INTERP - SNT-TC-1A - 2014 Ed
INTERP - SNT-TC-1A - 2014 Ed
INTERP - SNT-TC-1A - 2014 Ed
Interpretations from
1976 through 2014
lnteryreting SNT-TC-IA I I
certification of NDT personnel are certification program in accordance with Response
within the same guidelines that the this document shall be considered as Published in Materials Evaluation,
employer himself would follow in satisfying the criteria of Paragraph 6 .2.I
May 1978, page 21, is the "ASNT
accordance with his written practice. and 6.3." If documentation was not
3. The in�nt underlying Paragraph 9 .1 Position Paper on the Use of SNT-TC-JA
produced during such prior experience, an
is fundamental. When outside affidavit or other suitable testimony and the ASNT Level III Certification
Level Ill services are used for the regarding such experience may be Program." Under the heading
purpose of qualifying and certifying evaluated by the employer to aid in "Certification Options" is the following:
personnel, il is intended that the determining equivalence. This response [The employer can] Incorporate
employer utilizing such services be applies to the 1975 edition and all prior into his written practice acceptance
responsible for assuring that those editions of SNT-TC-JA. See Inquiry 77-1. of ASNT Level Ill certification as
services are properly performed and permitted in 9.4 of SNT-TC-JA for
audited. Whether or not the meeting any or all examination
employer uses outside Level m Inquiry 77-5 requirements of 8.5 .3 (general,
services for training and examining With reference lo Paragraph 8.5 of the specific and practical) and
his NDT personnel, the total 1975 edition of SNT-TC-JA, is it intended assigning grading weight factors
responsibility for certification of all to limit the written specific examination to based on satisfactory performance,
levels rests with the employer of the a closed book examination, without access in accordance with 8.6.3 and 8.6.4.
individuals. to codes, specifications and/or
SNT-TC-JA only provides guidelines
for qualification and certification of NDT
procedures? Inquiry 77-10
personnel. Outside services referred to in Response What is the intent regarding employers'
Paragraph 9 are those intended to be used attempts to verify an individual's
by an employer only for the purposes of It is intended that codes, specifications
experience and performance with past
and/or procedures are "necessary data"
training, examining or otherwise employers in order to maintain the
qualifying individuals directly employed under Paragraph 8.5 of the 197 5 edition of
documentation recommended in
SNT-TC-JA, provided that examination
by the employer. Paragraph 9 .6.1?
When the performance of NDT is questions are asked that require reference
to such data and that such data cannot be
subcontracted to an outside organization Response
and the outside organization is the direct used to answer questions related to other
closed book portions of the examination. The specific documentation to be
employer of the individual performing furnished by new employees and past
NDT, the outside organization is the employers and the means for obtaining
"employer" in terms of SNT-TC-JA. Inquiry 77-6 documentation is referenced in
Whether the outside organization is Paragraphs 9.6 and 10.2 of SNT-TC-JA.
properly qualifying and certifying its NDT 1. ls it the intent of SNT-TC-JA that
personnel can only be determined by the Level I, II and m individuals Details should be included in the
certified to the recommendations of employer's written practice.
purchaser of such outside services and
how such determination is made is a the 1968 edition meet the
recommendations for certification in General Comments
contractual matter between the purchaser
and the outside organization. the 1975 edition? As published above and in Materials
2. If certification is transferred from Evaluation, October 1977, in response to
the 1968 edition to the 1975 edition Inquiry 77-4, "If documentation was not
Inquiry 77-4 recommendations, which produced during ... prior experience, an
May the experience requirements recommendations prevail regarding affidavit or other suitable testimony
recertification? regarding such experience may be
expressed as "certified NDT Level II" in
Paragraph 6.3.l(b), (c) and (d) of the 1975 evaluated by the employer ..." While
edition of SNT-TC-IA be considered to Response Inquiry 77-4 was related lo a somewhat
include experience gained in "an I. It is intended that individuals different matter, the intent behind the
assignment comparable lo that of an NDT certified according to the response applies equally to this inquiry
Level II" [as stated in Paragraph 6.3.2(a)] recommendations of earlier editions (77-10).
in determining the prerequisite of SNT-TC-JA meet the
requirements of a candidate for
certification as a Level III? If so, may this
recommendations for certification in
the 1975 edition.
Inquiry 77-12
acceptance of experience in "an 2. The 1975 edition recommendations I . Is it intended that an employer may
assignment comparable to" be extended to prevail regarding recertification. use more than one outside agency
include similar subparagraphs under See also Inquiry 78-2. for providing Level III services?
Paragraph 6.2.5 of the earlier editions of 2. Is it intended that an employer may
SNT-TC-JA? use Level III individuals in his direct
Inquiry 77-8 employment and also use an outside
Response Level III personnel certified by ASNT agency for Level III services?
do not receive examination grades. 3. ls it intended that certification
Paragraph 6.2 of the 1975 edition of examinations may be administered
SNT-TC-JA states, "Documented training Paragraph 8.6 of SNT-TC-JA recommends
arriving at a composite grade. How can without direct supervision and
and/or experience gained in positions and
this be accomplished since ASNT only monitoring?
activities equivalent lo those of Level II or
Level m prior to establishment of the supplies examination results in terms of
employer's written practice and a pass or fail?
2 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
Response additional training and reexamination 2. It is intended that an individual who
I . There is no intent to restrict the required to upgrade these individuals? has neither worked in the capacity to
number of outside agencies from which previously certified in the
which an employer could use Response past six months nor is being
Level III services. It is the intent that individuals certified recertified within six months should
2. Yes, both the above and this in accordance with the recommendations have additional training and
situation may be used under of the 1968 edition can be automatically experience prior to recertification.
circumstances as .described in the certified to the recommendations of the The employer's written practice
employer's written practice. 1975 edition without additional training or should detail such provisions.
3. It is not intended that unsupervised experience. For recertification, it is
examinations be administered. intended that individuals should meet the Inquiry 78-6
guidelines of the 1975 edition as reflected
Is it the intent of SNT-TC-JA to
Inquiry 77-13 in the employer's written practice.
recommend that the percented weight
factors of Paragraph 8.6.3 may be applied
Regarding Paragraph 8.5.3(a) of
SNT-TC-JA, is it intended that the "30
Inquiry 78-3 based upon differing job requirements of
questions from the NDT Level II With reference to the note in Table individual candidates or should they be
questions for other applicable NDT 6.2.IA, "Credit for experience may be applied equally to all individuals within a
methods" be selected from and represent gained simultaneously in two or more particular level?
every test discipline listed in disciplines. The candidate must spend at
Paragraph 8.5.2? Response
least 25 percent of his work time on each
discipline for which experience is being Percentile weight factors should be
Response claimed," is it intended that an individual within the ranges shown in SNT-TC-JA,
No, it is intended that the examiner being qualified in only one method could Paragraph 8.6.3. The specific percentile
select the questions applicable or obtain the work time experience in weight factors used should be clearly
appropriate to the product requirements of 25 percent of the times tabulated in Table stated in the employer's written practice
the particular case. This is a specific 6.2.IA? and should be based on the particular
recommendation for examining Level Ills needs of the employer. The same weight
and in no manner conflicts with the Response factors should be used uniformly for all
Level III qualifications of Paragraph the employer's personnel seeking
No, an individual being qualified in certification for given job requirements.
4.3(c) of SNT-TC-JA. only one method should spend at least However, the employer may change or
25 percent of his work time in ·that modify the weight factors for different job
Inquiry 78-1 method and should obtain the total work requirements within a single level
time experience as recommended in provided they remain within the ranges
If a Level II examination is consecutive months as though the recommended in Paragraph 8.6.3.
administered to a Level I individual, is remainder of his work time was spent in
there a need, when that individual is qualifying for other NDT methods
eligible for Level II certification, to simultaneously. Inquiry 78-7
readminister the same Level II
examination provided that all other l . Should personnel who operate
criteria, for example, education, training Inquiry 78-4 digital thickness measurement
equipment be qualified and
and experience, have been satisfied? 1 . Regarding Paragraph 10 .2 of certified?
SNT-TC-JA, does " ... based on 2. To what level should such personnel
Response examination ..." refer to be certified?
It is not intended that the individual examinations administered during 3. Does ASNT anticipate a change in
should be reexamined, provided the prior employment or does it refer to SNT-TC-IA that would provide
original Level II examination was passed new examinations to be specific recommendations for
and all applicable requirements of the administered by the new employer? qualifying and certifying such
employer's written practice have been met 2. An individual can provide evidence personnel?
according to Paragraph 8.1 of SNT-TC-JA. of prior certification per
Paragraph 10.2(a), but does not meet Response
Inquiry 78-2 either Paragraphs 10.2(b) or 10.2(c)
which recommend that the I . Whether any NDT personnel should
individual was working in the be certified depends solely upon the
See Inquiry 77-6, as published above
capacity to which he had been needs of the employer and the
and in Materials Evaluation, October
certified and is being recertified requirements of the employer's
1977. In order to clarify the response, is it
within six months of his termination. customers or clientele.
intended that Level I, II and III
What should be the basis of 2. Likewise, the level to which
individuals who have been certified to the
qualification for such an individual? personnel should be certified
recommendation of the 1968 edition
depends upon the same factors as in
automatically meet the recommendations
Response [I.] above. Note that Paragraph 4.1
for certification in the 1975 edition?
of SNT-TC-IA provides for
Since th� training hours were increased I . It is intended that the examination subdivision within the levels as
in the 1975 edition for certain level and referred to in Paragraph 10 .2 be needed.
discipline combinations above those administered by the new employer. 3. Paragraph 1.4 and Paragraph 4.1 of
recommended in the 1968 edition, is
SNT-TC-IA are intended to provide
Interpreting SNT-TC-JA I 3
the employer with adequate the original three-year period of 2. Regarding Paragraph 8.2(a2), is it
flexibility to accommodate a variety certification in accordance with intended that the statement,
of special needs as documented in Paragraph 9.7? "... as demonstrated by the practical
the written practice. While the examinations or test performance,"
recommended training course Response refers to the practical examination of
outline of SNT-TC-JA does not I. The provisions of Paragraph 10.2 Paragraph 8.2(d) or does it refer to a
specifically address digital thickness apply only to a new employer. For special standardized eye test for
measurement, the principles of this part of the inquiry, the color vision?
pulse-echo techniques are those provisions of Paragraph 9 .7.3 would
involved. The training course outline prevail. Response
does not provide for instruction in 2. For this part of the inquiry, the I . It is intended that Level III
the employer's specific equipment receiving employer would be personnel be allowed to administer
uses and, as with the remainder of considered a new employer and the the near-distance vision acuity
SNT-TC-JA, the training course
provisions of Paragraph 10.2 would examination using the Jaeger chart.
outline should be modified, if apply. If, however, the employee in However, if the employer elects to
necessary, to meet employers' question was previously employed use other methods of vision
specific needs. by the receiving employer, examination or the employer
Paragraph 9 .7.3 would prevail. requires additional physical
Inquiry 78-9 requirements as referred to in
General Comments Paragraph 8.2(a3), it may be
Is it intended that personnel currently necessary to use personnel with
certified as NDT Level ill within the The principle behind "evidence of
continuing satisfactory performance" in other specialized qualifications to
guidelines of SNT-TC-JA who also administer examinations for such
regularly perform Level II functions be Paragraph 9.7.l(a) applies to employees
originally certified by, and in continuous additional requirements. The
qualified as recommended in employer should include details of
Paragraphs 8.2, 8.5.2, 8.6 and 9.7? employment of, one employer. It is not
envisioned that a new employer should specific physical requirements and
prudently accept "evidence of continuing the qualifications required of
Response examiners in the written practice.
satisfactory performance" from a previous
It is the opinion of the Interpretation employer. Note that Paragraph 10.2 2. It is intended that the practical
Panel that personnel currently certified as recommends recertification by examination referred to in
Level ill may regularly perform Level n examination of an employee by a new Paragraph 8.2(a2) is that of
functions without specifically being employer even if the conditions of Paragraph 8.2(d) and that such
qualified as Level n as recommended in l0.2(a), 10.2(b) and l0.2(c) are met to the practical examination include
Paragraph 8.2, 8.5.2 and 8.6 of new employer's satisfaction. The checkpoints as appropriate to verify
SNT-TC-JA. However, as recommended in employer's rules covering the duration of that the candidate's color vision
Paragraph 9.7, all levels should be interrupted service (Paragraph 9.7.3) capabilities are adequate to satisfy
periodically recertified. should bear a reasonable relationship to the specific needs imposed by the
the recommendations in Paragraph 10.2. NDT method in question, the
General Comments However, in the case of interrupted employer's test equipment,
Implicit in the definitions of Levels I, n service, the employer has direct procedures and products.
and m as outlined in Paragraphs 4.3(a), knowledge of the employee's prior
4.3(b) and 4.3(c) is the concept that the performance and can best judge the need Inquiry 79-1
qualifications for Level Ill equal and for reexamination as a function of
exceed those of Level II. The employer duration of interrupted service. In maintaining records, if an individual
must be satisfied with the proficiency of is working simultaneously in more than
one method, should the records reflect the
any individual at any level to handle work
tasks. SNT-TC-JA is not intended for use Inquiry 78-11 total time spent for each method or should
to determine an individual's proficiency. It I. Regarding Paragraph 8.2(al) of the time be divided proportionately for
is intended as a guideline to establish SNT-TC-JA, is it intended that the each of the methods? For example, if an
qualifications. personnel referred to in the individual spent 50 percent of his time on
statement, "The examination shall ultrasonic testing and 50 percent of his
time on radiographic testing for a period
Inquiry 78-10 be administered by qualified
personnel ...," be qualified medical of nine months, should the record show
I . When an employee returns to work personnel or may a certified experience in ultrasonic testing of four
for a former employer where he was Level III person administer the and one-half months or nine months?
certified, may the employee's near-distance vision acuity
certification(s) be reinstated without examination when a standard Jaeger Response
examination if the provisions of test chart is used? It would appear It is intended that the employer's
Paragraphs I0.2(b) and 10.2(c) are that the qualifications necessary to written practice should include details of
met? administer such examinations would maintaining records. It is intended that
2. If an employee has been only include the capability to read, records should reflect the facts of each
continuously working for another to identify the Jaeger chart and the individual's work time with regard to the
employer certified in the same appropriate parts thereof and to be amount of time spent on each method and
capacities, may his certification(s) able to measure and maintain the the periods of time during which the work
be reinstated for the remainder of 12 in. required reading distance. was performed.
4 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
Inquiry 79-2 Response Response
I. The reading card intended to be It is not intended that laboratory
Since NDT Level Ill general experience in an educational program be
considered standard is currently
examination questions in some methods directly applied to the work time
available from ASNT and was
are available from ASNT (Questions and experience. Laboratory experience is not
previously supplied by Bausch &
Answers for Qualifying NDT Level Ill necessarily applicable to the employer's
Lomb. Bausch & Lomb no longer
Personnel, October 1977), is it intended product or to the specific codes, standards
supplies such cards, but those
that the Level III questions referred to in or specifications in use. However, in
bearing the title, Reading Card
Paragraphs 8.4 and 8.5.3(a) be selected recognition of the benefits accruing from
(Metric), with the notation at the
from those published by ASNT? laboratory experience, the employer may
bottom of the card reading, "The
above letters are Snellen sizes at the include such consideration for adjustment
Response to the work experience in his written
designated distance in decimeters,
It is intended that the recommended with Jaeger notations at right," as practice. Should the employer decide to
30 questions devised by the examiner for previously supplied by Bausch & do so, he should thoroughly evaluate the
the appropriate method [Paragraph Lomb are equivalent to the card curriculum to determine its applicability.
8.5.3(a)] be devised or selected as currently available from ASNT.
appropriate to the degree required by the
employer's written practice. As with all
Other cards bearing equivalent type
size and body are also intended to be Inquiry 80-2
questions and answers provided by ASNT, used. In reference to the practical examina
they are suggested as guidelines and 2. The intent in Paragraph 8.2(al ) was tion, there are several approaches that may
supplied as an aid to employers in to recommend a minimum distance. be taken. For example, grades on check
preparing examinations. It is intended that The employer's written practice points could be given as I (correct) or 0
the provisions of Paragraph 8.4 be should state the near-distance vision (incorrect) or could be given in a graduat
superseded when questions of a character acuity requirements for the ed fashion, say O to 5, depending on the
unique to Level ID qualifications as particular circumstances of the correctness and efficiency of the applica
delineated in Paragraph 4.3(c) are devised employer. tion. Which approach is correct? Could a
or selected by the employer for use in the questionnaire for which written answers
Level III general examination. The
additional 30 questions from Level II Inquiry 79-13 would be prepared as an alternative
method of grading be used?
questions for other applicable NDT If an employee performs NDT to
methods as recommended in Paragraph multiple codes, specifications and Response
8.5.3(a) are intended to be selected from acceptance standards, is it necessary to Please refer to Paragraphs 8.5. I(c) and
methods other than that for which the include questions relating to each code, 9.6. l(f). Either of the proposed grading
candidate is being examined. It is intended specification or acceptance standard in methods is permissible depending on the
that the employer use such questions to this specific examination? needs of the employer. Other approaches
determine that the candidate has sufficient Paragraph 9.6.I(c) requires records of may also be taken. The approach which
knowledge of other NDT methods that educational background to be included in meets the needs of the employer should
might be applicable to the employer's personnel records. Is information supplied
particular circumstances. For example, it be described in his written practice and
by the employee (i.e., such as a resume or followed for the practical examination.
could be appropriate that a candidate employment application) satisfactory
being examined for Level m qualification
The last technique proposing a question
evidence of educational accomplishments naire for which written answers would be
in a particular method be required to or is conclusive evidence (i.e., such as a prepared would fall more appropriately
demonstrate basic knowledge in one or copy of a diploma or transcript) required
more other methods in order to "designate under the specific examination category.
for verification?
the particular test method and technique to
be used." See Paragraph 4.3(c). Response Inquiry 80-3
It is the intent of Paragraph 8.2(c2) that A candidate spends 50 percent of his
Inquiry 79-4 the specific examination cover all codes, time performing radiography, 25 percent
specifications and acceptance standards performing magnetic particle
I. In Paragraph 8.2(al), reference is
applicable to the employee's activities. examinations and the remaining
made to a "standard Jaeger test
See also Inquiry 77-4 and 25 percent performing liquid penetrant
chart." Of several reading cards
Inquiry 77-IO. examinations. At the end of a one-month
available, which is considered
period, assuming a 144-hour month, is
2. In Paragraph 8.2(al), the Inquiries 79-14 and 79-15 Method A or Method B a correct
computation of working time experience
recommended distance for reading
Is it intended per SNT-TC-IA (1975 for certification to a Level I rating?
Jaeger Number 2 letters is "not less
edition) that the time spent in a laboratory Method A: The candidate claims work
than 12 in. (30.5 cm)." On the
reading card currently available exercise during a long term NDT course time experience of 144 hours for each of
be considered the only qualifying work the three methods.
from ASNT, the "designated
distance in decimeters" for J2 letters time experience? Method B: The candidate claims work
May the laboratory time be given any time experience of 72, 36 and 36 hours
is 5 dm or approximately 19.7 in. Is
credit at all as "work time experience" to for radiography, magnetic particle and
it intended that the near-distance
vision acuity requirements be satisfy all the requirements in liquid penetrant, respectively.
reduced by such a significant factor? Table 6.2.1 A?
Int�rpreting SNT-TC-IA I 5
Response Response Inquiry 80-9
These questions have been addressed 1 . This inquiry is similar to Is there an acceptable method by
in Inquiries 76-1, 76-2 and 78-3, which Inquiry 76-4 which was answered which a Level III may be certified by a
were published above and in Materials above and in the October 1 978 issue new employer on the basis of Level III
Evaluation fo October 1977 and October of Materials Evaluation. It must certification examinations administered
1978. As further clarification, the method again be emphasized that by the former employer without
described in Method A is that intended SNT-TC-JA is a guideline to aid an examination?
by the document. In other words, the employer in certifying his employees
examiner may claim full-time for all the and the guidelines combined in that Response
NDT methods in which he works document should be modified to
simultaneously. It is not intended he meet the employer needs. As outlined in Paragraph 8.5.4, an
claim time for work hours spent in work 2. It is the intent of this statement that employer may waive examination for an
other than nondestructive testing. a candidate may take credit for work NDT Level III based on the candidate's
performed in two methods demonstrated and documented ability,
simultaneously because of the achievement, experience and education as
Inquiry 80-4 knowledge interchange factor defined in Paragraph 4.3(c) and 6.3.
believed to be present in such However, if the new employer desires that
NDT examiners in our employ who the certification be based on examination,
perform examinations using liquid activities. It is not intended that an
examiner certified in one method then the employer must reexamine the
penetrant use only the visible dye, solvent
could at some later time reduce the candidate or obtain copies of the
removable, penetrant technique. Since our
requirements for certification in examinations taken by the candidate at the
examiners do not have need to be
another method except as defined in previous employer. This step is necessary
qualified in the other liquid penetrant
the employer's written practice. to ensure the quality of the examination
techniques, is it permissible to modify the
and to meet the documentation needs of
number of general and specific questions
Paragraph 9.6.J(f).
as weJI as the hours of training and work
experience to satisfy requirements of
Inquiry 80-7
SNT-TC-IA for Level I and Level II In the NDT Level II practical Inquiry 80-12
examiners? examination, 8.5.2(c), is it intended that
the NDT Level II candidate demonstrate I . If a candidate does not spend
Response proficiency in all phases of the NDT 25 percent of his time in the
operation (i.e., set up, calibration, method in a given period, e.g., one
Please refer to Inquiry 76-2, published month, can he accumulate one
inspection and interpretation)?
above and in Materials Evaluation in month's credit over a longer period,
October 1 977 and Inquiry 77-13 published e.g., two months and claim one
above and in Materials Evaluation in Response
month's experience?
October 1978. It is the intent that Yes, it is intended that the Level II 2. What constitutes an NOT-related
SNT-TC-IA is a recommended practice demonstrate proficiency in all phases of activity that may be identified in
and that it is a guideline which should be the operation for which the candidate is the employer's written practice?
modified by the employer as necessary to being certified. The employer's written What percentage of time may be
meet his particular needs. The employer practice should define the duties and NDT related?
should determine his needs, determine the needed knowledge. 3. Can work experience prior to and in
necessary qualifications of his examiners excess of the Level I requirements
to meet those needs and describe those in
his written practice.
Inquiry 80-8 be applied to Level II experience
I . May an employer deviate from the 4. May documented experience at a
guidelines to meet his specific
Inquiry 80-6 needs?
level equivalent to NDT Level II in
a company without a certification
1. How may we qualify supervisory 2. Is our company's specific written program be used by a new
personnel in accordance with practice acceptable? employer to fulfiJI experience
SNT-TC-JA? Supervisory personnel requirements for Level II?
would include quality control Response
engineers in plants doing I. Yes, in accordance with Response
surveillance-type inspection. Paragraph 1.4 of SNT-TC-IA, the I. No, the intent of the note to Table
2. Table 6.2. l A for SNT-TC-IA employer should modify the 6.2. l A (6.3.1) is that work time
provides: "credit for experience may guidelines to meet his needs. experience claimed for a specific
be gained simultaneously in two or 2. It is against ASNT policy to judge period should be accumulated in
more disciplines. The candidate the applicability of company that period. For example, to claim
must spend at least 25 percent of documents. As a general comment, one month work time experience,
this work time on each discipline for it is the employer's prerogative to
which experience is being claimed." the candidate should spend at least
establish his criteria for 44 hours (one fourth of 175) in the
Does this statement mean (as it certification. It is then his method and the remaining work
regards Level I PT) that if the customer's prerogative to accept or time (75 percent) of that month in
candidate is already a qualified reject those criteria. NOT-related activities.
Level I or Level II radiographer, the
2. As stated in the note to Table 6.3.1
one month work experience can be
(1980 edition), the employer should
reduced to 44 hours?
6 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
define NOT-related activities. It is capability of distinguishing and own employer, not the
also intended that all work time differentiating contrast between colors on aforementioned Level III.
experience claimed should be in an annual basis or only upon certification
NDT or its related activities.
3. Note ( I ) to Table 6.3.1 (1980
and/or recertification?
Inquiry 81-12
edition) and Table 6.2.IA (1975 Response Paragraph 9.6.l(f) (1975 edition)
edition) indicate that the total NDT The individual should demonstrate states that qualification records should
experience of the candidate may be this capability upon original certification include "copies of current examinations
applied to the requirements for and upon recertification by practical and of grades for all previous
Level II. examination or work performance. examinations and ... " Does the phrase
4. Yes, provided the experience is Normally, recertification occurs at "grades for all previous examinations"
documented to the requirements of three-year intervals. imply grades for examinations by the
the new employer's written practice present employer and/or previous
and the candidate passes the employers and outside agencies?
necessary examinations. Inquiry 81-3
The ASNT examinations for Level III Response
General Comments are referred to as "General" and -Paragraph 9.6.i(f) (I 975 edition)
Please note that experience required "Practical." In the I 980 edition, these are applies to examinations administered by
for Level II includes work at both trainee "Basic" and "Method." May I assume the present employer.
and Level I levels. Work experience this is a change in terminology and that
claimed for Level II should meet the
experience required at these levels.
the examinations are equivalent?
Inquiry 81-13
Response Does on-the-job training in lieu of
classroom training satisfy the requirement
Inquiry 80-14 The ASNT Level III examinations are
for organized training?
titled "Basic" and "Method" as are the
There are certain differences in the designated examinations in SNT-TC-JA
1975 and 1980 editions of SNT-TC-JA. Is (1980 edition). It is intended that the Response
it the intent that individuals qualified to ASNT Level III examinations satisfy the Paragr�ph 7.1 (1980 edition) states that
the 1975 edition be certified as qualified "General" and "Practical" examinations the personnel "should complete sufficient
to the 1980 edition without reexamination of SNT-TC-JA (1975 edition). organized training to become thoroughly
(where examinations have been used as familiar with the principles and practices
the basis for qualification) when an of the specified test method ..." It is
organization chooses to upgrade their Inquiry 81-5 intended that the training be organized
written practice to the 1980 edition? Do the requirements identified in into a definite training program although
Table 6.2.IA (1975 edition) include (a) the form of that training is not specified.
Response required performance of the test method
Yes, it is the intent that individuals
certified to the 1975 edition, whether by
by personnel for certification or (b)
personnel are to be employed where the
Inquiry 81-15
examination or by waiver in accordance test method is being utilized? Paragraph 8.I .I.2 states, "The
with Paragraph 8.5.4 (1 975 edition), are examination should demonstrate the
automatically certified to the 1980 edition Response capability of distinguishing and
when the employer chooses to upgrade his The intent of SNT-TC-JA is clear. differentiating contrast between colors
written practice to the I 980 edition. Actual performance of work in the used in the method." Does the Ishihara
Subsequent recertifications should be to method is required for that time to be color chart satisfy this requirement?
the guidelines of the later edition. claimed as work experience.
Inquiry 80-15 Inquiry 81-9 Any means used to determine the
individual's capabilities of color
What is the definition of "annual" as 1. May the president of an NDT differentiation and distinguishing:
used in SNT-TC-JA (1980 edition), company appoint himself as a ( I ) which actually accomplishes the
Paragraph 8.1.1(4), "The examination Level III provided he is qualified? determination and (2) which is
should be administered on an annual 2. May a Level III qualify N DT satisfactory to the employer and its
basis"? personnel for another company? customer should fulfill this requirement.
Response Response
The intent of this statement is that the
Inquiry 81-16
I . An employer may certify any
examination should be administered employee as Level III provided the Is it the intent of SNT-TC-JA that
every year with the interval between individual has the qualifications employers may prorate classroom training
examinations not to exceed 12 months required by the employer's written hour requirements for personnel with an
from the month of the examination. practice. education level between the educational
2. Yes, he may attest to the levels defined in the document?
Inquiry 81-1 qualifications of an individual in
another company. However, the
Is it the intent of Paragraph 8.2(a2) individual must be certified by his
that individuals demonstrate the
Interpreting SNT-TC-JA I 7
Response (75 percent) in that period in NOT-related considerations." The employer's written
Table 6.3.1 and Paragraph 6.3.2 (1980 activities? practice should designate the Level III
edition) prorate classroom training hours Example: Three months' work time responsible for certification of Level I
based on edu<;ation levels and experience experience credited when a total of at and II individuals and the person
for Levels I, II and III certification. least 132 hours are spent in penetrant responsible for certification of Level III
Prorating between those specified is a testing during a three-calendar-month personnel.
logical progression well within the intent period while the remaining work time
experience (75 percent) in that period is
of the 1975 and 1980 editions.
spent in NDT-related activities. Inquiry 83-1
Table 6.3.1 of SNT-TC-JA (1980
Inquiry 82-1 Response edition) specifies work time experience in
I . Does Paragraph 4.1 (1975 edition) The work time experience guidelines months. Is it acceptable for the
permit qualification and certification of Table 6.2.l(a) (1975 edition) and Table employer's written practice to express
under restrictive conditions, i.e., 6.3.1 (1980 edition) are total, this time in hours based on I 60 hours per
NDT Level 11-R or Level 11-S accumulated work time experience levels. month?
(restricted or surveillance)? In accordance with Inquiry 76- 1, the
2. Do these subdivided levels employer's written practice should Response
referenced in Paragraph 4.1 need to specify the time period over which It is allowable for an employer to
comply with education, training and simultaneous experience shall be credited. define the number of hours that constitute
experience requirements in a month within his written practice.
Paragraph 6 and Table 6.2.1 (a)?
Inquiry 82-6 Whether 160 hours is acceptable is a
contractual matter between the employer
Response SNT-TC-JA (1975 edition), Section and customer.
I . Paragraph 4.1 permits subdivision 8.5.3(a) states: "General Examination -
Thirty questions devised by the examiner
of the basic levels of qualification
for the appropriate method, plus 30 Inquiry 83-2
as needed to fit the employer's
needs. The scope of these questions from the NDT Level II Has the intent of SNT-TC-JA been
subdivisions may be greater or less questions for other applicable NDT satisfied if the employer's written
than the guidelines of SNT-TC-JA. methods, are to be answered." practice states in effect that failure to
2. Education, training and experience I . For each NDT method, must each meet the requirements of Paragraphs
guidelines of Paragraph 6 and Table Level III general examination 10.2(b) or 10.2(c) will necessitate
6.2.l(a) should be modified as contain a minimum of 60 questions? additional training and/or experience as
appropriate to meet the needs of the 2. If Level III general examinations determined by the Level ITI examiner?
subdivisions in accordance with are administered in more than one
Paragraph 4.1. method, is it permissible to not Response
include the 30 Level II questions
This panel cannot comment on the
from other methods (i.e., general
Inquiry 82-3 examinations consist of only
adequacy of an individual written
practice. However, according to Inquiry
30 questions in method under
Do the passing grades for u;vel III 78-4, the written practice should establish
examinations of the 1980 edition (i.e., consideration) and assume that the
the basis for evaluating the amount of
80 percent composite and 70 percent requirements of Section 8.5.3(a)
additional training and/or experience
have been satisfied?
minimum on each examination) satisfy required by an individual not meeting the
the requirements of the 1975 edition (i.e., requirements of I 0.2(b) or 10.2(c).
90 percent and 80 percent, respectively)? Response
Paragraph 8.5.3 (1 975 edition) states
Response that each General Examination should Inquiry 83-3
The passing grades for Level III comprise 60 questions, 30 for the Is it the intent of Paragraph,
examinations in the 1975 edition are appropriate method and 30 NDT Level II SNT-TC-JA (1980 edition) that the
based on the use of Level II questions. questions for other applicable NDT individuals demonstrate the capability of
Grades for the 1980 edition are based on methods. distinguishing and differentiating contrast
the use of Level III questions and are between colors on an annual basis or
considered to meet the guidelines of the Inquiry 82-7 may this be demonstrated upon
1 975 edition.
Who within a corporation is the
employer as the term is used in Response
Inquiry 82-4 SNT-TC-JA?
Per Inquiry 81-1 , it is intended that an
Table 6.3.1 (1980 edition) requires individual should demonstrate the
experience in excess of one month in Response
capability of distinguishing and
certain circumstances. May credit for one No one within the corporation is the differentiating contrast between colors
of those multimonth "specific periods" be employer. The employer is the upon original certification and upon
given if the candidate spends at least corporation as stated in Paragraph 2.1.5: recertification by practical examination
25 percent of the applicable period in the "Employer - The corporate, private or or work performance.
method and the remaining work time public entity which employs personnel
for wages, salary, fees or other
8 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
Inquiry 83-4 company in compliance with
SNT-TC-JA in certifying NDT
self-training program. Please advise if
these materials are acceptable by ASNT
I . Can the nominated Level III personnel to its own written as a home-study course.
examiner qualify other possible practice when those people are not
Level III candidates by the employees of the company but Response
examination? are paid their wages by an outside
2. Can any Level III examiner, ASNT neither accepts nor rejects
agency that does not have an training course materials. The
nominated or not by the company, established written practice?
qualify a possible Level II1 acceptability of any training course is a
2. And a related question: With the contractual decision between the parties
candidate by examination? qualifying practice customarily
3. Are Level III examiners under the involved.
based on documented past
grandfathering scheme accepted by experience, would the previous
ASNT in accordance with certifications be valid when the Inquiry 83-10*
SNT-TC-JA? practitioner has moved from site to
Please interpret the 25 percent rule for
site, qualifying in accordance with
Response a trainee in one method who is also
each company's written practice
performing NDT in a method for which
I . Yes. without having been directly
he is already qualified and certified.
2. No, not unless the Level II1 is employed, in terms of the
nominated by the company and SNT-TC-JA definition, by any of
acting as its agent. them?
3. ASNT makes no differentiation Note (2) of Table 6.3 .1 in the 1980
between Level Ills grandfathered in Response edition of SNT-TC-JA applies only to
accordance with the initial ASNT initial simultaneous certification in two
1. If the company defines with its
program and those taking the or more methods. Inquiry 78-3 states that
written practice the mechanism for
ASNT examinations. an individual seeking certification in only
certifying the individuals not
one method must meet the total work
employed directly by the company,
experience hour requirement for that
Inquiry 83-5 the answer is yes.
• -2. It is the responsibility of the
method even if any other work
Is the intent of Paragraphs and performed by an individual is
employer to verify the validity of of SNT-TC-JA (1980 edition) NDT-related. Therefore, based upon the
previously claimed certifications
to require recertification of personnel above information, an individual seeking
used to determine an individual's
when a new code, specification and/or to be certified and/or upgraded in only
experience in accordance with the
standard is invoked by the employer? one method must meet the total
employer's written practice.
experience hour requirement shown for
Response that method in the employer's written
The specific examinations should
Inquiry 83-8 practice.
*Withdrawn in June 1990. See
cover the codes, specifications and We desire to have a member of Inquiry 89-3.
standards used by an employer at the management for our NDT Level III who,
time of examination. Immediate by virtue of his or her job duties, will not
recertification of individuals based on the have worked as a Level II. Clarification Inquiry 83-11
addition of new codes, specifications or is needed relative to SNT-TC-lA (1980
1. Is it the intent of Paragraph 8.3.3 of
standards would not be required unless edition), Paragraph, or
the 1980 edition of SNT-TC-JA that
deemed necessary by the employer. The employee may also not have
an individual who is certified NDT
However, the examinations should be any previous experience in the particular
Level III in the RT method by
revised to reflect the new materials. discipline. The questions are:
examination including a Basic,
1 . How can a person become a
Method and Specific test needs to
Level III if they have not had a
Inquiry 83-6 Level II assignment?
be administered only the Method
and Specific tests when being
Does the Ishihara Color Perception 2. What types of other experiences
certified for NDT Level III in the
Test fulfill the SNT-TC-1A (1980 edition) could be counted for the Level II
UT method?
requirements for the physical requirements?
2. Is it the intent of Paragraph 8.4.2
examination in Paragraph as that a separate weighting schedule
applicable to radiographers? Response
may be utilized that provides
1 . An individual may be given credit greater weighting values for the
Response for work assignments comparable Method and Specific tests, for the
Yes, the Ishihara Color Perception to that of an NDT Level II in the situation described in [I .] above,
Test is an accepted test to demonstrate applicable test method. than are used when the individual is
the capability of distinguishing and 2. The types of work assignments administered Basic, Method and
differentiating contrast between colors. comparable to the Level II Specific tests for NOT Level III
assignments should be defined by certification?
the employer in his written practice.
Inquiry 83-7 Response
I. In relation to the SNT-TC-JA Inquiry 83-9 I . Yes.
definition of an "employer" and 2. Paragraph 8.4.2 requires the
Paragraphs 5 .I and 9. I: Is a Enclosed please find the cover sheets employer to establish weight
for materials that are used in our
Intt;rpreting SNT-TC-JA I 9
factors or to use simple average the form of a written instruction compliance with Section 8,
grades that are uniformly applied to applicable to a specific calibration, Examinations.
all individuals talcing the same test. specific test and specific evaluation. The 2. The credit hours should be
If your written practice does this, it written instruction must be sufficiently determined by the Level III
is within the intent of SNT-TC-JA. specific and complete to ensure that the responsible for the course as
Level I individual can malce a clear reflected in the employer's written
determination for acceptance. The written procedure.
Inquiry 84-1 instruction shall not permit the Level I
I . Considering the responses in ASNT
Inquiry 77-1, 78-2 and 80-14
individual to interpret any aspect of the
procedure and standards not specifically Inquiry 85-1
regarding recertification, it appears defined in the written instruction. May the recommended experience for
that the correct interpretation of a given method and/or level be reduced
for a candidate having experience and
SNT-TC-JA should be that the
edition applicable to certification
Inquiry 84-3 certification in another examination
by examination should be the If an employee has met the training and method?
edition in effect at the time of experience requirements for a higher level
examination. ls this interpretation of certification with a former employer Response
correct? but was not certified to that level, may a No. Table 6.3.1 (1980 edition) notes
2. Is it consistent with the intent of new employer certify the person to that (1) and (2) relate to NDT-related
SNT-TC-JA that an employer's higher level without additional training activities. Also see Section 3 and
procedure for certification by or experience if all requirements of 1 0.2 Section 6.
examination contain wording that have been met?
the "applicable year of issue (of
SNT-TC-JA) will be the latest in Response Inquiry 85-2
effect at the time of examination"? Yes, provided the training and We request you to clarify whether a
experience are specifically applicable to person qualified as per the 1 975 edition
Response the new employer's requirements, are and renewed once in three years is
I. Yes. Any or all of the editions could documented to the requirements of the required to be requalified by conducting
be referenced in the employer's new employer's written practice and the specific examination as per the 1 984
written practice, depending on the candidate passes the necessary edition. We interpret that the 1 984
specifications or codes to which the examinations. Reference Inquiry 80-12.4. edition is applicable for the personnel
employer must conform in his talcing a qualifying examination for the
business. first time and the qualification of the
2. The key word in this question is Inquiry 84-4 persons qualified prior to August 1 984 is
"consistent." If "consistent" is I . Can home-study (correspondence) not affected.
intended to mean "compatible," the courses allow one to meet the
answer is yes. If the definition of training requirements of Response
"consistent" is taken to mean SNT-TC-IA? Would the course Inquiries 77-1, 77-6, 78-2 and 80-14
"holding always to the same better meet SNT-TC-JA if it established the precedent in principle that
principles or practice," then.the included quizzes which were an individual once certified need not
answer is that SNT-TC-JA does not mailed back to the responsible establish a new certification upon
prohibit such application of "Level III agency" for evaluation, publication of a revised edition of
reference in an employer's written allowing the agency to offer SNT-TC-1A. This interpretation is
practice. Clearly, the tests and direction to the participant? applicable to the publication of all
examinations used by the employer 2. How many hours credit for training editions of SNT-TC-JA, past and present
for certification must reflect the received would the participant be and to future editions provided that
editions referenced in the given? Would this be determined by future editions contain no provisions to
employer's written practice. the authors of the course? the contrary.
Inquiry 84-2 and Inquiry 85-3*
Inquiry 85-5 I . Yes. A home-study or
correspondence course may be used I . Paragraph 6.2.1 ( 1 975 edition)
ls it the intent of SNT-TC-JA to allow toward satisfaction of SNT-TC-JA states, "The experience factor in
a Level I NDT person to perform, recommended training provided it months is based on a normal
evaluate and accept or reject an NDT is organized as a course with 40-hour work week ( 175 per
examination in accordance with written sufficient quizzes to assure an month)." Is it intended that the
procedures and acceptance standards understanding of the material and individual document 8 hours per
without the presence of a Level II NDT that it is specifically described in day for a full calendar month to
person at the time of evaluation or the employer's written practice. obtain the 175 hours?
interpretation? Quizzes associated with a 2. May an individual be certified to
home-study or correspondence Level I in the MT method after
Response course may be used toward working one to three hours per day
A Level I individual may perform the compliance with Paragraph 7 to every day for one month while also
functions as inquired only if the written insure comprehension of training performing regular duties as a
procedure and acceptance standards are in information, but not toward Level II in the PT method?
10 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
3. May time spent in formal training establishing the certification date based Therefore, in strict conformance wlth
beyond minimum requirements be on all qualifications being met regardless SNT-TC-JA ( 1 975 edition), a practical
applied to experience? of the final order of completion? examination is required. Together with
specific examination, the grades may
Response Response constitute from 0 .4 to 0 .6 percentile
I . No. See Inquiry 80-12: The SNT-TC-JA does not recommend a weight factor. There is no
employer's written practice should sequence for completing the various recommended distribution for weight
specify the time period over which requirements for certification. The factors between the Specific and
simultaneous experience should be employer's written practice shall cover Practical Examination. The employer
credited. See also Inquiry 76-1. all phases of certification, but the written may choose any distribution. The
2. Yes, if the working hours in the MT practice need not specify the sequence in response to Inquiry 78-6 states with
method in the month total 44 or which requirements are completed. The regard to 8.6.3, "The specific percentile
more and all other requirements for certification date may not be based on weight factors used should be clearly
certification are satisfied. completion of an individual requirement, stated in the employer's written practice
*Withdrawn in June 1990. See such as an examination, but must be and should be based on the particular
Inquiry 89-3. concurrent with or subsequent to the date needs of the employer."
3. No. It is not intended that formal of completion of all requirements for Paragraph 9 .3 of the SNT-TC-1A
classroom training in excess of certification. (197.5 edition) provides that certification
minimum requirements be shall be based on Paragraphs 6, 7 and 8
substituted for experience. Hours but permits modification of those
spent in hands-on examination in Inquiry 85-7 requirements by the employer's written
excess of minimum training practice. Therefore, the ultimate response
A question has arisen with regard to
requirements may be counted to the inquiry will be determined by the
the validity of "Level III certification by
toward experience when that basis of the content of the employer's
appointment" in the case of the owner of
provision is contained in the written practice.
a company certifying himself.
employer's written practice.
Response Inquiry 85-9
Inquiry 85-4 See Inquiry 81-9. 1 : An employer may I . Can the personnel already approved
certify any employee as Level III by the 1980 edition conduct the test
I. Can an employer, acting as the provided the individual has the
certifying agency, certify a of both eddy current testing and
qualifications required by the employer's magnetic leakage flux testing
Level III individual to SNT-TC-JA written practice.
criteria if that individual is a without any additional education
self-employed consultant? and/or qualification test?
2. If so, what method of certification Inquiry 85-8 2. If not, can the personnel already
approved by the 1980 edition
should be used and what objective
evidence should be available? Paragraph 8.6.3(C-2) of SNT-TC-JA conduct the testing of only the eddy
(1975 edition) requires a percentile current test? Is qualification based
weight factor 0.4 to 0.6 for on the 1980 edition effective only
Specific-Practical NDT Level III concerning the eddy current test? If
I . Yes. A self-employed consultant examination grades. Is it acceptable to it is effective, is it necessary that
qualifies as an employee within the interpret this paragraph as follows? the personnel already approved by
intent of 2.1 .5 and 2.1.7. either the 1980 edition or the 1984
2. The employer's written practice Examination Weight Factor edition be identified respectively?
should describe a method of General 0.5 Wg
certification in accordance with the Specific 0.5 Ws Response
provisions of SNT-TC-JA. The Practical N/A Wp
objective evidence should be as l . To be qualified and certified in the
magnetic flux leakage method,
described in the employer's written Response personnel shall receive additional
practice and should include
In strict conformance with the education and a qualification
evidence of education, training,
recommendations contained in the examination in accordance with
experience and appropriate
SNT-TC-JA (1975 edition), the following SNT-TC-JA.
apply to Level III examination and 2. Personnel certified in the eddy
certification: 8.5.3(c) Practical current method in accordance with
Inquiry 85-5 Examination Proficiency shall be SNT-TC-JA (1980 edition) are
demonstrated in selecting, specifying and qualified to perform only the eddy
See Inquiry 84-2. writing specifications and/or procedures current method. The certification
for the performance of the applicable record for an individual should
Inquiry 85-6 nondestructive tests using appropriate indicate the edition of SNT-TC-JA
reference material. applicable at the time of
Is it the intent of SNT-TC-IA that examination.
qualification requirements such as visual 8.6.3(c) NDT Level Ill
acuity, color vision and sufficient work Examination Grades:
experience be completed before the General 0.4 to 0.6
examination date and that the Specific-Practical 0.4 to 0.6
examination date be used as the final
certification date in lieu of the employer
Interpr�ting SNT-TC-JA \ 1 1
Inquiry 86-1 4.3.2. While it is good practice to
perform all NDT in accordance with a
3. If an individual is "internally"
certified as a Level m in Company
If an inspector has been given an eye written procedure, SNT-TC-JA only A, can that individual act as an
examination and found to have a prescribes written documents for the "external" Level III authority for
red/green color deficiency, can he be control and administration of NOT Company B and administer exams
qualified to perform magnetic particle personnel training, examination and for Level I and II personnel in
testing and liquid penetrant testing certification. See Paragraph 5 . 1 . It does Company B?
providing the following color test is not prescribe that there exist a written
administered by a Level III? procedure applicable to each examination Response
I . Magnetic particle: a test shall be performed. The participation of ASNT 1 . No, as established by a precedent of
conducted using welds with known Level III is not a requirement under any Inquiry 86-2, though on a slightly
discontinuities to assure their aspect of SNT-TC-JA. different subject. ''The participation
detection. A second test of of ASNT Level III (i.e., a holder of a
production welds shall be given to
evaluate the inspector's ability to Inquiry 86-3 valid ASNT Level III certificate) is
not a requirement under any aspect
distinguish between relevant and Regarding the need for reexamination of SNT-TC-JA." The employer's
nonrelevant indications. The of Level II technician on changing written practice should specify the
inspector's certification shall be employers, it is our belief that provided requirements.
restricted to using only those colors that evidence exists of an examination to 2. No. See Inquiry 85-7.
used in the above tests, such as SNT-TC-JA rules, the new employer may 3. Considering the response to
black powder, gray powder and/or recertify the technician to the previously Inquiry 81 -9.2 and Inquiry 83-4.1
orange powder. attained level providing he is satisfied and 83-4.2, the answer is yes,
2. Liquid penetrant: a test shall be that the technician meets the other provided the Level III is acting as
conducted using welds with known conditions set by ASNT, regarding period Company B's agent.
discontinuities to assure their of employment and date of recertification.
detection. A second test of
production welds shall be given to Response Inquiry 86-7
evaluate the inspector's ability to
Inquiry 78-4.1 and Inquiry 80-9 It is requested that clarification be
distinguish between relevant and
established the precedent that the provided regarding whether an
irrelevant indications.
examination referred to in Paragraph individual qualified in accordance with
IO .2 be administered by the "new" the 1984 edition is also qualified in
Response accordance with previous editions of
employer or obtain copies of the
The color vision examinations examinations taken by the candidate at SNT-TC-JA, as referred by the ASME
described are in compliance with the the previous employer. This step is Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code.
intent of the SNT-TC-JA (1980 edition), necessary to ensure the quality of the
Paragraph 8 . 1 . 1 .2 as well as the same examinations and to meet the Response
paragraph of the 1 984 edition and documentation needs of Inquiry 85-2 established the
Paragraph 8.2(a2) of the 1975 edition Paragraph precedent that an individual once
and with prior Inquiry 78- 1 1 .2 and
certified need not recertify to another
Inquiry 8 1 - 1 5 . The examination� should
be documented in the written practice Inquiry 86-5 edition of SNT-TC-JA. However, as
addressed in Inquiry 84-1 , "Any or all
required by Section 5 of those editions. 1 . It is, of course, clear from editions [of SNT-TC-JA] could be
SNT-TC-JA that a company can use referenced in the employer's written
Inquiry 86-2 an external Level III authority to
conduct Level I and Level II
practice," depending upon the
specification or code referencing
May a Level II as per ASNT examinations and to underwrite its SNT-TC-JA to interpret what is required.
guidelines SNT-TC-JA legally inspect, for own certification procedures. I have If the individual is certified to the latest
example, the lifting devices of an always assumed that this Level III edition of SNT-TC-JA, they are also
industrial plant without a written authority should be officially considered to meet the
procedure and a report of approval of an certified by ASNT and his name recommendations of earlier editions.
ASNT Level III? would therefore appear on a current
list of such persons, issued annually
Response by you. Is this correct? Inquiry 87-1
The question of whether or not 2. It is also possible for a company to In accordance with the intent of
compliance with any provision of certify its own internal Level III SNT-TC-JA (1975, 1 980 and 1984
SNT-TC-JA is legally necessary is authority "with or without an editions), is it acceptable to allow credit
beyond the scope of SNT-TC-JA and examination" provided it meets toward RT Level I qualification and
must be determined in the laws, codes other requirements of SNT-TC-JA certification for RT work time
and standards applicable to the facility of and of its own written practice. If experience which has been acquired
material being inspected. In situations an examination is administered, I while working as a trainee with and
where SNT-TC-JA is applicable, an NDT have assumed that it should at least under the direct supervision of certified
Level II may interpret and evaluate be carried out by an external Level I RT technicians who have met all
results with respect to the applicable authority certified at Level III by federal and/or agreement state
codes, standards and specifications and ASNT. Is this a true assumption? requirements for qualifications and
may report the results, as provided in designation as industrial radiographers?
12 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
Response qualifier of experience pursuant to contracting agency. ASNT's position is
Yes, provided the Level I receives the Level III certification? that there is no "equivalent" to ASNT
necessary instructions or supervision 2. Should maintenance of a valid Level III certification.
from a certified Level II or III Level II cert.ification over the
required qualifying time be
individual. See Paragraph 4.3.1.
Paragraph 4.2 of the 1975, 1980 and considered to satisfy Paragraph Inquiry 87-5
1984 editions of SNT-TC-JA states, " A 6.3.2 of SNT-TC-IA without A Level II is terminated from
trainee should work with a 'certified' computation or criteria regarding Company A and is employed by
individual ..." This certified individual the percent of time spent working in Company B as a trainee. Eight months
may be a Level I, II or III. Also, per the method? after termination, Company B certifies
Paragraph 4.3.2, "The NDT Level II ... the employee to Level II.
should exercise assigned responsibility Response I. May an employee working at a
for on-the-job training and guidance of 1. It is intended that 100 percent of the lower NDT level be upgraded to his
trainees and NDT Level I personnel." experience time specified in former NDT level without
The employer's written practice should Paragraphs or or retraining?
detail the requirements for the trainee's 63.2.3 be met in each applicable test 2. When certifying personnel in
work time experience. The certified method. The 25 percent rule of accordance with Paragraph 9.3, may
Level I RT technician who has met Note 3 in Table 6.3.1 is not training and experience documented
federal and/or agreement state intended to apply to 6.3.2. Note, by a former employer be considered
requirements as an industrial radiographer however, as stated in Paragraph in satisfying the criteria of
is outside the scope of SNT-TC-JA. 6.3.2, "When the individual is Paragraph 6.3?
qualified by examination, the above
Inquiry 87-2 requirements may be partially
replaced by experience as a I . Inquiry 84-3 established the
Does ASNT consider it "acceptable" certified NDT Level II, or in precedent that once an individual
for an NDT training school to hold a assignments at least comparable to has met the certifying employer's
"written practice" and train, examine and NDT Level II, in other methods ... required training, even if the
certify individuals to that written as defined in the employer's written training were attained while
practice? practice." The employer's written working for another employer, it is
practice should specify the not necessary to repeat the training.
Response requirements. Based on this, the trainee could be
No, unless the certified employee is a 2. No. The intent of the experience certified to the former level.
bona fide employee of the educational requirement of Paragraph 6.3.2 is However, this assumes that all of
institution. SNT-TC-IA, Paragraph 1.3 that the candidate should be the certifying employer's written
states, "These guidelines have been actively working and acquiring practice requirements are satisfied.
developed ... to aid employers in progressive experience in the It should further be noted that based
recognizing the essential factors to be methods for which certification is on Paragraph 10.2.3 of SNT-TC-IA
considered in qualifying employees ..." sought. Just "maintaining" a valid (which requires recertification
Paragraph 2.1.5 defines employer as: certification does not meet this within six months of termination),
"The corporate, private or public entity intent. The employer's written certification eight months after
which employs personnel for wages, practice should specify the termination does not comply with
salary, fees or other considerations." An requirements regarding qualifying the stated conditions. The
educational institution can serve as an work time experience. employer's written practice should
"employer" and, as addressed in address this matter.
Paragraph 5. I, establish a "written Inquiry 87-4 2. Yes. See Inquiry 80- 1 2.4 and
Inquiry 84.3.
practice." The employer's written practice
should address the basis for qualification A candidate has met the "established
and published" requirements for
and certification.
certification as Level III by a group other Inquiry 87-6
than ASNT. The scores were graded to Is it intended that an individual with a
Inquiry 87-3 the requirements of MIL-STD-410 and four-year degree in NDT or any four-year
Paragraph 6.0 of SNT-TC-/A (1985 SNT-TC-IA. Although not certified by scientific degree from an accredited
edition) establishes recommendations ASNT, could scores based on college and three years as a certified
with respect to education, training and SNT-TC-IA requirements be acceptable Level Il, who has not been performing
experience pursuant to initial by a contracting agency as equivalent to NDT examinations on a daily basis in the
qualification. Table 6.3.1 lists ASNT certification, if all other particular method he or she is seeking
recommended training and experience requirements are met? Level III qualifications, but has been
pertaining to Level I and Level IL The actively involved in the day-to-day
25 percent rule is found in Note 3 to this Response technical operations of a major NDT
table, but not elsewhere in SNT-TC-JA. As stated in SNT-TC-IA, Paragraph organization, i.e., calibration block
I. What percent of a candidate's time 9. I , "Certification of all levels of NDT development, procedure writing (in the
is intended to be required (in the personnel is the responsibility of the method which he or she is seeking
same sense that the word "required" employer." Whether a contracting agency Level III) and involvement in other NDT
is used in the heading of accepts the scores as being equivalent to operations in the organization, be
Paragraph 6 of SNT-TC-IA) as a ASNT is solely up to the employer's required to spend 25 percent of the
Inte,rpreting SNT-TC-JA I 13
preceding 12 months involved in the Inquiry 88-2 employer's Level III examiner -
meet the recommendation of
particular method in which he or she is
seeking qualifications as Level III? When the recommendations of SNT-TC-JA for closed book written
SNT-TC-JA (1975 through 1 984 editions) examinations?
Response have been made mandatory requirements
in the employer's written practice, as is Response
See Inquiry 87-3. often required by other agencies, and 1. No. This is a minimum. Other
when personnel have been certified by a specifications may be covered at
Inquiry 88-1 new employer under SNT-TC-JA
Paragraph 10.2, what records must the
the employer's option.
I. In accordance with the intent of 2. No. Specifications used by the
new employer obtain to satisfy himself employer should be covered as a
SNT-TC-JA (1975, 1980 and 1984 that the requirements of 10.2 have been
editions), may an employer prepare minimum. Other specifications may
met? be included at the employer's
a written practice which permits
Level III leak test qualification and option.
Response 3. No. Questions which can be
certification in three, two or even
one of the four leak testing Response to Inquiry 77-10 states: answered directly from necessary
techniques identified in Table 6.3.l "The specific documentation to be data, such as graphs, tables,
of SNT-TC-JA? furnished by new employees and past specifications, procedures, codes,
2. When a limited Level III leak test employers and the means for obtaining etc., may demonstrate an ability to
certification in three, two or even documentation is referenced in utilize the material but do not
one of the four leak testing Paragraphs 9.6 and 10.2 of SNT-TC-JA. demonstrate an appropriate
techniques is intended, may the Details should be included in the knowledge of the equipment,
questions used in the Level III employer's written practice." Paragraph operating procedures and NDT
Method and specific examination 1.2 of SNT-TC-IA identifies the fact that techniques that the individual may
be selected primarily or even the document (SNT-TC-IA) provides encounter.
exclusively for the leak testing guidelines for the establishment of a
qualification and certification program. If
techniques for which the limited
certification will apply? an employer's written practice is made Inquiry 89-2
mandatory by another agency, it is If specific examination questions are
Response ASNT's position that the extent of taken directly from the data provided,
compliance to Paragraphs 9.6 and 10.2 such as applicable procedures or codes,
1. Yes. Inquiry 82-1 established the must be addressed in the employer's does this meet the implied definition of a
precedent: (a) Paragraph 4.1 (1975 written practice to the degree necessary "closed book" examination, assuming all
edition) permits subdivision of the to satisfy that agency. questions were selected and approved by
basic levels of qualification as the responsible Level III?
needed to fit the employer's needs;
the scope of these subdivisions may Inquiry 89-1 Response
be greater or Jess than the I . Is it the intent of SNT-TC-JA that
guidelines of SNT-TC-JA; and (b) No. See Inquiry 89-1.3 and
specific examination questions about Inquiry 77-5.
education, training and experience specifications, codes and acceptaJ!Ce
guidelines of Paragraph 6 ahd Table criteria be limited to those used
6.2.l(a) should be modified to meet General Comments
during specific assignments?
the needs of the subdivisions in 2. Do specific examination questions The term "closed book" in
accordance with Paragraph 4.1. that are designed to demonstrate an Paragraphs 8.5, 8.3, 8.3 and 8.7 of the
Note: Table 6.2.l(a) in the applicant's ability to comprehend 1975, 1980, 1984 and the 1988 editions
1975 edition was renumbered as and utilize specifications, codes and (respectively) of SNT-TC-JA should be
Table 6.3.l in the 1980 edition. acceptance criteria similar to those interpreted with the degree of flexibility
Paragraph 4.1 was revised also in used by an employer in his needed to make it fit the employer's
the 1980 edition. However, the nondestructive testing procedure - situation, as required by Paragraph 1.4 of
intent has remained consistent in all but are not directly applicable to the SNT-TC-JA.
three editions. procedures used for specific The intent of SNT-TC-IA
2. Yes. Paragraph 4.1 permits the assignments - meet the intent of examinations is to determine that the
subdivision of the basic levels of SNT-TC-JA? candidate is capable of correctly applying
qualifications as needed to fit the 3. Do specific examination questions the necessary information to real testing
employer's needs; thus, it would be that are designed to demonstrate an situations.
considered appropriate to select applicant's ability to comprehend Furthermore, it is generally considered
method examination questions and utilize specifications, codes and good practice for personnel to refer to the
specifically for the particular leak acceptance criteria similar to those applicable graphs, tables, codes and
testing techniques for which a used by an employer in his or her standards while conducting tests in order
limited certification is being sought. nondestructive testing procedure - to reduce the potential for error. For an
For basic examinations, other but are formulated in such a manner employer who uses such good practices,
techniques of leak testing, as well that every question in the specific it would be unreasonable and
as other nondestructive test examination may be answered inconsistent with the intent of
methods should be covered in directly by reviewing the reference SNT-TC-JA to give examinations without
accordance with material (NDT procedure, charts, allowing the use of pertinent reference
Paragraph 8.3.3.l(e). graphs, etc.) provided by the
14 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
material when this reference material is practice added no further requirements in related to the ability to interpret
provided by the designated examiner. addition to those in SNT-TC-JA. codes, standards and specifications
However, when use of reference generally related to method (not
specific to the employer) may be
material with an examination is
permitted, the examination questions Inquiry 89-4 included as part of the Level III
should require the exercise of judgment, In the 1968, 1975, 1980 and 1984 method examination.
analysis or computation to the degree editions of SNT-TC-IA, an employer may 2. No. As noted above, this is a matter
needed to demonstrate the candidate's waive examinations for the Level III and for the employer's written practice
ability to deal satisfactorily with real thereby "certify" the individual by and depends upon the details of
testing situations. It would not meet the appointment. what is expected of the Level II by
intent of SNT-TC-JA if the examination There is no such provision in the 1988 that employer.
could be passed by simply finding, in the edition. However, it is implied by the
reference material, the correct piece of
data or the particular sentence needed to
statement in Paragraph 6 .3.2: "When the
individual (Level III) is qualified by
Inquiry 89-6
answer the questions. examination ..." Is it the intent of SNT-TC-JA to permit
May the employer waive examination administration of the certification
for the Level Ill and be in compliance examination prior to commencing the
Inquiry 89-3* with the intent of SNT-TC-IA (1988 experience time for a certain level? For
Based on a review of published edition)? example, an individual completes the
inquiries in the 1988 Redi-Reference recommended training and the general,
Guide (Materials Evaluation, Vol. 46, Response specific and practical examinations for
No. 2), there appears to be a conflict and Level I. The experience time then
It is intended by the 1988 edition of
an open item related to Inquiry 83-10 and commences and at the completion of the
SNT-TC-IA that all Level Ills initially
Inquiry 85-3.2. minimum experience period, certification
certified after issuance of the 1988 becomes effective as of that date.
Inquiry 83-10 restated: "Please edition of SNT-TC-1 A be qualified by
interpret the 25 percent rule for a trainee examination.
in one method who is also performing Also see Inquiry 90-2 and
NDT in a method for which he is already Inquiry 92-2. SNT�TC-IA states in Paragraph 5.1:
qualified and certified." "The employer shall establish a written
*Withdrawn by interpretation panel practice for the control and
action (June 1990). Inquiry 89-5 administration of NDT personnel
Inquiry 85-3.2 restated: "May an I . Because Level III personnel training, examination and certification."
individual be certified to Level I in the primarily interpret codes and The time of examination should be
MT method after working one to three specifications and Level II specified in the employer's written
hours per day every day for one month personnel generally follow practice.
while also performing regular duties as a approved procedures, shouldn't However, it is difficult to understand
Level II in the PT method?" Level III specific examinations how an individual requiring experience
*Withdrawn by interpretation panel consist mostly of questions that test in order to become qualified can
action (June 1990). the candidate's ability to interpret satisfactorily pass an appropriately
codes and specifications rather than difficult practical examination prior to
Response procedures which the candidate, in obtaining the necessary experience. If an
(Reconsideration ofInquiry 83-10) fact, may have written? employer believes that this is satisfactory
The intent is that a full-time inspector 2. Should the Level II specific under some circumstances, these
working in more than one method may examination deal more with the circumstances should be clearly specified
simultaneously receive full-time requireme·nts and acceptance in the employer's written practice.
experience credit for all methods in criteria contained in the procedures
which he is pursuing certification if at
least 25 percent of his work time is spent
which will be used by the candidate
rather than questions from codes
Inquiry 89-7
in each method for which he is claiming and specifications from which the In reference to the SNT-TC-IA (1984
credit. The remainder of his work time procedures are developed? edition), we want to know if the words
must be spent in other NDT or "should" and "shall" have a specific
NOT-related activities, as a trainee or as Response definition. If these words have a specific
a certified inspector and as defined in his definition, what is the scope of each?
I. No. This is a matter which should
employer's written practice. Example: A be detailed in the employer's
PT Level II, with no UT experience, written practice. The examination Response
begins to accumulate experience toward should include questions that test No. The words "should" and "shall" do
UT qualification with the goal of the candidate's knowledge of not have a specific definition applicable
becoming a UT Level II. He works procedures, as well as questions to the 1984 edition of SNT-TC-JA.
25 percent of his time in UT and the related to equipment and techniques The implied intent of these words
remainder in PT. Under these conditions, applicable to the employer's initially was that "shall" was used to
he would have the necessary experience product and methods, to the express the importance of a particular
to qualify as a UT Level I after three administration of the employer's function or activity to be considered by
months elapsed time and as a UT written practice and to codes, an employer in the written practice,
Level II after nine additional months specifications and standards whereas "should" was intended to denote
elapsed time if his employer's written directly applicable to the a suggested or recommended function or
employer's activities. Questions activity which could or should be
Intewreting SNT-TC-JA I 15
considered for inclusion in an employer's Response enough ability to be able to certify
written practice. The answer to your question from an another individual"?
A conflict in the intended usage of NCB standpoint is no. The reason why is
these two verbs was introduced by a stated above: the ASNT Level m Response
regulatory body which interprets the Program is a separate activity I. The inference of the statement
words "shall" and "should" when used in '
administered by Board-appointed "Signature of Designated
their code as "shall" meaning mandatory members through headquarters and is not Representative," in Paragraph
and "should" being preferred. governed by SNT-TC-JA. Due to the of SNT-TC-JA ( 1 980
To further clarify ASNT's position on nature of the examinations and because edition), is that whoever is
the use of these words in the context of of confidentiality requirements, no one identified by the employer in their
SNT-TC-JA, the 1988 edition of but NCB members have access to these written practice as the designated
SNT-TC-JA now defines "shall" and examinations. representative, may sign the record
"should" in Section 2.1 as of certification.
"(8) Shall: a verb used to express the 2. No. Paragraph 4.3.3 of SNT-TC-JA
minimum recommended guidelines for Inquiry 89-11 (1980 edition), states ASNT's
most employers' qualification and recommendations for an employer
I . Can one waive the training
certification programs; this is intended to to consider when selecting their
requirement on the basis of
express what is mandatory by law or Level III. The last sentence specifies
previous documentable work
regulation. that a Level III should be familiar
experience and test by examination
"(9) Should: a verb used to express the with other methods and should be
for certification?
desired guidelines for most employers' qualified by experience and
2. Can one waive the training
qualification and certification programs." training. The intent is to train and
requirements on the basis of
previous documentable examine Level I and Level II
Inquiry 89-8 certification, for certification? personnel for certification in the
methods in which he or she is
See SNT-TC-JA (1988 edition), Response qualified. This is further clarified in
Section 4.3. Can an N DT Level II SNT-TC-JA (1988 edition),
establish a specific technique he or she I. No. Training cannot be waived.
Paragraph 4.3.3, which states, "The
will use in an NDT method with an Training and experience are
N DT Level III, in methods in
approved general procedure without different elements of qualification.
which certified, should be capable
approval of an NDT Level Ill? Training is a required segment of
of training and examining NDT
qualification with recommended
Level I and II personnel for
Response times related to education levels.
certification in those methods."
Work experience and examinations
This issue should be addressed by the are the other elements considered in
employer's written practice. The
employee must be qualified to perform
qualification for certification. Inquiry 90-2
2. No. The employer must evaluate the
the work to be accomplished. elements of previous certification to I . Is it the intent of ASNT that all
determine whether the elements of Level III personnel certified to the
Inquiry 89-10 the current employer's program 1988 edition be examined?
2. In accordance with SNT-TC-JA
have been satisfied by a previous
It has been determined that the subject employer's program. (1988 edition), an employer
question as submitted does not constitute certifies his corporate Level III by
a request for clarification of a stated examination through an outside
SNT-TC-JA recommendation. The Inquiry 90-1 service. However, the outside
question addresses the ASNT Level rn I. Paragraph 9.6. I . IO states:
service's Level III was certified by
program administered by ASNT under the appointment to SNT-TC-JA (1984
"Signature of Designated
direction of the Level Ill Program edition). Is the employer's Level III
Representative." Should the
Committee or, after 1990, through the certification valid to the 1 988
employer's representative signing
National Certification Board (NCB). The SNT-TC-JA?
for certification be a certified
Level IIl program is an administrative Level III examiner in the specific
function and is a separate entity from Response
discipline or can it be signed by an
SNT-TC-JA. Therefore, this inquiry is not individual with no certification in I. Yes. As stated in the response to
considered a valid request for that discipline but is a certified Inquiry 89-4, " ... It is intended by
interpretation. Level III examiner in a different the 1988 edition of SNT-TC-IA that
However, in response to your concern NDT process? all Level Ills initially certified after
the interpretation panel answers the '
2. Paragraph 4.3.3 states in part that issuance of the 1 988 edition of
following question: Do electric utilities "... the NDT Level III should have SNT-TC-JA be qualified by
that employ personnel who have been general familiarity with other examination." See Inquiry 89-4 and
certified to perl'orm nondestructive appropriate NDT methods and Inquiry 92-2.
examination in accordance with should be qualified to train and 2. Yes, provided the employer has
SNT-TC-JA routinely audit the examine NDT Level I and Level II assured that the examination
certification process of ASNT? If not, personnel for certification." Does services are in accordance with the
why? the general familiarity with other employer's written practice per
appropriate NDT methods mean "a Paragraph 9.5 of SNT-TC-JA ( 1 988
Level III [is] required to have edition).
16 I Interpreting SNT-TC-IA
Inquiry 90-3 Response Inquiry 91-4
Paragraph 4.3.3 in SNT-TC-/A (1988 As previously stated in the response to According to SNT-TC-IA ( 1 984
edition) states that the NDT Level III Inquiry 87-3, it is intended that edition), when an employee has been
"shall have a general familiarity with l00 percent of the work experience time tested to Level III requirements by an
other appropriate NDT methods, as specified in Paragraph 6.3.2 be met in outside agency and certified as a
demonstrated by the ASNT Level III each applicable test method prior to Level III by his or her employer on the
basic examination or by other means." certification. basis of these tests:
I . Is it the intent of SNT-TC-/A that When the individual is qualified by 1 . Can the employee be recertified
"other means" be "written examination, the above requirements based on the employer's statement
examination administered by a may be partially replaced by experience of continuing satisfactory
Level III"? as a certified NDT Level II or by performance?
2. Is it the intent of SNT-TC-/A that assignments at least comparable to NOT 2. What constitutes "evidence of
"other means" be "examinations, Level II in other methods listed in continuing satisfactory
written or practical, administered Section 3 of this Recommended Practice performance"?
by a Level III"? as defined in the employer's written 3. Must the certification be given by
practice. another NDT Level III employed
Response by the company or may it be given
No. The intent of the statement "other Inquiry 91-2 by a company official?
means" is to provide the user of Does Recommended Practice No.
SNT-TC-1A with sufficient latitude under Response
SNT-TC-IA (1984 edition) exclude an
Paragraph 1.4 to identify specifically employer from developing its written 1 . Paragraph 9.7.1 of SNT-TC-IA
how they would evaluate the extent of a practice utilizing visual examination as allows for recertification with
Level Ill's general knowledge of other an NDT method? evidence of continuing satisfactory
NDT methods, as defined in his written performance. An employee may be
practice. Response recertified with evidence of
continuing satisfactory performance
No. As previously stated in the
Inquiry 90-4* response to Inquiry 7 8-7 and 80-8, the
if addressed in the employer's
written practice.
Is it acceptable for a candidate for intent of Paragraph 1.4 is to provide the 2. The intent of "evidence of
Level III certification under SNT-TC-/A employer adequate flexibility to continuing satisfactory
( 1 988 edition) to be qualified on the accommodate a variety of special needs performance" in Paragraph 9 .7.1 of
basis of demonstrated ability, as documented in a written practice. SNT-TC-/A is that the employer
achievement, experience and education shall have objective evidence of an
in lieu of qualification by examination as Inquiry 91-3 individual's satisfactory perfor
stated in Paragraph 9.6(g)? mance during the previous certifi
May a Level III or his designated cation period of the appropriate
Response representative administer eye duties outlined in the employer's
examinations? According to written practice.
No. Paragraph 8.8 specifically requires Paragraph 8. 1 , a Level Ill or his 3. As previously stated in the response
that a Level III candidate be qualified by designated representative shall to Inquiry 90-1, the inference of the
examination. Paragraph 9 .6(g) addresses administer and grade the examinations statement "signature of designated
the content of the qualification records specified in Section 8.3 to 8.8. Paragraph representative" in Paragraph
file to be maintained by the employer of 8.2 (which covers eye exams) is not 9.6. l . 1 0 is that whoever is
certified personnel. addressed in this statement nor are any identified by the employer in their
*This Response was reconsidered. See qualified individuals addressed in 8.2. written practice as the designated
Inquiry 92-2. Also see Inquiry 89-4 and Should Paragraph 8.1 read "8.2 through representative may sign the record
Inquiry 90-2. 8.8" or are Level Ills not permitted to of certification.
administer eye exams and if so, who is?
Inquiry 91-1 Response Inquiry 91-5
Assuming 2,100 hours are worked
As previously stated in the response to Is it the intent of Table 6.3. I (1984
each year, is it the intent of Paragraph
Inquiry 78-1 1 , it is intended that edition) that, for initial certification to
6.3.2 that a candidate should work
Level III personnel be allowed to Level III PT, the recommended three
2,100 hours to claim one year of
administer the near-distance vision acuity months of experience must be
experience or that a candidate should
examination. However, if the employer accumulated in consecutive months?
have been active in the methods during
elects to use other methods of vision Assuming the individual is being certified
the year?
examination, it may be necessary to use directly to Level II, does not perform
Example: A candidate works 2 hours
personnel with other specialized NDT full time and the 25 percent rule
per month (24 hours) as a Level II in PT
qualifications to administer the cannot be applied.
and 173 hours per month (2,076 hours)
in other methods. At the end of the year, examination. The employer should
include details of the qualifications Response
the candidate claims one-year experience
in PT. required of examiners in the written No. As stated in Paragraph 6.3.1, the
practice. intent of Table 6.3.1 is to list the
recommended training and experience
factors to be considered by the employer
Interpreting SNT-TC-1A I 17
' '
in establishing written practices for initial "Certification of NDT personnel shall be 3. In the case of Level III certification
qualification of Level I and Level II based on demonstration of satisfactory by appointment, dated June 6,
individuals. There is no provision to limit qualification in accordance with 1990, would this example be valid?
the time period over which the Sections 6, 7 and 8, as modified by the
experience may be credited. employer's written practice." Response
Therefore, a candidate for Level Ill 1. Yes.
Inquiry 92-1 could be qualified on the basis of
demonstrated ability, achievement,
2. SNT-TC-JA is a recommended
guideline. As such, it is to be used
Please clarify the response to Inquiry experience, and education in lieu of by employers in developing their
78-4, question 2, as it applies to examination, if specifically addressed in own requirements. Therefore, the
SNT-TC-JA (1975 edition). the employer's written practice. employer may accept the appointed
1. Is it necessary for the recertification Also see Inquiry 89-4 and Level III certification of the 1984
of a previously qualified and Inquiry 90-2. edition as satisfying the 1988
certified individual to obtain further edition, if specified within the
experience in the applicable method,
in addition to refresher training?
Inquiry 93-1 employer's written practice. See the
response to Inquiry 85-2 and
2. If a written practice contains a Is it the intent of Paragraph 9.7.3 that Inquiry 86-7.
provision to administer only any time a certified employee attempts a 3. Yes, see the response to
additional training prior to the certification examination in the method Inquiry 92-2.
examination process, would the certified and fails, his current
intent of Paragraph 10.2 be certification shall be revoked?
satisfied? Example: A Level I employee was Inquiry 93-3
issued a certification with a three-year NDT technicians are employees of the
Response expiration date. Two years after state. The state's register has identified
1 . As previously stated in the response certification he attempts a Level II the "Qualification and Certification
to Inquiry 78-4, when an individual examination and fails. Is the Level I Committee" as being responsible for the
has proof of prior certification but certification still valid or should the qualification and certification of NDT
has not worked in the method employee be reexamined in accordance personnel. In addition, the committee is
within the immediate six months with Paragraph 8 .l 0 prior to allowed to approve and use testing
prior to termination or the reinstatement of his certification? centers for examinations.
individual is being recertified after If the NDT technicians work for a
more than six months have passed Response subsidiary of a corporation, who does
since termination, additional The intent of Paragraph 9.7.3 is to ASNT recognize as the employer for the
training and experience is allow an employer to reexamine an sake of certification?
recommended. Whether or not individual at any time (employer's
additional training or experience is discretion) for the purpose of extending Response
necessary must be determined and an existing certification (i.e., recertify an It is against ASNT policy to judge on
detailed in the employer's written individual to the same method and level) the applicability of employer policies and
practice. or for revoking an existing certification. documents.
2. Paragraph 10.2 addresseS' specific The specific details of extending or• The SNT-TC-JA Interpretation Panel
conditions for the recertification of revoking an existing certification must be was established to respond to written
terminated Level I or Level IIs documented in the employer's written inquiries about Recommended Practice
solely by examination. Inquiry 78-4 practice. No. SNT-TC-JA, Personnel Qualification
addresses the general In the example, since a higher level and Certification in Nondestructive
recommendations for recertifying certification was attempted and failed, Testing. The responses clarify the intent
individuals who do not meet the the existing lower level certification of ASNT's Technical and Education
requirements of 10.2. The would be considered valid for the Council and recommendations of
employer's written practice must remainder of the certification period. SNT-TC-JA.
detail such provisions in
accordance with Paragraph 1.4.
Inquiry 93-2 Inquiry 93-4
Inquiry 92-2 Section 8 .8, part 4 and part 5 refer to a
valid ASNT Level III certificate.
If an individual is certified as a
Level I in MT and is progressing to
Based on a review of inquiries I . Is the ASNT Level III certificate Level II certification per the 1980 edition
published in Materials Evaluation , the endorsement limited to persons of SNT-TC-JA, does the individual need
following text is provided to clarify an tested by ASNT? an additional three months of experience
earlier response. 2. A person was appointed as a or are only two months of experience
Level III in June 1988, in needed since the individual already
Response accordance with the recommended acquired one month of experience for
(Reconsideration ofInquiry 90-4) guidelines of the 1 984 edition Level I?
SNT-TC-JA (1 988 edition) SNT-TC-IA for a five-year period.
recommends that a candidate for Is that person meeting the
Level III be qualified by examination. "requirements" of the 1988 edition
However, Section 9.3 states through May of 1993?
18 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
Response personnel training, examination, and 3. No. Level I certification is valid
Yes, the individual will require an certification." The employer's written until the expiration date. At that
_additional three months of experience. practice should identify who is time, the individual should be
responsible for the administration and recertified according to the
grading of examinations. It should also employer's guidelines. See
Inquiry 94-1 identify the method used to identify a Inquiry 85-2, Inquiry 86-7 and
Level lll's designated representative. Inquiry 93-2.2. Based on Sections 5
Please clarify ASNT's intent regarding
When not specifically addressed in the and 9 of SNT-TC-JA, certification
the phrase, "assignment comparable to
written practice, designation of a of all levels of NDT personnel is
that of an NDT Level II" as it related to
representative becomes wholly the the responsibility of the employer.
SNT-TC-JA, 1984 edition, Paragraph
responsibility of the NDT Level III. A
6.3.2.l . I interpret this statement to
mean: even though an individual has a
Level Ill's signature on the examination
or certification may be accepted as Inquiry 96-2
four-year degree in science or
designation. Is it the intent of SNT-TC-JA that any
engineering, he/she should also have the
"documented" NDT training and individual examination grade less than
experience commensurate with that of a Inquiry 96-1 70 percent should be considered a failing
Level II. This documented training
should follow the guidelines established I. [Ref: 8.8.l(b) and 8.8.l(c), 9.5.1]
in Table 6.3.1 of SNT-TC-JA ( 1 984 The number of examination Response
edition). It also requires (in my opinion) questions is increased by Section Yes.
this individual practice as a Level II for 8.8.l(b) and 8.8.l(c). Shall the
at least one year before being eligible for NDT Level Ill who has been
Level III certification. qualified with the examination in Inquiry 96-3
accordance with an earlier edition
When applying SNT-TC-IA 1992
Response and continuing satisfactory
edition in strict accordance with the
performance be required to take an
Please reference Inquiry 83-8. document, is it ASNT's interpretation
additional examination until his
that a Level III must be examined?
next requalification?
Inquiry 94-2 i. [Ref: 8.8.2(a)] The revised Response
requirements deleted the selection
I have a question regarding the of questions from published ASNT No. Certification of all levels of NDT
certification hours. In Table 6.3.1 of the Level III questions and required personnel is the responsibility of the
SNT-TC-JA recommended practice for a questions "similar to." Do the employer. It is the intent of ASNT to
UT certification, it shows that the requirements intend to prohibit to certify Level ITis by examination.
requirement for Level I is three months make or adopt the same questions However, the employer can specify the
and Level II is an additional nine as ASNT Level Ills? requirements for a certification route
months. Three months at 40 hours per 3. [Ref: 8.5(4)] Shall the NDT without examination in the employer's
week translates into 480 hours; nine Level I, who was qualified in written practice. Please see Inquiry 80-9,
months at 40 hours per week translates accordance with an early edition Inquiry 89-4, Inquiry 90-2, Inquiry 90-4
into an additional 1,440 hours. I am and continuing satisfactory and Inquiry 92-2.
currently doing thickness testing. My performance, be required to take an
question is: How much of that time
should be shear wave inspection in order
additional examination evaluating
the practical examination results,
Inquiry 99-1
to be an unrestricted Level Il according until next requalification, if their May an employer use the training and
to ASNT recommendations? written practice stipulates the experience hour requirements specified
specific evaluation of acceptance in the 1984 edition of SNT-TC-JA for
Response for the NDT Level I? personnel who have not graduated from
Please reference Inquiry 80-3. high school and are being qualified to the
Response 1992 edition of SNT-TC-IA?
Interpreting SNT-TC-IA I 19
Inquiry 99-3 develop a written practice for vibration
analysis. The two groups are not
No. Should be addressed in
Is it the intent of SNT-TC-JA that any connected in any way. They have employer's written practice.
composite examination grade less than different managers and locations. ls it
80 percent should be considered a failing permissible to have two separate written
grade? practices, one for TIR and one for VA Inquiry 01-4
Response We are an inspection company in Iran
and would'like to edit our written
Yes. Response practice for training and qualification of
Yes. NDT personnel. However, I have the
Inquiry 99-4 Inquiry 00-3
1988 edition of ASNT's Recommended
Practice No. SNT-TC-IA, where
Paragraph 4.0 (Levels of Paragraph 8.3.4 states that, "on the basis
Qualification) of SNT-TC-IA 1 984 How can an employer who wishes to of demonstrated ability, achievement,
edition permits those levels to be further utilize the services of an outside agency experience, and education, as defined in
subdivided by the employer for specific adopt that agent's written practice, course Par. 4.3(3) and 6.3, the employer may
situations. Is there sufficient latitude instruction or examination particulars as waive examination for the Level III
within that paragraph to permit an acceptable as is within his written individual." I would like to know
employer to certify a person who is not practice? whether this point still holds good and
qualified or certified in any method, as can we still rely on it to appoint a
an Administrative Level III? Response company Level III?
Reference Inquiry 77-3.
Response Response
No. See Inquiries 88-1 and 82- 1 .
Under the recommendations of
Inquiry 01-1 Yes, if you are operating under the
1984 or an earlier edition. You should
SNT-TC-IA it is not permissible for an I am inquiring o f ASNT regarding an note that Paragraph 8.3.4 was dropped
employer to certify an individual who is NDT Level ffi's scope of authority. I from SNT-TC-IA in the 1988 and all
not qualified (or certified) in any method have asked several ASNT NOT subsequent editions.
as an NDT Level m, Administrative or Level Ills locally regarding this matter
any other title. and have received several answers. Can
Paragraph 3.1 of SNT-TC-IA identifies an NDT Level III (not ASNT NDT Inquiry 01-5
the nondestructive testing methods where Level III) perform third party Level III Is the color vision test mandatory for
qualifications and certifications are services for outside companies (this ASNT Level II qualification in
awarded. Paragraph 4.3 identifies NDT particular Level III is operating under the radiographic testing?
Level I, NDT Level II and ASNT NDT 1996 edition of SNT-TC-IA)?
Level III as the basic levels of Response
qualifications. Paragraph 4.1 allows these Response
Yes. That is, the color contrast
levels to be further subdivided by the Yes.
employer for specific situations. It is differentiation examination is mandatory.
intended that the subdivided levels be The color contrast differentiation exam
method specific and detailed in the Inquiry 01-2 should demonstrate the capability of
distinguishing and differentiating contrast
employer's written practice. The Was or is it the intent of ASNT to
provisions of Paragraph 9.3 apply to the among colors or shades of gray used in a
prohibit the appointment of qualified method as determined by the employer.
certification of all NDT personnel personnel to Level III positions, making
including subdivided levels. examination mandatory, as our
authorized inspection company has Inquiry 01-6
Inquiry 00-1 interpreted it? Who can administer the vision tests,
Whose responsibility is it to near vision acuity and color contrast
personally maintain the certified Response differentiation? I understand that the near
employees' records and handle the files? No. Refer to Inquiry 92-2. vision test should be administered
The employer? The appointed ASNT annually and the color contrast
NDT Level ID? The human resources differentiation test upon initial
department? Or anyone assigned by the Inquiry 01-3 certification and at three year intervals.
employer? Does a Level I NDT technician But who can do it? A Level III who is in
require a high school diploma? ASNT's charge of the certification program?
Response Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-JA Medical personnel? What about the color
Responsibility for maintaining records does not specifically list initial training contrast differentiation test?
should be addressed in the employer's or experience recommendations for
written practice. personnel without a high school Response
education and I need to know how to Any personnel designated in the
Inquiry 00-2 certify a man who has done NDT work
for years but does not have his diploma.
employer's written practice to administer
the vision tests.
A company has a written practice for
TIR personnel. They then become a part
of the quality control group and want to
20 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
Inquiry 01-7 highly qualified in the relevant
NOT field or can he or she be a top
Inquiry 01-10
I work for the Department of Defense management representative (in our We sometimes recertify persons
and I'm in the middle of reviewing a case, our divisional head - that is, periodically based on Paragraph 9.5.1.a
contractor's written practice, which vice president of maintenance) who on recertification in the 1996 edition of
supposedly was written in accordance is knowledgeable in NOT but who SNT-TC-JA, which cites "evidence of
with SNT-TC-/A. According to the does not have qualification in the continuing satisfactory performance." At
contractor's written practice, SNT-TC-JA NOT field? present, my qualification to date has been
allows the employer to waive Level III 3. It is well understood that ASNT NOT Level III RT. Will I be able
examinations. "In accordance with SNT-TC-JA is a guideline and that to issue a certificate (with my signature
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-JA, the employer can modify it on the certificate) for someone who is
based on demonstrated ability, reasonably to meet any specific being recertified by the above route?
achievement, experience, and education, needs warranted under the
the employer may waive examination for circumstances and/or applications. Response
the Level III individual." It doesn't say There are various organizations and Yes.
anything about having a valid ASNT schemes in NOT qualification/
NOT Level m certificate. Is this true? certification such as ISN'T (Indian
Note that the contractor is required to Society for Nondestructive Inquiry 01-11
utilize the latest version of SNT-TC-JA. Testing), DIN, MIL and Japanese I . May a Level III perform a color
certification schemes. Each has its contrast differentiation test along
Response own constitution and procedure for with the near vision acuity test as
Yes. Reference Inquiry 85-7 and NOT personnel qualification mentioned in Paragraph 8.2 of
81-9.1. countrywide. If somebody in my SNT-TC-JA (1996), if documented
company is preexisting with other so in the written practice?
than ASNT Level I or II
Inquiry 01-8 certification status (like ISN'T) or
2. Is it also required to perform a test
of gray shades, if the color contrast
I. Paragraph 8 .I. I of SNT-TC-1A if a new person joins my company differentiation test is performed as
(1 992) reads: "An NOT Level III with some other Level I or II per Paragraph 8.2 of SNT-TC-JA
shall be responsible for the certification status, considering his (I 996) using the Ishihara series of
administration and grading of competency, education and course plates and so documented in a
examinations specified in Section coverage in that method, can I written practice?
8.3 through 8.8 for NOT Level I, II, certify him or her to equal/
or other Level III personnel. The equivalent ASNT NOT level status Response
administration and grading of by modifying the company's
written practice accordingly? That I. Yes.
examinations may be delegated to a 2. Yes.
qualified representative of the NOT is, can an ASNT NDT Level III
Level Ill and so recorded. The certify ISN'T (or some other)
actual administration and grading Level I or n person to an equal Inquiry 01-12
of Level III examinations specified ASNT NOT level based on
competency, education and course In the 1996 edition of SNT-TC-JA,
in 8.8 may be performed by a
coverage in the method? Paragraph 9 .4 states (in part) that
qualified representative of the
4. Is the existence of a company NOT "personnel certification records shall be
personnel certification procedure - maintained on file by the employer."
In reference to the above paragraph, a written practice - equally Who is it that actually maintains the
what is meant by a "qualified important and required for NDT records? The company's human
representative of the NOT personnel irrespective of industry resources department? The company's
Level III" to whom an NOT type? personnel department? The company's
Level III can delegate authority for appointed Level III person? The
administration and grading for Response certifying authority? Is it a common
NOT Level I, II or other Level III practice to delegate this task to the
personnel? Please explain I. Needs to be addressed in appointed NOT Level III person as per
specifically the term "qualified." employer's written practice. the written practice?
What shall be the extent of the 2. See Inquiry 95-1.
qualification of the person? Does it 3. Yes. Response
mean that the person should be 4. Yes.
highly qualified in the NOT field or Needs to be addressed in employer's
written practice.
can the person here be a responsible
management representative?
Inquiry 01-9
2. Again in reference to the above Regarding Paragraph 8.2.2 of
SNT-TC-IA, is there a recognized method
Inquiry 01-13
paragraph, what is meant by
"qualified representative of the for differentiating shades of gray used in This is in relation to Paragraph 10.2
employer?" What is the level of the method (radiography)? of the 1996 edition of SNT-TC-JA. One
qualification necessary in this case? division of company A was merged and
For NOT Level III certification by Response acquired by company B. All of the
the employer, is it required for the employees of its division were hired by
SNT-TC-JA does not define a specific company B within six months and their
person who will issue certification method. The specific method is up to
to the ASNT NOT Level III to be job activities did not change. The
employer discretion.
lntep�eting SNT-TC-IA I 21
employer of company B designated the 87-2 implies that only bona fide 2. No.
Level III personnel of company A as the employees can be certified. 3. SNT-TC-JA (1984) provides the
outside agency. The employer established I . Is it the intent that employers user sufficient latitude under
a written practice, which was prepared certify only their qualified Paragraph 9.7.1 to identify
by the LeverIII of company A. In the employees? specifically how they would
written practice, it is specified that the 2. Is it the intent that employers, when evaluate "evidence of continuing
employer can waive the examination in permitted by their written practice, satisfactory performance." The
cases where the job activities are the certify qualified nonemployees? requirements should be documented
same as they were in company A. May 3. Would the answer in question 2 in the employer's written practice.
the employer of company B certify the change if a third party, who agreed 4. There are no specific provisions in
employee who had been certified by with the arrangement, were thel 984 SNT-TC-JA regarding
company A without examination in this compensating both the interruption of NDT duties while
case? nonemployee and the certifying continuing to work for the same
company? employer. However, the employer
Response must be satisfied with the
Yes, if addressed in employer's Response proficiency of any individual at any
written practice. Reference Inquiry 87-2. level to handle work tasks. The
1. Yes. employer has direct knowledge of
the employee's prior performance
Inquiry 01-14 2. No.
3. No. and can best judge the need for
reexamination as a function of
The wording of Paragraph 4.3.J of
duration of interrupted NDT
SNT-TC-JA (which reads the same in the
1996 and 2001 editions) is not clear and
Inquiry 02-2 service.
is inconsistent with the body of Is it the intent of SNT-TC-JA (200 1 )
knowledge. Please advise of the official Paragraph 10.2 to recommend periodic Inquiry 03-2
ASNT position on the following. testing with test props with at least one
I. Is it the intent of Paragraph 4.3.1 of flawed specimen or are other means of May an NDT Level Ill develop,
SNT-TC-JA that a Level I receive technical performance evaluation qualify and approve NDT procedures,
direct supervision from a Level II acceptable, for example, monitoring an and establish and approve techniques in
or Level III by their presence inspector performing an official the methods in which not certified?
during the examination, production inspection?
interpretation, evaluation and
reporting of NDT test results? Response No, see the response to Inquiry 90-1,
2. According to the recommended The means for periodic technical Part 2 and Inquiry 10-5.
training listed in SNT-TC-JA, a performance evaluation should be
Level I individual does not receive
training on discontinuities,
described in the employer's written Inquiry 04-1
practice. Note that the evaluation of
interpretation and evaluation in technical performance should consist of 1 . Is it the intent of Paragraph 1.4 that
most NOT methods such as PT, RT, not only monitoring the proper an employer _can modify the
UT and VT. How could a Level I application of technique, but also the· "Guidelines" of SNT-TC-JA to the
individual perform the functions of ability to recognize relevant indications extent that Level II and Level III
interpretation and evaluation and evaluate those indications against the NOT personnel can be "certified"
authorized in Paragraph 4.3.l even employer's acceptance criteria. without any examinations if written
with the presence of a Level II or this way in the written practice?
III? 2. What are the limits that are
Inquiry 03-1 intended regarding how much the
Response employer can deviate from
I. Regarding SNT-TC-JA (1984)
It is the intent of 4.3.l that the Level I Paragraph 9.7 .1 , what is considered SNT-TC-IA as written? If no limits
should receive the necessary instruction proper "evidence of continuing are given, the employer can change
or supervision from a certified NOT satisfactory performance"? the entire context of SNT-TC-JA to
Level II or Level Ill individual. The 2. Does this mean the certified eliminate all certification exams. Is
extent of said instruction or supervision individual shall maintain that the intent?
should be sufficient to perform the tasks documentation of satisfactory
required as determined by the responsible Response
party. 3. How often should performance be I. No. The provisions of Paragraph
documented? I .4 allow modification of the
Inquiry 02-1 4. CP-189 ( I 991) indicates suspension
should occur if duties are not
detailed recommendations; it is not
intended to allow elimination of the
An interpretation of SNT-TC-JA performed during any consecutive basic provisions of the document.
(2001) Paragraph 2.1.14 is requested. 12-month period (Sec. 7 .2). Is this 2. No. Paragraph 9.2. requires
The paragraph states that an employer implied in SNT-TC-JA? certification in accordance with
writes a written practice for the "Section 8, Examinations" as
qualification and certification of their Response described in the employer's written
employees. However, Inquiry 83-7 1 . Please reference Inquiry 91-4 practice.
suggests that employers can certify Question 2.
qualified nonemployees, while Inquiry
22 I Interpreting SNT-TC-IA
General Comments: 2. If so, how should an employer There is no other technician with this
document that training hours meet trainee on the job. It takes 8 hours to
SNT-TC-JA allows for modification complete the job. How many hours of
the recommended hours listed in
of detailed recommendations as "Work Experience" can be claimed?
Tables 6.3. l A and 6.3.18 so they
necessary to meet particular needs. The
can comply with the "satisfactory
intent is that there be a technical Response
completion" requirements required
rationale to support such modification.
by Paragraph 9.4.4? None. Paragraph 2.1.8 defines
Elimination of requirements, such as
training, experience and examination, Experience as "work activities
Response accomplished in a specific NDT method
goes beyond modification of detailed
requirements. I . See Inquiry 84-4, response 1. under the direction of qualified
Inquiry 84-4 addresses home-study supervision including the performance of
(correspondence) courses, but the the NDT method and related
Inquiry 04-2 response is appropriate for both activities .. .. "
I . Is it the intent of paragraph 12. I.I computer and Web-based training.
that individuals who are re-certified
based on "continuing satisfactory
2. See Inquiry 84-4, response 2.
Inquiry 07-5
When providing third-party Level III
technical performance," must pass
a new practical examination?
Inquiry 07-2 services to clients who are operating in
2. May a Level I or II individual be Per the 2001 edition of SNT-TC-JA, accordance with SNT-TC-JA, may an
re-certified, based on "continuing Paragraphs 6.3.2. l through, may ASNT NDT Level III both provide the
satisfactory technical performance" experience earned as a limited Level II training and administer qualification
without taking a new practical for the prescribed period of experience examinations to those clients' personnel?
examination? time qualify a person to sit for the ASNT
NDT Level III exam in that test method? Response
Response Yes.
1. No. See Inquiry 91-4 Question 2.
2. Yes. SNT-TC-JA provides the user
sufficient latitude under Paragraph
No response provided; this question
is beyond the scope of SNT-TC-JA. The
Inquiry 07-6
9.7.l to identify specifically how ASNT NDT Level III program is a Is it the intent of SNT-TC-JA that
they would evaluate "evidence of third-party certification program providers of third-party training and
continuing satisfactory governed by the Certification examination services (as permitted by
performance." The requirements Management Council, not SNT-TC-JA. Paragraphs 7.4 and 8.1.5 respectively) be
should be documented in the Any inquiries about the ASNT NDT accredited by some third-party body?
employer's written practice. Level III program should be addressed to
the Certification Management Council Response
c/o the Senior Manager, ASNT Technical
Inquiry 05-1 Services Department.
No. Meeting the employer's written
practice requirements is all that is
Paragraph 8.1.3 states "Examinations recommended in these paragraphs.
administered for qualification should
result in a passing grade of at least 80
Inquiry 07-3
percent," but if the employer's written With regard to the 2006 edition of Inquiry 08-1
practice states that each examination SNT-TC-JA, Table 6.3.IA, if my UT With reference to Table 6.3.JA, if a
must achieve 70 percent or more, and candidate has completed training and trainee is being qualified in only one
does not require an 80 percent testing requirements per SNT-TC-1A method, which would be the total
composite, is this acceptable? 2006 and has completed 740 hours of experience hours for PT Level I for
intern experience with UT under qualification and certification?
Response supervision, how do we use the "Total 1. 70 hours ( work experience in the
Hours in NDT' column to complete the method)
No. See Inquiry 99-3.
UT Level II qualification/certification 2. 130 hours (70 hours of work
process? It appears that without any experience in the method plus
Note to the Inquirer
other experience, this UT candidate 60 hours in NDT)
The SNT -TC-JA Interpretation Panel would have to accumulate a total of 3. 200 hours (70 hours of work
reviewed this question and agreed with 1600 hours per note 1 .0 if they were experience in the method plus
the original response. going directly to Level II in only the UT 130 hours in NDT)
method. Is this correct?
Inquiry 07-1 Response
Per the 2001 edition of SNT-TC-JA, For PT, Table 6.3. l A indicates that
Yes. 130 hours are required in NDT, 70 hours
Paragraphs 7. I , 7 .2, and 9 .4.4, and
Tables 6.3.lA and 6.3.18: of which must be in PT. The additional
1. Can computer or Web-based NDT Inquiry 07-4 60 hours in NDT may also be acquired
training with associated electronic in the PT method or may be acquired in
Regarding the 2001 edition of any other method.
quizzes be used to satisfy the
SNT-TC-JA, Paragraphs 2.1.8 and 4.2:
training requirements described in
A trainee (uncertified technician) gets
Paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2?
assigned to go and perform some NDT.
Inte,rpreting SNT-TC-JA I 23
Inquiry 08-2 methods other than those in which
he or she is certified?
Per the 2001 edition of SNT-TC-JA, a The cited sentence allows appropriate
Level II examiner is certified in PT, MT experience in other NDT methods to be
Response used to modify the "in applicable NDT
and VT and has been approved as
capable of distinguishing and differen I . This question refers to two separate method" experience requirements cited in
tiating contrast among colors according issues. the main paragraphs, if so defined in the
to Ishihara standard plates, as determined a. Can an NDT Level Ill sign off employer's written practice.
by the written practice. Does this person on certifications in methods for
which he is not qualified? Yes.
also require approval by a shades of gray
Signing off on certification is Inquiry 09-4
acuity examination to be qualified in RT
to meet the requirements of Paragraph covered by Section 9.0, What qualification requirements are
8.2.2? Certification Record, and necessary to provide NDT training that
Paragraph 9 .4.9 states that a will meet the guidelines found in
Response person's certification record must SNT-TC-JA Section 7.0, Training?
have the signature of the
Yes. See Inquiry 01-1 I. Paragraph Level Ill who verified the Response
8.2.2 allows the employer to determine qualifications of a candidate for
the method of testing for color SNT-TC-JA does not address the
certification. It does not require
differentiation or gray shade qualification of providers of NDT
that this Level III be certified in
differentiation. Whether to test for color the applicable test methods. See training.
differentiation or gray shade Inquiry 90-I Part 1.
differentiation is determined by which is
appropriate for the method the individual
b. Can an NDT Level III develop Inquiry 10-1
and approve the training and
is being certified in. examination program for NDT Can Paragraph 1.4 in SNT-TC-JA be
methods he is not qualified in? interpreted to allow an employer's
written practice to restrict or limit the
Inquiry 08-3 No. Paragraph 4.3.3 states that
the NDT Level III should be function of an NDT Level III to dye
Per the 2001 edition of SNT-TC-JA, an capable of training and penetrant testing applications,-and by
MT examiner has been approved in the examining NDT Level I and II doing so, the NDT Level III would not
capability of distinguishing and personnel for certification in be required to be examined for general
differentiating contrast among colors those methods for which the knowledge in other methods?
according to Ishihara standard plates. Level III holds certification. See
Does this person need to be tested in Inquiry 90-1 Part 2. Response
shades of gray acuity, if the MT 2. Determining industry practice is not See Inquiry 88- 1. The employer may
procedure uses gray magnetic particles, within the scope of SNT-TC-JA. restrict or limit the function of an NDT
to meet the requirements of Level III. Such limitation does not alter
Paragraph 8.2.2?
Inquiry 09-2 the requirements of the basic
examination for the Level III.
Response Should NDT Level I technicians be
No. See Inquiry 08-2. allowed to make the final determination
as to whether a production part is Inquiry 10-2
accepted or rejected and then sign off on Paragraph states "A valid
Inquiry 08-4 the production order paperwork if they endorsement of ASNT Level III
Is it permissible to count a 40-hour follow a step-by-step procedure certificate fulfills the examination criteria
radiation safety training course as part of developed by a Level III? for 8.8.1 (basic examination) and 8.8.2
the 80 hours of Level II RT training (method examination) for each applicable
recommended in Tables 6.3.I A and Response NDT method. Has it been implied that an
6.3.18? Level I personnel may accept or reject ASNT NDT Level III is not required to
parts according to written instructions take the employer's examination in order
Response and record results. Reporting the final to become NDT Level III for the
results requires a Level II or III. employer?
Inquiry 09-1 Inquiry 09-3 The cited reference in the first
I. With regard to NDT Level Ills Paragraphs through paragraph should be 8.8.4 and it only
signing off on certification after describe the eligibility requirements for applies to the basic and method
successful completion of trainees' NDT Level III, all of which require some examinations. The specific examination
examinations, is it the intention that experience time in the applicable test requirements for each method (8.8.3)
the NDT Level III must be certified method(s). Directly below that paragraph may be addressed in two ways for an
in the method for which he or she is is the following sentence: "The above ASNT Level III in the method;
signing off as per SNT-TC-JA Level III requirements may be partially examination or documented evidence of
Paragraph 4.3.3? replaced by experience as a certified experience for both the preparation of
2. Is it commonly accepted in the NDT Level II or by assignments at least NDT procedures to code, standards or
industry that an NDT Level III can comparable to NDT Level II as defined specification and the evaluation of test
sign off on certifications for in the employer's written practice." What results.
is the intent of this sentence?
24 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
Inquiry 10-3 Question Response
1. For Limited Level l1 certification in 1 . Does it mean that all NOT No. Self-certification is not addressed
UT A-scan Thickness, Table 6.3.lC procedures/standard operating by SNT-TC-1A but self-declaration of
shows the technician's starting procedures (SOP) should be qualification does not meet the
point as being a trainee. Does this prepared by an NDT Level III? requirement of SNT-TC-JA. The
mean that personnel can go directly 2. Could an NDT Level II prepare a objective evidence is required as
from trainee to Limited Level II specific procedure based on the described in the employer's written
without having held a Level I UT related standard or specification? practice and should include evidence of
certification? education, training, experience and
2. Can personnel that have met the UT Example appropriate examinations.
Level I requirements shown in The NDT Level I prepares NDT
Table 6.3 .I A ( 40 hours of training, procedures for ferromagnetic connection Inquiry 11-1
210 hours of UT experience and inspection based on API RP7G and API
400 total hours of total NDT Spec 7 and all procedures actually With regard to Paragraphs 2.1.8, 4.2,
experience) be automatically certi adopted from the referenced and 4.3 of the 2006 edition of
fied as Limited Level II in both specifications. SNT-TC-JA:
Digital and A-scan Thickness since 3. Could the director of the company I . May an NDT trainee gain experi
they have exceeded the require (inspection agency) approve this ence hours while working under the
ments shown in Table 6.3.1 C for SOP, or direct supervision of a Level I in
those certifications? 4. Should this SOP be reviewed and the method?
approved by the NDT Level l11? 2. Are there any circumstances that
Response would allow NOT trainees or NDT
Response Level I technicians to progress to
I . Yes the next certification level without
2. No, the body of knowledge require I. No. ever having gained actual field
ments as described in ANSI/ ASNT 2. 3. 4.The scope of SNT-TC-JA is experience working with NDT
CP- l05 is different for UT Level I limited to guidelines for the qualifi Level II or Level III technicians in
and UT Thickness. The written cation and certification of NDT the method?
practice should address any personnel. The capability of devel
thickness specific training, equip oping, qualifying and approving Response
ment, codes, experience, etc., nec procedure is a qualification for
essary for thickness gaging job Level Ills. This does not preclude I. See Inquiry 87-1. Yes, provided the
performance not addressed in the individuals who are not Level Ills Level I receives the necessary
UT Level I training. from also having some or all of instructions or supervision from a
those skills. SNT-TC-JA does not certified Level II or III individual.
2. No. As stated in Paragraph 2.1.8,
Inquiry 10-4 restrict employers from using indi
viduals he/she feels are qualified experience can only be gained
May an employer appoint directly an for doing those tasks. while working under the direction
"EN 473 Level III" as employer's NOT of qualified supervision.
Level III after defined in employer's
Inquiry 10-6
written practice to sign the certificates Inquiry 11-2
according to SNT-TC-JA in order to Is it the intent of SNT-TC-JA that the
verify qualification of candidate for hour method for achieving the necessary I . Do the guidelines described in
certification? personnel experience in an NDE method Paragraph 8.5 of the 2006 edition
is equivalent to the month method for all of SNT-TC-JA fully fill the guide
Response applicable current and previous editions? lines described in Section IO?
2. Do the two guidelines need to be
The employer may use the examina done separately or can they be done
tion results that he/she has determined Response
meet the requirement of the written prac A person whose documented
tice. As stated in SNT-TC-JA, Paragraph experience meets the requirements of the Response
8.1.5, the employer is responsible for table stating the requirements in hours
ensuring the examination services meet can be considered as having met the I . Yes.
the requirements of the employer's writ experience requirements for documented 2. The provisions of Paragraphs 8.5
ten practice. Certification can only be experience based on months as defined in and 8.6 are done separately. The
issued when it has been determined that previous editions of SNT-TC-JA. practical examination as described
all the requirements of the employer's in Section 8.5 is part of the docu
mentation for initial certification.
written practice have been met.
Inquiry 10-7 The Technical Performance
Evaluation as described in Section
Inquiry 10-S Is "self-certification" acceptable per
SNT-TC-JA? Specifically, can a Level III JO is intended to document contin
As stated in the SNT-TC-JA 2006 edi in one method certify himself in another ued satisfactory performance during
tion, Paragraph 4.0 Level of Qualifica method as Level l1I without additional the certification period.
tion, 4.3.3 NDT Level III: "An NDT training or exarnination?
Level HI individual should be capable of
developing, qualifying and approving
procedure ... , etc."
Interpreting SNT-TC-JA I 25
Inquiry 11-3* Inquiry 12-2 predictive maintenance Level I and II
practical examinations?
Is recertification considered a This inquiry was a revision request
"detailed recommendation" or a "require and was sent to the SNT-TC-/A (2016) Response
ment" as described in the General Revision Committee.
Comment following the response for Yes.
Inquiry 04-1?
Inquiry 12-3 Inquiry 12-5
Background I . Are individuals who currently hold
In the General Comment following the RT and UT certifications per The note under Paragraph 8.5.5 says,
SNT-TC-/A (2006) and are per "While it is normal to score the practical
response for Inquiry 04-1 it says,
"SNT-TC-JA allows for modification of forming digital and computed radi on a percentile basis, practical examina
detailed recommendations as necessary ography and phased array and tions should contain checkpoints that
TOFD required to take additional failure to successfully complete will
to meet particular needs. The intent is
that there be a technical rationale to sup training to meet the training hour result in failure of the examination."
port such modification. Elimination of requirements of Table 6.3.1 A I. Does this mean that an employer's
requirements, such as training, experi (2011) prior to their recertification? checklist must have at least one
ence and examination, goes beyond mod 2. As a Level III in the RT and UT checkpoint that must be successful
ification of detailed requirements." methods, will I have to meet the ly completed or the person fails
new training requirements and then regardless of having a practical
Response retest as a Level III? exam score that exceeds 70% as
required by Paragraph 8. 1.3;
This inquiry was answered with the Response 2. Should the employer's Level III
release of the 2011 edition of SNT-TC-1 A determine which checkpoint(s) will
which states in part in Paragraph 1.4, I. There are additional requirements be a "kill point(s)"; and
"In developing a written practice as in newer versions of SNT-TC-/A. If 3. Should this be recorded in the
required in Section 5, the employer you wish to have your company RT employer's written practice?
should review the detailed recommenda personnel meet the SNT-TC-/A
tions presented herein and modify them, (2011) guidelines, then your RT Response
as necessary, to meet particular needs. personnel will have to meet the
training hour requirements for digi I . Yes.
Such modification may alter but shall nor
tal radiography and computed radi 2. Yes.
eliminate basic provisions of the program
ography to become certified in 3. Yes.
such as training, experience, testing and
recertificatwn ." those techniques. If you continue to
cite SNT-TC-JA (2006) in your Inquiry 12-6
*Note: The SNT-TC-lA Interpretation written practice, this would not be
Panel du! not issue a formal response to necessary. The same applies to UT ls it the intent of Paragraph 8.2 that
this inquiry since it was answered in the personnel and the TOFD and NDT personnel shall be qualified for all
2011 edition o/SNT-TC-lA. phased array techniques. Keep in color contrast differentiation?
mind that the SNT-TC-/A Foreword
states, "It is recognized, however, Response
Inquiry 12-1 that contracts require programs, Paragraph 8.2 says that the color
I . Is it the intent when obtaining certi which meet the intent of this docu contrast differentiation examination
fication in time of flight diffraction ment. For such contracts, purchaser should demonstrate the capability of
(TOFD) and/or phased array that and supplier must agree upon distinguishing and differentiating contrast
the candidate first be certified as a acceptability of an employer's among colors or shades of gray used in
UT Level II? Note 8.0 of Table program." the method as determined by the
6.3.1 A requires completion of 2. To comply with the SNT-TC-JA employer.
training and experience of UT (2011) guidelines that increase the
scope of the employee Level III
Level II but not necessarily the
written examinations (general and certificate, the employer should Inquiry 12-7
specific). ensure that all certification require Are UT personnel who are unable to
2. If the intent is that a TOFD and ments of SNT-TC-/A have been met distinguish and differentiate green and
phased array candidate's prerequi including appropriate examinations. red color contrast disqualified from
site is UT Level II certification, is it performing UT?
the intent that they also complete
additional training and experience
Inquiry 12-4 Response
(in TOFD and phased array) as well Paragraph 8.5.4 is titled NDT Level I
Practical Examination, and the first sen No. The employer may perform
as Level II examinations (TOFD additional examinations to determine
and phased array - specific and tence says, "Proficiency should be
demonstrated in performing the applica whether or not the applicant can operate
practical) to satisfy all the require the equipment and properly evaluate
ments for certification for TOFD ble NDT on one or more specimens or
machine problems approved by the NDT resulting data.
and phased array?
Level III." The same statement is repeat
Response ed in the first sentence in Paragraph 8.5.5 Inquiry 12-8
NDT Level II Practical Examination. Are
I. Yes. I have NDT personnel performing
2. Yes. "machine problems" intended to be for
MFL that were certified in the ET test
26 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
method prior to ASNT making MFL an basic examination is required only should receive the necessary instruction
independent test method. Is it possible, in once when more than one method and supervision from a certified NDT
accordance with SNT-TC-JA (2011), to examination is taken. Level II or III individual."
certify these personnel in MFL based on
their having met the requirements for ET
certification prior to the removal of MFL Inquiry 13-1 Yes, the intent of "qualified supervi
from the ET test method? Paragraph 9.4.9 of SNT-TC-JA (2006) sion" is supervision by personnel who
says, "Signature of the Level III that ver are certified Level II or Ill in the specific
Response ified qualifications of candidate for certi method.
No. The earlier ET training hours that fication." If the candidate whose qualifi
cations are being verified is an ASNT
covered MFL can be applied to the MFL
training hours shown in SNT-TC-JA NDT Level III, must another Level III Inquiry 13-4
(2011), but the full training time and sign this verification? As shown in the 2011 background
experience will have to be documented, information, Paragraphs 4.2 and 4.3.1 use
and an MFL examination is required. Response the term "certified individual," but 4.3
Yes. uses the term "levels of qualification."
Should "and certification" be added to
Inquiry 12-9 4.3 to indicate that the basic levels of
Is it correct that an Authorized Inquiry 13-2 qualification are also the basic levels of
Inspector could insist the employer must In SNT-TC-JA (2011), Paragraph 10.2 certification so that 4.3 reads, "The three
perform hands-on practical examination states, "Periodically, as defined in the basic levels of qualification and certifica
every two years for the Level I and II employer's written practice, NDT Level I tion are as follows."
personnel, in order to fulfill the require and II personnel should be reevaluated
ments of Paragraph 10.2 (periodical tech by the NDT Level Ill administering a Background
nical performance)? practical examination. The practical Paragraph 4.2 states in part, " A trainee
As an employer, we would state on examination should follow the format should work with a certified individual";
our written practice that the continuing and guidelines described in Section 8.5." Paragraph 4.3 states, "The three basic
NDT performance of the Level Is and Ils • - Is it the intent of 10.2 that technical levels of qualification are as follows";
has been satisfied by the client and the performance review be performed and Paragraph 4.3.1 states in part, "The
appointed Level III, then he or she between certification periods, or is it NDT Level I should receive the neces
should be evaluated for good technical acceptable to perform them when a per sary instruction and supervision from a
performance without taking any new son's certification comes due for renewal certified NDT Level II or III individual."
hands-on practical examination. if that is how the evaluation period is
defined in the employer's written prac Response
Response tice?
This is a suggested revision and not a
Additional customer or regulatory request for interpretation so it was for
requirements are beyond the scope of Response
warded to the SNT-TC-JA Review
Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-JA. The intent is that the employer defines Committee for consideration in the next
in the written practice when the technical revision.
Inquiry 12-10 performance review will be performed.
Inquiry 13-5
I . Would a certifying agency be in
compliance with the intent of Inquiry 13-3 According to SNT-TC-1A (20 II ), is it
Paragraph 8.8(1)(c) (1992] and Based on the background information acceptable that an employer considers
Inquiry 7 9-2 if the basic exam provided below, is it correct to assume training and examination received prior
included Level II questions in the that "qualified supervision" may only be to completion of experience requirements
method for which the candidate is provided by a certified Level II or III as evidence of qualification?
being examined? individual, or may supervision be per
2. Is the intent of Paragraph 8.8(1) formed by other non-certified manage Background
[ I 992] and Inquiry 79-2 that if ment personnel (such as a quality assur
certification in multiple disciplines ance manager) if they are so designated Employer will permit a new employee
is being sought that the Level II in the employer's written practice? as trainee only if the trainee has subject
questions in these disciplines be knowledge and ability to use equipment/
excluded from the basic exam? Background technique safely is established, thus seek
3. Is the initial basic applicable for an ing organized training before experience.
Paragraph 2.1.8 of SNT-TC-JA (2011)
individual seeking certification in defines "experience" as "work activities
another NDT method at a later Response
accomplished in a specific NDT method
date? under the direction of qualified supervi Yes. Training and examination are par
sion including the performance of the tial requirements for the qualifications. A
Response NDT method and related activities but person cannot be considered qualified
I . Yes. not including time spent in organized until all qualification requirements (train
2. No. This would require multiple training programs." ing, examinations, experience, and visual
basic examinations because of the The only other place the word "super acuity test) have been met.
number of test methods available. vision" is used is in Paragraph 4.3.1,
3. Yes. Paragraph 8.8(1) states that the which says in part, "The NDT Level I
Interpreting SNT-TC-JA I 27
28 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA
Inquiry 13-12 direction/supervision of a qualified work experience in each of the five
methods fulfilling the required hours for
I. In SNT-TC-JA (20 1 1), in the col 2. May an individual be certified Level I plus Level II as required per
umn titled "Minimum Hours in directly to Level II phased array or Table 6.3. I A for each of the five
Method," 160 hours is shown for TOFD? methods?
both time of flight diffraction 3. ls it acceptable to further subdivide
(TOF D) and phased array ultrasonic the ultrasonic technique of phased Response
testing (PAUT). Is it the intent of array into specifics (manual,
SNT-TC-JA that a UT Level II The candidate should meet I00% of
encoded, automated data the Level I and II written practice
wishing to get one of those interpreter, and so on) and modify
endorsements have 160 hours in requirements for a method before
the training and experience beginning the acquiring of additional
that specific technique, or can the requirements in the company
160 hours be in any technique with time in that method for Level Ill.
written practice to reflect particular It is intended that 1 00% of the
in the UT method? needs?
2. Is a UT Level Ill required to have experience time specified in paragraph
the additional training hours and 6.3.2 be met in each applicable test
Response method. The intent of the experience
experience to be able to teach
and/or perform the PAUT and I . Yes. requirement of paragraph 6.3.2 is that the
TOFD techniques? 2. Yes, provided the sum of the candidate should be actively working and
training and experience hours for acquiring progressive experience in the
Response UT Level II and the applicable methods for which certification is sought.
technique (phased array or TOFD) Just "maintaining" a valid certification
I . The I60 experience hours should be are met. does not meet this intent. The employer's
specific to the technique being 3 . Yes, for Level II. See Inquiry 82-1. written practice should specify the
acquired. requirements regarding qualifying work
2. The recommendations in time experience.
Table 6.3.IA are intended for Inquiry 14-3
Level I and II personnel. A
Level III is responsible for staying
Does hydrostatic leak testing fall
under the "pressure change technique" in
Inquiry 14-5
current in emerging technologies the leak testing method? When requirements are changed on a
and is supposed to be sufficiently new revision of an employer's written
knowledgeable in all of the Background practice, starting the effective date of the
techniques. new revision, which requirements shall
The Federal Railroad Administration
has requested that the Association of be followed for those personnel certified
Inquiry 14-1 American Railroads add hydrostatic under the old revision? Should the new
requirements in the new revision replace
We engage an outside agency to testing to MSRP C-III Specification for
Tank Cars, Appendix T Nondestructive the older requirements in the previous
provide NDT Level III services. In edition for those personnel certified
SNT-TC-1A (20 1 1 ), paragraph 9 .3 states Examination. Procedures to perform
hydrostatic testing will be required and under the previous revision?
in part that the responsibility of
certification of the employees should be must be approved by a Level III. Also,
personnel would be required to be Response
retained by the employer. Paragraph
12.1.2 states that reexamination in those trained, qualified, and certified in the Paragraph 6.0, Table 6.3.IA, and
portions of the examinations in section 8 hydrostatic technique. Table 6.3.1B apply only to initial
are deemed necessary by the employer's experience required for qualification and
NOT Level III. Response certification. New requirements are not
Since we engage the services of an No, hydrostatic testing is not a intended to be retroactive to previously
outside agency for Level III, does the technique covered for certification as a certified individuals. The current written
outside agency's Level III determine pressure change leak testing technique practice as it relates to recertification
which portions of the examinations in within the leak testing method under would be applicable at the time of
section 8 are necessary? ASNT document SNT-TC-JA. recertification.
Inquiry 14-4 Inquiry 14-6
Yes, as authorized by the contracting Paragraph 10.2 of the 201 I edition
employer. When applying paragraph
(2006 edition) for Level III qualification states the technical performance
in five methods (MT, PT, UT, RT, and evaluation should be a practical
Inquiry 14-2 VT) with graduation from a four-year examination that should follow the
format and guidelines described in
In SNT-TC-1A (201 1 ), Table 6.3. I A, college, is it acceptable to require in total
one year ofNDT experience beyond the section 8.5. Practical examinations
Note 8.0: administered as part of the certification
I . May the experience requirements Level II requirements (that is, total
additional experience of 1600 hours in process (section 8.5) are generally
for UT Level II cert.ification scheduled in advance and performed in a
required as a prerequisite for one or more of the five methods, as
specified in our written practice), in controlled environment using specimens
phased array certification be gained or test props specifically selected and
by performing phased array or time excess of the total hours in NOT required
for Level II, per Table 6.3.1 A {that is, for approved for the examination by the
of flight diffraction (TOFD) Level III for the examination.
techniques under the RT and UT 1600 h), and documented
Interpreting SNT-TC-IA I 29
1 . Is the intent of the technical Response Inquiry 14-9
performance evaluation (paragraph SNT-TC-1A does not address who Under the 2011 edition of SNT-TC-JA:
10.2) to: (a) repeat the practical should conduct the visual examination. I . Can a UT Level III certify other
examination administered during All three of the options would be employees to Level Il in phased
the certirication process or (b) to b e acceptable if addressed in the written array and time of flight diffraction
a more spontaneous, audit type practice. (TOFD)?
evaluation, using at least 10 2. Since SNT-TC-IA (2011),
checkpoints covering the scope of Table 8.3.4, "Minimum Number of
the practical examination that Inquiry 14-8 Examination Questions" does not
would more closely represent how 1 . Can Level Ills certified under a show a minimum number of
the Level I/II executes the method certification program other than questions for the phased �a_y
on a daily basis? SNT-TC-IA (ISO 9712, EN ISO and TOFD general exammatJons,
2. Is the intent that the technical 9712, and so on) perform Level III does this mean that no general
performance evaluation: (a) be functions in an SNT-TC-IA program examination is required to add the
scored on a percentile basis as if the employer can show that the Level II phased array and TOFD
required for a section 8.5 practical Level III requirements of the other endorsements?
examination or (b) that any program meet or exceed the
technique issues disclosed be SNT-TC-JA guidelines for Level III Response
documented and appropriate and the use of that certification 1. Yes.
corrective actions taken? program is documented in the General Comment
employer's written practice? There is no additional Level III
Response 2. If Company A subcontracts NOT certification for phased array or
work to Company B, are Company TOFD; it is the responsibility of the
1 . The periodic technical performance
B's NDT personnel required to b e Level III in a method to know his
evaluation should follow the
certified in accordance with or her limitations and qualification
guidelines of paragraph 8.5 : Within
those guidelines and the wntten Company A's written practice, or in the various techniques.
can they perform the work using Qualification is defined as
practice, the Level Ill has th� .
certifications issued in accordance demonstrated skill, demonstrated
flexibility to tailor the exammat1on
with their own (Company B's) knowledge, documented training,
to best evaluate technical
written practice?
performance. Both of the suggested and documented experience
approaches are within the required for personnel to pr�per!y
guidelines of SNT-TC-IA. Response perform the duties of a specific Job.
Note: This response is not intended 1. Yes. 2. Yes.
to limit acceptable approaches to 2. When the performance of NDT is
the two suggested by the inquirer. subcontracted to an outside
2a.Yes. organization and the outside
Inquiry 14-10
2b.Yes. organization is the direct employer According to SNT-TC-1A (2011 ), if a
of the individual performing NDT, person is being qualified directly to
the outside organization is the Level II, does he or she need to take both
Inquiry 14-7 "employer" in terms of SN:- T'?•l� the Level I and Level II examinations, or
Regarding paragraph 8.2 of Whether the outside organization 1s can that person take just the Level II
SNT-TC-JA (201 1 ), who may be properly qualifying and certifying examinations?
responsible to carry out the vision acuity its NOT personnel can only b e
examination? We have in our written determined b y the purchaser of Response
practice three possible options: such outside services, and how such Only the examinations for the l�vel of
1 . Performed by a nurse and approved determination is made is a certification being sought are reqmred.
by an NDT Level III; or contractual matter between the
2. Performed by an ophthalmologist purchaser and the outside
and approved by an NDT Level III; organization.
3. Performed by the NOT Level Ill.
30 I Interpreting SNT-TC-JA