PlantCulture Pricelist

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MAY 2024 Availability R/S Trees Shrub & Ornamentals - Growing for you

Sales: 021 881 3467 Accounts: 021 881 3286 Vlaeberg Road- Mon to Fri- Times 8:00 am to 5:00 pm

Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
250 L -Extra Large Mature Trees Ex Vat
Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail palm 250 L 1,2 m 65 R 1,980.00
Elaeodendron croceum Forest saffron 250 L 2,9 m 45 R 1,500.00
Botanical name Common Name Bag Height Caliper Price
125 L -Extra Large Mature Trees Ex Vat
Acacia -see below as Vachellia Acacia -see below as Vachellia
Betula alba Silver birch 125 L 2,5 m 35 R 1,200.00
Ceratonia siliqua Carob tree 125 L 2,5 m 35 R 1,200.00
Combretum kraussii Forest bushwillow Bosvaderswilg 125 L 2,7 m 35 R 980.00
Cupressus sempervirens Stricta Italian cypress 125 L 3,0 m 30 R 850.00
Curtisia dentata Assegaai tree 125 L 2,3 m 40 R 980.00
Diospyros whyteana Bladdernut 125 L 2,0 m 20 R 1,300.00
Dombeya rotundifolia Wild pear 125 L 2,3 m 35 R 1,200.00
Ekebergia capensis Cape ash Wit essenhout 125 L 2,3 m 35 R 1,200.00
Jacaranda mimosifolia Blue jacaranda 125 L 3,3 m 35 R 1,200.00
Lemon eureka Citrus lemon 125 L 2,0 m 25 R 1,200.00
Liquidambar styraciflua American sweet gum Amberboom 125 L 2,6 m 45 R 980.00
Millettia grandis Umzimbeet 125 L 2,0 m 25 R 1,200.00
Nuxia floribunda Forest elder 125 L 2,3 m 30 R 1,200.00
Olea africana Wild olive 125 L 2,0 m 25 R 1,200.00
Olea 'Mission' Olive mission 125 L 2,2 m 25 R 1,200.00
Podocarpus falcatus Outeniqua yellowwood 125 L 2,7 m 40 R 1,200.00
Prunus nigra Black plum / Canadian plum 125 L 1,5 m 35 R 1,200.00
Searsia 'Rhus' chirindensis Red currant 125 L 3,0 m 50 R 1,200.00
Searsia 'Rhus' lancea Karee 125 L 2,7 m Bush R 1,200.00
Searsia 'Rhus' leptodictya Mountain karee 125 L 2,5 m 30 R 1,200.00
Sideroxylon inerme White milkwood Wit-melkhout 125 L 2,5 m 30 R 1,200.00
Syzygium cordatum Water berry Waterbessie 125 L 2,6 m 45 R 1,200.00
Syzygium guineense Water pear Waterpeer 125 L 2,7 m 30 R 1,200.00
Trichilia emetica Natal mahogany Rooi essenhout 125 L 2,7 m 40 R 1,200.00
Vachellia 'Acacia' karroo Sweet thorn 125 L 3,0 m 30 R 1,200.00
Vachellia 'Acacia' xanthophloea Fever tree Koorsboom 125 L 3,0 m 35 R 1,200.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
60 L - Large Mature Trees Ex Vat
Acacia -see below as Vachellia Acacia -see below as Vachellia
Aloe thraskii Dune aloe 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 950.00
Aloidendron barberae Tree aloe Boomalwyn 60 L 1,5 m Bush R 880.00
Brachylaena discolor Coastal silver oak 60 L 2,0 m Bush R 680.00
Brunfelsia pauciflora 'eximia' Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow 60 L 80cm Bush R 950.00
Buddleja salviifolia Sagewood 60 L 2,0 m Bush R 680.00
Calpurnia aurea Wild laburnum 60 L 2,7 m 15 R 550.00
Celtis sinensis Chinese hackberry 60 L 2,7 m 20 R 650.00
Ceratonia siliqua Carob tree 60 L 2,5 m 25 R 780.00
Combretum krausii Forest bushwillow 60 L 2,5 m 30 R 550.00
Cunonia capensis Butterspoon tree 60 L 1,8 m Bush R 950.00
Cupressocyparis 'Leylandii' Cupressus leylandii Leylandii 60 L 1,5 m 30 R 680.00
Cupressus sempervirens Stricta Italian cypress 60 L 2,3 m 25 R 680.00
Curtisia dentata Assegaai tree 60 L 1,7 m 20 R 780.00
Dodonaea viscosa purpurea Purple hop bush 60 L 2,2 m 25 R 680.00
Dovyalis caffra Kei apple 60 L 1,3 m 30 R 680.00
Dombeya rotundifolia Wild pear 60 L 2,3 m 20 R 750.00
Dracaena dragon Dragon blood tree 60 L 50cm 65 R 980.00
Ekebergia capensis Cape ash Wit essenhout 60 L 2,3 m 30 R 880.00
Halleria lucida Tree fuchsia 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus DJ O'Brien Rose mallow DJ O'Brien 60 L 80cm Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Hacienda Sunrise Rose mallow hacienda 60 L 80cm Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Miss Betty Yellow hibiscus 60 L 80cm Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Pink Butterfly Pink hibiscus 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis brilliant red Chinese Red hibiscus 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis Kona Chinese hibiscus 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus White Butterfly White hibiscus 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Lemon eureka Citrus lemon 60 L 1,2 m 20 R 1,200.00
Nuxia floribunda Forest elder 60 L 2,0 m 25 R 880.00
Olea frantoio Frantoio olive 60 L 1,5 m 25 R 880.00
Olea 'Mission' Mission olive 60 L 1,6 m 20 R 780.00
Pandorea jasminoides Bower plant 60 L 1,3 m Climber R 680.00
Podocarpus falcatus Quteniqua yellowwood 60 L 2,3 m 20 R 1,200.00
Podocarpus latifolius Real yellowwood 60 L 1,6 m 25 R 1,200.00
Polygala virgata Purple broom 60 L 2,5 m 15 R 580.00
Rhaphiolepis del kruschenia Indian hawthorn 60 L 1,2 m Bush R 750.00
Searsia 'Rhus' chirindensis Red currant 60 L 2,3 m 25 R 680.00
Searsia 'Rhus' Lancea Karee Karree 60 L 2,5 m 25 R 750.00
Searsia Leptodictya Mountain karee 60 L 2,3 m 20 R 750.00
Syzygium cordatum Water berry Waterbessie 60 L 2,5 m 35 R 780.00
Syzygium guineense Water pear Waterpeer 60 L 2,0 m 25 R 880.00
Syzygium paniculatum 'Eugenia' Eugenia 60 L 2,0 m Bush R 850.00
Tarchonanthus camphoratus Camphor bush 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 850.00
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine 60 L 1,3 m Climber R 750.00
Trichilia emetica Natal mahogany Rooi essenhout 60 L 2,3 m 30 R 780.00
Vachellia 'Acacia' xanthophloea Fever tree Koorsboom 60 L 2,3 m 30 R 880.00
Viburnum tinus Compacta Viburnum 60 L 1,3 m Bush R 580.00
Viburnum tinus Lucidum Viburnum 60 L 1,3 m Bush R 580.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
40 L -Trees and Shrubs Ex Vat
Ficus carica Common fig 40 L 1,3 m 35 R 1,100.00
Ficus tyger Fig tyger 40 L 1,3 m 35 R 1,100.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
20 L -Trees and Shrubs Ex Vat
Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail palm 20 L 70cm 40 R 285.00
Olea frantoio Olive frantoio 20 L 1,3 m 25 R 475.00
Portulacaria afra big leaf Big leaf spekboom 20 L 50cm Bush R 245.00
Rhoicissus digitata Baboon grape 20 L 40cm Climber R 245.00
Sutherlandia frutescens Cancer bush 20 L 1,3 m Bush R 145.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
10 L -Trees and Shrubs Ex Vat
Abelia grandiflora Glossy abelia 10L 30cm Bush R 85.00
Acokanthera oppositifolia Bushman's poison 10 L 1,2 m Bush R 145.00
Aloe ferox Bitter aloe 10 L 15cm Bush R 115.00
Aloe Hesper parviflora Redflower false Yucca 10 L 15cm Bush R 115.00
Aloe marlothii Mountain aloe / Flat flowered aloe 10 L 40cm Bush R 150.00
Aloe striata Coral aloe 10 L 15cm Bush R 165.00
Aloe suprafoliata Book aloe 10 L 15cm Bush R 220.00
Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail palm 10 L 30cm 30 R 220.00
Bougainvillea Scarlet o'Hara Paper flower 10 L 80cm Climber R 165.00
Brunfelsia pauciflora 'eximia' Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow 10 L 40cm Bush R 185.00
Cannas orange Orange beauty 10 L 15cm Bush R 130.00
Cannas yellow Yellow beauty 10 L 1,2 m Bush R 85.00
Dovyalis caffra Kei apple 10 L 80cm Bush R 110.00
Duranta sheena's Gold Tree forget-me-not 10 L 15cm Bush R 135.00
Freylinia tropica blue Honeybell bush 10 L 30cm Bush R 135.00
Halleria lucida Tree fuchsia 10 L 40cm Bush R 175.00
Hoya carnosa green trellis Wax plant 10 L 40cm Bush R 250.00
Leonotis leonurus 'orange' Wild dagga 10 L 40cm Bush R 110.00
Miscanthus sinensis zebrinus Zebra grass 10 L 1,0 m Grass R 65.00
Pandorea jasminoides 'rosea' Bower of beauty / Bower vine 10 L 1,0 m Climber R 145.00
Philodendron xanadu Kubla khan 10 L 35cm Bush R 280.00
Philodendron selloum compacta Compact lacy 10 L 50cm Bush R 250.00
Populus simonii Chinese poplar 10 L 1,2 m 10cm R 115.00
Psoralea aphylla Naked fountain bush 10 L 80cm Bush R 120.00
Salvia africana-caerulea Blue African sage 10 L 40cm Bush R 120.00
Spiraea cantoniensis Cape may / bridal wreath spirea 10 L 30cm Bush R 120.00
Strelitzia reginae Bird of paradise 10 L 30cm Bush R 230.00
Tecomaria capensis 'dark orange' Cape honeysuckle 'dark orange' 10 L 60cm Bush/Climb R 120.00
Tecomaria capensis 'orange' Cape honeysuckle 'orange' 10 L 30cm Bush/Climb R 120.00
Tecomaria capensis 'pink' Cape honeysuckle 'pink' 10 L 20cm Bush R 120.00
Tecomaria capensis 'red' Cape honeysuckle 'red' 10 L 35cm Bush/Climb R 120.00
Tecomaria capensis 'yellow' Cape honeysuckle 'yellow' 10 L 30cm Bush/Climb R 120.00
Thunbergia alata orange Black eyed Susan 10 L 1,0 m Climber R 120.00
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine 10 L 80cm Climber R 165.00
Viburnum tinus 'Compacta' Compact viburnum 10 L 60cm Bush R 110.00
Viburnum tinus Lucidum Compact lucidum 10 L 80cm Bush R 110.00
Viburnum suspensum Sandankwa viburnum 10 L 40cm Bush R 155.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
4 L - Shrubs & Groundcovers Ex Vat
Acmadenia heterophylla Buchu 4L 10cm Bush R 35.00
Agapanthus barley blue African lily 'barley blue' 4L 15cm Bush R 34.50
Agapanthus praecox blue African lily/Lily of the Nile 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Agathosma capensis Spicy buchu 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Agathosma glabrata Sand buchu / lemon-scented buchu 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Agathosma serpyllacea Thyme buchu 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Aloe cooperii Cooper's aloe 4L 30cm Bush R 18.50
Aloe Hesper parviflora Red yucca / Hummingbird yucca 4L 30cm Bush R 35.00
Aloe hybrid Twice as Nice 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Aloe hybrid 'red' Cape flame 20cm 15cm Bush R 160.00
Alstroemeria pink Inca lily 4L 20cm Bulb R 65.00
Aristea ecklonii Blue eyed Iris 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Artemisia afra African wormwood 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Asparagus densiflorus Mazeppa Emerald fern 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Athanasia dentata Toothed-leaf athanasia 4L 20cm Bush R 22.80
Bromelia pink/purple Matchstick plant 4L 30cm Bush R 34.50
Bromelia red leaf Red bromelia 4L 20cm Bush R 28.50
Bulbinella frutescens 'orange' Stalked orange bulbine 4L 10cm Bush R 24.50
Buxus sempervirens faulkner Common boxwood 4L 20cm Bush R 28.50
Carissa green carpet Dwarf 'num-num' 4L 10cm Ground R 24.50
Coleonema alba White confetti bush 4L 15cm Bush R 24.50
Coleonema pulchellum 'pink' Pink confetti bush 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Cotula sericea Silky buttons 4L 5cm Ground R 22.80
Cotyledon orbiculatum firesticks Fire sticks 4L 30cm Bush R 22.80
Cotyledon orbiculatum green leaf Green pig's ear 4L 30cm Bush R 22.80
Cotyledon orbiculatum grey leaf Grey pig's ear 4L 30cm Bush R 22.80
Crassula capitella campfire compact Red flames 4L 10cm Bush R 22.80
Crassula multicava 'green' Fairy crassula 4L 10cm Bush R 22.80
Crassula multicava 'red' Red fairy crassula 4L 15cm Ground R 22.80
Crassula tetragona Miniature pine tree 4L 10cm Bush R 22.80
Crassula umbellata nana Small crassula 21HB 5cm Bush R 130.00
Crassula ovata greenleaf Kerky bush 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Cuphea hyssopifolia 'mauve' Mexican heather 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Cuphea ignea (red dragon) Mexican cigar plant/Firecracker plant 4L 20cm Bush R 22.80
Dietes grandiflora White wild iris 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Elegia tectorum Cape thatching reed 4L 20cm Bush R 24.50
Euphorbia tirucalli 'green' Pencil plant green 4L 20cm Bush R 32.00
Euphorbia tirucalli 'yellow/orange' Pencil plant yellow/orange 4L 20cm Bush R 32.00
Euryops pectinatus Golden daisy bush 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Euryops silver sunshine Silver sunshine 4L 20cm Bush R 22.80
Euryops sunshine classic leaf Wild daisy bush 4L 20cm Bush R 22.80
Euryops virgineus Honey euryops 4L 30cm Bush R 22.80
Felicia amelloides 'white' White star 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Felicia echinata 'mauve' Mauve dune daisy 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Hebe green globe Hebe Veronica 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Hebe speciosa 'blue boy' Blue boy 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Helichrysum curly wurly Everlasting curly wurly 4L 10cm Ground R 26.50
Helichrysum cymosum Gold carpet 4L 5cm Ground R 26.50
Helichrysum odoratissimum Silver bush everlasting 4L 5cm Bush R 26.50
Helichrysum petiolare Licorice plant 4L 10cm Ground R 26.50
Hemerocallis fulva booby ruby Red day lily 4L 30cm Bush R 37.50
Hypoestes aristata purple Purple ribbon bush 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi Lavender scallops 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Kalanchoe manginii Beach bells 4L 20cm Bush R 18.50
Kniphofia praecox orange Red hot poker 4L 20cm Bush R 18.50
Leonotis leonurus 'orange' Wild dagga 4L 15cm Bush R 34.00
Lepismium monacantha Shrubby cactus 15cm 15cm Bush R 34.00
Limonium perezii Statice 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Mackaya bella Forest bell bush 4L 20cm Bush R 28.50
Orphium frutescens pink Sea rose 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Osteospermum imbricatum African daisy - yellow 4L 30cm Bush R 26.50
Pelargonium capitatum Rose scented pelargonium 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Pelargonium cuccullatum Hooded-leaf pelargonium 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Penstemon red Beard lip penstemon 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Phylica axillaris Featherhead phylica 4L 15cm Bush R 32.50
Phylica ericoides Heath phylica 4L 15cm Bush R 32.50
Plectranthus Madagascariensis Candle plant 4L 10cm Ground R 22.80
Plectranthus neochilus Lobster flower 4L 10cm Ground R 22.80
Polygala fruticosa nana 'clipped topiary ball' Southern shores butterfly bush 30cm pot 35cm Bush R 195.00
Portulacaria afra Spekboom 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Portulacaria afra prostrata Dwarf spekboom 4L 15cm Ground R 26.50
Rhagodia hastata Salt bush 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Rosemary heavenly blue Rosemary 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Rosemary officinalis McConnell's blue Rosemary 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Rosemary prostrata Rosemary 4L 20cm Ground R 26.50
Rosemary Tuscan blue Italian rosemary 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Salvia africana caerulea Blue sage 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Salvia africana lutea Golden sage 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Salvia chameleagnea 'blue' Sage rough blue 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Sansevieria trifasciata Hahnii Golden bird's nest 12cm pot 15cm Bush R 45.00
Sansevieria trifasciata Moonshine Silver snake plant 21cm 30cm Bush R 195.00
Sansevieria trifasciata green Mother-in-law's tongue/snake plant 15cm pot 30cm Bush R 85.00
Scabiosa mauve Pincushion flower 4L 15cm Bush R 28.50
Searsia 'Rhus' crenata Dune crowberry 4L 10cm Bush R 28.50
Senecio macroglossus variegated Wax ivy 16HB 16cm Climber R 85.00
Senecio mandraliscae Blue stalk sticks 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Senecio othonna Ruby necklace 20HB 20cm Ground R 85.00
Senecio othonna Ruby necklace 15cm pot 5cm Ground R 85.00
Senecio radicans String of bananas 20HB 5cm Ground R 85.00
Senecio radicans String of bananas 16HB 5cm Ground R 85.00
Senecio radicans String of bananas 15cm 5cm Ground R 45.00
Senecio rowleyanus String of pearls 12cm 5cm Ground R 44.00
Senecio voigtii (variegated) Voigt's senecio 4L 30cm Bush R 55.00
Smicrostigma viride Ice plant 4L 5cm Ground R 26.50
Streptosolen jamesonii The marmalade bush 4L 5cm Bush R 45.00
Viburnum tinus Lucidum Compact lucidum 4L 35cm Bush R 45.00
Westringia white Coastal rosemary 4L 40cm Bush R 16.50
Westringia fruticosa blue Australian rosemary 4L 20cm Bush R 18.50
Zygocactus 'pink' Christmas cactus 15cm 15cm Bush R 16.50
Botanical name Price
2 L - Groundcovers Ex Vat
Carex auburn Whipcord sedge 2L 10cm Grass R 22.50
Carex China blue Blue sedge 2L 20cm Bush R 22.50
Carex morrowii Japanese sedge / Morrow sedge 2L 5cm Grass R 22.50
Delosperma echinatum Pickle plant 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Delosperma white Ice plant 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Eragrostis capensis Heart seed love grass 2L 20cm Grass R 18.50
Eragrostis curvula Weeping love grass 2L 30cm Grass R 18.50
Festuca glauca Elijah blue / Blue fescue 2L 5cm Bush R 22.50
Gazania large pink Pink treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Gazania large red Red treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 18.50
Gazania rigens cream Cream treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Gazania rigens pink Pink treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Gazania rigens yellow Yellow treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 18.50
Juncus blue dart Common rush 2L 30cm Bush R 22.50
Liriope muscari pink Monkey grass 2L 10cm Grass R 22.50
Ophiopogon Kyoto dwarf Mondo grass kyoto dwarf 2L 5cm Grass R 26.50
Tulbaghia silver lace Wild garlic 2L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Ammenities' Price
Ex Vat
Compost bag 30dm R 38.00
Eco pellets 5:2:2(9) Poultry manure pellets bag 40kg R 220.00
Potting Soil bag 30dm R 38.00
Umoja Vermipure Liquid fertilizer bottle 1 litre R 140.00
Vermigro Organic Fertilizer Organic fertilizer bag 10dm R 110.00

All excluding VAT 15%

Deliveries 10% or minimum (If order does not include 125L bags) Deliveries 15% or minimum (If order does include 125L bags)
Somerset West (Min excl. 125 L) R 450 Somerset West (Min incl. 125 L) R 450
Cape Town & surrounds up to 50km (Min excl. R 850 Cape Town & surrounds up to 50km (Min incl. 125L) R 850
If labour is provided for offloading 125L trees (3 men), then the delivery fee structure for orders excluding 125 L bags applies.
Delivery next to the vehicle when offloading. Placing and moving of plants on site is not included unless by prior quotation
If there is something not on our list please enquire, we have plenty more stock coming available all the time. All plants and prices subject to availability
Open for viewing and collections 8:00 am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday

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