PlantCulture Pricelist
PlantCulture Pricelist
PlantCulture Pricelist
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
250 L -Extra Large Mature Trees Ex Vat
Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail palm 250 L 1,2 m 65 R 1,980.00
Elaeodendron croceum Forest saffron 250 L 2,9 m 45 R 1,500.00
Botanical name Common Name Bag Height Caliper Price
125 L -Extra Large Mature Trees Ex Vat
Acacia -see below as Vachellia Acacia -see below as Vachellia
Betula alba Silver birch 125 L 2,5 m 35 R 1,200.00
Ceratonia siliqua Carob tree 125 L 2,5 m 35 R 1,200.00
Combretum kraussii Forest bushwillow Bosvaderswilg 125 L 2,7 m 35 R 980.00
Cupressus sempervirens Stricta Italian cypress 125 L 3,0 m 30 R 850.00
Curtisia dentata Assegaai tree 125 L 2,3 m 40 R 980.00
Diospyros whyteana Bladdernut 125 L 2,0 m 20 R 1,300.00
Dombeya rotundifolia Wild pear 125 L 2,3 m 35 R 1,200.00
Ekebergia capensis Cape ash Wit essenhout 125 L 2,3 m 35 R 1,200.00
Jacaranda mimosifolia Blue jacaranda 125 L 3,3 m 35 R 1,200.00
Lemon eureka Citrus lemon 125 L 2,0 m 25 R 1,200.00
Liquidambar styraciflua American sweet gum Amberboom 125 L 2,6 m 45 R 980.00
Millettia grandis Umzimbeet 125 L 2,0 m 25 R 1,200.00
Nuxia floribunda Forest elder 125 L 2,3 m 30 R 1,200.00
Olea africana Wild olive 125 L 2,0 m 25 R 1,200.00
Olea 'Mission' Olive mission 125 L 2,2 m 25 R 1,200.00
Podocarpus falcatus Outeniqua yellowwood 125 L 2,7 m 40 R 1,200.00
Prunus nigra Black plum / Canadian plum 125 L 1,5 m 35 R 1,200.00
Searsia 'Rhus' chirindensis Red currant 125 L 3,0 m 50 R 1,200.00
Searsia 'Rhus' lancea Karee 125 L 2,7 m Bush R 1,200.00
Searsia 'Rhus' leptodictya Mountain karee 125 L 2,5 m 30 R 1,200.00
Sideroxylon inerme White milkwood Wit-melkhout 125 L 2,5 m 30 R 1,200.00
Syzygium cordatum Water berry Waterbessie 125 L 2,6 m 45 R 1,200.00
Syzygium guineense Water pear Waterpeer 125 L 2,7 m 30 R 1,200.00
Trichilia emetica Natal mahogany Rooi essenhout 125 L 2,7 m 40 R 1,200.00
Vachellia 'Acacia' karroo Sweet thorn 125 L 3,0 m 30 R 1,200.00
Vachellia 'Acacia' xanthophloea Fever tree Koorsboom 125 L 3,0 m 35 R 1,200.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
60 L - Large Mature Trees Ex Vat
Acacia -see below as Vachellia Acacia -see below as Vachellia
Aloe thraskii Dune aloe 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 950.00
Aloidendron barberae Tree aloe Boomalwyn 60 L 1,5 m Bush R 880.00
Brachylaena discolor Coastal silver oak 60 L 2,0 m Bush R 680.00
Brunfelsia pauciflora 'eximia' Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow 60 L 80cm Bush R 950.00
Buddleja salviifolia Sagewood 60 L 2,0 m Bush R 680.00
Calpurnia aurea Wild laburnum 60 L 2,7 m 15 R 550.00
Celtis sinensis Chinese hackberry 60 L 2,7 m 20 R 650.00
Ceratonia siliqua Carob tree 60 L 2,5 m 25 R 780.00
Combretum krausii Forest bushwillow 60 L 2,5 m 30 R 550.00
Cunonia capensis Butterspoon tree 60 L 1,8 m Bush R 950.00
Cupressocyparis 'Leylandii' Cupressus leylandii Leylandii 60 L 1,5 m 30 R 680.00
Cupressus sempervirens Stricta Italian cypress 60 L 2,3 m 25 R 680.00
Curtisia dentata Assegaai tree 60 L 1,7 m 20 R 780.00
Dodonaea viscosa purpurea Purple hop bush 60 L 2,2 m 25 R 680.00
Dovyalis caffra Kei apple 60 L 1,3 m 30 R 680.00
Dombeya rotundifolia Wild pear 60 L 2,3 m 20 R 750.00
Dracaena dragon Dragon blood tree 60 L 50cm 65 R 980.00
Ekebergia capensis Cape ash Wit essenhout 60 L 2,3 m 30 R 880.00
Halleria lucida Tree fuchsia 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus DJ O'Brien Rose mallow DJ O'Brien 60 L 80cm Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Hacienda Sunrise Rose mallow hacienda 60 L 80cm Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Miss Betty Yellow hibiscus 60 L 80cm Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Pink Butterfly Pink hibiscus 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis brilliant red Chinese Red hibiscus 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus Rosa Sinensis Kona Chinese hibiscus 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Hibiscus White Butterfly White hibiscus 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 880.00
Lemon eureka Citrus lemon 60 L 1,2 m 20 R 1,200.00
Nuxia floribunda Forest elder 60 L 2,0 m 25 R 880.00
Olea frantoio Frantoio olive 60 L 1,5 m 25 R 880.00
Olea 'Mission' Mission olive 60 L 1,6 m 20 R 780.00
Pandorea jasminoides Bower plant 60 L 1,3 m Climber R 680.00
Podocarpus falcatus Quteniqua yellowwood 60 L 2,3 m 20 R 1,200.00
Podocarpus latifolius Real yellowwood 60 L 1,6 m 25 R 1,200.00
Polygala virgata Purple broom 60 L 2,5 m 15 R 580.00
Rhaphiolepis del kruschenia Indian hawthorn 60 L 1,2 m Bush R 750.00
Searsia 'Rhus' chirindensis Red currant 60 L 2,3 m 25 R 680.00
Searsia 'Rhus' Lancea Karee Karree 60 L 2,5 m 25 R 750.00
Searsia Leptodictya Mountain karee 60 L 2,3 m 20 R 750.00
Syzygium cordatum Water berry Waterbessie 60 L 2,5 m 35 R 780.00
Syzygium guineense Water pear Waterpeer 60 L 2,0 m 25 R 880.00
Syzygium paniculatum 'Eugenia' Eugenia 60 L 2,0 m Bush R 850.00
Tarchonanthus camphoratus Camphor bush 60 L 1,0 m Bush R 850.00
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine 60 L 1,3 m Climber R 750.00
Trichilia emetica Natal mahogany Rooi essenhout 60 L 2,3 m 30 R 780.00
Vachellia 'Acacia' xanthophloea Fever tree Koorsboom 60 L 2,3 m 30 R 880.00
Viburnum tinus Compacta Viburnum 60 L 1,3 m Bush R 580.00
Viburnum tinus Lucidum Viburnum 60 L 1,3 m Bush R 580.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
40 L -Trees and Shrubs Ex Vat
Ficus carica Common fig 40 L 1,3 m 35 R 1,100.00
Ficus tyger Fig tyger 40 L 1,3 m 35 R 1,100.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
20 L -Trees and Shrubs Ex Vat
Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail palm 20 L 70cm 40 R 285.00
Olea frantoio Olive frantoio 20 L 1,3 m 25 R 475.00
Portulacaria afra big leaf Big leaf spekboom 20 L 50cm Bush R 245.00
Rhoicissus digitata Baboon grape 20 L 40cm Climber R 245.00
Sutherlandia frutescens Cancer bush 20 L 1,3 m Bush R 145.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
10 L -Trees and Shrubs Ex Vat
Abelia grandiflora Glossy abelia 10L 30cm Bush R 85.00
Acokanthera oppositifolia Bushman's poison 10 L 1,2 m Bush R 145.00
Aloe ferox Bitter aloe 10 L 15cm Bush R 115.00
Aloe Hesper parviflora Redflower false Yucca 10 L 15cm Bush R 115.00
Aloe marlothii Mountain aloe / Flat flowered aloe 10 L 40cm Bush R 150.00
Aloe striata Coral aloe 10 L 15cm Bush R 165.00
Aloe suprafoliata Book aloe 10 L 15cm Bush R 220.00
Beaucarnea recurvata Ponytail palm 10 L 30cm 30 R 220.00
Bougainvillea Scarlet o'Hara Paper flower 10 L 80cm Climber R 165.00
Brunfelsia pauciflora 'eximia' Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow 10 L 40cm Bush R 185.00
Cannas orange Orange beauty 10 L 15cm Bush R 130.00
Cannas yellow Yellow beauty 10 L 1,2 m Bush R 85.00
Dovyalis caffra Kei apple 10 L 80cm Bush R 110.00
Duranta sheena's Gold Tree forget-me-not 10 L 15cm Bush R 135.00
Freylinia tropica blue Honeybell bush 10 L 30cm Bush R 135.00
Halleria lucida Tree fuchsia 10 L 40cm Bush R 175.00
Hoya carnosa green trellis Wax plant 10 L 40cm Bush R 250.00
Leonotis leonurus 'orange' Wild dagga 10 L 40cm Bush R 110.00
Miscanthus sinensis zebrinus Zebra grass 10 L 1,0 m Grass R 65.00
Pandorea jasminoides 'rosea' Bower of beauty / Bower vine 10 L 1,0 m Climber R 145.00
Philodendron xanadu Kubla khan 10 L 35cm Bush R 280.00
Philodendron selloum compacta Compact lacy 10 L 50cm Bush R 250.00
Populus simonii Chinese poplar 10 L 1,2 m 10cm R 115.00
Psoralea aphylla Naked fountain bush 10 L 80cm Bush R 120.00
Salvia africana-caerulea Blue African sage 10 L 40cm Bush R 120.00
Spiraea cantoniensis Cape may / bridal wreath spirea 10 L 30cm Bush R 120.00
Strelitzia reginae Bird of paradise 10 L 30cm Bush R 230.00
Tecomaria capensis 'dark orange' Cape honeysuckle 'dark orange' 10 L 60cm Bush/Climb R 120.00
Tecomaria capensis 'orange' Cape honeysuckle 'orange' 10 L 30cm Bush/Climb R 120.00
Tecomaria capensis 'pink' Cape honeysuckle 'pink' 10 L 20cm Bush R 120.00
Tecomaria capensis 'red' Cape honeysuckle 'red' 10 L 35cm Bush/Climb R 120.00
Tecomaria capensis 'yellow' Cape honeysuckle 'yellow' 10 L 30cm Bush/Climb R 120.00
Thunbergia alata orange Black eyed Susan 10 L 1,0 m Climber R 120.00
Trachelospermum jasminoides Star jasmine 10 L 80cm Climber R 165.00
Viburnum tinus 'Compacta' Compact viburnum 10 L 60cm Bush R 110.00
Viburnum tinus Lucidum Compact lucidum 10 L 80cm Bush R 110.00
Viburnum suspensum Sandankwa viburnum 10 L 40cm Bush R 155.00
Botanical name Common Name Gewone Naam Bag Height Caliper Price
4 L - Shrubs & Groundcovers Ex Vat
Acmadenia heterophylla Buchu 4L 10cm Bush R 35.00
Agapanthus barley blue African lily 'barley blue' 4L 15cm Bush R 34.50
Agapanthus praecox blue African lily/Lily of the Nile 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Agathosma capensis Spicy buchu 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Agathosma glabrata Sand buchu / lemon-scented buchu 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Agathosma serpyllacea Thyme buchu 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Aloe cooperii Cooper's aloe 4L 30cm Bush R 18.50
Aloe Hesper parviflora Red yucca / Hummingbird yucca 4L 30cm Bush R 35.00
Aloe hybrid Twice as Nice 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Aloe hybrid 'red' Cape flame 20cm 15cm Bush R 160.00
Alstroemeria pink Inca lily 4L 20cm Bulb R 65.00
Aristea ecklonii Blue eyed Iris 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Artemisia afra African wormwood 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Asparagus densiflorus Mazeppa Emerald fern 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Athanasia dentata Toothed-leaf athanasia 4L 20cm Bush R 22.80
Bromelia pink/purple Matchstick plant 4L 30cm Bush R 34.50
Bromelia red leaf Red bromelia 4L 20cm Bush R 28.50
Bulbinella frutescens 'orange' Stalked orange bulbine 4L 10cm Bush R 24.50
Buxus sempervirens faulkner Common boxwood 4L 20cm Bush R 28.50
Carissa green carpet Dwarf 'num-num' 4L 10cm Ground R 24.50
Coleonema alba White confetti bush 4L 15cm Bush R 24.50
Coleonema pulchellum 'pink' Pink confetti bush 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Cotula sericea Silky buttons 4L 5cm Ground R 22.80
Cotyledon orbiculatum firesticks Fire sticks 4L 30cm Bush R 22.80
Cotyledon orbiculatum green leaf Green pig's ear 4L 30cm Bush R 22.80
Cotyledon orbiculatum grey leaf Grey pig's ear 4L 30cm Bush R 22.80
Crassula capitella campfire compact Red flames 4L 10cm Bush R 22.80
Crassula multicava 'green' Fairy crassula 4L 10cm Bush R 22.80
Crassula multicava 'red' Red fairy crassula 4L 15cm Ground R 22.80
Crassula tetragona Miniature pine tree 4L 10cm Bush R 22.80
Crassula umbellata nana Small crassula 21HB 5cm Bush R 130.00
Crassula ovata greenleaf Kerky bush 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Cuphea hyssopifolia 'mauve' Mexican heather 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Cuphea ignea (red dragon) Mexican cigar plant/Firecracker plant 4L 20cm Bush R 22.80
Dietes grandiflora White wild iris 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Elegia tectorum Cape thatching reed 4L 20cm Bush R 24.50
Euphorbia tirucalli 'green' Pencil plant green 4L 20cm Bush R 32.00
Euphorbia tirucalli 'yellow/orange' Pencil plant yellow/orange 4L 20cm Bush R 32.00
Euryops pectinatus Golden daisy bush 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Euryops silver sunshine Silver sunshine 4L 20cm Bush R 22.80
Euryops sunshine classic leaf Wild daisy bush 4L 20cm Bush R 22.80
Euryops virgineus Honey euryops 4L 30cm Bush R 22.80
Felicia amelloides 'white' White star 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Felicia echinata 'mauve' Mauve dune daisy 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Hebe green globe Hebe Veronica 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Hebe speciosa 'blue boy' Blue boy 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Helichrysum curly wurly Everlasting curly wurly 4L 10cm Ground R 26.50
Helichrysum cymosum Gold carpet 4L 5cm Ground R 26.50
Helichrysum odoratissimum Silver bush everlasting 4L 5cm Bush R 26.50
Helichrysum petiolare Licorice plant 4L 10cm Ground R 26.50
Hemerocallis fulva booby ruby Red day lily 4L 30cm Bush R 37.50
Hypoestes aristata purple Purple ribbon bush 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Kalanchoe fedtschenkoi Lavender scallops 4L 15cm Bush R 35.00
Kalanchoe manginii Beach bells 4L 20cm Bush R 18.50
Kniphofia praecox orange Red hot poker 4L 20cm Bush R 18.50
Leonotis leonurus 'orange' Wild dagga 4L 15cm Bush R 34.00
Lepismium monacantha Shrubby cactus 15cm 15cm Bush R 34.00
Limonium perezii Statice 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Mackaya bella Forest bell bush 4L 20cm Bush R 28.50
Orphium frutescens pink Sea rose 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Osteospermum imbricatum African daisy - yellow 4L 30cm Bush R 26.50
Pelargonium capitatum Rose scented pelargonium 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Pelargonium cuccullatum Hooded-leaf pelargonium 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Penstemon red Beard lip penstemon 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Phylica axillaris Featherhead phylica 4L 15cm Bush R 32.50
Phylica ericoides Heath phylica 4L 15cm Bush R 32.50
Plectranthus Madagascariensis Candle plant 4L 10cm Ground R 22.80
Plectranthus neochilus Lobster flower 4L 10cm Ground R 22.80
Polygala fruticosa nana 'clipped topiary ball' Southern shores butterfly bush 30cm pot 35cm Bush R 195.00
Portulacaria afra Spekboom 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Portulacaria afra prostrata Dwarf spekboom 4L 15cm Ground R 26.50
Rhagodia hastata Salt bush 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Rosemary heavenly blue Rosemary 4L 20cm Bush R 26.50
Rosemary officinalis McConnell's blue Rosemary 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Rosemary prostrata Rosemary 4L 20cm Ground R 26.50
Rosemary Tuscan blue Italian rosemary 4L 10cm Bush R 26.50
Salvia africana caerulea Blue sage 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Salvia africana lutea Golden sage 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Salvia chameleagnea 'blue' Sage rough blue 4L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Sansevieria trifasciata Hahnii Golden bird's nest 12cm pot 15cm Bush R 45.00
Sansevieria trifasciata Moonshine Silver snake plant 21cm 30cm Bush R 195.00
Sansevieria trifasciata green Mother-in-law's tongue/snake plant 15cm pot 30cm Bush R 85.00
Scabiosa mauve Pincushion flower 4L 15cm Bush R 28.50
Searsia 'Rhus' crenata Dune crowberry 4L 10cm Bush R 28.50
Senecio macroglossus variegated Wax ivy 16HB 16cm Climber R 85.00
Senecio mandraliscae Blue stalk sticks 4L 15cm Bush R 22.80
Senecio othonna Ruby necklace 20HB 20cm Ground R 85.00
Senecio othonna Ruby necklace 15cm pot 5cm Ground R 85.00
Senecio radicans String of bananas 20HB 5cm Ground R 85.00
Senecio radicans String of bananas 16HB 5cm Ground R 85.00
Senecio radicans String of bananas 15cm 5cm Ground R 45.00
Senecio rowleyanus String of pearls 12cm 5cm Ground R 44.00
Senecio voigtii (variegated) Voigt's senecio 4L 30cm Bush R 55.00
Smicrostigma viride Ice plant 4L 5cm Ground R 26.50
Streptosolen jamesonii The marmalade bush 4L 5cm Bush R 45.00
Viburnum tinus Lucidum Compact lucidum 4L 35cm Bush R 45.00
Westringia white Coastal rosemary 4L 40cm Bush R 16.50
Westringia fruticosa blue Australian rosemary 4L 20cm Bush R 18.50
Zygocactus 'pink' Christmas cactus 15cm 15cm Bush R 16.50
Botanical name Price
2 L - Groundcovers Ex Vat
Carex auburn Whipcord sedge 2L 10cm Grass R 22.50
Carex China blue Blue sedge 2L 20cm Bush R 22.50
Carex morrowii Japanese sedge / Morrow sedge 2L 5cm Grass R 22.50
Delosperma echinatum Pickle plant 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Delosperma white Ice plant 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Eragrostis capensis Heart seed love grass 2L 20cm Grass R 18.50
Eragrostis curvula Weeping love grass 2L 30cm Grass R 18.50
Festuca glauca Elijah blue / Blue fescue 2L 5cm Bush R 22.50
Gazania large pink Pink treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Gazania large red Red treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 18.50
Gazania rigens cream Cream treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Gazania rigens pink Pink treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 22.50
Gazania rigens yellow Yellow treasure flower 2L 5cm Ground R 18.50
Juncus blue dart Common rush 2L 30cm Bush R 22.50
Liriope muscari pink Monkey grass 2L 10cm Grass R 22.50
Ophiopogon Kyoto dwarf Mondo grass kyoto dwarf 2L 5cm Grass R 26.50
Tulbaghia silver lace Wild garlic 2L 15cm Bush R 26.50
Ammenities' Price
Ex Vat
Compost bag 30dm R 38.00
Eco pellets 5:2:2(9) Poultry manure pellets bag 40kg R 220.00
Potting Soil bag 30dm R 38.00
Umoja Vermipure Liquid fertilizer bottle 1 litre R 140.00
Vermigro Organic Fertilizer Organic fertilizer bag 10dm R 110.00