Nclimate 2870
Nclimate 2870
Nclimate 2870
To have a >50% chance of limiting warming below 2 °C, most recent scenarios from integrated assessment models (IAMs)
require large-scale deployment of negative emissions technologies (NETs). These are technologies that result in the net
removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. We quantify potential global impacts of the different NETs on various fac-
tors (such as land, greenhouse gas emissions, water, albedo, nutrients and energy) to determine the biophysical limits to, and
economic costs of, their widespread application. Resource implications vary between technologies and need to be satisfactorily
addressed if NETs are to have a significant role in achieving climate goals.
espite two decades of effort to curb emissions of CO2 and options, to be able to decide which pathways are most desirable for
other greenhouse gases (GHGs), emissions grew faster dur- dealing with climate change.
ing the 2000s than in the 1990s1, and by 2010 had reached There are distinct classes of NETs, such as: (1) bioenergy with
~50 Gt CO2 equivalent (CO2eq) yr−1 (refs 2,3). The continuing rise carbon capture and storage (BECCS)11,12; (2) direct air capture of
in emissions is a growing challenge for meeting the international CO2 from ambient air by engineered chemical reactions (DAC)13,14;
goal of limiting warming to less than 2 °C relative to the pre-indus- (3) enhanced weathering of minerals (EW)15, where natural weath-
trial era, particularly without stringent climate policies to decrease ering to remove CO2 from the atmosphere is accelerated and
emissions in the near future2–4. As negative emissions technologies the products stored in soils, or buried in land or deep ocean16–19;
(NETs) seem ever more necessary 3,5–10, society needs to be informed (4) afforestation and reforestation (AR) to fix atmospheric carbon
of the potential risks and opportunities afforded by all mitigation in biomass and soils20–22; (5) manipulation of carbon uptake by the
Institute of Biological & Environmental Sciences, University of Aberdeen, 23 St Machar Drive, Aberdeen, AB24 3UU, UK. 2University of California, Irvine,
Department of Earth System Science, Irvine, California 92697-3100, USA. 3Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change,
Torgauer Street 12-15, 10829 Berlin, Germany. 4Technical University Berlin, Straße des 17, Junis 135, 10623 Berlin, Germany. 5Potsdam Institute for Climate
Impact Research (PIK), PO Box 60 12 03, 14412 Potsdam, Germany. 6Hertie School of Governance, Friedrichstrasse 180, 10117 Berlin, Germany. 7AgroParisTech,
UMR1402 ECOSYS, F-78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France. 8National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA), Environment and Arable Crops Research Unit,
UMR1402 ECOSYS, F-78850 Thiverval-Grignon, France. 9The Institute of Applied Energy (IAE), Minato 105-0003, Tokyo, Japan. 10Department of Earth System
Science, Woods Institute for the Environment and Precourt Institute for Energy, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA. 11NSW Department
of Primary Industries, University of New England, Armidale NSW 2351, Australia. 12Copernicus Institute for Sustainable Development, Department of
Environmental Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, 3584 CS, The Netherlands. 13PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, PO Box 303 3720,
AH Bilthoven, The Netherlands. 14Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich), Universitätstrasse 16, Zürich 8092, Switzerland. 15International Institute
for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Schlossplatz 1, Laxenburg A-2361, Austria. 16Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l’Environnement (LSCE),
Institut Pierre-Simon Laplace (IPSL), CEA-CNRS-UVSQ, CEA l’Orme des Merisiers, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex, France. 17Stanford University 473 Via Ortega,
Stanford, California, 94305-2205, USA. 18Global Carbon Project, CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere Research, GPO Box 3023, Canberra, Australian Capital
Territory 2601, Australia. 19Center for International Climate and Environmental Research-Oslo (CICERO), Gaustadalléen 21, Oslo 0349, Norway. 20US Carbon
Cycle Science Program, US Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC 20006, USA. 21University of Exeter, North Park Road, Exeter EX4 4QF, UK.
Centre International de Recherche sur l’Environnement et le Développement (CIRED), CNRS-PontsParisTech-EHESS-AgroParisTech-CIRAD, Campus
du Jardin Tropical, 45 bis avenue de la Belle Gabrielle, 94736 Nogent-sur-Marne Cedex, France. 23King Abdullah Petroleum Studies and Research Center,
PO Box 88550, Riyadh 11672, Saudi Arabia. 24Met Office Hadley Centre, FitzRoy Road, Exeter, Devon EX1 3PB, UK. 25University of East Anglia, Norwich
Research Park, Norwich NR4 7TJ, UK. 26Institute of Energy and Environment, University of Sao Paulo, Av. Prof. Luciano Gualberto, 1.289 – Cidade, Universitaria,
São Paulo 05508-010, Brazil. 27University of Maryland, 2101 Van Munching Hall, School of Public Policy, College Park, MD 20742, USA. 28Carnegie Mellon
University, Baker Hall 128A, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213, USA. 29Global Carbon Project — Tsukuba International Office, c/o NIES, 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba,
Ibaraki 305-8506, Japan. 30National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba 305-8506, Ibaraki, Japan. 31Pacific Northwest National
Laboratory Joint Global Change Research Institute, 5825 University Research Court, Suite 3500, College Park, Maryland 20740, USA. 32Korea University, 5-ga,
Anam-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-701, Korea. *e-mail:
suggest that they may have considerable cost-competitive potential. Land Ocean
Land Ocean
infrastructure with minerals
Although other NET options have also been studied13,19,40, they are
Geological Geological
not yet represented in most IAMs. The majority of IAMs allow bio-
mass-based NETs in the production of electricity and heat in power
stations as well as hydrogen generation, and sometimes for generating g Afforestation/changed h Ocean fertilization/alkalinization
agricultural practices
other transport fuels or bioplastics. The key distinguishing feature of
NETs is their ability to remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Depending Atmosphere Atmosphere
on the development of overall emissions, this may lead to: (1) a global Land Ocean Land Ocean
net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere by offsetting emissions that
Geological Geological
were released either in the past or in the near future41; or (2) offsetting
ongoing emissions from difficult-to-mitigate sources of CO2, such as
the transportation sector 42,43, as well as non-CO2 GHGs. Figure 1 | Schematic representation of carbon flows among atmospheric,
The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) by the Intergovernmental land, ocean and geological reservoirs. a, Climate change results from
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) database includes 116 scenar- the addition of geological carbon to the atmosphere through combustion
ios that are consistent with a >66% probability of limiting warm- or other processing of fossil fuels for energy. Carbon is indicated in red.
ing below 2 °C (that is, with atmospheric concentration levels of b, Bioenergy seeks to avoid the net addition of carbon to the atmosphere
430–480 ppm CO2eq in 2100)41. Of these, 101 (87%) apply global by instead using biomass energy at a rate that matches the uptake of
NETs in the second half of this century, as do many scenarios that carbon by re-growing bioenergy feedstocks. c, Carbon capture and storage
allow CO2 concentrations to grow between 480 and 720 ppm CO2eq (CCS) technologies intervene to capture most of the potential carbon
by 2100 (501/653 apply BECCS; with 235/653 (36%) delivering net emissions from fossil fuels, and return them to a geological (or possibly
negative emissions globally 41; see also Fig. 2). ocean) reservoir. d–h, NETs remove carbon from the atmosphere, either
Results from two recent modelling exercises10,35,44 show that through biological uptake (g,h), uptake by biological or industrial processes
median BECCS deployment of around 3.3 Gt C yr−1 (Supplementary with CCS (d,e) or enhanced weathering of minerals (f). Any atmospheric
Table 3) is observed for scenarios consistent with the <2 °C tar- perturbation will lead to the redistribution of carbon between the other
get (430–480 ppm CO2eq); we assess other NETs for deploy- reservoirs (but these homeostatic processes are not shown). Note that
ment levels that give the same negative emissions in 2100 (see there are significant differences in the materials and energy requirements
Supplementary Methods). for each process to remove (or avoid adding) a unit mass of carbon from
A key question is whether these rates of deployment of NETs (or to) the atmosphere.
can be achieved and sustained. Most of the NETs require the use of
land and water, some use fertilizer, and may also impact albedo. All by surface albedo) and cost, depending on both their character and
NETs are expected to have considerable costs8,10. Earlier studies have on the scale of their deployment. Figure 3 highlights the differences
examined a number of constraints to NETs7,37–39,45–50, but have not in these requirements expressed per t Ceq removed from the atmos-
assessed a range of different NET types together, or considered the phere. Geological storage capacity has recently been evaluated as a
range of impacts included here. We perform a ‘bottom-up’ implied potential limit to implementation for CCS (and hence BECCS)51,52,
resource use analysis rather than a ‘top-down’ potential efficacy so is not considered further here. Indirect effects of NETs through
analysis, using the best available data from the most recent literature. the reduced use of other technologies in pursuit of a given goal —
The evidence base for the values used varies greatly between NETs, for example, potentially fewer nuclear reactors, wind farms and
with some (for example, BECCS) having been the subject of a large solar arrays — are not considered here. The values we have used
body of research, whereas others (for example, EW) have received are estimated from analyses presented in the latest peer-reviewed
less attention. The data sources and a qualitative assessment of the literature (see Supplementary Methods).
confidence and uncertainty in the ranges we derive are described
in detail in the Supplementary Methods. We estimate the impacts Land area and GHG emissions. The area (and type) of land
of each NET per unit of negative emission, that is, per t C equiva- required per unit of Ceq removed from the atmosphere, also termed
lent (Ceq), then assess the global resource implications, focussing the land use intensity, is particularly important for land-based NETs
on the limits to large-scale NET deployment and how these differ (Fig. 3a). The land use intensity of BECCS is quite high, with values
between NETs. ranging from ~1–1.7 ha t−1 Ceq yr−1 where forest residues are used
as the BE feedstock, ~0.6 ha t−1 Ceq yr−1 for agricultural residues,
Impacts of NETs per unit of negative emissions and 0.1–0.4 ha t−1 Ceq yr−1 when purpose-grown energy crops are
NETs vary dramatically in terms of their requirements for land, used. Supplementary Table 2 shows the carbon and GHG emissions
GHG emissions removed or emitted, water and nutrient use, energy and removals associated with a range of energy crops and forest
produced or demanded, biophysical climate impacts (represented types, and the net negative emissions delivered (see Supplementary
430–480 ppm trees around 4–5 kg P t−1 Ceq, and annual energy crops (such as fibre
sorghum) around 20 kg P t−1 Ceq. Nutrient removal therefore differs
several-fold among biomass sources (Fig. 3c), so large-scale transi-
2015 estimate
tion to using land for biomass production could deplete nutrients,
10 but this will depend on the vegetation (or other land use) that is
replaced. Additional nutrient requirements (that is, fertilization) are
5 Historical emissions difficult to estimate on a net basis, as fertilizer may also have been
used (with varying intensity) on the land before the switch to energy
0 crops58. Nutrient depletion further translates into agricultural inputs
and upstream GHG emissions and energy consumption.
1980 2000 2020 2040 2060 2080 2100 Albedo. In addition to biogeochemical climate impacts (for exam-
ple, uptake of atmospheric carbon), changes in land use affect cli-
mate by altering the physical characteristics of the Earth’s surface,
such as increased evapotranspiration59 and increased cloud cover in
Figure 2 | Scenarios including NETs for each of the scenario categories,
the tropics60. Important among these physical changes is albedo (here
corresponding to the ranges and median values shown in Supplementary
we focus on surface albedo), which is the reflectance of solar energy
Table 3. Scenarios with no technology constraints (that is, including NETs)
by the Earth’s surface. The albedo of lighter-coloured and less-dense
from the AMPERE10,44 and LIMITS35 modelling comparison exercises are
vegetation (for example, food crops and grasses) is much greater than
shown in colours, with all other scenarios from the IPCC AR5 database
that of trees53,61. The situation is further complicated in areas where
shown in grey. See the caption of Supplementary Table 3 for an explanation
shorter vegetation may be persistently covered by highly reflective
of the representation of gross positive and gross negative emissions.
snow in winter, while tall coniferous trees remain exposed and there-
Net land use change fluxes are included (note, the 1997 fluctuation is
fore much less reflective61. This snow-mediated effect is large enough
attributable to Indonesian peat fires). Sources: CDIAC94, IPCC AR5 scenario
to mean that AR in northerly latitudes may have a neutral or net
database ( and the
warming effect (larger than the carbon sink provided by the vegeta-
Global Carbon Project.
tion)62–65. Figure 3d shows the change in albedo under different NETs
(focussing on the replacement of cropland or grassland with energy
Methods). EW and DAC have minimal land requirements, crops) or under AR, both with and without the effect of snow.
with land use intensities of <0.01 ha t−1 Ceq yr−1 (ref. 18) and
<0.001 ha t−1 Ceq yr−1 (ref. 14), respectively (Fig. 3a). Costs. The economic costs of deploying and operating NETs will vary
according to the specific technologies involved, the scale of deploy-
Water use. This is highly variable between different BE feedstocks ment and observed learning, the amount and value of co-products,
(including forest feedstocks) and is generally considered to be site-specific factors and the scale and cost of building and maintain-
higher for short-rotation coppice and C4 grasses than for annual ing any supporting infrastructure (the costs of capturing and stor-
crops and grassland (on an area basis)53, although when corrected ing a t Ceq are from studies using approximate 2005 to 2015 US$
for biomass productivity, the ranges are closer and overlap consider- values). In the case of BECCS and DAC, costs can be anticipated to
ably 54 (Fig. 3b). In calculating water implications of BECCS, water occur across three stages: (1) capture, (2) transport and (3) storage
use for CCS is added to the BE water use (Supplementary Methods). (including monitoring and verification). Recent estimates of the total
Where deployed, irrigation also has a dominant impact on water costs of DAC technologies40,66 are $1,600–2,080 per t Ceq, of which
use. Estimates of water required per t Ceq removed by DAC and roughly two-thirds are capital costs and one-third operating costs
EW are an order of magnitude or more lower than for BECCS (Fig. 3f). Although there are very wide ranges for costs of BECCS
(Fig. 3b). For EW of olivine, one molecule of water is required for technologies67, the mean price estimated across 6 IAMs for 210046 was
each molecule of CO2 removed, so each t Ceq would require 1.5 m3 $132 per t Ceq (Fig. 3f); costs of bioenergy without CCS are lower 54,55.
water (Fig. 3b). AR costs are estimated to be $65–108 per t Ceq for 2100, with a mean
of $87 per t Ceq. Estimated costs of EW are taken from Renforth56:
Energy input/output. This varies considerably between different $88–2,120 per t Ceq, with a mean of around $1,104 per t Ceq; these
NETs. BECCS has a positive net energy balance, with energy pro- estimates are uncertain and the relative balance between capital and
duction ranges of 3–40 GJ t−1 Ceq for energy crops55 (Fig. 3e). DAC operating costs has not yet been thoroughly examined.
and EW, on the other hand, require considerable energy input to
deliver C removal; the minimum theoretical energy input require- Global resource implications of NETs deployment
ment for the chemical reactions of DAC14 is 1.8 GJ t−1 Ceq removed We use global deployment of BECCS in the recent assessments
at atmospheric concentrations of CO2, and for EW of olivine is featured in Supplementary Table 3 to derive the corresponding
0.28–0.75 GJ t−1 Ceq (Fig. 3e). When also including other energy resource implications (Table 1), and focus on the scenario giving a
inputs for mining, processing, transport, injection and so on, the 2100 atmospheric CO2 concentration in the range of 430–480 ppm
energy inputs for DAC and EW are much greater, perhaps as much (consistent with a 2 °C target). We compare DAC resource impli-
as 45 GJ t−1 Ceq and 46 GJ t−1 Ceq, respectively 14,56 (Fig. 3e). The cations at the same level of negative emission as BECCS (that is,
GHG implication of this additional energy use depends on the GHG 3.3 Gt Ceq yr–1 in 2100; Table 1). For other NETs, which are not able
intensity of the energy supply, which is likely to change over the rest to meet the same level of emissions removal, we use values compiled
of this century. Energy requirement is less important if low-carbon from an analysis of the recent literature to give mean and maxi-
energy is used (for example, using large areas of solar photovoltaic mum implementation levels (see Supplementary Methods). Mean
panels to power DAC plants45), but may still have additional impacts. values for carbon removals from AR are estimated to be around
0.4 2.0
Ded. crop (marginal)
0.3 1.5
Dedicated crops
Dedicated crops
Crop residues
Crop residues
EW (olivine)
EW (olivine)
0.1 0.5
0 0
c d
25 −70%
Nitrogen concentration in feedstock/biomass (kg N per t Ceq)
Nutrients Albedo
Change in albedo
Boreal (Summer)
Boreal (snow)
Crop residues
Ded. crops (marginal)
Dedicated crops
Crop residues
0 +10%
e f
55 2,250
Energy Cost
Energy required
Cost of negative emissions (US$ per t Ceq)
DAC (e.g. amines)
Net energy (GJ per t Ceq)
EW (olivine)
EW (olivine)
DAC (e.g. amines)
Ded. crops (marginal)
Energy produced
35 250
Dedicated crops
Crop residues
95 0
Figure 3 | The different requirements and impacts of NETs. a–f, Negative emissions technologies have different land (a), water (b) and nutrient (c)
requirements, different geophysical impacts on climate (for example, albedo; d), generate or require different amounts of energy (e), and entail different
capital and operating costs (f). For example, carbon dioxide removal (CDR) technologies such as DAC and EW of silicate rock tend to require much less
land and water than strategies that depend on photosynthesis to reduce atmospheric carbon (a,b), but the CDR technologies demand substantial energy
and economic investment per unit of negative emissions (e,f). Among BECCS options, forest feedstocks tend to require less nitrogen than purpose-grown
crops (c), but present greater risk of unwanted changes in albedo (d), and generate less energy (e). AR has been omitted from b,e,f to avoid confusion with
forest BECCS (where the CCS component is included). See Supplementary Methods and Table 1 for data sources.
Table 1 | Global impacts of NETs for the average needed global C removals per year in 2100 in 2 °C-consistent scenarios
(430–480 ppm scenario category; Supplementary Table 3).
NET Global C removal Mean (max.) Estimated energy Mean (max.) Nutrient impact Albedo impact Investment needs
(Gt Ceq yr−1 in land requirement requirement water requirement (kt N yr−1 in in 2100 (BECCS for electricity/
2100) (Mha in 2100) (EJ yr−1 in 2100) (km3 yr−1 in 2100) 2100) biofuel; US$ yr−1 in 2050)
BECCS 3.3 380–700 −170 720 Variable Variable 138 billion /123 billion
DAC 3.3 Very low (unless 156 10–300 None None >>BECCS
solar PV is used
for energy)
EW* 0.2 (1.0) 2 (10) 46 0.3 (1.5) None None >BECCS
AR* 1.1 (3.3) 320 (970) Very low 370 (1,040) 2.2 (16.8) Negative, or <<BECCS
reduced GHG
benefit where not
*NETs with lower maximum potential than the BECCS emission requirement of 3.3 Gt Ceq per year in 2100; their mean (and maximum) potential is given along with their impacts (see Supplementary Methods).
Wide ranges exist for most impacts, but for simplicity and to allow comparison between NETs (sign and order of magnitude), mean values are presented. See main text and Supplementary Methods for full details.
PV, photovoltaic.
1.1 Gt Ceq yr–1 by 2100, with a maximum value of 3.3 Gt Ceq yr–1 for Total agricultural land area in 2000 was ~4,960 Mha, with an area
very large-scale deployment 6,7,68 (Table 1). The potential of carbon of arable and permanent crops of ~1,520 Mha71, so area for BECCS
removal by EW (including adding carbonate and olivine to both (380–700 Mha) represents 7–25% of agricultural land, and 25–46%
oceans and soils) has been estimated to be as great as 1 Gt Ceq yr–1 of arable plus permanent crop area. AR (at 1.1–3.3 Gt Ceq yr−1
by 2100, but with mean annual removal an order of magnitude less68 negative emissions; 320–970 Mha, respectively) represents 6–20%
at 0.2 Gt Ceq yr–1. Combined with the bottom-up, per-t-Ceq impact of total agricultural land, and 21–64% of arable plus permanent
ranges (Supplementary Methods), we then assess the resource crop area. This range of land demands are 2–4 times larger than
implications, and the extent to which available resources may limit land identified as abandoned or marginal72. Thus, the use of BECCS
the deployment of NETs globally. and AR on large areas of productive land is expected to impact
the amount of land available for food or other bioenergy produc-
Land area. DAC has a small direct land footprint (Fig. 3a) and can tion12,37,73–75, as well as the delivery of other ecosystem services12,32,76,
be deployed on unproductive land that supplies few ecosystem ser- which may prove to be a limit to the implementation of BECCS77
vices14, although the land footprint could be considerable if solar and AR. One uncertainty is the future rate of increase of food crop
pholtovoltaic panels or wind turbines were used to provide the yields37,78 and whether this will meet future food demand79, thereby
energy required45. EW has a larger land footprint if the minerals are potentially freeing more cropland for BECCS or AR, even if at a
applied to the land surface (as opposed to the oceans, or if weather- higher price37.
ing reactions occur in industrial autoclaves), although crushed oli-
vine or carbonates could be spread on agricultural and forest land Water. Increasing global water stress is attributable to rising water
to allow the weathering to take place, with the added benefits of demands and reduced supplies, both of which can be exacerbated
raising the pH of acidic soils to make them more productive15. Thus, in some locations by climate change80. In particular, the evaporative
EW technologies may not always compete for land with other uses, demand of plants increases with temperature as vapour pressure
despite the large areas involved (for example, the estimated poten- deficit increases. Evaporative loss can be 20–30 mol H2O per mol
tial of 1 Gt Ceq yr−1 removed might require 10 Mha)15. CO2 absorbed by an amine DAC unit 14,81, giving a water use esti-
Assuming per-area carbon in biomass available for capture as mate of ~92 (mean; 73–110) m3 t−1 Ceq (Fig. 3b). Implementation
a feedstock for BECCS of widely applicable, high-productivity at levels of 3.3 Gt Ceq yr−1 in 2100 (Table 1) would therefore be
dedicated energy crops (willow and poplar short rotation cop- expected to use ~300 km3 yr−1 of water assuming current amine
pice (SRC) and Miscanthus; 4.7–8.6 t Ceq ha−1 yr−1; Supplementary technology, which is 4% of the total current evapotranspiration
Table 2), BECCS delivering 3.3 Gt Ceq yr−1 of negative emissions used for crop cultivation82. Sodium hydroxide for DAC, however,
would require a land area of approximately 380–700 Mha in 2100 uses 3.7 m3 t−1 Ceq (Fig. 3b)81, so equivalent levels of implemen-
(Table 2), with a wider possible range that is determined by pro- tation using sodium hydroxide in place of amines would result in
ductivity (Supplementary Table 2). This emissions removal is water use of ~10 km3 yr−1. For EW, with a water use of 1.5 m3 t−1 Ceq
equivalent to 21% of total current human appropriated net pri- (Fig. 3), deployment to remove 0.2 (mean) or 1 (maximum)
mary productivity (NPP) (15.6 Gt C yr−1 in 2000), or 4% of total Gt Ceq yr −1 would involve water use of 0.3 and 1.5 km3, respectively.
global potential NPP69. Areas for AR that are calculated assuming Water use for forests is estimated to be 1,765 (1,176–
a mean carbon uptake over the growth period of 3.4 t Ceq ha−1 yr−1 2,353) m3 t−1 Ceq yr−1, which includes both interception and tran-
(Supplementary Methods; Fig. 3a) give a land area corresponding to spiration (Fig. 3b). However, because trees replace other vegetation
1.1 and 3.3 Gt C yr−1 removed in 2100 of ~320 and ~970 Mha, respec- during AR, the total net impact must be calculated by subtracting
tively, similar to other estimates50. Estimates of land use by BECCS the water use of the previous land cover. Assuming a water use sim-
and AR are consistent with the values presented in previous stud- ilar to short vegetation of 1,450 (900–2,000) m3 t−1 Ceq yr−1 before
ies47 for three IAMs (Global Change Assessment Model (GCAM), AR (Fig. 3b), the additional water use from AR is estimated to be
Integrated Model to Assess the Global Environment (IMAGE) around 315 m3 t−1 Ceq yr−1, which is 1% of the total evapotranspi-
and Regional Model of Investments and Development/Model ration from current forests82. For AR delivering capture of 1.1 or
of Agricultural Production and its Impact on the Environment 3.3 Gt C yr−1 (Table 1), additional water use is thus estimated to be
(ReMIND/MAgPIE)), although other studies suggest larger areas39. ~370 or 1,040 km3 yr−1, respectively.
Without global forest protection, increased bioenergy deployment Similar calculations can be made for BECCS. For
would increase GHG emissions from land-use change70. unirrigated bioenergy, evaporative loss is estimated to be