New R & D

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The Director
IITS Delhi

Application for R & D Centre and Training Partner

is submitted for consideration by the Institute of Integrated Training and Studies (IITS). The required
particulars that have been provided in the following pages are authentic and valid.

On behalf of the institution, I affirm that I will abide by the Norms and Conditions specified and will carry
out the responsibilities of R & D Centre & Training partner. I have noted and agreed that accreditation
can be withdrawn by IITS without assigning any reason and making us liable, for any loss and damages. I
further mention that the Training Centre has got the necessary infrastructure to function as the R & D
Training Centre.

Yours sincerely

(Signature of Principal / Director)

(Name in block letters) ………………………………………

Date: ………………………

Place: ……………………..

Enclosure: Complete pro forma.

Affix stamp
Application for R & D Centre and Training Partner

A General Instructions
1 All columns must be filled up in legible handwriting. Incomplete applications may be
2 Certified copies of all the relevant documents as per the check list given at the end of this
form should be enclosed with the application form.


1 Name of the Institution ______________________________________________________
2 Postal address
City/place ___________________________ Block/Tehsil __________________________
District _____________________ PIN Code ______________ State ________________
3 Phone no. with STD code ________________________ Mobile No. ___________________
Email ID _________________
4 Name of the principle of institution ____________________________________________
5 Qualifications of the principal _________________________________________________
Administrative experience (in years) __________
Teaching experience (in years) __________
1 Name and address of the Trust/Society etc. ____________________________________
2 Is the Trust/Society etc. registered? YES/NO ________________________________
3 If yes, under which Act? ___________________________________________________
4 Year of Registration _____________________ Registration No. ____________________
(Certified copy of the certificate of registration and Memorandum of the society is to be
enclosed. Enclosure – I)
5 Whether the Trust/Society etc. management is of non-proprietary character
YES/NO ________________________________________________________________
(List of members with their addresses stating how the members are related to each other to
be enclosed. Enclosure-II)
6 Name & official address of the manager/president/chairman of the center
Name : _______________________________
Designation: _______________________________
Address : ______________________________________________________________
Phone No. with STD code _______________________________________
1 Is the institution/college located in a rented building or own building?

2 Area of school campus __________________ (in acres) ______________ (in sq. mtrs)

3 Built up area (in sq. mtrs) _________________________________________________


a) Rooms, Library and Laboratories

S No Item Number of Size in square feet Area in square feet

rooms Length x breadth

1. Class rooms

(minimum of 300 sq. ft. each)

2. Composite Science Lab

3. Physics Lab

4. Chemistry Lab

5. Biology Lab

6. Math Lab

7. Computer Lab

8. Library

9. Other Rooms/Hall

10. Special Needs workshops

3 Teaching staff (List of staff indicating qualifications, subject(s) taught & experience etc. to be
enclosed. Enclosure – VII)

S Staff No. of permanent No. of part time Total

No. teachers teachers

1 TGTs (Trained Graduate Teachers)

2 PGTs (Post Graduate Teachers/Lecturers)

3 Librarian

4 Vice Principal/Head Master/Head Mistress

4 Administrative support staff

S No Staff Permanent Non-permanent Total

1. Clerks

2. Lab attendants

3. Accountant

4. Peons

25 Other Facilities

a) Facility of toilets Available for boys Available for girls Not Available

b) Facility of drinking water Available Non available

26 Library Facilities

a) Total no. of books ____ b) Total no. of Magazines ___ c) Total no. of dailies/newspapers ___

27 Other facilities available in the institution

Sports & Games

Dance rooms


Music room


Health and Medical check up


28. What are the working hours of the applying institution?


29. Express in few lines – why does the applying institution want to be associated with IITS?
















This is to certify that all the above information furnished regarding the Institution/College is correct
and authentic to the best of my knowledge.


(Signature of the Principal/Headmaster)


(Name with rubber stamp)

Place: ______________________

Date: __________


(By President/Chairman/Manager of the Institution/Society/Organization)

In support of the application, I certify that, having read the Norms and Procedure for accreditation
of R & D Centre Training Partner, I undertake to ensure that the Institution will abide by the Rules
and Regulations and terms and conditions, as are made applicable to the Accredited Institutions,
from time to time. I further affirm that accreditation, if granted to the institution, we should keep
enriching education to the society. I shall do what is in my power to ensure the smooth and proper
functioning of the institution.


(Signature of the President/Chairman/Manager of the applying institution/society)


(Name of the President/Chairman/Manager with rubber stamp)

Dated: __________

(Duly attested copies are to be attached by an applicant institution)

S.No Particulars of the documents Whether enclosed or not Remarks

please tick

1. Processing fee of Rs. 25500/- (Twenty Thousand Five

Hundred only)

2. Copy of the Certificate of Registration of the

Society/Trust etc.

3. Copy of the Memorandum of Association and Rules

and Regulations/Bialo/Trust Deed/Partnership Deed

4. List of members of the Government body of the

Society/Trust etc. with their occupation and address

5. Resolution of the management for taking R&D center

and Training Partnership

6. List of teachers indicating their qualifications,

designation, experience, length of service in the

7. Four photographs of the laboratories and the building

of the institution

8. Documents of land of the institution


9. Layout plan of the building of the institute

NOTE: All the above cited documents must be submitted along with the application otherwise the
application may not be considered.

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