The act of officially leaving MBZUAI for reasons other than graduation.

132 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

Appendix 3:
You may view the faculty directory at
Professor Eric Xing President and
Professor of Computer Science and Ma-chine Learning
Professor Michael Jordan Laureate Professor and Honorary Program Director
Professor Sir Michael Brady Adjunct Distinguished Professor
Professor Timothy Baldwin Acting Provost, Associate Provost for
Academic Affairs, Department Chair of Natural Language
Dr. Kun Zhang Associate Professor of Machine Learning and Director of CIAI
Professor Le Song Professor and Department Chair of Machine Learning
Professor Abdulmotaleb El Professor and Acting Department Chair of Computer Vision
Professor Preslav Nakov Professor and Acting Deputy Chair of Natural Language
Professor Mohsen Guizani Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Fahad Khan Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Salman Khan Associate Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Hao Li Associate Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Karthik Nandakumar Associate Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Martin Takac Associate Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Hanan Al Darmaki Assistant Professor of Natural Language Processing
Dr. Rao Muhammad Anwer Assistant Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Hisham Cholakkal Assistant Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Hang Dai Assistant Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Bin Gu Assistant Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Qirong Ho Assistant Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Samuel Hovarth Assistant Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Muhammad Haris Khan Assistant Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Shangsong Liang Assistant Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Huan Xiong Assistant Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Zhiqiang Xu Assistant Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Mohammad Yaqub Associate Professor of Computer Vision
Professor Najwa Aaraj Adjunct Professor of Machine Learning
Professor Merouane Debbah Adjunct Professor of Machine Learning
Professor Eric Moulines Adjunct Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Shahrukh Hashmi Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Shijian Lu Adjunct Associate Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Pengtao Xie Adjunct Professor of Machine Learning
Dr. Yuanzhi Li Affiliated Associate Professor of Computer Vision
Dr. Shady Shehata Affiliated Associate Professor of Natural Language
Dr. Min Xu Affiliated Associate Professor of Computer Vision


Published by:
Mohamed bin Zayed University
of Artificial Intelligence (MBZUAI)
Masdar City
Abu Dhabi
United Arab Emirates

© Mohamed bin Zayed University of Artificial Intelligence

134 MBZUAI CATALOGUE | 2023-2024

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