Air Force News Jan-Jun 1940

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JAN .1, 1940

NO. I.

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.VOL.XXIII .AIR 'Information Division "'. Aii'.9prp,S" .... ', .... :





No.1 Muniions ~uilding t Washin,;ton,D,C,.

The tihief purpose of this publication is to distribute information on aero~hautics to the flyIng personnel in the Regular .A.rmy, Reserve Corps, National ,~~rd, and others connected with aviation,

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The Honorable Harry H. Woodring, SecThe 27th BombardmentGroup (Light), .' retary of War, announced under date of comprising Headqusrters and Headquarter~ December28, 1939. the constitution of Squadron, and tue 15th, 16th and 17th .' several new Air Corps units and the ac-. BombardmentSquadrons, is to be activat" tivation of several others now on the ed at Barksdale Field, La., and station~ tnactive list, effective February 1, ed at that field, ' 1,940. The new units LncIude BombardThe 31st Pursuit Group (Interceptor) ,; ri!ent and Pursuit Groups for Puerto RicO, consisting of Headquarters and Headquar,.. e: PurllUit Group for the PanamaCanal . tel'S Squadron, and the 39th, 40th and . ~one, a BombarilmentGroup for Hawaii, 41st Purllui t Squadrons, is to be staand a Composite Group for Alaska, as tioned at Mitchel Field, N.Y. The 41st' . ,,\,,ell 50S a number of organizations for Sg.uadron is to be activated at Bolling ~.--- continental United States. F+eld~ D.C., and the remaining Units of. '.; The new units constituted on the acthis 17roupat Selfridge FHld, Mich. . .. live list are two BombardmentG~oUPs The 35th Pursuit Group ~Intercieptor) '> tHeavy); one Bombardmel)t rOWl Medium); comprising Headquarters and HeadquarG one BombardmentGroup \Light); our' tel's Squadron, and the leth, 20tE and ~ursuit Groups (Interceptor); one Com- 21st PUrsuit Squadrons, is to,be. acti:PositeGroup' one PursuIt Squadron vated at Moffett Fi'eld, Calif., and lInterceptorj; five Base Squadrons and stationed at that field. ,. 2ne Photographic Squadron, The 36th Pursuit Group (Int.) is tobs Unit~ on the inactive list which are stationed in Puerto Rico. The Headquart.. to be ac;tivated are two Bombardment tel's and Headquarters Squadron and the Groups ~Medium),one Comp9sie Group; t 22nd Pur sui t Squadron of this Group are .dne BombardmentS~dron ~Med~um); ne o to be activated at Langley Field~ Va., - . P.ursuit Squadron ~lnterceptor); two Re- and the two other units.of this 17roup, connaissance Squadrons and two Observa- the 23rd and 32nd Squadr'ons, are to be tion Squadrons. activated at Kelly Field, Texas. . These new units will absorb a large The 37th Pursuit Group (Interceptor), part of the increased personnel of the consisting of Head~rters Squadron, e;panded .Air Corps and will be equipped the 28th, 30th and 31st Pur sui t Squad > '\'lith new airplanes recently purcliased rons, is to be activated at Albroo'k by. the War Department, deliveries of 1 Fie),d, Pa~ Canal ~ne, and stat.ioned Wh1chare nowbeing made.' at that, held.' '. . '. The new organizations, the stations' 1 The 28th Composite Group is to be 'whiah thllY are' bEiing formed, and', '.stationed in Alaska, 'the Headquarters t.heir per!llllJlEll1t l!tationll are .given beand Head.quartersSquli.dr.on and the 36th low: 1 BombardmentSquadron' to be activated I The Z5thand 29th BombardmentGroups at March Field, Calif., and the 34th ~Heavy) are to be activated at Langley Pnrsuit Squadron (Interceptor) to be Field, Va..~ the 25th, comprising Headactivated at Kelly Field, Te~s. quarters and HeadqUarters Squadron, and The 43rd Pursuit Squadron ~Intercepthe 10th, 12th and 35th Bombardment tor) is to be actiVated at Albrook Sguadrons, are to be stationed in Puerto Field, Canal Zone, and st~tioned there R1CO;and the 29th, comprising Headquar-- The 19th Base Squadron ~serving one ''1~ tel's and Headquarters Squadron and the Group), is. to be activated at Hamil ton it' ' 6th, 29th and 52nd BombardmentSquadrons, Field, Calif., and stationed at McChord ';1". to be stationed at the Southeast Air Field, WaSh. . . ,J'io!!>o Base, MacDill Field. Fla. The.23rd Base Squadron (serving one The 22nd BombardmentGroup (Medium), Group), is to activated at March .~ comP.rising Headquarters and Headquarters Field, Calif., and statiol)ed in AlaslQl... Squadron ~to be activated at Mitcllel The 24th Base Squadron ~serving. tM:l F:feld. N.Y.), and the 19th and 33rd Bom- Groups).!. is to be KellY bardment Sguadron.s (tp be activated at Fiel~, ~exas. and stationed in Puerto Patterson Field, Ohio), is to be staRico. t10ned in the Panama Canal Zone. The 26th Baae Squadron (serving ons Please ,.purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -1- ID6'01 . V-8323, A.O. "


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CREA.TION AUAIR DEFENSE OMMAND OF C Group) is to be activated at M~xweli Fiela, Ala . a9d stationed at the North r The Secretary of War, the Hon, Harry east Air Base ~Westover Field, lAass.) H. Woodring. announced on December 20, The 27th Base Squadron (serving one 1939 that an important step tOwardithe Gro... )is p to be activated at Barksdale Field~'La.~and stationed at t~e South-' compietion of.comprehensive plan~ ~~rlJ the, national defense will be ta:kenti,n IV east ~ase MacDill 'Field, Fla.) , the near future by the War Department.". The let otographic S~uadron is to In brief. an air, defense command will',-, be activated at Bolliilg Field.' D.C. be created which will include "the '00-'., and stationed at that field.' .' ordinated control of "antiaircraft The uni ts on the inactive'list which Sg,uadrOllS Pureuit~lanes, of and the, all'craft warning sernce, of ,signal com-. are to be activated are listed below. as follows: munications,.all elements ,for , the ,~ro-', , 11th Bombai'drilimt roup' (Medium) com- tec,tionof G i an area against hos\;i;:1.e",air prising Headquarters and Headquarters attack. The commander- will, be,.Brigadi", Squadron, ,'.and the ,,14th and 4?nd Bombard er I}eneral James E,~ Chaney. who,wa,s-ell ment,SquadronS.i,'''is, to be act1vated"all pr-omo t ad to that, rank; on January 1,.!"~~ Hickamlrield . H., and,stationed there 19~. '.' t-',~).,., at. .. ,'~l ' At the' present timsl all of the mobile The 22nd Bombar dmen Group (-Medium), combat 'WIltS of the Air Corps 'afe <con-. : t comprisinG the 2nd Bombardment Squad';' cen't ra t.ed in one organizationkilown as ' ron ,is to, be activated at Bolling the General Headquarters. or GHQ, Air;,. Fieid, D,C., and stationed in the Pan F.orce', This commandis divided into, u' Canal Department. , . \ '". three wings; located T.espectivelY,ron, .,J , The 21th. Composie Group., cOIJlP.r~~ing the >WestCoast, theiEast Coast and ,"the' t the 37th BombardmentSquaaron ~Me~lUiIl) Gulf :Coalit. It iud udes offensive 'and is to be ac tavat ed at, Barksdale Field. defenijivet~es of'aircraft, Bombers, AttAck and Pursuit pla.nes; and Recon- ' La. and stationed in'Alaska. , Our grbund anti,.. The 3rd'Bombardment Squadron (Medium) naissance, Squadr-ona, aircraft defense consists of,~ome fixed i'8 to be activated at France Field, Canal Zone. and stat10ned at Howard', ,antiairsraft artillery in strategiclo~ Field, Canal Zone.'.. ' r .-' cali ties, but principally of mobile" _ The 78th 'Pur sui tSquadron (In t ercepantiaircraft artillery rel'!iments,J., n,o,w , :' tor) is to be acti vated' and sta t'ioned . scattered throughout the !jnited, ::;tates:>G at Armyposts., ,,' , : -r '\ at Wheeler Field" T;H.' 'The creation of an air defenSe comThe 41st Reconnaiss~ce Squadron ' mand will provide experience and' the (-Light'Reconnaissance ' is to beactivat basis for future ,developments of th1s . ed at L~l'e, 'F.i'eld. ,a , and stationeli 'at MacDill Fleld, Fla. Southeast Base). nature, 'in the control of both air ,and, ~,tiaircraft units, Interceptor-Pursuit\ The 89th Reconnaissance Squadron Groups, antiaircraft regimentll and" ", (MediumReconnaissance); is to, be acti' vated at March Field, Calif., and to be Signal Corpsuni ts." The Interceptor-', PursU:it, GroUps will provide .the highly stationed at McChordField, Wash The 39th Opservation Squadron {Corps mobile long-ral~e weapons for the purpose of meeting and defeating, any,hos- , and Di'vision) 'is to be activated and tile air attack threatening a' ~articu~.., stationed at France'Field. Canal 'Zone. , The' 86tn Observation Squadron, (Corps, lar area and, in cooperation wlth,the antiaircraft artillery units, will furand Division') is to be, s;ctivated and nish'close-in defense for vital locali-; stationed at Wheeler Field" 'T.H; , -":-000--- . ties. whether for citiee, manufacturing '. ; areas or for armies j n the field. The. Wi;; FLYING CADET CORPS Sig"alCorPs communication units ,will . -. DRUM AND .BUGLE provide the necessary aircraft warning , ' . . Organized'at' Randolph 'FieldL Texas,on service. r November' 27, 1939, the Cadet,.ur,Um and To 'facilitate training, it is intend .; , ..' Bugle Corps made its first appearance ed initially to establish the first ( 'of this nature in, the north..;,; "J at the graduation retreat exercises" " command held on December 17th, . Lieut. J;R; eastern par t of the United States. utilLuper is in charge of the organi2ation. izing'exIsting Army posts.and air f.ields The Drum and Bugle COrPs is c0!'W0sed tomaxil!lUlJlcapacity., Th~ n~,wHortheast i of 15 Cadets; with'Cadet J.F. Schlrmer All' Base (Westover Fleld) wlll. upon' designated, as leader. The Cadet, Bat- .' its completion. become one of the mor-e talion feels that the organization is important elements of this organization. even more sUccessful and valuable than Meanwhile, existi~ air fields and, anticipated at"first., It has proved posts nmst be utilued.' , .', l invaluable for ceremonies. Sunday paSince forces of several arms ar'e"ili:" ! rades. and Satux~ 'reviews, etc., and vo Lved, this command -snoul.d be ,orgal:iiz-.J 'has assisted .in.'instilling a high moe9- and developed. by a: "specially ,qua,l-i;.,"'. \ rale and resulting high standard of ef- fled gen\lral offlcer cnarged j'litllth,e ","f ficiency in 'the Flying Cadet Battalion. ,~Continued on :Page' 4 ),r "1" .\;'!.'J V 8323 ,A ''C n .!Jp...s ",.-1.-: <.(..'j2 no
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.JS ",f ,:.~Wright ~ield , in the course of their inspection, of , Arl!l1posts in the.lJnited States:and' th~ ' i:JiOnf,'WEidnesda.v, DecEi~ber is, ,1939, at. 'Canal Zone.t.;.involv1ng a 7,OOO-m11e 'aer1~ n:~3Q 8..'mi'. wr1ght F1eld r eceave d a' legislators were particu': viiliVifromilix' members of a larger Con- al tour.'!'ne " ~r~li~ioila.1"*6t1p, which siilce .'early 1~0- l!l.rl1f ,interested in new construcHon ~ember had Deen on a tour of 1nspect10n needs at the Depot: Membereo! the' delegation, in addition to Senator' ,,' ,.,f~Armw:posts and stations in the UnitThomas; were Senators if. S. Truman, Sher:eaiS,tates and the Panama Canal Zone. The~~light includ~d sto~overB in Guate- man'Minton' H.H. Schw~tz, Chan Gurney, malre and'Mexico C1t~, The Congressmen Repre'sentahves R. E., l'hOmason, D.D.' Terry~ J.M. Coste,no Overto~ Bro~ ' who'''came ,to Wright Field 'were:, " i':Senator Elmer Thomas,.Oklahoma; . ' 1!~~cl Ill~~~~~: " W" er , 'iJSenMorHarry'H. Schwartz; \Vyomingl. . The was accompanied by. Majors , Reprcesentatives John J. Sparlonan., tlth 'Wilson groupupston,CaP$aiua and Culbertson District of Alabama; Charles R. Clason,. Lieuts. T.W Rafferty .. qnd District of Massachusetts; Paul W. . and VloodburYj Roberts and K.A. , W.E. Davis, .J. ~haf-er, 3rd District of Michigan, and Flagley, With six enlisted mechanics ~hornas,E,"Martin, IstDistrict'of Iowa. and radio operators. ' :Senator Thomas is Chairman of the' DuI:ing their stay in San Antonio, the Senat'e"Subcommittee on Appropriations 1;01' "the War Department : Senator ,Sc~wartz members,of the party were also accompa- of nied by Representativ&'PaulJ. ~ilday, , ~s aicmemberof the Senate Military Afthe 20th, Texas Congr&sSi:onal District .. faix's 'Committee; and. Representa tives ;'" Chanute rield;'. Ill,' , s.Parkman, Clason', Shafer 'and Martin are ~embers of the House Military Affairs The Congressional insp~c~ion party, Committee' , .' ' ..' consisting of Senators 'i'liomasana -: The:'party', I which had been accompanied Schwartz, Representati ves,,:Clason~' Sparkon ~ts .trip by Major Arthur R, Wilson, IlI!l.n, .and Martin, arrived at~;'Chan\lte .. General 'Staff Corps,and Major John E. Field 'on the morning of December 12th.", ' Up~ton, 'Office Chief f?fth~ Air, Co'rPs'. ~ The weather was threatening and as no fl1ghtcommander, arnved an two C-i39 previous flight had been cancelied, tha Douglas: airplanes, piloted by Captains record was maintained by'virtue,of a . C..E. Culbertson, M.C.' Woodbury, Lieuts.' somewhat-cur ted Led visit.: J. J. ,:Ro ts and' K.A. Oavenah, bel' '. Immediately upon landing, the Visit'" . ~ne~visit at the Materiel Division 'ors were met by fi'eld personnel :and" was' briefer than had at first been andiatinguiEih&d guests of the post from ,ticipated, and it was impossible for the surrounding communi ties. Ail inthe -,Congressmen to inspect. all the, exspection WB.emadeof the present Tech_ hibits of experimental equipment which nical School and the new construction; ~ad-been prepared. They were shown all after which the party motored' 'to the, Officers" Club for lunch. . ." ~onstruetion projects, and wer~ so interes ted by the developments v1ewed in During the luncheon, Colonel 'Da"~il- " port Johnson. command1nG ChariuteF1eld, the31~bOrator4es that they. expressed a aesire'to return at a later date with a in a brief address" welcomed the vi-sl tgreater, number of Military Affairs Com- ore and guests and voiced'hisapprecia-. ~1ttee\members'for a more thorough in~ tion over their 'presence~ , Senator, ': Thomas, of Oklahoma, replied for the &pection. Congressional party, outlining ,the pur"Upon, landing, the party was met by and concluded by Lieut. Colonel Oliver P. Echols, Tech- ' pose gf the visit, congratulating the Air Corps on Hs n~ca:l Executive and Assistant Chief of the. Materiel Division, and Lieut. Col. s:(llendid progress. He,assured his " hsteners that 'the'United States de-.'. L. T. Miller, Administrative Executive. General.Brett, Chief of the Materiel Di- fense forces would the largest in the world; ,but the finest .. Mr. \1ision,found it impossible to be 'in Da~ton at the time. ' ' . Arthur C. Willard, President of the Univereity of, Illinois, spoke'briefly -.[The Congressmen spent the nightfn on the University and stated that they DAy'tonand were entertained at'dinner by "the, Dayton Chamber of Commerce.'They were happy to pay their debt, to, the 'Government and, since his school.maintook. off early the next morning for R.O.T.C.'unit in the Washington. , ' tained the'largest nation, they. wouldal~s .cop;perat,e to , )"Saii'.Antoi1io Air Depot, TexaS , the fullest in' .the ddschazge of' their ' The Congressional delegation headed obligations. , .' ' ' by .SenatorElmer Thomas, of Ok ahoma,' i Congressmen William H. ,Wheat. of,. Cha:1'rllle.rt,ofhe Senate Subcommittee on t Rantoul, and' Le~l~e ArendS.l..0f Melv~ni ' App~optiations for the War Department, Ill., met the V1S1 tora at'vnanuteF1e d and(~omPo'sedof 14 members of the Miliand remained uhtil their depar tur-a.. tary AfIairs.Cornmittees of the Senate Colonel' Gerald C. Brant A.C., flew to and Hcuae, paid a vi sit to thi s Depot Lowry Field, Denver, Co 0., met the i party at that point and acccmpanLed it Pleaseon SatUrday afternoon, November25th, purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.



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74th BombardmentSquadron. . Th:eflightdepBrted on December 12th for the San Blas Islands, on .the At. lantic coast, for the purpose of.tT~a~ing several cases of illnesses l;'!lPC!r.t~d.a among the San BIas Indians of Tlgx:!l'r~,'irA Island. . j,t'mdJ:l2 Offi~ers on the flight repot'tedrHqa;,!;;ji a Landfrig was attempted in rough .waterq,. that the bow of the plane caved in~arid'," th a. t sh e sank" " ' ;,... ' . . Cuts and bruises. were suffered 1:>)' '~'! several men 0t.' the flight, but,po ".:,.~ serious in;lurles were reported. 'It was' necessary 1'01' the men to remain ~t; the'; San Blas Islands overnight. 'They,re";'~ . turned in another Amphibian the follow .. , ing day. same being piloted by Lieut:COh Gilkeson, commandingthe 16th Pursuit,oil Group, and Captain R.E. Randall, Group Operations Officer. . .,,' ... ; , Tuo went to the scene, of + "I ---000-"th~ crash and an attempt was mada:,~o', t ralse the af rp Lane from the water" . ' ... CHANUTE . FIELDPERSONNEL trip was noted:~:;-, .' ONAIR TOUR in Best commenton the out by Lieut:.,'o ' the Form 1, filled First Lieut. Glenn Thompson,Air Da}cy. With the plane in 15 feet ofc~ ~ Corps, of Chanute Field, and Mr. Richar water, he entered on the back of the W. Faubion, ,Trade Test Department; Air form .... "Needs Major Overhaul.".. Corps rechn1cal School, completed a ---000--tour of Air Corps stations thro~hout the United States in order to institute Creati9n of an Air Def9nile Command a. system of coordination at Air Corps \Oonhnued from Page 2 ) .. '. [ stations !l.uthorizedto conduct A.lpha .... ,. " . _ '. Test and classify enlisted men for entraining of both ground ahd air units.", rollment in courses at the Air Corps and with the perfection of the coor~~~~ Technical Schools. tion necessary to defend an area. ~-':' 'to' Someconfusion has heretofore. existed' agai,?-st air .attack. . ~ " ...... _ . in the conduct of these examinations, Erlgadier General James J<;. Chaney,. and the several stations have maintainwho prior to January 1, 1940, held " ed varying standards in arriving at the the rank of Colonel and commanded final grades and classification of pros Mitchel Field, N.Y., and who vas . \, .: pective students. I. selected for this important duty, +s, Lieut. Thompsonand Mr. Faubion spent an officer of outstanding rocord and. approximately'one'month on their air. reputation, a graduate of the Army' War ' tour, visiting the f.ollowing 'mentioned. I College, an ex-member of the War De-' '.' ~ : . A~r Corp~ fields. in the erder given: partment General Staff, and. morer;e:!".j Selfrldge, Mltchcl, Bolling, Langley, cently the senior staff offlcer who';" 4 Maxwell, Bar-kada'l , Randolph, March, e accompanied General George C. Marsha.ll'"! Moffett, Hamilton, .Lowry and return to' 021 the good will'mission to Brazil'of Chanute Field on December 13, 1939, May and June, 1939. .( : Lieut, Thompsonis on dut:( in the ---000--Office of the Commandant,All' Corps' .,~ 'Technical'Schools. CHINESE OFFICERS OBSERVE TRAnJING " 'J
1 "

to Chanute Field via Scott Field. All officers of Chanute Field attend'ed the l'llcheon, and the following . civilian guests were pr eaent , in addition to those previously mentioned: Dr, A.J. Janata and Dean M.L. Enger, of the Fniver.sity of Illinois; Mayor James I, Flynn, Messrs. C.E. Bowen.tHardin Boul-' ware.t 'N.H, Lee, Frank K. Ro aon, Gorbe don B'i Lde rback, J.A. McDermottand W. ; S Hansen, of Champadgn IlL', M~U'or , ---r ........ George Hurd Messrs. Edward Lindsay'and Harry lliegier, of Urbana, . Colonel S.S. Denney, Messrs. Leland Fowler, James F. Clark, Glenn Fultz." 'Chester Webber and 'N.F. ROlj1;el;'s, Rantoul, Ill. of . '1'11e 1Sltors depar tjsd.'at 1: 00 p.m. , V f~r Battle Creek,Mich .. The'-baIance of the tour will take'the party to Wr.ight and Bolling Fields: Schenectady and Albany, i-I. .i' ~ica t~nny Ar senal, and . . Y return to Bo hng Flelli; '. .






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Training methods employed at Randolph, ERRAND OFMERCYiIDSIN DISASTER E Field, Texas, were observed for a .ten~ii ,.' .. day :E'eriod b:( two officers of the -~e,J,~ A morcy flying mission, attempted by publlC of Chlna, Lieut. Colonef Ch~ao i~ two pilats of Albrook Field, Canal Zone, DawnChiang ~~d Lieut. WegoChlang. , '" by two medical.efficers,al. They were accompanied by Colonel. C.L;' l'n most ended in disaster when the Gr~~: Chennault, former Air Corps officer, . I Amphibian in which they were. riding now serving as aviation advisor to the . nosed ever on a water landing and sank Chinese Government. . .' 1 in about 15 feet of water. " Following their stay at Randolph. " . First'Lieuts. T.C, Darcy and John R. Field, the two Chinese officers were . Kelly, Air Oo s , were pilot and corp scheduled to 'go to Kelly Field,.,; pilot, respectlvely, of the Amphibian, for a similar period of observation; . the medical officers being Captains and then to the West Coast on" ~ ' L, E. Griffis, of Albrocik Field, and spection tour of aircraft factories 1'7 E.F. Austin, of Quarry Heights.' The and civil airdromes.' ..:) ,~('d engineer was Corporal J. S. Kouba; of the ---000--.' ~ J.ii ,,!

V-8323 , A. C.ttO;)'!

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i :;-Ci(pt'ainWilliam T.Coleman; Air Corps Does the throttle work properlyl Is it loose or worn anywherel . ae,resentative'at the plant of the Bell . +ircraft Corporation, Buffalo, NewYork, Is the propeller locked on? SU~IJ1~~tei the, article given below in . Is there water in the radiator, oil and gas in the tanks? ~he'bi3lief that its publication in the Does the gas tank hold it~ air pres~ , New~:.Letter.might result in a compara.surel . ' ~i~e~discourse between present-day airplanes.,and .maintenance difficulties and Are the controls all connected up to' work properly? Is there any unlooked the old:type aircraft which formed the for friction or lack of alignment' Qas~sro!" our present-day' inspection, Are there any'loose bolts or unsafetied ays~em;, . turnbuckles? .r .' The',Ne1Vs" Letter particularly welcomes' are the wing pins at the articles along the line such as suggest-. Particularly body joint properly locked? e:a':bl/"JCaptainColeman,. His contribu-, . Is the motor hood fastened downl And tiionxree.ds as follows:' .the rear fuselage cover' " During the course of some research The tail - is it.properly fastened study the undersi$fied came across a . down? rath~r interesting book entitled "Mili-' Is anything going to jam a pulley or a tary 'Aeroplanes". by Grover C. Loening, control? Is your luggage or military edited;in the year 1918. An extract load properly fastened in? from'this 'book;which might prove of inIs your safety belt really safe? teres,t"in general to the pilots. and .. Have you a fire extinguisher handy? maintenancecrews of today' s mo.dern Is there grease on the wheels? ~ighting aircraft,is as follows: _ Are the wheels held by the pins from '1. UPKEEP, , slipping off the axle' . ; An aeroplane should really be Run your motor a few' minutes to see ~ept1in shape. like a yacht, all parts that it really "motes". . :eolished. ani cleaned and oiled,wi th a Take a good look around. the field for very definite effort on the part of the wind direction and other aeroplanes! crew'.to: have everything spi ck and' span. ---000--P!i..rtHfulil.1'ly should oil be cleaned. off ~f the wings and of woodenparts, as it RETREAT PARADE BECOME TO PART OF ~o readily tend.a to rot them. Not only CADET TRADI . TION .ts thiswerk desirable for looks, but. H is a systematic way to inspect for In the Flying Cadet QMdrangle at ~laws. j Randolph Field, Texas, a retreat paf. 2 . , INSPECTION. rade was held on Sunday afternoon, '; On.cein the, air, if nothing is wrong December18th, Wi,th,.the aeroplane, the flyer is absoPatterned on the Corps of Cadets at lute_master of his own destiny. the United States Mili~ary Academyat lOn_the contrary, if there is someWest Po-int, the Flying Cadets went thing, wrong, he cannot "stop by the their "brothers in grey" one better by' l;Ioadside and fix it" coming up with their own drum and bugle So,inspection of an aeroplane is of corps. . the very greatest fundamental importThis, the first in series of paance and should never be neglected. rades to be held during the incumbency k In fact, a good ,pilot, regardless of of each class to be trained at.Randolph a.ny foolish criticisms of "cold feet" . Field. is planned to permit fnends of. on the p~t of less sensible ;rivals, . Cadets and visitors an l?Pportunity to wi);l-.eXBlll:ine b.1slllaclnne carefully evet7 view the <Battalion. Guides wsre statillle.befors gOing ilP; t8kittg particular 1 tioned. at varicus points throughput c~re'1f ,~e has a passenger. And in 00- ,J he field to direct Visitors to the d1tion, an the proper" esprit de corps" I adet quadrangle.. . of flying, he will take no offense~f ---000---' h~s'passenger does likewise .to assure Flying'Cadet Class 4O-A. numb~ring h1mself.. , ' . " 227 students, departed from Randolph Be,\,ause there,1s really ~o .come . Field .on December19th .for Kelly Field, back ,to.,something wrong I'llth an aeroTexas, the Advanced Flying School on plane,. and.where there. are unfortunatethe last leg of their journey, Which ly.still so many little fittings and will terminate with the Cadets receiv-. ~gadgets", .1tIs very wise to acquire ing their wings. ~ . this_point of view, from the outset. This class, the largest ever to be i In general . a quick, .thorough inspeegraduated from the Primary School at .,tion covers the following vi tal points I Randolph Field. was a~so the first to Is the motor wiring and switch corbe enrolled at the "C1ty of W1ngS"rom f recU.::>.1, ", the Civilian Elementary School;, under . the Air Corps Expansion Program.


followed by'~ hours of bombsight, operation o~ the ground, on completion of which 2li hours of air ~ead Reckoning and Celestial N~vigatracking missions and 30 hours of actual bombing missions. during which tion will hold no secrets from the 5th each student drops a total of 60 bombs. Bombardment Group, Hickam Field, ~.H complete the course. All students "at , in the future, as a result of the'Air Navigation School, launChed on November this writing have completed the'gr~Uha,j and'have progressed' to'.liii" I 1, 1939, with 1st Lieuts. Hugh F. Me- ' instruction tracking misSions, Lieut. Luehman ;fe;:." ~..~ Caffery. and Paul C. Ashworth, ,of the Weather permitting, tlleco)Jt's:e:~, 4th Reconnaissance and 31st Bombardment ports. was' scheduled to be completed ~n,Dec~~' Squadrons, respectively, as instructors. bel' 15, 1939. , " , " , ':~ r The first class. totaling twelve offi"While the profi ci encyof bomb'arame'!i~) ~ cers. ten of whomare 'from' the 5th Bomum ts in'the destruction of ground bardment'Group, completed their basic gets by means of 'projectiles drOpp'~d:'~;;l ,classroom work and are now flying,navifrom aircraft has progressed by'reap~~t~ ,gation problems withmarke~ success . " and bounds srnce. the World 11ar, the:,'ae:.: As now contemplated. the course will ' last approximately three months and will fense of bombardment formation from',at:'; tack by ,other ~ircraft has been som~~-' consist of a total of 255 hours' classwhat slighted. llespite the axiomj,thatc. ~ room work and 70 hours' 'air work. A the best defense is a vigorous, off,ense,,further breakdown of this time shows: there is no di~counting the factlthat,b; Dead Reckoning: 110 hours' classroom, a_determined' snemy :Pui'suit organiz,at.ion, 30 hours' air. once in contact with, our Bombers..,:can~~, Cerestial r: 145 hours' 'classroom. cause serious discoJllfi ture to individual , 40 hours' air. aircraft. and at least prevent a f'ew:: ~ The school operates ,five days a week. Bombers from r epeat Lng the attack.some \ Monday to Friday, inclusive. the hours' , , " " being from 8:00 a.m., to 3:00 p.m. ,save other day. ' ' With this in mind. the 5th Bombardment on Wednesday, when class is dismissed Group has been conducting amass gunnery at 12:00 noon. ,Flying is done ~n the exercise. the object of which is, tooan.., , afternoons. sW,er the following questions: : .' ";:,'1 ,". "The school has received excellent a. What types of formations p ertaat. ,the cooperation from all agencies", Lieut. maximum, oncentration c of controlled' fire McCaffery r epor t s , adding that lithe over all possible avenues of approaCh:of Post Technical Library-has furnished Pursuit aircraft! all the texts and equipment necessary, 'b. What are the bes t means 0: 'firoT;,: and upon receipt of the drift sights controll ' now on requisition, the school will be c.What are the probabli ties of '"ol>--":. completely 'equipped.' taTning hits on Pursuit aircraft from,'! "Continuation of the ,good weather, ranges up to 1000 f eetT ,j, r. coupled with the permanently available To the above answers , "he 23d", wide expanses of open sea devoid ,of Provisional Squadron, consist:i.:.l;'; of' all check points. should result in a fine units of this Group. under command~of-~ crop of navigators .", Captain A.V.P. Anderson, Jr was' fofm., , ---000--~ ed for the period of the exercise" 'A, special allotment of 100.000 :Bbl~ARDMENT INSTRUCTION FORENLISTED ammunition was furnished for ,rounds' of the tesj;~by MEN the Chief of the Air Corps. When theThe ancient belief that only Air test is completed. a total of 11 miB~~ Corps P.ilots make good bombardiers sions will have been flown, involving: ' stands a fair chance of being thrown in- firing on from on~ to three towed' :-:~o to the discard, if the final results ob- s~eeve~ by fo rmat Lon of from. three .to tained from the Enlisted Bombardiers' n1ne ~lrplanes from alI posslble angl~~ School, now being conducted 'by the 5th and, dlspos.itions. 'For purpos~s ~f ,colll-j Bombar1ment Group Hickam Field T H' parl~on, ~d because of the d1fflcul;j;y; . " . ..,., of slmulahng attacking aircraft bj' usa are anythmg hke present indl~hons. 10f a towed sleeve. the last two :mission,s Novem,ber1, 1939, saw the of 'will involve at tacks (camera Gun) on the t!;e cl.aas of 28 carefully selected enBombardment formations by units of 'thel Ilsted men from the squadrons of, the 18th Pursuit Group, Wheeler Field,T:H,'! Group, under the personal superv~sion "It "is believed". says the News Let,ter ,of 1st Lie:tt. Arno H. Luehman: Au . Correspondent, "that the mass of.aat~::ob!Corps, Asslstant, Group Operahons Offl- t ai ned, when carefully compiled' and'Snal'cer , Theo:y of bomb1n~.ballistics. yzed on completion of the te'st,w'HJ!,~re;:.~ and 0I;erahon of t echnt cal, equipment veal, some very ill\lllltnatinl': facts fo-iM' ccnst t tute the 14 hours of classroom gardlng our present d.e1'enS'lve,el:lul:;pment,' and will furnish the basis for further l. 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I instruction,

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To .:.-, -~s 't;.j ~ ;,.1' : doi,i" '.,c'

"l i'

RETRACTABLE LAmlING GEAR' ': By the Materiel Division Correspondent Part


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'W':n~'a:.,de;igner star,ts work.on, the .re- fairing is requir~d, and a wide tread tl';!l;dt!-ble, landing gear for a new.type of which gives lateral stability is autoIlirplane , he knows that he can devise a mati cally attained. .', , Jiiechan'ism',wnich will retract in 8riy di5. He then provides the method of movi;ection.' 'He has learned much from na- . ing the landing gear assembly into the ture,':s, solution as seen in birds.- back- space selected. . , ttB:rilret'rpction of the leg against the 6; The power unit to actuate the system li'ody, , but in the early days some of the is selected. Thus. if the airplane al- . xte'trh,Ctablegears did not approach naready bas a hydrauli c system. the land- , ture'~s;reliability as evidenced occasion- ing gear system would be tapped into it. ally~tn: the headlines announcing that an- and the secondary system would l'dgi:cally other'gear had jammedin the retracted be a hand pump hooked onto the ~draulic pos i, tion and the pilot successfully had power systemr . .' essayed a belly landing. ' In simplest form. retrection is accom, Essentially the designer proceeds as . pH shed 'by rotating the landing, gear as . ~ollows:, a unit about a'pivot point on its'upper; ~LaThe plans furnish information on end where it joins ,the airplane lltruc- _ what~:the,'landing speed will be, whether ture . Auxiliary brace membersof. the . i ,a~hose:ot tail wheel will be used;' and. gea~ are, displaced from their normal ex~ th'e4:gross weight. ,F~om these the need- tended pos i,tion to a secondarypolii tion, :ed calculations can De made of the brak- thereby causing movementof their pivot~ ing capact ty needed. The braking'liapae-- ed .ehds and resultant lIlovemlmt f ,the o ~ty"dictates the size of. the wheel need- maiii lancling gear structure to there- " ed to house the brake. From the'size tracted position. In special casas, ih1 rpLthe'wheel and the gross weight, a genious devices must be ,origitlate:i when' '<i~ire.tis indicated dependent upon whetherlan eccentric movementof the lanii!;1g .' .:soft,.medium, or high-pressure tire" gear is requirei to manipul~~~ it into: is requue j. ' " the .space available for houS1ng it. 9~2.jThe,necessary clearances govern the Whether retraction is accomplished in~ ~length of.the landing gear. The propel- to the fuselage, thick sections of the ' ,!ers must clear the gr,?und by nine in-' win~s, outboard engine nacelles. or into ohes. The structural clearances of the fairing on the structure; the designer's fuselage or any loads suspended beneath sole objective is to.reduce greatly over,it such as bombs smoke or gas tanks. as all air resistance and so secure returns , well 'as the clearances of the flaps in in greater speed and lower fuel consumpthe~down position, are calculated; tion; The Air, Corps requires that the .,~~ The over-ial.L size of the landing .. gear: raise to retracted position in 20 gear.assembly can now be estimated. seconds; and that it lower and lock in ;4:' The designer now starts to look for landing position in 15 seconds. Requi~e!1,,~6cation the gear in the re- ment of the Civil Aeronautics Authori ty, tracted pos1t10n, hoping to find a is up in 60 seconds, down in 30 seconds. :pla,:ce'tnto which it can oe 'fully retract The visual indicators,which inform the ,,!ld. ,'He' weighs each consideration: Repilot whether the wheels are up or down, 'tr~ction into the fuselage usurps exsometimes bad disadvantages in that they ~remely valuable space near the center were difficult to read when flying into pf_gravity; It must. be usef sparingly, the sun, or be checked at two or for pilot, cargo, gas tank, bomb. or more points, cr :did not indicate intsr'camera space comes first. '. . mediate positions of the wheels. The .c ":Retraction into the .thick sections latest type of indicators at Wright ()~,:the wings is usually an ideal .answer Field. whieh will be installed on all il)-;the lon-wing monoplane, ecause this b 'in production, tells the' s~ction generally will completely house pilot everything he 'must knowat a cthe. short landing gear structure of ,this glance. A single dial face mounted on ~type. Also, this eliminates the necesthe instrument board shows a small airsity of cutting holes in a monocoque plane and two~in-point lights. As f'!-selage. .: '> wheels are raised or lowered. the wheels Retraction into the outboari engine on the small airplane follow the same of multi-~ngine airplanes solv- movement, 80 that intermediate positions .,es ,thElproblem of getting the. larger are shownprecisely at any time. The ,wb,?el;~' of.~he heavier airplanes into the two pin-point lights are actuated by ,!;h1.p~ ,sechon of the. wing. This is a switches which close only after the lockvery"efficient installation,as little pins have locked the wheels in landing

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positions. Supplementing the visual position indicator and signal lights, is a warning device (onLf one per airplane is permitted) actuated byineans of the engine throttle,' . Oontinuous research is conducted on' :fluids for hydraulic systems. The ul,timate aim of this research is to find 'one fluid which will ,n8t boil away at .temperatures up to 160 F.,' nor congeal at any temperature down to _400 F. or lower. As rapidly as pcas Lble the rubber and synthetic packings in hydraulic systQms, ,are being replaced by metal- . seated valves .and lap fits. A principal advantage of the nose wheel is that greater braking force can be arplied without nosing the plane over. To capi t 9.1 ize on this feature, dual brake installations are being developed to provide larger braking capacity. "Dual seal" inner tubes, which trap' air in two compartments. for greater safet~ ar e 'being developed for nose-wheels. Studies are being made to improve the' fit of tires to rims to prevent slipping when greater braking forces are applied. i Static and dynamic balance of tires and wheels are getting considerable attention,with the objective of eliminating the detrimental vibrations often set up just after take-off when the wheels are spinning free. At present,pilots ~ontrol this vibration by applying the brakes just !iLfter take-off.' . , ---000--LOWRY FIELD'S BOMBING RANGE The 'bombing range, located, about 6 miles sout.heas t of Lowry Field, is in constant use by the ArmamentDepartment of the Denver Branch of the Air Corps Technical School. A gre~.t many live bombs ani dummy bombs and thousands of rounds ,of ammunition are being fired.
daily on this "immenserange, which is


Reserve officers at Albrook Fiel-d . are attending two classes daily, .each br:rs; lasting 'one hour,. in preparation ..fO',r; v,oti the examination for permanent c()mm"i.\{sion~, to be held ear-Ly in January. . ., ~ '"' The classes are Ln Navigation and :En.:..J gines, and are held in the OPerations~',~ .' Office of the 29th Pursuit Squadron .,J ~,) from 2 to 4 p vm , daily,' under the ..direer'; tion of 1st Lieut. Robert D. Gapen;' Nav:.;,~ igation is taught by 2nd Lieut. John bel Hester; and engines by 2nd Lieut . Clint,!!,
Wasem. . . ~ '\~:i jJ1C;~


Offi cers attending the classes include" 2d Li,euts. John P. Breckenridge, H.~'llon.'l Tungeln, Paul, M. Brewer, Albert A.-,Cory.;J J. Garratt Jackson. Robert Baes ef er M .P., Camp, JohnB. Henry, Jr., James D M.ay~'.l! ... den, R.B. Mueller, Ralph Pusey, K.L. ,i.d,.! R dle. J.C. Smith, W.E. ~tinson. W,H"~~~;'J son, Leon W. Gray and ,V. Weltman. ,t Is:/1



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ACTIVITIES FLYING OF CAnEr TRAVELING' BOARD '" i The Traveling Flying Cadet Examining 1 Board of the Ninth Corps Area, of which.' Major E.E. Alder is president, will' mak~~ its headquarters at Grand Central F~ying. School, Glendale, Calif., site of ons"cffl the Training Detachments, for two 'w,feKs}: beginning January 20th. " .1' During this time, the BoaIld will sit': at the University of Southern Califor~': Universi ty of California at Los Angeles;.' and Pomona College., An "ArmyAviation Day" will be staged the iay the Board arrives, to call pu~ lie at.tention to the recruiting campai~ which already is receiving considerable' notice. One Los Angeles newspap brli, , voted' nearly a full page to p Lcbur ea..: I and stories about the Cadet Board's
activities. .'

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apprClximately 100 squar e miles in extent. ---000-'-1 The NewsLetter Correspondent believes that in the near future the bombing CONGRESSMEN GLENDALE VISIT FLYING SCiiOOL' range area will be cross-lined in ted.. , on all ai:'Vays maps as a prohi'bi ted a:e The Congressional Committee of 18 sen:'~ anticipahng that the bombing range wll1 ators and reprosentatives which has .peen b~ used constantl? and the d:opping of touring the Army establishments of,the"" llve bombs or f1nng of'i ne guns. United States, Cent.aal, America and Pana-. will create a great hazard to aircraft ma, were the first to see the Flying .... ; which might venture across this restrict-Cadets at Grand Central Flying School', \ ed area. Glendale, Calif., in their new uniforms . ---000--The resplendent uniforms, just eOIll-, pleted the previous day, feature a deep . LowrylField's permanent personnel was 'blue zipper blouse with shoulder i.nsigincreased by the transfer of 30 enlistnia of brilliant red ani blue, and ed men, who in the past have been cargleaming gold. Lighter blue tr-cuser-s . ; ried on detached service from their pa- and flight cap are worn with it . '. ". ".:, '---000-'-..... rent or~anizations. and now become perJ - ,,1'~:: manent lnstructors in the three departr"::"1. :'., a ments o f the Denver Branch of the Air .. .~0 =:-[11 ; Corps Technical S~ool. V-8323, A.C. -8N


By the Materiel, Dtv1sion Corres~o~dent





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,.R~cently received from the, Williams of four years; two of the~ having been andlWilkins' Company,Baltimore, is a given to the, preparation of the book',' pew book, "Principles and Practice of. ' The only other general textbook on airAv:iat'ion'Medicine" , by Capt. Harry G. iation medtct'no to be written in 'this , ]u-mstrong,B.S, ,M,D.,Director of the Aero cOU)ltrywas that, prepared:by Colonel . kedical,Research Laboratory of the Ma- , Louis H., Bauer" of the Bureau of Air Com~eri:el'Division. Neatly 'bound in blue mer ce, Medical Section, in 1926, and cloth with, gold lettering, the book 'con- while still of definite value, it 'was tains.,:more. than 400 pages of, for the pub'l Lahe d 'before mBI\Y recent discoveries, !\1o,stpart, new and previously'had been brought to light. ' ~d material; ,Within the covers it has Captain Armstrong came to Wright Field ~een;~aptain Armstrong's purpose to pre_ on September 15, 1934. to organize the sent everything a flight surgeon ~st' Aero Medical Research Laboratory, the kn'ow~:about election and care of the s only one of its kind in the 'country. In-, flyer;, a modern basis for the investiga.- terest in 'aviation medical research aros~ H.on':of the effect of flight on man,phy- during the World War period, and until. i siologically and psychologically; eval- 1920, when it was discontinued, there ; uation of the existing remedies for ad- had existed at Mineola, Long Island, an ' ~erse ,conditions; and the'further devel- Air Service me4ical research laboratory., opment'of corrective' measures: The med- T~e extremely hi~ speeds and grea~ al-' ical terminology is reduced to a mini t1tudes.character1~tic of modern a1r" consistent with the scientific nature of rlanes. 1n recent t1mes, however, brought, the book, and aircraft designers, oper- I back. sharply the need for l't';1dy of the' , ators and pilots will find information phys10logical reaction ,of f11ght upon they ~an readily absorb, and that will be l?ilo~s. The "blacking outll experience invaluable to them for tb,e accomplish1n h1gh speed turns was one. of many eviment;"of further advance of safety in dences of 'such need. . ,, ayiation. During ,the period of Captain A.rm-, :<'The.'bOok,Captain Armstrong says, has IItrong'a directorship, many valuable ex'tJe'en:'prepared primarily as a textbook periments have been accol!!Plished.' In for'~tudents and as a reference work for this work,~e has never hesitated to take 'ihose actively engaged in the p ract ice hi s turn t..s the guinea pig, Whenhuman of aviation medicine. Of the latter, reactiohs wer~ sought. His work has won incl,uding medica.l examtner s for the Civil.wide rec6gni tion for his oxygen research;. A,eronautics Authority, there are at pres es. Scientists from manyother labor' ~nt apprOXimately a thousand in the Un-' atories come to consult him upon his own i ted' States. ' ," and relate:l. work~ Recently he was noni, MOrj3 ,than one-Tour t h of the material ored by eledtion to the first Vid<rprilsis,.devoted to the'resUH of origintH re- idency of the Aero Medical Associatlon e~ar:(:lYpe'rformed Captain Armstrong by of the United States, l>nddiis staff in the L?boratory at Wrigh Since statistics show that nearly ~ield'. Historically, the book is also 2,000,000 people in the Uni.ted States of value, and Captain Armstron~ discuss- are .taking to the air each ye~r and , es amongthe works of early sClentists since the health and COmfortof each dethat of Dr, Paul Bert, who in 1~78 dis,serve' consideration, the new book is 'eo:v.ere:l. the fact that balloonists asbound to prove an extremely valuable cending to high altitudes were affected one 1n its field. ' ,, ~y lack of oxygen. undertook, to ---000--.~obte the problem.,. ' ""Captain Armstrong's first intention RETIREMENT OF MASTER SERGTh\NT:PETERS was 'merely to collect and classify for riadY reference all available exIsting Master Sergeant Frank A. Peters, of the 63rd School Squadron, Kelly F1s,ld, aero,'me1ica1 information produced in Texas. has been placed on the retired this country and Europe. Muchof ,this was. isolated in melical reports .and pa- ,list . effective December311 1939. Entering the Army in ,March, l~ll, Sergeper s not easily obtaina'ble by indi vd duant Peters has served overseas during als . the War, a tour of duty in the Philip, As'hi s work p rogr-esseI, however, the. ,pines, and on the West CGast. From need for presenting new material' along ~9l9 to 1923, he was an instructor in jvi th"that already in exis:tence caused , 'military,tactics at the University of ,'him to change the pattern of his work Washington~ He has been stationed in from a lengthy report for Air Corps reSan Antonio since 1926, joining :the search purposes .to a book. The collect63rd School Squadron at Kelly Field ing of material extended over a period -thr ee years ego, . 8.k. ,":,:-~ ~', ... ... , V-8323, A.C.


FIELDonCE MORE..FLYING A SCHOOL 73D BOMBARDMENTSq,UADRON . , BROOKS BEGINS ; NAVIGATION CLASS, ' . , Brooks ~ield, Texas recently made a Kelly Fieid, ,is rapidly Nowthat the 17th Bombardment'Group. March Field, Calif., completei its dead preparing for the influx of its first " since 1931, when reckoning navigation school. it falls to group of Flying Cadets the 12th Obser:vait became the home of ,the ,lot of individual squadrons to furtionGroup after primary training.a:c~tl':'j ,ther that training by conducting, simivities were transferred ~ar schools within their organizations. , opened RandOlph Field in to the:n~!lY~(~;' that year."" ''1' The 73d Squadron has added four new With the Air Corps e~ansion, in f:illl"} " names 'to its list of official dead reck- s'!"ing, Brooks Field will again harbor,; J. oning navigators as a result of the co~ An Corps studen't fliers, who will be r J,":I plete1 course of instruction by the .' in ~heir advanced, training period on '~roup. namely. 1st Lts. Aaron W;Tyer,~ arr1val there.' Due to theextreme~~ 0rij ~osep~ Brier; 2d Lts. Murray A., Bywater large classes training under the "expan-,.!J sion progioanlt ~h'!lAdvanced Flying:j;f~~oa" and v.ct<lr L.And'!lrson., ,', ' -, hon to the four sec~10nil; 1 In coopere.tibn with tbe Group\s fU- , SchooIi , in aa.d1 ture training program. the 73d just com~ at Kel y Field. will have a fiftl1 a,eo.,.~;., Field.', ,where':j ~enced its dead reckoning class of eight tion in training at BrOOKS Colonel ~,A. LOhman;Assistant ,Command,;~ officers. It is estimated that in apant of the Air Corps Advanced FlyiiJ.g;d'" proximately six weeks' time these offiSchool. ie now in command. CaptainL.H.t bers should complete the entire course, Tull. 'form'!lrly Assistant Su~ply .office:i'[) both groun~ and practical navigation, at Kelly F1eld. now heads A1r Corps'SUP;t f.Ild receive their diplomas as recognizp~ at Brooks Field, with 1st Lieut.tI') ~i navigators in dead reckoning. R.,l!;.,Ellsworth being transferred to The officers taking the prescribed Brooks,.Field as the new Adjutant of,that oeur s e of instruction include 2d Lieuts. post. , . ~,',,;~ .'.-~ A.C. Carlson, F.B. Gallager, C.J. Hef~ ---000-, ' ....,'"," lin, G.C. Leland. R.S. Mason, W.G.ThornKELLY FIELDGATES UNDER 'GUARD : brought D.S. ,Dunlap, J.G. Schneider. Lt. . 4.... ..!p ~ M.A.Bywater is designated as instructor. Greatly increased activities at ,Ke'l1y;,: ---000--Field, Texas. incident to the Air .. C,~.l:Ps;:'; : " AIR CORPS ENLISTED ACTPROMPTLY Expansion Program, have resulted1n,B.'lOJ: MEN complete revision of the police and 'C) , AND SAVE MAU'S LIFE traffic system at the field. The ,vast .. Two men of the 19th Pursuit Squadron. amount of ,?onstruction under ,wa;f on ,:the post, the 1ncrease in'number of aut~mo~ ' Wheeler Field, T.H., have been the rebile-owning personnel and the constant-" cipients of letters of thanks and comIy growing interest or the public -in'. .; mendation from several sources since Air Corps training have swollen the 'J , the evening of September 2. 1939. On, traffic problem until i"c' that particular even1ng. C,orporal Lloyd have become necessary drastic steps, con, , to reduce the D. McKenZieandPri vate, First Class. gestion. Only two gates to the ,field;; Manning F. Ford, were engaged in repair- are now open, and vehicles and indiv:i4'\1~ , ing their automo'bile on the Kamehameha al's must now be provided with the proper Highway, near Aiea, when another 'car, permits to enter and leave the post.', dri ven 'by Richard A., Girton. of HonoluGuard shelters have been built, and ,,; lu, crashed into a heavy wooden retainguard is maintained on a twenty-four': ~ ~ng fence. ' The two enlisted men a'bly hour basis at these gates. ~.b,""" -';"-000 --t ~:..,. 'tlok charge of the situation by extrica ~ng Mr. Girton and applying first aid ,CONSTRUCTION mmER WAY KELLY AT FIELD' to his smashed leg. Doctor' Richard J. Newbuildings are' springing up like~ob Mansfield pointed out that the immedmushrooms at Kelly Field,where ev:'dencec iate,first aid applied by the two men of the increased activities is rapid1Yci saved the life of Mr. Girton who would taking shape in the form of new hllIlgars, otherwise have bled to death. 'The Serbarracks, quarters, and ,office1.~ vice can well be proud of the quick and bUildings. ofncers' Several of the new homes,for1 intelligent action of these two'men. officers, started July. 1, 1938, are,praco: Op!. McKenZieis a clerk in the Squadtically co~leted, wh11e the large cadet ron's Headquarters Section, and Pfc. barracks bU11ding is well under. WB3.' .. I Ford is' an ,AM, 2d Class. in the' Squad-' , OverShadowing all the others in, size; ." .. .ron's Engineering Section. however, is the huge new hangar just,'tak,---000--ing Shape,wi,th the skeleton framewor\C'~ ; Sixty-seven'eXperienced mechanics ~d gi ving an idea of the Lmmenae struCture; being erected. Whencompleted, the'blind'clerks from Kelly Field were among the ing will be about 100 feet high, .witli',ao first group to be. transferred recently from that field to March Field. Calif floor area 300 by 375 feet ""'~;8;;;~~ as past of the Air Corps Expansion Pro'} lJ 9;J!;t gram. " " V-8323. A. 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.n~.H-:-. " ~'~ ' M~.~e:riei,Divisl.onengineers, through drive'n distributor valve'which controls I the "cour.tesy of the E. F. Goodrich Com- periodical inflation and deflation by . 'pany , \are permitted to use the refrigan air pump. On a large airfoil, such ' era ted wind tunnel in Akron, Ohio. as the wing of the B-15, as many as 5 ! . a tremendous advantage over inflatable tubes have been used. They !less:fortunate research engineers in are inflated alternately, with a rhyth~'countries, whohave to.~wa~t 10c8.-. mic inflation-deflation cycle of about tion of suitable icing conditions ill' 9 seconds! somewhat ;slower that a ripthe. s~ to acco~lish icing research on p1ing'act1on, but shownby .tests to be p,n"IH.and when"basis. more practical and efficient. The del. Doubtless this is one reason why the icer lies flat .on theairf~il, covering united States has produced the best the region where under-cooled *ater of existing de-icer sy.stems. as ,.judglld. particles strike. The trailihg edge is Py :s~r1fice 1'scol'ds and Pili'chll.Setl dr . fastsned by ti'inuts and fairinglltrips airhlie and military airp1anee. which hold the de~ider taut whimnot in ; The various schools.of thought on de- use. . lcers 'arebase~ pn three pr;ncip1es: ' In operation, when ice begins to form (l)!Chemica1; ~2) Thermal, ~3) Mechan- upon the surface of the rubber sheet !:cq.l' .T' . . . covering the leading edge" air is in; t Ij.~iIn the chemical group; li.tt1e troduced at tne most. efficient time success haa been. found except. for ~l'O-~tervals:. t1,leinflatable tubes round ~'ection of prop.e11ers, where centrli'u-. oUt, stretchlng. the whole sheeti the gal force augments the chemical in . ice while still in' thin layers 1S 1iftthrowing off under-cooled water par- . ed, loosened, and broken.' The tubes ticles . Ilr surface coati%s, lubri-: are then quickly .deflated and .the loose cants, -cont.muous applice.t1on of liQulds ice blows away. . -: which.. ower the freezing point aE'wa"l;er, After tUTningthe de-icer on, the l . q.nd.:.~ari'o,\,-s pastes all fall shott;- Some whole operation is automatic as far as actually lncreased the rate of ace , the pilot is concerned. An automatic fo:;-*tTon'. .. control has been developed at Wright. " (2) ~Although e~ine exhaust heat seems Field which relieves the pilot of even to .betheoretically ideal, the wei~ht the necessitl of turning on the de(bfipresent radiators and distribuhon Lcer, This ice_detector" has passed pipes is excessive for airplanes. Fur- experimental tests and will shortly-be ther'research may produce a satisfactoin the service test status.:' ry thermal system. The principal use Ice does not. affect operation of an heatJinice protection now is the airplane radio unless the formation carburetor heater Which effectively pre- completel~ covers the insulator and ventscca.rburet6rs from icing up'. forms'a clrcuit around it. De-icers 1 Tneoretical1y the motors of an airfor 'radio compass loops and masts wo.rk ;)[ane"lose enough exhaust heat to main_ on the .inflated tUbe principle; and' . t'a:ln"a temperature sufficiently high on should be carried to prevent ,lossaf" leading wing surfaces to melt i<;e. but tel' the ice burden eetsup a vibration. whether. a 'syStem designed which, Smaller loo~s in' streamlined ho,:-eings will'melt icell.s fast as it can form _ do not -reClulre de-icers.' One AlrCorps -under severe conditions without decreas- pilot, flYing through ba.a ieind strata. l~ the fnel. or p~ load too muchis suddenl.v lost a generous' portion of a 11:~8tionable. wing. A radio mast,heav.ilY weighted. t, :.l/. ~e ~<1i'ich llIeChe.nicll.1 de-icer, with ice, vibrated off into a :propeller. 4nelOp<;l'd ovel" a period' of years in the 'which flipped it out and through the. refrigerated wind tunnel in Akron,Ohio, witig. Antenna wires.insta11ed trans. h:;ge!1erally accepted as t1,le .best preversely ra~idly, up enough ice to', sent~de-icer. ' It is used lna number snapiniclng conditions; installed in of "countries throughout the world', and the direction ,of the airstream, or not by comerctal airlines and the Air Corps over 20 deg.from this position,' icing in this 'country. 'is much slower. '.' . ',It' consists of a sheet ofvu1canized An entirely separate system (antirubber, backed with extensible fabric, icing equipment) prevents formation of to ..rEl.sist teariw. with one or more in- ice on propell'irs. This consists. of a f'la.tab1.e.tubes"tdependiI)g on the size tank of fluid D5 parts of g1ycenn of .tll,,' airfoil) into which air under 7 mixed with 85 parts of ethyl alcohol). p.oiiird's';pressureis pumped.. .' a pumpwhich meters out the -",~Th,e; inflatable tubes run lo~i tudin. needed,and a "slinger ring" ally'alollgthe,leading edge.. ;L'heyare to the propeller with a separate .deliv-' connected by tubing within the strucer~ tube for. each blade. .. . .' ture of the airplane to an electrically The centrifugal force developed by .o ,I. -11-' V-8323, A. C.: .




the ivhir1ing blades, ser;;ii nJ~Aon1Y to' B.Wilfe' of the'"idngbazardcln the trip ; die tiribute , the fluid over the 'surface until he, saw' the other airplane af~er , ,of" .. e blades but, alsotenda $ to whirl landing. , ' " ' , '" ,', , the 'un4er-co~led water :(larticlesout "It is the opinion o~ MAteriel Divi;.' ' , and away'rapldly after lmpa.ct.", ':' ,ilion engineers that the future dei-ic,err, , D~pendint! on ipUlllinationand:visi;. will 'employ ~h'e~nflatable principl:!l '9f~s bihty of"a',leadlng edi':e relative, to. the one, now an use. ' ,,:"',A hnoJ:r; ',the pllO~1 s pod t~ori, ~ormati0!l of"fce It will be tilor~ readil~,atta'cha.b1eA~ It 'may, be dlSCOVered'by slldlt;b1,10gy" and detachable.~It requues ab,outfOlJ:l'iJ' control,s; by a sudden; l'oreign viora-. man-hours to,~nstall,a de-icing ,SYSt~lP; .tioni'by in,ability to climb; 'Oi',~ose' on a Bomber: to detach',about, 6 .man~~:l:'"ii ;of a tHude. " " ", , ," ' hour-a. ) , . , " '. ", , "'!J~ o .. 'Pilots who havenad con'siderableex;. , It will have a 10IJi$er ser,,!,ice1ife;'r;~" perience,'wi th iCIi agree that 'the best . (Two,orthrel? years 19, consl,derell. ,the .. ~ 'precaution is to "stay-out, of it,' 'if ' maxilJllll!l life of present systetils~)~:::~:-:') possible. or,'get out,of1t'as fast as ,It '11111 not affect the aerodYnamlc's, 'possible., Like a trip, itO_the dentist. characteristtcs of the airplane 'WhEll1.9'fI1; ,it's rarely fatal wHh ,the protection not in use', (No measurements of th6'~':: s e of de-icinge~iiipmentbut, there',se:' de-icer's effect on'lih or speed have-;tri~ distinct relief ,when h's over.", been published. Recent changes 'in"tl:lte f"l , Somegeneral rules a,re included in rivnutand fairing strip method'of,~a;t"::(l.t, ns to p,llot,s:' ,,,,'_ ,,' "," ta,ch<nent res'ul ted in a smoother ,neilltel'J'; "In going through icing 'B'trata, from job.). .', ;r',"j "d't 'the viewpoint oftinie exposed, the' Two a.ddi'tional improvements 'haVti' been';t ; greatest pOSSible rate of change, of ",made latelY; a synthetic ,rubber',wfthIlA , alti tude \ with low forward speed) , shoUld more weather resh tance replaced 'tthei.o~ fl be used. '~n climbing, maximumallow-former 'Bpft, pliable type. A 'coating,>, I :able power Should be 'Used; a 'descent, of graph1 te incre~sesi ts resifltance to,,'" should De made,'with ail steep ,a -glide as' sunlight, and also 'tncreases conduc'tt ...:': otllersafetycondi tions ,w~ll allow, witllvity eo that the de-ic~i': le'ad~electr(.l-: \ full carburetor heat apphed. , 'static chargee out of 1tstra1.ling""1 ' ),' ,",It ShoUld beremember,ed that the edge into the,airplane, where, 'before.,;.;:': control 'of an airplane may,.be very seri-there ,was some ,chance of, thechai'ge';'~<;1 ouslyaffected by, small changes in the 'burning Ii. hole in the de-d.cer-. ' ~,'~~ i;;n ahape of thelee:ding edge of control Use of the refrigerated '!Iind"tWmel"," surfaces. thus: a ,'rela tively sma'l L de,w.Hl accelera,te, futurel'esearch: iIi the",~ posit of ice in ariy:fo;,m~,t:_:,s~hpointBProblems invo~ved in the.pi'otect~on;'(.lf,)." may be serious fr,om thls' consideration. small streamhne'dsurfaces. on 'which .f:"", ;" ,. , '" ", -.: ' ", 'ice collects 'in're'latively "larger Ia- '0 ,,"Pilots are' particUlar'ly, 9aution~d ers than on large, sUi'faces. ' '"-~,, that:when flying under condltions an 'Asa result ofstudies.publishedlont,( general favor~ble' to ice formati,on, the icing, of ailerone :and movI;l-0lecorttrols,-t rate of depoSl t may be'eXpects'd to inmanufact'Urerscan now'deslgn these"'llUl"..,.j' ci'l?aeevery rapidly after, the i)l~tial , fac~s to, afford li.tilaximumprecau~iOn tid ,formation. , ' ,,', ',,', '" .'"',, :, ' aga1nst 1Clng: " ',' ',' " ",lH"llI , ,"As the 0:Fera~ion of the, de~icing' , , ',Systematic .reser;u-ch ~y. be' expected;,'" ,~stem'on auf011s affects theaerodyin, icing p;,oblems present~d :by"win>i,7hO'l 'namic,characterhtics of the airplane. ,sh1elds. pl tot, tubes, rad1.o par~s.,.nose, , , the, system Sh9uld not be. opl?rated, while' pontoons, land1ngand running ll,~t.s"" . ~anding the aupUne Orln anY,other ' and rivet heads, as wel'f:;..s r:onhnued,"' attitude 'of flight inwhicli the airplane illl:{lrovementof de-icers :fbI' large air,';' '. ,llPPI'oa.chesthe stalled 'condition: n. , fOlls of the future. .,,~~''':; , All the meteorological conditions , ,', ,s which are responsible for those physical Note: Part I of the abOve article',;ap-'; tltates of water that result~nits .' peared in the issue' of the News Le'tter'" changing'toiee on, impact ,with an airof November,IS, 1939.,' ,~L,l plane belong to' a'hi,~hll"s~' e,cialized, ' " ",,----00,0.--- ' i.;)O!:,J:fl i BC ence 11'hi ch :i s sb' 1 00 for ' " !J~! i i' ~ answers. Use-of the standard de-icer .Vnder date of, December 5!l939,'.tJ:je; + by skillfUlpllots has reduced the ice Ch1ef of, the Air Corps, ~dVlsedthe:t,-,.:~" hazard in recent years. " ' ., " funds in the amount of ililO;545.00 were'" , ,Some,years aP two airplanes of ',the being allotted to Randolph ,Fiel'd Texa's;' same type ,were flown together on',a' 200- for, the 1nBtall~tion of, fireproof ,in'su"': mile trlp. ,A 'bad icing area was eDlabon .and heahngfacili ties in 'the r,' , countered., At the end of the 'flight, Dope Shop,' Building No. 38, This Lin.. ' : " One airplane was so heavily iced that stallation will permit the maintenance,,,, the pilot barely avoided a Cratlh 'the" , of proper 'temperatures ,for the'repair,s~ other airplane was not iced'at 'a i1. I'ts paintin,;; and doping ofairplane_parts:~I pilot had maintained an altitude of 200 in all types of weather. ". ,,~ '::01 til feet above the :{llane which almost was .. , --'--oOo,-''''-,~,,.,, J;' s'!o'ne 1 fO'rced down,by aee, He was not oven ", -, ' r c ),!.B'!efi~~ - ~ V_8323, ,~"q';1lff;;

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WRiGHT FIJiLD ";"UIPMENT'~IBIT' ",.' By the Materiel ,Division Correspondent



" " ,. ,

:, 1,The)'e4iibit of the ~uipment Laboraly crowded 'oday and aptly termed "no . . Uryprepared for the visit of the Na- man's land". The further development of ~ional Advisory Committeefor Aeronau- accessory po~er plants may succeed in re~ 'itics'at Wright Field in Novembercon- 'moving many of the complications of the' ' !;ailied -morethan five hundred' items of ,back of an engine by no longer,' equipment considered essential to the necessary to drive a fuel pump, 9il pump;; successful operation of military ai1'air pump, and electric generators by the: 'craft; ,One of the highlights was a, engine. ,',; group,of twenty-nine lamps, ranging f1'l!m Dr. Fannevar Bush, ChairmanofN.A. C.A.;J ~ne-ha1f as large as a peauut. which op- Dr. LymanBriggs, Director of Bureau of i llrates, on one and one~~l i'7aHs and ,Standards; and Dr. George W. Lewis, Di- : three:,to1ts. to a 10,O<''Yatt bulb "'hi.t:hrector of Research of N.A.C!A.,were sm-"'-; is almost as large as a ~nfs head. The prised at the multitude of.ltems of auXsmallest bulb finds a use in, the illUiliary eqUipment reqUired by military minat-ion of aircraft instruments, each aircraft. These items included an emerins'trument containing a bul.b, The lar~ gency Jungle kit, consisting of a latex: <lst;bulb is used in airport floodlights. sponge rubber pad with a compartment for " The twenty-seven lamps in between these carrying the following equipment: a larg~ t~~sizes also have essential uses. knife knownas a "machete", a compass, r i 'Ano:ther highlight of the exhibi twa,s cartridges for .45 Cal.pistol, iodine,_ a comparison of the commercial electric quinine, matches, mosquito head net, fish motors with aircraft ,electric motors. hooks and line, and two Air Corps emer- ' ';I'he, ommer c cfal, motors, rated at 2 hp, gency rations. The jungle kit forms and.::5 "hp, respectively, weighed 165 part of the back pad of the parachute " pounds and 171 pounds and operated at harness. Another item is a life preser-, \l.pproximately 1750 r,p.m. Aircraft ver vest which is infla,ted in an emer-gen~lectrrc motors, rated at 2.5 and 8 bp. cy to provide buoyancy in case of forced respectively, weighed 7 and 16 pounds landings in water. This vest has ,been ~d,operatei at 22,000 r.p.m. , in common se for ,several years. u Other ,\ Mfr;Cl1nton M. Hester, Administrator, items are an emergency shelter tent, mat~ Civil Aeronautics Authority, evinced tress. and sleeping bag. The shelter ~onsiderable interest in this electritent is large enough to cover a man whUe, cal equipment which included the latest he sleeps. The mattress is inflated with types of runway marker lights. runway' air very simply' by connecting it to the i'eflectors (which are similar to the bottom of a rubber "laundry bagll of rub'eflectors often used on highway signs berized fabric. The open end of the o make4hem visible with the aid of laundry bag is opened wide to catch some thelie;hts from the approaching autoair. It is then rolled, forcing the air mob~le), airport floodli~ts, the large out of the,bottom into the mattress. Aftyp~'B-5 wind direction lndicators and ter three such operations, the mattress port'able obstacle lights with intermi t- is f1;l11and reaiy for use. The sleeping tent,neon glow tubes, which operate, bag 1S lined with blankets. The occuthrough sui ta'ble transformers and vipan t wraps this. around him and pulls the ~rators~ from 80- 6-vol t storage battery. upper, up one s i de to make himself com-, The'cemplete self-contained portable fortable for the night. obstacle light assembly weighs approxiAlso exhibi ted are portable jacks, opmately 100 pounds. The latest night erated,hydraulically bY hand-pumps,with li~ting control 'cabinet operates like a lifting capacity of 50.000 pounds. 'and a dial telephone - dial a particular another smaller uni t with a lifting ca:ilumber to light a particular light and pacity of 10,000 pounds; cast aluminUl:l another number,to turn that light out. chocks to replace the woodenchocks J\ll member of the Committeewere in- which have 'been used for twenty years; e terilsted in accessory power plants. The, mooring anchors, whieh, when driven into sample ,in the exhibit was a 4-cylinder the ground, furnish a secure link to air-cooled internal combustion engine which the wings and tail of au airplane using a vertical 'shaft to drive a 7.5 may be tiei, when it is moored out,in 'KVA'alternator at 4000 r.p.m., generat- the open on a strange field; tow targets , ing" three-phase electric po':Ver no at and windlasses for handling them; flying 'volts,and 400 cycles. The complete ac- suits and various other types of clothcessoryor auxiliary power plant weighs ing, including electrically heated glovless' ',than 200 pounds, and it is design- es; also pneumatic rafts. The large ed for installation in aircraft in an' Type B-12 anti-aircraft tow target, with effort to remove some of ,the accessory the smaller Typ&A-5 aerial gunnery tow generators ,from the rear of aircraft target. was suspended from the roof of engiriee. -since this location is extreme- the exhibit ani overflowed into the ad.'. ,-1 'V-8323, A.C, Please purchase ,PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

joiping offices. The twt pneUllle;ti'd ". than ally, other organization in this, rafts en exhibit were inflated aildsus.. cOW1try.The display of the Equipment pended .n the wall. The T:Il\eB.:.2ill a:; Laboratory included the automatic pilot small raft carried in PurSU1t airplane\! 'with 1tilmany refinements; semi-autbon flights over water and will support matie cllmputers, an automatic engineer, one man; the large raft is oarried on ,an, devicell for controlling d the'fli~t B.mbardment airplanes' and will support of airplanes of various sizes'froni"'llill an entire crew of ten men. ground, Because of the limited tinie:' Cot.onel Lindberl$h, Dr. Edward Warner, no attemot was made to explain in 'de':' and Mr. Hester tned out the new ilhoul- tail the~operation of these various.",deder type of safety belt. Little Changes vices.' The automatic engineer was'inhave taken place in the development of spected as installed and operating!in safety belts for ten years or more. How- one of the airplanes assigned to. theE ever, this new shoulder type is a diB- Equipment Laboratory for flight tests\; step forward, inaS!lIllCh in ad- of its developments. as ;', r r di tion to the belt over the' pilot's lap , __ 000___11.))! 'there are twosboulder straps fasteneii ' [ tllcIT. to the upper corners of the seat and ex- GRADUATIOHS A.C. TECHlJICAL FROM SCHOOL tending down to the same releasing latch , .. ),'U> The shoulder straps will prevent the upOn'December 1, 1939, a total of 103 per llortion of' the pilot's boctr from students gradUated from the Air'"Corpil ,fall1ng forward in violent maneuvers as Technical School, Chanute Field Br-anch, well as in crashes, and its release in~ fromceurses and stations as indicated volves no additional complications. SliP-below., .. '''''D': . pine; the latch releases the shoulder Courses of Instruction' straps as. well as tl;le lap belt. ' Field!! Pi 'r.R liS ~ ~1~>2''1S The exh1bi t contarned a complete set Barksdale 2 2 1 _ 1:.2 of standard and service test models of Bolling 2 l' _ aircraft engines and flight instruments, Chanute 2 2 1. 1 ziavigation computers, charts, tables, Chicago _ 1 _ 'and textantll. ConmanderReichelderfer Duncan 1 _ 1;" 1 and Captain Kraull made a thorolUdl in'Hamilton 1 1 2 1<11:2 spection of the Type C-l field lesting Kelly 1, ,:/. 1; _ set, which is a portable'buggy like a Knox, Fort. 1 1 _' "-;aU:_ baby carriage, ?ontainingelectric moLangley 3:2 2 7' '31C.~2 tors, air and 011 pumps, and a set of . Lewis, Fort 1 . _"",_ master instruments which enable me chan- Lowry 3" ics to check the operation of all of ,March :3.:3 2:3 ';:3 the instruments on an instrument board Marshall 2 _ 1':ina military airplane. Maxwell 1 1 '_ The exbibi t in the Aero Medical ReMitchel 1 1 1 1 ,- 4 search Unit was visited individually by' Moffett 1 1 2 l~: 1 Dr. Lewis and Colonel Lindbergh and Offutt _ " 1 j~t_ later by the remaiziderof the group. Pope. 1 _ ' ,.1";"1 Co lone 1 Lindbergh, probab1.v as a rellul t RandoIph' 1 . '1"":' 2 -or hill researches in' collaboration with Riley r Fort _ 1 ',;,'d,_ Dr AtlffXisCarrel on thle ,"artificial, Selfr1dgel 1 2, l,'fl h ear, l was particu ar: ' interested an Sherman'1 the human element in fhght and revealTotal, 14' 13 7 29 20- "'0 ed that he liad carried on a certain '" amount;of this mrk himself.' Of partic~ . ular in terest to all of the member (If s ~C - Propeller SPecialist the group were the photographs and ' pa - Parachute RIggers . " charts illustrating the effect of 07:3gen CS - Carburetor Specialist., "N'; want and the decrease of atmospheric RR & 0 - Radio Repairers and Oper~pressure at high alti tude and also the ~S "'1 tors S . ~,~" effect of acceleration on the human ~ - ~ ectrical pecialists , body. . . IS - Instrument Specialists " .... 1 Orville Wright was very much in. ---000--'k'''? terested in the number of aero~amic Th {/ principles which have been utilized in e Congresllional Commi totee which has flight instrum~lts, Dr. Warren and Mr. been viBiti~ Army installations'for'the Hester .thoroughly inspected instruments past thirty days, visited Lowry Field,. for recording, acceleration veloci ty, Denvsr, Colo., on December 9th.,. undar and other factors during ifight. Colonel the chairmanship of Senator Thomasof Lindbergh'made sure that he wall brought Oklahoma. Four Senators and four Repup-to-date on the latest engine and resentatives inspscted the construction flight instruments and the latest, and facilities at Lowry Field.' After a methods of celestial navigation.. . lW1cheonL which was tendered theJ!l:by The Materiel Division has fOIlt.ered Colonel .Jacob H. RUdolph in the general the development of automatic methodll of mess of the ~cl:0ol building at L?,l'iry;, control to a greater extent probably ,Field the V1B1tors proceeded on,to .t. I Fort ogan.Utah, for. their inspection. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ,;.14V-8323 , A. C.


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"':1""1' ... Louis, Gr"enberg .t.d'E:t'foetive Dec~ l~ . 1938, thefol1",vi~-' 'Clarence N. Reily liraneis M.Pesswators , d'~d ,Technical .c.adFir<lt SC'geants of the.. James A. Maginness Gil bert L. 1lcMurrin Air, C0:r1>s:me pr&!x>ted to the grade ~f Masw William R. Taylor Edwin B. Bernier" Sergeezit.Air Corps, to fill, existing'8Jld ~, Ell. B. Nipper Grover C. Moss' _)Y,allotted ""-oo.t'oies: . ' : Bruner R. Coke James J. Murphy _John E. C!l.rden John McStay Geo<'ge W., HalterlIBll Mil es B. Sloan Sidney Mill",r ',Ril.ymom Kerr' Edwin ,M. Lawrence James ,stewart H"rvill B.31"Ote .August W. Keul '" John S.' Bezek , .Jo1lnn>' V. Yocum Basil Znphiro, Wal tel' Sill'son : !Bil H; BroWliing , Joseph Montgoroery Edward J. John Lukowski Louis V. lOKenney llufus L. Clifton ' Lou1o T. Sil,;a 'John B. Deming I Asa C. Hoober " ,Thomas A. Jones " D=i"lStone. Mack Reymlds .. Henry W.Spiller John R. Gerse .l(rl;orgo, A. Eggeling Ha.1'old E. Cre.'ldord Horace R. Ackerly John F. Moran Andrew J. ll"J,sey Robert B. Norris Willie 'E. NeMlBll 1'101lert L. l&::Kinst..y Robolrt Millei' .' Alphonse Gaudette, Jr. Anthony Kievet Freder ick LO'lJ'1Toi:Lce $h9ckley D. 'lUlinix Alai; Kaciiba. , , r.eorge D. ,Malkeine.S J BJOOS R. Tucker . PettoD. E. )'lutchens Che.rles E. Wemell Clat'ence E, Bright , 'C. N. Guttenbetger ,,'Olive,r,Olson '. "George W. Froberg Alfred A. BroOks "Jos""h O. Duchesne E,h"ard A.. Jusko John' Howard JOhn H.V",ore Da.nit--l H. Jones Marvin E. Hay William X. Sheff1eld T"-Ylor :C. Carr Kirby . fl:Pa,y. R. Willett William Mahnert ;I.e.By C. McCOIlllell .' LouisA. Fred M. Bege, < Ilicliaal Proti'VIl!lk 1lYron f\Ceske '.' Homer L. Patterson Frank Hurst Cherles Joyn&Z' phillipP . Monroy Arthur "'.Pfenninger Hollier E. >Ferguson . Roy D. Chea':.ham Nikolas Theimenos MarionS. T ilgh:w.n George W. Gaspard ~ H~ry .Be1ecke Weltor H.Can:pbell Emest Leve~que Edtlard F. Skelton : 'lhlliem "itzpatriok Reuben B. Morris Wilbur ;r. Farquhar Ealz>ett .A., Mobley ;, Edward r. l'olaske. Arthur C. Be.rker Herold J!. .Benson ' Henry D. Boudr saux . ;. Walter T. J-leary' Claude M.' Gil bert , Lloyd Carter , Cecil C. Seguine '. 'galtor W. F'ry Fradc.J. Birk ' Mi"hs,el Chuturich John C. Dodd S LeOnard L. Hoff'!:mn Fred A. ED berts E1=r E. Moore , Ad.."l'll J. V: .10Ok Floyd H.' Peacock Frank E. Dixon ~on Smith Xa.rl R. Jr.",",son Joseph Bauer' Effactive December 12,1939, the !oll~wing;' TllQll9.S F. ',oobey Js.k Wolf" named First Sergeants and Staff Sergeants Laie T,S1Terbaugh JOQ.eph II~F'red,rieks were peorecbed to the grade of Technical Serviotor Vksik H'lArY M. Merklll geant, Air Corps, to fill existing and newly Tony Dembro"o Mil", Binialdemez allotted vnce.ncies: ," . !&>Wei Silva Henri L. F'raJJk1in e " ' First S~r~ants 'Michael M. Rozburski Dave Jacobson R~bert R. Elliott, 'W111iam H. ,Heller .- Ilas,t,tirby Graham Platt Ile.vid L. Johnson Earl L. T01by [; Il"nri Ca:niro Morris A. AiibrM l'ubert G. Powell Rusae11 M. Highley - Jacob Abrbmitis Besola Cobb Rupert E. FergUson Kenneth L. Thayer I Leo"';.:rd Mi=rites Harlan R., Utterbeck r,aVern A. Fee 'James 1/{, Porter ' - WilUBIIl Hof~ \Val tor D. Brown , , Staff Sergeants , . Harry B. !aronaf! Claud :OW;rson Housbon Alexander Lou1s V. Eanes "n.eodore Yurkiewicz Max Ehenberg "Ire G. Lee Baus .C. Byrd EdVlard B. Fiedler, nenry Kirby Donald F. Ewald Charles G. Cuuningham Riehard F. J. Marten Michael E.' Connelly John Smith lRvid L. Fredenburg ~ M. RJhs Sidney M. "Balm William E. Perkins Cullen M. Snipes ~~1\jamin Webb Harry N. Fueckezuohn T. !loyle Earl S. Blesh Clarence D. Green Frank R. ".,lsh FrederiOk H~ Benke Kadmir !LA. V/ltwiOki John A. Mauro AlJ8Ust Schant"l ThoIOO.S W. Tho:nrson Albert W. Johnson aob"rt H; Greene Waltel' E. Bena.s 1'<>sooe O. th Gerold G. 17hitaker John Bouaek Jemc s Ad""'" , ....orge S. Jones Williem H. Jernigan l&>:x Parnes JC'seph J. Eb"rling 1'IJ.e.dyslaw Dobski Alphonse Potvin ,'4ssell H. Frick Rob"r"t L. Barlow e 'J""",s M. Ca1dwell Elza'L. Higbie Henry Fennel Anthony J.Olszanowicz >,Joneph H. Pusb Harry E. ,Hite Eugene GuM s Denver WOod Jehn H. Stipe John F. Carter ~, tthew A, McGraw 'Olarles Iil. Cross <1Obert E. Rice, ' Iayra,M Lutz Elmer Bruss George H. Cornell Harold M. WCabe Elvin C. Ingram ~?u;rl"s R. "Bikle Harley J. Fogl"""", Ashby M. Ash, Chris Nelson t''') Joseph J. ~inigo Ja.-res E. Searborn Everett Mickey Allan D. lJcQuaig ~ Or~""t Ii;, D.>rling ,Edgar W. Gardner. He:tUDnC. Trast Donni s W. Bailey ~~' S1lberman Leonard Willianlq ll Clarence" S. Rublee Alfred Fernandez' I.~ ~1j HicJcs: 1li:IyWooten J,<>,,~ Xreanberg John' A.: Marshall James E. Hamer' John C. Willis Albert Kanig ThorDa.s~. Atkinson Gustav 'SoIlIl6Dll\lTg' ,r anes-,C., El.d= Edwin J. McClAllan .1,.\;.- ......... ,,',a. .. Please purchase~tSt.' Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ..0 ,J... PDF ......
"t9t"':--'\' ". :






Harvey Li~d~h.; J,i! Allen B. NeeJ. John l,. ,~tney ,Willlllt ,0. iT o!uIsoD' Fl9nkM.,' .Stansell Richard Olson ,n Tyro. O. Robinson _ .1ohzl R.Thonip son , JemesF. Vickery Stanley Modz~leski .Walter',D. terloe . Douglas M: Alward Benjamiii Hof~~" Bleckburn R.Litten , James M. ,Kirby' .,:; 'Lliinbert 'Tu'nberg lbb~t,W. Stevei>s , Ge9rge R, Carpenter' Alfred 1. Taylor' Roman Dubiel . , "', Cbazoles 1:. Ge.rtan . ,Herbert G. Spees .James B. McConnick Hervey Dr Masters '.Donald S; Velli'i~t1;(, Glarence A. Dively William H. AlvOrd Roger Penrod " " Frederick W. Soidler' lrwillMsisE!rick " . Thomas B. Walker. '. WilliamA. Richards ".Robert ZerlllJcow' James H. Crawford E~erett J. Towle. ,Joe ldcCollum ,Fronk E. Lyons Georp:e". Cookson William P. Denning Luther O, Wilkins Harcld L. Clancy Joseph G.Macek Willi""; T. ~s Edwin L. McNs.'ry William J. Montgoniary Sidney R. Glover ,: Mertaa' E.', Wood 'Gecrge .Moore Geol'ge R. ThQmp SOD Ralph ,11';' Spencer ' Erwin A. " Scbmidj;r Peter MuDoh ,Elden.L. Rose.' . I sadne Oi'icht Zeb Step1eford, Guy W.' Trent ,'~ 11 Lewi~ Will iams , , ' Fra.Dk L; Adcock !bssell W. Dillon Carl Swenson ... O~ George E. "'elmer". Martin K. Boger Thomas V. Wyllsey JosBpb A. McCezsoD , Edwar&.1.1. Be>; gbst1er, , Vellie O. Burkett Joseph E. StockwEill Fred L. Pike , Harry T. Brock' . ':Joseph C. McCullough John Belecbek rI: Harold G. An4ersoD Lafarot te Bra:ungerdt Marvin :11'. Wocdson eland F. Tillcy Benno W. iIi1d;: ~ "Robert' P. Gott ToImlY R3.y ' .. Ancthony Groves" Will~ K. Keister Richa:Pd M. Tennaut Earl J. Lea.vey-:. Robert R. Bass Ray L. Trimble:; ~ , JaCk Casper' " 'Joe C. Collier steve. Taylor ~,:; Ilae Ron ~i~ M;'Feigley, Ve~nD~J.R. Loossm6ro John J. Kowaleski : "&of Walter E.' Schwager Geol'ge J. Parbr HugJiThe-s :Paul Leonberger TORNADO SENDS THXNGS lLYINGAT FRANCE' FIELD Yancy s, Kuyke"<lall J.osepb Glass Harrison C. 'Finley No~ W.!!aley Dw.'ing a ,nOrlll3l rainstorm en Deearrih,er 'Bbh, Grover C. Owen Robert C. New France Field, Panama Canal Zone; experienced Bryan 1. Doughty l/.aclt, Gibson. its first tornado. First came the rain .Ln Dezo :El:m8tlOvicz TJ>-... J. Rogers veritable sheets. Next came the winds .'in David FoUntaine Em-inN .. 0lSon terrific battering blows, acc~a.nied;by huge '.Euge"" H. Ford '. Itu.,nll H. Miller sections of galvanized steel roofs 'of::hangars , F1'9d B. Lin~n.felter' RodolphPot'lk , " hank il&.yn;,~- , and huts. Trees 'Were uprooted, end sentry Joseph L. staurer boxes. one with a sentry seeking refuge from Erik ~indhe -.Oscar L: Klapp" Harvey ,R. Davis .. ,the ,stol'lD, were hurled twenty yards from foun!e.l'I ~ Spore dations., ,,' ' Melvin K. Burlingaxm ~1'F. Lantz' ~ eJne.A-17 ai.rplane broke ioose from it .. < Floyd L. Bonks Andrew R. Scha.dY stakt'i" end went rolling repidly down bloe' " nert M. DuiIlas "James R. Booth 'field. ,:Puisuing the plane in his car,. Lieut. Joseph M. Savcy Jehn. Hanlon' , Frem:>nt R. Alford Jack: Carter was able, to jUIlp in and sbop it, \'!'o/Il'! ,M. Mussar Kyran L. Maher John. Arney , . thus saving, one airplane for the Air Corps. Tyne I .. HaWkins ,Three men' in the radio hut' adjoining ,~e Thonns P. Brisley John Kuier . Base Flight Hangar narrowly escaped 'd, tt A. Sell . ....,,~L. OrOD When sect ions of the roof of the hangar" Charles L. Ge.rber 'Wallit Robinson, crashed completely thl-ough the hut, demlli"b" . Paul,M.Welwig , .ing it: ," P'l'edJ. Wynx>re Jl/illl.8ni A; Johnscn George Russell Two, womenclerks in the Quartermastcr Office Walter'W" Weisner , id'ftaZ'd Ingle ,became hysterical when the roof of that build~ M1ir 1 M: Clark' ing was lifted by the winds. They rim Harold E;Norton teste~ M" HoUse' LeVi A. Freed outside in the torrential rains and flung " , Gordon Brackett themselves in a drainage ditCh forpr6.tectiOn. 'tJOllllphE. 1'Ia.rrlck ~'" Elwood AdBms ~ oUi~Hubby' Fortune.tely. the tornado lasted scarcely , Rich8.rd McDcwell ,Welsoll E. Morgan half a minute, or there would have been II!lCh Joseph T.LandrY John J. Hoffman more damage. No airplanes were seriously 'd8m' Medwea.ther, """" F; aged, but it was estinBted that',about $50,000 Lionel C. llldwa.rdes JosePh O. SChreck Wl.1liem stone ,will be, required to repair and replace, ruined Edga:r L. Krug 'J1:Iupb A. Hoffert hs.nga.i's end equipment. ' . ,: ' Thomas E. Stewart , ---oO,,",~h"derick E. Ganshaw Asher Goldfine Junious A. Smith Harry Shilling Roy C. Jackson Hutley E. J~es GLENDALE SCHOOLBAIlUATES F:m::oo' OF ' G n J ehn.S. WelCh Eugene W. Lathem,Jr.ORIGINAL GLASS. .' ~, R1e~d E. Meeks Jode E. ~rd ' , ",,' Lawrence J. Trost Twenty-four Flying Cadets out of en ';rigin-' ~derick A. Hcwell ql.lUem A. ,Wesley Green R. Fiest .al class of thirty-four survivea the"prluary !leon E. !diller Ralph H. Roberts trakling course in. the class gi'aduatinii fran J obn. A. Brock John G. Morris the Grand Central Flying School at. Glendal'e, . John. I. Doyle .Gordcn R. Sohrweide Calif., on Decder 16th. The graduates'were John J. ' Conroy sent to Randolph Field, Tams. for the .'three '" Roy C. Cook 'Q;,~.~ , \4o.rH ..... T_ Ctmmil:>es, .. purchase PDF Split-Merge on to=ntbs' course watermark. V-8323 , il.. e. remove this "Jf basic flying trai:zi:fni. ~16~ All>ert E.' Stewart
of ohn










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BLERIOT ,AIRPLANE FORWIlIGHTFIELD USJ!ml M CHIEFOFAIR CORPS INSPECTS, GRANDENTRAL C 'C'.' .'" \' FLYING SCHOOL , "Tlie?'ArmY"!Aeronautic~l atWright'MajOr_G~neral Henry H: ',Arnold,; 'Chief of FreId' ,received an interesting new exthe, Air Corps, upon ar r-rvtng at the Air , hlbn"~la Bleriot airplane of the, same, Corps Training Detachment at Glendale, ' typ~-:,1:n ,which the famous first ,crossing Calif. ,found' his old friend Bill Henry, ' ;of,,,the,,English Channel was made:-><rhe, war correspondent of the Los Angeles airpilane ,was donat'e d to the Air Corps Times and Columbia Broaicasting System. by,Ernest !;Iall, ,who" )l.s.,spent ~ome,time waiting to greet him." ' atI,the Materiel Division on temporary, Henry, just baclk the pr evi ous day from, ,dlity "1n'charge of its assembly. ~ " the Western Front., sat beside General , Louis Bleriot, it will be remembered. Arnold at a luncheon given,by Major C.C. ' delrigned the first airplane of .monoMoseley, owner of Grand Central :Flying plane structure; likewise, he was 'the School and Curtiss-Wright Technical Infirst' :iesigner to put the engine in the sti tute, where Flying' Cadetll'and enlist-, nose of the plane with atre,ctor propel- ed men of the detachment are being train-:,le1'--in front of, it, He also conceived ed, and gave the Air Corps Chief and his l.a:'fish~like Orstreamlinei body with staff two hours of first,.hand,informa, thehoriz'ontal and vertical control sur- tio'n aboub the'War. Sinc'e the war bggan, faces located at the rear end of the HenrY,has been at the-front with Royal fus,slage, and introduced the stick form Air Force groups. " ' " e f ,controL The wings were warped af-: Upwards of twenty .Lo Angeles newspaper s tel' the old Wright'me,thod, It'proved men met Generai ArD.-old he a,rrived to ; as' to be a new standard. copied by other begin his inspection, th? large group at~ designers for many years thereafter. testing the' current puhILc interest in i .... Aft'er building this radical st,ructure, the Air Corps I training program. ' Since 'he made the first aIr crossing of the " the training 'Detachment was established ,_"English Channel backLn the dim days of last July, the publicity department of 1"d909 - a, time already as traii tional Grand Central and 'Curtiss-Wright Tech. ,Iifob',aviation as centuries have proved has devoted almost -i ts full time to Li'OiT', Other' arts and sciences. ' creating pubLi,c interest' and backing opI;rh;dThemodel donated to the Museumrefor the Air Corps operation. a'!sans-em'bles this early Bleriot model in all ~-:-'000--':" ,-details., Parts of it were acquired by , ,,', , Ernest Hall in 1910, a year after the ' ONEONCAPTAIN ROWNE B -ct.-o- channel crossing, and the 'airplane is On aj-ecent trip to' Tegucigalpa . Hon- _ known as the II Channel" modeL With its duras , Capt. Roger Browne, commanding II stl ck and wire" construction, its the 24th Pursuit Squadron of Albrook ' .breezy cockpit, its 'bell control, its "G~!m'.ld:el f ,the 3--cylinder Anzani ,air-cool- Field. C.Z, pi cked up the name of "Navo and it looks like the name is ;J1, j!:d~engine', which develops 28 horse'!?ower, igator" going to stick to him ... 1t iS',an exhibit to set present-day ~ After leaving Managua. Nicaragua. !l!em:~~~~ilY'birds to ,emin~~c~~g and ,modern . (Ie'signers to wcnderLng; It is mounted bers of the flight .Led by Capt. Browne, were supposci to go to an emergency lan!i, ,unde'r the ceiling beams of the Army ing field, known as San Lorenzo. ,and, ' --.". 'Aeronauti:calMuseum, just opposite an change course there for Tegucigalpa. ~~}~"',exact,reproduction of one of the early , The route. it was known,"was between -b-ii_Wright.gliders. For this gift of lasttwo ranges of hills;, , , .vakue, the Air Corps owes its With San I.orenzo 1n sigllt, Capt. Browne thanks to' the, donor. . changed course. As the E;'T.A. arrived. ' ,,:1 ., ',.i~., The name of ItWr1gl1t Escadrille" has all members,,inclUding himself, were sur, ,o e- b.e.en taken by a new civilian flying prised to learn, that ,their destination was nowhere in sight., .. -,~.J",6J,.ubin Dayton, for which J.P; Callahali Then came-the light,' and all nine memO'X):' ,the EqUipmentBranch" WrightF.ield, of bel'S of the flight disco,vered.they had D,.nwhas been chosen instructor. Mr. Callagone up the wrong valley, and it 'was han is a reserve offi'cer. necessary to erose another range, of hills ---'000--to get to ,the Honduras city. "Following the December 5th examma-, "I just went up the wrong gulleyll, Capt. tions, 25 members of the 53rd School Browne explained. " . Squadron, stationed at Randolph Field', No 'memberof the flight had known the ~u,i.Texas., successfully passed the te~ts difference to begin with., All admitted :u _and"were placed on the eligible hst , that they had checked ,off check Pt'ints "l(,"'~fo;r 'appointment as Air' Mechanics, . as they came to them, .even if they were ',"fub~.:Jdany' members of the 53rd ar~ pr,?udly .t on the wrong course . "'I".~d,MP.layin"new chevrons a t th~s hme, " ' ---sOo--~. i:rom:.the lion'" "tr1,~~11 to the coveted ~v It .- ~ 'r-~ '.... ~
11'" _ .... .,'~,


~~EC~N~ ~;;1ri:~'li3~SCHOOL:": ciples Mh;:~~;{i;;~ ;C~;; \t;;REViA'T;'1 ~~~r~ -~f 7;;;inCth ,COtJRSE.A.T "AIRCORPS T.ACTIa.\L r ,ofair,pGwer .Ln a"modern.mili.r: brevia second clSsB1'toundergo\.th'i"ab.,~)The ,_ ted course. of instructi<?n {three"
"the " .... _' :~, I'

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L' ;"" t~Yrc!l!'!J?aign.. ~ait,l.~,informa.l1Y. he

v01ced,h1s:apprec1atlon,!f.~h~ !'ir ' Corps ;perso~el. ',~ReferT1~';t~,.. tll,~v~ur, months) at the .A1:;" orps Tact1calZ .... C :_, rent:expa.ns10n.'_he,.state<!-'~~;~S~!!'l'P _ School, MaxwellF1eld. Ala , grtl.duated ,pleaMd with the,progress b,emg.'made , on December 5;1939. 'Ninety-six Air.-, .l and with' ,the!increasein~'te~9',9f""ll.tti:.Corps officers and ,four officers from ,'vi ties at the Air ,Corps" Tnc_t1~a,i,school. , other branches' of the service completed>-- ..: :', , . ,.,-'-_000;",-'-,.." " ~~f"(~ ~ .

(The"s,tudent officers' staged a gradua.;NEIV PHOWGRAPHIC'~I!'!'I~'; ~~ -, _ ti,on party on t"he night of December 2nd. " ',"> ,() ,,: J :'~~::-"~.'" , i ,whioh fee.turedseveral skits: and afford,The f1rst photo~rnphic'a_11'pla:n!l1~;9f , ' ad those who' participated therein ,to .f an order placed W1 ,the ~,e,eCh~ th A2-1l:9raft , , 1 lampC?on their 1nstructors:~ " '. .. C~rporat~on.he.s. been de~1vere;cr <a;~:-~ , ' , ' MaJor General ,Henry H.JAi'nold, Ch1ef Wriq;ht F1eld. Oh10.. Ass1gn_ed,.th.e'_liesig: '.','6f the Air Corps. was the princ~pe.l . Mtion F-2. it is the, only 'aii-p.l'a][e'es- : .. ;:speaker Itt, the graduationexercises;' peCially designed to clU'rytwz.-:ta.j:t~cal ,.' . "Fo l~owing the invocation by Chaplain , me.ppin~ca.!!'eras,in tc.nde~.;:'fuio;,,: c~n:~:n . "M~W111iAms. 'Ii. recent aI'riVal at !>!axwe)-lstruction 1S an.-all-mettt .... Jhrene3-'pla~e. - F1eld;- Colonel Millard F. Har-mon ASs1st~two-eng~ne. 101'i-win~monD:l'lane,.~;BP,ep1, .,ant Cornme.ndant the Tactical School," ally bU11~ for use 111' -apdd ~d~!~cpuof r , ,,~d~l1vered a"brief address of apprecia.r!;'-temapP1ng of large are!!,s.'"';:,i~,E(~ffe\ t;lon to!the members of the class .and " S1gn is Such'that the maxmrum Po-s.s,:l:ple " all those who extended their aid towards v'isibili ty is ~fforded, the piJot 'and ,:th~ success of the School. ,,""', photo'grapher. and take-off and,'lt;mding Colonel Walter R. Weav{lr. Commandant can be accomplished 011' .the'rnla:t1,vely of the Tactical School., then introduced, sma1'1airdI-omes which frequentlY,'!liUst , G,eneral Arnold who, during the course of be used in'mapping the mounta.inouB" " his address. descnbed.and reviewed tJ.1e) sections, of the United States:::'~;~~.,r ,c-uzoret,ltsystem of tactical-.-educ!;'-tion an I :,TwoPratt and WhitneY 9-cYltPAel~en. the A1r Corps. He ,stated that 1t wasv . Ipnes furnishpower.-Propell:er--s;'a.I"_" lllOst,probable that five -more 3-months' , two-bladed. with a diameter,~oi'-'a-~~e'_et. cle.sss'of'lOO '.students each, . 3' inches. The ,wing "BPan'is':47'f'ee'f. held at the SchcoL, and .that this wO';'-ld7:i inches. ,'.-~' .'," .:~::~-.;'f'; . ,-mark ,the,:',tacticll;~, schooling ,?f.pract1c. Besides the .tacticalmaPP1ng ,cameras .~ lallyall those lar -Corpsoff1cers who " .mounted in "tandem. t;l,rra.ngem~n.ta;are ...' were over 32-yearS'of,age. "He then pro- made 'to includ~ a s1ngle,rap1d 1"':'1;011'Ce",ded ~o describe, some of,theproblems na1ssance map~;lngcamera. ,an, add1tional -J wh1ch !111confront the students when :tacti~allllt;l'PP;lng ~amera mosa,ic~~'an.~ \. they w~ll'have returned from.,the school 'spotting h1,gh altitude --camera.~\~r.;; "to theu,home units.- chief among them: oblique spotting camera... an~_.!t .,;?gl}t ,~being the care .and consideration of the _spottill(' camere., '",: / ~.~ -::; ,thouSS-t,lds f young recruits, the Air " o The B.1rplane. which is 'simile.i-'Wo' Corps J. s now receiving from-ci villife - the commercial type developed'1J'y':,the ,., a body ,,~ men r!lferred to by him as an. ' Beech. Aircraft. Corporation, '},~te:qU!i'p_ " outsto.nd~ngly f'Lne type of "young Amer1- ped"w1th a rad10 and automahc'pi,lo,t. ,.. can manhoo d, \.. _~ : '.'+ '---oOo-_.!.. ".,:",-r:.l:...f-:'-~ ... '-..-, At the,conclusion of General Arn~ldls. ~ . " . " ",!--" e',ll.i':' {address;~ diplomas were, presented 'to the ...... TWO RANroLPHFIELD N0'!iCOMS B,E,TI}\ED "graduates. two of,wl1IImreceived ou.tstand- , '", ';,;.: ,'::-----;,-':':~:'~ , . : illi1 ov!"tions from their _. _ ~ Master .,Sergeant Fred ,Jl:-':Rowell';-!53rd . :._ ~Jor N. "Stewart. dubbed "General A"by .. School Squadron/. and 1st Serge'~',t;Alb:ert !. _,":-". i1S cla%mates for his unusual. active'. Schleich, 52nd SchooL Squa.dron;:a.andolph _ nterest in ,matters presented by his':Field. having reached tlie,'end'of".tneir r {'_ 5nstructors; 'aJ;1d .Major Lewis'S. ,Webster, 30 years '.per~od of. service . ':.'w~,I::e;plac ... " '. eneral A's- Ch1ef.of Staff. ';At the', ed on the rehred hst. effechv,~~I>e.;' class p~ty. 'several days pnor to, the __c' .31. _1939.' ; '" U:~.L~t~".:;:~ ;._l~~adua:hon exerc.iaes.; both of these of. Sergeant :Rowell has .been\a,membe'r of \ "'i.i~cers were Called all' the mn.t by the ' the Air .Oo s since December::2."1914. rp --',:. aster of Ceremonie,sof, the stUdents'.". , Sergeant Schleichfirst,~join'ed----th'e:':Air .p~ty. Captain Eareckson,a.nd presented Corps on August 29.1928. :being'S:ssign_ ~ .'/. rHh e.ppropriatetokens oLappreciation ed to. the 52nd Squadron. ;from'whi,qh: 01'th';l1r: extra _curricti,la activities ganization he retiresas'~To~.I~L:':': . _ ,,',- .... ~ .. r- _ ' ';,'. :'. " i ,Sergeants Rowe_ll.and'Schle1ch' llere _~,,, Du1'1~ his stay at !l!axWell'.F1S1din.'. ,congratulated by Colonel, John ~J?_.:-J3rboks, -\connect1on Wit!; the gra,duation;exerciS-:-: r fficer",C\f RandoLph' -Fi;eJd, O es a.t the, School'. General ""';" on then ezeellentirecords,' ancI.r/:iJi't'end, ...: ArnoLdhad occiision several ,tiIilesto " . edhis goodwishes'in-,thei'r , --':well-'earned i --,g1Vetalks 'to the a.saernb Led officers :,of-- retj,nunent,:'~-~, ,:'+-''' ,wq'!'J "/"".~~~t Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. .(). ;t;h..0U~ t.q.J]:!:.'"~.-}v3 ,~~.. --oOo~ t;-: ."""'Please purchase PDF..--In. , ' . -J1\V-8323. A.C.

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"A L AE SUP RAe A 1'1 ALE M" By Brigadier General Herbert A. Ile,rgue,,Air Corp,s Part III

yeJ~'tlie steamshiptra~ei bU1'e~ they str1kiJ hungrily and often,. In the . .[haVEi,:publicizedthe lands which border Chiriqui Mountains at Boquete, ne~r the ,the Caribbean Sea, and the islands with- northern border of Panama.,and qlllte ' ,t1 in 'i t , 'as tropical play~rounds, stressaccessible is a mountain stream conta.inoingthe fact that here l.S to be found in! an abundance of trout. ," delightful recreation and holidaystingHunting in Panema ill a sport for the ed with romance. But little haS been -: enthusiast only. There is game here, written' of the work that is being accom: and in plenty, but the fact that most pliShed in Central America, of everyday of the game animals are night prowlers 11ife".here,. and of normal activities. ,and not frequently found hyde-y, pre"'Q.The'-j'troplcal paradise" theme has been sents an obstacle. Deer are often seen .'-over:stressed all too fre~uently. Con- at night - seldom seen by the daylight ._-"e,~ers81y, a great many,pe0ple have the hunter, but ~hey mllbe found if one, _3~l.dea that the co~try consists of dank, has the persl.stence and necessary skllL ~ ,~~steaming jungle entirely, and that life ,To the westward of Albrook Field, in :.and'health is something to be ,jealously the foothill~ of the mount~ins, where ''l,glUlrded., ' the country as very much hke western '~,,;," The personnel of the 19th Wing staTexas, there is an abundance of game. -:tioned at Albrook and France Fie i in ds The hunter must be diligent, however, :::thEi:,C!uial' Zone, and engaged as they are and guides and dogs are useful, if not '",;in)m. occupation which demandsphysical essential. 'Also to be found are the . ;fitne'ss and mental alertness, have native gamebirds, ,the giant wild .r ,,:found ,that here there are a great many pigeon, native turkey, pheasant, doves, '~.,wide,ly varie,d op:\,ortuniti~s for relaxa.- a few quafL, and in the northern .acnes --',tion and recreatJ.on. Dur-Ing hours of ducks an great numbers. In the moun 'freedom ,they have as wide a choice of tains and in the deep forest are the pastimes as any of their fellows in the giant tapir, or "vaca del monte," the _i1eUn.i.~e~ States 0': elsewhere, if n<;>t more. jungle cats - ocelot ro:d whist~ers. ;Af.<mJ"l,?-", chmate, and splendl.d faevsn EverEerf! are the nahve rabbl.t~ an\l j<Cl.;li'tJ'e,sfor recreatJ.on, plus the natuthe 'ccnejo ," a large brown ~ral.~otentialities of the country for creature. A good shotgun and a .22 , 'sport, 'all make for a healthy, active rifle will provide excellent,sport . .life. , There 'are no bag limits or closed . Fishing and hunting and kindred outseasons in the Republic of Panama.- a , d<;>or:\,orts have long been favorites s hunting license is all that is required; Wl. ,Al.r'Corps per sonneL, Gel f and th and, but few, sections of the Canal Zone tenni~ have thel.r ardent devotees. are closed to hunters, wh~le the remainSwillIll\ing,riding, boating, shooting del' is open. ,and',nearly every other sport, outdoor There are a number of ap'Lendd golf d '01' "indoor'- may be practiced here the courses available to Air Corps per eony,ear ..l"ound. ' nel, the two best being the PanamaGolf ..' e~~A~tp.6r1tieson salt ~ater fishing I Club cours~ .Just, outside PanamaCity _,ag".e,ethat for etuaptihes of great ' on the Pacl.flc, and the Gatun :'spo,rting fish, the Ba." of Panama is course on the Atlantic side. Fees are hard, indeed, to equal. Here are to be i reasonable, and the game is very popufOUJId giant black marlin. the Pacific ~lar on both Air Corps posts here. Both. .,sailfish, varieties of jacke and bonitos stations are eqUipped with tenl?is courts Sj,erra mackerel, :yellow-fin tuna, the, al?d squash courts, both have pl.stol and h~isporty ~'rooster hsh," snappers. rl.fle ranges, both have skeet ranges. . and dozens of other varieties. Kip Far-I There is a new concrete swimming pool rington 4 noted salt water angler, at Albrook Field, and a beautiful salt 'l:r;states that there is as muchfish life water pool is adjacent to France .Field, ,'about. the Per Las IslandS in PanamaBay on the Naval Reservation of Coco SClo. - -:-),;s:'in any place he has ever visited. Horses from the stab l.e s of tlre nei.ghAnytJ:ing from a light brass rod to the boring poste arf! avadLab to the offiLe -,_heaVl.~st -Of salt. w~ tel' ta,?kle will pay I cers her e - ,and Jungle . lead in ,the rlchest of dl.Vl.dendsan pleasure all dnectJ.ons. At France Fl.eld there ; :.and ,enjoyroel?t. Fishing here is a popu- is a splendid anchorage for boats, and ..,~ ,lat'_,sport, l.ndeed, If .ycu have been a great number.of personally owned r: , ass~gned.-to the Canal Zone, by all craft are kept here. Hear Albrook means 'along all the tackle you Field. the Balboa Yacht Club makes pro.can get together _ the possibilitles vision' for the docking and repair of e",r.'.e:reend~ess. At France Field, within a ,pl~asu::e craft, In addition, each post ,hundred y,ards of the runways., have been I ma i,ntalns at least one boat for recrea-J, :-::ea1igbt~ .tarpon of huge size. At the tional uses by membersof the command. ~;;:;~spinW8 .at Gatun Dam, casting for small There are theaters at each of the .tarpon,'and robaldo is fine sport, and Armyposts on the Isthmus,. and late pro-


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ductions are shown, with l\ c,omplete .r change of program every evening.c. Parties and social functions are frequent .and highly 'successful. ,There areoeautiful~ open air dancing. pavilions in , both volon and-Panama CJ.y, g~ c' t and cabarets. - -' . . ' _ Panama is rich in le~end and historical bac~round, and'and trius to the interior and'to-the landmarks of Old Panama.are' alw~s of in- ' terest. . ' . . ,. . -. There is practically no limit to the'.' possibilities for pleasure and amusement. Individual,tastes and the limits of oneIS free. time are the onl;r confining factors: We,of the 19th,WJ.nghave had to give up none of our sports or . amusements'While serving,in the Canal Zone. Since healthful recreation, exercise, and mental relaxntion are -vital l;r importan.t in the busineils -of, keeping fJ.t. we find time, all of us, to enjoy thoroughly,the opportunities 'whic~ the place affords. ' Note:. Considerable credit is given 2nd' Lieut. Joseph H; Paul; .Reserve, in the pr epar-at i.oniof this article. , ---000--t:

'-the.;visibi;Lity. ,vfuen the target.:r(s!l-ip in ques tio.n) is sighted, an' encode,d[-)r:1 contact message is radioed to .the,QrQ~ Commander, ving the time of _interpeP,_gi tionr' course, es'timated speed.. and,po'sl:_ tion. With.this information .in'J"!lllP,g."O the Group Commander issues an order;Lt9.~ th-e Commanding Officer of the. 25t"hJ~om" bardment Squadron, who.takesoff-.wij;n .-t all Ships ofMs squadron fu],ly_ eqt!ip-., ped with bomba, ammunitiO,, li'tc.,,~,The)q n Bomb'ardmentSquadron' then f;LJ.!!s~to"h.e~ t posi tion reported and releases "suff.ici". ent oilto'create a "Slick" on.theJd,:n ocean's surface, which aervos,as,.th_eir target for the pr obLem.. __'hi e.O:'lJ ; f The Group has been selecti~sliipJl"j,q ranging between 150 and 200 -mJ.les"of:f"1 shore, but this distance will,be,~ad7,; , Ur').llyincreased as the personnel,gathjlI' e~~i~~~epoint that has been d~~o~~b'f~ ed to all the personnel taking par;tejinr. .: these -problems is tha,t practice is,. e.s"" ' ;1 sential to success. The team work'T~~,~ quired isnf the sarne order as th~~c~l" displayed in a mooth wo rking do tball. or baseball team, and only oneweak;--! . point ,will result in failure. ,Each,' 0 successive trip finds fewer flaws'in, c the ~peration of the problem, and ,this' in turn' builds confidence and moral$'-' two important essentials in air.'liis-.<la dpline. . . __ , d-,[:\ld It is the opinion of the Grouo,'lltaf'ifi that, should its aid be called on" i,t',,'t' 71111be ~ualified in every .sense,to' ," .f perform J.ts mission. "
B, 0,


'l'RA.INING ACTIVITIES PANAMA IN By the NewsL.etter, Correspondent



The present international situation makes the Panama Canal Uncle' S?-fil'skey position insofar as national defense is concerned.' Eventho~h our posd.tron is one of strict neutralJ.ty, the strategic --",:,,000--..1' ~'>~ importance of the Canal is so great CHANUTE FIELDI'S PUJ3LIC RELATION'S that its defense units must be ready ACTIVITIES;, " for instant action. against any.aggressort , It is a known fact that one very logSince the advent of the Air Corpll -Ex. ical form of attack would come from the' pan sd.on Program, authorized by' the ,,7,6th air and would be directed at vital Co~reSIl ,the duties .cf the Public, :Re"j spots of the Canal so as to ,cripple, its. Chanute Field - home~ operation. " . _' . of the Air Corps Technical School _ '.-- .\ " The 6th BombardmentGroup, located at Rantoul, 111." have inereased =y, , France Field on the.Atlantic .side of fold. The success .of any large aca.Le.: the Isthmus, has been conducting a recruiting drive can be directly attrib~ series of Group problems in preparation uted to the widespread use of newspaper for any emergenc;ythat might arise. publicity. Employing such organs ',as". Through the CrJ.stobal.Port Captain, OUR ARMY agazlne and RECRUITING M NEWS,'" ~he Grou:pCommander rranges', to obtain a along with'regular contributions to'vaJ.nformatJ.on as to the approxJ.rnateposir.rous newspapers throughout CentraLe. J~ tion and description of some'. hip ..ap- --, Illinois', s the Chanute Field Public"R~':) pro aching or leaving the Canal. Then, - lationli- department has been able .tOI 3.8 the following'morning, the -7th Recons~,~e idea of a technical. education naissance Squadron is'chargedwith-conto young men by pointing out ,the many ducting a search mission for the ,ship , advantages offered by the Air'Corps: '' in question. Conditions of.actual war- Technical School. This. work is gr.eatly' fare are simulated so far as ,practicaided by the many fine cuts produced 1'y able. Radio silence is maintained with the Photographic Department which H-' the exception of periodic posi tiOl1 relustrated the 1176 column inchcs-ofo~ ports which are cOITillrunicated purfor pubLtc i ty printed during tb.c.months',of poses of safety; however, under actual October and November" 1939. Also, .uncondi tions even .these would be omitted der .the guidance of Major James E.Du, !'-S .they give information to the enel1jY. Jr ..,. Public Relations Officer, ..i's:the '. , The individual planes are f'anne'd out series of radio programs, WINGS OF:THE in a search formation, the interval be- .ARMY, heard weekly over Station.,'lDmH~n tween planes depending ~irectly upon Champaign_Urbana, Ill. -20- to remove this watermark. V-8323 , A. C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on
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, .~13' turn'out7;000 gradUa.tee during the F.lela:recently received four new Speed':' next two years .. Grapliic'cameras. These cameras'are of ....:. ~ ., .... ,. . ,type in wide use throughout the world One speclflc inst~ce of aplcture -by'prominent news services. The syncro- page. layout eecured ln th~ Ottumwa . flash.devices, part of the regular equ' Courler, O~tumwa,Iowa, mlght be fur~ mentT,make them invalua.ble for the type ther explalned ~s ~~ing th~ following.;' of plctures that are needed to suppleset-u,p: Seven lndlvldua~ plctures of ment Public Relations news releases. No men from Ottumwa, an aerl~lview of longer does the cameramanhave to detemporary barracks, interlor shot of pend-upon weather and lighting condi ti- ene of the new barracks, and. one claaB ons>beforetaking pictures .. The new. rq?m shot of, of students lit . cil,merae.will take a sharp and well_dEi_work. A.notahon:wae made bn one of . finedplcture at any time or place. the, ca~~lons that:informatlbn r~lative lThere are two distinct ttpes of newe to :enl~etment co~ld,be obtained from items being r~leased through the Chanute the Public Relatlone Officer. Twelve Field.Public Relatione:Office _ general young men ree~onded, and several sullnews releases concerning Chanute Field, s~quen~ly enllsted for se~vice at and special news items of Air 'Corps' Chanute as a direct re6Ult.of the T~chnical School il.ctivi ties _ Chailute feat1,U'e story t!arried in Fhe Ottumwa Fleld Branch. CO";U'ler. Contacts aro. belng made with, .J.' A' to.tal of 996 column inches appeared e~ltors for more of thlS type of. pub. in newspapers thToughout Cen>tral"Illi!lcity.. , noi's,wlth 622 inches bei~ devoted to' The WINGS F.. O THEARMY radio programs gee 'eral news items Chanute have undoubtedly done muChto create Field;. coveri~' all phases of ,il.ctivi.~nterest 'in Clianute Field and the' Arm:y' t~es.not relate~ to the Air CQtPs Tech- , Air Corps.. ~ey have very effectively nlcal School, VlZ: cona truc t ron, visits ,pointed. out the advant~es ,?f securing of notable pel' sons and other tbPiCSOf!l.,}. eehnlcal eq.uc!!;tioP:n aVlatlon r a similar nature. A tot!!;l of 209thi'ough the mediumof the.Arnw Air inche~ was the,Air Corps Cot'Ps. In s~i~e o~ thetllchnlcal vaTechnlcal School and, lastly, 165 inches tiljty' of tOplC1S, 0C?vered, ~hey were pregenerally plugging the Arrrw Air Corps,ben te!! an auch- a lDannez: ll to be cleara h~gh:-lightlng no particular fieid.. ,ly understood by h~n Juvenile lietenFlgures quoted on publicity are .taken e.~.b. , This.prOgrll'"ls .ne~ing comple. from artlcles on file in the PuQlic Re- t10h; and ~ffQrt$ are be>ng made to lations'Office. Ttie.actual publicity cont.inue, the,Field in inches is unknown, as a large number to keep the,Air "Col;'P!l TeChnical SChool of the.articles are released and editconst~tly.befbre the public. ors fall to forward clippings. ~ '---oOo--~ , The greatest difficulty thus far encountered has been the fact that many . NEW POSTOFFICE FOR AUlROOK FIELD of the smaller and weekly newspa:\lers do ' not have the facilities for cuthng .Albrook Field, Canal. Zone, i's one of .lDah." They were' interested in publi.cithe two places in the Panama Canal Zone ty" concerning the Air Corps, but ex-" to receive a new post ,office, and it press regret over their inability to was opened December 1st in the Albrook make use of the pictures. A careful' Field Headquarters building. , study has proVen that towns and ci ties Postal officials announced that the with a populace between 10,000 and installation of the new office was to 100,000 are most likely to :print A.C.T., c?Xefor the increased business at the S. ltems. Of'course. there are always I fle~d due to the'arrival of additionaL exceptions to any rule. School publiciofflcers and men. .' ty has consisted mostly of an individu-' I Mr. Harold O. Ludwlg; formerly postal shot of a student at work in a class_llDaster at Corozal. took 'charge 'of the room.activity of his particular course, new of,fice. Recor d bUsiness was antiCaptlons were provided, in text about cipated the first few daYs tho office as follows: was opened, for the BUreau of Posts . 'Private Walter F. Domanski, son of had.rece,ived many inquirills from philaMrs. Helen A. Domanski of 75 Clark tellsts who wishes to obtain first daY , Street, .NewBri tain, ,Conn., is shown cancellations. , operating a rad~o compase, one of the ---000--many phases of lnstruction covered in of 39'students graduat~d as ,the Radio Repairers and Operators ~dlo'Repairers and Operators from the Course at the Air Corpe ~echnical Alr C~rpe Technical ,School, Chanute SCh001, Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill. Field. 111. on December15, 1939. . - H is one of the 3 000 students to .e. ."graduat~ from t~e :bepart~ent of Com- Cha~ute Field had the largest representatlon of graduates, with 17, followed, -:llIW1ica hons dur tng the Au Corps Exby Boll~ng Field with 4, Selfridge and ':PaIl'sion Program, The Department of il.Mechanice. also at Chanute Fi,Hd, will March'Flelde with 3 each and Langley Patterson Fields with 2 each. Eight ,other stations had one student each . " . .V .b. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -21V-8323, A;C.
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~'j;;:, .EIG!! l'ERc:ENrAc:EOF PRrMA1lYFtyiib'srAGE

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Under Special Orders Of the War ~artment: '~,"Ryan School of AeroMutics C:-:;;'; :d recently Lssued , 109 second lieute~ts c>f(the Chas.J.,Inf, 'Bichard G.,1;yc8Il, FA' Regular A=lf, gra.d~t\'s of the June~ 1939,~. ElmoreG. Brown,Inf.' Jemes L.V.cBride';Jr:-CAe Class of the U: S. li",htary ..Acad~, West ~01nt, S. W.. FitzGerald,Jr. ,FA David K.White, CAe " N.Y. , assd gned to duty at Rti.nilolphF;eld. George Y. JUlIJ'er, Cav. ' , J? Texas, to undergo the basio 'oourse.of fly:u>g' ": .. ' , ", training,' Originally, a total of l4T'West " Dallas AV1ahon~School and Au College' " ': Point graduates had been assigned to the nine Milton B.AdalIls,Inf. ~ Jemes B.;pp, SC oivilian, e!enente.ryflyiiig schools;to undergol Be'flj. F.Avery,3d:lrif. Jans L. LaP1'ade,Inf. the three lJDl1ths' pritmry flyit>g coUrse; The \Villiam S. Boyd, Inf. Paul J. Long, Inf. number of graduates from this course, a:pprox,i- Bari'y N. ~r~don, CE E.B. Maxwell, FA '" n:e.ting 74%, is above, the"usuaJ. average(,foi",.T.J,J.Chnstum,Jr.FA Wm. L. McDowell Cav. ,Jr. :P.... , experience .has 'indicated that, the number M.W,Engstrom, Inf .. l , M.J. McKeever, Jr.lnf. of students' completing' that stage of flying Vial er VI, FerrreI', CE t Jack G. Merrell, Cav. instruction noIm!llyapproximates 60%: William A. Garnett,Cav. R.T. Pete1'sen, Inf. The greduates .fI'om't'ile nine el!l!ttentary flyBenOid E. Glawe, FA ._ Robert C.'.'Se;j.r5. Inf. ing schools,'are.,nsted below, follows:" Hugh A, Griffith,Jr. SC C.L,Shepard ,J,,~, FA! 't' h "I' f 'A " t" Laird W.Hendricks,CAC H.R. Sullivan ,Sr. FA' ,Spar anSc 00 0, ero= 1CS <" Perry M.Hoisington,2d,1 L.N.Ta;ylor,Jr~; 'FA; Willard B. Atwell, Inf. r John L. McCoy,,Inf. Ellsworth R.Jacoby,Inf. Tilden P. Wright, CAe Donald R. Ross, CAC . Cecil C.McFarland,Inf. Jos.T.Kingsley.Jr. ,CAe.. ':'. ;,~.: John W.Carpen~er,3d,FA Josep~ G. Perry, C.E. , ---000---, l if .s John A. Be R.C.Rlc~dBon 3..d,Ca.v; ""10 10 Albert L. Evans,Jr. CAC Robert,J. Rogers,Inf. "~ THE NUMJERlNG RUNWAYS OF C'" 'Fred'k H.Foerster,Jr.CAe Daniel F: Tatum, Inf. .{ Gee, E. Howe.rd,Jr. SC Robb, C. Twyn:e.n, CLi~t. S &lonel Edgar!'. Sorensen, Ai~ -, William C. Jones,Cav. Leon B., Vance,Jr.Jnf. Corps, of the Office of the Air Corps ,'Board, AndrewJ, Kinney, CAe Alfred V.Walton, Inf. Maxwell Field, Ala,;, recently forwarded the Salve.tor~ E. 'lI.anzo. Inf . Root.C. ,Whipple,Inf. following comnmication to the InforItation " TomX',Martin,' Inf. ),,' ~' Division: - "'", ~, : Allan Hancock College, Of 'Aeronautics " "1. A good question,is put by the last. ; J ','. sentence of your article entitled' A Wai1>it>g, , ans E. Mather,,'Cav. Oliver B. TaYler,Inf. to Pilots,' pagelS, New~ Letter of Novem'per; , Park's Air Colle. "', '15th, 1939. Whena visiting pilot is tbld' John C. Ed'vards, Inf. Ray -: Will, Inf.. over the, airport. control redio to lana.,o,/- Carl W. Holl stein ,Inf. ',Elbert O. Meals, CAe runway,number'siX it is frequently necessarY Joseph E. ReYJ?-Olds,Inf. iRobert B, Miller; CAC. to 'do a bit of 'searching for the said IlIJlllber ~gene A., Romg, Inf. . S.B. Hardwick,Jr." FA six. '~; "', r '1 Elliott Vendervahter, -Jx Inf. 2: 'It appears, that good use could be',riade Grand C~ntrel ,hying School ' of the numbering as it appears on the face Walter J. Alsop, Inf. Joseph H. Frost, FA of a clock for a 'solution of this problem. A, 'flobertE. Greer, ,CAe plan substantially as follows woUldbe appro-_ Aiaberra Institute of Aeronautics priate:' ~ " , ,Select a:pproxin'ate center of the lending" ; BurnhamL. Batson, Inf. John E.L. Hu'se, Inf; area for orientation purposes. ;,~ .. , Vincent L. Boylan, Cav. He.rnnnL""pley, Jr . FA Orient clock numbering about that'ceriter ~ R.C. Crawford, Jr., -CE R. Van VI.Negley.Jr, and with 12 elwa;ys at the north. " Warner W.Cronon,Jr. ,FA Roger E.Phelan, FA Select and use such numbers from the face Jos9l'h L. Dickman, Inf. Chas: ,J:!. ,,!elton,Jr,Inf. of the clock as JOOstnearly,fit the positions follen F. H~rzberg, sr. A.T.' W11hems III, Cav. of ends of runways, lending strips, or"usa1>le ?ms, H. Hlllhouse, ,FA P.T. Wynne;Jr.; CAC edges of the landing area. , , " Lincoln Airplane and Flying School 3. On a field known to be marked"as sU8"' - .' A.K. Breokinridge,Cav. Maurice M.Miller,Inf. gested above, a visiting pilot, when told to, JelIXlS D.Garcia, CAe 'lin. W. Nichols, Cav. land at six, knows he will find six a:ppropI'i+ 1l0bert D.Hunter,Cav. Leonard N.PeltlEr SC at ely' centered at the south edge of the I NewtonE. James, Inf. Robert M. Wra;y, field. Airport control could then simply,""!; Chicago School <if Aeronautios tell the visiting pilot to 'lend -on runway~ . at six',' or 'land a.t. six toward the north; f Robert F.Cass1dy,FA Paul B.Ok\,rblocm, SC etc., thus siJq>lifying conversation somewhat: Elwoed P.Donohue, FA ,John G. P1ckard, CM; as well as In3king it easier for the pilot to, Robert P. Hoffa, SC De~marJ. Rogers, CE determine the indicated spot on a strange, F.W. I~., Jr, .FA Jonn S, Satiuel, CE field" " . " E.J. Lahsz!",lSki, FA Wm. .T. Smith"l?A9 ---000--\ .. ,. Robe1't B. L1ttle, FA Lewls W.Stoclnng,Inf. '." .' .. '::." Chas., J. Long, ss, CAe Thos.' B.Whitehouse,Cav Dur1ng November, 1939, !he ~g1neapng~; Nern>mJ. McGowan, CAt: James W. Wilson, Inf. .partnxmt of. the San AntOnlOAu. Depot .01i'l3r-;'3 Richard S.Mcrriso,:" SC ,Geo.W.R. ethren,FA z ha~ed 16 a>rplanes and l~ enganes , a.nd re-

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p8.1red 34 planes

and 8 cnganea.


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VOL. XXIII A IR Information Division Air COrps






The chief purpose of this'publication is 'to distribute information on aero-, nautics to the flying personnel in the Regular kim:f. Reserve Corps. National , Guard, .and others connected with aViation. , , \. ---000--' -01" ". ,. , MATERIEL DIVISION ACTIVITIES FOR 1939 By Brigadier General George H. Brett~ Chief of the Materiel Division,

JanuarY 15. 1940

T E R NO. ~' Munitions Buildi~ Washington.,D.C.;


, A high spot of an unusUally busy year Appropriations Bill of 19~. In order for the Materiel Division was ,the cele- to meet the demands of th1s program. bration of the thirtieth anniversar,yof expansion of the Division had to'be ac.the Air Corps on August 2. 1939. Wr1ght complished as expeditiously as pusible.! Field was selected as the focal cele~ra- This problem was attacked upon'four tien point. and aviation notables' from fronts; ,organization, personnel, buildall parts of the world congregated there. ing, and equi:{lment. ' Of :{lermanent importance were six interThe respons1bility o~ providing for , nat10nal air records set aS,a oelebrathe increased engineer1ng. procurement. tion feature. These are significant as inspection, and testing necessary to a source.of information regarding the increase the number.of Air Corps air- , comparat1ve capabilities of U.S. airplanes to 5500 by July 1. 1941 , was no ' planes in certain spec1alizedfields. light task. Formerly the Air 6orps l ~he international records were: had had delivery on approximately 200 : (a) Greatest pay load ~arried to an new airplanes each year. Before the ' !j.ltitudef 2000 meters \6561.66 feet) Appropriations Bill had been vot. d by . o e l14,135~. to 8200 ft., Boeing B-15 Congress. however. anticipatory work , ai.p~ane)to meet its re~uirements was'well unde~ lb) Speed without pay load over 1.000 way a.tthe DiV1sion. . km. course for amphibians (186.094 Oreanization m.p,p. Grumman OA-9 amphibian) OrganizatiOn Changes included the c' .. lc) ~eed with 5000 kiI:. pay loa.dover creation of posts for two Executives lOOO,km. course (259.39~ m.p.h Boeing where formerly a single Executive had .'B-l7A airplane) served as the immediate assilltantof , .(d) Course speed rllcordwith crew.Los the Chief of the Materiel DiVision. One Angelss to New York (265.383 m.p.h.. post called for a Technical Executive 'Bo\lipg B-17Bairplane) with Jurisdiction over all technical le}~eed carrying 2000 kg. pay load matters pertaining to development and I~, for dis ance of 5000 km. over closed procuremsnt of aircraft and equipment; cours~ 166.32 m.p.h., Boeing B-15 air- the other for an Administrative Execupl!j.n~} tive with Jurisdiction over personnel, lf} Altitude with 5000 kg. pay lpad service. and related matters. (33.400 ft. Boeing B-17A airplane) In order to expedite aircraft producInformation has since been received' tion, a Production Engineering Section from the Federation Aeronauti~e Inter- was formed. A group of officers and nationale of Paris, the authorized hocivilians thoroughly experienced in demologation bodY for international v.elopmentand productiOn matters were records, that four of these records have assigned to this ,work, principally from " ' been examined and officially rec9gpb?d. the Procurement and ExPerimental EnginThesllreoords appear under lb}. lc}, ld).eering Sections. The Project Officers and le} in the foregoing list. ' and engineers chosen to form part of Award of Distinguished Flying Cross the group'had for years followed the de~e c~~ebration was also the occasion velopment of specific tactical and [ of the presentation of Distinguished training air'craft types from the drawFlying Crosses to Major Carl Greene and ing board through ~elivery and flight " Captain 4.H. Johneon for development testing. A Government-Furnished Equipand flight test of pressure cabin airment group was instituted in order' plane, and to Captain C.J. Crane and that supply of sufficient and necessary Captaln G.V. Holloman for development /lolld 'equipmen.t meet needs of aircraft manto flight test of the automatic landing ufacturers at s::hed~ed times mi~t be SYlltem. ,effected. The 1SSU1ng of specif1ca,,0. E~an:ofionProgram tions and production drawings was also, The Materi?vision was Vitally af- made a function.of this Section. fscted by the Air Corps Expansion Pro_ The former Procurement Section was l'!lm 'lIhich.... . s launched .by the Military broken down.into a Contract Section and Please, purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -1- V-8335;' A. C. r



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an Inspection ',Section., the former being temporarily placed upon proC\1I'ement',ahd.' -responsible for the issuance and e.dmin- ~ro~ucti9n procedure,,; the Exper,irqe'nt:a.l ", istration of all purchase contracts, Eng1noer1ngforces be1ng absorbed 'for' , includi~ the necessary legal procedthe time in assisting in the evalua:tion' ur es pertaining to them. The In specof aircraft checkin~ of analyties,.:'.id .' tion Section" with representatives in other 'technical deta.rLs involved"in,,:lle, three districts, central, eastern and lecti<,ln and equipment of types. ,t'~elspon~ western, was made responsible as tho sibill ty fOr the sound expenditm:e;;,of,.. name implies, for the inspection of !loll vast sums of moneyrested to ,a,lar;ge'exnew aircraft" equipment and materiel. tent upon their reconnnendations: ;':Sqme' The Experimental Engineering -Section idea of the demandsmet by theee,grpups was widely expanded throughout 'the five may be envisioned when it is rea'li:zed " main laboratories~ namely: Aircraft" that from January 1, 1939, to 'Oc'tOber! , 1 Power Plant, Materials. Armamentand 1939, contracts for aircraft :a.nd e.~,r':', , E~u~p~ent. The Aerial Photograp~ic aC- ?raft :eguipment had been si~e,d'~9~t~ t1v1t1es were taken from the Equ1pment 1ng ,to ~197.31l,981.74. Th1S sum~~~c ' Laboratory and established Il.Sa sepacluded amounts from both 1939 fisc,alj , rate unit. The propeller .activities year and the 1940 special funds,','! -. ' were likewise separated from the Air-, In spite of expansion activiti'e;s.~,'~q craft Lab6ratory,both new agencies re- however, there were a number ot:'dellelopporting directly to 'the Chief of the ment activities Lnvo improvements.' E~erimental Engineoring Section:, on existing equ~pmentas well as~c~~~ , These reorganizations had scarcely pletely new eqU1pment, Among ,these thll been put into operation when the office following are of interest: ' .',J" ,i'!,. , of the Chief of the ltateriel Division A major problem of 'the past sever~1 naa transferred from Wright Field to years ~asb~en the prevonti9n 'o~ ,'e.:iccffis,,. Washington, D.C. About October 1st, sive v1brat10n and flutter 1n the 'modtherefore, Brigadier General Geor~e H. ern higll-performance airplane. " In:orBrett, with a selected staff cons.i.sbd ng derto 'solve these problems more capa-. of approximately a dozen officers and, bly ,a separate vibration and flutter' ; an equal number,of civilians, reported unit .was este.bUshed in the Aircraft for duty in Washington. " Laboratory with a group of specialists This is the first application of the giving complete time to these proje6~s,. decentralization plan to the Materiel A report on wind tunnel flutter,I'e~~'~ Division. The purpose of this transfer was comp et ed and ~avorably ,r~ceived,,,br L was to accomplish more direct liaison the 1ndust~'. A s1mple methoa,of:wcalcu~ between the Chief of the Air Corps and lating' flutter speeds of tail'sUrfaces, the Materiel Division; In this change was developed from study' of the wind, : the Assistant Chief of Materiel Divitunnel test 'data. A model,was :designed sioil was placed in innnediate charge at to investigate flutter problems -Ln twi~Wright Field. fin and ,rudder airplanes. Completeivi~ 'Personnel bra tion surveys were made on 33 'airl.; ; In order to supply the necessary per- planes submitted for test or eValuation, sonnel for this expanded organization, Experiments were continued 'in,the~; ; the number of civi1.ian emplo~ees leaped automatic flight and landing'project,' ' from approximately 1300, a hgure which and ~reatly improved resultsare'Y~xP~cthad been comparativ,ely static for. sever- ed W1h the installation t of the auto- " al years, to 2,000 in a period of about matic flight and landing eCj1Jipment'iil six months. The numberof officers Was the recently delivered C-40B tricycle also increased from approximately 100 landing gear airplane which is to'be'" to 180., used exclusIvely for these, exper-Lmen " t a. BUildiugs " The famous Sperry automatic pilot de-, An addition of work1ng,roomwas natuveloped for the Air Corps at the 'reque~t' rally consistent with the enlargement of the Materiel ~ivision is uilder~b;fng;: ,referred to in preceding,~aragraphs,and experiments lead1ng to the reduct10il'of' ipnnediately plans were Lad to increase d size and the conservation of instrUllient' floor space, which had previously amoun 'board space. Features are also,oeing ed to approximately 900,000 square 'feet. incorporated which will, it is' hoped; >. , Workwas' star'ted on converting :thelarge improve its use for automatic fligh't, aUditorium of the'maln administration and landing 'Operatio'!s, ' ',";;."" bUilding into offices. Ground'was broDevelopmentof aux1l1ary power plants kl'enfor an additional two-story Power has. been an important feature during lant office building, a dynamometer 1939, A 150-hour endurance test was laboratory and,an,additional.wind tuncompleted on a l2'-k:va, alternati~'curnel: A propeller laboratory and, torque rent auxiliary powerplan't and as'!-Il1ilar stands came into the picture also " test started Olm a 5_kw. direct' current . Equipment. '. ' un~t. Wi h the addit~ona,l equipnieI!tjet ,In the tremendously .tncr eased activiqufr ed for theoperatlon of'la,ge aut~es whi'rh resulted from tho a:\,propria- planee, these power plants hav,e,lleen ~150n :ti300,000,900for the ,br 90rps, of found increa.singly ,!ecessary.'t,9;;e'i:il>ple$ 0,000,000 of wh1ch was made avadLab l.e mont the power furn1shed by ,th~;:>:na:1'n: '~efol::ep~e close. of the fiscal yef?r for motors. Auxiliary power plants ::Jlce~si'des mmecl:l.2.",,'~ditnX"'l. the eruphas1swas furnishing power for the operaticiii"of Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8335, A.C. .a,

l:,:illstr,wnents"are used for' the ope rat ion four flRin air depots. A,device for autooaticallY starting am stopping 'de-icing and antiJo~,~a .. ~~ng gear, n fl~p~, bomb .bay, doors icing' systems nas been <1evelopeclJ:IJ1. is ready a mechalllsrns" and auxlllary pumps. _ [f1:l.1;The" ,;pphcat ion of s t a l.n'l.eas ,steel to for eer'v rce testing, - i,l:he"complete structure of all alrplane FUrtlJer developnent of service trucks for a ~is; be ing. 'de t erm lned , "I'his act ion is variety, of !JUI1lO'lesas cont Inued, .These trucks h -'0t'he:',:direct 'result of'experiments perinclude a lJeav),-dut;ytractor for tcwir,lg large ' airplanes, developi.J)g a drawbar pUll in excess' -[r,~x:>rn\ed.op.s,tainless s t ee l wb}g~ and of '1800 pounds; a ,E6-ft. wrecku)g truck with a ~ tU5'l ..,tanKs oy the. wiater I e L Dl V1Si on, __ ,."Pe.rfqi'flianc'e of stainless st ee r-wtngs ,lo-ton cap-'lcit;y boon for salvao:iI>g purposesi a '""purc!iased for the OA-4C a Ir-p Lane s prrn"- refueling unit consisting of two semi-trailer tYP!' tanks with a caP?'city of 400J gallous " 'ed"sat Lsf ac t or-y 'exc"pt for some minor ~tcot'rosionin the' smaller fastenings. ' each; and a photographic truck and trailer for the quick developoont in the field offilnn ," In",t'nese,' tests the airplanes were given .J an'average flying time of 140 hours. and prccesstng or', "rints. , '" : ' These are but a few of too many projects unSeam welITed stain16s$ steel fuel tanks der research and developnent at, tile lvateriel .wei'e' also, constructed and installed in -CFUrsuit airplanes at' France. Field where Division which are adding to .the advancenent edrros10n of metals is normally greater of general aviation. ' tHan;'at other stations. These tanks .', ' ' , ---oOo-~were in excellent condition after apCCXIt>"'IRUCI'Irn NEARINJavJFlEI'ION. ta ivJAXl\EIL C mID proximately 18 months' service. Fur-' _v",t'hei",experlrnental work on high tensile Gradual c~let ion of the barracks construe- ' . shee.t .Ls. being carried on to improve" t ion program is relievihg the croMied hous ing '-yi:eld' s,t'rengtfi and modulus of el.aat Iccondtt'ion IlCW existing at lliaxw811 'Field, Ala. Occupancy of these buildiIJgs Qy student offi"',;~~r~ot'~g~apJ:1iC proj ects have rece'i ved cers attenduJg the Air Corps Tactical School w i de at.t ent i on o.urlng the past year. enlisted men stationed there pemanentlY 81ld Sui1able pl).otographs.for multipl,!x i about 700 'recruits temporarily at'tvaxwel , .,.st,ereoscoplC projectlon and t act L ' ~ndi.rJg, transfer to ot'Jer garrisons, ' is being ~mapping h~ve'been obtained and tests, 'effected as rapidly as they are canpleted. are' be Ing 'conducted to develop largeTIle hpusllJg of ehl.i.sted rre]) In two [angars 'scale prmts suitable for Ii tllogr'3.phic and douole deckmg of bunks ill the older bar-repr oduct ion, thereby permi tt ing, their -racks tBlrJporariJ.ysolved too quartering quea-: use ,as Substltutes for maps. Color .t'ion of trJe newlY, enlisted Air COrPs soldiers. photographic equipment has been under , ' Eig\lt .of the. new barracks are already bellJg, .conce'ntrated .experimental development, occupied b,)"about 400 men of .tbe lOthAir Base ~as."it is 'considered tl)at this type of Squaciron. Four more are beipg usee by' tbe 100 <~photograph would be 01' great value in.' 'student officers attending the thin! short , ~~~he3~e~ect~on of camouflage. Expericourse at tl,e Air Corps Tactical School, which Oments31n 'i; n i.ghf phatography have also carrrenced JanuaryB, .... '' -J:f~showil'progress. l;anges an the t ype s , A total of twenty-six buildings are being, <o(ephotofIash bombs to permit a greater rushed to canpletlon. 11Jeyare one-story, "number- of photographs per mis s Ioii have steam heated buildings, of lJollcm tile conr been initiated. A 60-lnch -t e Iephot p struction, stucco coye~d, with screened ,,' lens 'mounted on a K-IO camera body has porches, 8110 are a d ist mct departure from the -'been tested.' If successful this camera . .'will be used with infra red film for squadron t;ype of barracks. Occupancy is five peri.Iarge roan with, interconnectlIlg bathroora rdgh-alt i tude and long-distance large,wsc~le .phot ogr-aphy; Experimentaqon has for eacfi two' rooms; U~ also contatn oui It-dn also progressed in eqUIpment deslgned lockers for clothing. EIuisted nen nOliquartered in these barracks have pronounced t1Jem to increase tire effic iency and product'ion'.rate 'of photographic prints in the "keen" . -~':'li3:borat'6ries, field, and anplane. ~ , ~--oOo---:Ail new engines are so de s Igned as to , take -advant age of the high octane fuels AIR CORPS,EXHIBIT AT BOLLING,FIELD which are'"constantly under exper-nnerit at ron and improvement. .' ," , '' . ' ", Carburetors, 'vacuum pumps;" fuel pumps .Tn preparation for an aircraft ahow ,"and 'gear boxes have' a Ls o-been .Impr-oved, to be,held at Bolling Field. D. C., on _::' Thlrty-one propeller tests were comJanuary 19th and 20th, 1940, the new ,h: ..pleted, Lnc Ludi ng electric whirl tests, hangars have been vacated and, the '. er~ine torque stand, flight and vibra'Th ' ,~tion7stress,!s test. Propeliers which floors repaln~e~. e ~ngars wlll perml t gunf'Lre through tile center of house the exlnbl t the AIr Corps had at j.'the"hub have been under investigation, ,the !Jew York World's Fair, as well as :ahd',satisfactory progress has been reother recent developments in aviation. p'orted upon controllable propellers, in Th 'i 1 ' ho Ldd th' c,luding :feathering features.' Develope prmc pa purpo se In 0 ang 1S .merrt of a four-blade propeller of largshow is to acquaanf members of, Con~ess eJ er ..size, was initiated to supply dewi th,the recent progress made in m1lic. 'mande ' ,imp'osea. by high-powereo. engines tary aviation',.. , operating at altitude on: l,igh-speed . --.000-'-a~rcraft~ Continued development of .. 'i:propeller, thrust meters como i ned" with ',A Congressional par,ty,COf\sl.sting of ~~torquemeters will permit the accurate ~,d'e,termination of propeller efficiency .. Senator Elmer Thomas,., Congressmen Paul departed .: ~:il)' f;,light 'and provid,! inforini3:tio~ here-" W. Shafner and J. Starnes; -'t,ofore"almost lmposslble to: ob t a i n , from Bolling Field, D.C., on December -'Il,IRe'c'ognition,of the importance of. 20, 1939, for San Juan, Porto, Rico, for ic,e,,:ehmination equipment is acknowt~e,p~oseof ins~ecting the<n~w acti~ _.eJledged,by,the conductlng, at, the Materv1t1eS-1n Puerto R1co. The med1umof ,iel,.,DiVis'ion of a brief cour-se of. intransportation was a G-39 airplane pi" ,S~:~'C.t.l_dh. n ~ts operation i -f'or' an -of' loted by Capt.M.C. Woodbury, Air-Corps. "e~r'1C~r, 'and 'a':mechanlc from each of the to [fa f~i'.,,:'pjrr" . . .". V-83~5; A, C. ' Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.



in addition to Ma~or Adler and Captain Smith, were CaptaJ.n James H. Wallace, Air Corps, Staff Sergeant Geor~e J. The Hamilton Field'Flying Cadet Board,Parker, Sergeant Lloyd F, McLaJ.n, and A headed by Major Elmer E. Adler, Air ,PrivateJerry,Mason. ';' ''''::-!l Corps, recently returned to that field . The Boar~ will take to the'ai,~"~ain~: upon the completion of a swing through an the Spnng. of 1940, Whenit.,will::~ ;'" the Pacific Northwest arsa that kept cover the PacJ.fJ.c Coast from Seattxetto: said B~~rd on the airwayscfor a,period. Los Angeles, ~topping at all'coll~g~s~~. of sh: weeks,' The'.Board in its '!Flying and en route.' " .;.. ill Office;" the C-39 Transpor.t, 'covered . . --';'000---' .... 1.0'l'J .t~ Montana, Eastern Washington, Idaho and . ,.,. '.c!".1 S:I~:l Utah. .. , .. LANGLEY FIELDOFFICERS COMPLETE:TRcL'"'"j ~ Major Adler, the president of the TICALSCHOOL COpRSE. . Board reports a very successful tour. Of 36i applicants, 189 were found to Eleven Langley Field bfficerlirllcentif have the requiTed '1ualifications. The ly completed tlireemonths of :trainlijg:''';: colleges visi ted and the number of '1ual- at the Air Corps Tactical Sch061/:!dSJi:'",. ifications are as follows: well Field; Ala:, and returned to'~the'i:r: Montana State College ~.. 25 home station to resume duty with'ia:f1c::~. M~ntana State University 20 ous tactical organizations; viz:" Gonzaga ' , . .. 5 Ma.ior Malcolm Stewart, HeadClUlU':~'ilis' ,. Washington State .. '" 24 and B~adquarterB S'1ua~on, Second~W~ngJ~ Universi ty of Idaho 35 CaptaJ.ns lierbert E. RJ.ce, .3rd Ob'"';'~ Eastern Washington College 7 tion S'1uadron;William C. BentleY;".Jr .. University of Utah 44 96th BombardmentS'1uadron;Ward J,..c, .: Brigham Young " ' 15 Davies, Post Excharige; Joseph A. Bulger,; Utah State Agricultural College 14 8th Pur sui t Group, 1st Lieuts. francis Eleven applicants, listed as being E. Griswold, 35th Pursuit S'1uadron",and, temporarily dis'1ualified, will be acJames Sutton, Hqrs, and H'1rs. ,S'1ua'droP.~.' cepted when they will have removed some SeccndBomber dmen Group. Others.!fp?"::'J t minor ~hysical disability.. were granted or dtnary leaves and ~ar.i'ivi-i., "It as a fact well worth noting," ed later. at Langley Field fromthe-I',F ...... , stated Ca:rtain Junius P, Smith, medioal Tactical School were Captains Nefl":.s:.':~ officer vnth the Board, "that in the' Harding, 20th BombardmentS'1uadr,On;" ~,~ Pac;ificNorthwest States our average of Wentworth ~oss, Hqra, and H'1rB'.:Sq~d-:~ 52~ physically '1ualified far exceeds ron; 1st LJ.outs. J.E. Lacey, 2nd , .the national average of 20 to 25 per-' Weather S'1uadron; Carl W. Cai'lmark.',.;~' cent. Our .evidence would. seem to show 20th.Bombardment S'1uadronz.and ~Ohn :A.,' . :that the western boy whose .life is spent Feagln, 96th Bombardment::;'1uadron.~.;,;:~. largely out of doors is abetter all '.. ---006-" ", " '", , :~~~~ ~~~;i~~~. ffpecimen than the eastFARM BOY' ~DlJCATION S TAKES RAPID,oj'~,r:B In keeping w~ the' policy of the th STRIDE. FORWARn.. , ':_):;;:~~ Chief of the Au Corps, men less than . .' \,' ~'_' . colle~e graduates were discowaged from ,Colonel John F. Curry, CommandingJOf::' until they had completed their i ficer of Hamilton Field. Calif .,re"": college training. This materially reI.lates'. an amusing incident. ".; ~uced th~ number.of applicants. However,. RecenpYt While walking from Headq13arJ.t matenally raa sed' the standard of ed- ters BUJ.lding, he passed a young .soI..; ': uca~ion among the group. ..' d~er who failed to recogni~e.him~,d:~: In theJ.r contact with college presJ.hJ.s.rank in the. accepted mJ.1J.tary:man~! .dents and deans of men, the Board, Major nero Colon~l Curry stopped the bOY'ij~ Adler said. found. a receptive, ap~recia- who was obvrous'ly a memberoftha . ,'0 . ,tive and entirely cooperativeattJ.tude. Recruit Detachment, and discussed:thllt.~ The .training offered by the Air Corps matter of.military courtesy. ,Aft;er.:.a". in its program of Flying Cadet recrui tlecture of several minutes, the .bOy;:IiI ment leading toward commission in the pained and surprised, stuck his neck' ," Reserve, and-an many cases the Regular out just a wee bit farther and said:",'~ ArJIJ,provides for the graduating mem"LOokhere now, boss, do you mean',to . .bers of the studen t bodies of these col- tell me that I gotta salute eve:;l0ns'of leges, a prof;lssion and stabilizing inyou fellers w~ the pink ~ants? I '. ;',: th .. fluence in hfe 'which. due to the econThe 'IEducatlon of a SoldJ.eru progress'omic situation, many of them would' not. ed rapidly and without delay.;, ..: ;.,~: gain in any other way They are bein~ ..' ---000--- . , .. ".' ." prOVided a career in a new science whJ.m ..' .. . ... : .... ;",;~~; offers them, free of charge, and for Class 40...4.of 219 meJpberswas trans~. which they ere paid adequately for ferredto Kelly Field. Texas. :6nDeceiJi:' their time. a cereer in a not yet ber 19. 1939, as the ,first','.gra'ducrowded profession. . atedfrom Randolph Field, :Texas,;~amdlii) The members.of the Flying Ca.det Board. the new expa.nsion program. -" "" Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -4. V-8335 , A. C. YOUTHS NORTHWEST OF EXCEL PHYSICAL IN ~UALIFICATIONS FORFLYING.


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PILOT '!'RAINING UNDER THE EXP.ANSION PROGRAM ,By the Ran, dolph , Fie 1 d edt o~elipon en '
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Anbi:ir'~e ef 5, 500 airpl~;le8 b:i'~ June,':,30 ",,1941, was the goal, s~tby'Con~ , gre'~li11ll:it'll\lIIl11ier; before, adjourn:nen t , r . In" ad~:nOh" to building the plan~s, ... ' tt'lti'ili'~"la.rge 'l1umben OfmechanlC8' to, mai:iftii1,ii' 'them' there was also, the" talilk' Of training pilote _ pilots ando,ffi-' eers whOwould come ~~ to the, rifid ,

~e~llc~:;~om~se";,Of. with safety,n was the watchword when it would appear' that'at ,least ,55%~f ' th~,.e,xpanded pilo t tre.ining progr8J!l go t. this class wille allio get to Kelly Field under:':way,en July 1. ' ' , '. for advanced training. ,,' ' .Exa-ctlyhalf a year has passed since The present ufreflh!nan" cl.s.s~ at :Rantllc~ask of Primary Flight Training was dO,lph Field is Class40-C wh1ch has, ' tUi'he:d,over to nine carefully selected only recently reported. ~ey started ci1filien'f,lyiM schools, located from ,: primary training, with 40,1 member,s, Alab~,,~o',nahforn,ia., Randolph Field gradually losing one now end then to, WD.s"itl.iiW~d'into. two basic fl.ight' trainthe "Washing Machine,", and wo1Uldup, , in1i. sphools.' L1kewise, Kelly Field, ' " with 264 of them being 'transferred ,to go1i:t<"j:fng").1li neighbor, Brooks Field, its Texas for the second' phalle. tThus, their for"ll.dditi.onal ground end air rooDl,be. ' perc~tage for the first;phase VIaS c/!llle:,twoAdr~ced flight training, 65.8~, just a fraction of one ,percent" 'Ilcho?ls.,:-" ...: , ,', lower then the ,record set ,byths first "I!,ere's\W!1at has happened an the ,way class under this new sys,tem., , ' ,.~f:::p,i'loj;e.traiiling since July 1st. A And that's the statistical picturell.S to'ta'1::'of,'759 'student pilots have be'en painted for the first half yee:r of ,the " ~"~.t'edfrom the l1in~ civiliansc!i~o'ls expandiJ?-E: Air Corps. Classes enter~ng and 's'ept 'to 'Randolph F~eld for tra1n1ng the civilian flying Il,chools evert S1X' on BT49:'s;" They came an three almost weeksnumller approxiniatelv 400. 'Thus IlCLuB.'l'i~crements- Classes 40..A., wi~h far, 64.2% of them comple"ts the ,firllt " 257 ,'wh1ch reported to the "West P01nt phase and come to Texaefor ,basl.C e.nd of'-the"", the last week in September; advanced 'training. 'Their future ,llUC40-B"wit4238 V{hicharrived N'ovember cess, both at Randolph Field and KellY l5thr:"and finab.y, 40-0, with 264, com- Field, depends solely on their own 'ab11ple'te-d'pr~y training 'just at the ity to fly a milit~ airplane, as, it close 'of 'the old year.' " should be flown. The we.tchword_lIthere, The total number of pilots-to-be who ,is no compromise with safety,"I!~ds started.primary trainil1g wi th these out in just as big letters as ever bethree c1e.tilies was 1,181. Therefore, the fore. ' aggrega~e percentage for these classes --_000 _ 1,S,64.::l%,,,whosuccessfully leaped the f1rst':mid lDOstdifficult hurdle on the INS1!RUCTION ON!'ll1l6TAGE i.TlWnXlL1'lJ eoilrille to pair of, winge.' " ', . , ".. C1/1>88 4O..A. alreadY has spent Hs three DiiringtllO weeks' ~~tP.Bsed, "B",' ", -lllO!l'tbv'at:'Randlllph ;e'ield Bj'ldis now!l.t Stage personnel at 'dolph Field,' , 'the" Advanced School, Kel!yField. The Texas, condUcted, an instructor,' school members of this, da'lIs started training and a .cour se for :refresher students. ", iil'various"sectio'hs of the country on Seventeen new instructors succeBBfully Jult'''l"viith a total of 386 potential completed the cour-ae of instI"uction'and Pi},0j;si'2~7, reaching RandolIlh F-ieldfor ,win,be assigned, to regularinstruet,ion b,~s1e..,;&ra1n~ng;, Thus,,;i6.6~ complete~ duty.' 'Twelve students completed the'repr~ 'trall,ing; an average almost'as fresliel""course and were transferred to hign''Il.s the best ever established while Kelly Field.for further training. : ' Ren'do!ph' 'Field was 'giving this first, The new clas S ',to operat@ from thill', phase'., ", " . " si de of thefield,hsserrived a.mi con.,.;':A:,~ote.lof 25 of them were',unable to' sistS of'109 student 'Officers and 153 master, ,the intricacies of: the larger.' Cadets. Regular work with thelle, stu"; , ,p()wer:t;uLb,aS1c training planes at Ran-, dents began on January 2; 1940. ' -vdolph' li'iel'd:and wereeliminated leav- , 'Most of the ,instructor personnel' G1f" ing 232 to' be' transferred to i ly,,' , ' "Bli Stage enjoyed ,a"few d!qs', ,rest Ke " Field, wh~re they now are. In,other duri~ the Christmas season so as to , \!?z;.!ls." !iql!> of ,the original class are ' enable ',them to start the nBwyesr, 'wi th.,' .P-9,:'1r:II-.'t ,We Advanced Flying Schoo1. renewed vigor.': " " ,',. '"', ""C:lass'40;0J3"'which 'started primary, . , ,---:000-. , ,~., -~t:af\i.\irilf.?n"lugust 15th, had 394 members'{, ' .'ri, '"..; r ,1"''':. . tli:e"nrst"da;v,':~ut 'dwindled to 238 at ' V_8335;' J.. O.~; Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

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end Ilf,the twelfth week, Which al110 Jll8rked bhe,:endof the',firut phase of tra.ining :,' Onecas-ualty Jll8rred their record,When a :flying. Oade~ and his instructor were killed l.n, a, crash, during primary tral,ning. ,Of the ori~inal ' class, 60;4% completed primary training; ,Thhcla,ss iB now at Randolph Field, '




TACTICAL PROBLmS FORAIR CORPS PERSON.So. too,.with all the youngsters in the Air Corps whoprof1 t by theae Wing ProbNELIN PANAMA. lema, which encourage and actuate logical imaginatiens, :intellige~t ini.t1~tile " "A large force of enell\Ybombers wall ptinc1pl!,,~ ,of,"~~fo repor'ted headed fttr the Canal early in and sound. practical the lnorllirig of December 16th. The . tics. c ~';.'i 2~._~,(..r'd!; _.J:.-oOo-. '"~ 0 ~."' .; ') . ehe~ airplane carrier which launChed them was assumed'to be speeding away , CHINESE 'OFFICERS VISIT KELLyr~fET,j),:,.; seeking safety. from the Iriendly bombers searchi\)g' to destroy her," This ."Lieut. Colonel.5hiao Chiang~oi 7~i\~ [; was problem #3 of a series of problems inaugurated by Eri~dier General Herber Lieut. ,Wego:Chiang. both of-the,~hineee, A. Dar~e, Command1ng eneral' of the G Arll\Y.were vieitors at ,the Air. 9orp~i~"", Advanced Flying School, Kelly.F1el:d.(,,.,,r 19th W1ngin the Panama Canal DepartTexas1 during the week of Jan,mry' .?lid:::. ment. Col. viii is Oommandan t' oftha' .Priiii!i'-. This problem tied in with two previof tlie Central Av~a::;'<~ ous educational exerciees solved by de- r;,; Flying~ourse hon School of Chine., and signated 'groups of officers on duty ill of the Natiollal":,':,.-, the Canal Zone._ The first problem, ' is a representative Military Council of China. These~6ffi~~ which dealt with. the above mentioned cers have been authorized by the 'War,F" carrier, was to locate, ,identify and keepsa1d carrier under surveillance. Department to observe the courses'.:of The second problem was to emplQY Pursuit instruction as given at the Ail".Coii>.s,o' cr' ' ",. "vin an effort to prevent an attack on the Training Center. Canal .by her bombers, all of which tied 7-:..000---.,., :,.'i, . in with the third exercise which was to relocate and destroy the carrier. PERSONNEL INCREASE LANGLEY AT FIELD,::_ ..These problems are issued to desig. . nated Groups in the Wing. A few days Since the beginning of the Air' Corps." are allotted to prepare the solutions: Expansion Program last June, a total.of ,Then, ~m the day of the assumed problem, ,1;'i'9Z recruits and 138 enlisted ,men,.",,~ a cr i t1que , conducted by General 'Dargue, transferred from other branches ofq;he'~ at whicli several "spokeSmen" of the dif service, arrived at Langle;,; Field; J1a';!" ferent group~ givediscussione. is held .In a9-dit~ilnJ Z08 me~ arnved:at. __ ~he.i;" at Albrook F1eld to go over all the so- VUlj;in1a au oase dur1ng the hve-montli lutions and ramifications of the'situaper Led for assignment wi1;Jlvarious.,de-'O tion. Like most all mili tary problems. partments and detachments. The:memberii no approved solution is giVen but the of this latter group are classified' aa'.~ i faults and weak points, as we I as the follows:'" .r ',?, strong points of each solution, are Ordnance Department. ZZ; Si~nal Corp~ pointed out 'constructively. aviation, ?; Air Corps. Hawahan De., ': These problems and critiques are very partment, 43; Air Corps, Panama.Canal.c valuab,le technically an 9-practically to .Departmen~,.3; Medical Department,'41o-')~~ all officers, but espec1ally, to the Langley F1eld, 8; Medical Department,.o.. , younger ,olles who will, under the expan- Puerto. Rico, 5; Medical Departmeilt.".+r.vf sion, 'be plaCed in po si tions where the Southeastern Air Ease. Tampa, Fla. 1:!.;l;3; 1 same problems some day may be theirs 9;uartermaster Detachment, Puerto R 'co. ) under actual conditions. " 16; ~termaster Detachment. Hawaiian . . 'It is realized by all, that the time DepartmentLZ~; and Q;u.artermaster,De-,',i element will not permit issuance of for- tachment, .uangley Field, 64. ' ,. mal ordet:s under ac tual coridf tions by' ---000-the lower echelons. and that the orders _ . ~'f,),,:~ will be put in trite but vi tal words. EOMEARlldENT PILOT TALKS ROTARY 11:) CLUEHowever. even with the opportunity to . ,!'~'J. '1 fly these simulated problems time and' Captain William D. cis, Air, Corps,'J"''time again, the technical discussion who piloted one of the E-l? Eombar.dment thereof sets the minds of all thinking airplanes on the Good Will 'l 'Of every possible engle which 'all would and from Rio de Janeiro. Brazil, to'1'd" -be forced to consider stress of the members of the HamPton,Va.;- Rotary i!l.ctuality. ' ' Club on December 12th that, in his ",: "Just as the trained quarterback esH.,. opinion, the flight had accomplish,' d I...' e mates and acts on the situati'on on the its purpose. He cited the importance .. ! football_field with no ,loss of time. so of the building up of a more thoro~,"" must the Corps commandersand pilo.ts understanding between. the people. of, the act under the strain of reality, The northern and southern countries.and,;~~ quarterback learns through di'scussions", said that the trips made by the mi).,i-:J with the coaches and practice on the' tary planes had furniShed'not only~the~ field. And if the quarterb.ack is hurt, spectacular, but the more la:sting'cef-"l; his sUbstitute must carryon even though fects.:. that of making and, cementillE;~:;; his knowledge is mainly through discusfriendship. . ... ", ,D"-"i.!, sions. '. Yet the sub may become a great ' ' ---000---.' ",,,::lIIm p~er ,'9I,70"[ Please purchaseand lead his team to' vic'tory.:''''.'''' -6- to remove this watermark. PDF Split-Merge on ,. V-8335, .A.. C.


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Haley, Robert B. Detroit, Mich. Morgan, Chester H. Detroit, Mich; Stickney, J ohnT . Detro it, Mich. Sultan, Henry Hirsch Detroit, Mich; Beth, .Elman J. FreIlOnt, Michl Harris, llavid H. Mt. Pleasant, Mich; Kozarek, .st.enley A. Muskegon, Mich: Howe, Everett B. Waldron, . Mich; Bury, Kermit N. Madison, Wisc; ThOllBs, GOrdon F. Madison, Wise: Malanka, Arthur F. . Milwaukee, Wisc: Schneider, Arthur L. Milwaukee, 'Visc, Melcher, John N. ' . Oconomowoc, Wiscr Malzahn, Arden E, Wisconsin Rapids, Wisc. 1 Dallas Aviation Scllool & Air College . lii11as, Texas Lynch, Claude E. FByette~ille; Ark; DuBose, Sam H, Lewisville, Arlo. Hinton, Joe K. Nashville, Ark~ Barron, Enid Nall Swifton, Ark. Alabaua Institute of Aeronautics, Mler, HenrY .Walter Coral Gables, Fla.. Tuscaioosa, Ala. K . MiBlIl1, Fl' a. . :::,:_] ~ . raemer ,0 J bn Jaco b . Plosser, Charles 'Robert, Jr. Auburn, Ala. Dean, Charles Woodrow Voro Beach, Fla~ Reid",John ,C. Birmingham, Ala.. Killam, -Robert Graorson W. Palm Beach, Fla, Smith; 'Robert Adelbert Tuscaloosa, Ala Kendrick, John'Thon:as '. AHanta; G<;i. ADde?,son, ,Sidney Rudolf West Hartford, Conn. Darby, George C., Jr. . Atlanta, Ga. . Th Matth _ Wash' -;.".on" D. C' Watson, Theodora Hoffaan Atlanta, Ge.. ,_ Carr,O11 ,cnras Wo.odbeu, ':Richard C" Jr. Orlando, Fla. Parks, Arv~~,_Clw~fford Ellijaor, G!'-. Wil:son,cRicha;rd Arlington, Mass. DeLong, Fr""", 11ey, 'Jr. Gainesville.. Ga. ~- 'lly Edwar.dB Aueurna e, "."'-'al Bennett., Al Wm. Walter, Jr.' . Macon, GR. Co ,=0"; """"s. " Curtis, Gordon, Jr. Boston, Mass. Spivey, vor Kenneth Rom, ~. Ellis, William Vincent. Brookline, Mass. French, Ira V. Chesterfield, Ind. Conent,.Hiram Francis Cembridge, Mass. Grant, Boyd Sutcliff Bastrop, L~. McGee, Edward Francis, Jr. Cochituate, Mass. Peck, George W. Detroit, Mich. Miner, iSctir Larche, Hudson, Mass. Edwards, Richard W. Minneapolis,Minil. Dixon;.Charles Righter, Jr. N_ Boston, Mass. Forsyth, Allen P. MinneaVolis, 'Minn. . Re' ,,-Ely, Joel Richard Clmton, Miss. E1<\1,.", J' hn Fr e d eri ck , J r. 0. vera, U_S. M gh W'll' F . OTConnor, Joseph Peter 8cIIJlrville, Mass. ' eena , 1 lam Bronx, N. Yl Coulter;':Herbert Westley ,Jr. South Easton,Mass. Hilburn, Woodie Be ., Jr. " Bladenboro, N.C, Burke,,:lRobert B. Worcester, Mass, Pascucci, Dcminick A. Philadelphia, Pa.' ;Odom,. Archibald Douglass . Dover, N.H. ~::ith:Ri' Jharames .Jr. J., . Kingsport, 'Tenn. , Czer;"i Edward. Manchester, N.H. bV=, .c d Ernest Knoxville, Tenn, Clark,"Alex New York,. N.Y, Blackburn, Charles Blanton <, Me!q>his, Tenn. Morri.,"Dallas'Lester Charlotte, N.C. Martin, Alan K. Nashville, Tenn. Wright, John Worth Greensboro, N.C. O'Connor, John Clinton Nashville, Tenn. Newell, Hodge Albert, Jr. Henderson, N.C. Jackson, Clarence Everette' Oneida, Tenn; Moor?, Milton Murff, Jr. Roanoke Rapids, N.C. Kintner, Guy G., Jr. Waverly, Tenni: Slaughter, Edwin Francis RoanOke Rapids, N.C. Glenn, Fl~tcher M. " Amarillo, Texa$ Felton, Herbert J. Norwood, R.1. Ramsey, Georg" W. ' Austin, Texas Caton:;/Frederick W. 'Providence, R. 1. Alford, David G: Baird, Te:xa.S Marshall, Prevost Anderson, S.C. Mostyn, Thornton J. Conroe. Texas " ,-,. C Dorris, Loris L" J.acksonville, Texas McConne11'J almS., R , ....... ezaon, S .D, Wi1!iams, .Hcward Wilson Columbia, S.C. Hill, Charles O. Dece'tur, Texas ""-'-"-. , Col umula, S.,C 'Annstrong, Lorraine 'F. '-' Kinasbury, Texas "'....=n. BenJam1n J " J r-, , ...., Greenwoo,d S C Price. Sterling D. III Houston, Texas L.- 'Henry LId en, J r. . _, e Miller; Jesse Carroll Laurens, S.C. Schuck, Francis J. Fredericksburg, Texas Parker. 'Alfred Wendall Barre, Vt. Latham, Steve Mason, Texas BaileY,'lStenley Russell St; Johnsbury, Vt. LoNoir, George B., Jr. , Marlin, Texas SiuJders, Edward Austin. Jr. Q,uantico, Va. Giddings, Charles H. ,Mundaor,Texas McNevi,ns,"James R. -; Green Bay; Wise. Dysar.t, Billy W. Plainview, Texas " .. llepmore, Daniel B. '.San AntOnio, Texas ClUeaS" SChool of Aeronautics. Glehview. Ill. Derrick, Hugh A. Sen Antonio. Texas Th~e~,-:John.F-. -t , Calumet City, Ill. Rumsey, Hernan Sen Antonio. Toxas Gre!'Z':,f .IlQb.ert R. Danville, . Ind. Van Darsarl, Jules Sen Antonio,' Texas Willard, Rush H. Baor City, MiCh. Vitek, Richard D. Sen Antonio, Texas Milliken, Robert P. .... . Adrian, Mich. Britt, Jinmie W. Weloh, .Texas . Fowler. Stanley V. _. Detroit, MiCh. Coker, ~om]3', Jr. Westbrook, ;Texas Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. . .,~ ,J...-,- .d(;v~ ... V-8335,' A.C.
f -. ~_... _


Owen, Albert H., Jr. Wichita. Falls, Texas Brou!<, Rebert Relph ',Cioer.o,,-,,.nl; Baker, Hick\!an T. . Wink, Texa..~ Teborek, Ra.J'IllOnd George ,'Cioerojf,Ill; Fre_. Mo-.ntown W .". "a. T-'-~e, Clinton~/Ill~ r1 ',......, .,.....,.. Emest F., Jr. ~ G 'ffith ,,,,,,,,, T Jones, FraJlk G, Morgantown, W.Va.. Ruse, John O. Congress Park,> IlL " !lCho'u,Roeld Amundsen Eso';'( IlL Grand Centra.1 ntiASi~vGJ,endele"Oa.lif. ~bel1. ArchibaJ.d, Jr. ~ti>nlqdll f Conrad, John ll. " --Al.Bxmda, Celif. Rob1nson, John Leach Jaoksonv111e',<f:!l1. Kappeler, l!'rank A. Alameda, calif., Mathews, Joseph Clarke -,Marissa/,Ill( Folsom, n,liald E. . Bell, calif. Blameuser, Richard 1'. IUl.;s Center ,,,"Ill:, Hofflna:n,Arthur E. Beverly,Hills. Celif. Moulder, AndrewBayard Oak l!'ar~;111l; Hinton, Bruce H. Bur-bank, CaU. Snith, Ellis William , ,!eoria,,'-Ill'; Roberts, James F;, Jr. BurbaJlk, Celif. Wilson, \Hllard Wendell '.Parlon'."Illt. Bu:nett, Robert F. Buttorlirl119w, Calif. Alison. ,Rob,ert F. iClincy;. Ill,. &nith, J. L~nce ce.rpepteria, Calif. Hathaway, Clifford M., Jr. Springfield''- !ll:~ Stewart, James 'c. Corona., Celif. Goff.' Charles G., Three Rivers;'I-ll. Betts, Ho*ard E. . Inns, Calif. Allers. Howard Clinton cape Gii-ardeau;iMo. Rue , Rolland H. 'Los .A.ngeles, Calif. Bess. Weldo Kipling Cepe Gira.rdeliu;1.Iq. Olson, Allan G. Maywood,Calif. Riehl, Rebert Auten Fredericl<ston, MQ. Jamison, Donald C. Porterville, Celif. Fowler. Clarenoe Charles Jefferson'City;'M/,. Meyers, Jook'M. Roseville, Celif. Huttig, Jack Wilfred Kansas, City; ..M<i. Burger, John R. San Jose, Celif. Santoro. Leonard V. Kansas Ci'ty;--l4Q. Fensler.,Robert W. Tule-Leke, Calif, White, Richard James Kansas City;fMo. ' Celvin D. Van Nuys, Calif. Boggs, Jla.ymond W. -St. Jame.. ,~JI!ij . ~entten. Harold G. Cast~rd' Idaho Readey, John Vernon (It; Loui's,o:MO. eawyer, Charles W. tt, Idaho Fuchs, Ra<Y Gale Webst,er'Grove,o,MQ. l\ran, Jam3ST.' Kel ogg, Idaho Kane. Kimberlin J.M. Wright Fiel<i'P;O)1io 'Uiller. Robert W. Moscow, Idaho '''-vi s, Th omas., J J r. But't e; M t !lYa.n School of Aeronautics. !!an Diego, ,C81iJ;'. .... , on. _ - , Mitchell, Samuel A. Helena., Mont. Johnson, James K. Bisbee,<Ari~. !Camp, J9ICesD. :EloIijl-l1, Mont,' Schweikart, Wiley Buo'keye',',Ari~. Cell, Woodrow W. 'Ogaen. Utah .Akers, Ernest A. Phoenix, Ariz. '~""k, Jack N. Salt Leke City, Utah' KllIOell,.Hugh F. Phoetlix,',Ari~. Thorup. Louis G. Salt Lake tity, Utah Moss. Orville J. SOlnerton,"Ariz. .. "Mason, Albert L. Laramie, Wyo. Horne. Richard G. Tucson; ,Ariz. ,Ryan, Carl J.. Rawli>;lS, Wyo, Ilymoo'k,John S. Warren.' !AXH. Houx, Frank L. aheridlm, Wyo. Holrequist, George W. Bakersfield. "Wi:!'. Linc,oln Airplane & nyill,C( llchool. Lincoln,Neb. packard, Feter L.M. Bakersfield.' ,Calif. ----'Sellars. Leonard D, Bakersfield, Celif~ , Nunn, Robert D. At1a.n' tic, Ch 1es R" J r. "'-f ,eller. Iowa It ar ,,,,,,,,,,1'1 '11 '0, 'Cal' ,,, ,Polking.Warren A. 'Breda, Iowa Grund, William F. Chula. Vista,' Celif. ,Mulll, .J'rederd ck E. Fort Dodge, Iowa. Randolph, Richard L. Delanc, "Calif .Miller, Marion A. Gra.v. Iowa Ridley. Thomas M. Esco'odido" ,Calif,; ~esla., WiUiam M. Iowa City. Iowa O~as, Bernard V, ,Glend"ra.",Cal~:f'! Ba.umgardner, Bruee K. ' Le Grand" Iowa G1lmour, HughB. La Cr'lscenta.-, ,Cahf. , Re.riington. John C. Cambridge. Kans. Jones, William A. Ontaric.-, Calif; 'Rea.vnar, John T. EnForia, Kans. :Petersen, Malcolm E. Petaluma., ",Ca.lif; MoAmny,Robert A., Jr. Shawnee, Karis, Parry, Willard J Jr. Piedn:ent".Cal'if. JLeFrenier, Paul J. Ishpaning, Mich, Denny. Sherman,E. $an Diego,Calif; ,Tellos, Wallaoe A. Minneapolis, Miim. George. Welter R. San Diego, Calif; l1ygren. Gordon E. ' St.' Paul, Minn. Heryot, Frank C. Sen Diego. CelH. ,Schumacher, R= T.i!lhakopee, Minn. McAuliff, Harold C. Sen Diego, 'Cal'if. Foley, Robert L. Wabasha.-Minn. Settle. James W. Sen Diego" Calif. Floyd, Harold D. 'Boonville. , Eldridge, Arthur C. sen Jose,-;[GalH. Johnson, Donald W. Dunning, Nebr. Foat, Harland H. Sen l!'edro, ,C8J.'if . .Voight, Robert W. Lincoln. Nebr. Carlson, Leonard F. Santa Barbara., , Lower, ,Ilayn:>ond A. Omaha,Nebr, Carter, Wesley E. Senta Ba.rba.ra.,'~caJ.1f. Lohze, Lester John Alemo, N.D. Reid. Angus G. Santa. Ba.rbara,'Cei"1f. ,lletchor, Thomas G. ' Grand Forks, N.n, ~h, Stanley S. Santa. Barbara, ',c;SJ.,if. Reioh, Grenn A. ' Tripp, S.D. McKee; Charles D. Fort Cla.ytcin,-'C:'Z. ,',Pa.rks Air Coll'ege, East st. Louis,' Ill. Winter, Clarence R. Boulder, t:6fo. t:___ III Eliker, Hadley B. Denio-er.Colo. "'-"""U3r. Meax C" Jr. , ' Cairo, ' C ek d Co' 1 ~risldp. ChaXles,Wilson ' Ch~a.ign, Ill. Jochim. LaVergne Lewao ," ' o , Oempbell,. Murdoch William . Ch10ago, Ill. Jones, Richard G. Loveland.'''Colo. :l'onnen, ,Jules Lewis' Chicago. Ill. Ma.r~in, Robert W.N. 'Cerl sbad ,,',B.M. ~ortales; N.M. l' l!oss , R bert J 0 Ch' , 1C"-60',III . Lovorn, neyd L. lCr"i'ioka.. Joseph J Jr. .Chicago, .Ill; " SpartallSchool of Aeronautics ,Tuls~:"Olila..~ Kurek. Adolph Chicago, Ill. Dob sky Ra.1 h E C il Kush, Arthur John' , Chicago, Ill. ru, p Denver..', 0 o, l.loCarthy. 'James J. Chicago,' I"ll. Curtiss, Gilbert L. ,Bridgeport'.',Goi'lil-. l' Manwiller, Alfred A. "Ames;l,Idwa olansky, Charles.,.&.. . Jr, > Chicago. Ill. Davenport, Leland A. Davenport" ."IoWa., 9~,AlJ>erl" Split-Merge on to removeLouis watermark. -Chicago, ,Il~' bernathy, A 11. ,Jr. Arkansas City. Kans. Please purchase PDF this -9-' ' V-8335. A.C:
,.,-< ,

,iBigus:;:,:Aiiatol Lowell, Mass. Biffle, Fred Amlrillo, T.""", ,rJohnson" WaUsee A, Buhl, Minn. J.!dtown, James S. , AlDarillo, Texas :rBldewell',:Len C. Marble.Hill, Mo. Brown, John H ;rr. Corsilllm4. Texas .1Llebol.t; 'Edward J. Pittsburg, N.H. Clark, Ceoil Dallas, Texas .iDWyer.;"Albeus W. Bloomfield, N.J. Gough, Jamie Dallas, Texas .I.ROpllr.",S!>erwood R. East Orenge, N.J. Stephens, William H. . Fort Worth, Texas',;!Joseph P. Garfield, N.J. Thrasher, Dale E. Honey Grove, Texas .iMi:Intosh. 'John S., Jr.. Paokanaok Lake, N.J. Lawhon, Brooks A. Levelland, Texas .1 Beneventi: Nicholas A. Falisades Park, N.J. Briley, Joe C. Odessa, Texas .1):l0hi-"Iieuis'W. . Teaneok, N.J .. Cloyd, Virgil M. Waco, Texas .n:re.lca.r; .Richard F. Teaneck, N.J, !'\yers. Robert W. Holden, W, Va. .,i.Gei;bel . FrBJlCis 1. Broilklyn. Negellas, James Fond du tac. Wise. :I.Gro:ver ,'Qtto Brooklyn, N.Y, Allan Haribock Collegil Ibf AeroDBil~ics i . .r.1/, Robert H.. Brook~ . N.Y,. ..... Com . 1" NY. :santa Maria; call!'; .1.-1(1s',' Fr ank L, . . o;$!l.e.""e.,"Hubert L. Dannemore, N.Y. Mob~e, Rollin B., Jr. Berkelay, Calif ."Szabo , .William E1murst, N.Y, Settle, JohnJI.W. Berkeley, Calif . . o.Fe,n.egrino, Feter P. Freeport, N.Y, Greathou6e, John C. Hollywood, Calif. ,;'XOe,rb'Efr, IIlD. C. Franklin S"uare, L.I., N.Y. Standley, Sts.oy,. Jr. Hollywood, Calif . ,;':Gumser., Jemes'Edward, Jr. Kingston, N.Y. Wheeler, Marion L. ,HollywoOd, Calif, .",l\;Icci~ 3alvatore New York, N.Y. Lundin, Williein A. H,H,tington l'ai:k, CaJ.ifj .t,'Gustorlch; J06eph G. New York, N.Y. AU6tin, Charles W. Lo~ Beach, Calif . .,'Maranz;.Nathaniel New York, N.Y. Barrow, Carl W. Leis Angeles, OOif . o'Mc)Villia...,- Robert W. New York, N.Y. Clary, Law6on, Jr. Los Angeles, Caiifi .o'Mo,ody :,Jemes R.,.Jr. v New York, N.Y. Firrre.n, De.vidLos Angeies, Calif, ,,' Buc,ci",.'Arthur A. Port Che6ter, N.Y. Shoop, .Richard R. L06 Angeles, Calif, , Sheremeta, .Peter Bocheabcz-, N.Y. Teoray, Thorm6 F. Los Angeles, Calif .:..,..;Skekug;_Walter A.. '.' Bochesber-, N.Y. We inger , Sidney L06 Angeles, Calif .~.WeilJll&lIl; Frank G. Roche6ter, N.Y. Little, Robert .L. MarY6ville, Calif ,Sull.ivan, Harry B. .St. Albans, N.Y. Stellon,' Robert EO' . ,Maywood, Calif. '. Cook, Frederic H.Syracu6e, N. Y. Nicholas, Charle6 D;, Jr. ~. Monrovia, Calif ., .Deinico"Jemes H. Syracuse, N.Y. Thayer, RobertN. North Hollywood, Calif .,Muilr,o-,.Benson N. ,Syracuse, N.Y. Van Doren, Edward'F. .North Hollywood, Calif . Franklin, Charles F. Watervliet, N.Y. Sutherland, Griswold L. Oakland, Calif ,"Gilbride, 'J""",s Daniel . Waverly. N.Y. Thoma6, Keith. H. Oakland, Calif. :tLoc'lnis', John A., Jr. Brookville, Ohio Tuttle, Frank M. Oakland, Calif ',Marlory, Robert F. Conneaut, Ohio L'Eclu6e, Carroll A.' Pasadena. Calif . ',Hatter,: Ralph T. Ellet, Ohio SemoaYs, Will iam T..... Pasadena, Calif 'T",,!,loton, Robert F.Lakewood, Ohio Reed, Boardnan C. . Pasadena,' Calif . ddcPherson,. Clarence C. Rayland, Ohio Baldwin, Philip E.. Riverside, Calif . L.Junkerma,nn. Howard C. Sugar Grove, Ohio Celio, Gave C., Jr. San Francisco. Calif ',LewiS,.'William H. Ada, Okla. Kennedy, Thonas F. San Fz-ano Laco , Calif. f1:HailOYlt ..FrederickS. Bartlesville, Okla. Cary; Alton R. Santa Monica, Calif . .~.EUis,:,Walter H. Binger, Okla. Matthews, Stanley E. Santa Monica, Calif. ,lBra<ibury .; ,Lloyd :v. Ednnnd, Okla. Elliott; Otis L.. Colorado Spring6, Celo . .1.CarneY,.,.Je66e R. Fittstown, Okla. Karpen,. Ambro6e V. I Minneapoli6, Minn. .1 Nel'son;.,Marl.L. Haileyville, Okla. Pardoy; Homan J, Aurora, Ore . ,Prim,. Kent J. Guthrie, Okla. DeLapp, Louis A. . Bend, Ore . 1Set'se;r. Le sber E.G. Jo;y-, Okla. flpeer .: Robert E. "Eugene, Ore. :,Howenstine, Kenneth K. Lawton, Okla. McMin, Richard D. Salt Lake City,Utah .1Jordan, Laurence R. McAle6ter, Okla. I' Loughnan, Harris J. r : Wash .1Ho~,Le6lie W. Oklahoma City, Okla. lvbNeil, Max Raymond, Wash. jMitch~ll, Kirk Oklahoma City, Okla. Franks, George E. Seattle, Wash. .:,Sllide;r,.Lary V. Oklahoma City, .Okla. Grunow, Frank, Jr. Seattle, Wash. .1 Ward , Em:>ryM.. Salina. Okla. . Poachka, Jero:oo A. 'Spokane, Wash. .1El~io~t, John W. Sapulpa, Okla. Perry, Arthur K., Jr. 'Monarch, Wyo 1WhJ:thngton. Cyrus A. Sapulpa, Okla. Note" Above sbudenb s are from civil life .'tBuley, Charles H. Stillwater,Okl ... <Moreland, Herbert L. Tul6a, Okla. Enlisted Men .,McCurdy,' George L. -. Crafton, Pa. Alabama Inst>tute or Aeronautic6 . ; Skog, Albert C. .Duquesne, Pa. Dice, Howard G. Ante6 Fort, l'a. ,McCl3.\lll,. li.nm3tt J. Easton, l'a. Mitchel Field, L. I., New York . ,Paxson,Charles B. . Hatboro, Pa. , . Chicago School cf' Aeronautics .,.. urgard. George T, B Lewi sburg , Fa. jMurray, :pluBp A. . Alban,y, Ga .~,, .Michael A, Norri6town, Pa. Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill. ~ Shem:>kin, Pa. M<i9 .~ell, . John S. Ph~ladelph~a, .Pa. Urick, John A. 5utowlec,.'.John J. Phl1adelphla, Pa. Scott' Field, Belleville, Ill. .,AHireoht;, Lawrence S. Pittsburgh, Pa., DailasAviation School and Air Conege .... .,:Vei'nall'is; Francis F. Pittsburgh, ..Fa. Grant. J1m Mal vern, Ark. <, S"Zi!erdk'iEugene H. State College, Pe, Cazq> Bullis, Texas s2l'cik?lUs",c:John Stroud6burg, Pa . ~], I"'{."!''''' -9Please purchase ,,::,;,..--;, Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. PDF V-8335, A;C. ':'H" .df~




cers assigned.' The course ~onsisted of ei,;,t periods of one hour each end covered the followina subjects. -0 ...._~ ' t d f him. The Soldier. and w....,.. 1S e~ec e 0 Orgenization of the ArDv, .br Corps':J~O ch&in of oomnand. .' :"'.- ~,I 1.7. ~ The purpose of the NOIlComnissioned. .Of!,:,:e!",: b ear. ing his""'" , .,.' . >'~'~ Military Courtesy, lIJ.litary Discipli!,:,,~ilJid,J . Esprit de Corps.. ~:1" 1H .. l'aper work , Administrative and Teohni9,')J:~, ~; Military Training. di'ili and the ;sx.ef!llse,of comna.nd; '. ',' ,tt;l;'":,;."" Specialized duties perforrood by.XlO'1!'o.m:n;~:;,.I sioned officers of the Air Corps. D "lot,d.~ Guard, its importame, function, ,and !~.~r~ r nias ~Grt' ment th ere t 0.. . ,I.I.!,... :....A Mihtary pUblications, their classHi9a~io,?-: and function. ~ '-:lnJq.,J As a result of this course, ,the tmjor~~y;'of~ ' the enlisted men prormbed in, grade; experi",noed li ttle difficulty in fitting themselves i!?-to Ii their positions of increased responsibilHy,;,! MaiDly for .the benefit of those privatesTpr~1 m:>tep.o corporal and sergeant (end there , were t ~) who had no~ teke~ the course in February, and some,new annals an the C>roup,the co~se now is being repeated. The current class, Including a total of 33 new Sergeants and 31 new Corporals, which 'be8';-" on November'27, ;1939, J,. .."",tobe completed p<1or to Deoember 23,,,,1939. ---000--J', ~'t"''''4, . '-':'c;:)nBvb/' ... : c:aL0llEL LAoo.Ji.ND PROM:t!'tll TOBllIGADIEBf~ 'By the Kelly Fiold Correspondent ..c r: " ~ ~'.J '~~ The President, on December 21, 1939, appointed Colonol Frank .D. Lackland, ~ant of t1Ie Air Corps Advanced ny~eg School at Kelly .~. ,: , Field, Texas, a Brigadler General in th,vAirJ Corps' to succeed Brigadier C>eneralJacob, ',E:') Fiokei who has been COIlIIl!Uldini C>eneraJ. -bhe ,of First meg of the GIlQ Air Force at IdiU'cli' Field. C>eneralLackland, for IIlBZ\Y years 'one,:of.:th~ Air Corps' =st prominent officers, he.S'held' ma:n;y key assignments and oontributed lIIIOb ward the present hi';' standard of the A:r.-liV 'Jiir Corps. First ooumissioned in 1911, he served in the Infantry and Signal Corps until 1917.' and then. in the Air !lervice end the Air Corps. General Lockland is a gradjte of the Air .J Servioe EDgineericg Scltool 1921), the' Ai,r}' Corps Tactical SchMI (19?9 , ~ the ~ and Genaral staff !chool (1931). Durieg; the' period since the War, C>eneral' eckland, ~, '., L comna.nded the Air Depots at Yexwell Fielden<!HICKAK FIELD CONIlJcrs COURSEOFINSl'rocrION Dunoan Fieldl has been Air Officer of the 8th R)R NOllOOMMJ: SSI ONE]) OFFI CERS. Corps Area; has organized and comnanded'b"thf the Third Attack Group and the Twelfth Obse1"o The NewsLetter Corre~'ndent &t Hickam, vation C>roup;has been Cl;ief of the Fi:ld. .' Field, T.H., states that the recent sudden servioe Section of the Au Corps Ms.ter1el Di-:increase in grades and ratiegs within the 5th vision at Wright Fio14, and at. the time of :Bombardment >roup,while a pleasant surprise C his appointment tia.S Commndant of the Aii'~, to ma:n;y of us, was not wholly unexpected and Corps Advanced nying School at Kelly :ri~ld':i did. not disrupt the smooth operation of the , -_.oQo.;.--. . -; " v Group. ~anticipation.Qfsuchanincr~ein '," , ,','":'~ the noncommissioned offlcers' ranks, th1s Brigadier-C>eneral Jacob E. Fickel.:Assistant C>roup last FebruarY.organized a course of into the Chief of the Air Corps, was reJ;'i'evea~ struction for noncoumissioned officers. This from assigcment and dU~yas Wing C~=.a'?lt8f,;lst oourse, conducted by each sq~on in the. Wing; Maroh Field, Callf., and,assl~d; t'?~llty C>roup. PDF Split-Merge on to removeChief watermark. in Office this of ,iUr Corps,WaShington, D.C. purchasefIa.s given to all noncomm.ssioned offl-10V:-8335. A. C.

Blackwell, Jacl< Jean, T~ Randol~h Field, Texas llew York, N.y. oseph F . , Brooks Field, Texas Ziegler, l'hillp R. Milwaukee; Wise. Rand 1 h Fi Ld, m 0 p e, 1ems . C>~ Central nv:l~ .!ch"ol . <.:1 Calif Lockwood. Bert J., Jr. os AxigeeSI March Field, Celif. ' Parks Air College Wheat, Henry Ji.. . Mb. Verno;>, Ina. Belleville, Illinois Sieger, William S. ' 5t. Louis, lob. East St. Louis, Ill. Spartan School of Aeronentics Johns, F'orest It JOhiiS. town, Pa. Denver, Colorado., , Allan Hancock College of Aeronautics Swisher, RObert F.. Pocatello. Idaho HaIIli.ltonFl.eld, Callf. C>renier, Paul C>. NewBedford. Albrook Field, Canal Zone Briner, HowardD, Honolulu, T.R. Hickam Field, .T.H. Worth, F61ph R. ~den, 14ass. Wheeler Field, T.R. ," In the :IBtter of representation of native sons in the December, 1939, Class, California is far ahead of all other states with her unprecedented total of 70 students, this constituting 18% of the entire class. The !!tate of Texas is runnB.r-up, with.33 students, followed by Illinois and N"cw York, with 27 each; Okl..... home. 18; ~ennsylvania, 16; Massachusetts, 15; MichiF and. MissCnn'i, 13 each; Wisconsin, 9; C>eorg1a,Iowa and Minnesota,8 each; Arizona, llew Jersey, Ohio and Tennessee, .7 each; Colo-rado North Carol ina, and Scuth Carolina, 6 . each: norid", Arkansas, Idaho end WaShington, 5 each. None of the other States are represented by IIXlrethan four students. .., Chicago Ill., leads all other cities represented in'the above Class, with 9 students. followed by Los Angeles, Calif., with 8; .New Yom and Detroit, G each; San Antonio, Tams, and 3an Diego, Celif., 5 each; Minneapolis, Minn., and i!le.ntaBarbara, Celif., 4 each: Atlanta, Ga.; lIilwaukee, Wis.; 3elt Leke City, Utah: Xansas City, Mo.; Ilrooklyn and Rochester, 1l.Y.; Oklahame.City, Qkla..; Bakersfield; OakIB11d a:od ~BSadena., Calif., 3 each. None of the other cities is represented by IIX)rethan two studlllltS. .. ---000----








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Colonel Lohman is exceptionally well Official 'orders received at Kelly sui ted for the position of Commandant, Fiald". ,Texas, on January 5th ordered ,due to his all-around abilitl{. recently promo'ted :Brigadier General ,His service with the 13th Cavalry on Frank D.'Lackland to assume command of the Mexic'an Border, from COltimbus New the "First Wing, GeneralHead~uarters Mexico, to Alpine, TsxasL was fol i owea AirForce wi fh headql!B-!"terst March a by service with the 4th uavalry in ,Fieldt.Cahf. General Lackland turned over'the reins of command to Colonel Hawaii, where he was detailed to the ~e!1e H.Lohman, whose staffhalil Major. Signal Corps. Upon his return to the States, he served with the 4th Division Isai-ilhDav1es as Assistant Comnandant; Major, George M. Palmer in command of Signal Battalibn~ Monterey, Calif., ~d at Camp Greene, uharlotte, N.C. Then he :Brob~8 ' Field; Major Harvey W. Proissr as ,Kelly Field Executive; Captain Vavid was transferred and conmanded the only M.' Schlathr as Director of Fl.ving, and mounted Field Signal Battalion at Fort qaptain Philip D. Coates as School 'Sec~ Bliss, Tsxas, from. where he waa assigned to Washington, D. C . in the Purchase, retary., , ... ' 5, 'As"Cormnanding General of, the,,'irst Storage and 'Traffic Branc~ of the Sig~ Wing.',General Lackfand will be directly nal Corps. He then want to Camp Upton, respbnsible, for the Air Corpsl soheme New York as C6mmanding Officer of the of <gnat ionaI, defense on the entire ,Weet Remount Depot, following which he was 'Coaet. Supplementing the brief state- detailed as Professor of Military Scimen t of lfeneral Lacklalid',smi 11tary. ca- ence and Tactics at the New Mexico In-. 'reer, wh1ch appears on page lQIof th11l ' stituteL Roswell, New Mexico. In OctOber, 19GO, he was detailed as a student oissue of the News Letter,it IIl3 be in the Air Corps Primary Flying School 'stated that over 15 years of his miliat March Field. Calif., and took his tary.servic ..was spent in Texas. Staadvanced training in the Observation ' Kelly Field for the past two Section at Post Field, Fort Sill, Okla., years as Commandant of the Air Corps Advanced Fly~ng'School, General Lackland in 1921, and where he also graduated from the special Field Artillery Course cinitiated .:he present extensive expant ' sion program in the Flying School while for aerial observers. Upon graduating from these schools, he actively participating in flying missitransferred to the Air Corps and became -rone, In turning over his command to ",his past assistant, Colonel Lohman, who Director of Training of the Observation has cooperated in the prograss of the . School at Post Field. In 1922, when all schools were consolidated at Kelly expansion, it was General Lackland's Field, .he brought the school bom Post conviction that his successor will see Field to Kelly Field and became the Di~that, program through to a successful rector of the Observation Section. Since .1c.o.lllpletion. . then he has commanded the Air Corps at . ,,,j)l'o,e,Colonel Lohman now falls the difAberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland;,Alfr1Q:u;1~,.task executing the initiated of p,lan',,,, ,February 15th, Colonel Lohman, brook Field, Panama Canal Zone; DOdd ,By ~as.Commandant"will be responsible for, Field, Fort Sam Houston, Texas; and he .tra~ning seven times as many.Flying .Ca- has served as Executive, Officer at were here a year ago to~,plus March Field, Calif. For the past three . .a's.manynew recruits as he now has , ' years' he,has been the Assistant .Comolder,enlisted men. This will 'be no mandant of the ,Air Corps Advanced Flyeasy,task at best. The new Commandant's ing School. :Hie appointment as Comf!lariy:yearsf troop service will cer o mandant is a great pleasure to hie many tainly aid hini in accomplishing his " '; Army and San>Antonio friends, and they mission... ' .wish'him the best of success. , ,The fQllowing Kelly. Field officers .' xMu<r~' the same as his pr,.dece~sor ,. Colonel Lohman has seen a cons1derable, have been advanced to comprise Colonel ' .' pQrtibn of his service 'in Texas,' having Lohman's new ,staff,: Major George ,M, Palmer, who takes peen commissioned at Fort. Sam Houston command of BrOOks Field, a sub~post of in 1911 as a Cavalry offiCer. Since " joining the Air Service, he has: return- Kelly Field. has been on duty at Kelly Field for several years as Squadron ed, to'Kelly Field twice, and once to Commander and then as Executive Officer Dodd,Field"Fort Sam Houston' holding key::p0aitione. :Besides Cavairy and Air under General Lackland. His'task'of ' organizing and o:perati~ the additional Serv1ce'duty, Colonel Lohman has five sub-post and flpng tra1ning section years of Signal Corps experience from Le ' ~nw~i~h.,to,draw. He is a graduate of the there is a conaf der-ab one. Major Isaiah Davies, who, succeeds , A1~:Corps Tactical School, also of the 'oCommand and General Staff School. He is Colonel Lohman as Assistant Commandant of Kelly Field, has been for several 'jt~,tEia,:.a.s a "Oomnand Pil&t, a Military years .on the staff of the Advanced Fly~U<?1.: ~d as a Combat Ob server. -11.. A.C Please purchase .PDF Split-Merge on to remove this 'V-8335, watermark. ,;J

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ing Sohods,s Director of Flying. It Ef:mlons,Conil,nanding General of the GHQ. has been under his 'efficient direotion ,hr Force others being Brigadier Genthat the training of all flying students eral Arnoid N. Krogstad. CommandingGenat Kelly Field has been carried out. eral of the Second Wing GHQ. I Air Force; , Captain David M. Schlatter will suc-Lieut. Colonel, Robert OJ.ds. Comme.ndi~ ceed Major Davies as Director of Flying. Officer of the 2nd Bombardment Group;. '10 He has been the Chief of the Second Sec- Captain Robert B. Williams of the,:4~th: tioIi, one of the four student training Bombardment S~dron. and Captain 'Alva ,) aec t rone at Kelly Field\ and has many L. Barvey, of the 20th Bombardment~ ""e years' experience ,in training flying Squadron. ~. ~Ta stUdents of the Air Corps. '--'-000-,.o-Co,', L: Major Harvey W. Proeser succeeds Major ' .' - "!', ",:" Palmer as Executive Officer of Kelly LANGLEY OFFICmS ATTEND CEREMONY COM-,-.,"'-: Field. For the past year and a half. ' MEMORATINGF:DRST AIRPLANE FLIGHT ,8"~"\'l MaJor Prosser has been Secretary of the , "',,.11. ;';L'J Advanced Flying School., Captain Philip MaJor Vincent J. Meloy. of the Base D. CoMes succeeds Major Prosser ali Sec Pub1:LoRelations Department; Langley:',,; i' retatif. ,Field, Va., and Mej or Dache M. ReevGsl"r '---000--_ Assistant to the Assistant Chief of,; J Staff. G-l, GeneralHeadquarters:Kir~n BEGINNINGF FLYING O BY22NDSQ.UADRON Force. returned on Decemoer 17th by,~ to automobile from Manteo., N.C:, where"'; ''\ they attended,th$ ceremony commemorat~~ December 5 1939, marked the ,b~giIitli offi dally, o~ flying ac ti vi~i es under i~ the 36th anniversary of man's ,firslf fl1ght iIi a craft hea.vier than air."[wA the banners of the newly fotmed22nd . Major Meloy represented the Chief'ofl Bombardment'Squadron, HSm~ltonFiel~. the Air Corps. who was unable to.atteIid Calif. At 12:45 ~.m Ma~or ,Hart and the celebration.; Which has been held, Captain Warren, pl10ts, w~ Lieute. th for the past quarter of a century by' , Sharp and Mueller as navigators ,and ' the Kill Devil Hill Memorial Associ~ crew consisting of Tech. Sgt. Slieffteldj tion., Major Reeves also spoke briefly. Corp.ral Upchurch, and Pvts. Larkin and describing 'Personal experiencea wi th;,i,! Muelot, took off on a cross~country the Wright Brothers during the earlierJ celestlal navigation flight to San years in the bioycle shop at D:l;ytoii,.ce~! AntoniO, Texas; " Ohio, and also told about obstacles::ae In addition, two'other crews flew, had to overcome in the establishment of routine instrument checks. This was the first flying' done officially by the the noted Air Corps Museuma.t Wright i Field, Ohio. .t _ 22nd :BombardmentSq-uadron. ___ __ 000 .., - '1. '. On December 18th. the 22nd took off . ~~'" ,. on ita first'formation bombing mission. NINETEEN AIR CORPS OFFIcms Q.UALIFYrAS. Contrary to the expectations and fond DEAD RECKONING NAVIGATORS. ,,; d I:, .) hopes of the rest of the 7th :Bombard'.,J fH'l!rS ment Group, this newest addition, to the Nineteen Langley Field officers,:whoJ Air Corps did a precise job of flying at this writing are assigned with trre and pulled off a bombing mission that 21st Reconnaissance Squadron eIic~ent made the Group CommandingOfficer very at the Miami. Fla'l Municipal Airpoft:v happy, indeed., .,: were ,recently 9-usl fi~d and announced, ---000--_ as dead reckon~ng navlgatore for Gener~ BRAZILIAN OFFICERS VISIT LANGLEY FIELD al Headquarters Air Force, ~fter having comp the required number of hour a-: in lnstrument flying. Those who receivSeven Brazilian officers . who are at of qualification were present'on a good will tour of the Gen- ed certificates Captain'Herbert K. Baisley, 1st Lieuts. eral,Headquarters Air Force air bases of the eastern and southern' por t.iona of Jarred V. Crabb, Thomas N. Charles. i,,2nd Lieuts. John Hayden, Steele R. Patterthe country, 'arrived at Langley Fi'eld, son, William M. 'Reid. Baskin Lawrence,l. Va., by plane on December 6th to inWi11iam David. Thomas M. Margrave,'"",;'O..l s~ect the facilities of the'peninsula a.rr dr eme , " Charles W. Bicking, Raleigh Macklin\ [317 George Ireland. Paul D. Brown, Julian r.i Heading the delegation VinS Colonel Bleyer; Willard Fountain ... Stanley, .' '. A.V. Pederneiras, who was a!?companied, by Ma,tlr J. S. Macedo, Captalns' R~C. , ' ,~idir3.1es, Delbert Hahn, l1ardy Bulli'a J , 'and Francis Feeney. ' LUcas~'M.C, Vinheas, A.D. Cantal~ce, " , ---000--V.B. ~anoel~os,and A.P; Bello. The ~ , -, group 'came from Maxwell Field. Ala., in an ArrrryTransport' piloted by Captain Major Earl S. Hoag, Air Corps. heoa,.J J.G. Fowler, with 2nd Lieut. W.A. Rambo been relieved from assignment and duty-. as ,co.~1l0t., ' A.t March Field, Riverside, CaliL,limd: Headlng the group which welcomed the assigned to Washington, D.C., for'dUti~ visi ting offi"cers at Langley Field that in the Offics of the Chief of,. S,taff.;(H-,,: afternoon was, Major General Delos, C. ---000--. ," s",;,,'nv.sJ ., V_8335 A. C. , -12",I


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. THIRD .'l'HREE-MONTHS I COURSE ,STARTS ,ATTACTIQA;LSCHOOL . . "lly .the Maxwell Fie.ld 'Co.rrespondent .


.;in'fattendance at the third in a series Cap>tains of ,three-month courses at the Air Corps Jame.s R. ,Ander,een ' " GeorgeV.Ho;1;Loman Tact'ical.' School. Maxwell Field. Montgom- Fred1k :t.Ander.son,Jr. :Burton .~. Hovey,.Jr. ery,.::Ale:... which began on Monday, Janu-' James'll. Andrew .I'aul :M.Jacobs ary 8th., are 101 officers,. 96 of whom Donald ,p. .A.r,no.ld Russell Keillor are from Jhe .Ai,r Corpjl.. two from the Hellry M..BaUey:Ar,chibE>'ldM. :1C:e;QEv Chemical Warfare Service, one each from OscE>rL. Beal John :Pl'Kenny .' the Infantry and Field Artillery, and Donald W. Bsnner ' Ar:thur J:.LehmM MaJ6r:ArturO Meneses.; Chileah Air Ferce" Bryant L. Boatn~r. Joseph.J. 'Ladd -. ' who wae .authorized enrollment by a ape- Ralph. 0. Brownf.1e1d Mark K.Lewt.s,iJr, cial .Act of Congress. . .. LambertS. CallE>way Ri,C1le.rd. C.L. ndflll.1 Theropening eJ>ercieeswerll brief.. and Ray H. CIE>rk .. . ~nald R. Lyon E>short address of welcome .wae delivered William T. Co1= . Ezekie'l 'If. Napiei' b)":Colonel Walter R.. Weaver. 'Comit!aridAllt Melie J.. Cout1e.e ;E:dgar'1'. Noyes. of the Air Corps TE>ctic!i:lSchool. Colo,:" Laurence C. Qra;i.gie LeYliB.R. Parker nehMillard F. Harmon.:.Jr", in. chE>rge. lTohn Co,Qroethwa.-ite Edward H. Porter of the !lchool inlltr\wtibI1', fol1ol'tedwith Edwin M, .Day. John G. Sale= a br1ef.10utlinB of the' c'liri:'icil.lum, and Cha.s. H. Deerwester Irvillg' .R. Selby Lieut . ,uolonel 'Sidney Erickson. InfE>lltry; Thomas J.. DuBose Arthur LaS. Smith Lilnit; :Co10nel Leo A. Wa.lton and Major. James F.J . Early Donald B. Smith Muir .5. Fairchild, Air Corpe. directore RobertL. Ea!lton George F. 8mith iJitthe.ground arms. commandstaff'and Linus D. Frederick John 1l.. Tarro log:i:st.ics, .and air tactics'and strategy Richard W. Gibson Clarence S. Thorpe departments also discussed their diviChester .F'; Gilge.r .Howard M. Turner '. siolls briefiy. Texts., lesson material. 'Johll S. Griffith Emery .5.' Wetzel maps:and.other'equipment'werethen isR.A. Grus.sendorf M.C. Woodbury .Jr. suea . andthe normal schedule assumed. David D. Graves which1w!l.Sdevoted to GroUlldArms TacFirst Lie,u,enants. t tics,; "with. Major Alden H. Waitt, CheIili. ca1,Warfare.Service as the instructor. William J. Bell Robert M. Lee c.Thecregular schoo program was resum- Mark E. Bradley, Jr .. P.G. Me1eenholder i ad on' January 9th and will continue for .Carl A. Brandt Paul G Miller .. the;duration of the course . StUdents' Paul Burlingame,Jr. James~. Newberry are to attend classes mornillgs, and 'an Don O. Darrow' . He:roldL. Smith average of two af.ternoons per week. The Charles F. Densford Karl E. Truesdell,J:'. remaining afternoons are to be devoted' William C. Dolan Casper F. West i to.' flying for part of the class and. . Second LieutenA.llt equitation insl;ruction under the direc- . Thomas :K. HiiiiiPton tron of Lieut. Colonel John C.Mullinex. Cava.lry: .' . . . ,Major March H~ Houser, C. \1. S. The .only deviation in the program.con- Captain. Charles .L. Booth, F.1l. . .temp1ated at present 1satentat,ive Captain Howell J .. Jordan. Inf. vl~it:to.the.lnfantry School. Fort B~n- 2nd Lieut. Ephraim M. Hampton, C. W. S. nihg, .,Ga., by air. on J:anuary 29th. to ,---000--obseriTe.a demonstration offlring. of OF RANDOLPH FIELD :Infan,try and Field Artillery weapons by PROMOTION NOli-COMS~AT the'29th.lnfantry and 83rd Field Arti;I...ler;y." . . , Eight new Master Sergeants havs been created at Randolph Field, Texas. in A1r' Corps officers in attendance are: .c;.... . Lieut. Colonel connection with the Air Corps expansion program. The promotioll of these veter:Armin F. Her.o Id an noncommissiolled officers, in ~ddi-"":u': ~ ') ,Ma,jor.s' tion to the .advancement of 16 men to Joseph,P. Bailey George G. Lundberg. the grade of Technical. Sergeant. made Howard Z. Bogert ChE>s D. .. numerous vacancies in the lower grades. WaUer K Burgess .. Arthur J. Melanson Concurrent with the naming of. the men Fr.ank'L. Cook . Walter T,. Meyer to the fir s tt'wo grades ,a total of 1? John .L. Davidson Joseph T. Morris Hugh,. ., Downey C. Dacha McC. Reeves Ilew Staff Sergeants received their warrant, while an additional'l? sergeants James E. Duke Arnold H. Rich. and 4 corporals were promoted, William C. Farnum Oscar L. Rogers -~-oOo--- , John R. Glascock Glenn C. Saliebury Major. Thomas D White.,.A. C,... on duty .. Geor(:e 'II:; .1 Go'ddard Harold D.. Smith in t:iie Information Division. uf.fice of Winf,1eld.'S:" Hamlin .Perry Waill,!lr' WilU!lJ)i:H Hanlon. Russell L. WilliamlJJl1 the Chief of the Air Corps, has been .. assigned to Rio de Janeiro,Brazil" for' C~e.r.enee'; ... Hor ton Harry C. Wi ehar t F a duty as mili tary attache and military Leo~~dae;L.~Koontz John.Y. York Lawrence A. Lawson attache for air to BraZil, eff.ective, on . or about April 1, 1940. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -13_. V-8335, A.C.


MOVEMENT OF 20THPURSUIT GROUl? TOWEST COAST By the NewsLetter Correspondent,

.: V,.J.L{,~ . ::'f'!'IgG'~

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1, SPECIAL ORDERS: IMute,everyone met with some di:t:fi~~lj;y "1Jn-quote,". Pursuant to authpri ty "in securing a place to live before.'!AAY'contained in letter AG(9-25-39J, The ling personal belongings from Louis~an4; AdJutant General's Office, dated OctotAs there a~e only nine sets 9f quarters bel' 26, 1939, Subject: "Movementof the Ion the enhre post and a 11= ted 'amount 20th Pursuit Group, "to' 'the Commanding i of accommodations in the bachelor offi:' General, GH~ Air Force, Langley Field, I'cersl quarters, practically ,the entir. e Virginia, .to the Commanding General, commissioned personnel found-homes ih , Third Wing, GH~Air Force, to the 20th nearby Peninsula towns. ,',.' ~ Pur sui t Groul', GHQ. Air' Force, Barksdale 7, The return trip was made'in. four Fisld, Louis1ana. . B-18's and two C-391s from Barksdale. 2. As we delve into the archives of and the San Antonio Air Depot, the';., our none too fertile minds td,tryto. everlasting bad wsather prevehting~th'e, relate and record the things that actutrip from becoming too monotonous. j";;:t ally happened in the short space of one also made the trip rather long, .to ,say, month, we find the result rather confuil- the least. . ..,;; .. ".~;;{ , ing. .Everything happened with such. 8. On No<iember 5, 1939, "the'~eritii"e 1 speed and accuracy it is impossible to personnel of the 20th PurSl1it GrouP"::J:i include eve~thing even while following left Barksdale Field via tl'ai h and '\r'; the events w1th a pen, automobile for "Sunny Ca11forhia'~ -,,=;j" ' 3. The actual transfer began at 6:30 (courtesy of Chamber of CommerceL~In;. a,m., November6, 1939, when the 55th charge of the train which carried Pur.suit Squadron, .under the leadershi:f/ 189 enlisted men and their famiUes~'licire of Captain "Tex" Sanders, "took wings Captain "Tex" Sanders and Lieut, . O.w:. ; .for the westward flight. At 8:00 a.m., Lunde. It was these men who,:upon.arCaptain ThomasW. McCauley"led the 77th rival at Moffett Field on November .19, . Squadron away from Barksdale ,in a 1939, "started the ball rolling," un-, "flurry" of roaring motors. One hour packing boxes, crates, organiZing.;,7"later.! as Captain T, S. Olds led the messes, and caring for personal aild~'d 79th .t'ursuit Squadron off the Louisiana squadron prollerty. All in all" i~';wa.s terrain the 20th bid au revoir to a Dig job. The entiro Group oCClip'~eQ.I Barksda e. Having based there for . temporary barracks (splinter townJ,-sb i seven years there was not a universal a great deal of work was required: .The feeling of ~oy in 'the Group !l.ll BarksdeJe main body of automobiles arrived the' faded away an the morning ha.ze. 20th, 21st and 22nd of November.,,,!-t is 4. The move was as well planned e.s a ,remarkable fact that the entire 'Group clock work. The first stop was Midland, made this move without a serious acC1~ Texas. where. each individual squadron dent, in~ury or loss, in air, on~grouiid, rapidly serviced their ships, and took or on ra11. Co.."lsidering the ever inoff to make way for the squadron immedi- creasing number of ,20th century 'I!roa.d~ ately following. The second stop was hogs.," and the fact that the proverbial Tucson Arizona, for lunch and serv1c-"storm" se~ms to b!l in vogue, thiB.~,;:.~r.: 1 squadrons reached March Field season"it s, pract1cally alDuacle,:7 ing. 11 intact' in the early afternoon and had , 9. Nowthe once almost deserted ... ,,'~ met with no unnecessary delay. It Moffett Field is nothing short of ..e.;; seemed that the trip.really tndlid. in " hive of activity, ,with formations :roartemporary barracks. wli1cli, a t at time ing overhead, the 'cla;iking and banging were not equipped with heating faciliof metal on metal as the crew chiefs." ties. . ., r' . work to keep the "11ttle jewels" _ errI 5. Nevertheless, everyone fared well P-36' s - 1.'htip-t()~. condition. Yes.. enough to thaw out and take off at the squadrons are set up" and competel 10:00 a.m.].. November7, 1939. "At 11:25 ly organized. Operations have begun".. a.rn, the 40th Pur sui t Group led by and each day our records show a rerna.rkits Commander,Lieut. Colonel Ross G.' able decrease of time required to com- , Hoyt reached its new base on the beau- plete our training prom-am.,,"' . tifu i and highly publicized California "They it couldnT t be done,bu:t~ peninsula, On arrival, the 56 P-3E's well, one thing we brought from the', : passed in review in front of the enorSouth, besides our Group:,.was "Southern -mcushangar of the ill fated "Macon,", Hospitality." The 20th rursuit Group extending an initial greeting to their extends an invitation, and the new:ad... new home and ending .the2,OOO-mile '" dress is.Moffett F~eld;., "subjel!tjto ; transfer of airplanes. Ths Group was change w1thout ,nohce???? . '. c, . ,"'.:!,"', warmly welcomedby Lieut. Colonel " .. ~'.: ',:1 Gellrge L. Usher, the, personnel of the The 55th Pursuit Squadron, after.hav9th Air Base, the press, and approxiing arr~ved at its new home, ,Moffett;: mately 1,000 spectators from the Bay Field, 1S happy' to announce that"the:re~ Area. cent transfer of property and personnel 6. As the housing si'tuation was rathr from its old home at ilarksdale,Field"tG - 4_ V";8335,,(kC.~i v-~. - .', _.. d



PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT F PANAMA. O FLIES , ----TOHIS COUllTRY B_17. IN - EIi_rtvon the morning of November 6, "1939... 57 P-36A and 2 B-IO airplanes of the' GOth Pur sui t Group took off from A1-brookField; Panama,Canal Zone. was ,'-BarKsdale Field for their new Base at the scene of another Panamanian governMoffett Field, Calif. Amongthese were ment official welcome, when Dr. Augueto .l?f airplanes an,d officers of the 79th , S. Boyd arrived there on December 18. ~PUr'stiit 'S@ll-dron, commanded Captain by 1939, aboard a U.S. ArmyAir Corps B.17 Th~Yef.S. Olds Air Corps. "Flying Fortress." The pilot of this The air' echelon proceeded via Midland, plane was Captain F.H. Robinson, with Texas. and Tucson, Arizona, - to March 1st Lieut. W.rt. Robertson as co-pilot. Field; . Calif. , where the officers re~ and 2nd Lieut. J.B. Montgomeryas nayi-rnaihed overnight before flying to gatorr., The enlisted perS(,mnel aboar-d Moffeit Field the following day. B_18 were .ech. sgt. T.V. Mart1n, Eng1neer; anaC~39 airplanes, Which Were to ferry Staff sgt. A.C. Moore, :iilngineer, and ths })'ilets baek to Barksdale Field, be- Sergeant R.E. Junior, Radio Qperator. gan'ths ret1U'n trip.soon afterwards. Dr. Boyd;las flown from Was!lington, ..'.Dueto inclement weathet' , 'the transports D.C. to l'anama,to fill the post of Conwere' delayed at points in Texas, and sti tutional President of l'anama"fol'some'ofthe officers completed the re ... lowing the neath of the Presi~ent ofturn trip by motor bus. , that Republic earlier in December. Dr. __ The enlisted men entrained at BarksBoyd was the Panamanian,Ambassador to - dale Field at 3:00 p.m., November15. the United States. On his arrival, he 19~9. for the trip to'the-new base. The was honored with a 21-gun Presiden.ial 'Toute which'was followed took them salute. All Air Corps squadrons at throUgh Kansas City, Pusb Ie , Salt Lake Albrook Field turned out in uniform and City'and Sacramento. Other enlistedside arms to act as guard of honor for member of. the GroUl? s made the. trip by , the arriving dignitary. _ automobile through El Paso, Tucson, First to greet Dr. Boyd as he ste~ed and Los Angeles. from the plane was Major General Dav.d -Y~Havirtgarrived at Moffett Field at L. Stone, Commanding Gentlral of the .. ll:30,La.m l<ovember19th, the members Panama.Canal Department. --_000 -;~f".~e'Groupcfound an excellent lunch .aviifH~.ng_ them;' and immediate~y after- t'iiat'dlFcommenced unpacking. The followSince July 11,1939, Brooks Field has re in'.Th,lis~; and Kelly Field 421. Please purchase PDFNovember23rd, to remove this watermark. Split-Merge on was observ_ ceived 390 recruits, -1 V-8335, A.C.

sunny California was accomplished in its characteristically efficientmanner.The \",troop, train. .commanded Captain H. L. ' by' .Sanders;' Commanding Officer of the 55th, ar1:f''f,ed"at Moffett Field about noon on :SunlJB..y: }Tovember 9th. 1 Several days ~later', all departments of the Squadron had Jieen, set up and were functioning . smoothly. ,Someof the more colorful aspects of the transfer oceurr ed upon the arrival f the airplanes 'over San Francisco after the lont? flight from Shreveport, La"when L.eut. Colonel Ross G. Hoyt led the entire Group 6f 56 airplanes ~ver the Golden Gate Bridge and the -business' district of San Francisco in perfect formation. The appearance of tp..e20th Pursuit Group over the city Was'described as creating quite a sensation':by'localcolumnists, w110 disclosed the fact that ours was the first appear- anca of 'the Air Corps new Curtiss PursUit'ships in mass l'ormation on the West Coast. Spectators gathered at "Moffett 'Field to welcome the arrival of the.Pursuiters and left with ver~ f~ vorable comments, after having w.tnessed'the GrQuppassin review in the . shadow,of the enormous balloon hangar. Incidentally, crew chiefs now find notrouble-wi th regard to the disposition sf'"tlle airplanes in the hangar'. .il.ctually3there'is estimated to be ample room for'at71east two more organizations the size 'of 'the 20th Pursuit Group.

ed &s Thanksgiving Day. Temporary offices for operations were set up'" and preparations were made,for f~ying. On Friday, December-1st, the Group.was inspected by a party of Congress.onal members. and $11 planes in commission passed in aerial review. All members of the 79th Pursuit Squadron demonstrated a hi/dl degree of eUi.ciency ande~erness throughout the entire move. It is believed we should be justly proud ~f a task well done. ---000- __ GASWARFARE miLLS IN CANAL ZONE

Witn all Squadro'; schools at Albrook Fieldj Panama Canal Zone, conducting instrUction ing8.l1 warfare, having com .. pIe ted such instruction, practical demonstrations on defense against gas attacks are now being given to all enlisted pensonnel under the direction of 1st Lieut. J.W. Twaddel, Air Corps, Base Ordnance Officer. DemonEtrations have been carried on of late with different groups being' used every afternoon. The men are sent through a gas filled tent to show them the protection afforded by ~as masks, and are making other tests an the field. Most of the.s~uadron schools lasted more than a month and took in numerous practical dem~netrations. ---000---


GENERAt CHANEY ASSUMES COMMAlIDFIRST to the Air Corps Techili9ai Sch051~nlin\i~ OF ANTIAIRCRAFT DEFENSE SECTOR. not one ~ .l!!U spent .:ill securl:!J&~1'llelle By the Mi tchel Field Correspondent ~ l' r r. , ~Undreds of applications were<o13fil~ Bri~dier General James E. Chaney, in the Personnel Office of ChailU:te');';';~'l U.S. I whO has baen in command ofField from young.sters desirb'\is,:i:if,.o15D~.c Mitchel leld, H.Y., l"eceived an eleven- tain~ng anaeronauticaleducatio?~.::';{.~,_ gun .salute at 8:30 alm., Tuesday, gratls. Letters were sent to the appliary 2nd, When he assumed command the cants advising them that a' vacailcY;::ex;,~ of newly established First Antiaircraft isted in which they would'beenl1:s'ts'd"r' Defense Sector, which covers the,Northat Chanute Field, Rantoul, Illiii91s:':;-(~ eastern portion of the United:States provided they appeared forehlis.t'nie'nt,~ from Detr.oit to the Virginia Capes., at the ~tation by a given date:"" 'Ofo'tne Lieut. Colonel Carl W. Connell, Com- m-any--re ters on file, two repres~nta~,. manding Officer of the 9th Bombardment tive examples are quoted: ,,; "'~A ;;f; Group, escorted the ,General from his' ,"I am writing concerni~ the Air__e : quarters to the field, whet'e he took ' Corps School at Chanute Fleld:, I',:am::. the salute While 210 commissioned offi19 years old and I have a: high~ s'ChO'o'l cer s and 2,500 enlisted men stood at educat Ion; . I have been told ,that: attention. these are,the main qualifications:and The new defense unit was announced by if possible I would like to rec'eive,: the General Staff on lJe.cember 20th,last, > ~ppl~cation papers; If it ,is:;r(o~;Ed!' It is designed to coordinate the antiposslbleito aend the papersl"lllj'~~!3'::l aircraft guns, interceptor planes and forward lnformatlon concern:tIlgjtlie'dJ signalling facili ties of the area under School. ";~'~'rl~:;;rr a unified command similar to the systems The next letter quoted is unilsual,and Ilrotecting London, Paris and Berlin. interesting, in that it was sent. by .a" The area affected was said to contain high school superintendent fro~Alb~; 80 percen t of the war rna terials pro duc- NewYork: " :;, ing capacity of the nation,' "Wehave several students who,.are'iJ Prior to the establiehment of the new inter~sted in the techilical, ''!f:,;\. unitl the antiaircraft guns were conthe Alr Corps. Wouldyou please send trolJ.ed by the Coast Artillery, the ' us any circulars and catalogues:~wJlich plane!' by the Air Cc;>rpsnd the warning a would be helpful to our studen:,t's?J.-' facill ties by the Sl~nal Corps. 'The, Thank you f0f, your",}:;'~p.1':ll'r , War Departmen made lt clear that the t, this matter. '. ',.' .', ~"'';Gt. new plan did not spring from anY.belief Needless to say. these requests,w,erer' that the prssent'range of Bombingplanss prom:{ltl.v fUlfilled.' It has not .lieen.s>, had put the Atlantic seaboard in danger 'partlcularly diffieultjob to, nsell~th'e of attack I but explained that it would ~ir Corps" in, situations. such as (tl!es,e. be "expenence and the basis for future No one, ~ut dozens of slmilar, :r,e.q~es~s t developments" -a.Long similar lines. '. 'were on flle. , ' '. ',,~'l Whenthe plan was,announcedi t was From AUt,"Ust 1939, to thepresen t'" 1, said that it would become effec.tive on date, almost 3,000 coIunnanchea :,of.r ;;,:; January 1 1940,' and that General knownpublici ty a:ppeared iri riewi!Papers, Chaney,'then a Colonel, would be pro-. throughout IllinolS, Indianaan'd)cii2i~' moted to brigadier,. general on the same The actual figures of column ' date. .' ". ' unknown, as many of the editors 'failed, --~oOo--to send the Public Relations Office',",,:' ". clippings of their articles. It. h be'.. SUCCESSFUL R:iJ:CRUITING AT CHANUTE FIELD' lieved a conservative estimate to,fix:j j By the NewsLetter Correspondent 6,000 inches as the appro~imate',figur,~, ' " for space used. The publlc has been, \' ThePersonilel Section of Chanute,Field, sc;>ld the idea of enlisting;~n th,!3;::! On under the guidance of Major Oscar ,L.' Alr Cc;>rpss a means toward get~~ng:~J ' a Rogers, Air Corps, claims an unique t echnf ca.l educat ton second to,,,~.!.l11 peace-'tim~ record for recruiting. It is one that was thorough and comp],e;~e,jl!'k>' doubtful lf the record set up by this every phase. The fact was, stresse~j~~ office has been remotely apprcached by that enrolee!l would advance, aft~r JV~.:f any other agencY.of the Milltary'or Navel graduation, ln proport~on to the~r,a~;lforces of the United States. '. ity and initiative. No applicB:[lt:;ha!h The recruiting campaign for the in.. been specifically promised that he~:; creased Air Corps commenced May1, on would be immedi~tely entered' in, tq.e,.,'f. 1939, and from theina.uguration of the Air Corps Techillcal School...:but z: J.fJ,i program to December20th, 1550 applithe ~PJ?lic?Jlt possessed the, nf;lceS!laI'Y'l can~s have beenacce:pted,for enlistment. qua.Lrf'Lcat.Ions, Trade Tests'indig!'-:te~3 In ltself, .the recrultJilent ,of sUch.a evidence of aptitude, in~,tiativ,ej force is outstanding, but the remark- ". Willingness to study, he wgulA,b,e;BI}",;) able part of, the feat' is the high stand- tered into a course of instru,ction FO ards rnaintaine'd 'in securing these solwithin a reasonable time. ',.,!<;!.:I.,P;rOJIQ.jlg diers. Each is a hi~h school graduate have been fulfilled to date;n~et~p.s:J and" therefore, quallfied for admission the greatest recruiting stimulus has Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8335. A. C. -16-




bl!e~ ~e,!!-dvertising and promotion the.t tion gf Chanute Field, for yeur unextli~~newly ,enlisted men themselves procelled accompliehments,we salute you! ',---000 -_:. , o~~\iedlbY,~Writinghome to their friends and, selling them the idee. of an enlistment ':in the:'Army Air Corps. The~ had A MESSAGE FROM YOUNGIR ElfTHUSIASTS A foundd~lie Air'Corps a swell place to By the Randolph Field Correspondent acq\i'l.reJa" technical education, good prospebts for future advancement and a To ,All the ArmyAir Corps ~grtndpl~ce'to make new friends. 'No From Future ArmyPilots. ' recruiting parties were sent out to secur&'theBe enlistments for service at A belated but nevertheless welcome Chanute Field. Alas! Mohammed Came to Christmas greeting card is submitted the 'mountain! below, exactly as received by the Pub""'Youngsters eagerly took advantage, of lic Relations Office, Randolph Field, tiie'-prollPects of early entrance into Texas, the senders _ two very good the Air Corps Technical School and litfriends of the IIWestPoint of the Air,lI er,I!:J-ly poured in to Ch~ute Field from who youthful' and enthusias~ic corr~sse every" State in the Un Lon. Just about pondence was pnnted before an the A1r lavery conceivable form of transportaCorps News Letter: tion'WaS employed to reach their destin. fatioii(each young man financing his own "A Merry Christmas way;'the'sole cost to the Government to and a thlst llOin't being a letter to the appliHappy New'Year can't,advising tJ:at a vacancy existed.u To All The ArmyAir Corps Chanute Fielt, an which he woul?-be enFrom Future ArmyPilots 11s ted, prov ded he pre sented h1mself ~)" Ifor 'acceptance by a specified date. ,Mario S~eed DeMarcanton10 'The magnificent record of securing 'Frank Fran) Scrippa ~550 'recruits 'at no expense to the Govp.S. Hey, Cap; will you please send er~ent is beyond. compare and largely us the dope about us stUdying in our due,"to .the splend1d opportun1ties ofspare time for the exam so we can be rrE!red',~y,the Air Corps ~echnicalSchool flying in the dear old army." " and the' eagerness of ehgible youngsters, ,~' " Ctbdassbeiate themselves with aviation. (Editor's Note: Youthful Mr. Marcan_.. A 'iferies of radio programs, WINGS OF tonio is the writer who,sent "Kis/les to THEf:A:RM'{,; under the direction of Major the General" in a recent epistle. ) James E. Duke Jr., Air Corps, Pubhc --000--.. Relations Officer, enlightened the ,t:adio, audience as to the scope of' actiRANDOLPH FIELDOFFICERS ENROLL TAIR A 'vi ties 'carried on at the Technical CORPS TACTICAL SCHOOL. 'SchocH,' Although all phases of topics rc6vered'by the 'programs were of a highNine Air Corps officers. stationed at ly technical and specialized nature, Randolph Field, Texas, were scheduled tnei~were presented in such a manner as to join a large groupo! Regular Army to be "clearl.Y uilderstandable to the lay ofhcers shortly after the first, of the man'~~cTbese'broadcasts were prepared by new year at Maxwell Field, Montgomery, tll'ifCpersonnelon duty with the DepartAla., to enroll as students at the Air ment 'of Mechanics and the Department of Corps Tactical School for the regular Communications. The motion pictures three months' course. , did'their bit, with the MARCH TIME OF The officers who were to travel to -~eading'the way with their Air Corps Maxwell Field by military aircraft are: releaill<J '!Soldijrs With Wings." Movie- Captains James W. Andrew, Donald D.. , tone'l,20th ..Fox will shortly release an Arnold, Lambert S. Callaway, ThomasJ. Air 'Corps feature. The "Soldiers With DuBose Paul'M. Jacobs, John P. Kenny, Wings~'pict~e was well received by , Ezekiei W, Napier, Arthur LaS.' Smith, ~~lieater'aud1enc~s,as it presented a , and 1st 'Lieut. Casper P. West. -CQmprehensive p1cture of what was going The course was scheduled to start, on on'behind-the-scenes. lfewspapers., the January 8,th and,upon completion' -thereradio'i"news-reels and periodicals all of. the officers enumerated will retum have" ent their invaluable assistance to Randolph Field for duty. -Jin"s6riuring the applications, from which ----. recruits have been drawn.. Under Special Orders of the War DeRecruiting is continuing at Chanute ~artment, recently, issued, the followF1,eldJata'feverish pace, and it is be- Corps officers were orderlievedthat.when the story of 'recruited to Maxwell Field, Ala., reporting to ing"i'il':complled,the efforts of thill the Conmp,ndB.nt the Air C0!1ls Tactical of s'ta'tion'will' have been so' prominent. , School for duty: Major Meltha,ts they';will shade, the splendid reville, Capt. Flint Garrison. Jr. ,1st cord a'chieved by others. no less zealLieut. Dwight Divine, 2d,>from Mitchel ous ~ftl~heir'attempts to attract exeelFteld, N.Y.; Captain ,Walter L: Wheeler, al'eii't(~pereonnel :for the Armyof. the , Langley field .. 'Va. ;, 1st Lieu~ John H.' Ufr~ted~States: To,the Personnel Sec" (Continued on Page 1",: " , acn EUl. !.Ia ;~,... -17' V-8335, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on 'to remove this watermark. ,a.A ,tv,""

405 'specialists in the variedphallesIof Air. Corps work, as part of, the' Air,:r~ Corps Expansion Program. Included,iri, Over 2,000 men were the e;uests,of the this group transferred werenencomiii1'Be. Ethyl Corporation recently, during a. sioned officers. five_day period, at their elaborate deOf the men transferred, 190.were[asll\Onstration held in Hangar L, Randolph signed to Moffett Field and ZI5'"tq,:~~~ Field, Texas. ' ." Langley Field. At thepresent'tim:et;; Vind:J,y telli~ and illustrating the ~Zl rec~ts are no'."unde~going rec;-u,it story"f "Knock, the scho\ll, conducted I 1nstru<;:hon, follOW1ng WhlCh ,thay by Mr. H.E. Cot~rell, Clin10 Manager, I bo ass1gned to duty. In the past SlX and Mr. W.R. Barnes .4.utomotiveEnginmonths" over 500 recruits have comple,teer, ,!,"a~ educationai and. interesting. ,ad their preliminary training. : .; Arr~v1ng at Randolph Field at the in"., ---000---"' .. d':"; vi tahon of Colonel John B. Brooks, whoI '.. ..:' ,"':"'-'-'1:: had viewed the Clinic at CampNormoyle, NEWlJ"TILITYFOR RAlIDOLPH WEA.THER OFFICE" several days were required to set up . ' . ,q:ij equipment. Thereafter, several groups The Weather Office at Randolph'F1eld, attended the Clinic each day, with Texas, hereby claims to havethe,be.s~ 2,000 attending in five days. including looking and most,seeyery officer stationed at Randolph q';1encerack and d~splllY,boar.d in t.~e~; .. F1eld. Colonel Brooks persuaded the .br Corps. A br-a.rn chd Ld of .Lieu~" 8 C~inic managers to remain at R~dolph Moorman,the "rack" or ~lco11Uter,I~~a~ F1eld in order that the new FlY1ng I the Air Corps Suppiy deSlgnates it, ~conCadet class entering the school for I ceived last winter, has recentlY,~e.en the basic training course could view ,delivered.. .' ;~.,; . the demonstration. I It'is an onormous affair, W1th spaces, Dealing primarily with motor t11Ue-up I crooks and crannies for everything,'inand preventiVe maintenance, Mr. CO,ttrelli cludinga teletype J!l!l.chine, Thepla.n,s us,"d model lI19tors to illustrate h1S I were prepared by Pnvate 1st Class;" .. pOlnts. DurIng their stay at the fieldj Spikes, who measured and paced off .. i,d the membersof the Clinic worked.with I mensions so accurately that therewa~ Randolph maintenance personnel on tUllB-: only a sixteenth of an inch 'to spar-ev up prooodure. I when .the"co11Uter" came through the'[7:! In illustrating the procedure .of pro-I door of theoffi~e.' .' '. -,.-12 per tune-up, a Car was placed on a dyThe "count er-" 1S built an the shape, nemometer and operated at a speed of 50 of a right angle. ,It is finishe'd in": m.p.h. Loads were placed on the dynadark gree!.', trimmed with metal, and, has mometer to represeut grades' and pulls. a green l1noleum top. Mr. Cottrell's lecture at this point ---000--.,;"'~:) ... "" '"r. was confined to air fuel ratioe under LANGLEY PRIVATE OWNS RARE COLLEC,TION all states of operations and loads. Tlle entire personnel of the field By NormanE. Noll. idf. , . ,.4. }., voted the Clinic a huge success .. The'persistent pursuit of some kind . '---000--. of hobby..of colfecting manuscripts,,:brMANY NEW NCO GRA.DES ATWooLPH"FIELD naments,odd co rn s , books and a1.1 t4at '. .' like, .has often'been termed by many as .While the ExpansioricProgram of the the average American.citizen's favorite .4.1r Corps has been felt in many ways in and :pleasurable pashme.. . ~. "." the past, nothing so tangible as the Tl11S1lnexaggerated amusement of great happenings of the period of November261 eagerness and gratifying delight bars to December6, 1939, had been. felt. no :rarticular period 'of time, character During that :period, 446 promotiOns of 1ndividual or any formula of faitli, for nencommiss10nedofficers were allot since. all love to ~ather and acc~~ate . t~d to, the six or~anizations on the . articles' for exhib1tion purposes. . i,' fleld. Included'1n the several Special It is true that museumsc011Utryw!de O rders was one that made 108 noncoms." are filled .tc capacity 'with an endles/1 beHeved by many "old timers" on the number of prized collections, and so -, field to be one of the largest promotion with due respect to all, your corresorders in recent J.:rrrror history. . pondent contacted Private Jerrie Scott .The Orders for this period included 2 McMullan, of the Base personnel staff F 1 rst. Sergeants, 154 Staff' Sergeants, ~t Langl~y Field" Va., whopossesses."an 1 1 geante and 156 yorporals. . S 1nt~r~st1ng collection of literary~com" .... one of the "old hmere" pu.t 1t: 8 'pos1hons and rare pubUcations .. ' . . There are so many new striPe.s in. the .McM';1llan~s ollection of ~tiqU:e'''p'ubc 'yutfit 1 that you can hardly find a hcahons Lnc'l udea a 1629 ed1tion or' . . b11Ck private to dovroom orderly." the history.of QUeenElizabeth, a 176'7 " '. publication of fhe "Twelfth 'Day-Gif.t/' M ~"-nsferred from Randolph Field to the initial works of Robert 'J3urns ;."an'd F~ f e tt"Fleld, Calif., and Langley a book on Arctic Explorations of, i:853:, d e l s , 'ft.. on IleC'.P..mher 1939, were 54 and 55. ' 16. . -;""" ." -18,"i'-. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.V'-"8335 e!'








'!C'~d,' with eqUi~nt. De~t heads and, appmpriate souvenirs, of the School. checked all pro~ty in their ~Lieut. Jack W. Hickman, Assistant ~ lilentsand memorilnduJn receipts started visor, and instructors of the Institu; -flying fast and furious. ' , ,tion,' also sat on the speakers I plat...Later, in the day half of all equip: form. ' -mant: property ana personnel departed "Such graduation should :prove (\f parfrom'~:aoors, never ~n to be part ticular interest to the All' O"rps at : lof:othe thirteenth squadtQn. ' Heading large." declares the NeVfS Letter 001'Jsot;th aloM the hazte,ar line. the caravan resp1ndant, "s ince this narks the stopped at '"bangars1X. recently (lccupied launcb1n~ of the first Dia1ntenanca ' _~by ~he /lld seventy seventh Pursuit crews\vh611y civilian trained. The work Squadron, unloaded their equipl)lal1t and' I'lf.the gradUates, particularly the first' set up the nucleus of the new Sixteenth 'classes, (If these civilian meChaniCS' S~n, under the eomnandof Major achonLs . will, and should; be carefully : :\~Jr.S; Thompson, who recently commanded watched throughout the Air Corps, and ,~he Thirt~enth ~uedron.': .t~e efficacy of this training program . '"',The entU'e offlcer personna,1 I'lf the.' wlll be .iu.d1':ed, the success and,pr,,~ " b,y ' Sixtee~th is made up flf old "fHeel'S (If ress flf i;hes6'lIien.", , . -the Thirteenth, and the'following flffi-' The first ,class at the Aemnautlcal cers and noncommissioned officers form Univetsity consisted ~f 24'menfro~ a.greater JW't ,.,f the' new Sixteenth, ',' Selfr,idge Field, Mich. ; 'and upen ~adua.., _tr"S,quadr9n:Major B.S. Thompson, ColIIlIl8lld-' tion were ~si~ed as folloWS: , i~g; ~leut. S.R. Vosper,' Qperations 'Of-; Toselfn1:fe Field: P~ivates l~t 01. hcerL-Lt. Y.5. Tarrant,Gas .and Anna- ,Addlson A. ana. Jollb J!j. Rush, Ma . . ment VI ficer; Lt. C. HarPer, ColllIllUIlica-Eu,gepeE. Clemons, Edward J., Czyz, Ott" '. tions Officer; Lt. B.X. Vorhees En. W."1:aube, Carl E. Ferris, Gilbert Ii. gineering Officeri.Lt. R.C. Caliow,~dr Green, ErnmaryW.'Jones; Robert L. JuDel SuI!Ply Officer; L1;. L.C. Adams, Sq rn JubelllHenrY L,'Naessens1 Robert M .AdJUtant; ;!laster Sgt. ,RufusCllntpn,,J. Glenn D.'/<A. ~@l' Chief; Tech. s.e:t.' J.; W.:Rat son~ Y.:' .Battner, 'reter G, Russell, Warren ,\... Ohlei. Arm, orer~lgt. R:L,. Wa1dr~}Ip,"COlIl'" harP,' J"hti B. Spaoh. WalterM'-,TICZif"" S municati"ns; <:>gO. C.A. Reese, Chief:lowski, and Lyle L. Youalls. , Clerk and EngiIieeri~ Clerk; First Sgt. " 'To Patterson Field: ~-t. 1st ,O;J.. H;E."McKelvy, "Top Kick"; Sgt. J.C .. ' Robert A.. Bla16Ck, Jr., Pvts. Bernard V, M::arshall, Supply Sergeant, and SergeCasper, Richard B.. Ohe,~:ki. Bllbert J. 3 ant Co~eman HO~d,Mess Sergeant. Garrett and ~rge .D.. au. ' Sethnr, up a new s~uadron is a diffi' To Wright Fleld: Pnvate Allyn E. '. ;00t tas" under normal, conditions.' but HiggJ.ns. ' " <aettiI)g up a new squadron with a shortThe second, class! .consfst ing I')f 14 men Me of personnel and equipment makes from Selfridge Fie d and 10 fI'l'l:l Lowry , ~ task twice as difffcult. However; Field, Denv~). 0010., gradua~ed'onFeb~th the zest and initiative that all' ruary 141 l~. and were assagned to. ~lif'these men have taken up their new, thestahons indicated: ' - ;j,os, I am positive that they"will have To Selfridge Field: Staff Sgt. Walter :the Sixt.eenth functioning asa normal 'Shmtz, Corpora1s Rii~ert E. ~rn and, :, -souadron. ' ' , Wilson B. DOuble, Prdvat es Sam O. Bell, ."TheThirteen;;h Squadron, under the Cecil F. Lull'lw, Herl'lld A. ~est, Merton, t tnrcumstances, considers ltSelf more E. Everson, St~phen J .. L~WlS. ,Joseph fortunate than the Sixteenth. Weare Szalai and Irwm L. Jennmgs. " also hindered by a lack of personnel To Lowr~Field: Privates 1st C1.1lI'lyd " .and e~ipment,but by keeping cur 00L. Dou't, rris b Brown. RalpllF .... .,:P~tments intact and key,men in respenMarotte, Joseph.F. ;McGlass,n, Martln A, 'slbleY"sitions we are able to operate $cbImlck',Bllbert.G.,SchIieider, Andr~wX. as ,before.". ' StephensonJ' Pvt. Robert J., ), -000--; .' A.M. 2nd C.LasS,Pvt s , Charles R. , , ' Darno'Ld iand Rotert E. Holaday. . -GRADuATION OF AII!PI<ANE MEcHANICS 'To PattefsonField: 5.'!:t. Gel'lrge ., , .AndBrson, Privates 1st Or. Albert L. , 'The first class of t:;~aneMeChaniCs Catallo, Thomas.Chrones and Harry R. 'from the Civilian Mec ' cs ' School was McNeal. '" 0 " ~ted,from the AeronauticalUniver-' '( ---0 0--' < Inc' 1338 South MichigaIl Avenue, ,In a paper, IICounter-RotatiIlgPr(\peli ,- . 9l, I linois, on JanUary 31, 1940, lers; "eresented by Lieut . H.M. MCCOy, .Wlth",app~priate ceremony. Captain "f Wri t Field. 0., en Janua.;-y 26th be,:O.,:Rvan, Supervis"r, PTEllSented Mf. ' f"re t 'Institute 'Of Aer"llaut:LGal-SciJ~.'ld.",', Churbuck, president of the UnlverAnces, NewYork Cit~, he cited the case . ,:l,:ty.: whll,after a short address, in' of cp~sitely rotatmg propellers as a , U!'tI:.p1'asentedMr. K.L. Burrouglls, seni- step 1Il obtaming P'lak l'~peller effiPlease purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.comciancy for this watermark. to remove high speed alrcraft. 1'.:0 .~~~I t~ &rIar~. the p.i~ , ::-19V-8363.A.C.

~i~' i

A.I.R BASEs IN AI;AWA tain If Infntry~tober28;19l8. He' .'. . .' served at Camp 'Greene, N.C., until The iY.ln. Harry H. Woodril!l:, sec1'ete.ry April, 1918, Whenhe was transferred to .. (If War, announced under date of Februthe Infantry School at Camp .:Benning, Ga., 81'1.12, 1940, plans for the'ln nf as an instructor .. On March 10, 1921, ; tW"l newArntv Air Corps stations in the he was transferred to the A:i, : Territl'lry I'll Alaska; one tCl be located i ,a,nd, after compJ,eting primaJY flying '. at F?lrbBnks and the other at .Azlc.h."lrage. Carlstrom Field, ArcBd.tii., . "~VJ.ded funds are ifmpriated.fllr.,. Fla .. and advanced training at Elling. t14s puI'pl'se. The F rballks site, fot . ton. Field. Houston, Texas, "he was, on wmch approXimately ,000,000.00 was Deceml::er ,.1921, rated a Pursuit Pilot. 7 appropI'lated in, the iscal Year .1940 .. He.served,with the Lst Pursuit Gr~up at will pe Located just northl)ftll? City. ~lingtoJ;l Field and then at Selfri~ of FaJ.rbanks, and construct1on will CQJlI- Fleld. Mich.. After a. 3-year tour C'f . mance. ithin the next 'few mnths. w duty in the Hawaiian Department, he reo It lS c"lnte!DPlated that the Fairbanks turned to ,Selfri~ Field- and- assumed ,... station Will be used primarily for ex-. command f the 94th Pursuit~('n. .. o ~.\'rimental operations in cold weather. Later he was assigned to command. the ...... types of ~laned will be emp10yed. 1 95th Pursuit. Squa.a.ronand, during the The const.ruct.Ion will include a ha;ne1u", course of .hks service with this unit, sr!s, paved runways, ni@t landing he developed Pursuit tactics at axt remae pment, quarters for 30 I'\fficers. and- ly high altitudes, lead-ing his entire 2 nonc('llllIllissioned nfficers, barracks squa.d.fonin maneuvers at an altitude of for 300 men, a hos~ital, a central heat 28,500 feet over Mather Field Bacra~ and electric llght plant, and ware- mento, Calif. In S~tember, i 930, he hf.luses.was transferred to duty in t;he Office -. The Air Base , comprising 1,000 acres, (If the Chiefr.f tJ:1eAir COrpll. His at Fairbanks, Alaska, has "been named' death occurred while testillg near Pat!.add Field, In honor of Captain Arthur terson Field,.Olll,o,a new type of twor. Ladd, ww- was killed in an airplane seater PurSUlt alrp1ane. - .... -.. - .. accrdent at Dale, S.C., December 13, ' "'-000--STAND DEVELOPED ber 1, 1890, and appointed tn the.A.rm;y A!r iRIGHr FIELD. . from Texas. He was a ~aduate of the .' - ' OolIllllalld General Staff School, 1932; end In service test ~tity, a new type 4ir Service Pilots' School, 1921; Air' of 'crew chief'smamtenance stand is Service Pursuit Schonl, 1921; Air Corps being procured to replace the nld ty;:le. ~actical School, 1930, and bad the rat- wO(ldstande in use since 1928. of Airplane Pilot and Airplane Ob:peve1oped, t Wrigh~ Field, !Jaytpn, '" a Server. He served as a 2nd Lieutenant, 0hio, the new stanO. as all-metal-ana.' , fnfantry Sect~on, Officers' Reserve mounted on wheels wi~h rulJber tires. It. ;,orps, on actl ve duty from November27, has about the ~8IDe dimensllms as the .' ... 17, to September 9, 1919. He was co 9 (lld type, but lS much stronger and less lIlissinned a second lieutenant in the cUIDbersome. Drawers and containers $l'e Air Service, Regular .A.rm;y, July 1. 1920; eliminated, as all standardized tonl", ; ~romoted tl'l 1st l:Jieutenant on the same required can be carried in the Kanne"", Qate and to Captain on April 23, 1929. tooJ. Idts now in use. Steps mount t.,. The station at Anchorage, which will an adjustable platform which is ra1s~.:, 1.Iltimately include both ground and air tn the desired level. " 'Ull.its, and which will be located just -000south of that city, will comprise 1,400 ' Mres, is r... yet In process of con-. t A new type of wheel clb-lck which fold struct;ion. Fuild.-s have. been requested and can be adjusted tn acconarodabe ill .. 1n the 1941 budget estimates,' amo~ting ferent sizes nf Wheels '(If all :Bombard~( to $12,734',060.00 for the necessary con- ment and Cax.e:,? airplanes ~.been de-' structlnn I'\f buildings and- ~ters. . veMped at wrlght .Field, OhlO. ,,_.Thefield will be named in honor of . Of tubular, constructdon and emplo~ ",,-ptain 1fu.<?h M. Elmendorf Air Corps, duraluminum,. the folding dl('ocks are whO was killed in an ai;;"iaile accfdent much lighter and more compact than wood at Wright .Field, Ohi(l,.;raIiuar,y- 13,1933. chocks. They are converted from the' He was born at IthacG., NewYork, on flat pnrtable shape t. a st'UI'dytriaIl;u January 3, 1895, and graduated from -; , lar check by. locking onenf the tubes Cornell University in that city. Dur- into place with a heavy lock pin att.adl \, 1ng the' World War he was commissioned a ed to a chain. . _ .. "'.- - . , t\eoondl1eutenantinthe Infantry ResThe purpose is to supply li~t CNlcks erve Cr:>rps.Aue:tist15, 1917; J;)roinoted which can be taken in an airplane on hovisiona.1. ls't Lieut. of Infantry on cross-country flights. hbI'U8X;f 9 ,1.91B, am. P=visional Cap. '-000. ". Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on . to remove this watermark. V-8363 , A.C.

~~. Ladd was born in Texas, Ni"Vem-IMPR6VED Captain, MAINl'mANCE



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VOL. XXIII A I R Information Division Air COrps





February 1, 1940

T E R NO. ~. Munitions Building Washington, D.C.,

, The chief purpose of this 'PUblication is to distribute information on aerof1ll.utics to the flying personnel in the Regular Army. Reserve Corps. National Guard. and others connected with aviation. .

---000--By the l~teriel

WRIGHr FIELD'SFLUTTER CLINIC Division Correspondent as for t';~isting or change Iri attitude

piled in 1937 filled ~~7 pages), but necessary simply to support the load one maximis that flutter- of ~ kind imposed. . at high speed is d.vnamie . It a.s also t For instance. if the front soar of an generally true that the higher the per- airplane wing were much' ore flexible m formance and the larger the airplane than the rear spar. an upward deflecthe more cOllr.fllicated~she work of pre- tion of the l'ling would produce an int venting or eliminatin~ flutter. Conse- crease in angl.e of att-ack, thus supplyquently. the applicat~on of approved ing additional lift forces which inremedies for flutter and sustained crease the deflections stil:? further unflutter research. lvii! becomeincreastil they reach a oant where the elastic ingly important as the speed of aircharacteristics Qf the wing cause it to' planes draws closer to the speed of return t.ooard its eouilibrium position. sound. Uponreturn a similar change in an~e Newproblems arise as rapidly as new 01' attack occurs. thus permitting the _; designs are built. Aeronautical engin- 17i~ to deflect past the eguilibrium eers in the l~teriel Division have ~ pos~tion. This correspond~ng deflec- _ recent Yilars discovered actual and P9tion in the other direction would bring tential flutter conditionsi'n several about similar aerodynamic twisting, supnew airplanes. Thanks to the rigid plying a force which would increase the testing procedure at l1right Field, pro- amplitude of the vibration. ' Per corrections have been made in each . In addition to this type of flutter, . Insbance , and the final acceptance movable surfaces supported on hinges , tests proved that the flutter had been are subject to rotatlon about the.hi~' eliminated. line. due to mass inertia on the sur- ' Flutter has been defined as oscillafaces themselves whenthe hin~e line vition of rather definite period l1hich brates about someother axis an the may be set up in any part of an airairplane. It is obviously desirable plane in flight and be maintained by that such movable surfaces be completethe aero~ic, elastic. and inertla ly mass-balanced in order that no rotacharactenstics of the structure itself. t Lon of the surface will take place due The initial exciting factor may'be a to motion of its hinge line. bump. violent maneuver .Qr the vrbraTrim tabs '.i'hichhave considerable tion of someelement such as the engine pla;y may also cause definite flutter of or propeller - or it may even be due to the control surfaces to which they are looseness or slack in controls or mov- attached., and correspondingly control able elements of the airplane. With surfaces which are not properly balancany variation in the load a structure ed may cause flutter of the main surIlIUSt eflect in order to develpp suffi- face to which they are attached. due to d cient resistance to carry the Uiad. the mot ion of the adjacent structure In the case of an airplane wing load- about someaxis other than the hiI)g6 ed to design load conditions. the tip line of the movable surface 'itself. Dydeflection will be from approximately nrunicbalance liaS found to counteract 12 inches for snfall, rigid Pursuit aar- this condition but not to the extent of planes to as muchas 30 to 40 inches providing complete static balancing of 1'or large-span Bombersand Cargo airthe surface about its DIm hinge line. planes. Since this deflection IlIUSt e- This presupposes the knowledJ:!:e the n ef cessarily take place. the designer I s locatlon of the axis about wfiich the uroblem ~s to design t1)l airplane -st nzc- adjacent structure is going to move. tural componentsto be as rigid as posThe potential flutter factors in the sible, in order to provide a prevention larger. high performance airplanes are -1-V-8355. A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

has been written about it (a bibliograwhich might sU]JIllytoo necessary force P~y of flutter studies and art~cles com- to carry the deflections beyond those

Not as muchis knownabout flutter

lnaDY. The exterior bracing !'If the ear- quate structure and not merely to metal lier bi~s is eliminated in the clem covering or flimsy cover support,_ design of the monoplane with cantelever Generally, the prescribed remedies v4ngS with a longer span. The number for cO,rrectmg flutter are the ,achieveof .cut-out s (for windows,turret~ ,land- ment r-f mass balance of all control _ ing gear retraction, doors, etc .) in . surfaces and attainment of a high:de.!., the will/tor fusel~ has increased.. gree of rigidity of the structUral: comWhile all. of these developmentswere' pqnents. In extreme cases, the, weight accompamed by reinforcement, the de-or the corrective ballast approaches-a sire to save wei,e;ht ccasionally reo tnat of the structure; in one.known r sults in an airplane without enough' case of .a rudder, the ballast exceeded structural.stiffness for absolute safe-' that of the, structure. Obviously;'tHe ty. better the design the less amountof::: With the older wire-braced airplanes, corrective ballast necessary .. :Ba.lJ,ast flutter was less dangerous due to the is usually added near the Leadangvedge rigidity of the structure and the rela- . in the form of melted lead poured~.into tively slow speeds at which the aira tube, .cr in sheet form properly .Lo- . planes were flown.. At higher speeds, cated within the structure. '. -.,. ,', the results of flutter are more apt to The second phase of Wright Fieldls~ be disastrous because the aerodvnamlc flutter clinic is the flutteromodel. forces are greatly increased. Conse'used in the wind tunnel. Application quently, 8IlY deflection depending upon of modeldata for estimating.thelcritsuch aerodynamicforce will be greater ical flutter speeds of full-sca1e(airand the build-up in flutter amplitude planes was revealed to have substantial l!Ia occur in such a short time that the accuracy. These data are shortly, to .be results are more apt to be critical than published in Air Corps Information Cir+ at a al.ow speed in which the elastic'' No. 714. Morerecently, a study characteristics nf the structure might of fl'J.tterresulting :fromsid~ways: endb cOllTpletely alance the aerodynanuc b Ing of tJ:1e fuselage, ~nteractlng, w~th , forces "SO that a sustained: but not neosc~l1atlons of the rudder and.. abs,was t 'cessarily destructive flutter could be cO!l!Pleted. ' . . ; s.r; ; withstood. Sufficient time mie;htbe The model can be rigged to, simulat'e ; available to change the conditlons of all types Of airplanes from.pur su':Hts: to flight prior to actual' structural f'ai.I> transports and bombers. ThisversatHi'" ure.' ty is secured by virtue of. a design"" ' The Air Corps has not favored artifiwhichpermits Changesin ~h~ mass balcially excited flutter tests of fullance of the rudder, the rlg~dl ty of' , scale airplanes in fli~t. It believes rudder controls and fuselage. A .new that such incidents as the crash of the methodof S:(Jring suspension is entployed Junkers Ju-90 during a flutter test and which expedat es experiments by inciting_ the loss of several engineers justify flutter with a. controlled forcesimulatthis PQlicy. The exhaustive tests at ingair;bUllTps. The modelhas-tl'lo'vi'bra"right Field prior .to acceptance of a tion pickups. Onefollows the'lllbt'i0ns newtype, arid the test equIpmentin it- of the fuselage, the other the- met-i.ons self, are safeguards whicll are serving "f the' The amountof the ''vibrawell, not only the Air Corps but also tion, together with ,the frequency. amthe Navy, the Civil Aeronautics Author- plitude, and phase relationShip, is reity, and the manufac~urersof both mil- corded on film with an nscillo~aph. it!U'Yand nonmilitary airplanes. The flutter modelwill be used next in Muchof the equipmentused in accep-> a stud,y of the possibilities''1f artifi.tance tests was developed at Wright. cial o~l. darnpersin eliminating flutter. Field and is described in,detail in the Tentatively scheduled isa whicl: Handbook InstrUctions for Airplane I)f the modelwill be set up for imtestigaDeSign. ers. An.ecc'entric vibrator istion of the danger limits of testing,for used to determine the natural f'requenflutter full-scale airplanes-in flight . cies of the following structural ?o~on~ by artificially excited.flutter.' In'the ents: rudder I fuselage, fin, stab~llzer, meantime, someconsideration'isbeiilg elevators, .wangs , ailerons, tabs, en- . given to a requirement that manufacturgines, and mounts.. ers of unconventional or high speed . The static and dynarpicb4ance of all types submit a f'Lut t er ~est model':just control surfaces aremvestli9-'i1edand as they nO\7 submi t a span test .medel nd a corrected .if necessary. It~s reqmred a regular performance model. If;.flutter that dynamicbalance be obtained as far is encountered in level fli~t, it 'is as is practicable by the in1:erent s~pe advi?able to decelerate im; .c! the surface and favorable disP9sitiOn cl.osfng the throt t Le. The:second action '-, of structural material. Ballast as add- is to make somechange in the conditiom '.ad, onl!, for the final adjustment.. All. of fli~t, but pulling up abmotlyshoul( baD aort.. ia --=e1. l:U,w-Jled. an adeto (Continued on Page 4 - to V-8355, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on 2- remove this watermark.


Cadets of the ArmyAir Corps Training Detachment at the RYan School of Aero-_ nautics, San Diego, Calif., were the ;' first Armypersonnel to become acquainted with the latest Primary Trainer, the Ryan PT-20 's, which are just off the i RYan Aeronaut real. Co. production line ~ its new factory across Lindbergh Field f'rom detachment headquarters. " A group of the Ryan trainers, desig-! nated YFT-16, are already in use at the training detachment at San Diego. The' latest planes off the line shof many ilnprovements in design and const.ruct ron ,. all of which have been made to provid~ greater comfort for the ~ilot, to in-: crease efficiency in givlng flight in~ st ruct.i.on and to simplify and facilit/?-t( mai.nt enance . ' The Ryan PT-20 Trainers for Air Corps service are lOW-Wing,metal-fUsel~ed; open cockpit monoplanes, seating Vllot and instructor in tandem. Power lS DtO,:,ide9-by a 125 h. r. Menasco G-4 invertec m-Ltne, arr-coofsd engine. The first of the PT-20's to be com-~ pleted was recently ferried to Bolli~ Field by Lieut. r:.H. I1Gu7es, f Randolpn o Field, for exhibition at the Congres-' sional display.' As c~ed with the YPT-16's, the princi difference in external appearance 0 the PT-20's is the placing of, . the ~vper lon~rons around the coc!cpi~~ on the outer side of the fuselage skin" instead of internally, as was tfie previous pract ice. ';' Ey rnaJdng this change in Longer-on 10cat Ionand by increasl~ the s i ee of, the cut-out s, cockpit s 111 the new PT- ,; 20' s have been made considerably larger providing much easier entrance and exit for both student and instructor. Length inside the coclcpits has also been increased and instrument l>anels have been set fur,ther fOTI7ard. .Efficiency of the airplane for trainlUg IJUI'lJOses has been lmproved by making the parachute-type seats adjustable to acco.a.iodat e different 'oilot personnel, ~J1dby providin~ toe~operated brakes in both COCkVltS, as is the general ract Ice in military aircraft. Front and rear seats have been made adjustable both as to length and height A parking brake, operated from the rear cockpit, is another added feature of th, new models. '.ing walks are nO~7 installed on both wing roots, instead of only on the left side. For operation of the elevator tabs, crank-type controls with indicator are installed in both coclcpits, .re];llacing the draw wi re previously used. 'l'hi$ makes for easier and more sensd.t iv. I (Continued on Page 4 ), -, f. '\ V. ~'\. "".:v Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -3V-8355 , A.C. The Air Show, held at Bolling Field, D.C:. , .. during the period Januc'"LI'y to 24, 19 -1.1840, "was' a t reiaendous SUCCC3SS well and ;attended, re(;ardless of the fact that the nat ion I.s Capltal was in the grip of a record cold 'ilavC3. , l __ Presi~ent Roosevelt, accompanied by the "Secretary of i,ar, the Assistant Secretary . of."ilar, and Brigadier General George H :3~ett, Air Cor~s, Chief of the ~~teriel rDivision, visited the show on the after.noon of January 20th. A twenty-one gun salut e was fired when the Pres ident arrived and de'oart ed the station. The show so ihipressed- . Roosevelt that he recommendedit remai n open to the public until Wednesda, Jalluary 24th, instead -of ,closing as o~~;nallY plal1ned on Jan-uary, 21st. Brl . er General Barton K. .:.eYount, Air Corps, Assistant to the Chief cof the Air Corps, later 'issued orders '~extendin~ the period of the Air ShOY! as -recosmended by the President. / !:.... Amongother distinguished guests were the: 'Ion. Henry Morgenthau, SecretaI7 9f ~ the'Treasury; Hon , Andrew J. l\'JaY,Cl1l;.lrman of the House I.iili tary Aff,-iirs Com,mittee'; Mr. Glenn L. Martin, f'saous 03 builder of airplanes and a Large number .. of other members of Congress and governIf ment officials. The enthusiasm of the show visitors was-most gratifying to the officers and enlisted personnel who had spent long . hours on the planmng and work connected ',::,)vith _its production. Those who were re-" ,.sponsible for the Air Showare to be __ ~,.:_congratulated on the appearance of the "h@gars,and displays.' _ . ,Th~ new hangars at BOlling Field were _'- .turned over to the Sho.w. Hangar No. 1 housed. the displa;y of the newly developed airplanes and the Ordnance Exhibit, \yhich include9- bombs and guns now in use an the ArmyAir Corps. Hangar No. 2 ... housed -the displays of aircraft engines, .~ tires, radios and every other imaglnable [.accessory. This displ83' also included a . portable photographic laboratory, a larE!' .:) auto trailer for held use. A canopy j' was erected connect ing the two hangars c~ci,n order to protect vlsitors from the -unusual Iy cold weather experienced dur_ ing the veriod of the show. In addition to the indoor exhibits, there was also an outdoor display of Arnw _: aircraft, including one or more of ~rac.', tically every type of airplane now in .use . Most of the airplanes on exhibit \; w~re camouflaged as they would be in ,I .... ,tlf.16 l Lof war. --000--r:.(,1: ~"l.,( ..... ~ ;L'ft;!.. v !..~:;"J --.

Tl-reAIR SHOri A'I'BOLLING FIELD 2'.) By"the News Letter Correspondent

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-t~~tr; j'')>lo.

viz: Captain B.H. Underhill, 1st Lts. J.E. Timberlake, Jr., D.S. Campbell C.H. Pottenger, T'nomasvlildes, 2nd Lts. The 44th Division, consisting of the R.W. Osborn, C.L. Sluder, G.. Hoisington, 119th Observation Squadron! the1l9th Jr., Vi:P. Brett, H.W. Fredenc:".Jr .., Photo Section, and the Department M.E. L1.:Ps, J.C. R~ddock, : Jr.,,; .1ID.\l~~'I!>!; Detachment, based at Newark Airport, cel- Tarver, Jr., all Air Corps off1.c!lr?);~L~ ebrated its tenth anniversary of Pederat and 1st Lieut. W.L. Fernald'j 2ndL1.euts. recognition on January 30, 1940. .OrganW.H. Turner, G.F. Anderson, R. Nealfe' :,3, ized by Major Kello~ Sloan and Sergeant J'.H, Stenglein, E, Her'bes, J.H:R\% " 'es-,;. Robert E. lvl9J.oneY,Air Corps,DEML, the P.H. , J.M. 'Johnson, C,.O~Pe sr-. organization is now headed by Major sort and J. DuB. Yow, Jr., al.L Air; C01:1)S' Chester A. Charles, with Captain Clinton 'Reserve officers. ,," ~', J, "Sldppy" Davies assigned as the Regular ---000---" S : {lL , Army Instructor. Lieut. Colonel Robert " ,1,;"cK,+. L. Copsey relinquished command last sumKELLY FIELD EULOGIZED IN.POE:;L.. ' mer to. accept .a:pp,?intment as Air Officer. '. ". ."':: .r',.L.'J of the 44th D1.v1.s1.on. ' Pr ivat e G.F. Hinton, of the 12th ,'Air, An Organization Ball is beanz planned Base, Kelly Field, Texas, subinit ted::,a: ; for the officers, enlisted men"'and their poem about Kelly Field. Hish0i!Je':is.~in guests, to be held February lOth.;il1. Bartlesville, Okla., and he e~Ht''d:.,~,!. Newark.. The original members of the recently at Okl.ahona C~ty .. Pr~vate.",d;;: Squadron still in service with the unitF.inton' s thouant s an hi s 'poem l.ndicate:. will be feted, with twelve la-year medals the hi~ morale of soldiers and ~ecruits and various o thsr awards. ' of Kel... Field. y His poem reads!.a:s7f6:l:-:' The unit recently returned from a 7-da lows: ., . ':'.:; period of additional field training at "KELLY FIELD. '! - :: e., Cape M.8Naval .Air Station, where '.II1inWnen the last long hop is over , :: .: ~ ,,~; terrupted operations were conducted for . And the sun is low an the. west, ':'. f;: the fUll seven-day period, all flying I'll head for that field of cloy-er'e" personnel participating in a well-rouniiWhere my buddies have gone'to.l'; ed program of gunner;r, photography, radio , , .' . .l..~,"""v and cooperative mi.ssaons with the 157th But befo~e I leave this old Field .Artillery then carrying out their I'll .f'Ly to, the heavens abovei:~~;J1V increased field training at Fort Di.x. To salute the flag that's unf'ur' ed : ~.. . ---000--. O'er the field.that I've grown~'to1:oye




GENERAL LACKL.A:ND DEPARTS FORNEW ST~ION ':'!i[h a bll!tst from~;rdiv~ng S~i~:~~ .:~'~ ,. I'll V01.ce a Last ing ,prayer, ,,' Brigadier ' General Frank D. Lacldand, '\'hile I breathe with a tremb~ing lip" former Commandant of the Air Corps Ad,:", ;, All my thanks to have sold1.erod:lF~eJ.;.;e. vanced Flying School, departed from KeJly -- .. Field on January 13th by air for March And 'bef'or'e I fly through the c~o~fgg:Tr Field, Calif., where he will soon tak e That 1S dam on the far sky ll.nei'q __ . F commandof the First Wing, GHQ. Air crce. I want you to know that I "m prou'!'::;1~l~lr On January 11th, the officers of the Of the Army life that' s beenmme:'~~ Post honored General Luckland and;Ars. ---000--. <,. . '. Lacldand with a formal dance, at - ';C', .-', ever;rone had an opnortunit;v personal.Lv The New Ryan PT-20 'Primary Trainer: :'.} to wi sh the Gener81 and his mother a (Conelnued from Page 3j. ,,', ~~easant trip and tour of duty at March .' . . ,:.:. '::~ ---000--,m FIFTH SECTION ">.,,....... ORG:"'UZED BROOKS, FIELD l.eld. "


On february 1st, the FJ.fFh Sectl.on of the Air Corps Adv~ced Flymg Scho,?l was f,?rmed.<,.t Brooks F1.eld, Texas. ~h~s Sectlon.wlll supplement t~ four or rginal. . sect ions now at .KellyFJ.eld .. On Feb~ary 17th, cap~al.n E.H. UnderhJ.ll,. Chfef': o{ Section, w1.11~t 90 studeJ.lts mto the au. w1.11be the fust stuf'Lap. contrel . '.~ 't" f"::':;~:C ~nts who WJ.ll have flown from Brooks ' ' --"'000--". ';',.; ,;,~:-=' F"-eld s ince October, 193L. . ,Wright Field I s Flutter CliniC: (F;ro'Ii:l ;P.:2) Twenty-four former Kelly F1.eldof~1.ceJS be avoided, as a sUdden l.ncrease~iii'"the now-comp:>l> ..... the of Sectl.on 5, ~e of attack may impose .a l~~' ~~..: fl.cJ.ent to cause a failure. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -4V-8355, A.C.


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ad&~~~e~~rtant ~hanges ,incIJ.~'~i\.e~~ , type throttle controls, combining,thei spark and mixture'were ; previously on the instrument' board';" ,<. hand-holds on wing tips to facilitate~ hendling of the airplane on the ~ound; longer, military-type sticks; reJ.nforc-ed nose co-flmg; the installation'of~' Dzus fasteners for the removal of, the' inspection sections of the engine"; and an improved-type front'cockplt

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.1,~A:dr.iving,sno;y recently blanketed the vert men fresh from college, who are vicinHYiOf- the Spartan .Air Corps Trainlong on individuality and short on dis. ;Jng.J)et_BclJmentat Tulsa, Okla., and forc- cipline, into military pilots withouteo. Il.:drag upon the ~ithe::to st\la4Y proghazing. The transformation of each in,ress""f the classes nf>W at an coming group cf debonair. if not cocky thisJStation. Continued snow, low v'isi"Joe Colleges" into eager, militant ~ility_and low tem~erature l~Ne taken Fledglings in the short sp&Ce of six their toll ~f prec1.ous flying time, leav- weeks' e~~sureto the disciplinary ing a cert am amount ,.,f leisure time upcn measures of the acting officers and tile hands 'of some 160 eager Cadets. noncommissioned cadet officers of an This' :s:tate ... inertia has been reme- . , upper class is little f short of amazing, died by a series "f events, foremost even breathtaking - observe some of the emOng .which has been the inspll'ation in-' newcomers. It should be notec.,however, stilled, in al.L students at this base by that the smooth functioning aT this ...aboost in ground school standards. The system is due largel;)r to the fine charc1imaX'.to the inspiration took form in acter of the young men ':~hoare proud to . the (confinement of 36 Cadet s to the Post be given the orPortunity of fly:Lng for during a.vreek-end for scholastic delinthe United Staves Army Air Corps, and' 8;iq1;lene;v. Ironicall~ enough, the course to the splendid guidEilce of the capable :~L.ground instrl.lct:l.on responsible for r-fficers in coranand of the Post, who this confinement happened to be Meteoro- are held. in hith esteeill':ry all whose lc>gy - the study of-the weather - alreapleasure it is to serve under thsm. ~ a delicate subject tn all. APObrSlit- i Footbcil and basebal I provtde some ly there are compensations, however,for recroation for the Cadets, and the week the study rooma are now well filled. at end trips into the ci.ty of Tulsa afford ng ni,:;ht'i-_and weather is being discussed !ll.'WleroJ.n=tion from a week of teCbnl:callyand subjectively rather than ann ground school. The citizensc , vehemently and objectively. Tulsa have warmly accepted the classes During'the aforementi"ned lull in act i> of men as tem;rorary citizens, and devity.her,e, some of the more playful "If sirab1e acquaintances have been qui ckky , _the, Cadets clipped another I s head. The made by those Wh0 enjoy social 0.1. vere exoeriment T.lroved both entertaining and sion. Dances for the Cadet Corps are pra.ctipal, so the movement spread until given by local sponsors i it seemed"that short-cropped craniums while the spirit of the men toward this l'IOuld characterize the next .cl.ess nrriv~nuine interest shown in them is ene ,';:at Randolph Field from Spartan. In of sincere appreciation. DoUbtlessly, ,'-6riIer--to keep the records coinplete, it there will be many friendships formed mentioned in passing tbat imby each man who completes his three mediately followin(> this movement the months I assignment to this detaohment popularity of bhe Cadet s among the local which will be perpetuated long after he belles' hit an all-time low, causing con- is on tour in the service of the Air sternation &~onGthe less enthusiastic 'Corps. adherents cf tho plan - hence the fd is Of the first three classes at this dying AUt. . ' 'I School, 855 entered and 163 went to ',Vhe- size of the classes at S-,J!ll'tanIll's' RandaLph, a percent.age "f 64. Of the made it necessary to establish- a svst em 1 two cl.asses here now, 180 entered and of p,emi-self-dlscipline for the Ca.U.ets, 1156 remain. In the Mechanics Ground which is based princi;)a.lly )l:~n customs Scheol Cou.rse, 80 enlisted men entered' similar, to those prevailing at lana: 7L, remain. ';'he firs:t mechanics F,ie1d. There is a modified tiwi-class I c'lass will e its -s i x months' , ,s:ys~eill, viz; Upper- and Lower, the VJ>ller- I cour se on Jan1k'U'Y31st, ~ld a class cl.ass.nen those who begrmtrammg I W:i.l1 ('Taduate each month thereaf'ter , . ,E1ix 'weeks ahead nf the "Dodos. "Both since they entered ,in groups .of 20_'c~a.,~ses,~onstitute Ii. Company, \71; monthly for four months., :' .. d1.v1.ded1.nto three ~latoons, 1.n The most recent weather reports 1.nd1.~ turn are comnosed 01 squai:.s.' cct e that there will be suitable flying _', ~.Th, ; renks of Cadet, Lieutene weather ag:'.~n soon,so ~t, ,~ppears. tJ:lat .-ants,:Sergeants, Corporal" and "ther of- progress whl be resumeu a manuman Hcers are filled by Upperclassmen who of delay. This news has genera.ted have had previous lD1.litarv e;:perience. fresh enthusiasm ,among the entire com, ~rma.tions are_held for all mess cnl l,s , :pp.ny of Cadets, who are comp1acently,ScJ:a-sses and fl~g duty, The svst em has eager to climb again into '~he cockol t 8ptcven'Ji.1,se.lf -effective and successful:in for a frol,icsome, yet earnest;Ly'stUdi.-'-i,ts i)b3ective - that of helping to con(Continued .on Page fi) -~~, Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. " -5'V-8355, A.C. Please purchase PDF .a.A ,CCC;'3--V

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SUCCESSFUL INTERCEPTION MISSION BY NAVIGATION STUDENTS St1ldenj;navigatn,rs ,in ,the Navigation Squadron. ' i:>lLT Schobl nowbeing,con~uct~Q by ,the 5th . Bombardment roup, Hi.ckam 'Field, T.H. , G .ARJW PILOTS t6CATE LOSTSA14'.AN~ proved their metUe ill: an"advanced dead ' reckoning navigation probl.em recently, Many t imcs in the history of' a~ii\.j;ion this consisting of the interception'of heNe flyers been rescued from the bfiny the Honolulu-bound U.S. 1oJ:my Trcnsport deep by surface vessels, but'itis not BEPUl3LIe miles at sea. 380 often that the reverse is true. The' At 8:COo'clock on the morning of the unusual haJ,JPened,however, off the.;', flil1:ht, the Group Commander, ieut. Col. ' coast of too "Big Island" of Hal'I'aii'reL Walter F. Kraus, decided to make the in- cently, when Staff Sergeant Charles..G. tercept ion , the Transuoxt,havin~ been re- Cunningham,17th Air Base Squadronfand ported within the "soi'ety" li.mJ.t.of 300 2nd Lieut. Raymond Salzaiulo, 'Air P. miles. Twohours later, six :&-18ail'Co~s, 4th Reconnaissance Squadron,l1ere planes, mannedby the student navigators the C-33 Transport alrplarie .froIll and bil pilots haStily recruited for the Morse Field, Hawaii, T.H., to,Hickam "surpnse" intercention, led by the Group Field< a distance auline (and over, Commander,ook off from HickamField. t water) Clf230 miles, and were over the Each crew was fully prepared and equippe island of Kahoolawewhen they received to make the interception independently, a radio message from the 5th Bombardif necessari(. For safety reasons, how- ment Groun Radio Station to searcl:ithe ever, the aucraft proceeded to the inarea off the west C01)"st ofHal'l'aii for ter~;~tion in two plane flights. India sampan, missing since the afternoon vid navigation was performed by each of the previous day. " . crew, the lead nositions changtng-f'or At 2:10 p.m., the C-33 had located the return home': the 27-foot craft about 20 miles northThe interception was made at 11:49 a.m west of Keahole Point, and by flying at which time the Gronp assembled passe low over the boat ascertained that:the by the Transport REPUBLIC an Aloha in crew, consisting of Mr. Elmer C.Sniith, Review (which was acknowled~d by a blast his son, af,"ed2, and his nephew,'aged from the Transport's whistle) and broke 7, all of Hila, Hawaii, were aboard'S up into flights for the return home.Load- Guard was maintained until a Coast. ing at HickamField at 1:35 p.m, Guard plane, :piloted by Lieut. F.A: The 280 statute miles to the vessel Erichton, arr~ved at,4:12 ,n.m., and" were covered at a speed of 182 miles per took over the responsibility of guiding hour out and back, there being practical- surface craft to .the rescue. . "Weare ly no wind. Broken cloud banks below the happy to report," says the NewsLetter .level added. ~o the difficulty of Correspondent, "that the craft was ,towed obtamrng double dnfts.' to' safety before dark, and that the'r Radio navigation was used RS a check Captain &ndhis juvenile crew suffered on the dead-reckoning navigation,. by, t ak- litt3:e from their 26 hours adiif,t at , ing radio coupass bearings on iliO's sea." ---000--courteously sent at intervals by the , Transport REPlJELIC.:Except as a s&.fety Flj'inf Tmining at Spartan School precaution, the radio signals proved to , Gor.<;iliuedrom page 5 ). . ' f be '~ecessary, sUlce the largest error reported was five miles off course and ," two minutes difference between "ET.AJ' ani ous fli@lt into the Heavens, benton dusting the cobwebs from Lazy Eil1:hts or "ATA. " ironing out the kinks in Chandal.Ies, The following-named second lieutenants of the Air Corps performed the duties of preparatory to that coveted day when all will be transferred to Ral1aolph. nay~ga~or on the flight: Field for Basic training, another mile\hlllam J. Cain, Jr. and Paul S. stone on the road to becoming one of Elllrick, of the 31st Bombardment quadS Uncle Sam's Flying Defenders. ',. rani .' . ---000--'" NiLs O. Ohman and Harry E. Hammond of the 50th Reconnaissance ,Squadron; -Major General Henry H. Arnol.d , :Chief James T,. Posey. of the 231'0. ombardB of the Air Corps, arrived at the Grand ment Squadron; , Central Air Terminall site ?~ Robert S. Q)J.inn and WeldonH.' Smith the Flying Cadet traming detachments, of the 72nd Bombardment S~uadron; 011 January 17th to spend three ~s Render D. Denson and RaSmond P. the Los An.:;eles area inspecting. alrcraft ,Salzarulo, of the 4th Reconnaissance factories constructing 1oJ:my planes,;;(;.
-' V":"8355I~A'.Q,.:-;A
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ORGANIZATION 31ST PuRSUITGROUP OF By the Selfridge Field Correspondent Uricl.e Sam is spreading hi s wings, and fz:omthe rain-soaked tropics of Panama. to 'the c snow-ca:\lped peaks of .Alaska the1r shadow is loomng larger and more pro-

.:.::'nounced: New aerial .

! iti\r~ted

units are being ac-

for Puerto Rico, ~waii, .Alaska. Panama Canal Zone, and Va.rJLOUS s post throu;;hout the continental limits of the Unitea States. Personnel acquired as a -P:part of the expansicn program are being ~'ra:'pidly trained for positlons in'the new ~ltillltS, and production on the latest in new equipment is now under way. The :)'t Southeast Air Base at MacDill Field, r . Tampa, Fla., and the Northeast Air Base LUKE TROPHY GOES 94TH PURSUIT TO SQ;IJN, atChic0:J?ee, Mass., are being built. At ! every pofnt where a new unit is to be , Brigadier General Arnold N. Krogstad sent, personnel are hard at work prepar-CommandingGeneral of the 2nd \'ling, GH~ ;'!ing to take care of them. ' Air Force. Visited Selfridge Field, ; ~.'But there is another phase to this . Mich. on January 15th, for the purpose 8!work, and that is the organization and of presenting the Frank Luke TroPhy to 'trainilig of these new unrt s . It is not, the 94th Pursuit Squadron for aHalning :something which can be done overnight by the highest ~ery average of the year placing orders to that effect on a sheet in the GHQ. Au Force. The Trophy,which . of ,paper. It takes study, planning, nu- had been snipped from ]w,ffett Field, ., l)ierous'revisions of plans, Choosing of Calif., on S-anuary 11th by Transport, ."peb:lOnnel, requi~ition and securing of had no~ arrived. and the General leJ.lgth "'e.q1llpment and, hnally., the actual for'ened hJ.s'stay untll the 17th, ~t .~ticn .. At fi~s~ there is only the filltime he depa.rt~d for Langley ~leld. V~.' ll1gof. key posat tons to forma skeletonThe Tro~ arr-ived the folloIV1ng day , " rzed 'unit, then the gradual building and it 1S to be presented to the 94tJ?, around it. . by Colonel Henry B. Clagett, Commanding Up in the northern part of the na:ti9u Officer of the 'fhird A~r Base. , on the western shores of Lake st. Clan, The Frank Luke Hemonal Tropl).ywas :;.1 at. Selfrid"ge Field,, such a unit endowed by the .American Legion of the' 'fs being formed. It will be known {loS State of Arizona in honor of Frank .~'tlie .3lst Pursuit Group (Interceptor). Lu1cewho, by virtue of his deeds during -".':,'hen the Hon. Harry If. Woodring, Secreta the World War, won the title of the -War announced under date of Decem "Arizona Balloom Buster." The late !xb,er 28, 1939, the .constitution of severLieut. Luke was credited with 18 vic-' . aT new Air Corps units. work was ililllledi- .. ories. in 17 days. On one occasion, t ately. started on the 31st Pursuit Group. within the space of, ten minutes. he For a.time, Selfrid@8 Fiel~, the home of disposed of. three enemy bal~oons and the Fust Pur sui t 'Group, w1ll be forced two enemy arrpl.anes . In dOll1~ so he to ~Idouble up'.' and make roo'!! for the de- was subjected to heavy anti-a1~craft velopment of 1tS "foster chi.l.d.." shelling, and when he turned wi th the The Headquarters Squadron and the 39th purpose in view of strafing ground and 40th Squadrons of this Group will be troops he was brought down. .Althou;;h orr formed at Selfr~d;;e Field, while the.. severely wounded, when called upon to 41st Squadron w11I be formed at<Bolllng surrender he refused to do so and he Field,. D.C. The units will not be merge fired his pistol until he was shot ~d ,until they are tr~sferred to t hedr new killed. , -e'flOme at MitC?hel F1eld, N.Y. MaJor Harol The Tropl).y was endowed to H. George w1l~ be at the helm, ~d the . the West Ooast Pur suf t pilot who made 31st w1Ilbeg1n t9 take form, w1tJ?,plans the hi~~est gunnery average each year, for the futurebelng made. Capta1J.l John but bhi.s condition of .award was changed -,R. veteral,l Operations Offlcer and now it ~saw~ded to tJ?,e Pursuit .of .the Fust Pur-sui, t Group. has been Squadron the h1ghest gunOf t;:ansf erred. and has as sumed the same du-. nery average during the fi seal year. t,les in the new unit. The same has been . ---000--.:di:me by Captain John N. Jones in the ; n:personnel department. Caut.ain Paul B. During December, the En~ineering De:la',Wur-tsmi th; recently with the 17th Pursuit partment 'of the San Antonto Air Depot , Squadron, 'has been made the 31st Group Duncan Field, Texas, overhauled 8 airAdjutant and Commanding Officer of the planes and 85 engines and repaired 26 ,HeadJ:;,wrt.B):s Squad=n. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge 'Lieut. Charles VI, planes andthis watermark. on to remove 11 engines. V-8355 , A.C.

Stark was appointed to serve as Group 8-1, 8-2 and Public Relations Officer. Captains John F. Eagen and .Allen R. ' Springer, both veterans in this line of work, are to commandthe 40th and 39th ' Sguadrons. respectively. The key posit Ions of the Squadron and the jobs as flight com~ders have be~n allotted tq y~~~r officers of the d1fferent . Sons who have proven by past work: toot they will be more than capable in: handling them, . . Present plans call for the reffialmng: officer vacancies to be filled by new , men reporting from the flying school. ~; ---000-,.


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F.AREWELL THE26TH. TTACK TO A SQUADRON. boys throuzr; their fiilal 'aeriaJ.Yrenew. Although it was entirely unofficial,it : December 8, 1939, marked the retirement was nevertheless an impressiveisi@:1t to of the 26th Attack Squadron. As they : all on the ground. 1,'1eealized.:'tfup r took off from Bellows Field, where they , sentiment involved as each one "of .the ~had been attending gunnery camp, the pilots flew for the last time irrrthe pilots could not help thinking that this closest of all friendships -a:erial'::forwas the last flight ,they and their airmation. Tomorrowthe officers would : planes would take together, as the ships pack up their flying equipment .and head were to be retired from service as well for the 17th Air Base Squadron, "the 50tt 8.7 the Squadron. Perhaps one boy in par- Reconnai sscnce Squadron, the 23rd,'Bom-: hcular had that feeling, as in the year bardment Squadron, the ,19th Pursuit.; 1931 two other pilots of the 26th may Squadron, et c ; , but todar, the were~ have had when they took off in their still together and were "shining their, pl.anes and had to land in their pararinds" in farewell. ThroughtheiT!>re-. chutes. But we are ahead of our story. pert orre went these "fence jumpers";,? After the Sarajevo incident put Europe with the grace and skill that .daysC:of into a turmoil in 1914, a man named "position flying" under Captain Bobt s ~l C. Bolling conceived the idea of direction had taught them - fromJthe forming the 1st Aero Squadron of the New simplest maneuver to the most'"inti:-itate York National Guard. Bolling was counsel with never a mistake. Tears were'\not " for the United States Steel Co., a flyir,g far from some of the tho~tful ce~s fan, and later a Lieut. Colonel, in. on the field as the rumbllng shipSl'!. . whose memoryBolling Field, D.C., was "buzzed" the field and Pulledup'.t'6" named. . drop M-9 flares in finale. It \Vas just Soon after the United States entered then that the last plane in the Lufbery the War, this unit was federalized, named .was seen to catch and out of it ' the First Reserve Aero Squadron, and appeared a speck - the gunner leaping' sent ~o Mineola, L.1., NewYork, for to safety in his parachut.e . A hush .' traJ.nJ.nt;;. .From SeptembE}r:p, 191?, to feU 'In the hangar - everrtbemoth.e Arm1itJ.ce, the outf:l.t 1S credi ted tor~ of the other pl.anes seemed to"? . w1th see1ng serV1ce, even tho~ the hes1tate as everyw1tness wa1tedfor closest the war came to it was during a one more speck to appear. Three-:hoUrs submarine attack the d.a;f before arrival went by in about twelve seconds-s-rtne : in Liverpool. It seems that the outfit time it takes for a perfectly'discip-was made a School Squadron with the dulined pilot to hold his ship steady I dies of 'instructing other units and rewhile his crew bails out and thefiiset coots. It was soon after arriving in the stabilizer and dive out himself; As France that the name of the SQuadron was both parachut es openedv the dese~t'?9- .: changed it o the 26th Aero Squadron. A-12 gradually lowered 1ts head'ln:pa1n On June 7, 1919, the Squadron was d.eand sped faster and faster' for its.,;. . mobilized at Mitchel Field, but it was final relief - complete dest ruct tonton organized again at Kelly Field, Texas, the side of Waikele Gulch. When;thil two years later .as a part of the Third . fire trucks arrived, an all constiriting Attack Group. To this Squadron were asfire was found, one which left n6thing signed experimental types of ships. Af-but the gun barrels to salvage "In:1 ter six years. the Squadron became macMemoriam.". In the meantime, out of 'the tive and finally, in Ma of 1929, it was guava bushes came Lieut. Rolle E:,Stone,' relieved from the Third Attack Group and kir Reserve, and Private Wotonuk; a,l assigned to the 5th Composite Group at Li t.t Le shaky but still hale and hearty, Luke Field, Hawaii, becoming active at The parachutes of the two junwers" Schofield Barracks (Wheeler Field) in opened at an al.t Ltude of approx1matel.y September as part of the 18th Pursuit 1,000 feet, the men landin~ in due time Group, its members being t aken from the about 100 yards south 'of old Wheeler. 19th and 6th Pursuit SqUlJdrons and the Field,. 75th Service Squadron, The record of the Investigation revealed that theacciSquadron was an enviable one. While. dent occurred when the gunner, after there have been three unavoidable crashloading the flare, grasped the'proJeces and seven "bail-outs \ " there has not tor in both hands preparatory to flring been a loss of li~e! anu YE}t.noothE}r. the f~are. The b~tt of the projector S~uadron has part1c1pated 1n,more diff1came 1n contact w1th the ~-crad1e( cult flying, ,. causing the flare to be d1schar@d'into In eight years the 26th Squadron has the rear fuselage of the ship .. ~Na:tllhung up many trophies for outstanding rally, the fire started immediatelyf , accomplishments. . . . The 26th Attack Squadron ceased-Lt s '-, On the morning of December 8th, the tactical flying on December 8th,'~ancl 1'lo.u.adron:ppeared from Bellows Field at a was assf.gned the task of conducting the 10:45, with ~n .Acheson leading his. (Oont mued on P~ 10) - . V-8:555, A,C.



.11 I.t~l-;':.,:.J.p'



otJIiAil,interesting cross-country fliElit I The Air Corps Expansion Program opens wass ccncl.uded at 11:00 p.m. NewYear's rather tremendous 0:f'portunities for .: eEVe'j-'1whell 1st Lreut . G.E. Pierce, 2nd boys recentl:[, recrua ted - high school tieut.i .w.E. Basye. Staff Sgt. Wallace boys in the .Bir Corps apparently. "The -'10 lCart ers and. Private 1st Class S.D.Beaton Hurricane." Utah Hicl1 SChool newspaper. from';MaxchField arrived in two borrowrecently received at Hamilton Field. 17A's after ferrying an 0A-8 "Big carries a story. as follows: ... :i.10i:;Duck" ,airplane to the Panama Canal De"Last spring H.... I.was offi-;pai'tment. They took off from Hamilton cially released froin the bonds of High Field.c.Calif. ,December 4th. for Duncan School duties. It was then that he a:eField.T,exas, where they remained until' cided to give urge for flying. "Itthe 19j;hf6r an airplane check by the During last winter he took a correspon-eJ:lepo.J'ithere. Meanwhile, they were jo~dence course which dealt chiefly with ed~bya flight of four A-19's (Vultee) mechanical drawing of aircraft. In the Ifrom.BarksdaleField and a C-39 from early fall he applied for enlistment in l;arcli.' Field. The entire flight journey- the Army Air Corps. passed the examinaedto -Panama together. and tfie persont ron, arid on September became a ..-j.fCii.el;werereturned via the C-39. mechanic In the 5th.Air C0!1ls with its j0~.After. cle~ing the Me~can Oust oms base at Hami.Lt'on Field, Cahfornia.On W1d,I!mn~grat~on. and hav ing the a~:r- '. October 23rd he was transferred to the pl!3nes mS:f'8cted by a party of MeXlcan 11th Bombardment.Group and prom.oted to 1I:rIlly Ic'Lal.s in Brownsvi Ll.e on the of'f the Engineering Corps. A special plane j3~2oth; the flight :\,roceeded to Vera Cruz, I has been assigned for his activities. \;'l.Mexico ... ,Each ~y s "hop" was begun In ~ready he has spent s~vera;I- hours fl;yj;he'mornmg. wlth overnlght stopovers . ~ over. the San Franc~sco World's F~r l.i'S.rpreviously arranged by the State De- Grounds. We, theJourna.l~sm Staff.wish par.J;ment. Guatemala City was reached for H...... our former ed~tor, loads of ~i,onj;he:'21st, and San Jose, Costa Rica. luck and many happy landings." on~,the :.22nd, .. Arriving at F;rance Field. ~~s the. News Letter Co;rr~spon<!-ent: Panamar i.on the 23rd. the shrps were "Hl ranking Army authontles ml~ be, e'Lchecked in to the Depot there. and the no oubt, glad to learn of the r'api.d epersonnel visited at Albrook Field un- I advance of Hamilton Field youth: in the -tihthe 27th. at which time theC-39 military flying establishment." p:r;oceeded to Barksdale Field.' ---000:---' J.,~Overnight stops were made at Managua, P.,; Nicaragua, and Guatemala City, Ouat ema-r OFFICERS ATTEND AVIATION ORDNANCE la, on the 27th and 28th.and Barksdale SCHOOL. cl~Field'was reached on the 29th. Tt,e . longest . flight on any one dav during .An officers' class of the Tenth Ord:l0theltrip was from Guatemala.bity over a nance Service Company SChool of Aviation distence -of approximately 1500 miles. Ordnance 'was sched.ulad to start on Mon"'-lyi,th::a'fueling stop at Vera Cruz and a I dav, January 8th, at Langley Field, Va., :'3~cU$toms:c..1:leck Brolmsville.'Fo11owat I wHh one Captain and ten Lieutenants. ing' a. night flight. the ai rmen arrived . f'rnm the Ordnance School at Aberdeen _,{cat-Harch Field .at 4:00 a .m. on December Provipg Ground. hd . listed as students .:lJ.)30th. A.forced landing of the 0-39 '. for.the course of instruction in marr.ed .tms day's hop . the first trouble t ion , eguipment and training of Or ce ,v~experienced on the whole trip. Bad activit~es.' .' " . . weather was also exper renced . both .' Captain Edward P. Mechling. Director ,<,;lPi:Lotslater in" the day being forced to l<tfthe School, -sard that the course ())i;ll?Il.dthe~.:r A-17A's ~tOakland. . ffan}ilto. n would include ten different assagnment s F~elCl.belng closed an, However. JUst of specialized training for servrce "iinder the wire, both pilots arrived at with General Headquarters Air Force -bh,()i!le,to their families. after an auto throughout a three-month period. He tnn from Oakland. to celebrate the dam further added that morning hours would _. f 'the NewYear. o . be devoted. to an indi vidualJrOject "~ .r- 'Exceptional courtesy and hOtitality schedule, while during the t erneon r;f... d";;is reported b the entire fli t in the ficers woul.d be handled as one grou:f' 'stops fore~gn countries an else-. for lectures and special demonstratlons. o . lvhere .from the American Consuls, LegaIniti:al assignment and study will be .~tiori officials and. all concerned. All for three weeks witlr the Ordnance Secin. ral.l ...he t.riP?;;'as entertaining t as . t i on of GHQ. Air Force, followed by one .walLas' eXcitin~, and much valuable ex- week in the Second Wing Ordnance office :p~i1;1:qe gillnecl. . . ru:d fi v~ weeks in various jobs in. the ~dj 3(lJ:j~" ." . --:--000--Fust Air Base Ordnance Department .. Listed as .assisting Captain Mechling .a.b, . vGu', .PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. , A.C. -9V-8355 Please purchase



. .' ;:'cpf .. .

.The 6th Pur~uit Squadron, Wheeler F1eld, T;H., 1S very proud of Sergeant Paul William Stone, and there is every reasen for this feeling. Ser@ant~, Stone has, not onlJ' shown himself to be an excellent crew chief, but an inveil~ tor and designer Of no mean note as,' well. Upon the arrival in the Hawaiian Is':' Lands of the P-36A airplanes, i t.. was;.' seen that the ships were not provided with a means for carryin~ and dropping life rafts, something while flying:ov:e,r -' ' ','. . .. --J.i:.:60o~:':;:::'. ~-~ .~ '::-': water almost as vital as a parachutec.r It must have been about this, time that' Sergeant Stone began thinldng about-.a NONCO~i. MESS MAXWELL FIELD AT remedy for the situation or problem ,.at The latest venture to be established hand, for he went immediately to:-Lieut. at Maxwell Field, Ala., is a Noncommis- Holloway, 6th Squadron Engirteering':Of-; sioned Officers I Mess, which served its ficer, and told nim of his idea.,,' ;-L initial breakfast 'on January 15th. It A description ~f his desi~l,follo~s, is being operated as a convenience for but the News Letter Correspondent, isl': the Air Corps Tactical School noncommis-I afraid that it will do small~justico:to sioned, 'officers residing on the post 1 the efficient way the device i10i'ks., " and those liying ~emporarily in MontFi~st, a place has to be found I'\nor. in gomer;r. I~ ~s being conducted under. wInch to 9a.rry the raft. In Sergeant " ' the supervi saon of the Post Mess Offl,Stone 's mtnd , the b~ compartment, cer. The election of a Mess Council of door was the logical :(llace. ,.An opening three has been proposed, and the sug18" by 19" through which to pass a,r:af,t gestion is to be acted upon in the near some six feet long b;y tl,Jree feet wide!!. future. presented a problem an 1tself but, by, Approximately 50 have al.ready joined, folding the raft, this difficult;ywas ~ and a sharp increase is expected about surmounted. Sergeant Stone dupllcated February 1st, when about 300 soldiers the c01!1P?Xtment oor" and with,twentyd at MaJQnellField are to be promoted to f'our 25-1~lCh lengths of shock absorber ncnconmi ss i.oned status. _ cord, afflxed the raft to the door as' The mess is being conducted on a coa base. Incorporated in the fixture'iis ouerative basis, w1th all'members dea pin which, when pulled, releases, th~ fraying their pro rata -share, of mainten- raft from the door. :, -'? ance . It is located in .bhe north wing Next, the problem of how to throw:,the of the NoncoImnissioned Officers' Club. raft clear of the horizontal stabilizer Thanks to Te9hnical Sergeant Claud~ p~esented itself, and again with .the Langston, Presadent of the MaJQnellF1e1d a~d 9f shock cord, Stone soiyed the~~':i Noncommissioned Officers' Club, the dlfflculty by placing cords a.cross .the mess 9-idnIt. ~t ,ff to an oblique start en~r~ge t o the baggnge compartmentrand when 1tS in1tial 'breakfast was, schedulut1llzmg 1tS elastic effect to throw.; ed to be served. Apparently Sergeant ; the raft out of the ship., ,J! v';' L~ston had a hunch, for he was in the To throw the raft, the pilot merely'-; dilllng room bright and early just in pulls a device in the cockpi.t which; re~ 9ase. ,That his psychic bid was sound 1 leases the pin. holding the baggage. com1S attested toby the fact that the partment door a.n place. , _ __ ,1.: only unusual occurrence incidental to "Poo much can't be said for this:in": serving of breakfast was that the color vent ron ," concludes the News.Letterl,Gored CiV1lian cook who h9d been hired respondent, "and we hope Wri2'ht Field Saturday did not show up. feels the same w~ about it .If:"i; .An absent without leave "slum burner" ---000--,.... ',~ was no pro~1,?m,f9r Sgt. Lang~ton, for he 26th Attack Squadron (From P<ige .8),11. ' dU(!;. down ~n~o lUS bag of tncks and had Wheeler Field Trade Schools for ,trmnint; ajii.nch h:ttuer home 0': the range an enlisted men. Thus fate decreed thatjus-t "short order." The, f1ft or so who as it was a School Squadron in its 'in- ; were served all commentea. on the excel- rant days, s9 in its last days of existeace Lence of the breal,d'ast and the .prOlnpt 1t again t rams personnel for other: '~~ the tne of attrachvely at- units. '. " ;;1,) tired ~een un~formed waitresses. HowOrders were received Dec.29th~'r'ede.0 ever , little did tJ;1eY.know, ow cl.cse h signating the :26th Attack as' the 26th " they had come to m1ss1ngtne1r morlllng'sBombardment Squadron effective De-cemG'} coffee.,. ' ber 6th. .' .". " '," ,,' .0 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -10V-8355 , A.C. in the handling of the School 1 s activities are ,Major Prank F. Reed, Ordnance Officer of the Second Wing"as instructor in technical development of ordnance and aircraft equipment, and Mr. Thoma.s Gaines, civilian, as instructor in standard ordnance material. The officers enrolled are Captain ' George R. Barnes; 1st Lieuts. G:C.Cowan, Levd Pepple, War ren N. Wildrick and Robert Eo. Blodgett, Infan~ryi 1st, Lts. Alden P. Taber, C.A.C.; ,Vllllam R.Huber, John hI. Cone and George C. McDowell, Field Artillery; Arthur Cyr and Victor C. Huff smith. Infantry. NECESSITY MOTHER OF INVENTION


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~'i.':'V,:; ; (

Randol:phField, Texas, the "West Point service. The enrollment is 65 officers of the Air" - the IICity of Wings" - home who attend night classes. " of.vthe Air Corps Primary Flying School, The sixth school.- the Sohool.-of Avia496 student pilots strong. ,tion Medicine - has an enrollment at That 1 S one side of the school systefuat l thi s time of four Medical Officers of the Texas airdrome - and its main side. the Re~ar Army, with several addition:Cl~ses of approximately 250 FlyIng Ca- al offlcers from .the'National Guard exdet s. and student officers enter every six pected before February 1st. In this y,reeks;remain for a twelve-weeks 1 course 'school is given the regular three 'IOf"basic flight instruction, then pass on months' course for Flight Surgeons. ' tonKelly Field for their final phaSe beThe seventh school is another School fore receiving their wings. of Aviation iiiedicine project). but for .(But.- TENother regl,llarly scheduled,of t~ lAedil?alucrps . courses of study, or mst ructdon, are, Twe~1ty-hvepotentla+ Fllgh~ S14'geol} ,s .conducted .regularly at Field Asslstants are, deep In the lntncacles eii:ery.\Vorkingda;y; total enrollment in of the Schneider Index and other phases all ten - 525.. of the Assistants I course. " . ?oIn,addition to the flying course, the At the eighth school, where the atfirst of the ten other schools is a tendance is ap:proxirna.t~ly~OO strong! ' cthreeraonths 1 course for 25 officers ,rep- the course of Insbruct i.on lS for Fly1ng rese,nti~ practically every station in Cl;ldetapplicants from th~rallks of en-the-cont Inent al. United States. It's an hsted men of Randolph Fleld. Several instructor I s course in the operation and are expected to drop out after the pb,.y. method .of instructi'on...on the Link Ttain- I sical examinat.i on, but many successful -er ... Twelve of the training devices were applicants are expected to take the ~sl1i:pped to Randolph Field and installin mental exanunatdon for admission as ediJ:11 Hangar "Ul' for the School 1 s use. Flying Cadets in the February examina- J Four.factor,y representativescivilianstion. are.' the course. ,In School o: 9 a ~otal of.25 Na~ion:.The second school is also a three al Youth Admimstratlon men lS asargned monthai. course, the students being 24 en- for practical training in various . listed menundergoing train~ in the courses. One NYA man is studying pr'ac-rcare and maintenance of the Llnk Trainor. tical photogra:phy in the photo depart-: r.'IL~s conducted by the same four civilment; ~other ~s assigned to the Meteaan lnstructors from the factor;y-.Enlistorol.ogical, off~ce~ and sev~ral are . ed personnel from every major Air Corps learning pract ical, automotlve mechanics field,'are pursuing the course, which in the Post Garage. ,, ':wiB::''\le completed. by the end. of February. The tenth sOJ.1oo1., the smallest of and ;~',nlght course an Mathematlcs, two I them all, provides a three months' nlghts. a week, for 170 enlisted men of course of instruction for seven enlistRandolph'Field is given at the third ed men in the Post Weather Office.," The instructors, civilian teach- ularly scheduled class room lectures arc , ers from the San Antonio :public school held daily from 7:00 to 11:30 each mornsystem, are paj,d by donatlons from the ing. Practical work is scheduled for Po~t Exchange F\Jnd. Stl,ldents undergoing every work-dav afternoon . .this, course of Inst.ruct aon volunteered Thus ends, the roster of formal, reguf'or; it. T~y. are showing such enthusiasm larly schedUled schools now being conthal:. an addi t Ional, course of study in ducted at Randolph Field. Including Busmess En.I;lish and Army Paper Workis the Flying Cadets and student officers -cont'emplatecl. ",', 'in the regular flying course, a total .In the .fourth sc::hool~here is conducted of ~021persons are enrolled in all the a course an practlcal rorplane nechanfcs. vanous classes. The enrollment is 80 enlisted men, from Applicants for connnissions in the RegMaster Sergeants downto recruit priular Army are stud.ying individually for vates. The course is designed. to refresh the exams schedulea for Februar, a . :the me1pory many veteran noncomateston-. of c,?urse/?f cl.asaroom study and dlSCUSecj.offlcers who have been in administrasaon bemg tentatl vely ,scheduled to get "hye ,work for several years. Judging' under way soon. . " ' :0" from,the response, the course, including Dont t forget the Post Grade SchOol! work on the student test blocks, will be :part of Texas State .school System., t a continuing one. ' " lS temporarily closed - reason ,measles . , Th:ei, fifth school features a regularly The normal enrollment is about 125 p~~syriged,course of instruction for jun-youngsters. , 1.or'-offwers with less than two years" (Continued on Page 12) Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. .2.A ",," -1 V-8355 , A.C.


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Mo~fett . ,111 -r-,;;L; Effectiye January 1, 1940. Lieut.' .. ' ""dc'::: 'IYc~ Colonels ltempor1;U'Y) Donald.P .~e and. Ph1.l. ArT;rj . Air Corps" - - -' -" '.~;:>l~" ~~ ~~~ Asa. N. DunCBIl, Air Corps, 'and Majors.. Po e . 1 1 -' ~.,",_0 -",~. " (temporary) Robert .T. Zane' ~dLeROY A. "J: 1 ,.. .. 2' , .. :-. ...... '1~ 'I"i,n. - . l' -, ~ IVal thall ,Air Corps; were gl ven perman- .1'\ti.L.L d0 pu Scott - - - '- ..._' 1 ent pronotaons in. their .respect Ive' SelIr.idge' 1 1 .:': -":':'~::'~~l 'eL' grades.' '. , .. , r ..: . . Total . I2' TI) 1:5 ~ "'D:'.:.'Ib: ':32'.;rEffective January 6, 1940, the fol- -, '.'~ :>J.lJ.:JJ.. ... : ~; __ -: .. . [()::i. -. lowing-named First Lieutenants of the Air Corps were promoted to the rank of "'CSCarburetor speCialistif!; 3dJ Captain: ... ES' Ele'cttiCIl1 ,bj:;8ciallststar;7i!'! NormanB.. Olsen" William R. Mor~ PS -.Pro~eller ~peciclis~~sb .~9! Curtis E. LeMa:y Philo G.Maisenholder . 'R'RMl. T.., .Rad:1.O Repauers & OlJerators KeIll}ethR. Crcsher John W. E~ . i't's . - Link Trainer Suecialistsi"'J Loui.s E. Mass1.e Hanlon H.Van Auken PR - Parachute Riggers . L .fIjcf!~',;,b Stuart P.Wricl1t Robert O. Cork IS .. Instrument SPecialist:s [;9. J William C. Dolan William C; Mills. AM - Aircraft Machinis~s f,;;6L'.-',', Ivan L. Farman Herbert H. Tellman ---000--- . ., ~j~G'H;) "" E:..~8e~ Wm.A. Schul.gen " John K. Gerhart Daniel B. White Harold L. Mace ARGENTINE AIR OFFICERST CRANUrEF'16 A . , ... ~~~."'f'IO.J Donald H. Baxter Elder Patteson Roy T. Wright Francis H.Gris\7old . MajorsLuisE.Brizuela. Edward W .. AJ:iderson Leon R. Brownfield Hermannson , of the Argentine Air. Corps. John C. Covington Robert W. Burns . were recently assigned to Class ..l2~of.'~." Winslow C. Morse DanielW. Jenkins . Airplane Mechanics, Department of' M6C'~"7: Casper P. West William M. Prince chant cs , Chanute Field BranchGf'~h':ti WIll. L. Kennedy ClarEinc F .Hegv e Air Corps TechniCal School.The,abov@.Jesse Auton James P. Newberry mentioned !'fficers each have JohnP. R.Yan' Stoyte O. Ross years of service wit1,lthe. Ai'~nt:i.n~.l~~.~.' ". Robert S. Ma.crum Joseph W. Baylor .IlrIJIy, f('lurteen of bhs .A1T"a;; th C.L. Munroe, Jr. iVin. J". Clinch,' Jr. Corps, Both nfficers expressed their' Llewellyn O. Ryan . a~preciatioil for the bPportunity. !0\.t~, . Effective January 1, 1940, Lieut. Colonel Benjamin G~ Weir was Fomoted t-o be here" and are very g.Ladt<i"learn, ':,J Colonel (t emporaryI and Capta1.\lDudley. . and see how thil1@ are carried .Or;.,'iIl' :' the U.S. Army. Air Corps." . 'l!_, W. Watkins to Major (temporar/) , while ---000--. ~'.'j ':1'1: effective January 18, 1940,Ma.;or T Shiras A. Blair wt3{l promoted to Ld eut . Various Schools at Randolph'.F~ela~;J Colonel (temporary); and Capt~n Lyman (Continued from Page ll); P. Whitten to lI.ajor (temporary)








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Unofficial classes in $Panish' and~'r~ French are held several t'imes per week.:: A couple of officers are taking night,. courses at St. 1vlart s University in .S@ On Ja.nuary 12, 1940, 124 students graduated from the Chanute Field Branch Antoni,o . Each of the six Squadrons,,." hold, regulaT classes for noncommission~ of the Air Corps Scho('l1, the number taking instruction in dlfferent courses ed officers, recruit school/ etc .. ,,' All added together, the l;st makes ~ from the various Air Corps stations be~posing.additlon to the~1.n .course:pf ing indicated below, viz: mstructlon at Randolph Fleld - teach-, Field.s Courses . ing student pilots to fly BT-9Is"J ",0 CS ES PS RRMJ LTS PH IS.AM .. ---000--!. ,,:.''7.'. ~:' '. .B Atlanta -1 - - .. Bolling - 1 2 - 1 AWAPJ) CONTRACT OF FORPROPEill1:RS 0;> Boston' - ~ 1 - -' Barltsdiile .2 2 1 2 The Assist?nt Secretary of War, .the f Chanute 1 1 1 20 .2 1 . 2 Hon . Louis Johnson, announced,.under-.: '. Duncan' - - l' . date of January 29th that an ffiv?Idof ,a Fort Benning1 contract totalling $1 ,040,17;;:,00 had~J't . Fort Lewis - - l' been made to the Hamilton stlilldat'd J':r:o,Hamilton 1 1 1 .2 pellers J?ivision of the United .. \J,rcra:ft f Kelly - - 2 - 2 ~ ,Dorporahon, East Hartford,Conn:";',f9t:. 4 1 ~ the procurement of ~ropellerAS.' $~m~~l~s .. ':'.'. c~,~.. - _" - , and Control Assemblles. . .' . :. "2I!!41VI Maxwell 1 '3 -; Please purchase PDF 1 - 1 6on to remove this watermark. Split-Merge ,MitcbeJ.... 3 1 V-8355, A.C. - 2GRADUATIONS FROM TECHNICAL SCHDaL


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ACTIVITIESOF THESECOND BOLIBARDMENT GROUP : Colonel Robert Olds, after three and the men have taken an interest in years 1,- duty as Oomaand ing Officer of the improving the surrounding area. 2nd, Bombardment Gro\W, Langley Field, Va., In accordance with the Air Corps \7a~ ordered to. duty In the ~fice of the Training Program, the ~quadron detailChref .of the Air Corps, We.shmgton,D.C. ed students to the varIOUS branches of . The .per rod during which Col. Olds was the Air Corps Technical School for ih .conmand of the Group was one of hard training' one beingjsent to Scott -work, 'eJo..-perimentation and outatanddng Field, 111.. aful. t!l1'ee to Lo\ill'YField, achi.evemsnt for the organization. Under Denver Colo. Thi'ee men were, also , Col. Olds I exceeG.ingly able direc~ion I se~t to, the Cooks & Baloers School at , the Oroup has been so successful In de-: Fort Meade, Mi. monstratlngthe feasibility as well as . the desirability of the B-17 type arr96th llOmM.rdmentS~uadron: The plane. in Bombardment operations that trlttrling; fof tM laVer part .of ,Dec::eJ!1this airplene has graduated from the. bel", consfated of insFume;J.t tequallfldoubtful~ experimentel stage to a POSIcat i.on, routlne bomb ing nn ssaons , and. tion of rirst importance, completion of specialized training far "These accomplishments are attributable Reserve officers. directly to Colonel Olds' policies nhich On December 6, 1939 this Squadron, re~ulted in maximumsafety precautions forming the le~ing 13iement. of the belllg observed," says the News Letter GrouPi accomplIshed a demolItlon bombCorresuondent, "and at the same time max- ing'f ight on MulberryIsland. The imum.etficiencyof operation and success- bombs d,fopped were 1100 Ih. and 600 lb. ful completion of missions were attained. demolitlO~, and the aftermath was conHis record of worthwhile achievements siderable confusion and hysteria among during these years speaks for itself. .the native inhabitants of the lower There is nothing of note that we can add. peninsula. Telephones began ringing It has been a pleasure and a urivilege with frantic calls for information as tolserve under such a leader." lIlay the to wnere the earthquake was. There new year hold all that you desire of sue- were also inquiries concerning a naval cess: and happiness , Goodbye. Bob, and battle. Fears were soon allayed when good luck." word went forth that the Air Corps was ----. doing a little practice bombing. A board of examirring officers, headed -----. by iAajor John W. l~onahan, with Major EdCautain W.C. Bentley and 1st Lieut. ward A. Hillery, Captain George H. Mac- J.H:Feagin returned to the organizaNair J. 1st Lieut. Frederick E. Calhounci. tion after compl.etdng the three months 1 Air corps , and Captains K.. Gould an course at the Air Cor-ns Tacticcl School Joseph A. Baird, Medical Corps. as mem- at Maxwell Field, Ala". bere, met 21 Reserve officers of the 2nd Bombardment Group who are competing for 20th Bombardment S~uadron: 'The the recently announced Regular Army corn- I S~on recently re eNed two B-17B missions. Of these Reserve officers, a~rplanes, but at present are restrictthree, come Under the provisions of War edto the 3-17's because the "B's" Department Circular Ira. 76, which permit have been grounded due to supercharger 'men over 30 years of age to take the ex- trouble. amination. . Li.eut . Carl lV. Carlmark returned to following his graduaA t~ctical ins~ection of thecGro~ was the organization tion from the Air Corps Tactical ~held by General Krogstad, the 2nd \lIng School, lvla=ell Field. Ala" and the -Coamander , and his staff. The inspectio expiration of a leave of absence. Capt. oi'troo:ps \1'<).S followed ~y an ins}~ction N.B. Harding, the other graduat-e from of tactICal transportatIon and tkqngBr the Tactical School, tooK ten days I activities. . leave. Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron: crew. The expansion program necessitated mov in Lieuts. Tate end Clark, with ~~7ell a 3-18, spent five days at ing.from brick barracks to three new t em Field, ,Ala., providing a tow ship with .porary wooden barracks. Squadron person service test targets for 'nel inCreased since December 1, 1939. to of personnel tow that station. t,he use at ' .the extent of 20 enlisted men, causing a "COmplete move to new ~uar~ers. The SqUad Infornation ITas received that this ron' also' began operat lng Its own mess at . .thi's.time in another wooden building ad- Squadron wi.Ll, expand and form the 25th ~j6i:ii~ng the new Locatj.on , Everythi~ is pB6e~lbda.rI'n'dmg in February, 1940. fenl'nelt Group running smoothly In the new "colJlIl1Ullity". station in Puerto Rico, Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. "', -13'V-8355 A.C . ) .-.'1.
.' "-,. I, ' I _

r~' T -..:Lieut



On hearin: of the death of Mi': Brown, Presfdent of United Aircraft Corporation, Major General Henry H. .Arnold, Chief of the Air Corps, made the fo11owin/?:.statement: c, , "The report of the passing of Mr.~Don L. Brown, President of United Aircraft Corporation, was a great personal; shock to me, and will be received by the,.en:-, tire Air Corps with the sorrow that, 10 comes from the loss of a true friendJ~o and staunch supporter. : ',,,,.10;' Mr, Brown 11205 been int imately aSsQC,;L;:-, ated with aviation since 1915. In 1921, he became Aas isbant Factory Mall~r of" the Wright AerOlw.utical Corporahonand has been personally interested in. the development of the engines of tha.t .com~ and of Pratt and Whi~ney.f9r "t~e." save . . pasu ninet-een years. Dur-ing thi s .hme, ---000--he has worked closely with Air qo:rps ";;1 officers, has understood their problems, 27TH SQUADRON :eSTABLISHED PORTO IN RICO and has striven energetically and,suc-cessfully in the production of power i';1 The .air echelon of the 27th Recon.~ais plants for airplanes which have to,dO,' sance Squadron, Air Corps, led by Mn.jor so much to maintain the preeminence of t .American military aviation. The entire Delmar H. Dunton, arrived at :Borinquen Field, Puert 0 Rico, from Langley Field, Air Corps. joins the aviation industry '. Va., for permanent change of station, in mourning the passing of one of its .:.. on December 5, 1939. TIle flight congreat pioneers and outstanding gent Ie-. men. 11 sisted of nine B-l8A's, with a crew of 20 officers and. 28 enlisted men. Over---000--night stops were made at Lliami, Fla., . 1 ana: C8JIUlUoy, Cuba. Since -no difficulTHE NEW SECOlID BOMB.ARDMEI.'lT COM' GROUP DR ties were encountered and good weather conditions prevailed, the trip was enLieut. Colonel Clyde V. Finter, Air.,,' joyed by all concerned. . Corps, assumed conmand of the 2nd BomThe remaining officers and enlisted bardment Group, Langley Field, Va., on' men of the Squadron arrived at 'San Juan, Jrnuary 5, 19~'(); when Lieut. Colonel Puerto Rico, from Old Point Comfort ,Va., Robert Oldsleft for duty in the Office aboard the U.S. Army Transport CHATJi:AU the Chief of the Air Corps,Washington of TillERRY,on November 21, 1~39. Colonel Finter, says the News Letter' The camp is undergofng construction, Correspondent, is very popular with the and at present cons~sts of a 5,OOO-foot officer and enlisted personnel of the temporary runway, a few temporary 2nd Bombardment Group, and "we aJ:l wish buildings and a tent city sheltered by him the best of luck an his new found.' beautiful palm trees. The Squadron is duties as "OUR' Group COlllIll&lder.".";...i~ . -14V;-8335, AI,G,. ar

the new Group will occupy the Limter-'. than-Air barracks at Langley Field. The Sq~on was busily engaged in camouf'Lagfng two B-l7]'s and one B-18. for displBlf at Bolling Field, D.C., during January. 49th Bombardment SQuadron: Captain F. H. Robinson and IstJ:;~eut. R.S. Freeman, both of the 49th Bombardment Squadron,. returned to Langley Field on December 9th with anot~ernew B-17B.f9r thi~ Squadron. Th~s'J;lew!,st ad9-~hon brl~ the total.of avai.Labl,e sh~ps up to thirteen - 3 B-l7]'s, 4 B-17's, 3 B-18's, I A-I? 'and.2 P-12's. The Squadron expects to nave Lt s fourth B-l7B 0:,.- February. ----In a recent 2nd:- Bombardment Group t actical mission in which three of the 49th Squadron's ]-171s participated,' many interestin~ developments took place. The 8th Pursui.t Group was to interc~pt the ?n9- l?ombar9-mentGroup after leaVlng the ~J;l~~~?1poant . The alhtude for the lll~tlal departure was' 25,000 feet, and a gradual descent from the sun towards the target was to '\Je made so as to level off for the bomblUg approach at 12,000 feet. ----'. The Squadron reached its authorized strength of 206 men. In addition, 18 men DIe attached to the Squadron, who are assigned to various duties. The new recruits are being trained in .their res:pective departments by new methods of mstruction which are designed to keep pace withthe expansion program, and the results are pleasingly impres- I

in: full operation, however, and flying goes on as per schedule. Weather condit~ons are i9-el?1 for flpng, with.p::~-. t unImtedce~llngs and v~s~b~llty. "Recreation," says the News.Lette!;,: Correspondent, "has been limi~ed.t9 . n1 plBlfing with cocoanuts and gomg for ;;..;: : strolls along the miles of bea1!-tifUl!;". sandy beach. Swillliilingwas somewhat :di~couraged when a number of sharks were ..' s~en lurking near the s~ore. Witll the , monal,e of the Squadron,and,con->: struction progressing rapidly under [the direction of Major KarlS. Axtater,'Air Corps, Borinquen Field should be O.riwl:; top very soon. , Ii..: . ---000--.r , ' . . .'f~:;::', IlEA...mtI OF PROMINENT AIRCRAFT MANUl!'.ACTU.RER


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Niiw:sound recording equipment now be- attachment whiCh supplies the description or instructions with a simple meing installed 'in the Mo~ion Picture thod of synchronizing the sound with Branch of the Materiel Division at ' " V/rild1t'Field is comparahl.e to that used the film. -in"tlie'motion picture studios on the Reports from the service test ~ll de~ is suit-' West:,Coast. This Branch heretofore was ternune whether this projector able for a new form of instruction arid ' 'soniewhat handicapped by the limitations education. ' . of,~availahle equrpment . 'ie'henthe new 'Slides, with all their attending awk-, eq~pment is put lnto use, the quality , of.l'-tne techniCal, historical and educa- wardness, are completely eliminated. Thirty-five Iilillimeter strip-film is : tional films produced for the Air,Corps used. A'lever shifts scenes as desired will be on a par with commercial news TIle first scene is easily framed in th~ reels and short subjects, and corresprojector. Proper sequence is auto" cpondi~ly more effective. ' I-'The Inroroved sound film recording and mat1c and "upside-down" impos-; sible after the first scene has been : re-recording machine consists of, three shown correctly. ~ilm'~onographs and. one sound projec, Should it be desired the film can be -tor wlth the lOur unlts interloCked elshown without sound and the lecturer 's' ,ectticnlly with constant speed mot ors , substituted, or,additional -The, film phonographs provide a means of description explanE'tion'can follow the recording , reproducing a sound fllm track through description. " , a Toud speaker and at the same time Three types of subjects will be usedj transferring this sound to a sound re1. Illustrations of selected Air ,; cord "machtne . A mixer permits mixing CorPs Technical Orders. ~ the-var-Ious sounds in <my combination 2., Instructional types dealing with of volume desired. This method is more the construction and maintenance of an: economical than the old system, which item of equipment. . sometimes necessitated IDEJnY "trial" 3. A uulJhc relations type, using miXes. ' selected. training centers as subjects., . ~~Thus'four different sources of sound The slides which illustrate TeChnical can De edited as desired onto a single Orders will be produced to s~plement : soundit rack. For exarnple, a film respecific Technical Orders, WhlChcan ~ quiring motor noise. voice~ machine best be eX?lained by pictorial descrip7 gunning and bombing in the same scene, tion, but m no case,will the slides , can ,be produced with complete,control s0,.that,the voice remains amlibleand re:place,,.printed Technical Orders, Cap-' tam J.b.. Fite, Chief of the Motion thef:firing does not drown out the en-' ,gina'noise. . - , Picture Branch. em.Jhasized. , The slide projectors are readily port.. ntil now, reproduction of the four . u able and' can be,plugged into ar.r:tlamp noises'just mentioned could be accomOne advantage over motlon picplished only with difficulty, ,if at all. socket. It:'vlas:necessary to make separate' reture equipment is that an inexperienced operator can handle it ' " . cordings of each sound. Tlie four, re-' Accordingly, they can be 'used where cords wltre then Placed on f'our turntab~es\si~lar ~o.Victrolas) and P~8lf- no motion picture equipment is r..vailed; mto a stngl e mi.crophone to comoane able. , The sound recordin~ c?Jl be. made by 1'1Il expert who has speclalned an the them into one sound track. ' Adequate' subject, so that an ideal medium of control of the volume of each of. the d:iss,emirration'of latest developments ,fo~ sounds was extremely difficult, iE'.ndplacement of the separate sounds' may resul.t , ~ If service tests .substanthe projectors will according to the scenarlO was. tedious tiate this belief, of even with t\70 sounds, and virtually iIil- be useful in Widespread distribution possible '.7ith a larger number: The new technical improvements within the Air Co~s; in certain phases of 'publicreequipment can readily combine four Lat Ions , and as an effective means of sounds in any proportion, and, should study by enlisted men. s~ a requirement arise. superimpose , ---000--"three new sounds on the first four, and three more on the first seven, etc. bThe' Motion Picture Branch also an- , , Special Orders of the War Department ' ncunced, that three sound film projecdirect Captron John 'v. Kirby, Air Corps, tors ',',ill soon be sent out for service' stationed at Barksdale Field, La:. to testing. These are modern versions of proceed to his home on or about Februthe ,old 'lantern slide projector. Sound ary 10, 1940. and await retirement. is -added by incorporatmg a phonograph ' . Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. , A.C. , -15V-fl355

the new automatic revolvingcUIiolwlvl<!.i:"c cleans itself Oybeing rotate'd' b~,,~he oil pressure. The carbon deposits'Slare It seems that the trips to Panama.f'or washed out the strainers replaced', and the purpose of ferrying airplanes i are by ten 0 I ciocle we were on our,:Way;iagaj,n. more or less of a mental hasard due to The ground fog had disappeared,' and,.we lude'differences in climatic conditions, proceeded to San ant omo without ,further elevations of different landing fields , mctdent . Wecould see Austin, Texas', ' and the fact that quinine makes the 25 miles a\v8:3" , and San l&".I'cosandNe\'t head roar and C8.U$esoss of sleep and :Braunfels soon came into vrew.At ten l relaxation, minutes past twelve we landed at -Duncan On the recently completed trip in De- Field. and our flying for that ~ was cember by Captain Lloyd H. Watneeand over. " ,;"1,1 Lieut. Orville L, Oakes in a G-39 Trans- After unloading our baggage an~Lget]plort, four YA-l9 Vultee Attack planes ting set t Led we began to check up',a,t,.'" and one 0A-8 Sikorski .Anrphibian were DuncanField, at the Officers I Cl,U,', ron' taken to PanDJDa the' personnel then how nwny of the other planes of. the,' , and returned to Barksdale Field. flight had arrived and when all, .of ,them 'The flie;ht started on December11th wouId be in. Welearned that the o.!I.:"8, from Barksdal,e Field, La., the homesta a large Sikorsky .Amphibian,piloted' oy , tion of Captain Watnee, whowas desig1st Lleut. A.E. Pierce, with 2nd'Lieut, nated Flight during the en','.E. Basye, co-pilot, and crew consist':' tire trip by radiogra.uSpcicJ. Orders ing of Staff Sergesnt ':V.A, Cart-er;:'[" of The Ailjutrott General I s Office and Ae'rial Engineer;Pri vat 13 S.D. Beaton,: , sWcial authority from the Chief of the radio operator, had. arrived on December AU' Corps. At elght thirty that morn- 6th, in order to put their plane in the ing, Captain Watneeand his crev, con- Depot for re1Jairs. One YA-19had been' sist~ of Lieut. Oakes as co-pilot; ferried from the World's Fair Displ8:3". Staff Sergeant Forest Chandler. Aerial via '1ri~t Fieldl Dayton, Ohio, to 1 ~~neer, and Private H.E. Bamberg,the ,Duncan~~eld, an<;L ~ also iIi tJ;leshop w o OPerator, were read;y for take-off for reoai rs , This lS a large, slncle-;\ in the c-39, Transport aasIgned for the motorea Attack p~ane, built by VuItee," flight, des1gnateaKF-9. Three more of thlS type were scheduled Barksdale Field was at 8:40 to arrive from MarchField at 5:30- .'" a.m.....with the flight plan showingDun- p.m., thus cOlllpleting the complemeilt';of can l!'ield, San Antonio. Texas, as our planes schedul8dto gp to Panarnain- ,~ q.estination on this first leg of the, this flight.' , : J~, ' Journey. ,'" At 5,:33 we saw the three YA-191sin The Weather Station had given us formation corning in from the West, .as clear and unlimited except for a: dense e~cted.,These ships had left,MarCh ground fo~ the first' thirty minutes out Field e.:u-lyin the morning and 'had", f or approXlmately the first 85 miles f'Lownto ]lggs Field, El Paso, Texas;' from ShrevepOrt. 'Wewere only eight' for gasoline, and luncheon for 'the ,perminutes, out of :Barksdale when the left sonne~, and,then departed for San:-lll motor 011 pressure ~ began a,g;rad- A;,~onlo. Lleut. Aaron,W; Tyer.,tlie Ll ual descent an reoolng, and at elgnt fllght commander f thi s formatlon ,> o fifty the red warning light-on the left signalled for a columnlanding, ~ .the motor oil pressuresystern was flashing 'three' pl;;.nespulled .i,n to the line. at us a tell-tale story of "Turn around DuncanF:!.eld., exactly 5:40p.m., jUst at Mr. Doakes and seek someterra firma." about ten minutes after Old Sol had, t So at once we did that very thin .. and ,:,; hidcien hrs face behind the horizon 'and called the radio contro l, t ower, telling left a ruddertnilight. clow in tho' westthem that we were turl1ln~ back on ac- I ern sky. The other Inlots and crew I count of oil ~ressure f'af.l.ure, and 1'13- membersof this flight were 2nd Lieuts. questing perlUlssion to notify traffic J,V. Dennison, W.A. Hatcher ,and Clyde' so that we could comeright III and land Box, Air Corns. Technical Sergeant d without any delaY aswe a:.qproached the M.E. Geier and Staff Sergeant,Frank field. At exactly nane 0 clock we ware lBayne rode as passengers to Panamawith back on the line at Barksdake, and the the flight, and remained' there pending ground crew turned out to give the oil t~c.nsfer to, South American aSsignments. system the once over. Lieut . Denni.sonwas to proceed from Sumps,purnps, hoppers and cuno strain-Panama to Venezuela, where he has been s ers were checked, and it was found that asRigned as Assistrott Attache: .. .., carbon collection on the manually oper,.TU:o sday, December12th. was sp6nt'.~in ated cuno strainers had caused the or~izing the officer uersonnelofthe pressure failure: This meant that wJ:len fllght. into rot administrative set-uP 'by we reached the Air Depot at ThmcanFieldthe Fllght Commander, nd the following a we would get these cunos replaced with Departmental assignments were;niade:' 1 -16,".A. C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8355

A FERRY FLIGHT PANAMA To By 2nd Lieut. Orville L. Oakes, A, C.



r!:O'p~rati:oz:.s Deputy F1~ght Commander:Fie1.d at 2: 55 p.m, for Albrook Field, and _" ..lst LIeut. A. W. Tyer, and arrived there twenty minutes later. f)'Assistant OPerations: The YA-19' and 0A-8 were left at the' s .Jrl).,2nd' Lieu,!;. Clyde Box: Depot at France Field. \7e remained at" .1lJAdjutant:.Lst Lieut. G.E. Pierce; Albrook Field over Christmas and were 'Billeting s: Transportation and AP-:ent very royally entertained by the offi.";,;Fihance ~nd Lieut. William E. lJasye : cers on duty there. Lieut. Dennison Sup:\lly:2nd Lieut. William A. Hatcher; remained in the Canal Zone pending his Englneerinil': 2nd Lieut. J. W. Dennison; departura for Venezuela. Comrrtunicatlons: nd Lieut. Orville L. 2 On December27th we departed from l' Oakes. " GuatemalaCity at 6:25 a.m., and made a J;Wednesd8.y;December13th, was spent dash for home, arriving at Vera Cruz in checking with the Depot on the airat 9:45a.m.; took on gas, and departed :planes and equipment; and making a trip et 10:20 for Brownsville , arriving In. the C:-39to RBndolphField to visit there at 1:15 p.m, Here the customs ofthe. Finance Officer. Al"rangements ficials looked over all our shopping were.madefor the payment of vouchers gains and purchases which we had made '(and es~imates on the amount of money in Panamaand Guatemala. Departing "i1eededfor expenditures enrO'Ute." from Brownsville at 2:45 p.m., we ar'? Thl;ll"sday, ecember~4th, was spent D rived at DuncanFi,?ld at 4:25.p.m. get.tln~ ready and makingnecessary di~ter turmng In' pIstols and JUngle pl'omatlca.rrangements. ' kits we departed at 4:55 p.m. for Friday December15th, was spent mak- llandolph Field and arrived there at ing.fihia checks on :\llanes and getting 5:20 p.rn, Here"our AP-:ent Fina'lce Offi::off clast minute det ai.Led radiograms. cer checked in his extra sheckels with .. On Saturday, December16th, all ships the Finance Officer. Wethen departed were ready except one YA-19. On Monday,from Randolph Field at 6:00 p.m., and the scheduled date of departure, one I t',Vohours later landed at :Barksdale " .. lane was st ill not ready, but, orders p FIeld, .La,.; our orders carried out and 'came stating that permission from Mexico the tnp completed. Everyone on the had,," ,been granted an9-~hat the fligf'it " 'I flipht enjoye" the whole routine, felt d .t~qul;j:proceed as onglnally schediil.ed , that they had really been someplace, iAt-l:49 p.m., Ca:\ltain\Vatneein the" I and were &lad t o get back. ". ","C-'39 th the fllght of ~ne 0A-8 and wi The.pntne t rf.p wez:.t~ong smoothly -.three YA-19' departed f"r Brownsville. and wi thout .specfal. mcadent.s of any s A radrogram from the Chief r s office or- kind."". ..' ," , ' dered us back to DuncanField to wait Guatemala.Cit;[, Guatemala, is "nee! for instructions on carburetor changes the ~ost beautiIul cit~es in C,?ntral and until the other plane was ready to ~erIca. The'country IS most l.Il1presaccompanythe flight. Weimmediately l?Ive, mcxiernadvancement with r took off for San lintonio and landed at ItS beautlful lakes and mountains and .DuncanField at 6:15 p.m. extreIJIely clean cities. All people in -''''Tuesday, December19th, the entire the dIfferent Central Ameri9allcountries flight cleared DuncanField at 11:15 are very hospitable and respectful toand landed at Br~wmsville at 12:55. ward A'l1eric&'l isitors. v The trips are p~."e, arat.rons were.made to remain ?ver~ certal"nly educational or .8:'51' individu' _,m It. Captaizi Vlatneemade offICIal al who. as never been In southern h ; C Is on the Mexicanofficials in I COuntrle~. All personnel at France and '''Matamoras, and all personnel stopped at I Albrook ~ield sent season's greetings ,,~heEl Jardin Hotel. """ . I and best ',Vishesto. their many friends ",:' On December20thwe departed from I and acquaintances In the States, par-'BroWnsville for Vera Cruz, Mexico, Leav-j ticulai'ly in the, ,Air Corps. ,,' " W!:a" 7:40 and arr.iving at 10:55 a.m. t ---000,;,,-'~~,Daparting from Vera Cruz at 7:10 a.m., ",," ~c:ember21st, we arrived at Guatemala 8THBOMB. SQ.UADRON .srAGES.GEl'-TOGErBER CIty at 10:55 a.m. ". I ' " . . " OnDecember22nd we departed from , I The 8th Bombardment quadron at BarksS ";'GuatemalaCity at 7:25 ~.m., and arrivdale Field, La:, on"~turday, January ~ " 'ed .. t san Jose, Costa Rica; at 11:25 . 14th, gave a dinner" III the Squadron a 'a.m.. " ,,' mess hall, the eccaston being a sort of Leaving San Jose at 7,:25 a.m., Decem-"round-up" of avaiLahl,e former memper, s "bet 23rd; we arrived at France Field, I and all present personnel , to - (1) celPanama Canal Zone at 11:50 a.m, Lunch- ebrate the promotIon of manyof ItS deI!!.eoli;':anda lovely affair it was, was 1 s,?rvill,('; embersto higher grades in ' m ~['serv'edby. the officers and ladies of lIne WIth the Air Corps expansion proythe-qlub. Major~ouse and his command gr~; (2, commemorate the re,?ent re.,...~ent"their best WIshes to their friends deSIgcat" aon frqm Attack te LIght BomIn .the"State,s. Wedeparted from France bardiiient, and t3) to bid farewell to .J.A .t, '-':' -17V-8355, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.


those who will be assigned to new organ- SCHOOLING AIR CORPS FOR HIS1']!:!.. .l!llilN izations as they are formed in the ex. '- ;,~.Ll pc.ns~on,:pro~am. '. . Colonel Jol)n F. C1?Ty, C0llJ!!l8lld~i_OfBTlFJ-er General L. Martln, fi~er of Hami.Ltonl!'lela., Cal~f.';'and. 3rd Wlng Commander; Major Lester J.. llaJor Raymond Mo~rlson met wlth ~ocal~ Maitland, former CommandingOfficer of and State educat.Ional, leaders on Janu; the 8th Squadron and famed Trans-Pa.cifi:: ary l~th,. and plans were made for the' flyer; Major Younger A. Pit~s, former ~r@anlza~lon of cl~ses in.varlous ~ub8th Squadron CommandingOfflcer and Jects whlchare'belleved 17111 beneflt, 9aptaln.Felix Guillet, present. 6 ommand- enlisted men at the. Hamilton Field'~! ang Offlcer of the -Squadron, were .the Base. Some 150 enllsted men have,slg" main speakers who addressed the g,ather- nified their intention of pur-suing' c.eririg. Master Sergeant JO.inger,' 8th tain courses. The educators whomeYs Squadron First Sergeant for a number of I7ith Colonel Curty and i.lajor iv[orrison years, also spoke. He has the distincincluded: Dr. J.C. Beswick and. J.:'\;.' . , ti~n of having been a member of the 8th Sullivan, State Department of. Educntion; for fifteen ;years, which is believed to Oliver R. Hartzell and E.A. Wells;' Supt. be a record 10 the service. He has and Principal, San Rafael High School; gone from Priyate to Master Sergeant in E.E. Wood, Principal, ~anJ?lpais High'. thil same ~.Quadron. '. School; A.C. Onley Prdncapal of Marin Lieut. Gliarles D., Jones has been asJunior College' If.E. Greer, Marine'.' L signed to the 8th' Squadron for four County School SuPerintendent, and C~A. years and 10 months ~ .ther~b establishCooper, Counselor. It is planned that mg another record ror Le h of serthe state ann county school organfzavice for an officer. He dressed the tions furnished the teaching staff.' . men and congratulated them upon their. '. ---000--.'. promot ions, s83ing further that the en-' .:. viable record set. by the orgaI}ization .APPRENTICES GRADUATE FROM SAN .Al~ONIO was due l?-J'gely to a number' .of o+d hands AIR DEPOT. : .who kept the auplanes m such flne' . ,;' condition that a pilot never had to The first result of the appreriticEij~1 worry about the condition of a ship system, est9blished in the Engineering once ~t was turned .over to him for flySho'pl' .of the San. Antonio Air DepOt'~;l. i];l.... Duncan Fie] d , T..,79.S, about four years Major Maitland;. who commandedthe 'Bth ago, was observed on January 12th; 'when for three years, ;-ecalled. the safety. .the members of tJ:1efirst ~aduatiI,lg ( record of not a slngle casualty ln the class of apprentlces recelved thelr'. , past seven years of cperat ion, although. certificates of graduation as journey-flying under. very rigorous condit rons men in their respect i ve grades. The ,. certain maneuvers. . certificates were presented; with -an-. All speakers commendedthe Squadron inspirational talk, by Lieut. Colonel for its ):li/!h morale and loyalty:, and . Henry J.F. Miller, the Depot Conmander , recommendeiI that this "esprit de Corps" in a short ceremony. Those graduating be.carried with those who became me~ comprise Russell L. Zwiener, aircraft bers of the newLy formed squadrons in machtnxst ; John D. Griggs and Hector the future. '.' Perez, both aircraft sheet metal work---000--ersi Guido E.. JOJ:dan, Jr., aircraf~ engine mechanic, and Robert J. Brelt. "OPENHOUSE" T HAMILTON A FIELD aircraft electrician. Breit has been transferre~to the Air Cor~s Materiel Hamilton Field, San .Rafael , Calif., Division, iirie,ht Field, Ohio, as Junior pl.ayed hOst to more than one thousand Electrical Engineer. The apprentice' . local citizens on Sund83, January 21, system Was first established at the San '1940, when the Bombardment Base held Antonio Air Depot and later was extend"Open House" for the public. ed to include the other Air Corps' . Under the direction of the Public Depots in the United States .... ,.:' Relations Officer, exhibits of Aerial ---000---'" .'.' and Ground Fhot0/tt'aphy and EQuipment by. the 88th Reconnai.ssance Squadron Photo' Despite the weather: man! s apparent' inSection ' Armament and Bombmg; Equipment difference to WIk9.ts laughingly termed i b~ the 6 rdnance Detachment; Cutaw? En- the ~ISunny South," Flying Cadet t rainpnes by the Base Engineering Sectlon, ing at the Alabama Institute of sexoand Parachutes by the Parachute De'oart-nautics, Inc . , Tuscaloosa. Al'a... :has: ment provided great interest for the been quietly progressing at'a steady' public v.ho viewed 'them. Also on exroar. With Class 4O-E well started on hibition were airplanes ranging from the dual time, and Class 4O-D having:'vis!i.single-mJtc red A-17A to the big B-17B ons. of Randolph Field' in the 'off.i,rig:,the . Bombardment pl.ane , . Flj7lng Cadet barracks all'but sprouted wings f'rom the talk flying hither andJ,('yon. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -18V-8355 , A.C.

PATENT OFFICEPROCEDUBE 'aerial' life":savers. _:.~ . a . , ' . Each fi/1hter in the flight was equi.p"By',Co!igressional Act, changes of inpad with full pack, rifle, aimnmi t Ion, ' tere,s,J; .to Air Corps engineer;!, per,son- and all fighting gear, with food enough Il(ll,:ah Wri/1ht Field and thro cut the to maintain himself for one day a\7ay Army have eeen made in the Pa ent Laws from a cl,llllPor post. ' . -for purposes of reducing certain of the ,The fligllt soUght to test' whether a statutory periods within which patent complete unit could move to a threatenprptection may be obtained and of, preed position,. t~ng everything they ,ve!J,~ing dilatory prac~ice~ in the prose- needed t cmatntafn themselves. The _,qutlon. of patent Lons before ,'" fact that the flying troop transports the .Uni ted States Patent Office. landed at Bakersfield, some 100 miles ~E~retofore, public use, or sale, or a short of their l~ch Field goal, was printed publication of an 'invention ' 'not considered eviderrce of failure of ;nlllore, than two years prior to the filing the movement, since orders to land beJ of' an applicatlon for patent consti tutcause of bad weather ahead would not ed a bar to the obtainment of patent have been given under the same circumprotection. According to the present stances in war times. ~a17, after AU;Ust5, 1940, the period . The flyin;g units participating were ' 1S one year: . " the 7th Bombardment Group from Hamilton . !. Certa1ndilatory practices are curbed Field, Calif. i under the command of ' or, stopped by the f'ol.Lowing rchangea: Lieut. Colone Ralph Royce, and the -:L.The.statutory.period for ,answering 17th Bombardment Group, of March Field, an Examiner IS act ton may be changed by Calif., commandedby Colonel Carlyle H. the Commissioner of'-Patent.s in particu'Wash. ' ' lar, ca~es from six months to any short:'_~oOo--- . er per10d not, less than ttirty days .. MISCALLANEOUS NOTES 2. Renewals as such.ara abolished. However, the Commissioner of Patents In conjunction with the Air Cor~s Exrnay),in,his discretion receive the final pansion prOl\7aID, the Alabama'Inst1tute' ~:t:~~,;1f, w~thin one year after the ,paid , 'slx-month' per-rod for payment has passed. of Aerona:utlcs, Tuscaloosa, Ala., is on the Civil Aeronautics Au- " p.c3.,c Claims may not be copied from an thonty training of students of the L,lSSued patent for interference purposes University of Alabama. Five of seventy after one year from date of issue, efof these 'students are of the weaker sex fective August 5, 1940. a Miss', ,.~4. A Board of Interference Examiners and, when one of this quintet, Sue Clarkson,' of TuscaIoosa, Alabama, , i~,c:set up to determine the question of was quest ioned as to whether she would priority of invention, and fts decisiom ever care to be a hostess on a :B-17, ' a.r:e:, not reviewable by the Board of she answered: "But definitely!" . '..A,ppeals. ' . " / At the' Alabama Institute "f Aeronaut'"aU,;.;,. , --'-000-\/ ics, members of the Flying Cadet Class jw~"' .. 4O-E, 39 in number , recently attended .... MASS il!0'V.EMENT, OF TROOPS BY AIR an insurance lecture' given by the Air Out,,'of the trenches and ir:to the skie Corps Supervisor. Following this lecskies, an entire battalion cf Regular ture, 1st Sergeant Jacobs proudly anArm;r troops loaded 38 big Bombers at nounced the sale of 106% GOvernment Inlia;u1lton Field, Calif., on the morning surance to this Class. ~,()f January 23, 1940, and took off south, -----, . ward on a 50o-mile aerial "march .'" Lieut. H.M. McCoy, of the l'ropeller n.::.;-"Th~ movement, first of its Idnd in Laboratory, Wri~t Field, Ohio, present-fAmencan history, took 342 men and 12 ed a paper, entltled,nCounter-Rotating officers of the 65th Coast Artillery, Propellers, n before the Aerod.vnamic simulatin(!: a streamlined Infantry batSession II, Ei~th Annual Meehng of talion, w1th full field equipment,' inthe Institute of the Aeronautical Scieluding ?JlUIlUIlitionand foo9-' deep into ences, Inc ; , New York City, on January -n,i the tern tory of a synthet i.c enemy. The 26th. ' !::fli/1ht came as 12,000 A1'my troops conA ~ of the development of dual_~entra~ed in CampOrd after a week of rotation (oppositely rotating) propelLnt ensfve war maneuvers on the i!ionterey lers, and a descr'iption of their appliPeninsula and elsewhere in Northern cation to high perf'ormance single, California. ' 'engine and rnUltl-engine airplanes were n:> ';All' of the flying doughboys wore patreated. ',' p3.,dhutes. No parachute descent after, ., . ');.,t}i~:Jhissi8l,l style w~ planned, but At France Field, Oanal, Zone, Lt.Byron l~',El,!,ery. man III Army aircraf't is required E. Brugge 1S conduct ing a thorou@;! . .Ll:O,o;t"Army.B,egulatlonsto wear one of the course-for most all new officersmdead Please purchase PDF ;'Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. c , "reckoning navigation . '., .~. -19'V-8355, A.C.


~~r:A' ", '

feeling will be 'no niore! ' .. i",' Twenty-two new graduates of the Train:An impressive aerial review~ honoring ing Center reported for duty,here Decem-. upon his arrival Major Gener'al, Daniel bel' 26th. They have all been assigned : . Van Voorhis, new Panama Canal various souadrons in the 6th Bombardment Commander, was provided by the ment Group arid 16th Air Base. .,,' : 19th Composite Wing late in December. A They have a big job cut out for;,them, fe'.v das Lat er , a similar review was as under the expansd.on prol$I'am they dig. f'Lown an honor of Major General David L. not specialize an any partJ.cular bratic~ Stone, who returned to the United States of the flying school and now must con- for dut;y from the Canal Zone. . centrate on learning the duties of .,: Six 8.J.rplaries of the 74th Bombardment Bombardment pilots, co-pilot s , .naviga'-- ; and 44th Reconnaissance Squadrons, Al- . tors and bombardiers. II , ....'-c J1: brook Field, and a similar number. from L~eut. Graves H, Snyder is. gi viilg ~~ the 7th Reconnaissance al).d 25th Bombard- radio 'fien a e cour-se lq .~adJ.o-,.~. ment SCJ.U-3d!ons, France FJ.eld, :partJ.cJ.-operatJ.on tecJ:mique, ~heory, Jomt, E~; pated,J.n the review for General Van ' Army-NavyradJ.O proceuure, etc: :~'. ;~ Voorhis. Each squadron holds regular mst ruc-c As it neared the breakwaters at Cristion periods for all. sq1,; tobal on the Atlantic side of the Is and selec~ed noncoffiffiJ.ssJ.oned,.of,fJ.<;:ersj Isthmus, the planes met the Army Transan bomb sJ.ght theory and; D " port bearing General Van Voorhis and All Reserve officers are .."boning~ f.(fr circled it until it was ready to dock, the exams for re~ar corJJllissions.,whivGh The planes paased in revim7 several, start February 1", 1940. . ",J:: ~;;: times. .All new recruits who arrived on-the ~ A similar lineup of plnnes was provid December 26th boat are undergoing:the~': ed for a review for General David L. usual recruit training routine. Bar..,:;; Stone as he embarked from Cristobal on racks and even hangars were so crowded' a commercial. line beat, but the Navy on their arrival at the field that ,they Patrol Wing, based G,t Fleet Air Base had to be guartered in the' gym. .Fortuon the Atlantic side, also provided 12 nately, thfs only lasted untilJariuary planys f?r the event. 4th, \7hen 100 men were. sent to .R~O,~',;lI Bngadier General Herbert A. Dargue , Hat 0 , the new Howard FJ.eld,. to .serve a Air Corps, led the review, flying an work detail with the Engineers ' ..I,.; '''"""" OA-8 .AJnPhibian. ' ---000--.. "t ~ "" A rousing send-off was given General t~ Stone, both when he Lef'b-Bal.boa for A-17's FOR RANDOLPH FIELD, Cristobal and as his boat sailed from the port of Cristobal. Fifteen A-17is and A-17A's are en, , ---000--route to Rando Iph Field, TsZE.-s,on t emporaryLocn to augment thecoH(plement""now in use-at the I ACTIVITIESAT FRANClil FIELD, CANAL ZOl'" of basic trainers "West Point. of the Air. U . io.t S Student training activities'reqUire~ At,France Field, effective'February 1, the use of all .:wailableBT-9' s , 'each: 1940, the new squadrons will be activat ed, which means plenty of 'hard work and plane ~,verag'_ng.almost 100 hour~' :pe~ ; month. To provide adequate longhours for all. r'The task." says the 'France Field Co rr'espondent , !lis a for the carrying on of the \'!ar Depart':' ment Training Activity, the Attack. ~ tremendous one and an a,Vful headache when considerin~ all problems, especial planes have been bo~rowed fromHaJniltC2~' 1!arch and Langley FJ.elds.: .. ' rI ly :personnel. Help in the form 'of expenenced personnel Ls coming in small Delivery to Randolfh Field of the rei: cently ordered BT-13 s and BT-14lsisiJ d.ribbles, but the basic plan is well expecbed. to get under Wf}:Y soon.:At H laid'so every additional experienced that time the A~171s will bereturnedal man'will serve as rol aspirin. . ar The three new 3()(}-mancapacity tempo- to the bases from which they came, . ---000--- .. " ':i rary barracks are rapidly nearing completion, and it .rs hoped that the first ~ .... 1\ f .r Jar Department Special Orders direct~ squadron will move Into its new home ed the retirement Irom active serviceJS about, the middle of January. L,; The new,general mess building for the on January 31, 1940, of Captains,', Clarence C. Wilson and George L.Murray;~ 6th 'BombardmentGroup should be ready Air Corps, both having been fourid,by an. soon. Until the building is completed, however, the old General Mess will con- ArJ!l;y retiri~g board incapacita~ed'fo~~~ tinue to be used. The little walk ?Ct~ve servJ.ce on account of'dJ.sab~lJ.~y. tnctdsnt thereto ' ~' .'J<,,' " 0" across the road will be more than com---000--....r ~~.l \"'5 fensated for by the doing away with of ',:ciJ"" 8$ upper and lower I bunks. That' sardine t -20Please purchase,PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8355 , A.C, AERIAL REVIEWS PANAMA IN CANAL ZONE
.I .. "

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-21- .'

~. ~ No. Nsn.. 57 Ho--d J. Phipp' s 126 Cl d .,. B 1 "~ au e~. oy e ,n~ ':2!!!!! ...2.:.. ~ 58 Anthony P. Tomko 127 Lester VI. Light i;llr,,),:E:1:rilerBruss -'25 Robart n.icl<', 59 Frank W. Smith 128 Louis A. Goldstein -.!J12;Qi.Thoma.;; ; Atkiiison P 27 Jacob S. Brown' 60 Nile's L. Ehrhart' 129 Malcolm W. Pettet 3 j Forest Smith 28 William F. Henry 61 Walter E. Hartman 130 Harry W. Fine ,f.4\d Joseph ]i.Benevides 29 Paul Lash 62 'Sanford C. Stroop 131 Lyle Haas .!i.-5) y<Jos'eph F. Murray' 30 Abram Brown' 63 Charles H. Ose1and 132 Jacob E. Moore ~::,6',':';Clarence D Green 31' Francis X. 'Miller 64 "Lovez-d B; Agee 133 Albert Graham -7",c;Edwa.rd L~ Carr 32 Coufotney K.Muel1er' 65 , Ernest L. Higgins 134 'Myer Fried 8 Paulo, D., Bennett 33 Elmer H. Fisher 66 . Ira W. Leonard, 135 Orval O. lJcliahd>iL .~"iChas. C.Cunningham 34 Maurice.Gorin 137 Roland O. Peone 136 Elden K; Tindall to - John S. Crocker 35 Charles Gardick 68 Samie I P. 'Freeman 137 .ArnbroseFitzgerald /,:Qqnald S. Williams 36 Fred 'k:J .teoriard 69' l)onald J. Fullerton 138 Sanne1 V; Anthona 12 (!.Donald S. Hamil ton 37 Senual Doman ,70 Kenneth A. Ha.nfue1,' 139 Will iam Lasky '13 WiUiam Hoagland, ,38 'Rupert, E. Ferguson ,: 71 'Harold M. Myers 140 :Percy Branscom 14 'FraIlk A. Heidelberg 39 Lawrance Smith ,72 Eugene C. Mincke ,141 Donald F. Parks ' l,,5.1: lIa:rry Kramer . ... ~ ,40' John Pryor,' 73 'Grant VI. Gibson 142 J .D, St-ephenson 16;,.,Lloyd Parmentler 41 Clyde L. Falls 74, Morris A. Peacock 143 Russell H. Butts J:7. :."Jo~e'ph DanhoIf 42 Luther,Shelton,75 ',John P., Milbourne 144 Carl Heydorn 18: 'HarryJ. lIall 43 Cecil Pruitt 76' 'Hugh C. Ratliff 145 Wallace R.Cram:>nd .19i ,Go,ldenR. Davi s 44 Luther W. Fagan 77~ ~~;.. DcisSp~tNe~al', 146. Arthur T.Hendereon :'!9~ ',George Dougherty 45 'Burton C.Ma.yna.rd .~. 147 Jewell S. Wilson Il '21.l. Martin Brucher 46 Nissin Gessula '79 Richard G. Winters 148 Luther S. ':I1ose 22 "James W. Porter , 47 'David McKee 80 Carl ton 1.1. Oaks 149 ,Elder M.Knoeofle 23 'Anthony J. Gorges 48 'James H. Van'lIorn 81 'Claude F. Jackson ,150 R.lI" Chalmers 24, 'Harry K. 'Johnson. 49 Lawrence J; 'Darcy 82 John J. Stibel 151 Ned A. Blann ZS"''-''Gordon'B. Cumning 50 Roland H. Antrim 83 Ben A. Dalesio 152, Kermit I.Johnson ' ),L':;,,':" '.. 51 '0. S.Blennerhassett 84' Marcus L. Grant 153' Archie B. Hill "//"N6t.l:' , :",' 85 'Aske1 E.-Jorgensen: 154' Herbert T.Kosub -l'T:'J:'St~risk in front of name denotes grade of 86' Charlie T. Hargis 155 Charles C. LYon F,i:rs,t'''-Sergeant; rema.ining nooccmnfea Ioned of87 George M; Bogsted . 156 L.E. Abr8ham ' ficers',holci grade of Technical Sezgeeat., 88 Walter W. Mason 157 A. W. Eo ber t son .G (,-Since January ,1. 1940. the first five non~~: 158 Delmar F. Wolf cO!JIllissioned -of'ffi c ez-s listed ebcvewez-e pro-. 91 Mark D. Hunt' 159 "R.-H. Ellsworth lIXlted to the grade of Master Sergeant. so that 160 John' O.Briegel at this writing teohnical Sergeant Clarence D. 92 Warren R.Miller.Sr. 161 Tony' Boeke Green is No.1 on the eligible list. 93 Joseph A., Melost. 162 N. Hashpereff, 94 Henry D. bey ,163 P.R. Williams,' ,t,e TECHNICAL s;E:RGEANT :ELIGIBLE LIsr 95 :Ehlerson R. Johnson '164 Daniel J. Cooley -"-"~.1 :","r. . 96 K. W. Patterson 165 Joseph Hall Nd~, _'- ot ... .Narre --.nt';~h;,I,', --, 'E:.. Name 97 Robert W. Lang, 166 James J.Boutty 1 ,John P. Williams 29 !avid M. DerriCk 98 Augustin A. Gaudry 167 Leo F.Eby 2 'Don L~ McClaskey 30 John Marchewka 99 Fred VI. Bock 168 FraIlk Ritz 3 :,"'l.Nillard E. Ketchem 31 Charley B. Lay Ai bert C. Hinkle, 169 Herman KeUer 4., Melvin R.- Ragain . 32 LesterG. Hancock 101 Angus S. Mae1aeon 170 .Oscar M.Stcnberg 5 .,', AUion .ali ver 33 Gustav Schafer 102 Roland L. Dustin 17.l Gustav A. Strobel EL, ",L'eewood Hall 34' ,VIm. A. GilllXlre 103 Cecil C. Cross 172 David M.Cordell 7 '.'. Ra,y',.Weaver 104 Pa"l Murtha 35 H'r R 'R'ley 1 173 Wesley F.Cunmins 8' ' B. I/;iller 0 ace /105 Lawrence'll. Street ' 174 . Henry K. Brand 36 ' Cecil ,A. .,Pat ton .,9" "'Ai Q,ert C. Bergis ,37 Gerard L. ,Slorf 106 Ernest C.' Wood, '175 J.A. Callender '10' ~EdWard H. Gray 38 Clarence L. Hobbs 107 Henry Temoson 176, Virgil J.Vallier 11 Will Lam R. Smith 39 John J.Kotarski 108 Harry R. Hinkley 177 E:lmer R. Wyckoff 12'~'Ralph H. Co:l-lins 40 Ernest Chap"t ' 109 Roger F. Freggens 178 "Wilson D.Nichols 13 COo' Joe Howard' 41 George E. Johnson 110' Kenton S. Brown 179' Joseph L,Oppelt 14, Ilivas 'Sr-jBJlt 42 Wilbur M. Booher 111 Everest F. Waid '180 Jesse L.Denser 15.,- .Louis J. Koster 43 Jesse Webb" 112 Anton M. Jefsen ,181. Ezra E. Ebe1 III Elvin W. Clem ' 44 Anthony Ma:ri ife ti 113 G.A.L. Oencway .182 Ralph C. Eskew 17 'H.B. MeElhenny 45 G1... L. McL~an sU4 'Francis H:Mo~an: 183 Norwood Gray, 18 Kenneth A. Huber 46 Guy M, Shockley 115 John E. W,lbams 184 Bertie 'N.Kohlert 19'. ':,Elmer L. Wendell 47 M.R. Shortridge 116 ThomasS. Ad~ 185 Albert'H. 'Bubb 20 -,',Bert. 0.' Craft 48 John'M.L1ewelly'D 117 Harry A. ,lJoLa~n 186 Corb L. ,Flick 21 John, F., Hale 49 Palmer M, Me1hus:' 118 Cla:ence T. Stra.ha.n 187 'A. V. Ho.Lkoway 22~:"1.:roseph R.Flanary 50 'Charles M. Ernst 119, Loud s A~r~s . 188 Eugene K. Schmidt . ?.3~ v,Will,iao"E . Self 51 Willi -~-' 189 Herbert M. Cook ' am.H See...... h 120 James P,bzarl 121 J hn'W B .tt 24 '1 ~1'!rn,jA." Co,vington 52 nell J.WaJrner ' 0.. n on 190 Edward F. Donahay ~5j j'':: !!o,\oI;Q, E., Rinehart 53 Mike Cibinic'122 Reglnald Fletcher 191 John O. Fleming_ 26 Herbert R. Hall 54 G.P., DOUgherty 123 Cha:les M. ~ ,192 H.W. Elliott 27 Leland E. Capps, 55' James F. Stuart 124 Arvin L. Bed se 193' Edgar F,Harnilton',. 28 'Lloyd T. Burval 56 Charles O. Reed 125 "Harry ,Curley '194, John Tiarn<>y "I r.

-iIw';T N -I.~J

MA.Sl'ER SERGEANl' liLIGIBLXLI~ (/"S,Effective January 1, 19((), 'N N N

:t~: t~:


V-8356; A.C.


~ .!:!2:.. 'lIIame 195 Lyndon O1cClaran 236 Andrew G. Marsh '196 Ludwig Kurrle 237 l&u:vin Nix '197 Leslie O.i'/",rris 236 Eugene M. st evens 198 George D. Jones 239 Maurice E. Henry 199 Robert H.SPencer 240 Frederfck Roeper 200 Leroy J. Porter 241 Joseph P Shine ,201 Roy L. Clarke 242 Kenneth D. King 202 Harold S._Cooper. 243 Joseph E. Pung .203 Chas.H. Woodling 244 stuart S. Broughe ,204 Charlie Trapp 245 Albert L. Stager '205 Emoott M.Lesper 246 Harold J Courtney ~206 Joseph F. Groya 247 Harold S.Oberg '207 Chalmers P. Smith 248 Lewis Voiers 208 Harol d C. em th 249 Calvin W. OJ.rlen ')()9 Robert J .Bailes 250 Sam D. Hamil ton '210 LeG. O. Zimroorman 251 Charles F.Harris 211 lb. M. V andi ver ' 252 Howard F. Sitler 212 Walter J. Murr~ 253 Allen E. Gato 213 C.T. 254 Elmer J.Molleson 214 Gerald E. Whaley 255 John B. Long 212'165 Edward M.i1:cGrath 256 Harvey H. Jones Aaron Murphy 257 r.eorge V. Fridy 217 George A. Bridges 258 Elias 'J.McHenry 218 Arnold B. Wymer 259 Joseph A. Quinn 219 James R.Thompson 260 Adrian C. El:nery 220 Riymond A.Butler 261 Brice Sickler :l21 Ja' R. Heokrran 262 Roscoe E. Wertman 222 Benj. Fredericks 263 Peter A. DiBctta <l23 Frank E. Hadley 264 Donal d M. Moore 324 S.B.'Mooring 265 Lawrence E. Henson 266 George F. !l:Dith <l2~ Johnnie Collins fA' Joseoh C. Child 267 Edwin L. Wood 227 Millard W. Nason 268 Ray Lowry 228 lb. H. Terry 269 Max A. Schrader 22,)l9 George L. Paul 270 No= W.SpeDcer ~ George F. Rowe 271' John C. Gibart 231 Charles A. Pung 272 A. Winterhalter 232 Elmer Arncel ' 273 HarryD. Martin 233 John Gallo 274 Wellington W.Bain 234 J.M. PenniDgton 275 Robert L. Mullen' ~35 Mabon A. Cornwell 276 Hugh S. Shattuck " Note: . ASrerisk preceding name indicates grade of First Sergeant. All ethers on foregoing . list hold grade of Staff Sergeant.


Jack M:>rgan. Leo L. Greggs and Archie J. McKeithen. Kelly Field: Privates Elbert V. Colenrm, Laster B. Fike, Layton W. nmbar, James Dznn, Jr.; and Henry G. Pennington. Selfridge Field: Privates Clyde F. Glisan, Louis A. Danner and Albert S. Kinmall. Aberdeen: Private Charles H. Graham Scott Field: Private John D. Oliver. March Field: Private Robert J,. Hall. M:>ffett Field: Privates Oliver M. Howell. Jr., William C. Kreps, George D. Landes ,Jr, , Hamil ton Field: Privates David Marcus, Stewart W. Nichols, William F. J.trers and J.C. Osburn. La.i>gJ.eyField: Privates John S. Biddison, Quinton R. El:nber, Tony Mike Charles Sl ingland and Benjamin S. Ya.nchuck. Mitchel Field"Privates Howard A. Hall, Daniel J. Hoyle and Charles P. Kinzie. Pope Field: Private William L. Holland. Randolph Field: Privates Sylvester J. O'Hara and Garland H. Horn.
---"'!;o- .... --

On January

26, 1940, 38 students


from the Radio Repairers and Operators course.

Department of Conmmications . Chanute Field Branch cf the Air Corps Technical School, from the stat ions as indicated below: Randolph Field: Privates B. V. Jares, William F. Brown, Bennine H. Gabbell, William H. Cox and Robert F. Jersey. Kelly Field: Sergeant John W. Allison and Privates Kenneth L. Herritt, Lester H.Hodges, John H. Johnston, Herbert C. Meyer and Earl Ruth. Fort Riley: Private Richard A. Williams. Chanute Field: Privates Roger L. Airgood, Howard C. Barrow, Jr., George E. Becker, !laO' E. Billeck, Clar'enoe J. Cole, Carl V. Gerdes, Staley P. Hojnowski, Lcuis G. Kolger, Earl ' W. Leredith, :EUgeneW. Slegel, Dean A. Voight, Carlos R. Osborn, Richard I.Gangursky, Grant H. Wil son , Jr., Robert A. Trenkle, Russell E. Horn. Jr and Stanley W. Dilley. Langley Field: Robert A. Springman, Lazmr The first 19 nonconmissioned office:ts onthe E. Williams, Charles L. B~htel and Russell F. Johnson, Jr. (Privates). 1is~ were promoted to Technical Sergeant Moffett Field: Private Millard W. Mi'les. since January 1, 1940, so that at this writBolling Field: Privates Edward V. Mil ton and iDg Staff Sergeant Bert O. Craft is No. 1 on the list. Ilonald H. Peabody. . Mitchel Field: Private Theodoz-e L. Shivik. ---000---


.' January 1, 1940, Master Sergeant On January 19, 1940, fifty enlisted men grad- Walter Johannsen, First Observation Squadron, ',,,ted from the Airplane Mechanics cOurse, DeFort Riley, Kansas, was appointed a Warrant )artment of Mechanics, Chanute Field branch of Officer in the Regular Army. bhe Air Corps Technical School. They came He entered the service in December. 1916, ,rom the stations indicated below, viz: and c"""leted a total of 23 years' service beFort Leavenworth, Kans.: Pvt. Owen D. Nail. fore being appointed a Warrant Officer. He Chanute Field: Privnt'es Frank M. Bacchi; , was appointed a Master Sergeant in July,1920, :rohn E, Tweedy, George V. Kepka, FrBllCis ,and maintained that rank until his eppointJames E. McConnell, Carl F. McNulty, John C. ment as Warrant Officer. He served in France Morrow, Larry T. Ramsey. Norman E. Satchell, from December, 1917, to May. 1919, and served ~ouis J. Szcurek and Charles A. Tllery., a tour of duty in Plm!lllB from Ma3', 1930, to Atlanta: Private John W. Bottoms November, 1931. Patterson Field: Privates Edwin H. Brady, Warrant Officer Johannsen also holds a ohn Rinaldi, Lawrence L. i:b>ith. c:omni.ssion as a second lieutenant in the Barksdale Field: Privates Officers Reser-ve Corps. Please purchase PDF Split-MergeCarl to remove this watermark. on H.Carpenter, -22V-8355, A.C.


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Infonnation Division Air Corps

February 15. 1910

T E RNO. 4. l,funi tions Building Washington, D.C.

The chief purpose of this p1,l.olication is to o.istribute information on aeronautics to the flying personnel in the Army. Reserve Corps, National Guard. and 'others connected with aviation. .' ~_":oOo--SUGGESTIONS PERSONNEL ORIlERED TO TOPHILIPPINES By 2nd. Lieut. Keith :x:. Lynnton, Air Reservo


The purpose of this article is to of stat ion and satJ.sfactory arrangebring to the attention of the officers ments made accordingly. . contemplating a tour of foreign service Nowfor the trip. On the boat you in the Philippine Dero.rtment such .infor- will have three places to store baggagemation as will be of- aid to them and in the baggage room, in the hold aiid in their families. both in tr'9.Clsit and dur- your stateroom. Trunks. household ing the first few unsettled months in goods, furniture. and other items not the Department. The officer must bear neflded during the voyage will be placed . in mind that conditions vary from year . in t.he hold, and will not be accessible to year: and thus no ironclad hiles can the ncr tod c.t sea. The baggage be laid down, and fer! snec if'Lc rnstruc- room .loS open at certain hours daily,and tions are not sub.iect to' change. One articles such as extra clothing. typemust take into consideration the time Vlriters and anything else whi.cfi will of year of departure, the field of asbe used (luring the t'rip, bUt'lvhich is siglllIlent. and the personal effects on not important enouzh to take up space hand at the time and make plans accordin tho stateroom sUould be .kept there .. ingly. In the eroom one should plan to This is not an official document. It keep onl;r t:le absolute essentials such' is merely the composite report of a as and toilet articles, due to (iJ'0u:p of .Air Corps officers who arrived the fact that the ntat erooms are small an the Department in October, 1939, It and any extras are sure to be in the is a report of conditiions as these offi- way. No luggage .nore than thirteen cers found them. and is passed along to inches in height is permitted in the you in the hope that you will prnfH by staterooa, since anything larger cannot their mistakes. ,It is intended pramabe pl.aced under the bunks. A trunk rily to be usediby Air Corps of'f'Lcer s locker is ideal for the stateroom. No who Will. in al1. probability. be st1i.good leather luggage should be brought. tioned at Nichols Field. Rizal. as it'will not hold up Tong in the First of all, the officer should l1ave humid climate in the Islands. Cross.all orders and flying ti~lS vouchers pro- count ry bags are found verY useful for perly auth9ntic~ted and. if P9ssib19' clothing and toilet articles. and \~ile get an flymg t ime UP to and including they are not the latest word in swanky the month in which the transport sails. luggage. issue barracks-bags serve very Reserve officers who plan to take the well for extra sheets, towels. old examination for Regular cornni ssdon clothing and the like .. 'It is unwise to should supply themselves with all neces- spend much money for trunks or suitsary ten books. letters of recomnendacases when almost everything which is tion, transcripts of college credits not actually carried by the or<ner can and all other necessary documents. All be packed and shipped an Q;uartermaster officers should make arrangements with boxes. the Finance Officer to be paid prior to For the first few days 'out of San sailing. The officer wi l.L find a'large I Francisco, warm clothing will be needed. supply of authenticated orders invalui It is advisable for the officers~to able. These should-be made prior to I have at le~t. one complete woo~en unideparture from present station. and in I form, consd st izg of slacks, shi.r-t , camsufficient quantities to last forever, paign hat. shoes, and SamBrowne. for Arrangernants should be made with your troop duty. The Sam Browne is 170rn on present bank to take care of your finjbOard. and in the Islands. only by offiances in the States, A check mailed . eel'S en tour of duty as Officer of the , from Manila llla;}' take thirty days or Day, A sturdy cowhide belt is prefer, more to ream J.ts destinahon. Your. able to a more expensive dress belt. bank.. should. beSplit-Mergeof your change .notified T"nesaber is this watermark. .. For off I Please purchase PDF on to remove never carried , A.C. -1Vl-8363 ,


duty hours, a heavy business or sportJVint.a,g~ ;movies are shownni~t1y"":!fand suit ma:y be worn. Coats and ties ere there'.aro shUffle boardandheraesbce. . colllPU1sory meals,' A topcoat will be to'UrnlllDentp \lot-hmenand ladies:,'..., . at for found useful in San Francisco regardless Ylhetherparticipating in athletks":br of the time of year, When warmer limes not, a can of issue foot powderwill' be are reached, the heavy clC'thiMma;vbe of muchuse after walking and. salt' < stored in the ~ room, ana: khaki water bathing. If the issue foot;';~ and light civilian clothing substituted. :llOwder cannot be obtained, haveyour~ '. Nouse will be found for a "bl.ouseeith ~ist mix 3%salcylic acidwit!lS" on the boat or in the Islands, and it unscented talcum powder',and should be stored in the States, Heavy sift this into .your socksbefore:wt~ clothing will be needed: ting them on, and dust on after, salt, 1. In San Francisco and the first few water bathing, . . ._,~J days of the voy3f;6; . One should bring enough1Il0neyti5',cpv2, At the termnation of tour ef duty, er expenses while in Honolulu and':Guam, upon arrival in the States,depending as well as tips for the mess attenqant, upon the time of year; . bath steward and roomboy. Uponarr-tv3, In the event a trip to Baguio, al , one should have at leasttwent;y"-fi ve to China or other cooler climates is dollars to cover expenses until pald. contenlplated; Contrary to popular belief, living ex4. In the Islands dur~ the cool penses are not noticeabl;y cheaper here months of Decemberand January. than in the States, and an many 'ins:tanDuring the warmerpart of the trill ces they are,HiJUseclothing should be selected whichrlfu hold effects may be dinded mto two present the best appearance Vliththe classes; those aJ.ready Anhand .and minimum upk:j~' Slack suits for of those which must be procured ber-re deboth men and 1 es are very sat.Lsf'acparture or after arnval here .. The.. t;ory during the major.part of the day. first group may be sub-dfvi.deddnt'o two Khaki untf'orms are worn while on troop groups: ", ,;; duty, and at 'least two completeuniA.Those which should be stored';~' fO,IlIIs re necessary. Bring more.if you a B Those 'Yhichshould be brought~, ~ have them; if not, bring onl? two and . In general, the following it'eiIl$:fall have others madeto order after your into Class lfA": furs, curtains,' pilJ:i')ws. arrival here. .For the ladies. cotton overstuffed furniture, leather l~ crepe dresses which do n"t re@ire silk lamp shades, pictures. books; 'wooi..: ironing are ideal for wear on deck. en uniforrus, or anything whi.chwi.Ll, be A light sweater, or other wrap should ruined b~ a ver~' moist climate, . '. be brought for wear at night. A bath Class 'B'' ar t lcl es include light robe is necessary for going to the, woolenblanket for each bed, coat-hanshower roomand S1lll deck, and swim gars, radios, electrical fixtures:-:- hamtrunks can be used for sun bathing on mel'S, pliers and ,.,ther tools, .eye-gl.assthe top deck. Underwearand socks es , silverware, mattresses and sprangs, should be brought in sufficient quanti- I vacuumcleaner. cooking utensils and ties to last several days. Everyone I china, old furniture, refrigerator, ..' , will find good use for a comfortable hardware!!., shnwfi)r urtait,ls; 'shoulder.~ c Pair of shoes for doing his dozen laps knots, sUJ.rts \civilian). Curtains are around the deck, jumping rollO. ~laying . seldomused, but if you ~ .to have shuf'f'Leboard er simply tak::ine; .t easy. i them bring curtain rods. Hardwareand. , J There will be two or three lnformal I china. in general, are very expensdve, dances during the .trip, and appropr'Labe and do not last long. Waffle rrons, costumes for them shoul.dbe stored an I electr.ical percofators and other. elec.the baggage room. Small children shoul.d, trical appliances maybe brought, .:The . have,play-suits whi ch Canbe easily electrical supply is 220 volts iil.;C'erwashed and ironed', Laundry service on tain sections of Manila, but trimsfor'board is in gl?neral highly unsatisfacmel'S maype rented to step the yoltage tory and BJJBZ1~yexpenslve .. However, downto Ll.O volts. Dress materlalsare a lallllur.r room J.s provided I for the la- expensive.... nd of poor quality; and 'the a dies. with limited facilitles f'orwashdressmakers seldom turn out entirely' in: and ir"ning 'socks, underwear,' play satisfactory work. Rugs maybe broUght sutt s , 'slack suits. light dresses, etc. or stored at home. ..' ";'~i , There .is a' good library where many. Most of the items which fall 'iiit'o ''the goodbooks and current IJ:Ia{'Pzines provide second class. can be purchased more'econa wealth of reading matenal. MuCh omically here, These include sheebs, bridge is played, and if you enjoy card I towels; shoes, civilian clothii1g~re.'xgamesyou might bring two or four decks cept shirts) whitl?uniforms; etc,~: ';<Jamof cards , .Poker ~ps can be used f."r I 'P<U[';tl hat sare sliclJ.tly cheaper ,il'! the 'E>oor~'crJ.bbage, FJ.veHundredand other Islands, but an old' hat blocked hilN) games, 'presents sufficiently pleasing'apPilarPlease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.V-8363, A. C. .. . ,', . . -2-


Lfl,anc",'for"llrdinaty.wear.Khaki cott9n is Mitchel Field, N.Y.:i ;,the:prescribed uniform for wear mule Keil E. Scott, 3rdClass, Selfridge on duty ,aM theee uniforms are tailor Field, Mich. i ' made,here very inexpensively and quickWilliam 'J. Landsperger , 1st Class, <lC~y:c,-,Shoes c:an be blU@1there at ,~-,!-ower Patterson Field, Ohio. ' ptJ.ce ,than m the States. The ~1J.t~y Third Weather Region dreasc shoe C be made for five or SJ.X Corporals Eilly M. Seargeant, Kelly dollars (gold , and they are usually Field. Texas; Richard L. Parker, Mar ory. White suits ral1@,shall;field,Kans;;Ralph,c.Skinner, " Very, satisfac "from seven to flfteen ~ll~s in price, Fort C.1arki Texas. p,epending on the materi .ocks and. Privates 1st Class (all Specialists) 1.1nderwearmay be purchased here at' about Adrian J. Ragland, William S. Dawson. the' same price as in th~ States... 3rd Class; James H. Jack, 5th Class, _"Reasonable priced, bamboo furni.- Randolph Field, Texas; ~~~w:ema~' be purchased here. It i~.m,~t, Walton N. Hershfield, sr., 5th Class, "j,r,ecommended that .overatuff'ed furnJ.ture Kelly Field. Texas; " '. 'b,e))ro'.l!?t:t, stnce ,such lDo.terial . deKenneth R. Walters, 3rd Class, Dryden, ~: ;:t'erIoraks rapidly in this climate., .' Texas; ',' ~'~""~y.all means, bring your. automobile , ---000--_, "but,dontt expest to dr-Ive J.t fer two :;:".yearil .and then sel.L it fcr en~to '~NEW HOSPIT.ALOR CHANUTE F FIELD _~retire on. RT;0! has it, that .Amer~can e -&,~cars sell for h<oul01.1sprices. ThJ.s The Constructing ~termaster Office ~wa, first 'proved f' during the GaY at Chanut-e Field. Rantoul. IlL., recentNine~ies. but the rumor shU, persists. ly released the following data on the . ,If you have a car , b,'ing it: If, not, . new hospital now under construction at . "it advt sabke to bnng a low . that field. Work on this new structure "priced small ca which can be expected is rapidly, forging ahead , and reports ; to.give'you.two or three years of serindicate that the hospft al, may-be re~ vi.ce . , for use by May 31. 1940. " , Let me again state that this, is 0:;;'1' The new unit, situated in the new conI a:general article, and each individ. struction area of Chanute Field, is a : ~,~''mu:stexercise hill Olvll judgment, taking three-story hospital. approximately 183 ""'into consideration his own particular by 150 feet. containing 110, beds; eight ~e::needs. '.And so, a pleasant vo~. no wards, private and semf-prdvat.e rooms;' -~'''mal de mer, and we'l1 be for kitchen for detachment, X-Ray Sections; ~,ryou at the pier. ' Dental Units, Eye. Ear and Throat Unittii ..' ,---000:-Physiotheraph,y :Department and operat iug rooms. The"basement and first and sec'! -"~Em.tSTED MEN SENT TO VIEltl'HER SCHOOL ond stories of the structure contain : -msJ!. " ' about 11 ,000 square feet ('If floor space , -a&:>.i;'special 'Orders of the War Department, while the third floor has about 8,01)0 . '~fecently issued. directed the enlisted square feet ef space. The third f'Loor , men named below, to proceed, without front section of the building, will be loss of grade or rating, to the Air air-conditioned. , )~. Corys. Weather School at. Patterson Field, The entire structure is Cff reinforced " F,aJ.i'fJ.eld, Ohio, repor, not later concrete, with load-bearing exterior ' .,th?n February 5, 1940, :f"r the forewalls . ., casters I course commencang on that ---006--date: . First Weather Region SCHOOL F MECHANICS in..AR.K FIELD O "'.. :CotilQral Harold S. Alexander. Pvt s . :Myrle E, Munoz, Wilfred L. Wayland, T'ne second class to enter the School ~'Herman. Harrison from YErch Field,Celif.; of Mechanics at Clark Field, Fort Stot-'1.' Private lst'C!. DelWyn M. Barney and senburg, P, 1. . and comprising 34 mem~;Private Donald E. Tice., Sacramento Air bers. has successfully passed through e .:,Depot, Calif. ', the first phase of training. -' Second Weather Re~ion ' This School 'is organized to instruct ;t \~Coy:posals Ha.rold E.Ter~une.l. Selfridg personnel, in the operation and mainten,. F~eld; 'Ge9rge Whiteley~ Jr., Pat beraon ance of aircraft engines, instruments. ,r"FJ,eld. O1lJ.o;John C. G.Lasgcw, Langley , and accessories. .Tlie course is of apS "'Field." " proximately 12 weeks I duration and is -n~'::',~ri~ates' (all Specialists) Hubert R.. under the supervision of Corporal J.P. Haines, '1st Cl.; E.J. Macha1a, 5th Cl., Lisack. ' _,',George-H: ChaIDberlin. 6th CI . from ---000--"Chanute Field, Ill.; , , Master Sergeant James D. ,Mohegan; 22nd Obsers..'W lMldcGlasier and Sam SkUrnick. 1st vation Squadron, Brooks Field, Texas, ,-,-as.ap'. - CI:'!';'J<><t"-f.l W. Mn~"r, 3rd Cl.; ..from .." ", Please "'UI~f.t'" ,,~",.:-:-_.' purchase PDF Split-Merge on pointed a Warrant Officer as of Feb. 1, 1940. to remove this watermark. . ).A .<.i.: ', -3V-8363, A.C,


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. II It. is 'a well established fact, II says main at: QJ:),fulute Field under your conimand but our whole class was, transferthe NewsLetter Correspondent of the red. I, am very anxious to return to,') Air Corps ,Teclmical School, Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill.; "that efforts are your ~g"uadron, if you have a vacancy , constantly made by'the War Department .' and Wlllapprove of II\Y transfer; " I -: Will request' a transfer immediately afand b each offiCer in his inaividJ,lal ter your answer' that you have room for Cl!'pablty tobetter,tl;le livinP; oondi.,rJ hons, raise'the JrioraLeand lie concern- me . I don't 10l.0iV whether yourememoet .. e m ed with the solutions of problems that or not but you once commended fob me so vitally result in: a harmonious gJ3r": rison. This station has been an excel- making deposits With .the'Finance 'Offi~ lent vantage point to observe these ef- cer-. I took heed 'of what. you told,me and I still deposit money every Inontll. forts and, as outlined in previ QUS conChanute Fiela. is,hlst like home tb" tributions in the Air Corps NewsLetme. I miss it and all the friends that ter, the problems were.many - so many .I-left behind. ' I enlisted at Chamite that they at ti[l]('s seemed unsurmountField and lived there for six months; I able. In each case, thesenroblems, of cannot seem to get ad.iusted here' so:if housing and messing facilitles, etc., there is any vacancy in yom: squitdi-on, proved to be a chance for the men staand you awrove of my traJlsf~r.I:,wi~l tioned at Chanute Field to show that see the Flrst Sergeant lnlITIEldlately." I the impossible could be done." , Hoping that I am able to return to my . ,Twoletters receiVed at Chanute Field old outfit, I am, . . are quoted by the Correspondent, one . Yours sincerely . from the mother of an enlisted member , '(Nameand Organization deleted)' of the 10th Air Base Squadron, and ano,,' '---000---, , ': ther from a former mem1ier f the. Tentho and he wants to come back. These two GENERAL EMMONS BETUBNS FROM WEST' ,letters are as follows: "Box .. '." . . . . . . . . . . . . ).. .. ~ , .. ,.,.,,'., ... N.Y. Major General Delos C. Emmons/'CoIIl!.. January 9,'1940. mandfng General of the 9IIQ.' Air Forcer 'ColllI1l8nding Officer, ' . , returned to Langley Field, Va.,. on: Jan. lOth Air Base Sg"uadron, uary 22nd from a tour of lnspectibn of Chanute Field, Illinois.' v7est Coast air' bases. villile en the PaDear Sir: cific Coast he witnessed joint Army",:: , The training at Chanute, sir, . Navy Maneuyers at Monterey and Sacra,:, opens the door of opportunity to the mento, Callf. . . . "' clear-eyed, straight:.think:ing Youth of The f;~t to Langley Field was'made our country; Dad,. brother and mother in a Do as C-42 'Transport plane, Memare proud that he was counted wort~ of bers of he crew included Captain Wentbecoming a student 'The Servic{l, srr , worth Goss aide to General Emmons ;,", is doing much for (name deleted), not Major Haroid H, McGinnis, of the In- ~ only educationally but in other resnector Generalis Department, an air. spects , A mother can see far beneath iOrce inspector; Lieut. Colonel Cedric the surface.' W. Lewis, air force signal, officeT'j May repB in service and right Tech. Sgt. Arthur Andrews, crewchrer , living the debt he owes his countryl and Private 1st Class Robert O. Fullman, Realizing that if!Ufdays are filled radio operator. :' with real and vltal problems, I expect ---000--no reply. Just had to let you know of .) our respect and, gratitude. . A .two-engine , five-passenger TransBest wishes to yov-.,si,;,. ) ., airplane was flown to Wright Field, . ",(Name deleted ..., on, Ohio, recently by Messrs. D,.-L. (Soldier's mother).l1 1l lace and Thomas Salter, representa. -----" tives 'Gf the 'Cessna Aircraft Oo~; . ' lIJanuary 27, 1940.. Wichita, Kansas, for the consideratle,Jl Commanding Officer, ' ' of the Materiel Division officers as a 10th Air Base S;:;'~;.fu.on, " type adaptable to possible milit~y,use. Chanute Field, illinois. . ,: '' -----.. '" ,:l Dear Sir: , Circular proposals were .Issued on.:Januar 23rd by the Materiel Division' 'einAfter graduating from the Sheet Metal the offer of bids on 'asingJ.eWorkers course at the Air COI'psTechengine, short-range liaison observation nical School, Chanute Field Branch,' ai11anes. The opentngdat e ,' as 'stated ~lil~1e'l1r. !9~~! =e ti~~aei~e~e:o in he circular proposal, is seLfor: February, 23, 1940. . ' .,{ Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-S363, A.C.
t , "; . . -" .. , .~

L ; .,



~"fI.J.0~) ".J:!\:~:....


~ , ..

-'l~Silice,World War d1ls! when an officer material-for use when making quick work di;scovered that b~ tabng a camera on a photograp.'1ic'prints while .rn flight are fl:i'ghtand obtainmg photographs from 'handled by another group of; engineers theail':he could supply information who,ate also charged \1ith the develop- , ~ \\rhich, 'at'his headquarters,' was. considment of long'focal len~h cameras for :ered'as extremely valuable, aenal phc- taking long--distance high-altitude pic tography has proved one of the most intures . Optics, lenses, prisms,. sensir'terestiIJi phases of military aviation.tized materiels for all phases of pncIiicthe~past t",enty years; remarkable de- tographic',mrk are, stUdied .. .'t.elopment of aerial photographic equipAssl~ed to the Materiel Division by ment. has taken place __'. the Chfef' of': Engineers for research and - MThe experimental center for the 'dedevelopment of equipment and methods . velopment of this eguipnent for the necessary for the production of tac;,!J:Ariay, Air COrDShas been the Aerial Pho- tical military maps from aerial photo. togra:phic La'tJoratory at the Materiel graphs produced by the Air Corps is a 11l?iviin:on, Wright Field. This+aborat6.Co;,ps of,Engineers Mappin~'Unit. This ry/;'formerly a part of the Eg.uIpment unft closely cooperates wlth the Aerial ,Branch, has under the expansaon program Photographic Laboratory in the developlbeen.'formed into a separat e laboratory, ment of camera equi.pment for the proits'~Chief reporting dIrectly to the duction of photographs suitable for '~r.:Cfiief, Experimentcl Eng?neering. 'of military maps and map substitutes. Modern aerial phot.ographytias aLmost The Aerial Photographic Laboratory is as many facets as' a well-cut jewel. under' the direction of two Army Air '~;"Present'-day camera ,(IevelopmeIlt provides Corps photografhic of'f'Lcez-s acting in for making available the very latest t~y capacity 0" chief a~Q as~istant ,t;YIJ~s cameras and.. a,?cessory. equip..of cill;ef " At l)resent th~se. offlcers are Tment for use in vertical and lIaJor G,W, Goddard. ano. Id eut , Do'L.Hardy. oblique views of terrain, of accomplish The' main objective'is to conduct studies in!t)quick work :photogre;phy, and al+ ' and exper-imsnt s leading to the design brancheaof aer, mapping, InclUding and production of experimental equipment "'fls"potting and reconnaissance photography. and materials to meet the immediate and. 10 Night photography. has come to play an future needs of the photographic activi'J~'imoortant part in military aviatlon, ties of the Air Corps. The laboratory The .group. devot-ed to this development invi tes suggestions, information or . 'i's'.: responsible for pyrotechnics, such criticism which will aid in obtaining as photoflash equipment necessary to satisfactory equipment ormu.terials ' "':obtain/satisfactory night photographs from other Photographic activities in -:,:'at alti,tudes between 4,000 and b,ODO the service. ,.' ..j[f,eet ..;~ Special synchronized mechanisms ---000---' '.7h:i:ch time" the operations of a camera with the 'explosion of the flash bombs CLOTHINGESIGNED ALASKA. D FOR are' part of this work. '. .' , , ~l,'Color aerial photograph.v has. recently Thi'ee comJ;l~ete'winter fl~ing outfits been acknowledged a valuable asset. for use in Al aska, consistlng of a parka 'EXperimental work has dealt with suittype"jacket, combination winter shoes ,:. able color printing processes (ei;t;her ana trouser legs, with heavy mitten by photogre.phic .or lIthographic means) t,ype. gloves, and a hood arrangement for necessary for furnishing qua.~tities of the parka have been developed by the colored prints from ori~inal transparMa~erietDiv~sion, Wright Field, Dayton; "spcies or col?r,Separatlon negatives, OhlO. ~xperImental tests made in the ,DL':AmQ.!.!s other IDllItary uses, thIS twe Cold Chamber over-var-ious per iods of " .of,i)h6tograpn~ has 'Jroved a-rnat er'Lal, time, with the wearer SUbjected to va. -raid',in' det ect ron or cemouf'Lage. rious degrees' of temnerature down to , ",;~'or photographic operation in the -40 deg. C., showed this egui'JlJlent t" "'(.:foield;aspeci~ group of engineers .has be satlsfactory . .'It was tlien" shipped been-cherged wlth the developnent or to Hamilton Field for test in Alaska in . tJa1imitlibl-eprocessir.g, printi~" enl.arg- accordance with arrangements made by _ing, washing, and dr;y~ng equrpment for IV.aJorD.V. Gaffney, of Hamilton Field. -IHluse' in portable laboratories. ,This If favorabke information is received -riIgr6Ul'Jh~ been resP?n,sible .for the rf;l~ding rEjGi;llts of these tests ~ suf. ~pr,odu~tIon of ,SUltable llgat weIght flclent quantIty ofcoill'Olete outfIts !oitransportable photographic laboratory will be procured. for use by the Air _ oo;'units,with necessary processing equrp- Corps detachment to be stationed in meilt <'installed. ' ,. ., Alaska this coming year. .. Portable equipment and sensitized ---000--Please purchase PDF 'Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8363, A.C. , t(;2'';}!-.: -5-



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Major. Harold H. George, Air.C6ilJsr,Trho has oeen in command of the 94th:rPUr.sw. t Live rifle, automatic rifle ahd machine gun anmnmition,trench mortar, Squadron, 1st Pursuit Group,:since::.:[~y anti-tank and artillery shells were ex- 28, 1938, assumed cominand. n Febr'li&:Y I, o pended on February 8th at Fort Benning, 1940, of the nevil;y org<mized 31st cPui':suit Group, Selfrld,;;e.Field, Mich.' 1:0 Ga., when Infantry School units demonstrated "Dou,0J.boyh and Field Artillery CaTltain John N. Stone t09k CO!lllllC11ld:i the '9'lth Pursuit Squadron lInterceptor , weapons to .1~6 Maxwell Field efficers. while other new personnel ofthis.'Sq' Of these vlsltors, 101'are students at ron are Lieut. Paul. Bl'anchard , .Opera'": the Air Corps Tactical School,and the ethers are assigned. to the newly contions; Lieut. RalPh S" Garman, .ereineering; Lieut. Jerry W. .Phe.lpa , fli . t.'comstituted 23rd Composite. Group (; .Lieut. ~ Marks, depu y,,,;J stration), stat!oned at Mame11 Field. fll~t commander; Lleut. F. C.. Grambo" '1'he 29th Iran'Gry and the 83rd Field Artillery gave the dernonstr~tion which, as ai sbant acJjutant; Lieut. J.O .. Beck-' with, Mess Officer; Lieut. F.R .. Rudell, in general, consisted of an Ilifantry assistant operat.rons: . Lieut . W.C. .armbattalion, supported by Field Artillery, strong, asslstant engineering; Lieut:c in attack and defense. A platoon of J.R. Bruce, Conmunf cat i ons and Li.eiit. tanks led the assault t roops in the at'II. J. Bowen, tecImical lrolJ:lPiy. The .J;] tack phase. Over 1100 Infant~n and Squadron.was also reinforced by Lieut. Artillerymen took part. .All armament with which the Doughboys and ArtilleryJ;F. Hunker, the adjutant, Who just '." C&1eup from Landey Field, Va. ; men are equi.pped, was emplo;yed. Incidentally, 'beth ur:its f'unct i.oned at full Captain Stone nas been stationed'at war strength. A system of amplifiers Self:i'idge Field for three years arid .was was installed whi ch enabl.ed al.L to hear formerly Group Adjutant. Lieut. Blanchthe orders and instructions issued by ,ard lately returned to Selfridge Field the Infantry ILTld rtillery A comnanders . after several years of duty. as an i'n~ Colonel Courtney H. Hodges, Command- structor at the Air Corps TrainingC~ntar.. ': -;'. ~)!G. ant of the Infantr;y ..Sohool, conferred with Air Corps Tacoical School officiThe 94th Squadron will share 1/-.hangar als at If,a;mell Field reFding the dewitl;1 the 17tli Pur sui ~ Sauadron I.Int ';) tails 0f the demonst.rat Ion on January . untll the 31st PurSUlt ~roup leaves 25th. Colonel Millard F. Harmon, Jr., Selfridge Field. .,1 Assistant Commandant\Jf the Air Corps ---000--" ..(' 'Tactie<;Ll School, E;UpervisE.ld the class; fc':" while lt was at Fort Bennln~. . A HUNDRED MILESONA GALLONF GAS" O . The movement to Fort Benning was made lot:'! by air, and airplanes cOrrIDlenced taking Servioe tests af motor scooters have off about 6:30 am, Captain Norris B. been completed at !.angle;)', Duncan and Harbold, Operations Officer, 9lst Schoo Randolph Fields. The results shored Squadron, made the flying arrangements that motor scooters are suitable:forJ: ~liich r6quired almost all of Maxwell stock chasers and messengers at fields Field I s aircraft.. . . where the source of S1.lpJ?l.y over a is L1IDCh was served on the IlbaJtlefieldll half .mile from operations. ' by the Fort Benning Officers' Club. The Ordinarily, when time is imJlortant,.a party returned to Maxwell Field about tractor or truck is used. Scoot er a'' 5:00 p.m. will reduce the cost of operations" as ---000-in testing they averaged 100 ; a ?~lon of ~, with no parktng problem The Sigr!21 COrps Training Film Unit Lnvo.Ived , They were found to be cheap0!lerating at the Air Corps Materiel Di- er then bicycles or \1alldnO'. ', 1 vi st.on, Wright Fi.eld, JJaton, Ohio, anThe model approved is a ~hree-wheel nounces that a film, entltled "TheoI';{ type with a carrying capacity of 10 of Aerial Gunnery," will soon be ready. cubic reet or u!l to 200 pounds . ['hel! for release. .In process of preuaration h.p. slngle-c;y11nder englne provldes(a . is a motion Pictureci entitled "fAodern normal, ope;re.tlng spee~ of 20 ~o25 .: . Vleather Theorv," an .the scenario has nules per nour . Stanaard equipmentrfnbeen written i'or a training film, encludes a' clutch, foot starter; conventi tled "Aircraft Engines." Also, there tior1?l. hlots>r,cycle steering and thrr;>ttle, have been received picture :plans cover- e~ecHlc llgnts, horn, and pneumatdci ing two new subjects - "Aerlal Photot Lres , " .', graphy" and "Aerodynamics. II ---;-000--. .. -,'. ~--oOo"'-- . . .c~ , 1 > 'v-8363;%:: '0 .


",;:,~-:-rr MAJOR GEORGE SSIGNED NEvt"cmdtiP' A TO

.~. ... II



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THEFLIGHT INSTRUCTORS AT.RYAN SCHOOL NewYork, whHe Johnson' was similarly '.""; ,. . '., o<;tcU~ied' Los ~eles; at'. Huffman in '. iifiis' believed that.of fl~pt m- .' CinclIlIlati, and Evans in San Diego. o.atructore sent to Randolph Fleldby the Prescott and Garner joint~y opere.ted, J.n~e,'cominerciel primary .schools for Air and Prescott owned; the Llnda Vista' ,;.'cor"ps)'approv~, a higher.~ercentage of Airport ~ar Sail Diego.' Larson had ,1. those'a:ttendlng from the School of long been' active in commercial flying 'Aeronautics were accented han from any' at Detroit "before joining the Ryan of the other schools.ll. '. .' 'SchoolinsttuctionSl staff." . :\.'The above statement is'Iiiade by the The seven other civilian elemantary (~NewsLetter Corres:(lOndentof theR~flying schools where Air Corps Flying -6.(,Schoo~ AerOl;w,utJ;Cs, of Lindb~r.e:hFleld, Caaetsare'\lIldergo,'~l'l;pr~y tralning, san: Drego, Cbllf .In anar"!;lcle in the under the Air. Corns;l!ixpansion Program, -,JC'nuary'15th issue Of the NewsLetteraJ'e again invited-to submit intQ(mation -m,briefdata was given on the. calibero! on their staff of flildlt instrUi:'t'Ors the flying instructors handli.M the ." along lines similar t'ci.'.tha;tl ;i)ubIjlftt.ed pri~ trainilJg of the Flyitlg Cadets 0 by the Grand Central and: Ryan fl.~ . . a.ttendlng the Gfand Central Flyil}gschools.. .' . ", .. '" .,!School at Glendale,. Colif.. An;edihrial ,-~-oOo-,.. note at the ccncrus ion of thi\!i,article . .N'',.",;"S OlJ''';' ,"m ."""', 'T FL':..Ji-" .,1Im" ';"c'n.,"""" '. reFsted similar infOrillati(5n"from the, U~,,". \Z';\AL'W "'-,",UAlUJ 'XL-l'lLT" n.uuu ,eii t other civilian elemerttar~ fl~ scols and the only response t'o,~his . A new auxilianr field for .the Ait .so .. ~ is fr9mthEf!lYan Sc~~h),',1hos'e'.' Corps Training Detacl:lJ!lent t Glendale, f a pubhc tons. representat,J,ve goes, on CalIf. J. has been :(JUtmto use llY the to say further -' '. '.~' .';. Grand ventral F1YlIlg School. The field, ,,"That this is an excellerit'EmdOrsement located near Newhall, Calif., is 4,000 3.'oLthecaliber of R~ fli;e:ht 1;rain~ 'by 2,700 feet in size, and is located . 'evidenced by,the fact tnatof Rvan s in an area. noted for J.ts freedom from d' military: ;instructors, fog and haze. It lies a few miles . ten are ,themselves graduates of commer- northwest of Grand Central Air Terminal . -i.,c~al,.fli.e:ht training.cours, esat the San where the det.achaent is based, Dlego seliool,' .. , . . ----'r, ...Wlienthe expanded Air Co.rps trairiing' A"new'englnetest stand building con. program ~t under way. oU'icials 9f, the taini,ilg ten rooms\. eac,h housing a motor, Ryan Scnool called back from posltIons has been conroletea. at the Curtissin commercial aviation man~oftJ:le best Viri~t TechnlcalIni?titute for use of grad1;Jl1tesof recent years lnthelr com-: enhi?ted me, und~r lnstructl9n, as me.n IU6rClal flrug school. ,j\s. a result, the. chanJ.c, at the Air. Corps TralnlDg Des Ryan flig,h staff is' an. unusually close tadimerrt , Glendale Calif, Advanced f knit organization. functioning under :'s~udents daily will use the new fa.cilithe able direction of. Paul Wilcox, Dihes to locate ''bugs'' put into the enrector 'of Flying. . . ~nes by the instructors the previous . In addition to the ten Ryan-trained nig,ht. instructors, two others. of the total of 'fourteen received their training in San' TJiefirstclass of mechanics'to comDiego . plete training at the Air Cor~s TrainTlie'Ryan-trained men on the fli~t lng Detachment, Glendale, Cellf., fin.staff are Verner Murdock, William Sloan, iBhed their six months! course at Robert Kerlinger, William Evans, Ben F. Curtiss-Wrilfut Technical Institute on -Hazal ton, Willi;;m Howe, Dick Huffman, February 8tE and scattered to their . .I> Joseph, Duncan, Ben Johnson and Rosmond various home fields, ,.Blauvel t . The others on the staff are .A total of 39 men comprised the first -c. Clarence Prescott Lee Garner and Pefer group of graduates, many of whom were Larson; Average, ogged hme of the awarded the Civilian school's coveted i group lS 2000 hour s . ..,.. "Honor Graduate" diploma by:Ma.jor.C~C . .,J/ilcox, .Kerlinger, iIlurdockand Sloan Moseley, former Air Corpspilot'Md. ",'were !'alreMy elllployed.on the commercial owner,of the .schOol. .r, ' Y' :, 'J', ", instruction staIf at the Ryan School.' . SiJliilar classes will graduate each when the new pilot-training program was two 'weeks hereat't er , with four new . -J-:insJtituted last July first. ,Howe, who groups of 3'1 men each scheduled to re;" -has -been instruCting military pilots . placethEim, .beginning February 19th . .';lfor :the 'Honduras Air Force, and flying ----, comiriercially in Central :Americafor. 'ith oniyeii!:ht men of an original T.A.C.A., returned to the San Diego .'. class of 38 waShed out in priIIBi'y.trainschool. Hazelton was operating his own ing, 30 graduates of Class <1O-D:"colll];llet. flying service at Toledo; Ohio, as was ed their work at the Grand Centi.' Sacramento. ing SchOO, on F. bruary 9th anl.left for 1 e . <Blauvelt was :i,p.structing students in" (CoIlt~ued on Page 9, . ': Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. 'V-83 3, A. e. ,', .~.' ;.;j .- . -,,',"

ence of Orien Benton, Springfieldt.Mo . taV~oTf~~merer,lYowas. SChoo.~:. ,ac,,!~.her a h1gh .. t~ .. . According to the NewsLetter Oorresv""'" M . . . -_ pondent of ShermanField, Fort Leaven:Benton, whoholds two college. degrees worth, Kansas. there appears to' ex-ist and is a Diesel engineer, is-girlng':inthroughout the Air Corps an erroneous sti:uction to the recruits in Jlll.thematics ~eneriil belief that On.lya detachment so they maybe able to pass .their exami1S stationed at that field. As a matnations into the air corps tec!lnical, t~r of fact. there is' permanently staschools. The recruits also work.. under tJ.oned at ShermanFiala a full squadron the supervision of menwho are'spe.cial(3rd Staff Squadron - 108 enlisted men) ized in the various departments" so as plus a Weather Detachmant and a Commu- to make them more familiar with.the,,! nications Detachment. subjects they will take up at the.,;.,'.;:; Throwdl the energetic efforts of the school. ..... !'"... d,; . c former COmmanding Officer. Major Joseph The air corps technical schools:;are A. Wilson, Air Corps, ShermanField has rated as the best in their line'.'iri,the been made into one "f the finest landworld and, as instructors s . have .someing fields in the Air Corps. The field of the out standing theaer.onalltis so well drained artificially that it ieal wor'Ld. There the recruit: is .;.tllken is never closed. on account of wet and given an intensive course(in~~. of weather. There are two runways, each the following subjects, airplanemechan., 4,000 feet 10:16, and one runwalf3.000 ics, radio operator and maintenance : feet long, which will acconmodate any work. welding, photography, sheeti'rnetal. aircraft now in use. A considerable work, blacksmith, propeller, mstzu. amount of transient aircraft business ment s , pclnting ana. carpentry.'," -'; , is carried on at ShermanField. due to Whena man is graduated from these its central locaUcm ~ographically. schools he is not only valuable to' the This station is esp3cJ.:c.llygood for the air corps but at the expirationof,.the one stop transcont1nental traffic. In 3-year enlistment, if he does not .. ish w its heated double hangar there are to follow the army as a career. he has stored the transient aircraft which a trade which will assist him inc:t:ind.remam overnreht . iru:': employmenton the outside ..:". e!:i! . . ShermanFieId. operat-es on a 24-ho1ir The air corps is virtually the10n;l,y schedule and can give maintenance serbranch of the service where ail enlisted vice and weather data at any hour man ~ rise from the ranks and become . throughout the da;y and night. Twoof-an ofhcer. This is done by the'enlistficers are assigned thereat, but one of ed man,passing the entrance examinathem is at present on. detached service tions Plr Kelly Field, the West Point attending the Link Trainer School. of the Air. There he will Learn-tic fly The following. article regarding Sher- Uncle Sam I s airplanes. .. .' . man Field appeared in a recent issue of The requi!,,~metltsfor this training the Kansas CIty srAR: center are mgh. as a man must 'have. two liThe thrill of working on an airplane years or college or pass an equivalent and riding in it has be~ to wear off examination. He also must be in~erfor 65 recruits who enhsted in the fect health, as the ~sical exanunation third staff squadron at Shermanfield is stricter for this branch of. the serhere (Fort Leavenwcrth) during the last vice than arry other. While this sounds ~ three months. But they are showing an like a great handicap, there have "been' unusual interest in becoming,expert many of the present officers whowere mechanics, radio operators. phobograformerl;r enllsted men. "--, t phers and other Air Corps duties. . The fust request of nearly everYJ're,.. Lieut. Ray Clifton, commanding "fficruit is to go for a ride in an'.a:ir- : cer of the unit. was faced with the -plane, but he is not allowed to. do.(this probl~ of preparing these recruits for lor two or three months, as he does'' not the au corps technical schools, where knowhow to act in a plane. Thi s .is they will receive the best available ,done for the protec.tion of the recrdt training in aeronautical subjects. This as well as the officer flying the plane . requires intensive training which, to.a A courae of instruction is given.~the' young man just out of high school, nia;y newly enllsted men on ha.v to act, in the have an influence on his morale so pl.ane , hO'1.o. wear their .parachute and t plenty of recreation has been piaced:ln take care of J. and how to 'jUlgp t -f'r-om a the program. . ' . plane in case of emergency;,Everv,man, . Of the 65 recrurt.s , most of them are enlisted or officer, must wear. ai;laro.natives of Missouri and :Kansas, with chutewhenever he leaves the .ground in several residents of the Greater Kansas an Army plane. .", _ -rt C ity area. They are all high school . The care of parachute when'iI1.'po.ssasagraduates and many have several years I ~on of an enlisted man is an impo.r,tant -, college with a few having degrees', . 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, .mstreated 'and the I chute must not be . to follo\7 Privute Bonaparte thr6~ his .'Iallowed to become damp. . course of recruit trainin~ b; a The popularity of the air corps ,es- . series of phot ographs depi ct rng the Gspe'ciallyat Sherman Field, is emphasize life of an Air Corps recTUvit ,II -'~by"tJ?:e gro~ng list, of fouths desiring , ---000--O:}J,to enter thi s organdzat.Ion. TJ:1e pres- J..---, ' ...ent 'al.10\7ed.strength of the Third Staff PAINTED WARNING PLANE AvERTsDISASTER ON , s~on is 199 enl.Lst ed men, and ' !'L;J.eutenant Chfton does not expect any .Two airplanes; a B-18A and an A-17A, -~.vacanCies for some time. . were on the line at Bolling 'Field,D.C . ezThere are also eight men of a meteo':' warming up at about oneo1clock on Janro]:ogical squadron assagned at the uary 29th, and the only indication that . field,who have available information on this was to be al,JYthing ether than a the weather over the United States routine fli,$t was supplied by the' (twenty-four hours' a day . A .raddo hook- bustle .()f' tEe mechanics at work marking ":up :viith:"army stations over the nation. in lampblack on the sides of the ships is kept open here twenty-four in large letters "Richmond Closed. II -jrhours. '8, day, as seven men of a CoJ1lI!IU.~. . There were, i, however I the II'eparations na:"..riicatibns squadron are assigned, to being made to dispatch airplanes to 1~ ~ti~7,n,ere 'for that. purpose.".,.11 ' Richmond, Va. ',- to warn Lieut. John T ,"LC..'l)" " '..'. ---000-- Shields. Who was ferryi~ a photogta":cas,'" 'i , . phic plane from Brooks Fleld, Texas. to 1.B:IN:APOLIDN BOHAPARTE ENLISTSIN AIR"CORPS Roosevelt Field, H.Y., not to land at t -tn t':. " Richmond as he intended when he clearNapoleon Bonaparte, son'of Mr. ed from 6 harlotte,.N.C:'. ' Mrs.'.liJacRino Bonaparte; of 1511 McDonald The AinraysDivision of .the Civil. "Avenue, Brooklyn, New York,~has enlistAeronautics Authority notified the Oper:':ed'in'the Army Air Corps at Mitchel at ions Office at Bolling Field that Il;~iel.d;' N. Y. . ' ' Lieut. Shields had cleared for Richmond, Mil;Upon bebg interviewed, Bonaparte was -at that tir,16 covered with -,[;stated. ,that his enlistment was Clue to snow in heavy drifts, and that the merhis desire to become an airolane mechan- cury stood at 12 above' zero. The con'>:ic'rather. than become a great leader. ' di t Lons indiCated that it would be inl\ehsKed if he, was interested in the cavi,ting.disaster to attempt' a landing , '~"'reel' of the great Napo Leon Bonaparte, there, and the Civil Aeronautics Author-j".;he-stated:that he was more interested ity also reported that they had no way .in 'the destinies of the Brooi:lyn Dodgof warning the pilot. since he was not :ers';, '. equipped with radio. . \;.t: 'Private Bone.parte further stated that 'The answer was the immediate ordering his name had caused conaiderahl,e embar- out of the shins, on .the sirles of whicli ;rassment on 'numerous occasions. One were hastily scrawled the legends de,":,'tincident'in particular, was when he was signed to warn Lieut. Shields not tel . jlI'di"l.'ving a car with' two friends whose . land at Richmond. Lieut. G.H. Austin .:<names:h~p'.i>ened be, James Cagney (not to I' Lieut. D.E.Wilburn as co-pilot; r1.-.L the !ToIne star) and.John A(l.ams(no reand Captain R.L. Easton took ef'f in two -'l:-lation to the ex-president). They were ai.rpl.anes with barely enouzh time left , ati:stopped by a policeman for pass inga to make the forty-minute flight to ' ILred light.' Richmond. E~.d they arrived a little '~, IlPull over to the curb " commanded later than they did Lieut. Shields ,the cop. "WhatI s your ~e?1I the cop' mi~t have made a disastrous landing, "~-1iellolVed. : enoirely unawar-e of his danger. , .;" .ltJoh.'l Adams," -repl.Led orie of his com~he Bomber, and ,the Attackplanes in"r,~ons. ' terce}ted Li.eut . Shields before he ar, ~C'l' ~""Oh! wise {'}XiI, eh? That I s your name?" rived in Richmond, thus warnina him of . '11e~ked of liisother' co~on.... . conditions there, after which fie decidit.r, r:"Jlil1myCagney," he replled. ', ,, ed to follow them into Bolling Field. "eru;~1. Then the cop did burn up and, point. , --000-- . "',r"ir.g'to Bonaparte, he sdd: uArid I sup9.,J pose you are WicJr..ey Rooney?" : Grand Central Flying.,Scheel (From'P. 7 ) ;.;!",'''No . 'Na~leon. BonapartQ.1I ' , R--~ 1 h F' 1 d ' s: ,." That was the l<:,.st s.raw. so the boys anno le_.' . .: "were ,lodged in the "Boosezow" until On t e preceding Thursday afternoon, , "'~ the Cadets sta<;;ed a graduation teadP.nce -~~ia.entiI icati4n could. be established. from five .t" elght at Los Angeles '. f'ashzs: "'1Jocal and New York newspapers gave ionable ,lITown ,House. II with co-eds from the story of his enlistment front page 1 ., .. t'G t. fl' -f.laetD, ' The Mitcilel Field News Letter ecai, ans acu aons e earning. , j These Flying Cadet Graduation Dances 'rr..~~rF~spop.dent s~ that "it. is the Inare accepted as recognized society func(1)entlp,n,of the .Publ.Ic i.ons Of'f'Lcer' tions by editors of society coluilms. Please ~o .Iv - ".' purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. A C .(l.A ,t:aC::b'-{ , - 9' .,". ,- V 8363 "'.--


Staff and .Albert R. Weaver, Air 'l~chan:;':: GENERAL OFFICERS ISIT MAXWELL V FIELD ics, 1st Class;. Corporal Herschel Rigg1ng: Privateslst Class James 1. Cbadderton"" General George C. Marshall:. Chief of and Charles Mull; Private 1st Class',tA" Staff, and i~or, General Henry H. " Arnold, Chief of the Air Co~ made an M. 2d Class James L. Pearc~; Private ,,:..A.b. 2nd Class, Malc~b R. Privates;." i official visit to Maxwell'Field~ .Ala., Will~amA. ~,Ralph.H. GlIlIl James'I' on the morning of January 22nd lor the WilliBll!'l ]J1ll'!)Ose finspectiIU?: the recElJ:}.tlyon- T.' Hastings, Riohard E. Pe~, o c E.' Walker, Ben P. ,Truitt, Kenneth V,;, r.A stituted 23rd CoJJlP9srte Group (DemonIves,' Arthur W. Cassada, Wll11amD v:' ... stration), the field's building con.Aaron',John G. Felt:e8; Bert W. Reiser'e:I; struction in progress, and and Joseph B. Sittiil.. .t. 'U other actiVitles at the Air COrpsTacLieut. Houston said that the general tical School., The Patty, which included Colonel Orlando Ward, General Stafl. functions ofthe=, ,11, t mu:\.d'be to opic lallotat6ryand Corps, General Marshall s aide, arrived erate the phOtogr to perform such tographic m1ssi'on" about 11:15 a.m. from Barksdale Field, as are directed. "c.d ' Shreveport, La., in a Transport 'Plane ---000--"'; - ,.'0<7 piloted by Car.>tainlligene If. BeeDe. Captain John G. Fowler wasco-pilot; COlONEL~DLF.AVES MAXW.l!lL1 Sergeant H. Puzenski, crew chief. and . ,. .1,~; Corporal R. Meade, radio operator. Colonel Douglas B. Netherwoe-d,-Ai~i:~~ FUll military honors were accorded the visiting Generals. ~J:lr Augustine Corps,' has been relieved fromdutY'aEk~ I President of the Air Corps Board at ' 1 F. Shea and Master Sergeant Luther MaxwellField, .Ala. and assi~ed to ,;, Warren acted as aide aiid orderly, respectively, for General Marshall, and duty at Mitchel Fieid, N.Y.. beinll: for his new station; Captain Earle E, Partridge and Nl8.Ster scheduled to d~t about February 10th. " Sergeant Cecil F. Ren'll':served in , Colonel Netherwood came to Maxwell:', similar capacities for General Arnold. Field on August 26, 1936, upon his -gre:a.:.. The visitors were met by Colonel . Walter R. Weaver, Commandant the Air uation from the Arm:! War College,' -Washof Corps Tactical School, and his staff .. ,A 1I).gton, D.C., for duty as Assistant':l Dlrector of the Air Corps Board.' ,He as.. thorough inspection was made of the, ", newly Qrsnized 23rd Composite Group, ' sumed,tJ:le directorShip' of this, import-: ant~actlvity upon the de~ture of; , "~: hangar line and recantly constructed barracks. Colonel Jacob 11. RudolPh for LO~;L'-" The party left MaxwellField at about' Field. Denver, Colo., 1n June, 1938,' ' Colonel Nethe~,voodls services on this 12:30 p.m, for the Infantry School at Board, ,s/Ws the MaxwellField CorresponFort Benning, Ga. dent, tlhave been rtf inestimable value," --000-and the studies initiated by him'are j F!IOTO FLIGHT CONSTITUTEDMAXVIE[;L AT invaluable to the defense plans of out . country. ' I Flight C, 1st Photographic Bquadron, Colonel Netherwood has the distinc ... Was constituted at the Alr Corps Taction of being the u:l1.yofficer remain.,. , tical School, Ma.xwellField, Ala., on ing on the active list in the U.S. Army, pursuant to radioinstruc who was in the oriltinal 'group of four,tiOns from The Adjutant General, Wash- teen assi~ed to tlie Aviation Section, ington. The headguarters(lf the organ- Signal Corps, on Al1E;ust 0.' 1914. This 2 ization is at Bolling Field, D.C. Un- was the brood of :fledgliMs which startofficial 'information received locally , ed the present U.S. Army Air Corps. tI. is to the effect that'the Squadron is . C910nel Nethenvood has been piloting to consist of six fli,e:hts. mlllta:ry aircraft continuously for .:nore First Lieut. James R.C. I1ouston. Air than 25 ~ears. He holds the mil1tarl' COrps, has the distinction of bein~ the aeronautlcal ratings of command. pilot:! first Commanding fficer of the fllght O and. combat observer. -~' .:1. stationed at Mai;,ell Field. He is a Colonel Netherwoodwas born in Bir"'" graduate of the Primary and Advanced min.e:ham. England, 'on Feb~ 4, 1885. Flying Schools and holds the milit~ FollOWinggraduation in 1908 from Texas aeronautical rating of pilet. HeJs Agriculturiil and MiniM College with the also a graduate of the Photogra~c degt"ee of Bachelor 'of Science in Mechancourse, Air Corps Technical School, icaJ. Engineering he enlisted in the Chanute Field, Rantoul. Ill. . Coast Artiller;y Corps .and served in,,;" At present 22 enlisted men are roamthat arm from July 31, 1908,untll'-b:ig. bers of the Flight, namely, Master ser- 6, 1911. He was apjlOlnted l1' 'secend-. geant Harvill B. Srote, Technical Serlieutenant in the Coast Artille;:y, c.rps geant Barron C. Powers, Staff Sergeant on 1911 promoted tc flrstt ~ 7, ' Ralph S. Davis, Sergeants Raymond A. _rJ:ieutenant. July 1 ,1916; Captain;'''-MaY Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8363, A.C. T :- ..,. T .. "j" :. .. - T _-"1;,;",





15, 1917; Major, July 1, 1920; Lieuten"AIRPORT TRAFFIC" . antC61onel, August I, .1935, and Colo(The following treatise is a Flying ;aneL~~A~st 26, 1936. Cadet IS interpretation'of the air-: HisJvariedmilitary career has. incl1ld.~?Qffie traffic control system at Ran.ed~tw6:tOUrs.of duty in the Philippines .:ahd 'in:the Office of the Chief of the dolPJ: F~eld, written at the "request" of his met.ructor after said stUdent Air,0orps, service at. var~ous' garrisons pilot "tied t\1ings up" pretty badly ini.the.States, a deta~l wi th the Organone afternoon). . iz"efd:Reserves, and attendance at the Army.WarCollege, ArmyIndustrial ' Co],lege, Air Corps' Tactical School and "Traffic is a word of flexible use' Harvard, School of Business Administraand meaning: in the' mind of an aviator tion. its many-connotations can well be fork1" '. ---000--gotten. It for him the exist-GO" " ence of a pattern of specific geometric .b.rFLYINGNDER U ICINGCONDITIOI1S . proportions; the visualization, within . his mind,' of a ~ri-dimensional a.1-ignment . The recent cold weather at' Randolph 'of space , velac~ty and accel.erat i.oiis, Field., Texas, with an overcast sk;y, has The rectification of the pilaff s given the students undergoing bas~cspace position with the existence of trilining at the PriIlBryFlying School imaginary, or rather, visualized, lines an excellent demonstration of the 0011of translation is of first importance, gerslof.flying when icing conditions chronologically and because of its parexist-;!With temperatures between 26 . amount: necessit~. and 30 degrees F. and a ceiling of Airnort t raff'Lc , as ydu may guess, is 2400Jfeet, many.planes accumulated ice a system for the direction and control at altitudes as low as 600 feet in the of the aircraft arriving and departing thin.haze that existed beneath the from a field. Careful planning and the overcast .On several planes propellers ,~e of the fruitful '!mmvl,?dgeof expeaccumulated enough ice to prev,?nt the I raence has caused responsfbfe personnel -.f:un,ctioning of the pitch changing meto set forth, in wri hng and in diagr'am--chariism'and to canse strong vi.brat ron matical form, certain , These . in On the propeller of one .form the system for flight into and out - .. lane tlle vibration from uneven ice . p of an.aerodroms . . . . formation on the blades and Lee on the. No well ordered system, the work of antenna wires caused the antenna mast sincere minds, established for safety, to begin suddenly to vibrate' with such .J?-o system so. designed I eaI.J- be ~allously intensity that it-snapped before the ~g;1Oredor v~olated w~th ~pun~ty. The pilot: could change the .speed '!'If the rUles laid down for flying in traffic -I~gine .or airplane to stop the vibra~e of no value if cooperative cffor,t t:lon,'~'iOn' another plane, ace on the un- as nov put forth by groups of pilots der.... surface of the wing prevented the engaged in flying with too same pattern ]:oweting of the flaps. at the same time. Perhaps the most dangeroua effect of Whenobeying and construing the rules icinG -occurred in the Incr-eased> of traffic, due regard should begi ven ing.speed of several ships and in the to all dangers of nENi~tion and colli..change in their stalling characteristsian, or to any speciflc circumstances ics. The ET-9., which normally glides which might render a departure from the at 80 miles per hour, stalls at that rules necessary to avoid speed .. ith about one-f'our th inch of ice gel'. w ' . -. on the Leadrng edge of the wint':. The The quotat Lon- C'f the learned and . stalling attitude of the ship as very scholar"J.y Professor L.'1.. Stoopnagl.e inziear that of the attitude of the ship ~pire me ~o .state that: Airport traffic s'in.a,normal glide and far from the as what, ~fyou dont t get your neck "37point" attitude. To make the situa- broken bargine into, you have to write hon' even inore dangerous was the change one of these. If in "feel" just before the stall .. The - --000~controls were not "loose" and the ship did not feel as though it were , CLASS 4O-B ONTHEHOMESTRErCH ;-"settling" just before the. stall. . f or. ,.,:" --000--Class 4O-B is entering its last two .Fl.".!', weeks of training at the Primaf Flying ,At. a, meeting of the Randolph Field School, Randolph Field, Texas, before Reserve Officers Association on January going to Kelly Field. Of the 238 stu.@5t~:,..i;he following were elected tohead dents who started, 20 were eliminated " ,~81'ter duri~ 1940:. J?resident for flyiJ?-g. The~e were ? "the~ ~osses etl:st, L~:. J -. ,. Treweek; V~ce Presfdent , Is. ~our be ing PJ:Ys~cally df squal If'Led, one . M 'Lt,,-N.~'M.J3yrne; Secretary 1st Lt. ~ ~died' one res Igned , and two were held \O~.'D'lD)_el; ,Tr~asurer, 1st Lt. Don Meade. over ~o. Class 40-9. Four hOldov. ersfrom Please purchase ,.PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. .n A. "0";'8. . 1 4O-A Jo~ned, leavmg'a total of 214. ,Co V-8063, A.C.






The U. s. Navy Band will play the official Air Co~s Song, ''The Army Air Corps," during its NatlonB.l Broadcast from Washington between 2130 and 3100, Eastern "standard Time, on Monday,February 19, 1940. r'he radio stations which >lill broadcast this program are listed below, as follows: I ~.~.:.t W,rZ - NewYork ms - Hot Si'gs" Ark. SUCCESSFUL GUNNERY SEAsON J!'OR. i7TH SQUADRON WBZ - Boston WDSU - N,Orleans, La. j '. WBZ/L"- ~ringfield,Mass. WJBQ - Baton Rouge,La, As members of the 17th Ptirsui t'S'l.Uadion at WE4N - Pr~vidance, R.1. KVOO Tulsa, Okla. Selfridge Mich., gather and reminisce mcc - Bridgeport, Conn. KABK - Little 1l0ck,krit. over their Field, 1ine of achievements:e:na long WFlL - Philadelphia,Pa. WGA!; Lancaster ,Pe. victories, the reason fo~ their constantly WMAL - Washington WKBO - Harrisburg,la. high "esprit de COrpSIl ,becomes evident.'!! Wsm - Syracuse, N.Y. wrAR - NOrfolk, Va. At the end of this year's gunnery season WEBR - Buffalo, N.Y. ' WBLK - Clarksburg,W. Va. XI:iKA - Pittsburgh, Pa. WGKV Charleston,W. Va. at Canp Skeel, Oscoda, Mich., when the, scores G - Cleveland, Ohio WOOL Columbus, Ohio had been compiled, it VIaS found that ,one. of wxtz - Detroit, IIdch. VlHIZ Zanesville, O. . the highest average scores in theihistory of the SqUadronhad been fired. Taking cogniVIO\'lOFort Wayoe, nd. I WING Dayton, Ohio l'IENR - Chicago, Ill. WOOD Gr.:Ra:pids.Mioh. zance of the fact that twalve of the .n';" pilots were firing for the first tiII>3'JJohe K1'1!t - St. Louis, Mo. WBOW - Terre Haute, Squadron average sco:e.of 1~80 is ind~~tive WMr - Cedar Ra,:>ids. Ind. Iowa. WGBD Evansville, Ind. . of the excellent tramlng g rven by.Fllght Comrendees , "One hundred percent ~er.ttl I'ITCB - Minneapolis, WIaA, Madison, Wis. was the goal set up and achieved durlng'the Minn. WFm' - Flint, Mich. '. ' !:SO - Des Moines,Io.", WBCM - Bay City, Mich. 1939 gunnery season. ---000--WREN - Kansas City, !CMl\ - Shenandoah,Iowa Kans. KSOJ' Sioux City, Iowa NEW tiTILITIESAT WRIGHT WRl'D Riehmond, Va. KOVIH Omaha, Nebr. _,." B Hartford, Conn. WFAI Cincinnati, O. .' .... -.., , Public ~ening of bids was ;the WABY - Albany, N.Y. ' VlUlZ Bangor, Me. Materiel Dlvision, Wright Field, DaY.t~ri: 0., WMFF - Plattsburl'h, NY 1'1HOO - Augusta, Me. WJTlI - Jamestown, N.Y. WFEA - Msnchester,N.H.! on January 25th for a test chamber p,mer 11LW - Erie, Pa, wmu;; - Wilkes-Barre ,lao building unit and tunnel duct structur~" for WJ1M - Lansing, Mich. WSAN - Allentown, lao I the wind tunnel and three traveling 'cranes, also for the wind tunnel. The low bid' for WIBM - Jackson, Mich. WORK ~ York, p'a. WELL - Battle Creek, XGl/C Amarillo, Texas the test chamber power building Unib- arid tunnel duct structure 'o'1aS presented by -bhe Mich. WQAI San Antonio, " _ National Concrete Fireproofing Company" mc - Muth, Minn. KTOK - OklahomaCity, Cleveland, Ohio, in the amount of $614,000. lCYThl -,1I.inn. Okla. The second low bid was . from H.M. Boyajohn, ,XROC -Rochester, N.Y. XGKO Ft.Worth, Tex Columbus, Ohio, for $618,300.' .. KF.AM st. Cloud,' Minn. XXYZ Houston, Texas For the three traveling cranes, Harnisch KFOO - Sioux Falls,S,D. KFDM Beaurmnt , Texas Fager Corporation, Milwaukee, was low:with XAMF - Wichita, Kans. WIlAY - Fargo, N.D. a bid of $54,593. Second low was the: Wl'TF Faleigh, N.C. XFYR - Bisrrarck, N.D, Whiting Corporation, Her-vey, Ill for, WFOC - Charlotte, N. C. KGO San Francisco, $58.900. : WFBC Greanville, S.C. Calif. '--000--WIFE- Asheville, N.C. KECA - Los Angeles, WIS - Columbia, S.C. Calif. NE'lI PORTABLE ENGINE HOISTFOR FIELDUSE .WDLF Florence, S.C. KTMF - Santa Barbara, " WTMA. - Charleston, S.C, Calif. WJAX Jacksonville ,Fla. USD - San Diego.Calif. . The design of a' new type of engine hoist has been completed at Wright Field, Wid one wn.A - Tanpa,Fla. , KEX. - Portland, Ore. experilOOntal unit is being procured. WLAX - Lakeland, Fla. IaEK - Sacramento, The adVantages of the newhod sb are,that WIOn- Miami, Fla. ' Cal if. WAVE - Louisville, Ky, KWG - Stock:b'on, Calif. it is an independent unit which. is 'readily portable' in a light truck or cargo airplane. WSM- Nashville, Tenn. XERN - Bakersfield. TwolOOn can easily handle it. ' I WMPS Memphis, Tenn. Calif; Existing hoists must be mounted on heavy WSGN - Birmingham, Ala. KJR - Seattle" Wash. trucks or tractors as e. heavy engine 'being , WAGA Atlanta, Ga. KGA - Spokane, Wash. lifted on the end of the boom would tip: a ---000--light truck over. The new portable hoist is d i smsnnled in twosactions, weighing "PproxiUNUOOAL 1'IEATIlER ;:r BANIXlLPll FIELD mately 225 pounds each. Whenset up',in', the The weather at Btmdolph Field, Texas, during field. three legs brace the load-bearu;g the last part of January produced IS.tVlO-day structur,:, rig~dly on the ground. .'. ~!r~ , snowstOI'lll,a low temperature of 14 degrees F. The hOlst wl11 ~andle any p.resan,t,~ilr;:~t.iCiand broke a 54-yearold record for successive' pabed type of engane. The design' provides 'a, purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. of 3 ,OOO-':ii'ounds.' rrargin of safety for a. load , -12V-8363, A.C.
",C_ ~ ," ':AI'

below-freezing nights. The fourteen-day "Norther", arrived on January 15th and kept the tellperature below freezing until: the 29th. The snowstorm arrived on the' 22nd and produced two inches of snow;'which lasted two days. Great, were the snow fights "aad numerous were the snowmen at RaDdolph':: , Field. ---000---.. "

" me -








OF U.R,!!rIOltS promotion and. in subsequent assi!lJllentS, Transfers of Lieuts. Stevenson ,League. Rocky; Garrett, DeBolt and Whitfield make the lFist Demon outfit wonder I what Puerto 1I:icohas on the ball. It is .f elt ,however, that the squadron will continue its former.hi~efficiency urider. the guiding arm of Captain Fred H. Smith,...... ' A nobat aonmtst be made (mthe Less of Firs.t Sergeant Ernst, who st~F~' tOll.' new position as Group Sergeant MaJ~r ~f the new 36th P1.;rsuit Group. With him gp57 men; leaVing the SoUadronwith a mere'163."
~ --'---


.36th ~uit Group (Interceptor) 'd' .. ',"FebI'Uaryl. 1940, marked the official .. ': date o! act1vation)or' the 36th Pursuf t .. . Group (Interceptor with Major Ned . Schramm' the. CoJJlJlJllllding as Officer. The Group is now composed of HeadCluartei:'s and Headquarters SquadIml. wito Captain ~ -,John'E. Bo~e, CoJIlIlla2.ldin,Q;,the 22nd and Squadron, nth Captam Glenn O. Barcus , '. "Cormnanding... '. '0"' _ The first meeting of the 36th Group was held January 26th at which time the man were ~ven their squadron ,assign"menta and dut ies. . WorlC and there was ,.'ltlenty fJf it - was begun iInlnediately. T'~ -. The officers and man,II says the News . 0 Letter Correspondant, "are. to be con,'gratulated on their fine spi.rit and , .i'high morale as they r611edup theiX" sleeves and began the difficult J'task of organizing the new Group so . "! !' thl<l.tit would funct ion as a tact Loal, "or'p;axiization on February I, 1340. Their . wiIlingness to do their own job and help the other fellow also was highly, \ indicative that they were proud to be . charter membersof the new 36th Group. II The'n$v Gtoup commenced operatin~ as a tactical I'lrganization with an izutial quota ~f 21'~fficers and 267 enlisted ~ 'man; 16 P-36A's and one B-IOB. The ". Group will operate at Lan.dey Field, .' Va., '\llltil its permanent, case at Puerto e Ric& 1S prepared to receave it; Even " before the first de,y' cf operation was over. a bit of artistic talent came. to .light when a number of proposed ins1gnias' and mottllS were sulJrni ted by memt 1 b,ers of the new command.

Major Theodore J. Koenig Will become . Effective Febraary 1, 1940, six offithe Commanding. Officer of the nE?wly ~,,~:cers and 53 enlisted men of the 35th ti.vated 25th BOmbardment (}roup tHeavy ,'Pursuit SQuadronwere transferred to destined.f9r service at Borinquan Fie d. the 36th Pursuit:ot-ou:p. These men are Puerto Rico. . .: part of a nuclaus''bus1ly engaged "r~l~ing their group. which 1s to be st.ahoned in Puerto Rico. . . . Najor Caleb V. Haynes has been desig- ~ Officers of the 35th Pursuit SCLu8di:'on nated as. the Commander f the.reactivat~ " '. transferred to the new Group are Lieuts ed 41st Reconnaissance Squ8di:'on(LtlM H.M. Truitt, W.E. McEntire. Jack Milne, ~), slated for ,;sen;ice at !I'.acDill . O.E. Taylor, H.P; Rosasco and W,S,':Bowen ield. Tampa. Fla. . F '; iswlth reg;t~" says the '~ci1be . 35th PURSUIT GROUP . . ,"',of the 36th PursUit SQuadron, Lan4ey Effective j!'ebruary I, 1940, the 20th' "'"Field, Va., nthe squadron SSS IMieul Pursuit.Group; .MOffett Field, Calif. I '. the 'several cff1cers and; menwho was. spht to form the hew 35th Pursui.t ' ...1e8:.')/e assume }lI)sitions with the new-. (troup. ~he.Co~ding t.o Qfficer ~f the , desl~ted ' 36tl1 Pursuit Group. Most new outflt 1S MaJor Auby C. Strltklandi. ',felt the 'l(lsS of ~the S.qI,ladron CoJilmander fficers commandmgequadrona bf the O " ... Major-Ned SchramlIl. whO departs to, asGroup consisting of the 18th, 20th and ~ ... -i ,.Burne commend the new Gr~~t His of 21st Pur sui.t Squadrons and the Headquar.:.:presence and abilitf as s9. oil comters Squadron are Captains. NormanD. ':,mander since 'July, ..937, 1nstilled a .. Sillin, Orrin :J:,. Grover, P.K, Morrill teeling.of ,inspiration and confidence and 2nd Lieut. Harold B. 'Wright. respect.loi"",the.t und.e for a desire to exert .I)n~! s fully... . S os.,utmostto serve under hini. :Best wi shes 'In celebrating the blessed evant. the Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.comilfficers of the 20th Pursuit .Gr'Jupheld to remove this watermark. .ab::<s:by:-.eJ..l...,aQl.~lC"tended, to hini in his new ,C ," .",!~.. -1' V~8363, A.C.



. 29th BOMB.ABDMENT GROuP (HEAVY) .The nellly.activated 29th Bombardment Group,(H) , , GH~ Air Force, has. jumped into the mi.dd.Ie of the A:rrf>:r Air Oorps Ex;[)?llsionProgram with a b1gsplash. .' Hav:mgbeen organlzed only about seven-. teen hours) the officer pers6nnel and their f'ami Li.ea met at the Officers I Club for ~ .informal ,get-tGgether and Group warmang up party.. : Very appropriate and hi~y appreciated were the favors donatee: from the . City of Tampa. Florida, where the Group' eXpects to make its future home early this suiruner The Group hopes to repay .. these advance courtesies IVlth a long, pleasant anP. serviceable tour (If duty at Tampa; . . . Major,Vin~nt J; Meloy is the new Commandingfieer 6f the 29th Bombardment Group Heavy), which will ultimate,.. ly be stationed at MacDill Field, '. Tampa; Florida. .




a last get-together in the form of a 2d Lt. D.K. Fargo/ 8-:-4. Supply .. _ dinner and dance. During the evening, 2d Lt. N.H. Van S~cklen,Public':Rel8.~.r . 9010nel.Robert !iJ.M. Goolrick, Connnand. " tibns:;'.}"VU8H ~ng Off~cer of Koffett Field, and'Lieut. 'i~ter Se~geant, Wilber W. Far~~j~ia Colonel ROBSG. Hoyt, Commanding OffiCo ~er~ant MaJor; Tech. SgJ;. EarlJ.~e. aY3ii cer of the 20th Pursuit Gro'\tl2,~ve as an charge of Personnel; and Tecn;:Sgt. talks on their feelings as "Chief ObHenry ~i:pp is Chief QperationsCl~I'k;"'" stetrician" and "The ,Expectant, Father, ". :Tech. 5gt, John Belecflak took-Sergeant respectively. The result of their ef-, Lippls bId placeas Chief Operations:' fo::ts ~sthe nel\T35tp. Pursuit Group, Clerk in the 3rd BombardmentGroup; .':S a s now well on'its way to maturiHeadquarters. ' .: "-,,'12 ty. ' . . ', . -----'.r tel , ,Hehdquart~r~ SQUadron, 27th Iiombara:.:: , Savs the NewsLetter Gorr!3_~poride~t 'of lnent Group (L , fs commandedby Ma~ofo,; 't~e 77th Pl,lrsuit Squadron, lllOffett ' 't.): Pitts, 'IV 0 i:, assisted by2nd"Lt:~ F~eld, Callf,: "Aft'er returning from H.F. Lowery. It as understood thatL maneuvers (at Sacramento, Oakland and t&i..10r'Pitts is me~elyloal1ed to tl:}e flf: ' , San Fr!l.Ilcisco), the Twentieth Pursuit' , ,27th. Group from J.:llS,rel2:l,llar'capac~tyJ as Gr~~~rbecame the proud father of a',f'our- 3rd Group Execuhve until Major G.H., "sq iron infant, the 35th Pursuit Group. McHenryreports' in, at which time!heiS 'To this new Groull we lost ~ valuable will take over 5-2 and 3 and the,comofficers and enllsted men. Li.euba, mand of the Headquarters Squadron,27th, Putnam, Moore, Lunde, Randolph, Bowie, Group , .' 'J;' !".,,""1:" Hubbard, Sneed,Grosetta, ana Sergeants The':first Sergeant is' J .H"~';:;~the? Hillman, Heller, Hall, Jordan, Kean and ~rat10ns Clerk, Corporal R.L,'Di:mi,CILJ. MCLeanwere a ,few of the 'old timers' and the Line Chief ,Technical Sergeant" to become charter members of the Thirty L.L. Roberts, Jr. '. , "',' Fifth. ,In such competent hands we are ' . ,', . v: ,':,,; sur~ the new infant will get no oi:morThe 15th BombardmentSquadron~(Lh:l"": tuni.ty to become a problem child;T1- , activated from the 8th SQuadi'on,o,con""[" sists of the following, officer.persoli';;"~ 2'i1th BombardmentGroup (LiPt) nel: . ' ',' ,.i)J;JJ.>S ,The first of February. 19:>0. is 'an' Capt. J.P. Doyle, Commanding:OfHc~r;JT histonc date throusnout the Air Corps, 2na Lt. Wm.E. Eubank. Adjutant, '-Mess:.; Barksdale Field contributed its share ' and Supply'" '.,,~a wan 'bygiving birth to anew Lig1lt Bombard- 2nd Li.eut . C:D. Jones, ,Operations.'and ment Group, an attached Squadron, and a Intelligence;,' . ':",' ~c.~ new~r ~e Squadron; the two latter. 2nd Lieut. C.W. Ludwig, Assistant;. o~ganlZatlons :to be-moved rovay sometilneOperations'" Public Relations; -', ,"'''' Inthin the calendar year .. ,2nd Lieut. R.K. Martin, Ern!:ineering;" ~he tJ,ew27th J?ombardmentGroull 2nd Lieut. W.R. Purinton, Assistant', (L1ght) was actlvated by splittlng the En.tineering'. ' ." ,~.~ personnel of the old Third Group. The 2ndtt. H.P. :Bae0t, Tech. SuPPlY;"!. squadrons were ,divided, half of the 8th 2nd Li.eut . H,W.,Oheka, CGlnnnunlcahoAs; becoming the 14th Sauadron, half of the 1st Lt, L.G. Faubanks, Armament.- :-!'> 13th becoming the 15th. and hal.f of the First Sergeant - B. Robinson; " ' ,,:t, . 90th beoomine; the 17th, ,A f 1if>7 offi '9:(lerations Clerk - Tech. Sgt; A,Groves; eel'S were aas i.gned toforni tPe new 37th Lme 'Chief - Master Sgt. J .H. Crawley. B?mbardment SqUadron (Medium) which, ,' -----, --'.' ':!111 eventualIybeoome a part of the '. The 16th BombardmentSquadron (L);. acComposite Groull in Anchorage, .Alaska. tl vated from the 13th SqUadron,' cons s ,The new 27th.Air Base Squadron'(single) of the following officer personnel:,"":" was also actlvated for transfer to Major B.S. Thompsonl,Comd1gOfficer;',/') Tampa, Florida, as soon as the base is 2d Lt. L.C. Adafus .l\D.j1ltantand:Mess;~ !e@y for ~hem. First Lieut. ~on ' 2d Lt. R.D.Callaway, Tech. and.q,.M.":; [~cClellan a.s the CommandingOfflcer of SUpply; , , ' ",-::" the last named organization.' " ..' 2d Lt. S. Vosper, Operations and> S'U:: The 27th Bombardment Group Headqua.rters Intelligence; , ".' ,",of Staff is as follows: ' " ' 2d Lt. B.K. Voorhees, EngineeriIJg;'",';. Colonel C.L. Tinker,-CommaridingOfficer 2d Lt. Y.S. Tarrant, Armament, PUblic 2d Lt. H.F, Van Leuven ' S-l, Relations; .' '., .L 2d Lt. E.W.' Hampton, S-l, asst. 2d Lt. C. Harper, Comnnmications; Ma.jor Y.A. Pitts, S-2 and 3, 2d Lt. R.F. Stricldand, S.D., Wing Bomb. 2d Lt. R.F. Hinton, S-2and 3 asst. and School, ' , " , ,Communications.,' --,. " .;",. ,:" Captain J,F. Guillett, '5-4Fust.Ser~nnt,;,. H.E~ McKelby'" b').:-:;i 1st Lt. N.R. Burnett, 5-4 Engineering ,9:(lerat10ns Clerk - ~gt. C.A. Ree'se:p"b 1st Lt. J. Kane, .'5-4 Armament L1neChief - tll:t. Sgt.R.E.'Gllft6h. , -14- to remove this watermark.V':'8363, A~C~,r.:j ' Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on

.1,". r.... . , ... MORE NNUMBERING O RUl:lWAYS , The',i?th BombardmentSquadron (L), activated.,from the 90th Squadron, consists :,o.f"the following officer personCommentingon the letter of Lieut. nel':\~.J, -, r.. " Colonel Ed..!!:Br, P. Sorenson, Air Corps, ,::Capt,',H.A. 'Parker I Comman~ Officer; , quoted. iIi, the J~'l, 1940! issue of 2d.,Lt::~;N.,H" Slclden, AdjUtant,' Van the News',Letter,wherein he aa.vocates .. M~ss.and.'Supply and. Public Rel,a; utilizing a' system' of, numbering runways tlons;., ',_,' .' to the ,numbering .as appears 2d. Lt .. A;T.Culbertson, ,Technical, on the face of a clock, selecting the SupPly' ' ', , @proxiIDate center of the' landin~ area 1st Lt. R.C. Paul, Engineering; for orientation purpOses, orient1Iig zp':Lt,: 'L., Drafts, Armament; clock numbering about that center and. ' 2d:Lt. H.Galusha, Oonmunfcat Ions: with,12 always at the north 1 and. select2d.TLt,.-C;R.JognsoIi, Operations and ing and. using such nuinbers Itom the Intelligence;' . ', face of the clock as most ,,nearly fit 2d.Lt. R.H.Anthis, Asst. Qperations;' the positions of ends of l":unw~s.lend,2d. Lt. J.A; Miller, Jr.,S.D. Wing '. ing strips, or usable e!igesoof the Bomb. School; " area, Capt~n 'George W I Haskins j 2d. Lt. C.T. Olmllted.(Sick in Armyr Reserve, ofAr~lru;ton, Va., stated. -Navy Hospital). ' ln a recent commumcat'ion: r{J\'c _ -' ' "It is believed. .that the current pracFirst Sergeant - R.S. Stevens" tice of numbering counter-clockwise beQllera,tions Clerk - StaffSgt.F.Vallery ~nninglvith 11', north consecutively to LllW:Chief ' - Mr. Sgt. R.E.Hoijer lnclud.e all the runways is because the r( ,~., " ----, " ", numbers will be' increasing as one aIr The'37th BombardmentSquadron (Mediuin) proaches for a landing according to the activated from various organizations' at n<:>rmal approach procedure, circling the BarkSdale Field; has alreiid"v assumed ' auport to the left. ' ' ' the)iickn.aJne of the "Polar 13earSquad"The suggestion made in your January ron.,',', It is rumored.that this or~first issue is a good one and may help zat10ri will be moved to, McChordFleld, a. 'lost' pilot to know his directions T~oma; ',Wash,, wi thin two or three' more readIly at the terminal. However, illclIlths,.where it will remain llJ."ltil the on those airports not having a runway new,,base at .AJ.lchor~, Alaska;'. is ready. point ing due north, a similar aid to . !Th~"CollllDanding. Officer of this organ- 'orientation could obtain by the und.eruatlon is Lst L~eut. C. Baumeister; standing that No. 1 is toward the most The staff comprises -' northerly direction and. the desired 2d. Lt. A.G. G~bell, Adjutant, Mess - runway can be antic~pated (according to . Supply; Techn~cal Supplf; IDY personal opinion), with less mental 2d.t.Lt~A. Baker, En;;ineer_ngi effort when knowing that as the pilot 1st Lt. G.A. Hollanil:, OPeratlons and progresses to the left around the field, Intelligence; Public Itelations; the runways are numbered consecutively :;2d,Lt: 9'; O. Schurter, .Arma>nent; and in increasing numbers." 2d. Lt. W.A. Ohampagne , Commmfcatdons , ---000--Heading the lisT; of noncommissioned A CORRECTION "officers are 'H.;r, Courtney, First Sergeant; In an item in the February 1, 1\340, 'Staff Sgt. B. Lowery, Operations Clk;; issue of the NewsLetter (Page 20), re-<- ,Mr,,~ Sgt. C.A.. Fritiofson, Line Chief. ferring to aerial 'reviews in the Panama ,:j",~ new orgam.zations at Barksdale Canal Department, the 19th Wingwas erFiel,d" althowmhandicapped. by befnz roneously referred to as, the "19th quartered in me temporary'''recruitll' Wing;'" .aa.a matter of fact', oar racks , are off to a flying start I J Composite"Composite" was 'eliminated the word both literally and figuratively, ana. of this says 'the NewsLetter Correspondent, ~we from the offi.cialdesi~tion organization in July, 1937, and subseare especially fortunate and proud to quent to that date from the designation be commanded Col. Tinker ,andconfi-b:y of .other Air Corps units. " de,nttha~ IVeI.ull live up to his hicil , The News.Letter offers its apology to expectatlons ln both morale and effrci~ ency;'" . ' , the 19th W~, and to such other unlts as may have lnadvertently been referred . ",' , ---000--to as "Composite." ' .rJf:"I,r....~!, "" --000-Lt,Col. Charles B. Oldfield., Air Corps, on duty at Fort Lewis, Wash., in command of ,Air Corps troops, is under 01'Effective June 29, 1940, Lieut. Col. dersc,tor, dut:y in the Panama Canal DeHarry H. Young is relieved. from d.uty in ,rJl9l:~*eilt",be~ng scheduled to sail for the Off~ce of the Chief of the Air Corps Iris:)new statlon about May14, 1940. and assf.gned to dut:y at the Southeast , .J,., > Air Base, Ma.cDill Fleld, T~, Fla. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. A.C. -1 V-8363, '
_I .. ..'" .




quires a great number of reports to~be, rendered and action to be taken byV~ Immediately followin~ the hoiida every department in the Squadron,. afseason the 55th Pursurt SquadroIJ.~F), fording excellent training for a majorMoffett Field. Calif. I was called mto ity of the personnel in the organfzaaction for particiuatlon in the very tion. ',' , " ' recent l'West Ooasb" maneuvers to act as' ' "The high uoint of the maneuver,:.from "Air Defenders" for San Francisco and a 'Pursuiter's' point of view. was the the adjacent :Bayarea; The defenders. engagement of the Navy,fighters over designated as the "Blue" forces resistMonterey on the 20th of January, This ed an attack from' the sea bJ' the "Black" has been nicknamed 'The :Battle of . '. forces composedof, as the NewsLetter Monterey. I It afforded a wonderful op'Corres'oondent puts it, "our very compe- portunity to compare equipment and .: tent rlvals. the Navy," He then goes fighting ability of two separate branchon to sa;,,..: es of tfie service, The outcome,well, "The result of the maneuvers proved we dont t believe what we read in the the possibility and the consequent grave pa~ers! . . "J danger of an attack on our West Coast, The joint exercises were completed "It might be mentioned. with a ceron the. 21st of J~ and were follow-' tainaJriount ,of pridej, that by virtue of ed by First Win~1vlarJ.euvers which 'were the smooth. frictioruass operation of hampered by Cahfornia's IDamp Haze.' all .Squadron departments, the 55th and 'Liquid Sunshine;' '!'he maneuver achieved a hi/!J:lmark which will alw~s was clitnaxecl for this Sq1,1Bdi'on when an be something to 'shoot at.,' This was ,I enenw' squadron was forced to land at possible only thro~ the 'complete coour ai.rdrome ; due to lnclement weather. 0:f\leration of all SaUadronpersonnel.. Thelt were captured and escorbed under , Second Lieut, A.P. Tacon, Air Corps, ,heavy guard' to the Airport Resbaurant, was in C8mp only for a maher of t1"lO where THEY bbught the coffee." ' or three dalfs when he became ani Ace; II having seen his fifth Navy plane through The NewsL,etter Correspondent of the the gun si@:lt. He expected to prove . 77th Pursuit Squadron, MOffett Field, . his point men the camera-gun mounted Calif;, :reports on the Maneuvers. 'as on his ship was stripped of its film follol'/s: ' 'oi and the same develo~ea and printed, .: ,liThe 77th Pursuit Squadron is fresh However. the resultm~ pictures, alfrom thetwar' on the 'Western Front, I though showing some SlgnS of artistry, which \~in reality a cold front; that turned out to be probably the clearest is what vour maneuver detail in' Sacraand the most unique -photographs ever ' inento amounted to. ' On arrival we found taken of California landscape.. a valley of sunshine and gentle breezes; "It might he stated herein that 'every- but beheve .you me that condition was one learned a great 'deal from the Mannot lon~ lived. However, thirteen' euversthat he hadn1t known .before .and . ships fmallygot BJlI~ from the fog. it is concluded that the more often .the . bound interior to.get our shot at the these activities occur the more we. 'Black Forces-,' . TIle r:-extproblem we shall learn." _'. '.. ". .. '. : . confronted after leaVlng Sacramento uas '. . .... .--,,"'-. '. getting back,' which for four da;ys was lIJ'on=y-.13th,n SOiY!! NewsLetter the an impossible task; so our OJ)Oorrespondent 'of the 79th PUrsuit Sauad- erations were done from Oaklcnd.and San ron. Moffett Field, Calif" "saw tms . Francisco . Whenthe Wing Maneuvers beSquadron moving into the field for tile . gpri, we found ourselves on opposite Joint Army-Navy Maneuvers. This Squad.-. sides from our friends at Oakland and ron was based at the M\lIlici~ Airport San Francisco; we were naturally prisonat Oakland~ Calif. Sunda.v afternoon,ers of war, an embarrassing situation the 13th 01 January. we started the war to s~ the least. . on r,~~er. Squadron coimnanderswere IIAvery unfortunate incident occurred cas ties. a.irplanes were shot down, at San Francisco on the date of our rereports were rendered as fast as the turn. Lieut . Sprague's Plane cawllt telety:pe would operate; all this actifire while idling on the. ground, He vity slmulated, and very glad we were jumped out to insDect the plane only to to call off all 'operations until the find the motor a blazing inferno. Lleut, next morning, when Uncle Sam'sNavybeSprague made a valiant effort with excame the invading forces and we the .tJ.ngu.ishers to save his plane from bedefenders, , a total loss. but without avail. '" liThe first joint probl.emwas .a com. It is noteworthy that the convoy of mandpost exercise ,with all engagesome ~wenty trucks and ninety men made ments simulated and me, ssages giving ac- the tr~p to an. 'from Sacramento without d tions of the enemy. result.s of engage- loss of-propert;r or personnel. So.,. ments, etc., received on the teletype everything constdered, a multitude of ex~d by radio; This type of problem re..,perience was gained through these man. -16V-8363. A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. THE MANEUVERS ONTHE WE5'l' COMr




:stationed. at Hamilton Fie1.d, Calif., . completed its first maneuvers on Janu1,,, .Althpugh theSQuarlronhe.s' . ,:been' operoting less than fhree months . 'and has less than one hUIllired6j::peri~,encedenlisted men, all assigned Vrob'''lems. and missions were completed In a' -q.manner that would do credit to the old'est squadron. "The Esprit de Corps _fL.~Jshown"by membersof the squadron all ,while on maneuvers 1s a tribute to the "Sq~on, Major J. V. Hart, and hi. s staff 1 II declo ares the NewsLetl~er Cor~~na.ent. ' .. r~e. S ; on wa\l quartered. in the. ;MUniClp AuditonUDlat Or.)\rllle,Calii., Wherethere is located one of the'best basketball courts in -the St,a,te. This ,..coUrt was made avaihhle to the Air ~:CiYrps per-sonnel, every .even.ingl DJUr:.h to 'r"the. enJo;yment. f all concernea. The o . :SquadrOnformed a team and l:ilayed the Oroville Five. Uter a hard. f:fi~t contest. the airmen took the s "rend of' a 31 to 27 score. r .. The Squadron conducted its mess in the Memorial Hall and the unanimous 'bp:i:rifonof its members was that it . coUld not have been surpassed. ,:._~.On Saturdalf evening, January"20th, the ,.of;ficers were the gwsts of the Elks , ..'Clubof Oroville for a dinner and dance. . . On'_Sund~, the Squadron held open house ". at. the aizpoz-t , and the entire popula~:.~tion turned out .to see airmen a't rest. Fort.l{ second lieutenants of the Air Corps xeserve who arrived at !.la.xIvel.l . '.:On.Thursday, January 25th, the civic orgaiUzations .sponsored a dance for the Field; .Ala., iast Decemberfor a year of extended active .duty with the Air enlisted men, with his honor !/.a;)'9r Palmer as guest of the eveniIJ.;.M1jyor , Corps), were promptly assigned to the, 'Palmer, in a brief speech, Sald: "It 9lst SchonL Squadron for flying train~ .. ' is with pleasure that I welcome the . ing. All graduated from the Advanced .. members of the 22nd BombardmentSCl1;l8-d-Flying .School , Kelly Field, Texas. on ,. ron, U.S. Army Air Corps, to the City November28,.;1939. when they were com-' ".,of Oroville."ll"The hospivality Shown to missioned in the Air Reserveand.:given -all the membersof the Squadron by the -. the military aeronautical rating of -City of Oroville.will ~ce this maneuver pilot. Captain Norris B. Harbold, Operations lOIl: to be rememberedl1f concludes the' Off:cer of the 9lst School Squadron, _;. 'News Letter Correspgna.ei:lt. ' ;;:J '.' .' --000-';' '. sbat ed that the 40 "Fledglingsll had. to been divided into two gI'lJups. One secNEW XB-24AIBPLANE MAKES l~S tion flies from 8:15 to 9:30 a.m., and INITIALflIGHT the other from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. , , daily. They are piloting Attack, Pur-v' . The U.S. Army Air Corps 1 new Bombard- suit, Observation airplanes. and are ,.' ment airplane technically knownas the also co-pt l.ot Ing Bombardmentaircraft. , XB-24, recentiy made its lnitial flight Navigation, reconna,fssance and "blinl! at.Lindberl1:h Fl.eld~ San Diego. Calif. flyi:ng" (in9trument) missions are eched_ Built by too OonscLfdated Aircraft Cor- ul.od regularly. .'. 'lloration, it is a 4-cmotored:Bomber f o Afternoons are devoted to ground -"hii1;h wing, all-metal construction. The school instruction, Capt. Charles A. ,:;\'(~ng.:is a full cantilever t''Pe cf high Bassett engil1 eringoffice*" 23rd ComJ;;~'a:s!?ectratio with four tractor engine pos i.t e Group Demonstration) teaches en!l.Melles mounted flush to the upper sur- ganes from 1: to 2:00 p.m. ,and' Capt. -ccel.i'~xfof 'the center. section. F,?wler Harbold teaches navigation from.2:.00 to _~y,pe... l.aP<lextend.inboard of rolerons. f 3:00 p.m, . Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8363,A.C. .a.A -;taa;:~;" .' -17- . .

~ .u .,.. llombardmentSQuadron(H), . :"The22nd.

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Power is 'furnished by four Pratt & . Whitney 18-cylinder tWl.n-rowradial air'cooled engines, rated at 1200 h ,u each. The pro~el Lers are Hamilton StanD.ard3- . bladed. dromaticconstant .speed types, . 12 feet n diameter. . The approximate gross weigj1t of the ai:rPlane is 40 000. pounds; wingspan llcrfeet; len~h of fuselage, 64 feet; and over-ial.L 15eight, 19 feet. Tactical requirements are for a crew of from 6 t o 9 persons, d.epending upon the mi ssaon to be performed .. ' . . Control' surfaces are fabric-c~vered and fully cO""o.lIlterl'l'eil1:hted.fUll cantiA lever horizontalstaoilizer has. twin . fins and rudders mounted at the tins . The all-metal stressed skin fusel~e is equipped with hatches and .Windows an tlie nose, tail, t~tledeckl .back and . bottom. The.Landang (!J3ar16 of tricycle type single wheel forward. This . . retracts into the fuselage. The rear or 'Fain landing wheels retract into wing wells. . airplane, from preliminary exam-inations, gives evidence of living up to the advancement-a in aerodynamic and .'perf'ormance characteristics predicted. These include a speed o~ over 300 miles' per hour, a range of ap:proximat,)lY3000 miles, and a bombcarrYlIlg capacity of approximately 4 tons. . ---000-. . TRAININGORRESERVES MAX.W.E:U. FIELD F AT

.. .

at Salt ,', 'Lake City. The flicllt from that city . The 15th Air Base Squadron, Albrook 'was a battle against a 55-mile per Field, Canal Zone, and Staff Sergeant hour headwind., with snow and wind over C.C. Rogers recently won the squadron I the Sierras. and intlividual cb8IDpionshi~s in contests -~oOo--sponsored by the Albrook Fleld Gun Club. ". The Base S.1,l.dron team, composed of Is ACTIV ATIONOFNEW AIR CORPS UNITS 1st Lieut. W. . Jones, Sergeants Rflgers, W S.E. Stair, Privates B.E. Cutrer and J. On February 1, 1940, four Hamilton Kaptionak , amassed a total of four vicField ~fficers, in accordance with rrtories ~nst no losses for an easy" ders., activated; the new Base Headquaz-L~icto~y ln the team competition. Close tel's and 19th Air ,Base Squadron at .on that team I s heels was the 29th PurHamilton Field, Calif. ' . suit Squadron's team with three victoMa.ior Raymond Morrison is the Command. ries and ene loss. The 44th Recoimaising Officer of the new outfit, v.hich . 'sance S~on won two and lost two,' will entrain for McChordField, Wasll.', the 24tn: Pursuit Squadron one victory sometime after February 15, 1940.: Major and three' losses, and the 74th Bombard- Thad V. Foster will be the Air Corps . ".ment lost all four contests. ,".1 Supply Officer; Captain Theodore 1f. The '7iniling team received a s9.uadron Bblen,. Base Engineering Officer, and " , championship pennant, while indl vidual CaptaJil Chester P. Gilger, Comnnmicateam members were awarded 'gold 'medals . tions Officer.: Shooting a total of 1,042 points, "The newBase Squadron, about which'''..'. Sergeant Rogers won the individual the Base will be organized, will take c!J?mpionship and received a sterling' 1385 men from Hamilton Field. The 17th, silver cup. Sergeant Alford was a Bombardment'Group (Medium and the 89th close second, shooting a score cf.l~037'1 Reconnai ssance Squadron ( Range), for ~hich he received a silver' me~. ,will soon make' McChord Field their new \ The next three hi.ghes t scorers, Lieut. permanent home, thus cO!u'pletingthe Jones with 1,028, Pvt .~uette, 1,028 West Coast chain of bombrng bases. . and. Corp. N.A. Johnson, 1,013, received Upon the activation of the, unit;' Major 'bronze medals. Morrison received the following radioThe score made by Lieut. Jones ranks ' gram from the Chief of the Air Corps: ~~t of Pvt.' J?uquette ~n rapid fire, IIj,iysincer!9st official and.pel;"sonal ~lvlng the ofhcer a third place accordcongratulatlons to the conmfsatoned j I and enlisted. personnel of your unit ang to N.R.A., rules. ' ---000--~ on the ~ of its activation stop I Many difhculties are certain to A MERCY, FLIGHI UNDER DIFFICULTIES I arise during the next few months however I have every confidence in ~~o badly injured CCCenrollees 'arriv~ your ability and. determination to ed at Hamilton Field, Marin County. .' overcome them and this office will Calif. on Sunday, February 4th,after ' render all possible assistance stop Please read .this message to your peran Army transport plane had bat t.Led, , blizzards, storms and headwinds in a ' sonneLand accept my very best wishes for a history of successful achieve'flight from Miles CitY,Montana. ' I , Tfie two youths, aged 17 and 19 years, ' ment for your new unit end. , Arnold. II were suffering from a 'broken arm and . shoulder and. a broken back, respective, ly, and viere transferred immediately to From Barksdale Field. La., the News Letterman General Hospital at, the Presi- Letter Correspondent writes as follows: dio' of San Francisco. ' Nei ther had re-; I "The big day that e~~~ne in the thirsponded to treatmen,t at Mazuma.,Mont.,' i teenth (Bombardment S on - Light) where they were injured' Christmas' Day have'lon~ waited for inally arrived when a cce truck they were driving had wi~h a blg ban,g .. The Group split-up overturned. ' , we 'all anXlously.looked forward .The.ambulance plane from Hamilton " to, to,?k place February 1,1940, and. ... Fleld left FridaY,' Feb; '2nd, on what, .the thirteenth squadron, not to be outw~s to have been a. non-stc;rp. flight to, , done, was onE?<if the. firs~ of tJ:1e squadMiles Clty. Weather cond.i,t ions , how- 'rons to parhclpateln ' this spht-up. ever. forced them down at Salt Lake . Earl~ Tuesday morrring , activity in City, Utah, overnight. ' ' the thirteenth barracks and on the ' on the following day, Lieut. Charles thirteenth hangar line was first not LcL. Hamilton. ~ilot, an!i Lieut. Kenneth ed as men busily moved personal .equtpS. Wade, co-pfi.ot , chanced the 9-ash ment and: bel,?no'lngs out of the headquarinto Montana. On the' return fllght on t er s tnto war t ing cars. Out on the hanSaturday afternoon, snow and ice on th~' gar line, the airplanes were dressed up. - 8' Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8353, A.C.

iAtmOOX FIELD SQ,UADRONSPISTOL SHOOT wings again forced a l~ IN

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'\~dq.8'Ia 1; 71:1

"The Historie of the Life 'end'ReigneWhich is all printed in Scotch. of that Famous Princess Elizabeth," as The edition "Artie Ex;ploratio. nsn 1s the author Tho. Browne !luotes the title, was printed in 1629 by Tho. Harper 'end of special interest in than it is writthen a William Booke at ten not as a scientific record of inOxfordi who was a noted book seller at vestigation but rather as a personal ' that particular time. . journal or diary of the Second Grinnel I' The book is believed to have been the Expedition in searcli of Sir John ' property'of Zachery Lewis of Brecknock, Franklin. These tales are narrated in Wales, and was brought to .America bethis book by Elieha. Kent Kane, of the tween 1670 and 1700. He in turn passed Navy Medical Department. , it 'along wi th many other books to his Priva.te Jerrie Scott McMullan is a g::anddau$ter, Anne Lewis,' who was the native 9f R;chmond, Va., and started j1J.fe.9f George Wythe, signer of the Dec- his colleC~J.on of ag~d books and manu'arahon or Independence end member of . scripts Mule attend:tng grade school in he Convention of the ttnited 'States Con- North Eastern County~, A.fter graduation atitution. She then to her from Mitchel High School, 1931, he atbrother, Zachery Lewis, III, Colonel tended the Lincoln Engineeri~ School during the .American RevolutJ.on and he at Lincoln, Neb., havIng specJ.alized in at his death willed it to Ann 6ver.ton, engineering and drafting. McMullan, grand niece of Anne Lewis and Georgo arrived at the airdrome in November, !ythe and wife of.James'McClure, Sr. 1939, after serving with the Infantry The 'latter 'left the bool: to his aon , and Veterinary service, Medical DepartJames McClure Scott, Jr., and he to his ment , of Cuartel de Espana and Post daughter,Nimnie Brook, the mother of A.rea, Philippine Islands, for a period Jerrie Scott McMullan, who at her death I' Of. two years. came into possession of' the book.. ' . ....--000-In the author! s notation which is ., , . .' related as "To the Sa.cred"Ma.;estie of., Officers Assigned to Tactical School lJJSovereigne Lord King CB:ARIES,"he tContinued from Page 17) , states ''It was. so ~rre lJJAmbition, .' that it was lJJfeare,to make your Davies, 2nd Lieut. Howard F. Nichols, 'majesty (Who already ie of My Colledge) Selfridge Field, Mich.; Captain Joseph Visitor of lJJ.Lobours; .for indeed, could. I H. Atkinson~ 1st. Li.euts. George E. the honor of this story have, descended Piorce and ~ohn M. Reynolds, Hamilton to the humble can ten t of a lowere pa- . Fi eId, Calif.; Capto.ins Lilburn D. tronage, I should no more. have adventurFator, .Robert D. Johnson, 2nd Lieut. ed the Favor of your protection, than I JeanR. Byerly, March Field, Calif. . can deserve it. The only credit .which . ---000--I craVe for this inscription is, to. FLYINGCADET,BOARDS VISIT EDUCATIONAL counternance, not to my reputation, but INSTITUTIONS. reason; which tells me that,to under value the,majestie of this storv wi th a Dedica tion lesse than Princely,'were to Two traveling Cadet Examining Boards' furnieh, not my .Labour but errolirs .,ith were organized at 'Barksdale Field, La., a Patronage. Should I heere stele into for the purpose of vi~iting colleges in a seasonable ccmnendat i on of this subthe 7th and 8th Corps Areas to examine . ject of this history, I should but.ini_ c~didates for flying tr~~nir~ at the ure goodness with.some thisn applause; AJ.r Corps flying schools.' Each Board and. not, .bLaaon, but stifle Virtuel,in. consisted of three Air Corps officers; too straight a Panegericke; Lwill" ~ one Medical officer,' one enlisted as- " rathEi1"leave still, her Name, for 'a ter:' sisti3.-'1t to the Medical officer, one, ' rour to the faction, h~r clerk, one' radiO operator and two crew . Vi::tuel. for an: example to Your envious chiefs. " , ImJ.tat on, and her un1'!Orthy Translator lOne Air Corps officer was designated to the gratious acceptance and Princlt as advance agen t to each board, and depardon of your Majesties,". ." par-t.ed from Barksdale Field approximateThe "~welfth Day_Gift" is a small ly cne week in o.dvance of the Board. private edition that Was gathered and . This officer, flyIng an .1-17 airplane, printed by Mr. J. Newberyat tue request was reach'each school'from of the most noble Marquie of Stestars an five to seven da~s.ahead of the board . and,a society of young gentlemen and J.n order to publJ.cJ.ze Flying Cadet ' training and the arrival of the board. This.small vest pocket size book con- He contacted the Professor of Military tains many. small verses, prose and . Science and Tactics at oach school short stones that had been gathered prior tohisartival, and through him ever a period of time by numer-ous parmade arrangements for publicity, inter-, ties and 'collected and then printed by . vi ews, lectures, and place for phyeical ,the author at their r eque at , . examinations. ":Burns' Works" con tatris a short bioBoth of these advance officers r'eportg1"aphy of Robert Burros, his poems and' ' ed .that the fullest cooperation was received from the college authoriti'es, as Pleasehis .1etteICs 1<0 Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. purchase PDF his numerous friends, -19' V_8335,A, . C,



well as .Ith~Pr,ofess.;r~"of Mill ii:Il~y".SclPEinsa.col8.,Fla .. instructors ence and Tactics. ,The~tour of these . Hausmanand Tammany both ser-ved tour.s" .officers was. without incident", of active duty;ithe former wHh the.' 'one instance' when)Lieut': OverIng, .ad-" Marine Corps and the latter with fighter . vance agent for. the 8th Corps A.rea sQ.uadrons~:ofthe NaV. ,Board,\,encotintered engine'trouble at 1)f the'ten Randolph graduate!!, Inlltruc,. Denver,' Colo. j,.and was unable to pr$eed5 tore W.G. SJ;ansbury andE.B~ Saxon only' the board to 'the Universi,ty ,:of Arizona. recently completed their course there . The Eighth OerpsArea Board, with Instructors'W,H. Clark, J;E. Nuhn and Lieut, ,Colonel Armin 'F, Herold as pr.ea- H.G Reynolds recently served on active . Ldent , departed in a B-1BA. irplane :(rom duty with th(j Air' Corps. the firsta Barksdale 'Field on November 5, 1939. named at Langl~y Field., and the two ,During i,ts tour, the Boar-d visited eight last named ;in the ,Hawaiian. Department~' colleges, located in Texas; Oklahoma, W ,Elliot was until rec-ently with ,the ..S., "ColoradO, NewMexico and Arizona. '.A.t 'Civil .A.eronautics Authority in Washifigthese educational.insti. tutioris. 417 ~an tC?n"D.C.;, L,~S;'Heral '!i!>B recently dida,tes were eltananed and ,178, or 43"" W1 the Washington NatIonal Guard, and. th recommendedf,er appointment. The board A.,R. 'Strunk. served on active duty at, returned to Barksdale Field on December Selfridge Field, Mich., and then served 16 . 1939. . ,with the Minnesota National Guard; H,G. _.fhe Seventh Corps Area Board, wfth Nichelson was with the Continental Air.;Major Milo N. Clark as President, decraft CompanY' ,parted. from. Barksdale Field on October San Diego for the past several years, 31! 1939, a1!l0,flying, in a B-lBA.plane: !hile George S. Sanford !lerved as an Th1!l board' v1G1ted te~ colleges, ,locat1nstructor at R!i.ndolphF1eld for two .ed an Kansas, .A.rkansas, Nebraska. Iowa" years.., ' South Dakota, North Dakota and Mlnneso~ Ed. Note: The ;NewsLetter ,WOuldaptao During this tour I 645 c~didates prec1ate receiving information along were examined and 183. or28~, recomlines similar to the above from the mended for appointment. The BoaI'd areight other civilian elemehtary flyrived at Barksdale Field' on December 141 ing schools, . 1939. , ' ~--oOo--The heada of the two' boards commended ',J . ~ ~., " very highly the work of Captains -He Ld GRAlifGES S~TIQNSOF A. C, OFFICERS IN and Chennault; Medical Corps, who'were " . the Flight Surgeons assigned to ths' To the Hawaiian Department: 1st, bl?~ds, and who,' were, constantly busy Lieuts. Ar6;,lbald J; Hanna, Aaron W.' g1V1ngphysical exam1nations to each Tyei', 2d.Lts.M. T. Coffield and John M: a.pplica.nt appearing for .appointment. Ferris, frc:nMarch F.ield, Calif,;. 2d They further stated that the preliminLieuts .. Marionlif . Pharr 'and Horace A; ,ary ,work pf the: advance agents and the Shepard fro,in.,Hamilton and Randolph. ,) . !!-ssis~ance .of the recorders proved of Fields, respect~ve1y; Major Burton:F. " 1neshmable value. . . . Lewis and 1st L1eut William 1', FiSher Since their return to Barksdale Field, from Mitchel FreId,' N. Y.; Captain Clyde Ldeut , Colonel Herold received or-der.s "1 K, Rich andBnd L.ieut. Henry C.Godman, to attend the three months'. course at from Langley Field, Va;; 1st, Lieut; t~e Air Corps Tactical Schoo}:, Maxwell W~lliain L. k~an,. fro!!, Selfridge .' F1eld, .1180., and MaJor Clark 1S under, .. F1eld, Mich.; Capta1n R1chard E. Cobb, orders for duty in ,the Panama Canal De-, from duty with xheOrganized Reserves, partment. .' ,Second Corps Area. .. -~-oOo,:--', To Washington, DIC,: Major James G. .. . T~lor, from Hawai1an De~artment, for .THEFLYING'IiifSTRUCTORS AT'THECIVILI.AN, duty in Office of the Oh1ef of the Air ELEMEN'l!ARYSCHOOLS. . , COrPs.

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The News Letter COrree'pOn'dentof the 'The following-named officers, upon Grand Central Flying School; Glendale, completion of their tour Of ,duty 1n Calif." submits 'some very interesting the Hawaiian Department, are assigned, data on ,the \~rious flying instructors to Air Corps stations, as follOWS: 'on duty at this school, thi,s in 'order' Captain Walter R, Agee,to Hamilton 'that sOIl\eidea regard~ Field,' Calif.; , ing the caliber of'the instructors,handCaptain WIn. E. Karnes to 15th Obser- \ ling the prima.y training of Flying . vation'Squadron Scott Field IU,; the 'various "Little ,Randolphll." Oaptain Fred S. Stocks to i6th Obser-' Of 13 instructors ,mentioned, by .the vation Squadron., Fort ,Bragg, N,C. ; . 'Correspondent, ten are Randolph Fisld 1st Lieuts. Paul C. Ashworth Edward graduates; one;';Captain Harry C, Flanick. 2nd Lieuts. George R.lnderson, Claiborne, chisf instructor.,' began his Ryder W. Finn, Francis H. Matthewe" flying car~er durin~ .the Worl'd'War at Herbert R. Volin and Llo.YdA. Walker, Rockwell F1eld CahL; and.two, 'W.F. Jr" to Langley Field Va.; Hausman.' and FJI., Ta.manyJ. received tJ:l,eir , ,1st Lieut. Dale O. Smith to Langley flying training at .the !'Javal Air'Sta .. :, Field".Va. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. , " . ..,.20V-8335, .A.. C.

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Inforrnation Division Air Corps

MarchI, 1940

MunitionsBuil~ . Washington, D.C.

The chief purpose of this publication is to distribute information on aero, nautics to the flying per'sonne], in ~he.Regular Army,Reserve Corps, National Guard, and others connected mth aVlahon.


UP-rro;...DATE, I{I1.'1T~,IN ~N~ FLYING BY Captain eFiiir~esit. Ross Air corps (Prepared while member St~f of !nstrliIjlerit Of and Navigation Unit, Materiel.Division) Instrument flyin~ in the recent fast, movedfrom the instrument panel, for high performance rorplanes presents a their use is essential to supplement problem quite different from that to and check the gyroscopic instruments. Whichthe Air Corps pilot is accustomed Certain misconceptions a:ppear to exin his normal rout ine.. This fact has ist in the minds of someni.Lot s concernbeen brought homeof late with the deing the proper use 'of someof the inlive~ of airplanes of this type to the struments on the instrument panel.. Each Air Cor!ls. has been installed for a def~nite purCertam problems are encountered in pose, and knowledgeas to its use and the flying of these airplanes under In- function will aid in obtaining the prostrument conditions in turbulent air per combination of readings which alone which do not exist in the slower,older will acconml.i sh the desired end, namely, types. As a result of air bumpswhich a clear, concise picture of the attitend to cause rapid accelerations, cer- tude and direction in which the airtain of the instruments showexaggerat- plane is fli[ing. eO.readfngs with very little change in In this d.i.scussdon the term "attitude" the attitude and direction of the arr-: ~ '\tUr-be used considerably. Webster deplane. In addition under roug!J. ir a fines attitude as "the orientation of conditions, it is often extremely difan aircI'aIt in the air as viewed from a ficult for the pilot to see and read the stationary spot beneath. II Instrument instruments distinctly. His head bobs flying is lar~ely a problem of instruabout considerably and this, coupled ment utilizat10n to enable the pilot to with the fact that the shock-mounted' visualize the airplane's attitude at instrument board itself movessomewhat, all times as clearly as though actual causes his vision of the instruments to reference to the earth's natural, horibecomeexceedingly blurred; Moreover, zon were posarbl,e , two of the Rate instruments, the Bank Flight lOstruments on modernaf'rpl.ane . and Turn Indicator and Rate of Climb instrument panels may be ro~y groupIndicator, are so responsive to high ed into two main cLassdf rcat Ions - the accelerations while the ai~ane is Amount Instruments, those which indicate flying in turbulent air thau a higlil,y the attitude and heading, and the Rate different methodof instrument use from Instruments, those which indicate how the usual 1-2-3 system becomesnecesrapidly the attitude and heading are sary., .: . changing whenthe airplane is not flyA few years ago the installation in ing a strai/2tlt and level path. Among Pursuit airplanes of gyroscopic mst ru- the AmOUlj.t. rnstruli1ent~, the Fligllt Inments, other than the "Bank and Turn In- dicator (gyro horizon and Turn Indicadi cator was not advocated, due to the tor (directional are extremely fact that acrobatics ana.other extreme important.' Also Lnc luded under this maneuverswould cause the gyros to upclassification are the magnetic compass, set and render the instruments useless. which shows the bearing or heading of It has nowbeen determined that the the airplane with relation to magnetic gyroscopic instrumenE{' the Fli~t Innorth, and the sensitive altimeter dicator (gyJ;0horizon and the Turn which informs the pilot the height of Indicator (directio gyro) are the the airplane above somedefinite referonly ones which will permit satisfactoence level. The Rate Instruments inry flying of'ormance airplanes clude the Air-Speed Indicator, the:Bank under every instrument condition. Let and Turn Indicauor, and Rate of Climb it not be construed, however, that the Indicator. other flight instruments should be reIt has been pointed out heretofore ' -1V-8375,A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.


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that certain principles formerly taU{7lt fore .the actual failure. . bl concern~ instrument flying requi re TURN INDICATOR (Directi0na1(~0):"modificatlon to pennit the flying of ThJ.s .J.nstrument is also eqUJ.pp~nth a high performance airplanes under instru- gyroscope which will upset. it,. extreme ment conditions.' These same modifica- maneuvers are attemptea. Gentle, 'meditions apply to the, flying of any, air- um and fairly steep turns, howsver, Jare :plane under instrument conditions, and possible without danger of 1Wsetting it. J.f borne in mind should make flying unIf the wo should upset res1iltder the hood easier and much less faing sptnrung of the card, this. can be '. tiguing. A brief .discussion as to thil ql.uckly stopped by caging or using,the function, use, and limitations of each Flight Indicator to return the airplane of these instruments may be of so~e to level ,attitude. It is a charactervalue to pilots who are having diffiistic of any gyroscope to precess.isomeculty in this work. . ' what, necessitating an occasional cagFLIGHT INDICATOR (Gyro Horizon~,- Cer- ing of the instrument and readjustment ta1n p1l0 t shave rellllll'kei1that t re for the desired compass course. J .. c'," Flight Indicator is unreliable because Excessive precessJ.on when obse~ed it depends for its functioning on a gy- should be noted on the Form lin ~he roscope which upsets if the aJ.r:plane J.S airplane and necessary r-epl.acement.racmaneuvered violentl~. True, thJ.s gyro complished. ' .""~ will upset if the af.rpl.ane is made Eo The magnetic compass is very ~ecessaloop, roll or is banked very muchbery on the instrument :panel to de:terllline yond the vertical. Actually, there the course heading whJ.chit is desi:r:ed should be no occasion to fly any airto fly. However, the standard compass plane acrobatically while under the .Ls unsbeadv in rough az r and extrel!l6 hood or fl~ng in an overcast. The care must be exercf sed to maintain- 'I Flight IndJ.cator will not upset unless level flight if the CO~S6 is. to be the airplane is banked twenty degrees used to hold desired heading. The' be:(ond the vertical or is put into a Turn Indicator is unaffected by rouznc1J.mbor dive at an angle greater than ness of,the air or changes in theiattififty-five degrees from the horizontal. tude of the airplane and will indicate ' The Flight Indicator will ..indicate acaccurately the heading if, of course, curately the attitude of the airplane occasional corrections are madaf'or without ani[ lag whatsoever and under g:{!o precession when necessary .. li, .1.;, certain f1J.ght conditions is the only For normal cross-country, flying,eit instrument available which will sat i sis suggested that the ~ilot use-a eero factorily indicate attitude. setti!1: of the Turn Ino.icator to-mainIt ma~ be necessary to observe closetain hJ.s desired heading, as he will ly at t imes to determine if the airplane find it is much easier, particularly in is nosed up or do,<na slight amount,for rough air, to see'and hold the zero' in the standard Fligj:lt Ina:icator one matching the lubber line than to, at-: . degree of displacement of the airplane tempt to maintain some odd bearing ," . produces only one thirt~-second of an agreeill; with the compass card' .. However, Inch movementof the "httle airplane II if the problem is one of r~ orientawith reference to the, horizontal bar. tion, to avoid confusion it J.s desir: It is strongly recommendedthat the able that the Turn Indicator card 'agree' pilot use only one of the two lines on, with theco~ass card. If the :pi~ot is the horizon bar. .' .. .' flying a r'ad'io compass course, J.t is With the airplane in level flight,the much easier to use a zero setting of "little ai rp'Lane'' may be adjustea: by, the Turn Indicator made with a centered .the use of the available knob to 'match radio compass indicator needle than to it against the upper line. IIi this try to keep the sensitive needle cont inmanner small changes of attitude with ually centered. If data on the ,winds resulti;:y;; small movementsof the Illittle aloft is available, so that drift 'angle . 'l airnlane with respect to the bar !11aY !J.l'l be determined, the amount of thfs be readily observea. The horizon bar drift angle maybe set to the right"Xor on future flight indicators will conleft of zero on the Turn Indicator:after sist of a single line ,and it is cont.em- the radio compass needl.ehas been cenplated that the sensitivity will be in- teredo The aJ.rplane Jna' then be turned "creased so that small changes of attiuntil a zero turn indicator reading 'is ,I tude will be .mor readily disti~she obtained, thereby applying a drift .cor-: able. There 'is very little !>OssJ.bility rection and enabling .the airplane to of the Flight Indicator entirefly a straight course to the transmitly, for in the use of many of them dur- ting station, instead of a curved path, ing and since the days of the "air .: 'which wOUldresult without drift .cor-mall," the writer has experienced only rection. .. ~'".. .I~'" one failure, which occurred after defSENSITIVE ALTIMEJrER.Very little',dif, inite indications of malfunctioning fiCUlty shoUld be experienced in rthe: , were evident' for a half hour or so beuse of the sensitive altimeter. Althoug!',;;; - 2V-8375 , A.C.

an .

its primary purpose is to inform the and obtain level attitude inpitcn by -E~lot, of the' altitude of the airplane means of the Rate of Climb IIidicator,' e. ;,Jabove some definite reference, such as the Altimeter and the Air-Speed: Indice.:,!.sea level, it may be used as an aid in tor. Instrument flying in fast, high. umaintaining attitUde. For example,staperformance airplanes has demonstrated ..l,tio~ altimeter pointers provide an that pilots are having,considerable dif. j 1 excellent, indication that the airplane ficulty tr~g to kee:\l the needle ::If -' is maintaining level flight; movement the Bank and'L'urn Indicator centered. .,oL the pointers either up or down usuSmall changes in direction which occur ,ally is a definite indication that the very rapidly at high speed have theef.;2 airplane is either climbing "I' diving. fect of producing extreme swi~~ .;" . , The l~test type of. altime~er is prothe bank and t1;1t'nneedl,'e , altho the . ~vided wlth both- settlng Lndd.ces and a, actual change an headtng may be' very ,'.;barometric window which give the pilot smal.L, Even in smooth air ccndi.t ions, j:-two_meth09-sof acc0llI!llishing the corI the mainte~ce ,.,f a zero s!'ltting of , rect settlng of the Inst rument while. the needle lS ext:xemely tedi ous , and ailY,ing the airw~ys. He ha~ n:erely to .. tersey-eral h,?urs pilots find themselves adJUst the "alhmeter set t Ing, fI furnish- exceedingly tued.The use of the gy:ed'by the weather stations along the roscopto instrllments for maiilttdiling route, in the barometric windtlViprovid-' aotitUde and heading is much less - ,~~ed.'to maintain the correct elevation as fatiguing. " ' e,Jcalled for,in ~is flight.plan. Filots It is not. advocated, however, that 1 ~lJIUst~keepan mind that temperature corthe Bank and Turn ~ndlcator be removed Lorect~ons are not t~n care of, so ~hat from the b,?~d. ~llo~s should be :\ler;~ Whenactual1;y "on Lnsbrument s , II it lS' fectly fallllllar wlth ltS use for lt lS advisable to allow a counl,e of thousand I the orily instrument Which,wiiI make refeet additional altitude-in order to be 'I' coveryposai'bl,e , if inadvertent neclect sure of clearing the highest point along of the other instruments has resulted . ;::the-course. . . I in a spin. Moreover, for occasional . . ~f If the altimeter is not Fovided with reference, a well adjUsted ]ank and Turn c- ta,-bar,', . ometri9 wi.ndow, the pllot, in otIndica~or can be. f considerable assis.der. to obt ai.n the proper setting of the tance m the maklng of turns, although indices, ~y refer to the table provid- this use is not entirely ess~ntial as .. ed in. the Radio Facilit;y Chart, and con- unifC?rm turns can .be ac;:compllshed soleJver'~ the altimeter sethng as broadcast ly WJ,th ~he :flight indlCator. . c':!in mches of' mercury to feet. Care In flYlng ln~trument checJ:cs, pllots "~mustcbe takeJ;l t'? apply the proper set-. ~e often to fly ~Vlt~oUtthe ting of the Inddces above or below the ard ,,;f the SPerry gyroscOP1C lnstru,,1 'zero. If the pilot upon arrival at his ments . For this reason it is important home or other Air Corps station desires to be thoroughly familiar with the use tb:make an instrument landing and 'preof the Bank and Turn Indf.cator-, The fer.s'to have t~e altimeter reading zero c and. Turn Indicator should be con,,:,,-;uponcontact 1V1ththe ground, he ID8:y/ siiered an somewhat the same category -;. 'on;special request from the ground sea- as the parachut e>- desirable to have, -tion radio operat or , obtain a pressure knowledge (If its use ,essential, but ne!'c''':altitude setting. . cessary only for practice or in cases :f "~AIR-SPEED INDIC.ATOR.The air-speed of extreme emergency; . . indlcator can usually be depended upon' THERATEOF CLIMB INDIC.ATOR.-The as a good check on the attitude ,of an name,glVen.thls lnstrument by the Air ,.~",airplane. A st eady air speed isa very Corps is perhaps 'a misnbmer. Prefera gD,?din~cat~onthatlev~l. attitude is abl;y it should be 9alle9-' as it is cal L -;. ;1Jelng.mrontalned, .aad , slml1arly, an ed In most C0II111erclal i.rckes , a vertlc mcreasing or decreas Ing air speed de-cal speed indicator, for it is just .. oc~notes a nosed-do~n or nosed-up attitide.i that and nothing else. Improper use of However, care mu~t be e;ercised fo;-, . ~he Rat e of Climb Indi,?ator caJ:lr~sult ,,;rdue to th,e inert~a o:f high-s}ieed alrj ll,l conslderable. con:fuslon. Thl~ lS par!:'J':olanes, cnanges In.9J.r speed occur slow I tlcularly true m hlgh-speed, hl,$. ,,,'ly as attitude changes, lntroducing a 'performance airplanes .where small l ~'le.g which may be somewhat confusing to changes "f attitude ,result in Large .. ,;the pilot. If the attitude is carefulrates of climb or descent. A recent : l;y controlled b;y use of the flight incomplaint has been that in flying fast dicator, very llttle at t ent Lon need be airpllUles the pointer j;f. a Rate Ilf -,:giventhe air,,:s'peed indicator. .. . . Climb Indica~or may-make unno~iced sev,m'1lJlJlKANDTWill INDICATOR.- arly InE eral revol.ut.ions around the dial after .st;rument tralfilfig according to which the pilot has no means of deter.. t~e_ Stark 1-2-3 system taught that the mining if t~e indication is liP. 0;- down. - u:pl~tshould center the bank and turn Use of. the ll?-st~entat that podnt as . l.ndlCatOJ;'needle., then center the ball an attltude mdicatoI' ma,y result in iii :!;;,)uo:i:J.LA .,:: - 3-' .



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wrong guess, ~d the pilot will findhis con~iderable confusion,.itmiP-ht;tseem troubles getting serious. .des~rable to remove it from.tfie~instruThe Rate of Climb Indicator is not I ment panel. Its removal has ..been' con. intended for use as an attitude ~naicasidered, but for instrument'.landings it tor. If the pointer position is such is essential to determinewhenrthe corthat the pilot does not know whether. rect rate of descent has been obtained. the airplane' is ascending or dascend'ing, Future Rate of Climb Indicators';with he should immediately match the "little the pointer travel limited tol70:deairplane" with' the ,horizon bar on the grees in either direction f romzero .'BO' fliidlt indicator and torget the Rate of that no confusion can occur as.tO! Cliiiib Indicator entir,ely. It will be whether bhe indication is bf r?-te:::'of found that in a few seconds the rate of ascent or rate Of'descent;. H climb indicator pointer will be station-, Sometimes. as during instr6mentccheck ary on zero or very near zero. providflights when the use of the Flight Indiing the airplane is fljying in smooth cator is not permitted. t.he<pilot~must air. '... use e i.ther the Altimeter or Rat.e:nf , It is suggested; tJ:la.t filO~S, while.i.m- Cl~b, I.ndicator to maintain.'level!, der the hood , iPra.chce lac~ng the arrfllght. The:A.ltimeter can-be :adviirltaplane in arty unusual Ii. titude, either geously used by noti~ the PQintermovea climbing or diving turn will do. so ment. If the Rate of Climb Indicator that the amount of rate of cl.imb.or I is used. care should be taken to'.;avOid 'descent is UI,lcertain; then the airplane I over-controlling. ~et us assume.;\for should be quackl.y restored to level at- I example that a med.ium turn is.Jiemg titude by means of the fli,ght indicator made. The pilot allows the nose cof the and observation be tak.en d' how nicely 'I af rpl.ane to drop sli,ghtly and-df scovers the rate of climb indicator pointer re- that the pointer of the Rate of Climb turns to zero.' 'nlis test will be . Indicator is moving downward. .Of more convincing if the safety pilot course the bank is tightened ;by pulling places the airplane in .the awk\vardatback on the stick or contrpl Column. titude.' ,The pilot must not continue to pull . :J3ecause. f the ~act ~hat the Rate of 'back UI,ltil th~ indicator reads :zeFo,for o . Cllmb Indt cator w~ll, an smooth au. I the pomt er vllll not reach zero-unhl give a fairly good idea ~ to. whether 1 the. airplane is in a decic).edly rio sed-up Or not the a~rplane is matrrtadntng : at t.I tude . Instead, the p~lot,should Leval. fli~t, pilot~ have gained, the endeavor to .rilaintron. the atti t:uae!:~summsconception that.~t can De used uned by the ai.rpkane as soon as .. he"dlrect der all conditions as an attitude indi- I tion of the pointer ~s, for,:it cat or . Under certain conditions of. rn.Ll, then be in level fllght. i ',i,j fli,ght. the Rate of:Climb Indicator. RADIO COMPASS INDIG.ATOR.- Radio The . wiIl.a;ppear to be the biggest liar im- i Compass a s one of the outstandiiig aids a&nable. Actually it is not .. , , I developed to facilitate fly:ing on'inFor example, while flying over moun- I st ruments , but there are a few 'iirrport~ainous regions. ascendmg and descend- I ant thangs Iyhich must be :rem~re::\3d. mg currents are encountered r.conos rnang ~ts use. The~nd~'cator.~~s cause the rate of, climb ;ndicator to extreJ!lely sensitive and will: re~pond to snow extreme rates. of cl imb or descent, the minute st c~es in bearmg:;:,':For when it i? def~nit~ly know;1that ~he tl;1i~ :reason expedft rous use of the. senauplc~1e as matntatmng 1. evel at.t1tucle. Sl t~.v~. knob as recommended to mainty Due to these ascending and descending tain a sensitivity such that about '15 c1p'rents,. the airplane is actuall~r. .. I degrees change of bearing of the airei.ther go~n~ u:p or down exactly as the plane produces full deflection of ..the iI,ls~r1Jl!lent~nc).~cates UI,lder these con-[ right-left . iI,ldic::atb:r. VisualiZe:t~ . d~tlOns . ~t1cular~y wh~le "on mst ru- need:j.e as po~nt1ng m t~ genera). ,d~ment s ," ~tis most madvi sabl.ef'or the !rect1on of the transllUttln~ sbat ron and. pilot to use i~ as an ?-ttitude mdfca- no diffimlty will be haddn the ":foltor, 'for the ai.rpl.ane as apt to be low-the-needle" sensdngof the.dnst ruplaced-in a severe dive or climb . Since ment . "J) descending air currents are of't.errenRadio, range transmitting statiOl'is'may countered on the leeward .s ide of moun- be used with complete assurance that t.ams, plenty of clearance should be the airplane will always be heading to81lo'.vec). ".7hile flying under instrument ward the, but excondat Lons to take care of !JllY loss of treme care must be exerct.sed m'the use altitude which may occur. By the. beof broadcasti~ stations. partiCUlarly havior of the Rate of Climb Indicator, those of the h~gher frequencies. [~It ~e experienced in?trumantpilots ar~ aware definitely known that tlie higher ;.freof the exact .t ime they are crossing guency waves do not travel in' 'strai:,ght mountain ridges., rines. Furthermore. the broadcast cand , Since it has been shown that the Rate is badly crowded with a number of staof Climb Indicator can at times cause t t Lons on the same frequ.ency. and there -4-V-8375, A.C.


is a chanc'e that the Radio. CompassreTHE PIRATE REMoVES PATCH HtS mss;ceivcer, ill ', ecet 'lea si,gria1from more w r , :Bythe Fr~ce Field Correspondent -In:JlHthall\:one'trcmSlmtter at. Ehe same t Ime, , . ,', ' ~!.wd!l.7'TID.i'Ch the bearin~ indicated will case ,011 ,Pira,te' MO,rgaIl, vl1th.tJ:le.patch over ;1 ",-,-",'I,a i' true one.~10 C01~SS bear- h~seye, has been slumber1llg m the en-'IO:) :ings'fon', roadcast rons shoul.db be .- varons 'of' France Fiel<i these past, long .ts!ll.~arefully.chE:lcked with th,e mae;neti(? 9om~yearSI oblivious to ~he many.newand rer!J;pMs',bear1ng,and the estimated pos1t10n. volutlonary chahges an the Air Corps -eZ,I\ffany;dQubt exists, it, ist'ecommended and the 6th Bombardment roup.. His G C.,~_()'that',ra:iJgesta~ionbearin~S only be , ' figure is ~he insignia of the erstwhile used i. Trie aOO10 or NS1gne]. often, A 6th Compo t e Group, now designated as ai 'J:c,helpsin, cases of uncertainty.,' , the 6th :Bombardment Group. ' It would be very desirable if the in-' Perhaps the fuss across the sea, or Jb8ri:dications of all of the instruments we', the fact that 'there may still be strange -k.iJIlI have i been discussil1g could be grouped . places to viSit, capture and loot, or ;1F.l!l:ninto ideal flight instrument which perhaps even the miniatUre tornado .one 'IV/quldtell the ,fli:!-0teverything:he needs Which swept his abode a few months ago, t oeknow, so thal; lnstrument fly1ngwould roused the 01~ boy. At any rate, he -"'~ -sil11Ple: Locking ~lUtthrough. a' H as nowappears. Wl th not one, but two good -eVO!:) large hold an the wlndsh1eld. Constd- _ eyes ,and lucked ones they' are. He Tc::'erabl--e thought is being given to the feels very strong and 'competent to rule .o.i:c'l~'development just this sort of: inof not the seas, as he did of old whenhis '1<;"rstrument. ' , name was the t errcr of the Spanish main, ;:,alf' it, however, we must but ,the lanes of the sky which lead to sd.t 'iuse~to the best advantage the instruthe Panama Canal. "\~en the 011 pirate a~sv(merits,wehave. If the instruments we, stirs like this, it means that there is di:dllolV :have are properly utilized, Lnstru- work,forever;yone; 'whfoh is ',exactlY the -meritflying can be just as smrol.e and condition at France Field t odav. ;:,r;UJ.certa:inly more accurate than contact The Pirate's st rongno'ldJiaaErebl.ed ,;:fL.Yi:ng ' .., . ' .," in st.rength in the last few months. New 5:.L!Excellent'0ractice can be obtained in squadrons were due to be activated on . '!"a;];;~nk, but it ~s true that all tlie firstbf February. New temporary ,' lL,IljQng, condi.tIons , partlcularly those 'barracks were scheduled to be ed qrc-.b<'e:ncoUl).);ered in t',U'bUlent air while fly- then, t09. TI:J-e Inspect or General' s repfJJIng ..hrgh speed all-planes, cannot be ex- resentat Ion wlllarrlve, ' m the next two -lfl.t:aafac:E1y -siinulated. ' Instrument flying re- weeks, and the Air Corps Technical In-::lo'Tl!ouires:a great deal of practice, and spector is hers, at present. So with :t'he':required nummua of hours "Under the movingto new barracks. the check the Hood" and "Instrument Other" is not and double check on unit funds, records (.~,.'ellough. '. and so forth, the revaluation of the ,,:"L,,~ere is not muchchance for instruPost Exchange to admit new organi.aa.:"m~nt f~yiilgin form~tion, but whena t,ions, the endless intrigue ~o obtain --;t'ip1-i!.ot'as .unaccompanredby other an"Key" menfor each organ:lZat10n as well .pl-anes~', may:take: the golden opportu- as tJ:1eroutine work, France Fie i is a he d r.!: ity, OLdrOPP1~ his seat as low as n beehive rather than a pirate I s nest. or .biPO.~siblea.nd rnatc:!-ng of the in~tru-: use The 25th Bombardment Quadronsplits S 'IOIlle:nt,s,.,~ occaatonal P-:1a:r:-ce .An out.s.ide personnel to form the 3ra ~ombardiiJent ":1,>~w1_llassurehim that all as clear. In Squadron. The' 7th Reconnai.ssance Squad.-'1tl:1isllk'l.:mer anypilots fly "on mstru- ron furnishes thepersonnel, for' the 39th m .:.;.::mel).ts"great. deal of the time while a Observation Sguadron. TheIst Depot _';01). ross-country. c They find it not Squadron is d.fsbanded and absorbed by 5,i,Only ier to fly mere.accurate eas tlie 16th Air Base Squadron. Headquar-: .~Coursesthan if "flying contact," but ters and Headquar tefs Squadron of the .,iac~re a great deal. of. confidenc::e. n i 6th Bombardment rou:pWill. be augment d G s be.;; the .'lnstruments' and theu ownab11lty from a skeleton outf It to normal comple-L:1<o' use them. As a result, when the ment by per sonne.ltf'r-om the 16th Air "'Jfi~noOOs, downon the tree tops,-they ,get Base Squadron and the tactical crgani aado not hesitate to climb up into the ' - tions'-" The 74th Bombardment auadron, S ,"~,m overcast and go right on through .. " .' a :part.of tJ:.le 6th Bombardmell~ roup, is G ,',;,d " " ---000---., .be'ing organrzed at Albrook Fleld, as ,.M '\" ::t,'- -' , .' .' .:.' there is no room here at France. Field '-:'-;'8' ,Major JohnS. Gullet " Afr Corps, has . for .Lt , " '" ')2; been .r:eliev.ed .f'romduty in the Dffj,ce ,Pirate Mor~ attained fUll glory and ';:'[,9f;j~he.-Assistant Secret~y of War and power when h1S ~ou'p was first, stationed Cl41ls1gne:d:,to.duty as imlltary attache here at Fr~ce Field. Nowthat he has -:S'~,fld,: '1 !l)l,l,~,ary at tache for rto Canada, stopped ~atln~ Lotus leaves, he will rejl;;,y~.t!:l: ,stetlOll at at t awa, Canada. t Contlnued on Page 8 )

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A FAREWELL 2NDBOI,ffi.GROUP TO PERSONNEL Bombing Matches in 1925. ME\jor George' also graduated from the Air Corps Taclilt is with great pride, min,<;led with tical School in 1932, and the Command sorrpw , II declares the News Letter Corand General Staff School in 1937,. He respondent of the 2nd Bombardment Group, was then sent to Langl.ey Field, Va. ,and Langley Field, Va., "that I write this assigned to commandthe 96th .Bombardcolumn, . , " m~nt Squadron, ~,hich he commandedjmt I], "Through many years, this, the Second his present ass rgnment as Group'Qo.mmand-. Bombardment Group, has e;athered a vast er of the 2nd Bombardment Group. - Your field of data and exper i ence . Many fine record speaks for itself, Major.' times honors have been bestowed upon George. This Group is proud.tohaye. the officers and enlisted personnel of .you as Group Commander. ' . ", i", this Group. A time has come'when the "Much credd.t is due, the 1st' $er~$lt rest of the Air Corps will enjoy and of Headquarters and Headquarters' .::'i1k"-Cishare ,lith us the vast field of experiron, 2nd Bombardment Group I WiJ:l~amE. ence gained by hard work and long hours. Nance. who entered the Army as 'a'reNever a:g-."Illl1ble, never a growl. That ~my crW.t October 16, 1934, and Wo.!J.'pr,omot, comrades, is something to be proud 01. ed from Corporal ~o the grade 'of J:st: A finer group of officers aM. enlisted S~rgeant on December 27, 1939,. ~'That men has never been assembled in any proves what a man can do in the'Air' Group in the Air Corps. A great majori- COrps with a little effort. ,Sgt: Nance ty of the officers and enlisted personhas guided his organi aat Ion thr6ugl\.ca nel has been transferred to the 25th very tr;ying period, with hundrEids'qf Bombardment Group, which is scheduled men hav ing to be housed, fedand"~rainfor duty in Puerto Rico; the 29th Bom- ed , Little thought being;himbardment Group and the 41st Reconnai sself, he has often worked until after sance SquaQron whose home staticn will midni,;ht in order that his men would be T8!!JPa,Florida. The 1st Air Base be well taken care of. We are very' has also staked a claim, and to them fortunate in having a man of his cal.fbre goes our present Group Commander, Lieut. for our First Sergeant. May his career Colonel Clyde V. Finter. To the Air . al '018.ys e a successful b one. A tough Base, a great gain; to the 2nd Bombard- ! job well done - Salutations, Sgt.l12ncet ment Group, a great loss. Col. Finter, I liThe followinrnamed <Jfficers have we wish you the best of Luck. 'Major 1been t ransf'er-re to the 25th BombardTheodore J. Koenig will take command. f I ment Group: Majors Theodore J. Koenig, o the 25th Bombardment Group. I William B. Souza, Edward A. Hillery', "Puer-to R~co has a wondsrf'ul climate. i (faptains Alva L. Harvey, Neil B. Ifu.,rdBonnqp.en FIeld IS the beauty snot of mg, Ford J. Lauer, Ralph E. Koon ,' the Island. Cooperation between the Irving L. Selby, John Egan. Lst Lt s , civilians and Army personnel is the utCarl W. CarImark, Torgils G. Wold; ';Jasmost. Everything is in your favor. ,per N. Bell, George P. Champi.on , Th(Cmas Major Koenig, and with your vast expe- I B. Nixon, 2nd Li.eut s , Joseph A. Thomas, r~ence succes? must in your direc- I Arthur H. Ro~ers, Clarence x. Longacre , t i.on. Be6t lushes, fl;aJor Koe, mg. Alan D. ClarK. ~ey C: Dorney,'.Dav,10. liThe 29th Bombardment Grouo also gets A. Tate, James Glannettl, Theodore R. a Group Corrnnanderwith a world of expe- , Aylesworth, Dalene E. Bailey, Raymond rience in Bombardment Aviation, 11ajor F. Bloszies, Curtis E. Caton, Winton R. Vincent J. Meloy. Success has always Close. William H. Lang, Charles A.Leidy, been yours, Major Meloy. May it always Alvin N. Moore, Frederic.1e H. Postal. continue. liThe following-named C'fficers have liThe 41st Reconnaissance Squadron rebeen transferred to the 29th Bombardceives an officer whose name has often ment Group: Majors Vincent J. Meloy, blazed across the headlines and ether, Melvin B. Asp, Cornelius E. O'Connor, Major Caleb V. Haynes , of :8-15 fame, Hugo P. Rush, Captains VlilliamD.Old. who becomes its commanding officer. 'I WaIter G. Brvt.e , Frank H. Robinson,John Luck to ycu, Ma.jor Haynes. The 2nd I A. Samford, :EldwinL. Tucker, 1st Lieuts. Bombardment Group will miss you. Carlos J. Cochrane, Charles E. Bockman, "Last. but not least, we have kept 2nd Lieuts. :Bela A. Harcos, Chris H. -Major Harold L. George, who assumes com- Reuter, Henry C. Godman, William S. mend of the 2nd Bombardment Group, as Barksdale, John E. Carmack, Phillip L. of l'ebruary 1. WJajor George was born Mathewson, Charlie R. Bond, Jr., RByin Wcst Sommerville, MaSs., and attendmond J. Busse, ;Earl B. Cook, Robert W. ed (~korge Washin~1;onUniversity and the I Evans, James L. Lee, Edward P. Myers, Nll.honal UniverSIty Law School. He en- I John T. Passage, William S. Pocock, Jr., tered the Army in 1917 and served in Stuart M. Porter, Clyde A. Ray: ... ~ Bomba.rdIDent viati,?n in France during A liThe following-named officEi'rs',have. the World War. MaJor George won the lbeen transferred to the 41st He, nnars- ,co, Bomb~dment Atrplane Race at. theJ;'lationsance Squadron: Major Caleb. V: :Iajhes', al Air Races In 1923, and the Natlonal (Continued on Page '8)y~'.:r:r , - _ V-8375, A.C.



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B-J Brigadier

General Herbert A. DeIg;u?

'. rr:~,~ ,~~'I";;'~". . b ~;~ . .I . ;l,f:;.Tl~j;~'fll"t'icl~ deals withf:!-ying 'in,. qUilla and Santa 1m. ta .. Its reciprocal -.b.~~ r;~~ and , .m .o~der tnatyle ~:Ve a. bf 252 de'grees is laid on David, Repub.;mutUal' underst8riding to'begm wlth,.let lid of Panama. The northerly, witq . "usf.irst . dispel the idea that this . a course of 22 degrees, is laid on King. Isthmian country is a .land of constant Kingstoll Janiaica. The southerly leg, ' . t reccherous weat.her , with no emergency course 207 degrees, :(lasses of'f the MEil1i. t.:l,anding ;fields and few aids to naviga- . Peninsula afterShO\fing the w~ to Rio, . tion, and that an airplane pilot faces Hato , This beacon has been :picked up '.theperils of tropical storms and at distances'well over 300 mlles . .jungles every time he flies. '.' A .runway loCalizer beacon probably _., .,SU.cil is not the case. On the Pacific will be installed. at Rio Hato for bad " Js'ide of the Isthmus it is' possible to' weather landings. A KW receiver, now . .'travel. the distance from Albrook Field being devel(\ped, also may be used as a tb;th.~ Gosta.Rican border.lVithou~J. at field localizer,mainly for tactical ,,-<mY tIme , be Ing more than 30 or 'N work.' . ":mil:es. from a possible landing field. At Cape Mala, southwest "'f Albrook . 'This'situation doe's not hold.on the At- Field, and at Cristobal lliole, there ar!'l _'l").()I).tic side, Or on the Pacific side to identifying stations for radio compass. _i,l:t:heeast cf Albrook Fil?ld: But with a work. The Cape Mala station. broaacast.,$400,000 set-up for bUllding landing ing on 305 y'CS, is available for ten .. 'fields. there will be some emergency mirmt es at 15. and 45 iamut es after the airdromes soon partiall", to fill these hour. It has an s Ignal, .. The Cristo, ... gaps , . .' , .'. .. bal Mole station's signal is "T," with .;;':'- :.!t'. is the }Jolicy on the Isthmus to broadcasts of ten minutes starting '(l!<' -- fly the commercial. rout es., .to leave the the hour and half hour , The NaVy has a , the wild animals that like . station at Summit, ':in. the Canal Zone, ;, '., 'l.t;to let the weather have it'S sw~. which is available on-cal.I . There is .Line squalls and thunder storms are also a Naval sta.tion at David, in the "_ treacherous in the States, and we' have western par t of' the Republic'. . .c'thelifhere, too. Leaving Albrook Field In add i t i.on 'to their broad.,-..and flyin,g westward (the States route), casting stations, Albrook and France .' -''.'e .pass?ver good field.s at La Chorrera, Fields have airdrome control sets of 25 .' tC~ne. ' Rio Ha~o, Aguadulc~, La IlJesa,Las wat t s , broadcast ing on 219 and 201 KCS, . LaJt.5 andDavtd. "Other hela.s are respectively . whi ch ter e ave.i.Labl,e on t:': '.ilVailable off this route on the lIJala request for radio couroass work. In '~':Peninsula, or, if we fly down the Pacif- Colon, on the Atlantic side, and Panama , ~:;,ic.'t.oward South America, there is a CHy, on the Pacific side, are conmer'~!:f;i.cld:at J&.qU!'J, about 125 miles from cial stations of 250 and 100 watts, re'--Al.orook. Otner fields are planned bespectively, and are avai Labl,e for radio .~tweeii'these. two .airdrornes at San Miguel work during the hours of operation. -:Bayand La Jolla or Pacora , Fields on There are siJuilar stations in other . the Atlantic Side are few in number, but Latin and South Ainericc>ncountries . v.: available sites are being surveyed for I 'vhen traveling througll Central and future development. . South America, the Air Corps haa become . 'All of' these fields are' being fitted ',largely dependent on Pen AmericiUlAir-into the plans for air defense of the ways for re.dio facilities. The Pan:C~$l - ci:u.Xiliary a~rdromes. C!-isper.sion'[AlJ1~rici;lll rons have '\Jeen very cooper. ;belds. emer gencyf'Lel.ds , and each . at ive in every way nossfbre and have . . iId~f"i}l rl',\'{) 'Gom8!3ss~i1tial fac.lliti"s, .! never faill?d to C).o thei~ bit t o help . ~':r.~~J:je .cxt0nt <'f the l.nstallatlo~J d.epE;ni-. I.the Arwy pi Lot w.. th radan bear~ngs, , ..;::...1.r,g on t.he s rz and tao 10c.::.hc;:;, .;,1 weather reports, or any o.ther i.nfortna"~'theindivj,d1.:cl f i eLd. tion which they could provide. When the trained airman in Panama mentions ... ~::;hall we exanuue 'Ch~radio aids. to I t.roVical weather he does not shudder . ."'. .'rie:Vigation? And whitt of the projected 1,.Vitnfear, for he knows that most anY :> aids "'e have heard mentioned? rainstorm he sees is generally of a , .._.'J;here is one radio range beacon on. I local nature and, .if he cannot fly ..<the Isthmus"': at Fort Davis, on -the At- Iaround it. he can wait until the storm . 'H.. Lant i,c 'sideof the Canal Zone near l,lasses M and continue .on his way. ~5elFrance -]'ield .. It is for the use of the are fields in Panama closed an for ,i3:A:fu,yo and, civilian J?ilots as well. The more than an hour at a time . . -~~.:'e.~s~er.~yleg of thi s beacon, wi th a. TJ;ledry season in P~ is idl?al for ~8'c01irse of 72 degrees. ~sses overflYlng. Andwhen those blg Prance Field and is lald then on Barran- moons l~ bare the Landscape of its .J.A V-8375. A.C. Please purchase.:\, Split-Merge on to remove this .watermark. PDF



blanket "f darkness , the. co-pilot has AIR CORPS ENGINEERING SCHOOLO REOPEN . T an additional job to aWalren the pilot from his dreams of perfumed gardens and The Air Corps Engineering School, la.l1,gW. lass ies .' d . Wri@:ltField, Dayton, Ohi o , will reopen In the wet season we do our flyiilg in with the school year 194.0--41. Due , how"; the morning - a good rule. But the at- ever, to the lack of trained Air Corps . ternoon.storms often ~ass and disclose' officer 'personnel required to carry, out: a beaut:l.ful slq with 1ts Southern Orcas the EXpaIlsi"n Program in all its .phases , s,~ that. Wemay pl/W ~de and seek with olllr officers ass igned to the Materiel ' the ar.t:l.llery searChl1@:lts among the Divi ai.on will be selected to attend the, remaining clouds. . course.' ---050--This country is "on the up" for the ai rman - increasing aids to navrgat Ion, '. better information on the weather, more Farewell to 2nd :Bomb.GrijupPersonnel af.rpor't s , a larger number' "f our pilots (Continued from Paget) ) .. ~ gai~ngexperience and finding good . ..' . flylng ahead. Captain Curtis E. Lellay, 1st Lfe-uts. '---000-Richard S. Freeman James H. RO't1jrock, Herbert A. Orr, 2nd Lieuts. Jr>hri'B. MOFF:mT FIELD'S POPlJLA.TIOH INCREASES iAontgom'!lry and Hiet~e S: W:i.lli.~~'; . That 1S our cont.r fbut ron to .too Air '. For the past few years ,;!loffett Field Corps. l/.ay we ivish all the officers has been a small and virtually urUalO\Yn and enl i ct.ed men who have been trans-. pest 'in the Air Corps. Numerous offiferred "Many Happy L:mdings. u... ., "" , cers and men of the Air Corns knew---000--.. little of its existence or'location. . However, with the large expansion The Pirate Removes Hi s Patch bhrousnout the MillY, Moffett Field takes (Continued from Page 5 ). .,' . its place as a leading post. From a.. ".,~ strength of 350 c.fficers and. men , it gain full p"wer, vim atid'whaLha-ire; ; has jumped to some 2100 officers and once more. Then he will sail his\,planE!s enlisted men. At the present time two across the. IsthJrrus to. his new .abode' at Pursuit Groups, the20th'end. 35th, and Howard Field, leaviI).g France:Fie~fr.~jvitlf the 82nd Observation Sauadron and 9th 1tS well.,.planned ar.d excenent:,'aJ.rdrom~ Air Base ~quadron are Iocated at . in the offing, to the 7th Reconnarssance kJOffett. F1eld. . and the 39th Observation Squadroils"as With the large expansion in men and the permanent occupants of the bi:lt'. tactical units, Moffett Field, commandPirate's den. .:,.;,: ed by Colonel Robert E.M. Goolrick, has ---00,,-:.-. ,"~/:! become a leading Air Base of theGHQ,' . ',.' Jdr Force and a beehive of activity. "BtOWING OFF STEAM" T' G1ENnALE SCHooL. A Throu@:lout the davcan be heard the com- . .',.le" . mands of the drillmasters givL'l/!; the reFlying .Cadet traditions conJwi'able t~ cruits a work-out .. The drone ;'1 a for-' those at Randolph Field are' beiflg'develmation (If P--36A I s high in the slq be-oped at the Air Corps Training!Det-ach.comos a fruniliar .sourid . .' ment at Grand Central Flying'Sclioi;l at . In the field of sport's we-find. two Ol.endal.e , Calif. The latest cf these. football fields, complete flith bleachis the "shake the dust of: primary train ers, Locker' and shower tl'lom, .a new base .ing frOll; our shoes" ceremony wherein,on rall diamond and. a quro~ter mile track th5ir final fli@:lt in PT-l3A' s the an the process of. construction. Moffett Cadets remove their shoes and ,Ibomb" Field already has,fouras-ohalt tennis some predetermined isolatedarea\vith courts and ",ne of the finest and best.". them. '. _.:, eq"uipped ~siums in.the Ar'iny.-The .Cadets Borelookin",; forward,t6 the Located an beaut iful Sa'lta Clara return of summer weather. when ',the.:big Valle;y. at the southern end of the. San tile swi!l1r.ingpool at the det-achment Franc1scO Bay, Moffett Field has excelwill again be filled with v(ater'.aild lent flying weather most of the year Dodos CDn be tossed. t.herein. flyll1.~a~~tand is usuiilly accessible when other . tire .and all, to cool off after, . _. g fieldsnear'by are closed. Visiting of;" .their first solo flicilt.. . "ne ficers are welcome. at [.!Joffett Field~ I One of the Post Office Departmenit' s and their st/W will be both delightlul 'larj?est mail boxes has beer. instclled and refreshing.. " on the front porch of detachuient head--'-000-qUarters, so that the selute-the-rilailDurinI': Jonuary, the ,Engineering De": . box tradition can be :properly carried pp..rtlllent'.of the San Antonio Air Depot... out.. ~d, needless .-to say,' i~c~ CaliTh.mqanField, TexaS, cverhalli.ed 11 air.,. forma J,S the land. 01 f:'Tape frm,t" culplanes' and 137 engines and repaired 54, ture, goggles fo~ br ealtfaat- 'are, another planes Jlll(i 21 engines. . observance at t.hi s detachment ( ... .:; ~ Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on remove this watermark. V-8375,":A.'.e~ to .

~~1:"'!7 ~~.> -----, - .. . Inr-r!::':1

-VI0:! 8 (<iF 21

THE FE8RUJUlY, 1940,



t:otal,of 425 students (40j from civil life frcm the Regular Army), constitutes the <)<THli"'la:ry, ' 19J, class of stuoents beginning jJJ(' p~"i:r!.r:y Iflying training, :under bho status of ,89"'fll'i1JgCadets. at the civilian elementary ir'Jscbool" selected, under the Air Corps Expen ~
nC~~"i\: erl.t s~~,_program.t(l
J'1O ". on!, ll~ .'/S:

Felton. George h... Klin Arlington, V~. Eastham. Rosser Jackson . Charlottesville. Va. Powell . William H, . Morgehtown, W.Va. Chic!li!0 School of Aeronautics, Bogers, C.E. Ml.rtin. K.F. MoClarren, E. E. T~lor. W.B. Sumners. :Fl. W. Pfinget. W.K. Burnett, D.R. Bruch. N.E. .. Sexton, Dcuglas 1'hompson, :Fl.A, Reed, \'I.N. Bowers, Warren. Burnette. J. S. Bochenek. s.r.. Carey. E. J.. . Cooley. R.I... Butenas. carl,.. Fit,zpatrick. P.N.F. Forslner, F.R. Jamieson. A.C. 'Kidd, J.B. floyd, C.R., Jr. Satterfield. :?aul. Jr. Glenview, Ill:'

give this

phase of instructio

above number of students is divided the civililll1 eletOOntary schools. as f0147


ls.m.-o\l:,':onDR tnstitute of Aeronautics - -'-'---Clric(cgo School of Aeronautics - 1>;11"s Aviat.icD School - ," y!," C?ntral flying Sebool - -' - ..~k,f,P.u;ks :"lr Cellege - - - - ,Wan Schoel of Aeronaut ics - - 'Sarita.lkria School of Fl)'ing - -rIA Sp"!t8n School of Aeronautics 8',:>.1 : Total - -- -' -t;il..~~~ names' and. i"eBide:ndes these students are enumerated bolow. as follOws'


42 63 B9


Alabama Institute of Aeronautics. . TusoaIooSB



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BraDford, Conn. .Hartford , Conn.' New London, Conn. lVal1in~ord. Conn. WilDUnOton, Del. Gainesville, Fla. nul,," Aviation &lhool and Air College, , Anerieus Ga.. .-. Mias, Tems West 1.a~ette, Ind. Bincingbam. Ala. Brookline,Mass. Berney, Oscar R.. Jr. Birmingham. Al... Worcester, JiBss. Lewis. 11m. C. Uni versity of Ala .Ann Arbor, Mich. Maloney, John E. Denver, Colo. Hamilton, Miss. Dillon. James E. Wilmington. Del. Montclair. N.J. Sharpless. Charles D. Gainesvill e. fla. Oaldyn, N.J. Moon. Sclomon D. . Trenton, Fla.. Canastote., N.Y. Hardee.' Cary s: Atlanta, Ga. East Syracuse. N.Y. Asbury. Bobe.rt B. Atlanta, Ga.. Oe.rden City, N.Y. Elton. AllJ8i-t M. Atlanta. Ge.. Ithaca.. N. Y.FIll ton. Wm. 1.., Jr. Atlant'a, Ga.., .N.Y. Weibel, John G. Athens. Ge.. La Guardia. N.Y. Keiley, Edward M. Athens, Ga.. NewYork, N.Y. Mlngleburg. Lacy F. Augusta, Ga.. Rochester, N.Y. Hardy. Cba.rles. P. Dahlonega, Ga.. St. Albans. N.Y. Anderson".James A. MaDon. Ga. Concord, N.C. Cheatham. Sidney F. Newms.u, Ga. F~etteville, N.C. llazttllOnd.George W" Jr. Zebulon, Ga.. FrE\llXlnt.N.C. Maxwell, Jesse N. Chioago. Ill. Bel.eigh, N.C. Ce.nt~, Louis Chicago, 111. st. Pauls,N.C. Crowell. George T. ChicS8" , Ill. Wendell, N.C. Hernlund. Richard T. Chicago. Xll . Fargo. N.ll. Lewis. \I'm. .... . Aurora, U1. 9cr8zItoD. lIT.D. JerCllll'. Pbrrellt Lfmo%. Jr. l)rlgllt. 1U. Clevellmli. Ohio WeldDn. WillismJemes JUIIl!7"'U1e. :Dil.11ui Pa. Lewla. c.z.l F Jr:. .'r_e. :01. Dormont, Pa. Elliott. J_a V. ttrll~. Philadelphia. :Pa. Radebaugh, Gus H Jr.' Indie:napolis., 14. Philadelphia. Pa, Shank. Robert Bruce Laa;yett .., Ind. Philadelphia. Pa.L~on, John C. ' W. Laa,yette.> Ji2d,. Pittsburgh, Pa. axell, Lytle Wm. . Anchorage. Ky. PittsbUl'gh. PB. Swann. Chesley I Jr. Mailisonville, Ky Pittsburgh. :Pa. :Rlunley. JamesK. III . Bernice, :L~. . Tru.cksvilla, :Fa.. Welch,"Wesley lL ' New Iberia. ta. ChErpachet R. I . Burke. llraoos D.imi try . Pe.wl:.ueket. R.1. !.bKoy, Edwin 'A. Ne.Oil_. "'" Columbus. Ohio Col"",1oJ.a... g.c. Evans .1i:dwin .C.

Ville Grove, rri. Bloomington. Crawfordsville, InlJ.. Indianapolis. Hamnond. Ind. Syracuse, Ina. Bloomington, Ind. Blairstown, IoWa .Am3s. IoWa. Keota . 19wB. lhrion; Iowa Logan lowS. Nicholasville. Kyi Grand Rapids. Micb. Hibbing. Minn. Mibneapolis. Minn, Brooklyn, N.Y. New York, N.Y. Yonkers. N.Y. Cleveland, Ohio Oberlin, Ohio Lexington, Va, '\'Ieston, W.Va.




Mar-shaI L, Thorms O. . dul~r, Ind. Clinch, James S" Jr. - Bethlehem, Pa. Heldreth, Howard,S. Philadelphia, Pa. Vrnitaker, Richard H. Roxbcrough , PaRathn:el, Robert C. AIm Arbor, Mich. "Meehan-,Jome. J.', Jr. . Grosse Pt. Farms, ,Mich. ,Kinsey. John E. ,- Houghton, Mich. Gibb, James A., Jr. .Lans lng , Mich., Gallagher, JohnV. Bayonne, N.J. Salbbury, Doneld W. ;oJr. Madiscn, n.J.' Southard, Charles S, ' Brpok13~' N.Y. Cutler" Stuart G. Fort 'Slocum, N.Y. :Veal, Wm.\'latterston NewRochelle, N.Y: Grogard I AndreW J. NewYork, N, Y N "V k NY Shanl. ran, Heros ew .or, . CassidY, John A. st. Albans, n.Y. Porter, Grenville Neil'. DoWnin!,:, Carroll A. llaclawSki, Walter J. Walker, William J.


Fort Atkinson; "V/isci Milwaukee;. ",nsc~ Torrington,~Wyo;





.. Parks Air College', East'St. Louis, Ill: ,Fayettevi11e~'~Ark~' Comstock, K.N., Jr. Fayetteville ,: Ark~ Gray, G.B., ~ Fayettev:ille "j Ark.' Turner, ,D.L.' Danville, , Ark. Keathley; R.C; Val'vern,: Ark. Johnson, ,J.P. , Lowe11",Ark. Bishop, Edwin:;;.rr. Chazq>a},gri.~ Ill. Schrader; H. Chicago:" Ill. Engeluani' F.e: . g , Chiqa.go,S Ill; Wiss, C. ; Kankakee,j Ill. Semino,'t:Guido John '.. Solvay. N.Y. La Rooque , G.R.' Rock 'Island, Ill. ThoIIlJson,Archibald n., .rr. 'vial on, N.Y; Wartin. '1/. /lcC. t Boston. ldass~ Gaffney, F-ernard J. . Wat~rtown, N.Y. Koal.owskd- J.J. Pittsfield. l&s. Naal,Joseph A., Jr. Chattanoo?a" Tenn. sayles, a.E., Ludingtonj Mich. Les sber-g, Alexander A. ,Aushn, "'Texas Sweikhardt, K.\~, ' Rosevill.~ ,~~,.ficJii Alt=, George H. San Antonio. Texas Cooney, 'J. c. V'J.nneaEoli.s.i {Minn.. Logan, ,James C. San Mtomo, Texas Bon~n, D. E. . LaKewqoa,t"GN.J~ Oxley, Thurston P. Suffolk, va. VIy1>e" T.T. North Ber,gen,;N.J; Jacquet. Edward M., Jr. Edge~tori, Wise; Torresso:i1. T. S Jr. , Pennangbon,'. N.J, Clar1<'e, WeldonT. Wadison; Wisc. I Broamel, W.P. Ridgefield Par!>.,N.J. Stoeger I Donald J. "ManitO\;OC Wise. Burk:, T.J. , Bloomfield,. N.J. Richardson, Paul A. OcOnbIIOwOC; Wisc. pal1>em,)J.L: Bingh~t~h,.~ lQ" Y Larson, Robert H. ,steVens Pbinte, Wisc~ M:>rgan" 1'1>11>am T. crystal ,~,,;:Si. Y. Sheahan, \'1m. F., Jr. W. All!.Si wisc. Ackerly" '.l.A. ; )lrod:;r :q.y. .. ., Alex , Itlia<ia" N. Y, Grend.Central flying School, Glendalel,Cal.if. Kingsford, T.J. Ne'w Yc;-rk,;l~. Yi , " " Leonard; N;J. rJ~ew'.Y~~k>~ .Y" N Bradbury; Edwin P. 'ellendale i Ariz. Richards' W. L. . Ithaca,:N. Y. Young,,Robert L. . ~aragou1d,; Ark. Brown, Fred.D. ,'ur. , li,eIIlJs~e..,i N. Y. ;.; Moody, William W. Bakersfield, Calif. Nicholetti, F.N. . Prbvidenc8HR;r. Kellar,i DOuglas H. 'Berkeley, Calif. Fisher, J.K. BUrlington. Vt. Bencroft,. Benjie G. Lbs l!ngE(;(::alif. Abbott, .Nat.han M. Fen duLac ,.. Wisc. : Massey, !lussell'A. Lbs Angeles, Calif. Peeke , A,;J. La trosse ",:Wisc,','", Bergenl Robert 9. , Orange" !jalif. Miller, ,DiC. Yad1.son.' ..Wisc_ . r Harrisi Merle W. Riverside, CaJ,if. Yahr, R.R. Ladison, ,:,Wisc. Graham) OwenR. , Riverside, C,aJ:if.' ,Longridge,: E.F. Milwauk"'~, j'lisc. 'Heckathoi!ne, MalcolIb B. ,,sen,LeaMi-o; Calif. [k)herty, G.O." Waterford .. Wise. , Mann, Denms Santa ~.' Cal if. Tindall, Kenneth b. "-::"Il. Osgood, john C" Jr. ..', H~en; Idaho ,>:. " : ' Ambrose, Elmer E. ,~,Chicago, Ill. .Ryan sehool of Aeronautics. San Diego,',Calif; ... Woods. Edwin A. ' 'dhicago,. IlV :rfU'~s.t,'Ari z, Read, Arlyn V. ,,<PeoHa, Ill. Melli ll'';'' > Donnelly R: Phoe'ni x; :Ari z, Welch, George S. ,tar.,yette, 'Ind! Vogt, Karl L. Tucson':1 Ariz. Euge"es, Hubert L. stcry City, Iowa Gar~in, Herbert Tuoson, Ariz. Redding, Tomi\1. Manhattan,' Kaos.Rombach.;. Lionel E

c: -

{ .... , ~!. Arthur




"Sav,ryer~ -Charles


,.forter, RichardA. Kriel, Erwin R. Lo,,,,nberg, Robert B.

Irvine, Chauncey

lianover, Mich. Freiman;: Garnett L. St. ,Joseph, Mich. "Schwarhm:m.' Frenk J. St. Paul, Minn., Stein, Joel E.

Tucson,:::Ariz. Yuma.,:,.:Ariz . Encinot~.,Galif.

lAateo., Calif



Humist on, Leonard


Blackstone, Hollis If.onroe , Kruzic., 'Marion J. ' ,Nelson, De Laurence O. Haas, I,uc~e...,C. Davis, ;:rackC. . Blackledge, Roscoe B.
Han.;.shire, John F., Jr.

Absarokee, Mont., :Linn, Mont., . ,Farge" :N.D; Youngstown; on'io Muskogee', Okla. Stillwater, Okla.
Grant's Pass. -Ore.

Shipley, George 11', Ramo s , Eldred Schaefer, Albert G., Jr. Bray; 'Jack Williain 'ltarkovich. George M. Allen, Charles Gilpin
Ra.rn:on,"William libnroe

.Vencioo.,-:lJalif. Berkel:eY:"',OOif.' DenviU e-,,.Gal if Hollyv;ood,( Gal if ',' , La Nea., >~lif. Long Beach] !,Ccl.i.

Los Angeles;,C:llif. Los Angeles. Calif.

. z, Novata.;.:tGalif. San Diego;'tCalif.

Annstrong, TomL. Bleyna.ier, Joseph S. Barton, John R. Butler, Gerald E. Abbott, Zane , , Carter, ThomasJ. Gold~-w'n'thy,Rube.-t F.

.Amarillo, TeXas Hall, Glenn Wayne Austin, Texas Miller, Ralph V. E1 Paso, Texas Robertson, Vernon Owen Portland, Qre.8ej'lIlS, Beach Wyndhem GreIIOntOn,' tah Sanusku!;,' Barnsy P. U Sal t Lake City, Utah Eichel, Henry H. Rosalia, Wash. White, Joseph !lent

San Diegoi,OOif.
San Francisco.~C8lif.

San Francisco"Cal


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Ventura,f"JcaJ.if. ., r IWilme;r':;,CGcilif. V-8375, A.C., watermark.

Windsor, Calif -. Tbompso;" Leslie M. Katy, Texas, Denver. Colo. Neiser, Joseph B.. Austin, Texas Fort Collins, Colo-. Hendri%. Francis W.' San Antonio, Texas . -St , Anthony. Idaho. Sansom: By.ronM. San Antonio, Teie.s Hardin, Mo. Gary, Arthur Edward... San Marcos,' Texas Leadwood, !II:>. Kuykendall. Watthew.W.. San Saba, Texas B6newitz.)Norval -G. ..Missoula, MOnt. Saegert, Jesse Joe Seguin,. Texas EVans,'!tarry L. Miami, Okla. Ingram. Willie E.,. Sweetwater, Texas !)~1:.'~Xeli.'y''' .sam E. Nor-nan, Okla. Christman, .Luther Gwen Texas City. Texas "h"'BeaC!l' .William E. Stillwater, Okla. Marchbanks, Alphonso C.III Waxahachie, Texas ,:'LiChtisriRn . Everett Lowell Stillwater, Okla. Par sons , Freeman A. . Salt Lake City, utah ~~"I.Atau~r;' -William J. , Still water, Okl.a. Hood; stanley J. Cheney, .he;t Voyles, Ross E. Stillwater, Okla. 1\Y!llbol, ames J.. J Pullman. Wash.'-. .',[o'-'Sinrn:,risWilliam H. TeresiM, Okla.. Tennies, Robert. L. . Milwaukee. J'lisc '::lIJerikinS: Paw. Salt Lake City, Utah HI Eberhardt, Frederick E. SeltLeke City . Utah. Spartan School bfAercnautics. Tulsa, Okla. , U1Baer, Charles R. Sal t Lake City; Utah ,I~~Bennion, Karren Layne Salt Lake City,. Utah -'Thompson,Hebry E. Tuskege.e, Ala. .11.' Beea'ley, . WilbUr B. Eve.rton, Ark;' , .e -~ ,,-'Allen Hancock College of Aeronautids, .Wohtiwood, FI'1lnk F., Jr. Key west, Fla..' -..l;....r:,: Santa N.Brla, cah1'. Mizell; Byroh B. Tallahassee, 'Fla. .' 'e , ,.f'.;; .. , , Hickey. Jasper P. 'Cusseta, Ga..'. ...:.,;:-: ~tur~reon, Marvin G. FillIIXlre, Calif'l rely, John.F., Jr. Newark, Del.' ~mI'Engrm.n, ;'Harry W.. Palo Alto, Calif. Christy, John Y. . Meridian, -Kans; '. ~<fJoliiisb'n't James M. Boulder, Colo. Jones. Dale C. Simpson. Kan.i; . 'V':,.Ro'sener; Msurice Fort Collins, Colo, Beckett . ThomasP. Blue Mound,. Ill.: .~~.Jones, Harry,: Jr, Grand Junction. Colo.J Ert, ..Gilbert E. .Chicag~. Ill. ~' _ Muckley., Dmght S Jr. Pueblo. Colo.. I Omena, Gilbert I.. Ch~,cago"Ill., ~' Butler, Jack R. MOscow,IdahO"1 arvel,' George B. M Cllilton, . In. ',~',Mackin,' Joseph W st. Anthony. Iowa .Porter, Russell A. Galesburg," '111. . s , 'LeWis .. Warren R Superior, IowaI Hagerstrom, Hobart S. Gales~g,' .I,ll . ~ . NaSh,: Clifford Wellington, Kans. i Levy, Harold K. streator, - Ill. .'l .... etcher. Jesse J. K Wichita, Kans. I Hopkins, Rex W. . Centerpoint, II)d Y.:~ Piio6niclc. CharIes J. Keewatin, Minn. Harvey, LymanK.. Lafayette, Ind.' .'l,Y.Br,mi.' Glenn O. Molntosh, Minn. ".Rush' Floyd C. LB.fayett,e,',Ind. . ,. Hugill' Robert M Minneapolis, Minn. Laczi, Robert C, Vlest Chioago,.' Ind.- . .~: ..Nor~en; Robert A. Minneapolis, Minn.. Rosenthal, Herbert Council Bluff. I~wa .. ;"Henry,: 'Fred G. If",nette, lob. I Melloan, Barry E. . . LexiOgto'!. 'Ky.: ,.i BollwEirk, Valentine W. . st. Louis, NO.I Ebereas. Richard J. Louis)7ille . Ky """-Schub'ert , Leland C. st. Louis, Mo. SaM John 1. 'Pi,kevil1e,"Ky,' .::',.~,' owger-, -Gear ge T O Craig, Nebr. Garrison, L"ionel B. Roger~, Ky .":Hansen. Harold R. Omaha, Nebr., Hassett, Frands T. Great Barrington; Mass. -' Maloriey, Jack A. 0iIaha, .Nebr.Mulvey. \'1m.E., Jr. Vlorcester, lIass .o3~:'~rs',:"Roy M. OnBha, Nebr. PettyPiece. Bruce L. . Birmingham, W.lch ~'(iTeti:vatrE:rvin J. OiIaha, Nebr. Costello, nan J. MinneapoH~: llinn. Herman, Will iam A. Osoeola, Nebr-.I Johnson. Richard C. . Minneapolis, 1l.inn. .tir~~tel'son, Chester A. Devils Lake, N.D" Jackson, Clarence J,. st . Paul,' Minn Miluck, EdwardT. Grand Forks, N,D'. Oliver, Stuart K. st, Eaul., Minn. ,~h'Burda, Orville F. West Dickinson.N.D,'1 Shee'lar-, Clare J. st. Paul,'Miim.' . 'i.*.,:Wilson. ;ja:tMS F. . ,Altus, Oklat Edwards, 'hed N.J. . Boone. N.C. ;l'!,Johnson, Harve N. ' Fallas, Okla. I Parcell, Bruc~ F. :..~' Cle:vel.and." '~.,C. 'd '''Fagell Daniel W " Keifer, .oklal' sensen. ach,. EllMr N" Jr. b High Po~nt, N,C" o;~'J;,:Creme~; Frano i.s-X, , Lawton, Okla. Eddy. Ernest C. Fargo,' N.D., .,,,: r, Carr, John L. ..... Norm:m,OklE.. Brewing, W.J. , .Haddo"field', N.,]'.' .lilhieden, Delbert L. Stillviater. Okla. I Badada, Laurence A. Rivers'ia e , N.';;. .~l1Tebau1t, Robert E. .. .Tul~a, Okla.I'Collinscn, VIm. S. Somerville, l,.:j.: ,1 .r Berry. Richard J. PepId C1ty, , s.D',1 Johnson; Arnold K. 'Teaneck; 1I.J, . ','qJ Paul SOD.Gordin L. , Sioux. Falls, .S.D., Zampieri, Robert C. Union bitt,' N.j. " IPUrcell' Stuart M.. Jr. Austin,' Texas I Stieg. Carl A.. ' Astoria', .N.Y." .'1i 'Miller; Seldon T. Bellevue, Te:<as/Karpel; Ra,yrnond . Bronx. H.r .. i ITho~tonf Charles V.' , Bl'llm,,Texaa Elirlick, ,Jack 5.' B.rocklyn; No.1. '; ~Gallup, Kenneth W. Clint. T.,>j;asMcKabe.; 'Ectwe.:t'd " BroOklyri,"N.y.' .", 'Beckham. Charles A College St,ation, T(iXas oetti.nge.r; hederic N~, Jr .. Forest-"ofi111s,N.\'.' .~. ~Green, Harry B. Jr . Dallas, Texas Kiy>ik; John 'J,. . ' '. . IthaCa, N.Y: ,d J Hariks Mar -:' shall Bo,;ie Dallas, Texa,s Deghi, 'Alexander J" 'Jr., Hh,, N.! . ~l-fHerron;' Thoroa.s Jackson. Dallas. ,Texas llorris . Frederick it Itha,ca,"N.Y." .'t~"':fL1ncoln/.Charles F. Jr. Dallas. Tems Stebhach .Michael E. ItJ-..aca, N.Y, .~IGross.'Ele~.George Greenville. Texas Lundell,' Richard M. Long Beach,' N~Y . " ,:'" lDiincan;i Glenn .:Emile Houst,o"-,.Texas Early" Eugene T.. NewYork; N.t . ."; IRichardScn: i Elmer W. Housbon Te:xas Hicks, William B. ~ockville Center, L.I,' N,Y ; 1i:I!II:>rgall:.,lKimneth Earl -. . Jacksboro,. Texas Russell, fuvid B. s.rracuse; N.Y.
I#".. 0 . t ........ _'

Steele, Kenneth S, ,dz!:~-t ~ Henry. Brown ,"oITer,ry,oHenry M. III .o8im'~r,em.,- ,~l T. ,o:',"Willeford,.,Edward Go,en . Mayberry, -Zane O.


i I


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Riggs, William,O. Columbus. Ohio Heoth. Robert E. Fremont, Ohio Snith, Paul Wesley Middleport, Ohio Landrum, Ray E. Frederick, Okla. Pinkerton, Clyde M. IIAlSkogee,Okla. Price. Clyde E. Stillwater, Okla. Cheli, Hal ph Bethlehem. Pa. Gibson, Charles A. Bethlehem. Pa, Germick, Stephan G. Forty Fort. Pa. Paules, Francis S. . Lansdale, Pa, Steele, Thomas Ettmett Lewisburg, Pa. Kratz. Robert L. Norristown Pe, Comber, Wi11iem N. Philadelphia, Pa. Levering, l'Iilliem C. Philadelphia, Pa. Stansberry, Charles.E. 'Clinton, .Tenn. Weaver, .Dempsey t Jr. Nashville, Tenn. Blokemore. Thmett F., Jr. Austin, Texas Riha, Anx>sF. Austin, Texas Holmes , Robert W. College Station, Texas McClintick; Charles R. College Station'~Texas Taylor, John F. Center, Texas Appelt, Osborne W. Gonzales Texas Dingle, John E. Houston, 'l:exa.~ JOhnsonj SiIIXlnH., Jr. Houston, texaS Atcheson, Banjannh R. Lubbcck, TexaS LusCombe'; Fer gus C. LubbOck, TexaS l'Iarne.r, Rudolph B. San Antonio, Texas Edwards, George A, Zephr, Texas Harlow, Henry M. Charlottesville, Va. Schusle, William E. Milviaukee, Wisc, Van Epps, Da'.ri.dA. Williams Bay, Wise. Note: The students listed above were app01nted,Flying Cadets fromcivil life.
t f

McDonald, J .L';. Chicago, IlL A.C. Det . Chicago, Ill. Norris. Othniel OWBllsburg. Ky. Scott Field, Ill. HoItz, C.J. .s Clifton, N.j. Mitchel Field, N.Y. . . .".:.;;.~'_.c S8lIllels, BeverlY' Wichita,Texas . !!partan School of Aeronaut ic~: Tul'~8:;"okla: Holder, Williem D. BloomiDgt,in, Ill. Chanute Field, Ba.litoul, Ill. '. . ZdrojewSki, Leonard R. . Detrott, Mtch. Selfridge Field, Mich. , .. Curdy, David J. .Livingston. 'Ii&Jnt. Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill. ." vI Gillenwater, Okey W. North Spring, ~W. a. V Langley Field, Va. . ,.;. '.:'~"
. -.. --'. ., ...... ,'""--1'

For the first time in the history olf peacetime flying training given by the AJ:'nv:Air Corps, New York has taken the leadiri .the;'matter of representation of stUdents ina.-F1ying Cadet,c1ass. Witha total. of 44 na~lV\';.sons in the new class, She ba.rel:1' Il9sed Qut. Texas, which is runner-up With 43, followed .by' CBliforma with 31 and Illiliois with 30. The',' hooor of having the highest representation of stUdents in the various classes a.t the Ai" Corps Training Center has usually been'S. .nip and' tuck proposition between Texas and California through the years, with Illinois looming up as a strongcontendor. in the."f?-st

year or so.

The other states whlch.are;repre-

The students listed below were appointed Flying Cadets from their status as enlisted men of t.he Regular AJ:'nv, viz: Chicago~'School of Aeronautics , Glenview, Ill. Root,R.C. Chicago, Ill. Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill. Probst, A.E., Jr. Taylor. Texas Scott Field, Ill. 'Lambert, B.1V. Hai-man, W. Va. Fort i-&:>nroe,Va. Henley, L. S Jr. Huntington. VI. Va. ,Fort Bragg, II. C. Holtz, Arthur, Jr. MilWaukee Wise. Chanute Field. Ill.


Aviation School & Air Oollege D8lias, Texas

Jacobs, Kenneth C. NeWHyde Park, L.1. ,N.Y. Mitchel Field. II. Y. . 'Lorence, II'm. A. Queens Village, L.I N.Y. Mitchel Field, N. Y.. ' Grand Central Flying School. i}lendale, Cal if.

Korman, Julius A. Los Angeles: Calif. March Field, Riverside, 'Calif. ., .. Hall, Paul J. (Sgt.) San Diego, Calif. March Field, Riverside, Calif. . Kaeberle; George E Jr. Loveland. Colo. A.C. Det ... Glendale, Calif. Sheehan, Gerald E. . Chicago, Ill. 4th Obs, Squadr-on, GH~Air Force Soukup, Reynold A. Chicago, Ill. Selfridge Field, Mich. ' an Air Reserve 'officer to obtain is se~n~ Hubler, George O. Angola, Ind. years. . :":12 9dJ A.C. Det., Glendale, Calif. .. t. d" -1 V-8375; A.C.

sented in the new class by i ve or 'QlC,le'Jlt.\i.dents are DennsTlvania with 20; OklahOtt>a;,il9; Wisconsin .. 18; Indiana, 17,; New,Jersey.~~,I5; Georg;": . Hi' 'Michigan, 13; Minnesota;,U;S Iowa and North Carolina, 9 each; Arkansas, ; Colorado , Kentucky and Ohio, 8 each; Arizona, North, lakota and Utah, 7 each; Massachusetts 'and Nebraska, 6 each] Florida, Kansas, Missouri', Montana and West Virginia, 5 each. .. , .Chicago, Ill leads the cities represented qy.students in the new class with 14, followed qy Ithaca, N.Y., and NewYork City with 8 ,each; Philadelphia, Pa., and Stillwater, Okla.,;with 6 each; Austin and San Antonio, Texasj.Los Angeles, Calif.; Milwaukee, Wis., and salt Lake' City, Utah, 5 each; Atlanta, Ga.; San Francisco; Celif.; St. Paul, Minn.; Brooklyn, N.Y.; CIwha, Nebr.; Dallas and Houston, Texas, 4 each; Pittsburgh, Pa. ; Fayetteville, Ark.; San Diego, Calif., and Lafayette, Ind , , 3,each. None of the other cities of the country is represented by more than two sbudenbs . Students who successfully cOll'lplote the three months of priJIBrY training at the civilian eleooentary flying schools are transferred:to Randolph Field, Texas, for the three months' basic course. The final' three-months' advanced course is given at the Advanced flying School at Kelly Field, Tems. flying Cadets graduating from Kelly Field; 'Texas, are rated Airplane Pilots, comnissioned second lieutenants in the Air Reserve, and assigned to, extended active duty with Air Corps Tactical organizations. Under the present law, 'j:.he~ma.xiIIIJIIl amount of active duty it is possible:,for

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Febr~; I, departUre for Alaska. at 'some future; 1940, at lI08rchField, CaJ-if., .the 19th date. The'89th SQuadron will be moved 8Bx~J30mb~;rdmeilt-Group (Heavy), \"lith some to McChord Field, J/ashington', in the 'J3I~:"l,:+ct~ce, gave birth to the 28th CC?ID.: near .future. . _ -posl'te-Grou:o.. On that, day theorgam-. _ As a result 6f new grades and ratings .IIIzation!of aruninistrative work began.and recently' created" 264 Ste.ff Sergeants .. at this writing has progressed to the. - and 345 Sergeants were issued warrants ''''''stat'e rrhere it is pr!l,ctlcally mdependat li'JaTch.Field during the ear Iy part of, ent .' .. '. February:' There were also several ad- . J,-ro.;, '''W~G;uard the Frontier" seems a l'ikeditionalFitst Sergeant grades created.: .fY .~;lqHo for the 28t!l Composit~. Group, ' .' ----\7h~cli-~s bound for Alaska. Th~s motto -', ,7ith respect to the act i vat ion of the was suggested by Lieut. Colonel William '89th Reconnaissance Squadron, the News ... .,H., Crom, who is commanding the Group. , Letter Correspondent states that -n ' , "'{~~s:"q.fficer I s vard ed ~xperience 1 inlfJonda:f, February 5th, the officers of _:.... nc1.u.chpgtwo 'fears an S~beriadurlng the that, Souadron; with 1st Sergeant Ezra 1l:riW9r~d}Var,wi l.L be invaluable to this E. Ebel and a staff of clerks, moved ~.l1ewGrouJ?',,' , " into a temporary orderly room, equipped. . 2J""9~'The aimof the 28th 'COJ!lPosi Group,n with one table and chair (borrowed), te -lld,eGl~ares. the News Letter Correspondent , and bG~ the important task afor~an. ~'(, become e most profif~ent. ,Group mieZning~;; hib~.ennewtr' anSQ's'faderrrOencl.' l'73tlh ftro ml'!htihch ' !0 .a.n:,the..G.H.Q. Air Force, tacv~callyana. n had co e a<blinistratively, prior to its depart-. Bombardment Group at March Field and .iure;for Al.aska." . from .Air Corps units at Fort Lewis, "" Wash. :Enlisted men f'r-om the latter' "(cAs-apart of the Air Corps Expansion' 'org2Ilizations will remain at Fort Lewis J::P.rog'I'aIil,f'our new units were acbi.vat ed until this UIii,thas beeh moved to. -9J0i~,theHst. Wing, GHQ . .Air Force;' at, March McChord Field.' " "!JF~e1:d;.Callf., ' on February I, 1940. The }'ortunatelYi the 89th was attached to ;C.IHea.d<1uarter~ and HeadQuar~ers SQuadron, the .17tlvBombardment Group for rations lc28th<Coinpos~te Group; 36th Bombardment and quarters; so that ,there was 'no imc;o:Sp\1hdron (He1.VY); Basee:e~Quarters and mediateJ?roblern concerning the messing .ch."23t:d.AirBaseSQuadron {~); and 89th and hi:lUs~ngof the enlisted personnel Reconnaissance SQuadron {MIR) were the assigned. Later, . separate barracks of -~. :units taking form. " ',' : ' the temporary type were obt amed in. the , ,'"'In addition to Lieut. Colonel Crom, Group area and enlisted personnel moved commander of the 28th Composite Group, into them on 'Frida,y, February 9th. b'.!,the".following officers were relieved 'i1ith a. 'cadre' of experienced enlisted c~~Ol1l~ theh;.:present 'assigrunents. and du- , men from the various units, the Squad,... "t:teson February 1st and reasstgned to I ron Comrnarider(Major Croll2lll) is rapidlJ' ? rl,r"'t\le.Jorganizations indicated:' , Whipping the 89th into fine shape. A o~Cai?t'ain Budd J~ feaslee, 2nd. Lieut. fligllt sect, ion has been organized::and ClallCl.~ Sturges, Jr.,.Air ,C. COTJ?s,and' is nO'.'lanxiously alvaiting the delivery . Ist.:L~eut. James A. Phi;Lpott, .Air lieof assigned ..~ircr~t frOln other un~ts ..:'..~se'rve, to HoI'S.' and Hqrs . Squadron,28th "f the 1st \hng, GnQ..Air Force; .- ..... oll1IJosite GrouJ?; C soon 'effected. . . .1o;~,:'Capt,ain Wilham O. Eareckson, Air . Says the News,Letter Correspondent: .Corps,. and 2nd Lieut. Alvin E. Hebert, "Given but a little more time and .necesAir Reserve, to the 36th Bombardment. I sar:;- equi:;'lllent which,' due to "the extra$J, Sql!<ldron (Heavy); '.' '" . , ordinary demands on the supply services, ,.-:Major Robin A. Day, 1st. Lieut. ,Henry is'being obtained. slnwlyj. Major Cronau, J.,A."Sebastian and Bnd Lieut. Robert D. ably assisted by Lieut. Chappe.Ll, and .:.DeShazo, Air C,OTJ?s,o Base Head<Nar-', t Lieut. Warren, will have'a combat 'and -Of'''. ",ter~ .and 23rd Air B,ase SQ, uadron ,(S) ; PhotOgrap,n J:1ic SQuadron second to none. in ..-11?Jor Robert T. Cronau ,1st Lieut. .bhe GHQ. Air Force," . , , . :"Ju1:l,e.n:M-, Chappell, 2ildLieut. Clifford' " '--~---' , . b.c ,J,. ':'16f11n, Air Corps, and -2nd Lieut ._\_ Upon the ,activation on February 1st ,,,~F-ra:nkNorwood, Air Reserve, to the 89th 'Qf:Base,' Ht,adouarters and 23rd. Air' Ease -"Reconnaissance SQuadron (-MlR). ", I Squa.ciron {Smgle), the initial st renzth ..xc u:,Absorbing a la=,ge part, of the addi.thereof was 3 of~i'Jers and 239 enlisted -J.~tlonal<personnel from nther 'un~ts stamen, a~ong the latter be~ng'6 I~ster ' 'ro'tioned -'a,t'lvJprch Field, thene'.'1 units Sergeants, .8 Technical Sergeants;: 7 ab'ove mentioned, with the exception of Staff Sergeants, 18 Sergeants, 14 Ccrpcthe 89th Reconnaissance SQuadron, will ral,s , "29 Privates, 1st Class, and 157 b!t.1};t~3'-SJ::e? liiarch F.ield until their to Privates. The entire personnalvboth -1 ' V-8375, A.C.

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AT'A:iJVANC~~GlIOOL ,The pUrpO'se "f Gen,~raJ,KrMstadl s . . visit was .tci coordinat&.the' s:(lecializa-i On February 12th, at 10:00 i:m., 214 .. tioil instruction with the Tralning cenFlying Cadets ana two student officers .ter course to avoid'unnecessary repet i.debrucked frtlm conv('Jyat the Building tion and to insure againstahy uildesir-! #48 lecture room for a welcome by"missions., Majors Ned SChramm, . Eugene H. Lohman, Commandantof the Air J.W:.II.cinahan and Li.eut. WillialI1 curry C9rps Advan. Flyin~ ScJ:tbOl,Ifelly '. . acc6iJIMitied the General: .. ced . ." Flold, .Texas. At thls.t:une Ma.;or-Tsalah . . '-~-oOo--;:.. . .DEiY~es.,;Assistant CO~lalldarit; Capta~n .... . Dand.lvl. Schlatter, Duect"r "f Flymg: ..FiYingTime oat Randolph Fi}ld Ca~)~aln'C~L. Brothers, Flight SUrgeon, . (Contlnued Itom 'age 14 ana.Ca;ptain.l'.D .. Coates, Secretary, ad-. . .' " . ' dressed the new cld.Ss. Sergeant.Andy - workEiduntil 1:30 in the morning., . .Byron, of. the Secretary I s:office, kept '." Although such acoilcentratedprogralI1 . the class bus;y fbran holirand a half . will pr9babl.' exist for another class' pr0perly'fill~n~ ~ut Lo~atorCards and "f Flying Cadets - ti~lve more weeks ~ .. the numernusotfierl'eCJ:ul!:'edforms. . the addition of many new BT-14 training .: G.'heClass separated at noon, '45 stushi:(ls Sfid tile e.x:perience that the re- . .. 'dentsrEJP"rtingat Brooks Field; Texas', .cnut. crewmen will have receiyed sho1;1ld .' where. they.becalI1e .the newly. allow "A" St.age ~o produce qui.t e e/?Slly .. f'ormed Section V. .., .... ., 'an even more envlable record than lt : . At 1:30 p.m. the f"llowi.n~dAy, Fe'b~ . haSjiist established.... .. .' , . ruary 13th, !lll members 'of Cl!ass'4Q-B .'. ..' . .~---_. . . '. re~)(l. rte.dtot~ei ... :respectiv ..e ~..ctiQlf.,;' , .:: Th.'e..ime allott~d for .the present I~:sn r ..... r t .Ch.c8fsfor,t lnstruchons .. ThJ.s , .Stage class_ (40-'91 has reached the hBJ;f. Class willtralri iligecti6n~ II:, IV; .;.way iTho'U'k. Pi"ac~J.cally all 1.)f:the stu. and.v .. Class40-A assd.gned to:", dents have. comp.ceted the e~eme~.tary Sections I III and V.' . .. ... ;' . . 'jVork.azldhaverecelved thef,r f;irst ~.ter a brief .t!llk by the'Section' ..-. .Ilcheck" .. ri<!-es with the Flight Command.. . Quef. each student was' intr.oduced to: ' er.s or ASSlsta.nt Flight ..Commander's . his Iiew instructor ana. trihi:s .new .ship,. l/.aJ1~ 'students have reached the. desired' . the'BG-'l.Three hours"'ground'study.of. proficiency in advanced maneuvers, such _' .. theBC~lwas' req\iired' before t;he firs~ . a? chande.ILes !,lazye~ghts and pylon ..dual hop was sclieduled;', .:.. '.' " . '. eJ.@:lts, and ,wJ.I~ r'ecea vethe secsnd . ,The' Advanced Trainiiig School' is at. . progress check an the next few days. . 'present o,!?eratin~at;fUil'sW:ing with,.a The firstpbase"fll~ght fl~ingis!ll-: total c;r. ':i30 Cadets. and' 10 stu- . most ,?t;mplElte<!-;andl.nstrument .and acdent ,off acers , plus a number of rob1!'.hc work,ted .. Los!l of r'lfr'eaher:'studenta. ',;!lembers.of Class .. flYll1g days. has eont imied., . due ttl Dad ,4C-A . ?24iriJ;lum.ber- , ..arerapidlyap'.' . Despite .:he. faC~ .too t. several, t .. proacnang theu gra4~tion .dat e wh:t,ch ~ys.were lost, t!ie work J:S almost '~been .set for rfafch23rd.At t'hat:. abreast "f the'sci;1edule .. At:(lresent. t.lrne Class 4C-.C will'ari'ivefrom Ranthe average dual mstruchl'n J.S 20' do.Ibh F.i.eld. thus holding' the number hours', and the avera,ge solo time 19 . or student-s continuously in training at hOUl'S.' .". . . Kelly and. Brooks Fields to well over' . ---. '430.- This number' is'alm6st'tmce.the .. .lMS ~D'Of 250 Flying Cadets re'"' G . .. . totru. in thelargest.Class.that ever",' ,ported at. Randcfph Field 'on February graduated"from the .Air. Cor.l?sAdvanced . ~4tltarid'~5thanil~.y.once.begah Flying School. . .. " ., .'. .J.nary milJ.tarytrall1ll1g., ". .. ,.' . .. . . ---000-'-.. . . ,..' , ..... ~-000-'--.' . . ' .. ' 'GE1'JiRALKROGsfADYISITSWYFIELD
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'. Bri,gadierGerieraJ.AXnol'd N.Krogstad; '.'The ecr lbaof the .53rd School Sque.d~ .. ofthe,2nd,Wing,GHQ ..Air' '.. ' rohdeclares,.that ~t was anew Randolph F!lrce .s .'FieldtoField the 'morning of 'January 22nd, when . . "".confer with. Training 'Ceriter';officials.ori lllembers..,fthis . ..,rga.!iizaUon, awakened " the expp..Jlsi.onprngralI1;8itd' tudentprr),g-;< .. tcif.ind a. nice blMk;~ ,;,f f snow covering s re~s .. 1JIide:rthe newsyst~m each Wing ...the~ound.Snow con~imied to f!ll~ !lll, ......;Wlll be respon,.slble f'or con- . mornJ.Dg.:.untH'a depth. Qf some.two mchet ..ductlng tne speclalize.tlCin courses. ,'was recorded.' All aVallable' cameras .. wh~~h s~~ts fopnerly received. a~ .'. '' in action. to record the un'. Ke.u.\'FJ.e;.. .; . .i3om'oard.mbnt, u Purs'UJ.tand'. lll;'1.'.a.c.JFent. One,"" made on' .. : Observation courses.w~l1be given each' .. ~he laWn.kept,.sha~.insOlne form 6r. , g;-a.d:uat~.'3f.the ~ral~Center after' another. :unhl' the m~tof JanuaryaS,th., "' his arr:l,.yal at his first post f'or .dutY~l one weeklater. . Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8375,A.C ..

', ; ~"~~Ja

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At Wheeler .Field. ..~"" ;,,":.;; Phbtogr-aClhers.ceurse I 16. eiach;'~ra:ss In order to keep abreast of the Aii:" . Radio Technicians cnurse,51 each tcl.aas Corps aU/llentation program, tile 18th Administrative and Tech.~.. Wing has e st ab'l i shed and is conducting ,nical Clerks course. 51"",;;11':;: a cCJill.(llete trade school program for the It is contemplated that a stagge.r:e,cl .,ng of enlisted men. In c rder to svsbem hf classes be hald-and after the t ake cere f'Jf the large number of men to schools are in operation for a .. hi~" w be trcined it was necessary to Launch there will be several classes.ln,dlfferP.i1 unprecedented, training program. Pres ent stages f'Jf advancement .. T'n~s"'aJ:lrms ent pJ.ans contemplate sJ?eclallzed train- for .the ~eate~t mrnber of. enllSt.ed men ing f~r/)pproximatel;,' 1000 student s by to be t ratned an a glven tlQle.'" ':~;; Noveil1ber1. 1940. . To provide classroom space j, it 'was , OnDecember 12. 1939. the Commariding. necessary at both Base~ to utlllZe .hanGeneral I:\f the 18th Wing directed that gaxs. all equij;llJJentbelng removed and Air Base Schools be established at theha.'1gars divided int6 small cl.asa- . Hickam andVlheeler Fields in order to rooms by meJl~of temoorary partitions train personnel for assignment to new constructed O! IIp=~rl In Bdditlon t ' units to be organized. in the Hawaiian allbther available claGsrocm'space. at Depar tment , and. to havere:placements each station was utilized. ,;'," .a available for personnel re.urni~ to The se l.ectd on and classificationtofthe mainland. The project i:s belng su- students is considered I'f prime imp'ortpervised. by the Wing S-3, Lieut. Co~, ance . The is the genera,l'. R. BeaJ!l. Al:: Corps. Each Base d!'talled plan now beine; employed: JU..:!.reyrUlts . an offlc~r an charge of I'rade Scnools are given the nor~ prOyeSSlnglfiil!lediIn~tructl(m, yaptaln George R. ~h~son 'ately on arrival. 11:clUJ!.i~gappr:o~lIl1?-t,ebelng, so _~et~lled for WheelerFle~a., and jly. SlX weeks of baste .mlll t?IY tralmng. Captam lnlllarl1 A. Schulgen for H1CK8JllI All incoming men are also given a trade Field. Mdi tional officers and noncom- test. This is the IIl$jst i!llJ?ortant step; missioned aSsistants were ver;;; 'carefulin the selection and. ClaSslfica.tion, ly selected as inst~ctors ana. assigned The test given is that us~d by ~4eJAir t'? the school as theu r:nl;i dutY., mid. Corps 'I', School. wlth som~,c.BAdi7 the sehoul, lS,a fust pnorlty . tifllialdata. 'A trade test card', ls.:~t'i PI',?Ject . t~ best flttedmen were decompl.I shed for each man by, thee~:-: tall~d a~ J.nst:ructnrs . reg?Idlesso:f ing officers in apersoIJ?l ~nte::Vlew: . the Job.ln theu ~rganlzatlon to which Utmnst attention to dstall lS gaven an .' they 17ere'as~igned: . . filling out these cards. This results. ". The follOlung system of trade schools inpl<:eing meJ.l~n the t~'Pe of wo::k,ther was set U1J:' are best quallfled to pursue. SlIDllar.,. HickamField. '. ly . Alpha l'l!z.thematical tests ~E,l~,~vef1! AircrrJ't Mechanics School In charge of to determine each man I s capabil~ tle(l; :' 1st Lieut. Carl R, Feldman. . and educational background. This lat;" Aircraft Armorers School in charge of ter test makes it possi1?le to 'p~ace;m,en 1st Li eut . Edward Flanick. In t1e proper ~~ of ,lnst!'U9tlon.~d Viheeler Field, r~slllts In slmpllflcahon of lnSt~7.: honal procedure.. '." ,0 Photc~aPJ:lers Se;hool in charge of The srno?ls are b!'lng. conducted. al'?n,.g Oapt-ai n !vllntcm Vi. K6e. .' the same Lanes as tne AlI' Corps!cRadio TechnJ.ciansSchool in charge of al, Schools on th~ mainland. ~d teJe1; -.;J. 1st Lieut. Charles Vi. Haas. books in the main were furmshed .~Y,11 Adminis'~rative and Technical Clerks those agencies. . )'I School in charge of 2nd Lieut. Byron Inst ructars for Trade Scho~ls. 1j E. Hall. . . Plclr.ll.lll Field. T .H. -. ',Nl-:g . Prior to opemng of the Schools. it Aircraft Ari:o~s: _'.' .JJX!~ was necessary. to give tr::tde tests ~o --COl()n~l lI'lGrnot~\ C.W:S.. '. ''::;" all personnel of the seventh grade. 1st Li.eut , Flanlck. Air Corps ,0".' ,--:~ This. was accomplished between December 'Captain Schulgen., ': d~,~ 12th and 16th; with the result that the Sergeantslcen ..~e. Graham. Me~r."', followil1P: number of. men from Hickam and CorPOre.l Nadzefka, J ".' 1Wheeler Fields were selected to attend St~f Sergeant Cru:i~tie.l..: ~.v.lJ schools as indicated:. . Pnvatelst C1. Blbln .tTlvates .P'lelds . le . and Vasal.Le . 'J."H '''" At Hi ck am. 'F' Ld.t . ... . .. t.. -.~ t .-:' .. A+rcraft MeChBIlics Course.23 each week Aircraft Mechamcs course. . " c;.';'!!li! . Aircraft Armorers Course.13 each,week . Master Sergeants Akers. BIrk,.,;! 'tc Vntil the maxinrolli number dssired TechIiic~ Sergeants llrechteJ.,;Bf2.i'(n. lS reached' . Chadron. Nlelsen;' ... 1 V-8375. A.C.





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Staff Sergeants Pendleton, Nutting, Calcote, Gaudry, Flesher, Benzie ,Nabor, Ke!lhy, WeIman, Mauchline; ;~";Sergeants Collins, Lawrence, Nrrum, e"Hl:lton/-Cavaleri; , Co~:pcrals Fimlgan, Morgan; . PrlvatesGiacoma, Haynes, Bradford, Garriga:, elH 'f"" .., ' .. Wheeler Field, T.H. _"cP,hqt&graPhers Course: " ....;" aptain Minton 'if. Kaye, ' C 0~.- l'asterSergeant Bush, ,-.. ~ Technical Sergeonts Jennings, Dittoe, , cS,ergeant Evans. , -Ike( Ct J ,Radio Technicians Course br'.i'echnical Sergeant nein, . - . ergeants MitChem, Landreth, Cummings, S ilwConJOrals Bagby, Sparks ,Hyde, WlirdEln,

tion: 'Is there any other army in the world in which the head of a large government hospital would \vrite personally to the mother of a private soldier to relieve her worry about her son? I I can't think of any, ~ Can you?"





Privates Southward, Sager, Nelson. Clerical Course: " 2nd Lleut. -,LE. Hall, Air Reserve, -,'f Technical Sergeants West, Leamon, ,Staff, Sergeant Dukes; I '~Sergeallt Gilman, , Corporals Debacher, Brown~ "ri.v, t".e IS.t C_la os Grom a __ s ,vell. ,

Hamilton Field has a NewEducational Program. Under the direction of Colo~el; Jom F. Curr;y, Base Commander, and MaJIlr Raymond Mornson, E. & R. Officer, the State Deuartment of Education has established a. general program of instruction for the enlisted men at Hamilton Field. Since earlj in January, eight classes have been started, with anenrollme~t of more than 250 men under seven teachers. At san Rafael Hi~ School four classes are conducted an Ba~rc Mathemat~ ics and English. At !karin Junior'Col' lege there is a class in Elell)entary Electricity, and at Tamal~is High . School a class in Machine Shop Pract Ics ,

.r.. .



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Officers of Hamilton Field, Calif,,' are being called upon more and more frequi:mt"~bhder the title "This is the Life," l;y to make speeches and talks before -"Mill'Sh Maslin wrote the following in the cavi c bodies and other institutions of 'DAILY COLlJl'ilN a recent' issue of the of the kind in the San Francisco Bay area. 'San'Francisco Call-Bulletin: Their reputation is spreading rapidly . ','''A pronunent gentleman of our town beyond tne Bay Area, up and down the ' ,~ a son who is a private. in the army Coast and as far east as Salt Lake City. 'all' corps, at present det ai.Led for InRecently, one f1fficer made an address ".struction at Lowry Field, Denver. The I in Portland. Oregon, while another was .boy,.writes regularly to his parents,but ' speaking in Salt Lake City. Recent 't~e:other day they suddenly realized speeches by officers frOIJ1the Air, Base otriey'had not heard from him for nine or fl'ereas follolVs: . ~,t,etr days and, as parents will, they beOn February 1st, Captain Reuben C, .~an to \70rry.' So the father 'vireO. for Hood addressed the 'San Rafael Lions 'loformatif1n and received word that Club en the subject of "Hamilton Field their son was in a hospital for treatand its place in the West Coast De ment ", Tney worried even mere then and f'ense ." . <'-the father secured frcm the- Presidio On February 7th, Lieut. Colonel, Raluh the information that the head of the Royce, Commanding~ficer of the 7th ~owr;y Hospital where his son was stayBombardment Group H), addressed the ang lS Colonel C.D, Buck. . PortLand , Oregon,.o'st of the Society He sent an aiI'lT.a~l.letter inmiediately of Military Engineers on the "Air .Arm. to. Dr. Buck, ezpl.aaning that the boy, a I and the Army Engineer, II. prJ-vate an the army, was in Lowry and 'On February 10th. Colonel Royce also the boy' smother was worried, addr.essed the Richmond, California, .1n c.:caetly forty-eieht hours.a long Rotarl( Club. . ,,r-" , au JDall letter from Golonel Buck ar'On "unday morning, February 11th, Caprived. He exp1?ined that the boy had. I tain Hood addressed e. joint meebhad .an abscess an the back' of his in-?' of several local chapters of the, throat , that he had come through-an opNative Daught-er-s of, the .'!}olden West at eratlon well, and was resting easily. a ''neeting 10 San Prencf sco on the subatHe :closedwith a paragraph to the boy's ject d: National Defense, _ . . . mother telling he~ not tCl worry, 'th1;tt: On February 13th, Lieut. Charles L. her boy Vias all n,mt ana. that bar-nne; Familton, Air Reserve. participated .. in a unforseen, complications he would be out panel discussion with officers of the of the hospital'soon, _ Navy and lwine Corps, at a meeting of "".And.'the boy's father asks this ques.the Hand.Lton Field Legion Auxiliary at .n.A -17V-8375, A.C.


Vallejo. On February 23rd, , Captain Stanley K. Robinson went by air to Salt Lake City to address the Chamber of Commerce'of that city. Robinson I s subject was "The GHQ,Air Force." In addition to the officers listed, Corporal R.D. Boren, of the Engineering Departm8th made a fine address before the Son =001 Chapter of the International Association of Machinists on February 8th., Corporal Boren, as a master machinist, addressed-the 'group on the machinist I s place in 'Air :E'orce maintenance.', . ---000---



February 28, 1940, marks the secOhd anniversary of the opening .of the'/Deiiver Branch of the Air Corps TechniCal'> 10 School, Lowry Field, Denver, ,Colo:tIfuring two years of C1peration,Lolvry''Field has managed to adhere to a regularu."l schedule, even tho~meetingobstacres created by construction and.expansion~ Up to February 28, 1940, atotal,,'of;t 46 officers graduated from, the Deilv:ere: Branch School, including officers ,fr6m foreign countries. ,," ,h;) Of the 1171 enlisted men graduating) from this School, 590 members of.the,d Regular Arm:r and 12 f'rom the 'Natioru:iLJ Guard , count raes , etc'. ,.atteno.SlJRVEY 13YAm OF DUCK POPULATION ed the School of .Armament; 280 members Four members of the United States :8io- ef the regular army and 12, others o':.the logical Survey recently accompanied School of Pho tography, and 275 ' Lowry F~eld officers on a trip in a .Ar1'S! enlisted men r.he ClericalS~~tl11 B-18A ai.rpl.ane over Colorado lakes and Fust commandedby Colonel Yr, rivers for the purpose of counting Jones, the School has been underazhe'.e ducks in this region. This survey is connnandof Colonel' Jacob Rudo Iph '.,since conducted annually by the wove-named Jul:r I, 1938. A st eady flow of men::.. gov!,rnmen~al agency and' is considered t~,).J.ned to become ~hotogr~phers, a lllghly lmpOrGant part of the Conserva- ai.rcraf't armorers, bomb sJ.ght maint ention Pr~am. ance men and clerks have left this ':' . On si ting resting waterfowl, the branch of the Air Corps Technical"\J ,to . plane f ies directly overhead at an alSchool to take their places in AirL~' t~tude of about 1000 feet, when the Corys cq;an:.zations throughout the'; t:J3 bU,ds are counted by.scannmg and estiUnited St at es and t1,J.e~osse~siOl.lS:'3,(),il,~ mat ron. The p~ane then returns at a ' There have been dlffJ.culhes lncJ.:dent much lower alt],tude and flushes the : to the occupat ton of, any new post1that flock. As the birds rise from the have tended to hamper class work;Sbut') water, the biologists are able to esti- 'without exception the men have cooI,ei''''' mate the numbers of each species bv the ated to the fullest degree. Inconvenlco~or~ng and other charactei'istics~ ences and tempor~y discomfortshav6 ; TillS as :a vJ.sual' count and is usual.Ly been cheerfully J.gnored, and morake has a photographic count. remained at a high level. : , hI. .. aer, photographs of resting ~1anytempQrary structures were recentflocks are pl.aced under a oacope ly completed ,at Lowry Field. .Durfng; b : and the ducks counted. Visual eshmates February,. the School of Phot.ographymovand photographic estimates seldom vary, ed in~o ~ new classr90m and labor~t9ry , but are valuable as chacks . ' that J.S ldeally appomt ed for efflcJ.en,-' ---000--,cy and space, ,r ' " A new gymnasiwn, dedicated when Col: ' NEW EDUCATIONAL EQlJIPMENT AT LOWRY FI' Rudoluh was host to the Children I s 'I , Christmas Party there en December 23rd, An interestiiJ.g and efficient innovais now being extensively used bythe.iL tion in ecl.ucational equi.pinent at the personnel of the post. Several OfH,C"iDenver Branch of the Air.Cor:\ls Technical al. basketball games have been played3':1 School, Lowry Field, Colo., lS the lJCA there, and twi ce a month the A. andR> combmat fon public address and c01!llmmi-1Department giv~s a dance for post-per': cat ion system recently installed an the sonnel and theu guests" A complete 10 Clerical School. ]~, means of this, mline of athletic equipment is available st al.Lat fon , the Director of the School I for various soort s , ,;LlJi,J can address each of the rune classrooms "Lowry :!fiela." says t1,J.e New~Let,tero or aJ,1 at once, th1;J.S r'cmovang the, "begJ.n~ Lt s thud',:year: cess rty of assembllng the students. The. Wl ~h a fee~lng of sahsfactory accom-"! two-way comminfcat ron makes it posafbl,e I pl.i shnent m the past and with full ' , for the instructors to be in cOInmunica- i confidence in the future under the tion with the any time. "ather guidance and direction of Colonel B.P,Ob departments are cast tne envious eyes ,at' H. Rudolph.". " '.' the Clerical School," ii:eclares the ,---000--,,):)'T.{)J Lowry Field Correspondent. I V-8375, A.C. r -18-




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By the ~ckam Field .2.T.C:.A'



]JfThe."Lady Jo ," a 4O-foot schooner, 'l:9'OWllednd skippered by l.\r. Sam :Elnmes, a of Honolulu, and which plied the waters -ot: the Pacific in the last Internation1.81; Pc,cific Yacht Race, between Treasure Island and Honolulu, recently sailed ~.fromHonolulu for Kahoolawe, an island oLthe Hawaiian Group only three persons and devoid of up-to-date facilities, such as automobiles, tele.phones , radios and mod ern homes. The trip was not undertaken for the purpose o:f:;aisoovering this island, because it has. been known to exist even before Cc..ptain James Cook in 1778 PLllled a . -!~Christooher Columbus" on thelIa1vaiians .and: their peaceful grouJ? of islands,' '.' then l!mO\ID as the Sandwlch Islimds. '!!JAboard the "L~ Jolt were milit?XY ..>. personnel, from Hickam Field, nalnely, . - Captain Homer VI. Ferguson, the Base Qpllrations Offi'cer, and Pri vates Clifford ,H Decker , Portan Wagner, Weldol'!C. .., Burlison and Furman C. jAartin, allmembers of the Base Headquarters and 17th .Air:Base Squadron. The Islarid of Kahoolawe was sighted on the third. day out, but the tnp, which was . markea down in the log book as uneventful, did not end there, for there .. ere none of the 20th century w J.doClcs. o tie ~ to, and a complete trip t around the island was necessary in ordel". to find a sui table cove wherein to anchor. the vessel. One was found, ap- propriately named "Smugglers I Cove," and a rowboat was then used to get to ( shore, At the veri( outset the expedition .. tfaced a difflcultsituation for, in. 01"det:to reach the plateau, a 400-foot ,,\,chff had to be scaled. After conai.d~rab~e ~dship, this obstacle IV~S over-come; -ana Gaptam Fer~Son led hi s Dartyin search of materlal and supDlies which had been dropped by pm-achutes from airplanes of the 17th Air Base Squadron and the 5th Bombardment Group, Hickam Field. . ...:.,After a short search, the supplies were ,discovered. Ten condeIIllledparachutes were used in dropping the supplies, \~ich consisted of 1600 pounds of eli me; one rubber-et dolly for r.tr1:Jlsporting the suuplies to the site utilized for the construction work; 40 condemned rubber raft s; a keg of large spikes, which were used to stake down the rubber rafts; picks; shovels and large Sledge hannner. All supplies. landed safely anclfree of injury from :tbeir first parachute ~. " Then the work began. TWoprinci:pal targets were constructed, one of'l:une

whicn had a bullseye and a 200-fo01l circle, and one of the same size, COnstructed by nailing dovonthe rUbber rafts with the yellow side up, to the extremely hard lava surface. Another target oblong in shape, was constructed ofi ime. Two days were requrred to complete the construct'ion of these targets. . . . With pomp and ceremony conspicuous by its absence here in the land known the world over for its hospitality, the "Lad.y JO" weighed anchor and sailed for her home port. Late Saturday af'ternoon, January 13th, after a trip of. two days. and nights, she slipped quietly in and .tied up at her' berth- in Kewalo Basin. Aft~~1a fond "Aloha; ame mahalo no ka. maiKa].' kal.epa" to Mr.. Emmesand"Lady Jo ." Captain Fer~on again .Led His exped~tlcn back to Hicl~ Field. Dur1ng the trip and ':Ihile anchored in the Cove at Kahoolawe" tile party ate. and slept aboard the IILac4tiTo ,Mire ~ other worth.Y sea-going 'lesselJ she is equtpped with an up-to-date gaLlet and spac~ous sleeping quarters for. about nine persons. . ... ' ~--000---




Aerial IJl!otograJ?hy at night' is conceded to be of vast lmportance in mili~ary operations and, in consequence thereof, it receives serious attention at the School of Photo~aPh.Y at the Denver Branch of the Air Corps TechnicaTI. School, Lowry Field, Colo. on the latest ni,gj:lt photographic mission, six flashlight pictures of terrain near Lowry Field were made from a ~18A airplane, which, carrying flashli,gj:lt bombs and a Fair- . cMld K-12 ni,eht camera, was piloted by Captain Paul To Cullen, Assistant Director of the School of Phot.ography.and Lieut. David W. Hutchinson, also. the School. Accompanying them were Licuts . Cirilo Halley-Harris ,of Chile; and Roberto Gibert, of Argentina. The South American officers are enrolled in the Scho?l of Photo~aPb.y. . '. Fllghts of thi s nature attract consfderable local attention due to the intense light generated over an area of several, square miles. The mission was successfully accomplished, and the lJarty returned to Lowry Field after inald~. six photographs of Bombing Range


. ' . ~

---000--- ,.... Captain Thomas M. Lowe, Air Corps, who recently graduated from the Command and General Staff School, was assi~ed to . tlwAir CoijleBo:lI'd. 1I.n.xW~1l Fleld,A1a. -19V-8375, A.C.


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RADIOBROAICASI' AIR CORPSSONG OF The U. S. Navy Band will play ,the official Air Corps Song, 'TheA:rmy Air Corps," during its National Broadcast from Washington between 2:30 and 3:00 p,rn., Eastern Standard Time, on 1&lnday, arch 18, 1940



Th~ Acting Secretary of War, the Ho~:,~ouis Johnson. announced on Ifarch 1st thatlFus~ Lieutenant Harold L.' Neely, Air Corps'pi~~t at LoV71'Y Field, Denver, Colo., has baeni se Lecbed to receive the Cheney Award' for'rthe.' outstanding act of valor in connection 'with Due to a series of unforeseen circumstances. air'craft in 19394 . . ... \ which happen now and than l,n the best laid The act of heroi SID which pro:q>ted the,.:: plans, the broadcast of thlS song on February selection of Lieut. Neely to receive thi.s 19th, as announced in the previous.issue of honor occurred near Hill City,. Ka:nsasi~op., the News Letter, did. not I1Rterialize. , December 18 1939. Lieut. Neely was piloting The haif hour prog1-am on March 18th, which an Army, Bomber at an altitude of ll,ooo;::t:eet will include the Air Corps Song, will be broadhigh abdve a thick duilt stormwhich.,en'tifely cast over the following stations' " obscured the earth below, when both engines WJZ - New York KTHS -' Hot Spgs., Ark. stopped. After attempting, in,~o,!'i't ,., WBZ - Boston WDsu - N. Orleans, La. his JIOtors he called to h i s tlu'ee pB.<;se"gers WBZA~ Spr ingfield ,Mass. VmlO Baton Rouge,La. throngh th~ airplane interphone,,'instrlicting WEAN Providence, R.1. KVOO Tul sa, Okla. them to jump. As the airplan? desc~,l'd?d: he WICC - Bridgeport', Conn. KARK- Little Rock,Ark. saw tvlO parachutes open and d i seppear lU,the WFIL - Philadelphia, Pa. WGAL Lan::r;-ster, Pa. thickening haze. The third :pass,:nge,r_al;'i? WMAL Washington, D.C. WK'BO Harrlsburg,Pa.' jumped. but from the c'l osed-Ln pllot co":'!'artWSYR,- Syracuse, N.Y. \'/l'AR- Norfolk. Va. . ment it was not possible for him to 'dete'rmine WEBR- Buffalo. N.Y. WBLK Clarksburg,W. Va. whether the last man had cleared the disabled KDKA- Pittsburgh, Pe, WGKV Charleston, W.Va, Bomber. Convinced that if he abandoned .tfe WIIK Cleveland, Ohio WOOL Columbus, Ohio ... plane an innocent victim might ride to his WXYZ Detroit, 1,lich. WHIZ- Zanesville,Ohio death, Lieut. Neely decided to takehis'v. 1'101'/0 Fort Wayne, Ind. WING- Dayton, Ohio chances on a forced landing,' flying blind WENR Chicago, ill. WOOD Gr.Rapids,Mich. through the surging dusb storm, he-descended KWK - St. Louis, It",. WBOW.Terre Haute, to an altitude of 500 feeb before,the,.ground I'IMT - Cedar Rapids, Ind. became 'visible. Miraculously, .Lieu'tLNeely Iowa. WGBD Evansville, Ind. escaped injury as the big plane skidded~t'o a WTCN Minneapolis, WIBA - Madison, Wis. stop in a 4O-mile-an-hour wind. ~Z ;":I Minn. WFDF Flint, Mich. 'This heroic act deronsbr-ebed extrem9 .courESC - Des Moines, Iowa 1vBCM Bay City, Mich. age and self-sacrifice far beyond the call of WREN Kansas City, KMA. - Shenandoah. Iowa dut.y," Colonel Johnson stated in announcing ; Kans. KSCJ - Sioux City, Iowa Lkeub , Neely's selection. ,.' ,;, ViRID- P.iclmxmd, Va. KOWH Ozmha, Nebr. The Cheney Award, presented annually ,for WNBC Hartford, Conn. WFAI - Cincinnati, O. the outstanding act. of valor, extreme fortiWARY Albany, N.Y. WLBZ- Bangor, Me. tude or self-sacrifice on the part of:m:liWMFF Plattsburgh,l<'Y WROO Augusta, Me.. tljry personnel in connec tdon with aircra{t., VUTN- Jamestown, N,Y. WFEA. - Manchester,N.H. was established 13 years ago in honor of. 1st WLEU- Erie, Pat WERE- Wilkes-Barre.Fa. Lieut~ '!illia'!l H. Cheney, Air Corps. who ~,was WJIM - Lansing, WSAN Allentown, Pa, killed, in an air collision at Foggd.a, ;Itely, WIEM- JaCkson; Mich. \'IORK York, Pa. in 1918. The donors are Lieut. Cheney's WELL' Battle Creak, KGNC- Ar.m-illo, Texas JIOther, Mrs. Mary L. C. Scofield, of Peterborq, ,Mich.' KTClK -'Oklahoma City, N:H., and his sister,'Mrs. Ruth Cheney WE8C- Duluth, Minn. .Okla. Streeter, of 1&lrristoW'll, N.J. , xYFM - Mankato, Minn. WOAI- S.Antonio,Texas Thus far, twelve individuals have beerr.honKROC- Rochester, N.Y. KGKO- Ft..\'lorth,Texas ored by the Cheney Award. Master ,Sergeant KFAM- st, Cloud,I:J.nn. KXYZ- Houston, Texas HarrJ A. Chapmm, of the 19th Airship Company, KFOO- Sioux Falls, S.D. Jrn)i,j - BeaUJIOnt,Texas Langley Field, Va., first received it 'in: K.Al~iF - Wichita, Kans. wnAY- ~go" N.D. recognition of his heroism, presence o~'z:nind wPT'F - Paleigh, N. C. KFnl - -Bd srrea-ck, N. D. and extreme forti tude during the great .cabasWFOC- Charlotte, N.C. KGO - San Francisco, trophe on February 21, 1922, when the 8irShip WFBC- Greenville, S.C.'' Calif. RlMA crashed and 'burned. Sergeant Chap:ron reWIFE - Asheville, N.C. KECA-Los Angeles, ceived the award in 1927, and, in subsequent WIS - Co~umbia, S.C. Celif. years the honor has gone to Captain Uzal ,G. WOLF- Fl.or-enee , S.C. KTMF- Santa Barbara, Ent, Air Corps, for 1928; to Captain William WTMA Charleston,S.C. Cal,. A. liatheny, Air Corps. for 1929; to Ist,Lt. VlJAX- Jacksonville,na. KFSIl-.San Diego;Calif. Robert D. Moor (posthumously) and to Private 1'!FLA - Tan;>a, Fl a, n:x: - Portland, Ore. John B. Smith, Air Corps. for 1931; 'to,PriYlLAX Lakeland, Fl a, KFBK- Sacramento, vate Arden H. Farley, Air Corps" for 1932;, wrOD - Uiami, Fla. Calif. jointly to the late Lieut. W.L. -Bogea-and- to' WAVE Louisville, Ky. KWG - Stockton, Calif. Staff Sgt. Dey D. Dodd and 'Sergeant',TholD9S J. WSM Nashville. Tenn. KERN.; Bakersfield, Rogers, for 1933; to the late 1st, L,ieuj;,,'( \'IMPS- Me'nphis, Tenn. Calif., Robert K. Giovannoli for 1935, and ,to,liajor WSGN Birminghaio, Ala. KJR - Seattle, Wash. Frederick D, Lynch and Staff Sergeant :~p~Gph WAGA Atlanta, 'Ga.. ' KGA - Spokane, Wash. L. Murray, Air Corps. for 1936. ~, purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8375, A.C. -20-






'-"'-'.'31st fursuit Group ant M.E. !fa.y, operate the school in a business like' fashion, as indicated by "iuoJ AtoH,:OO, a.m, , ]'ebruary I, 1940.,,:at recent results of mathematics examina,Selfridge-Field, hlich.~ the 91th rurs~ ' o,Squadron,',lst, Pursuit \.Troup, GHQ Air , ' ,tions." . r,Force'; .angmented by some' 120 at tached enliste'l.meil, formally became the 31st ,r,Pursuit'Group, GHQ, Air Force. I":rothose of us who had origiwlly be Pursuit Group! GHQ A~r Force, was formlonged to the '94th Squadron the occa_ ed at a very ampressave ceremony at SiOn\18.S fraught witli mixed emotions, a which the cO!JlllIaJ}-d the 40th was as, of ~ ,c'~J;~ain sadness at (p-virig up our 'sta~us I signed to. JOM F: Egan. The' "';l~1l,s,'members f the Air Corps out standtng .new 40th ~scompnsed of men transf'i'ro :9~~.qUadrontogether with its tradition I red fJ;om various ,squadrons of the Fust ':'aJ:1d:background,1' says the News Letter PuJ;su~tGroup:. Mo?t of these men re, ;':C,6rrcs]?ondent, adding "and a certain . ceave~ promot i ons ~n the new Squadr0J?' .>,:::,,~pth)l?~1lSm the prospect of our own, at Offlc'i'r? and enl~sted personnel al~ke "~"org-al1lzation, without tradition or hisare StrlV1ng to bnn~ the 40th Pursmt ;,<7to,~ry" .t"he m, aid,ng of Whi,Ch WESto be our Squadron up to the ~~ghest standards of ~;j,6\'in,Fask. TJ:ie day itself, if:ta\ren .for tlie Un.ited.States Au Corps. " .an.omen, ind~cates that much a.s an I On tne tenth of February, we were an_j't;,storei .f'or us, the ceremony held on the, I ~pE;cte~ by .our ne,: Groupyom.~der, O':d'SJ:l.,O, ,v, -covered maJ.,n'n, hi01',7ay,c, nsiS~in,g, of 'I~JOr" ':""eorge.,, ,Th~S, ,Iashi,s fl~st hangar,,' o ~ be:,c' ..f'ormalumiat er- of .tlie<o;r~za-; .' ,,..~n?pect~on,, andbe .e~resse:d him?e~f as "hons and an off'Lc i al, presentahon 'of I bemg ',vell pleasedwi1;h t~e cond'it ion , ,,~he,new un~t to the Base Commander,.who I of beth personnel and equi.pment. , ~nturnbnefly outllned our task,wlsh- I ,.,' 39th PurSUlt Squadron !e(Ltheorganization weLl, and 'turned it I The 39th Pursuit Squadron, GHQAir ;"';0"', er.-rto Major }~old H. George as GJ;oup Force ,commanded 9Y Gautain Allen R. h~Co~der. ,A llght snow, coupled WIth Snringer, was actlvatea February 1;1940, x,a"ehil~~!ichignn dnd, kept spectators I,with a very impressive ceremony. , J3 ct'o ammunom, but the 'Gentlemen of the Although we are only three weeks an Press' and the~r at tendant photographI our infancy, everyone is striving very -,', -ers -were much an evidence. , hard to make the 39th one of the best "C L' ,lllil1Uledia!ely af te r rt he presentation squadr-ons in the Air Corps; We are - eeJ;e:;!ony, "he Group Commanderspoke ' hand.i.capped by lack of. equ:Lpmen~,but br Lef'Ly and, after returmng the squad- are movmg ahesd steadily. It 1S rumor-.'.tons' ,to their respect. i ve commanders, a ed we are to receive our quota of new "~f?rllJL\l'pre?entation of the noncommi e planes yery soon, and. witJ:i new pilots :S.,l(j!J,Gd ,?fhcers' warrants was ~eld, To 1.I\>ho will. report sometIme IJ? March? our ,",",J;ne".GiJ.llsted en of Q1l commana.s m who, F"light Cornman,' are keeparig theu ders ~:!kid,~aited for ~ong periods of ti~e ~ingers crossed., . -::allXJ.ously wat chmg for a vacancy an 'I OUr 41st Pursui t Squadron, act i.vat ed .qhe,ir c;>rgani.Z9-tionsto break the sl,?w . at Bolling Field, D.C., on February 1, .. p.r:omot10n,the da:r held much, some 1.05 11940, is making progress, and we salute ,P-o'lJtomotlons r esul.t for the new Group. them.' All are hoping the Group will 'be "OUr sg.uadroJ?cormnanders, Captain ,in our new home,!\ii tchel Field, N.Y., in _.,,,-Paul B.\vurtsnuth, of the Headg,uarters 'II the near' f'uture . ' ',Squadron;' Captain Alleri,R. Spnnger, of " , , -_---, ,,<,o,}lie 39th]ursui~ Squadron, andyaptain " 27th Bombardment Group (Light) John.F. ~;gan, o~ tlie 4Ot~ Pursuf t SquadH~rs. and Hqrs. ~uaaron: ThIS organon, have entered on t.hedr .new JOlls , . iza ion stGpsforw d: ..nth pride since _,/\' enthusiasm seldom seen mneVf "FebruarJ 1,1940, the day it was actiq-i,' :W11 t s . v'i'ry of'f'Lcer and evefY !?all, an vated. The officer personnel was deri v-n-r,'"theGroup as determm~d to maze ~t th,e. ed f rom the 3rd ~mbardment Gr?u:p (L)6 s-best conmand an the Air Co:,ps, , ~ .. GHCI, Force, 'wIth the except ron of 01 . Air .,only"regre~ as that the thud t.act rcal> 'C,L. Tinker, the Group Comman<;ier, forI,', sq~on or the 31st Group, the 4ls~ mer'Iv from Base IIq. and 6th Au Base :Pl,ir, Squadron, t?urrentlyat BollIng sq,uad.ron (Double) and Major G,A.McHenry, o",Flceld', cannot be WIth us fully to share who is at present at Fort Benning; Ga., ",bu:rcwork.' particicJatlng in maneuvers, and former,;~';'!A 'Comr:n?-nicati,?ns chool. ~been. S ly from. the Coumand and General Staff ,00 st'e:r::te~"w~th,a VIew to tram~ng RadIO .Schoo.l,at Ft. Leavenworth; Kansas. 'The ." M;ch~~cs.and 'Ouerators tO'flll our ,: enlisted per?onnel was derived from al~ _q~?tiJ.) shortly t, 0 be ~ollowed by ~' .. ' most every Air Corps Squadron at Barks,.(c;()~S~ lfor/clerk? Li.eut . FrankhnH. dale Field. The S-quadron feels highly "Cj";;lttcNDllghton,: st ed by Master Sergeasai ,honored in being awarded the able and .c -21V-8375. A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. . :).A .a,t:'~:v ~




AIR CORPS OFFICERS GRADUATErnbMJ:ni,I highly, efficient COnur\andinp' OCficer, Captain John F, Guillett, formerly Com- NAVIGATION SCHOOL HAWAI~.~ IN ":"; manding Officer of the ,8th Bombardment andtwo"deoo S9U?-drOllLI, ,t'l/deb won'"the Harmon Ef- , Ten brand new celestial ( reckoning navrgatore; the first, iii\a' llc~ency 'l'rophy last year. ' series df. classes set .up as, a part of . '_15th :BombardmentSqUadron (1); The the traJ-nlng program of the 5th'Bombardlath as rapHuy assum.Liigthe norinal f~ctio~ing ~f.a.Sq~on, having estab ment Group, Rickam Field, T.H., were' of graduation llshed Lts 8.O.i,nrdstratlon center and " haIidad their certificates by the 18th Wing Commander;Bri;gaQ.ier : barracks in the recently built, "re6rti.i t General Walter H. Frank before assembLarea. Many :promotions are coming . ed officers at' that fie i d on January, ' thro~ to f~l~ the,quota.prescr11ed, 13, 1940. ,'" " 22 Prdvate s being gaven fust class' Pri.or to awarddrig the diplomas,' Generrat~ngs, s~x SergE)E~ts beirig promoted .al, Frank st ressedEhe value of Accurate to Staff Sergeant, e~gh" CO;rporals to' 'and: dependabl.e air navigation in 'this ' S,?rgeant, and 17 privates to Corporal Department. pointing out that the pres" sance February 1st,. when the' Squadron .. was formed, " ". ent standards of navigation will soon of even ,17th Bombardment S~on (L) : The . .bs outmoded by thereouirements fa;,tElr airplanes of much greater fno\, tll'cee ,~eeks of~ Squao:ron's ' opetation haSshown.adetermination for then the present B-18 type Bornber';"In it to be second to none in efficiency, . the words of the well'lmown Charles, and high sbandard of morale,... Jill mem~ Winnir.ger, ' of 'Show Boat' fame; 'this is only the beginning folks, only, the bershave pitched in and developed their beginnmg '." he said. ' " departments. to a point where they are ruIll1ing smoothly. .,' . .l1'Till S willg is faced \Vih a navigation t 16th Bombardment.Squadron: After , problem not ,encountered by any ethElr l?ng \Yan~ng, a.ppronrria;;ely on~,:,,\Jalfof unit in the Air Force, II General Frank tne 13th Bombardinent Squadron \.L) pickadded. "in that our flying is totally ed up t'lsir personal bOJ.ongings and . over water and devoid of Landmarks and moved .to the new temporary barracks, the usual, aids to navigation avaHable .to,.un~t operat Ingover t,he cont mental, ac~ivating, the ~ew.~6th Bombardment, Squadron (L); GHQ, Air Force:. an accord- Un~ted States, anQ we are'very fortunate to have .thefacili ties .andtthe 'inance w~th orders from the War Departmerit. '.' . structocs that we have, 1\ajor Albert F. -":-oOo--~ Hegenberger, Air Corps" known to all of you f~r hts flight across thEJ.Pacific to . ACTlYITIESQF27th RECONNAISSANCESQ;[)N,th~s I stand an 1927, and t~euts.Hugh '"' F, McCafferj;y and Paul Ashworth, Air' '. The 27th Reconnai ssance Squadronj st a- Corps. If I had my pick of all theJoft ioned jit Bor-i.nquenField, PUerto Rico, f~cers of the Air Corps for na'vigat~on after two months of operation, is becom- '~nstruetors; I doubt that I could fInd ing more acc.l imat ed to its surroundings . any better qualified. II . l With all. missions running per<schedul.e , Colonel W81ter F. Kraus, Air Corps; .because of excellent lveather conditions, Commanding .Officer of the 5th Bombardtrain~ng of ?querlxon personnel. is proment Group, Hickam Field, expressedvhi s gress~ng raludly." gratification at the, achievements' of the, During thO last two weeks of JanUary cls-ss' as well as those of the anst ructhe,27th took part in a meneuver which tors, po int Ing out that the accomplishincluded all the grouIidforces of the msrrt of some 300 hours of class room . Puerto Rican Department and' some Naval and fl.,-ing problems, to stf:[ nothin~ of units. The problems were very interestthe time spent in preparatlon and. 'home in,:; andial.L concerned .gained very val.u- work," were necessary in order that: the able experience. . . tactical effectiveness of the Bombard,On February.lOth, General George Mai'- ment units .in time of war should -not be -shal.L, Chief of Staff, arrived from . wasted, due, to the inability of the.: Maracaibo in.a :B::17B "Flying Fortress,'" Bomber-sto find their t.arget s, '. piloted 'by Llajor Harold H. 'George, ComMaJor Albert F. Hegenberger, 5th Bommanding Officer of the, 2nd Bombardment bardmsnt Group Executive Officer.- under Group, r.,-me:ley.Fi'31d, Va. .A;[ter an inwhose supervision the class was conductspection of all the urri.t s in the De- . l ed , spoke briefly and introduced the partment , the General left on February . principal speakers. The Invocation and 12th for Mi'ami Fla., escorted by six , Benediction were pronounced by Chaplain :B-18Als? . . James C. Bean. . . Aerial Gunnery was' in progress for Members of the~aduating class were several weeks, with two B-l8A's towing Captain Ralph Bh and 2nd Lieut. J~~S targets and two of them fir~~f on same. T.. Po~ey, 23rd Bomardment Squadron M); From 4 to 6 men have been q ified as 1st Li eut . Walter C. Sweeny, Jr ,'j,j;Rn expert aerial gunners every mission. . - ,.,_,;,1Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8375. A C. -22-


range ,



G:B.ADUATfONS A.C. TECHNICALCHOOL FROM S .',',., , (M); 2nd Lieuts. Nils O. Ohmari and. Harr On February 2}..1940, 75 students grad.cE,. Hammond , 50th Reconnaissance Squac1ron uated..from the vnan'\lte Field Branch of (ifJ/R); 2nd Lieut s. Render D. Denson and the J..J.r.yorps Technical Sch09l, .from ' R~,',1ll,On,d P. 4th Re,9onnaissance the sta, u~0t;s and courses as cated +,Squadron (MR; 2nd Lleuts. Eober t S.. be'low, ,V1Z. ~nn and 'isl on H. SJjiith, 72nd Bombard- Name of Field A.M. A.M,W. A.W. ::.Jlient Squadron (u). ,'Barksdale ;r3 -1", .Second Li.eut s . Ronald D. HUbbard."72d Bolling 1 -LBombardment Squadron, and IraF.VanterChanute 13 '7 mUte, 50th Reconnarssance Squadron; bot Duncan 2 of the Air Reserve, graduated as Dead Fairfield 1 -1"Rackoning Navigators,. ,Fcrt ]r~ 1 ~L.T!':~, '--000--Fort le171.s 1 air , F0rt Riley 1 1 AN INCREDIBLE AIR BUMP Hamil ton 1 1 Harrison' 1 i""" Aban~ed head and nine stitches in Kelly 3 his scalp is proof of the contention of Langley 7 3 2 ",:'1'echnical Sergeant James H. McAdams, of Lnwry 1 1 1 Wheeler Field, T.H., that he experienc-, Merdl 3 .ed one of the most terrific air bumps Middletnwn A.D.. 2 :ever encountered.' " , -Mitchel 3 1 1 Recently the Wheeler Field n~18, with Moffett 1 1. , ,Lieut. J.S. Holtoner, pilot, and Liaut,. Patterson W.? Steele, co-pi.l.ot, took off ,on a Randolph ". 1 ,I flll1J,t to Kauai, , the 1.slro:t9-on . Saoram3ntoA. D. ,northwast end. of the Eawai.Lan Group .. In:j Scott 1 ",-stead of the usual northeast trade wind , Selfridge 2 2 :80 strong Kona 1.ind(anythi\lg other than SheniJ<m' 1 .::..a NE wind is c311ed "Kona" ) was bloWing T';tal 46 IT -f rom the southwest , Upon arriYiW.: (Ner ' ..,,,;the northeast edge (leeward side) 0: en FebrUary 9, 1940, a total ~:. 119 . Kauai at a place ca1led Kapaa, a downstudents graduated from six dift"rent ~. draft was encountered that really made courses of the Chanut e Field Branch of the "bottom drop out." The ~ilot and t he.n.J,r C ,,' orps Technical School from the co~pilot were held in place y thoir courses and stations as indicated below: s9iety belts. but the passengers were Field. RR & 0 IS CS PS ES PR ' bounced around like ping pong balls. " . When all was Calf" after passing the Barksdale 3 2 '1 '1 '1 '1 s; -downdr'af't , Lieut. Holtoner looked ' Bolling .2 I' 2 4 around to see how his passengers had Chanute ,3 4 2 2 3 1 . fared. The first one he saw was Lieut. Duncan 1 1 1 1 Ope.fl,', .who had been sitting in the Harr.ilton 2 1 1. 1 1 navigator's seat. That officer was Kell'! 1 2 2 climbing out of the hatch behind the La.ngley 16 3 1 2 2 2 co-pi LotIs sea~ (the passage-way down Lowrv 2 to the bombar d.i e'r I s .compar tmont ) and March 4 1 1 2 was looking languidly at a rip in hi,s lhaLvell 3 trousers. Hext he saw the crew chief Midd.letown 1 1 , picking himself off the 100.1'and the Mitchel 8 2 1 I. radio operator, who was sprawled on the iAoffett 1 1 1.1 floor, trying t'o untangle himself from C'ffutt 1 1 1 the cords of his headset and microphnne POP3 1 1 At about this time one of the passen-' Post .:.., 1 ger s in the rear came forward and said Patterson 1 -. th..'1.tSe~~a.'lt McAdams\7aS bleeding Rando'Inh 2 . ' _ quite ba y from a head wound. Se1f:dC!E';e 1 11 1'. 1 , ," , The pilot "poured on the coal," and Total ' 40' IT 15 18 headed, for Burns Field on Kauai. Jlfter K ER & 0 t, Sgt. McJ...datns rushed in a .viaS 'ey: ~ ... Radio Repairer ~ 9:Perato,r n: ,,:.,reCQIDlaissance car to a doctor, who . I.::s. - Instrument ' ... found it necessary to.russ nine st itches " C. S. - Carburetor specialist . ""!~ -repai.r' the scalp. to There were no P. S, - Propeller Specialist so after bei"", ,E.S. - ElectricalSpecialist S'"'" .-,ser,iou..s complications, . -.., P.R. - Parachute Rigger ; (:" patc;h~(l up, .sgt. McAdamsreturned to A.M. - .Airplane Mechanic . brthe.flaJ.d and flew back to Wheeler . A.M.W. - Aircraft Metal Wor1" Please 'Field. in PDF B-18. purchase the Split-Merge on to A.W. - Aircraft Welder remove this watermark. .2 ~. . -23-' V-8375, A.a.

. $. Euirick, 31st Bombardment Squadron'


William J. Cain,


and Paul

~fiZarulO .






Supply, Engineering, Anmzoont, Iv'.ess, etc., Sec,tions all showed their. fine organiozation and 19th Bombari1ment r0j;E' With anticip~tion G good tr,ainingby keeping everything in good orruWling nigh tErOllghvU tne organizat;.on, the der and working srroobhky, The TIight Section Hqrr., r-u-t Hqrs, Squadron left for. the ~-myworked long hours transporting caqjo to and II"v.1;;\a,neuV1Ors held along the racific Coast. from Fresno under ver-y adverse weather condkSever-as..ct~ys were spent a~l'dJlgi:ng and pacJ.::ing tiaIis. en several 'occasions it was neces sary . "quip","!)' before leaving ~.'~r Sacramento. Cal if., to take off and let down through a thick,. overits lase-during thq IIa..'", and to which These flights were run off vlithout' a point the personnel were f'Lown in the "5'l.ying hi.tch:The transportation of ground troops l'''Iortresses'l and Trenspo:=t planes. .A~r.'ivini from and. to Harrd Liion-Ff ekd prorlded the pilots JC'L\lP...r;r 13th, bheyaranaged to get themselves' with rr~..nynew exper-i.encea , and evidence ,of, ' "dufLin" by the following Monday, the official their fine tre.ining was indicated by their exopening of the war gO.Ires At that titre, how. cepb i.cnal. showfng of, air di,;cipline . While ever, it started, eto rain, and as'tin:e went on awa:.ting or-der-s at Bake raf'Le'Ld , the entire the we. the" becwre WOrse and grounded all'the con=n~ stuck together deSpite decreasing vis" planes at Sacralrento., ibnit~t and ~ather conditions growing worse .!-7th:9~e:b~.rdltElnt roup: In the 1st Wing G Mmy fioo corrpliments vrere paid to the Air M,;.neu.vers,Jan. 14th to 26th, Hqrs, and Hqrs , Corps as a whole and the individual members of Squadron and the 34th Bomb. Squadron were sba- the- r:ight by the officers and men of the 69th tio~ei at Fresno, Calif., and tho 73rd aDd Ccast Artillery and other observing officers. 95th sq",.dTons.atPak. ers.field' Calif. weather] who.p.arv.cip.ate.d in the experimental flight. : conditions held operations to a mini.mum, but "It is fcIt,,1l says the News Letter Correspon-;':;c a bit" of experience was gained, in, ascend dent, "that the~';rhunderbirds, along with the Ing and throlOgh 'actual cver'caa'bs , other Lsb. Wing units participating in the . One of the'rrost, int.ercsting phns estof the JIll:'!.J1cuvcrs, .Itade a. showing that the Air Corps ~ ~nar-,-C1.wersdnvcLved ,the transportation of an "rray be ,"'le11 proud of." ' , Ir.t'c.ntry, b.tto.lion with full field equipaiont II 95th 3ombar'~m3ntSquadron' This organize,- . frem Hrmilton Field to March Field and return. tion "pE'.rticlpated 1D the recent transportatio~ Bad weather enrorrbe forced all tnt one ai.rpkan . of 4,20 member" of the 15th Infantry of Fort ' to land at Bakersfield. The pl eues proceeded Lewis, Wasp., during ithe First ..Wing Exercises to March Field the next day and zebur'ned to on the Pacific Coast. The:95th, using six B-18 Hamilton Field two days later. "' B-181,s, .was ordered from the temporary base at 73rd Bom1;ardmentS~uad.ron:. On January 14th., Korn eoo.iity Airport, Bakersfield, Calif.; on. tho Squadron went into oblTvion at ,Kern County Mondey afternoon. After joining the reab of : Airport, Beleersfield, Calif., on the occasion ..'the 17th Bombardment Group at a predetermined of Ue joint Arn;}'ond Navi maneuvers. The rcndezvous , the formation of 21 planes pro- : 95th Bembardment Squadron accOlIl;Janiedthe 73rd ceeded on to Hemilton Field, Calif. The or-: in their exile; due to 'the fact that a typical der-s 'were to load :roombers of ground troops, California dow, knee deep, rendered the Visali together with full field equipment, and proAirport useless.' ceed to lIarch Field, a distance of 400 miles. ttF'or two weeksfthese sterling squadrons 1011e An unusual'order it was , but one which proved in their tents, dreaining .of tho sUa."1.that sorre- wel.L wi badn reason to fulfill, eccording to where MUst be shining, II reports the NewsLette the News Letter, Correspondent. Correspoii(fent. ''Cut off irom the outside On Tuesday IWrning, in a light rain but ~ety world, th.e ingellui ty of the emigres knew no . -buz-buf.ent, ir, the 17th Bomb. Group tock off; a bounds. In an att6mpt to' establish reliable individually at close interval, joined forma~ conmmdcat ion wit,h civilization, a serious en- tic;J:'.l and set a: course for March Field, the obdea.vor was reade bo train bull-frogs' as meseage jGctive. Ten of the gr-ound troops were in carriers. This mi.ghb have, succeeded had the each pla:::le as the Group winged its way south-. ceiling been higher - as it was. the'frogs.reward. At ~~cr~field the ceiling began to' dr~p fused to leap further than six inches p0r hop, and the light rain turned to a steady drizZle. ceusing the cOIIJl1l"ication sysbem to 'bog down Vis;.bilit.y -sae poor. With a high range of ) like:" teletype d~ing a di~lay.of tl:eIlor~hmoun~ab" to.'~hesouth to c"oss,an~ vis~bility ern LJ.ghts. Despd be -bhe ecr-Iaf :1I~act:"V1tY.l'!l-' grOi1:-~bg sbcad i.Iy wor-se, the fo:rna.tJ.on clrcled;, valuable training was received. For the' first Bakez-sf'de'Ld vmere the 95th, and 731'd SquadronS , time .the Engineering Section was enabled'to landed with their live cargo and proceeded to accunulate accurate data relative to bhe deb ivouac for the night. The 34th Squadron turn. teriore~tioD of airplanes not in use, The,Opcd nnd proeeeded,toi its base at "Fresno. CoDdierations Section con:;pletely nastered the art , tions p'%'owing;worse to the north, ..orders were of submitt'ing negative Operations Reports , con- received enroute to, return to Bakersfield..- The sistingentirely of'the words 'No Change,'. : Bcl<crs:icld Fair arny 'calI!' 'None' and tNo~hing. ',,, " _, J:' i within .~ r-errarkabk e Short 'period. ' ~he ease of 34th Bornba.rdn'entSquadron (M): Tbe,;S?,uadron handling the problem of housing and feeding back to Dormal'routine duties after the some 4@ grou,ndtroqps, was IWre than an t''1O-weekperiod in the field. Although 'very. "achde-c-ercanb - it was a salute to !\I'I'll'''efficili ttle flying was possible during the actual ency ... The night. to March neld was re<;UlIed maneuvers. due to the weebher , the'individual at tho ,first opportunity. As a con:n:entary on departments within tHs unit received fine ex- the Bombers' .efficiency, most of the ground por-Ietce under ve..ry adverse conaitions. The. troops. evinced ~ strong desira to transfer to Supply, Opera"ions , Intelligence, Technical the Air Corps. , .;-24V-8375, A.C. purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.




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March15, 1940

MUJlitionsBuilding Washington, D.C.

The chief purpose of this publication 'is to distribute information on aeronautics to the flyIng personnel in the Regular Army, Reserve Corps, National Guard, and others connected with aviation. , SPECTROGRAPaIC ANALYSIS By C. B. Pltbnger, Jr. Assistant Chemist, Materiel Division Among the numerousinventions of sci- sis as' applied at Wright Field is obentists, few have attained the imPOrt- tained. ance of the spectroscope in both pure The value of the spectroscope' as a and applied science, where it is conpractical tool, instead of stantly gaining in favor as an analytbeing a mere scient~fic curiosity,lies real, tool. ' A modified and imprcved in the fact that the lig4t given off .form of the spectroscope is used daily from the glowing vapor of each of the in the Materials .Laboratory of the Wa~ elements,'from IVliich all matter is forlhteriel Division at Wright Field, Ohio. ed, has an unique spect rum composedof Essentially, the spectz'oscope is an . light of very: defimte wave length instrument for aiialyzing light by re-(colors), ana. each of the lines in the solving it into .its comoonent parts. spect rum always appears in the same~oMuchin the same~ that the beveled s~tion relative .to the other lines. 'me edge of a piece of glass breaks up sun- spectrum patterns of no two elements light into the 'colors of the are alike; each is as distinctly unique does the spectroscope break up OIlY as oneI s ownfingerprints. Thus, the Fl'?ht into i ts comp,?n~n~' colors, and spectrum of al.umfnuin is different from ~nt'o ma.Il more suba~v~ s~ons.. that of zinc which is different from The :prmcipal part of the spect.rothat of iron, etc. scope i s the triangular prism usually If we burn a piece of metal in an madeof glass or quartz. Lil'?ht enters electric arc, and allow the light to the instrument through a slit' at the pass through the spectroscope, we obend of a tube, falls u:ponone of the tain a soect rum. If the spectrum confaces of the prism, wh~chbends it, and tains the samelight pattern as that emerges from another face of the prism obtained by burning zlnc, then we are as a series of lines of lig..llt, vlmch certain toot zinc a s present. are really images of the slit through Inters:persed between the zinc lines which the light entered the instrument. may be hnes of other elements,' and if The narrower the slit widt.h , the sharp- such is the case then these other eleer the separat ron of the lines from one ments are also present with the zinc another. Each of the lines of light in in the flame. a( series haB)a slightly different color I It was mentioned earlier that the wavelength from the lines on either region of the spectrum is side, a.I}d beginning at one end of I of the ~eatest significance at Wr471t the spect rum (as the (lntlre series of Field. The reascnsfor that are the slit amages is called) we find if white I types of problems arising there. Since light entered the slit of the spectremost of tlie materials used in aircraft scope, all the colors from violet at the present time are alloys, many of throUGhblue, green, yellow, orange, to the problems arising in connection with red. . materials are metallurgical. Although . " .Althoughthe spectrum of white light the spectra of many metals are quite lllW' appear to stop at one end in the simple. that is. containing only a violer region the other end in small numberof lines, the spectra of the red region, it actually extends others are very complex. The greater further in each direction. Beyondthe the dispersion between lines, the more violyt is t1.leultra-violet; beyond the accurately each line may be identified. red ~s.the Inrra-red. Both of these Since the prism of the spectroscope /.- regions along with the visible rezron bends the light of short wave lengths are of great significance to science. more than it does that of longer wave Only one of them, however. the ultralengths, the dispersion is greatest in violet, will be discussed further, the ultra-violet region of the spectrum. since it is from this region that most To enable one to study the spectra in of the information from spectrum analy- this region of invisible light, it is -1Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8396, A.C.

necessary to utilize 'instead of the' eye' each constituent present. the ~otogi'aphic Plate .which is very At the present time there is a prosensati)Te to>ul tra-vio i et light. . When gram under 'i'Ia to develop a method of a spectroscope is"equipped to photograph ~titative analysis of certainC/types spectra; the instrument is called a of alloys; it is hoped that thermethod spect.rograph , and thephotcigraphic will approach closely the -accuracyrof record of a spectrum is referred to as the regular chemical analyses;:and3in a spectrogr~." Since. glass absorbsmost s,?me~ses - especially in"the;deterof the uUra-vlolet ll.eht reaching It, mmat tcn of trace elements - .to excel the prism must .be quartz ,which stops ' the chemical method in this respect. only.-a small portion. of the lightre~h. The spect rographi.c .method of8Ipl.'lysis' ing It -. A q1;1&'tz spectograph IS IS charactenzed by ItS speed,,;'slnce the type of 'lnstrument in use at wrift all constituent elements are dlsclosed Field. All the metals and some.of. t e in one spectrogram, by its use of~small non-metals (abou~ 70 eleJ!18nts in all samples~~d by its permanentorecord of are detectable wlth thednserument un-' the a.naJ.yS1S. . ,. J ~r; der ordil}8XYconditions. , " , ;' In the Physics.Unit of the'''I1a,t'er,ials Determinatlon of the composition of Laboratory at Wrlght Fleld, th;D;~ec., an alloy mEW be required for various ' 'trograph has been used in the 'ysis reasons; it.ffiEWbe a ne,?,l;ydevel.oped of'metals, chenucal,s , analyti~~Tesialloy of unknownCOmposltlon, It may dues and preclpltates, corroSlon'pro~ve failed in service, or its identiduct s , ~oaps, cleaners, ~eases,3'0~ls, flcatlon ffiEW have been los~. A s'JlPle paint pl1Jlents, and te~ll~s;J 'MoF~ IS sent to the specbroscopfst , and a than a thousand deterIDlnatlonsc,arej'made spectogram prepared of the light ami teach year. In case an engine part., ted by it when it burns in the electric' which has failed in service was,tocbe arc.' By thorouzh examination of the chrome-vanadium steel, and no vanadium spectrum, each aetectable element presis detected in the spectrograIIl;.the ent in the sample may be found., . cause of the failure ma;ybe tracedrto Since the intensity of the light in' the substitution of. an lIDpr9per materthe spectrum of any one pro- ial. In another case, the' speCtrUmof portional to the amount of that element a metal which had shown unusUal~,welding present, the density of the 'ohotograproperties included an indicatiOli,?of phic lines made by that light. also in-lead which had not been suspectedf,~ It creases as the. quantity. of the. element was f01JI.ld that this ~race of l\~ad'~;;va~ Increases. This makes It posslble for reponslble for the Improved propertles. the spectroscopist to estimate'the re-' The presence.of.small amountsof)zir-' lative amounts of the elements present conium and columbrium has been 'detected in the sample, and to classify them as and correlated with specific properties major, minor, or trace constituents. of aircraft materials. Corrosioil:lproThe .ext rerns sensitivity of the specducts frequently yield infOl'IIli3-tiolie>by trograph makes it particUlarly valuable. means of spectrographic analysis"which in detecting small traces of elements' leads to theparticU1ar rivet"or'JOther in a bulk of material, or'for working metal part responsible for seri6us3corwith minute quantities of materials. As reston. Stains on textiles have-been an example of the first case, the spec- ident ified from the almost insigni:(itrograph might be used to detect the cant trace of metal remaining in 'the presence of traces of tin in copper stain, the former element being very undesirIn all cases the positions of the able for certain usages of the copper. lines in the spectrum define thexconMinute samples of matter require stituent elements, and the intensities spectographic analysis, when it' is neof the ,lines indicate the proport rons -cessary to retain as much of the sample present. " . ;'tc unharmed as possible,' or when only a ---000--.. ', small speck of material could be obtain, ' .,. ed'foranalysis. .' . NEW GROUP PRESENTED ITS NATIONAL ,CaLORS . . A complete compositional analysis of . , .an alloy requfres achemicalanaJ.Y!lis. The newly activated 11th Bcimbar'dment ,Unless the cl1emist undertakes a laboriGroup (M) , Hi-ckam Field, 'T .R., was forQUS and tedious 'qualitative analysis, mallypresented its National Colors at he does not knowwhat elements are a ceremony on Saturday, Februaryl?th, present-or what method Of, g:uant~tati,!e at 9:00 a.m. ' .... "'3 analysf s to employ to "avold seraous mIn an illlJ?ressive formation held"at terference from other elements. . . HickamFieLd, T.R. Wing ComrilanderJ,1 Spectrographic analysisusua11y solves Brigadier General Walter. R. ,FraiJk;rpre-the first :problem completely, and as- .' sented the colorstci Major.Fted8riek D. sist:; him.In .. olving ~he second one by s Lynch, acting. Commanding.Offi~e'r,:ofithe telllng him the relatl ve amountsor (Oonf nued 'on Page 4' );f:;r.r>Ii'i i - 2- remove this watermark. V-8396, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to

THEPRESIDENT'SViSIT TO THE CANAL ZONE France Field was contacted by Pur-sui, t pl.anes of the less Uhimpressible', 37th Group, Albrook 'Field, and escorted' .oorlservide personnel," says the the docks at Balboa Canal Zone. 1otef.'Corre~iX>ndent, "visits .by distin-: \1I111ein. 'dock; Presidertt Roosevelt lI.iglUshed.person.ages are not cause for' inetseveral delegations aboard shi~),and ' ,~grEiat".eJtcitemertt; Most Americans, t09, from there he started his tour of J.n~' leare i)lcl:inecl.t(Hake.peop~eand.event$ spection. ," " . . as they .oone a.s,amatter of the moment First on hisitinerm\1as Fort Aina:dcir' 'Gl:11,Or,,'rout'in.Ei Here in the tropics this ... ,vhere 'he received military honors, and .is, espec.ialliY' t rue, ,from there he went to Albrook Field. ' Ieee: !IToc1ay'," Febniary,18, 1940, to every All the plariesof this comnand: were ' 1l&.. I!l!Ul'; woman'and chilli ,at France' Field. linE,ld up adjacent to a:t~i strit> , half 10 Mhe lethargiC feeling waS replaced in: a ,1IlJ.J.e 'long, and the PresJ.dent', an an no uncertain fashion [by keen anticipa-official, car, 'viewed the line of ~lanes' ell:tion,of the visit of President Fr8nldin with cOlllpletecrews,at attention an -r.De'l.ano ROosevelt'. front Of them. He received a 2Foogun al?,....:.uTheNavY bro~t him down here and salute at Albrook Field, From Albrook -lcescorted his' cruJ.ser with a flight pf Field he went to Fort Claytonl thence -c-plane6 from a few miles out to sea to to CampParaso , on to Pedro ;,-uguel' ,G . :the, brecltlvater .. There; the, Air "Corps Locks" f?r an inspection, of the Naval ~ookover and passed in ~rfect 18AmmunJ.tJ.on Depot" then to FOrt RObbe'planeformations of :&-18 s 'andP-36Is'. aI,ld HOwardField~ new landing field back and forth 'over ithe icrufaer until, . slte of.~he ,U,S. A:rmy'" and back 'to ' .. ' it docked .at Gatun at 9:00 a.m.; " 'Pedro MiguelLocks to board the vesseL ,T::.l'" '!ThePresident andhis party arrived President Rcioseveltarrived at the at ..France Field about ll::OOa.m, 'They Locks at '1:15 p.m., to board the c;passed' betweenTmes of men, formed by TUSCALOOSA. delegation A of -'L,all the,'S~ons out Onto the airdrome officials, With President.A'l1gU,l!to Boyd, 10 ,Where illl the :&-18's , ',vith complete, of Panama, at its head, '8J.60 b'dafded .. at., crews, were lined up dia@nallytheshipandtransitedthe.Canal\vith b 'racross ,the field. It was a ,perfect the President, . ' H line;' and, each man and plane was able ' Also aboard the TUSCALOOSA with the :'.t;to' get a fine 'look' at the President. Presfdent .were defense heads of the 8,,1~'l:'hen'the President drovepaet the OffiPanama Canal Zone, includi!y? Brigadier "::l~cers' Club and waved to al.Lv the wives General H.A. Dargue, 19th i1J.hg Commandjj'jc'::>::md' children assembled there. All the er , c'aHGhildren saluted or waved, and to their I A .2l-gun salute was given President -c';de;I:ight the President heartily waved Roosevelt as he left the TUSCALOOSA at ',;cbacl;.:. '. . BDlbca. In his of'f'Lct al, car for the rbi>!'; n,lllaJor House, who rode an the Praai.tour of the' Panama Canal, Zone posts ':er:~nt,' s 'car durin~ the inspection, stat- I were ]viajor General Daniel Van Voorhis, -'w:,efkthat he, ',was by the ComCommandin.e: eneral of the Panama Oanal G ne,lIUJIlder-~n-Chief' s intimate Department, and GoVe rnor C. S. Ridley, _!Of; pertaining to our Air of the Cal1~Zone. ' <,Corps" III " ---000---

,,,,-r,. s "T. .,the:. more 'or 6

'''''''Iu n 21 . ~~ 1:0(.(''.0: .....

nc!' ~(AlbrookField ,FLIGHT ,.<?F BOMBER,.S P~Al.lA'TO LIllA, 'FROM -!1"'.Alb'rook Field, Canal Zone, paidtribUn 85!'1ite ',to President FraJiklin D. Roosevelt " der date of liarch 9th, the Hon, ~LTuesday, February 27th, as did all HarryH. '.loodring, Secretary of War, another posts in the Panama Canal 'Departnounced that bla.i6r General Daniel Van ment. . , Voorhis Commanaing General of the The visit by the President was his Panama 6anal 'Department; would leave .ao.:second in ten davs , He trllIlntod the ' Albro ok Field, Ganal Zone,on March Canal from the Atlantic to the P::teific' on a good .will fli,ehtto Lima.Peru. ,~side:Februarf 18th.,. Accompanying General Van Voorhis were .. 'w, 'i11ule,PresJ.dent, Roosevelt was kept to'be 29 officers and 24 enlisted men, ;~.'very busy receiVing various delegations' the flight of 12, B-'18 airplanes being ,,' -including some from the Republic .of conmanded by :Brigadier Gener& Herbert Panama, his visit. in the Pacific'Sector A. Dargue , Coumander of the 19th Wing :was .of sufficient length for a complete in, the Canal Zone. . ., tour;;of the pest-s and a brief but ,thoThe flight 'was scheduled to land 'at -5n:()U,ghJ.ns~echon. .", , Guay-quil, :ecuador, Sunday aft ernoon) .a :b:Tfie Cnuser ..TUSCALOOSA, bearing. the N~'1I'cli 10th, rematn oV\lrm,eht in thateri;!Pr.esident, 'was escorted to a point near cJ.ty. and proceed to Lrma the next day. Panama. by ,Naval planes, arid there it In Lima a stay of 3 days yras sCheduled . - V-8396, A.C. Please. :J.A ,30:;;-': Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. purchase PDF


SOME NEW "DOPE"ONTHERYAN YO-51 stalla'tion will il!volve an expenditure . . .:' . .,'. ,'. ' of approxilllately.:jj7 ,000. . . "Emulation of our seniors,lIsoysthe All-plans for the vchanged li~ting NelVs Letter Oor'respondent at the Ryan system were perfected by technicians School of Aeronauhcs, San Di~go,CeJ.if.,from the Air Co;r.psMateriel Division, "had always seemed a. pretty pod adage Wri,e;htField; Ohio. Thespecial~equipthat has paid certain divi- ment"necessary for the instalJ,ation';was dends in our flying progress at Ryan also contracted for by that agenCy~'and School. . . -' shipped to MaXwellField. . : ,.;': c;'.(;: "Weare now facing a very critical . The Constructing QlJartermaste't!at:;the situation, with the appearance of the Air Corps Tac.tical School' who:isJfi~ Air .Corps latest in equipment, The. charge of the project; Ma.jorGeor~' S. first: mOdel of the Ryan YO-51 'DragonDeaderick, saia that theoanks.'o:f-flood . fly' hall been grassho:ppering in our li{!j:J.tswhJ.chwere being installed-for midst and is doing things that have re- three run1V~s will grE?atlyfacilitate duced our carefully nurtured concep night landings. . IncidentaJ.ry~ "~~e:runtions of how an airplane flies to a YJB.YS are to De 1J.ghted at 1Joth".e~,; pile of ashes. . This phase of the p~ogram J.S pa,rt:J.i!;!.lY "As one confused flying cadet puts in operation, and pJ.lots 'who 1lave"been it,'l was coming in for a landing and' performing m,e;ht flying recently"ilBid the first thing I knew I passed under the revamped listing SYB. tem ..i~'wae.... some shade that shouldn't have been cided supplement" to the old.,:"".~;.l':n there, I looked up and saw' the "Drago~ --000-.. cs.r rc ~j fly" about a thousand feet above me but j,j':.n:8: I knew he couldn't get into the field NewGrou,2Presented its Nati6ciu~'Cb'iors asl hdi,e;h he wlalsske0 I bcamek a\Vhs d 0afntinand {ConhriUed from Page ,,2 t.;~;: . an ea:. en 00 ac er my '" ... landing roll, there was the darn con11th Group during the teIllpor~' ~s~nce trantion sitting on thG ground about due to illness of Colonel Walter!F;~ 200"yards behind me. By the time I got Kraus: General Frank was accolilplmied .back to the line the 'Dragonfly" was by his staff. '. -"" ,!).LO" floating around at 1000 feet again. Upon the arrival of General:'Franl?'and Sometimes I get discouraged. I his, staff, the 15th Coast Art'il1erY'J "They tell- us the plane is an experi- Band, Fort Kamehameha, T.H.',::'c6ndu:cted mental design for liaison and shorf by,7arrant Officer Hendrick'S6holtens, range observation, Well, I'd hate to . rendered the "General's March:II,~jor be a do\lEPboy'cause I suspect the YO Lynch then reported the Group aa-f'ormed , trill not be Long in getting itsGlf at which time 1st Lieut. Walter'~Gi:;lj . named the ' Tom.' Sweeney, Jr., Air Corps, reaILa:'con~ ttl can well J.magi.nethe consternation gratulatory radiogram on the activation of Private Smith who sits downfor a of. the 11th Group from ltajor Generill smoke when he's supposed to be' laying a HellI'Y H. Arnold, Chief of the' Air1Gorps, phone line and hears a stentorian 'On ,'.' General Frank then spoke toA~~:G:roup your f'eet-,: soldier!' from overhead and and at the conclusion of h~s ';the. looks 'up to see hisC,O, leaning over Group was cal~ed to a~tentJ.on,.'the'i.~ the side of a motionless 'Peeping Tom,' colors moved into posd.t Ion, 'and the~ . 1I'!le I t know what the performance don Band pla~d the National Anthem! ~"';: figures 'are and we don't crave enlightFol1owJ.ngthis, a stirring renditIon enment for having seen it, we still of the new Air Co;r:pssong was gi.vE1ii'':by think it's a lie, The printed word tl,le ~and, after the Group was~ would onl.y further confuse our waning df smi ssed . .. '-~'," confidence in what we'd always consfd---oOo---" ....j.~ ered to be at least an average pair of .' "f"j'. eyes,"', According to the NewsLetter"CorJ:1~s---oOo~.-. pondent, the recen.t heavy floods"W'ldely by Chambers of r . MAXI'iEt.L FIELDLANDING ENLARGED publicized country ~ have had Commerqeiill .AREA. Over the no ill~'effect . . ' all'the: . The 'Air Corps Tactical' School landing at Hamilton Fiela.althou,e;h mat,:is':' lending area, inciudi.rJ.g tne field is ,being enlarged considerably, . close to sea level. TIle'heavy;.'rainfall and its night lighting facilities imwas adequately taken 'care of:by ~the" proved. Tne enlargement. of. the field pumping plant. Aside from a:':fevrflooded 1S being effected by the extension of basements, 1)-0 damage was don:::~~~;;jE " the boundary marker lights, . " The project VIas ccnmenced on February The 19th Pur~tO~~;;a r6il, ;;;~~fEif.' . .. 1st and is now about 50% completed. It Field, T.H., operates an .amateur'TMio " is expected to be finished by April station under the ~dance,-of (se~~ant "lst. The cost ot; the new eqUJ..'pment is R,D. Landreth, a.1J.censed 'operat6r~jand estimated to be $15,OOO,and the inis handling as high as -:451113i*ahQ;-:irles . , Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on sages a week. watermark. '.',' ~..," <. Lu to remove this -4V-839B. A.C.

;?r!l:~ ..,,: "


.rro "~11ti..{j .:~ , 74th BOmbro-dment Squadr9n for inspection -all1iGeneral .:Geo rge C. Marshall.. Chief of tours of the Isthnnis. Wlth General .: .:'~.," as,:,Stgl.fT\o.f the United States Army, comDargue !l~loting one of the B-181s aci:npl~,tep.a fqur-dav inspectioh ~our of cOII<Panylng Genere1 Marshall. a number the defenses of the Panama C2lilll on 6rljFebl~y 9th" and departed from Albrook of hours were spent in inspecting by Field.for the remainder of his tour, to air the defenses of the PanamaCanal. Another Bomber, carrying General Van :;> includ.e Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Miami, VOorhis. and one carrJi~ General Brett. f;.~cand)return to Washington.. . ".;(\~Arriving at Albrook Field ~rtly af- were used on all inspectlon tours. Included on the first davIs inspeceter 2:00 p.m., February 5th, m an Army tion tour were Albrook Field; Howard -cs. :B-17 . from llli.ami, General, Marshall was Field, a new landing field site on greeted by a 17-gun salute and later ,Bruja Point. across the Canal from , x.Ltr6oped a line, composedof c.>fficers Albrook Field; Fort Kobbe , all on the /", fr~n every Albrook Fleld or~, izatia"ii. that was more than a half-mle Pacific side of the Isthmus; and "'::lohg;.:. , ,Ma.ddenDam, Gatun Lake, Fort Davis, MountHope. Fort Sherman; Cristobal, . AccompanyingGeneral Marshall on his Coco Solo, Fleet Air. Base, France Fleld. tour were Brigp.d.ier General George H. Brett, Air Corpsi Chief of the Materiel and other Atlantic Sector posts. ,He a~oDivision; Colone Kenneth Buchanan Gen- also saw the Canal locks. All planes of the "inspection flight circledre~-eral',StaffCorps; and Air Corps Offipeatedly over each pofnt on General cers and men in charge of the airplene, MarShall's itinerary, in order that he q_' including Ma.iorH.L. George. pilot;. mi,q;ht'makea thorough irispection. "'Captains Carl B. McDeniel, co-pilot; On the second day of his inspection, ; 'ii;.A.:,Matheny, st Lieut. Torgils G. 1 'Wold';',t;lltors Master Set. Floyd , ' General Marshall was taken to the i Army's Base at Rio Rata", where a .very fuI:~H@~y~a.p.d Tech. :>~. J.E. tlcDonala, . enganeers; Staff :>gt. J. H. Walsh. rad.Lo thorough inspection -was made. The other planes. bearing Generals Van b90perator: Sgt. D.E. Hamilton; armorer. ,and- Staff Sgt. J. Semanko , orderly. Voorhis and Brett, accompanied him again on this tour, and the return ':~;Oii. the field to welcome the Chief of trip.was made by Taboga Island, a few .r.,.. Staff as he arrived were Major General miles from Albrook Field. and Old Daniel Van Voorhis, Commandmg General Panama. . of")~he PanamaCanal Department; It.ajor Following the trip, the Chief of . no ',General Ben Lear , COIlJmanding General of . -th13:.PariamaPacific Sector; Bri~ier Staff called on President A,S. Boyd, of . 'Jcn:~nl3ral Sanderford S. Jarman, yOJ!lDl8Iid-the Republic of Panama. In a brief interview, 'GerieralMarshall q'~clIlg.,General of the PanamaProvi ai.onal, declared he was happy to vi-sit the e:;i;ICoaiitArtillery; Brigadier General PanamaCanal again, and recalled" that Hef:bert A. Da.;-gt1e, ommanding eneral C G of ,the 19th .hng; Colonel Jacob L. he had been here with General Pershing in 1920. He said his inspection tour , Devers. Chief of Staff of the Panama f"'r.CanalDepartment; ColonelG. VI. Edgerton, was to !lermit him to gain more than a : theoretlcal Imowledge of the Canal Zone; \;'::Acting ClOve rnor of the PanamaCanal; -"U,;S;'Ambassador"io'illiamDawson.'and and its installations, He sketched , briefly the Arm.v expansion program. and' other high ranking officers of the Department. " .. , said the Canal Zone was included, but ' The First Battalion of the 5th Inthat housing 'oonddt rons and limitations _.fantry, commanded i~ior Walter S. 9Y would prevent ~ more people being , sent here except an case of emergency. ' v r~ijT90d;, was on the held to render honor At an orientation conference follow'"i"it:o.General Marshall. All available ing his interview, General Van Voorhis j,",;~IJ~an~s 4brook .Field were.lined up of ~""'f'or"ll;lspectlon adJacent to the runway discuSsed ,the "orientation aspect." of onwhfch the B-17 landed. and all perthe meeting. General Dargue outlined I ,.sonnel ..of the 37th and 16th Pursuit Air Defenses of the Canal; General LGroups ',were in front. of the airplanes. Jarman discussed Coast Artillery De~ fense; Colonel-,Tilton talked of con~;~~~General fi~shall was greeted by -iJ-GerieralVan Voorhis; and immediately structions and costs and Colonel Edgerafter the salute was ~ven. His inton spoke on passive defense mea~es. 'spection of ,Albrook Fleld personnel The orientation conference also was . .fo'll6'vied;.'. ' , 'attended b;)':General Brett. Colonels Buchanan, Hughes, Devers and Eastman; ~~~~FZ:9,in~A1bi-oOk General Marshall Field. bM'.Vettt:,t~ :,~ry Heights, Headquarters. of, and Majors Leslie D. Carter, of the Department Intelligence Office., and Carl' -aJ~Ejljrr!j!\8llla. Canal De:partment, and durang st8 was taken In -a B-18 of the Rosenberger, aide to Gen. " Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Van: Voorhi.s. V-8396, A.C. . a.A raeS!)-'l

8.nt.'.l':)L.O~1 "; ~'f

CONSTRUCTION BEGINSONWESTOVER FIELD Lieut. Colonel Thbmas Voss, Corps, C6mIDahdirtg fficer. of the 26th O Air Base Squadron (Sinde), Which'was constjtuted at MaxwellJ!'ield, Ala., on February I, 1940, for service at the Northeast Air Base, Westover Field, Chicopee Falls, Mass., recently, stated that he had received data on this 'new airdrome from Major Murdock A.McFadden, ~~termaster Corps, who is in charge of the construction now in progress there. Assigned to the new post are 461 noncommissioned officers and privates,and they are being retained at Ma.xrlell Fiel pending transfer to Westover Field at a later date. In his communication to Colonel Voss, Major Mcfadden stated that contracts for temporary barracks and mess halls for 1400 men were awarded on February 20, 1940, and that instructions were, issued to start construction immediately. He also stated that the airdrome is to be located in Chicopee To\~shiD and Ludlow To\~ship, HampdonCounty, ~s., it being ~ miles from Chicopee Falls, 6 miles from Chic2pee, 10 miles from Sprin~ield and 4'2 miles from Holyoke. The Slze of the reservation is 4,300 acres, the length of its longest section being 4j- miles, and the width of the widest section 3 miles. . The 1940 appropriations provide for. five one-famllyofficers' quarters, and ~larters for five noncommissioned officers' families. These will not be completed in 1940. ' Major McFadden also stated that the Chambers of Commercein the ~acent cities and towns had undertaken surveys to determine housing facilities, and plan to have this data available for the Conunandin~Officer upon his arrival at Westover Fleld. Hous' facilities are available in the cities of Hol;roke, Springfield, Chicopee, Chicopee. Pal.Ls , Aldenville, Fairview, South Hadley, South Hadley Falls, and other outlying communities. Unfurnished houses are plentiful, but not many furnished houses are available. Both furnished. and unfurnished apartments can be obtained. There are also good school and church facilities. '

RESERvE OFFICERS JOIN 23RDGROUP Thlrty~eight second lieutenants of the Air Reserve, on extended active' duty at 1.1aXWell Field, Ala., were re-: cently assigned to the 23rd Composit'e Oroup, They had previously been as-. ' signed to the gIst School Squadron and the 13th Air Base Squadron. All of "them graduated from the Air Corps ,,'. Trainlng Center on November 28, 1939.~ The flying training of this brood of fledglings will be'conducted under the supervi sfon of lI.ajor Frank O'D.,Hunter, Air Corps, Group CommandingOfficer: . + Major Himter, one of the most decorated officers in the Air Corps, has been..:'; awarded the Distinguished Service' Cross with four Oak Leaf clusters and the ~ Purple Heart by the United States;'ana the Croix de (}uerre with palms by-the, French government for feats performed, during the World War. " llajor Hunter came to Maxwell Field last Fall to establish the new unit;C~ which consists of a Headquarters squ.aaron, 1st Pursuit SquadrO\l, 24th Bom-". bardment Squadron (Light), and 54th' ',? Bombardment Squadron (Medium), with' atotal complement of 88 officers and,614 enlisted men. ' ',' , ; -~-; lhajor'Hunter recently stated~that~tbe mi.sslon of his organization is three-~ fold: first, to furnish a: tactical' service test of airplanes and its ~li7 ary equipment, such as machine guils,;',;., cannon, ammunition, bomb sights,;bombs, chamical apparatus, radio, oxygen ~, -r 1 equipment ana flying clothing; second, to develop and test new aerial t ech-. I m que and tactics; third, to demon~,.;:.r strate this technique and tactics'at,.!J the various U. S. Army Service Schoolsj and general Headquarters Air Force:'L;J statlons. ' ~- J" The Reserve officers reassigned t6'1 the 23rd Composite Group are: 2nd Lts: Wesley A. Anuerson, George I. Aubert;; Nolan D. Baker, James K. Boyd, Joseph: F. Brannock, Merle C. Brown; LeoL.\, ~; Cannon, Danre'l, H. Carmmes , Jr." James E. Haile, Jr., Walter W. Cross, Edlinmd F . Freeman, Conway S. Hal.L, DanielG;c Hawes, Har~ J. HaI'Tthornel J~es.R: ''$ Heron, Flonan A. HoJ..J:1, i'1l11laJ!lJ: . t. Joway, ,Thomas C. Kennmgton,;w M. Kno\Vl~s,.Donald W. Lang, JaJh~sA;;;1 Lee, Benjami.n F. McConnell, II, JomL-f, A. Mahoney,Jr., John B. WJ8.I'tin;, avid D J. Munson, Paul H. Payne, Edward'J.,,:~' Potter, Harry B. 'Pratt, Frank Schiel, ~ Jr., Benjamin M. Sheldon, Thomas)L:>.i" Todd, Harry L. Waesche, Walter J. -v.: W~~r, Geore;~ A: Walker, Rollin.M:;: Wll1l1l!J.gham, Wllllam H. Yaeger, ,Jr. "N '" John L. Zoeckle::_~~o~~~ert




---000--Lieut. Colonel WilHam 0'. Butler ,Base Executive Officer at Hrnnilton Field, Calif., has been ordered to March Field, CaHf., for duty with Headquarters, 1st Win~, GHQ Air Force. Colonel Butler ,arrlved at Hamilton Field from Pa.~ama in July, 1939, and was made Base Executive Officer. He is expected to assume the ~~siti9~ of E~cutive.Officer of the ] lrst ihng at :.larch Fleld.


,- l :~,(~'10'~ ~+:':i.6i~ j.a


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Grey is. married and the father of two girls and a boy. ' , Sergeant Grey's contribution to the TeChnical Sergeant Ralph E. Grey, of the;Power Plant Branch 01' the Air Corps science of aeronautics is undoubtedly one of great importance. "For this deMateri~l Division, Wright Field, Ohio, is ,the' recipient of a letter of commen- velopment ,II. Mr . Woodring's letter con-, dation -f'rom the Hon , HarryH. Woodring,. c1udes, " lS the product of ;your zeal and enthusfasm.T Secretary of War, congratUlatin~ him on ingenuity, skill, the reception, design, fabricatJ.on, and desire to conunendyou and to congratu-: It is upon men like ,you that testing of a ~aulic, fuel system whiCh late ~u. ."makes it possfbf,e for military aircraft the flnest traditions of the Air Corps You are a credit t'o,reach,altitudes not heretofore at' have been established. .t'Blnable prirnarily b~cause of fuel sys.- to the service in \ihich you are ~nlist~ ed. I am certain that your servlce retern -limitations. " The hydraulic fuel cord'will be an inspiration to other b'system acconr-elishes this result by . men whOare likewise enlisted in the ~.sta~ilizing vhe.fuelpressure at all service of their count.ry. " o'altltudes of flJ.ght. .' , The letter, which was dated February " ."As a result of your creative ability -and"mechanical skill'," the letter reads, 14th, made'a most acceptable valentine for Sergeant ,Grey. "H~ has. now been possible to reduce ': - i~teriel Division Correspondent your'design to'practice, and the hy. --000--draul.Lc fuel system is either in the ~ro~ess of being installed or will be NEW TYPEOF SUB-ZEROOGS T DEVELOPED AT .Lnst'al.Led in many tactical types of -Jairr>lanes of the.U.S. Army'Air Corps." WRIGHTIELDFORALASKAN FILOTS. F . Credit for an accomplishment such as Sergeant Grey1s can seldom be confined Newest of the cold weather, clothing . toanindi vidual. In this case, howde sd.gned and developed for the Air , ""ever, the achi evement is virtually an Corps .by the Materiel Division is a 3,indiVidual one. The Sergeant had the piece outfit for pilots, consisting of 'OLbenefitof daily association and cona par;ra-t:rn8 jacket, hip-type boots, and siiltation a technicall;y trained mittens. The major features are that -'slaf,: but the .i.ngenui t.y WhlChled to the necessary ventilation and maximum 'the"ori!Q.nal development and the zeal insulation from cold are attained by and"intelligence with which he followthe unique design without sacrificing "e<).through to success were peculiarly the freedom of 'movementrequired by h'is own. pilots., . '''''Sergeant Grey reported for duty at With Alaska in mind, the Equipment Wright Field on January 7, 1935, on de- Branch tested the garments in the cold t aclied service, in order that he might chamber under tenroeratures ranging down use': the facilities available at the to - 49 deg. F. The parka jacket is . Ma~e~ie~ D~vision rordevel~ping certhree-quarter len~h. Its hood protam'techmcal equipment whfch he had tects fhe pilot's 11Sad and face, while conceived while on duty at Langley a muff-type pocket in front ~rovides a Fi-eld with the 16th Aero Squadron. He place to warm hand.s , Work the had'been at the Materiel Dlvision ever jacket, hip-type boots take the place since "0 The original develo~ment which of trousers, and speciall;y designed he came to accom:plish proved to be but mittens complete the outflt. ~.yaluabl~ step ln a more ambitious In conjunction with wL~ter maneuvers project - the present llydEaulic fuel of the Air Corps; the Materiel Division system, . 'has been continuous1;y engaged in the . Froin the time of his arrival, Sergedevelopment and te'stmg of cold weather ant. Grey has been devoted to this proequipment sirrce 1932. Someitems now je~t'with an enthusiasrrl and ,industry , in standard use are covered briefly in which led him to spend at his wcrk many the following paragraphs: . week-ends and ::lights which might have Thewarmsheax1in~ 'Jackets and ' been'given to personal enjoyment. This, trousers for mechanlcs were designed to cif Course, was done without thought of be wa.:rnunder coveralls. Shoes similar personal remuneration. In this work to winter flying shoes' are wrn with ' not only his attitude toward his pro-' them. Later a blizzard cape which comject'but that to\~d his associates was plete1y envelops head and shoulders was SUch.that all have been interested in deve.Lopsd for use in extreme weather ' obserying'the various steps of develouconditlons.ment and'l1ere hapu;y in his final suc-" ~ine warming covers, engine heaters, cess' .... He is a nah ve of Wyoming,was " heat lng tubes :t:or thawing out equipbrought up in Kansas and enlisted atment, airplane maintenance shelters . Fort Riley in 1919. He has served also with heaters, wing and tail protective at Chanute and Langley Fields. Sergeant (Continued on Page 10 ) . . 0.A ,att:,."; Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. '- . 'V-8396, A.C. Please purchase PDF





RANDOU'H FIELDPHOTOGRAPHIC ACTIVITIES trainin; in the BT-14. and later soloed (Photo Sections Please Note) iii the :BT-9; Of the 250 Flying C~ets and two ReguAssisting in the national publicity lar Army officers on ', the vacampaign now being conducted by the Air rious schools for Primary FlYing Train.,. Corps for Flying Cadet recruitment, the ine; have sent this number of stUdents: Photo Department of RandolP!J,Field pro- . Chicago, 14;, Dallas, 42;- Grand:Ceritral. duced a t,otal of 27;798 contaet prints 28; Santa Maria. 34; Parks; 21;. Spart,lm, arid ehla.rgelnents in the twomdnths 1 pe- 60: Tiiscaloosa,26. and~, 27,.These riM which ended February 291 1940. , students \'/ill receive a nunimuniof: 75' Individual informal p<;>rtrrots of aphours' training each in 59 flying,i'~s. proximatel~ 500 Flying Cadets and suf. ----~.. ... ricien~ pnnts to furnish all. newspapers During the week of Feb~26. tni~ the an theu home State was one of the' 240 Student Officers and Flymg,Cooets projects completed during the two of the present upper class have'visited months" period which set what is bethe Post Weather Office in groups:'of 35 lieved to be a record of some sort for or +ess, .Each of these. groups wa:s,~';: Air Corps Photo Departments. s:pllt up Into four sect Ions andwasoeJ. Six glant 40 x 48-inch photo murals, given 15 minutes .In each of the"fou'-r showing typical scenes of. the uWest main departments of the office ;.rianief'y, Point of the Air,u were inade during tele~ype, plotting, observingaild~fcii:;eFebruary and later displayed at the an- cast~ng. The~ are shownthe actual\,bpnual Geore;eWashington Birthday Ball in erat Ions carr-Led on in the four.depai'tSan AntODlO. A mosaic of RandOlph ments and are given the opporttiniti~t6 Field area was.flown in Januai'y, three see the Wea~herOffice in operation,~~t enlargemants being furnished various ~hus receivmg a clearer picture .of"'now post activities. . lt works. . ';< .. ~. A total of 233 lantern slides, mainly ., ---000--" ..... .\ for publicity IJU!'poses was another . . ,.r;~ project of the 11-man department, which ;. REUNITED OVER SHORT AVE:RliDlb W is a part of Headquarters Squadron and ,.' , .... not a complete Photo Section.' 'The Wheeler Fi~ld Correspondeil~:~~ An analysis of the two months' prothat "the recurr-ing frequency ,of modern duction record shows that during Janumiracles so familiarizes us with 'oUr' ' there were 13 114 contact prints opportunities that we are hardened>t.o~ e, :1.:,111 gro\Uldnegatives (ooth 4 x5 our existence and fail to marvel'.uJ'dii: ,and 9 x 10 inch}; 43 aer.ial negatives, SundaY, Janue.ry21st, at 10:00 o''Ci'ock, and 173 lantern slides. '. Private' ~~~~.~.M. Smith, .Of.the,19th.\~ The short month of February accounted' Pursuit S on passed the time,'by"~ for 12,136 contact prints, 2,088 enlistening in \7hiie SergeantLandre~I:f~ largements, 1,023 ground negatives and Of the 19th operated the Squadron"s ~J:. 60 lantern slides. llcensed amateur radio set. PriVate,L '---000-~~ . Smith became particularly interest.edJ . . , when he heard Landreth say to'hia ",.o,b CLASS 4O-D AT RANDOLPH 'FIELD unseen listener\ 'You're the firstc~t~tion I've talkea. to in Tulsa, Okla,!"'\'{e have a man here, George Smith, from'v, The newest class of Flying Cadets at Tulsa.' Thus were two high school "'0'1 Randolph Field Texas, is unique for friends united over 4,000 miles of .:~~ two reasons. it is the first class to have any training in the new BT-14 air- etherial :>ubstance without planri~ng'.'the conve rsat.Lon. To conml et e the nuracle, plane, and it is the onl.ycfass so far Smith's friend said, 'Hold on, lI11"" \\hich has not received students from. get your sister on the phone I arid,.,J;J all of the nine civilian training' schoo Is throughout the country'. Dueto thus Smith talked to ana heard . hisj~T: si ster , 11 ,. _~r.ufj unusually bad weather ~ich has persist ---000~-~'-'~ ,\,;j ed for such a time that it was impos ....' ... ..;...iJp sible proper-Ly to train a class of, stuThe training of 136 more enliste(f'Ih~n dents an primary flying t echni.que, the as Air Corps mechanics at theCurthls~ civilian elementary flying schoo), at V{ri~t Technical Institute, Glendale,'.) Lincoln, Nebraska. was unable. to send any students to Randolph Field for this Callf . has been authori zed: ~ ... ,"" J Scheduled to arrive at. two-weelt"iiit\;'rnew class. ,. . Since there are' not "enoughBT-14 air- val,s in groups of 34, selected .men',from weste:m.fielas will take th~ pl,a.ce.J.of planes at RandnLnh Field to use exclugraduatlng groups the Orlg1ria1 si vely" "C" an9-llE"~light s have ~quip- authorized for thisof detachnient:;:'. '272') ,..J.~') ped two of thelr 16 lns~ructors wltn . Th~ first' group under tb,e.~e'V,~a\lWi:lr. BT-14 ships for both dual ondsolo work. lZatlOn began work at the Curtlss~Wtight The students, of these two instructors will sequretheir baSic flying t~airii~g Technical Inst Ltute on FebI'lJai'Y'19~h':." ~ , .._: vl~U::;,~' V-8396: jA}C.\:'1oJ Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.


-1ia~)J! o.?J .'.... 1;..

-,V BfiJ


THE m;;j ORDER PRIMARY OF, TRAINING (As observed,by the Chicago Supervisors)


-fils "l'~.::';1 c ~:

~~1iTh~~:oid'order~eth, etc ." And so meantemperature for January \vas16.2 :':it:~is;with' Primary Training, After in- degrees, and we put in' 785,student '~~s:thlCting.on the' Primary Stage at Ran- hours in January 'with 30 students, As "dolph, ield'for four years ,one can F the temperature got lower, I began to ,teasbnably feel that he,has had first, be conscious of ~'fape, and frequently 'of-at, least second, .hazd experience became'just as .pamedby it as otller o,with:all the probl.emsconnected With .peopl,e are.Flil<Uly weP\lt -everythrng ~Iti}~Train1ng as. conducted by the .on' and even hid. our faces in masks, bUt ,,:Arpw.AJ:r Corps. the cold 'was still finding ua-and getpf,"'QU'itea few "supervisors" at thevari ting worse with,every wave. We.could , ~ous ,civilian primary training schools take. it downto almost zero, but when Learned how, rievousLy this was in 'er:- it got'that cold we had the g roribef'ore '.'Public No 18, 76th Con.. trouble: ' ,gre,ss"had been in effect many days. l1e couldri't get a 'rise out of the oil ',The.fathers at Randolp1l ield, whose F temperature gauges: 'they wouldn't even ,.bram "child, thi s was, had said: "Flying get up to zero , and running the engine "Md.l.cneckingstudents will be your did no good. ":/ri.gj:1tField could do ;tlasiest',pro1Jlem."."Andthey wereri.gj:1t nothing for us, so the Engineering Ofas far, as' they saw. But the length of flcer suggested that the cnky.hope was _.their' vision was.Lrmi.t d by "the home 'to hold matches under the e . 'Of sunshine, Gulf breezes and the gauges; Tn.iishad to -be discontinued Alamo." because we had to buy our own'matches. N017 that the way'is prepared, we'will Several of the engines caught cold and come: ut .boldly and get at the meat of o started sneezing When tried to start we this 'lntle 'article. Our real subject them, thendeve.loped chronicc,ough{l . is .."H<," on Ice, or HoY! KeepFrom to 1',hichalways bothered them(and us) on t!:E',re1lzin'g.'.inPT-13." All the cold a forced landings. Oneplane I s cough .weather. in Texas was unusual. worked.downin its chest. and had fo be down~ there, but it had traveled eight confined in the hangar for fear of ntindied miles aft~r passtng these Iatipneumonia. . ,tUd.~stand was beginning to get warmed ]hile it never really got too cold 'up:'by the exertion. lVeget it here for us (?), it did get too coldior the from Canada via Minnesota and Wisconsin, planes. On the coldest day' we pushed but it is kept fresh on ice all the way 'a few of them out, but they began vidoWn,:' .You have heard it said that this brat mg even befora we could get the is,a .. ifferent kind of cold up here and motors 'started. d Tile fabric began to tmtt,you don't feel it the Wa;{ you do get goose pimples al.L over it and the downSouth. That isq'uite true. The planes shivered so violently the .ravet s _,co,ld.\ip,here is fixed so that if you . and fittings started to loosen. One :dOil' t :.get th~ h'.,. inside a house or a :vlane locked its wheel,s poked its nose , lot. Of fur hned clothes on ..... ;fast.. an the fjlnow refused to ,go any farand you'''feel nothing at all in a very .short .ther. {For thos~desiring proof send time: People can kid thewselves about 251 for picture.) s,different lands of cold, but you 'can't 'te had to auit brrthi.ngthe planes for 1i:id:a,thermometer, and you can "t kid fear. they woiil.d take more colas. They the,'hUmanepidermis. when it comes in seem to respond better to ,a brisk .ruocontact with the same thing that de-. donn I'lithjust a dash of Vicks Vaoorub presses the thermometer. The only 'added 'to the Weare watching thing that makes cold colder is humidi- them carefully to see that none -of them ty, end we have had that here in such ,PUlls its whee up under the wings to l,s quantities that the top 'of the radio keep them warm. Tne student.s seem to n,tower was fuzzy whenthe t emoerature fear this also , e.s they usually touch ')Vasaround zero. We .have carried on the wheel's to tho cold snow,a few .times operations on several days when. he t whenlanding before trusting them with temperature varied between'5 and 10 de- the full weJ.ghtof the plane . ....grees with',the thermometer in the sun One of the students came in one day c:oil the protected side of the house. and .safd he noticed the plane turning "-,~No\\' will tellabou.t someof the I. blue, and he thought was getcold'weather troubles we have had', The ting too cold. Weshowedhim that all cold caine rather gradually, as we had a the other planes were blue also and.he _,PJ,if,d.,F,alr: Occaafona'LLy someof the . felt better , j,s~Ul!-eIfts', face ~ks, wore more for ap'" 'Ve have f'ound a way to keep the pearances than anything else. Then, planes on all but the coldest , caniEi'Jruluary:-the coldest in the hismornings by borrowing a schemefrom the dictators, The Operations Please tory. ofhthe .'WeatherBureau to remove this watermark. Officer anpurchase PDF Split-Merge on here. The


V-8396 .A.C.

Of course, not ali of our troubles Corps has recently been sbandardi.aed . have been with the planes. One student This consists of oXgen cylinder ,reguis said to have' groped his W83 back to lator, breathing bag and mask: lO" the field in a bliriaing snowstorm only Whenfull, the oXgen cylinder' con" to find that the snowstorm disa~ared tains oXgen compressed to a pressure whe~ he pushed. up h~s frosty goggles. of 1800 pounds per square inch . T[J!3: .An Instructor lS saad to have sent a oxygen, when thus compressed, occUpies student to see the Flight Surgeon bea volume of 646 cubic inches,. but' Wn.~n cause he thawed on the controls. He was expanded to normal atmospher'Lc pressure the first student. to thaw on the conit occupies a volume of 48.3 cubic'feet. troIs for several, dass, so the instrucAttached to the cylinder is an oJ(ifg;en tor thou.e:ht he might be feverish . Ano- . rezul.ator . The flow of oXgen from,tr-e ther student \vas up for a check ride cylinder to the mask is regulatednnant.who was a good looking lad and failed ally by means of the control knob-on' . to wear a face mask, evidently honing the rel'!:U1ator. The regulator 'scale,i~ to capitalize on his manly be8llt{. TIle graduated: in thousands of feet. altituo.e. supervisor noticed that he began to get The ~10'Y of. oXgen is adjusted ~ootl1B-t pale Imile doing forced landings and the lndlcatln~ needle pOlnts'to.the::J decided. he couldn't 'stand u:\l under pres- aviator's altltude. Another scale ..On sure, when he suddenly reallzed the the regulator indicates the pressurs- ~n man's face was freezing. Since he was the o~gen cylinder, "thus furnishing: inthe only good looking student we had, formatlon as to when the cylinder is+ . the supervisor hurried him back to the nearing empty. . .' ..' . field an order to save his beauty for The oXgen flows into'the rubber the .belles of San .Antonio, as he would breathing bag attached to .the mask. offer no competition to the superviSor From there it passes up into the.mask that far axY83. proper. Part of the expired breathq Some of the students who frighten ~eturns to the breathing bag and:.~~ easily are very mach disturbed by the lS forced out through tfie e:KhalatlOl1j face masks, so the Suppl~ Officer revalve immediately above the ba!':.::'".At) quisitioned some masks wlth a more the next inspiration. the avia'L'ti.r,.;in .... pleasant expression. For himself he hales a mixture of fresh oXgen and ',exworked out a mask that would change , pired air. The mixture contains' safe from a smile to a frown by PUlling a amounts of oXgen and carbon dioxide. string. This was for the sbudentjiwno . . --,:,000--. .' LJ spend most of their time during a check ; .r: t r~de watching the check pilot in the i~; nTSIC;:'ilA'FOR'ADV.fu~CED FLymG'sdi:ooL mlrror. . . ,j.",~ 'l'he most unfortunate incident we have .. c,J", had occurred one des when the supervisThe Aii. Corps AdvEiJ.lced lying 8ch091 F or end a student he was to check both now boast-s a ne': and. distinctive illsigshowed up at the plane with masks on. nia badge which is beinE: worn by. the; enThey coul.dnvt tell each other apart . . and, in the resulting confusion, they tire peraonnel, of the Air Corps Advancgot inte the wrong seats - the student ed Flying School at Kelly and Br coks checked the supervisor and the superFields. The insignia is a gold cre:s'~ visor was eliIDlnated. upon which the torch of "Light" ii':im- . .AnyCalifornia supervisor having any printed between two dee") blue ".x.h'eIs',. ~~6;rc~~erature please 'forward same On c. separate scroll at. 'Ghe.oottoin')are ---000---" the words "Ut Viri Volan';;." "; "i1 Clothing for Al~-,.- .. From P<iP'P7 \ ( The enlisted personnel of ne':'ily'form~ '""t>I ed units teJ!IPoraril;y stationed at -the covers, shelter t.ent e.and sleeping bags Air Corps Advanced Flying School maY,if are other cold weather eqUipment develthey desire, but are not required to, oped by the iAateriel Division and now wear the" insignia. Thi s insigrlia 'will standard. be issued to enlisted personnel f rom The snow plows used to clear runways purchases made by unitsfunds and henceof airdromes are commercial products forth each newly joined enlisted'manll!i.ll meeting Air Corps requirements, as is be provided with a compl et.e setwi~hb.ut the standard de-icing equipment used by cost. the Air Corps. Additional investigation' Office:;-s will wear the crest on'"? ..; : as to Lmorovement in material and design l Continued on Page 12)., j~[~j of AlaskBn equipment will be continued. .. :. :;,';OlCl.A , -1 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8396 ,j A:.'C'.

overhaul ,

nounces the official temperature and suppresses all evidence to the contrary. All-planes that refuse to accept the official temperature are subject to

OXYGEN EQ,UIPMENT FORHIGHALTITUDES By the Materiel Division Correspondent


hi Improved oXgen equipment f6i':use"in . gh altitude flying by the Army Air

..1,;. -'"

a:::GUTI" . indeed, a haven for the flyer who finds his home station blocked out temporari"J . ly by storm. The population is scarce ,,:Thephoto~aphic mosaic of Rio Hato in this section, and so bombine; and gun-l,;and its envi.rons migj:J.twell be mistaken nery is carried on almost at w:Lll. EVen for an area in the vicinity of the the Field Artillery and the Antiaircraft Grand Canyon. Allparently rough and Artillery are going into this section tu,gged - and. it :LS- this site in the for their practice because of this fire Republic of Panama, only 80 miles west freedom. ,Qf., the, Zone, .three hours by automobile Then there is the freedom frompost nover a, good road and only 25 minutes by and social routine found in the Zone, t''la~r" is a godsend to the 19th Wing. a beautiful beach at your front door, . cE/. St,arting with a bluff about 100 feet and swirnTJling, ishing and sailing to f ,r",h~gh at the ,Pacific beach, the table amuse.~ou. And for the hunter, coveys 8,~landi' d.eeply cut by arryos, extends of quaiL; wild dove, plenty of deer and ":,~ithree or four miles to the north and other aniIilals may be found. The initi~ then .cl.imbs to the rugged hei~ts of at ed takes both his gull and his fishing ?.rnolJiltains towering nearly a mi.Le into rod to Rio Hata. Here it is that the .e;:.the'blue. But on this table-landnabest training can be combined with com,',ture -has provided, fortunatel;y in the plete relaxation and recreation. direction of the prevailing wmd , long A small portion of this large retches of level land between the ar- vat ron, border ingfhe Pacific, has been n: royos which,' with but little preparaset as ide for development' as a Depart- ' -:,~ ron, become suitable t inunediately for mental Recreational Center. Even now the landing of all types of aircraft. several hundred feet .of lumber are On a recent visit of a B-1?, Rio Hat6 springing into buildings to house offiwelcortied this' new type of. ship. . cers and enlisted men. Field Artillery, For'years this site has been used for Antiaircraft Artillery, and Infantry, .gunnery andboD\bing training, . and ternespec Ial.Iy , can find wonderful mane,-:ver porary et.ructures have been erected to room an- th:Ls area' and they, too, enJOY .house .t he personnel. A radio station the recreational facilities. Fami1:Les has .G.eel?operated here also. The ~nwill be w~lcome in bot.h the Department creaseun the s'rze of the Panama ai.r and the An Corps sect:Lons that have .garri'sOn has pr9mpted the further de": been and are bemg developed on the . ,:,:velopment of th:L$ 19,000 acre t ract , beach. It is here that cooperative ,which~is to be leased for 999 years. . missions with the ground troops, espe.,Whereas the early temporary construccially .the Antiaircraft Art illery, can tion was ulaced about two miles back be'carried out on a Wholesale lllan and from the beach\ a new site, to house great benefits derived from th:LS freeT!" several hundred, officers and men, has dom in training that' cannot be so u. been' developed on thebl'uff inunediately readily secured in the Zone where areas above the beach.' , are greatly restricted and weather so ;,v .This C<)IIlp is nearing completion and often interferes. _ here we find accommodations for .sever'al, Plans for the future inClude llractic.' c. 'hundred enlisted men in three large bar ally an .al.Leyear' use of the fac:Llities '~racksl about 100 officers in a separate provided in this .trainin~ area, with -"'build:Lng which has been divided into one or more Air Corps uni.tis "Ln camp'' allartments, a consolidated mess hall at all times. Additional runways w:Lll -\V:Lth fficers I section, a large recreao be clearedi a Local.Laer beacon erected; _ Hon building, post exchan~e, a moving field lighting installed; additional . 'Picture theater, a l5-bed aispensary, ' .means of communication provided; heavy '~enerating plant to light the camp mld' supplies will be moved by barge and ">':Llluminate the runway, wells and stor~ transferred to a dock between tides;' age capacity for ~~ter, and even modern stor~e for gasoline installed; roads -n"p1umbingthrougj:J.out all buildings and a and sddewal.ks put' in and other irnprovelarg? septic t ank. and irrigation area ments made as co~ditions,warrant and ':.Lfor CllGpoSal of sewerage. A large han- funds become ava:rlable. ~ Jis 'about to be .constructed at' the To those who may be ordered to Panama, ',:Lntersection of t\70 fine runways that look forward to a vacation at Rio Hato . 'have.beendeveloped recently and are It is the Baguio of Panarna,a setting .._"nowm use ; . from shore to mountain, full of beauty IL.;~J'P1e advantages ,of this location ate and intriguing to the nature lover! llJ?llY'. Nature has, provided a range of . --000--. mountains to the horth which intercepts The Dead Reckoning Navigation Schools most'"of tJ:1e,raiJ.l cl ouds with the resUlt conducted by squadrons of the 17th Bomthat p;rec~p:Ltat:Lon:LS<;lilly half that at bardrtient Group, March Field, are proAlbrook.F:Leld. The cl~te seems dry~r gressing ra~aly,so that in a short time t~c?,)~~~~hermore 1:LkeTexas. It :LSI'thetoGroup w:Lll have more D.R.Navigators. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on remove this watermark. - 1V-8396, A.C. Camp
jneJ:..acq ~:l,;,

RIO HAT 0 n~9th ,Wing Tra:uung and Recreation

~ ~


GRANDENTRilL C FLYING SCHOOL ACTIVITIES an instructor of Air COrPs Fl~ng Cadets at the Cal-Aero Corporahon Flying School Detachment, Glendale;:'CarH'1 A "tri-dimensional'traffic 'oattern tI than he was called to active duty Wlth ' devised by Chief Instructor EBrry C: ' the rank of ColJlhJander, Oddly..ehougn, . ClaibOr~e . of the Cal-Aero (Grcmd Commander reighton goes from.inst'r:uctC Central School for use in instructing tor of Arrrry Air Corps Cadet's' to "theeV'O Flying adets, is attracting much atduty of Cadet,Procurement Officer or~ tentfon at the Air Corps Training Dethe Navy at Seattle. ," ,'C ,,';:C"!..;}l tachment at Glendale, Calif. . ReR;fing Commander reighton:ati:i'::o C ;,1 th a table' top painted to resemble. the a~r~ort, Crr~tain Claiborne's device Glen e is ensagn m.o,. Carmod.v,who~a has minfature alIj?lanes mounted on Wire c9mes from three years I duty, wi. ,th:>;'i'jfl/!llti;tg squadrons aboard ,the: Carriers tracks above the ai~ort." These are YOR!{TOiVNRANGER.He was a member~ and set in any desired fllght pattern and of ~he Na,:,,'s'acrobatic team,at-cthe.'3'-! the cadets, before ~i~ aloft, are . N~honal.Ai~Racl?s ;n 1937and;,M~' shorm on this gra;clllc mini.ature just hl s career In. avrat ion at Pensacola. }' how they should fly in the dalfl s exerClse_ .




:Both safety. and speed in, eXplanation are claimed for the ingenious device which is attracting considerable professional notice. The Flying Cadets from the detachment at Cal-Aero (Grand Central) Flying School made their first uublic appearance a~ the 19s Angelesl~National.Defense lIeek av~ati0J.lday program, Smartly attued In theu blue uniforms with gold insignia, the Cadets a~tracted considerable' newspaper attentlon, and a rapid rise in inquiries about enrolment was noted at the detachment during the following week. , Also_,at ~hl?program was the Flyi~ Cadet. ,J>XBllllnlng BOard, headed by LiaJor ill~r D . Alp,er, which had just completl?d ltS V1Slt to Los Angeles. Arriving ln its B-l8A flying office, the Board spent three hours at the exercises, during whi ch hundreds of questions were answered for prospective cat;lets. During the afte::noon, Major Adler spoke for twelve mlnutes on a coast to coast radio broadcast, outlining 'the possibilities for young college graduates' in the Air Corps. ' ,.' ,lith 48 Flying Cadets relJOrting, Class 4O-F set a new 'all-time hi,e;hmark at GrL1J.1d Central Flying School, Glendale, Callf., the previ ous high mark being 38 Cadets in Class 4Q-E. Four more ~-13A airplanes have been assigJ}ed to the det achment, 'making a total of 24, z, and one more'lnstructor has been e~ ed, bringing the total to 14, .

headed by Major 'Elnier E. et,.:.Air"j1. Corps, returned to Los ~eles; 8alu'I, on February 19th for seSSlons of a"~eek to ten dalfs at the Uniyersity.,of~,Cid.i~ forma at Los Angeles ~U.C.L;A,:),,")htH. . Earlier in the month, during al'ten~3 <jay session at the Universityof .I.,"'::' Southern California; nearly 300 ajJpl:i=cant s were enrolled and examined ,by .the Board, which then returned to Hamilt'on F;eld until after final examination'penods were concluded in the ,Southern's ,California colleges., .re . .co f!! An intensive puo~icit campaign,~conducted by the FUbIlc Re.lations: Depart'" ment of ~he C~-Ae.rC!Flying 'SCh091~~rin1 cooperatlon t11 th lllaJor Adler durlng;;i!'i per-iod of several weeks prior to! the':; Board's arr ival, .evidently paid, div,i1", dends, for at ltS first session'the oj Board was subjected to a barrage, of,y:;'" flash bulbs by cameramenfrom'.Los " .Angeles papers and full-page'displaysf of pictures were published. " ;.1 Il(,~ m.jor Adler also was invited'to,'ap"') pear over several radio stations and,:l as a result of all the uublicity; .the'l Board was forced to 'send an SOS.tot~lJ Hamilton Field for three more fli~tl0 surgeons to help '.n th the physicaI'~ ex~
ami.nat i.ons , '; c',: .r,I
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. The Flying Cadet Ex.,'1JJIin~ BOatd;,r",o

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!,ew InsifGia for Advanced FIY}-nfSclr661 onhnued I rom Page , tr. ',3j~')
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.Cal-Aero'CoDJOrati.on is the new, nSJ1Je, Grand Central Flying of, , ~--oOo-":'_'., ~l'~:'>,~-J','!J~n School, one of the nine "Little . Randolphs""at Glendale', Calif. The . The 6th BombardmentSqUa.ciIbn; tBngl~y name is'the only ch~e in the set-up, Fiel~, v. ::ecel1tly or~ized,a,:$q1jBl:l"ihich is headed by iAaior C.C. i.ioseley ron Mathematlcs School, under;,super:v,i,$j.a former.Air :Corps officer of Vorld ' on of 2d Lt , Earl B. Cook,' Air Re'serve. \/ar ,serVlce. '. . . The' 20 students attending this SChoo':1/ are prepa.rin~ themselves for', entrailc13~ Scarcely had Izieut , Commander ert B to the Technical School. 'S,gI;. AW,:T . "'" Creighton, U.S.N.R., become settled as Barrons is an instructor at tliiSJ,.'scnoJr. .. -12-' V-8396; A':C~ .. u Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

sht,lUlder Loops of service blouse, and,m o1:Lvedrab shut, on front ,of'service', hat, on the field cap ,(fU,e;htcap) ;r"and C!nlapels of the white milrt~~e'~,sj~ Jacket..., .' .. . ..'t" ',-"


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The CommandingOfficer's old set of quarters on the water front 'at France Field has been transformed into just . about the finest club on the Isthmus', according' to the News Letter Corres~ondent ." He adds that credit for the f~ne job is due in great measure to Lieut. Jack Carter, who had plenty of headaches and lost several bets as to when it would be completed. He won, however, the best bet by completing before the say,i:h~pe this book will be of particufirst of JanU<U'Y the most comfortable and coolest club in Panama.. lare.interest to. the thousands of young The front of the old quarters was men now in American aviation and those coming in. In plain soldier language . torn down and a veranda, the width of the entire set of quarters, extending it )willgive them a sketchy picture of to the flag pole, 17aS built on. This what to. expect. in the forthcoming hostilities - some of the excitement, some gives a fine dance floor, whrch is surrounded with plenty of Sl'ace for tables of.~.the'.errors that till ' off young and chairs. The old room makes fliers',. some of the'rules that must be a'fine reading room and serVes excelfollowed. It is a glorious branch of lently as space for the serving tables service but it is no picnic and with for the Sa.turda,y noon lunches and bufthe great advances in aviation since fet sU!'Pers. The upstairs. has been di!the World War it will be even more vided lnto rooms for the ladies and -'d:atigero'Us and harder work but with still their bridl<e' and Mah Jong games; .and plenty of opportunity for the couragethe "B-18 Cabin for, men only" serves ous; serious-minded. individualistic as a' game room and for Span~sh classes. youth who vrents to defend his country Newrattan furniture has been ~Lfrom' ,the air. And no youth who is not Chased and placed throu,ghout tho Club. the point of daring 8nd The old piano has been tuned, and it serious-minded almost to a point of a hot daY to studiousness should ever try for a fly.., is a real pleasure-after relax in a comfortable chair in the ",.,i~pommissio~. It is a manI s work ~.~d for the nght type of man only, ... " coolest s~ot on the. Isthmus, and quaff a cool dnnk as you look out .to sea . -t~IP919nelHartney commanded.the Flrst. and count the. days until you'too will !-'i',sJll.tGrou:pfrom .August 23, 1918. to . tne~end of the War, during which period be heading through that. 01' .breakwater . . . t~~s;;()r~ization participated in, tl,le . for home. ---000St:"i1dh~el and Argonne-Meuse offensl.ves, rPt:~(lr ~9, c0lJll!lissio~ed a Major inv~B1AA~~~~~on Sect~on, S~gna.l Corps'_13_ Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8396,A.C.

.,Thrilling incidents in the air during innumerable air duels with enemy flyers over the.f'ront lines in thelVorld War ~s is a.bly told by Lieut.' Colonel Harold E. Hartney, former Air Service officer; author .ofca book just off the press and entitled "Up and at1em." , Durfngtihose stirring days; Colonel Hartney' comnanded the Firs'!;' Pursuit GroUPi whiCh included 'the 27th, 94th. 95th,and'147 PUrsuit Squadrons, the' .. 18l?th'Night Pursuit and 4th Air 'Park; Thls.'.'Groupbrought down 285 enemy . planes and balloons, of whiCh 201 were offi(!ially confirmed, and lost 72 of it Sl own Illlot s in doing it. 'On the . ro st.e'r of this organization were the. ;-:names of men who achieved' Und.viI}; fame" .inclUding. the "Ace of' Aces. II. Eddl.e '" Rick:enbacker and the late Frank Luke, st;y1ed t~e "Balloon Buster of Arizona." The book is of suCh absorbing' interest. that it tends to keep the reader .. '!ldge.all the way. One wonders why .Colonel ..Hartney delayed' so long in pre-,senting to the American public a book sOTrich in true adventures of airmen in combat. '-fio~In ..h;.s'introduction. Colonel Hartney .st",tes .that , the real purpose of his bo.ok~is. to show young. Americans. what w@.r,is like and to show older AmeriCa.I1S~ some of the mistakes we made, which,must never be repeated, and how to a:v:oi.d.them. He then goes on to

September 15 1917 he served from October. 31, i914 . to October 21, 1915, withthe Canadian Exoedi t ionary Forces, and thereafter with the British Royal Air .Force , and held a commission as 1st Lieutenant and later as Captain.' During his service with the Allied and American Air Fotces he was credited with the destruction of six enemy planes. thus entitling him to the unorficial designation of "Ace." Amongthe decorations he 'received for valor were the Medal, the American Distingllished Service Cross, and the frenCh Croix de Guerre with palm. Colonel Hartney was commissioned a . Captain in the Air, Service, Re,e,tilBr Army, on Sep; ember 17, 1920. He resigned his commission on October 19, . 19211 and affiliated himself with com~ mercfal, aviation. He is now connected with the Civil Aeronautics Authority in Washington, D.C., ' . ---000--. NEW OFFICERS CLUB FRANCE IELD I, AT F


:-:--000-On February 16th, 36 students graduated from the Airplane Mechanics course of instruction at the Chanute Field CADEr'S TOPARTICIP.ATE liflANElNERS IN Branch,of the Air Corps Technical ' '. . ,'f -1",;;0:> School. Of these graduates, one is . The Hon. Harry H. 'iloodring;.:Secre'tary stationed at the' sacramento, Calif. ,Air of War, announced under date ofd.lai'ch; Depot, one at Hamilton Field, Calif., 11th that it is 'planned, upongradiiB.:< and the remaining 34 at Chanute Field. tion from the Air Corps Training' Center A week later,. on February 23rd, a to- at 'Randolph Field, TexaS, of' the .prestal of 52 men graduated from the Chan1.teent class of 225 Air Corps Flying';';iv Field Branch of the Air Corps Technical Cadets nowundergoing training,,'to as~ School, 39 as Radio Repairers and Oper- si~ them to ground units of'the;Third ators, 9 as Aircraft Machinists and 3 a Army for approximately three' Weeks}~;~.~ as Link Trainer Specialists. These' temporary autyduring the forth,.c9.~zig; graduates came from Air CoI'1JS stations maneuvers. J, ;,. "0f.! as indicated below:' It was' explained that the Purpose,'oof Radio Re~rers and Operators this action is to familiarizethese':;~/; BarksaaIe :E\ie~ La.: Fi'lvates :E'raDk u, newly commissionedReserve officeis.f~Yi ALIen, Robert II. Bloch, Harry J. 11'iththe operations, tacticsan~,tecg,. Broadhurst, Jr., Jord B. Claiborne, rn que of the ground forces during,the.j Richard A. Gee, Charles M. Hall, fiEild maneuvers and thus give them .the Jesse B. Hepler, Lowery L. Jackson, practical military background -arid 'sx'::a Paul E. Lawrence, ThomasF. Murphy, perience essential to a full and~com:::l Dickie Robbins and Joseph A,Savirso. plete understanding of the o~ratiqrisl Fort Sill. Olda,: Staff Sergeant Harry of the ground forces with '.vhlChthey"" J. Garvey. must operate in actual combat.",0-., . ,," Chanute Field, Ill.: Privates Earl . Of the 225 students expected. to i":.J BeckeriJ:Ohver N. ]'ellwock1 William graduate in this class, 8 are seconddlI D. Ho ord and Ed@ H. WJuttmaml. lieutenants of the Regular .!rinY; de'Z.l'~ Hamilton Field, Callf. : Privates Jerome tailed in the Air Corps, and the ,remainF. Brabec, \lhiham M. Knudsen.Edward ing .. 17 will have received their'coIIi-;-q 2 O. Harrison i.ielvinC. Sharp. , . missions as Air Corps Reserve o(fk@ .MarchField, Calif.: Privates WardK. only ~1pOnhe 'QEw. o;r graduatlon,f.rom'lt t eadwaIader " George F" Meyer and the AlI Corps Tr8J.n1ngCenter.,. '''JSI!;! George E. Potter.-., . . ,It is contemplat~d that. the Cl~llrlf;r Moffett 'Field, ,Calif.-: Privates lull Leave the Traming Center about George R. Cardin, HiiTlJlOn Hochstet- March 24, 1940, ~d be relieved ..f:rgrii.,.O J. , El'Hood Ing].edue" Lawrence F. F. duty ~th,the Thud Armyabout App,loJ Kalnoskas , Harvey T. Kolstad Frank 19" 19",().,.. :'n'3~)T) J, McGrmJgh, eo J. Miller, George A.' L ..., ---000--rnem Nixon, Carl G. Pratt, Jr,., Frederick .. " . '. ,""Y<;l V.'fl. SWitzer andJolmny R.Thurston . e ~W COMMANDER FORBROOKS FI~'lhq Maxwell. ield, Ala.: Pvt. Leroy A. F ' ," ~'Ji Warner. , .' '. ifJajoi:' tanton T, Smith, commandi'ng~ S Philippine ~Air Corps: Private the 46th School Squadron, Randolph ;~n Vicencio . anchez, Field, Texas, on February 21, 1940,reAircraft iiiachinis~s c~iv~d "far Department ordeJ,"splacing.cq Selfridge Field, i'iich. Private :ByronB. nnn m command Brooks F1eld, Texas. of A gad1;ll\te from the flyingsRh~olr~t: -=>-.rDkorsf:fe.F1.eld ...Pravat e '~-~on':Byrd'. Broo s F1eld on j,lay 22, 1918, l'JaJOr. -"C' .n= Smith has had a varied, and dist' .' .. snSCott neId, . III.: .Prdvete NormanW.' J.ngUJ. ed career' in the ArmyAir Corps.,,5ayll"d L!oi!feftnField "Calif,: Private', , the NewsLetter COfrespondent, ,"Evet:y"(, : _ ". one who knows his l\\aJ'or Smithl,s)('~'j ones" uuest on N. ., ., --~""'l t al' . 't' '"t' 1.1ax'.vell Field: Private '11m. T. Kitchens. namic energy ana am 1 y re uest, , '~ Mitchel neld, N.Y.: Private Walter L. B~ooks.Fie1d,.will benefitgreatl;y).ing,er.: , his leaderslup. ,"":' d:",!,] .t'~.' ., . "The 46th School Squadron has been. ..", BolhIll': Field, D.C.: Prvvate JoJ::lliA. under MaJ'or, mith'scominand sin,,ce.lQ35., S SzIa:clietka. . ""; ~ A f i.iarch Field: Private Arthur J. s ~ expression 0 the high est~.em,.:t:l1.e 'fanturn. .off'Lcers and men under -hi s L F' ld C 1 Bas i.L C' .,.. ""'t . a s~adrori farewell sup~r in l1i's,honor, owry 1e , '0 0 :, ' 1 . ';irl"", . "1,' ir,'st Lieu.t., Gerald yle "_"f'o.r,lne,I" ,... a - ~ L 'c . tUlle Tralner SPecialists G'lb 't CO admln1stratlve Lnspector , has j assumedI angleyl~eI'\i Va.: rporai.s ur er command the 46th since Major,.tel 8d'i of L.. l71r~Ian and Clifford Hugl:les.' Smith's transfer. . - .:',J Moo 10 Chanute F1eld: Sgt. HowardL.BelCkel1. , , -14. V-8Mb ;;.N;'C-!' <mW Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

selfri~ Field, row 1 son.

Mich.: Sergeant Wood-


CONffi'RtTCTION II - CANAL PERIOD ZONE1939. 6 By Lieut. Colonel F.iI!. Brady,Air orps '

School and largely responsible for the ConWfUbtion Period II of the Canal development of the Naval cooperation Zone is" slowly gaining momentum. he T '(defensiVe 'establishments for the entire course included in' the' curr rculum' of CarialZone, together '!lith facilities, that institution. In addition, he has had extended experience in Air Corps housing'arid messing for the enlarged' 1const riict ron crews, are taking shape. tactical units and "cruises" with the -~Air Corps officers and men with serNavy Co~s~~ently, he is e~pecially .. vice in the Canal Zone :prior to Septein- well quallfled to conduct thfs "school" work and also impart information based ber ,,~1939, would have difficulty in recognizing the "old" stations of ' . onpractical experience.' " France' and Albrook Fields or the 'gun-, SO while casual ,inspection of the !lei-yo'camp at Rio Hato (the site of the Canal Zone may indicate concentration new ~r base to be knownas Howard ., of ener(?;Y the building program and on reorgan~zation and activatlon of air FIeld) vmich little resembles the area formerly knownas Br\lja Point' or Fort units in the ~sion Program, the Kobbe'reservation; , Tne tropical growth "mission" of 'the 19th Wing is not beUponconclusion of the has-been cleared awayfrom the hills to ing,slighted. the-nor-th of AlbrookField and rthe site conferences, the comnitment of soluprepared for construction of about 200 tions to field and operations orders, sets of officers' quarters. The build- and actual tests under existing condiing"area to the northwest is ready for tions " the Air Force in the Caiial Zone foundations for about 200 nonconnnJ:ssion- will be prepar~d for ~ emergency. ed~of,ficersl sets. In the barracks area Each indl viOUal should knownot only his job, but the part being ,played by temporary hbusillg and messing facilities for about 1,200 menwill'shortl.v h~s co-workers in the ~quadron, grOUp, bellCOmpleted for the enlarged Albrook \'Ilng, and the cooperating forces an Field garr.i.son: At France Field simi- the Arm.v and Navy. And so Construction -nlaI"o\ nearing completion. The new Period 1I I of, the Canal Zone will mean Ri00Ha1;'0'establishment, with the' main more to the Air Corps personnel ethan bili.ldfngs,located oil a bluff overlooknew barracke or' quarters, or a new ing"the sea and beach, is now ready for base; .bhey will have an appreciation of the operations' of a Group, with two the job set up for the defense forces and particularly the Air Corps. landing fields available.' , ---000--. Thecchanges in the Air Corps in the Canal Zone, however, are not confined toj~mprovements in facilities nor in-' COLOMBIAN OFFICERS VISIT ALBROOK FIELD creased strength in personnel and equipment. The mission of the military Albrook Field, Canal Zone,was host forces, in the Canal Zone has been the to ten officers of the ColombianAir primarY',consideration in orienting the Force, who arrived there from Bogota, Air Corps activities. From day to~, Colombia,February 19th for the purpose as:facilities are developed, as person- of taking Pnvsical examinations prior nel is-increased, and as state of com- to 'entry in the Air Corps Training Cen'bat .efficienc~ is raised, "emergency" ter, Randolph Field, Texas. The visitplaii.s:are modtf'Led and extended. " ors made the trip to Panama in a ,ern -connect i.on with the development' Junkers tTi-motor airplane.' and"solution of the-probl.ems , officers After completing their examinations, of .other arms in the Canal Zone, and they were,taken on various tours of the 'tlfs"1Javal air'unit? at Coco SoloSan~;'~ Panama Canal Zone by 2nd Lieut. M.H. ' been-most cooperat ive ." General ' Hays, Air Corps, whoacted as .Lrarscn ' Jii.frnan;C0lIllll:0llding PanamaProvt si.on- ofi'icer. th~ They spent iaich of their time al: Coast 'Artillery (AA), and inspecting the engineering and sUpply C610nel'. att~~ 'the PanamaCanal Depart- shops of Albrook Field, where' expkanaW ment"Si-gnal UIficer, have discussed' tions were-given as to the workings of their specialties, and the- Naval Air, these departments. -. ''onpersonnel aided With technical Several receptions and .dances were ,ap.vice 'in the-prcbl.ems involving Naval' given in their honor, 'incllidiIll;.one by (forces"'-, ,.' - . - ' the 19th ':ling Commander,' Brigadier SVi.ln ..the, preparation of pr,oblemsfor General Herbert A. Dargue , and Mrs.' ,'Jt1ie-rc6iiferences and the drafting of Dargue, at their home .: '.Several shop-' sq~uti6ns, 'th~ 19th. Wingis wrtiqularping tours in Panama City. ~d at various ly..for.tunate an havdng General Datgue. post exchanges of the PaclflC Sector The 19t1i'.Wing Commander a :!:aduate" w~r~ arranged for them. Durillg their' is of both the Armyand Navy War Colleges, V1Slt they were quart ered at 'Corozal and was di-rector, of' the Air Corps Tactical had their meals at the Officers I Mess . . v''-' ~~---15Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8396,; A.C.

COLOMBIAN TROPHY GOESTO 2ND BOMB. GlIDUR The Second Bombardment Group (Heavy), at Langley Field, Va., has been selected'as.the 1939 winner of the Colombian TrophY, awarded annually to the Group in the General Headquarters Air Force maintains the Jcowest accident rate per thousand flying hours. Major Edgar E. Glenn, Intelligence Officer for the Second Wing, stated that the award will be made, to the Bombardment Group at a later date by the Oomaand lng General of the General Headquarters Air Force, Major General Delos C. L:m.lJlons. . ..,. The Third Attack Group at Barksdale Field, La., won the Tro:Pf1Y for, the years 1936 and 193~, lihlle the,7inner for the following year was the ~19th Bombardment Group of I.larch Field, Calif. The Colombian Troph.y was first pre,.". sented in 1935 by IAajor Benjamin Mendez, one of the foremost flyers of .the Colombian Army, to Major General Frank IIi. Andrews, then. Commanding General of the G.H.~. Air Force, as a symbol of the friendship between the Republic of Colombia and the United States and the bond between airmen of all nations.

ESSAYCONTEST WHEEI.ER. AT FIELD At the instigation of the Base Publici ty Officer, 1st Lieut .. Kenneth P. Berquist, therecrui ts undergoing ;tt'aining in the lv.heeler Field, T.H.~Recruit Camp in December, 1939, participated-in an essay contest. The two best essays: were selected for' publication. .One of' them, under the title of "Why," bY',~j,! Albert C. Loveland, is given below; ':as' follows:, . ....:.:;2T.G;;O It seems almost natural for :nie to::be in the Army of the United States;, L" ;;'1 kno:vmy .old. ancestor, who was a~paYJ!l8.!.'iter an the Fust Continental' Army,:woUld be proud to s,ee me wearing the:uni'f.orm' of the country he gave so much 'for/'M,v: uncle, a Lieutenant of the Gavalr;y,,'v\,mo gave his life for the preservation ofS, the Union at the first Battle .0fJ'Bull:I Run, would probahIy commend mehi.e:hly,.t }~other uncle did his share for.OIdirr8 Glor~ as a Captain in the Spamsh-; ,,'m:rt Amerlcan War, and a brother sawhisA share of duty on the higj:l seas in the" Great War. -. , ~>,~ Now I sport the more iro-t.o-dataunrform of -,the country they" sacrificed .so much for, and no one can say I'mfriot',);; proud. No amount of adverse cri'ticiJsm could ever change my mind in this r'e~!f spect for, after all, the uniforin.\we'!B wear is just exactly what we make'cit in accordance with our conduct, bearing), and general attitude.' . '!' .l'-'. : 'ill Back in the days when our ancestcrsi )Vere outlaws - rebel s., an'f'~ay, in lthe::;; e~es of England - no soldler could.pos~ slbly conceive the solid comforts ,'of',q; the surroundings of..a20th Geli.tuzysold:ier. When we stop to think of the privatioris those men sUffered in lack of clothilig, food, shelter, weapons, transportation. and other items, we should be a bitJJ! asnamed, to r-ecal.L that just yesterday.'" we raised the "merry devil" because l . 'iJ there was no hot. WEtter in the showers-t and we had to march to the hangar in'-::a the rain to hear a lecture. ' ... Jtv Too many men think of the Army' as ,a j p~~e.of retreat from earthly resp?risibll~tl~s - a place where they'rec~lve,q then $21.00 a month, have their .food;'\ clothing ani a place to sleep fUi:'n.i he'd, s and expect to have Uncle .Sam take care" of ~hem ~ompletely: T1,lis, in rp:resti"




Twenty members of Ohio State University's faculty visited Wright Field on February 20th .. Follolving a welcome by Lieut. Colonel Oliver P. Echols, As-' sistant Chief of the Materiel Division, and Lieut. Colonel Lester T. Waller, . Commanding Officer'of Wriiht Field, the da.Y was spent inspecting the research Laborator'Ies , with short interrupt iens for press interviews and pictures and' noon luncheon. . . Dean Charles E. MacGuigg, of the Ohio State University.College of ~gineering, was leader of the group. He stated that wright Field representatives had recently insnected the university caID:IJU and were interested in research agenc~e there. His group in tliIn were interest ed in research methods and problems at Wrif!ht Field. . . Tlie departments of. Ohio State University represented in the tour of inspection included: the college of engineermat Ion, lS a drast rc mt sconcept ton .. l, ing,'research education, military sciindeed, ',if'jwe' ence, college of arts and sciences, de- Poor descendants weare, expect ,?ur ..coun.try to. keep us in ,~Oill~':partment of ps~chology, department of f,?rt \ih~le we do nothing to repay herL .mechanical engmeering, ..the experiment kindness. ' . J ~A stat ion, department of chemistry, sur. Here we are given so many opport]ihP'l gical research, industrial engineering, t i es to learn so many things .. -Why. noV civil engineering, electrical engineershow our apprecfatfon through st'reiniOUs ing" an~ department of metallur~. appli cat ion'? .qlLi,' Captaln Thomas L. Thurlow, Equi.pmenf Ed. Note: The other essay, .ifyRobert Laboratory, was in charge of arrangements for ohe ~ests. F. McDermott .: appears on page'IT; ;t~LI! Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8396, A.C. -1 -



By Robert F. McDermott

'.,rlrThis 'question mi@lt well. be askedbf deck for yon to enjo;y 'at your leisure . .'any.,r.ebrui ting off'Lcer , from behind his A few short days wfl.L find you in the .desk:':-Actin:g as your friendly advisor, warmblue waters of the Gulf Stream. he.lull carry. on a frank, courteous con- Hosts of flying fish will break from versation with you, as a prospective under the bow, flying in plainsig1:lt r'ecrui.t .", He will discuss the various untI L they flutter aImlessly into the phfs i cal , educational and character reblue. You will see scores of porpoises qui rement s a potential Air Corps rerollin~ and bounding in the pearly cruit must meet. spray J;n their tireless efforts .to keep e6YoU: will then be given an application abreast of the ship. with questions to be answered concernThere may be days when, with the salt -;'ing\yourself. It will also contain spray on four lips, you will view the :,blanksfor two people who know you to long curhng waves of an angry sea. . vouch for your character. F.aving com- When waves will be hurled 'unmercifully pleted this. you will return the appliat .the side of the ship as she plunges ccat Ion to the recruit in$: office, where toward herJoal. . you, win. undergo a physfcal, examination. One day 1 will crowd the rail to U .. youare up to par you lull be sworn view San Salvador" as it looms on the in'~he service ~~th a group of men also clear blue horizon and you will know erilisting and assigned to the Air Corps that the ship is in the Crooked Passage. Hawaiian Department in a recruit depot. Several of the Bahama islands will be Assuming that ;ygu live in the New seen during the course of the day. York area, you Inll board a train at. '. Haiti, in all its mountain glory,will your home town, all expenses paid, end be in full view as the Ghip enters the en:joy'a'ride to NewYork City. . WindwardPassage between CUbaand Haiti. "There you will hoard another train to The ~ed panorana of the tropical Ne\7 rRochelle, on Long Island Sound. Af - mountron island jutting above an azure tei'8; brief boat trip, 'you will land at sea will be long remembered. Fort. Slocum, where you will a"i'ait the As Haiti disappears from view your ar:r:ival of your sailing dat e , . grip on the ran will. perceptibly III There competent instructors will tighten momentarily, as you will know teach'you the rudiments of military that vou are in the great blue drill and, discipline, which will prove Caribbean Sea , That is the proverbial invaluable to you when you arrive in sea of splendor, shrouded with IDfstery ~L' During this period frieno.ships and fear in,the early days of saJ;ling. -wrlLbe welded that wl11 endure for Before you knew it, a group of Army years to' come. planes will circle overhead as a ges.';ning, you, with may ?ther solture of welceme to the soldiers arrivedi-ers,',.wl11 board the harbor boat for a ing b;y ship. Then in a short rzhi Le ,fJrie.trip down Long Isla.'ld Sound to the you \7111 see Cristobal and the mairiland A'rmyr.Transport dOCKS. You "Till :pass. resplendent with bright green foliage uno..'erthe ne. ry completed ',Vhitestone w and buildings in the foreground. Bridge, the famous Brooklyn BridJ;e, Pelicans, gulls and man-of-war birds throiizn Hellgate and by the worla: rewill glide leisurely over the rigging nowned NewYork skyline. The great,' as you hear the first strains of-the green Statue of Liberty will be in full band on shore. . view as the boat turns to steam toward 1JS the ship is made fast ,scores of th.e -docks , Longshor-emen will scramble aboard to -j,At,the ArmyTra.'lsport pier you w. ill begin the task of unloading and taking psnse, answer your name and climb the on cargo. To watch them work' is to gangpLanlc to the tra.'lsport. Once 10witness a grouI,J skilled in ,the perform,ic~j;ed in a spec~fied squad room, 'you ance of theiro.uties, handl,e heavy wJ:ll return on deck to ''T.ltness the exLoads \;/ith amazing speed and clocklike ci,tement of II shoving off. II preca saon . . \Vhen',the last.whistle blows amid the Once ashore on leave, you will walk" raucus noi se of the machinery and the along an avenue lined with Royal Palms cro~d, ,a tug will shove the transport to Colon. This is trulya'soldiers' into'the harbor. town. Lanzht er' 8.'10. gaiety will prevail As'the Statue of Liberty disappears as you amble past restaurants filled ov.e~;~he .stern you will settle dmvn to with smiling faces. You will see pedth!3[b.usiD.e~s of. becoming. acclimated to dlers hawking their wares of brilhant ttilj, ~;!!!JiillY. dJ;VerSl0ns of hfe on board' scarfs and handkerchiefs, souvenirs for srup. the folks back home. '. j-.@hat -ni@lt and practi~ally every. Parts of the city with long rows of mght !JIoy:mg prctures Wlll be shown on quaint, unpainted, .f'rams buildings Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. .8..;\ ,iJE:E;Cj-'J -1 V-8396, A.C.

blended with bri~t tropicel foli~. . A trim little pilot boat will pUll present a si~t that is unparalleled.. alongside to put a pilot on bOEU'a as, All good tliings must, come to an end. you prepare to enter San Franci\lco BN however, so you will hurry back to the throUgh the Go'lden. Gate. The hrst:_! boat, board and willt its depar ture for sight to strike your fancy willprqba,:" Balboa. As you leave Colon and enter bl~ be the famous Golden Gate' Bn~.lfl . the heavily ~ded Locks. of the Panama much SpaI?S the entrance to. San FrancJ.'sOanal.; ,:IOu1Vl:11 ~tnes~ one of the '. -co Bay.. As your transpdrt pulls:iI1to,f.i greatest engmeerang featll the world the dock, Alcatraz Island. moreaffec~' has known. Small electric donkey entionatel;y known to its inmates as. !'The' gmes , with cables attached to the ship. Rock/" wJ.ll be in plilltlsi~t. :In''.au) will tow you throUgh the locks andover shori< time you will have disembarked,:> ground where men gave their lives so . and boarded a small boM for Fort ene,: that others might save the time and dan' ivicDolVell n Angel Islalid, in San .Fr~<:iso ger involved in going the long VIa3 co Bay. En route you, ivLLl pass witmn .around.' . a stone I s throw. df ~catraz. .';oi?~.'t!. You ':7ill pass thru Gatun Lake, where Angel Island J.S qw.te.l.arge and.nay.." lush foliGge creeps to the water I sedge ing a contour of a mounbainoue nature.z, and brigp.t tropical birds abound. As makes it seem larger. While l~ng'd the ship eases on to Balboa, you will over there for a few days you \nll~.:pro:marvel at the bea:ut~ of the Canal and bably wander to the top and view 5aIl1.UJ mant s ability to bufl.d it. At Balboa Francisco and the Bay as a splendid,) you will go ashore and, af't er a brief panorama below you. . .' .. rt : 0 II visit through scenic hills.l. ~ou will You will be granted leave to,'j step off in Panama City. This might. San Francisco. There you will find a:) but for its geographic location, be a city that has everything in the way of: bit of old ~illn. The old cathedral of entertainment and 'Points of scenic in:-, Spanish archi tecture , With its padre terest that you coiil.d desire. ".dO: dressed in a long black robe. ana wear--' Just as ;you hrwe fairly settled.dOwn. ing a flat,wide-brilIlllled hat, looks for E'.tFort IAcDo\7ell, you will pack your'!\' all the wor'Ld like-a church in Spain. barracks bag for the last leg of",the'JG Here, as in Colon, a soldier is weljourney.' Once again you will board .. he t come, and he will meet many Panamanians transport, and in a short while .the who speck SPanish. However, most of Golden Gate will. be lost over .the' ho'ri'them understand enough English to as- . zon.' , .~1 ;rlolJ sist you in getting iihout. You will' This brief leg of the journey.:wiB.f-~il find many parks throughout the city, one pass. in no time, as ;you will be preoc-, of which is. a zoological 'park. These . cupiedby the' many dlover\lions on'board are havens for 'visiting soldiers, shlop. One morning you wloll come"on::fl( Soon you will have gazed your .fill , deck and see DirunondHead and HonolUlu'. and a glance at your watch wilLwarn' Then you will realize, as you gaze you to boardshi:p. ,'As you ride to the the stWerb beauty of the island,J~wl;lY':J8 docks, drinking an the last views of these loslands are called the Paradase j ~anama City, you. will probably be think- of the Pacific. There before you ,will' long of San Franclosco.. ,. be Pearl Harbor, and as your transport'. Upon entering the' Pacific, you will docks under her own 'POweryou will' see: pass Zoboga Island. which resembles a a crowd bedecked with leis and heai,c':' volcano jutting from the sea. The trip the welcoming strains of the band. from Balboa up the coast in the warm' All around you will see the rich,:' sea air will be a delightful one; Old green tro:pical plan~s and trees, .inter.imother nature proffers sunsets over the spersed wloth the buildings. andlon,the' Pacific that are breath-taking. 'As the background you will see inount adns !. "jj sun nears the irridiscent water; the a clear azure sky ' . :'n",' .sky takes on the appearance of a mue When you raise your, barracks bag to", of brilliant colors spilled from an ar- go ashore, you ~ turn to a friend' and t Lst ! s palette and blended as only nasay: "Well, 11m glad I came, aren't oJ ture can blend them.., . you?". . " . T3 Your evenings will be occupied by at--oOo---.~,~';;".b tending boxing matches. amateur shows, .. - .:~' r l;:, minstrels, motion pictures, or just The squadrons of the 6th Bombardment. lolling about the decks in the moonGroup, France Field, Panama. Canal .c.' Zone, li~t. . started their annual bombing and.gunnery< You will next see the rugged coast of practice under field conditlons aC.the Mexico and Lower Cnlifornia. .Here in Rio Hato Gunnery Canrp, Starting Jrebmthe shadows of land many sea .turtles ap- ary 28th, the 25th. Bomb. Souadron (was:l pear on the surface close to the ship, scheduled to encamp there to' Marchd5:th, and they paddle lazily on their way. to be followed by the 3rd Bomb Squad-=: .. However. San Frauci sco beckons as your ron from March 16th to 30th," aild'iJthe:.dZth ship pushes on up the coast. Recon . Squadron, March,3lto ..A:prU' 15m Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -18V-8396, A.C.

had been. heard 'overhead,' the .surprise Colonel ,Ita A. Rader, Air Oorps '(Inat his appearance is understandable .. spectorGeneral!s Department), negan hls,inspbction of Kelly Field, Tex.~s, ' :!itli. the .. ~g~i~;~~;sein i the, n'um'\ier :at"e~tly 8:30 on February 24th, when hetarr Lved at'the east -end of the eastof Flr.ngCao.ets .at the Advanced Flyrng west"'runwa;yon which all personnel of . Schoo " there has been a pressing need th8' Field were prepared for inspection. for moretact'ical,officers to discipline the students. Colonel.Lohman, the Colonel, Rader 'inspected each of the 2 ,000, men'. ormed along the mile runwa;yf Corsaandent , has therefore attached five p.erso!,!a1:1y and wasdefini tely pleased I recent 'dest:Foint graduates to the Fly-a,.ith"the hIie shQ1.llng the recrut t s , . iJ1g Cadet Detachment,in addition to of n,Un'its wereon line along the southern their other ' Flyih,s Inst.rucedge of the east-west runway faCing tors,on the line, These men, c~th , .ncrth.". Beginning at the right, or east, Lieut: ~:H. r~son,will be assistants orgt-.nizations were formed in the fol- . to th!l Cbmmandari~ Flyi~ Cadets.,! . .of lowing' order: Captain J .Il.: Thmdyand Captam' John F. NarlJrlan. Tney are .Lts. 'Inst~tors, I Section; Captain R.E. J.D. :!Wan. Section IV.; B.C. Harrison, CM1"teand the 61st School Squadron}. Section II; L.B.Coira, Section I; Caj)ta'i'n:J~.A.Ellison and Instructors, R.C. McBride, Section Ill; and Gregory II S,ection; Capt sdn Leroy Hudson and .' Hoisington, Section V. the' ,'6?nd/School Squadron; Flying9adet Since 'duri~ the present expansion Cc1!Jta:m Henry C. .I1.inen the Fly:mg and system the Flying Cadets are not under Cail,et;:'Detacbinent;Major .Albert C. FOulk any upper class for more than six weeks and: the 12th Air Base Squadron; Captain at a time, this move is .intendedto . Forre~t A.Hornisber and the ~termaintain the' Fl~"ing Ca.det Detachment at master 'Detachment; Lieut. C.A. Clark, its highest milltary standard; , ----Jr ;r;:,tlI:,ld'HeadqU1;'.rters Headquarters and Sgtiaa.ron; Capfatn E.R. Todd and Instruc.At 1': 45 . P '.m., Febru,i.ry 28th; 100 enEt'ord';.r:HI Section; Captain H.F. Dyer. listed men and 3 officers of the 24th and ~the.6~,rd School Souadr on; Cap'l;Ein Air Base Squadron left Kelly Field for -t~;ili.rjY..eIl."ledy Instructors, and. IV SecPuerto Rico. This group will, form the tion; Licut. iv1.'3rshall onner and the B advance guard for the later arrival of 64th:School Squadron. Personnel allllign- .~ newly activ~ted souadrons .i.hose edorto the 24th Air Base' Squadron and . ul.t Imat.e destination is Puerto Rico. A attached to other organi.eataons stood ,. well timed coincidence placed a. sixil1?pection with the organization to ship student formation ona time and. distance training flight along the ,wliic..1.uthey are attached to dut;y. route of the special train as it left JImm!ldiatelyfollowing the oUGd90rins~ectlon,of ,troops there was &11 lllsuecSan Antonio for Charleston, S:.C" trontof,.o"rganiZa:tion barracks at \7hleh .---000--ei:ilisted personnel were again present . The,:inspection of other organizations EXPANSION CADEI' OF DRUM BUGLE .AliID .CORPS and the"hangars lasted through the fol~ .... '. . . lowing week. ." .' . The Flying Cadet Drum and.Bugl.e Corps .., . at Randolph Field, TeAas, was recently During the post inspection by Colonel expanded to 28 members. ThiS organiza'Rader.,Captain D.LI. Schlatter attempted tion is divIded into two sections, one to~,obtain some aerial photographs 'of . flying in the morning and the other in the t roopaprepared for insuechon. He the afternoon .. This arrangement in- ' went on lnstruments while still on the sures field music for the Cadet Bat-r. grouncand t axied idue south for two ta:lion at' all: times,' and the expended, Jmillutes .and then waited out on' the field Corps will fit nicely into ... heJ1ir t for :the'heavy fo~ to .Ldf't, hoping by, Corps Training Center Band which. is such u nuneuver to be able to take off. due to be organized, in the near future. durin,s the inspect ion with a miniI!llllJl .of " ." ---000--'disturbance. The scheme failed; how.' ." ,"",", ever,Y,fo"r'after all hour and E. half of FLOOD CAUSES ASTY H EXITOF INFANT.R'l.'MEN .co'Cltpitti.'me Captain Schlatter was .' . '" '0f0r~d~to go on instruments Dgain to Over 70 airplanes irer e hastily r-emovr.e:tJ.1~n: to.'the hangar line. He arrived ed from hangars at I-t!axwell ield on. Feb. F 'outfof..nqvihere just after the inspect17th in. order to 'provide temporary bili~'i;'l'off.i'c:erhad passed and to the men lets for approximately 1900 soldiers: ,rassemb1ied. n the line his craft looked o who were washed out of Eglin Field, .Vall;,r~rfa,ghost.ship tl.XYing in. The Gap- parai so , Florida, earlier that da;y bl'.a rl:JtS'};""long~before the'.. torrentlal downpour ' The troops arr:l. V", men.wer.~.'"af!.Jl.e.mbled sance no plane and, on www.verypdf.comat remove this watermark. ed to lfJaJrniell ield about 7:00 p.m, ,and F Please purchase,~,,:,. Split-Merge .J." PDF -19V-8396, A.C.

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were so.on <;:omfortably housed, in the.Air THE17TH AIR :BASE TECHJ.iIICAL .:~~IJP~'\) Corps Tactlcal School spaca ous hangars. , ". t:" ',ON' ;,~ The officers were berthed in the recentOn orabob.t December 8, ,1939,. 'an~,or:,::;,.1" ly constructed new type barracks. All der was published establishing.tlte"17th:'" were also served supper from Maxwell .Air Base Technical School at Hickam: u~, Field mess halls ,<prompqy, and breakField, .T .H. The. hangarocc'lI(iied 'by fast, theJolloWingl! .. The ,,!,1.s1.t- Fth.Air Base Fhght w~ deslgnate,!:.~;;t'J ors then set up thei.r own.fleld kitch1. s locatlon. t Chiilk hnes were drawn.;..~. ens. . on the floor and classrooms laidcfut -'!li1 The airplanes which were moved from estimating the amount of materials'heed:';' the hangars were staked out on the flyed to close them in .. A crew6Lcarpen":" ing field, and the motors and cockpits ters was secured and the walls were ';:'1" were covered with designed erected in four ~s. ' . c,.5 ;. tarpaulins to protect them from the A Training Memorandum wasteceived,d~r' elements. from the Wing with a directive to .train: " The 1900 soldiers comprised a rein-' 608 aircraft mechanics and 172 armorers,." forced Infantry tegimentand was comand word was received that the n:e<?e$s~1;; manded by Colonel Arthur R. Underwood, r;-y texts from the Air Corps TechnIcal "~. Infantry, U.S.A. It is an element of School, Chanute Field,. woUld arri~e'r~n:~'5 the 5th Division engaged in winter man- time for the openillg of the schoo;t:;ony'" euvers at Fort L!cClellan, Ala. Colonel January 3, 1940. Instructors,~ scouted'1 Underwood,' s commandconsisted?f t~e from ,the J.lest noncommissioned 'off.i>:.eI'$10 10th Infantry~..t,hose home statlo~ 1.S at bot.h Hi.ckamand Wheeler Fields, :re.-;;lb Fort Thomas, ':"[. ; the 2nd llattahon, ported for duty on December 26, -193~...;, r 19th Field ~t1.llery, F?rt Knox, KY.; The office force \~ secured~and:t~e:~b the 7th ~neer Battal1.on, Fort Logan, school bell rang on January "rd for th$,. Colo.; the 7th Medical :Battalion, Fort first class. Tlie hopes of the entire">:; Sam Houston, Texas, and two platoons, staff and per scnnel. C?fthe schoolar~ ';:'1 Co~any A, 5th~termaster,Truck llatthat the w1.ll be met,lOO'per;h t alion (one platoon from Fort Knox and cent. . ~ -.~'~r ~ the oth~r from Fort llenjar4i~ Harrison, Captain W.A. Schulgen, Assist!inti&-.3~~, Indiana. The motor traIlfportation em- is the Officer in Charge, withlst,Lt;.B~ ployed 0 convey the troops and materCarl R. Feldmann in charge of 'the,'A:l:r"~::r leI consisted of about 180 vehicles of craft Mechanics Course. assistedb!c2d~~ reconnaissance, pick up, prime movers,. Lieut. W.S. 'Hindson, and Lst 'Lieut.,:, Ed:::;" ambulances and motorcycles. Thej' ranged ward Flanick in charge of the Aircr~t:;;{ in size from one-half to ,five ton. Armorers Course, ass1.sted,by'2nd.Lieu~,~ . One of the or~ization~; the 2nd W.A. Mc9Iure." '" ... :." . ".:,:~cl:"D Batt al.Ion , 19th Field Arhllery, was The .Aircraft Mechan1.cs Course has,~,.,,~ organized at Fort KnOlC on October 5, been divided into 10 phases, as follows:' 1939, and has been on maneuvers since (1) .Theory of InterD.aJ. CombJi,stion",En:wo ~ts ac~ivation; Memb~rs of the bat talgmas 30 hours of.classro01!1 and~la1i~:;.:: 1.on sald no home statlonhad been asratory work, supervlsed and lnstructed signed it as yet. They also stated by Staff Sgt. RObert E. ];,lesher;and~Sgt f that for the present the mat t.ervof a Oscar A.Bradford.' , :.,;,. ~~ home station was merely one of academic (2) Elelilent~ Electricity, 30 hO'\irlf,.~' interest, as the outfit was to be ensupervised and Lnst ruct.ed by Tech. "S:t:.~. gaged on maneuvers for at least three Harry Brown and Staff Sgt. R.W. Benz1..e.}' more months. . _ .(3) Generators, Batteries, Starters;:;'. Unit commander s , solicitous of the Control Boxes , Solenoids and l~et6s ."c;. welfare of their men, issued them cansupervised and instructed by Tech:'Sgt~j' teen checks, which created a small sizNorvell Chaudron, Staff Sgts. Bonnie"B. ed boom at the at rdrcme !s post exchange, Nabors and WIn. J. Finnegan. '.~-.'~O'l:N:J The IlpX" was "aardaned" from the time (4) Fuel Pumps , Carburetion, SUper-;'"nt it opened Suncl.ayuntil it cl.osed late chargers, Lubncation, Fuel and01.l';;~'I0 that night. Demand for some items exPumps, Cooling; a 48-hour cours8;;superceeded the available supplies.' Vised and instructed by Staff SgtS;~+;'rC . Hundre~s of ~he soldier visitors took Melvin Norum, c!0hn C. Moran and~?gt a bus~ s ho.LLday Sunday and gave Max- . w' rl3n J. 9aI'nga." . '. X" >"fi.:: well Fle~d a thoroughly o.ouble.o, Mmy 5) Landl.J.1 Gears, HighPresstu'e Pumps others VJ.ewedMontgomery. . an Hydraul1.c S~stems;a3()"'hour cour se ; The, column cleared MaXwell Fiel<1. abou supervised and Inst'ruct.ed by, Tech.: 'Sgt .,'i 9:00 a.m. Mondayfor the return moveJean Nielsen, Staff Sgts. Thomas:E.:;~:.~{ ment to Fort McDlellan. Officers .est L- Keqby and C.W. WeIman.' ' .: -r . .;-~;.;;?> mated that it v:ould.require about. six (6) Inst rument s and Vacuum PulnP~iia~1':;; hours for the Journey. 30-oour course, supervised and instfiiCt:-' ---000--ed by Staff Sras. Tom Mauchline and~", JI ,,"'i:18 . George, L Hil on. .', '. ~ . ml J')~s -20-' V-8396",' A.C:






(7irP~pe{ie~s;'36 hOUrs, ~ilpervi~ed IJervised and,instroct~d by Sgts ... and"lnstructed by Tech. Sg,t. BiidR. KeI).ll~th istie and Edward NadeeiKa. ChI'. Br~t61:,and Staff sgt. E.J,' Collins.' (7) Regul.atdons , Manuals, Circulars, " , '\'8)',pfsasseJJjbly aniFAssembly of En- . Forms aha:Report-sj Revie~ of. B.A.M.G ... g~es;~SPark:plugs, Ignition and Valve 30 and 00 cal>, 'Synchromzatlon, HarmonT1D!ing; :hows,. supervised and In'.DO izing" PistOl, ShotguIl and 'Camera Guns, st:t'1tcted,'by,;W1sterSgt .. Akers ,Sta;ff ' Bombs,P3'i'otec!inlcs, CWSEquipment ,Bomb, Sgt.s. 'JamesP. Pendleton. HowardT. . and Flare Racks TowReels and Targets. NUtting"A.W.Calcote and 'Sgt. DominicForm~ and Reports,; 54 hours, supervised J-:,cG'~acorna.'., '. '. . . and mst.ructed by Ist'Lt. EdW3l'Q. . -(9 )T:roubleShooting; 42 hours super Fl()n~ckaild Strof,Sgt; A. G'ualltaferro. vised 'and .instructed by StaffSgts. x. '( 8) Maintenance and Repair ~f P-36 , AJo ..'Ud,:r ... } c. ... hnG Y...DaeVsi L.a.;V!ence. ... d,D. an.a:. 0-47, 'A-12ahd :8-18 Armameilt.To be ace.Hayn . compli(lhed at both Wheeler an .Hickam :-,'(IG .Air COI'PsFormsand Technical Fields), supervised and instructed by . Reg(llations' and Forms; 30 hours,super Lnsbrucbore ofsubjadtir.'to which they vised;aridinstructed by Master Sgt. . pe:rt{loin. . . . . Frank;J .Birk and Staff Sgt; W.W. (9) Fuzing, Bomband AmmunitiOn :Load-' CavSle'ri." -'. ., ing. A-12 and B-l8.Operation of Tow Eqiiipment.and tools were procured Reels. Folding Targets, Installing and frq,iv-'t,he;HawaiianAir Depot.. A portion Operating Pyrot.echnics; Operation of 0f'::t;W"'''hang9l' will be u,:ed as an engine K-3B Cameraand Adjustment of GunCamera, dlsap,s~iJibly"'nnd assembly shop. . ordnanc.e Maintenance. Storage of AmmuniThe<sdlool.was started with 23 stution (Hickam. ombDump). B . . d~n-lfs:.~eginningthe first 'phase of the (10) Eleventh week, Skeet 'Shooting Meclian:rcs'()(iurseand 13 the Armorers and Opsr-ati.on of Traps (II~ckam J1'ie~d. Cou.f~e;', he'program. to be followed was Skeet Range); GroundID{loChlne':'gun T flnng that.,e~9h 'week the same.number.of stu(Fort Kamehamehaange) ; Firing aerial r dents wlll be enrolled m the Mechanlcs machine-gun on. ground mount,harmonizOourse, .;and.the same number every' other. ing sigh.t s with J.ct..ual.' firing (Fort. .' . wee~:;iii:the Armorers Course.. The full KaID.ehameha range); Firing at ground tarca~tty~of.the school was scheduled to gets from. airplanes on ground (Bellows be, r-eached on or aboutM2rch 29th, the Field); Firing a1; Balloons from air-' d3.te of ;graduation of the first class. ~ plane on ground"(Bellows 'Field); Firing Each"weeli: hereafter another class will at towed t?I'~et,,, .50 cal. A.M.G. (:Belt be ~graduated until' such time that a to"; lows' Field]; "Harmonfz'ing siidlts on(. ' t81'~of'608 engine mechanics and' 180 synchronizl3d guns, 30 and 50 cal. Belaircraft armorer a have completed the .. l0'7s field). ' . courses of instruct ion. . ~ll) Chemic'BlWarfare Training by :~"Tl1e--Airc:raft Armorers Course is divid Colonel Carl L. Merriott, Review of ed~~Ilto eleven phases 'of instruction, all: subjects b~' Chief I~strl;lctor and last.~Ilg.12weeks. The phases are: . . Asslstants . Ftnal' ExamlnatIon. .' .,{~'),.B,Ao'M.G. cal.M-l end },i-2,... ,30 ":Both the Aircra.ft Mechanics Course .la-borator .. 'and'lectures, ' 30 hours, su-' and the Armorers Course cover an in-' peryi;:JEldand instructed, b,r Staff Sgts. struction period.of 12 weeks. The ..', Andtl3w"Guastaferro and' J ..t<..Icenogle. Wheeler Field'Technical"School was "(2).t:-A.;M.G. 50 cal: ; ~~lnd M-2, a supplied with instmctors from both Harmonization, accessories andt spare fields: .. "" ; par~s.:~afetyprecautions, "'ures... Mock-ups,charts and equipment have and,olabo. rdo~, 30 hours, sam. mstruce been set up in the various. clas~es. Lattors'. as in (1).' . '. . est materials available 'have been pro.(3) :El6J!lentaryElectrici ty.' and Syn-, cured from various sources. . . 9hI'0!1~zatl0!l,30 'hours, s'\lpervlsed and: . ~a office personnel, ,con~i~tingof , lnstructed .D~'St?ff Sgts . .James H. . . Sgt. LOUlSCohen, Corp; Oasdmi A. r , Gr~~and Roy M. Cramoro., . ~.. Wykowskiand Privates Robert Becker and -':i('4') Sight Harmonization (fixec1),.' ~. F~ederick O. Harris,. under the superviPlstol; % cal . , shotgun; 12 gauge e.nd. slon!?f Staff Sgt. A,W. Calcoto , are camera"guns, a 3O-hOr course. same' .. handllng the'prepond~rance of correspondion~,~.r.uc~ors in (1. as .:'. . ( ence and record sect aons .> . Staff Sgt. ":,.\$LBombs, Fuzes , etonatorsa,lid' AcCharles W.,Fisk is' Base School Technic- . ce~~ori!~sl\SrtJall Armsan~ AmmunitiOn, ale Sl,lpply,Sergean,t." . .' . Pyrotech~J,cs. 'C.W.S. EnUlpment, 30 " ..' " . --'-000--, .... j, hours;"'supe'rvised and Instructed by '.' r .., S~,\. ,l3'19Y!l Meador and Ernest E. E. Colonel Harvey S. :BUrwellhaS 'been Fl'>lr9,S~u.!:", , .... . .. relieved from assigriment and' duty at . '. 't'6'i{lloffib 'Racks , Gener81,-:s..:lBBomb MarchField, Calif., and assigned to Racks'i':'N-o','A-3,BombRaCks, TowReels duty with the Air Corps in the Hawaiian e ~,~ ATa;E.~\.',~. ,; Flare Racks, .Review, sU-' _21D_. epartment . V-8396, A. C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
Pvt. . ..


OB I T U A R I E S Major Devereux iA. ik[;ers, Air Corps, and Corporal iviaurice .di. Melvin were both killed in a crash of an A-17AAttack airpl~e, 4i miles no;-theast of Sharon Sj?nngs, Kansas, whlle on a training flight on lli'1I'chlOth from Albuquergue, New".exico, to their st.ation at Lowry Field, Denver, Colo. Major k~r~rs was born at Petersburg/ Va., I~ 23, 1887, and was educated m his natlve city. Shortly following America's entry into the 'tiorld 'iiar, he joined the Reserve Officers I Training Campl!l.tFort M.ver, Va., and, upon the completion of the 3-month.period of instruction, August 14, 19l7~ he enlisted in the Signal Enlisted Reserve Corps and was ordered to the School of Military Aeronautics, Cornell University, ~th8ca, NewYork, for his ground train-. lng. Whenhe graduated on October 'if? , 1917, he was transferred to Selfridge Field, I~. Clemens, Micil., for his primary training and, on December 20,1917, to Gerstner Field~ Lake Charles, La., for his advanced Ilying training,Vlhich he completed on February 6, 1918, when he was commissioned a second lieutel1c'Ult in the Aviation Section, Signal Reserve Corps. He remained on duty at the Pursuit School at Gerstner Field until July, 1918, when he was transferred to Bolling Field D.C., for duty as flying instructor. Returning to Gerstner Field on December 13, 1918, he remained there until Februar;r 10, 1919. Thereafter he served as pramary flying instructor for brief periods at Love Field, . Dallas, Texas, and at Ellin~on Field, Houston, Texas. For a per-i.od of ap- . proximately' two years he was engaged, ". first, in l,iexican border patrol flying, and later was on duty as CommandingOfficer of the 96th Squadron at Kelly Field, Texas. . ~om. September, 19?1, to Mav, 1923, Major "lyers was stahoned at Langley Field, Va., and thereafter, up to the latterwrt oL_19'if? at Phillips Field, :Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md.., when he was on duty with the 49th Squadron. At his next stution,in the Philippines, he served for nearly three years. He returned tc Phillips Field on November15, 1927, served thereat until January 17, 1928. and then at Bolling Field until Februe.r;y, 1931. He was stationed at March Fleld, Calif., to December 4,' 1934, and at Hamilton Field, Calif . to February, 1938, when he was transferred to Lowry Field, Calif., to aid in the establishment of the Denver Branch of the Air Corps Technical School. He is survived by his widow, }!lrs. iviarjorie D. W~ers.

COrp()rru.iiJ8lvin was born at Knoxville, Ill., October 3, 1911, and served in the enlisted ranks for approximately eight years. He was a memberof the 21st Air Base Squadron at Lowry Field, Colo. . 1st Lieut. Clark N. Piper, Air Corps, lost his life in an airplane accident while flr'ng a P-35 airPlane four miles northwes of Wright Field, Ohio, on the afternoon of i.1arch 12, 1940. Lieut. Piper, a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy in 1930, was born in Parf.s , Ill. ,.Aw!:ust 181 1905. Prior to entering the HiIi tari{ .academy, he attended the Rose Polytechnic Institute at Terre Haute, Ind., for a period of three years. .' Assigned to the Air Corps for flying training, Lieut. Piper graduated from the Primary Flying School, Brooks Field, Texas, June 30 1931, and from the .Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas, where he specialized in Pursuit Aviation, on October 10,1931. He was then assigned to duty with the 27th Pursuit S<j!ladron, 1st Pursuit Group Selfridge 7ield, Mich. He graduated from the Airplaile Maintenance Erlgineering-Armament Course at the Air Corps Technical School, Chanute Field,Rantoul, Ill., in June, 1936, and received the :rating of,'ISuperior." In the followlng year. he graduated. from the Air COrDS Engineering School at Wright Field, D~on, Ohio, and then took a . year I s course of instruction at the Cal.Lf'ornf.a .Institute of Technology, Pasadena, Calif. TJponhis graduatdon from the Last.-named institution, he was assigned to duty at the Materiel Division, Wright Field. Lieut. Piper is survived by his wido\7,' r,lrs. Winifred Reed Piper, a. 3year old son, and his father who resides in Paris, Ill.. The Air Corps' extends its deep- synipathy to thl? be:reaved famqies of thl?se men who died m the servi.ce of then country." -000--The 6th Transport Squadron - another expansion baby - was activated at the Mi.ddl.ebown Air Depot on Nov. 20, 1939, the nucleus of the organization being drawn from the 2nd Transport Squadron .. At the present time both squadrons are verJ close to authorized .sf'r'ength , and all recruits were scheduled to complete their .training by March 15th. Newquarters in. the form of two banracks with separate mess halls are under construction anci are approximately 90 percent completed. Adal.tionel 0-39 airplanes have been received, and more are expected to follolV shortly. V-8396, A.C.

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Information Division Air Corps

April 1, 1940

The chief purpose of this publication is to distribute information on aeronautics to the flying personnel in the Regular Army, Reserve Corps, National Guard, and others connected with aviation. ---000--FORT RILEY By Captain.J.B. BUrnell. Air ~orps Instructor A skeleton found near Lansing .Kansas Turk I s tales of Ouivira - lithe land of in 1902, dtracted scientists f'rom all ,gold and silver. jf'-- In spite of warnings over the United States. Their study of Ithat Turk was lying, Coronado decided the bones, the dept h at ':!hich they were that buffalo was sffiall game incomparifound, the f'orrnati.on of the earth I son and set out for Quivira. A sword strata, and the nature of the soil, . Iwhich is now the Museumof the Kansas placed the age of the'l1Lansiilg Manl1 be- State Historical Society in Topeka, tween 10,000 and 35,000 years. Other Kansas, provides reasonable proof that discoveries make it practically certain Coronado actually reached Kansas. The that this re~ion was i:iJhabited by man sword, found near Ingalls, Kansas, in during the glacial period. This is no 11886, bears the name of Captain Juan news to those of us who have spent the Galle~, who was a member of CoronadoIS past winter here. Weknow that man, Lon. still occupies Kansas during the "gl.aLet I s leave the earl;y explorers to cial period. 11 wander the western pl.afns , and look at Historians differ in their account s jKans3.Sthree hundred years .later . of the exploration of this territory by ILeavenworth was then the base for operathe .white man. Most agree, howe-fer. tions against the Indians in this terri.., that the lure of gold and treasure intory. Trensportation to the west by fluenced the adventurers , and that Coro-Icovered wagon was. slow and difficult, . nado was among the first to reach this and an advanced base was needed. In . territory. . 11852, a site was selected near the In 1530 an Indian living in Me~~o :.iunction of the Republice.n and Smoky, started the m.vth of the "Seven C~t~es 'Hill rivers and named "OampCenter. I of Cibola. " He claimed to have accom- I since it was near the cenpani.ed his father on trips to the land Iter of the United States. A few tempoof the north where he saw the Seven rary buildings were erected in 1853,and Citie? r,noie ,streets were. reporter,t [the nrme .chnnged to Fort Ril~y, in honoccupi.ed by vorxers and; shops Ilan'!lmg lor .of MaJor General :Sennett Riley, who prec~.ous rJe~[\ls. The f'act that PlZax:ro Idied June 9th of that Yf?ar. Permanent had found r~ch treasures ~n thePcruv~an I construction was begun ~n 1855. ~ire led people to believy the story. I It is difficult to realize the trials 1',l1en theo;JYl;hn:JJi.i7o\~ to ~ncl~de land J:1erdships a~tending the construe"houses r our stones 111gb, Jeweled Ition of a frontler w post. Lumber, doors, doers ." sOIJ18thingj'llst fiad t'? be qone. I windows, and hardware were bouzht in In the sprang of ~540, Fr<:Ul~asco VasqueZ!Cinclnnati, shipped,by boat to"Leavende Coronado Ted hi,n eJ9?editlon m search i v!orth, and theri haul.ed overland to Fort of the Seven Cities of Cibola. Mov~ng \ Riley. Rock cut from nearby hqls.was northeast, he reached the present s~te i usee. for the. exterior of the bmldings. of .Arizona in July, 15(C() , to find IBy the end of July, 1855. one building that the Seven Cities liere e up of I was finished and. several others we~e . lo',v adobe' houses occupred by poor i partially completed. A cholera eprdemrc InJ.ians. i started. and teIJIXlorarily paralyzed conSomeexplorers can be Led on by the i struction actiVJ.ties. Whenh'?t winds. thinnest thread of a pronu se , Coronado : had parched the green vegetatlon, praibelonged to that group. Although d.i sap- rie fires were a constant danger. Once pointed in his search for the Beven started, they would sweep a large area Cities. he guickly became interested in before control was regained. Sometimes the long-haired skin of a "cow," &"1Q. . . grasshopper-s woul.d appear in such numstarted out again. Along his rout e to bers thai they would completel;y devour the buffalo country, he picked up on the farmers I crops. At such t i.mes the Indian guide whomhe called "Turk." As army opened fiela kitchens and assistf?d they traveled the trail, Coronado was in f' the people until new supphes. first amused and then fascinated by could be hauled overland. -1Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8414, A'.G,



At about this time a settler moving ments were often stationed-rn isolated~ farther westward wrot e .the following places .. Their leaders mist have~Undermessage on a board and stuck it in the st oodrthe psycholo~cal effect 'of::'good ground near the trail': "Toughedit out grooming. Just as 1.t has been' aai.d-of here two years. 'Result: Stock on hand, womenthat tithe feeling of 'being well 5 towheads. 7yaller dogs. 250 feet dressed lends a sense of security '-that down to water. 50 miles to wood and religion fails to bestow. tI so H' 't:ciUld grass .. Hell all around. GOdbless our be said of men that theircondtict :15 home." a.ffectedby their attire. Officers in Those interested. iIi excel.Lent .accourts blueuniforins ~ve little urge-tp.stilge of army life at a frontier post are 1'6- a wresthngmatCh. nor are those in full ferred to .Pride' S'Histo~ of Fort Riley dress likeliV to kick off their ehoes at and Custer's Tenting on4ie ha1.ns. dinner. Neat uniforms' with poliShed You probably heard SOlDe the of brass and shined leather are. the' custom stories told about old orders supposed- in the Cavalry. ' . ':JX_ ly issued here .. Two of the accounts Regimentalspitit And orgimiza.ti!obal. run about like this: "The winner of the pride are two other Cavalry traditIons, coming horse show will receive one barYears ,ago officers who joined a.regirel, of the best rye Whiskey" - and ment practically grew up in' that' "Officers hunting buffalo on the parade Instead of freguent transfers of. personground. will exercise due care not to nel, whole regiment s were moved,;frojll fire their pieces toward the quarters' one :(llace to another. even to:fope'ign occupied by the Commanding Officer." A servace and return. To state ithat -''Y0u search of old records in the library were a member of a certain regiment' im- . failed to confirm either story. plied that you had taken part in'';'some Buffalo hunts were held here as late of its many battles and campaigns,' It as seventy yeats ago. Two teams would . is difficult to match this spirit in be selected and camp out on' the plains. time of peace with rapidly cruinging per-One team would hunt from sunup to sunsonnel. . .. down the first da;>".andrthe other team The Cavalry and the Air Oorpahave would hunt the second dav. Someof the mieh in common. Cavalry is, the. most rules reguired the animals to be shot mobile ground arm. while the Air Corps with a p1.stol while the hunter was rid- . is the most mobile of all arms';' Both ing his horse.' This required the hunt- branches hcvs the dual nu ss i.onof reel' to out-maneuver the ouffalo and . connaissance and combat .. ' Thenew'cCorps often to fire ata full gallop. It was Cavalry regiment corresponds to':tJ;te Obexcellent training and a real test of servatJ.on urii t s assf.gned to the -corps , horsemanShip. and both have reconnai.asancevas-Lhed r Custer was here at that time. Some primary mission. The bulk of the"Caval:Sunda.Y mornings he would smile as he ry is a G.H.Q. weapon which cor'resnonds ~lea on his boots. let the hounds to our air force. 'Both of thesear,e ' 1.nto the house crack his whip and cry under the direct 'control of G.H;Q.. and "Whoop 'em up!" as the barking dogs ran have the Rrimary mission of ficllting. around the room. yelping when they Allenby s campaign in Egypt. Shc)\ved skidded into the furniture. Mrs. that air corps and horse caval~yj'-qrm a Custer I s plea for ordsr would bring deadly combat team. The recent German chuckles from the Colonel as they left conquest. of Poland shows that air .corps for a fox hunt. aI}d mechimized units are equally ef.fecHunting. or tiding to the hounds. is hvo '.' a pO:(lular sport at Riley today. One i"MY peopl,e still think of the"'C&valmOrnJ.nglast fall we heard b~ers play- ry as 'being composed of mounted troopers ing "A-hunting WeWill Go" ana: went to armed ~vith sabers. and, imagine it :'will the Windowto investigate. It was a b~ emplo;yedas in "The Chatg~ Of: tI~e ,colorful sight. Hounds were trotting r,1.ght BrLgade ." But today that"branch merrily alon(S. followed by uniformed inctudes not only pistols and alitoniatic buclers, hun]; officials in pink coats rifles instead of sabers. but If~t, and ana: black velvet caps. members of the 'I heavy machine guns. mortars. aiJ.tJ...,t~ank field in pink coats and high silk hats, . guns. scout and armor~d cars. comeat ladies in smart riding to~s and derby CU'S (tanks). and artJ.llery. '. " hats. and mounted "sefvanf s of the .To the person breezing along.from hunt" in green uniforms with brass butcoast to coast on the railroad.7.ot:'n1ghtons and gold braid. Even those of us V![J;;fl tJ;1eday of"is'Jpas~:':;and who prefer engines to horses caught 1.t 1.5 1.f compared wi th such-travei':, enough of the hunt spirit to drive our However, the Cavalry will U:se~.tailroad cars to the crests of nearby hills to and truck transportation 'for. st:r;'ategical watch the pro~ess of the hunt. movements and subseauent 'supply~ '-But Cavalry offJ.cers have a reputation nei ther the railroaet nor the'\~ is for bein~ well dressed. This probably wide enouzh for the deployment 6neven a started o.uring frontier days. when regi- small unit. Tactical maneuver~on'or V-8414. A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on remove this watermark. to

be;t.s.toai ,! -_.. l ' r. ,_. .' ", ,~ . t ~'Ie.I1':'l.tU',)\Ue scenoof battle,' therefore, rent milltary operations. This pro&,s.0.1' cross-country mobility, and sivl?ness Can be illustrated by the IC'lTO ,hI,S.theCr.'YFlry possesses more than lOWIngc0l!IParlson: In the 1938-39 r.nrl,'i .0thergro1.L."'ld. arm. The road travel-. course" eIghteen hours were devoted to Js:e!' -nas -a ',70~'m' s-eye view which shows ,'Air Coros subjects. In the course now b1.(v,r..f;'f,i)(ivcd areas across the country. To I being prepared, 45 hours are allotted ,tho' a.. ator :vith the bird's-eye view, "to Air Corpssubjocts.- plus, considerd a' these roads appear as threads on the' I able time devot ed to the discussion of e~;jf)8?r, and, cer~ainly as no batt~eground.1 'the employmen~o~ avia~ion in combined .Uul ",'.'ne .f'armer '7.10has replaced hIS team ! llroblems. ThIS IS an Increase of about j.6 i:';~t.l:lri"tra.ctor,which eff~ciently plows ~OOpercent 1 and ~nc~udes in~truction ' nn,s Level, f'Lal.ds also thinks the norse an Observatlon AVlatlon; aenal photoffia.:t:'l:'?,iJ:l but extinct, But E:gLUJ:!. the' graphy, cilt~-aircraf~ defense, and Air I :,nlot, who has probably exoenenced a I Force , It IS a genuine pleasure to is. [~i<,l):Al.l,?C' feeling in the nit" of his I dt scuss milit~,proble. ~s \'lith ~tudents ,amJ;l~{)~Cl1 'because he coula not find a uI\de~ tne y0l}ditlons which are Insured -,i:Lc:ndlng nh.ce, knows that much of this I b~'-tne pallcles of The Caval.rySchool.. .jjCO,l.'1tr:r1s neither level nor cultivated. I From the clays of the knight in armor -J1-1die knows of the desert, areas with deep ; to the GermanBlitzkrieg in Poland, j;selld,. the lonely "DeviL! s River I Cavalry forces, either horse or mechann;.qo~tr~' ,11 .bhe gullies of the Black Hillsl hed, have played a prominent par t in JJO'\l'eglon,and the vast areas densely cov- '1 land warfare. AlthoUgh the llla.s:motand -rcr erild.with trees .. In 'suchplaces :the' . ?iegfried lines of Europe mighf stabil .. Gf,Ir.()1.L.'lteCi. troonerhas the ,best mobili ty ~ lze warfare to the point of stagnation; $I d:\y:anc, night, during good weather ana. t this t~e of combat is not likely to /bp.d,' " ;leccntly it has been. reported that i occur this. country. , The vast extent -'rOc' tn,~.French are us ing mounted patrols be-I of each of our borders prohibits the \ ~tween the. lie.J;inot and Siegfried lines. establi shment of an inlpregnr1.bleline of C'~h'J'heJir~t, )JerlWill.entQava;Lrye$iJuent ! fortifications, r or the sirlrultaneous ad"l.n",the,Ullltea States was bhe "Unft ed I vance of forces stretched along the en80..States Regiment of. Dragoons, 11' organized I' tire length of even a single border. ,l,:tn 18:ji3:. The first C~valry regiment to .Inv0d~ng forces, .therefore, will have _,be 'statloned at Fort liiley was the 2nd ,defllll te flanks, and a war of maneuver 8a'!cIJrD':06ns, which arrived in 1855. AlI is to be ex';Jected." It 'is under these -riJ t.h,?ug;h the first Cavalr;,r Sch,?ol in. the . conddtions that the mdbility and strik',~(U~lt~d States was organi.aed In.18bl.~t lIng power of the Cavolry show up to the .,.:Cadlsle Barracks, rs., For't RIley a.ld I best advantage. '" -.Ls~.nat .become a schoo'Lunt i.L 1892. It was . If Coronado could. follow the trail of "kC.,th3n knownas "'l'he CavtJ.ry and Light I his e&lier expl.crat ion on the f'our.vis-,A:dillery School." III 1904 it became lnmdredthanniversary of his first b~';:l!The;No1.L.'lted Service School," and in . it to this section, he would see things ',,1919 it acquired its oresent title, "The. even more astounding to him than the 'lC<",valrScliool." It Ls on the criginalJ Seven Cities would have been, and with s m,~ite~o~ C&~ Center al1d inc~~es appr,?x his interest in ,things. military,.it is il.JJ,lmately 20,000 acres of rol.ung terrronlt reasonehl,e to assume that Fort Ri.Ley, aq.(,~J;1.ere',are ato.ut 185 officers, 2,500 en-. witJ:l its e.irplanes and .m,?dernCavalry _oo.,lIst-su men, and 2,000 horses on the' equrpment, would amaze him. 'est .. The Cnvalry School given instruc ---000---Ls-.)ol}to offic~rs of the I3eg..u.arArrrry, I FLYING VISIT FROM PUE!lTO RICOTOPANAMA 8Teac~atl0l12lGuarQ,Glld .Orcanlzed Rese~e, . lI12nd:to noncoillIDlssioneu officers OI the Brig. Gen. EdmundDaley;. COlrunanding ,RegUlar Arrrry end National Guard. In Ge~' Pue t R' D t t d li')~adciition to ths Regular office:-s irt " ner'ai,, r 0 IC8~: ep~ men, e-' olj,;th.:iir first year here, there is another ~arted from ~brook d.elii In a :&-18Afor btl:', 'Q:oup in the advanced or second-vocr . !,~s home statlon on Mar;:h9th, after a JUtr,qIass. Thus each "ear six classifica ... , .~,?elcon ,the Isthrnu?, where he c,?nferred , thons of students x'eceive instruction. WIth,Maj.. Gen. Dani.e.lVan Voorhis, Com":--l,laterial is presented to the students mandfng General of the Panama Canal In. the form of lectures .conferences Denartment . The plane was schednl.ed to -J'!:d1Jlov~ngpic~ures, practibal exercises,' marcean overnight -st.op tat Mar?Croboand b[OC~emonstratlons, tests, and map problems. procee~ to San Juan, Puerto RICO, the Both tactical and teChnical subjects fo~~olVlngday. . , .b.s0~~.inqhided.' Instruction is the ":1rac-' WIth Gen. Daley_on t he trip.lvere Lt . .is.,j :t", down-to-earth 'kind tliat erirp~iz~' Col. Eol~ettBra.dley, Air ,rn:flcer of the -les funa,Wncmtalprinciples and avoi.da Puerto Rican Department; l-",aJorEugene T. . u,f:;ontrov-ersial details. Care is taken Conway,C.A:C., and others. gan.Daley es: \"~b~ikeep.,theinstruction in step with conferred WIth Gen. Van VoorhIS on ~,s nnvthe"new'teclinio::al developments and cur- fense of the Panama Canal and the 'Iv .0 ,~of'rCaribbean. ' .::l.A .<>l.K:'"' -3-' V-8414, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.




:Vith Major General Daniel Van Voorhis, Writin~ under date of March 4th, the Command,ing General of the Panama Canal France Fleld Correspondent .states',that:, the expansion program is progre-s'siiig:c']; De:(l2rtment, ns a passenger, twelve . B-~8's of the 19th Wing left their ' nicely at that field, 'and "whil'e'riotc"bases on M~.rch 10th fo:r GuavaqW.l,Ecua- cODJ.!lletely to our authorf.zedet.rength, up uor , and Lima Peru, Wl h the return t it lsjudgedfrom the w~ recrUit's~arei , tri:(l sChed.uled for Imc..':l 16th and 17th. arrivi:ngon every transport that, witP'i~ SlX of the planes were from Albrook ' the month our quota shoUld be complete,. Field, on the Pacific side, and the Group Headquarters moved out of the'! athQr six from France Field,!, the Atlantic Air, Base Head~ters buildrn~, dol,rn::t' t Sector post. AccompanyingGener'al.Yan the old Post erat i ons building:,-That; Voorhis were Colonels Jacob L. Devers, gives the 6th mbardment Group,a' V~% De~x'..rtment Chief of Staff; ,Thurinan nice set-up as their headquarters,:;op;;. Euci18s, Department Adjutant General,and erations, engineering and cornmunlcai;hlor Carl Rohsenberger, aide' to ',Gener,-' t i.ons officers l;lI'ecentralize!i'l,:v!ti:\l? z.LVan Voorhis. ' certalnly expedltes all matters. " '''c'''' . General Van.Voo:rhis rode in the plane All of the C!roupSquadronsj , and' tl1e;,~ "Jlloted bl Bngadler General Herbert A. 39tJ: Observatlon 'Squad.ron,whicJ:i:,~as:;:;: llargu.e, wno commanded the fli@lt., Other ?-Dtl ated Febru:aryJ., 1940, have "iI)oVed~ v flifht staff officers were Lieut. Col. Lnt.o the ,three new temporary bar;rac~::~ r.:", Brady, D~QUty Flil?:ht Oozmanderand across Randolph Road. These newbar-'' In'r,ellJ.<z'-mce 'ficeri' Major W. . 'Grav~, racks are cool, airy and comfortMl'ec~p\ ~ S Op8ratlons Of'f'Lcer ; st Lieuts, W. W. sp~te of the absence of hot water,'fo.z::~' Jo.ies , ;;;'lgineering and Supply Officer; , tOllet purposes. ','" T.G. Darcy, COimrrunications fficer; M.F. The new Consol.Ldat.ed Mess and re'creii:., O Stc:l:icr, J'..djutant, and Captain L.E. tion building were to '. C-riffis, li'll@lt Surgeon. All of these ' March 15th. The mess be completed~pn~ is the newcaf'e-i. teria style~ and it is believed'will'-'~ officers are from Albrook Field. ~ord received at Albrook Field on the take cl;lI'e OI any number of men'tha;~JDi:!:Y, n~ght of the departure was to the effect be asslgned here. ' . '.<"tv.,' tmt all planes had landed that afterThe Fost Exchange is being c6mp1:et'el-y renovated. The Base Library is being." noon at 'illayaquil, and would cont inue the journey to Lima the following dalf: moved'out to its new Locat i on.", The" At least two days were to' be spent in tailor shop is being moved to 'the ' f:!:'o, chapel, which is also moved with the .;,;. Lima, with the return trip slated to -Last trIO days , Complete flight person- library 'to a building '\Jein~ const,ruct~':d nel follows: . onto the old Constructlng ~termaster of'f'fce , This new building" will serve.; flight A: First plane~- General \ Dargue, pilot, 2nd Li.eut .' S. liaddu."l:, co- jointly as a library and chapel." :The'; restaurant section of the Post,'Exchairge pilot; second plane, Lieut, Colonel is completely rearranged and, , is Br&dy, pilot, 1st Lieut. Jones, co,found necessary, wings are going't'orpe' nilot; third plane, Major 'Graveley, built onto the Post Exchange toproy1'<l:e pi~o~. Ca~t. F .3 .. ,7000., co-pilot .. for further expansion. ' ',' .: ";"2> . lillght~: Captall1 F.J. Allen, pllot, The gynmasium, which was formerly 'hot , an~ 1st Lieut. J.W. Twaddell, co-pilot; no vent Ha;-' ~econd pl~ne~ C~ptain R.J. 13ro.\~e,pilot, stuffy and with practically tion, has had walls knocked out hereCo emd 1st Lleuo. ,.C. Darcy, cO~llot; Wi h screening installe,d"ct t third 1113ge, 1st Lieut. R.T. King/pilot, and there. and Lsf Li eut . M.F. Stalder, CO=Illlot., it now has the advantage of the.cooring , ~light C: 1st plane, Captain E'.T. ' breezes f'rom the b~. Newstaildshave been erected toincrense theseat,i,n.'g~~ ,Ruildquist, pilot" and 2nd Lieut. J.H. Carter, c07Pilo~; second plane! 1st Lt.' capacity, in anticipation of the cemllig C.T. Sartall1, pfl.ot , and 2nd Lleut.H.D,., basketball season. The floor is.being Wallace, co-uilot; third plane, 2nd Lt. 'scraped and-waxed , 'and badminton; bas", I.1.H.Shedd, .pilot " and 2na. Lieut. C.W: ~etbaJ.l and vol~~~ ba~L courtsPI:fiiJ.t~ci. Bogan, co-pi Lot . ,', " . 000" .. , Flight m 1st pl.ane , Captain G:F.Hix, '., ;,,','. .. . '"j;:.Tn pilot, and 2nd,Lleut. James D. Berry, 'V4ile the move to McChord. Field;Wasn., co-pilot; 2nd plane 1st Lieut. H.K. is st ill two months away, the 17th."BomlIiooney,,pilot, and 2nd Lieut. "J.D., bardment Group, March Fleld,.C<iJ.if.,'::is 1,Iooney co-pilot; third plane, 1st Lt. , a bee-hive 6f activity preparip:gloadJ ing li~ts, etc. .Colonel,Ca.rlyle~Hx,_ D,.N.Wackwitz,':pilot, ana. 2nd:Lieut. I"A..Boyd, cO-p:j.lot. ,'I Wash, In command th~ Gro-q.p. Of fpr'tl:E3'~ past ~ years, rellnqw. shed !li,s',;COJilmaild Fll@lh A arid 13were from Albrook Field, and Flights C and D were from to Colone~ WID. Crom,_and d,epa;i\:t!.ydfor H. france Field,: Each plane carried a McCho:rd leld,on.March 15th;to's~pe~F vise lts ron , , .. ,.... ,'.o,.iC. crew of three' enlisted men';' Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. \,--8414 ,A.G.









A~t~tltt~~::.Aii Fi~>ing Cadets on their .gupported on the. front'spar 'Of the incn:y~ Way. to:Xelly l!'J.eld! wing center sect ron. The landfnf .. ...,'I'b:~Ifol'l.6 ,jn/ dis s~rtation, .. submit~ed fr~h~s of~~O~i~rt e~~e~p~~ ~~r~gr;.. c ,rli';,"nyiri~Cridet Harry L .. Brown, SeCtlon'ed inboard into the wing center secI:'~TllGAir COIJls .Advanced Fl~ing School, tion,strilct\ire. This retracting meil(:j~h. "'~iGld,. ;;Jxas, may poss~bly save. " ,chanisin is ,.actuated by means of an en. 'ibu'from aSJ.m:i.lar embarrassJ.llg Iveri hydraulic pump, ofle:rated ti."on ~~'a."ld,'indeed., it ise:nbatrassmg 'from either"front or rear COCKplt; or (6' pUll up' your landinggear .. when the . a. manual.Ly-oper'at ed emergency hand , si;].lp,. is' on the ground! It . .has been pump .'operatable from the front cookdone, und.\\'ill be done~alll,so make pit only; PoSitive'mech!?ll~cal Locks ti:p:~y())ir::m~nd that it 1V0atbe you! for b6th.up'.and down posl~lons are In"'~ ". ----- ,~ ccrpcrat ed In the retractln(S mechan,c1he"'operation of the h.vdraulica11yism; A tiositi6n indicator lS mtero,!erated retractable gear, as . connect-ed with the landing gear by foUnd, on .the well-knQwn :BC-l, has been . means of a' cable assembly, and is 10lavishly' dealt with in instructive 1eccated at the left side of ,the front t\ihrs:,a.,t,d demonstrations "given, for the COCkDit. When the throttle,is closed t~iiefit. of training personn\ll,,, bY,~he to a. noai.t Lon below approximately one cornmlssioned'.officersof thls "e'?,,;~oJ;l.. thousand revolutions per minute, and fA's'tl1e: result of my co~oif11.lexhlo.l~lon the landing gear is in the Up-pOS1rel'f>,ti'iTeto the mis~olJer1tti,':!l?of~a~d '-tion 'or the down-position,' ~ock pins, _c;PlJU?,tW! t approximc,tel HvefJ:fty a I are not in p~ace, aJ?el! conlrCtne,alternoon on the Illnet6etl~h of . I . trolled warning devi ce .1S s~t .lnto opFe13ruary;' the year of our. Lord runet.een i eration. A release lS Locat ed hui1a.redand forty, I, FIYlnG Cadet on the pilots sd. tch box for rende:r,H,alT-y,,:L:".:Brorm, 'Class 4O-A, have been inR the vibrator inoperative when ~t 'honoree. b~-'this Command betng del,?- I by is '"desired to close the throttle &<2tj~d.',,~0 in .l.vriting the lrolding I the wheels in .theup-,osi t~on. OpenYge:ai')uechanlsmand at s ope!~tJ.on ... .: ing the throttle to approXlmatel "'.lb:en, e.suop to survey thrs prodrgi w twelve hundred revolutions per mlnute ous 'task, we real i se , that oQIy achPerson automatically reinstates the vabrama'le.femous by the im suse or su an. t or ." iP.tF~Gt.,t,~pi~ce of machinery COuldqualdO No',v what makes this ~ngenious landi~g ._ .tns.Job Justlce. And W'10lS more 1 ear function so beautlfUlly? ,- that lS 7fi'e'o,,~0 ',dq, this jobtha"l myset7 Natr ~f course, when it is operated properly? ratl;,'.I.accepted thl s $l'eat J.l0nor. or I And incidentall~ ,if I may digress. m~~tl).e:s,6",<qlCi Iro'other her:olc ~tlons, I am , mentaril to ,shp in aper sonal roptnton, '~,q.'~ecelve';;etea.Grolx-de-~erre, I I doubt lf anyone , no mattfilr how long . l.S. pronounceo.un Prench, butbeher he is connected 'nth the Air Corps, or ,kno'm.i'iJ.'Eng+ish as. Cracks-de-gear. any ner son in a.:position to observe f're;\-~MaY'.'1 'SeW an passang that only the quen'tlythe r.aislng GIld lowenng of ,gener;ous enc~uragement of my nobl~' Iandill(S gears, coul d fail to see bea:uty 'c;l,'assmt~tes w111 enabl,e me to survive . in then operat i on .. Back to earth -00'\0. mount this seenungly unsurmount abl,e azsdn .' we find the answer 'to our 'quesobstacle. When'a person gains high . I t ion in the Technical Orders on the honor--anc; rises abcve the comnon popuBe-I: . ;'\facei:'there ro-e always t.ho se who! . '''A ~drcuilic system is employed for tl1iOu;hj~alousy, turn agallls~ him;'., . operat Ion '~f the l~ditlg gear retraAthOlyever, III my case I~, confldeI,lt that ing mechani sm .and v~ng flap~ .. ' An ~n~'~ere l'.'i11 bean except Lon to ~h~s gengine-driven hydr'aul.i c :pum:pl~ provtderal"rule: '. I expect no competl~J.on for,ed end a fluid reservoar- lS tni's .nonor , but Lf it comes I ~11 fJ.ght :at the left sio.e of the fuselage M'it'with the least amount of resf st ance t.ween.the two cockpits .. An. emergency at ~ command. May a :Brownnever shirk hydraulic. hand pump. and a pressure ;t,hrs ..ask or lIlIlff it! t '. . '. gage are J.nstalled. on the left. stde '':;';No\y'to get on my~hesJ.s. To lIl-of the f'ront ,?OCkpltOnly. The preso'Sill'e'\a better under-st.anddng of thes';1bsure gage lIldicates the down pressure GjectrMd.:corrrolGte all neural connectlons for the landing gear only. A power thftt:may'be little weak, .let us.have., control.knob is Iocated'at the left. 'e,n,iexp;J:~tion ~f the gear a.s side of each cockptf ;.. A separate hybUnCle;',Sa;ll;sees It: .',' '. ' draulic systemlsproVlded foroperat,''''':',;:IlTlle',inain',lan<!ing gear lS fully reing thebrakes:n ' .' ., .. : ,.o~f~ctable,:~It lS of. the cantileyer~ From my o:vn point of Vlew 111 the, slnt;le leg, 'half fork type, and lS front cockpi t of the BC-l, I'have exam'" .,. . , , ... '~5.. , V-8414,A.C . Please .v.~ l::t"I;.;:" purchase ...PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. .'





..nd mao.ethe following


ined the llmliing gcar and flap'mntrol; fo.rward,sl3.sily, we are assured that the observations: Latch pins. are in place . The next usual The lending gear control Lever-moves procedure .is to put. downa certain deti,rcl1j:i on arc of appro.ximat erv four gre~.of.~la:p,depending on the t';[Pe.of . . landing des i red .., . Once the shiplsLon rnches . The lever itself ext endsif rve tJ:e ground &.l) fairly'slow~::.. inches above the guiding plntealld.the >nth everything under control, t.he):IiJ" knob f'cund on the business end of this pil9t .pulls the flap handl.e to' the'UlJ~ Lever tapers from E.t b.asefive~ei'gllths' posl~1.onandpushes the but t on to. r arae t.he :t Lans . , t c.":! of an inch' in ,diameter to' the t opthreeSurprIsed.and embarr-assed i.ahe who'] quar t er s of an Lnch in,diarneter; "Themuffs this .operat Ion , To'forgetto""" bottom edge i.s beveled;' end tile knob as raise ,the flaps" is. not rtoo great,a~sin, a whcle is two inches. in heigj:it '. The but. to reach for the flap handle and,T(I. words "Land G-ear" are in raised letters get. the landing gear handle, crithe top of this knob. The rear half the up-position and hit the Dutton",is'I criminal.' Such an error coul.d resUltS or thi,s knob is painted green 'and. the inCi niult~tud~ of new e};periences}for,l f f'orward half is pai nt ed red.' The lever bhe ,?UlprJ.t, r or example. t.he jettof." Can .be 'pushed through an additional two wntwg a theme onthe o:pe~ation~of].the inch arc , when the emergency plate 'is l~d1.n('.ge~. so ii[ossl;y J.llJ',ll'ed.;ql.t;o'a. pulled a.side, to insure that the Lockt~me ,ohis, Oonfucius mi.zht :cOine'up ." "He wno pulls wrong himCD.e'get-,iliig irlg pins ar'e In pl.ace and the landing . Let-down: 11 " . .J "sed gc?r is 'n the locked position" On this I ---000---:' ;".0:<.-1 emergenq Plate can be .f'ound the fol~ . '. .,'. d lo',vint; inscription: "Emergency. fI This AR!IlY GOlIS COLLEGI.ATE BARKSD1iliE .FlEi.D AT port ion of handl,e travel pushes latch '"he .l\I'myhI' gone col egiate .At ,"1.. A. r as .ce pins ir:. place." '. Barks~.eF~eld approximately one hund,\7henthe IF..nding gear is down, the red-enl t'st.ed men are attending niglltn viEi?lc port rori of' the two landing-gear classes at CentennaryCollege"Shfeve~ poru t xon rnda cator- lmobs is green .iri po rt.; La .. Arrangements have beenmade c,?l~r, but yhen the gear is 'up, the wi th Cent ennary College, whereby.;i~) ~s Vls1.b18 rcrt ron of the indicators is ,?o~peratJ.llI,'/ Barksdale Field,a:llthbr~ re\l. This color scheme is used as a 1.hes to orfer education to ehii.sted.:' WalLing ~evice in' addition to' the relamen ~uringoff-duty.h,?Ul's at the lowest tiye l":sition of the indicators.. po ss fbl.e cost. Ambt Ious ;youngster,s., t '. 'i'he flap hcndl.s adjacent to the Land- are t advantage of thrs opportunimg gear lever al.somoves t hrough a . ty to :prepare themselves for future:U four-inch arc 'but is distinguished from promot i.on , . ..' the l:-,-tter by beingl'our inches in' This'will enable sO.ldier$.cto ~m... gtn, and rectangular in shape, one pre:?are thel!lselv~s, to q1j3.J.ifyf'or i.nch by one-half inch. The cross secn~'l~lg cadet ~ra1.nJ.Il~;'.(b) courses .:ret i.on of t~is hand.Le is ro~y similar qUJ.ung the h1.gller .lUphaa..'1.Q. mathematic an shape co .ths cross sect ron of an I gre~es at Chanute I'ield; (c) to better beam. t.hei.r status in the service. This' is' . ",'0 illustrate the 6'peration of these the day..0 specialization, and it. is'!'J mechani sms, we will make a nruct; self. evident that, the trained man/has, lan~~ng. Whenpreparing to" land, the lI1aI}Y more. adva.nt~s and opportuni tie'S ~ear lever is v~shea to the ofrered h1.mboth 1.n military 'and.civil down-posf t ion and the pojv6':control. Lrf'e . . .: ,''lot knob pushed d01ID. The os rt ion indica-' 'I'he f,?l1owing ce>',ll'sesare befng-t.aken . tors now move to 'the d.o~m-nosition.vith by soLdder s a~ten<ung th':l nigllt cl.aases t .the green portion of the' knobs showing . Alg~bra. Phys1.c?,, Economt'cs, ~his is check number one that the gear J3uS;Ll}6ssLaw,.Hist ory, . Chemistry " Mel':: lS down. Whenpressure is' indicated on chanical, Enghsh, Trigonometry the.pressure gage,. we have check number and Geology: New courses began .ifJa,rCJ:i t"vo t hat the gear 1.S down. Whenthe 18. 1940, wrth classes being held'week throttl':l is~clos.ed,onoUI'.approach and da.vs.from 7:00 p.m. to 9:30p.m:-1!,.r th<) ellGmc h.P,h. crops below onethous ['he actual, co'st pertmorrth forceach" enu and the electric vibrator fails to student is approximately $3 ;OO.'.Trans'~;pera~e. ye 'hove check number three po.rtation is available with 'no,costrto ",K"t dt 1.S.saf'e to land. To remove all students .. All students are issued' ~ossible doubt as to whether the gear school passes upon re~uest .. BussesI~ i.s down ,?r l)-ot, we J?litl the emergency leave tne Post Exchange bus'stopat.',lJ th'.te aS1.d.eand pusn the landing gear 5:40 p.m., and return from, Cehterll'1a:t'Y rull fcr-.v8Xd,.and if the'lever moves. 9011<lgeat9:35 p.rn. each.weekday-even_ to remove this watermark. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on ~ng from Mondayto F~idaY. . 6 V-8414, A.C.

(1.-" ..

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-r;In~re!l1~~ weather and bad .oreaks have I Fli~t (n~w. "F" Flight) ha\l retrp.l).ed 17 conslstentll{ dogged the'trallof of It s onglmil 21, At thls wnhng, Lincoln Fly.tng School 1s "DII Flight since Flight is rounding out 65 hours November,13, whan the class was enrollprior to graduation; and '!IF" Flight is sed.;,! Known-locally as the "pdlar. pat ro'L," hard at work on chandelles and lazy the flight has flown through heavy fogs, eights. '. .' , . been caught in rain and snow storms,and Social life for the ,Lincoln Cadets hascbeen confined to narrow runways has been of the highest order. The ..cleared in the snow since December. I Cadet s enjoyed an envied reputation at 'When.-the time arrived fO. "DII Fligl).tto r '1 Lincoln, and University of Nebraska migrete to Randolph Field, Texas, (Feb- sor?rit~es have found them. muCh ,to xvary.:.15), the class had an average of I the~r hking. Several. dances have been 36J10~S, far short of the Si5-hour mark. cona.ucted by the fly~ school, and a nD'!'~Fhght was then ceremontous'ly dubbed ball mes held at the ,Lmcoln. Hotel on I~E!':Fli~tand hel~ over for six weeks, New 'fearls Eve. . . . ." , eniIn,splte of conslstent delays and beA Whlle the cadet quarters were beln~ .weather; (the worst t{la.t Lincoln has ex- remodeled in pre:paration for the arravq,pe;'iel1ced. ,since 1888), the morale of al of ~he new fhght on March 15th, a.'t,n.eLcade,t and the school personnel has IIE" Fllg)'lt \VIC.S moved to. the swank ' s been consistently high. Through the . "Cornhusker" Hotel for a week or two. long winter months when flying was held Living in luxury has sonnwhat upset the to a mini=, Lincoln afforded sundry I military system, but. the officers are J,s.o'~ial_activities, and Ca:l?~ainRoy T. I not worrie~, as~hey kr,Jowhow fast, the CommandmgOft rcer , arrang- \Randolph Pleld vall Whl. the cadet s p ed ,I'or .j;lElriodic workouts at the Y.M.C. back into shapa.: '.' -.(i\."T-::The: flight finished up regul~' I, The. Cade~s ~e unanimous, in maintai:r;J-ground; school, , end ~o~ the past.flve Ilng tne.t1 >;tespltetJ;1e weatner a:r:d then ,w,~eks;'nas,been rE!,?elVlng extra instrucArmy "grlPl~g," then stay at Lmcoln ' ft'lon .. n Several a.lfferent a subjects. has been enjoyabl,e - although they ARE ~j C.adets,~t Lincoln are quarterl;'d com- i ~ooking forward to seeing tfie 'sun again "'r<fo;rtablYln two barracks. One lS a for-1m TeAaS. mer.fraternity house, and the other is ' ,. '.. ---000-- , ~t,a,privatehome. Que.rters are available I -. for ':M ce4ets,. anti the mess ~s of the I . ,"ICE" WRITING PURStJITERS BY -.'b.est,., Uni.on Airport, four mi.Les from .', .. the".quai'ters, is the scene of Lincoln "A 33rd Pursuit Souadron ~ilot had. an flying train~ng. yadets I;l-retransportunusual, exper i ence , ,'which sance that o,:'eQ,:ba:cl~,aJ.1d f'ort.h an a pr'i vat e bus. . tlme has become rather commonamong our (f: :Flying at Lincoln, Nebraska, this pilots," reports. the scribe of this or'Wlcnter.has been something of anexperiganizationl E:J.1de then adds the f'ul Lowh o.m.ent.r The Air Corps has been interestIlng quotatlon from 2nd Lieut. P .G.. . ',ed in whether -or not students could be . Cochran, Air Corps: taught to fly in the prescribed manner I' "';ack Frost has become demonstr-at ive-: condtt ions ; 'From all in11y cir minded. Ourwintery artist has dicaj;ions, except for the six-weeks' I added.skywri.tL'lg to his wonderland ac,,(:lel~, the "experi:;len~" has been a sue- i tivities,.and if Y?U think he doesn't .Icesa , and "D" Fllght lS none the worse I keep upwrt h the times you're wrong. f?r wear. 'Throu.gilOut the winter, three i The other day One of the 33rd pilots at il':d.!fferent types of cold weather face' Langley Fiela noticed unfamiliar ."swere tried out on the "D" Flight' streaics of ''1Thite smoke'. coming from ,8guinea'.pigs. The first; a wool affair, "the other airplanes in his formation. was found \7anting; the second, a f'Lari- I His first apprehensive thoughts of pro'I(;"nQl ("covering, was not ; and . babl,e trquble weren't 10cical in that ),):.8. third. the r~g'..l1~tion Ar-&y leather sIt .of ~he ~lanes' he cou'ft?-see wer<;l :;'!l\lISk.'seemed to lilJ!)mr a student's vis- ; act ang 111 manner . His deduct ion ibility.too much . -The flig.l1.t finally iwas 'condensation of some sort in the arlJiyed the conclusion that the best i extreme co.Id at this altitude. I They. _~~l\:". was a good. old parachute scarf i were chasmg 'enemy' bombers at 30,000 olvraup. d-about the chin, mouth and nose. I f(est and it was 30 degrees below zero' e otr,;the,29 men who started with "D" centigrade). . '., Flight;j.n November, eight left before .. "He was right. The moisture in the theY .!).ad', sol.oed , and tW? were eliminatexhaust; of the .polVerf~, h~gh speed en. -ed.. o,eg.rl-Y:.ln. ,-,lIlarch, le~vm~ a total of ganes was turnlng to tlny lcecrystals' -nei[\l ,-~.9X Jletter than 65~. The old "E'I _ _ . (Cont Inusd on Page 8) .; , '. V-8414, A.C... , "A r r -.~-", , Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. Please purchase PDF







{:t.i\ ::l:~t:;~ "

NINEPLAlIE INSTRUMENT (HOODED) FLIGHT School for further training,neXt week. hlan.v of the instructors are planning Captain Nathan :3. Forrest, Air Corps, to take extended cross-tountry~.fl~ghts and short perioo.s of leave of.absence" and 2nd.Lieut . Irvine A. Rendle~ Air 9-urin~ the time bef,?re the .nexh, rps, Qf the 17th Bombardment iroup. L lS scneduled to begln. All.of,the ~rMedium),GH 'AirForce, MarchField" ~ .ver ai de ; C~if., recently drew plans, . sonn,el will enjoy the, shott period:,.ofo both descriptive and diagramatic, for a relief from:regular routine duty and procedure to be followed in' InstrUment should be readY to begin work'on the',q Formation Flying. The procedure is di- new class with, renewed vigor. j .;",~~.u~ '. ',..--000---'\ ',cr,,!.!n vided into two part s , i. e., Route, IIi.,. : r.qu20t strument Fo~~t~on and.Airways Instru. itIcell Writing by,,::~ ment Formation. '. The first is de(Continued from Page ." r-) .2" :,,~I~;.: 7 'c ;-r..:5.::. signed to keep all airplanes .: .the '. in close proximity, of each bther under the control of the' leader and the second . or fri)stforming in the,?lear'cdl~~;~M' permits 'each airplane pilot to be able mo sphere as a sort of white smoke' ...,.~H . "But the business of Fursuit 'forma,,;, to take full. advantage of radio facilities wi.thout danger of colliding with tion flying leaves no time for,.coriJ6Ci ture and detailed observation, .s6'~the,: another airplane of the group or without violat~g any Air':va<! ,ReiUlat~on.. phenomen?w~ taken as. Ianother;.0neLo.f "The outhned plan as matfiematJ.cally: 'those thmgs at the t ime. " :',woe;) llAfew days .Later the same pilot; on correct ." says the MarchField. COrresa routine altitude test mission, found pondent , "rndits successful applicaold Jack Frost a 'stowaway' in hiSNOJ tion depeno.sprimarily upon indoctrinasingle seater P-36. There was the"<-"~ tion, mutual confidence betlvsen' all ' streamer of white trailing him and're"" membersof the flight, and indiVidual mained intact 'in a perfect line;' """'i pilot proficienc~. II Sk;ywriing, .sure. t Andwhat..did!:li6 "Fantastic as ~t may seem the 17th write:l His name. ' ,'~""I~ Group di soat ched nine B-18A on an II} . IlIOld .;'did the writing: bu,~.':'j::Ae Instrument Forma,tionFli~t ,Principal Pilot only under the hood) from MarCh pllot guaded his hand, and tnls,~pllot' s Field. t'OWithin ten miles. of the . writing is no~o;'ivusly horrid;rs9~:the'l MexicanBorder and return. On the re:(lersonal ~bl~c~ty fell flat thro~; turn flil?ht, all airplanes assumed the llle~billty. However, even.the~'d'?~%t-. ful craners ' at Lancley were' COnv),ilcpedi Airw~s Instrument FOrmation briefl~ descnbed above, and homedon the Rlver- They knew.he had written somethirig,'arid side Radio Range. Ground.observers he'd writ ten it in ice. II ','. clocked. each ai.rpl.ane as it passed over -;--000---c" iU5K i';arch Field. and found that all air~:~[wD\ planes were in the planned position NEW .ADJUTANT KELty FIELD,;,,;, FOR after having flown 200 'miles of instru-5'!I' ment flying. -' . . .' First Lieut. C.A. Clark, Jr,,; Ai>rrig lIIt'.is believed that a plan.whichcan Corps, has been namedAdjutant a,t!Ke]oly, be readily and. safely'executed.incase Field, succeeding Captain A.W; Kis'sner, of an emergenc~is an added safety fac- who was recently ordered to Washington " tor to ArmyAVlation, and that premedi- for, duty in the Office Chief of the .Air . tated instrument flights by units as Corps. Lieut. Clark is the son of ""':, . means'of reaching an objective. will be Colonel C.A. Clark, Quartermaster'for rauch less 'hazardous' and muchless ex- . the 5th Corps Area, Columbus, Ohio:;o,and 'graduated from West Point in 1932".';"After acting upon the demand\! combatperof sonnel than contact fllghts where ". serving one year with the Field':Aftil- i weather conditions. are such as to make I lery at Fort Bragg, N.C., Lieut;':Cl'Si'k; entered the Air Corps Training Center, ' each mile an additional problem." Randolph Field, Texas, for flpng'f,rain.' . --""000--. . ing, and, graduated from the Air Corps CLASSQ-C.CO~E~ B:\SICTRAINING AdvancedFlying School, Kelly Field, in 4 February, 1935, whenhe was transferred rps ',Vriting under date of March:22nd. the to. the Air Oo , After a tour.'o:hduty in the Philipplnes, Lieut. Ol.ark-re-r Randolph Field Correspondent states,: turned to Kelly Field in October,1937, that tbis week marks the end of the . since which time he has been ,serving, present class (40-C) undergoing trainas Assistant .Adjutant. .' ."",',t~P. mg on "B" Stage. In spite of having First Lieut ."N.T. Perkins .Ai:l:'Corps. lost a number'of flying days , due to bad weather, the work as beingcolll'J?let- formerly Assistant Technic~.[nspector at Kell~ ]'ield'! .has been appoiritedvAbted a weak ahead of the called for . ingAsslstant 'Mjutant.. ..,.0-::=0 schedule. The students will probably '; .' --000--'.,~."oH 'I."TilDA be transferred to the AdvancedFlying -8V-8414 A.C. , Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
., <

,,,,:>i. .







'Charles 1'. Prime Auby C. StrickleDd e J'"dng-llBJll8dAir Corps officers reJohn M. Clark o'eiVs'dJtempOraryappointments to the grades - Rols:ld C.W. Blessley indicatedi'with rank from Maroh 1,'1940, under t' -'.the provisions of the Act of Congress, approvCe;p am ed.:,June'16" 1936, viz: _' Milton J. Smith ;-.,~; . Lieutenant Colonel to Colonel, Janes F.Phillips' Rai-ph Royce Robert LeG. Walsh Bamond E. Culbertson William 0. ~ Junius H. Houghton Ralph A. Smvely Clinton W. Howard HowardJ. Houghland Robert B. Williams Joseph T. M::Narney(GSC) O1arles B. Oldfield John W, Warren Edwin-,B.Lyon William H. Cram Patrick W. Timberlake Hume 'Peabody (esc) Gerald E. Brower Clyde K. Rich Earl L. Nedden (GSC) Robert C. Candee Laurenee C, Craigie Michael F. Davis Oliver 1'. Echols Olarhs W. Lawrenee 'l!ii.bert R. , Vincent B. Dixon Wallace E, Whitson Henry"J. F. Miller Laurenee F. Stone RJ.ssel J. Minty T!>-o~; Hanley,Jr. (GSC)Willis H. Hele (IGD) JemesF.J. Early ;J. L,eo:;A.Walton ' William C. Ocker' Alden R. Crawford .;I1ph P. Cousins (GSC) William F, Volandt ThoIIB.S . Lowe M 'Adlai'H. Gilkeson William E. Kepner David M. Schlatter George E. Stratemeyer Chas. T.Phillips (GSC) (harles T. !.Vers, ~l' : '. ~ .... I.hjor to Lieutenant Colonel LW71s1fi~dPH' HHolcodmb






.ar y

Lowell H. ,&ni th Charles M. Savage Edwin J. House George C. Kenney -!lay ,A. ,])um. George M. Palmer FrederickF. Christine John P. Tenple E~l,_S;'Schofield Byron T. Burt, Jr. Artliur E. Sinxmin Earle G. Harper ,"Frank.O'D. ,Hunter Lotha A. Smith .' a'iilii\ri?:.s. seaton . William V. Andrews HaroI'd,!!: George Arthur W. Brock, Jr. 1'iai:~e'r'J;_Reed M.G. Estabrook, Jr. _;JS~;Z:Y1airStreett Carl F. Greene !n,Jonp:_I. _Moore Perry Wainer rOli'ver- S. Ferson William S. Gravely Robert '-G. Breene Harlan W. Rolden James F. Powell Joseph L. Stromne Neal Creighton Rudolph W. Propst Alonzo M. Drake Frank D. Heckett Victor,H. Strahm Aaron E. Jones Ira R. Koenig Robin A. Ile _l'hg'ip Schneeberger John Y, Yolk, Jr. " 'l(;lKarl S. Axtater . Walter H. Reid , '.'WilHam J. Flood, !IO t-~, ' _ ;-C:=:a:p:t:t.::;a~m~' ;:....:t~o~Maj=. o~r ""I"L~ ,~, .:...- Roy' H. Clark Benjamin W. Chidl_ Ho""r, W, Ferguson Orval R. Cook bifllobertW.C. ':'imsatt James W. 'Spry l8j1'PneJ.d' E. Fr1tch Robert W. Douglass,Jr. _""lui S. Griffith Oscar L. Beal :li~dIDui>d Lyrr:h C. Hilbert W. Wittkop ,Alfred- A. Kessler, Jr. TownsendGriffiss

Joseph Smith Joseph H. Hicks Robert C. Oliver John M. Weikert Leonard H. Rodieck George H. Steel EdwardH. White' Williem 0. Eareckson Richard'W. Gibson John R. Hawkins Ralph E. Fisher James S. Stowell Arthur L. Bump

Jlarvey H. Hoiland' RJ.ssell L. 'Maughan, ' Oliver P. GOthlin,Jr; Eugene B. Bayley t Ma' 0 Jor John G. 9>1= James M. Fit=ice' Hoyt S. Vandenberg stewart W. 'Towle, Jr. Walter C. White Glen C. Jamison Carl B. McDaniel Herbert K. Baisley John K. Nissley Archibald Y. Smith Charles G. Pearcy Earle E. Partridge lavid J. Ellinger Cecil E. Henry Uzal G. Ent Joe L. Loutzenheiser Richard E. Nugent JRohn pt'RKirSkelndallJ . er b . e way. r. John G. Moore Luther Stevens Smith Robert W .Harper Howard M. Turner Denas T. Craw Cornelius W. Causland Carl J. Crane HowardE. Engler William D. Old Elmer T. RUndquistHarold G. Peterson George F. Schulgen


,~~vtX:.. G.ross, ..E

f .: ;.

Leo H. Dawson

W, n Bank from Ml.rch 11 1940 t iIi Major to Lleutenant CO onel .fld'JO!lil . Patrick B Arthur Tho= \ j,.EarLH. DeFord Ulysses G. Jones Ralph B. Walker John 1'.' Richter, , 'Cl'er,ene B. Lobar e Michael E. M::Ilugo Jolui' X. Cannon James L. Grishem Arthur J. Melanson Earl S. Hoag ,OlT)leodoreJ.,K.oenig Vincent J. Meloy "1tG;ren<l,ison (;ardner Chas. E. Brenshaw -;t~A,lvM 9.rKincaid .. Edward W. Raley Omar 0. Niergarth James T. Hutchison Aubrey Hornsby Edwin R. Page
"'j .:

Eight. offioers of 'the Regular Aruv, who graduated from the Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas, on Mu-ch 23,- 1940, were on that date' transferred to the Air Corps. Four of these officers are assigned to t~ porary duty in connection wii;h the Third Arrrry Maneuvars end then to Air Corps stations, as follows' 1st Lieut. Peter McGoldrick, Infantry, and 2nd Lieut. John C. Pitchford, Field Artillery, to. Langley Field, Va.; , 1st Lieut. Edward W. Moore, Coast Artillery, to Moffett Field, Calif., for duty with the 82nd Observation' SQuadron; 2nd Lieut. John It. Griffith, Infantry, to Lamson Field, Fort Benning, Ga., for duty with Flight C, 16th Observation Squadron. 'The four relll3.ining'offioers are assigned to Kelly Field, Texas, for duty, viz' 1st Lieuts. Richard H. Smith, Infantry; Howell M. Estes, Jr Jergen B. Olson and Jeck W. Turner, cavalry. .

---000--Master Sergeant Ralph W. Bottriell. 12th Air Base Squadron, Kelly Field. Texas ,and First Sergeant Frank B. Gibbs, 91st 'Observation SquaD.ron. Fort LeWis,, were placed, on. the retired list Mu-ch,3l, 1940. V-84H. A.C.

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LIsr OF G:RADUAT;;SCLASS OF 4O-C Officors 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st of


. '')i:+n~ozq



, . Lieut. rlo''''lllJarion Estes; Jr., CE.1I. Lieut. Pe.tcr 1'cGoldrick, ~Ii:fl...... .. Lieut. J;.dwardWalter MOore! , c:.,A.". Lieut. Jergen Be:rohe.rdt Oison, <1't; I.ieut. lUcha.rd Eenr-,f 9nith,. Ihfl Lieut. Jack Well ington Turner. &v. 2nd Lieut. Jo:m Earris Griffith; Inf. 2nd Lieutl Jo..'in Cozart Pitchford,; ~;A. Flying Cadets Adam:;, Jac.1<: Nolan Alexander City, Ala. King, George Leslie . Alexander City, Ala. Hamrick. IVm. oster L Bessemer, Ala. McGehee, ThomasKendrick Greenville, Ala. Sheppard, William A. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Lar-obhe , Charles Joseph Tucson, Ariz. Mill s , ChDrles .\I'ilson, Jr. Tucson, Ariz. Swanson, Clyde William Yuma, Ariz. Robbins, Jil.ok stuart Helena. Ark, P.oss, Charlie Merrell Magnolia, Ark. Royall, Royster R., Jr. Avenel, Calif. Berkenkrurp, Eu;eneHenry Berkeley, Calif. Joham, James Eclwaxd Long Beach , Calif. Allen, FrS>lklin S" Jr. Los Angeles, Cal~f. Burleigh, Alex Earl Los Angeles, Cal,f'l
R-~.mnd E.

. .Los AngelE:.s, Calif.

Los Angehs. Calif. Oakland, ceUf.1 .Oakland , Calif.,Calif. Pasadena, Calif. Redkands , Cal if. Zins, Willia"n.EJ.rner S3.n Diego, Calif. 1/cEce, Ja.'r!es T. Smith, F.all Fr"-Ill< San Fra:",isco, Csl~f. Bot.ling, Rob~rt H. Stoffel,!:ed C. ,Jr:, Juan cap,strano,cal~f'l Lucas. V!alter ~e"t~s Humml, ... nesb Berijamin r selby, Cahf. Jacob, 1,0= J=,ce' Mahony, Grant . Vallejo, Calif. "1ilhite, Kenneth T"ylor Barlow, J.""',s,~ey Waln":1:..Cresk!Cellf.1 B'l a, E= as C"l.1houn.""'bert u , ,'ort Davi s , C.Z. , Carey, Edtnn.F., Jr.'tle,Reuben Weed LOIIB,Colo. ' Coxwell, Jonathan :fugene Greoo, Joseph Alfred L. Hartford, Conn, Thyng; Harrison R., Knox, Jonathan Horace Hartford, Conn. Nor=d, Ch"lrles G. Yves Berg, Raynold A. new Haven, Conn. Church, Russel Morse, Jr. Calderbank, John J.B. Old Greern'.'ich;Conn.' Colpitts, Walt".r \\'rn. II Carter, 1/illiam HerdiJJg .Washington. D.C. Walter, Carl Paul Hubbell, Robert R. Washington. D.C. Gibbon<, Pobert'Joseph Baldwin, Ernest Frerieriok Gainesville, Fla. Springfield, Berkeley 1. GouH, Elmer M. AtllUita, Ga. Lippincott, Robert Sta:pler Soper, Ra.Y Ed, Fort Logan, Colo. Perry, Arthur Clarke
So.n. ~

Sullivan, Robert Ben?.rd' Semmn, OwenMcNeill Ranson, Robert Tn,ylor LaBailly, Eugene Bernard Gwyn, HovmrdR. Thornque.t, FrlolJ]): Purvis

\9nith. Stephen M. ,'Clltuta'\ Kans.' Haill J8Ill3S H.Le-wreii&', K=s. /" ... til K . t' "'II' t " Wiehe .ita; 'tr _ enne ,1", '0 "'W'~k't'a',.', ~.",. Wuertele, Cl!ll"l ugene E Jenkins, Charles Frank ,Jr. 13ow1ing'i:;r$en,Ky. I House, Anderson Garth . LouiSVille, Ky. Deaton', George C. . " . 'Kinder, La. Stracen..r, Ivan lay Universi'ty, La. id Earl West ;\btiroe, La.' ]\reddick ' llo\ifton, Me. Tower, John Buss~ll . .'",n, Md. Fandel, Will iam llerbert be'dhari,', Mass. Mullen, John Joseph, ass,: M Stoddard, idwin F. Framing~e!ri',!fass.: Billings, Robinson HOkesdaJ:e';Mass.' llam:m, Harry F., Jr. . .. ~Mafetan, Mass: TClYler, arr-,f 11. . B . :~"l/"'~>ili.Y, Mass: Lambert, Paul M. Newton Highl'~:s', Iiass, Johnson, Leland Warren Wellesley'F'arJllS','ss, Ljunggren. Ernest Nils Worc'est.e,~ Mass. Keyes, Ralph Eugene Cass6';6li~;' Mich. Mutta. ,Frederick T. . ,'-:.".enab,,",l.!ich: T'D.omos~,", Henry C. !.\lskegon rtei'glitii::; ,'iich; I r::ct~hcll, 1\us'-',11 ~I. }.o$ii:'i?~~; i Jtroen, Henry John Lanesbor.>, .linn-. Cald,',ell, Harry E., Jr. Minneabolis; Minn. Carlson, Fr&lci"s T..J. Minneanol:i's, Minn~ Carlisle, Ficherd T" Hattie's,lful'g; !.liss,. Bonner, ThMJasWoodrow Jackson; Miss; Brom>.,Grover Cl~veland Jil.okson; Miss: Goff, LymanH., Jr. . Jaok'Rn. Miss~ Scott Edward Walcot, Jr, Holl<Uida]..e"; !loiss~ Colli~s. James F. , Jr. ' MetidiaJi,; Mis";
< ..... <




""S' t:~kN~:tl",.ol';ne;,; ;*ssss,~ ~ y~ .... . Vicksbu:fg; ;,liss: '.,, Mo~ ,'St.'Lo)).is, 11'.0. 'St::L'oUls, 110: : Bill'iIi<fs; Mont:. : Barristeail, N.H. !l.anc!ieiiter, N.H. :.0 :ceinxint, N.J. : Engle~od, N.J. . FanviOod,N.J. JerGey City, N.J. Jersey Ci,ty, N.J. ;Medf6rd, N.J. 'Ra\lway, N.J.

Moye, .Albert J.mes , Ashton. Ill. I Br-andon, Donald K. Lovel(lck;~Nevada Keeoon, Gerr..ld Martin .Chioaco. Bat'f'or-d, Thorras W. Reno;.;Ncvada T;,ompson, J:uoo" Ileraan Chica[o; Ill., J'obnstona, Charles Willi"", F.enp;7Hevada JoLn.on s , ':lil.licm Stephen Elburn, Ill. !feLaod,.Robert M. Reno, -,hve<3.a l Prt\Ilp,e, Rober;; M. , Ill. G'lhrig, Ra,ynondMiller Co;,octon, N,r. Co"lter., Robert :Sdward La Grange. Ill. BsdIent , Hugh P. ' Falcon~r, N.!. Cutting, DJBJ:3 J{.Jles Rockford, Ill. Colpitts. Walter W. II lUagCU'aFalls, N.r. Me.~dov""l':d""xd CScm' . 'Pokuca, Ill. Ddrrond , Hor-ace E. South OzonePark, us. La+'ham, Jroms Colson l\f.oultrie, Ca. ' MacInnis, Raj"":'OOud Lawrence Willie.msville, 1~.!. Willis, El:mr H. Coal City, Ill. St0.\'P' Richard D. Woodside, L.I,', Michaelis, Jalph Leslie Kimberly, Idaho IJehn, Donald George ..' 'Ilion, N.Y. Herrmm, Georga Ross Ft. Be:lj. Harrison, Ind. Osbcrno, Thoms F. ;' :Arden, N.C. S,9ringar, Robert W"""., Indianapolis, Ind. Bumgaz-ner Willis C. , " ,Gros."ore., E.C.

Krarr.or, Glen Howard



Cospbon , Wm. Robert

'Vegas. N.:M.



Coen , Robert .B.

South Bend,



Warren S.


Strauss, Allison Vla:yne Crooker, John Power-s Eyres, Valliem Gordon, Seynour, Thonns 1!.

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Wdesvilh, Ind. Satterwhite, Rebt. B. .. ReMoke:tla;;id.;'~,N.C. .Amos,Iowt', Ziplor. Frank C. West:Charlott,,', N.C. Amos, IOVIa Kittel, Louis mchard. <1:fa,z,g9;, N.L. Dubuque. Iowa .Crossan, Ch:u-les Morr,s canton, Ohio -10V-8414, A.C.

Cleveland Heights, Ohi" Brookfield, Ohio La:ocaster, Ohio Linwor\;h, Ohio Pataskala, Ohio Springfield, Ohio .Broken Bow. Okla. Lawton, Okla. Oklah""", City, Okla. - Noman, Okla. Tulsa, Ore. 'Astoria. Dkia'i

eainp bell, Rolanl. Arlhur llims, Frank Leslie Lamson, Robert Tashi",,' 1ld'w, Leonard Ferrell Reay, ])avid N. lbores, Howard 0., Jr. Waddleton, Thorms Ranan Cole, Jam>s La.wrence Bechtel, Paul S. ThOl!!'son, JohnA. Cantell, 0, ~rge _--0',00---

Greenacres, Wash. Bellingham, Wash. Seattle, Wash, We::>atchee,Wash. Morgantown W.Va. .. l&tdison, Wis.


'Wheatland, Wyo. EncaimIoont, Wyo. TaCoIIa, Was'h. MilmWkee, Wis.

Salem, Orl'.
!&ldford, Ore., EXTENSION OFACTIVE lX1l'Y TOURS OFRESERVES Allentown, Pa. '_ ' ,Bala-CynWyd,pe. . The follbwiilg-nan:ed Air Corps Reserve offiEaSt ,McKeesport,Pa. ctlr., who~e toili-s of active duty at the Air NewBrighton, Pa. Corps' stations indicated tei'niinated on April OU City, Pe, 2 1940, were continued on active duty until Philadelphia, loa. April 2, ~941, viz: . Washington, Pa, Barksdale Field, La. , Pottstown, pa./ 2n<1 L'ieuba, Yancey S!nith Tarrant, Bro"""""d, Mansfield. Pe, Texas; Stanl6Y Richerd Vosper. Akron, Ohio Pawtucket, R.I., (May 25. 1941); Wilson Gillis, Los Angeles, Chest~r, S.C. i Calif,; Eckford Hodgson, Gallipolis, Ohio; Columb1a, S. C. Kermit DoilglM stevens, Eugene, Ore.(Mu-ch I, Fort Moultrie, S.C.!1941);' ' _ Marion, S.C. , Bolli~Field, D.C. .: Spartanburg, S.C. 1st Lieut. Ilarveye Regan, Greensboro, Spartanburg, S.C. N.C.; 2nd Lieut. Roland Lee Sansbu1'y, Upper Travelers Rest, S.C. I.'.arlboro, Mi. Aberdeen, S.D. Chanute Field, Ill. Brookings, S.D. 2nd Lieut. 'Charles nexanacr Watt, Detroit, Webster, S.D. Mich. Kingsport, Tenn. DUllcan Field, Texas. Be=nt, Texas lIst Lieut. Fete Brewster, Birmingham, .Ala..; Belle-ville, Texas LtsJ>.S.Blair, Sparta, m., RobertLcwis Dallas, Texas Olinger, Angola, Ind. (IJ.uoch I, 1941); Julian Denison, Texas Miles Joplin, Dallas, Texas Floyededa, Texas I Chiccro Mmicipal Airport, Chic~o~Ill. Fort Crockett, Texas 1st t. Herbert Pierce Horton, Ft hurg, Houston, Texas Llass. Houston, Texas Fort Knox. !l. ' Kingsville, Texas '2nd I.ieut. Adolf M>lton Wr>ght, Louisville, Laredo, Taxas Ry. Marfa, Texas ,Ha .. ilton Field, Calif. n . Randolph Field, Tems,' 1st Lieut. Charles Fredericl< Scott, lola, San Antonio, Texas Kans.; 2nd Lieuts. Jesse Prichard, Inverness, San Antonio, Texas, Miss.; Elmer Leroy parsel, PI)'TOOuth,Ohio. San Antonio, Te""" Hawaiian Department San Antonio, Texas Zoo Lieuts. Perry Sherman Cble, Washington, Wills Point, Tey.8s Ind.; :=ecil Lee Faulkner, Bellevue, Texas; Weco, Texas I Curtis Ed'Jal'd Wood, Huntington, IV. Va.; Farl Waco, Texas II Wilson Worley, Littl~to=. Fa.; Rudolph Emil Bountiful, Utah Flock, Brentwood Heights, Calif,; :Ronald Dean Eountif~, Utah IBubbard , Warren. Ohio; William Edward Hubbard, Fort DcugI"s. Utab I II, Sweetwater, Texas; RaymondRobert Spurgeon, Ogd~n, Utah! Cincinnati, 0.; Robert Hart...,ll Stuart, San Salt Lake Cit-y, Utah i Jose, Calif.; Edward Charles Teats, Pittsburgh, Salt Lake Cit-y, Utah'l Pa.; Joi;~h Charles Tuell,- Bdab..a, Ariz.; Ira ,Salt Lake City, Utah I Francis 'Vintemute, &lem, Oregon; Gere.ld Salt Lake City, Utah 'I GrehemRobinson, Los AAgeles,' calif. Sal t Lake City, Utah: Kelly Field, Texas Salt Lake City, Utah 1 1st Lieuts. VI:n. IrvlD ~erna1d, Tarpon Salt Lake City, Utah Springs, Fla.; llorrran Louis Calliah, Los Salt Lake City, Utah Aneeles, Calif.; J. ,nIl Canpbell. :tlalh=t, Cape <Aarles, Va. Texas; George Francis Keene, Jr., am Antonio, Bishop, Va. Texas; Frank Phipps Smith, Clarksdale, Miss!; -Crewe, Va. 2nd Liouts. William Hoag Turner, Portland, Ore. ; Danville, Va. Russell LeRoy FIolo, Aberdeen. S.!'.; Herbert -11V-8414, A.C. ,



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M:lffett Field,Calif. . __ Donald Schultz, Jr., Alameda, Calif.; Alban 1st Lieuts. Wilfred ROtherhBm,Fresri6.,o'Calif. BoardD>:Ul Ogden, Jr., Des M:>ines, Iowa; John Trenton. N.J., .Silas Milbern Miller, MoPherson,'Kani:; 2nd Lts , LangletFie14' . Virginia Charles Afton Gayle, Bellaire. Texas; Lawrence Rea Gibboney, Cincinnati,Ohio; Cecil James': . 1st Lieuts. Thoms Nixon Charles. l~his, Tenn.; Herbert Jlrthur Orr, l'orth Adams, Mass.;. Locke, Jr., Austin, Texas; John Relm:indLove;;. .. Laurel' Jesse Gephart, Morrill, Kans.;' J"""s less. Washington, D.C.; John Wesl'ey.Strickla:nd. Harvey Rothrock, Washington, D.C.; 2nd .Lieuts. Texarkana, Texas; Heman Billings; Portlaild. '. Harold Thaddeus Babb , Dalton, Ga.. f Charles Me.; Ronald Frederic Fallows. MasonCity, Iowa;' Joseph Howe, Clairton, Pa, ] Paul Schwartz, Robert Bradford Richard, Visalia, 'Calif.; t1m, Jamas Cuamings, Jr. L8191"ence. Karis.; . .'Fra1Jk - - : T"""a, Fla.; William Ireland, Cincinnati, 0.; Lowery LawsonBrabham"Montgomery,Ala.; Lowry Dunn, Sen Antonio, Texas; Walter Arval Virgin !>bnroeGillum; Shinnston, W. Va.; GilHazlewood, Salem, Ore.; OswaldWeeks Lunde, bert Louis i;!eyers, Grand Forks, N.D:; Paul Kewaunee, Wisc.; SamuelHeinS Marett, 'Little Hinds, Fraser, Ir.ich.; Frederiok Hayes Postal, Rock, Ark.; Barton MorrowRussell', BiU'irigs. Chioago, Ill,; Sullins Preston Turner, Atlanta, !\bnt.; Charles Roy Sneed, Evant, Texas;: Mi1lard Ga..; Charlie Rankin,Bond, Jr., Dallas, Texas; FilIIOre Tindell, Excelsior Springs, Mo'.Vir:l.: ; William Wo1laoe1ioIqyer, Seattle, Wash.; Joe Allen Bowie, Baton RoUge,La.; Wal er.'Le;,gh t KAnnith MoI,ay,Louisville, Kans.; Wilbur B. Haw.:ins, OklahOlIB City, Okla..; John Peyton " Sprague, Jr., Hartsdale, N.Y.; Ozburn .Early Randolph, Schertz, Texas; Charles Erskine Taylor, Nashville, Teno; RaYllXlnd' Fred Bloszies, Coverley, Palo Alto, Calif. ; (Anthony Vincent Omsha, Neb.; John Harold Hayden, NewRochelle, Grossetta,' Tucson, Ariz.; Tho=':~.vey Hubbard N.Y.; Wm. Elza Wdntire, .Fort Worth. Texas; Fort Worth, Texas; TholIBS Walter J ackson,Alms. i Joseph Richard Ambrose, Denville, Va.; BayDxlnd Iowa; J"""s Wester Luker, Porterville ,.,'Calif. ;" Joseph Busae , Glenburn, N.D, Everett Wilson stewart, TalIIBge;'Kens;-;!,Ma.y 5; 2 March Field, Calif. isa). , . ." >,: . ' lst'Lieuts.J8IIJ9S Cllffora Jensen, Fresno, l'allBllB Canal ~tment" : :" ' .. Calif.; Clarence William Gilkes, Park Ridge, 2nd Lieuts. Jamss MaX nett.; _. Ill.; Philo O. RaSIlUSen,Sacramento, Calif.; Mich.; John Preston Breckenridge, Pei-a.goUld, Joseph Adolph Brier, Riverside, Calif.; 2nd Ark.; Marshall Pyron C"lIJ>, Arlington,' .TeXas; Lieuts., William Archibald Lanford, Riverside, Eugene Louis Clark Clairton, Pa..; JB.ines_;~ Calif.; Frank Norwood, Senta Monica, Calif.; Daniel Mayden, Junction City, Kans.; ~6hn William Nixon'Vickers, Jr., Sen Antonio, Tex.; Adol~ HermanMiller, Coffeyville; Xans;.;:," . 'H~old Marklin Hernan, Grants, N.M.; Walter . Arch1bald Woodrum !\bore, Huntington,~:W;; VI!-; Reid Ford, Oakland, Calif.; Henry Preston Kyle LOlldRiddle, Decatur . Texas; Jos",* C.' King, San Marcos, Texas; BayDxlnd heodore T Smith, Brownsville, Texas; J. Ge.rret.t;'il"il:ck'son Swenson, Chicago City, Minn.; 1st Lieut. John Altus,. Okla.; He:-bert Ado~phVon Tungel':." Okle:" CushD>:Ul Doherty, Los Angeles. Calif.;' 2nd Lba. hOlIBCity, Okla., John Ba11ey Henry,.Jr .,"i Lawrenoe William Coyle, Coffeyville,Kansas; Charlotte, Texas. :'5 i -'1 .; ,Maurioe Allen Morgan. Austin, Texas;. Raor David , Oakland, Calif. Taylor. Brownwood, exas; Sig Rodgers Young, T 1st Lieut. John ThOlIBSCOX, Dallas, Texas. Tucson, Arizona; M>x Richard Fennell, Spokane, Olmsted Field, Middletown, Pa. "" Wash.; Alvin EdwardHebert, ],os Angeles,Calif.; 1st Lieut. Arthur La>n'9nceLogan, Floral. Robert ,Wilbur Henderson, Glendale, Calif.; Park,.L.I., .NewYork.~~:;,~ Ralph Lori".,r Oliver, Palo Alto, Calif. ;~o1d Fatterson Field, Fe.irfie~ Ohio'!" Willsie, Asher, Okla.; Richard Francis Rush, 1st Lieut.. MBiirioelIlllt1ll> Bil Detroit;. Tucson, Ariz.; Joseph Sefton Wakefield, Sen Mich.; Theodore ~ntin Graff, Ada. Ohio; Diego, Calif.; Theodore Arnold Suiter, SpearRichard Boynton Stophlet, Toledo, Ohio;:2nd fish, S.D.; Frederick James Knorre, Jr., San Lieuts. EdwardPreston Dinmick, San Antonio, Francisoo,. Calif.; Charles James Le.ngnack, Texas; Wm. Iverson i>la.rsalis. Find1ajy Ohi-o; Albany, Ore.; Walter E. Arnold, 'El.Pasci,Texas, Charles Sylvester Marshall, Grafton, ,1'1. '1[a.; . Marshall Field, Fort Ril~Kans. . Robert Harry Quigley, Whiting, Indi; .Roy)l.ssin 2nd L1euts. WayneKunb811 R1dSon. MilRalston. Dallas, Texas. ~ .,. tl'~ waukee, Wis.; fI..arold:E:mzett uz;,d'eld.Anthony, ~ Nerto Rican ~artment . ' Kans' 'j'" 1st Lieut. Charles Wright Alverson, Clev;e. , Maxwell Field .-"I . land, Ohio; 2nd Lieuts. Charles Uarion. Eisen2nd Lieuts. Joseph ROyDelaune, Jr . Port hart, Culbertson, Nebr. ; Parker Fall Schofield, ArthUr, Texas; Seth Jefferson McKee,Illm, Malden, Mass. _ . ' ;.:'': Mo.; Eriksen :ElnersonShilling, Washington,D.C.; Randolllh Field, Texas' .: ' Del".,r Norris Stow, Devils Lake,. N.D.; .Thomas 1st Lieut. WiD: Preston Nuckols, Jackson .; , William Hornsby. Columbia, S.C.;. George Bray Heights, L.r., N.Y.; Donald :Earl lI.,ade, Hays, MoMillan, Winter Garden, Fla.; .Rudolph King Xe.nsas; D. Ross Ellis, Stillwater, bkla.; James Ort, Wichita. Falls, Texas. . Marshall Traweak, Lead, S.D.; 2nd LieUt. John , "LawSonField, Fort Bennin~; Ga.. Norton Reynolds, Jr., Philadelphia,' Fa. ~ , 2JidLieut. PaUl Warfield Ti66e s , Jr., Sacranento Air ~ot! Calif. -' .,Miami, fie.. .--~ 1st Lieut. LloYd Lou1s 'lor, Normal, .111.; Mitchel Field, N.Y 2nd Lieuts. Joseph Herbert Paul , Marriott's-' . 2nd'Lieuts. Thonns Phihp BaCOli., Bessener , ville,'M:l.; Harold Yorke Sewart; Wichita,Kans.; Ala.; Kofoed Nelson, Jr., FhiladelpJ:Ua. Martin Eugene WanenBker Barnes., Kans.;. Ar_thur " 1'....~ Lello;y L,n>.St":fooowie><, ildr.,sB. N.D. W Ha".,.,,,, .1')"th,.....ill". 1"""" lle:ory ,Martin Celilc. -12- . '-V-~4;;4:(;'_:J


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t' ."., , :, ~ .. " (,.'.: ' I .,

. A .tornado'; .t1:?>vel$"a territic'. : lyRS someth.i~~'srmil to riding, a ibuckrate of .spl?eci. .aneLleav~~~ a::1;r:!,.i~,'()!:: .r :l,ng.;brllric.ho: In a 'raxas ,It()deo., . j;.' >cjd, ,death and destruq:tiOH"1.I1>1t.S' 11akI:J.;roar,.. '.rNlnet:een 'planes were' damaged, '12 of. :efd ,?Ut ofWe~. t T~xa..son 'the:~telll()oI! ~ChmUllbe.,r' req1l.,~~$'c), Xepcu.t"bY"de~i' .',:. ' ,15' . fIJc':lI'c,h, 12.t]?. T.illlber-s,of' ,de.stroyea. .: j;letsormeh AccorCl:t:rt,g' o the .,13~ks .e. t },w'!lrescatte~ed ~G-r mile~:',?1ong'; ': ~el.~'~ Cotl"e~i)onde(Lt'i, it".is estinl!!'ted t.. '. rt~, tr~l .. Crosslng 'J.nto'!.Jcnl.a~1.ana,tlle that., l:J','!JilJ,:-,take'. ~lIl~ty. days .. to-'i~eP<J.:lr /ty.'l;;t~r struck' the .southerrr frJ.n~, of"~l' ~1:1e;pl;.JMs':aniI.~f.;thel!l'oo.c~' +n';." .. /i trie cJ.ty of?hI:ev~port ,: La. y'killlDg.1Q c0!Jl!!ttsti~gn', ''r~e.e' pl.ane~, ill' :t:lJ;ght,,'. , persor:s. 'tnd\J.n~l,Ilg:1?OI"whi!'l.Q .. tM.:pro~ ,"ere per.J.J;efJ;~;ft~.:storlJ) .. .':T:Iyt) ':lirmy~, " : p~rty, d.rilnage. . was eshmated":!l-t. ,~-wo.' 'mJ.l.-' craft:~er~: com~ng .~n:,;b1J,~:th~, p;iJots .. ' Li.on. dollars. ', ...... , ::.'.'.'C , . ."" , .'.. observmg,.ths' storm ,.turned,' OD;Ckap:d, ... ~.'Cross~' the' Red'Ri:vef., t1re.)ltoxinconl ~,anded at' 1,1onr,oe: ,~'Navy platre, c6IillIig . tlnuedJ.n all;: ofitsJury-t~ou~ :jla:r,k?1 ln~r.1l!ark.S~!3 -F~el.d'fX:bm,th.e Vlel>t,:~lew dale .. Annex. wnere auozen .bti:Ll. dl;llgs ,. . '1' arouno- th\'l st-orm. and cont:u:uea."0!1,.:W?-th~: 'YSx:edelllOlishtld and: .three'persons,:w\lre. out ,." .'. ........' , ~.'I' J.l'l';JUrM. "This"secti:lmiS' th~y:poJ;lU':',1 . .,---;.' . ri . Iated? l711i,yh,ac~o\,: ~J1elqVl'l:Lst . I The s9J:\be?f"th\l 2'h11, ombardmel).L o~ cas1j,aJ,t1iOs,,, .. , ....._....r; ': .... ,":;~' I 9"roup, :B~KSda;le:FJ.ald, ~ further 'I'h.G'~baJ:rdCks . g:Uart~rsandhaI;igWs. r of ,. J.nfor~~J.qn Oil the:t.o~n2.d9; asf~ll0!'S:' BarkocfuIe'~J!'i~.ld were J.Il the" di:t'E'1qt,Jl,th lJ9'~\>t ~.'ee~ at" tne,.close:of:: .. of the ,swJ..rl+ng ,fur. ,riding on);he:::,;'.' I thec.ay,l s'operat:i.OIlS, an ominous: ::bJ.:ieCk:. wings of a ,wl~d~h1l.owas.''traYeliJ?; at; mass, 'of. 'clouds, descended . U:(lcnull' ;from .., the ,rate. of 7::; miLes ,per hqur' ' I{ere" out' of 'the west: " .;AJ,1:MY, 1t beell. the val'ue tof .t,OIl.c;,ete?Zld steel .... Vla~:':.:< hO. and,sw,try;,so. . t, rre r/e.lcomed w!;Jat.apf~ll~,'. ?:emQilSt;rat6C!- urmg}he d p~sl:ng', p~ared,: ~o "tie p..thUrlder,Showe~ Wh~ch .. , of v!1.J.s 'demon of deotrrnctron. : Thel dam- I woUld give us relief .f'rom.the' heat' ... M~ to.bUil6.LTlgS .was estimated' at': .ten' " , After, a dead calm lasti.rlg some .twenty": ttlQusand dC?llax~ and, wi,th few" ~XC'2P-:- .' I ;~nu~es. we 'r381fzed. this 'stoI'nf.lnigh.t . tl~As, .was conf'Lned to damaged ro.ofs': :' ,not''\Je an ordinary shower. Cari3," ~,:,sma.s{led .wmdows . There were' 1'.0 an-. ~t. ~~gara/!jes, .aJ.rplanes'-were' staJre(l, Junes to the personnel of the field.. .down more. ~,ec\l.relJr'"' oli:t":"iil thls,,'jJfti"R% ;tl:lebuil,d.ings .beenrthe ordinary": . I cess. of .. precauti,Qn. thef~', , elf.a tOl:.".:... fl'Ii?,!!l8\Vork -~pe',: there :J.S no.doubt that. "., nado 'J'J-s,'.ml'!lashed ,z;es\ an damage Barksda.Ie neld..,would have been-a mass;'. mount mg up Int o huno.r.eds of thousands " ()f 'p'e;bris .-a,nd riiin,wit'h .considerable " Of d9U".rs;',; TorreIi1Js"of.,raiJ+'andhail ~nJury to peI'scnn~l. " ' .. " ....1 st ones .the size"bfgoil.i', 'balls added ':tQ" . '.On onbha l,mdmgf,ield the i?torm,the dest'I'UctiOli'doJJeby.the~wii1d.:The " ;di;U'<sever,e ,dam2ge' to :th~bi.g-Boinba.r.d.- " southern half: of'Bar-ksdcl..e stood.,in,.'thj.' mcnt . pl.anee meored'' at'1thc. prescent er.iof" the storm' s: patn .. ,Porches:"',' '!JI,t ,hme bec,,,-use:'of :theabsehtepr',':.' lV~r,eto~n' ~ff"t~e mi:n":'comsauartersi,:and . aVaJ.lable space lnsJ.c),e the hangars.' , ,. were scattered: f'ar .and" ,,'Several, of the hea:vy B~l8A planes were wide 'from 'the 1I'0ofs .'. 'Th.e outdoor' ',,',. . . ./) torn from their Uloorings .and. whipued.. theater was levelled-.Orie of.our 1l-18.A.." across"'thl-i'laiidingfield:"Tlvosh}ps 'airnlanes was blown 'against. a tug;' re- . wcz:e car-r i.ed, ent~re;y, across. the held, sclting'i'!l a badly torn ~U:~el~. ' Two . a a.~stance of one mJ.'1efrom the hangars of. our.1o-1~A' S 'were cerraec , pJ.lotless, , T,,:o.o~' the"-pl',cllided, d!,!rn,0Ii~"1.g1 dOWI} .the flela:'a'mile. or"I11Ore at !limost tlte (nng or one anti. severely crama, , fly;lr,:;?; speed. 'The efevat or s were ,torn the"tail of the' cther . Gillilt haJI.... 1 off. or one of these ships. . st'q~les I'ccompl!nied ~he' ..lip.<i, ahr:i th~', ,I All, al'ect r.i c p'ower ~as cut for about he,u ple.,yed nevoc. ,nth the fabnc. covfour aours , dunng '~hich hme our Mess ered control"sUrfaees. " : '. Ser'ge'ant,"Sergeant'Hopper, had quite'a Vnd$,lJi,tto9-D"tthe fury of. 'theele;nents, t,ime :tr~'ing to feed hun,9'Y 'mout1js.i~t " the,ll)eil:~:1ge!J, ,f"oridl1e ~garsas ,they. tI).e, ~,:'k,,')Severcl "Dilates were car r ied . ' sl!lwthe M1PS tnre,'l.tenea.,:., out. 0.'" the mess, J:1a:lto ,be used, as :h~ltion . Alth,,:ug):~..Lhe,fury,of: th.iJ 'storm' Jets 'fen' prot ectLon againott.he,.na,~ll .' p<:,s~ed dnin, a few seconds , .the :high" s~ones. . .na.d our- .barracks been' an -; he . ~,s. wer~to~s. J.J:lg .the :BOmbersab.out " duect. path ofLhe storm lVe <?-oUbt. 'J.f;)'. . l,lkc.a ,skiff:1O a,l;lquall"and,but for:'; they;woUld have s~ood up, be~Il$ of t he the ,Pl:'.ompt.a.ct.i.on on, the part of the . .' ~emporary type bui Lt. for recruit t.ram:- :'.7s,. f:",urthe;rdamage. would have .b,cen.) lng.: ,':. .' ... . ,., .. 1<, 'l . done", ,LJ.ttl.G ;time::was lost ,in rounddrig ,.. ." .--00-,,'.,,-- ". ",' . up ,ttie shi,p~. <JZ)d pulling them m.. ., Our ool;lt. cordial thanks are extended Struggling ,"!' the .wingsof the, big, . , to Captain Clayton Knight .. who drew; the. " :Bomb,ex:~:.~s .,J;hec\1iE(l tossed tlie!n 'about. COY8V,page.for :this .issue, ... , JC;::J.'<):;"" ./purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. .'.:,:""';" ; .. -l4. ..'" .. .. '..' ~: Please



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-]LtuMa:jor.;General Delos C. Emmons, ComTROFEO' CClLOMBIA manding General of the GHR, Air Force, PRESEi~ADO PORLA'AVIACION MILITAR oil Satuhlay morning, March 9th, pre- ... , COlOh1BIANA GHQ, LOS FUERZAS AL DE . sented.'.the, Colombian Trophy to the 2nd .AEREl\S MI1ITABES" DE 10S EsrADOS e:Bombardment Group, Major Harold L. UNIDOS PARA. JUGARSE AlillALI.lENl'E EN ... George;.'Commanding Officer of this 01'HONOR AL "MERI'l'O 11ganization', 'receiving the award. The' --:'000--. presentation party, in addd.t i.on to GenererEJrrnons; . consisted of' Brigadier . ,General' Arnold N. Krogstad, Corrnnanding FIRST. AIRPLANE ACclDENTIN PUERTO RICO .. General of the 2nd. Wing; Colonel.Jacob RESULTSIN FOUR PARACHUTE JUMPS . . W3;'S;, lfuest, Air Base Ooumander of i!<IJangley]'ield; Lieut. Colonel Walter . The first .aircraft , accident in the \~G-Bender',Air Base Executive Officer,and Puerto Ri.can Department happened on ~!n~a:jor'iJohn \1. Monahan, Group Executi ve lfJarch 5th, with Lieut .. Willard Lazarus . Officer for the 2nd Bombardinent Group. at the controls of an QA-9 amphibian, In presenting the Trophy, General near Oaguas , Puerto Rico.. His passenEfI1I"ons.:stated: ..' gel's, in addition to his crew chief, 'r"Ihgives me~eat pleasure to preSergeant O'Malle;r:, were four officers. : 6'sent;to. the off'Icers and men of the of the Corps of l!illo"ineers, namely, Col. Second-Bomcardraent Group the Colombian George Mays, Majors J ,F"Hyde, Lee S. JlTrophy 'for the year 1939. 'l'his award. Dillon and Li.eut . J. IV. Thompson. Lieut . . :is':i'J)arl.e=ually to that Group of the Lazarus was making a reconnaissance . GHQ.~Air orce having the Lowest acciF flight around the Island., when both en-.;,den:krate for the training year. ginE;s quit .. He told hi~ four pasi?enger!l -', 1! fitting that you to ,JUl1lp, whi.l,e he and h1S crew chi.ef , "s.l-:Iou.:Ld.r,eceive, this beaut.df'ul, Trophy, lana.ed the plane in a cane field, caus"'s;\1Jlbolic. of the friendship between the ing enough damage to the craft as to . Re,p:llpli9;of Colombia and the United 'require a major overhaul.. ,Wd.raculously, <9t.ates ..<The snectacular flights by none of the si.x occupants of theaLlphi-, 'M::te,2nd Bcmbardraent Group allover bian suffered any injury . .North; and South America duriIl{S the past ---.000--.ysa.t have excited the admi rat.Lon of . eathe:entire world. Yet during this peri-II J:oiEW T'Jo-PLACECOMBAT PLANE. FOR.P..IRCORPS z.od- you have established e. new Low for , lthe accident rate. In Over two and There '.'las recently delivered to ~he 'Qone:half,milliormiles,o~ flight, ~ot I Mat~riel Division for Ai~ COl1?Suse ~ .a,i'slngle wan has been mJured. This baste combat two-place airplane, des i.glcl,refle'cts. standards of Leader-shrp , nated BC-3 and mnnufactured by the , ' training and, efficiency 1'!ort.hy of the Vultee Aircraft Corporat ron , 'l'U:::;hi'ghes~praise., In turning over this The fuselage is const.ruct ed of welded t'rophy: to vou, may I express to vou steel tubes to the rear cockpi.t and '. and 'your: men, both personal.Ly on<\.on monoco que tail sections rearward of the .M.. ehalf of the GHQ. i: Force, in,v sir." b AJ. back ccckptt , The sides of the fuselnge cere ap?r~cia_tion. and congratula~ions." I ~e remova:b~e. over the ?tee~ tube sec- . c-;.Stat'lstlcs conmiLed reveal ed that I hon,;o fa.c1lltate exanunat Ionof con'<. tho '2nd Bombardment Group m.intained i troIs, instruments and ep'-ipment. Flush . j;;a.n ..0.075 accident rate during the 1939 i rdvot Ing is used on the fus'al age exteri:rtraining period. I or.'?he entire win(S st ruct ure is metal , :;:'he presentat ion took phce inside E. covered and flush nyeted. .Lail.<;iing "~o110~ square, .formed by the'Darsonnel I gear 1S retractable lnto.wells 1n the c'ofthe Grou~, TI~th airp1az:e No: 10, jwing, and forn;s a smoo~hw~ng cont-our .cw~ll,'lmow~ _o~ l~S many hlstonc j ~en ratractc9-'. The ',71n$lS equrpped . fJ.ignts, an ~1l0 background on the r~'1 w1th full tr:l.ll~ng e:d$e !laps. J:)')J'Thp Co;tombfa'1,TroIL"l;r was presented i ?ower i~ f'urrri sfied oy a.Pratt and -.t.t? tne JHS Air torce in Decomber,I935'1 W111tne~' lune-cyHnder, The probl{.M3.jcr .l:IeJ;l~aainEendez, of tb.e COl~m-' pep'er is three-bladed, the. diameter (b;onArmy, an ,t;ha name or t~e Rev.ibllc bep-~ ten feet;.; The approximat e gross 0"( Colombia.J>:,.ch yer::r lt as uwaJ:ded we::'fk of. the alrplcme normal load Sito'the Grouu in the GHQLirForce with is D,865 pounds .. The wing span is 42 . -fLine' Lowest- accadent rate per 1,000 . feet, te .Length of the fuselage 29 fli(ing hours. . feet, 18 inches, ana. the height 9 feet, . '.l:he Trop.l-:Iy in the form of a silis 4 inches. . ', .' .'. i)<V_~:r;,c P,c"mounte.d upon a mahogany base. .. u ",..-000--,arl.'It;,.}g, ppro4mately a 16 inches in, . , 'he1ght and has a Silver plate p.ttached ". .; ' . ,...15V-84,14; A.C.



NOTES ONP.ECENTLY .ACTIVATEDRGANIZATIONS O 17th :Bombardment Squadron (Barksdale): . saturdEl<vJ.~March2nd. was the date of tJ:1efirst G(~h Group Teclu).ical Inspec-' t ron. .Allauplanes, eqm.pment aIia. hanzar s weregone over with a fme tooth comJ?by ColOn\ll C.L. Tinker, Group Commandsr., and hiastaff. :l!'OllOlvingthe iJ.lspectioIi . t~ee :&-181s performed a slmUlated bombfng mission from 16,000 feet on a nearby town. ----~ 16th Bombardment S~on:' A month baS nasses nce the acti vati0J.l of this S"quadrOn The official .. dut i es -er the organization as pertain to the administrative side and. fl;Ang are ~ng, pret ty smoothl.y, conslderlng the mimoer of men on detached' servi!le,at various Air Co:rps Technical' Scnools. ' ','iithin e. short time the difficulties arising from' shortage of equipment and men shoul~ be just about ironed out and the mi?nw~ll be back with their horne or'gani aat Ion , .

son and his family will McChord Field by auto. Eighteen. eml,tst":J~ ed men will do likewise, the'?'~.i to go by rail. Most of thedependent:":'JsiJ members of families l1ill make the 'jOu:t";Eil nay via the family car. The list as .itia now stands includes the following non. commissioned officers: MasterSergeant',.DQ Matthew A. IAcGraw,1st Sergeant John.L:::-' Bailey, Technical Sergeants' .Alvin:Blum,'ss Gordon Brackett , James Romer, George ~'<:3W Parker, Staff Sergeants Paul George,'"(~~O'Iq John KowaleC Lavon Lash, James M::m-'~.e'F. Farlane, Wil i lam Mollo:y, Clam Monk,Gt!-Yj.:f MurPh.v, Grant Osborn , llkhvin Wilcox and;!!;t 1aJJXel Shedenbe1m. Staff Sergeant;' " Edward lliart in is being taken off the) :" list \ but no substitute has been"desig,.:.;; nat ed to replace him. Seven Sergeants;;,J 6 Cor.(lOrals, 25 Privates, 1st Class;an.d:;:; 20 Pnvates are on the , .. '" :Q.rJ '. ~ as: 1c 89th Reconnaissance S~d.n., March Field: . This newly activate Squ.9JJIon is I,l0\7,j,G an a state of nearly como""leteorganlZa.,r; t Lon. The advent of several new offi-V. 15th :Bombardment.S~n: ' cers, plus an increase in enlisted per,,:, Lieuts. h.P. Bac6;i:R. Purinton and sonne l', has brought this unit up to lio,:,! C.W. Ludwig are pUrsuing the :Bombardiers cessary st rength , Ma,jor B.. T . ,Gronell ),:,l,r course conduct-ed by captain H.O: Ht;glin has organized the Souadron into .ths ,"s,>n at tho.3rd Wing.Bombing School 'at Barks- n\lcessary sections, 'with their' respe.c,.~it dale FleJ.d. Tlus leaves the 15th \'lith." hve heads as follows: . "J_Uo but six officers to carry on adminisI. Captain T.W. Steed, EngilieeI'.ing,Off.i.i trative and other operatlons. cer , with I.ieuts. Roy E. Warren ,and ,Ii;;j '-____ Fred LaBorde as assistants: .. ' ":~;i~" - 40th Pursuit Squadron, Selfrid;e Field: ,Fir?t Lieut. ~. M CM'I:pe~l, Adjut~t:{, .. The old saying. about necesslty being and Li.eut . H. W:;,llsle, Aaslstant AdJu7,'" the mother of' invention is still true tan~ and j~less Officer;. ."' today. The, 31st Pur sui t Group, nedy . F~rst Lleu~. Fred Te:;-nll, OPerahonf1 formed, carries on e.llactivities in. Off~ce~, ~slsted by ~leut. w.E. Tcwlor;: one hangar and, as a result, is very T Flrs~ Li eut-. J:A. P'.:Llgsr,.Phot~.and';l much cramped for space. The' sec.ntel1J.genc~ Ofhcer. and Lteut . ,R: G :"'" .. t ron especially is contained in a small Ernm~ns Asslstant; 1 : .0J'.l~" roam. To overcome this Lack of space I,. Frank Norwood, Supply Of.flcer.; Staff Sergeants Bonham Gordon and ' I and Lieut. T,. Suiter, Assistant; . ':' )1 Syrjala built a test b~nch which is' l " Lieut. Gordon Leland. Transportation; worthy of irmnitation. . i L~eut. B01J!Ile~son,; On a bench, six feet long, a panel of Lleut. C. Heflm, Armament and Cheml", wood, three feet wide, was mounted on a' cal. Warfare; " .. .. "';c', 60 d~gree angle. On thirl panel are 10- I L~eut. Art Ca~.Lson, Athletlc Qfflcer; cat cd all tne necessary instrument s and i L~eut. \'IL.. WTlggleslV~:"th, Puhl.i.c .Re-. eqUl. 't pment for testing service sets . .All Ilahons. and Weather Of" acer . .,.r, ':". the necessary ranges of AC and DC are Oapt.arn R.A .. Grusnendorf has not ',as';c; l?v::Ul!J-ble.through various jack and yet reported ~o the Sq~on 'beiri""cn 6\VltCi1arrangements. The whole is proa\ltached servi ce at tne ~r 60:rps act ect.ed, by master switches for the i\C tlc~ School a~ l~ell Fleld. .' "Dl and:pC supplies. All the vliring, inLi eut s .. Hef~ln, Norwood , Lela'ld;'''d I cluding a built-in antenna, is conceal-. Taylor, Wlll.Sl\l' Enmens., Carlson,',~? C.l ed , , LeJ30rde and ,1nl:!l':leswortn are nsar ing ; _____ . . I the completion O:r' their training in.d 19;th,Air Bc:.s~Sgdn., Hamiltoid'ield: ,?easl ~~ck~n~l1g Naviga~iqn. Wh.en,the,se ,:AaJor.Mqrnson aJ.1d 75 enlistecl men of ;~v~ga.vo~,~ are <I"a]ifleCl, the Squan.:?~ thlS Souaa.ron, assJ.gned to McChord . .-nlt be o.ole to oo::u't. of a cl?mplete, i., Field, "Tacoma, Wash., are all set to go ;:os~er of Dead Reckoning Nangators . . to thGir new station" and are expectin~ ;:t 1S expoct.ed t~t a. school f?:r.!:CefE'l~travel orders at. any hour. Major Lforn-. ula:- NaVl~tors wlll get under w~(J.n I the near ~uture . , , .,' +,,':j ct i -16V-8414, A.C: u ..

~.(jociA travel'to'"uti ~.Bt!

.., '-'~ oJ)


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About 70 men from tJ.1is,organization' expansion program of ..February 1, 1940, have 'beenJ,sentto vanous"Air, Corps but all members of the Group now feel . scho,ols"recently to pursue courses of, that out of the din and chaos has evolvip.str:uc~io.n".iriArmament,Rad.~o, :Airplane .ed what may be called 'a "diamond in the Mechaniqs, Photography, CleTlcal Work, rough," ' , " Elect.r~c~ty,Instruments and Bomb Naturally, a multitude of details and Si@:lts.~.'c'.... " , " ' minor operatic.msremain to be accomplish-r,A,'. .v . ", -----: ~d i, but the Lron IS share of the reorgan93rQo)30m'bardment, Squa4ron (H): " . lzatiCin work has 'been ably executed,and. According to its scribe" this organi:.. " the Group now is on an operative 'statui. zatii'Onpromises to be .anew one in more, At present, five squadrons form the WaS than on!", for, ~ expe;riment is 'in , Group, namely\ the Hgrs. end Hqra. Sqdn, progress,at March Fleld Wlllch81ready 24th, 29th ano. 43rd Pursuit SqUa4.rons -presages much for it and m~ offer some-'Dlld the 44th Reconnaissance SQuadron, tl$:le: ()f ,more then passing Inberest to, the latter attached. The 43rd is a re-" the')Armyas a whole. ' activated unit. " ' l1'derefer," says the Correspondent, So far as conndss Loned personnel, is "to our. squadron hobby shop; gun bugs , ' concerned, the ,situation1s somewhat model,rac1ng car bugs, photograplllc ,:precarlous. While .the Group has been bugs'.,-,,,even . landscaping bugs; in short, augmented by the arrival of 2nd. Lieut. ariy.:ddnd,of 'bugs' - that the imaginaPhilip B. Klein, from Randolph Field, ' tion 'of the personnel and the confines the ranks were thinned by the -departure. of an ArmyI?ost' will :permit. of 2nd Lieut. W.E. Stinson, Air Reserve, .:,'.!~,the"JUstifica~lon for ~l ~his to t~ States, to complete his schooling; aC~lvltji'? -Well, 'a 11ttle cogltatlng ?~.Lleut. Ralph Pusey to accent a po- " brmgs. out the fact that the average. sltlonwith theT.W.A.; and 200 Lieut. ,0 AiriC6rpseJ:lthusiast is invariably one 'P.M. Brewer, ret';U'lling for employment ' ,!ho.e;r.evelstln,gadgets. He lo,,:,esme chan- by the. Spartan Aircraft Co., ~sa,Ok1a, leal things and he loves to tlnker1 to Despi.te the shortage, of offlcers, the. use .his:,hands and, incidentally, his ,16th Pursuit Group,is kickingu;p its head..""And'witness the sad. resUlt .Ln I share of the dust , what with the -enthevAj:r'Corps thus far. No engineering tire Canal Zone buzzing \vith activity, . officer exists whose days have not been on every side, includ.ingthe "dry seasha;i:T1.ed swarms of m!JIl ho. if permit7" on" maneuvers;, ,by w '. '', ted, iwo:uld take over hJ.s shops, lock, ' r,. Present ase Ignmant; of off'lcer personstock and. barrel, and proceed to turn nel is as follows:' Group Comaander , out. for. the fun of it everything from Major Arthvr L. Bump, Ji-.; Group Ad.juwire 'puzzles to rowboats and trailers. tant, 2nd Lieut. JaII!esD. 1fJ8:yden, r ;..1 "~o the 93rd, 'bei~ new r:;:nyway, has Reserve; Groun Operations ana Command' decfdsd to follo'.v thlS obVlous lead. and, ing Offlcer, tIq,rs. end Hqrs . Sauadron, ;i:n~tead. of spending ~l 9f i~s budding 9apJa~ Roger J. B~ovme;G;-oup'"Engineerfund.ion :the usual untmaginat Ive assort- jll1g Odcer, 2nd.Lleut. Cllnton C. ment of. so-called I di1fersions I for the I' Wasem;Grou:pMateriel Officer and Com-. soldiers 1 leisure time, lain the midst mand.ingOff'Lcer, 29th Squadron, 1st Lt.'all possitle encourag~ent James W. Twedd.ell; Corrnnanding fficer, O to its 'bugs, I - incidentally 99p of 2A,th Squadron. 2nd Lieut. John A,.H. . it's: personnel. ,,' L'iller, Air Reserve' OomnandtngOfficer, ;z.~'''.SOin our sadly rest:::ictedspace, 43rd Squadron, 2n<lLieut. Robert L. ' uncler the name of a, Iday Baeseler, Air Reservo: COHnn~ding Offiroom, I we have built neat individual cer, 4<1thS~uad.ron (attached) Captain' ",ork':benches . Welve bought excellent Fon-est G. 1Ulen. ' . , , mac:h~n~ry,saws,grinders, drill press, es, JOll1ters - .and weIll buy more, lots 29th BombardmentGroup, L~eyField ~~ft5tyttI~ht~~ :~e brought in Hqrs. and Hqrs.. Squadron: '\ . tor,present arid uefend. their hobbiesbe~' Although. constderabl,e promotIons have fore the assembled .outf'Lt . The real been made 111, the Group" the most notable , itch,' .of the average Air Corps soldier p,n~was. that. of the Group Col1l1llaIlder,: . is be~ng given a little consideration, ,',JaJorVlncent J .. l\!16loy,l. was elevated who andrfcr once, at least' in t ha S3rd,,' to the rank. of Lleut .. Co'l.onek . . help" be,~'free to dive ,~nto a f,ull~", ,'A B-l8A,alrplan~l p1lote9- by 2nd Lleut eqUlJ?Ped .shop at any t Ime of tho . ~ela A. Harcos, w~vh1st, Li.eut . H.R. , t161ton, Jr., CO-~llot;, 1'i8.ster S~., 'OI1ii:ul;htand turn hi s day dreams in 0 realities." Lawrence, Staff Sgts .. Cole, Lampart~, s,:,:, ;A.' - , ' Anderson, and Pvt. 1St 'Cl . Bacon, deo>'16tb:>Pur,suit roup, Albrook Field,C.Z.: G parted from Landey Field on the morn-:"'Tli' "16thG suff d d rth d lng of lJlarch 15th, enroute to Tampa" ." eo. .. roup ere an. wr~ e Fla. on a week end. routine fli@:lt. an tl:\e thro~,s of the reorgamzat.ton and ' ' . <.l.r {',i. , -1 V-84l4, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.


6th Bombardment ~on: S This orgsl1izatl nwas recently increased by the addition of 40 enlisted men; transferred from Barksdale Field, ' La., Air COqlSUnassigned. These men are cOlnplet. their recruit p.rocessing, ing including pistol iristruction, squad drills and attendance' at the Sq1.ll1dron, MatJ;!ematics Schoo~,,in preparat~~n for, then further trronmg at the Alr Corps Technical School.s. . 29th. Eomoardment , S~uadrOn!. , 111e tciSt ..r-,VO . W~e~sof, f lying was devoted. '0 transltlon tralning on B-17 and B-1BA type airplanes ' 52nd 30mbardment -S~ron: During tne early qJ3.y~ of March, the enlisted strength of the Squadron was increased by 3S new men}wlioreported from the local recruit uraming center. The State of Pennsylvania again took first honors in supplying the majority of recruits to supplement the. manP9wer of the several squadrons on the field. Someof these menwhowere desirous of"~ following careers in their chosen branch were immediatel," sent to the Technical Schools at Scott and Chanute Fields. On February 28th, the 52nd engaged in its first mission of imoortance-wlien it detailed one B-17 to,ferry General Marshall, Chief of Staff, to Hamilton Field, Captain Caldwell, 29th S~on, piloted the plane ...with Lieuts. J.E .. Carmackand C.J. Cochrane as co-pilot and navigator, respectively, With the aid of good weather, the trip in each direction across the continent was made with one stop, the return to Langly Field being inade on March 5th. ..

missions which are expected from aheavy bombardmentgroup.

12th Bombardmept quadron: S The Squadron!entered the second.mon~h:, of operat ion w1 a great dea;J.of actJ.~ ;;(J th vity. The personnel are rapi(lly bscom- z: ing acquainted with their speCific. dU~0",,",,J ties and assi~ents. The usual train-.; S'.b ing schedule J.s in full sl'fingl, and the ..-o; officers are flying the airplllhes as :' muchas the tiIlie and weather will permit. Lieuts. David A. Tate,A.C." and Raymond :Blosldes, A:R,';. l>Iiccessfu11iY F. " completed a rii@;ltnaviga~ioli mission ,~o Key West, Fla., and return. This: Serv-..'L,j ed as a graduation flight,'Tl 31: complete the course at the Navigation .."" j School held at Langley Field.",,) 'r:.r
----, , ,". ':J~C'8

10th Bombardment =on: S This ',O.1:-" .A. gahizatJ.on baS been p ground,7,,-e ed the past two weeks. due toweathe~,; 10 and maintenance difficulties. Consider-.~~ able time and effort were spent in ,"get':'"';' ;; ting ~he,Supply and other d~partment~.!~~'~ functJ.onlng smoothly, and IVl th the ,"., ,) starting of the second month of opera-',~." tion it is hoped to be a little cl08er-~;; . to the normal routine. , ~..,..-'"' 35th :Bombardment S=ron.: '; ,,;', ~~ 'mis Squadron eners its second month:, carrying out a full schedule of routine~ flying and training. Several of,ther~tf membershave been assigned to detached',<,' service at the Air Corps Technical", ...';. Schools, where the;r will undergo a d tr: course of instructJ.on. It is hoped .to , start the training of erili~ted ~riah5'n, gunners and aerial bombardf ersun ther) near .future. :i),~


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22nd Pursuit Squadron: Hqrs. and Hqrs. S~uadron: ." ".0 n Onder the gw.aance of Captain Barcus, This organJ.zah n nas been carrying-ou the Squadron has developed to a high out a prescrrbed training program, and ,; state of proficiency, as may well De attentJ.on has been centered on the com-' gathered f'rom the recent rnspect ron. , pletion of the initial organization. .; The morale of the officers and men is Several of the menwere assigned to the;. c.t a peak. "Weare proud to be. members Technical Schools at Scott and Chanute Fields. : J.":.,~ of bhi s organization, U declares the .: j~"L::q ---000--NewsLetter Correspondent, "and <lble to . ,"f''fp.-J makethe statement that now the organization cannot be classed as new but raIIJd'ERIEL IVISION D FEA.TURJ!:D . ".~~~'( ""0 theras being on an eaual footing with the. oldest outfit on fhe line." . The April issue of the,'. magaz ine AVIATION features sixpages-of't 25th Bombardment roup (H) G photographs of. vari9us B.9t~v~tiesa~ t'O~ The Group is entering its secondmonth tJ:1eAir C\lrps l-.latenel DlvlsJ.on, Wn@ltI. of existence, ever"'Jphase thereof func- Fleld, O1uo. The text B.9compal;J.ving :. "';: tioning with a certam degree of accura- these phot9graphs p~s high t;-ibut'e to", cy and progress being steady and sure. the slllendid.w9rk beang done m the'i;:2 The personnel have becomemore familiar Matenel DivlsJ.on.and relates how,thetT.~ with the equipment and the duties to r~searchand test~have he~pe9-commer7~ :vhic::h they are assigned, and before long, as well as mllltary aVJ.atlon.,\ %.t't lt as J;!Olled into a completeand to; ~--oOo--- ',' " 'L,A .r!j more rJ.gJ.dtraJ.nlng schedule, so that . iO~ J~olil the SquSdronmay be able to perform the . '1 U, <,fiT -18V-84l4, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
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C:':. "SYNTHETIC TEXTILE FIBERS TEn .AT wRIGHT FIELD By.the.Materie1 Division Cor-respondent-",

The';"first';commerc"iallyavai1able syn-. tion for the synthetic ~oolen'fibersl thetic:fi~ers;were rayons or regenerat- the principal reason ,being that. thea.eed ceUuIo'se fibers. There were four . velopment of t~s type of fiber haa not been as urgent an this 'count;ryas an typeSf!andkthe~"arelisted below in orsomeforeign countries,' Woolis used der'o:Ltheiramportance to the Air " in flyinl,'; ~arments, uniforms ,. and other Corps~: .:.: ~ '. J +. items wh~cnrequire lil':ht weil':ht and . . 1.sViscose high insulation properties. At present, '2,~(Acetate the domestic supply of wool exceeds Air ,3:<; Cupramonium Corps reouirements" ..:.. \:;.4~'fNitrocel1ulose ' ---000--.. Visco'sa rayon is readily av8ilable : _ . but;V'Uke,the other types, its strength, D.ATA ON NEIl B-19 ARMY :BOMBER is greatly 'decreased whenwet. Several types!'of"viscose rayon have.been used . in experimental parachutes, and a visAccording to a. tecentWar Department cose rayon perachute was madefor the. announcement,the Arl'flif Air Corps during Air;C<!tps'as ~arly as 1931. Due ~w, this year expects.dehvery of anothe;ever1j'r',to ithe~nherent charactenshcs newBombardment ai.rpl.ane Represenhng , of Wef:fiberi productLon of parachutesa. further step tO~9-. sol,:,ing the. quesmad~:t:I'om',th~sayon was not. approved, .t i on of the'best. comomatlon o~ sa.ze I r A:P:":;,~'ol,lshave 10\".ere+ongahon than speed,, .ye~ght end carr~J.lg abi.LSllk i'.'1"hl. has been unlversally .?Ccept-:jlty, an v i ew OI.t~e 1. t est reg.Ul. nts ... ch a reme. e9-as,the'standard parachute fabnc. for.Bs>mbardme~t ~rp1enesl .thlS new .. S~lk.?J;ss> fus"greate;- strength -f'or a. ,type as larger ~han any.o.J.rplane, IDllJ.glVen'welghtof.fabnc than rayon.. tary or cs>nnner<?~al, heretofore'con, Acetate rayon has a very' law elongastructed J.n this .. ountry.. c .. . . hon, but its wet strer.gth is hig.llest The new airplane., which is being. manof the rayons due to the chemical com- ufactured by the Dougl.asAircraft Cor-: pO'i!j:H6n'~f,' fiber. the Recentl a new poration, will be in ?C'etate'')f,~?erhas been develo:(lea.,and. appearance to the pre~ent llFl~ng . . lts, performance an wovenfabnc is so Fortressll type. but wlll beIInlch larger. unusual}that. it is beir~ used in expe~ The'general characteristics of this ' rimental.:parachutes now mg madeup. be ain>lsne are approximately as follows: : This newtype Acetate fiber has been . Gross weight .... Auproximately 70 tons' emp16yed~in webbingwhich has desirable I including a usei'Ul load of some' prop~:rt;ies;.,.. - 1 . . 28 .t ons. .., . . is not r~ad~ly r~yon . Wingspread " .. ,. .: .Over 210 feet aVallable, and ltS charact erf st.fcs do I Speed ,; Over 200 MPH ns>tw~rant. the consider:ation of th~s , mgines 4 - Totalling.:~.l.OO9 P H flber .~or Air Corps.use. The sarr~.lS Range I~re than 6,uuu mlles. t.t'Ue;rof:.Ni tro.cellulose rayon.. Moreover. Propellers 16 ft. diamater, 3 blade, it lis' extremely inflammable - a characconstcnt speed; ,..,. . teI':i:stic .. hi.chconstitutes a hazard and w Landing gear ..... Ret.r'actahl,e, tricycle is a reascn.t.hat .this type. of fiber has type. '. neve'r6beenproduced in large quantities. other provisions include heated and ven.~on'fibers of,suitabl~ properties tilated cabins and sleepi'ng quarters J 17111 of value to the Air Corps for. be for the crew of ten men. Completeradlj,), parachute fabric, webbing, sewing thread. navigation' and simalling eqU1pments' ,. i t ape, suspension lines, lining installed. The:,sIeeping quarters, radio ials, ~nsU1ation f~rics; and many , compartmelltand navigators' cOJ!lPartmentl. other 1tams of equtpment. . . hav~ been: soundp~oofed' o pe;-mit'more ' t !<lGra,recently, two entirely synthetlc effJ.clent,operatlon. Every oJ.tern showfiberG'have been offered to' the Air,. ing any promise of adding,j;o'the effi-Corps:' Nylon and Vinyon. The.farmer'. ciency of the crew or the airplane has iSi!-he,'morereadily available at the been given consideration.during the pepresent rt.Ime.and has properties which r Lod- of 'its .development . :' .. reflciertitlas a suitable SUbstitute for I The progress toward the realization silk.8i1Both Nylon and Vin.'On are less ' of the best airplane for a specific, ., afnrcted:by acids and alkalis' than silk purpose is principally due to three, ,or'I'%'8On,'.and these twa fibers will tnings:The wide experience of the arr-. find a. wide.variety of applications in craft industry in the design and con-: .' the .Air Corps, particularly where hil':h struction of a long line of commercial, elongations and strength are reoufred, and military all-metal,.rnulti-engined " The~Air.Corps has not found applica(Continued on Page 22), ,y .is.): ,~,L,~'... -19-V-8414,A.C.... .: Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

i""IGHT ELDPO~''''';'' FI' PLANT' <=T "y' Kr AIR CORPS _ 1)1 DEMONSlRATION ~.d;; H,u. I~ .;:L['".,I"J,t\. , By Lt. R. J. O'Keefe, A. C. ,Power Plant Laboratory "',C J.c: 871oa



During the early part of Novemb~r, . The P017erPlant Laboratory was~iil.lotj:.;r;a 1939; the Chief of the Air Corps direct- ted a s:(lace of 3500 s:siuare feet~~n.t.h. el.~B; ed that a commi, t tee of officers meet geometracal, center of . No. 2,:'at~, ::;~ for the purpose of preparing a plan for NewBolling Fi.eld.Three 6wer,l'l8ht~:;> a demonsbr'at ion of Air. Corps Tactical qfficers arrived at ~ ~lliIig Field"on :o"'-,(~ EqUJ.:(lme~t Ac<:essones. A: committee , ~an1,UlI'Y ~9 re<?e1vEl,andset .uP,'thE!,:_~; and 9th, Cons1stiIig of MaJors A.1. Emus, W.H. eqw.pment com1~m from faCtories .;anP:7::::: Lanagah and, Captain C.S. Irvine decided Afr Depotsb;,r au transport, freight:';'.>,>'" on a tentative plan. .' .. ' ~d truck. ,No one can P9s~iblyVlsua:L:-~;~ The purpose of ,thisartlcle 1stO de- 1ze the tremendous q1UlIltitles of. crates:tr s<?i'ibe-informally a ~mall part of the, and boxes. \Vhich.pas~e9-through B?}}i~9~~jl . Air Corps Demonstratron, namely, the Field,dunng t~s tllll?' "';;\'.~4 :fower Plant ~bit. This descript~on MaSter Se;-geant Holtzman" Major;.::".~''':'.c' 1S undertaken 111the hope that SerVlce Lanagan's nght-hand man, assumed:.the.':':": personnel. mo could. not attend the deburdan of placing this equip!pent.ili:the':.~ monstratlon may denve some measure of Power Plant space end uncrat1ng'lt ,";He'!hi benefit ,from it, and that it 1118 also ' turned out to be remarkably tirEiles's;o;~~'1 serve as a resume for those who had the and patient and no task appeared .to-be:l ,j opportunity to be present. too aifficult for him. His labor'bat;~;\'I -The Power Plant Laboratory of the Ma- talion, consisting of casuals with-aP':;?:l;} teriel Division, Wright Field, was diproximately one month's service who:i'~G' rected by the Division representative, were being equipped at Bolling :Field',' ,~,.f Capt~n C.S: Irvine, ~o prepare a chart prior to transport to foreign stations;=~ ShOWlng hst of engines and accessoa also gave an excellent account of bhem- 11 ries which would be. aVai~able for, de~elve~ during long hours of hard 170rk~~;~ monstration at Bolhng F1eld. Th1S In ram, snow and cold. ~ ,,";,;";,,'':',,2. Laboratory immediately contacted con:.Eventually, heavy engines and accesso7~ tractor manuf&9turers.of ;-el~ted eqUlp- r~es were uncrated and spotted ih;~~e;~; moot to det eraune theu mlhngness to display space allotted, and power, lln,e,s: coonerat.e with the' Air C0n:'s in ma.k:ing were ngged and connected to cipera.ting~~1 as complete a display of Air Corps e11:< equipment. Engines were mounted:on 'ex-', gines and accessories as would be poshiait stands,' small" parts were,di'sp];W":;''l: sible without holding up :(lroduction ed on tables, and all engines and ,pa;!''ts,:;:; schedules or contract dehveries of shined and polished. Several nonconipii:s7: equipment. The rna.l?-ufas:turers undersioned offic~r mecham.cs were ,providep::t~ sfcod that the exlllb1tlon was to be by Ser~ant Holtzman to do the more;del':'~ purely of an informative nature and was icate Jobs, such as attach1ngacces'sb-;->'.\~ not to have the aroma of commercialism Ties to wooden mock-up engines. "Their!~ !'lvidenced at, for instance, at NewYork skill was evidenced' by the fact.thp.t';,,~ .Vorld's Fair. As was expected, the not one mock-up was damaged , wh1ch"was:b manufacturers of engines and accessoremarkable, considering fhat heavy"en,;;'" ries gave their whole-hearted assistanc gine accessories were mounted ori ligl).t;t to the enterprise. plywood flanges rather than therein~ .... Photographs of manufacturingplan~s t'orced metal flanges found on standa,I:~3'I \'lere mounted to the rear of the egulpengines. . ..". ~ ment with information as to the sa ze , As the visitor entered the Power_~~,:.:~ loca.tion floor s~. and mllllber of P1~t Displ8, he ~awPratt ~ 'iihitneY,;,' per sonne! ~loyea, in order that the equ1:(lillent n one slde and Wr1ght Aero~;~ o magnitude of the ai rcr'aff industry nenautlcal on the other. The Wright: Aero..; cessary to the production of aircraft nautical equipment started with a tablet mi,gj:ltbe understood by all. The above of finished and raw forged engine 'parts; system was.carr~'ed ~hrouihout the enA radial engine crankshaft, e;ears, piS7~ hre demnstratlon an ora~r to give a to~s, connecting rods and dnves,were"p uni.f'orm meth09-of presentlng eqUipment Lai.d out, so ~hat eve~ the l~ could/ used by the Air Corps. see the lntncate, flnely machined and"; Contractor representatives were sent polished parts that evolved from, a ,:-::,,';:: to the demonstration by themanuf'acturcrude forged shape. An early2-c;rlindilr ers to assist in setting up the disLawrance engine was displayed as the~:-::J pl8S on :speci~ engine stands and in forerunner of ~he present; lVri@1t' ad,ialr r glass cases which had been used for air-cooled engme . Next m llnecame'a past aeronautical fairs .. These percutrov8 J-5 and <?Utaway R-1820 sho\.i~ng'1 fuit~ed not. only the mountlng of bulky the movementof ant emal, parts.~ ~,tJ:i.l:l:r,., equi.pment; In a small space Out added crankshaft turned. Several servrceen-i to their smart appearance. . gines from 450 to 2,000 h.p .. wer!3,)i1o:wi~-20V-84l4', "A:C:"." Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.



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ed to sho,:~t:~! sizes nth hor-se- parts1 .: '. ' . power, ratangs. ,AmOng these were the ' .',rhe AVlat~on ~? Corpora-. latest types, of high ou.tput, engines" t icn, L, yqomlng Dlvl!llon,. was ~epresen~SUCh'S;!?ithe. ,-2600, 14-cylinder; .B 2-row, ed, by, t'J.'lO slllall radlal ro.r"'coo~edtralnand ~h~-:q.335P, lS-9Ylinder, 2-row r alnE enganes , ~lace~ on Inther si9-e 9f dlal lUr"cooled engines. A2-speed the,O'-12qOr l.,,-cyltnder, fl~tl ;~l.q1lld-; superchar r'clutcJ:i was shown in an as_cooled engine. Thlsflat engine Showed s~mbly expl.oded isect ton tot~1e, trend t~ a:powerful "PO\ver,Iil~t of , ,glve an~ldea of.lts manerous parts, The mlIllmuID depth , In order ~hat l~ mlght. same method was followed 'in an' exploded b~ co~~etely submerged In a wlng'sec~ crank case which indicated ,the various hon I'll"h9ut need of a nacelle; 'The sectioijsc with their driving gears and ' ~rod~lllID;c, val,ue: of such an i!?-stal~a~tt,~~J:iing fl~s .. In glass cases and tron lS ObV10U~, A rough, c~tlng ' , tllu.'\)ma,tedby lnduect lighting, these '\ crankcase se9tlon and a flIllshed one 1tSl,IS'formed. a beaut If'ul, exhibit. were shown slde b;Yside to Showthe .Across the aisle, Pratt & Whitne;y en- general coastruct'Ioncr this par~,' g:l.ll~'s,. ~d parts were arranged on, tllt'ed ,F9ur e~nes ccmprIsed th~ A:Lh~on cxl1i.F",o,lpnstands and tables.: A finish- Englnee~lng Compan;y group mcl,?-dmg e<,i 1'~duc,tlon;gear, I a finished and un-": the V?1'lOUS <;lxj;enslon'si}Uts 'utJ.lized f~Illsl~e.d;c:yllJ?-derassembly, and many ' for dlffer, ent lnstallat~ons ,', ,The ' Air "Q9tPs~e~e types from thesnlall', standard V-:-~710,12-cyhnd~:", liqu;d,. tralll:!-Ilg"epglne ,of 490 h. P: 'to the 'larc901ed engine ~.splfCed' Sl~' : ger .combaLtype~ _ ',' ,were .df.s- the extenslon sbaft.englne :used, , pl~"M,'::'Inthe high outWt' ciass were f9r pusher pro)2ellersand the 'installathe R, T:l'~34,~ 14:'cyllnder, 2.,.row, the I t rons . '0e V-:-3429, 24-c~rl~nder;i :, , R-21,SO;'(14-cyhnder, 2-row, and. the ' i' engine .Wl. th 1t s four banks of ',' . R-Z~90~:'lS:-cylinder,2-row radial air-' ICY:].i:ilderswas 9ispl~d in ,mock-up form,' cooleW"engm8s:The R-2S00 with a2whfch was partlally of wood and partial.., stage "'s'uIJ~rcharger I#ld long extension ly 9f act~, ~ngine~semblies" Of: all , no\s~,,",s~,c.~lon ousec, the curiosity ar of engmeseXhlblted . thlS vrObably attract,manye:VlS,~t, ',' , It had the appearance 'o,rs, j ed, the. most attentlon., ,~t demonstrated, or .1i11.tI9'1(~,tl\er cannon rather than an en- a P9ss1ble arrangement' of'imiltiple gl'tf,e~ ,:;!"~cu,t"a:,Way R-1830 was particular.., I C~h,nders on one crank case for very ly'-,a,'ttrabtive .to Visitor" ,It bad been' hlP-:houtput .. wlth a resulting low. . co.\liP+~t!Jlybut in two , 1 16iJ?-Ch off ~~rE;ht per horsepower. All of these enc~ritH,,"and was,'a marval.ous pi ece of '" gtn~s weremoun~e9' 0:,1low tuar ex- , ma~hlJ;le.-work, Ever~ part was shown in I hlbltstands anu.lndlrectly llghted by , its\~':t'~e .. ross sect ion ; givin: an idea I fluorescent c lighting., " " of,;:'~.he.,ijIimY detail parts r equi red in ,A. sJ.IlallJ~Obs radial, ai.r-cool.ed , tlfe:~:?s,e,')lb,ly.of a cO!lTt?lete~rcraft rei: I t::alIllr;g epglne w~ shown In. ag~oup . dl~;e?gln,?, ,An R-15u5 engine was usea. Iw~th t"o !.;enasco, .lnvertedr tn-hner ' to ",a:e1ll0n"st:rate installation the of an ! all-cooled, 4-cyhn~er tralnlllg en:lnes, acce,ssorY"gear box, the purpose of ,I The two Menasco engines were identlcal wh~.~ ~'~"to furru sh a. remote drive for, i except t.hat one was equipped with gear-' ~h~~!~\"'\lerous !l.'l1pSnd aces s sori e S Vihi hi ed. super char glng '. .. P a c m '. . " ' an ],(J.;;e.y~ars have cluttered up the ~hre8 ?cnger' engl~s consd st ed of ,a re~ .::s~s:tlon of .some of our eJ?<,"ines, !?utaw~ L-~, .6--c,rhJ?-d~r, alr-cool~d, (;on~::.nenta1 Mo~o;:sCorporatlon preIlilvened, In-llJ?-e .tralIllng type, Whlch sent.ed rthree engmcs mounted on s,)ecia1 was mounted honzontally to show the ' st~1ci!3:. a small 75-hp. 4-cylinder~ cp'" ii:nteJ::!iel construction; a st endand 1-440; P9.~,e.d.',~air-cooled engine; a small rroial'l and' a v-no;, inverted, air.?0~;;cob~ed'tra4-n~llg en~n~;a'1d the', cool.ed ~ype. Tl}i~ group sh?wed trainO::1~,30',"12-cvllnQer. llqod-cooled " mg engines usee, In ;npny'''bought off f.+::it,:::ehgine With:rigpt'-a.'1g!e,drive; T'ne' the shelf" traini11c;pj.rpJ.anes used. in ' , l:E;"t;~rIJM~ WOOden ock-up, but so " . tl;i~ G,A,A:,,~rainiI1t; program at civilian m rew,~st:l-c: tnnt it took mOl'ethan a ' . ipl.:.Ot, tralnlng schools, .' .' ,,", se~6H glance~o detpr~ne thisfac~," l' The' remail1in~,space allotted to ,P9wer T~s,'r.:.s:t,he, flr?~ snowing 0, the f nght- p,lant d~s:played:"t:(le'manyaccesscrles ~t!:e .:dnve ~d t" rr.adeclel?l' the pos--. and a-:pclltar;V equipment, whose develop.. l.l~tt;y OfJ.t~lnstallatlon ~ in an a~r- ment .as directly charged 'to the Power . P~al)-~)VL'1g ~~'"uselage, thereby pe:cmlt-I Flant Laboratory, Chandler-vlans, 5me;.a, ~oca"lon of the prypeller which Holley Ca,.!I'butetorCo", ThompsonPro- " "!? maximim efficiducts Tlteflex Metal Hose Co., and ell.c;Y;,~;:1ln'.'()"<~430crankshaf't end forked Engineering Service Corporation t;ypJf:p?~ectl:ng roa.s \Ver~ sno\vn on the s~10w~d assortment of pumps, valves. ' an;PJ:", . .. ~,;t!l.g,~e:;, These ynltS demonstratflttm~, cables, car,burstors; .and " ' _e9=,:rt):fe"P.~eCl.S10n hlghgrade and workother Air Corps equi1Jll1ent, BendixiiWlilhlp'I) finished engine Stromberg SUbmitted ignition switches v.;l: ,r,:.,'C" . .. , -21- ' ,', ' 'v':'S414, A"C,




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cutaway magnetos, cutaway carburetors '. FEBRUARY WEATHER .AT HA.lviILTONJFIELD of the float and pressure t~es" and an operating ~etounit showing a cutrovay Captain Paul H. Johnson'.W~Ather Ofmagneto reproducing sparks across spark ficer at lfumilton Field, Calif:'; furgaps. The American BOschCorporation nished the following data"as'"a' 'summary presented 14-cylinder and '18-cylinder of weather conditions obserVed~at this magnetos, with the former. operating an . field for the month of FebfU&y, 1940: ignition indicator. This indicator Total' Precipitation, 11.10~inChes. showed in a small unit whether or not ~~ Precipitation'fgr.~t~ours each individual spark pl~'was operat4.0l.lnChes, February 26-~7.. _, ' ing. A fuel inject ion una t was ai splay- , Num~erof ~s iitith Precipit*~ion ed inviting comparison with the large . .( .01 ~nch or more , 15. .,.,,,,;";.,if MaxiIllUIIl Temperaure for month; 65.9 and bulky carburetor which p~rforms the Degrees F. on February 3rd '.';", oo same function. Sectionalized and serIvJini.Jnluh TemPerature for' the .month, vice units of sparkplugs.were submitted by ChampionSpar..;: Plug Co., B.G. 34.2 Degrees F. on February 15th. Average t emoerature forrthe imonth, Corporation,and Aero Spark Plug Co", , . ~t~2 A new field servicing unit which pre-' 52,5' Degrees r. Numberof clear da.vs,.3 .. ,,,. vents drawing of .vil.t",rfrom the bottom 1U:mber f Partly Cloudy Days';:::W. o of a gasoline drum as the airplane is . serviced wes demonst.rated ; A cutaway . , Numberof Cloudy Days,. 16.. "'" J ---000--,,,.'oL drWfl with li~ted windows showedthe . fJlt.'J'1 float mechemsmoperating to shut off FIRSTWING COMMANDER INSPECTS'MJFFm the pumping sys~em ~ the water level. FIELD. ' ~":; was reached TlllS wi.Ll, undoubtedly be " , welcomedby Service. personnel whohave the problem of water in gasoline drums . Moffett Field, Calif., was'hb'sJ; to to contend with. . I Brigadier General Frank D. Lackl.and , Parker Appliances finished the Power '011 March 6th and 7th, when he de his Plant Disnlay space with a large power first formal inspection of the' post . . tube bender, a large hand tube bender, General Lackland, First \;:ing'Ccllllmander and a table of fittings, valves, fuel of the GHQ.AirForce, was' honored bya cocks, priming pumps, and smal L tu?e reception on the evenihgfollowJ:ng his bending hand tools. Sergeant Schmidt arrival in his B-18 f1agsh~p.~~':,i was loaned by Major Lana~an' s organizaOn the morning of March 7t:q,.jt-1ieairtion to demonstrate bendfng of tUbing,' planes of the 9th.Air Base Sq,ili4ron, which he did dth enthusiasm. ' the 82nd Observatlon Sq1,l?dron",nd the .. a The Chief of the Air Corps ordered 35th and the 20th Pursuit Grou.psl7ere that all displays be finished by the I on the line, and General LacklSD.d. innight of Janwary 17th. After working s;!ected th<~pf Lots , .crews, and. :.s.hips. on the.set-up of equipment from January After the tnspect rons , the 20th:and 9th to the evening of January 17th,from 35th Pursuit Groups passed in7sel'ial 8:00 o'clock in the morning until 10:00 review for the General .. " "0''); 0' clock at night, the Power Plant DisAfter his tour of inspection, .with play was readv. A nreliminary showing Colonel Rober.t E.H. Goolrick,"Comrna.."ld was held for 'the Chlef of the Air Corps ing Officer of the Post, Gener'alrt Lackon 18th. On January 19th, the land deoart ed for Monterey, Calif., to demonstration was officially opened to visit Major General Walter Sweeney, .. invited guests. At this time additionCom:na.nding 3rd Division. engaged the al personnel had arrive<'l.f'z-om the Power in maneuvers in that vicinity .. " Plant Laboratory, Wright Field, to as--000--",,')~l sist in conduct ing visitors through the ." ~o display. On Januexy GOth also, many . Data on the NewB...,19 (From PagEl'.ig') Service per-sonneL and disti~shed . ,.u guests were visHors, including the aircraft; the exhaustive flight:-testPresident of, the United States. By i:lg by the Arrn"v ir Corps of.earlier A his order ,the Air ::;or~sDeinonstration 'I similar models,' and the fact that ',the was continued an addi.t-Lonal, three days .Arr:oIi Air Corysis constantly inve'stifor the benefit of the :publiC. GHQ, ./ ga~lng new dlsc<?veries. an.d l-!1vent'ipns was cal.Led on to help Divislon personnel as Wl11Ch show pronase of lmproVlng"the visitors I guides. : It is .believed that efficiency of its airpl=es.~.= ri;;:; the out stailding memoryfor Division ". -~o')o..,--: .,~".i "j; per-aonned, .hcwever , wlll be the effect . , 1' ,.,.ed .Of concrete on feet after many hours T'ne activities of the San,. Antonio . of direct contact. I Air Depot,' DuncanFieldare Texas;.l con- . " , --,-oOo---:-tinue. , 00 grow. There no'wiapproxi1220 employees at this,Depo:h,.,.. h3M '~22.V-8414',lA,e:'o'lq .. .

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Air 'Corps Training Center. I ~t sB;ythatth" proposal received little encouragement; It -1:0 'l..t'i.t~h,,:fh',st. class of student fly~r~ for the was a drastic departure from the system of ..:, 't-:A"'!!Y A~;.Corps' to undergo thEllr lJ:utlal.p~ase training that has served us well for r<any ::!,:'"of stralnmg at.,the recently organlzed C,V,l years. VIesaw in it riXlrethan an answer tothe ,/;1:"" m.,lit .SChools gradttated from the Air Corps Adl.mned iateproblem. It ~rovi~ed" in ?": opinion ~C!.~;;l.t:,,<Fl.Ying School. Kelly Field, Texas, on, the answer to our war tlme pllot tralnlng re, t -r. thenXlrlling of Ilhrch 23rd., This class. known quirements, 'Only because of GenerBJ.Arnold's ,'?er:ii:i'Class40-A. which begantraininil in July. insi"tanqe was this plan adopted. It had to 8'lllC19:i9. at the beginning of the pres ant 'Air Corp. work;. There would be. no' possibility of turn.. .Expansion Program, is the largest single class ing back once we had startec1 thi" new course' [iO.!so"fEi.r graduated from Kelly Field since its of acition, , , , ' . b,eginni"g during the VTorldWar in 1917. The ' Weneeded IlXlr,e than just a plan. however. We consists of 220 pilots, including eight needed hou:d inspited and coope:ratiVe effort . commissioned officers from other branches of all the pa:rt of all 'who had t1J.eactual job lid, ,ri'll:the .:Begular AnDy. who have been transferred to do. We ne~ded the great~st c?OJ.>"ration wid .~hoAi1~' Corps. and 212 Flying Cadets, who wera under sbandkng from the nln~ C1Vll schools that ,ri,jI;commssioned second lieutenants in the Air Re- have part,icipated in this, progi-am; the untirserve and placed on active duty., ing effort of ,the sUpeIWisory ~ersomiel, both Brigadier General Barton K. Yount, Assistant commissioned am enlisted, :il.sslgned"to'these ,O.'Oh.ief',of the Air Co,,?s. delivered the gradua'sGhools; end IlXlst of all. 'we had tci have cation'address, which ls'quoted below. as fo1o .:.. pable directiOll of all 'the effort 'entaited Ln lows: ' . the initiation of'this new system of training "Colonel Robins, Colonel Lohnan, Colonel by Colonel Robins and his staff; Weneeded .a TI'Z"lrJl.ro01<sdistingtiiShed guesbs , feilow .officers .... supreme' effort on the ,part of .Colonel Brooks. am members of the Class: . .. .. . Colonel Lacklan!l, and Colonel Lohman, and all I do not recoIl ~ graduation at the Train. the personnel assigned to Ranqolpharid Kelly _" ing.Center that has had greater significance Fields in effecting the necessary revisions of importance to the Air Corps than these grad methods to. effect. the tmining of classes of . Ir"Jl: uation exercises that are being held here tounprecedented size under extrelOOly adverse conom.:c~aj.' To the young gentlemen of this class, this ditions with respecb to the aVailability of ~'J~ ~ay'..signifies the attainment of high .ambition training airplanes and experienced per sonnel . 'IS~~~"I~~",,"'~, ..~S'ShO:tlY to be eV~denced,by the presen-I . We are. indee~. with us .s, ~\'_1'!t.lon of d.lp'Lorraa and sllver wlngs that you today. seated rlght hereon t.hds platform. nearSIS! eli,;.",,' looke.d forward to for so m:my months. You ly all of those who'have had important. r-espon. , have 'selected a career that has required the sibilities in carrying out this plan - nearly --;. .., C'~1imination of m:my. and that has left only a all of those who have been responsible for the ,n:liigh1y selective groUp here today. You are I graduation 'of Class 4O-A the class to . c.ri~ :;'just~~iably ~roud ?f that achievement. .. . . graduate under, the new ":(stem of t:aining. I 5.c, " Th.l~ occas ron bnngs to us, however,e.dd1tl.oll know that you whohave dlrected thls task ask -"i, al,,:::'s, ign,ificance and inportance. We see the little else .ofthis occasion than t,he opportu. '_'.;.past events that have made this day possible. nity to Look with me at this class of some' 220 !,,:lIle ,'see',elsa the future that lies ahead and the young pilots that sit out in front of us. A Ir:;Hmpor.tance that graduation of this class has fine, a real, a convincing testimonial of the . upon the Air Corps we are now building. '7e visl careful planning. the' hard work, the tinder- . i,~uali,ite;the role you and the IDe.Dlf classes that stending, the loyalty, that each one of youhas -.f:=ar~ t~ follow through. this ~chool will play in contributed to the success' of this undertaking. ~)i:;.r.;,the alr .def'ense of th1s nab on. . . You.can be proud of the part. that you have In' his address to the Congress on January played in making this graduation possible. You ,,,lB, 1939, the President of the United states can derive with' me a. feeling of inspiration and b",.Bnnounced his program for the augmentation of satisfaction here today' that will serve Us well the Air .Corps. This unprecedented .eXPansion in the accompliShment of the job that still means an increase of 140 percent in o~ air-. nust be done .. plane strength during a period of two yeats. I Wehave seen something of the events that (al'so ,mer:mtan increase of 25;000 iD9nin our' e".. have made up the past of this class -: now let listed strength~ And it.meant the training of us look to the future. Within a few days all ...~~,scJriJe.2.300additional military pa Lobs.' All of of ;rou will' be .well on your :""!' toward the ex_",~~ese. taaks were to be completed prlor to July perlences that you never anbIcdpabed when you .<i.l,~.194L This problem in terms of pilot train- started your flying training. I 'refer to your ::r;".>;>sre'luired a sustained training rate tn:e~ f~rtl1coming par~icipatio.n in the largest peace ~-.~lIIlBsgreater than has ever been reached rn tlme concentratlon that 'the Arnv has ever held. a ..... ur .schools before in peace time. 'Obviously" ' You will Shortly find yourselves members of o ,.'s\ic~ .....~ak could not be accomplished with .the I the new stream-lined triangular divisions, difaclhhesthen available to the Air Co~s,nor visions with the enormously .increased mobility in the relatively leisurely manner .to .whlchwe and fire power. dictated by the requirements of have ,been accustomed. _ modern warfare. 'Phese divisions are now in ~~,TJ.i!,:s?liit;:on as we requi:e~ the utilitheir concentra.tion areas engaged in the train.-Lretlon'of. a number of excellent C1Vll flying ing end 'preparations for the 'corps concentra--I:x.rsClio,olS}>available in our country, in a manner tion which will be initiated by tactical reevethat would' provide for a great increase in the ments starting April 8th. You will be assignprodiictive 'capacity of our facilities at the led tp conpanies arid like units of the dismount-23V-8414, A. C.



"r,- OF.

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ed $70und ar-cs, An unexcelled opportunity ,subjects. awalts you to Learn at first hand the techI Renember that the cheracter of the training nique, tactics and operations of the ground Ithat you have had during the past nine n:onths forces in the field. You will learn lessons lis to be subjected to a final test after you about mess, supply end administration that join these tactical or-garri eabions ," You will will be a:pplicablc in nearly, every way to Air Ibe carefully watched as the first graduates of Corps' units 'operating under the silrneconditions. the new system, end the success of this sysb The Chief of Staff, General !larshall, was of flying training will be. measured laxgely by present here at the Training Center a few yqur ability to accomplish the work that you weeks ago , and at that time concaived the idaa vall find awaitinE: you there. Wewant a conof giving your class the rate opportunity of I tinuat'ion of the spirit, the effort, and ctihe observing the maneuvers in the Southeast Sec- I willingness to learn that has thus far sarved tion of the United States. W/;lileyour preseore you well. at the naneuver-s will intottupt your training There are l1"fU\Y important items which I coul and cause sorae of you personal Lncon-reni ence , present to you today if tine pero:a.tted. In what you will there learn end the eX?erienc" some of them I know you would be extremely inyou will gab will pay back ~ fold to you aereabed, Such things as, these: the status of as individuals and to the ArDv for the ezpentbe Expansion Program: the changes we are ,"".1<:diture. Let me urge you not to waste this op- ing in our military. aircraft as a result of . portuni ty ,;,bich the Chief of, Staff of the Arrrv the experiences coming from the war-s abroad: has been personally responsible for meking the tactical lessons .mich have been gleaned available to you. During bhe coming years of from the air fighting in Europe: our recent eo' military service you will fi.hd ample use for periences appearing bsfore Congress and in what you will learn at the mmeuvers. furnishing data for our current epThe "unit to which you are assigned will pro- propr iat ions ; a description of the new experibabl.y have not IUJre than one or two officers. nental planes and the engines whicb will power You will be' Bm\:Zed the prodigious an:ount of them. These end many cbher similar facts and by wo'rk that these officers will be doing. Under data undoubtedly would be interesting to you. these oon:l.iti9ns you must be tolerant of the But time does not permit nor does opportunity absence of consideration that woul d otherwise [afford of their conplete discussion herel Let be given you wer-e these organizations operatme savr this; however. that. e:v~ry .alert Air ing on norn:aJ.duty status. If you can help Corps officer should be bhi.rikkng along these pi tch in wi, th everything you have and show lines .- reading and studying and taking adthem that you belong to the Arrrv and are as vantage of his marvelous opportunity of keepinterested in their succcas as you are of ing ,abreast of, this air-wise world. ,Neverbeyour oen. fore at eny time in our history or in the. his-


gi ve you a chance to gain tremendous profesi so rapid or advancerrent so fast, .and only the sional advantages tha,t will be denied to all swift, sure and wise can keep the pace. but a few Ai,. Corps officers. The Air Corps . I congratulate you on this day of graduab ion. is apart of the Arrrv and it is incumber.t upon You can wal.I afford to be proud of yourselves you to meke the IIXJst0:1' this oppoz-t u You as I am proud of you. I am glad that I will will be our representatives at have the opportunity to meet each one of you Your attitude, your conduct, your interest ,and . on this platform and give you the diploma that your capabili~y under c~:)1~stant Cl'uti-! you .50 we~l deser~e. There are few .young men I s ny, Your athtnde W111be watched and report- 110 tne Unlted Sbabes whowoul.d not gave eVeJ:j--, ed to the Chief 0:1' Staff. I confidently ex: thing within their power-to change places iiith pect that ~he exarrp l e you set will redound to I you. !lake the most.of it and you have a most the credit of the Air Corps. R~'llember,you are II interesting and delightful career ahead of full-fledged officers and will be treated as yo~" such. You will be ccns Ld.ezed as observer-s r-a- I ----ther than es students. The benefits you reThe roster of the graduates (Class 40-A) ",,ceive will depend upon your initiative and Ipeaxs on pe,ge 10 of this issue. Through a energy end intelligence. _ f tyPol51'a'Ohica1error, thi~ roster is er-roneousAfter completion of this period of field dutYijlYcapt'ioned Class 40-C. on the corps maneuvers you will be azsigned to ---000--various Air Corps tactical squadrons. At the outset you will be given transition flight I The Army Air Corps is giving every training in the service types of aircraft apment to qualified enl i sbcd men to become F1J'plicable to the br-anch of aviation to which ~ ing Ce,dets. At Hamilton Field a bright group you are as~igned. You wi.l.I then proceed to of y_oungmen are, burning the midnight oil in learn the technique and tactics of flying thes prepqration, and attending night school classbypes indiridually -, and their operation in es at lkrin Junior College, Tamalpais High ce;;)t.a.tunit training. In all your flying a I Scheol and San Rafael High School. high -degree of air discip1 ine will be a con---000--. ' sbanb requirement. Your f1 ight instruct ion . will be carefully super-vl sed , Your ground Appreciation is expr~ssed to Private Patrick training has just started, for ahead of you E. McCullon, 6th Signal Service Company,Selfyou have a great deal to learn about rradnben- ridge Field, Mich , , for the cartoon fea,turing ance engineering, arrrer.:ent, commmications, I this issue of the News Letter. navigation. bcmbdng and gmmery, and. many otherl ---000---24V-8414, A.C.

Your participation in these maneuvers wili


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APRIL 15,1940 NO.8

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V(:l1. XXIII, A I R Information.Division Air COrps




April 15, 1940

LET T E R NO.8. 'Munitions Building' Washington, D.C, . ~ .

, '

The chief purpose of this publication is 'to distribute infortnation on aeronautics to the flying personnel in'the Regular Army, Reserve Corps, National '. GUJU'd, nd others connected yrith aviation. a " ,

--000--GLASS FOR THE UNITED .Sl'A'l'ESAJmY.AIR CORPS By E, J. Wyrostek . , Materials Laboratory, Wright Field Glass - it I s such a common article' tures and at tel)Iperatures as low as , that most persons using it for the in~ deg. F,. ResUlts of"Buch tests fur~ nwnerable purposes of business or pleas- nished the information necessary for, the selectionqf the proper streIlj;\;h of ure do not stop to consider .that each us~ represents a distinct deyelo~ent, laminated glass windowessential lor ' 'I:he ~S. Army Air Cor:tJshas a more dis~ safety in airplanes operating under any --U conditions.' . ' criminating a:tJpreciatlon of its value. Glass now is polished so perfectly For, an Armypllot to fly an airplane that tests conducted at Wright Field cohtaihing no glass whatever woUldbe like flying in a perpetual fog, and his ~ow it.entirely ,fre~ fr9m,distort~on~ flying career mignt be an exceedingly Dlstortlonless two-di~enslonal curved short one. " laminated ,glass for windshields of. Air The Air Corps can fly "blindl! and Corps airplanes is bedng iiJimuf~tured make instrument landings, but all . by leading glass compames . DJ.ffibUlt three-dimensional forms can ,also be :tJilots enjoy seeing where the~ are goang , Besfdes , under war conditions, moulded. , Distortion effects due to imperfectly it would be necessan' for the pilot to see his enemy;' see hun or' them first curved windshields can be projected oli a screen in a darkened room. A curved and clearly, and to see his military objectives, without',distort,ionor dislaminated glass windShield is held verplacemeJ1t of the opjects. .,It lYoUldbe tically in a beam of light frolll a SII8ll but brlehtl~t source. A shadow' eo serious maoUerto find. that, when imM'e of the Windshield is cas\; on a bombing or naviptw . tb1e to the diBWhite screen, so it can be observed. If 'lUacement,ar l1@lt tErough the glass, the shadowpicture is .of uniform bri/dltihe gun battery aimed at or the star riess. there is no distortion; but, it' si/dlted were not in the ']l0sit ion in alternate dark and bright wavy lines, 'which you saw them, ' star, The new laminated gl,ass, which con- , dark circular spots, or brilliant sists of two sheets of :tJlate glass with' shaped poi.J?ts appear , the' windsh!eld is optlcally lmperfect. " an inter-la;rer of plastlc between, is ,There are many types of g;Lass, each ,mili:lh improved over the old variety. The with particular properties; glass with a4hesion of the glass to the inter-la;rer is remarkable. It is far more reve~ high index of refraction, Which is si'stant and flexible to impacts both at li t gathering capability, and glass wi sUch low Qoe!ficient Of expansion Ilea'level end l)DrmaJ,emperatures, and t that it can be heated to a cherry red ~t h1~ altitudes and eXtremel;ycold color and suddenly cooled in cold water te~eratures. ,This impact reslstance '' is ,lmportant in landing, or in case one without cracking: flies into a duck at 3OO,miles per hour. A new devE}lopmerit .a heat--t reated ~s The advent of subst ratcsphere flying, ,glass that lS four t imss as strong and .flexible ~s ordinary ,glasf,l' When. oots made necessary extensive tests on the tered~ t hi.s ,glass breaks mt.o blunt 'bursting -st rength of laminated glass ~anu.Les insfead of sharp fregment s . If windOwsof pressure cabins. ,A steel 1 is a laminated heat-treated t glass, it jig was constructed to form a burst~ Cali be rolledu~ like a carPet aftetcit test chamber for various shapes and thicknesses of laminated, glass speciis fractured. UnfQrtunately,' this mens. Each specimen 17aB ,'oolted to "the g:j.ass becomes 0PMue'when cracked. the "jig to form ,One side of 'the test cnam- visibility then being zero. ' Another important product is a bullet,D~r, and then was burst by .ai.r pressure proof gl.ass which is composedof a layforced into the test chamber. These ->tests ,were ,coDJiuct.ed:s.tJl:dimal tempera- er of g:J.a.sslaminated tOgether with V-8435, .A.C: Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

plastic inter-layers. This glass has minum alloy if necessary in time of ere?-t energy absorbing powers and illl]?ELct J!lSrgency. A ::umber of these wj.ngf1,. e reslstance. . 'Nllllater -be :mstalled on ... ervlce::Jau-' s T~ere is a water-c;.~ar lamiilated ~s planes of the :BO-;-lype 'for obse=ti,~n t witn almost perfectll@.t transmisslon as to ease of maJ,Iltenanceand' r!'lpa:!:r!.! properties,. and a tintsd ~lass that ,In: this deval.cpnent a deci<!-ed;effort 17111~ass.through any deslred r~e of ~o ceen ma<!-eo co::struct.Wltho~t~ma~ t c?lored llght,' or re;novep.ny color of Jor. changedn the. wlng <!-eSlgtlthe,se' J r . llGht, Then to travel furthJr ste.ln:l.ess steel w:mgs wlth a ,strehgth\ , the light Sp\'Jctrum, wher~ we ordinarily eq1;rivclent to that of .theor~gi~ :al:':- .: cannot see llght, there J.S a glass ununum alloy :panels Wlthout ',mc,' which wi~l transmit deep ultra-violet weight. A weJ.ght reduction eveh'.li'as:o rays, whi ch are. short waves sometJ.mes been attempted.. -":: \,~'{:r~:t ~ caned "black lJ.ght. II These caose sun---000---' 'L.u.h,l bUTIl and someti,ues, to one exposed to .' ,l,IO[I.."lil them, very serious inflammation of the THEWRIGHT ESCADRILLE'" :3':;~, eye. Beyond the visible spectrum there . '. .' ..0 .J.!.,::'I! , &re the long infra-reO. ra;rs which we The Vir~,ght Escadrille, whiC~.. ~i':"f!i.rnr ~ cannot see. SOilleglass WJ.ll stop these ed SOIJetJ.14e go by a group of- cJ:VJ;lj!anl!o, a rays and other glass permit them to jIIaJly of them employees at Wrighl;>Field.o, pass through. In the laboratory one has been growing apace . Ld euf," J6llif~P. CEmphotograph in the dark by ustng Callahan, ~eserve. member of .the'iMat'e'"rinfra-::e'.i rays. . ie1 Division Equipment Brandi. haS-"be!m Yean 8{';0 we had CI'"'.[stals that could conducting a ground training .c6urs'c'pr ; i ae Iight; that a s , permit ligp,t lecturing once each week. The'stu.di;&:e travelin" ill one plane only to pass Civil Air Regulations was conclti.d.6dH t~JI<)~, but these crystals were expen- with the March 5th meeting. Ai,rNavigasave and could be obtained only in tion has al so been covered. ..To date;J . smal L f'orm.. Now, the',Air Corps can ob- twelve hours have been scent in,:c1as'stain Larctnat.ed glass With nlG-stic Lnt er room lecture's. Sixty to"'i,;( . le.yer tL.;tt 1V~1l pol?-Tize H(,;ht. Tcl::e have been ~:~~endil1g these meetJ.~gs :,j~ tw;:; shects of polarlzed lemJ.natedglass ground t:' course \VJ.ll.. e~contJ"n"'b and hoJ<! ';hem together. Objects can be ued until. J"JIle 1st. , .. JeI sen t.h.i .)".lgh them distinctly, Rotate A monthly publication is included in on.') glf"on a quarter of a turn. and .the the. pl.ans 01 the organization';,:, two pCo~ a;:izeiI sheet's become. op~ue; ing J.S ent\'Jr~n~ the curriC1;llum,of:,1the i ev-,ryt11:,'1.g blackens out. Si.ngl,e sheets club's act rvi.t . A conmi.tteewaes reof i aedTardnated glass can be csnt Ly appointed for the 'purpose'.of lob.,. USGet in goggles to reduce the bright taining qu.otationsand data on used.r s reflections of wat er or desert sand. . air:planes, as a number of the' membep~ All of thealJove types of glass can' to own planes but do ,not' be used in ~rplanesor navagat rcn into purchase new ones \7hil~ they ar~"d,n st rument s , mJ.cros.copes, camera lenses, the t rafrring .sbage of flyJ.n~ .. '. 9[1.':' prisms, mirrors. and lig..'lt filters. ,5\1ch clubs f!.S, the Wright .ilisc~g~l' Allo~her interes!,ing dass product that J.ndJ.Cate tJ:1e eXJ.stGJ?-ce a defJ.nJ.te" of . does not, 1001: llke glass at all but sympathy vllth the cams of preparedness like a very fine .silk is gl.ass cloth. amor.g ;young Amer-icen professional and ~his has a reJ!18.I'kab~e tens~1~ stren<;th, busin~s~ mel,l, as well a,s all ~n~h1,lsrasm lS not hlgh humJ.dJ.ty, win for fl;)'lng ltself. Sucn not mould, a s not attacked by Lnseot.s , capable of building u:p fine aeronaut. and is non-inflammable. ~'he combmaLeal, reserves which IDlght add materi-al-' Hon of glass cloth with other rnaterly to the nation's air strength;iii~ti!me J.alS may.eventu..-'i!-ly prove to possess of need,. . ',"; ,,,0:: :.~ many useful, a:pplJ.catJ.ons.' ---000--:,"' 4"~ ---000--' . .nt',: ADDITIONALONTRACTS C FOR:B-1? :BOMBERS STAIlrr.ESS STEEL WING 1 "f'.C'.l,' The HOn. Louis Johnson, ASsistant""; A series of static tests on a stainSecretary of War. announced under'<dat'e less steel outer Wil~ panel is now. of April 8th that, in addition-to eXistnearing completion at the Air Corps /{JB,- ingcontracts with the :Boein~jAiicI'aft teriel Division at Wright Field, Dayton, Co~'Y, Seattle. Wash., addltion8lJ~ Ohio. These t estswere undertaJr..en with Bombers of the B-1? type are"beirig"conthe definite purpose of developing tract-eo. for at an additionalccc;>st--Of .. structural parts in a material other 'a:pnroximat\'Jly$8,OOO,OOO. "These~pl~es tha.."lthe aluminum alloy at present in ,ull be built under the terms .0f'e5astGeneral use for such parts. This rnaing contracts and are of the ',4'-e!ikine terial would be used to supplementalu"Flying Fortress" type. Th. y will be e Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on,eslgnated this watermark. V-8435 , A. C. to remove as ModelB-l7D. -2'"




officers a~tendi~ ~he -'lIMaxwell Field's huge building ~ro~am, no'" bccupied Air Cor{l~ Tachcal School and enl i sted rJ,nebessitated by its mushroom growth ' men stao1o'18d permanently at the llii:'frOl!han enlisted complement of 625 soldrome . ' Theseone-story 1 hot water heated ,diets; t'oover 3. 000 within the past bUildings of hollow t1le ,construction, .eighkmonths. is about to enter upon stucco covered; are a distinct depart,. its"fillal phase with authorizations ; ure from the squadron t~e. Occu:pancy airailableJ'or an enl.i abed imenta mess.' -and .recreataon building, an addition to is five per room, with mter-connecting bath rooms for each two rooms. All !I"the', stati'On hospital and construction 01::a: lYing to the officers I club. All rooms contain steel lockers for clothing. ", ' . three projects \"lill supplement existing facilities at the Air Corps Tactical .,The areas between .the buildings have School. been graded,and grass is soon to be . The mess hall and recreation center sown. Rows of trees extending parallel will be a welcome addition and has been to the buildings have also been planted. --C:':R.0re1y, needed. The three dining rooms , --000--,c,a'l; J.~ell Field are overcrowded at ,;present and the new building will al.Le- I TEAINING PROGRESSJ! RAlIDOLPH FIELD N "vi,ate, that condition. Construction on ':',~i{.;has,;oeen ~n progress for ab~ut three G~ass 4O-D at the Air G~rps Primary l!,Wil.eks,,;.It lull be one. story h1gh, 160 FlYlng SchoOl, Randolph FJ.eld,. Texasihas feet. long by 70 feet , with a 40 A rea.ched the half way mark and as sti 1 'ir5Q;foot .,\1ing on the west. It is to con- sliciltly ahead of schedule .. ,The low fOrm toAhe Maxwell Field architectural ceilings and rains of the past two -s-II!Ot~f... ,The building's framework will weeks, however, have cut into the time 'be ,of'lianI;ar steel' it s walls stucco gai,ned during the previous good weather: "'20vered. nollow tile. The sum of ' Night flying has been going along , $30 . 00 has been earmarked for const ruc- without 0 and now 811 students sr,tJon.r\!.PA'labor being employed. It is have been d ed and soloed at ni~t . .. xpect-ed :to be completed about June e Four sections in both "G", and "E" 1st . Flights are now flyirig the BT-14. some !II Colonel Walter R. Weaver, Air GOI1ls starting at the beginning and the '.,Tactical S~ool Conunandant! who> others changing from the. BT-9 .as the. edin" the plans, J.ncorporated BT-l"l's arr-ived: There J.S qw.te a dJ.f-cseveral items which will provide addiference in the fl~g characteristics '-ctiollal recreational features for the of the airplanes. However, little airdrome I s enlisted men. These include I trouble has been experienced in transian. office for the garrison's chaplain, t Lon, Fout officers from "A" Stage are ~library,;,eading.rooml barber. shop, Red leaving to.become studen~s at the.Air rrCross Off~~ and two rnat.ruct ton rooms. I'Corps School, VJ.Z: Cap~aJ.l1s The add1 t i.on to the oHicers' club' Cheyney, Power, Moody and 1st Id.eut . will',cost apurox1matel;L$23,OOO. It Renshaw. . wilLbe 84 feet long, 32 feet wide and ,---000--cone story high, with a basement extending the length and width of the ext enLieut. Col. Malcolm C. Grow, Medical Corps, !rsion .which will provide much addi tiollal fornerly Chief of the Medical Section, Office Chief of the Air Corps, and since Jan.13,1939, ~':'space, . , Second Wing Flight Surgeon and Sanitary Inspec- 'Major George S. DeaderickA_~tertor at Langley Field, Va., received orders for <master COrps, Constructing "I).laf"ter.,. ," d t t MacD'll Fi ld T ' Fl en:master at rEromell Field "advertised for u y a' 1 ,e , ampa" abids on the 50-bed oo.dition to the fly'Born in Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 19, 1887, . f 1 Col. Grow graduated from Philadelphia Central ie d's station hospital on March Bigh School ~n 1905, Jefferson Medical College 5th. They were to be opened on April in 1909, and the School of Aviation Med.icine, 9T:d, the operations . commencing Brooks Field, Texas, in 1928. As a flight surshortly thereafter. The addition will geon he bas flown approxil!)9.tely1200 hours. have ",two floors and a basement and eleDuring the World War he served first with the sV!'ltOI'tfacilities for both the old and Iuperial Russian A:rrrv as surgeon of the First -':;<'Ilewbuilding. It is expected to be" Siberian Corps, participating in the Battles jre~ifor ,occupancy by January 1, 1941. of Postovy and Stocksbod (BrusHoff's ca.'!p8lgn). It :>7111 contain wards , 'private roOI!lS, For his Russian A:rrrv service' he was awar-ded -rr1';2kitchen.- diet kitchen, mess hall, the Orders o'f St. ,George and st. St""islaw. A':i~irOOmj.morgue and laboratory. After the United States entered'the conflict, 8s!!GPOn!lt,Dl'?hon of the' 26 new type bE.q'- he transferred to the American Expeditionary -j!:a.glts}t,,colllmenced last .Aui;Ust, J.S Forcos.' Be participated as Flight Surgeon in l!A!'~'~!UJy,p()mp1Gted. Most of .them are the Alaskan Flight in 1934, from Washington,




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_U ..... '"

","" 1.1'~"~I""'

D.C. to Fairbanks,


and return.

entire Squadron, including the Orderly Room, vacated the cantonment area and moved into the newly completed barracks. General George C. Marshall, Chief of Approximately 900 men are now enjoying Staif, U .S. ArID,y,arrived Monda;1, H'lrch the modern conveniences their. new, home , on the "Clipuer." Ju.stas his has to offer .. ,. ~: ';",:;'-,'.r.t ship landed at the.Pearl.fllll'bor Base" In accordance with the Air,Corps"ti., the 18th Wing passed overhead. in'review panston-Prograra, 384 recrurt s formation .. ' As. thl? great bo%-: of s14Ps, On the Army-Transport REPUBLICon;,lIlku'.Ch In perfect formahon, passea m ReVlew, ,20th. At present, thesemen'are:.a:ttat:hthey presented a most impressive arid ed to the 17th Air Base for recrUi't:-::'J inspiring spectacle.:;, tr~ning, follo~ving which theYJ''1iJ}~p These ,airplanes took off at dalvn' and aasd.gned to VarlOUSSqU;3IlrOP.S;' '; "tI!J \

CHIEF Of' STAFFFLIES TO HAWAII, lly the Hickam Field Correspondent'


~~c~~~~ ~b~~:ip~r~~~r~s~=
stepped ashore, he was greeted by General Herron and his" staif, ''/hile the formation passed over twice in review. General Ma.:'shallls st~ was extended beyond original eX:Qectatlons, and on his departure by "Clipper" on March 14th \ DI}othef,-aeri~ review passE?d over the 1 Cllpper moorang at Pearl Clty,and subsequently escorted ,the big, fly:ing boat to Diamond Head. as an "Aloha" to .t th e f.~rst C' . f 0f Staif _ ever' t' o. V1Sl hJ.e 'Hawaii. General Marshall's talk to the off icers of the Hawaiian Department. de1i vered in the theater at Fort Shafter, T.H., was a model of restraint. in that he confined himself to' fundamental issues. whi~'l could 'be understoo~ and e.:ppreclateo. by' the youngest, off'Lcer' present. , ---000-.,.-

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'. 'v., -f.~...c;- . ''''<3 c: Farmers in the vicinity of Rand6l~ Field, Tey-8.s, have been watching ;with, a fearful eye the ~est clouds of 4ust':; that have been blllowing into the' ,air in recent weeks. The gre?-t'~'Dust,;:ll~);1,l" area JoS not slowly engUlflIlg. Soutnern. Texas yet, J:101Yever, or the ,,~i!-st;i~~f~ f only that ra sang from the awa.hary,"'G landing fields near Randolph ;F1'ci1d;,;;R' These fields, dusty even at thelr oeS't I during most of the year, are worse;:;;::: AIRLINE STEWARDESS ENTERTAINED BY ARMY since the recent expans'ion"proe;ram,"-, ~s 00.AIRMEN INHA.WAII. . increased their use to such an eXtent grass, weeds! c~ an.ything :t~r ~ Miss W=tha Sampson. the airlines IlDlcllt hold the sOll lS blown aJI~::~r.!!1 .. st ewerdesa who won the title of "Miss . Althow;h the unusually clear weatlier Aviati'on" a~ the San Francisco Wgrld's du.ring tlie past few weeks has .:i~gr:.e.~~ed Fair" recetved as a reward a tnp to . the amount of dust on the =lJ,ary,,~r Hono+1;llu, where sh,? staY13d at the.Ro~'f.'~ ,landing fields, it has its c('!Ilpens~~,fons, I!?-wallan. Hotel. Mis~ ~son viSIted ,for th,e weather has been so ",go0~.;'.r!'ge. nt-Hickam Field, and while xtash bulbs 'llY that the class i s 110W 42;0 ahead."of, flared li:te heat li~tning she met Gen- .its normal schedule in flying tiiJi~i:)o eral Walter H. Frank, 18th .W~ngComnand---000--. "rtfn' er, who showed her his favcnte B-18, l' , " ::l'IO'F Num~er 13, as well ~ ,soJ!le np<1a-nootFAST GCINGIN A :B-17B;, ~t.gia ere down from Fleld for the i . ' .. ,"0" occasfon. . '1 On a :B-l7Bchcck-o~f flicllt, 'T i>1i.s~Sampson was a most agreeable and Newton Lor4ellow,pllO~; Ist,Lt .. :o!.:L . charffilng; guest, and proved her stateDuFr<JIl6, Air Res . co-pllot; 2d ~t.,:EL ment that she always had time for the F ,Ezzard,Air Res., navigator" sgts'.~;,F . 'u:my by attending Aloha parties at both I H. Alford, engineer; S.D. :Beat6n", Wheeler and Hickam FieldS,' F,' inding her operator. and -Pvt. D.E. Hawle,y", as, S~, ststay too brief for the many nice things ant engineer, all of the 88th Reconnaf sto do, she jlrolong. ed her stew two. more /sanceSQU8.dron, Hamilton Field~'.Calif,'" weeks. ' . . ,left that field on March 18th for the .... --~000---" i' Holman Municipal airPOrt, St. Pa1i.l~'~; . Il4nn.lfJaj9r Long:f.(lllol"/ ;,sfu,1line9-j6y'~r.:!UCKAM FIEL!lpmSONNEL MOVE TO RAR."l.ACKS mght in lv'.J.nneapolls, whlle 'the r'?1!"lfgnd. er.of the crew spent the afternoonTand .. Saturda;y. March 16, 1940, was a "Ban- evening at Fort Snelling, Minn'. ,rThe.t ner Da;y'! an the. histor;y:. of t,he 17th Air tripfroIjl St . Paul to New:Y6r'lc.,gi~x.1.~he Base Squadron, Hickam FIeld, T.H. The:-4.- r- . \Gontlnued onPsge.g , 1i. asvom V-8435 , A,C.

I P.I.ENrYQF, '.

On March 1;' 1940~-th; 5th 'Bo~~f\fdixl~ht Group picked U'O its collective. bUnk"~d barrack bag ana moved into a 'sect'i"qn' pf w~t is the largest barrack in th;e';Af1ny, bUllt to accommodate 3,000 men for:;mess and quarters, as well providing,a:ci:o]ll\nodations for the performance'.of'sqUBJfr<)ll administrative duties. ,:,' ,:' 7 ;1;:; ,---000--" ,i'woI


,,' '," .;..,.".

I . I



V;hS.!.;10 f)::' . ..Q.rtG i97..s ..: .. ~

. t:nt::.BTS.c6

~lThe~;''gtB row;;h at times, but dur- tic~asi6haJ.iy form over the land itself. ,!).1gy'~.,~arly rilo~lng hour's and late ' These clO1id.swill,normally dissipate by afternoons a satlny smoothness comes noon and so are rarely responsible for'the,air. Not like the mountainous the loss of a full cUW. lc6Untry.aild the regions with varying Snow fall cold weather are - pas~UI'es and streams, this condition of seldom the reasons for the cancellation tha;.air-i,iaries little from day to ,day. of flYing. This year, however. will be 'Three hundred end sixty-five ~ of remembered as the one when snow fell to this tYl'e of weather. mixed here and the extent that everyone had the feelj[P1-~re)'1:1than even distribution of ' ing that he had suddSnly been transb.seasoIial .bad weather. makes Randolph plented'to the plains of Siberia. For 1;ri~ld:;: ti;lgether \Vi~h.the other fields One full ~rt and half of t~ next day ...located an the Trronlng' Center .the the -snowf was cOmpa1'able I'llth that '~:ideal' spot for student training. Th.ere- in other parts of the United States .. _,~;,f:ore .':to those who located these schools. However. the airplanes were out at noon ~:,We:.turndut our smartest salute.' . and. for .the first time in the history l.~ "With tWo c]p.sses completed orrechedof Randolph Field. ,airplanes took off ul,e , one now in the fiilal stage and the I on a snow-covered flying field. But fourth off to a good start during its ' even with this eventful snow day and fi'I"S1; ..,three weeks, we at Randolph have the frequent cold fronts. that swept out gi'owilto appreciate the wel.L rounded of the north, sufficient good d<:lYs were 'IV.e,ather,conaitions of this section. ", available':to finish ''undeF the gun.n E' ~rue;. .we.haveIiad our bad weather, and The night breezes constltute another o at:times it has made us hustle to keep characteristic of the weather lending up with the snappy schedule since the. itself ideally to studenttrainiIig. III iIJ.13:~at ion i;lr the short three months I These winds are usually directly rrom 'S9;ll,I"se,s" back an October of 1939 . There the north or s01;1-th.or aresufflclently wasp.~ when the weather element was light to have httleor no effect on a not,S0risl~eFed. as a potential hin<;l.ercross wind landing; This condition , ance- ,to' fl).1lshing a schedule ont ime . perllUts the tee to be set 'with .the long ,Bu~'today. with 140 minutes per student axis of the field as a rule, thereby "perd.a, after the' initial solo stage. causing all landings to be made direct"reqUired to maintain the schedule, three ly in front of the control tower and "or;four 'bad days in succession are under the eyes of the supervisory , cause fOr serious thought. personnel.' . TheJalterna.ting of one week of afterTake the good with the bad, compare J;l~o.n~,,:ork and one week of morning fly-the weather' of the Sen Antonio Section ,,'llll:e;:;~perat~s to good advantae;e in maan- with that of ~ <;>ther sect ion of the .L.etal'Illng daily scliedule. Dunng the rountry, and lt 1'1111be found that for we,~W:tlla.t a flight worke in the morning, an even distri but ion of. good and bad ,a~o~achJ'of the two sections of a flight is weather days, San Antonlo will be hard -'ll~yai~abl~ ,for two h01;1-I"s flying. cf beto beat. , ' cause,Whlle one sectlon ls'fl~ng the ---000--o~her .atteJ;ld!l .:;round school. Therefore. Seventeen Reserve officers. lIOst of whom are wlth the d~vlslon betlyean. dual and solo' on active duty at Patterson Field, 0., or Fort work, a qUl~k chane:e an rorplene asKnox, Ky recently participated in' a two-day slgnments 1'1111se'Idom net more than an examination conducted by the Final Exaniining aYElFageof one hour and 30 minutes. Board at Wright Field. Ohio. ,Bypassing the ' l(Uflng the week of af t-erncon work. howtest. the Reserve officers becone qualified 'eve~;,with all students,available for, for a,cotrllllissionas,second lieutenant in the . .;rt'he(ful+. four hours , and with SufficiRegular A:=.i -!'ir Gorps.. ConmiSS1?nsregr~t" a oie~t airplanes aVailable) it is 'not dif-e~ on bhe bas i s o~ relatlv;' stand~tig and;eff1,_,flcult to make U:\l thetlme lost dUringclencyfor becoming,avallable an the _"~~,!l of morningwork arid at the .' )'Ie~k Fiscal Year 1941.. ". \" ~Isame .tlme store alN8 for a rainy day a Only the professlonal eXBDUnation covering , .few ,e,lt,tra minutes in the. daily average. ai:craft engines and air nayigation was given Arid,so '. with all thingS equal and with bhis group, as all the candkdabes had the ze3'",1;ealjonable amount of lUCK, Randolph '!-uisite college. trai~ng., The ~inal &ami ... can~be'depended upon to maintain schedlng Board at Wrlght Fleld. appomted by the -b~u1e?' .,., '. 5th Corps Area, was c~osedof Major Rudolph J)"~~!ie;;9~J: of weather which seems type' W.Prop~t, 'Captains lavid. J. Ellinger, Louis todclalm'more of the bad the da.vs ' E. Massle. GeorgeJ. Epprlght. John K. Garf,rlthilii,lany"Other is the 10wW~trat~ which bart, and two lI"'dical officers, C?lonel Cadn:ns moves in ,froq'the Gulf f M . J. Bak~r, Post, Surgeon, and Captaln 'A.H.' ,(I.A ".",f .1 0 , or _ Schwichtenberg. V-8435. A.C.

""".;.-Vef '''; ..... o-~''''''''"'''''~ "..~"


" TEXAS SK.IES :By1st Lieut. Edward w. Suarez,


Air. Corps


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COLLISION NECESSITATES FORCED TWO JUMPSairplane haVing become entangled .~.ith and attached to the landing gear cf On March4, 1940, residents of Hone- Lieut. Rector's airplane. Tlie wing seclulu were eye-witnesses to a spectacu];ion of this type of PUrsuit ship prelar aircraft accident in which two.Army vents the pilot-from seeing the ,-landing pilots were forced to resort to their gear. His pl ane havin~ gone into:a:v:erparachutes. ' 'tical sptnning dive, L:l.eut. Rector;ro,;,:: , Shortly aftE?r six a t clock in the morn leased the controls to "bail out~~1.Thei:., manyrestdent s of Oahu Iere awaken force of the dive held him tothe;back:. ... edill' the drone of the motors of. Pursuit of the seat.,. but .with super-hulnan.'force ai anes from Wheeler Field and Bom- he ldcked himself free of the falling,s: bar ent airplanes froIa Hf.ckam Field,. ship . By this time the plene had.fall-t which had taken off to escort the ' . ea,to about an altitude of only 600J..:.c\' "Honolulu Cliwer," which was bringing feet, so hi's silk life saver.had bar.e::-:r the Armv's Ch:l.efof Staff, General ly checked his fall bef9re he -sti'' George C. Marshall, to Hawaii on a'tour the ground on the sea-stde of Fortd{ameof inspection. . hameha, onl~ 50 feet from the point 1)[iJ As the huge clipper settled. Up to the where his auplane hit the gr6UIid'.!~r,(f Pan-Amer i.can Airways landing in PearL. The remains of Lieut. Moore Pl.ane:; IS' -Harbor, the Air Corps units 'began to struck about 250 yards from the othe.r"i pass in review, with the Bombersin the airplane, Lieut, '!core landing, in;tthe':o lead, followed by the PUrsuit planes, shallow wetter about 300 yards -from.the) P-36 and.1'-26 types. As the .formation Fort Kamehamehahore. s .. )-.;~'"'r'""::! of P-26's were making a ri.gtl.' turn over '\ Lieut. Moore, a former uniVerSit'. f.,;, t '!r'I'O. John Rodgers AiTlJOrtat an altitude of Hawaii student, is .t he son of W-,C.l>!oor:e, 2,000 feet to jOJ.n in the procession, of Koloa, Ka:uai, Hawaii. He graduate)i' 2nd Lieut. Walter S. Rector, leading from the Air Corps Training Center',las,!; the fourth element of three airplanes September,and arrived in Hawaii with.',,!: in the 15-ship formation, collided with his wife, the former !liss \'Lillie: Mae.",::,: 2nd Lieut. !.1c'1lcolm !e;oore,whowas A. .Ransom, of Texas, and was assigned ~ to fl~ng the left wing position of the I Wheeler Field, where he is a member [~r:\" ':.., third. element of three airlflanes. The the 5th Pursuit Squadron. ,.., '.r'llin,,'C, propeller of Lieut. Rector S airrlane Lieut. Rector I a native of Hous.t~qn;.,<) completely severed the tail sechon of. Texas, arrived an Hawaii last" Jun.e.:rW.d Lieut. IIbore's ship, which shot upward is al so a mamberof the 6th.Pursu;it ..lo,' out of control and then flipped upside Squadron. " .cO :!1:S down. As it shot upward, it camedi---000--""; :OO;j~; rectly into the path of the airplane ' ." ';<c~~d' :piloted by Lieut. Willdns, whowas fly-Fast Flight in B-17B (FromPage 4Jfc J.n'"on Lieut. Rector's right. Lieut. . . '. ',r;'nil 'viiYkinshad to pull up vic,lently into' next day set a new flicilt reco:r'd~bej;we:en . a shar:\l climbing turn to avoid crashing I those t.wocities, the 1,085 ~les being into Li eut . ,1oore. A small riece. of. covereS!-in four hours f;lIld m~nutef>;;' . 8 the wreckage knocked a hole 'J.n the wJ.nd-The flJ.~~t backto.F~111ton FJ.eldiw~s~ Shi.eld of the ship piloted by Lieut~ 'I made over the same route, with an joverSimPson.. .. . night stop -in St. Paul.. " .reG';'; WJ.thhi s plane down, LJ.eut. I ---000--~."ro'J l,looreunhooked his safety belt, fell : '" .:i','i' out of the plane, pulled the ripcord of I NEW CONSTRUCTION ATGLENDALE, C1ILIF,;q his parachute, and drifted safely to. I "~r"" earth. .. Construction of a new barracks bU11d'The several seconds which elapsed be- in'g, 180 x 30 feet in size, has beenot tween the Ins tanb of the crash until he started at the Curtiss-Wright Technical finally freed himself from his air'olane Institute. Glendale, Calif. The newcs were, to say the least, 'nerve-racking I building men in training of Air Corps":! is for the use and.hours to Lieut .. Rector. He immedi- enlisted as mechanics? ately tum ed off the ignition S\4tch I and will suvplement t'.70 similar ',build+-, and tho~t he ~ould make a lan<llng at I angs con.structed l~~ .{l.ugust." y', :'':<G nearby liiCkam. Fleld, but on second I Whentne new are 'put. J.nJl3 thollgnt decided' that his landing gear I use, each manwill have a room.oflhiS;.I was.undoubtedlydar.iaged .to . such an ex- i OIVil, cubicle style, with 750 square r.n tent that an attempted landing IwUld be feet of air space per man. Umisus.LA:tl extremely hazardous .. In add.ition, the windowarea and wardrobe facilitiesoU airplane was nose-heavy and was settling I will be proV'iS!-ed.l(ajor C.C. Mose'!:ey', fast. . . 'owner of Curhss-Wrlght Tech.;':esh:::.>l Li.eut. Rector's pl.ane was unable to mates the cost of construction ,atndr:I straighten u:\l. Thls conS!-itionwas caus-: $20,OCJO.The building will.:be'complet;ed by the taJ.l part of Id.eut . Jooore sled I about May 31st. . ,L: ~ (~(\86rrs-).1



...V-8435p:A ', C,d],

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arrAppropriat~lYl th~ only music :provid- lows: . -'ea.!fOr'Satur~ s Air C9rps Tactlcal Lieut .. Colonels Armin F. Herold, Perry Schoo'J!'~ad:uatlon exerc1s~s conducted Wainer, John Y. York, Jr., Arthur J .. .ilflAustm Hall (MDrCh::lOth), the was Melanson; mU!fled'r9ar of ~rplane motors from Majors Dache M. Reeves, George D. 'MaxwellF1eld r s distant hangar 1111e8. Lundberg, Lawrence A. Lawson, Leonidas Bri~adierGeneral Jacob E. Fickel, AE,L. Koontz, HowardZ. Bo~rt, Glenn C. -sistant .to the Chief of the Air Corps, Salisbury, Harold D. Smith, Frank L. Washington, D.C., delivered the prdncf,- Cook, Walter T. Meyer, James E. Duke, pa~:::;adCU'ess presented diplomas to and Jr., William C. Farnum, Winfield S. theI:102graduates. His remarks were Hamlin, William J. Hanlon" Joseph T. -rsuccmct . Included in his address was Morris ,Walter K. BurE::ess,HuP-h C. the .stat.ement that "Youhave the prosDowney, George W. Goda.ard, Jolin H. pect of another year and a quarter of Glasscock, Joseph P. Bailey, Clarence extl'emely strenuous work. Until our F. Horton, Russell L. Williamson, Oscar ptes-ent expansion program ia finished L. Rogers, Harry C. Wisehart, Arnold H. on'June 30, 1941, Vieall will have to Rich, Charles D. McAllister, Bay H. do';,double duty. Youm~ rest assured Clark, John S. Griffith, Oscar L. Beal, the program is progressang and will be Laurence C. Craigie, James F.J. Early; cl01nl'l'eted time. Vieare securing new John G. Salsman, HowardM. Turner, on .($guJ,pmentat the: times and in the quan- Richard W. Gibson; thtiesas planned; our mechant.cs are beCa:otains Cl.arence S. Thorpe, Edger T. ,'ing .trained according' to the plan; our No;yes, Linus D. Frederick,George V. new pilots are surpassine; all our exHOJ.lolJl8n, James H. Andersen, Charles H. pectations." I Deerwester, J<llileS Andrew, John C. IV. ..'The'class of 102 officers commenced I Crosthwaite, John A. Tarro, Arthur J . . it~:studies of aerial combat tactics on Lel~, Russell K~illor, Burton Hovey, January Bth , The graduation program ,Jr., Mark K. Lewis, Jr., Robert L. cons i sbed. of an i.'1vocation by Chaplain I Easton, Henrl\:M. Bailey, Donald W. BenJ6hr!'.Ma.cYl~lliams, U.S. ArnW; remarks by I' ner, Edward n , Porter, Arthur ~.Smith, Colo11e1 ,Alllard F. Harmon,.Jr., Ass1St- Donald D. Arnold, Donald B. Smith, . ant Commandant f the Air Corps Tactical I BrJ'ant L. Boatner, Frederick L. .Andero School; introduction of General Fickel son, Jr., Geor\\;6F. Smith, Archibald M. by Colonel Walter R. Weaver, CommandantKelley, Ral:Ph u. Brownfield" Donald H. of the Air Corps Tactical School; adLyon, !viJrray C. Woodbury, John P. Kenny, dress by General, Fickel and presentaLambert S.. Callaway, David D. Graves, !!~t:i~~n'of~pl9ms; benediction by ChapWil~iam T. Colman. ~aul M. Jacobs. aaln MacW111lams.' ,LewJ.s H. Parker, EdWlnM. Day, Joseph J. The ceremonies were conducted in Ladd, Emery S. Wetzel, Ezekiel W. 'Aus'tinHall. The :t>latform was ?ttracNauier, Melie J. Goutlee, Thoms J. -tively" decorated \71th glad.iolas,:pan.Dullose, Richard C. Lindsay, Irving H. Uanus and :t>alms. Members the Air . I Selby, Chester P. Gilger, William G. 'of Corps Tactlcal School Faculty, Colonel I Dolan, Casper P. West, Philo G. MeiSenWeaver's staff, and the families of I holder, Jarnes'P, Newber ry; stUdents .abt ended, Follo\'r.i.nq;he ceret :E'irst Lieuts. Richard A. Grussendorf, l)lqny, there was a hasty packing of per- N.ark E, Bra.ct+ey,Jr., Carl.A. Bran9-t,. "sonaleff ect s I good byes and departures F.arol9-L. S!Jrl. th, Paul G. Miller, 1V111lam f'or .hoine. sbat toria, The m?Jority left. J. Bei.L Rooert M. Lee Charles F . .!Montgomery rail. by The last official II Densford, Karl Truesdeil. ' Jr., Paul act .accompliShed at Maxwell Field by', Burli~, Jr., Don O. Darrow; . the.c1ass. was the signing of the offiSec~zldLieut. Thoms K., Hampt on, carsl~;regist~r il,l post headquarters,in-I Offlcers f~om other arms m atte;t}d~ dic?tmg t!leu 'l;lllleof depart~e. I ance were Major March H. Houser ana. 1st Snturdlg's class was the third in the Lieut. EphraJ.m M. Hsnpton Chemical . serieS, of. short term courses to'be grail Warfare Service; Captain Charles L. uated at Maxwell Field. Prior to the Booth, Field Artillery;. Captain Hqwell ini~iation of the thre~-month classes, J. Jordan, Infantry; Lieut. CO!lllllaJ!der bhe It erm had been of n11'1e months' dura- ,Joseph L. Kane , U.S. Navy, and.FllP-t tiondjOf~the 102 graduates, 96 were Leader Arturo Meneses, Chilean Air fx:om.,theAir Corps. two from the ChernForce. ' . icalJWarfars .Servi.ce , one each from the Maxwell Field I s Air Corps Tactical . Infantry,cField Artillery and the U.S. School faculty consists of Colonel -NaVy., .c 1l\ld .one (Flight Leader Arturo Walter R. Weaver, Commandant;Colonel, Meneses) from the Chilean Air Force... !villard F. Harmon, Jr .J.' Assistant ComThe'.co'lIplete,roster of students fol(Continued on r-age 10 ) V-8435 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. , A.C.

5th Squadron persormel were given ample opportunity to study the functioning of Classes of the Air COnJsEngineering the patrol activities of the 21st ReconSchool, WriiUltField, Ohi.o , during 1939- naissance SQUadron,the membersof 1940, were aiscontirriled due to the exi- which extending every courtesy to ~~ gimcles' of the Expansion Program. It visiting persormel. The return trlp, "Vasgood news to leah that a: class for was begun on March 8th, and incl1ided\:an the 1940-1941 year is' to be convened , overniglltstay at i;laJavellField'".A1a,~ once more. Due to the number of tramContinuing on from MaxwellField. th~~; ed Air Corps offiCer~el'SOrmel requirplanes Landed at Mitchel .Field late~~n ed to c~ry out the ansion Pro~am, t~e, aft~rnoon cif Mar~ 9th ,ThO~e :Ptu.'11;1 all rt s pl~ses, off cers of this tlc~p~tmg in the.fhiUl~ were M~Jor.-:." fust class ;nll be selected from among ,Franc~s B. Valent me ,""Lleuts. Ri.chard those stationed at the Materiel DiviI iii. B;tlander, Earl E. :Bates,John,L;. -.; sion and the Air Depots only. This year Sulh van; Randall H, Carpenter ( George the number of officers takin.e: the' S, Rozwenc , Paul d. Sd1ailer, Woodrow.'],. course will be redubed from ten to six. Ainsworth, MalcolmM. Heber, Staff:SerFor seyeral years ~t has been the.gen- geants Sanche~, Swan, Gul1lY.~.l ~)\';; eral p~hyy of the ~u Corps to ~SSlgn Kraitews!?-;, L~eu~. Colo;J.e1 Michael .. ~.t G the IIlaJOT1 of offlcers completlng the HealyI Med~calCorps, acebll1panied:';:,..(f ty Air Corps En~neering School courses to the Air Corps persormel. ' '",'1:0:; the Materiel Division, where full ap---000-"';""~~').' plication could be made of the engineer, ".,~ C'" training received from the School. In . GRADUATIONS TECHNICAL' FROM SCHOOL.;;: . addition, several officers have been ~ .. ,)f..i! selected from each class to attend lead- I A total of 122 students graduated oil ing technical universities for the pur- I March1, 1940, from the ChBnuteField pose of further specialization along', I branch of the Air Corps Technical, Sc~oal aeronautical engineering lines. The I from the courses and stations as. ~nd~.,. QPportunity tc enter the Air COI1ls cated below: ,',: .:1, l Engineering School classes at Wnght Airplane Aircraft Aircraft Field is one eagerly sousnt b;ythe Mechani::s elders - Met81"""" W founger officers wi~h a technical bent I Fields' \1orkers~ hroughout the eervrce , and is producBarksdale 1 l.~ 2:~:,; tive of one of the most valuable types Bolling 1, - ?f of'f'Lcer in the Air Corps - the nyI Brooks 1 1 ' . ,.0-'- r ~ ~ng engmeer. I Chanute 56 1(,' i; :. With the class of 1941-1942, it is Columbus 1 _ '"., 0'" proposed to resume.the practice of , Fort Sill _ 1 ':J~ :"t;


~~~~;t;~o~ty~~S}~mUf~~ ~~l~]!~~~~~vace , and to ancrease the numberpart rf~E:'t1~ {~~ ;~ ~~~~~~r~;~rrdonce more be extended to officers, espec~ally those of the :(ounger groups, to mc~ease, their tra~n~ng in techni~ engmeenng and furmsh a steady ~nflow of technically trained officers to the Air Corps' These new men from allover the service are freshets of l\hich an o~ganization, such as the Materiel Divisron stands m consOotantneed.
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The 5th Bombardment quadron, utilizS ing two Ty:pe B-18Aai rpfanea , recent1;y- I ENLIsrED MEN PROFIT BY REFRESHER COURSEl completed an extended navigation miss~an .. c.:, to Miami Fla, The two airplanes left In the 63rd School Squadron, Kelly Field. i~itchel Field, N.Y., and nroceeded sepa- I Texas, a refresher lIRthamatics course given' rat ely to Pope Field, N.c': After a by staff Sgt. Kosioki end Pvbs, Shaver and~ brief sto..>for refueling, the flight Boles, has borne fruit, according to the '<:-: was resumed, and shortly after five latest examination. given for entrance to the 0' clock the planes landed at the Muni- I Air Corps Technical School. Onenexamimit;ion cipal Airport at Miami. I given after the' course, the percentage.of.rilen During the two-day stay in Miami, the passin!! exceeded the numberpassiilll a' similar

!Celly 2 ' :,:-'c;;; II'LLangl.ey 18 1 - ." '3"1~'J I ~~ll ,1 1 'i~.r7~ I Mar h 13 '". i i,lit~el :,:21:"':~: i Moffett 2 1 ! Patterson 2 . . ,. IPh'l' . Ar '~ ':.L I' ~ ~gglne my , ," 'l:.IT i R~~Ol~rps 16 -1 -" i Scott 1 ' ~:'lOI;-: '. Selfridge : 1 :'11 Totals 94 11 '17C,:: ---000--. ..' . .' '" n ',0

! ~h~~ey

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8>ven before. the course by' 487'.



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him with his "homework. Evans, Farmer / Fitzgerald and Foerster make up the riQcJi,C:\,-~,fpublished .the cadets,olthe by r~st of ~-)Veis~rls outfit. Riggs, Sul~"S" 1[.J.htaJ.';z:.Academy WestPoUl~, at llvan, B~ll Smith and Bob Se~s have l'lLYr,;j,,'I:hc'a,luhorexpressed the bel Lef", I been assf.gned to Lleut. Kincald, 138. ' -ho"leyer,~hilt it ccul.d, also be used to ad- , IIBu~trballn Wilson ~d Wright wil~ do v<,ln,he Air Corps News,Letter.. t I bhet r best to make things interestll?-g b~s'::,[.. -----, , I for Lieut. "Col.onel," Pardue, '38. Lleut, ,non.~g:about thiS. ,time eyery ye~,mariy I' Preus.s also has a flight 9f five '3gers: I:':l"st~classmen at West Pofnt begi.n to Yours truly' that 1S me, wlll face two , ,il';5nrl\,r,:-\.~hethe:r th~Y took the Air COrp~1 f!irm6rllll.,l160llIpanymen, just as I faced --'[Vn:;'slcal'ek'1Jlllnatlon Just to have theu I tnem not so many long years ago when ' eyes r ef'ract.ed , end thereby be excused i they came thrO'l,lg;h that Sally-port. Well fr5mrclasses, or whether they took it I I remember Carpenter' with his straw beca.use r they real.Ly wanted the Air hat and Jack Christian with his famous Corps. Of course, this art iele is only Time Magazine piece of poop . BUt there' propaganda, to which all West Pointers I will be a restraining influence in my .' are inmune (at least so we think) so I, flight as Roy,Brisc{:iett6, of my own kn6W:':it,will have little or noil;IluI class (go6dold '38) is also reporting ence upon your decision this June. In to me,as ,my student, ant!-if he ranks : .fc,ct'~"'l:t shou;J.dnot! .. " me,. he'll keep me well In. hand: 1!aYbe! .L:1I:,0: General. 11' .H:, Frank ~old the, Class ' . 1,e alllo~k for a. verr. lnterestlng .fuof;..d38.when at II,Hchel Fleld, N. '{., for I class, and lt lS g,olng work8Lbri~',period,in ~be summer' - ulf you II ing, whomwe -.know and'lJke:, , W'int 1t , take 1t; If you don It, leave Of course, there are many other men' j.'bT.yDpn',t;betalked.either into tj;le II out of the 156 f'rom the Class of '39 ~ui,.9.9EDS :or'o'U:~of It. Dont be 111wh9 elected,the ~r.Cor:ps that are' .. i,].uencea. by fl;png pay. Be a manr make I stlll, wi th us. F"'Ylng lsn1t that dlffl-Y0ili~;.:0\vn saon. -decd, Don1t have someone cul t . Ninety-nine student officers are e.L:;e"makcit for you. 13,' all means, if I still going strong, and of this number' ~'0').'iv:mt it, .tcJce it; if you 10 not, undoubfied.Iy well over ninety will rethcri:for Heaven's sake, leave it." It ceive wings in June. Sam Samuel.,".Aliceu was 'good, sound advice, and. every offiLong, Riggs Sul.Li.van , "Butterball" " cerTn the Air Ccrpswfl.L say it"is the Wilson, "Curly" Edwards and Ray Will best' advice to give a West roint class. I are all here and teamed up with Li eut s . I ~ill'J writing this from Kelly Field in Ed Rogner, Jack Ryan and Charley SherSan '-Antonio, where 42 men 01 the Class bune , all of '38, to clean up the local of 1936 have beertretained ~s instrucI basketball leagues. It was good to tors' and. as souadr'on officers, Since I watch Sam, Sully end Rog together again, the ,Class of 1':39 .repor-t s to their inand I do wish Coach Leo Novak could . ' stru,ctors tomorrow morning ut Kelly have seen them. They really opened up!' ,Field, efter haVing successfully gradU-1 Clas~ '39 may have hit Kelly Fieldated from RandnLph Field and the civil(title) - but did they.get "wnammed". ian 'elementary schco'l s , I WM especialtonight! The old married. '38ers shelly interested in noting their assignlackad '39's best in VOlleY ball, four ment s . ' " games to one - a "skunking'l " However, "Moose" Mather, in spite of ell ruI IIJUstconfess that the young bucks mor s to the contrary, has nego- had a slig.lJ.t advantage in the baskethated. all obskcles and has arnved as ball game that followed. Eriough about big:as,life at Kelly Field. Helk'1,s. \ that! . been- assigned to Lieut. ,R.C. iI1cBr:ide, Those men who are interested in the 138, formerly of C Company. Lieut. . Air Corns are undoubtedly familiar with Carter Duncan, . '38, will still be pU],1- the new.expansion program set:'-up. Three ing;in the ":.rlebian pusses" of Billy .. months .at the civilian primary .schoo.L . Jone s, Joe, K~ngsley and Juinpin(!:Ju:rwer. of your ow~.chcos lng , three months at ,~l?erry)Iolslngton mrssed gettlng hlS' I RandolphF~eld, Texas, and thre~ months liT.O.,.ther; :rego1'YJas ~ lnstructl:!r, but I a~ K~lly;F1E;ld, Texas. Kelly Fleld',s G dJ,d ~aw--L18ut. LOUCo tra , '38, 'Iormerma ssaonc s to transform the student ., l of D ,COllIp8ny,"Hcl.Lst.Len is also in from 'just a good pilot to a military, rL181,lt .)';~oira' s f'Li.ght . ,Liaut., Bob., pilot'.' After. beoom,ing acquairrted 'Yith noiBl~etwe,lser.,; '38, A Compan;y ... ,11'111 take the Be-l (BDSlCComoat tralnlng shlp) , a<MeloEl1gstrom,inhend, and Lf Mel has as Kelly starts the, students right' ofr', "'-mtlch: trouble, off the D list as with formation, 'night flying, cross- , he did ,at:,t'he Pomt, 'it is fortunate country, and advanced instrument work. th8.tAhe~l1~~havean ex:--engineer to help I ~e course is fast and interesting. -9\'-8435, Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. A.C.


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rrl.y.sw:r;~,t~~ii "'1'he Pointer, II, t:tie pe~ for


;!iot'e: ,This article



Neither the student nor the instructor pected that the 63rd Squadr6i"ili\;;aZrn: ' has a spare moment once they get under' the new section of the Field I7iB,1.tzW,y' Vla:y-.The beauty about the Air Corps is be the;: gal'ci-enspot of the' Ai.r,cotps'l~~ that bhereLs so mien to learn. Flying vanceo. Flylllg S-chool. ..' L li. T is actually the easiest phase. A good ', ' ,----','> e:t ::y,j.;:. flyer is a He lmows, Easter' turned out to be quit'e eft .gaJ,!;l., his radio like e. Signal Corps expert,: occasion for the children of the Kelly; knows machine guns as well as an Infant Field personnel, Viih an Egg Rolling' t ryman , design. like an Engineer; enCarnival held by Mrs. RuPP6' wife . o:fU12 gllles better then the motorized Field Colonel Rupp, Kell.v Fiela- hamail); .lvl:r.s. Art~lleqman, and, meteorology and navi- Rupp was assisted by the t.eacners.,ofL,d' gat10n hke a saiLcr'. the Pest Sunday Schools and Sergeant$'I3. ~ie'J.ts. Rcgner , Palmer, J3a:y-er,Johnson Ta~rlor and Purvis. The Egg Rollingijl'as ~Q Wernber$ (all '38) are already beattended by 250 children between:t~x.::: 1J.lG broken an as Engineering Officers. ages of one and twelve. The chi1~enr~. L1out. Don Saunder's , '38, heads the ~ere divided into three groups 1 accordaerial photographic department. Lieuts. mg to age, and three grand pri.zes, were HerveJ' Barnard , Ra:).p.l1 ister,' "Ohar'Ley" given to each groUp. There were .also;" , L Sherbime {more '3?) are sguarl.:ronadj-u.::- additional.prizes for finciing .the-marktents. Li eut s . JJ.!JlIsbell, Henry Huf" ed eggs. The kids had a grand;:tim~;-"8 lin, Bert Harrison, Willie Kieffer, :Bill ---000--. ,';r;l:1.t~.G. Brett, Soicer, Virfe Zoller and others ... ' '.['.,.uJ are fli~t mst ruct ors . Tactical School Students .Graduat~ li An in eresting note for you men of (Continued from Page 7)," ;..:t , '40 whe reach Kell:i' Field 1S that by , ',., 1 the time :i'OU arrive here the Adva.'1ced mandant; Li.eut , Colonel Harlan W: '. ,':, Flying School will be equipped with a Holden . Secretary. The cllrectors of:" large number of new advanced trainers. the various a.epartments are CoionelS1eo The first ship of this type arr-ived A. Walton,Siwwy Erickson and "l{ajoi',::,~i from the factor.;r only yesterda:J. It is Muir S. Fairchild. The instructors'lare undoubtedly the >.'orla's finest training Lieut. Colonels John C. hW.lerii,x; .J3Yi'.on ship, cruising about 180 miles per hour T. Burt. Jr., Johl1-Y. York,Jr.-;'Lieil.t .. and landine; as slow as 63 miles per, CommanderJoseph I" Kane,U.S .. Navy;';;,~: hour. It as ful.Ly equrpped with all !(ajors Allison J. ~~ett,. Fent,~nlG;;'the latest safety dences developed at .J!.pling, George VI. Ri cker-, Alden H., .... the Flying Schoo.l rand is designed espeWaitt, ,Frederick Von H. Kimble; Fre'der;cially foi- training missions. At presick M. Hopkins, :Byron E. Gates i Charles ent, the entire school is equrpped I7ith T. Thomas, Roland J3irnn, Randolph:P,.;,":' Ee-l' s , which cert.ainl.y canriot" be class W~lliams, James coE ~ Parker", ~~i~~::E, ed as obsolete. They e.reeq-'!-ipped withs..'lea, Ralph F. oJtearl':lY' Ral.J?!i.:A:.) Jim. ,'etrac'Gable lending gear , hYdraUlic snave~~., Robert 9. Ohver, Earl,.E.,,,,: ' nems, constant soeed prop, 'l'..'1dcruise Fartn e, C.ptams Syephen C. Lombara., easllyat 170 miles per hour. Al so and Ear W. Barnes. .' ." .~~,;~: within the comina year the new Kelly Arrangeml;'nts were perfected: f'or.. the,) Fie~d - NEW barracKs, NEWguarters, NEVi next class, which commencedonA'p~il~.+ ' heaa.quarters, NEWcl'lbs, NEW hangars 8th. Lieut. Colonel Holden stated: that will be comoleted. This is no "sink' 97 officers had to date been ordered . o t rumor" either, as already these bui.l.dattend,"J~Om being Lieut"J1.'1~~:; ings are half completed. Then "old" Chang, 01 tne Chmese Army. ..1Ci:.j Kelly Field '''ill dare send out lots of ~--000--:J':'C}, pretty pictures of itself as other j,,3 posts are wont to do. ' .Eleven Captams of. the Air Corys"!'.51re All ,of this is, of course, propaganda given tempor:ary .a:t'P0mtments to-,~he .. f c but, gentlemen, here 1.6work, lots of . .grade of MaJor, with rank from }lJar~:111 good hard work - but also fun. See you 19~, as foFoI7s:. ' at Kelly Field a year from toda:J! . . 'ot ,,0 P., Wey.. nd . .a WJ.lfred J. Patil,l --000--Kirtley J. Gregg. Glenn L. Davasheri George A. Whatley William L. Ritclii-e Soring in "Sunny San Antonio" is al- , Sheldon E.. ,Edwards ,John H. Dulligan .. re;;~';'~inevidence at the E;::5rd School -Cl.arecceB. Thorpe, Walter .G. J3ryte:.J)'. Sq':i8.iiron with the appearance of a variHoward H. Couch "'0, ILlS ety of blooms and bua.d~ng.shrubs around ,'.' ---000-:--' ,,~r.,;j<'3~ the Squadron area. This Squadron WJ.ll 'J r 1':1 have a chance to put their aptitude for ;.laJor EmJ.l C, Kiel end Capt~nrYf.J!l" lendscaping,to a real test 'soon when: T. ]htts, Jr., students at the,~ War the new quarters of Kelly Field are oc- College; Washin~on, D.C..have Jieen.ascupr.ed . Since they have done SOwell signed to the Office of ':th~ Cliief~6f"f with the old barracks area, it is exStaff for duty with t):le.,Gener?J.~.~t{i;g. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8435, A.C. , -10-




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THELONG ,ANDSHORT IT - IN NAMES OF \:ii-!si~Mof relief has descended on the Squadr'on , l1heeler Field) T .II. , s ince official steps were initlat ed to change the name of Private' 'Iilliam Talandziaviczius, the "man with th0~alphabet," to William Taland. Tne: great est sigh is ~redomina"lt in St.:;U'f': erge3Ilt Chakajda s voxce because S .'ea.n one 'blame him if the man "Ore ceding Talandzia.:viczius happens to pOssess the snoI'test name on record - Pvt. Joe Ea1 <:J>'Staff SerGeant Chakajda has the res';)Oj:lS_ib~li of accounting for the men ty a~!(Revellle roll call. Should one won-' 'Q~rJ'wh:y he is satisfied1 But let him 'not" complain, for "Chakajda" is really !lot'.in the class of "Brown". or "Jones." J:'Myway 1 think of those sleepy-eyed and-yawmng men mo didn't get those extra forty winks just because the. bugle qall was on time. Getting u:p l,ike,.that i~I'.'t J!lUch fun, and 1'I1iitmg t.he added bve mlnut es for the Serge<mt to pronounce the NAME isn't any fun at

. LANGLEYIELD SERGEANT F RECOMMENDED FOR AWPJID OF SOLDIERUS EDAL. M . Sergeant Matthew L. Pelikan, of the 35th Pursuit Squarlron (Fighter), has been JI'ecollilllended Langley Air Base by officers for the coveted SCldier's Medal for his rescue on December 27, 1939, of a woman from a burning house at McKee port, Pa. At that time Sgt. s Pelikan was anArrrw student at .the Casey Jones School of Aeronautics at : Newark, N.J., and was enjoying a Christmas holiday vacation at McKeesport, where he was visiting friends. According to his own story, Sgt. Pelikan was driving down the Boulevard' at McKeesport with a friend, when he passed a burning home. Immediately sto:ppin~ his automobile, he dispatched a cdv standing nearby to turn in a fire alarm and proceeded to rescue two .yorr.enfrom the burning building. See-' :l;ng that one of the womenwas about to Jump the second story, he dissuaded her frOID doing so, climbed the porch of the home and aarried her down. After returntng to the :;'aJ\'Il he observed that; anotn~r woman was .lyin~ 'moaning on the' grounc . W~app~ngher an a blanket, he drOVE? her m ru s car to the nearest hosp}-tal, first warning the persons in tJ:.e, nome next door ~hat tJ:.e flames mi.ght spread to theu reai dence , . For these acts of mercy, S~. Pehkan was recently commended by Major General James K. Parsons, Commander of rthe 3rd. Corps Area, iJ?-which both McKeesport and 1ilnglE?YFleld are located. Goneral Parsons m a 19tter to the .Sergeant , statea. fhat PE?hkan' s good JudgI!Jent and energehc act ron reflected credit upon the.military servi ce and that Sergeant Pehkan ~las a pr aisewor thy member of the servrce . . For his act Ions on that memorable ni@lt in,DE?cember, ?gt; Pelikan was also a!flClally pralsed b~ Colonel J?-C0b W:S. ilUest, qo:rnna..'lding the Lan~ey Fleld Air Base; Nor Edward M. Morns, the Commanding-Off~cer of the 8th Purs~ t Group (F), and Captain' Francis ~\ Gnswold, hrs Squadron Conmandar , MaJor Morris has initiated official action to secure the Soldier's Medal for the Sergeant, .' --000--~, . . .'
The latest improven:ent Inr rec.reat.Lonaj, fadUties at Albrook Field,' Panarra Canal Zone is the construction of a new tennis court fo~ . officers. Workhas already been started on this -court, which. is adjacent to the one now in use. Increased sports activities am:mg the officers on the Post, coupled With the increase in comnissioned personnel, necaasd-. tated the construction of the new court. . ---000---


. . -.


.. Of- course, this is no reflection on Cthe che.racterof any of the men i!lV01V-\ !lA.~::;I~ jUst one o~ those unf'ortuis ~.ate ..ct rcumst.ances wbloh, however, can '-"e ..changed, IlIUCh the satisfaction to of 'th~,.~$~on Commander, the 1st,'ana. other Squadr'on personnel. . , ~013Ildzla:ylCZ1US, already called .."l'al.and b~ his fellow men, comes from ,:B<;>i;ton,Mass. .After. having successful> ly completed hi s tronmg penod, he Iva~ recently assigned to the 19th Pursurt ' Squadron for, duty as gas attendt- .. ant orr-the refuellng truck servicing the,.fa;st 'F1,J.rsuit.planes of his $q~".dron, Re'lsof"L~thuanl811 ancestry ana. 1S" v~r:Y~ell liked by those who kJ?-ow him! esp,-, by those who have rabbed hi.m ~hotoughly about his name, ;:t"Private Ra , 011the other hand, fails from Broolcl;yn, H.Y., and graduated from W~ttan Hlgh School's Class of Aviat i.on , His :present duty is that of an aero mecharuc . He is preparing himself at \1.heeler Field's Randolph Field Pres'paratory. School totclr~the examination r for appomtment as ail Air Corps Flying '"Cadet:. . 'I'he .hi~tor~ behind his name is that ~n'Egyphan lt means the God of Sun. Ra rs.' of Italian descent. 8-'-In summing up, this is the long and "short of the longest and shortest named .. men at ',\heeler F:;.eld - Talandziaviczius and Ra.. During an interview, Taland gE?stured: IIIf rrr;r J?-ame changed, it is 1V111 less wr1 t~ng and much easier to be si1i;n;:the payroll. . _'JS" .. nus, ',the 19th Pursuit T Squadron claim 2t~~')resord for having a !pan with the . \ongesi!"'name and a man the short'es1i'Jname"imtil a Private X comes along.

-11V-8435 Please .O.A ,:;&\ v" Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. , A.C. purchase PDF



N.Y" Cont' d :
err, ou eep~iet N.Y.


The active duty tours of. the. following--nalttld. Air. Corps Reserve officers. were extended to the dates indicated, viz: . . To'April 2, 1941 BarksdiUe Field, La.: 1st Lt. luther.J8F,u Fairbanks, Burt. Iowa. 2d Lt. Leonard James Barrow. Maw Iberia. La. Boni,: Field, D.C.: 1st Lt -. George Oscar -Bon " HY'8JllllS, Vas's., transferred from Ce..'lBl Department . Fort. KwlC. Kf': . . ~2fd Lt. wil,am Allen Daniel,Birmingham,Ala. For ~ Houston, Texas: . ~ . .Andrew Dale MOore. Berwyn, Ill. H Iton Field, Celif.:
s Pe er o sba-om,
San Antonio

lIaleolm M"Millan Heber, White Plains,


N. Y. Roderic "Vani.erre, Hartor!i, ..Conn, Charles Paul Sheffield; MOUbtldB.,filitk""\ Wil1Dllre. 'Conde,

Richil.rd Mu:rrEo/ Byland';I' ;'Lit tIe: .Roclt;'"Ark. lI.offett Field Calif.: ' ..... , 'jll': .. ~ 2nd Lt. C..c~l :Parker Lessig,En"",,~ii';~. RandOlth Field, Texas: ., . ; . '.- ;::~J ~ 2ndt .. Hugh.a'Dan,el, LouisvilH,,"Ky' .,_ .
Sacrazzento, :Calif.', Air Depot:.~~.
:.';.~.l', .J.;i. ~


s.. ,:,:..:~ .,:~'f:'~

Fred Morgan Adams, Burbank, Ga:Ii;f; ;'~il', J stewart, KansasCity;.')Mo::O Selfrid~e Fiold, Mich.: . ,,'.:..z '!.t'::l~ 2ndL s.rraiildin H. MacNaughton ,M:U.Hken ,
Wm. Frederick Mich. . , '.

2nd Lts. Jan:es-Edwin ScogginS: ~La.Wi:enc~KaIfS




st Lt. Charles Lee Hamilton, Ashdown, Ark. tst Lt. IBvid B. Lancaster ,Jr; ,St.:Pauls ,N.C. (-st Lt. Wm. Lewi.s , Jr., Glendale, Calif. . Second Lieutenants <! Addison Blakey. San Antonio, Texas. bert Edward Crough, Mt. Washington, Ky. au1 Flint Davis, Grif'fin, Ga. heodere Frederick Holsteen, Burlington,Iowa cil Scatt McFarland, Norman; Okla. vin John Henry Mueller ,Jr. , Seguip., !'exas

en MBllier




gert Otto Wangeman,Moorpark, Calif. rge Edward Glober. San Angelo. Texas nald McKay Keiser, McComb, hio O n Lewis llicCune, Dallas, Texas stagner, Dsll as, Texas . ~ William Osborn, Lincoln. Nebr. o
e Haren ::kiles, Denton, Texas

2nd' ts. :Paul D. Brown, West 'Orange; .N.J . i' D artment:..' . Fz-ed Wright bbNelly, Anoka, 'M~D:ti,,'.. :~ U:'1 Harry MacCulloch Fike, Portage,' Wise';')" Ua. aeu a, ByTon Eugene Hall, Campbell .Cal . ~ Rudolph Romulus Seymour", Cary;N. C. "o,~ .., emas Harber 'Holbrook, Comnerce, Ga. . Guy Franklin IIJCCaffert:r, Tucson, .Ar.iz.')'j Chartes lIJal'tin Opei!; Cleveland, Ohio Yaxviell Field, Ala..: .... ; i", .hs E,,:ro_d Frederick Wilson, Los Angeles,Celif. ~ Fietd, Texas:. .' .. 2d Lt. Wyatt :Pntrlck Exum, Gold'sborOi';N.,C~ _ ;).00'!ti' ISt Lt. E.V. 110bnett, Jr., San ,Antonio,Texas March Field, Calif.:' 2d Lts. Francis B. Carlson, Ossining, ~N;Y. LanP,let;.Field, Va.:' ' Ray Lawrence Cox, Vernon, Texas -' -lstt. TnomasBelllizr\YMixon, Hanpton, Va. John Randolph Msney, So. Minneapolis, lfJ.nn. 2d Lt. :Peter Casmir Sakewski, Herkimer, .N.Y. Philippine Denartment: ' .. "~.' , 1'.arch Field, Calif.: . 2d Lts . Glen Miller Alder, Los. AngE!J;es)ya.lif. 1st Lts. Allen L. Erickson, San Francisco,Cal. Frank Ilailey stuart, San, Texas Roland John Barnick, Max, N.D:. :.. Af:L;:; ' 2nd Lt. Glen Robbins Birchard, BEo/City ,Mich. Ted Bernard Fisch, Milwaukie ,Oregon,,",] :Perry.LeRoy Franks, Linqoln, Nebr.:.. ' C2nd Lt .. Robert Gabel EmDens,Medford, Oregon JohnRinier Van de Lester. Hamrond Ind. , Maxwell Field Ala.: John Irvine DeVine, Jr., Atlantib;Git';Y';jN.J 2ild Lts. RObert B".Monroe, Los Angeles,Calif. . RObert L. Morrissey, Tecumseh, Nebr. . ---000---~ ... Carrell ThUI'lTBJl.Murrell,Barrackville, W. a. V ';' ;... "'f{' The following-named' Air Corps offi6e:rs; Rave Ueil Arnold Neeman, Lakewood, Ohio Gerhard John Schriever, San Antonio, TeXas 'been assigned to duty as stu'dents'.in.~tb:;;:J9401941 course at ~he Army War'College, "WaShingWilliam Waller III, Chicago, Ill. ton. D.C.: -. .: ;).9,,~.l Mitchl Field. N.Y.i' . Ldeub, Colonels Asa N. Duncanend Ira; C. 2nd Lts. Charles W".,neMaynard, Putnam,Conn. Eeker, from the 'Office of the Chief'of the Air Vernon Lester :Phelps, JeimiDlls, La. . <'Corps, Washington. D.C .. .~~.L."');:,.f"!(XJq~ . .'Frederick Beil Ph i Lbr-Ick, Brookline, Mass. Majors IBle' V. Gaffn.,i, froin'H!ii:ol<l,'li6"ii':'F~e Paul, John Yurkanis, South Boston, Mass. Celif., and Nathan F. Twining, 'Air, CO'ipi1.ii'echJohn 1IJ3XKnox, Nash'vl l Le , 'Terin. " , meal' -Supervisor, San Antonio,.r Te~xas'';lJ~4.;''9:': Douglas Neil MacOdrum,Cambridge, Mass.
er William Sparks. Jr .. Inverness, Miss.

. foal

'f.""old Caldwell Bnelser., Nashville, <j,ohnAlva Roberts, Beebe, Ark.


,Janss'Richard Watt, YoungstoWn".OMo,n; Harold Jennings Whi ezren,: Salem,.,11.: '\T'l-;;; t Woodrow Burton WilWlt, DuIllsp, 1);l" 1.01'.' James Orrin Beckwith, Jr. ,Burling:l;o"",yt. Joseph F.B. ~arker, Atlantic City, N.J. Vietor Frank :Pixoy, Hammnd , Ind.' ThomasB. Sumners, Weatherf6rd,. Okla" To April 6, 1941 ;'; ~/'.,~ ... Hamilto", Field, Celif.: " '., .~::J:: 2d Lt. Ph,hp T. Durfee, Burlingam,;,<::alif. .To Aoril 26, 1941 '_.', ,,"",,~, Fort Bra~, N.C.: . \~' 2::~ I 2d Lt. erbert Chaa. Chambers, Bre.den'lion,Fla . To April 28, 1941 ",'i~ r,; or ,Randolt Field, Texas: ... , .. :Olj.J'fJ3, 2d 1 . Don D. cascio, staten IsIil.Jlii,:.,I,.'Y. To May 25" 1941: ',c'., ,."J9:1 Barksdale Field 'La, I '.i. ".:.L.C",':;: 2d Lt. DOilBld'Leonard Clark, Alte.;;iowa',
Langler; Field, Va.: ~ -""(~:~:"jl\!









Major Angier H. Foster;, Office"'Ghill':Of the Air, Corps, was assigned to March Field, Calif. Chest.el'. Ch.arl~s Busch, Kenosha, Wise. purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8435 , A. C. -12r . ~nd F. Toliver,Fort Collins, Colo.

D11ight Francis







. BIrO.! j

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.t.Y .'Aid"::


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Glendale Calif. . below, follows: '!X1'he'1;1rGor:tJs Tr~.inin(l; Detachment at A. Fly4tg: . .' ".GIEJrtdale',Cal~f., held ~ts first open 1..Drop Testing Parachutes: 10:00 . 'htnise'fOi' the :Pl1bli.con Army-Day, with a.m . 12:00, 1:00 and 3:00 p.m. Flyin~ Cadets acting 8.S guides. tJa.:uoUldl 2. Formation Flying: 11:00 a.m , and .<:.'Ub.a.\',ra~sh~D?-quarters buildings .. 2:00p.m. otrter fac~l~t~es. . 3. Local flightsfcir Reporters and pal~~e.o Corporation, contractor for " Fhotogr~phers: 9:00 a.m. and Flyins Cadet primary training, .and the ~:OO p.m. . =JiQu,rtiss~Wright Ted1nical Institute, con- :B Exhibits: tr~ctor for mechanics instruction, co1. Depaxtment of Mechanics" '- Hangar oner,vted with the det achment by opening One. new Post ; . . tha~r school, shops and maintel1GL~ce se Buildings: 5-6-7~8-57-59~60-62.u~ablishments to p~blic inspection. 95~96, old Post. .. During the morning, mile normal, . c" .. '. 2. Department of. Co:mnmications: train~ng flights were inprb~ess with. Fzngar Two new Post; . tne detacliment's 25 PT-13A ~rplmles, Buildings: il-12-13-94-99, old visitors were given an bp:tJortUllity to Post. .... '~:Se.e':howprimary training Lacarrded out. 3. PhotogriJphic Di spl.ay in front of. ,1J 5, ,' ' '.\. Post Operations. .' :'Sclfridge Field, Mich. .4. ChamPaign Gas-i'lodel Club Displ~ "SprintS and exce.LLent flying weather in !'ront of Post Operations. . was with us on Army D~, "reported the 5. General Mess, old Post. Open 9 uHews.Letter Correspondent , and he added to 11 a.m, and 1 to 4 p.m. . that 'along .,7ith it was the record breakAlthough the clispl~ was listed. from ing crowd of 35,000 people ,~o crone 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., many persons ..sE.l<rOlT.;;.all art s of the state of Michigan were to be seen in and around the airp to w~tness the thrilling aerial demon- plane displ~ as'late as 5:00 p.m. The stration." .Ar.l011(:; those present were personnel at Chanut e Field axe grateful Ior the interest dis:tJlayed by. the visit.~s~ness'execut~ves, immigration officers. Marines and a state senator. Apors and the opportumty to acouaint the public wibh the inside of. the "Air Corps froxima. tely fifty civilian . pilots flew Technical School. . . . In~for. the annual, celebration, many of . --':'000--. .. ' them coming from neighboring States . , .~heir:small Cub planes presented a glittering axr~ of colors in sharp FP.ANCE FIELD AIRMEN FLYTO LIMA.,PERU contrast -to the larger Pursuit ships whose'colors were more sleek and lmiThree of the B-18 airplanes of the f'orm.; .The r-amp seemed literally stuff3rd Bombardment S<J.1.1?lron, under the comed with "flying machmes" of various mand of l.lajor E.T. Rundquist, took off . .:::;descriptions. "Wewere really a mighty from France l!'ield, Panama Canal, ZOne, . prOUd group of militarists on Army 'for Lima. Peru, early Sundav morning, .';'Da;y.;.Il~.ooncludeshe Corre.!lpondent.. t , Maxch 10th, on a good-will night tour. . ----- , It was the second trip into South Amer.1l.,D, . Chanute Field. RmltOuldiIll. Lea for several member's of tl,le c;oew, . , The lUr Corps il'echri~caI S 001, Chanute as they were on a tnp to Chi Le ~mme.b~F.ield' Branch, :played host to the cit idiately following the earthquake in zens of Illino~s and Indiana on' Army tha.t country in the latter part of JmIDay,' April 6th.. uary, 1939. Actually, omy six emist, A complete :tJro~am was arranged fored man made the trip to Lima, 'but .. "t'he .~. and tnvi tat rons were sent to says the News Letter Correspondent,' it ,"".tne'varIous newspapers and Chambers of is reported that some fifty or siXty Commercein the surrounding territory. must have written letters to be mailed e~sCon~i~erable pllblicity was ~ven the .. from Perul.telling-about ~heir excit();~robservmlce of the dav and , f'avored, wi th ang expenences over-and m South .... .~ideiU.;,i'eather. some 11.000 persons vis: America.' , . .. . '. &'rted the field. ' The Army airmen took off from Lima . ~ Tl!e displ~ this year was particulaxon the return flight on the morning of ~!A .~y' ~mpre~sive. since it was the first March 14th. arid, landed. at Guayaquil, opportumty afforded the Air Corps to Ecuador. the same .evenarig for an!lJ!lOll"t.rate.,instruction and equipment night stop .. They re~llmed the flii<ht -rlce. ~n'rythe-new,sqhool buildings .. "Numerous on themorntng of Fn~. March 15th, comments,were .made on the newLnsual.Laand completed the' 3, 600-mile trip in tions. . the afternoon of that day, eM '!6rh61,programof the ~ is set forth . ~--000--.11150 .bhC'''- "07." '" ~l". '\7-8435, A.. . C



STATION ASSIGNMENTS NEIlLY OF COM-lISSIom:D RESERVE OFFICERS 'To MaXwell Field, Ala. '. Jp.s:,J Et'nest F". 'Boldwin : .:. George Lesl;e)C,ing,: -, Thomas WoodrowBonner Thomas K. McGehee.;.,,,. ! Robert Hartwell Bowling RobertB~.'SattervA1~te Grover Cleveland Brown Ray Edgar Soper,iT Lyman Henry Goff, Jr. John Braxton Elmor Mervin Gould Donald MeLarty".1Vright VIm. Lester Hamrick - -- ,,:~ ~;--'~-7.~ To Olmsted Field, Middletown,Pa. ~.~~; Jack Nolen James Elmer Lazenby Aup15tus Jared Allen Eugene B. LeBa1l1y Harry F. DaIoon, Jr. Rob""" Joseph Gibbons Franklin S, :Allen, Jr., Robert S. Lippincott Donald George Dekin Robert Gordon 'JohDS,F Tho:nas Watson Bafford' Ernest Nils Ljunggren Horace E. Dim:md Ivan Ray Stracene" H JRn~s Dudley Barlew Robert H. Mccutcheon To Patterson field, Fairfield,dhi~~j(l Hurh Polmer Bedient Robert Merr~tt McLeod George Ross Herman Harry James sa:nas.f~Jr. Raynold Adolph Berg Kenneth Ell,ot Marts Anderson Garth House Robert Wayne Springer Eugene H. Berkenkanp Reuben Weed Mayne ." ' ..', , ) Arthur Louis Birleffi Ralph L. Michaelis , To Selfr1dge F,eld! M~. Clemens,lhch:,. George Her:ran Blase Albert Jexres Moye De Lwd Barton Avery n W,lham Stephen'Johfison Donald Keith Brandon John Jos"Ph Mullen Faul Sarachon Bechtel Gerold Martin Keenan Loran Dale Briggs Charles G:Y. Normand I. John J.B. CeldcrbaJlk Relph Eugene Ke~~.13 Willis C. Burrgar-nerElwYn Farney Quinn I Harry E. Caldwell ,Jr. Robert Eberle~K,r~leY Howard Burhanna., Jr. David !leville Reay Geo:ge Cantello Louis Richa:d;KitJej; Alex Earl Burleigh Raymond E. Robinson ~w,n.F. Carey, Jr. Robert 'EaehLan ~~qn V1alter Lloyd Callahan Charlie Merrell Ross I >,,:a"7's T.J. Carlson WID. Lawrence Leve;rette Leroy Virgil Casey Richerd R. Royall,Jr. [ W.lham H. Carter Gerald McCallUlll "T1 James F. Collins, Jr. Vernon Andr"", Rux 'Russel M. Church, Jr. Raymond L. MacInnIs" Robert Ed... ,-ard Coulter Rober b F. SchiZ'Imr j Jarres Lawrence.Cole Grant !Aaho~y ~ ~~jt Jonathan E. Coxwol L 'Edward VI. Scott Jr. ! Walter W. Colp. tts II Albert Earle Matlack,Jr Raymond Ernest Davis John Milton Seei~y Wm.Rober~ Compton George WID. I'~entic~i tarros Frederick Dow ,Thoms M. Seynnur Wolt?r Leroy Coss Jaroos Clarke SeI~ Leonard Ferrell DoV1 John Ferrin Sharp 'I Marns ~. Crosse:> ~ Alan Shepp~~,~" Lyrren Harvey Erldy Peter Skaliy Duane l/ales Cutt'ng Mitchell Esco!' 'SilllS,; ;7i11iam Herbert Fandel Robert Ed,=d Smith I George Charles Deaton Raynnnd Anderson'SJ.cian' J(Ules Herbert Hail Willi80 H, Smth 11'1110 Gordon Eyres . St~hen Mil ton:'Smit1> JOlIeS Arthur Bogg 'Berkeley 1. springfield gbepbon J,?hn Fuller Alhson Wayne:Strauss La:,30n C. Horner, Jr. !k>c B. Stephenson Raymond M.ller Gehrig John,A. Thompson ,.~~: Er-nes-t Benj. ""'J"rel Edward F. Stoddard Russell Wm. Getchel Haz-rLscn Reed Thyng Fiei,'erd B. 1Iu::-~hrey Clyde 11'm. Swanson 'I Robert Taylor Hanson Elmer Harry Wil~'is}, Louis K.Jacobs Philip Avery Sykes Robert Pete: Hednan E:ne~t ClayPool.Young Leland Warren Johnson Henry C. Thonpson II Norrmn 1I.a:u:r,ceJ.acob W.lham Elmer'Z:ms c, WillialTl Eric Johnson,Jr., James H., Thonpson To Randolph Field, Texas i'-~.-, Wilson TolllRIl Jones Jolu. Hamlin Traylor II Alan .rederick Adams Joseph Hyde Heath Robert Byron Keck :Earl Cash Trees George, Mason Adkins Charles F. Jenkins;Jr. Jonathan Horace Knox Thomas R. TTaddleton ! Sobey Franklin Allen Carl Lloyd Liles, .: l?":ul W.offett LeJnbe:rt Carl Paul ?I~te: Henry John Amen Charles W. Mills; 'Jr. Charles J,?seph LwrDthe Kenneth T. w,;~,t" I George Evans Brown John Paul, MiziCl!;o ..; Cnmeron \'hll1u.r Lane Franl,:'Conder ~~glar I Harry LeRoy Brown Jack Arista Nendell. To Aberdeen proVintG.roULd, Md. i Robert. Thomas Calhoun Thoms Flee~ 9sbo~ Robmson B.lhngs thur Clarke perry John Fowers Crocker Andrew Elmer SloUgh: To 11011in;<Field, Anacostia, D.C. \ Roward Ross Gw-jIID John Russell TovierRobert Boiles EUbbeI! 'f To Hawaiian Department ..... ~:~ To Brooks Field, . San Antonio. Texas. ! Kenneth Bushnell Wallace Packa':rd 'J.iJi?e Hal Browne, Jr. Frank P. Thorn'luest I Richard T. -Carlisle Howard Oliver'MOat-as,Jr Harry W. Johnston, Jr.' Harry Newton Tower l' Robert Brown Coen, Francis Morgan Pott's To Fort Lewis Wash. ' Floyd Durant Colloy Owen MaNeill Seaman Charles Wm.Joliiistone Loslie RimS ," Joseph A.L. Greco Richar, d DeWitt, s,t~ Hall Frank Smith, I RicJ;ard B. Harbeson Fred CarlStof~el;;'; , To POlle Field, Fort Bragg, N.C., Dand W. Bassemer, Robert B. Sullr~,.James ThomaSMCKee, . ; James .Edward Joham Jay Paul Thomas..c Glen Howard Kramer John James ThoTrihi,ll To Scott F,eld, Bellenlh:;Ill. Jame Colson Latham Warr S 'W'lk' .. :'" Frederick T. lUlUtta , RObert ion Prange 'Walt:r Yeates Lucas Carl e~g~ne \'/u~~~re Edward Oscar Meadows. ~--oCo-~. ...:,0'(0 '!'o Duncan Field,. San Antonio, Texas . It.'.} f.'ft1: J"",?s G,p50n Badge~t Dav,d Earl Pace . "'Colonel.Michael F. Davis, 'student ':'dtCthe Dand Arthu:r Bur,:~anal Jack stuart Pobb'ins Arrtv Industrial Collego, Washington;'.n:C.'.;o has Charles Woo,l"Ov1 lames " been assigned to duty at Hamilton Field, Calif -14\'-8435, A.C. purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. T',e following-named officers of the Air Reserve, vmo were conmissioned second.Tfeut.enants upon their graduation from the Air Corps Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas" on lAarch 23rd, last, are assigned to duty at the stations indicated, effective on or about Way I, 1940, viz: To Mitchel Field, New York \







~ Master~$~rgeant Ralph W. Bottriell. McCook. Field; naVton, Ohio. Sergeant ; wt;>i'~d:;r;am~us:Air Corps parachute : 7 Bottriell made the first j1;lJllP be perto i: . pl'OnMl".' iAarch31st at Kelly formed by .AJ.'1IJY personnel with a man'll8l: 9'::FJ:.eld;.;jexas',pursuant to orders from lyoperated,. free type parachute. At 1 The".M.jutant Gneral, The veteran para- this time, parachute jumping of any +~'C):,iy.t.e":exp~r,t,dai:edevil .i1;JmPer. and terki;nd. ~as extremely hazardous . In spite .j~iihnated'his30 years of servrce nth the of this, Sergeoot Bottriell reweatedly Air C~!PSafter more than 500 daring jeopardized ,his life while mak:inI; paraparacliil.t,eleaps;., ' chute ~est ~sfrom airplanes flp,ng iOflcSer*eant 'Bottnell IS undoubtedly the at varaous altltudes to llerfect this "dean' -of-al.L parachute jumpers, beparachute .. By his unt i rdng effort; ',. sid,es'obeing the leading parachute tech- fearlessness, and di sregard of personal nici,an in the Air Corps. He mademost danger, Sergeant Bottriell aided mater~,pf:Qi.?')eaps at a time when flying itially in prov~ng the free-t~e parach~te , ;self:.was considered extremely hazardous not only posslble but pract fcal, for aar'but:,parachute jumping downrigp.t danger- plane use." , .' , ; Oils:.-;On entenng the service, Sergeant ' In recommendingMaster Sergeant BotS no,B6t~triEillUndertook the daring mission triell for the award of the Distinguish, Of"establishing confidence 'in ,parachutes ed Flying Cross, Bri~er General ' and',of proving to the world, espeCially, ,Henry.C. Pratt,' then Chief of the Air 'ca,vi:a:tors.that parachutes could. be re-: Corps Materiel Division, stated. that lied:,upon, He repeatedly jeopardized "for bhevaluabl,e scientific data. ~!)lFsO'life this end. to '." Which this noncommissionedofficer aid"""c' Sergeant Bottriell made ,his ~first junped in securing for the Air COI1ls.for frpm':a'hot-air balloon when only 16 his bravery skill,and spler.didspirit years age , on th'jl fourth ofJ':JlY, ?hownin voiunteeTln~ for, such ~ork ' ''rtl~9~!, beft;>rea carni.val, i~ NashVlll!l;' ,.J.t is fel~ he eY..empl~ledthe,flnest , 'liji;Cl::i .:;'..Tlus was when the f~right , J,xnry tradi hons aria'ls deser-ving of the ; Br9:t~tlr,sl,' ,airplane was still. ,only a hi@:I!'lSt raise. p The success of the , d:r~AA!':":~'hySe;rgeant" then only a boy,' m-vparachute and the number'of lives , at'qendeq.wlth his '9<lute at~ached below it nas saved 'is t~e most jfotent Ilroof "",h:l,-ti ~Pi:u-l,oon.Once In the au, he had of the value 'of his work. and, :further, 'no;,other, 'means to return safely to terr "Sergeant Bottrielll s' service ... '" has "f.irWj:"exc~pt to cut h~mself 1t;>ose when b~en ho~orable and he has eyer through he ~ gamed the des i red altltude. his efflclency, loyalty, sklll; and ~~E!; wEenhe joined the Service some manly conduct been a credit to the Air se.yelvyears .later , he was al.ready a fa- Corps of the Army. Such work as his g:lIIOj.lS !~arachute ju!nper, having more than raises the standard of work and morale a)lIma;red .Leaps to his credit. '. tilroi.1clloutthe service and is comparHis most outstandin~ jump was on ~ able fo the' finest acts of bravery 19,,1919;';'atMcCook Fleld, Ohio, when during time of'war ;" . 'r.he,:.~, ,the first Armyman to jump with Sergeant Bottrielll s most spectacular . th:e~iilanUallyonerated free .tvpe.parajump was in 1920, when he was atte~t.c:hut.e'~which. he~himself developed, This 111g establish a record for ahd to J "vls.s,the first I chute that could be altitude descent. After climbing opened after the Sumoerhad cleared the 20,WO feet, which'was the maximum ceil,pJ;ane. .and was the d1rect forerunner of ' ingof !lis pl.ane, he was preparing to 'the,m. de.rn parac.hute used. in the .. ir o. A j jump Whenhls1chute opened prematurely CQrps todai, . .' ' . . I and d:raggedhim through the 'tail secsergeant Bottriell realized thehaztion into space . He was rendered un: .~:r:ds, f the old attached-type parachute, by the blow, .and,his.le~~ arm .. o . :)~*s:h,17asfasten~d to the plane an~ was nearly torn off. A panel, 1Il his i !T":op~ed:,l"!h~.n the Jumper left the shrp. farachute, was b~y torn. put the "It<'r.asquJ.te possible for the shrouds chute lowered hnn to earth slowly' ..t'o'~1iecolOO'entaui'lec1 ~ the tailsedtion I e!1t;>ugh tJ;lat.luckil~ he regained conso "Qf,t:b;e,'plane .. In 19J.9',after years of acaousness in ample tlme tOI.openhis w01--)l:"a,'free-typ$parp.caute was comsecond safet~ I chute. , The .total Plet'~d::.,alld vif!.S reaJJ:yfor the big test, descent requi red ,22,minutes , during C[J.'Ol:' ~his jump and the many otfiere .' which time -he every nearly bled to death "t,~.h:heliJa.d6,perfect~ng.this parachu~e, from his wo~ds. _With,t~e elevators) n~j~~~ !ll7iu'dedthe Dlstin=ishedFlylng ~der, vertlcal .and .honzontal stabJ:l"Cross on July 1, 1.933, wifh the follol7- lzers of his plene practically demolisblin!? citation: ed, and l"1t11 parachute', since Serno. $t!J~:Qr )leroism while participating in geant Bottriel~ was wearing th~ only asd~n.?:I:r:'gllgh,ts, On May19,1919, at two'chutes avaf.Lahl,e at that t ime, the ,1i!B:) .HeI" l~;;'~~, -15-' V-8435,A.(}O; Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.


pilot of the damagedplane was in almost a more seriousrlight than the ~~rroar~d ~~t=: ~~~; ~lo;as un. injured. This nearly fatal accident did not restrain Sergeant Bottriell in the least. as might be expected. As soon as he was on his feet. bamade a long. tour throughout the United State's, dilmonstrating by actual jumps the new free-type parachute. Thus. in 1926" w~en he made his .last jump at Brooks Fleld, San Antomo, Texas, he had accom plished his mission. He had developed a safe paro.chute and by complete dfsr'egard for his own safety had built up co,lete confidence throughout the war in he life-saving silk. Without this confidence. the parachute would be valueless, for no pilot lIDuld drlI'e'~"O r]y: oil it.' Sergeant Bottriell joined the Army in 1909, enlisting in the Cavalry. In . 1917 he joined the Air Service at Kelly Field, Texas. He has served at Brooks Field, Texas; McCook Field Ohio; and in ~he Philippines, but Ke ly Field i ckaims Sergeant Bottriell as its own, He began h~s aiz: service at Kelly Field, made fif s flrst JUllIP from an airplane at this field. and has been in charge of .. the parachute deparbment of the Air C9rps ~vancl?d F1Ji-ng.Sch901 at KellY: Fleld smce ltS orgaIllzatlon.. He has personally instructed thousands of graduates of the Air Corps Flying School in the use of the parachut.e . Three-... quarters of his 30 years I service has . been in. San Antonio. There is hardly a town inul.l of ea~tern Texas that has no~ watched Kelly Fleld' s Sergeant Bot;tnell come down out of the heavens to land in the middle of the local fair



SuPPlementing the informatiorii ~-:;eriJ,m intne previous is~ue of the Air ~qorpEl . NfilwSetter regaI'ding Class 4<rA, .th.Ej'~r ' L brst one to graduate from the Advanced~ Flying School under the Expansion'Pro;;;:gram, the Kelly Field .Correspqndent;", c;: commentiIlgon the inability of Major~:;i General Henry H~Arnold;. Chief of the,Air Corps. to attend the graduatiori~ex-_ ercises as he had originally planned;::o,.; states that thfil entirfil flying 's.chO,?l,l'e~ gretted exceedingly his abseiice, Slnc'e;::; VJ.~l.perso~el had keenly anticipaJ~dJi"~:~ Slt. ') 1"'~ 'ii The graduation went off exactly<as, i,-.. scheduled. Major General Herbert~'J,,'~~g Brees 8th Corps Area Commander ,.and '" Bri;;;:;dier General Barton K. YoUIit~,.AS:-.,~ sistaiit to the Chief of the Air Corps';:'c were especially pleased with the a6riid~ review which was the largest at arfi.::G,'Kelly Field graduation exercrsea.. .. The~ review itself was outstanding in that;--. the 120 BC-lts.and the 31B-181s cleared: Kell~ Field in exactly q minutes':.,pass'ing m review after a 25-'minute fli~ti wH~ three seconds of liE" hour'.i.;T1i~j spacmgs and lntervals before the re-:,_!: Vlewing stand were far better than would normally be expected of a graduating":';;' class. As the tail of. thfil revieWi.rig'~'~rf column cleared the revlemngstand,.;tM leading elements were over the ~;;~ line coming in for a landing.,Tlie.tifuo, ing on this maneuver was excellent:. As~ a finale the entire 123 pl.anes landed-, Within 5! minutes. This:Ln itselfdis~ Jill!Wed perfect air disciplineanQ:;,ti'~ang. ' ' ',' .: JJh~'TJ General Brees and General Yount-",as well as the other officers in the,-;" grounds. viewing stand, considered the entlre~:re. Sergeant Bot~rielll ~ cOI;ltribution to- v;ew an achievement of which Kelly:::.;;',,' ward ~afeguarding fl~lng lS a most out-: Fleld may well boast, especially cbn\lJ:dst-anding one. Aviatlon owes this brave ering that the students were not tralfi;;' and fearless noncormnissionedofficer a ed in mass formation, and that roughly~ debt of ~atitude, the measure of which 8~ of the men flying the ships have'cr is illimtable.' had no tactical training. . .' r;~ Sergeant Bottriell' shome was formerly With General Brees and GeneralYotint"'; in Grand Rapids. Mich. He will make Colonels Robins and Lohman, were the'~:: his future residence in Los' Angeles, nine civil contractors of theelenierifa~ Calif., where his parents now reside. ry flying schools at which, under the " . ---000-. Air. Corps ~ans~on Program, primai'Y,,, , flylng traJ.n:Lng lS now given under AIDY' .The 7thReconnalssance Squadron, France supervision, to-wit: Messrs. Walter P'-'f Fleld. ~ Zone,.was well repre~ented on the Thorpe, Hal S. Darr, VI.F. Long, C'LC:~ -, recent. fllgJ;-t ~o Ll1ll8.. eru. oontloned elseP Moseley E.J. Sias. Oliver L, "Parks '.' wher-e an thlS a ssue. The Squadron furnished 3 T. ciBUd Ryan Allan Hancock and 'w .'0 .~.J. planes of the 12-J1lane fOl'lIation, end o~ficers Skelly and the nine Air Corps ~e'r,:.J of the Squadron piloted them those tmklDg the' 't the ch 1 1" t . trip being Capt... GuyF. Hix, '1st Lts. Henry X. vi sor-s a '" se s 00 s.l. name~, . aP!l_' If.ooney llo--'d N Wackwi.t "-, Lt J E.F. Yost, J>.M.~, R.:r. Vlri. ,t:, R.B.) , """'. Z, GUU S. " ....,or- Da: ~t 1" J C Ho'-'J.D. Berry end W.E. Boyd (Air Res. . :ven ".on, -ra H '. . exen der. s. ." .All m:mbers of the flight report'ed e. very C.A. rm,gton, 1st LleutS. JamE!1s.,lV\.t>. fUle trlp end a Dtlst delightful tioo a.sguests Gurr and(A.J;. McVea,all of wtlom.\yer.E!;r of the Peruvian Government. . . Contlnued on Page. 17) .: ",.:mt . . -16-: . .,,",,':[ eli'i'

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dent AugUsto Boyd~'of the RepubliC of', Panama, ' and Secretary Gara;y. . ., . . ---000--.

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:Aib~o;Ki~ield, Panama Canal Zone, was host:"recently to eieilt Peruvian fliers . Graduation of Class 4O-A(From Page 16) Yl!io;)landed,'there at 11:20 a.m., March 28tli;:ori' the.'third leg of an extensive . especially proud to have given this grad, fli@.j;, througp. South and Central Amer- " u:ating class its start. . . ica. ~..',*. ". . FolloWing General Yount t s address (nubA"r~ce:ption committee of Canal Zone lished in the previous issue of the News mil.Wary ..officials, headed by Major . Letter) Colonel A.W. Robins, Commanding General;;Daniel Van Voorhis~ Commanding Of'f'Lcer. of the Air Corps Training Center, Ge;o.eral of the Panama Canal, Department, l"resented the diplomas to the graduat;lya:s"on:hand to greet the fliers, who mg class. During the course of this . were'escorted into the field by a . ceremony, ~ner~ Brees interrupted fl~gh.t of six P-36 t S f'rom the 16th Pur- Colonel Robins In order to be able persUl'\GrollP, under the commandof 'Capt . sonally to 'congratulate Flying Cadet Roger' J .: Browne. . .' Thomas Renan Waddleton, who haiJ,s from The1Peruvian fliers circled the field General Brees I home town, Laramie, Jiyo. orice in. 'precise formation' and then. Geueral Brees personally :(lresented Flylana.ed'individually. '. ing Cadet Waddleton his dlploma. War~Frr$t .to ~eet them on their arrival rant Officer Ezra Frederick Nendell, of were':MaJor iieneral Van Voorhis; the Randolph Field; was also permitted to 'Pariamanfan Secretary of Foreign Relapresent the diploma to his graduating tions,' Narciso Gara;y; the United States son, Jack Nendell. . Ambassador, William Dawson; end the Colonel Eugene A. Lohman presented 'Peruvian Charge D'Affaires, Jose V. the "Wings" and completed the ceremoL~raburre. Als'o on the field to greet I nies with a wish for "Many Happy Landth~ :y:isft,ors were Brigadie~ General .l mgs" to each.of the graduates: Herbert' A.: Dargue . commanding the 19th I The graduatlng class, numbenIl$ 224, .tWing,,';imd an old friend. of CO~dante I compl et.ed three months :of. intenslve, A.rmarj40~voredo, a':'latlon I ~ramlng .rn J!lodern Baai c Combat of; the fllg,ht; . ang at the Air Corps .Advanced' FlYlng . Sblonel's"Jacob L. Devers, Denartment . School. Fonnation flying, cross-country ChJ:e;r:'of Staff; A.H. Gilkeson, command- flying, instrument flying and night flying~A1brook F~eld Air B?Se; Lieut. ,Col. , big constituted most of. the flying FI.J~. Brady, Wlng Execut.rve ; and lv'lS.Jor course .. The class was prepared for CarlzRohsenberger, Aide to General Van this flying at Randolph Field.,!, Texas. y"o.rhis; . . . Each man arrived at IWndolph ~'ield ~l.A"party of Panamanian officials also after having successfully passed the greeted the Peruvian airmen. three months I pririlary. course at one Those 'in' the flight, in addition to of the nine civilian el.ement.ary flying the:'lcoiiJiilander, were Captain Jorge Vigil schools now under .Armv supervision. TIle -Morey:,'Lieuts. M.Gambuta. Pedro V<lrgas course of nine moni::hs" training in.' Prad8.,.fLuis Cossio T., Jesus Melgar E., cludes 225 hours of flying and approxt-: -~n~sj;o ,GoJ!l6zCornejo 1j." and. Sub-Offimately "!OO hours of. ground trainlng in cer,.F,r.~a.encoVera. ..' t~e subJects of naVl~tion, meteor.ology, "-Tl:\e.officers are two-sf!l8.ter I ai rpl.ane st rucbure and ~esign, ~rplane Att~k planes powered wlth 9I engmes , radi,o , and 'allled tactlcal and q'hnder Wrlf,lhts. These planes have a mlIitary subJects. . hiiilf'spe'et). 9I 409 kilometers :(leI' hour ---000---' . anI.s. cruasang speed of 320 kilometers ; . pr'hour. .. I GENJmAL D.ARGUE,FLIESTO WASIDNGTON The'entire flight will cover 17,790 I . '. ',' ki16irieters, of wmch 2.l..055 kilometers I Brig. General Herbert A. Dargue, .Com"'been ed , urnis far st ons mending the 19th Wing, left Albrook have"been made at Q;uito, Ecuador, 'where Field on March 29th for \'Iashin~on,D.C., a 'f'ifth plane in the flight was damaged to confer with officials relatlve to in,a:;landing accfdent , and at Bogot.a, Air CO!Jls activities in the Panama Colombie..' .. . . Canal Zone. " . :~erous .S?cial.f1?l.lct,ions were ~i ven I He was ac~ompanied '\Jy Lieut: Col. 17. S. 'in:,'lionor,of t he vi srtors , These Incl.ud-! Graveley, Wmg Operat-Ions Offlcer; 1st ed';~, yarty at the guarters of Gen eral.. . Lieut.:E ~e, or France Field, whomade 'and;~~~~YanVoo~J:is, one at the ,the.trip e.snavigator; Tech. S~.Thomas, A1.910?RFleld'9fHcers' Club, and a din- engineer ; Staff Sgt. Frum, radfo operaner.sgiven. by Ll6ut. Colonel and t,~s .. " to~. ' James F.I,DOherty, of Albrook Field. ~he return trip to .Albrook Field was' The Peruvians also called on Presischeduled to be made in about- two weeks. -17V-8435 , A.C.

NIGHT PHorOGRAPHS T.AKEN MAXWELL FIEID .AT Night aerial photographic history was recorded on lAono.a;y, March 25th, at e.bou.t7:30 p.m., when Hajor George VI. Goddard, Air Corps, Maxwell Field. took four pictures of the Air Corps Tactical School from an altitude of about one mile. The four bomb explosions and flashes which occurred at intervals of about five minutes each were incidental to the taking of the II shots. II They were about as loud as the explosion from a 75 millimeter artillery gun. Maxwell Field officials said the bomb bursts were caused by powerful flashlight bombs released the airplone to :provide the necessary light for the taking of the pictures. ' The light was \1hite and was visible but for a moment. To insure that no h.vsteria would occur as the result of 'the explollionsl i~!ell Field authorities had notif1ed local radio stations to make an announcement r egarddng the mission. The State HighwayDepartment and llontgomery police were also advised in advance. The photographs were taken from a B-l8A airplane piloted by 1,!ajor Phillips Melville, with Captain Walter L. Wheeler as co-pilot. First Lieut. James H.C. Houston, COlllmanding fficer" Fli/1ht C, O 1st Photographic Squadron. assisted Major Goddard. Staff Sergeants Raymond A. Starr. Ralph S. Davis and Corporal James L. Pearce. of the Tactical School Photographic Department, were the other members on the flight. Major Goddard commencedhis experiments on ni/dlt photograPhY in 1926 at Wri/dlt FieliI, Dayton, Ohio. Initial tesfs of it were made about a year later. He conducted several years of research on his development and had sev eral, narrow escapes. He recalled one in part icular, when there was a :premature explosion of the bomb innnediately under the airplane while it was in flight. Fortunately, the pilot was able to land the plane without injury to. 'p~rsonnel or equipment. Major Goddard, Whorecently graduated ir~mc~~s t~~~i~t~~~og~~~~ ~~a~~ned at ii'rignt Field, Ohio. He stated he is now engaged in the development of color IlhotograPh, the development of photog:ranhsduI'lng flight and long range photographs.' ---000--






The fourth in the series of 9(}-d.8y courses at the Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell Field, Ala" got under way on i,ion~ morning, April 8th, with 99 officers m at tendance . The opening, ceremonies were inausnicious. Follo',ving brief addi'esses by Colonels Walter R. \'Ieaver. Oormandant , and !lullard F. Harmon, Jr." Assistant Commandant. the Directors of the various depRI'tments discussed the functions thereof, namely: Colonel Leo A. Walton, Command,Staff and Logistics; Lieut. , ColoneVSidney Erickson, Ground Tactics'; and Major Muir S. Fairchild, Air Tactics and Strategy. Maps. texts and other school materials were then issued the students and study of the first subject cormnenced. It was Ground Tactics, with ijolajorAldan H. Waitt, Chemical Warfare Service! instructor. Incidentally, this is the ast course in which Major Waitt will be on the faculty at the Air Corns Tactical School, as he is to be trans:::' ferred to the Army War College\ Washington, D.C. He will be succeeded by Lieut. Colonel Adrian St. John, Chemical Warfare Service. Colonel St. John is at tending the current course as a student. , Nine Manvell Field officers are enrolled in the class, namely, Majors Luther S. Smith, George A. Whatley, Captains Dudley D. Hale, 'i;inslol1 C. Morse, Hoyt L. Prindle, Leland S. Stranathan, Samuel, W. Van Meter, Charles A. Bassett and Lilburn D. Fator. Officers attending from other garrisons and their permanent stations fo1low: Chailute Field, Rantoul, Ill.: Captains Thbmas L. Bryan, Jr., Metlin 1. Carter, John J. Morrow. Joel G. O'Neal. 1st Lieut s .. Arnold T. Johnson. JosePh A. Miller, Carl So.vyterand James i,ICK. Thompson. Lo,Y1 Field, Denver Colo.: Me.jor James. llillIlii1ond, i Ca~ aans Leon R. Brovmfield.l. John C. Oovrngton and Robert K. 'l'~lor. .

Co~g~~l J~~'H~eNircM;d. IP~;r L~~ B. Davidson and Captain Narcisse L. Cote. . L~et Field, Hampton~Va.: Lieut. Colone arl],. Greene. laJors Earle J. Carpenter, Henry if{. Woodward,Captains Alvord Van P . .Anderson, Jr., Howard !.Ioore and ThomasL. Mosley. . ACKNOWLEDGMENT Kell~ Field. Texas: CBJ:!~ains arvey F. H " Dyerj ames A. Ell1son,. JOO.gar Todd R. The cover featuring this issue and ohn F. Yiadman. Randolph Field Texas: Captains Sam W. of th e N ews e t er was dr awn by Staff Sum11. Che:~fJY.E.eg1iiliIdHeber, Trenho1.Ill Sergeant Frank J. Lorenz,. :ofLimgle~ J I' P dy He btl" Field, Va., a frequent contributor 111 . "eyer, rge ...Moo .: r er". the past. Weagain express our thanks. Newstrom, Thomas S. 'Power, NormanB. -18- to remove this watermark. V-8435. A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on


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01~on and 1st Lieut. P~'ry N. Renshaw. . ~V!ight Field, tirton, Ohio: Captains DaLler-c:-IlOnb,le . " So,m ,{. Gf,t'hart, ... ...., Pearl H. Robey, Turner A, , Jr., Charles :S. Stone, III, Hoger V. Williams, Lst Li eut s . Edward M. Gavin, Donald L. Hardy, illorris J. 1ee, Howard M. McCoy, Edwin S.Perrin and 8~1l P. Swof::: rd , ph o 1.f8rch Fi('lld. River-ai de , CAlif.' Major HiThertil,: nt'tKo~, Captahs Harbld H. Bassett, Ohru-Les \T. Goodrich and Robert

Kt1nsas . l;:inthorne W. Reed, Newark, N.J. Gerald E. Williams, ~tineo1a, L.I., New York. N.ajor EdwacJ. E. Hildreth, one of the students, served at W.axwell Field from 1935 to 1939 as COinmandingOfficer of Hoadquart ers and He6!iquarters Squadron, and lUs many Montgomery friends will welcome his three-month return. ' ---000---


Iiof'f'e t t Field, Calif.: 1ieut. Colonel Earle G, lfurper and Captain Homer L,
Barksdal,e Field, Shreveport, La.: Col Junfus H. Houg!1ton ano, CaptGt1n Wl1Iiam C, NJ.lls. . I Mitchel Field. L. 1., New York: Major Homer 1. Chandler and 1st L1eut. iailard 1ewi s . Selfridf;e Field~. Clemens Mich,: MojoI' 'Harold R. Wel.Ls and 1st t ieut. Edwin G. Simenscn. Washington, D.C. (Office of the Chief of the Air Corps): iv'.a.jors Bdward H. ' White and John G, Moore, Captain Thurston H. Ba>~er and 1st Lieut, Earle W. Hockenberr;y . Bolling Field, D.C.: !4ajors'1eslie P. HolcoUlb, EOx,eru.E. Hildreth, Ca1'Jtains R . Loval, Easton, John G. Fowler" and. Haro11l.W. Grant . - Also Lieutenant Colonels Alonzo M. Drake, ~'ton, Onio. Ira R. Koenig, Fort Sill, Okla. Mrian St. Jolm (C'nemici:J. Warfare Service, Edgewood. Arsenal, Md.) Majors HErold H. Carr,' Sacramento Air Depot, CI"1 if. . George C. Cressey, Middletown Air Depo t, Mid.d1 own , Pa . et . . hIdoe Martin, Municipal Airport, Long Beach, Calif. Captains . Agee, EJin1lton Field,Calif. Anderson, Boston, Mess. Davenport, East st. Louis,


The first of the new AT-6 advanced trainers has arrived at the Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas, and was turned over to the 63rd School Squadrons. The mechanics note that the starters and. generators can be changed without the need for extra joints in This airplane Fir~t 1ieut~ts . the arms and fingers. seems to have been designed with fine John J. inson, Leavenworth, possibilities for quick maintenance. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.



SPECIAL BI'iEP.S THE WAR m ARTMENT O OF Chan,gesof Station Bee,u,Lucas V" Jr., Major, from !,"'rch Field, Calif.; to Office Chief of Ah Corps, , Washington, D.C. , ' Benn, Wm.G., ::d Lieut., from Mitchel Field, N,.Y., to Jolling Field, D.C. Bol eu , Theod.ore M.. Capt., from Hamil ton Field,'Celif., to I.!::Chord Field,, Briggs, Jerr9s E., Capt., from Selfridge ,~eld, 1~ch., to West Point, N.Y. Fsbes , Howell 1J.,1st Lt." from Kelly Field bo Randolph Field, Texas. Poster, Thad V., Major, from Hacd ton Fi eld, l ,Caiif ' to i<k:Chordield, Wash. F , ' Haugen, Vietor R., 1st Lieut., to Material Division, Wright Field, 0., upon completion of present course of instruction at ~niel GuggerlJ.eim School of Aeronautics, N.Y. City. Eo~, Earl S" Lieut. 0>1., from duty in Off,ce Chief of the Air Corps to duty as a memberof the WarDepartment General Staff, Washir~on, D.C., effective July 9, 1940. Hockeuber ry, EerIe Vi" ist Lieat.., from Langley Field, Va., to ,Office Chief of the

duty as Assistant'District gUpervisor;Central ,Air Corps Procurement District, D~onj Ohio,: fro," duty as Procurement Planning Represente.-, tive for the Air Corps at Detroit, Mich. ' ENGINE OONGE UNDER HEAT OFTIlEHA'Il.\IIAN SUt~

The forced lending of a P- 2GB airplane of, the 6th Pursuit Squadron at W.okuleiaLending Field, in the vicinity of KeenaPoint, recently, brought forth bUstl ing activity for the ' mechanics of the Aero Repair of Base Headquaztel'S and 18th Air Base Squadron, Wheeler Fieli!, T.H, Staff Sgt. Waid, the shop fore=, end " Pvt. 1st Cl. Theroux responded iunediately to the calli A thorough eiamination of the airplane dis~ closed a rear _in gear drive bearing had broken, allowing the impellers to come,in contact with the blower section. A field engine change, which usually requires one ~ with i all necessary equipment, was the only solution. The crew arose bright end early the next day, drew an engine from the Air Corps Supply, end completed the job at Mokuleia in the record time of eight hours with nakeshift equipment Air Cor.t's, i'9'p.shington~ D.C. and under adverse weather oonditions rarely Jones, Wi"lifu~W., 1st Lt., to Mitchel Field, found in these Islands. IT. Yo, upon completion tour of duty in the Lieut. Holloway, Assistant Base Engineering Panama Canal Department. , Officer, n:a4e the test flight and brought the Lagg, Richa>'d, ., 1st Lieut., from Chanute A lonely bird safely back to its homeroost. The Field, Ill., to Bolling Field, D.C. Kissner, August W" Captain, from Kelly Field, complexion of the crew was tinted to reddish oast from the absence of shel tel' from the Texas, to Of]ice Chief of the Air Corps. wi thering &waiian sun. Washington, D.C. Linds'W, Richa>'dC., Captain, from 97th Obser---000--vation Squadron, "';itchel Field, II.Y., to' j>la.xwell ield, Ala., for duty with Staff end F H,E ROE S OFT HE AI R By Pnvate Ransome DOney,Air COrps W. Faculty, Air Corps Tactica:l ~ool. Lynd, \'1illiam E., Lieut. Colonel, from'Hawaii 18th Air Base Sqdn., Wheeler Field,T.H. Dept., to Washington, D.C., for duty as in structor at the Amrr .\7ar,College. Poets sing of sailor men, T'Wlor, Yantis H !{ajor. from duty as Instrue And heroes of the deep. tor. Air Corps, Missouri National Guard, st. , Beyondhorizon 'distant , Louis, th' to Washington, 'D.C.. for duty as In watery graves they sleep. student, 1940-41 course,at Amrr \~ College. Turnbull, Williern, lIajor,- fralil Kelly Field to Fromrailroads laureled history. DuncanField, Texas, for duty at San Antonio ComesrollBIlCe the rails. of Air Depot. And names'of men who served to gain, \1ash, Carlyle H; , Colonel, from,MarchField. Renownfrom wondroustales. Calif .. to ilcChord Field; tvash. to assume cormand, ' We now give rise to one t~t' s neW. Webster, Benjamin J:, 1st Lieut.', from,Kelly Saluting tl'U!l!'ets blare. "Field, Taxas, to West Point. 11. Y." . As they pass 'in great reviov, Wilson, Russell A., ~tain, from March Field, Our herbesof the ai~. Cll.lif... to MaxwellF,eld, AI"., for duty On Staff and Faculty of Air Corps Tactica:l A song for them is well deserved, 'As homes in death they share. School" . . ' Ziunernan, Don Z. ,Captain, from Randolph To bring about a greater day, Field, Texas, to West Point, N~Y. Our heroes of the air.
l I


Lieut. Col. W.B. Wright, formerly Executive Officer ,3rd Wing, as"""",d comxandof the 27th !lomb, Croup, Berksdake Field, La.., April I, Major Alonzo M. Drake has been assigned to 1940, replacing Col. C.L. Tinker, whowaspurchase PDF Split-Merge on transferred thisMacDill Field, Taq>a, Fla. to remove to watermark. V-8435, A.C,
as members of the abo-ve Mission.

Lieut. Colonel OrnerO. Niergarth, Office of the Chief of the Er Corps, Washington. D,C., has been assigned to duty at Santia~o, ~lile, as Chief of the U.S. Military Miss,on to Chile. Captain Robert W. Burns and 1st Lieut, Joe W. Kelly, of Randolph Field, Texas, .were assigned to Santiago, Chile, for duty

In, Flenders Fields the cannon roar, , Again the war drums snare. While high above, the soaring Larks, Greet heroes of the air. ---000---



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Information Division Air Corps


1, 1940

.NO.9. Munitions Building Washington, D.C.

The chief purpose of this publication is to distribute information on aeronautics to the flying personnel in the Regular Army, Reserve Corps, National Guard, and others connected with aviation.


The Januar:(. 1940, number of "Der jthose transported by plane, it is clear Deutsche Milltar Arzt," the GermanMili- that air transportatiori is far less in':' . tary Surgeon, contains three jurious to the patient than. ground erec-. based on German e:xperience in the evac- uation, regardless of the t Ime consumed uation of casualties by airnlaneambulin the movement. Whento this is added ance from Poland to hospitals in Gerthe actual speed and short duration of many. evacuation by air, the advantage of The most pertinent feature of these I this form'of transportatio~ b~comes valuable articles on this important sub-j even more apparent. When1t 115further ject have been abstracted with a view I considered that every air ambulance has to bringing the recent German e::perien~ c an experienced medica1 officer, the inces and observation to the attention of variab~e presence of oxygen and the opAir Corps and the Medical Corps offipor-tunrt y to observe and care for each cers generally. patient witho~t interru:ption,. the adThe first article is by Lieut. Gener- vantages of all' evacuat i.on over ambu+.,. al Erich Hip:pke, the Surgeon General of ance transportation is obvious. , ' the GermanAir Force, an energetic and I gon<:li,:t.:ion~-.Fhj,>;h <'jLtJ,cm-transwrt... hig.11l.ycompetent officer. . I abIJL:biY_air....These include, firs of General F..ippkediscusses in some deall, shock, For severe shock the veto tail the extent and several aspects of is absolute. The newly operated on are airplane evacuation of the SiCK and' I in general excluded from air t.ransport awounded from the front to army hospitals! tion. The tran~ortation of~neumOnia throughout Germany. A total of 2500 I cases must be era tically wei ed, as . cases were thus evacuated Which, it may I must severe cases of anemia rom hembe noted., is at the rate of 30,000." I orrhage, al.though in this latter canegocases per year. i ry transfus19n lS.tO be conslde~ed .. He emphasizes the point that no fancy I In connect ton the fore~lng :. , specially constructea. ambul.ance planes I classes of :patients, two conditions inare necessary. Only. general purpose I cident to. ai.rpl.ane evacuation have a {conmer cral, passenger ). planes are need- i bearing, viz: air-sickness. results of ed. The Red." Cross, the other 1Jainti~ I decreased air density and third, .,alti.,. and the installations for carrying liotude sickness. " e-: tel's are soon made.. I All in alLnot a great deal of importNo rules car'. be adont ed which have I ance is to be ascribed to ai,r sickness" universal anplication~ &,dl campaign 'I It Call be cont rol l ed to a certain extent or war has its specf al, features. In the ,by flying .at Level.s with but little air Polish campaign lt was the unsxampked ! dJ.sturbance; skillful flying and Landspeed of the German advance ,.!hich re! i.ngoftEti avoid it cltogether;but the sUlted in the encirclement ofnumerclUs .1 greatest preventive is the recumbent poindividual Polish combat units. It'g~ .1 sitionin.whi?h alJ"s!'rious c?-ses travel and smal.L, and the great amount of Clty any way. Obvi.ous y tile and L figj.lting \'/hich resulted in a high per;1 vomiting of air sickness may be harmful centage of close range wounds. I to certain c'Lasses of cases. . 11;1 the case of -the seriously wounded ! Tn!') decrease j,n {air 'Q,.ensi <x begins 1 lt 115of decisive importance that the i its effects even atlOOO meters. The patient reach the o:perating surgeon I author had previously called attention promptly. If thi s lS in a theater of I t.o the dangers of different kinds of operations hospi.t al , so much the better; i pro.Lapses as a. result of this decrease .. otherwise, sucn cases belong in a hcs! an oxterncl pressure. In nractice, pi tal. in the home territory. And it is ! however, no prolapses have" occurred. here that the decisive tmportance of I Bandages and dressings have sufficed to tran~rtation COiCeS the front. to I prevent it. Disturbances in the peri':' TO'8n0ne who has observed the 70und- 'IPheral circulation were also thought of ed earned in a ground hrnbulllZll:e and as posSibilities, but actually no bad. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -1V-8449. A.C.

symptomsfrom such cause occurred. How-out medf.oal,supervision in any available ever, the fli/dlts from Poland were not plane to any landing field in ther.,rSlarJ. above 1000 meters;'andthe fewcases Ambulanceplane evacuation must'be[uhd:er that came over the Alps from Spain medical control. The important:(thing,,1s v:ere too few on \'ihich to baae any filial close coordination of all medicahstajudg)ll6nt. .' tions and establishments of "theiAr!ny'Jlnd Altitude sickness isa Iilanifestation the,Air COrQs,and when indicated.! with of o:;:;y~ndeflciency and is inimediate- the NaVy. The radio oomaimcat.Ionaserly relleved b;ythe administration of vice of the ai rarm is hereof the first o:xy~en .Cri hcal manifestations of ' importance. Without this service .air-altltude siclmess occur at 7000 meters, evacuation is impossible. , --':,,,6' but disturbances 'are, observed' at 4000, Motor ambulance' service is necessary' meters and even lower. In all. of the at the front and at the landingfi'eldsr., hrgher altitude flights oxygen is ad-' iIi. the home t'ertitory. At botlithe:'f ministered. In crossing the Alps in loadirig and;unload.ihg points tneili:c~'l'; the evacuations from Spain, .of'which personfie), must be at Thand. ' Let norone: there were only, a()()~atively ~mall belieVe that the connect Lon bebween.bhe number the maximum altitUde vaned front and the homillandhospital'.te. easy from 5600 to 5500 meters. Oxygenadto atrlmge; At the front'!lo:J ministered to patients was routirie at bloc1'.edand illrib1iliilices ay make'lIS e;.,:.;it m 3500 meters I and on occasion was given li ttl'e as one kilbniliter per hour; '.'~;e"( at lower altitudes. From Poland marry To bridge these gans, theanthot (sut" cases of 'gunshot WOunds .the lungs of gests smaIl low speea landing .planes of were evacuated by ambulance.plane. the Fiesler-Storch type -'e'(J-:Q3 Someof these died after reaching the plane service. This plane is indepen's zone of the interior hospital. Oxygen dent of the roads and is able to 'land'! deficiancy certainl;y plo.yed a role in close to every dressing station -,; SucK these cases, and this class of cases a shuttle plene service is now.being1derequire careful selection for evacuaveloped. ,,',>;'\. J tion and professional care . In this The medical value of the ambul.ancefi a cOl;IDection,. ntrathoracic bleeding,and p~ane operating in the oppositedi'rec.l;i shll !!Dre l.nrportant, secondary re-. tlol)- has prov~d ~o be gr~atin,th~Jb~ flex dl.sturbances of .the heart are sag- Pol i sh war. bedl.cines I nificant. A final opinion on the , sera, nedfcal and surgical, eq1,lip1llen~r,'m trans'portability by air of thoracic' changes of clothi~, specialiltessmg,cannot yet be rendered. Exmaterials and diet for dysen-".t P?r~ence in this field is yet too tery patients in field hospitals,'were lJ.uuted, , all brought to the front by ambul.ance J To the general rules on the nonplanes. . .,. ~<l.'l:l t:ranspOrtab~lity of .certain cases by .Author concludes that it is not'.1m=-3 au, there l.S one exception and that portant how marry woundedwere-evacuated on grounds of humanity. If the batt Le by .pl.ane as compared with land tr~s"t sur~s back over'~he.dress~ng station port and seatrSl)-sport; but rather.tol or If' a combat uni.t as encucled and recogni se that the appearance:<of" there is no early pro spect of breaking the ambulance plane a new method'.of(l'rT thro~ the ring, then air. transport a- evacuation has arrived, which has, chartion as the le'sser evi l, for. all'.cases. acteristics and qualities not possessed Everything, even causes just 'operated by the other and-ofder methods of evacupon, is t ranspor-tao'le; the wounded. uating sick and wounded, and that ,this must not be abandoned to an uncertain new means of transportation is import';' fate.. ' ant. .'0 cu: Otherwise, .ambulance planes should . . ----.d,.Of!! be utilized for t.he important cases, AiJ:;planeEvacuation - Article:II10 above all, brain and lace wounds. eye" By MaJor "i. Tonms, consUItJ.ngSurfon, injuries and shattering wounds of the Office of The Sur~on Ganerd,Air. orces sp~nal col1;Jlllll. elyis and extremities p . (A fe',7 notes r rom this article ;~ requi re s:peCl.alapparatus, at.' ~"'.4~{ t?ntion of'specl.alists and long hosIn the Air Ambulance.;')the S p~talizatJ.on. Such cases should not safety of the patient as the first',c0!!1fJ.rst be operated on and made nonmandment. .' ' .. ~ransport.abl,e , but sif!IPly prepared for .Authl?rreviel;rs br~efly airplane '~i:'~sl.iiIIlledlate au evacuat Lon, Severe portatJ.on of s ick and woundedf'rom.'the . cases of ds'senteryand tY(Jhoid should stri9tly medical. or prof~ssionaI ;po~,~~ be evacuated to homehospi,tals by air. of new, as prenously di scussed' 'at'-l.nAuthor warns expressly against la.y ternational conferences. ,'the:;:6utevacuation by air. Conllnanding fIio break 6fthe Polish war, the'medical,["? cers of combat uni t s sometimes try to. problems of air transportation,.of~'WOuhdbe helpful and send their woundedwith- ed had been for the Germanprofeils16h~

i :

", .~

V-8449',.(;':M'C": l:rm

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~.. . s lri- r'r~n ~..... . uS_I,.od:: (,"~' ," ., . .' l:argehy.Lu'lllEltter of theoty, as they had t Ions of theseestab~lshments form 'on T, h::"lIiJ lit tle~,?xp'3rience I,Vi ~h .the actual, easent ial. part of thi s progress. The a .tTons]Jo!'ta'tlon of the lnJUI'ed by. mr.. motonzahon. of ground .transport . means -:-lrhen':t?ail\!=l folish . On "ha\l '.the not been able to. keep pace wi th b1t'!113Jbc(s1'S.,of,then own lnveshga~l~ms thi s progress for ~he J?UD.X?ses f war o [infthe~;ne~d of aerOriaut~c~ medlClne Sl,U'gery, although In posruron warfare -.twp~;urifavo:ra.blepo?sibil~hes were , w~th.good roads and speededyp evacua,t,given"s'pec~al consader-atdon. ',. . t ron to nearby general hOSpltalS, this i!,irs.t,:the effects of lowered air disadvantage can be substantially Lespressure. .' .. ', sened. . , . \,;'Sacond;', anemia from previous bl.ood The disadvantages of war surgery, as .; l:o's'sesi.',.~;; " . nom Move, can nowoe made 1!P. agayn The:,fir:st was considered thro~ an evaeua""fion---as-tne emp oywith:=.r:eference to open brain Wounds and mento ambulancCi ai r squliifrOiiS 1!! torcabdominal wounds in. which considerfo~F prove. ' fable'cexten'sion from the gas formation I . :t illectlve support ambuJ.ance air"had' occurred. As disturbances in these I planes can now ,render, is illustrated. tby. conditions do not occur until on altithe author ) by several examples, viz: a tude .of ,3000 to 4000 meters has been . belly wound .Wl h small intestine t proreached; they did not come practically lapse, incurred near Warsaw, arrived on "!p,to";.consideratio~. . .' th,? ?perating ta,\,le o~ the surgical 10 T.h.e.s.econd conai.der-at ion lS one of c11mc of the Umverslty of :Breslau 2:t great ,practical interest in the evacu-v lhours after the wound was received. ati:on!.of wounded by aiI"J?lane. All se.Author adds that this is cert,ainlY a rioJisly'Wounded have suffered more or record to which the patient owed his Less severehemorrh~es. On the second uneventful recovery . . -cand"th.ird;fuJys hemo obin, may range beGood re,sul.t s in .eye injuries are tween 35 and 53)b. ung wounds with greatly increased through prompt air ~emo.thorax, and. belly vounds with 1,liM evaouat.i on and. operat Ion in modernly dlaphragm, from meteonsm have rest.rLcf- eqmpped eye cllmcs. ' ... ed D!'eath~ng capacity. In allc.of these 'Bratn end jaVl ~njuries for ''1l,10?e p~ocaees ral.t i.tudes of more than 1.;00 I per treatment nerthsr the r'equiai.t.e 111metiers, muat be avoided. I st E:11 ions , equipment anc;tpersonnel . at 'iT,he,,:orr, ect ness of these .consideracan be e:xpectedto be a,:lTallable at the tlons "was proved in the air evacuation front, are particularly beneficiaries of.';2500'sick and wounded from Poland to of airpl.ene evacuat.Lon , ,as are lung Gerl)l8I1y: The only threatening disturbwounds, severe joint fractures and ances observed were those ohenomena as- shot fractures. Of 375 cases of jO~ sOGiated with altitude sickness. fractures, only.two died 'after their f.c,,~.a.j;otal of four patients . died either', airplane evacuation. to special hospitals in:J;he'airplillle or immediately after in Germany.. These figures are to be Landdng , ",One was a case of gunshot compared with World War results. "'oundo ,of. the lumbar vertabrae with reThe ambulance lane bit s ra; id troper"itoneal hemorrhage: two 'with lung brl nn 0 rea s ances s unlted -wounds and:hemotherax likewise died ,and Ii ,1 1 eve 0 e sur lC c anac bthe:fourlh froill',a severe peritoni~is.. q, the ome 'ld'1l e irst an ..None of these four cases was carr i.ed an llnaI care 01 the wcunded. ~:ieguipped ambulance plane (metcal I (To be continued in next" issue). al'rplane, the Germans call them but I ---000--in ordinary transport planes wi hout ' , medical attendants. The great majority A Sperry .AutomB.ticPilot v.hich, it is of all.cases were transported in equip- st at ed , "flies a table instead of an ,jp6d"lihd medically staffed ambulance airplane, II was ingeniously installed at ae;['llnhes~, There were no deaths in these the-Curtiss-i'irightTechnical Institute pl,l1e~Land nosubsequen.t deaths which for study' by members Of the Air Corps ~ere attributable to the airplane , Training Detachment under instruction e.rf;Journey. .. . ! there as aviation mechani.ce . -n.rj;Pn~.r1Vhat most difficult cirf?Ulnst~-1 The .Automatic Pilot 'is mounted ona ces hlgh.C~~ss surgery was reqQlred, lnl movable table top. When for instance, -a,{l-:,m,,t,r,!=IP1G.1Y 9S advancmg war of moveone corner of t~ table (representing !!!,,!n~ -,!'lv-en ~s that an the East, can ac- ,an airplane Wing) is depressed, the ' ~.1},?11y',~be. JUdged. onlv by those doctors Automatic ,Pilot uroirrptl;y brings it back ..,;ynoj,:,e, xp,erlen,~ed lt t~ere on the spot. I to normal "flyin,g""JOsitlon .. If the table -.tJP~e,,:r.ecen, a.G.yances In ,s~gery .1110ng t is thrown cOJ.lWletely out of balance, th,e wl~l:l1.~,.\ieepemn~ of our 1;>lologlc?1 pilot, operat-Ing exactly as on an air-b~~W~\l.dge};,he,do,?en carr-red ol;1t an 01p' lPlane, levels it up agaan. Advanced stu(}],.il.A~.Sl@!ldh,,9s,Plta:J,S. he di?@10Shcdent,swillusethedevicetolearnthe T ana: ~~fa?~ut~c equipment and Irist alLa- Operation, maintenance and repair of . ai rpl.anss thus equipped. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. .... V-8449 , A.C.




Two successful "Bel.LyLandings" in , damaged ships were made at Moffett Fiel9-.~ Calif '/ on .April 17th, after a. colllslon of "110 P-36A planes over the fie~d during ~imulated combat practiCe, Li eut s. LonngF. Stetson and Frank L. Dunn, both of the 21st Pursuit Squadron, were pilohn~ the ships and engaging in a "dog:-fignt" a short distance from the field. As the ships flew toward each other. one of the . pilots. was apparently blinded by the sun. They banked awa~ to miss each other, but the wing t i.p of one st ruck the bottom of the other plane. The wing tip and a portion of the aileron P .ARACHUTE "GADGEr" ATTBACTsATmil'IbN on one plane were torn aNlay, While the '. . '.~ ;i'~,,-; other Was damaged at the point where Fastened to the ceiling in both"parathe landing gear is concealed. renderchute depar tment s at Randolph.Fiel?!;: ing the wheels inoperative. Texas, a complete parachute harness; Lieut. Dunn browmt down his :(llane used to demonstr~te ~st .how.U',fE;els without the benefit of the landlng gear to be suspended ln mld-alr,.lsattractand reported the accident and the ing much attention among both officers :(llil"..htof Li eut. St et son, who was st ill and Flying Cadet s . .... , ."7.:; an Ehe air. After malting several stallOne class of cadets already.received to test the reaction of liis ~d instruction on the apparatus when;f.irst :plane, Lieut. Stetson finally ,gllded report mg , and plans are under way..o t lnto the field for another IIBen~ Land- include a session in the harness fOr ing. II Officers estimated that hi s each of the incoming classes of,. student landing speed was approximately 130 pilots. . .: -',~;;It miles per hour. Neither of the pilots Essentiallv, the idea is toilltistrate was inJured in the landing, although to all concerned :lust how aparachut e both planes will require a major overharness shoul.d aduall~ fit, not .o!l'the haul, and they will 'be sent to the ground or m the cockpr t of a plane, but Sacramento Air Depot for repairs. when the aerial life raft is called Lieuts. Dunn and Stetson received into use in an emergenc~. A second adcormnendation for the way they handled vantage of the' instructlon harness-Ls their planes and for choosing to bring to demonstrate how it is possiblii,.:to them in rather than to "bail out" witli sit in the seat rather than to remain the resultant complete destruction of suspended by the leg straps after';:aboth planes. The accident hel:ped Lieut. forced parachute jump.. . . ; ',::. Dunn celebrate his receiving hi s comOf little use in Texas, but -something mission in the Regular Army, which came to be. remembered for p<;>ssiblef1itiU'~ only two days before the accident. use, lS the demonstratlon of how ,to. ---000~leave the chute and harness when'ni8king a descent into water. . ".~.,< NEWBT-14' s BEllm FERRIEDTORANlXlLFH ---000--i

the new trainers, this procedure will be curtailed, if not. cancelled. Instructors and student ~ilots alike are enthusiastic. over the .1940 model." The additional 50 h p , in the new engines is ,"just what the doctor ordered," one veteran instructor' stated. ,.Most noticeable difference to o1itward'~~'7 pearances, as cOiJlllaredto the. earl:let model', the BT~9, 1s the absence of.',the e~e-brow slots I the squared off w~n:g,' t:Lps, and Ifl- sllghtly deeper cockp~t:-.' Rudder deslgll has been changed sl~mtly to permit better control at ne8r7.stalling speeds and in recovery from sp~~s. ---000--. ':1' JX';

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According to the Uews Letter CorresFLYING CAnErBOARDS AKE OOD.PROGRESS M G pondent, more than one hundred of the' ,,;;". ,., . new 450 h.p. BT-14 Basic Training airReports received at Barksdale 'Field, planes will ,be stationed at Randolph La., by newspaper clippings, indicate Field, Texas, within a very short "time, . that the Fl)fing Cadet Boards 'ncw bburwith more to come. For the past month, ing the var-ious Corps Areas are en'joyferry pilots have been depar't daily ing success at every stop. TheNews for the North Amcncan factory at Ing.Lel Letter Correspondent. states that these wood, Calif., to fly the new training I reports are eSj:lecially gratifyi~.-to planes to the Texas airdrome.. ~ the Barksdale Field Public i ons With classes of approximately 250 . Office, which ~ts forth everi'effort Flying Cadets and student officers reto cooperate IVlth the Boards m .securporting to the "'.VestPoint of the Air" ing publ-icityin newspapers along. their every six weeks for their basic phase route. . . (" of flight, instruction, theBT-9's were At Jonesboro;' Ark., 15 youilgmen~~ap~., being flown as much as 125 hours :per . plied for Flying Cadet training,':'I ..:The' month to keep pace with the trainmg, . bth Corps 1'.rea.Board reports thri.Fa: directive'. Nigj:lt maintenance was neces . total .of 50 young men successfull;~:passsary for a time but, with the coming of ed the examination for flying. ~r~!l:lng. ,-4V-'8449.;:"A-xC;;





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FLYINGC.AIiEl'S RESlJ'PEBMEl1?? A (A non-professional explar.ation of the ~sica1 examination for Fl~'ing Cadet applicants),

"tb$~'JI;;;'.',. "'Fi~ngCadets of the United States given each reading, all combining to ,Air vOrps are Supermen? Not 15;\' a long give a final result. All 18 is perfect, :Shot'! 'Physical requirements for poten- the medicos say, but iRtential pilots 6",hal: military pilots are so rigid that need onl.y a plus 8. Just ncr-mal, II only,highly trained athletes are able they again reiterate. ' "I~,t,o 'pas,s the exams? 'Again, you're all "Flying Cadet a:pplicants are s:pun , " wrong round and round In a Barany chai r to -l;'<',Act~lY, Flying Cadets of Randolph test the reactions of the middle ear, .''Field, "The West Point of the Air," where the sense of balance is located. are normal college men, with normal A check on his blood pressure is made F,'!yes, normal heart, normal reactions, meanwhile. Occasionally, a candidate "'norm.'1l lIl\lsci)1ar balance. In fact, the has difficulty viith this phase, but not ..enhreph.vsical exasnnat Ion as devised, often. , ' "fI Lbythe, School of Aviatibn iJedicine and . Can you make your hands arid feet beLaididown in Army Regulations is'based have? Well, let's see .. Get into the .on just one word, normal. ' chair of the Automatic Serial Reaction .~~~Certain rare individillils are able to !lachine. ,Facing the a:pplicant are , . - ~:-"read;let~ers only 10 millimeters. hii#J, three double torrs of h,gJit. One row 113 ~-from a distance of 20 feet. FlYlng red, the other green. Also, in~frorit.of ~,Cade.t.applicants are~equired.~o read the Cadet-to-be is a control stick and .~'-'letters D.oublethat saze. 20 mlllrudder pedals! similar to the controls vn;meters tall, from the 20-foot distance. of a plane. nstead of controlling a ';.TIV~nt;\' millimeters is sli~tly more. plane they control the lights: The en :t,l$l'three-fourths of an Inch .. ,Tr;r lt tire is aut.omat ic from this "ns'yourselfl "Just normal visual acui ty ;" point on. Three red lights flash ori, f ~.he flight surgeons, declare. and youmove the controls until the 9.E'l"~Another test of the eyes is depth green lights are Li.ght ed directly o;ppoejjerception, ;iudge comparasi te the red ones. When correct tne (!h"lC8S of cb.ject s . Two black time to perform t.his task is registered. ss: Tods are mounted on a sliding base. Another -set of red light 13flashes on, t Strings, are attached to these rods so and then another and another until, the . ',:that the,pilot-to-be c?Il moye them.. app1ic?llt ~ solved,40 set t i.ngs . ,This ',from a ance . The Idea 113to aa.JUst determines his react Ion t ime . . .the rods so that they will be more or That I S about all to the examination il"les,s equi-dis~an~ from Y9ur eyes. !ill except the psychological. te st .wh~chconerror of 30 null1meters 113allowed oy s.i st s merely of a, chat wlth a Fhght 'O.ITlI~L:teAir Corps. "Just nor'mal ;" medicos Surge0n. He.probes your mfnd, seeking 0' ,s~. for some persons can adJUst the for any phoblas that ma eXlst, even 'stlcks with an error as small as five without~our knowledge. ". , . ;liliU,,imeters. .I }' stars pass the test viith fly:" J[~,,:,'Still ' another ey~ test ... color bliJ:1d1 ing colors, , : ' .qut so do the "skinny ness. If the appllcant has trouble an I ruiit s ;" and an JUst as large a percentdistinguishing the "stop" ligpt from ~e', A "good l1ttle man" and a ",good '. . 2~::j;J:le ,','go" li(#lt, he. will vrobably have b1g. man" ar~ all equal when it comes to .,;:',il;ifflculty In pasamg th1S phase. I flYlng an ai.rpl.ane and, for that'matteI', ''',OJ;herwise, his chances are good. they are all equal when it comes, to . ~:'~ "Per:i:rnetric field of vision.~' i,s ano passing the llhys~cal exam also. "All ,.'~'tnE\r.eye test. Test yourself oy nold- that we requrr e 113normal men, normal ',~firie: 'your head steady' while 11 fnend in every respect ," is the Flight Sur"v'moves a pencil about two feet from geon 's closing statement. "Y9Ur'left ear. Have him gradual.Ly ---000--oe'jlgg].e' it forward, upward , downward. . 'Can: y'qu.see it in these various nosiThirty-two Air Corps enlisted men com,;:~i;on~'r.If you can, :r0'!X field, o~vis~ prising the finel group of the fir?t . _;,..1011,113 all probabt Li ty suff'Lcdent-Ly drclt of 272 selected men sent to III . .. ' -:b.road. Curti ss-Wrii#J,t Technical Institute, Glen .1.", . "M.vheart's OK," all appl.Icant s . 'daJ.e, Calif., for drist ructd.on as aviaboastfully declare when that :p0'rtion .-!;ion mechanics, graduated and returned ,-q~of"the.e~.starts. _Perhaps lt is and to their home fields on April 24th. O'p'e~'h~ps,It Lsnt t , Blood.pressurere'rhe second, group of 136 men sent to cl1nlng,' pulse rate recl1nlllg, both, t hi s school 113 now well into its 6-months' -na~at:e':~recJ!:ed again~t the same readings j cour se of instruction as part of the Air 'a...t'akeIl' w.l:n.lest andmg u:p and, also, af- Cor:ps Training Det., which also includes ' A, to Cadets at the CaJ.-Aero Please terAexercise. purchase PDF Split-Merge on value is -5-Fly:lIlgremove this watermark. , School. V-8449 A,C.

and ~hey .recejved their Flying Gadet . appolntments by Vlrtue of. theu passmg With a total of 73 native sons, 'Cali- the difficult written examination \which fomia's representation'in the March, covers two years of credits at a recog1940, primary flying ,class of 375 Flnized.collegeor university:"c1 ',ff"' ing Cadets,.this query ma;v be elllph@,tlc- ' Of these. 65 enlisted men,17;.eantE1,,, slly answered in fhe affirmative. These from Chanute Field, Ill.; 5 "each:'frO!lL . 37,5Flying Cadets are' distributed among Langley Field, Va., and Mi'tchel';Fileld, the nine civilian elementary flying 11. ;,; 4 each from Msvell Field",:Ala:.; Y schools sel~cted by the W~ Departlilent Kelly and, RandolP!J, ields;, Texas" .. d F @ under the Air Corps Expans10n PrQgrem.. Barksdale Field~ La., and 3. each fr~m Their training was started oIn5arCh . . Hamilton and MOlfett Fields, C811f':,27th, -Last . . . " . , and LoVll'y ,Field, Denver,Colo .1<. NOlfe: of WhenCalifornia entered '70 students - the other,Air Corpsstatio1iSlVas'~reprein the December, 1939. primar flyingsented by more than two students:cin~;the class , it was thoug..lJ.that this record t March class. .: ;',CJlil'!! would. stand forsorne time .to come, sine The 375 students were divided"tamoD:g that number constituted 18% of the enthe nine civilian elementary flyii:lg;.( tire student body. In the March class, schools. as follows: . ,:"'21:>1:'1 l however, California boosted its previAlabama Institute of AeroIiaUtics .c./.35 ous hiM percentage mark by t\VO points. Chi~ School of Aeronautics::c,',,:;tJ,r;.23 The State of Texas, which haS&wEls Dallas Aviation School and,:Airlil been in the thickest of the fight for College : .. ;;~;Iif,j;56 the highest representation of native Cal-Aero Training Corp6ration.>:"::JI:,1.33 sons in classes at the Army Air Corps , Lincoln Airplane and FlyingSCh'OCil'. 24 Training Center, is runner-up this time Parks Air College ...... : .... :y.:.~:~:.~,~.3 With 30 students, followed by NewYork R~ School of Aeronauhcs .. r:..'~.~.c.35 with 26; Illinois,' 20' Utah, 15; Allan Hancock College of . ,J. -"'" Missourl, 12; Hinnesota, Ohio and Wash- Aeronautics , :: . .:.:,.tr!J.48 inl;1;on, 11 each; Florida,. Iowa.and .Spartan School of Aeronauticsi.;1't.... 82 Oklahoma, 9 each; Georgia, North CaroTotal .: .,;,.~;~;J;J:~ Lma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and The names and residents of thesOe'''stuWisconsin, 8 each; Kansas, IfJassachusetts dent!3 are list~d ~n pages 10.t'o,;~~e}inand. South Dakota. 6 each; Alabama, Arcluslve, of th1S ~ssue of ,thelN/awls;l.', .. kansas, Colorado, Connecticut, Michigan, Letter. . ".." . 1. '" il'lississippi, vlontana and North Dakota, -000---!' J '.q;!,;)0Q 5 each. - None of the other States is , ':"):,r,l represented by more than four students .GEN.i:'1lAL DARGUE VISIT~ WRIGHT~JrI~:
eaCh.: '


Amongthe various cities represented Brigadier General Herbert' A;f'Darg\l!3, by students in the new class, Los Air Corps, was a visitor at 'Wiigl1t'''S .Angeles is credited with the unpreceField oni.iondav April 8th .~.He~wa,s .en dented total of 31, or one more than route from Wasmn,gtonto the I'an:ama;~ the entire representation of Texas, Canal Zone, where"he is the ColllIllaIlding runner-up amongthe States. Chicago G:eneral ~f the 19th Wing .. is next an line with 7 students, fol-McCook Fleld as a student an the':Air~ lowed by Brooldyn, N.Y., NewYork City, Corps Engineering School, and,a'graduSalt Lake City and Minneapolis, with 5 ate of tJie Class of 1920. Generaleach; Austin, Texas, Beverly Hills, Dargue has Long been familiar With Glendale and Santa Monica, Calif" 4 l:ateriel Divis10n aims and traditions. each; San .Antonio, Texas. Columbus, General Dargue spoke most interestingOhio, St. Louis, Mo'" and Seattle, ly of the tremendous acti vi ty now:eriWash., 3 each .. None-of the other, grossing the Canal Zone. ". ':ii ci ties represented in the Class is Or. his lapel General Darguewore: the credited lvith more than two students small ribbon of the Distingui.shed:(Flyeach, ing Cross, awarded for his.leader.:shi,p Another outstanding feature of the of the Pan American "GoodWi.ll Flight" March class is the unprecedented repre- in 1927. GeneralDargue is a fliglit -sentat ronof 65 enlisted men of, the :pion~er, having first taken ~stra.!nArmy in the student body. This nUmber mg an 1912, when he was st atroned dn ,constitutes an all-time record. in the the Philippines.An Il.via.tion.scnool history of the Air Corps Training Cen- was at that time conducted at ~For-j;.. ter. i~ stil~ more noteworthy in Y'illiam McKinl'ey,with Lieut,; (now.<j connect ron 'Y1th this ~arge represent ayolonel) Frank P. Lahm 7th Cavalr, as , . hon 01 enllsted men 1S the fact that mstructcr , General Dargue;inad.e'"his 46 .did not possess the required two training fliMts in an old ~:plane, years of college credits so as to,~X':ll,lich'~ kept ~n r~pair .. He''rec61yed:' empt them from the mental examinahon, his flYlng ratmg an July ,.:1913':;::., . . -06' '. V-':8449'/1':A.,Gl. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

.'.r..l..ln:r. ~

durance test in the air of two (.8) hours cont inuous f'Li.zht . , ibftBy:tne'JMateriel 9, ~he aeroJ?lane must develop a s:peed ~ooe, J\ c", ~' , ' .' ':Ln the a:Lr of at least forty-f:Lve .T.A~foliowing imposing list of'charac " miles an' hour. , 10.' The machine must be canable of landconsidered essential for ing on and arising from'p1ol'led . ,i!l!llitpry aircraft in the dear dead~days fields. ' ; .of' .!-1912; was takeh from the files of. 11. The supnorting surfaces must be of Itbe ,Field Service Sect ion at Wright :' sufficient area to insure a safe Lfi:l3id'.:'~Theyare published for the purgliding ~le in case the engine stops .Th:LS \,]i11 be determined by 10 r;iri,:i.{'i>fwhet ting the delightful sense a test during calm atmospheric condi-5:o~~superiority whic4 ,moderns are apt tions; at an altitude of l,oeO feet srl~tQ)exp'enence over acco~1plishments to the engine will be entirely cut off wh i ch ne may have contributed nothing and a glide made to the ground. The >.Fh,at soever . l~erely to have been born hori2lJntal distance between position In';~A.~'sage and time of '100 m.p.h. 'of cut-off and landing must be at c~:Ls:Lng s~eeds. 3,OOQ-mile ranges, least 6,000 feet, or at other altiGB1*t6n we:Lghtcarrying aircraft, we tude,of the same ratio, ' (;S,accept, aS,a strange vicarious f'Lat t.ery . l{bT:ill: n case the "Jeight carr' capaI In :l9il2 ,the military airplane was city is increased to 600 pounds, aa.three ,years old .. The ITrights had first the 'minimUm ead may be reduced ~' ~.~uccee~.,din.lifti*g t.hemselves aloft. to thirty~ei t miles per hour, "'" 'll:Jl;,.po;.y~red craft, rune years pt'elTiousl, . and the clim ing power diminished e/;. n splte of a tremendous amount of efto 16COfeet in ten minutes. ac; fort. on the par-t of others, no nreced- , ---000--:Ln~human bemg had ever accomplished 8;; .thi s feat. , ELEMENTARY ScHOOL AT ,.MAXiiELL FIELD S8. ,And,so, although in the light of cor-I' c'ltresponding present aircraft require-JJ;J!le~t~;,thosebel0\7 may smack of quaintJvI.axwell Field's "little red school -1!P~~~:' ,;they have their own dignity and I house" '.7hich has been designated the tJ;ie.. lp.v,?r of great accompl i shment. It f Post Elementary School and '7hich came W:Ll1 noted there are no demands for 'be into being on l~o'iamber5, 1939, is 10cockpit seats accommodating parachutes, I cated near the entrance to the Air Today IV~ learn by flying; they had to Corps 'Tactical School on \7ashington E[qcompllsh most. of\;lle'ir learning by Fer~y Road. The building and grounds falling. eI are the property of the City of Montgom.::r,;.fhe list mentioned in our first senery but have been loaned to j,.iaxwell t ence tf'o.l l.owsiField authorities. The transaction has Ji.'l. ,~eguire1?entsfor Weight Carryihl; proved to be advantageous to all parM:L~ltaryAirplane ties concerned, as it has relieved con))n~,bl1~'~,;!".J:; .February 8, 1912 gestionin thecityschoo1s, and the Sf; I:~,no!"~ ;" building loaned, to 1.1axwe11ield is F 1r.rlIt."must carry two persons with the readily accessible for the airdrome I s -.r.rreseats so arranged as to .pormi.t of i children. the:largest possible field of obser- i As no~ constituted, the school conrvat ion for both. ' sists of a kindergarten and the first . ~:(JjThe ~optrol must be capable 'of use I four grades. Fifty-four 'children are '~rlJ';;; by ei.ther operator from either seat. I in attendance. i'r's. Elleen Davis .3h The machine I!1Ustbe able, to ascend ,,~; teaches kindergarten and first grade at a m:Lnimum'rate,of ,2,000 feet in I pupils; l.~s. Edna Giganti, grades one eri:ten'minutes while carrying a wei,<;ht I and tV]O,and jla-s. Kathryn Tlineatt, -;,;l"'oL.450 pounds and the amount of Iuel 1 grades three and four. The' ,,",oungsters .,c,:l",statedm paragraph 4.' are t ransoor-t ed to the schoo'l by bus . ,).f::"The .fue l . supply must be .suff fc i ent and returned to their homes by the same Jitfor at.least four hours of cont mu- I means." School hours are from 8:00 a..m, -:;:J,'.ous'fl:Lght. ,, I until noon. ' Recess is from 10: 15 until ,5:. ,It -must '\le easily i 10:'45 a.m , .. ., ,.'. . Locroa9-; raf l , etc., and easily and' I ,Through, the generous, cooperat ron of ;J.'ap;Ldlyassembled and adjusted; I Dr. Clarence Dennelly, Supenntendent 6. ',T,hestarting and landing devices .'1 of the i,iontgomery.County Schools; the as ,'\;'.lJ!I.ls1;<bepartof the machine ' it self ,Elementary School. Supervi so:;- of. /;'onteL.rpnd,:l!1Ust,be'able to start, without I gomFJry 'County, IhrS, J. T. Br-i st ovr con, ,eJ'iB.,[Gut'S,i<j.e st ance , , .asai ducts' frequent ,inspections ,of the Post '~.3,\the>cengineI!1Ustbe capable of, School to insure tnat the instruction thrp~tQ~ng.t? run,at reduced speed. the pr~scri'\led st~ndards . .8,;..Arl1e?fenglnei.Ll, be subject to an enw l\'lrs. Dans, Mrs. G:Lgent:L and ~J1"s. - .V-8449. A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

ai1i:c;.s\'1 ''![;aBACKTO

j -e.1~1



1912 A. D, ' Division Correspondent




Thweatt also attend the r schedUled teachers I 'meetings held twice monthly under the supervi sion of Dr. Dannelly. . First Lieut. Lour s A.Guenther, Air Corps, Waxwell Field Recreation Officer, supervises the conduct of the'sChool. The school also has a ways and means en committee, consisting of Mrs. Augustine F. Shea....Mrs. Winslow C. Morse I MIS. Dudley 1). Hale and !lJI's. Elza L. Higbie. Theinverior of the building has been completely renovated and its grounds graded and improved. Grass, plants and shrubbery were sown on the school's "Arbor Day," h.ra.rch5th, under the supervision of Private Clyde Johnston, Maxwell Field landscape gardener. The plants and shrubberf were contributed by the flying field s personnel and Mrs. Ellen Jerikins, of Montgomery. . Amongthe plants donated by Mrs.Jerikins were four large and 50 small althea plants. To quicken the interest of the children in gardening, each class has been charged with the resnonsibility of caring for one of the large plants and each child has been assigned a plant to be watered and otherwise cared for. A playground is also in process of construction on the school's expansive grounds . A doll house and sand box have alrea~y been built, and see-saws, swings, 'board , basketball back stop and a volleyball court are to be added. The entire area is enclosed by a newly erected white painted wooden fence. . The ;children in attendance are from t~e.f~ilies of officers, erilisted men, Clvlllan employees and Federal Prison Camp guards stationed at Maxwell Field, . --oOo~'


". ' Pan Americ8l,l's new clipper, "The Flylng Cl.oud ." fust supercharged-cabin ~lane de?til?-ed for servrce on a United tates aullne, arnved at Bolling F ield, D.C., on April 1st, where lt was brouzht for inspection by officials of The April 8th Class. of the Air,ciifps the Civil Aeronautics Authority and the Tactical School, Waxwell Field,' .Ala:, Army and Na~. '. claims fourteen of the Materiel'DiVi:The 33-pas'senger Boeing is to be 'put sion engineering officers for 'its~tJlteein service on an East. Coast-South Amer- months 1 course. In return, :the'Tae:t'lcal ican route to Rio de Janeiro. The plane School is sending back to Wright Fi:eid is designed for o:(leration at an alti. fourteen officers, also of .engineering tude 'of f'our to~flve miles, while super caliber, who entered this School~on..:' chargers J!laJ.l?-taJ.l?normal. a~mospheric January 1st of this year. . . .' ....:; . pressure lnslde ltS elght-mch thick Those of the new class who reported fuselage . The airliner, fully loaded, from Wright Field are Lt: Col: A.-M,':, also inclU9-e? iJ. ton of cargo, 'and has a Drake, C~ts. D.C.Doubleday, J.K;c{}e'!" normal crui smg speed of 247 miles per hart, .' ., P.R. Robey, .T.A.. ,-;hour. . Sims, C.B. Stone, R.V. Williams',' Iiii3uts. The "Flying Cl.oud ;" the wor'Ld t s first E,M. Oavrn, D.L. Hardy, M.J... Lee',:;R,.M. stratosphere t:Pre alrlinert arrived at McCoy, E.S. Perriri and R.E:.SWofJo~di Bolling Field rom Brownsvi.l l.e , Texas, -8'. ..--oO~_8449;;

with one intermediate stop, ... nd, wasA"'''' a piloted by Captain F.I. ~acobs7Chi'Eif~ Pilot of the Western Division of the Pan-American Airways.. .... o~~._ Of :(larticular interest istiie"'P,asSEmgel' hst for a demonstration' nigqV:~onducted shortly after noon of<E'ridBt::": April 5th. The list included the;fo~lowing n8J!1eB .fami~iarin C1:1xreJ?-t ii#ional and on history, V1Z:" .:,:.".~ General George C. Marshall, Chi,eF:9f Staff" and Mrs. Marshall; . -:: ".o.~ Major qeneral Henry H. Arn,61li,:~C,ef of the Air Corps; " '." '0'7;"Rear Admiral John Towers,' Chief ::of' Bureau of Aeronautics. U.S Na".:!' . Mr. Jol,m C. Cocper , Vice Pre.s,:td:ent:of Pan-Amer i can Airwas; ." , .}~!" Dr. Ernest Gruenmg, Governor 'of.:O Alaska: . ... ...0 : Senator and Mrs. Claude Pepper';:(:~"; SenatOr and Mrs. Key Pittman;:. ,'C1~ Mrs. Josiah Bailey, wife of. Senator Bailey; . . .'; .''''.1 Hon . R. Walton Moore, Counsel" fo:t,=-the Department of State, and his sister~? Miss Margaret Moore; .,!.,~'! Mr. Grant Mason, Ambassador .to ..MeXico: Hon , Edward J. Noble, Under-SecYet:ary of Commerce; . .. . oj J Mr. Charles P. Graddeck, Superintendent of Air Mail; . . .' . ',n. ,08 Congreasman and Mrs. Clarence"F /Qea; Mr . Charles Guthrie,' Assistant;UriderSecretary of Commerce; " ~~:~ Lieut. Colonel Edmund'W.'Hill ,Colllmanding Officer of Bolling Field; , "_'l~.t~ Major William M. Lanagan, Engineering Officer of Bolling Field:.. '. .":.._~ 'l~. Clinton M. Hester, Admini~tra~or, Civil Aeronautics Authority, and'lmrs. Hester; . '., ,e':..T Hon. Edward Warner and Mrs. '.W<:li:nid, . Civil Aeronautics A1;lthority; .. Mr. C.B. Allen, Air Safety Boar.a;., Mrs. Hardin, wife of Mr. 'I'homas-Hardjn , Air Safety Board; . "~;~. . Mr. Harllee Branch, Civil Aeronaut.Ics Authority. ;'. :';f -oOo-'r ':::



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'"".:-"~h- ... ,


DEATH OF_cFIRST RECIPIENT .oF CHENEY AWABlJ SON OF PRESIDENT OF CHINA. A SI'lJDENT J{f "~~(.;~-;.;_. . AIR CORPS TACTICALCHOOL. S ~'The'death on Saturday, April 20th, at. .. _a.Fitzsimons General Hospital, Denver, I Li.eut . Chian~ Wege, Inf'ant.ry , second ._,,~.Cb1,6',,:-of,Ma.sterSergeant Harry.A. Chap-] son of Genere.llssirno Chiang Kai-Shek, ,vma:n;-:A:r~Air Corps, marked the passing President of China, arrived April 9th .P'f(th~i ~~~st ::eci:pient of the Chene;y I at J:~7ell Field, l,!ontgomery,Ala. .rrom -.-::o;A\va::d.,wh~chs given annually to Air a ,W~sJ:.ll~on, D,C., where he had been Corps off'Lcer-s , Regular and Reserve, '1 VoI.Slt1ngat the Chinese Embassy, The '~I!IDd, Air Corps enlisted men, for the tri:p from Washingtoll was made byaunomost outstanding act of valor, selfmcbiLe, He had beert authorized to, at'r:s.1:.rince or extreme fortitude in a tend the three months' course at the hu..."1iIDi tarian interest in connection Ail' Corps Tact ical School, and is now w~~~flying, . pursuing the study of aerial combat tac'..'hen the. Cheney Award was established tics. He etated he considered himself . 'le in ,:1927, Master Sergaant Chapmanwas . [ most, fortunate in being permitted enthe first to receive it in recognf t Ion I rollment and that he hoped to be able of}1is cons:(licuousbra'(ery in the ~rto profit by the instru<;tion. , . shlp RO~lA. disaster, whrch occurred In He \'I8.Saddressed as Li.eut . Ch~ang by Febr:uary, 1922. Immediately following one of the school authorities, whereupon the crash of the ill-fated ai.r'shrp; the latter was most courteously inform~.ergeant Chapnan found himself ent.raoed that in China the surname ia. used Ped in a canvas enclosed cOlllPartment~, first - hence it is Lieut. Chiang Wege. -,If,Escape .throuzh the usual exits Vias cut This is the Chinese officer's second of;f:;by the fIellles. While the fire was visit to l'Iia.."Cvell Field, he having spent ,raging, )1e cut an opemng in the canvas a week there in December, 1939. '0" ,with.his knife, thus making an exit Lieut. Wego is 25 years of age, b;:f \-'5"thr9~.which it was possible for him looks much younger. He is 5 feet, ~ " "to escape immediately' with little or no inches tall, and weighs 130 pounds . i:!e "brin,i1lXY himself. to Instead of doing pr~sents a. figur~ iJ.l his.' . : so, hoWever, this gallant soldier helpChmese untf'orm. The tuni c as ohve 'c,.ed.fourof his companions to take addrab in color and ds patterned along .~~;:vantage. f this exi t before he ,himself, o the Lines of the U.S. Army officer I s -'l1ift the fiery ruins. As a result of uniform, with the except i.on of the col_n""this act of self:"s~crifice he was so lar, which is of Pruss i an type. Lieut.: . 'sev.erely burned 'before he could make Wege stated that Chinese officers also' ~,.,.,his,escape tha.t for several days his wear the Sam Browne belt and a short . ' ..'life' was desnaired of. He was COnfined I carved sword in a scabbard on all in~~in,the, Walter Reed General Hospital for I formal occasions. The sword is about ,. -apprOxiiDatelhvone year. I the size of a bayonet and adds to the ., Sergeant C a;p= was born in St . smartness of the ensemble. He also ~o,,~ph, Mo., June 29, 1896, and enlist, said that for parades, ceremonies and .ed"~n the Army at st. Joseph, Mo., in I other formal assemblies,' sabers are October, '1916. He served overseas dur- I worn. The insignia of his arm and IY",.ing;the World War.with the li~terI grade are worn on the collar. Red is ,. ~ ''-air branch of the ArmyAu Service I the color denoting the Infantry in the __ .and , following his return to this ' , Chinese Army. The cap is of olive drab, P''"cour,tr,y for d.uty at Lan~ley Field, Va., I with two srr.all brass buttons on its he was a memberof the o.etachrnent sent I peak. Chinese Officers. wear black high to Italy for the purpose of studying I ton shoee . . e,.the oneration of the'Airship ROM!.He r Lieut. 'liege, a bachelor, is a gradu"'a$sisted in the dismantling of this II ate of Soocfiow University, Soochow, . 'airship for shipment to the United . China.' He speaks English and. German _ee.S~ates, and upon ~t s ar::iv~ at Langley .1 fluently. He has spent three years. in ' ....F~eld he as sdst ed an ~ts reassemb- Germany, the fust four months .of hi s -'-'"E:t1;jrj' and was detailed as a memberof its I Visi~ ~here being devoted to acquiring ~rrcre)v. . . suff'Lcfent knowledge of the German ".' .. Sergeant Chapmanserved at Langley Language so that he could ass iml Late F~eld until 1931, and then was ordered I the instruction of the GermanArmy. ;tC.duthv in the Hawaiian Department , i Wh~le there , he was assigned to a mounwhere e served for four years. He was I t ain regiment , to the general headquar_.l~ter transferred to Randolph Field, ,ters in Bavaria, and the GermanWar T. e:xa:s, .~d just recently to Lowry Field, School at Munich. His detail at the . ejR;,enve.:t;, ,~olo. - '" .. Lat t er schoo.l was f'or one year. . " ,'rhede. ceased Air Corps aonconmiseaonAss~gned quarters an the newly con"e~:pfficeris survived by his ridoVl, structed barracks which front Ma..lCI7ell Mao;gs-L6cke'Chapman,to whomthe deen' Field's Austin Hall, his room is quite . Sympathy of the Air Corps is extendeCi.' (Continued on Page i3) . '}'4 - \ Please purchase . PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8449, A.C.





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Hoke, .R.T'. . S-t'l":l' "t""'''; Ok!a. 1 ~.,er .." Alaba.= Institute of Aeronaut}cso;', I~:, DeWe'ese. ~\, ,ClevE;Iii.ii,f;: Tenn. . TUsc81oosa, ll~ '. ~ . ~. : Horowitz~, /Jps.. Sweetwa:t~r~'; Tenn. Merritt, XITI . ArliD:gton,;. Te Murphree. C.E. Ckuisddn. if". tavis, E.G. ". AUstiri.;T Guthrie, G.i{J., Jr. Ihverness, Moore, H:E.', .; AiiiitiIii T Prui tt, H. A. Tuscaioclsa. :Illal Fr'encks', -B;~,".Jr. ';. 'BrB:dY,,:; Tex Che:pman,J.W. NevI ll.l.ven, Conn, Gilcrease, JIR. AUstin;' Te Sconiers. ;)wa1r\; T. DeFuDiak ,9priIlllil,i Fila:, 'Parrett, C.'hI Austin, Te Griffiths, '!T. H. Pensacoka , Fl.a' Gibson, N.W. " , "cleburne, Te Liebhart, J.C. " '~!iSJlli, Fl.a. Haley, Albert L.v" Dallas rrTe Harrington, L.M. Wintel' Park, 'Fla.. l'Ii~lianis, C,L '~r. , El,J?'a:s6';~ Te Shiver. D.S. SaieCity, Ga. Parks', .1.R. . 'Hillso6t6':' Texa Irvin, )3. S. Washihgt'on. 'Ga. Sulli 'n\1i" E, N. Hodsta,' Te Frank, W. T. ' JaCksonville. =:.c' ~,-', ",,:'u.,O'Y,',','1)Te~'s ,T Shields, J.R, ' Greenville, Miss." .And r~,""i CO' ',. ~ ,Count~.' 'C.W, Los FreSnos p Texas Baskin, G. Br90klyn,"N:Y. Spivey, ,J?au1"tt ' Atl'anti,.Texas Marantz, ' Jf.. "c,. ',;Broo\<lyn,N:y., Zueht, \t.B:' San'Antoili.'o',:Texas Kelly, E.T. Dansville, N.Y. " Pai!pa'j Texas F.obb, H.W. JBlIRica. "L.. I'-I N.Y;'" Webb. R.A,; Jr. TurneZ;-, '0. " t:;r}ien'~~.Texas GOdfrey, J.E., Jr. dthaca,N.Y; Moore,N.F. "'"Beth'"l; l,tc; Cur~is, W.R.' , Va. Edney, Jwres S. CluipiliE!ilI, itt:: Gienti';;Ji?, Calif Sili3l1, J.E. "",.Concord, ,N.,C.' Cal-Ailr ',Ti'Jiinin C6" orati~~ Sutton, Monroe, II.C. Beverly Hills'. ,Galif. Icard, C.A. Hickory, N.C. Dennis, L.D. Coliing, T. Cincinnati, Ohio Caldwell, Ralph E. GlendalE;.:Calif. Boykin, Se.'Il Boykin, S.C. Briggs, J.X. Los Ange~~s:;:;Calif. Los Angeli'!~';:-,Calif. Patterson, A.K. Charleston, S.C. Mahaffie, R.L. - . - 1;J" Lightsey, R.L., Jr. Fairfax, S. C. Nelson, J.R. Los AD.g~l~e,s~.~;Cali Read, Elkins, Jr. Lynch, H.F., Jr. Greenville, S.C. Los Angeres,,;.Calif. Irish, J.E. Long B each', ,talif Thomas, A.C. , Ha.'lJlton, S. C. Davis, Emmett S. Hiott, Erskine D. St. Me.tthews, S.C. Ly~6d:~;C:alif Sazj, Fran6-iE;cct,-; Calif. Garrard, Robert J. Sni}Jt:s, G.L. Senoca, S.C. , , '08hu. T.H. Mear~, J.F., Jr. Varnville, S.C. , Bridges, Robert S. lli".;kl"ey; Utah LDIloche, J. J. Austin, Texas Xnight, M.R. , GarlEWd: Ubah JelIllDtt, H.K.B. Newport News, Va. Griffin, R. V. .-'" ",.' Fa!'rell, R.H. MurraY';' Utah Johnson, A. W. 'Lafto',,; Utah ChiCagO School of Aeronautics, Gle~view. Ill. -, Layj,'on, Utah Willi=, D.J. ,. Provo';- Utah Newren, Alfred L. Maull, Harol d V. Greenville, Del. Wooley, C. ""l'ro~"; Utah Karsokas, Banj. A. Methuen, Wass. Christensen, N.C., Jr. Sal t LakE;~'CHy,:Utah Midland, ,~ich. Milks, Warren N. Hardy, John X" Jr. Salt LeICl'-'CH-~Utah Woodridge, N.J. Barrerre, Robert A. Femnella, John C. Sal t Lake -t:H~~ Utah Great Kills, N.Y. Neeley, R.C. Gardyan, Edward J. , Vaneela, N.Y. Hughes , Phil Spanish Fork, Utah Noonan, Charles P. Spani sh Fork, Utah New'Rochelle .. II.Y. Williams, Walden Avian, H.M. New York, II.Y. Crandall, 1'.0. Tooel e , Utah Crispino, l.t'ron J. V, Painted Post, N.Y. Meacham. Howard D. CheneY,,;'l1ash. . Cheney., ..Wash. j Her=:on, Senne'l Stapleton, S.I., N.Y. Reavis, K.L. Bowe, Hugh H., Jr. :Puilmn:;:;Wash. Dayton, Ohio Nollmeyer, E,M. Bernstein; Melvin R. Al boona, Pol.. Wegner, R.E. Pullma.n"AVash. Wilson, J. W. Licht, Her-ran \V. Jennerstown, Pat Seattle,.~Wash. Gaygail, A. Philadelphia, Pol.. Kingen, Elmer F. SpOkane,~l'Iash. Cotter, 'I.E. Walla Wallti,,:Wash. Dallas Aviation School and Air College, _ _ r -..t.r .~ Lincoln AirPlane and Fl~ng School.,' '," Mias, Texas ' . Llncoln, Nebra a' .' ....1".:,.,,( ~ Denpsey. v, V. Wo.shington, D. C. '" 'I Bczerren , W.H. Winter Haven, Fla. Thompson, W. . W , . Ccin~,,: Ark. Howe, E.W. Gainesville, Fla. Te;ylor, R.W. " Devon, Conn. Norton, M.E. Hartwell, Ga. LeColllpte,"R:G. EvansVin;e~', Ind. , Noi'nal, Ill. WcCarthy, R.J. ' DubUque':, Iowa Mackey. J. E., Jr. .Butler , R.L. , Webster City, Iowa Nenning, F.C. :Dulniqu~':ilow!" ,WillieiDs, C.E. Atchison, Kans , Bush, L.C. Esthorville oJ Iowa Touchy, S.H. Lako Charles, Le.. Xonopisos, T.A. Sioui 'C1t'y.'TIoWa Huff, VI.J. Shubuta,1iiss. Mack, G.W. . ' ~,~rnii.~,Iich. Carter, P.D., Jr. Van'Vleet. ,Miss. Leggat" G.W. .-Detr01h~Yioh. :B'arr, G.C., Jr. Raleigh, N.C., LombardY"Bennie L. , /' !1't~j;!i.'r::iim. -10V-8449, A.C.



.,_ ..... ~





Crawford. D;i;:~" Larson. R.L. b,~Mende.,C ..D. """'~ ME!i1!iheK;;:F~J. .UI9~J.r: zerlga~'~Rrr-anuel, Jr. ;U9_ IngJj;';';::;J~iil. 1&,0"- MIi'ilii-"';H.-j. ;;..s7..A~ FE;r'gc3ri7- .x, J ,,,"", Eg'liii"'J C ll;:mT ;s:m'L B ";::"::':tCt'J' ~ , J r , '!V,

,~w~".l . ... '

'iliinnea'Oolis, Minn. ,McDon:u.d.D. V. il.inneapolis. Minn. MoConnell. William H. St. Paul. Minn. Urphy" R.K. St. ,Paul. Minn. Choate, R.L,,'M St . Louis, Mo. Cole, Hoy C. University City, Mo. Andes. S.C. Cincinnati. Ohio Robborson, R. Brookings S. D. Benjovsky, T. D., Jr. !f.anitowoc, Wise. Carl t BM Bloomf''eld. Mo. I ,; ~lol" ... vernu. ron, 'W'E ..

W. Los Angeles. Calif. Hayden, Colo. Twin Falls. Ideho -MUesCity, Mont; ~Missoulat NJOnt .Bef grade , Mont. Rosebud. Mont. Central t U.M. Silver City, H.M. 0' '"Bak ,er" reo





St, Louis,



Allan Hancyck College,oLAeronautics. Santa karla, .Gallf.

''''''''~Ree~e',f:'~M.H. Little Reck, Ark. I Alhambra, Ca1if, -~;{.,~1 SiiY:der;.t'ialter b" Jr, N~ London, Connl steves. C.D. " ,,, Berkeley, Ceiif. ,,,=TFr!iiJko~I<'i; TFI. J: WaterbUry, Conn. Robertson, ,J.C. Be~erly Eills. Calif. ""oc~!bhri~t'ensen, P.W. Chicago, til. Hartis. G.W Jr, . Beverly Hills, Calif. ;:;~';,:-:e~:Perl'in,:m.F. Chicago. Ill. Peery, J.E" Jr. Canoga Pazk , Califi '""e~ V1fiiI;'iler" .-N. R Chicago, Ill. TholmSon. R.M. Cu=rJgil.. Cal if. "",,:0, Wei.ti:eJifeld , R. VI. Chicago, Ill. Steebe. D.R. -~ .....1:: .. r ~ Fullerton, Cal if. "~" Wilson, J.A.' Hurst, Ill. Merriam. W.E. Glendale, Calif. "~."~!Beiiu.",m. 133. Tunnel Hill, Ill. Dodson, R.S. Glendale. Calif . ,"'::' ....Roii'inson. F.1\'. Indianapolis, Ind. Fast, R.H. ,Glendale, Calif. ~ !Schwane','- H. ~~. :Amest Iowa Krenzer, Stephens Hcllywood, Calif. 'llL":; CI~k .c. V. Brighton, Iowa Scandrett. H.J. Inglewopd. Calif. ---~l ..ul;.M.,A Jr. Burlington. Icwa Cliver. W.O Inglewood, Calif, .... ~V.i.S.L.F.F. 1 Paducah, Ky. Sweet, G.E. Los Angeles. Calif; '';' .Lb,R-igrof;: D.A. E. Boston, Mass. Arnold. T.E. Los Angeles, Calif: './~>,!a:~c",,:Gera1d R. We,tertown, Ik1ss. Bonynge, C.W Jr. Lcs Angeles. Calif; t:~'I.-]3.anseDI"C.A. Duluth', Minn. Criz, A. Los Angeles, Calif: .t~ 13etg,,;R:I. I.inneapolis, Minn. Cushing, J.P. Los Angeles. Clllif, .1-;I"'1le.rri',,' 'C. F: Minneapolis, Minn. I Holsclaw. G.R. Los Angeles, Calif .1~h'Be:t!i'''L . .A.'. ". ElIIhurst. N.Y. Kolander, C.C. Jr. '':B' .j:\.l.!~'c., ',.\ '''''''ti' J L T W Los Angeles, Calif. .1i.Lc' _~~~~ge,r" t! ...... , r , New York, N.Y. aVlSon, Lcs Angeles" Calif. "'uPhiH"!-p.s; ,A.T. White Plains. N.Y. !fallon. E.E. Los Angeles, Calif. 'ii-_"Flo'cl<ha:rt, J.V. Yonkers. N.Y. Mulvehill. J.M. Los Angeles, Calif. l{~~" S. _ Yonkers, N.Y. Shamel, J.W., Jr. Los Angeles, Gal if; dt.+!' ~thcart. ~.M., Jr. Fargo. N.D. Simeral. R.K. Los Angeles. Califl ,!ro:trr ca,~~,?,,~t, s.s, Fargo. N.D. Waldo Edgar A. Los Angeles, Calif. i r Knapp,.R.J. Fargo. N.D. Warmuth, C.O. Los Angeles,-'Calin i!~)! ~?!,- ,R.A. Fargo, N.D. Wooley, F.B. Lomita, Calif; ~j':"J Cra:i~~"F., Jr. Columbus, OHo 9nith, B.A . Jr. Mill Vall ey, Cal if: L':l)';'J.R. ,Columbus. Ohio Sheppard. Lloyd W. Norwalk, Calif. "";" ,E.E., Cclumbus, Ohio Hill. R.L'. Pdoo , daJ.if~ r,o, ' :ta:ti-.ock. J. ' Lorain, OhioOlds. 5.11'. Redlands. Calif. iliJ3;I, S'pieleir';" R. S. S. Euclid, Ohio Turner. E.B. ds~h- ,-\.TX';.-: . Rafalevich, A.S. San Pedro. Calif. .Sanba Barbara, Calif. dnji~ ~~!(.,-'. ':R;Yan SciJ.Oolof Aeronautics. Ltd. '. ._ Gray. W.L. . Santa Monica, Calif. /i"'''; ,:'1" ',,, Diego. Arnior, F.L. ~ MJ', ,rJ', ,Cunningham, J.E. Santa Monica. Calif Santa ""nica. Cal if ii";::~:Gra.Ybeal, J.i<i. Tucson. Ariz.' I Lanxlnt. N Jr. " Santa Monica, Calif . f\<lll,y"'}ra;'Jose E. , Alhambra, Calif. Parra. A.J Jr. , Solvang, Calif d"c':Pritchard, G.L. Bur'bank , Calif. Sogaard. 'l.J. Ppcatello, Idaho dc;cI':Bara.,v. ',J.'A. Los Angeles, Calif. 'I' Werner, W. , Roundup. Mont: ":""':)eaver, iJ. .A. Los Angeles. Calif, Vesel. Frank' Lexington, Ore ,,~'lllColes 'C. Los Angeles. Calif. Evans, L.E. 1" Salt Lake City, Utah .d',,"i~'bo"ian:---Raynxmd Los Angeles, Calif. Taylor .. W.V. " Salt'Lake City, Utah Lfveky, R.T. Los Angeles. Calif. Walker, W.E. , '\ Bairoil, Wyo. li.cGlaiiahen. R.E. ' . Los ,Angeles, Calif. Cleven, G.W. Cheyenne, Wyo. l.cLeod. S;A. Los Angeles. Calif. Haspezd s , T.N. Pague , W.C. Los Angeles, Calif., of Aero~tics; Tu1~a, Okla ?[-r;.,'j.' W.E. J Jr. 10s Angele~,. Calif. \ '~"'?"SteJ-A;"1lilton Los Angeles, Calif. Bizmirigham. Ala. .. ,,:> TUrk-; "'Lloyd R. Los ,Angeles. ,Calif, W;;'tson. E.A. Selma, 'Ala. "',YO~Halii~iilin, E.G. Pasadena. Calif; Keith. C. z . . Danville' t :.Ark~ ",,"l)"HUlJilirey. Janes W. Pasadena, Calif. Burns. B.E. 'JonesbOro, Ark. ~:o! Cipa'cli';"'\Varren i,.. San "Diego. Calif. We~t." R.,E. Los Angeles, Calif S\~~IpYifi"hgel':;'Jt.. S. San Jose; Calif. Cauns, D.R. Boulder. 0:>10: 1l"'''':rit'ifnso~r--''A1len E Santa Ana. Calif. Reyal, "F.R. apire,. Colo;. .dc~Smi:'\;h0."s,:T. . Santa Barbara, Calif. Lass. E.C. Gainesville'; :Fla. .JlIIS.J.lerSh.ii'l~ n.t, . Venice, Calif. Witt, A.A.D. V-8449. A.C. ~8.A ..C:~;,' -11Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.







Longino, n.R. Jr. Beasley, T.R. Federle, F.G. Hergert, T.M.Galena,


Atlanta, Ga. Brannon, T. Coatsville, Reidsville, Ga. Langley Field. Va. Chicage, Ill. 'Ill.' Chicage School '~f Aaroriatit'ics


. Leimbacher.


'Bringle, W:n.V. Van Zanb C.L., Jr. , Wilson,'W.W. ?arks, Fred B. , Or een; D. Stone, D.B. Wertz, Jack W. Harp, D.W., Graf, '0. S. ' Dieudonne; 'E.L., Jr. Asselin, H.O..


Wyn:an, F.f1. ,.


' 'IildiBnapelis,. Ind." Chanute Field, Ill. -' ,Ames,-IowaI Newton. JacobL. ' Ge.rden"City,-Kans. I Chanute Field, Ill. Topeka; Kans. Lenke.' Theodore J. Wellington, Kans. Selfridge Field; 'Mich; Wichita. Kans. Snith, Jack S. ,'_ Lexingten, K$.. .Cbamibe Fi'<ild,..Ill. Bal t iDXlre,Md. Hall, Gorden lO ' I ,Bladensburg, -Md Chanute Fie dl 11; , Allston. Mass. Froeberg. Joseph G, .. ~

: Joliet," Ill. ", ',ElkhBit;~Ind.

i Banas,-lOdward:


T rnhbul:P;Y .-c J .~i:::r-.L,li


, '~',-



OakPark, Ill.

_ :!7'1;p~~~~lJ.s~P ". B:r6-bk'~~" ~ss.

. ao::nldcH

. ~\Stoneb.8:rO: Mass.

Mit chel.: Field,


New York'

Grant. Robert F;'" Dey'. J.J;M. Baas, 17.17. HOVJa1'd, 'L.T. Schieber. H.M. FaUret, R.L. 'nolbrook. J.P. ltilig~i:huiY,R.T.; Jr, Leahy, J.T. Wittreck, E.R. Rebichaud, c.a., Jr. Saltsman. R.H Jr. O'Keefe,T.F.,Jr. Reroput.L, F.R. Russo, S.' Worrell. J.S. Chenowebh , L.A. ,Riley, J.F. Davis; J.P. Cochran, Dcnrd s Casen, Vl.A Jr. Bell, 'G.V. Durham, S.B. lOck, A.!.' MoCeel, H.C.'" Birch, H.n., Jr. l?ulfrcy, R.E. Bartling; G.E. Olson, H.R. Grubb, S.P., C'arswell, H.S Jr. Crayten, J.J., Jr. Beach, E.C .- Jr'. Snider, M.C. Swain," PooL. t Jr." VanPatten, Perry H. Leen. G.A. Knupp enbuz-g , J.E. Carah, R. Ostrowski, B.B.' Gootsch. 11.H. Fehr, J.M..
Rogers', F. V. z 'I'hacke r , J.M, Keiser, G.V.

Muskegen-,.'Mich. Bill. ,Francis A. 1 ' 'Wei'iitWOod. N.j. ,Pentiac, Mich. I Chanute Field, Ill. ,", ,_"'-'0'"" .; Minneapolis, Minn. Slattery. Burnell T. "Ra~id:fCIty, S.D. Cape Girardeau. Mo. 'I' Chanute Field, Ill. ", ,Ho','o'i Clayton; Mo. I Luschen, Frank L. ' ' 'Se'atti)e, Wash. 'Columbia. Mo. Chanute Field, Ill. Marysville. Mo. ' NewFranklin, Mo. I Dallas Aviation School and Air: Cellege" - st; Louis, Mo. I ,. ,J.:".~ st. Lou'i s , Mo, Turner. David C. Flagst'aff, Ar,iz.
C _.'~~v~ ...

Eeno , Nev.

N.H. Canada. W. W, " . 'H6t. Spr'i-;;Ss., 4rk, dJ .r;-:-f-";: S. Orange; N.J. Bai'1<saaieFieldi Lal Brooklyn,N.Y.(Lobator E.J. Alamosa, Col,o. ":" .... _,u;h.."oSti Newburgh, N.Y; I Brooks Field, Texas . . . '.'" NewYork. N.Y. iGelman. H.E., , St. Pete.rsWi:'g,_ Fla. " :..3I!::dJ..G''1 Now' York, N.Y. I 'Maxwell Field, Ala. - . Peekskill. N.Y., Snaith, W.G., , sara'S6r.a.. Flai !7J.!",r..:JI}-::_6r:.'~ LidgerWood. N.D. ! Fort Benning, Ga. Norwood; Ohio I Hasty, R. L. Kenton, Okla. ! Lowry Field, Gelo. 'Lindsay, Okla. i Williams,B. LO' Prague, Okla. I Bensley Field, Texas Stillwater, Okla. i Conzad , F. V. WaukCIDis, kla.i' '/ Meffett Field, Califi O H'-";lPhrey,Okla. I Vidrine', G.B.. ' ~ K'ngston, R,'I'I . Barksdaf Field, La. Amherst" S.D. i Griecel, C.R .' . ' ," Bz-ookd ng s , S.D. I' , ,"'",ffett Fke Ld , Cahf. . Huron, S.D. ;,Sumnerall, R.M. ~ Knoxville, Tenn. ; Barksdale Field, La. Fert Werth; Texas ~Adaxns,C.F. Houat on, Tems i Mitchel,Field,- N.Y. . Pear sa.lLj Texas I Sinion, L. Brook Lyn, .N, Y. , . , ~._.',J':/ 'San Antonio, Texas' 1 "Mitchel Field. N.Y. .'" .. . Da..nville, Va . 1 :Penix, Guymon Elk City" Okla. ~d'..J-;:.j'~Bh Cheney, Wash. I Randelph Field, Texas ,< f"J Everson,- Wash. I Prochasko , Q.. V. , Watauga, S.D. ?ea.ttle,'W:,sh,'i Moffett Field, Calif. Bnchwood. W,se. 1 Flynn. E.L.,' ".-Corsicana, Texas 'Custer, Wise., , Randolph Field, Texas ;.' :.' mrf'" tEI Hustisford, Wisc.'r Fenlaw, H.S. Dallas, au. Texas .tel. Milwaukee,' Wrse. KeJ,ly.Field, Texas' '. -; "'1'<,...~r-."H
Be'l.rmnb ,
F .:..


KeLl.y Field,






t. .~



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Randolph F,eld, Texas' !lorE: All\of,the above listed abudent s IMay, Charles 0., Jr. >Jf;r: a.?:\,ointed Flying Cadebs from !, , Camp Bullis. Texas ' e'",l Ld.f'e , , ' I Sockwell; V.P. ----i Kelly Fi eld, Texas FLYING CADETS ENLISTEDEN M i Patterson. 'R.R. , i Randelph Field, Texas Alabema Institute ef 'Aerenautics;' Inc; 'Del ',m P T, I a"K~!y''Ft' ald, Texas ;.'. repe, W.T.'1ionticelle, Ga. . ld 'Anastasio.. E.P. M 11 Fae.i d , Al' laxwe a. Ch t F' ld Ill. .. ',' -l'a-" _,.'anu e , '~.'


"I Rose,

i .,


F.L Jr..

Hdu-st'on.,,..,,Texas , ,!"'l;" .. , .>:.~".>.

. ,Cal-Aero Training


a.Walton, R.M. Live Oak, Calif. Hamilton Field, Calif. Chicago. Ill. rJSaw,yer .R.. .J . '- .. , Schoiel,LBarracks, T.R. Kevil, r I.lagruder ,. E.R. r ,_c .. '-'Fort Xamehemeha, T.R. rrT ~~ ,: . -_ - -Lincoln Airplane arid flYing 9::hool
-, 0

Lowe. R. S Langley Field. Schnebly. T.R. Langley Field, McVey. J.A. Maxwell Field, Anders01>, B. C~ Chanute Field.

Butler, Va.. Colver, Va Ala.

:Pa.. Pa,

Lansdowne, Pa..

Timpson. Texas


r rv

Ta.u;6h', R.H.

.. r t


Eureka; Calif.


Spartan for the son of a president. It contains but an AnI\)' cot, chair, dresser arid Syracuse;.:N'"Y. bathroom. Apparently rrcab dellXlcratic, Lieut. Wego comrented upon the'sunptuousness of his Lovell, Wyo. ,~ult<>.' He is massing at the airdrome's officers' 01 ub. Ill. Outside of' his military profession, his' . nain hobby is horseback riding. arid he expects Parks Air College to avail himself of the rmunt s at Mw<well ~'.J\J. f < Chicago. Ill. . Field. He expressed keen interest in the Air SsIqlson, R.D. Coros 3ohoo1 .Chanute Field. Ill. r '~~ll Tactical on A~ril Horse Show, held at " 'T'r<.rikle, R.A. Leroy, Ill., Field 20th. "1 Lieut. \Vege stated he was r;x>re impressed .. Chanute Field, Ill. ... ~th. L.A. Oak :Pe:rk, Ill. than ever with Montgomery, and that the unfail.,. I ing Southern courtesy intrigues him. He said .o.L~:' .. Chanute Field, Ill. Sauquoit, N.Y. that ho has read about it arid that it was a Bawl, C.M. pleasure to discover that the literature he '"':;;""kne~tchel ,Fiald, N.Y. fugene, Ore. 'had read even understated the true facts in L'tI.,L r J V. V. this regard. Just recently he nade an auto~,.,. Scott Field. Ill. '''Mat'qw,ardt, VI.C.A., Jr. South Range, Wisc. ':mbile trip of Mcntgomary end vicinity, and he was amazed at the beauty and profuseness of .riJ ," [~ChEWUte .Field, Ill. the flowers in bloom this early in the Spring 'stating that it was a sight to be remembered s" ,~."'Ryan 9::hool of Aeronautics, Ltd. end that he woul d treasure it in his roelIDry. .. Monsees, .A.M. San Francisco, Calif'. Lieut. Wego said he did not know d this I . ':Hamilton Field, Calif. time where he would be sent upon co"!,letion .. Whitemm. G.A Sedalia. Mo. of the Tactical School CO'11"sein June ..0," ~'''Fort Barry, Cal if. ---000--Aurora, Neb. .:r..McCarty,.Wa,yneW. .- 6ceanside, Cal if'. A M:lDIFIED VERSION OF TIlE INsrRUC'l'OR I SPRAYER .,.Jackson . H.E. Reifton, :Pa. '''"'''- "Gleridale, Calif . Private Erwin, Air Corps !lews Letter reporter of the Slst School Squadron of the Air ,'th': e Hancock College of Aeronautics Corps Advanced Flying School, Kelly Field, Texas, submitted the following modification .t F." B. Llttle Fork. Minn. of the "Instructor I s Prayer" as i~a.ppeared in a .recent issue of L!!FE n:e.gazine. All na"~.i1tiia~'t~~eld, Calif. Barnard, Mo. terial in parentheses is by Erwin. r: ~ t"' !lamilton Field, ,.. Calif. "14Y student is a headache - I do not want _..... , He zmketh ma to lie dcwn at .night very Vl99"'Y' He leadeth In'l beside high tension wires. {He e -.:O J." Spartan School of Aeronautics " destroyeth lIty' spirit.) Yea though I fly on\ . ,Blehm, H.E. Wellington. Colo. the. clearest of qays, I fear """,h evil, for '. ,0.." LowtyFiel d Colo. he with ma, (Should he graduate, still I Hudson. R.H. Sanatorium. Miss. IWSt suffer, for others will follow him. SureoS"'''Barksdale Field, La.. ly headRches arid misery shall follow me all ... ,Sarle,. N.P. Brooklyn, N.Y. the dllQ's of ~ life, arid I shall gwell in the '''''"Mitchel Fiald. N.Y. shadow of ground loops and 'dumb-bells' Mosher" R. O. Ki:rl<ville, N.Y. forever.) 11 .:t..:'Mirieola., N. Y. -~-oQ.,..-Br.idgers. W.M. Rowlarid, !l.C. ",,:c'Latigley Field, Va. The following-na:rood Air Corps officers have McKown,;9.C. Akron, Ohio been assigned to the 15th Observation Squadron WX?Maiweil'Field, Ala. at Scott Field, Belleville. Ill.: Major Raphae~ ... ;~"D:!JY"f"fT.F-.-. Jr. Youngstown, Ohio Baex, Jr., Captain James A. Ronin, 1st Lieat . - ..'Langley Field. Va.. William J. Bell, 2nd Lieuts. Henley V. Basti~., .A.lley,. J. '11." Ok1ahoni>C!'b:r. OIda. Jr Robert C. Orth and JAfDeS F. Satchell. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. . lllln'lier. c'c61o. -13-V-8449. A. C.

.'el' .Chanute Field, . "Robinson. O.E. .L'~,,,.Qhanute Field, SoCha, \V.F. .a.',' Chanute Field, :Powell, E.A. ."" ._Chanute Field,





O' ;_,

c,' ..




'.Abell, Earl L. Hornbuckle and H.H.Ware. , Mxt"c.1:lFi.3) d , Calif.: Pvt s . Ke?:l.'1ethW. . Honoring General George C. IIJ8I'shall, C,'.w,,:'.l, Robert 'i. , Kenneth D. Chief of Staff, officers of the Air DAr~,;:;v, T'10mas a. Brown, Elmer F. Corps stationed in the Washington area CoL.i.n; Ha"ry S. Godlewski,~Vim.c'M. gathered at the Boll i'1,g Field Officers I C;or,.l1lcy, Lihvard N. Hall, 't'homas R'II; Club on lnesdey 6v""11ng, April 2nd, for ;;ol:i.;.n~\V<lI'th, George F. La11horn;.U . a "Wing jJj.:l(S.lI Ger,,,;:,".J.lmshall delivIIen~'Y,L. Popi sf l , MDurice W. Robmson, ered '.;1>e-orm(;.i:oal address of the even:'I'Eli1k 1. J:u.bala, Edrrard, L. Sensor-rr ' ins:, snd it 11a9-preceded by preliminary Oe.o~'ge 1.. 8harpes, Charles G. Stand., talks gi'len by Brigadier General H.A. ~,~ne E. Warren, Ear 1 T. :':illiilms \ Darglle, Conmander of the 19th "iing in Floyd ',Vri;dJ.t and Snthony J. Zahora;r the Panama Canal DeFtme!,lt, and Colonel Ma."'{\vellField, Ala.: Staff S~., ~l Follette Bradley, Air OffJ.cer of the m. Nell'ls, Corp. Gerald S. ,;:l.llett;t Puerto Rican Deoar'tment . Pvts. ",h(;~1.s 1\.. Miller, Audley H;-:.ti A total of 15'J, off'Icer s was present, Comer, .'21leS \Vhute and Hugh E". rl~J;rJ ihcludingsome other officers from disYOlJ':lgbJ.uod. ",/ ors t?11t stations s; among Whomwere Brigai~offett Jf:i.e1d, CaUf.: Pvts .~l'BEix'g, General Prank D. ,Lacldand, Command-.' J\ionly,J. Clausen, John Ai D:l.efenbach, ing the First Wing, GHQ. ir Force ,March A Harvey H. DimmiCk, Frank A. Harangdd1\ Fi, eld, Calif ..; and Brigp.dier General Vincent Longo , T';lOmas D. i,liddleton', Frederick L, Martin, the Ri.cnrtrd J. !.lorgen, Fred ill. Ransom'," Vim. Third Wing, GHQ. ir Force, BarKsdale A R. Roycraft, Otto Schaef'f'er , Ronald W. Field, Shreveport, La. SEo.ith, Ferd E. Weiler. ." .rc-it ; Among the other general officers, in Ranc1.oJ.phField, Texas: Pvt. Ernest ':Wi. addition to the speakers, were Generals AJ.eXc'lIlder, Jr. . C'1'.<1 Henry H. Arnold, Delos C. Enwons, Philipj Scott Field, IlL: Pvt s . Herbert.H. B. Per. on , Barton K. Yount, Jacob :D. Hal.wes , j'ohn hi. Hannan, Jr., M,anly' Ficke, Arnold N. Krogstad and Richard O. ::tichmcnd, James R. Vo;I!'I'ilburg, C. Moore. I Billy S. Williams and Wm. C.Woodrilan.: Fol~owing the dinner and the talks, ---000--.' . C'., ,: . J~ the >ar Corps Song YIE\S played, and the , . ,,,,,,0.: entire group , ably led by Lieut. John I NEWCOI~lTROL TOWER WRIGI3T J{J' FIELD H. Cheatwood, sang the words, thus com.; ." .e:i.t pleting another of the numerous, yet I With construction of the new control' never to be forgotten social activities I tower 90 percent completed, direction of the Bolling Field Officers' Club. 'I of lccal traffic at Wright Field, from ---000--. , the t ower awaits the arrival andr'instal Lat of the equipment requisitioned. MOREAIRPLANE lhECHAllICSFOR AIR CORPS An airdrome control t.ransmft , ~.similar to those now being On April 12th, 79 students were gradu- other Air Corps airdromes, would'proated from the Airpl8!,le Mechanics c,?urse,[ vide a.range of approxiJ?<ltely25"I!iiles. Department of ]-,lechamcs, Chanute F:l.eld I Plans include four recervers and:,lIi.terBranch of the Air Corps Technical "mone conaect Lons with the ;7eather,.i:StaSchool, from stations as indicated beI hon and other offices. The tower is low: .' located atop Hangar No.3 above the Bro.:J,tsd.aJ,eFiel<!-, La.: Pvts . Everett W. present Operl,l-tions quarters! and will ,l;~telJorge, '.1m. E. F~rolV.I, Allan~. , oe un operat Lon durmg workmghoura , Ki.Le Vernon G. Leocmk, =sell.c.. , . from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m, 1" Means, Claire L. PC,ttengale, Herbert Until the new eq"uipment is installed, A. Rooney, Robert T. Savage, Richard traffic control will be continuedJfrom C. Smith, Russell E. Sollars, ,Hack the present quart-er's on the ground Sweene;r and Lowell N. Watson. ',. floor of Operations. ' .... Brooks F:l.eld \ Texas: Pvt. Leroy r,fullen. . ---000--' . .:J,'l, Chanute Fiela., Ill.: Tech. Sgt. ~ I' L. Krug and Pvt. 1st Cl. Donald R. ENLIS'i'ED MEN STlIDYDE-ICING'!p'.lTJIPL1ENT Colquhon., '.'-" Haa'llilton Field, Calif.: Pvts. Donald L. A new addition to the several iIlgeniBurke, Win. H. Burton, MichaelEl7as, our jigs built at the Curtiss-Wri/'lJ,t Irving M. Hoffman, 'John 11.. Johnson Technical Institute, Glendale; 'Calif., and Robert :IT:. King. the only civilian school in the West Langley Fieldl Va.: Pvt s , Ellis M. handling the instruction of Air:Gorps Jones, Phil:l.p Bortnick, Thomas C. mechanics, is a complete de~icing~equi Bugaj, ~mond A. Burge, Charles T. ment, mounted to operate exactly:as it Graves, Frank A. Hackbarth and Louis d'?es on an airplane, but under copdiF. Ha~. hons.where students can e.asil,y;;study Lowry Fwld. Col.o . : Pvt s . Loren E. and d.Lssect the apparatus.",.~J,'" -14- remove this watermark. V-8449. A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to



. S"I.GW . H. E .J:~'. . '\! r!.t".f ~':

. cr

By the Materiel





.}l0.:6rganiz'ation of fl:rers appreciates establiEnment of the record by releas-. and understands more fully than the .l in~ many devcl.opment s for airline use U. S'.,1-..rmy Air Corps an annual record of while they remained on the exoorbat ron ,rro,OneJhlmdred.percent safety, such as was restriction list. rllce.!lt1y ann<;lu.'1,?ed th~ United States by liThe work of Ca:ptain Harry G. Arm,~~uillnmerclal .ullnes. 8 Ana. no other or-. strong, Director of the Aero Medical ganizat.ioneA"tends more .srncere con~at- I Research Unit. at iYri/1:htFi~l9-, has Ul:at.:Lo'ns 'for the accompl.i shment . been outstanding an ueterfi",lnlong .f.".urIrP Dayton;' Q.1':li9. however , Mr. Doug].e.s prac~ic.a:()ilit.YL of commercial fIigj:lts Ingeilils:, reporter. of the DAILYNEWS. at hlog..l1er l.t Ltudes .... a ' had: tp.e;'idea that the airlines might in "The deve.Lopment of the Wright G-102 turn care rto acknowl.edge Am" Air Corps . enpin" was an advancement in airplane I aid through shar ed developments in the .mocors tha.t the U. s. Army Air Corps . ,::j'e.sJ;$J,isbment of this record. Q;uite released for airline use in 1936 .. ,l~upon:his own inspiration, he sent These eniP-nes were first placed in . ,,.b'.9.uer' to several of the airline execuuse 'by Tl'1A in 1936 and many airlines ,t:iyes:." ;The resulting response was of. now-use them.!. because of the coopera.m~'s~ch:,generosity that, in all modesty,we tion of the lVright .. ield ,Air Corps . F .r lb'elieYe -that it will not be detracting I "The Chandler::Groves carburetors from but rather adding to the excellence now used on all of TWA's DC-3 model .Of .!that record if a few of the telegrams I ~ planes were first developed a.t Wright are published. . Field 'by the AJ;my end are an out sbend.The'following came from R.W.Scirroeder, in~improvement 111 carburetors. Vj.i:le,'President of United AirlineG: I Lhe constant speed propeller was' . .;j'iCt}'Twenty"two years of constent dedeveloped. by Army 'pj.r corps. research .LlSLvelopmentof engines, aircraft pro-' men and the rescl t s of their findings pellers, instrun:ents, radio, equip-were. turned over to the airlines. iaent , and accessories coming out of "l,!any of the pilot personnel of TWA GJtHe Air .Ccrps at Wri/1:htField, plue are .at present on reserve squadrons . the splendid cooperation between the of the U. S. .A:firrr Air Corps, and TWA's lo'!;tAir Corps engineering division and chief pilot, Ot i s Bryan, has had [j<)ith~'airliJ;tes, have in my opinion conacti,,:,e dutYLwork with the Army!s. ~~O',trlobutedan a very large measure to 'FIYJ.:J.gFor"ress' plane, the Boefng '.GJr;rthe 'excellffilt safety record of the B-1713, is the .nilitary counter.~Cj.~st~year in air transportation. It part of the.Boeing 'S~ratoli~er' . -l'''":l:S: Wl t~ .prLde that the wri ter sends wn;,,?hTWA l.l, place lon,seI'V1.ce,this wi rt'hi's.>I' for he, too, was a proa.uct sprang, Plans for the Stratohner1 '-o'lof.::the' .Air Corps at Dayt on ." were worked out in conjunction 17ith .3sliThe:'secorid quotation is from Eddie tho Army's 'Flying For.tress 1 plans as -'wRickimbacker. 'Prest.dent of Eastern Airthe passenger model followed the B-1? -.sHines:. planes in. conscruct ion. ill 'l,,,,IIHeartiest congrat"uatio~s to un. "The clos~ coo:g~ratio~. of the Air f..sungpersoIh'lel . of Wnght Floeld who Corps at Vin~t neld 'CVlAand Jli.through their contributions end unother lines a s an important phase of ,p.'!.tirin~'effort in the devel.opment of commercial air transDort's cempai.grr all aJ.rcraft safety factors and defor safety in the air. The coopera. iY..lILsign'have made :possible the air tion hotonl;r brings safety. but also J::c'Ixtransoort indus.r;r's uneaualled enables .Amenca to continue its record. durloJ;lgthe 'past year. 11 '1' ing as the outstanding aviation naThe third apprecaat Icn comes from tionof the world. II '. Jack :Prye, President of Transcontinent. ---000-"" al and Western Air: I'J'!{Cq.,...-.IICooperationof the U.S. Army Air The ALJril 8th issue of LIFE ~zine Corps at Wright Field, Da;'(ton, with fec:.tirreCl pictures t aken at the t Ime of -lmq~he airlines 01 the nathe co~lEliion of primary fli/1:ht trainjltUon.hasformed an integral part of ing by Cadet-s of' Class 4O-E at the R;ran , . 'i: t.ransport' s c~. aign for safety, School of jleronaut rcs , San Diego, Ca1J.f. jowliich,has resulted an a full year of LIFE'S photographer', George Strock, acf;g~!lg wIthout fatality or ~n~y to spent thre~ days ,!i~h the ste~a<;:hment -q.IIJOsany,.person In my nund. a s the photographing tralnlDg actJ.Vl.tloes, also '.tYeJl:lOi'le; 'this safety can, .and the Cadet pa.rtYJor the~r inst;roctors -lj)~!f:!-Jl".,:~Clntlnue',~d tha~ ~he U. S.Army and the formal oance which. maries the ~.:A.J.rl j}OI1lS,.Ma.tenel Divlosloon, at successful ccnml.eb i.on of fJ.nal check W'rignt"Field, contributed greatly in rides 'before cadets depart for their "'A ed.!~:~:' " . , basic training at Randolph Field, A.C. Please purchase,PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. .v, . , --15V-8449,

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I .:

'. .'


.ARMY Kr .AIR CORPS DP:f FIELDS Wrigi:lt' Field, Ohio

creased test, development; .and:.'procu:re-, ment activit18s, in the building prO~I1 g:'2111 and increased number of 'persons'; em.Once.more on April 6th, Army ~ was ployed. "Looking aloft. "Colonel- Ech9:l.lli pr?clal~d at the liiateriel Division, said. 1I;1esee new trai.'1ir~. end tacti:9cai Wr1ght F1eld. Visitors were invited airplanes in flight. Loering Mout ,::nV,El between the hours of 8: 00 and. 11: 00 see new buildings under ('AJnstruction,'"o . a.~. Entering by ~ gate west of the Over next to the original Power Plal1t.~'l: maln ga~e,a:utqJ:lOb1les for the 3,000, Laboratorj' building, a huge new ~.:r . wJ;1o avat.Led t hensef ves of the invi tameter Laboratory is goii~ up .. In),ano- : t~on to the pUolic, were parked on the ther <iirection. a new Wind Tunnel.,1)1.!iJ9-- . f1eld near the entry. From their cars ing. Looking toward the OperationEl:.(jf.i": the guests were conducted. to the flying fice. we' see the control towe~.oyept9P~' line, where a large number of the most other buildings on the. ]'i~}cid' recent (unrestricted) airplanes were on ping allwas followed by the .1.' ~Ihis ntr?duct},9.n . exhibition. . of Cautain Donald L. Putt, who an. the.,,; Formation flr'ng of three k-17A air.C-39 nouglac flying s1oftdem~nst~ate~; planes, pilote by Captain M.C.'iVood. thE: tGking of 11 photograph .of . bury, Lieuts. H.L. Donicht and F.F. Wri~t .~'ield control tower, the.9-e'{e19P"T Helmick, and a demonstration of the merit of the negative by quick-;work ,ohot61l-~8A (L~~ut~.Ritlal1d and Price), P-3() grcphic methods in fo~ J!linutes~; ~a:;;j: lL1eut. lJ1ck), and P-40 (Lieut. Cooper) drcpping the processea. picture m~ I.I i. ~:v took.p~ace in t~e morning. Conbrary to tubs to t.he groun<!-.Each process was,r- : trc.dlt1~n, the a.a;J was beautiful and briefly described by the question ~d:'~ , the fl~~ showed off at its best. Re- I answer methl')d between the announcer-on serve offl~r~ served as guides, and the ground And Ca!ltaiI;1:futt .in the ...~ groups of v1s1torswho desired the opnl.ane in a manner to mterest the"mar~i' port1}llity were brought to the Army Aero- ~,teur photography fls for wh6m~~heili. nairt Lcal, Museumto see the interesting pro~'2m held special 1nterest.. collect ions which are installed there. Following the dropping of the tube I The Museum, by the way, has been uncolor photography, ma:pplIlg, and 'l~nlhderconstant improvement. Careful plex aero 'ProJector methods were- de7;-' selectiyity has been used in accepting scribed. by- Captain John H.. Fite, .Jii',;d new art1cles offered for display, and charge of the lWJtion Picture L3bora~Q~ definite ingerruity has led to the atat Wri<,b.tField. Captain fit~sub.stk:; tractiv.e arr'angsmerrt of both wcrking tuted for Najor Goddard, wno had, ,gene;t and still exhibits. The Museumis one of which the _1J.rmY Air Corps ID8j<. well be to Jacl<'..sonvi11e, Fla., to photograp;i ~;:) tJ).e solar eclipse. The program '?n,d~d.'~ proud, and visitors, military and Wl th Mr. J. J. Maske:r's o.escr~ptl.()~ i_of) civilian, cross its threshold with a the new sub-zero clothlIlg'a.eyel"T pleased start of surprise at the array oped at Wrij1t Field for use .at""new t of well ligi:lted objects which greet the .A1aslaIDair bases. . "." ",-" e~e~. .Although.n? longer open to l~ Due to the fine coordination of~all'J vls1t?rS, all liUlltary I,Jersormel COIDlng..these aidin~ in the tec.11nical hook-ui;. to Wnght Field are cora.ially invited as well as those responsible for .tlie ;.,~ to pIW a visit to the Museum. Their broadcast script, the performance ,waS " ~stions and criticicms will be corsmoothly carried out &ld, it is hoped:,; di&l.lj".welcomed, but it is believed interested a wide circle of listeners'.;. that they will also find within its Caj?tain J.K. DeArmondwas in chi:lr~; wal;ls that which they llk'1Y admire and of the radio installation in the 'air-i, .. enJoy. . . p~an8 and Cap~ain D0na+d Graul'of2te~At 2:45 in the 8iternoon, a l5;'minute meal ground 1nstallat ~ons .. '.Mr' .!"~';'r:l;! broadcast was st8b"'ed at the Field by Wheeler, of the Columb1?-BroadCl:jst1Ilg] the Columbi2. Broadcasting System. The Sy!'tam, and. two CBSengmeers, were "0 program was carried over a nationwide flown from New York to Wright FielcLto network and also by the British Broadassist Mr. Lester Spencer, in;for casting System.. This broadcast featurthe local WillO broailca.sting station:,"and ed Materiel Division activities, .espehis staff. The broadcast originated 'at cially aerial photographic developments. }II . S:lJencerI s ~stionand reque,st.,'f It was opened by a ori& introd:llction As 1Il all preYlOUs 1l:rmyDay demonstraof Colonel Oliver P. Echols, Assistant ti~ns! this one left no doubt; Chief of the Materiel Division, and in ?-Vld 1nterest of the younger, ge,1!3rEO~l.< charge at Wright Field for Brigadier: an ~l. that pertams to anplane.s ,ilJ;t~. General G.H. :Brett, whose offices are flYlIlg.. . . . ., :. .r ."01 .be;iI!S8 'Nas.':inl1:ton. Colonel Eo. hols de;' . _ ----...!~"~I~1s?ArlT sCTl'\ledbrlefIy the effect of the ex(Continued on Page, l:7)dw ~~ldsj pansaon program on Wright Field in inPlease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8449, A.C. , . -16i


..pUbiit, parachutes were folded and placed 1'1 their containers; a motorized in'B'Open..,Housewas in order at Hamilton st rument displa;y board, where t achoField, .Calif '. on.ArlJWDay. Normal du- met ez-s and instruments of other types '~t'iEJ"s'(were, carried out at bhf.s Base in were seen at work . . he.niornjmg, and Ii program was sta~ed ~ " Jinf)'~her feature, in conjunction with 01': the' afternoon hours froP11:00 00 the 4ti:l Air Base Phctographrc Laoorat.o6:00 p,m'i.which included the displa;y ries, was a displa;y of most tdpes of of, re'qu1pmeht in Hangar :~6.7. forination aerial and e;round cameras , together 'dft~~~ and the dropping of .paracilute with a s-d.table ~oup of pi ctures pre"".,,:Les,' r., .,.. . . par ed with the rod of the vardous t~JPes , ~:Aqc:].l.d s:peaker system:'nll.S used during of cameras . A photographrc dark room, ",thn f'ormat Ion flying to',frplain the vaequiuped with red win<;lO\7s. nabl.ed the e T. i,g~sItact:!:C? Hee.~, ailli,.mediumBo:npUDhc to wdch negat ives belng develop;bers.',:AlIIPhiblan and At tack planes ware eu .and prints beingmad0 from them. 'exlUbitea, as ,:ell as parachutes, proDi spLays of engi.nes of various t\(.fes. "pellei'll ~<tadio equi,pment, aerial gunprcpel Ler s in many s~ages of 1'-?semb_y, mfri and equi.pment , and a' , and 'GheDUil1erOUS ar'olcles of Air Corps model:'message center. , . safety equrpment , such as rubber life 'TW'elveB-18 airplanes flew formation boe.ts,.ves'us, and tile like. attracted -'I'rorri'2:30 to 3:30 p.m. Parachute duma large pei'cent~e of the crowd of more -omi:eis :Were dropped for demonstration be- then 20,000 visi"ors to N.arch Held t we'en :00 ana: 3: 15 .p.m, ~3 The fincJ.during 'G d8J.' he ' f~;y?:IJ.g" demcnstratiop. with six B-17 airA tJ' soldier r s equipment ~~pl~ pJlanes', took place oetween 3:15 and was )2resented by Sergeant Benede t. tl, 01 3:145'p.'!h., . ' the ,lsth Reconnai.ssance Squadrcn, whose I!'rhe 'Post Exchanae operated a st-and in foot locker. wall locker and bunk were "~1'le:ficini tyof tlie exhib~ t s end sold opened to the publi:: for inspection. Ho~;, hamburge~s. candy and soft, --:--df;Lili,to hungry slghtseers. Lanc:;ley Fleld, Va.

Hamilton Field


20th Bombardment Squadron: The outstanding :(late of tins part i's The~most' out st and'ing' d.ispla;r during cipation m .ArmyDay exercises on April .t1'l,e :recel;1t Arfil't" Df;3 09servance at lIJarch 6th c0J;lsisted of the Inst~ent Flight >F3.eld, Riverside. Callf., yeas the tenfrom ~iJ.tchel to 1al1g].ey Fle1d. mode by mi~ute ,motion picture show orGBred by I~jor ~cDaniel, S~Jadron Commttnder; the:First Wing. and prepared in KodaCaptain l'at!:,eny and 1ieut. RaGsdale in chrome by thePhotograpTlic Sect-Ion 9f a :B-17 airplane. 'I'he. entir~ flight was the -38th Reconnai ssance Squadron (1, R). made on instruments. ll1cluchng the t akeGHQ':A:i'r Force. &'1 audience entimated off and lancing, with iJajor McDaniel -at' 2400 persons was present. under the hood. CE9?tain Matheny as 0.0-' \','3.'T11e "school room in tile Srruadron hanpilot, and Lieut. ~dala as navigator. gar. was converted into a t8m:(lorary "ehe flight was descnted in detail on tliea:teY by boarding up the windows , the front ff,ges of the nat ion ' s newsfreS!.irair being p~ov:1.9-ed y. openang ' b papers by bhe AS30ciated Pres s ' s Avia-. w~d~:th~ room dupng lnterml ss i ons . . tion. Reporter, who accompanred t~e ~Tlie-prcturs , was accompani ed an . oombat crew on the tI'lp an 01'the1iest news reel stJ'"le by both music del' to observe the procedure on a an~:dialog.le, presented excellent shots fli(;ht of this kind. This pio~e.ering of.;.B-1:8A's in formation over lend and achievement was accompllshed all . water,. ,some views of the Hopi Indians the smoothness of a rout ine flight and" -at' thecGrand Can~'On,and a ~neral pic- serves to establish the value of' intPI:~3.l presentatlon of rout Ins Air strument training in military e.viati?n. Corps activities which contained shots52nd :Sombardment Squadron: On ApI'll of enginemai!ltenanceandrepair.para-6th.leJoura.iAimee - as the French e1nJ.te drop testing, Lnet rument repair have it. all routine squadron duties ~oarmamimt and. radio work. and a shot 0 were cancelled, and the ,F-18A of the ~'~a typical weather map. 52nd wan placed on displa;y on the line ",C. 'Because of its location neer the main for insuection by the p'u.blic. Throughr.9uteJ of entry to the March Field hanout the. day. 'an officer and a nOl1COI,j-Sga,i}ltil:e "the ::l8tl.l Sguadron was. selectmiss~oned. officer of tho Squadron were ed;;:,~ ~/.centr?1'. d~sp... y ro?m for. the a detroled for two-hour per~odsat the . I!~Y:PIl:Y,fes'tlYJ.tle?, and~t wan here answ~r ~lY quest.rons that the tHat'sJ.T,the ea:ucatlonal dlSpla;ys preV1Sltlng publlc nught have to offer. sented b:r the post were set up. .Along the ramp, other sg.uadrons of the These ;1.~glua.:ed parachut-e ~ a field placed sllips ondlspla;y - from table where ...before the eyes of the diminutive 1'-36 and P-37 llPea Shooters" . .8,;'8-'.PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. , A.C. -17-" V-8449 Please purchase



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If.arch Field

'of eeveral rthousand feet over Lindbergh Field. Other, speakers ];larticipating in the progra t wore hlr. Prank G. Forward Presda,mt of .the Chamberof Oomnerce: 60lonel This unit .sponsored. a wide;Ly. t~'?I1ded Joh'l H. Sher!lldIl.Commanding 5lsf'COast ? 2 .A:rnry Day urogram at I,l.ndbe7.'!':;l Fl<'L.:l.,SanJu.ti.llery. A.A.; Ma,icrE.R.iAcReyndld$'. Diego, Ca15.f., betwc-n \';:Oli 300m. [,.ld Ills:?~ctur. ~i.r Corps. at XJlant of'C~ln~ 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, Apdl 6. )940. sohc.a:l;ed.Aircraft. Capta:.n John C. :;"" Several defdrrtt e conclusfone were reach Horton. Air Corps Supe:.:visorofInstfuced , " '" "'. . tion 01' Cadets; Lieut. Lloyd Hop\vood;~~ a., ~ne clv~ll.ans or t~,J.s~0i!=lJ.t;y. Assi.d'lI.t to Cautain Horton; .and Cadet are vltally lnter~s~ed 1.11 I!Illl.taq dis- Captr:in Karren Bennion.' ,<;' ""': ulays and at t ended In great numbers. ,.'. '<1 ';1 throumout t he day.. . i"'ffe:tt Field, Calif; . <-;': ~:d b. It enabled uresentat1.on of the ,. '.' .~q tra+ning programto the public in a ,T'~e ?oth rllTsui t Squadron XJar~J:pi:pll:f" sat1.sfactory and favorable manner. ed m 1t s fURt Amry J)~ aenalrffiTl'ew. All Fl;ying Cadets of this unit receivi A six-ship flight of thlS organizatiorl ed mimeographeddescr ipt Ive data on vis served 1'.8 the aosa:ult in the 35th"PUt,' .~ .iting aircraft and were drilled on all suit G!'OlIj,l interce,iltion and attack.' ,Ju data and on the importance of courtesy. ~1gai.ns:l; rune-niane squadron,o:f'~Hlrs a Certain eJiditional information concern- from iliarchFiela., Calif. "From the:ii-p:f ing handling of crowds , policing of pearance of the combat." declares, t~e" secret, instaJ.lation\l. fire prevention, News L'ltter COITyspondel,lt "Pursuit ':has I etc., 'was taken upun detail at leenot lost any of l.ts stnking power.'! tures d".lI'ingthe week. ---000--".";l The hi!J1ly cooperative attHude of )-J~ Local, nywspapers and broa4casting \ltaIfJJW N .A.C.J.. LABORA:rORY N MOFli':!!lrT'?I~ tJ.on~ 'P-9-aa very ~eatly 1.11 effectJ.vyly . . ' :,.'.:d..~ : publlclz1ng the dlSplay. "It lS bellev Tne ten mllllon dollar aerona:utlciU> ed." says the NewsLetter Correspcndent , resecrch ..lrboratc!'Y, nowUI,lder-col}f!t~"that duplication of this event at t i on at MOffett Fleld. Callf. -;(o}laS' been other schools located near centers of named the "AmesAeronautical Laborat6i,y:' :population might be of real aid in Fly- it was ennounced-recent ly, h6iiofm.gcn~ lngCadet procurement ." Dr. Jo~~ph S. Am~s.former,ChairmllllS9'~ In the dl splay , in addition to that the Na"l<?nclMvl.sory COlllInlttee.torJ'" 9ponsQredby the 25lst Coast Artillery AeroI'.a:u.hcs,' '<: . lA.A.), NatJ.onal Guard, embracingfour , . The choice of the name 'Wasmade pub~ new anti-aircraft guns. two 800.000;000 lic at a Luncheon of aviation leader~:J, candl.epower searchlights, one giant in Washil,lgton. D.C. celebrating:"the:L: wire-laying truck ana: one e,Tound.tIVO- 25th anruvereary of the fo1.Ul~ of:the w~ aircraft radio set, there were N.A.C.A. Dr. Ames. mo was chairman~of eleven distinct types of military airthe or~ization for twenty years, -re:? planes, i.e . Consolidated XB-24. tired 1.11 October. 1939. : . Boeing B-17Band Douglas B-18 Bombers; The laboratory at Moffett Field has Curtiss P-36A. Boeing P-6E and P-12 been designed to extend the work that'! Pursuit planes; North American Be-lA. , has been done at Langley Field, Va.. Conbasic combat plane and BT-9 Observation stroction of the huge Laboratory and ,,;; plane; Northrup A-17AAttack plane: wind tunnel at IloffettField was star't'Douglas ~-2 Observation plane and Ryan ed \l'everal weeks ago and is progress'ing Ar!rJy Tralners. . ", rapl.dly. Mr. Edward R. SharP is .thet' EVents <?nthe program were ~achute locd admi~strative officer and :lias:"", drop testJ.ngfrana Douglas B-1 Bomber setup cff'Lces on the f'Lal.d , .' . from MarchField (3 parachutes from --000---' : , ,,[1't, 1:15 to 1:30 p.m.; aerial conmunication ' - '.C' .'A to police car by Lieut. John H.Dougher ;iajor Henry C. Wisehart, Air C~rPs~;~'mo sXJewng and Lieut. H:B. Duckworth who has been on duty with the Organized pllotin~BC-I. at 1.500 feet over Lind- Reserves. 7th Corps Area. with stat'ion bergh Fleld. demonstrating :practicabilat Richards Field. Kansas City, Mo, !'las , ity of directing from the all" motorized been assigned to duty in the Office-'of troops, 1:30 to 2:00 p.m.; Band Concert the Chief of the Air COIJ?s.Washington, ,by BrownUilitaryAcademr BSnd.;2:00 to D.C. He was succeeded as Air CoJ1ls"In3:00 p.m.; Aerial comnumcat.ton to structor of the Organized Reserves~at~ police~. 2:30 to 3:00p.m.; Parachute l<?nsas .City by Captain John E,'~d1~:.:~ drop, , 2:30 to 3:00 p.m.; "Artilv Air COIJ?s.who coinmended the HeadqllT~ ~." a4dress ~y Lieut. H.B: Duckm>rth, tel's ana Hyad9.uarters S~on'o.f:'the~ COllli1landmg Ofhcer of the Air COF:rs e- 36th PurSUlt Group , ~eyField\lVa R . serve Base. from a Be-l at an alhtud.e lVhichwas activated on .February 1.1940. -18Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8449. A.C. to the giant :a-15:








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~'!;i:J: '.;Ir ~ >'KEIJ:,y'FIEr..D ST'JoEN'r:OFFICER CITED FOll BBAVERY' li.c::1 '"r," nl: By the News 'Letter Corres})Ol~~ent~. " ~la..e-:cr (~~)"!f; '~I::r-' ~'
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Field.. never aJ.l~)1vs _,I THEAIR CORPS DI&"RoviNG GR01JlIDS ~l'st,J.ngii;I,shed deeds of bravery, darmg, .. ' " '~t;y'hbUE;,'ltl'3ssness,j;o go .. In CJ.atl on: D.F.C., (Defun,ct :F\1el t tli~"A;'Jrir- '1st issue of the Air Corps " , Container) Nevrs':,Le'tter thbi(IiJJ1"Jdenoe'of retr1:otTo: '.Lieut. F .... : .... C.A.C . -Orng'~the;' gear while on IIty,,'ra Student. Class 4O-C. , fbtm.allrby a Flying Cadet o~ I ,1. On April.9. 1940, Lieut. F ....... , was &illy re,varded. by hat Cadet at ..utter disregl?.rd for per-sonal, safety t to prypare a detaJ.lei discussJ.on. for and with absolutely no Iear for loss of the Air Corps News Lett'9;'. on ~he pro- .. , life or limb, p~evious. per use of ~he gear. ' TJ;lJ.smen.h Sec- concept svof the lJ.mJ.tatJ.ons or a fly?-J;lg .~H),I}, ,;.,;r:ecogm. zydone of J. t s . nemner s f~rl machine \7het, operated to. spread f ort=1'J.z" brav"ery" .-It J.s, well to. po int out he,_e, er On thi" date in BC-1 'airplane No. .t~<i:~~lllaily ~imill::I' examples of braverr, Li~t.F: .... : .. ! p1,U'el;y~ the"or J.llIJ?rudence as tJ;1Gclf-se may I terest of scaence , t imed a N '''1' takebe, .'e.~ontJ.nlJ0l1;r In all off from Kelly Field so tha~ JUSt as J.1e "of,Jt!fe:fJ.v~, sectJ.ons at th,e Adc.Lear ed the hangar line at ;090 feet hi s v.aIlc~9,!Flpne School; however, I Sec-, gascl.ine supply became z~ro an o~e tank. t<3.~,.?s~,e.bove stated, , ~~ldom al.lows Determined to conrolete his exper~lJlent el?1\cl].,t9,eeo.s pass unnot Iced. .to . at row cost Lieu'\;. F.; ..... dec1J.Ijed to I-t ::!va~7: 00 a. m., Tuesday, Apr;,;l 16. I a;,ail" himseif of the 55 gallons 0. gas1940 - JUst another de", for the "lass of olina in the other tank, and made a ' 4O-C ?ot.Kelly ~ield - another period of nose-high turn to the left., Just n9rth QtIL1lsl:tJ.on'f!, maybe an instrument of Kelly Field, Lieut. F ....... n9t?-ced cJ:1eck- jUs. routJ.nestuff. Th~n, the. a gang of laborers, spreaddng fcr.t.llJ.zer ffI;ill!,MJing of~ the bat, I SectJ.on of Over a field which hadp:reVJ.ously been -~~~fiQlass. of '1O-C wa~ turned o1;1t. n e .! plowed wi"th f~olVs rup.r1J.ngNortil and r:.m~eS!l,~toJ;' of all - a mJ.1J.tary '": 'South. He decrded to n~lp out a bJ.~ I;'lf.:-g~,Ji.J;on.!. Unheard of, J.ndeed! BU~ , 5 ins.prilading the fer~ilJ.zer Oll:i at tne 'truenilqld:!-erli that they are. I S?ctJ.on same time prove trill,t a. :3C-l ~rplane t.~oj{;:n~_tJ.meat all to.form in mJ.litary could land dovm-wmd , down-hJ.ll. and array:J.nfront ,of SyctJ.on headguarters. cross-furro\7s. ~llS he prqceeded to do, The purpose of thJ.s sudden d~splay but aftlllr touching the groun~, had,~lem.all st~ed. Perhaps J.t woiJ.1d LiL'Ut. F noticed a barbed be~ifnririspection. Of course - shoes!. fence at the end of the field~ some Tfuiy:',<didn't have the shine they might hundred yards ahead of him. ' 'What. the s.v,<}VEi:; iPfobably "Spring Buck-up!" :rut H.. ;, '.' he tl' "Ilve g?t 7~ mles l~oh~:;A::.caJ!1era! CoUld it be another. one per hour on a 5000 pound ba,;tenng ram o~Ttl;iQse'~I1I" picture-tala.~~ formatJ.ons? a little thing like a f'ence can't stop Well, nothmg to do but wah. me. ! thir'.k I'll knock cown a post, . :,:H: wasn 1 t long before a small band of too. just to make a e;oo?-job of it ."' , f,g,u ..~;e,~ergedfrOm,sect~on head~uarters -!Needless to say. all thJ.~ w~s don,e as' , _r.Qaptain Choate. Lreut s . Webster. plarmed, an, then what shoul.d cat ch d ,' and Brei t\7eioe1'. A staff! Of .Lieut. F ..... I S roving eagle-eye but a - _course;' Gotto have a staff. But such !4-foot irrigation ditch running across ",r.ankL It was still mystifying. Ai:oundhis path another few yards ahee.d.'After "'t'o;the' front of the Section ,they march- analyzing the situation from every. viewed;,w~th milita:r'J precision in eCh,elon. poin,'t,this intr, epid aY~ator,deciaed to, Or was t112.t echcl.on? No, I guess not. take advantage of the .dut-pJ.le paral Just Lieut. Meyer trying to catch uP',leling the ditch and dozr little cat-aAt any rate, th\1 quartet eventually. man- pulting. Sure enough, the airplane _crt~d ~o arra ve an front of the seot ton I-leapt the di tch Hke a gazelle, and ..aJ,lf,faJ.rly. good shape. . ' r then repeated the performance "hen the ::;c~'i~u.;;hfell over ~hetlt;'oops! .~len., .' next ditch ceJJlyup:' In thy intyrim,- fer",f:r:~m,LJ.eut. Webster. . LIeut. F , . tiliz-crwlJ;$ fly'?-~g J.nall ?-uectJ.on, s and front .and center! II Li.eut. F , it was found that -t he radio loop ant eni1,meIIelia rat. !\'h shoul.dnt t he? He, ' na.Ls not quite as satisfactory for. :t~rh.ei!l1i'e,:red what haa. h~~~ened to-hnn _ . thi,s job as a standar,c, four-,tined pJ.tchJusl:"a.,week before. ne cJ. been.remem fork. . " ' ,, bf~~ngfi~=-e~er since! '" Lieut., F.: .. : .. , ~ When the ,ain>lane fil\ally:came to: t"o,OK)ii,',SlPO,st., Then came the voa ce of rest Lieut.,Y. ..... gl.ancsd-over hi s J4,lu't?i't:,;I?iweiser.oooJllitlg'forth the. left' shoulder! expelled the breath he ,.!~lf9i~p.g~~.!l~.age, or. ,.~. -1 (Oont.Inusd on Page 3D)., . .Oi'el,.r 'C'uur.-:,:" ., ' V-8449 , A.C .

. li::~i~~6.t~On, ,Kelly



'I 23:





A crew of eight men of the 1st Bom---000--bardment squadron, Mitchel Field, N.Y., started one morning recently .to change the left engine on a B-18A ai.rpl.ane , Student Of'f'Lcer' Cited for Bra.,ery Outside the ropes a large crowd. of spec (Ccmtinued from Page 11:1) ta~or3, includ:',l1$ a de13ga.tion of 15 o~:':'3~ers end enl i st-ed IDei: ~rom 1811/?,ley had been holding for the fllist 83 secF1C1.a., Va., stood by to rer eree ana onds , and sai d , IIWhew,1Ihus indicating t kibi~z. 1'he_nelYengine had been set.-up h3-" e:'qi.erim'l~lt to be a huge s';lccess, by tne Base . .lliIlglneenng DepartmG!}'G as . ~'loro1)g.i'-l! ~Sp!"ovillg t~ ant i quated : far. as po sst bl,e , except for. the ,1!lstaJ.- l.dea about ai rp.ranes nosang over. ,:;hen la~lOn of the :?ropeller.. All tCO.l.Swer'1' be,F are landed dorm-wi.nd , dOW1:-l1lll, Lard out as pr8t.:isely as those of a sur-i cross-furrows, through f'enccs and over genn in an operuting room. .;/, di t.caes . In fertl mmut es the. old' engine was . By Order of tho Order'Lyi off the Silip, work having been stDl'ted . .~'IKRACKEMO?, at ~O:20 a ,m. J3~ l:O~~p;m . th~ new j uo -.-Gen. engine had. been lnGt~.LeCl.,. sorvi.ceu and I ready to start. Then the e:,gine "as J W,E. FDrrTM given '_ 30-minll~e l?:0und run-up. Af:ter . &:1,j. Gcn.. Adj. the run-up and cest s were compket ed , the oil was draxned , the CU'1.0 strainer l'r%Elltl:,tiC; oJ Li.eut . Webster of the was cleaned, tile SHillg was d=ai'1ed and D.J!'. C. foHored lD11"ed5.a~ely ths t=ue in tha st.r alner cleaned. A hundr'ec, quart-s Prer.oh f'ash lon . 'I'he D.Ji'.C. was, howof nef oil ?ere vu.~ad into. the !?,ik? ever, in this irst~!ce, not t~'l Distinend tne engine cowlmg was J.nst81ed. eJished. ~'lylnp CrOf'S, but rather the All till; s took nine ... At 1: <:5 Defunct :ii'uei Conta5.ner - an ernpty oil p.m., Just 3 hours EU.1d IDU-.utCS 25 dtE:r I car. wj.t:a a (Sood.solid. chai.n at.tuched by th~ start of _the engine chan~:;e, tJ,1o . I means of wh.lch j.t might be hung around ' shtp \'las resay for fllb'J,t. .Lhe ann at I Liout. F .. ,.,.' s neck. \:he special. the start had. been a change in fo';lI' award was das rgned by Li.eut . West, 51st hours. Toot ,!ouli. have oeen consrdered SchooL squadron Engbeering Officer, who, a 'Yery good t rme, out the crew be'Gte:ced.I after flyin:; the :30--1cut of tile fertilthis mark by 35 minut eso, izeO. dis;:>r07in" FOUlld., '~ook s'Oeoiel Just to prove toot the f'ast on paxns to. see tbee proper recogii.ition bf

crews were entertained at a party given by the Gi'OUpCommander, Li eut . COlonel C. Vi. Conne.l.L, fJ.r Corps.

t?e first engi~e was not en ecci~ant!

Lieut. F ..... ,IS hero~sm was given.

~ne 1st Bombar'dmerrt S!l~0!1 crew 1 SlX Being~, modest char., Id eut . F had cays later, changed tne ngnt, engine on enly tras to Say:. 'I 'l.ess I W3,.'\ Just a B-18,i" in tile 5th Squedr'on :J.t the same lucky - to have this Iioncr ;' To which tiJ1!e a 5~hSquadron crew c~M3l"giJd the all a;p.'e8d. le1t ell~r.e on cbe sane sh~p. ThGse Seotion Dismissed!! changes wore rnad.e under the same condr---000--tions. except tl18t new prouellers were installed on the engi'les while they wero on the s t anda . For t.hsse changes the eh:.pscd time from start to being The Cheney Award for the ye.= 1939 wes prereaq for fli,eht was only two hours and serrbed to 1st Lieu~_ H.u;ol<iJ~. Jle~ly,Ai= . 47 mimrt es . It should be noted here Corps, en bhe a. Apnl l70h, by the that the right engine is the harder to Hon , Harry H. V1oodr~ng,Se<;retary of War, in change becaiise of tho e extra. connect ions I his office. Present at th,s cer-er.ony we~e for the heater. . Major General he:u-y H. lIrnold, Chief .of the The members of the 1st Souadr'on crew Ai= Corps: ',i<bs.Hary L. Schofield and her On the first engine change .were Tech. daug'n~er, !fa-s. ,bth G'uene~S<reeter. don",:s Sgts. P.G. Smith, M.M. Etlinger, Staff of tn1s A",~ra; Col~ne,l s.c, Cand?e an~ n~or Sgts. L.C. Sickles, D. MacCoiUlell, A.T. J~s A. 1/i~:son,. 01 t!~e Info;mahon Dl,~'~lon, Rubano, Sergeants W.L. Jones, B. ~f;:"ce of une S:luef 0: t~:e A~r Co;"!'s; !;'J~r and J. Joseph. On the sect,,_ . Lovet.t ~Jlli ~pt.~n .m_, Fu..t, or ' ond enf$ine change , the Lact three mem- FUbl,~c.Rel~ho;:s ~ect~on. of t.h? Genera;;,e S~af, bers 01 the above crew were reolaced by , n"d ,,:aJar Pcwnsend Gr-ff,ss. to t veeSergean t ?.... Y:..oO~, P~.J csn up . ~ d Fvt . retal'Y act War. II " of of heroism which won for TJie11.t. ,aL 'I'he E.D. PaclJ,lO. The exper~enc; 0_ .t;Csr Feely th.e Chency Ay;-,;;r~ WPS his refusal to demen ~ang!?a.f;rom ~ne to elght sen Jell'S r ,sert. his disabled airplane when. uncez-ba.Ln as servlc~ 1,1 tne Air Corps , All ~J.~her ,to Imethe,' one of his- three passenE'ers had hcl9- o. have held Airplane Mechiu1J.c . carried out t"e order' he had given teem to ratlngs. . . . jUI'1' with their parachutes, since he saw only As a reward for theJ.r flne work, these, (Continued on Page zi)

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1i-8449. A.C.


The President recently sent to the rlenate 'Maxwell Field, Ala. Rawlins, WYo. the nominations of 83 Air Corps Beserve offi.. W,," tier Wmfred Cedartown, Ga. cars, now on active duty', for eppoint:nsilt as Ha l Le , Ja."Ilf3S Ernest, Jr. 'Palestine. Texas second lieutenants in the Air Corps ReiSular Knowles \'Vm. Mcllillan Winchester, Ky. Arrrr:!. These appointments 'lVera rrado:> as a reTodd, 'fho-oas Marion sul b of an examination held in Februa''Y,19<l.Q. MitcheJ.<i'ield', N.Y. Kenosha, Wise. Below is a list of tile "new' appointees, toBUsch, Chestf-lr Charles ,,Harlowton, Mont. gethor wHh their home addresses .and th', Air' Martin, Bertrem Claude Ray, Minn. , Corps stations a.t which they are serving at Olson, Abraham Donley LakeViOOd.Ohio present. vi'z: roroeroy Dcn Allen, Jr. Fort Wayne, Ind. Albrook Field ~ Zone:' Scheuer, Paul Constantine tit. Ida, Ark. --e;Qry, Hobert AXIlGd' Oek Park, Ill. Sheffield, Ccarles P~ul South Boston, lhlss. Ib,yden, Jmnes Daniel Junotion City, Kns. Yurkand s , Paul John WeIhrao, Jcbn ',ITilliam Ra.wlesburg, W.Va. Iv~ffett Field, calif. San Antbnio, Texas Carter, -John Henry Pasadena. Calif. "'liiLm;Ji"raM Lowry Wauwatosa, ~lJisc. Ba:rlci!dali!> ~'ield. L~.: ]'eil dng , Brunow Will iam Tucson. Ariz. Crabt.r ee , Martin Perdue Decatur, Texas Grossctta, Arlthony YinC'ent Atlanta" Ga. Koster. John Bobart Cincinneti, Ohio Marett. Samuol Heins Talmage, Kans., Livingstone, Bichm:md A. Pawtucket. R.'I. Stewart. Everett Vinson Paul. Robert Copeland Watertown, Fla. Nichols Field, 1'.1. Los Angeles, Celif. Purinton, Wm. Rebert Wichita Falls. Kans.' Alder', Glen 14l1er . Max, N~n. Bolline Field. D.C. B~nick, Beland John Milwaukie, Ore. Stuber, Lovell Strdin Winfield, Kans." .F1SCb., Te~.B~nard. Borin*en Field, Puerto Bico. . PHtters~nne.d, Oh,o Paduceh , Ky., Eise art, Charies Marion C'u1berttiiOIl. Neb/ _, B~az: !i{m. Ne.;.~on, Jr. .ShelbyvUle. Ky Panceke, Frank Bobbins Staunton, Va., Vh~l1EolDS' ,AdJ.;,el Ne~on . Duncan Field Texa~ I Banuolph F~elu.t -Texa .... Pr-oaaen, Peter Jo~eph. saii ~tonio.;~Tems'I' Alcxer.ier. ivfartin Detroit,. Mich. Fort Leavenvrorth, Kansas . Bem:ar, .FranK Elg:m El Paso, Texas. Hughey, Robert Jerome University City, Mo. I Ear.merle, C!-ar~noe B. ,Jr. Johnstown,Fa.. Hamilton Field Calif., Doned d "",,,1 Rays, Kans. Bostrom, Fra:Df~er San .Antonio, ~exas Mullan, Marcus Alfred NevP.oc1;el1e, N.Y. DuFrane, John Louis, Jr. Calif. 01a. , Ge?:ge Joseph. Ge~sto;m, FaEaaar'd , Ri chard Franois 'Winter Sarden, ]la, Violtan~" ~haddeus LeWl.~ Ch,cago, Ill. Itz, Milford Felix Osage City, Kans. Sacr<;a~ P.u Depot, Cehf:,. , Keiser, Donald MacKay MoComb,Chio :eaCh, ,Ko7th Vles~ey So. 1"nneapohs, Minn. Morse, Raymmd Steele Elk City, Ckla.1 S~nTe k.~.."a, Ca.l1f:i' t' Pr-esbon, Joseph James Elgin, Minn'l VIh'~O~"'ld: J~s. San a lI=,a, Calif. Skiles Duane Earen Denton, Texas Scot u..! J.lo.ilA" Tarter t Jerorre Mintonville. Ky.; Thompson."17'"~; lion"~1n::o Astoria., Ore. Wangen:an, Herbert Otto Moorpark;' Calif. 1.2.~!f.~}~~~e.J.d, .. ~,hch Hickem Field, T,R.. . ~ov;en, "(1m. Jcs~h x:fvm O~ ~e,rk. Ill. Gregory, Charles Edward Hnuahon, Texas I Moore. raul, Lerura.n ..,.lenn Vhch~ta, Kan~. Holbrook, Thonas Harber Comnerce, Ga. Sp:cank~e, Ke;:neth Wayne West Lafayette, Iun. Simpson, John Gilliland Chevy Chase, Md. K~llt,F,eld, ,exas Wilkins, John Ce>Dpbell Hollywood, G<llif. Mar ,n, Glen Webster Chicago. Ill. , Wilson, Harold Frederick Los Angeles, Calif. Kelly Field; Texas Harding, Frank Burkley Orraha , Neb. Merritt, Ral'ph LeRoy,Jr. SacrelIXJnto, Calif. two parachutes had opened be l ow him, and fearWilson, Keith Streeter Bolivar, N.Y.. ing that this third passenger was still an ocLan~ley Field, Va; pant of the Bombing plane. he disregarded his Bat>, Harold Ttaddeus Dal ton, Ga. OVID personal safety and chose to r-Lsk a forced Clinl'sca,les. Theodore Ross, Greenville, S.C. landing which, happily, he accomplished withCook, Earl Brown,' Heflin, Ala. out injury to himself. Hand , Sylvan Davi s Cclu!llbia, S. C. Lieut. Neely then made the un"",lcoIm discov-MoHelly. Fred Wright Anoka, Minn. i ery that his third passenger had jumped but Meyers, Gilbert Louis Grand Forks; N.D. I ~hat he had delayed too long in doing so, 1IcmIver. William 17al~ace Seattle, 'Wash. leaving insufficient altitude, for the parechute Seeburger, Frallois II. IV Crockett, Calif. i to function properly Sloc1JIDb, Charles D Jr. Goldsboro, N.C. The insert cn the opposite page shows SocreWheeler. Warren Sanford Hickory, N.C. tary Woodring rreking tile presentation of the March Field, Calif.: Cheney Award' to Lieut. Neely, VIih Mrs. t carlson, l'rano's Bernard Ossining, N.Y. Schofield, 1:>Os.Streeter and GeDflral 'Arnold Cocke, Wm.. Alexander ,Jr. Austin, TexaS as witnesses.' Gran'ston, George Echelbary Winfield, Kans. The Cheney Award was established in mennry Hutchinson, Richard C" Bi'versid?, ~if'l of 1st Lieut. l'ml. E. Chaney. Air Service, who Maney, John Randolph So. Minneapohs. Minn, was killed in an aircraft accident at Foggia, Marks. Jeck,Sou.tlma.yd 1..,s Angel"e. Calif. Italy. during the World War. -21V-8449 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. , A.C.






The follovring bit of vel's. was inspired by the crash of an A-12 in the ocean off Nar..akuli, ~en the pilot and an enlisted'nan in the, reB.!" seat were saved by the ef'for-t.s of two Boy Scouts who towed tnem t'J sefety through the treacherous cur renb s th8.t cher-ecber-Lze the ccean on the Leeward side of Oahu, It was ~itten by Sergeant ,James Disney of the Headquarters and Headquarters Squadron, 18th Pursuit Group. ptircly in the- spirit of fun, and is not in a.r.y WB<I f.nbended to belittle t.he ccuzegeous rescue :rerfoI'IIled by bhe two 3"oung boys. The ArirJy Air Corps now.can try Uncharted skies ~o master. They know that Boy Scouts will be there In case of grave disaster. The The For The pilots need no longer fear troubles that pursue them. if, by chance f they cone to grief, Boo' Scouts .411 l'escue them.

Your erccbdons will iIlS?:re . Frem the wonder's you will soe , As you soar across the clear sky ... .,j.i~ r:I Cast your cer es end,,)',~I Take t~e new life in the offinz. _ ', -:=0";" Join the Ail' Corps, Learn to Fly.. ',og'

~ ./.1 'r.<..Bw I "') '-+ d-.oa r- :rf, edT

I ~he


classroom t~ere e~~ts


AM the shop has plenty of room .. r.' '.:10 For the nan who Speaks up. s.!:.ying~''I,_'i~~J.l .ry," t Sd ceuse your Face to grin .up. I And keep your soldierl s .chd.n up l Join the Air Corps, Learn to Fly. TilE BIRD-MEN SING llLOHA, Aloha, sing Aloha. The happy voices ring, The bird-men now describe the Land. They've vf ewed from si~ ver wings. ,." A ~,. ~.:.

,';j"; I.



. " .j


If engines ndss end oil lines clog Don't pay them too mnch heed. A Boy Scout will be close at hand To do his d~'s good dced. So let as give to Daniel Beard Our gratitude u''ldying, He'll t'eacD.'lis boys to find a ""y To keep our snips a_flying.

~ ~l.c,' f' ...... From alti budes we've eyed your. shores,; c"'lfT .saw hnneyrnooner-s pIa;r; . ~ .. .Hcve scrutinized year temples. . oiJ Where anoderrt pi-ous pray. , ~."'T"i.A , 'O~ Fer~ile fields stretch out below, .Arid workers daily toil , ...... To reap' coveted trea~Ul'es ~. .~r That sprout from tropic soil.



lot. PI' i vabc Rsasoroe \Y. Doney. a rre';'ber of the 18th Air Base Squadron, l'Ibee1er Field, T.H., is a Ii ving .l;;estirr:cnial to an ascertion which ';-,P 'to" I It.} rrey be ventured the:~ the pen, if not nllr;hi,ier Like ~a:res from an open book. than t.he s'\\'O!U, is at least not an incongruous That flutter in the wind, ."J'd< '- ; ~ ~."::ai. conpem on. Ibney, who was ber-n in CJ.i.nbon, SdLvery V.'8,VBS relate a tale Iowa, and attended the Clintcn High School ,has '::hey dare not rescind. ,:c,,'LA ,'" s!::. (: combined Wl'iting end fighting since he joined . the lku-ine Corps, July 15, 1927. \7hile servOccidental roardf'es'b, ing in !Ucaragu.a. he was BVic'_rded Service the Has modernizec your lore. 6:+\' Medel for the second Nicaraeuan Cqaign in But ne' er Call steal the beauties 1928. He bhen ser-ved in C!dna from 1932 to That fro;u your heavens pour. A 1935 and , in addition to the GoociConduct. i "l'~ ,,,,' 'I}O':: Medal, was awaxded the Yangt.1l0 Service Uadal. i Aloha, sing Aloha. :.,.. W' NO'\7 sol dier in the Air Corps, Doney bas been Our voyage' ste IIrJSt v:rend a .' i in the Hawaiian Depart03nt since February. . But in our future j~urneys 1938. and the two poems 'Published. here and the I \';,e1ll_ cling to you, our friend. one published in the previous is"ue of the ---000--News Letter, were .:ritten s ince he began his 1\ ;., tour of duby at Wheeler Field. THE __ ..2 0 D 0 l~~,e By Fl:iing Cade b IT.A. Snith. 40-G -r JOll' TBE AIR IllRPS, LEARN TO FLY If Be re.. the spreading grin 0: me If your life is rather dusky; I Th upperckassroen sbands , . \." And the whole world looks grim. He notes the waver of my eye, _ ":.J If the f'e'l Lows on the corner yon by, I And "tiffness of my hands, , It is just that you are yearning My chest is in. Io/ stormch out. , _. .'.' For IIDre -adverrbur-ous learning, My hair a sight to see, " ..r Join the Air Corps, Learn to Fly. He wcnders if they ever will -.~ci -:--...+- .f".q 'Whenthe cities I traffic rumble A. flyer make of me. >i)J ~'i Causes you to fret end TUlDble. I drill end. drill,then drill some ".;re; .c And you wi sh for something newer to try, I, "gun" the food for them. : .-~: 1.1:'[do! . . It is your. just for the taking. They =00 me 110end down the hall' "j zn.,'f And your time rmn't be forsaken, I And .begrudge ire any Itfe:une. If !.' .;.:. .:..~ 9:':~' Join the Air Corps, Learn to Fl:r. put I!1Y room in spotless shape , purchase PDF Split-Merge on www.verypdf.comIto remove this watermark. -22-

Horizbns' at the ~etting S':ID, Recall' POIDlJOilfi dSJ's _ Wflen kings ee~~tly cest their To worship Ea'l e I 5 blaze.



I I \"



I wash the bowl with care . But everytime inspection comes The dust is alwao's there. . In spite .,?f all these minor thi.ngs. I wouldn't change "lY plane For any "other I have known. Though per-f'eo b on its facet Just like the rest, I'll play the ~. Wh~ tevar it my be, And.hope that graduation dey " ,{.d Fihas' me in 4Q.-G. ---oOo~-~ toDOES NOW, UTB By Flying Cadeb 'It.V. Taylor, 4O-G

. servers

in reporting

"enemy" aircraft


the maneuver

period .flillbe: as soon as two ,or

At six in the ""riring we rush to the r""'P, to the'infor.m~tion center. upon receipt of We shiver and freeze in sunshine thet's damp. We "dress right" to orders as fast as we might. the message atll.aJMell Field, the daba is evalBut to our upperclassmen we're nevex just right uate~ qy in~elligence officers and appropriate We take calisthenics like a gym class at camp, counter ecb ion taken against the'.'imraders.1f . But we never can miss that tour of the ramp. Colonel Robert W. Collins. CorrrnandingOfficer, 4th Co~st Artillery District, Fort Tt.l.en into our rooms to dress for meSs call, McPherson, Ga.; Majo:L' illiam Q. Jeffords, W Then badlcon the double, dodoes and ell. C<>ast.i>rtillery Corps. and Captain Thomas W. At mea1time~ we eat, with out hearts ill our ,1~.m.i'()ra., Coast Artillery Corps. are DOW tour ... throats, ing .uhc 22.4:counties in Alaban:a., ltississippi, Afraid the next JIXlve will prove that we're I south eastern Arkansas. Louisiana and western period. All scheduled ...: to complete their . Which keeps us all day in a state of dejection mission by ... "il 26th, they were then to r ep And so through the de,}'and into the night, port. to YJElXwell Fi~ld for duty with the inforWe fear everything but our turn for flight. nation cent-or of the Aircraft Warning Service ---000--u."'ltil corrp'l obLcn of the p rohl ems.. . - ~rican Legion posts are assisting in establis~nt of the ooservation post net. The SoutherD Be'l.L 'I'ekephone Company is also cooperFirst Lieut. Wilbur C. Boyce, Jr,. Coast Ar- atinrr to the iull""t extent. tillery Corps, recently arrived at Maxwell A total of ten Reg~ar Ai~ officers, 27 Field. Ala for the purpose of inst.elling the Coast Artillery Corps and 25 Signal Corps eninforrration center of the, Headquarters Third listed men ?TaS scheduled to arrive at Maxwell Army Aircraft Warning Service to be used inciField for the purpose of operating the infordent to the large scale Regular Ar~ r::e.neuvers nation center. Tell long .dd sbance trunk lines to be conducted in .Alabama, Mississippi, .Louis- are to be f'uncbIonIng cOntinually during the iana, Arkansas and western TIorida. from W.ay period of active operations, from Way 7th to 7th to, Lnc'l us,, Ive, . A building just east of the airdrome's sbaMajor ;lEI~y L. Vitzthum,Air Corps Tactical tion hospital was made available, and Lieut. School Signal Officer, is coordinating the'inBoyce's staff beoame busily engaged in setting stallation of the i.nfonmtion cenbez- at Maxwell up. the activity. '. .' "Field.. . Lieut. Boyce stated that over 3.000 aircraft Lieut. Boyce al so said that a large tent was' warning observer stations are to be establishto be set up at i.1sJtlvcll Field for the convenien in Alabema for the !IB11euver period. They ence of the public .about Way Lsb , .more inforare to be :lspottedtr in areas 16 miles square, IJRt.ion regarding the maneuver-s woul.d be availeach of which has been given a name and .... able. It is to contain large scale nnps shownumber. 'W:1ere practicable, four observers ing our own and lIenerry-fldispositions and other readily accessible to t~lephones are to be on pertinent data reg~ding the exercises. Trainduty in each aree during the maneuvers. They ed guides are to be posted to explain items of are to be located as nearly equal distance particular interest. apart as is possible. These ebebdons are to Over 35,000 officers and. enlisted men arc. to be in active operation' be engaged in the problems, which' ere the lar~ 7 - 8'30 e. m. to 2.30 p. m. gest ever held in the Un.i tea States during Mao' 8 - 8:30 a. m, to 2.30 p.m. peace times. May 9 - 7:00 a. m, to 10:00 a.m., and .3.00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Effecti~ April 1, 1940, Brig, General May 10- 7:00 e-m, to 10.00 a.m.. and 2:00 p. m."rto 5:00 p, m, Herbert A. Dargue, Wing Comnander, whose pernaaenb rank was Lieut. Colonel,' was prormbed Mao'l1- 5:00 a-m, to 8:00 a.m.. and 1:00 to 4'.00. p.m. to Colonel; and Lieut. Col. Harry H, Young end The generelmethod rank in to be ""Ployed by the oll- Major Janes M. Gillespie to pe=t their respective 'grades. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8449. A.C. -23-

more ai.r-o'lanea in formation have been seen or heacd , bne obne rvez- calls bds operator and, when 't e'lephone central answer s , the observer will say ltflach" and give the number of his t.el ephone ; a through long distance trunk line will t~en got the information center at W~ll Field who. w:.ll answer "Ar!:!Iy;t1 the obs er-vez.will 'then tra.~cnit his message w!"l.icb will include hi' .telerhono nu:nber. tine the airplane'S :were noted. wnether they were seen or heard, the nuuiber:of planes, whether they were of Pursuit. Bcmbardm9nt, Observation or Attack typo, '.;he altitude at which they wer-e end tho direction of the flight. Observers have been provided with "flh message" forms where they are to record the data brarismlbbed

goats. Then back. to our roO!DS to dress for inspection.

]1orida, contacting obsorvers for the maneuv~




Effective June I, 1940, the instruction Of enlisted men of the Air Corps as Weather Observers and Weatber Forecasters will 00 conducted at the Chenute Fi eld Branch .of the Air Corps Tee-weal School at Rantoul, 111.

Ca:pr;-wm: c.

The Weather Ob~e~verst co~se was originally

established in August, at Scott Field, Belleville, Ill., 1939. Twenty Air Corps enlisted

To Brooks Field, Texas: Major Don \q.l<layhevr, DOlan,' 1st Lts. Charles '3. stewart and NoruBn Sp$nccr, Jr;; for duty with the ::<2ndObserVation Squadron.' To Barksdal~ Fiei.dant: .. : 1st Lt. Rob?rt D. Gef>en, from Panana C Department; Lleut.


Col. Robert G. Breene, from duty as instructor


at Commnd end 'General Staff School, "ort four n:onths 1 course. Classes Were staggered Leavenworth, Ke.nsas. . To Lan~ley Field, Ve.: let ,Lt. Carl T. 801dso as to make it possible for a class to gradURte each rmnbh , Enlisted men entering these enberg, rom Panama canal Department. classes are required to possess an elementary To llJe:ltWElll Field, Ala.: lIajor Elmer J. knowledge of mathexmtics and phy'sics. . Bowhng, from Ft:'Lems, Wash., for duty.nth The ~eather Forecasters' School was originthe faculty of Air Corps Tactical School. To lIJ.ddletovm Air Depot, Pa.: Lieut. Col. ally established atl'atterson Pield, Fairfield, Ohio, in August, 1ge7, for the purpose of JObil I.. Clark" from Antomo Air Depot. training Weather Forecasters for all Air Corps To Mitchel Field, N.Y.: 1st Lt. James W. T-m>Odaell,Jr., from Pana,m. Canal Department. stations, in order to furnish pilots with accurate and ccrrpl.ebe weather information and '1'0 Pane= Canal DEroartment: Cant, \Valter 'iI. forecasts of vreather to be expected aloft. Gross, frOffi duty wltfi OrgaEazed Reserves, 9th Corps Area, San Diego, Calif.; Major Richard Twenty-five Air Corps enlisted men were detailed for each class teldng the six mmths' "'. Gibson. 1st Lts. Pe.ul Burlingame, Jr" fro," Mitchel Field; 1 st Lt. F~ry Coursey, from course at this School. The educational re, Chanute Field; 2nd Lt.s, Thomas X. Jan:pton and quirements for entrance are IIDre strict than Arthur W. Kelland, from March ,"ield. those for the Weather Observers' course. 'To Vlashin~ton. D. C.: Colonel Vincent B. students baing required to possess a mere DixoD, Ft,ragg, N.C.; iAajor Dacha ll.l.oReeves, thorough knowledge of mathexmtics and physics, Langley Field Va.; Capt. Turner A. Sims Jr. as well as a knowledge of elementarJ trigonWright Field, 0., :and Ls't Lt. Edwin S. Perrin, ometry. Wright Field, for duty as students at the Army With the transfer of these two schools to War College, reporting not later than Sept em- ' Chanute Field, the Weather Observers' course ber 10, 1940, - Lieut. Col. Ray A. Dunn, from will be ext ended to five'months, and the iiiddletown Air Depot, for duty in Office of Weather Forecasters' course to nine months. the Chief of the Air Corps. Enlisted men graduating from these courses' To Materiel Division Wri. t Field, 0.: have an excellent opportunity for advancement ; Cap . A re ",wJ8XW6 rom 55. ns 1 tute in the noncon:missioned grades. i of Technology, ea.."bridge, Mass.; 1st Lts. Vim. ---000--D. E<-J<ertand Thetus C. Odcm, from Harvard Schook af Business .Administration, Cambridge, ASSIGl~W;:i~ CCliIBAT Sq,lI.<UlRONS GROUPS OF TO I Mass.; Ed=d J. Hale, from University of bdch igan , Ann Arbor, Mich.; Frank B, Moyers, The >,VarOepartJrent recently ' announced the from California Institute of Technology, assignment to Bombardment end Pursuit Groups Pasadena, Calif. in Pana.n:a and Eal'laii of combat squadrons which To London, En~.:Lieut. Col. Grandison were activated on February I, 1940, under the I GardIler and MeJor Fre .. klin O. Carroll, l from Air Corps ~a.nSiOD ProlJI'BDl. . Wright Field, for duty as Assistant Military To the 6t;, Bombardment Group (Medium), staAttaches for Air. tioned e.t France Fi eld, Panama Canal Zone, . To Randolph' Field, Texes: Major Leonard H. were assigned the 3rd and 74th Bombardment RodieCk, from duty as Dlstrict Supervisor for Squadrons vmch were activated at 'France and Air Corps Training Center, Central District, Albrook Fields, respectively. The 43rd Pur-: "East St. Louis, Ill.; Lieut. Col. Ralph B. suit Squadron \ Interceptor) , activated at , Walker, from Paneme. Canal DepartlOOnt. Albrook Field, Canal Zone, was assigned to To Tulsa, Okla., <Je;>t. Edwin M. Day, for the 16th Pursuit Group (Interceptori"f stationed at that field. duty as Supervisor, Spartan School of Aeronautics. !ro::n duty vlith Air Corps Training DeIn the Ea'miian :J;lepartIl>!nt. the 26th Bomtachment, Cal-Aero Corp. , ' Glendale, Calif. bardment Squadron (Medium) was assigned to the ProIIOtions 11th Bombardm3nt Gro~ (Medium) at Hickam Field, so. that now thlS Group comprises the Lt. Col. R'1senham Beem hom telIpOrary to 14th, 26th and 42nd BoiDbardmant.. quadrons. This pernanent grade, effective S Maroh I, 19~{). Retirements Group and its three squadrons were all ,activated at Hickron Field. 1st Lt. JeWell B. Shields, March 31, 1940, The 78th Pursuit Squadron (Interceptor) was for disability incident to the service. Teeh., Bgt. Edward Ingle, 27th Reconnaissance the f'orrrer 26th Attack Squadron; "hich had been stationed at Luke Field and later at Squadron, Borinquen Field, Puerto Rico, April Hickam Field. This new addition to the Pur30, 1940. sui t Squadrons of the Army Air Corps was assigned to .the 18th Group \ Interceptor) ,sta.,Lieut. Col. floyd E. Galloway assigned to Philippines from student at Army tier College. tioned at IVheeler Field. - 24purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8449 , A. C.

men were each,class taking the




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Intorme~1on D1V1s1on Air COrps

, May 15, 1940

The chief purpose of this publication is to distribute information on aeronautics to the flying personnel, in the Regular Army, Reserve' Corps, National Guard, and others connected with aviation. , ---000--AMERICA'S "WEST POINTOF THEAIR" By Flying Cadet M.J. Anderson RandOlphField, Texas The earl transition stage of convert- lish in him the basic rudiments upon ing an ord1nary civilian into an embryo which will be built the futures of the pilot was over, and the boundary of YO\lIlg officers of tOlWrrow, 'Texas flashed by as we headed for our The West Point of the Air surely new home and the second and basic stage lives up to its well earned name and in the active nine months I training Opens new avenues of progress to all program. Hearts beat fast and expectathe Flying Cadets, but at the same time tions were high as we rounded the last it re~Uires that every man whose ambicurve and topped the last hill and saw tions1.ead him this way contribute his below us, nestled in the rolling hills, best and find an active part to pla;y , t~e object of many a dream - Randolph while.he is in this rigid training. F1eld "THE WEST POINTOF THE AIR.'" It 1S because of this expectation It is difficult to express the feelthat the military.persolUlel offer, to ings of the new men,as they arrive at the new men a selF'?0J?t'rolled battalion, Randolph from the mne J2rimary schools throw;h.whose act Ivi.t they: are better scattered' allover the United states able to become a part of arTE:[ lih, and: because I becoming a part of the greatalso develop the self -conf1dence that' est trroning center an the world is the is an asset to the young officer in realization of an ambition which, so to training. In this capacity the new men speak, has prepared him, in mind and find a strict adherence to the honor body to comply with all the rigid train:': code which builds up the morale of the ing and to establish the proper attimen and a friendly spirit of cooperatudes which is conducive to the military tion which enables them to forget perprecision throw;h which he must pass, sonal grievences and differences end to Thus, before the cadet enters the work together as a whole, thus acquirgates of Randolph, he is conscious of ing more 'training through a single conthe great responsibility that is his centrated effort. and that he is an important unit in To those who are str~rs 'to, the this expansion program which shall as1V0rldngsof this great mlitary plant, sure to America that its flag shall althe rapidity and the thoroughness of ways signify a rule by a democratic the training, as well as its scope, is people, astounding and yet it is not miraculous It is, indeed, gratifying to the new when one considers that this is merely cadet to learn that Randolph Field does a smooth running machine which incorponot fall down on one's expectationsl rates all the elements essential to the however high they maybe. This Tramtop functioning of the individual. His ine:; Center offers to all' alike the many mner self is' so developed that the thmgs which go to make up the tradi,spirit of flying becomes a major part tions of the Air Service and enccuragof his existence. His mind is trained es the new man to assume some of the to notice the details and to react with spirit of aviation which is the very rapidity but with sane judgment. The soul of the Air Corps.. physical care of the men is kept at its Through slight adJu,stmellt of his pernighest point by the regularit of the sonal 0lJin'ion~ and accustomed habits, I'9u~ine and the special athlet1c compethe Flym: enters an atmosphere', ~1hon. It is, indeed, true that durwhich in 1tself is conducive to a rigid 1ng this period the individual reaches personal discipline and acromplishment. a high peak of perfection. Fortunate, It is not as if the new man had to make indeed, is the cadet who serves his over his own way of living, but rather ~renticeship at "THE WEST POINTOF that he has the supervision of graduate 1'HE AIR." ' Officers who impart to him, through a carefull planned schedule, those char--000-acterist1cs PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. which will help to estab- , Please purchase -1V-8462, A.C.

MondaJrmorning, stating that the plane had landed at Miami at 5:30 Mountain Standard Time. The fact that it was. an At one time. or another most of us all ni,e:ht flight made it unusual.,,~(jJn hav~ seen a baby being tend~rly guarded ~e 'trip was a rout ine training:~:.,D:ra: by J.ts mother. Wehave admued the f1J.ght. personnel" were !g babyt s blue eyes,golden hair and rosy Li.euts, James D.Reed! Rtchard-P ..i?clWt cheeks , but the care-worn face, the macher, Charles H. LeJ.tner. Jr., lV'l:1:lraIn' hred eyes or wrinkled brow of theF.'DaY, Sergeant Philip. Gan:genii"{.cre\v.~ mother probably went unnoticed .. Lili:eyhief) and Pvt , Layton St: GeI'inB.a,nj.i:s,!~: wi se , most Of us have witnessed andn\l?.adio operator).. ....G,1:~ :;;:W' strument ':nth its precise ap. --. 000"'" '3lTrJ':';,~~~ preach, .s~ooth and remarkable .,. '..' "~':''''':'' landing ''TJ.thout so much as a thou@lt to ARMY.DAY.AT LOWRYIEI.p' ::nr'!llb F those who have made it possible .. " .;' .. .. , .. ',0.:)4)The entireI~stfunient Dep~~ment of Despite a driving. rain that f.ell~ron~a the San .Ail.tonio Air Depot vlsJ.ted Rai'lM Denver th1-oug!lOut the day! Colon~l,8u5 dolph Field recently. and most of these Jacob H.. RudOlph. CoIIlIllaIl,iling OffJ.cer. t'{ men who p,!,ob~bly coUi9- set up a bank threw open the ga~es of !.?wryFiel\i''to: and turn 1ndJ.cator b1J.ndfolded WJ.tness- those of the pub1J.c who'" ed for the first time in their lives an spect the Technical School on "Army:~' instrument landing. Lieutenant T.J. ',' A 600-foot ceiling, with icine;:.condi::' Cunnin~ made the demonstration in a tions, prevented a scheduled flJ.i;ht:1J BT-9 alI'Plane. but stuClents of the 2nd and 3rd Schooil Families of these men came along. Squadrons marched ~n a parade throw;h'q too, and IIMamma. " probably for the . dOlmtown Denver \VllJ.chwas wJ.tnessed:OyJ first time in her life. understood the an enthusiastic crowd that ignored the reason why "Pop" continuall talked wet weather. shop when he came home at mgjlt. She .Ail.kle-deep adobe mud over the most of knew he sat on a stool in front of a unpaved Lowry Field did not deter hundbench all daY long, andvon :pay night reas of visitors, who disregarded comhanded her the reSults of h'is efforts fort to satisfy their curiosity; aboJit enclosed in an envelope. but "Mom"knows the Air COITlS and its Techni:ca~ Sen60b now that I'her man;" regardl.ess of his Colonel Rudolph cooperated;the,," Civil Service ...playS a vitally local agencies by releasine; typicaL ex,: important part, in tlie mission of an 'hibits of photoe;ranhs and 1nstructiVe:i', krrrry airplane. ..' e<auipment for dJ.splay in Denver storetP. You will find plenty of' gray heads in WlndOws. . r: .co"be the' instrument Department and e;yes---oOo-. .', . ~;,;,:til. f9rced into early manhood by op.. .,,' ,t'1<.::;:, t i cal. lenses, but those wriilkled, gnarl:NEW TYPEOF TRAINING AIRPL.!Iml: ';'ClSo,I' ed hands have" the delicate touch of. a . , ',.C"; .0'. surgeon and the brain that has been torThe latest U. S. krrrry Air Corps prima'O tured by home problems, pay. age, and rytraining airplane, known as, the'!". oj promotion has a sense of resPonsibility PT-19, constructed by the Fairchild AVii:far beyond the comprehension of those at ion Corporat Iorr, was recentl;yo.eliverwho fly these instruments so matter-ofed at the Air gorps Materiel DJ..viSi.On,~,; factly. Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio. This is'eM.. Without depre,?ating the miracles per- . low-wing monoplane of weld~d steel,~ho:" formed by our pi lot.s who suddenly f'Ind tubular fuselage constructJ.on .. Th:e'rl",j) themselves .forcedto llgo on instruwing is full cant i.Lever type, coristJ:U9:t,.. ments, II we doff our cap to these men .ed .of wood withplywood covering. 'H.The:S behind the line, the instrument mechan- airplene has a fixed landing gear ~~d:o'i: ics. open cockpit. Provisions' are made~to~l ---000-a crew of" two. . . ~'r;:;oCl The PT"-19 is powered with a'single t"! NONSTOPFLIGHTFROM DENVER MIAMI six-cylinder' TO Ranger engine, The pro- .;'f . peller is two-bladed and has a. diamet'er; LowrY.Field officers recentlf made '. of seyen feet'. The ~roximate !"illg' "'>[:. the fust recorded. ~on,;,stop f1J.ght from, ~pan 1S 36 fee~; len I 27 feet.J.t8; I'~'" Denver , Colo., to MiarllJ.. FIll.. J.nches. and heJ.ght. 3 J.nches. 'xhe ap'7;;' On Sunday, April 7th .. at 6::32 p.m., proxi aat.e gross weight of the airp1anl3'!J' a B-18 Bomber, ~iloted by I~or Charles ~th normal Load is 2450 pounds .,~,The ''(;1 G. Pearcy and L1eut. Wiley D. Ganey, rorplane carnes no armament ..',;Thei con-; took off. from the mile-long runway of -vent Ionat flight instrument s form ,its",,,J:i Municipal .Airport and headed south, equipment. __')."'l:O-;ryL-- 9;.1 Lowry Field.' s Operations Office receiv. -.--000--' . ~rj)9~~ (1) ed a radio message from Major Pearcy on -2V-8462, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

"THEHAND THAT ROCKS THE CRAn:r.E.1I By the Randolph Field Correspondent'



nf.C. t;:;...,-..
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WIND SIiYlUL1l!l'ING ATTACHMENT FOR LU1K TRAINER By ldajor C. J. Crane, Materiel Division

Pilots of the Wrigtlt Field Flying , 1 paths, are traced on identical maps af. Branch have been enjoying the vagaries ter the flight has been completed. These of ,simulated winds as a:pplied to Link maps ~ be superimposed for inspection ,~!.ciiiler'problems of vano us classes arid. Qf the lntegrated vectors, or they may lunds' simply be examined side by side to shOw :t.e;-,;Jcwinm:bd.ucer, ,designed b~ a: l'ftigtlt the effects of wind on the flight of an 'FielCl:,officer, has .been attached, to the ain>lane. , Link Trainer and found to be both in'"' IThis simple Vfintro,ducer,'upon which structive and useful in conducting any value of wind speed and airection classes in navigation and 'instrumant can be a:pplied, shoiil.d be an effect~ve landing problems in Which the ~vindis a dteVice slnc,e it's cost will 1?robably be factor. This Wintroducer is extremelY 'ow and, i~Lcan be applied to the convensiJ!lple in const ructaon and can be ,a;p.: idilal Lifue Trainers in the service plied'tO' J'Link TI'lainer in five mln- without modification to them except the ' ut$l!lX,'!t ves very Complete informaloosening and tightening of two screws t;i(:ln: eger, 'ng instantaneous values of r Whichhold the handle Of the course reair.! speed and heading, ground speed and corder. The value of this device should ka:ck, and-wind speed and direction. It be QUite higtl, not only in teaching the. aJ.fl.o.,g.i,ves complete record of the a fundamental principles of navigationl p?th"of ,the, airplane over the ground, interception problems, and norDial bhnd ltS' path in the atmosphere ,and the flight, but also in enabling analysis path that the wind has taken over the of special problems connected with ing:roUp,d.,The three complete records, or strument flying and radio navigation. ,,". o~.j,', ---000---

10 ~i2(,~ " -bru:;~ ..



o:'heFirst Balloon Sguadron, stationed I was up bright and early in preparation at~,Fort Sill, Okl.a,. , lS now on dut~ for the second le~ of our journey, with'the 9th Corps in East Texas, m leaving Hensley Fleld at 5: 30 a.m, The preparation for the Third .Arrrw Maneuver second afternoon was spent driving and which was scheduled to begin on May flying through showers, but the tail9th, The Squadron was cJ4.videdinto two wind held with us all the way. We axechelons; tlie 1st (Motor) echelon leav- rived at our Motor Control Point at ing Fort Sill, Okla., on Tuesdav, April Zavalla at 3: 30 p.m., where we were met 23rol. and the 2nd, or rear echelon, by CaptainJ.T. Dalbey, the G-2 of the lCD.Vlng Fort Sill on Friday, April 26th, Corps, and Ca:ptain John McCormick,the and, travelin~ by train. The 1st echel- Corps Air Ofhcer, who ordered us on . On'"I'lM. fust unit of Corps Troops the into our bivouac area near Jasper. to ,~i ve in the maneuver area, and the Early the next morning, April 25th, -2r!:d,echelonwas the last unit to arrive. Captain Dalbey was taken up for a re-":~The1st (Motor) echelon, as stated connaissance flight over tne maneuver above, left Fort Sill at 5:30 a.m., on area, with Lieut. Hamlett as pilot. The April 23rd, and Fate smiled on us, fanext morning, Captain,P.B. Nelson, Asvoringus with a strong north wind. The sistant G-3 of the Corps, Was taken on drivers of, the trucks were really f'orc- a night to inspect the area .and to de-ed:,to pUt their feet downon the accel- termine how effect ive the camouflagewas erators , and even then, the balloon was on' concealment of the troops. U:pon forced to circle over the convoy in returning; Captain Nelson turned In the figm.e-eicllts to keep from losing the f~ort that the old Fig{ltin 1 First convo.y. The convoy arrived at Hensley First Balloon Squadron) was the only Field at 1:00 p.m., and some farmer in unit .m the entire90rps that was :perTexas' is wonderIng how long it has been fectly concealed. ~Years of practlce raining one hundred foot lengths of in hiaingout when the--maneuvering sermanila-yacht rope. Lieut. Ht3mlett, who .geanf -was looking for a detail was was i\liloting the balloon at t,pe time of probably responsfbl.e for this pe,rfect the' ,rain"ll was attenr,pting to adjust concealment). . . then_\leatin the COCkPltand accid.!Jntal" On the morning of April 29th, the 1y :pUlled' the 9rag-rope release. !q~ed- Corps requeste9- that the SquadrOJ.;lrErJ:e1lS:> say, Lleut. Hamlett has prod . form a Reconnai.saance Control Fll t to to dearlf ,for his mistake by taking all of determine the front lines. The fight the \nsecracks with a big smile. was made by 1st Lieut. Leo 1'1. Cather, On Wednesday, .April 24th, the outfit Air Corps, as pilot, and 1st Lieut. -3' V-8462, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove. this watermark.

. ' Roscoe G. Conldin, Air Reserve, as pas- I echelon, but sometimes making the trip senger, and no little concern was felt in his reconnaissance car. He is alover their SafetY.before th..ey returned. Wayso.nthe alert, making sure that,"his Hard rams .. accompanied by high winds, officers and men are being well"tBKEln'j lasted throughout the morning. After Care of and wasting no effort to~aid'l battling this kind of weather for three '1 them. Thei.,primarypurpose of the~tab;;; hours. Lieuts .. Cather and Cowin com- ti~ eche on'is to do corpsarti.l.lery: pleted their mi.ssron and the balloon adJUstment as' \Vell as corps surveil"'''id Wasreburned rto the base. The balloon lance. anwid' balloon has been'Ab1ng' the WafJ 'Landed in a driving rainstorm, reits work th the .77th Field ArtilleryJ ni:iiring uo little sld.+l on th~PB!t of and the 8~d.F~eld.Artillery., ,;;;'~Iv Lleut. Cather to setlt down in the At this wl'ltlng lt is the lull-, before small landing field comple. tely encxrcl> tShe st.. orm.;, Wehave had a rest 'siD.ce~~:ff ed by tall pane trees. and whenwe say aturday, and many of the men'were'::~~.", tall, we mean TALL. If there is any granted passes over the week end~.: ,;"Sillv"doubt about this matter, just ask any eral of the Squadron fishermen???went.~t.o of the pilots. . Port Arthur and returned with two -small Weare fortunate to have with us on crabs and the report that storm:'.1!lrtl':;;.5 this maneu,verfour Reserve officers:. lings we:re flying on the coast.:The:I~Cautains M.H. Cannon, of Nogales ArlZ.; IIwarll mll start again on TuesdaY. and" A.T{,Weigelh of Houston. Texas ' j.K. with bad weather predicted, everYthiilg::' Cou.e:hlin, 00: NewH.vde Park, Ii. i. New should be in readlness to make hardened: 'YorK, and 1st Lieut. Roscoe G. Oonkl.In, flfield-soldiersll out of the entire ;lotiJ--: of Llttle Rock, Ark. This is the first ---000--, ..;,. ~:'.V opportunity Captain Weigel and Lieut. .'G,' '-~j C~llklin have had to be d~ty VIEWINGHE.ARMY A NEW T IN LIGHT.~;\) wi th a Belloon Squadron smce the World By Corp. E.L. Tibbs,A.C:' War. Captain CoUghlin, an Airship - ..' Pilot, as well as a Balloon -Observer. I believe that the thought l'Ihich.;im":-I~ has not been "checked out " on the pressed me the most was tlie -simplicity;;; Motorized Balloon yet , but it is planne:i and naturalness of the situation,Offl:-'J to have him p~lot the balloo~ before cers.had heretofore seemed to ~e:.:~:~~rYo the maneuver as over. CaptaJ.n Cannon dist'lnct class from the enlisted'men}"~" has been with us several times before. being rather discreet about their aims!" both at Fort Sill and in NdchiPllin and desires in their chosenprOf~ssipn. 1936, and has alread.v passed hfs check It seemed that they had an assured"fu::'_,,, flight for piloting the balloon. I ture and would rise in rankand ~':"';) Tlie first phase of the maneuver was I without a great deal of p.ersonal.' 4. over' on Saturday morning. and on the cation toward that end. However;:alI;";'.'r'" afternoon of that day Major General this was brought to my attention' in.~~--;;r Kreuger, C01!llllaildin~ General of the 9th I very different light. lVhileperfOrming~ Corps, cal.Led ~ crJ.tique and. stated lllj' rout ine du~ies this;, '_t~7":'-:D that this :partlcular part of the country offlce was qw.te suddenly filledmth';;;; and this tlme of the year was especialexclamations of hiM glee andenthusf";;:~ ly chosen to give the troops of this astic comments. AIl around were sOIiio-rw cC?rpsa "mud test", on the maneuver. The an<!-unior officers. ext endi~and r,e- ;;-11' j flrst week.of the maneuver saw enouzh cervmg congratulatlons bro t :about J'.'3 mud and rain to test the hardest "ofd- - by the appointment of sever Air Re- /~'., timer," as well as the newer type of serve officers to the Air Corps, Re,gU:Lar,' Vehicles with which the Armyis rapidly IArmy. The pleasantry of the sittiatlori being equipped. In addition to their Ibecame contagious when I realized ,that ',1" other functions, membersof the balloon .these menwere in the .Army for the:,SaiD:e.;; squadron are gradually becoming trained purpose that we were here . They liad.' ,.. ~;) in the art of road 'buIlding. As we do. put their shoulders to the wheel aM:~asmuc~of our work with the. 77th F~eld sumedresponsibil~ties that had'to"be,)t':,( Artlllery. we Usually follow thelr con- observed and cerrled ort through each~, voy, and woe is the dirt road that the succeeding promotion. They had to' 77th has used, trailing their heavy. , willing to study and put forth ~hei~1 :na 155 mm.howltzers., _'., best in order -to be given the hlgher "1'iI The forward or tactical echelon of", responsibility and trust which were" ' the Squadron consists of 62 menand is . Componentwith their ascendency in. . i? conmarided Captain Gerald G:.Johnston. rank. I am glad that this was brO'Ug!i.~:'~,. by The rE;ar ?r bas~ echelon is c~nnnande<!- home to. me,~ because the Armyis .1119:r:~"o~1 by MaJor "I.C. Farnum, Commanding ffl;- an lns~ltutlon than a formofllYlng'~{&r O cer of the 1st Balloon Squadron. Major, and. while we lDEl be progressing m some-:;m Farnum goes back and fOrt'll from the what different paths. we are able .to~l:~li base to the forward echelon, usually share the personal achievement of ~the."jlA ferrying the balloon 'up to the forward individual and mark his pr9gre-ss ~Eil'0p'g,,-;'!1 the lines of this watermark. "TliisMah's':Army!' 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-Ia ar el":


of Albrook Field functions, there were returned in two turned' out" on April 18th for an admml3-18's f'rom the 74th Bombardment quadS istrative inspection by Major General' ron, Albrook Field, piloted by Colonel Dahi:el.Van Voorhis, commanding the A.H. Gilkeson." commanding Albrook Field; Panama.Canal Department, and membersof' M3..ior rthur lJ.' Bump commanding A the his' staff . 16th Pursuit Group; Captain Russell E. ..iiir.the reviewing stand, as guests of Randall, commanding the 37th Group, and thif"Department.Commander, ere several w 1st Lieut. Robert D. G'<!.pen, commanding v~siting Costa Rican officers, includthe 28th Pursuit Squadron.':CofonelsManuelA. Coto, Abelardo. Brene:s; .Victor Rasabal,., Maneul RodriConditions reversed themselves .recent gqez; 'LUis Valenzuela and Thlilio ly at Albrook Field and, instead of the R&:u.rez:~They viere accompanied by ladies watching their husbands take off QCqlonel',J.B. Pate. Military Attache on a flight, it was the husbands watchfrom~theUnited states at San Jose; in,g their wives take to the air .. . Costa-Rica. '. The occasion for this reversal was a ,.Therevie"Tstarted with a salute to visit to Albroo1\: ield o~.Pan .American F Gen.eralVan Voorhis as he entered the Airways r hew stratosphere plane, liThe pgst\'I(ith his staff, and continued with Flying Cloud.II a:':&oun4 reView:in which every officer. Pan .Americanuses the Albrook Field. and 'enlisted manparticipated. General - Airdrome and has an office located here. Van Voorhis seemedwell pleased with Whenthe plane arrived, more than thirty the manner in \vhich Air Corps troops ladies or the post were invited to take' could 'do .infantry drill.., a short IIhop.1I Several officers, includImmediately following the ground reing Bri~adier General Herbert A.Dargue: view, all available planes of the 16th 19th Wing, also. made the the ana:.~37;th:Pursuit Grou:!'spresented an; fliF!;ht. ' , B{l,I'iB.l"reyiew, ollow:l.l1gwhich General. f Tlie new IIFlyin~ Cloudll is a four. '{atJ,:.Y6.orhis,and is staff inspected all motored st ratc-pl.ane . Built by Boeing, h or~izatiohs, departments and activiit has a Wing span of 107 feet, 3 inchtieef:-:-,:, es and has a cruising radius of 2,000 ~'.~:: ; ------miies. It is credited with a top speed. "~eve'ral Albrook Field officers and of 247 miles per hour and a cruising , enlisted men made a trip recently to speed of 215 miles per hour. Guatemala City for the, purpose of naviThis flight for the Albrook Field gatioJ:l training. The pilot of the air- guests took them over Taboga Island, plane~was M9.jorMilo N. Clark, Base En- the Miraflores Locks and several other g~rreerin~.Officer, while the co-pilot, points of interest. was~lstLJ.eut. Nelson P. Jackson, Com~ , mandirig.theHead~uarters S~on, 19th Three tents still form the office of Wi!;;': Captains Lloyd E. Griffis~ Medi- the Commanding fficer of the 16th PurO cil.f":Corps,and O.J. Ogren, Dental Corps. suit GroUE, and house the office of the , were',the other officers on the trip. Sergeant Major and the personnel secThe 'enlisted personnel included Staff tion, Everyone in the Group is becomSgt.-'".'Herbert . Carri~Sg;t. Vincent W. W ing accustomed to the stran~ situation Zeklj.s',engineer, and Pvt , Lst Class and regard the tents as the "proper Vei'n!'nF: Scott, radio op~rator. headquarters of. the Group," The' tnp started on Apnl 23rd and ended' on April 26th. Both the outbound mfeJ:Creturn trips were made via San Jose, NEW PBm'OSHIPARRIVES TLOWRY A FIELD Costa' Rica, ana V!BIl8gUB.. Nicaragua. "'C6uillienting the trip on his return, on A sleek new Beechcraft airplane, . Ma..ior:Clarkremarked that it was impos- piloted by Lieut. David W. RUtchinson, . siOle'lo see an.ything because of haaewith staff .5,gt. Wm. K'avenaup;!l crew as caused by forest fires which are preval- chief, recently arrived at LowryField, ent In: Central .Americaat .this tice of Denver, Colo. The new shi~, powered the yefJx. with two 375 h.p , Pratt & Whitney engines, has been specifically designated . Siy; of~fcers of the Costa Rican~, oy the Chief of the Air CoT:t>s photofor accOmpanJ.edbyColonel J,B. Pate, Mill- graphic purposes onl;y. It J.S designed tary ,At.tache,to Costa Rica, recently for oblique and vert.Ical, :t>hotography, ~~d~a"~sit to the Panama Canal Depart- has ample space for efficlent operation m~nt.:~,They;were brought to Albrook of c~ras, apertures on sides and to:!'. FJ.eldSby.:wo'.:&'18'srom France Field. f TIus new airplane is a snaP:l'yadditJ.on AfterDseveral ,days on the Isthmus, dur-- to the LowryField flying aqUJ.pment. i~~i;h:itb.eY'inspected various Army , ---000--."ml"~' PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. .....:;,' '. -5V-S462, A.C. Please purchase ':.-.J: . . 0.J..

Ilt:,'Tlie',ri6n"ire personnel

HEROIC ESctJE R BYSI'AFF SGT.F.E. MILLERtwo, three, four and five-ship teams. DurIng each of the periods in' camp, the A mid-day plunge in the waters of pilots of the 19th Squadron;' headed by Kawela Bay , .on tfie northern shores' of Cautain Ramey, have fired at an average Oahu Island, on March 24th, by four non- of" from eight to twelve thousand rounds commissionedofficers from HickamField per ~y, making a total of close to~ and a guest from the Navy Destroyer' S.S. 110,000 rounds of .30 and .50 caliber)'! DEWEY, res~ted in a near ~saster and a amJIII;IIlition used.dn each of the two.' '1'1~ r'ecomnendat.ton for the SOldIer I s Medal. trro.ning programs. . . .' 10 Having decided to conclude their swim- The most noticeable feature of the .v ming party ~ it was suddenly discovered C~l and the' one most appreciated-bYm that One 01 the memberswas missing, . all of the personnel Of.the. Squadrori:;~~ about. which time Staff Sergeant Luther is the smoothhess of operations froll!:.r-l: "Tom"Thompson was heard cr~ out for start to finish; From the easily.:eoiJi'-j help before sinking f6~ the thIrd. time pFed wi~h ~chedule. made out by'--~rlT to the OCean .floorl.some ten or flftean LIeut. WIlham S. Steele, downt.o.,the.s feet d.own. The guest frOm the Navy, "COffee Md" tirlJeat 9:301 thereiifh6~ Chief Petty Officer Henry T. Schaefer, hitch in the entire program. _;,E:~-b;U. dove to Thompsons rescue. The latter, I . --000--'. "t" "0" however, clutched the rocks of the sea .' . ,~"~ :~e.b fl09r in a "death grip," and:did not let' THEERUPTION MAUNA rpA',.,'~if~ OF untll Staff Sergeant FrederIck E.Mll1er, _' .._ "'0" Of the 17th Air Base S~on,.Hickam Wordwas receiv~ at HiclplmFie.+o",,,:;'d FIeld, T .R., managedto free him and T.H., on. Sunday nl/?Jlt, AprIl 7th,l,..:thB.t~ haul him to shore, where the rest of MaunaLoa had erupted, and by 3:w" ',, the party iminediately gave first aid. General Welter H. Frank, Colonel Rosen';': After oner an hO~' s work, tJ::e;>r revived han Beam, accompanied by t'Y0 other J:':CH Thof.1psonnd happIly returneo. to Hickam planes, had taken off to VIew the cata-;a Field, where they passed off the event clyS!ll. Somevery' fine color movies:.:j;il as a mere incident. . were obtained. Later; press representaOthers in the heroic, rescue scene tives were taken to view the erupti6ii.:;~ were Sergeant L.W. Diehl, of~the 50th and ?1~.were impressed with the~,si<.cl1;;~'G Rec0l1!lal~SanCe quadron, and Sergeant. S . Ha\~al~ s volcanos are uni qus ~n th~.C" 1 T.F. Madis, of tlie 26th Bombardment . world, In that they are gent1.e an their Squadron. . ., . di~ays and are the orlly cries to.whicn "Staff Sergeant Frederick E. Miller, people rush to see when eru:pting. -in""f~';' the recipient" of the recommend.9.tion;" stead of fleeing from them In te~ror.6r I declares. the NewsLe~terGorresp(mdent, their lives. ..' ,:. f[!)4 'well merf ts the SoldIer's Medal for, Three planes from the 31st Bombar. a"'-:J after the valiant and successful . ment Squadron (M) were part of amass':,;; struggle, he was himself near the point ed flight over MaunaLoa, the active,~ of complete exhaustion.". . I volcano on the Island of Hawaii,the~".::---000--Bi~ Island. That i~ was a rernarkabl!,!~~ , flIght was substanhated bY'lthefollow,; GUNNERY PRACTICE BYFliRSUlTERS HAWAII ing remark of a passenger: The picture IN . of those silver ships sliding thtougri::i In less than five mo\l-ths, the .19th . the red glow over MaunaLoa at sunset ;-; Pursuit Squadron Ont.}, commanded .by the fumes and the heat from molten lava Captain Roger M. Ramey, has been encamp- bal.owwi Ll, be one memorytime will .~(';"'r ed GotBellows Field,on the leeward never dim. It. '," -.- ;;J side of Oahu, no less than three times' Another adverturous flight was ov:er.,-, for concentrated gunnery training. J,rwithout fuss - all in a da,yl s workof'.ii riving on the 11th of March for the pilot. _. ._. third time since last October, the ---000--""~.,.l Squadron is off to a flying start on _. , . I.',".,~~ . tli~. training program. . ENLIsrMENTs IN SIXTH CORPSREA ~l;;. A ,;hth the constant ar.rIval, of new. ,.. .' ',,",' '''11 pIlots and thedeparture of others, It. Chanute FIeld was second In the Sixth -: is little wonder ~hat the l~th i~ carry- Corps Are?-for enlistJ!lents and reet4ist'i" ing out these training seasaons In such ment s durln4i:.April, \VIth a total of 76,.:' close order. The nature of. the field preceded oruy oy Selfridge Field, Mich.; itself; nestled at the base of a wall' lihich led the field.\vith a total of.82:, of mountains which create tricky air Of 78 discharges at Chanute'Fiold 'foril currents,' requires a maxi mum skill. 'of all. causes, ?2J!len reenl.Lst ed to fill'!o1 end care from the pilots landing their. theIr own eXlS~lng , Of the~"'l pl~es on the 2200 feet landing ~8J11p. . to~al number dI?cIia.r~d! only three m~~r It. 1s no uncomnon?ight to see,clvilians f~led to reelillstA~Vlng.Chartute, :ljJ parked along the hIgliway nearby watchFIeld a total of-go reenllstmen~s,';'!cJ'::'1"I rng the mass gunnery performances by --0 0-_1. 'I 'Wj;3VJ -6- to remove this watermark. V-8462 , A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on



. ax.-s..t:;: q' .... . . ,'Ire") DEVELOPMENTS IN GLUES ND A ADHESIVES FORWOOD AIRCRAFT IN MEMBERS :By F'.B.. Fuller. Materiel Division

Before the \'iorld War, a glue or adbuaen. Of the two, the blood albumen hesive was considered or used onl~ for glue has the higner water resistance the purpose of holding together paecea qualifications.' . ', of woodwhich were not necessarily se'. Casein glue is a dry powder material verely stressed, such as in furniture containing casein - the solid; thick. and veneering. Joints that actually IIiaterial that is found in naturally carried stresses. such as bridge and soured milk or that may, be precipitated flooring members. as well as roofing frdm sweet milk b~ an acid. Lime or nnibers. were bolted or nailed together. some other ingredJ.ent is added to give T~eJglue joint~ were not permane!?-t,if water resistence. This glue is easily ex~sed to the weather, and in aircraf't, miied. requiring only the addition of ' cOnstruction such methods as bolting cOld water. The glue mixtures "set-up" and nailing resulted in the addition of under,DPrII!altemperatures without re-. considerable extra weight as well as q1.l1tingthe action of heat, design allo.vance for hole!!. The olbdd albumen glue, made from the The period of the World War, which blood of, animals, is mixed with water, SB.;V the rapid development of aircraft, but reQUires heat for hBrde!'rlng. Conbrought forth the need and desire for sequenfly it has been limited to use glues that woul.ddevelop high, strength, in plyl~oocl. construction, whereas the ,In joints and that were permanent . casein glue was used in :plywoodas well '~st moisture and outdoor exposure. as in joints of woodenrorcraft members, ~de glue (commonlycalled hot,: enimal, splicing and laminating of spars and ' 'bOne; and hoof glue) , which was the old longerons, and gluing of truss ribs. It furniture'manufacturers' aid, developed is at present employed extensivel;t for -.very strong joints; so strong,. in fact, original construction as well as for tha~: whenproperly prepared . they part- the repair of woodenmembers. edJ.J.nthe woodand not the glue. This As stated above, however, casein and g!ue::4o~ever. was hygrosc0!lic. Joints blood albuinen glues are not waterproof, lost., then strength, even disintegrated, the former being gradually attacked and "very"rlj-pidly when exposed to unusUal weakened considerably more than'the ,moisture' and weather conditions. latter when exposed to cont inued mois:cHide or hot, clue is a gelatinous or ture effects. Since they are protein jelly-like proi:luct obtained by cooldng substances. both are subject to attack the hides and bones of animals then' by organisms such as molds and fungi. cf!jing and grindi~ them into flakes or "iithin recent years the remarkable powder. The gelatlnous substance is developments in synthetic resins, or somewhatsimilar to that used for jelly commonly called plastics. have brought products , but 110tas thorou.ehJ.yrefined forth waterproof adhesives. The common or cleaned. The glue is madeusable by advertisement of Air 1" Coal + Water = mixing with water and heating to approx- Plastic can be equally applied to the imately 150 deg. F. until the flakes or new resinous adhesives for wood. These P9w~er are all dissolved. The glue sO- are not Only'waterproof but vermin lut!on must then be aYJpliedhot to warm proof, mold proof, and fung)lS proof. woodto prevent chilling. The hardenThe~ have very good strength charactering occurs mainly by cooling and by. ishcs under both wet and dry condi.... ~, evaporation of the water at normal tem- tions. peratures , The synthetic resinous adhesives or 1'he good st renzth quality of this plastics nuw be divided into two glue is evidenced by the fact that it groups - thermosetting and thermo-olaswas satisfactorily used in woodenprotic. The former type undergoes aperpeller construction, and is still used . manent chemical ch8nge under the action fO, such $ltructure~ in small commercial of heat or. catalytic agents which renr planes. HowEiv~rJ.t was necessary to ders them J.nsoluble and also unchange-:' protect the JOJ.nts thoroughly B.@J.nst able under moderate temperaturee . The moisture, en, the technique of applica- thermoplastic type requrres heat to d t Ion was such that it coul.d not be soften the glue but dries not undergo a r~~ily applied 'to other ~ooden structpermanent cnemical chnn@e;thus it may ural .membera Thus the held was open be resoftened or reformed under modsr, for:.types of, glues that would be water- ate heat conditions. Although the field pI.;()\)f:.and re~ain permanency of jo~nt. of ~'plastic type" glues is subject to TH~te were flnally developed, rapJ.d developments and change~ at pres-. thJ.s pt:iriod. two glues that, IWlJ.le not ent , yet there are several that are in waterproof , had a very high degree of use in aircraft. and in the building water resistance - casein and olood al- industry, esPecially for outside expos.D.A ,S2:: .. -7V-8462. A.C. Please purchase ' PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

ure. ' water and molds. Amongthe thermosetting types which, There are several factors rela:ti::ve);,to ~y the w~, form the largest- and most plas~ic adhesavea that are import~~. lmpo~tant group, are the phenol-formalThe ,effects df, storage upon theirarlOUs dehyCJ.end urea-formaldehYde adhesives. I ingredients and of long exposure'of1rlj a The forJrer, commonlylmOIVIl Bakelite I joint,s, to s~vete" climat ic var~ations~'J as, but called also under other trade " nate not been thorbuP.hly studied(due> names, is the oldest in development. It I to tlie lililited, time ~at the~:ve:been consists essentially of the'reaction I available and to the rapid c s',06nproduct of phenol materials (carbolio stantly occurring inthe produc S.",,:,m acid) and formald<iih\le. The urea type The field of development of, the)syn;conarst s of urea tnltrogenous materiBls) thetic resin glues offers such ,wiae1.tA and formaldehyde. Both are produced possibilities that it is chemically. " , " predict the future trend. Suffice itJto The phenolic and say that the era of a wate~roof and-,:j types are both available in liquia or mold proof ~ue has arrived.' Its;per,::-1 powdered form. The former is more gen- ,manency, whlle much ~eater than,tbil.t) erally procUred in the form of thin ,of the old water reslstance glues under sheets whi9h:~e cl9sely controlled as comparable,oonditions,.has r' to uniforilllty III thi.ckneas : In the ma- proved over a long perlyd h,me';[:OH~ jorityof applications, these adhesives ---000--, " oj 80 are set-up or hardened by the ~pplica- I ' , -. .:, rf :;',m tion of heat of approximately 300 deg. MERCY ISSION M PJiRFORMEDFAsr,TIME IN F. under pressures not great enough to "'il ,;jj injure the wood. Consequently they are Within four hours from the time thej limited mainly to plywood or to structu- request was received, Randblllh Fieldts r'al, parts that can be fabricated under I aerial ambulance flew 250, miles',tO,o,;;j n heated presses. , , . I Beaumont', Texas, picked up an injured" Lr.tely there have appeared sol1;ltion I soldier and returnedhrm to San Ant, nto 0, and powdsred forms or-the phenohc and for hospitalization. "T urea-formaldehyde glues to which ~ be A long distance call was r,eceiveds.l added a hardener (catalyst) that will from the Third Army maneuver area;' at:G' produce the reaction at thetem~eraone 0 t clock, telling of a motor ;acc:i::::.., tures normall~ found in industnal ' . dent in which Pvt. Joseph P. ,McCall;=otn shops. The hme of setting-'I,lP depends of the.23rd Infant~, was injured;"and on the amount of hardener 8.dd.ed.These requesting an ambulance plane ,to transcold-setting t;ypes of thermosetting' port the patient from Beaumont t6,San:o resinous adheslves have a pl.ace in re-: Antonio for' hospitalization. Captain 'pair work as well as in'onginal fabri-Iv/alter E. Todd, pilot, with Lieut,. :,C,.rF', cation. . ,', ,Tieman co-pilot" and J;.ieut. Colonelc~ Very thln Layers of wood IIk.'W also be Neely 6. MaShburn, Medlcal CorPs,' took rende;-ed quite wateI'.(lroof since these.'< 1 Off in.the converted B:-18Wi.thlll t:1'1en,ty adhesdves pen~trate llltO ~he wood. This ,mnutes after the receipt of the;caJ.l~;. also results rn reduced drmenaronaf ,Exactly four hours after thecalLwas changes which normally are serious fac- received, the 500-mile round tripliad:08: tors in normal wood exposed to moisture been completed and the injured man-was. changes. AlthoU/dl the phenol and urea- on his way from Randolph Field to ,thef\ formaldehyde bonds are waterproof, the Station HOspital, Fort Sam Houston,~for latter is affected by hot water. Fail~ treatment. ' i>X ure in joints,' exposed to moisture and ,---000-::'!:.I other deteriorating agencies, occurs in I . '('I,l the wood" not' in tlie glue. .' NEil COHsrRtJCTION REPAIR AT RANDOLPH AND The second ~oup, tliermo-plashc ; ',~,('}.; resins, are hmited Inuse as adhesives Construction at P.andolph Field:~,totalfor w90d. The ma~erial is in the form ing more than $80,000, was recent ly.anof thin,sheets whien is softened under Itounced.' A WPA-project for about,;-i:Jt.i!J the act ion of heat at about '250 deg. F. ::;53,000was approved for the erecti'on-}Of and somewhatpenetrates the wood: 'ilhen several one-story hangar lean-tos.~:Work the product cools, the.adhesivehardens, i!l alre~ under ,way on this construc-;; formlllg the bond. ThlS adhesive soft- hon. The Quartermaster General 'hasJadens again if heat is ~pplied, and thus vised Major "F. D. ShaIVIl, ost ~ter:i.:J.'J. P the '9ycle goes - heahng t o soft~n, ~ster, than an additional sum of u,-,,:":."!. coollng to "harden. Cert am fabncated $3-1,878has been allocated for rehabiUstructures, bonded with adhesives of tatlon and repair of the gas servicex;3 this type, may be reshaped by reheating lines in several sections of the pqst,;:: until the adhesi ve is softened and then ---000---' .m~T held in a press until cooled and harden ";'oj2 ed., The joints are not affected by ;'j' en -8V-8462, A?;C'~ or


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'Fields ES PS PR ~ OS IS AM BroiJght.fwd20 14 15 51 "9 29' "4 wo,On';!I.acr:3,.1940,135 enlisted men of Wash.Nat.Gd.,. '-,'1 the'.(J\.rmy'AirCorps and ei,e:ht att~ched "Total "20 14 l5'.-gr 9' 29 5" students' of the National Guard Air Re~ Ieey. ,; , serve .were graduated from the Ch anut e ES' ~ElectI'ical .Specialist rrField-:Bi'linchof the Air Corps T,echPS. - Prop~ller~ecialist -'nical>;.Schodl. These students' were PR : ..l, Parachute Rlgger ' membersof the enlarged classes of ' RR&O .... Radio Repairer and Ooetator various courses as provided for by the.CS '. Carb'uretOrSpecialiSl; Air.:Corps Expansion Program.. IS -Instrument SPec~alist ",-, oDuring the early part 9f March,~940, AM - Airplane Mecnaru.c, _ anhe Department of M8CharilCSccupred o '.' '--,-000--theffnew.Hangar and School AnnexNo. L ..' ' Readily:to appreciate the immensefaNEW BARRACKS FORENLI5'l'ED STUDENTS dUties of this Hangar, one must de-' . ' '" ' . 'mote a few hour s ' time to a tour of Air Corps enlisted men of the Training the'coJ!!plete faci~it'ies. The ~rplane Detachment at Gl~ndele, Calif.,. who are mechamcs course mcreased thelTclasslearning to be Air. Corps mechantcs at es to 200 men at the time, with 100 the Curtiss-Wright Technical Institute, me1;l _b~~ing instruction each ~wo 'eX-flectto bemovedinto their luxurious weeks.ln .the new School faci,litieS and nel'l berracka.berore the end of May. the remaining 100 beginni~ instrucThe new $20,000 building,.b~ingerecttion incthe old area. Thls schedule ed for the menby Curtiss-Wnght Tech will-be maintained until such time as will have individual rooms for each man, a.maX$mum 1500:$tude~ts in the new co~lete with bed and wardrobe and 750 of area/-and 1?00 ~tudents m the old , CUblCfeet of air spac~ per man. InsucS<::11:001 facllitJ:es has been reached. lated walls insuremaX'lImllll emperatuxe t The Department of Coromunica~ions is control in all weather, and the'~eeping abreast of the Air Corps or is finished in the li,e:ht green, ectorTcq'rm1yliI. Sqhool, Chariu~eField Branch, ing r~cently, adopted by Uesigne;os Of, ' ",xpanslon'program. ThlS Department luxurlous ocean liners and fashfonahl.e moved.t6:he ne,:"Hangar and School hotels1Jecause of its beneficial effec~ .Anl'rex.tNo. dUl'lng tlie latter P/3Ft of 2 on eyeslght. ' -Apri:l, 'and -is likewise making full use ---000--,..., of:.s1:iothhe new and the old facilities . t ..The' following number- of students NEW JERSEY .G.. AIRMEN N INTENSIFYRAINING T .i;ere graduated o~ May3, 1949, from courses and stations, as indicated The ll9th Observation Squadron, Air, '. below: ' Co~s NewJersey National Guard, took; \':~["Fields ES PS PR RB&o. Cs _IS AM dellv~r;y of a :SG-lAairplane in lI,arch-.. Arlc; Nat. Gd. 1 - same being ferried in frombthceNOtr~h ' 'R ' k 'del 5 2_ 2 1 2 - American Aviation FactoI'Y y ~ am ':s31:dng e 2 1 3 2 Clinton 11. Davies, Air COrps, the Unit Chanute 7 2 - - Instructor. BI'ooks'~ 1 I Sunday drills. over and above the 'Hamilton. : 1 2 7 1 regtllarly scheduled Thursday drills, . Kelly 3 3 4 - are being held tWi~e monthly in .o;oder Langley 2' 2 2 8 2 to accompl.i ah .the mcreaeed tralnlng


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~~' di~:tfi~~;{m;~~ ~~~~~~'films.are MaAlvell 4 1 ,7 - being shownto all personnel, wlth . -.MaSs.'.Nat.Gd.'1 - CaptainGH1jer~ N. Swett, Air Corps,_ t,linn.Nat..Gd. 1 - NewJersey National Guard, the organrzaMitchel" 2 1 21 - tion's instructor. in Associated '.Afms., 'iMo:r'Nat..Gd. -1 Tactics and Technlque, supplemer.tln~ ' :Moffett 1 4 the films with charts and'leadiI'..g'dis-. N~'J;Nat.Gd, - :.' cussion of Observation Aviation phases. -Patterson' 2 3, , Major J .,G. Williams, Air Corps, con1 P.b1l.A:rm.y DA - ducteda technical inspection of the Penna.N:(}. I: unit on April 23rd.' ' -Randolph' 1 ., -~000--Scott'. i. ,-' 1 Selfridge: 1, 1 I' r 1 -1' .Lieut . CoL Wm.E., Farthing is rel~evTenn. Nat .Gd.;" ed from assignment in the Office of the' Stewart 1 Chief of the Air Corps and assigned to Tot~M" .c.:.)U.. I4'I5 9::m- 'I dut;j' in the Hawaiian Department. V-8462, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.


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.ANTI IRCRAFT A UNITTRAINS BARKSDALE .AT treacherous . FIELD. The Commanding fficer of the 27th O Reccnnarssenoe Squadron ajor Delmar For a :period of two weeks fifteen H. Dunton,in approving this recommenda}Jmy antJ.-aireraftsearchlights of Bat- tion, stated: . taI"! A, 6lst Coast Axtillery, have been Itprivate 1st Class, specl 3 cl. sending their beams of light high into Joseph M. Makely, 6850955, of this orthe heavens at nigj:lt above Barksdale . ganization, while engaged in athletics Field, La., as an J;:rmy Bomberflitted near the beach on MarcIi 13, 1940..,.enamongthe clouds in a game of hide and tared the water and was knocked down"by seek. This constituted llreliminerya breaker and the undertow carried.him training before the openlne; 'of the big beyond his depth where he would have: war maneuvers in this sect Ion in May. drowned but for the timely .arriva1,~:f The .Artillery Unit arrived at Barks- Lieut. Albin. It . L .~.1 b" dale Field on April 12th from Fort --~oOo-~~ . , <.r!':' Sheridan, Ill. . The Artillei'ymen ar, '. -," .r rived in a dOwn:pour rain, but lost of STtJDy OF'NAVAL PERATIONS THE -AIR' O :AT no time in gettlngtheir tents up lind CORPS ACTICAL T SCHOOL" . -.i .,\,I_d MaXwellField's AirCorp$T~d;~~ School. is the only serviCe schoohc~nl 13 sound locators about the reservationi the U.S. Arr!Iy where students receive, exand practice began on the nigj:lt of tensive instruction in naval operat rons. April 15th. Only one plane was used in This subject is ta:ught f'or the ' practice, as the Artiller:tJllen were of indoctrinating AII' Corps offlcers, in'. striving to perfect coordination among the science of Naval tactlcs, so ,that . the units in "trapping" the plane in in the event of an emergency, if our, . the piercing light rays of the searchairmen have to attack or defend' a 'fleet, li,ehts as it was cruising above. they will possess mor~ than a perf'unct oWith each searchli,eht casting a beam ry lmowled;eas to the proper, technique' of illumil'lat ion of 800.000.000 candleto employ. , ' ;'. ov',' power, the silver form ofthe.Bomber Lieut. Commanderoseph L. Kane:f.~.S. J .. was plainly visible at a distance of Navy Director of Naval ()perations:(at six miles .. First one li,eht would pick the luI' Corps Tactical Scnool" 'said,the up the :Bomber nd then tfie entire group instruction is premised upon dat adea of lights would e;o into action, with i t ermmed from past Naval actions. _One long, circular flngers of ligj:lt raking of the engagements which the student's the heavens until focused on the ship. study is the battle of Jutland, fou.eht ---000--during the World War in May, 1916/,.15etween the English and Germanfleets.j This action and its many phases .are conAIR RESERVE OFFICER RECOMMENDED FOR 'I si dered most timely because it wasJ,the AW.ARD SOLDIER'S OF ME:D.AL. , last great naval battle. ,\ ~'1 Three enli sted men. membersof the I Commander ane's method of iJ.lWar,t K ing 27th Reconnaissance Squadron (LR) at I his instruction in naval operat.Ions-has Borinquan Field~ Puerto Rico, who wit- [ proved to be very effective to the hundnessed an act OI heroism on the part of I reds of officers he has taug.l'J.t., He 2nd Lieut. George L. Albin, Air Reserve'l makes frequent use of the naval game' also of that organization, recommendeo. room, whicll has been constructed in. to their Squadron Commanderhat. the t Austln Hall. Its dimensions are approx~ SOldier's ~'leda1be warded Lieut.Albin. imately 60 by 30 feet and, incidentally, While en~ed in athletics near the it is the only naval game roomin jthe ' beach at B6nnguen Field, Lieut. Army. The phases of the engagements.on Albin 1 S attentlon was attracted by the whiChhe is to lecture are laid out';on gatheriIl6 of a crowd of Puerto Rican the floor. Each ship's position is .Laborers at a point on the shore. and "spotted" by a small ship's modeLJust by the calls for hal.p of a drowning man as it was in the actual combat. TIDs in tl'1.6 ,~ter at a POlnt beyond the permits visual consideration of. historic breakers and near a rocky point. naval battles as they occurred. The' Lieut. Albin did, at personal risk of stre.tegic dispositions (If the fleetsand life and limb, and after unsuccessful the tactical eJ!IPloyment f the forces o attempts had been made to save the man can be unfolded step by step in .thi3l by Puerto Ricans, swim.out to the manner. . ';. ~,;~ di'owningman, holding the end of a Commander ane hasbeen on K slender piece of wire for safety, and MaJtlvellField sdnce. May26,1939;~His assist h1mto shore, knowing that the llrevious station was at the Naval'!,lVar waters in this vicinity are shark-inCollege, Newoort; R.I. He W8il bcrmdn f'eat ed , and the bottom rocky and L' , (Continued on Page 12 )eE> oM -io- to remove this watermark. V-8462 ,.~A.C;" Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on

mot~fJ~'h~ 15 searchiigj:lts and J,Cunnin/Ylam Battery Commander, eployed d

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POLISH WAR Transportation of ':70unded Airplane by By ~or F. Schmidt, CollllD8llder an of ambulance squadron in the Air Force Article III

litter 37 in the plane. The mention of ~his detail.malfseem trivial. But it lS a negesslty for the smoothexchange .lancese~ce was employedfor the ~f empty.for. loaded litters. At first first. til!ll2i methods of operation adapt- lt was necessary to 'transfer evert seed to conditions hayebeen developed. I ,v\lrely woundedpatient .from the !leld The actual travellng speed of the. Iltter of the plane .. aDlbulanceplanes adopted for the mSldi-I j'&my wllllng hands were alWalfsavallcal service is 144 mi Les per .hour t230 able to do this Ivi:thcomparatively kIn.). In contrast to earth-bound '. little ..pain to the patient; but the . transport, the arnb1;1lJarice plane mainloss of t~. w?oS serious on account of tams its speed unmte;-rupted from its weather c,qn<1l.tlons nd other requrrea start 'at the front to lts landing near ments. \'lth the changes in the l.itter -,;wa:hospital in the homel.and , . What this ho.Lder-s , the loading and unloading time ,a.afai:ttreally means is best read in the toward,the end of the campaignwas 8 to e;:f.ace of' a seriously woundedman 'at 'the 15 minutes .for 8 litter cases end two !!f.ftoilt, whenhe lias grasped.the fact '. sitting cases. Soldiers with splinted ;that .in one or two"houra he will be' in gunshot fractures of the thigh have a"hospital at home. best appreciated lI1lat it means to be ,;!eG_'Transportation in ?IlY form is an removed from a litter of the dressing -oj~eyill'for the seriously wounded- that station or field hospital into a bed in ef.~fromli.medical point of view is to be the Zone.of the Interior. ~voided to the 'greatest extent P9s. The grouping of several planes into .2.sibl'e. In this respect the airplane a mediCal squadron has shownitself to .ambul.ance stands favorably at the head be advantageous. .Greatest characterertof,al1.'trans~rt. istic of such a unit is its enormous 'G The selectlon of the 3-motor comnerflexibility ,which brings 3 round trips c,cial plane in passen~~ traffic for dail.y into the realm of possibility. <the medical service proved to be a A group of three such planes could j-:goodchoice: For the demandsIVhich ev~te 72 seriously woundedand 18 -;the.evacuatlon of woundedmake.on sllghtly woundedin one day if the ple.neand crew are at least equal to woundedwere actually readY for loading'thoSe commercial :passenger traffic. in on the landing field at the front. Here sfI'he siJ!IPle installahons in the plane. lies the great difficulty in our evacuadapted to the purpose, are limited to at Ion, ~their siz\l, ainbulanc\lplanes ~,the reQUirementsof a short .1ourney are rest.rdct ed to suft ahl.e landing' ~,~'lVhich the case of the Polish war fn fields and are de:pendenton earth-bound L::seldom exceeded 2-~ hours. transport for haVlng the patients at Four r\,movable .Litter carriers hand. Altogether too much time is use. (holders) with a total capacity of 8 lessly lost on the landing fields a.t litters are secured to the walls of the.front waiting for the loadine; of 'f-c'ttle cabin. In addition, thete is the patients .. This time loss which has ,,{.r:spacefor two sitting cases. The.crew reached as much as five hours was the COnsists of tho~ilot observer' radio reason why the ambulanceplanes could [(COperator, medi officer and attend., seldom makemore than one trip per dav. :. nt; (5 persons . a . This long waiting is avoidable if tne To guard agai,nst sudden lurches of repo~ting of the presumptive time of S:theplane, a strap ~ecures each. litter land4ng of the ambul~ce plan~ comes in in place. Each patlent can easllybe earller. The del~.;yIn report~ over o!.'Freached'from the middle aisle. There ' such a long march.iilg distance is more . is sur. icient space so that in case of than understandable. .Correcti.on can f n!!.rnecessity a bancLage can be renewed , the best be made through release from the . 'face of the patient observed; a drink overburdened earth-bound commmdcatdons , can be"given or an injection. The ne- In part, utilization of radio 'stations cessary medical equipment and supplies is pos~ible" Most favorable, however , 1'11'apart of the 6quJ.pillBnt each am- for. this l~alson between the space 1mof 'btilanca plane. mediately m rear of the front lines ' '!i:'Thl!"cban.'!:e the litter frame (sup- and the landing field of the large am-, in nporto)j lI1liciibecamenecessary even in bulance planes, woul.d be a small. commu.the early d~s of the war nowpermits nications plane of the Fiesler "Storch" the.ilse'of lltter 34 and on newfiel~ type. Such a this watermark. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge the to remove plane could restore broken - 1V-8462. A.C.

As, in every war for every weapona y. tac~ics.of'its qlVn is developed, so in the Pollsh war t where a German ambu-

contacts in the shortest time, receive fact of evacuation b~ ai;spr;;1i'a.,~ new order, select satisfactory landing thrOUEPa field hoslntal like wildfire. fields in the in~ediate vicinit~ of the Four hundred lcilomevers from the border wounde9-'and in cases of necesstt.y, by and to be in the homeland in two,houri; a fe',v mt.ernal, arrangements, take up seemed inc0lD!?rehensible to many; sbl':i:n:oo one or two severely 1V0unded., . df ers . ,The JOy at this form of-medical, The desirable course of .the eIJ!Ploycare was very great and left with"those\ ment of ambulance plane service can be behind in the hospitals of the' ,fronttueZ sketched as follows:.. .... the feeling that everything possible:ds;' 1 .. Call on planes to the central aubeing done for the common soldier,;')'::'Om'l thority. through a medical station. This these psychological grounds , indica:",,<3L<; call for ambulance plane service is . t ions for ,the 'eIJ!Ployment f. air evacuae. o f~om the Arm;r at the front and if.postion should not be viewed too strictly?. slble by radfo . Tllii cBII. to include' or narrowly. '(;I'L?9 the probable number of serious.1Y' and ,...,--000:...--; j.uS2 slightly wounded. ." , , .'. " .,.N I'.V 2 .. Order for action to the commander CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES PANAMA:13: IN of the medical squadron', with announce- . - . ., c,t 9::':01.. ment of the probable number of wounded . '+'heteIlJP<;lrary barracks whichare:cbeing by ,?lasses ,~hroU;;h thenext higher. bufl.t at Rio Hato , former Albrook,.'and"" medfcal stahon of the Air Force.' . France Field gunnery caIJ!P;areLvirlUB;rly 3. Depar-ture of the ambularice planes compket e, The new barracks area , and landing on the nearest field landing dist!>nce south of the gunnery caIJ!P',filIi.d1z p~ace, or a newly reported landing provide sufficient accommodations':01' ,s;; Ileld the closest possible to the de- .. ,sizeable permanent detachment at Riot 10 sigilated destination. . . . Hato, ','lhiChis about 70 milessoutlilvestt 4. Report of'the presUmptive time of of Albrook Field. A new landing field':'> landing at the desfgnated point. ' a~ the new.station is nearing c?lIIple'"oi,0) 5, COllllllUllicationetween the calling b t ron , and me runway, about a IDlleel:Cing, medical station of the Arm.v or the Air has been in use for some time,: ,.;., e',;,,::' Force concerning details of landing Me~While, work,on other ,proj!3q~s>a~ sho1;Jldbe by means of telephone., motor fectmg Albrook,Fleld conhnued'.and:lthel v~lllcle or by message dropped from. the percentage of complet Ion on these:.pri(1-,\d au; . , Jects were announced as follol7s:<Con}f,'sI\:l . 6. Movementof the wounded by amedd.tract hou~ing for civilian aIJ!Ployee:-S'r~O cal formation of the air force or by Albrook Fleld, 100 percent cOIJ!Plete;:lIe: motoraJ)1bulance ,fro!!! the Arroy. new road to Albrook ~ield shoparea','J!.25; , 7. Airplane loadme; andideparbure percent complete; roam entrance ,roac1:,c-;:'i for Zone of the Intenor. . 55 percent coIJ!Plete; Albrook F~el,d,.T~.r'8. ~anding' and unl.oadfng. . Transroad spur, 25 percent complete,,, rOad,t.6: vortatlon of thevatients oy motor amofficers' quarters, 20 percent.comPletre: bul.ances of the Air Force medical or-. It is Dllticipated that. upon compo D1Ie't'i:cn. ganization to the desi@1ated hospital. of the road to the officers " quar!iers:e:< As patients often. suffered from the. area, work on the g)laI'ters themselv:esreH cold In spite of I!J?llY blimkets, the will be ~tarted. The new quarters;lar.e:' cabins o~ the ambul.ance ,planes are. now to be bui l.t in an area that a few:lnontlis heated wlth the .newer type of heahilg ago .was juncl.e. but which since has, ffiiiU'1' used in passenger air traffic. The been clearea: out and preparedfor ..:con;o:;j~ cabins are also ventilated. struction activities. NOncommissionedi,H Fo~ is the 'greatest enemy of flying. officers I quarters also are to .be.'bUilt1 It hmders wherever flying is done by ---000---'' "meOl, si~t. It ~s especially a hindrance in Study of 'Naval Operations (:Froni,p. ;;;1310) malCinglandings near the front, The . ..., , fli~ts in Poland have shown that the Brooklyn, N.Y., August 191 1902,~d}'~rr ~l~ goal vcen be reached when" sibil vi graduated from the Naval .ll.Cademy rlliOt in ltY'lS not under 2 to 3 kilometers and 1923. H~s initial aviation traming,','li::.!. the clouds not less than 50 meters . was obtai!-ned at, Pensacola, Fla ... in,[~.,:r:; above the ground. Large fields,of'fog 1925,. His service has been vLI1'lo\il'aind:;' along the flying route could be,'flown m~st lnteresting. He.wasone of the,;'!,):) throUgh or over if the visibility atPllotson the 6-pleneJlight from Nor:;:, the ~al was sufficient fer.a safe " ' folk!. Va., to Panama In,l9'33, which es:,;;','< lomding. . ' " tabllshed a. world's non-stop recordrf'orc In the. cold part. of the year icing a mass flight, the distance flown being1 of the plane plays a role, It Can pre- appr~ximately 2100 miles. In 1934'5M:>:\, vent operation of the planes. Only a partlcipated in a 2-planemercy ..flig,ntdr. . small percentage ('f the flights in from Coco Solo Panaina , to GalapagoSIJl!flo Poland could not be carried out. , Island, about i20C miles offlthe,coastn The woundedhave received air evacuof Ecuador, to transport' doctors to bpsl at ion to the homel.and thankfully. The e:rta:hten a patient stricken suddenly o 171 appendicitis. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -12V-8462, A.C.

CAN1IL;ZONE'lCER. V1SITCOSTARICA .[,imes as ,~o.' atSallJOse. at.l~~'f5 . OFF. S t .E" thei~'Albrook:Field Correspondent a.m, :~H.theP-264s an30dtheAlttlVothB-B S dtL.l.... .... . . " at .DavJ.d -t'ook off at 9':. e .. 'iaO'!oo &d.; ."." ,.. .. '. " . .' planesartived at San. Jose .together~d cFoJi'xthe.':purposeof estahllshl~.:Inore, I on .time aft er a very J.nstructive nanga:cfrd..i,~ ;:.6J:ationsbetween .the.milltary "1 tion flil1htover.someof the mo!!t.beauhauthQrJ..tlesof. the C~al Zone and the . ful mounfainous Jungle country m tJ;le . , gove-rnment:offlcials ~n Centra'!- and . . world. There are several goOd landing South:Jl.merlcancountrles,a fllghtof fieldsalon(!: the route, but the country trteble'i&-~8~s,madea.trip .to EcUador in between lS impenetrable forest, with and)Pen,t ,1nlv~ch,Wl.tJ:l stops at ;'. hi'~mounta~s inland and green hell ~~ll.". Q;uito.andL:una. Incontmuswamosalong the coastal lowl;,mds. ance'fof, thl'.S :pollcy, 25. planes from. the. Mountains up to '12 ,000. feet llne the 19J;ht:Wi~ went to San JQse, Costa Rica, route to San Jose. ." . early this month (April). The.De:part-,.. Upon landing at "La Sabana-;" Int.ernament COzmD?l1der! MajC?rGeJ?-er?J., ,tional Airport. at San Jose ,the flight Van ,Voors, wlth ~s prlnClpal staff was: greetea by President.Cortez .of Costa ofncers" accompanfed the fhght to. San Rica; Colonel J.:B. Pate, U. S. Army . Jose to take advantage of the occaslonAttacl:ie to Costa Rica' many Costa Ri.can \to ..makehis first fo~mal visi~ on tJ:le . Government.officials , 'and thousands of. Pre.sidentof Costa Rica.. It lS. eshmat- the people .of Costa RiCa.. There .were . '!fd!:l:that.I,\t least 30,900 Costa Ricans! to: .speeches .-of welcome end the playlng of. gether wlth the Presrdent of Costa Rlca national anthems. . '. . and';,his principal C?-binet members! were A fleet of Packard cars took ~he off:l;at '.the ,aJ.I'];lOrtto wi.tness the errl'Val I s and all members of the fllght. to of t'll:EfAmer~can.B-18's",P726ts and . I the Grand Hotel in San Jose, where all P.'::3.6~s,"r\'hile .m Costa Rlca,. the Amerl- flig..'1.t members were .~sts r, of the Costa catf,off~cers we~e.the guests of the . Rican government .. .Ail Informal'recep.Costa:::Rl:canofflclals., .. ', " "' tion on.theEotelRcof Garden preceded .;;i'rlie ,:25.,airpl~'es, contaJ.nlng 39 OfIlluncheon. After luncheon! th~ ~!lJ?-klD.g eel'S and 24 enllsted men, flew from the officers on the flight prod OIflcI~ .. Call.aJ,-;,Zo/te San Jose,. Costa R19a, on to calls on Costa Rican Government"r;.:Lieut .ColC?nel Francls .1:,1. als, including the President , the MiJ?lSBl'ady; conmanded the fl1ght and earned ter of Foreign Affairs., and the .Amen-' I;Iajo;r;;:GeneralDaniel Van Voorhis, Panama, can Embassy. From five to seven 0 'clC?ck Canal}iBepartment Oonmander , and members there was a tea dance for all the offl-' of b,i-s>staff in a :8-18 airp~ane. Other cers in the. administration building of PWaIIIa -Canal, Department offlcers .were : La Sabana Airport. . ... :Bri,gadier,GeneraJ. JosephM. Cw;ulllns, '. After the dance, the' high ranki~ of-C:OlJllllanding General of Fort DaVJ;s, and ficers attended a dinner at the Unron CO'' Jacob.L. Devers, Panama C~. Club in San Jose, given by the Costa .Pej;lertmentChlefof Staff r In additloJ? Rican President. There were many .. It:o~wi'eut,.-, Colonel Brady, Air Corp!! offlspeeches both in English and Spanlsh, in Cer.s:~ihclUded: Lieut . Colonel Ed.wlnJ. which coooerat ion by all the govern" House',i:"Commanding Officer of France . ments of the western hemisphere was the Fi-eld')'Majors Bayard Johnson, Samuel principal topic. ~CObn'6h William R. Sweele;y, Arthur L. I The next morning, lIIOstof the offi:Bumo;;,llllo 11. Clark; Capt ajns Iq1ssell E. I eel'S went on an automobile tour of the " RanClall, Roger J. :Browne; 1st Id.eut e . city and the surrounding country. The Henry' K. Mooney, Cart T. Goldenberg, Wm. city is beautiful and is located on the R".fJRobert on , John H, Jeffus;. 2nd Lieuts central plateau of Costa Rica, a fers ,John R. Ulricson, ThoJ!lasR. ~'ord,Ro'1?ert tile valley in the heart of the coffee )ii-'l ~s, . Jos!lph.. S. P~rruccello, Cllnton I country.. . '. . .' C'. W~seIIi,L':l'_7~S il.ChI~, Robert E.' .. i Costa Rica produces cropsof the RO\71and,Phillp B. KleIn, .Albert M.9ate, tropics, .sub--t ropfcs , and temperate. John .X.Hester, K,yl!lL: RIdd:!-e,.DaVJ;dzone. Alon~ the coast ere b~a.planAnder.s~m; DanH. Yell ding, Wlll1aJ!l H... _ ta:tions,' whlle :iJ?theffi01;UltaJ.]lsfme : . Swanson,. ~. Garrett JB.9kson, Archibald reda;pples grow' tn beautlfilliorchard!!. V/'.tMoore;':Joseph C. Smith, Albert A. San Jose has the climate of a mountain Coryoaild.i,iarshaJ.l P. Camp ' .. . summerresort in the United States, eltFu'stoJto take Off were two :8-:18Is cept that there are no cold orunpleaswith P-26 crew chiefs and four WObble ant months of the year.' .. ' PUJl!tls,."Theyleft at 5:50 a.m. for The automobile tri:p :\lrove9-very In:D~ndt,R;:;de P., and lande9-ther~ at teresting to the visltlng Air Corps an.d 7:~:{l!'~m.,. Next lV~rethe nme P-26's, . Department officers. ' ... '.'. . whlChrcaJll<l'along In tJ:lree elements, 10 Twoof the nine natural springs that: minu~e.!!,~p.~t.. The nln~ P-36's and the provide the water supply of S?U Jose' _ re~nlng,f~ve,B-18's did not need to were visited first; :Then a 18I!d at D?,Vldand took off at such elevation of 7 ,000 feet brought the -y;hsh.r,!.1;' '" . -1 -' .... . ' Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this ... - V-'8462, A.C. watermark.


party to "La Canada " the haci enda of Punta Bu!ica, again along ~he c.o~t JO Dr. Bernardo lvi. de 6ca, prominent in Cape Ma.r~ato, Cape Mala, R~o HatQ:lJO~ Costa Rican civil and professional afPanama, Punta Gorda, to Jaqu.e,ethen,". fairs. There the visitors marveled at across the Republic to a point just the flowers, for there were lnmdreds of west of Cape Tiburon alOIlg the coast to varieties in evidence. Not only did Porto Bello and back to France ' Field. they adorn the private hacienda, but the The distance covered, including a-few;:: pUblic works and institutions aPESared inlaJ?-df1i~ts, was approximatel:r,'~1,5~; as showplaces of rare beauty. Hydran- na:uhcal mles. ,),,:J ",il.! geas ,; as large as the humanhead, black The weather for the f1ight' was gen:er<Pansies, yellow poppies, borders of ally fair, although the usual trop~ca:J; violets, orchids, camellias,: roses, snap chail.e:es were encountered. ,General:'=poO'r dr~ns and calla lillies, all bloomed Visioility caused by broken cloUd:S;HLJ in a profusion .of color and design. haze and smokefrom forest fires, Ifi8der.c e The vista from "La Canada" was like a close formation a necessity. Howeverjt picture postcard panorama, with white a brig!l.t moon.madethe features of ther clouds sailin~ so low that vision of shore line recognizable and .thfs , plu,s the verdant valley and shining city. the timed fl~she~ of the lighthoUS.~, 8)' often was obscured. Cages of beauhful made the nangahon problem,easy,J;'J.Ap.; tropical birds, a mountain stream runproaching Jp.qu.e,R. deP., a thundet:-:v ni~' thro~ the barn and other Unusual storm, which caused a little conceI'1l.f::;, si ts were seen at Dr. Oca's ranch.' became too close for comfort and, .conseter a friendly tilt at billiards in quantly, the flight changed its~t:bUrse. the ~ room and an interesting inspec- Just north of Jaqu.e, ,the flight 'ei1t:b'Ijrition of the Doctor's many photograph tered conditions of solid overcast~~& albums, refreshments were served. Don- flew over the overcast Until the;ligh~s tinuing up the mountain side, the party at Porto Bello showedthrough the"lJ"rrL inspected the Duran Sanitarium and clouds. From Porto Bello tEe flight'-'l1estopped for Luncheonat a small inn turned to France Field .and landed::at:!L near the SUlil!llit the Trazu Volcano, of 0545 a.rn . " . , Lt .os'! oyer 11/000 feet high: A nat Lve Costa .The use of double. crews, 1.e. t,t\7Qr[! Ri.can dmner with nahve wanes was pt lot s and two' co-pflct s, served. cessary because of the unusual,Jamounti:,of' . The return trip to San J'I;lal1 as made close formation which IIlUSt ;en~edoin w 'be m t~me to att~d a :recephon a~ the , to preven~ the f:).ight from becoIDl~,:.\:le?f MerlCan Legahon,Wl th Mr. LeWlsand arated whiLe flYlng through 10caJ:1'ZE?d~ ; 1111'. Tyler as hosts. This was, indeed, areas of very lo',vvisibiHty."ThirsL'usej a good ~ty, and there were more beau- makes a tril', which normallywould,b'e3 tiful guls than at the tea dance. very fatigu~ng, less strenuous and'.:i;,t ' Membersof the flight found it diffithereby enhances the combat efficiency , cult to describe the assoCiations atof the fl1~t. ' :;c____: tached to a trip as eventful and sigThe fli t was commanded Major.11S,M by nificant .as this' one. All membersliop- Connell, onnnanding Officer ofAher-,6th ' ed, however, that the Panama Canal DeBombardment roup. Membersof theJ1IeJ G partment had proved itself a "~od flight were: , .." r~sa9fi, r.ei~borlt While partaking of tne hospiMajors William R. Sweeley,, COJmll8!1.d~n tal~ty of th~ Costa Rican pe9ple. Officer, 25th :8?mbardment. Sg,uadr'on;;)-I;='~ The follo\71ng morning, Apnl 9th, the Elmer T. RundqUlst, Commandll1g Officer, 25 planes all took off and proceeded 3rd BombardmentS~on; 1st '.Lieut,,:1j directly to the Canal ZOne, all arrivByron E. Brggge and 2nd Id.eut : Morr,is H. ing by noon.. The planes all functioned -Shedd, Air Corys.; 2nd Lieuts. David',!?! well, and the entire trip was a great McN.'Peffer, 'Hugh D. Wallace, WillilBJil'E. Success. Creer, George A. Beere, William L'.,Ji.} ~ ---000--Herblin, ThomasR. Ford and Palil.l)';~ q Wood,Air Reserve. ,', :' ',:1, e ---000--~Cir. A NIGll RECONNAISSANCE FLIGHI'

under dat e of May 15th, the i'lar,lJ)e.-! Bombardment roup (M) e~aged in an ex- :partment announced that .0rdersar,e:(l1e~ng G tended reconnaissance fh.e;b.t. As part ~ssued to move the Base Headqunrtets'.and, . of the training for patrol flights of the 19th Air Base Squadron,consi-stiil; . the future,. a flight of three airplanes of a;i)proximately 4 officers and:'25Q:','ionleft France Field at. 9: 00 p. ,. to make li st ed men, from Hamilton Field :'Cal'if. , a study of the coast and coastal lightto MeCherd Field, Wash., for permanent i~ system of the Republ.Ic of Panama, . station. This SQUSdron was organized which might be used as aids to ni@l.t at Hamilton Field in February, 1940;and aerial navigation. The route was from has been in trainin~ at toot 'stl:l,t:].on~;'France Field along the coast to Bocas since its or~izahon. Consti'UCt:ioil:;at : del Toro, then across the Republic to MeChord Field has progressed>'suff,a:tieht- ' Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on ly remove this this troop movefuent ,,'"" to to permit watermark. V-8462, ....... -14A.C.

On the night of April 17-18, the 6th

OJ JaBO" ~....

. l1'ini9-ngit sway down from Langley ,.A:j:(o'lir-:lens olor camera end now in the ~rocess of Field. Va., via Miami. Fla.,. to Albrook Field, Canal-Zone, in 14 hours and 45 de~elopment_at the l~teriel Dlvision. bJinutes, the U. s. Arrrv Air Corps XB-15 This camera is for the purpose of utilswung around Telegraw Hill beIore -bing a special form of theaciditivr m,., April Efs~em -.of,color pho~ogra~y, four 4"4by Albrook runways at 3: 15 p ~ .' .' . 'l4,}.:.lnch,'plctures bemg the same loth., .The giant Bomber-,; the only one of its tlIIie~qn.a 9by 9-inch area of panchroId~d in the Air Corps , .was conmanded by mati,c :t:ilm, each through a different' MaJor C..V. HW'lles Captron C.E.LeMay, ... filter.-,.' The red of the object being, pilot; 2nd Lieu.t ::J .B. l~ntgome;,y.coPh:otogr1Whedwill be, recorded by the J;ens lia.Vlng a red filter i the green ..' . pilot. and 2nd Llsut. H. S. Viilllams. tlitO'ugh a green f11 t er , the blue thi'ough navigator, .composed 'the balance of the' command personnel of the ..flight. The a"bl1.iefiUer, and the violet thro~,a viQle~ filter. The result'ing negatlves enlisted crew of' the XB-15 were Master wil:lrthen be printed by conta.:t onto Sergeant A. Cattarius, Crew Chief; Tech-sfillrii.;.y,ielding disposi~iyes which Will nical Sergeant W.J;- Heldt, Engineer; , Staff Sergeants J.E. Sands, Radio,Opera.QIl IPI:qJected to a magnlflcation Of two tor; C.M. Kinchloe and J.W. Freeman, -'~'lWlIes,onto;aground glass screen m.a 7r.!lewer> ...,.', ' Assi stant :ElMineers, . a j,~'l'biscviewer is a four-lens projection , l~'or H!3yil.ess Squadron Commander f i o instrument fitted with filters wEich the st Reconnaissance SQUadron(Long Ran.!re. , of Langley Field, "Va. The 41st -t:J!?orr_espondto thetaki~g,rilters used is the ,home'soUadi'onof the big plane. In;lthe;camera, the P9s1tlvesfrom the All of.the enlisted men are of the 41st red filter negative being projected tlirougpa red.filter, the positive from SquadronI one of the brand new units of the Air Corps organized since Februthe green filter negative being proar;il.1940. .-Iojected-.througb. a green filter, and so The officers and crew of the XB-15 j!l:on;i)CThese_our colored images will be f were scheduled .to remain in.Panama for -ciJXPerpasedon the screen to form the several weeks, ~pendirtg some time -both cOi!.orrphotograph.. . at Albrook and France Fields. . . 3aJ:rTheitheory '01' additive color photoltJ8.SterSgt, Cattarius is the only one graliliY.-demandsthree properly selected of the crew who has had a tour of sertaking. filters and three simlar viewvice in Panel!l8.., Tech. Sgt. Heldt and ing,or projecting filters. No account Staff Sgt-. Sands have been here previis taken in this theory, however, of ously on cross-country missions. To .1.;the:::Jiresanceof haze as in aerial pho,to-gra'Oh.v,,' ef'fect of which is to at- the members of the enlisted crew other the than. the thrOO,mcnt.ionoQ" Republica de tenuabe"'the contraat of the blue filter Panama is new territory . .All were fanegative. For this reason" a fourth Albrook Field's ~!nt3gative!DBlfbe made thro~ a blue or vorablyimpressedwith violeJ;;filter, the effect .of this extra many new developmants and welcomed the opportunity to renew many old acquain.~bl~~'filter negative being to enhance tilllces. .' thee.contrast of the blue record. . Staff. Sgt. Kinchloe, amateur camera.R 8:Thef6ur-lans camera isnaw being fabr~catedat the If.ateriel Division., It man of the crew. has been making use of the many opportunities afforded by Old .a W'{'ll~beprovided With four 7t-. inch. Panama and the great variety of street . F 4.E),Goerz Dogmarlenses. 'ana. a focal scenes in Panama City pro~r to add to p aneshutter~ and will accommodate a 9 by 9 inch, 'l'ype A-5, vacuum back hi s many thousand feet of 8 MM, film. The recently organized Amateur Camerazine. The viewer is a projection inmen at Langley Field will be treated to strument as described above, and is . many interestlng films when the XB-15 being fabricated by the Keystone Aviareturns to'its home airdrome. a.c:ltJon;.CQmpenyPhil8del#~, Fa. If The .crew .has been quartered and T{l-,b.:rtp:r~1J,inlnary tests show thlS me~hodof t i.oned with the 74th 'Bomberdment (M) -col0, to havepromse, a Squadron at AlbrookField. . IIOne'of the _fJ(pI'6j~ction lnstrlWent of approximately ten:tiineslIll@lification will be consfd- best messes in the Air Corps ,II was one "e:t'-d~" '. ..' of the comment, s your correspondent .i.l.~;:;,~:":~'(:,,,-; .. _ __'---000--t . heard from some of the crew. . . b.~~Or\'RA1pK . Stearley has been reF The trip from Langley Field was very JJ,Il!$ysQ.:from:dutywith the faculty of the successful .with SJXPerbperformance on ,+fl.i't.JCO~rPs,Tactica+ School and assigned the part of the four 1500 h.p. power.'~O'.''dut".. n:the Off'Lce of the Chief . of i plants of the big Boeing. MeBls, sel:Ved -v,tneelit;'Co' so. . . . .; .ad'::'~~' -, . ~15V-8462, PleaseO.A ~Ea!:.\.~'\ .' Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. A.C. . purchase PDF

By(~E'.!B., 3loodford; Materiel Division JiWG J,! OJ ta"o;) '.





By the Albrook Field Correspondent

To provide suitable insignia for the new flying' rat~ established incident to the reclassiflcation of Air Corps officers, :the War Department has approved various chanzee in the wording of jilaragraph 42, A:'R. 60Q-35, headed "Badge Badge , aviat ion," these chanzes being pubHshed in Circular No. 31, l'iar DepaI'tment, March 23, 1940., I .. The general device' is described as "a --'-000-device consisting of a pair of WiilgS. of o:tidized silver" 3-1/8 inches from tip " INDIAN TRIBEHONORS GENERAL Flam to till'" , Addltions to the general device, to . On the evenJ,ng of .April 25th, 'Brig;a- . denote the various flyi;Jg ratings, are dier General Jacob E. Fickel, Assistant .indicated belo'.7, as follows: to the Chief of the Air Corps,' was in-, ftlorThe shield of the United States! ducted into the Otoe Indian Tribe at wi ou stars in the chief, at the cen- , Tulsa, Oklahoma, by Indian Chief Joe ter of the m.ngs.. . Shunatona. The ceremonies were,very Senior Pilot: Same as for Pilot, TIih . t im:pressive. One of the young chief' the aadihon qf a star, a-inch in dia- . tams performed a war dance, and sever- meter, worn 1/16 inch above the shield. al of the warriors did a rabbit dance, COll1lllaIld Pilot: Sameas for Senior accompanied by tom-toms and whoops. pirot, with the addition of a wreath Chier Joe Shunatona did some rope encircling the star. tricks. . CombatObserver: The letter "0" at The new honorary chief of the Otoe the center of the wings. tribe received a beautiful headdress Tec;;hnical,Observerj The letter "0" in' from the Indian Chief, who .J:~nounced front of the letter "T" at the center' General Fickel Chief High e or of the wings. Ootohn Wah Hootlee. General ickel, . Balloon Pilot . A balloon and basket accompanied by Lieut. Ii.G. Benn, were at the center 0 the wings. t guests at Tulsa for the Southwest AviaSenior Balloon Pilot: Same as for tion Conference. . Balloo Pllot, With the addition of a In accepting the token, the General star, a-inch.lndiameter, above the expressed his appreciation on behalf of balloon. . the entire Air Corps for the honor Balloon Observer: The letter "0" in bestowed. front of a balloon and basket at the ---000--center of the wings. The insert .o:pposite this page illusGEN.ARNOLD DEPARTS INSPECTIONOUR trates the inslgnia ~or Senlor Pilot, ON T Command ilot, Technlcal Observer, .. ' P Major General Henry H. Arnold, Chief Senior Balloon Pilot and Balloon Observ; of the Air Corps, departed from Bolling 02 . Field, D.C., on May3, 1940, on an in---000--spection tour. He was accompanied by Lleut . Colonel David N. W. Grent, PROGRESS AIR CORPS AT TACTICALCHOOL S Medical CO;1>6.;, Ua.j<;>rs Warr~n R. Carter and Benjamln ". Chidlrov, Air Corps. It The current three-months I course at is conteIIlplated that landings will be the Air Corps Tactical School, Maxwell ~~ at Brownsville! Texa.s;'Mexico City, Field, Ala., entered upon. its fifth r.!eXlCO; Uatemala Clty, Guatemala; . . week on l'londay, MEw 6th, an its study G !>lanagua., Nicaragull; Albrook Field, Canal of aerial combat tactics. The class Zone; Maracaibo, Nenezuela; La. Guait'a, commenced April 8th with 100 offion Venezuela; Trinidad; San Juan, Puorto. cers in attendance, all from the Arm.v Rico; CaIIlagUey, uba, and Miami, Fla. C Air CO~6 with the exception of Lieut. The party d1Eted from Bolling Field Colonel Adrien St. John and Ca:Ptain . in a cr4l ai ane, piloted by General Ralph B. Strader, Chemical 1Varfare SerArnold, with aptam E.H. Beebe, covice; Major ThomasJ. Walker, Jr., U.S. pilot; Technical Sergeant Henry V. 'Marine Corps' Captain Edward L. Puzenski, mechanic, end Staff Sergeant Strohbehn, Field Art illery, end Lieut. Robert H. Meade, radio operator. Chiang Wego, Chinese Arm:!. . ---000-Officials of the Tactical School announced that there would be en interval of two months between the conclusion of the present course end the next class, -1 which will start early in September. . V-8462, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on remove this watermark.

piping hot from the ship's galley, were enjoyed by the \7hole crew. Commenting On the overnight stoll in Miami, "the land of winter sunshine," Staff Sgt. Freeman said: 111 nearly froze sleeping in the shii" "California please note; The ship s mascot an ocelot, was left at Langley Fieid, and its place Was taken by a Persian cat belongi~ to Captain FloYd B.;i'ood,of Albrook Field. The cat arrl ved shipshape with no complications.


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aeronautics will be the finest obtainable, and! their training in the ",,!,loyment of the Air ; The second class of student flyers of the. Corps tOV1&'d prinery mission of national its , Arnu Air Corps to undergo the initial phase defense will be cOJIPleted. : of training at the civilian elementlU'Yflying The roster of the graduates of Class 40'-B is! schools,which were selected by the War Depe.rt- given below, as follows: ' ment incident to the Air Corps Ezpansion ProOfficers , greni, graduated from the AdvancedFlying 1st Lt. Paul, L. Bartiln, IXif'. Vermont. School, Kelly Field, Texas, on Me.y 11, 1940. 2d Lt. James Y. Parke", Field Art. Texas : This class consists of 213 members, two be, 'Fl~ Cadets I ing officers of the Regular Arnu and the r... Jolly, Hoyt Avery,r: ' Auburn, Ala., mainder Flying Cadets. . Me.rShall, Richard M., Jr., Birmingham,Ala..! Coinoident with the graduation of the above. Austin, George Lafayette, Jr. Stevenson, Ala.j class, the Air Co~s Training Center, accord- ,wright, Ellis w. Miami, Ariz.~ 'ing to the Kelly Field Correspondent, lIstabBiddleccmie, Bruce Dutton Phoenix, Ariz.' liShed a nevr all time record in student pilot Huntington, ,EdwardM. Tucson, Ariz.; training, the AdvancedFlying School gre.duat- Wigley,"Roy C. , Tucson; Ariz., ing and presenting ''wings'" to the second class Stacher, Sheman F., Jr. Window Rock, Ariz.; of over 210 Flying Cadets within the record C"':'t" Kenneth L. Jonesboro, Ark:' time of seven weeks. All <llasses still 1'... Sahsbury, Arthur George Jonesboro, Ark; ceive the standard nine-months' training CaPle, Charles Edgar, Jr. Little.Rock, Ark!: courae, but they 'so staggered that each, Cobb, James Opal Minrod, Ark.. of the three training stages (prinery, Basic Me.rtin, Neil Gibson Texarkana,Ark! and Advanced) nowhas two separate classes un- Roover, Travis, Arlington, Calif~ del' its wing at the sette tiJlle. This expatiSion Grossmith, Louis B., Jr. Berkal ey, Calif! in, the trainins set-Up has allowed the TrainJones, Wm.. 'i:oodruff El Centro .. Califj ing Center to nearly,q~le ,their'ancu8l O'Connor, Everett James Hollister, Calif; output of military pilots sance 1938. In 1938, Settle, Ralph l'lJ.gene : Kingsbury, Cal.if; less than 400 student officliI's and Flying Hollingsworth, George H. Long Beach, Calif; Cadets successfully <!oJIPletedthe training Rulison, Arden 1.\. Long Beach, Calif' course. During 1940, over 1500 menwill reBerry, Maurice A. Los Angeles, Calif; ceive their diplon:as; actually an annual grad- George, Paul P. Los Angeles, Cali:i'~ uation increase of 286%in two years. Already Hanson, WayneA. Los Angeles, Calif! the 1938 total of 390 has been surpassed by 53 TholIRs,Francis C., Jr. . Maroh Field, Calif; men. Cornett, James 1. Ontario, Cal'if, The graduating class has just completed Hornby, David Alonzo Redlands, Califi ,three months of intensive training in modern, Akins, Kenneth L. SacrBllEnto, Calif) Basic CombatTraining planes at the Advanced Fi tzgerald, John Edward, Jr. San Diego, Califi Flying School... lcst of the flying course has Bowden,William M. San Dinas, Calif. consisted of forma.tion flying, cross-country Cox, Ward, Jr. San Francisco, Calif! flying, instrument flying and night flying. Wheeler, Claremont Edward San Jose, Calif; The olass was prepared for this advanced flyRiley, Jack B. West Los Angeles, Calif; ing at Randolph Field, Texas. Each man arrivRobinson, James C. Newark, Del; ed at Randolph Field after having successfully Meeks. George Everett Washington, D.Ci passed the three months' prinery course at one Northrop, Douglas Clinton Glenbrook, 'Conn, of the nine civilian flying schools !lOW under Toubman,Isadore W. Wethersfield, Conn. Arrrv supervision. The course of nine rconbhe Hunt, William Bennett , Clermont, Fla: fully cOJIPleted, includes 225 hours of flying Hogen, Harvey Athens, Ga; and epproxb"tely 400 hours of ground trainBaxter, Reuben Augustus Decatur. Ge.J ing in the subjects of navigation,. meteorology, Earthmen, Henry B. Decatur, Gal airplane strUcture and design, airplane en-. Gillespie, Joe Gill, Jr. Savannah, Ga, gines, radio, and allied tactical and military Holst, John Bernt Savannah. Gal subjects. Lyons, John R. Savannah, Gal Having received a cOlIlJlissionin the Air , Foster, 'Byron W. Craigmont, Idaho CO~s Reserve as Second Lieutenant, each grad- Keatts, Robert N. Moscow,Idaho uat1ng Flying Cadet will be placed on extended SiJIPson, Donald Andrew Carroll ton, Ill. active duty to conplete his training while Gallagher, P.aymond eith K Chicago, Ill. piloting the modernl'le.nes 6f the Air Corps; Gerrity, ThomasPatrick .Chicago, Ill. and the two ReauJ,ar Anqy officers will transOlson, Arvid E Jr. Chicago, Ill. fer to the Air Corps from their former line Rose, Albert T. " Chicago, Ill. branch. Ellmore, HowardS. Easton, Ill. After ten days of active duty at Kelly Field, Everitt, Scott F. Kenilworth, Ill. tl;>eclass will proceed to the Air Corps' prin- Carlgren, Irving O. Rockford, Ill. Clpal tactical fields for a three-l!X)nths' Brady, Francis Thomas Wheaton, Ill. course of specialized instruction in the Maxwell. Allison Indianapolis, Ind. branch of combat aviation to which they are Smith, James Russell Fort Wa,yne,Ind. assigned. Upon completion of this course, Conard~Donald Raymond Coolidge, Kans. these new pilots will be ordered to duty at Viar .ueland Austin lJuDlap, Kans., the IIU.":l&1'OUS Air Corps posts throughout the Boes, Glenn H. Milton, Kans. United States proper and its outlying possesLobingier, Paul A. Baldwin City, Kans. sions. Their foundations in all fields of Craft, Winfred O. Crestwood, Ky.


-17V-8462, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

1VestLawn,;!,Pa.' Keyes, Gordon Fr<Wk Chic,,?o, Ill. Pierce, Richard Torrence Howard, Vincent William Fast St. LOU1S,Ill. O'Brien. John G. "Young~~f!'d'~;;P1.?io ' '..c.u.J. ,U!C.La.. Hunter, William C Williamsport, Ind. Hugos, Howard Francis ~-,uoirttcii~bkla.~ Will. Joe O. Louisville, Ky. Clapham, Duane Jasper Brooks, Bascom Antho"i1 Baton Rouge, La, Jones, Robert H. Oklehon:a Ci:'f,:w~kJ.a. L~ock. Joseph T.R. .' Baton Rouge, La. Ruegg. Robert George '. ~r,:LPg" Ore.: Corvallis;': bre.:' Martin, Charles A. Natchitoches, La. Fisher, Charles R. .' . -'0"'-"1. Corvalhs, 01'e. Shaw. Ke""..r/l deV. New Iberia, La. Hansen. Charles E. , _Ma:dt'ak';~Ore; Tukey, Philip Edgar,Jr. Cepe Elizabeth, Me. Thomas,' Joseph Edward Mar shfiE!l,f;- :<ire.r Dyer, Hamilton'Higgins. Jr. Kennebunk , Me. Ireland. Loren Elsworth Forty~!"o'*t~'Pa.; Halliwill, Eugene RerbertPortland, Me. Maim.oaring, John Donald Llilford, Pa.. Sncw, Richard Maurice Rockland, Me. Christman, Robert H. Phile,del plilJ,.._Pa. Flood, JelIIlS Joseph Lynn. Maes. Haviland, Lsaac John, Jr. l'hila.del p)1i-e;; ~Pa.. Dupouy, Parker Shapleigh _ ,Seekonk" Mass. 'Ottinger, 'Villiam W, Pi ttsb\ti:gli,::PaJ Keenan, J8lIBSHenry Winchester. Mess. &lstou; 'Fr<WkBemett Cole, Alden Chamberlin WhitllWl. Mess. Carbine, Thomas Joseph Yilli>.nOVi3.~~a. - , Troy. ;Pa. . Hanlon, Alfred Jemes, Jr. West Roxbury, MaSs. Dewey, Charles E, . Newp9rt. '~. I. Toner, J8lIBS Vincent', Jr. West Newton. Mess. ,Feltham, John D. ProvidahCe~cR.I. Owen, William F. Detroit. Mich. McGovern" David Regan Allen, Richard.L. {,Gr~ ~ids, M~ch. Knox, Forrest Thomas 'F,';tf~~Jlgl Bradley, Franc1s X. {'Jr. Grosse Pomte. MiCh. Abercrombie, Clarence L. oun a:L.~., _t,.,.~. ~ Morneau, Chester F. , ' Milaca. Minn. Register, Percy D., Jr. Columb'iatr'"~~~nnr Nashville, :Tenn~ Evlb<Wk, ohn Nelson, Jr. J Minneapolis, Irdnn. Webber, h Alexander Hustad, Carl A. IrJinneapolis, Minn. Yea.rwood, Roy Waggoner Nashvill~;:!~nn, Pa.rsonsJ~.I.enn~ TuCker, Ja.'lES E. 'iiillIleapolis, Minn. Wallace. Stanley H.;'Tenn; Hubbard, Mark E. St. Paul, Minn. Conner, I.C Jr. Tallico Plaibs; T~ Boggs. Kenneth D. . St. Paul, Wdnn.! Chambers. Joseph A. Abilene';'~'.T'exars McCullar, Kenneth D. Co\U'tland, Miss. Bla.ckm>n,Linnen Robert Abilene;'''rllxi's Bounds, Fred E. Shubuta. Miss. I Price. Frederick Eugene Arw.riilo: 'TEixas Odell, William Charles Bi'entwood; Mo. Hobleus. Kenneth H. .Ama.i-ii16~:.r:T~.xas Morton, Stratford L." Jr. Clayton, Mo. Huntsn:an, Wayile Howard Austin, Texa's Milier, WynnDixon Columbia, Mo. ToOIlJ:lY, John Marshell Vaughan, Thems Scott ,Columbia, Mo. Reyes. Alvino Villarreal Besville."Texes C0I1ms.:C4i'isti ':'T'exa~ i}raham, Edwin H., Jr.. Kan!las,City, Mt>. Kad<Wka, Victor Deniel C1'bss Plains, ,TemS Pe~so", Paul Mannibg, Marysville, Mo., Morris: Ncrtran Gayle , tall"':ii 'TsxaS Trimble. Garval P.o)lert Metthews, Mol Cobb, Edward Everett. Jr. ~Ial1Et.s: ~Texa Atkins, Walter Jackson 'Vlarrensburg, Mo. 'Farris. Carrol C. Dalia.s~~'~,T,ex McKee, RobertT. Butte, Mont. Monheran, Robert C" Jr. DallaS;' :Texas ray, Fergus C. ' Helena, 1X>nt.I McIver, Otto Bill F8;tWell;':Texas Wanderer, Ralph M., Jr. Hamilton, Mont., Walling, Craig En:anuel Eveland, Ivan Vi. Missoula, Mont. Collins, Thomas Franklin Garden Oitj:;Ti!xa" Stroud, Walter Charhs ' Lincoln, Neb. Dittnan. Henry Goose Creek/TeXaS HOtistOIl ,_.~!rerxas Moore, Allan J. Reno, Nev. Gunstream, Walter C. HoUstO'nJ-;Te~ ~ Cole, Richard Herbert Elizabeth. N.J. Heiss, Gustave M Jr, Bickell, George Ross Nutley, N.J. ! Ramsey, Thorras Isaac Karnes 'city,: ,T~?<as Kingsville. 'Tiixas Hennin, Philip Francis West End, N.J. ! Cook, Howard Gordon Stafford, Cyrus Bleck Cattden, N.J, I' Hall, Donald Pierce Kingsvillei"J'};~ Bleckburn, John E., III r",swell, N.M'i ,Harper, Shelby . . Lubbock; ":r;e..~s San Antonio;',TeXas Bender, Fr<WkPeter Brooklyn, N,Y'I MUlin, Vernon Q s, San Antomo. ;'T,~:xa.i Meiersperger, Walter Paul Brooklyn, N.Y, Uhr. Clinton W. , Grunewald, Kenneth F. ,Flushing, N.Y. i Chapman, Benjamin F. Sulphur Springs.:T~s Wilder, Alen W. Garden City, N'Y'.'I Lyster" D.K. ' Vernon~ Texas , waCo TeXas Mulholland. Mitchell J,B. Long Island, N.Y. Howard, William R. KaYsviile . Utah McKenna. CharlesF., III Fort Totten, N.Y. I' Behling, Lincoln E. ChaJxplain. Daniel Dolph NewYork. 11. Y. Neslen, Alfred J. ' Salt Lake City, Utal." Pedersen, Noman H. Port Ric:ilIInnd, U. Y. Sorenson, Blair M. Salt Lako Ci ty." P.tah Salt teke CHy;Utah Schmidtchen, Robert'P. ,Jr.' Sag .Harbor, N.Y. Van Cott. Charles Robert Lassiter, Olbert F, ' Elizabeth 'City. N.C. Starbuck, James H, Burlington. Vt. AleXandria) ,;Yo.. ~een, John L., Jr. Raleigh. N,C. !.Vers. Earle Russell Moseley, Cuthbert L., Jr. , Raleigh, N.C. Chiles, John William Natural Bridile,::Va. Endicott .WaSh~ i Worrell, James Abner, Jr. Rich SqUare, N.C. Cock, EllD'>rJohn ForsII8%1, lphens Edwin A ,,,' "Jud, N.D. l'atterson, John G. , Greenaores,~Wesh. Schroeder, Charles E., Jr. Westhope; N.D. Braddock. Joel Quinn MarbletlXlunt,;:l'Iash. Farl,ey, Orville B. Akron, Ohio Sc!W.ff, Oscar, Reynolds Oaksdale,;Wa:Sh. puilmsil, -Wash, Ferrey. James P. .' Akron, Ohio I<icCollo:n" ren Gaol'ge Le Mullins. William P. Cambridge, Ohio Goldsworthy, Harry E. Rosa.l~a;,i'{~. 'Sookane, ,WBsh. Petri, Christian. Jr. Cleveland, .Ohio Lavin, John N. Greenfield, William D. 'Dayton, Ohio Tash, Earl B. Walla Walla.;:i'lash. Sonenfeld.' Robert Lakewood, Ohio Gol'don.' Andrew F. .LaraDxi;e~ Campbell. 'DavidA. Plattsburg, Ohio King. Arnold Tyvold _~.L~a#e!lJlY;Ft. Fleet, Burton Rush Tiffin. Ohio ' ,. ~ n'! ~~")-~ .tlA.

I :,


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..6:r~';;:,'~~sAlbright ,lIbr~town. w. Va. CORPS XlEl'ACIlMENT REACHES FAIEBA.'lKS. ,AUSKA OL!Sah~'ll'lng;David Carl Land O'Lakes. Wis. ; " ."tt'.; ""if Aldro I. Madison. Wis. ijom Ladd Field. Fairbanks.~.Alaska.. ,s~T~:.Thomas L. Madison. Wis. under date of April 26th. the NewsLetter Cor-,slMcK'eh'ii'e,"Melvin Almon" St. Johnsbury. vt.respondent. states that the. first Air Corps <'''AtkibsonPeter 11'. Inwood. W.I7a. Detachment to Alaska. co=ded ( .by Major Dale ~~llii:ful;.h;' '&.rvey H. San Fre.DCisco. Calif. V. Gaffney. of P.smilton Field. assisted by 2nd &);arner.;'Edwa.rd L. Son Francisco .c',lif. Lieut, M.E. Walseth. Staff Sgts. Lee iAcAtee. ,S 'Blakely. HughH. Wichita Falls. Tems Maurice .. oldberg. Robert Hendrix and Pvt. 1st G '~;I.c90gs>Iil.',Lorell George. ,Pullman. Wash. 01. Edwin Hudson. all of March Field. Calif ,~. ".0 ." arrived at Fairbanks. Alaska, on April 14th. ~t~t? of TexaJ! :-~ich h~thegh~st The Correspondent goes on further to say: ',:st\),iie.nt.r,ep;resentatlon Whenbhi s ckaas started 'orhe trin to Seward on the sr. MIll!]!. was 'r:;tre.'i..mng'. ;e::.t6tal of 43 Fly:l.ngCadets. is Imique. in that we ran aground entering Puget '~'~'oredi'ted.",ith the hippest number of graduates. So,und. and spent day on a Jm1dbank ntil a u '<'2?~~~ against 21 for California. Which with . Navy tug.p1,1l1edus off. This caused a.threE>.~ '41'-'il:ilte>;ing students. was in the runner-up ',. day delay in Seattle. Which all passengers en.'~'Fosltion;. Other States ich are represented joyed. ,;;';oy'five~r'more studentstn the graduating At Seward we boarded the only train in '-:'olass:' Illinois. with 11; NewYork. Ohio Alaska. and started the supposedly 12-hour ',,:''Wi..shirigton. eech;Missouri and Pennsyl9 .trip to Fairbanks. It actually took 24 hours. :~'Nnia~;8:"!lch; Georgia. Massachusetts. I/J.nne- with one-hour stop at Anchorage,for dinner . ..... /ita.and.Tennessee. 6 each; Arizona. Arl<ansas. At'Seward. ",e were convinced this country ,rmimd'bi~' n 5 each. we.!! jUst what is. said about it ~snow and ieie"~~:;Chicil.~ .. nr.. leads the cities r,epresented but. ever' since arrival at FairbMks bhe ::~:i'i!he" graduating class with 5 students. fol- wtlather has beeH i'deal. All snOwahiJ. ice is t -~:16we(rby Dallas, Tei<8S ,ith 4. and Los gone. "'c;x.i\ngel~,;-,imd Francisco. Calif,. Savannah. San IIlOstof the fields in Alaska are in condi~":"Ga.. ;'Millneapolis. Mnn.. and salt Lake City. tion for wheels. and the Detachment ezpecbs l .. t1tehf'~\Yith 3 each. to survey them as soon as the wings'.can be 2::3x ...... {,':'..l ~~ . z: SF . 1 ~;V:~ll~ ~:riJ ~.J~ ---0 00--asserd;)led on our 0-3 8.l.rp ane. . Muchwork has been done on Ladd Field dur""''''PIcrooiAf; SrORY OFAIR Co.,\E'S RAINING>m'ER ing the winter - bridge buil b, rail extension T C


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'V''',~''''_ -19V-8462. A.e. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

e::A'~ii~ieJ 40 enlargemimts. telling in pic- cleared and leveled. tif In fact, everything is "')orii;J;form just how a young college man is' set for imnediate construction as soon as all " -tranioJ.Ormed into a full fledged military pilot materials and detailed plans arrive. 'during 'his nine months' training course in the Fourteen hundred men are registered and all " 'three ~chools of the Air Corps Training Censet to go to work. At present only about four " tar.' '-'till be one of the features. of the Natiorr hundred are working three shifts. Full opera~"':!l,r, Ae,idnatitics Forum to be held in Washington tion is anticipated by July first. ~':::on. aj'2?-28 1940. M The local population have and still are ~.c.r.'~::'Vi:sii;ofs the exhibit at Bolling Field t~ giving us a warm reception. All are very on'-i~i;.ti~ly will follow a Flying Cadet from friendly towards the Arrrq, and e:ll proud of "DOthe 'da'j~he' first repo1'ts for duty at one of their conmmity. . , :.~tlle 'nu,e '.elementarY flying schools until he For those in Alaskan units - none of you ~~ece~\t_e~,.his ings and. conmission as a second will be disappointed in coming up bere. This w ""n~te=t 'less than e. year later. country is all that is said about it. and' "c"'",Severe:l Flying Cadets from Pandokph Field more. ' Welook forward to a visit by many of ~~?11 on,'.~ :,1ie to answer ques~ions,perta~i~ yoU this SWIIWr." ", ... to', the 'Tril.1mng Center. The p>ctor1al exhib1t ---000--e. be.>.D& prepared by the Randolph Field Photo. . ";"'greph~c Department. ENLISTED ''IlANT WHAT lBl1 THEY WANT; II .... ;" '"' ~J._l-," ~ ---000--::S~TJ ',':K. 'The ..39th Pursuit Squadron. Selfridge Field. 'coSIGN.AirCO AVIATION. . ACTIVATED ATMARCH FIELD Mich.; has 54,:menat the Service Schools out .~v ~~~v:.':'.. . . ". I of an auth,;rized strength of 153. "Wehave .. UllcJ;er"'authorityof The Adjutant General. the very few !lEn left that are eligible for train..s,302lid."SignaJ.. Company.Aviation. was constitut. ing at any of the schools." says -bhe News '~~d,,'e:j;'if,\ .rch Field. Calif on April 17. 1940. Letter Correspondent . 'orhe other d6.y we.had '~'/!'h".W'!plal Comp8J\Y. ?oIqlosed of n:en .mo have to let an opportunity to send a man to the . ::be,en"e..~s1gned the S1gnaJ.Detachment at to Arn:orers School go by. as we had no one left "'March"Field;' is under the capable leadership who desired thst course. The men have all ,c;of.,.Captmn Charles S. Stodter. Signal Corps. made up their minds as to what course of train~ '~~bo'a.nif~o M:l.rchField on September 5. 1939. ing they desire and. r\lgardless of how Vlell . :I'rom,'Fbrt'Humohries. Va. qualified .the individual may be for another .~3,with';lli~.'Sg'1;. dVlinHarding. Jr 6 noneomE course. don'.t try to steer them 'away from "'iIt1ssioned officers and 40 privates. the Compa- their hearts' desire. lVell. more power to '0JiY, is":l,~erly awaiting the allotment of rat~hemfor knowing their desires'and sticking it .cr'ihgsso"b":forthcoming in the near future. The out until their burn comes around." .. ' ; . Air Go!\p~. welco!lESthis new adjunct to its fold.; ---000--a...J:



pit set-up,

lO,OOO-foot runway


miilnigj:lt, when the reverse ., . , of the procedure described above was beSomaHonolulu mid.nigj:ltfrolickers gun, and the airplanes were returned to dashed back into a bar for another I Wheeler Field without mishap. drink, while others swore' they were go---000--ing "on the water wagon" when before their eyes, in the center of Honolulu, RlOClRGJ\NIZATION Nf WHEELER FIELD there' appeared two airplanes coming up the street. A few lateworldng citi-: Due to the ~tivation of the 86th Cbs. zens, who were quite Sure theiTeyes Squadron C&D). and the 78th Pursuit Were not deceiVlng them, remembered Squadron Int.), also the division of that it was the nlgj:lt ,before Army Dav, tlie field into Base and Groupactivi;.; ;.; and that the newspaper-s had stated that Ues, many ~s were made in the dutwo airplanes would be .included in the ties of the off1.cers at Wheeler Field; Army exhibits in the Palace Grounds.' Major Kenneth N. Walker came from .: The task of getting a P-36 and an HickamField to assume cQmmand f the o 0-47 from Wheeler Field to the Palace 18th Pursuit Group (Int.). Captain Grounds in Honolulu was delegated to Roger M. Ramey, relieved as Cqmman( Lieut. Bruce HOlloway, of \fu8eler of the 19th PUrsuit Squadron(Int.), was Field's Base Department. detailed as Group Executive and Group After'much thirudng, telephoning, meas- ()Perations Officer; 2nd Lieut. John G. uring of streets , and \ about Slmpson was detailed as Group .Adj1ltant; the disassemoling and assembling of Captain Minton Ii. Kaye as Base &'-3, reeach airplane. he was about to suggest lieving Major E.B. Bobzien, whoassumspirming them into the Palace' Grounds ed command of)the 86th Observc.tion when he struck upon a plan that proved Squadron (C&D : Captain George R. Acheto be successful. son is now Base &4,. relieving Captain On the morning of April 5th, the Clarence F. Hegy, who assumed comnand ships were flown to LUkeField where, 9f the 19th PuiSUJ.. Squadron; Captain .t with the aid of the Navy's 'floating Lorr;y N. Tindal, a recent arrival in crane, they were loaded onto a barge. the Halvaiian Department, is now OperaIn the afternoon, 'a 't.M.C. tug boat tions Officer of the 86th Observation towed the barge out of Pearl Ha.rbor . ~n: and 1st Lieut. William P. into the open .sea and then into Honolu- F1.sher, who also came in on the last lu Harbor to Pier' No.5. .In order to transport, is Station Inspector. avoid traffic, it was necessary to wait Headquarters and Headquarte1s Squaduntil shortly after midnigj:lt before ron, 18th Pursuit Group CInt. , is now unloading the airplanes from the barge t commanded 1st Lieut. Kermeh P. by and tOlvlng them through the streets.. I Bergquist. The 't.M.C.IS huge .crane at Pier 5 unASsigned to the 6th Pursuit Squadron, loaded the ships on to the street. co~ded by Captain S.E. Anderson, are It was an easy matter to tow the 1st L1.eut.. ThomasC. Musgrav:e, 2nd Lts. P-36 , with its comparativ~lYshort wing .9.1'1. Qpiel, L.R. BrattonJ T.H. Watkins, span, up the streets and .1.nto the VI.S. Rector, and George .lJ. Wertenba'cer, Palace Grounds, but the 0-47, with a Jr. Width of 46 'feet , caused difficulties. Captain Clarence F. Hegy, commanding To pass of.lrurrp.posts, it was the.19thP1,u'suit.S~ron, has thefolnecess~ to do much :pusning, pulling, 1,?\VJ.Ilg offJ.cers an "his organJ.Zati,?n: 1st reversmg, and revolVlng of -. he 0-47, t Ll~t. \'V.S. Stee~e, 2nd L1.euts. Pinkham but with-Lieut. Hollo\vay in the cock;pit" Smith, ,;V.F. Savoae , E.W. Worley, D.E. end the detail of men capc!.blYdirected 'Newton and C.E. Gre~ry. by Technical. Sergeant Ward, the ship The follomng offJ.cers were assigned was brought into the Palace Grounds to the 78th. Puisui t S@adron (Int.), without a scratch. which is commanded Captain Dal1ielW. by Needless. to say, the two airpl~es Jenkins: 1st ~ieut. J. ~ Haltoner, 2nd attracted a great deal of attentJ.on dur Lieuts. H.F. 'hlson, R.R.. Spurgeon, ing the exhibit. Walk \V?;ys were built P.J. Kuhl, H.A. Hanes and Mru.colm A. over the left wing and &onO' the fuseMoore. . lage of each airplane in or:Ier to afIn the 86th Observation Squadron, comfoi'd the uublic a chance to see the mended by Maior E.B. Bobzien are the cockpits: In addition to the airplane following officers: Captain L.N. Tindal, exhiOit, Whee~er Fie~d displayed life 2nd L~~ut~. B.E!.}Iell, T.A. HOlbrook, . rafts and eqUJ.pma'1t nd a Photo J.C. "1.lkins, n..lli. Stone, Jr., and F.M. a Section exhibit of,Photographs and Taylor. . cameras. A very interesting Armament -',..-000--Display was furnished by HiclmmField. Captain Harry G. Montgomery, Jr., of After the.close of the exhibit, the March Field, was assigned as a memberof airplanes were left at the Palace the Air Corps Board, Maxwell Field,Ala. , -2 ., V-8462 , A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.


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Informaticn Division Air Corps

June 1, 1940

LET T E R NO. 11. Munitions Building Washington, D.C.

The'chief :P1U'POse this pg.blication is to distribute information on aeroof nautics to the flying personnel in the Reguler Army, Reserve Corps. National Guard, and others connected with aviation.

LOW TEMPERATtlRE PROPERI'IES OFLUBRICANTS By E.R. Irwin, Materiel Division' The selection of lubricants for use 1l:I.e: the pour point is satisfactory. The" at sub-zero tf3l!llleratures is of great matter of low.temperature viscosity has . importance in Air Co Ills operations . Not since bean great:j.y simplified by the only is the effect .of altitude to be work of HtlrShel (NatioIlal Bureau of oonsidered '(at 30,000 feet altitude)the standards). The continuation of this indicated temperature is -48 deg.F. work by several lergeoil refining combut the extremes of ground temperature panies has resulted in the publication in the continental Uiiited States atone by the American Society for Testing time may.~ b~ more than 100 deg. F. Materials of' their straist;"'line viscosAirplanes changin~ latitude ma.y encoun- ity-temperature chart. The mathematical tel' such chanzes Inone-dav flight .. Low treatment of the ratio of the viscositemperature lUbrication, tnerefore, can ties at 210 deg.F. and 100 deg.F. by not be divorced from the lubrication at Dean & Davis, termedby them "viscosity moderately high temperatures. index,t1 is also very convenient and Assumingthat the specified lubricant practically significant, the higher has the properties necessary for satisviscosity index (lenoting the more satfactory noriilal summerlubrication, how isfactory (lower) viscosity at .1017 can sat isfactory low temperature opera- temperature. tion be assured? FortUI!8-tely, a great. Whi~ee~izing the importance of deal of work on the subJect has been the Vlscoslty curve of the oil. the accomplished b~ Governmentand commer- necessity of adequately low pour point cial laboratones, and it ma.y be .said ~ not be nedected. The partial solthat the low teIr!Perature characteristidlfication of the oil, causing cessaics of both oils. and greases can be ada- tion of flow at minimum pressure and quately predicted by a knowledge of . termed "pour point," has but little their chemical cOIr!Posi t Lon" and their effect on the shear resistance of the phystcal, properties over a moderate film. It is of pri.mary 1~rtance in telfWerature r~. Except for the eval- predictiJ;lg ther1'uidlty or JJUlI!Pability" uat ion of e:x:perlmentallubncants of of the 0].1. . new chemical types. an actual low tamFor cOIr!Pletelysatisfactory "pumpperature performance test, which is, abilitY" the pour point should be not both slow and costly, is unnecessary. more than about 10 deg.F. above the The.first atteIr!Pt by the Air'Corps to min~ operating. teIr!Perature. Fairly classlfy the low teIr!Perature performsatlsfactory ma.y be obtained ence of the various types of lubricatI with the higher viscosity index oils ing oils was initiated~in 1927, when34 down to abo1J.t.lOdeg. be:j.Ow pour the oils of selected and different properpoint, proVJ.dingthe eqw.pment has not ties were examined. The test program' stood idle for more tbBn the usual, included a determination of the uSual' overnight period. On stand~ below, descriptive physical prox>erties, includ- the :!JOur oint without interllllttent p , ing viscosity at three different telfWer 'Warmlng agitation, however, such or atures on each oil, and a determinatlon oils becomeprogressively more solidiof piston drag and pumping rate in the fied. It is therefore desirable to cold room at teIr!Perat\U'esto -20 deg.F. specify a pour point slightly lower This work showed (I) that the shear than the lowest operating temperature resistance of the oil, that is, the of the oil if such pour point is availtorque required to crank: the engine, 'able. A satisfactory pour point having mayoe adequately predicted from the been established, the higher viscosity viscosity at 210 deg. F. and the inindex then indicates the better of two creaJ;e in the viscosity at 100 deg.F., or more oils. and ~2) the fluidity of the oU is also Low pour point i~ a natural property a direct function of viscosity, provid- of the naphthenic (western) oils and -1V-8482 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. , A.C.

high ,viscosity, index is !}. natural proSAE20 oil appears. satisfactory. Lower perty of the paraffinic lPennsylvania) te~ratu.res require SAE10. E'TenClSAE oils. However,modern methods of refin- 5 011 may be justified for extrEinie':cold ing can produce satisfactory low temand .Low powe;oinput such as in,airq~t perature oils from either type of crude. ~ontrol beanngs! although. the,s~8!?~~-js The low,temperature shear of greases lty of greases Wlth such v~scosi~y ~!!i8ii is not so, accurately predi~ted from not good at high atmoephert.c temp~rIl.3ill:2 normal temperature. prgpertles, but an turea.. .' . .,...;:t.: '<01 accurate general distlnction may'be The usual high temperature greases t",." madebetween good and poor greases. As contain plu~ or minus 20 per cent. of '!in'; might bee:xpected, the best hieh temper- soda soaps an an oil of about SAE,.60'HOj ature greases are not good at low tem- Viscosity. They are not. auplicshle .to'A peratures . The reason for this is that 101'1 temperatures unless considerellle~;l; ~1.of the conventional modern lubri-. , excess power,. seldom,uO catlng greases are gels of soap and craft and thelr accessories, ls.avallf"'fJ oil. The more stable gels are forme9-' abl,e fgr startinP: the equipment.' Th~~j by lar~er amounts of soap and more VlS- Vlscoslty index Should De controlled:'oct;t cous of Ls , both of which increase the. but is apparently less important ..tBaii,'c,l low temperature shear torque. For high the pour point. Since high viscosity~ . ~emperat':ll'estJ;le stability of the gel index plus low pour i~ expensiye ~J;l~ ':.,~ 1::;of prlmary IIPO~anoeand the conven- present U\>ual90mmercl~ pract~cerl~,to:; tlonal commercial hlgh temper~ture . use a mediumVlscos~ty ,lnaex.olr. P& '''';:;1 greases are therefore very stlff and very low (shout -40) pour pomt,' '~'Us."" tough at temperatures about zero degrees The choice between oil and grease.,;:;H" Fahrenheit.' the application permits the use'of"-'!Aft The first, point of consideration in either, is generilly in favor of'oiL,.:J:;ti selection of the ~ease is the kind of While the torque of rotating at ,10W~t,:~j; soap, to be specifled. The soaps used speed end at rilinus 40 degrees a three""lo extensively ~e those of calcium (lime), quarter-inch ball bearing lubrica.ted'"d sodium (soda), aluminum, and lead, the with a lime-soap grease is ,only about;:is latter only for gear lubricants as it one-f incJ;l-~d. the torque. wi~l:/1() produces a very soft gel. The order of gun 011 lubrlcatlon is scarcely'mell.SUIJ~ desirability for low temperature is as able. An exception to this' generat.;-- '1~ given for the first three types... rule is that of extremely high speed "rlt The calcium-soap greases are .of low . gears in which case the channerin~( qr" ~ melting po int , plus and minus 180 deg.F., the grease may result in lower,.torque' o~ and if the grease must operate above ". than is observed with the' oil.,', . ;';;,r +50.'de~.F. temperature range, soda-soap ,":--000--I . '~'''J3lb lS lndlcated. At low temperatures, ..... ". ,'mj alumilfum-soapgreases are very tough DATA ONB-23 BOMBING o[i~ ~d V1SCOUS should not be selected.' and , . "'t" lThe.most important desirabilitr.of . The Assistant Secretary of War'~i~he~'tr.G al.uminum soap greases is their nieh re- Hon. Louis Johnson) announced rec~~1-Y..:'" sistance to water). In addition fo . that the Douglas Aircraft Company,:Inc.c>~ lower shear at low temperature, the is making deIiveries of a new :Bombarjlo;-c; c<4cium soaps also promote ~eling ment airplane designated. the B:-23:'.-,(;o~ Whlch further reduces shear-ing torque. This airplDIle is'a modificatlonoff jn For other equalities .. a low soap con- the Douglas B-18A. It is of all~metal"a tent, is preferred for Iowt emperature '. monocoqueconstru~tion and. shows,ex~~.3e as high soap content hardens .the grease tremely clean deslgn. It lS eqtllpped"l/ more ~apidly as the temperature drops. lV~thtwo 14-cylind.8r Wri/.'ht engine:;;d;;J In thls way the soda-soap greases rewlth tJ;lree-bliJded.propelle,:sof l~j.t 1:0 gain part of the advantage of the lime., fe~t diameter. The apP;ooXlmate gro~!E .. eo soaps as stable greases are formed with .welght of the airplane lS 26,OOO.lbs.;,;t;JlY less of the soda soaps. For a soft , endi~ is adapted for a crew of ,si.i ..t grease, not more than 7 per .cent of' .. The wmg span is 92 feet; length,58."rds soda. soap or not more t~ .13. per, cent feet and the heieht. 18 feet.. - ,!.t :rcrlj of 11me soap ~ be specaf'Led , Wl h' t The B-23 is a Bomberof mediumslze(e.'lI the same oil the soda-scap grease- may and is expected to have improved .per;;:.c~ be from 10 per cen~ to 20 per cent more formance characteristics over ,itspr.o,r s VlSCOUS than the llme-soap grease. totype. the B-18. , . "~J..'o't; The nature of the gil content is less ---000-~;' $J;61:G:' important than ~he kind and amount of . An experimental flight into theJSubt~m soap. DatI!'- 'fallshle are not tgo. qma StratoflPl?ere was.recently completed'cby2~ plete and mdlcate that pour PQmt l!l IIqrs. and ~rs. Sauadron, .25th Bomb.9vri tJ:lemo::;t,important property. Excespve (}t011P, an ey Fie"ld.Va;' ~o.r'.;.E';'A:n()Ve L Vlscoslhes must, of course, be avofded. Hillery an 2iJ.dLieut. H.C. rnl;'lyjand'Ic For about zero degrees Fahrenheit, an (Continued on Page' 3.~c'('" a' Jaab -2V-8482 , A:C.jorioa Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.





"This time, discussing the approved ' JlL. '... method, we.Wlll take it for granted. of jTn .. ;Section I methods of instruction ~ course, that the student hits the objeca.t-tJ;1e'Air;Co!'PSAdvancedFlying School. tive on the nose. He circles the Ueld K~~~.Fielal Texas). are spreSdi!Jg. and after call~ in he drops to one Smce-Captmn'Hal Bundy, formerly and thousend feet .. !III{ informer never did for many,~ears a Section I instructor, discover if this a.s one thousand feet has replaced Chief of Section II, Cap- above th~ ground or sea level. but no tain~JiIlllllY Ellison, dUring the latter's matter. ~COrresp~mdent' note - ~t s tour'at the Tactical School,' the old' would matter at Denver~ Colorado}. He, Pursuit Section I s theories of Inst ruc-: drops to one thousand' leet Move the ' tion5are.t~~ing deep root at Section .11. terrain and carefully circles the field, One~of these theories is that all stunoting in the meantime all obstructions. dentf(',tBke pride ~n their. flying abili"'. Wires. etc., etc. Being a little smartty,Cas.all good pllots do and the.' , er , he immediately looks in the most unthought-of being ridiculed for thought';", likely place for the wind tee, and dislessness hurts more than a failing ,covers,.. it immediatel~. Having deter- ' graae~'i-Therefore. Captain Bundy. in .." mined the wind directlon, noting obthe good old Section I manner. reqy.est'- at ructnons , dropping his wheels, lIlOving ea"Fl;y;i.h; Cadet X to submit the f611o\'l- the mixture control to full rich. and ing paper and to read it I with gestures. making certain that he is on hi's full before the assembled Sec. ion II: tank, calling in. he then drops to -"IDrBgg1ng Field in the proper mana ahout two hundred feet on a long ner is. a subject of mien contention. straiJ:ltaw!l approach. At the eMa of UsualljT., student has one idea and his a the fleld he is about fifty feet Iii./dl. in!l~~9tor has mother. For the ~se He cruises across the fieldllaralleI: to of thls paper we will consider that bhe his intended line of landing. noting insttp:ctor1 s theory is the only t rue all hasards on the ground. No, the a'1dJproper'way. Also, for the purpose blonde sitting undef the tree. for the of... 'his.paper we will consider that the purpose of this paper , is not consider~ student~has mastered the f'undament al.s I ed a hazard. He then rises to 800 feet of navigation, and has managed to find Move the ground and circles the field the,-'field at his destination. (Tha.t is to the left with a shallOWbank. this a suoject: in itself. which we will not time making a normal landing;n go 1nto now.) ---000"Wewill take a hypothetical case and discuss first the student I s approach to AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY UNDER DIFFlCOLTIES this subject, and then give in- detail the instructor I s method. The 89th Reconnaissance Squadron, of "The student' has now sighted the field MarchField, Calif . demonstrated ,that and~'aI't&'murmuring a prayer of thanksit is a first class reconnaissance 1.1Ilit glv-iIig'('he heads toward the objective. by its performance on the first assignHe ::f-l-yli over the field at about 1600 ' ed J?hotcgraphic mission. fee't'laild atteI!!Pts to sight the wind Lleuts. ~a.ckHil~r and Frank Norwood sock. He makes the mistake of looking were assigned to photograph aiI'!lOrts lin at. tile obvious locations. and of course. in the 4th Air Base Area. cover-ing the as"you'have already guessed. he doesn't States of NewMexico, Colorado utah see. the 'sock. He finally decides 'which and Nevada. A total of 35 fie i was ds w!llthe wind blows I b;ywatching a plane photographed under many adverse conditake off. He then circles out of sight tions. 'Snow.dust storms, excessive . of the'field and, having for~tten to rough air. and other hardships were encan. 'in. he dives over the f~eld and count ered , but the crew came through pulliS'up .in a roar of power, This pUll with a f.ine group 'ofJ?ictures. Several up is,:sometimes called 'allowable buaairports at an elevatlon of over 7500 zlng.""!Ia.ving completed his assi~ent,. feet were take;f).~al,so tWoat an elevathat is. 'draggL"lg the field;' he then . tion of over 8uuu feet. Winds of a malee'sfathree needle width turn around velocity up to 100 miles an hOur were th~"f)eld and finally lands, taxiing to encountered on the trip. At one staa stOP,- He then parks. and turns tion, a wind which wasstro!Jg,enoug!l arou.'1dto his instructor with a wide to turn the props on'the B-18Aairplane IDidn It I do that g<;lod?' rin ... ~d..t1l! g ,prao1.~;dical. ly took the' ship Off, the '. , m~j.:f.wi tthe followi.nt;1;:IYou ~ I th gr ~. 6$;r.d'AND.rSO ,-- far mto the mght. ON l' ---000--nave,liever'been very good at decoding Sub-Stratosphere Flight (From ""'_, 2.) eve~!fulg the inst ructor S!lS. but "'''''''7, brx tiy:-gathered that. perhaPs the stu- a complet~ crew ~ook off for Des MoiI1611, den's 'approach to the subject was not OIowa. quipped 'Ylth the IJ-6W A-7 type " e so hot.G.A .r, . txygen Mask~which was given a thOrougit . est. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. - 3V-8482. A.C. Z.B~R~:A'fG,GI N G A FIE LD

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SUCCESSFlJL RESULTS FLYING CADETOAED BY B shorthand and typewriting to prepare , ,men for clerical'positions and. make The MarchField Traveling Flying Cadet them available for the il!llllenseemount Board, composedof liJll.jorTliomasW. of clerical work necessary in the Air Blackburn, A.C., presldenti' 2nd Li,eu,t. Corps. This course will :prov:,\!y,the Frank A. Kurtz, A.C., Publlc Relations means of assisting those alreaay."Eimpl!,yOfficer and Recorder; Captains ,Ehrling ed in.this class of rIOrkto~e~.?~dgx>,~JJ L. ~er~st anti Steven V. Guzak, " efficlent., .- " ',' . '?hl'I'[ Medica! "Oorps, recently returned to the Effective this fall hl$-school'~,,~, homebase after a tour of the western courses will be inclUded fIi'gram States. Second Lieut. Ml;u'ray . Bywater, f9r,those who have not comple~ed,tlfe:iti A ,A.C., was advance publiclty and; hld:! schoolwork" thus af!'ording "th~em c coordinator for the Board. . _ ~.' the opportunity to receive higlnjqh6'61" Educational institutions' visited were diplomas. . " . :";~~Ii the University of Washinl;ton, ,Seattle,: '. :After the soldier has suc6essf:U1]!~oH Wash.: University of Portland and Reed' completed his high school course ;8Iid ~ College, Portlan9-' Ore.: Oregon State his ,tech..'lical t:rBining at 'an AiI":,9~rp;~1 College, Corvallls, Ore.;, Un:l:versityof school center, ne may continue hls,;elt-;: Ore~on, Eugene, ore .: University of . ucation at Centenary College.'orrn.a, Berkeley, Calif.; san Fran- ments have been made with the college;!: cisco University, San Francisco,Calif.; authorities to offer education:tQ~sol* Leland Stanford Jr. University, Palo diers during off duty hours. , The'i',co.~t Alto~ Calif., and Santa Clara University of pursuing a course at this 'college~~ and san Jose State College, Santa Clara, is within the income of every'eIilis~ed Calif. Since the entire tour required man. #proximately 215 of t~':sark~~qonly forty days .to complete, the length \'dale Fleld personnel are taking ,colIege of stay at each school was limited. courses at the present time. After::.r.'\. The ~precedented success of the completing tW9 ye?!'s of 0opege,t~il.4l-: MarchFleld Board can be ot'leanedfrom ing, the soldler lS ~lfl.ed for,Fly:) the follolVin~ facts and flgures: A to1al ing Cadet training at Randolph Field:;.. , of 1150 cand.rdanes VlllS int"erviewed, of l 'Pexas, This gives him, ut>0nthe" c'9I!f.i which number 710 were examined and 308 pletion of his flying tralning, 'a:;collF. accepted for Flying Cadet appointment. mission in the Air Corps Re, erv6:-::;";lf;; s Manyof these successful candidates he completes four years of col:tege .V(9pk, have al readv received their, appointment he is qualified to apply for a Re-gul'a:r and all tlk'1.tremains for the balance is col!llllissionin the U.~. Army Air. CdrpSj' to await orders from Washi~~on that ,A cl?Ss of 100 eullsted menof'lflXf<:~they are to report for tralUlng. dale Fleld,who took advantage o:f.t!lei ---000---, opportunity to complete their stWiies at Centenary College during the p:a~~;;;; EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM FORENLISTED EN' semester, wlll complete their e'Jrllllllpa;.", M tions on May,24, 1940. Thes~ u:.en;'~ , An extensive education progr:am,"spon- no other wsy of securing theu',cr:edJ.~s sored by the Barksdale Field Welfare for courses required of thembefor.~;q Association, originated' in February, submitting t.hef'r application for 'a;'" tt 1940, by Colonel Lewis H. Brereton, of- Flying Cadet appointment. ' ,~ ::~,'f fers unlimited opportunities to enlistChaplain A.A. KE.tts, Barksdale.FreId ed men of the Army Air Corps to complete Educational Officer, has been the.l"ealitheir elementary studies and continue ing factor. in the splendid succes~;:of) through a college course. the educatlonal program. Through his Classes in Enl?:1ishand Mathematics untiring efforts, the classes werEi::oi,';are held at Barksdale Field, La. with ganized and capable instructors" ':;;'0 high sChool teachers from local high secured.""" i:'~l:t . scFiools employed as instI":lctors in ~hese ---000---. }"f:J.... , courses. A survey of varaous orgarn aa..", tions reveal that approximately 5COenBrigadier General Arnold N. Krogstad, listed: men are, attending night classes. Col!llllanding General of the 2nd Wiii:g;,GHQ Whena soldier has satisfactorily com- Air Force, Langley Field, Va.;-,'recently pleted his work in the' el.ement.arv .l announccd the appclintmentof Lie1it~'1" courses, he is, prepared to ~i1'y in Colonel George P. Johnson.l."Air'CoI'ps~ the Alpha and Mathematics requ?red by as Second Wing Executive ulficer::"s1i.cthe Air Corps for entranc~ to t echnfcal, ceeding Lieut. "1" .... "'1.;1Will~am':EJ ~~r, . ~ schools. Followmg ,the fust course, a who,recently left I.ani1:1ey Fleld,' to;c~'" student may also continue in'a course sume the position of ExecutiveiOfffcer . of shop ~themati9s. to prepare hiJ!lfor Of the Air Defense Oonmand ?-t:li.},~sli~l the, trammg at other, Air Fleld~ N.Y: For the past ,flve,vrea.I;rir Corps schools.. '''', , Col. Johnsen was Air,Corps Instruct"e,liat A course is also cont . the ,Field Artillery SChoo11rt""Sill-;~a.


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A'FLIGHT TOVENEZUU' , By the Albrook Field Correspondent

_~~:Anoiher the series of GoodWill 'in the airplanes on deck, and stood by (f]J~ts to South .Americaby the .Ur saluting the Army planes. co~. apersonnel, left AlbrookField on The ww before the flight landed at Fri morning; W,ay 10, 1940. Colonel Aruba. the Netherlands gove=ent in!>.H, i1keson, Commanding fficer of O terned all Germansworking or living, on Albrook Field,was in command the' of the island, and sent them to the island ni-g!:Lt., Captain Russell E. Bandall . of Bonaire, also in the Netherlands LSt::l;;ieut. ThomasC. Darcy and 2nd Lt. West Indies. There they are being held Albert A. Cory were the pilots of the prisoner. . . fl~,qht, which was made til two B-18 type The official visitors were taken on a Bomo.ers. tour of inspection through the island. "or,ncers carried as passengers were The refinery emp1QYs about 2,000 .AmeriCo19nel W.A.Danielson ~d ~or T.R. cans and about 5,000 persons in all. _Howa;rd. f the Constructlon Dlvision, . The production is on a 24-hour basis in o ~termaster Corps. who made the fllght three 8-hour shifts. The farms and 1q.~~tudyhousing methods of the oil houses are small but very neat and picc;o~es in northern South .Americaand turesque.~giving air to the Dutch anthe;Netherlands West Indies. and Lieut. cestry. The chief crop of the farms is Colonel K.C. Eastham, of Q;uarryHeights. cascara, and it is estimated that this tge,:Official. representative of the small island produces about 80 percent p~ Canal Department Head~ters. of the world's cascara. ed-Tlle~twoBombingplanes tOOK off from An interesting sub~ect of study was AJ.brookField at 6:05 a.m. enroute to the "mosquito fleet. These are small fAai'.aeaibo.Venezuela. The flil1:ht pro011 barges which run between Aruba and ceededtoward Maracaibo'but met bed Maracaibo. They carry oil from the welatherabout two hours out and was mainland to the refinery across the f..oi;':~ed> return to Albrook Field. The sand bars. Another part of the life on to, pl~es,again took off about noon and the island that proved interesting was :Jl~~eeded to Maracaibo, this time find- the fact that all driIlking water is im, , "" ,clear weather. ported from NewYork City. The water '-'-:. e. flight was met at i\1aracai o by of-on the island is not usable. . b ,f,i'cials oI'the L~etroleum CorporaThe Lago Conx>ration has a fine pro.tion... :After spen the nigj:lt at the gram in o~ratlon for housi~ their emLago .camp, the fli,qh left sat~ Ployees. The barracks are slmilar to DIo. rn.itll!; . for Aruba Island. where; 'those used by the Arm:! in the tropics. Jlas'msde at 10:30 a.m, Aruba is a smaD.They are building a large, modern ofi:sl'and, 14 miles long in the center of fice building at the present time. It s~.ile:Ne~herlandsWest indies. At Aruba, is constructed of glass brick. At the 'Mr:;',F.;"''' amobell, manager of the Lago same time. bomb-proof shelters are beC Petroleum ana Transportation Corporain.e: constructed for the civilians. . tiori, met the officers and welcomed. i All is not work at Aruba. Fine deep ~t,~em the site of the world's largest, sea fishing is found all aroUlfdthe to, .:?9.xlc reflnerY. tiny island. :Baracuda andsall fish "-.;:;Mr., Charles J. Colby, Managerof Inare plentiful and attract many sportsdllstrial Relations. and Mr. J.F. Herri- men. Fine swimming pools and lighted _ilon', :Product ion Mana.e:er f the refinery, tennis courts make life worth living. o inMe the visitors' st~ a very :tileasant I The heat of. the ~ime sun makes reo~e. They conducted a tour of inspeccreation during the day difficult, contlon of the housmg of the 'workers and I sequentlf the night sports. entertained in a most hospitable manThe fllght personnel regretted leaving nero .,. ~ the 'small island. but the itinerary. /,fr:"Colon!ll Gilkeson paid his respects to called for speed, so reluctantly the ~-, he;resldent Governor of the island. t party left Aruba,and those who had been 1;J.,''DUe .to internal conditions, the flight so cordial",late SaturdBy afternoon. personnel. obtained a first hand glimpse The two Bomber-s ent from Aruba to La w o.f',the French Marines in maneuvers'. A Ouaira, on the northern coast of Vene~ ~)):ench cru1serand one destroyer were zuel.a, where the partf left the planes , . 'anchored at Aruba and had disembarked and motored 24 miles lnland to Oaracas , -~O:u't"Foq',FrenchMarines. The Marines In that 24-mileride, the rise was to ~ 'made',request to the government to 3.000 feet ~ove sea level. The road hoJ$!:'.ll: ~ade, but had been refused.. from La Gusira to Caracas was built lIl%'"' "~:'.tw.o~B,::,181s took off and flew over der the direction of the late President " It-1:l!3 ,~wo'French boats. They lowered Gomez Venezuela. and took 14 YSBr'S of ,.13 ~rtguns;lstarted up the enginas 'Of to f'inih.
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Captain Randal.Lj Lieuts. Darcy The personnel of the flight were enCory were ent.ert ained at the .American tertained Sunday night by officials of Embo.ssy,. hile Colonel Gilkeson and. w the Leon Petroleum Corporation. Ift.r. Lieut; volonel Eastham were received. '"b at, the homeof Hajor.and Mh. Burkett, w.M. Hall, head C'f industrial relations, Military Attache to Venezuela. Colonel and Mr. \V.S. Link, his assistimt';-'i1how Dani.elson and Major HoWard had remained E.E. Peake, manager of the cainp;:MrHs.t EI.~ Maracaibo to study housing condiE.T. Warren, legal advisor' and COlonel t tona , .. P ...;._, f th VI' ._' ;lr~'ln The .Amer1.' Eniibassy t Caracas 1.S th e mad th , 0 t e enezue an ..... ." ",."ell" can . ascuare " a . bl" my, "",' .~ former horne of one of the sons of Prese, e VJ.S1.v~ry enjoya .,e. ~.i ',--,s'lb ident Gomez;and is reportedly one of On .1,~nda.Ymornmg,t1,lefh,e:ht.l1er.~.I the finest mansions in South .America. ~acB.J.bO,for Barranqu1lla! 'Colomb.J.!\.~jV Gorgeous tapestries and mosaics adorn Wh~lethe S~8,at BairanquJ.ll~ !'I!:'~~B:.,,.rj each room and a chapel in one win/; is bnef one, 1.t proved interestmg an at .. co~ete ~ven to the pipe organ: Tlie least. oJ;leinst.ance .. While the ,p&~i;;'" vis1.tors were given "all the comforts was d1.n~ngat ,the aJ.rpo~, a RoYci!-"':',rl~6 of home" and were shownthe outlying Dutch Ai~Iin~r dropped m.. I1'll116?,1.~l]; country as well as the city of Caracas. a chat 1.ts crew was 1.nords:~', j;-ruJ Caracas is renowned as the most exThey spoke of their desire to be .m T pensive yity in the world in which to EurOpetl? protect their,rj live. C1garettes cost sixty cents a Tcountry1.nl1teadof comiDe;oc1.B:l,ly packa~ for standard brands. Bread, hey also Joked ~bout their behef~t~~ muchof which is imported from the ~hey had a superaor system of bean:,'t}YStates, costs 34 cents a loaf. There is mg to ours. . ,"'r~09t little done in the wa:;{ e.griculture. of The flight left Baranquillaabout; ,,~ The people are even too busy to grow 1:00 p.m. Mond.ay and flew past th$;; 1~ vegetablesa11d foodstuffs and consel?arien country, over the ~an BIas ~J'w'J quently, even rice is imported. The 1slE'.'(lds,and to Albrook F1.eld, wherie:: 11-, sole objective of all effort and labor I,I'B.S made at about 4:15p;m:i:r-" is oil. The old boom dBs of PennsylThe fh,e:ht was a complete success':'i vania and Oklahomawere recalled. The object~ve' was accomplished Bhd;",;.at. Lieut. Dennison. Ass~stant Military th same hme. the assignment'\~aa~j~'yAttache. and Mrs. Dennfscn, very gra-, ab e. . .. C qr!:Jrro.'" ciously took the v~sitors throu/:!:h ---000---' .:, '. :!of!~l~ Caracas .. The.mosalc str~ets ana the ' VI) ~f'r square which 1S filled WJ. th mahogany' ' ""'" trees were very interesting, The pub.; ~<l~"lJ lic s-quare and market place also provINSIGNIA FORFLIGHT SURGIDNS,"1;~ ed of interest. The pastel shades in which the buildings were all pBinted . -, 1 c-e.d.T ~ smtable insi~ia, to be worn,bY:LI8 found a place amongthe curios. actually on .dUty The narrow. dingy st reet s in one part FhF;ht Sure;eonswl11.le witli ~he.Ai~ Oorps, is being soUl?htdv of the town were in sharP contrast to This msagnaa 1.Sto be worn on tlie left the trees in another section thereof. breast. Certain limitations are zieceaThe trees were loaded with orchids in sary: First, it is not desirable ..tha.t." full bloom. Traffic is.stricUy controlled in C aracas , No automobile. no the .1~ingS nowused to denote flr'ng~.,. ratmgs be used: and, second, i isSnot matter of \\hat, m8blow a horn operated from the battery. The . desired to use an.y modification of-.-.the old fashioned bulb type horns are used present Medical Corps insignia ..tAllS readers of the NewsLetter are invited on every car, adding the personal touch to submit designs to the Medical :Div.i-. to a meChanical "get out of the way," sion, Office of the Chief of the Aii" Thelparty was equally reluctant to Cor-ps. Washington, D.C. .. .''Y leave Caracas, but onBunday, at 2:30 ~.~ ....... p.m. the planes left for Maracaibo from La Guaira. At Maracaibo the visitors studied'theoil fields and hous.The 82nd' Observation sqUadron;,Mo-~~t ing of the'El :Barco oil concession F1.eld,Galif., o::>mmandedby Captain,~W)C. along the lower .edge of Lake Maracaibo. Starns,began two weeks of intensiv. e fi:e"ld This is rich oil country, but is inhabited by hostile tribes of Indians., rain~ on iJfa.v18th near r16nterey:Cill', They are very. troublesome and make work b EquJ.pped, with field packs, sleepiiig::> ing and maintaining the field very arms and ammunihon" .the .SOUadfon fiCult. Several efforts to make them was pr~ared forwa:r-tim\l conditfons:?A friendl;y have failed, both on the part . Six 0"-46Observatron B.J.rpl'aneMaterto of miss1.onaries and oil companyofficibe used in the maneuvers, w~biChr\i:l'tr~~~ al.s , . consist of ~rial gunnery, v serva'lon and reconniussance work. .,~;; or alos -6Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.





,,"1$\'1 J(

10 eLnbi":'l'

,RF.l\CTIONS OF A FLYING CADE:r :ByFlying Cadet Richard M Marshall, Jr.


of flames and snlintered struction and hi~y precisioned equipwood; and of; twisted metal. llThey", ment of the government. I could ge telh6f wings tearing and of forced into the commercial field with the conllll'lllln:gs The tyro tells of the solo ... fidence of a manwell trained. If my fligp.t and its hazards. The few of country should ever need its great dethose stories ,that are true are hi~y fenses ~inst an invader I could indrropa~ized by humanimSgination. telligently defend my heritage. I was :B1;lt:,;who "they" you ask - "they" are a oort of the American scheme of things! who~t~ll' of bloo~ and thunder? ~ey are Ana all in return for an honest effort the' men of,the au. They are pllots and auplication in a field that boasts wIio 'like 'to recount their e;reatest exa safety factor -far ahead of any other perJ:6Ilces on seconds of fnght and I requiring lirorkthat has the elements of .I;lr~;' But those stories are a minute the human equation plus the normal 'perc~iitage of millions of flY4lg hours, chance expectancy of the Laws of nature. and thousands of planes and pilots. Yes, I was a. part of that, and I I/''too. as an .Americanboy nearing. coul.d , in geod time, plan a hOIDend a the::coil!Pletion of nine months as a family witli,the knowle~ and expericooet;'ln the Army Air Corps, have had ence of this life offermg me my place 'iW.,,'est experience. ' , " in the world. -'''-Youwhoneed accidents, and life in The :price? Goodringing blo'Vs of jeopt;ll'dyto be thrilled will not find. I well directed effort and work. And I my exper'Lence worth the reading. Those was,ared~bloodedAmerican boy ready by of you who think really living a sane, rVirtue of 'bein~ alive to pay that price, liror,1;hwhileife is a great experience l i 1.thoUght of Kipling's poem, "If": . will'-understand me. ',' tllf you can fill the unforgiving, It'was.twilight, and Fridalf. Another 'minute . ' hard ~weekbehind me. .It was also the I With sixty, seconds worth of distance ,rB.'s~'week of my .three months of primary I run ' -'training in the Army Air Corps. Three Yours is' the .earbh and everything months of a new and exhilirating expethat I S in it, ' ~ience. And now the 'shadowswere creepAnd - which is more - you'll be a 7n~ 9ve~ t~ field. that ~ seen my ,man, my son! " ' =-,ml~l~tlon mto t.hi s n~ hfe. An Army A man! That '.Vasit'. The J;:rrn,y Air tramlng plane ~ned In from a. test Corns V7aS offering me the privilege a hop .. ,A,commercl~ transport shpped hunored times over of being a real . out of.-the last m the western sky. . Amarican man - a vital part of my The.n"i<~, came to me. My great.est expera.- country. enc~. ~ >.. r I ' .' _ The sun was gene now. There was no '(;~Qli,;. es, .that waSlt. y , Proe;r~ss, ser narrow escape J:;iere. No wreckal1:e,no ;lc:.e\,defense. Menof tne alf' What scream of machmery out of control. ewas ~hat stanza from TeIJ!lYson pros Here was simply a western sky gone -~etlc P06J!l' Locl,';sleyHall? :purple, a navigation book, a p~pe glow>~Then Idlpped Int o the future, ang in the dusk. and the assurang . Far as h~ eye coUld see; knowledge that the Army Air Corps was ;ror;SaIV the ,maglC of the world, giving me the chance to realize every r,r:AI:drall the wonde:rthat 'Yould be. man's ambition - to live with head in . salV't~e,'he~vens.flll~d 1V1th commerce, the clouds, but with feet'on the ground. .oeAtgesles 0_ IDaglC safl.s . . . --000--. -l.AIid pilots of the purple twili@.t, Dropping'down with costly bales." , Within 24' hours of the President I s adYes, a poet speaking fifty years, age dress to the joint session of Congress, :=saw."what saw that evening., I was a I elaborate flYlng cadet procurement campart now of a hi~y skilled element of pai~ was under way at the Training De~011r.1modern civihzation. ,Well paid, tachment , Cal-Aero Training Co rat ion , ryo . Oqu.a;'t~red, and fed with a maxillJUJ!l of Glendale, Calif., with nine radfo stabJ.r.e,:uu.'lgand; security. Heavens hUed tions contributing e;ratls announcements .!Y~~J:l,collIIllerce!, time had,indeed, That daily, and the publlcit~ facilities of come;~_ . ' Cal-Aero and eurtiss~Wrl@lt Technical ntYil;;was- a,::member the A:J:my Air ~rps! Institute, contracting schoo'l s , devotof k;ig;~~ t!J,ought,. back over the early years ing full time to the work in cooperaoOfee;vlat.ion,-.and its many struggles tion with Cautain Kenneth P. McN'aUghton, wi:t~~riUd.e:equipment, and adverse pub- Air Corps, COmmanding Officer, and. #;4>CjQP~l).ion to its \'Iorth. NowI was Lieut. Charles J. Daly, Adjutant. as able to take advantage of excellent in-000--7V-8482 , A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.




A total a 459 Flying Cadets oon:prised the A I!lletingof ~-Navy representatives beclass which began training on >ley 18, 1940, at gan at Wright Field, n.;yton, Ohio, on May 21st the nine oivi~i";' elementary flying. schools to discuss standardization of certain Biecifiselected by the .1ar Department to g1 ve priJIBrY oations,. Those attcnrl.1ng the conference, \, f~ying instruction, uMer the M,r Corps Exp!ln- which lasted through Thursd!l3'.May:23rd~,t.~j$. S10nProgr8llk Of these 459 fly>ng students. cluded the following:'Lieut . ComranderVI.S.' 44 are enlisted men of the Air Corps, Regular Parr and Lieut. C.J. Pfingstag, U.S.~. ,:t'~au Arrtv. and the retmining 415,are candidates of Aeronautics;. Dr. Melville F. Peters; lie;: from civil life. The distribution of these tionel Bureau of Standards; A.M. BlimiphfiiBna. s~udents an:ongthe nine oi vilian schools is F.E. Richardson, Aer~tioal Boa:d; ,F.R;. ~ ga-eenbelow. as follows: . Highley and M. PanloV1ch, Naval Airoratt,.li'aotoAl :bmln I t.t t f A -_.~. ~-Navy JlerOWltical 451 ry; and W.J. Petransky,val Ai aftF"t''''o a ns 1 u e 0 erO~.10s'''''''00'' Sp 'fi j;' Unit N Chic~~ School of Aeronautics ........... 30 eC1 ca 10n '."rcr. ~~~y~ Dallas Aviation School and Air College..... 70, Representatives of the Pow;>r lant'X,,,,f!:/!;: P ,-', C.' tory. the ~-Navy Aeronauhcal Specif1cahon 421 Branch. and the SpeoificationS' andStandai'as Cal- A 9ro T .re..=ng orpor~.,on.............. Lincoln A11-plane e.."ld Fly>ng School. , .... 29 B a.nch j; d th Mat il D' ..... " CO i Parks Air College.. ' ' 451 r represen e eO er e, 1'[1S~.0~,;~ . h 1 0 fAt. 44 . ---0 0--." - u.c ,J.#" eronau 1CS............................. .' "'; ~.r:-~~.,i'. ' ;::;rl Ryan SC 00



Spartan Sc!lool of Aero~utios ............ 96 ! DEAmOFLIEUT.P.G.MILtElh:S II}; Allan HancockCollege o. Aeronautios ~ heS Total ; ; .. 459, Wright Field was shocked to learn on Jl~l California. nore often than not oredited .':1 I 17th of the death of Lieut. P.G. Miller'p:of; with the highest representation of native sons the Armament aboratory of the Materiel DiVl.L !lImngthe various States in ented%>{! classes sion. ~pparently " Lieut. Miller died in.:,hi's of Arl!\Y Air Corps flying ,students, 1s in the ,automob11e on Ma;y 16th, ~t the discovery was lead onoe IlDre with 41 students. olosely fol- ' until tho follomng d!l3'. He hadGbeen lowed by NewYork with 39. The States of on extended sick leave recently and. although Illinois and Texas follow with 35 and 33.' rehe had returned to his duties, he suffered!!. spective1y. Other states which are representfrom extreme nervousness and fatigue'.! :He:had ell. by fi ve or more students ~e Oklahoma. with : been stationed at Wright Field since;-J1liie;':o 25; Wasbi",,-ton, 24; Oregon. 23; If.assachusetts, I 1938. and hell. seen service also at #brP<?!;.a 21; Pennsylvania. 19; Georgia, 17; Michigan Field. Panan:a C&.nal Zone, and LangleY.'f1~:j:!1;; and Missouri, 15 each; Alabmm, Ohio,BXld South Va.. . ,~l f li'bs Carol.Ula, '12'- each; Mississippi and NewJersey, L1eut. Miller was a graduate of the. U.S"a 9 each; Wisoonsin, 10; Nevada, 8; Iowa, 7; Military AcadBl!\Y the Class of 193L~Hi's..:; of Arkansas and Kansas, 6 each; Connecticut end re1l8ins were taken to Pittsburgh. Utah, 5 each. '. .birthplace. for burial. '.~, ,"\~ Among the various cities represented by stuThe sympathyof his lIBIlY assooiates' ana(,~ dents in the new class, Chicago. Ill., leads friends is extended to his widow;" with 15. olosely followed by Seaj;tle, \'Ias\}.1';l. ' '---000---' ,.;with 13. Othe:- cities represented by three .L ~', r~:;,(\ or more students are Los Angeles, Calif., WRIGHT FIELDOFFICERS FLY"SPITFIRE" " . witlo. 9; NewYork City and Corvallis, Oregon. '. '. .',,' ..?flO 8 each; Brooklyn. N.Y., 7; Columbia, S.C., 6; On May15th. a group of Wright Fi'eld';O'ffl'l: Glendale, Calif. i Detroit. MiCh.; st. Louis, cers, consisting of Majors .K.B.'Wolil!e; ,H~R;'~ Mo.; Beno. Nev<Ula; nd Portland. Oregon, 5 a Yeager. calltains J.S. Mills. G.E. Price,cV,'3f! each; Tuscaloos"-. Ala.; Atlanta, c;a..; PhilaP. E. Shanehen and Lieut. M.E. Bradley clero;ed del~hia, Pe..; and Dalla$, Texas. 4 each; for Buffalo, enroute to Ottawa, Canada, :for'; Spr1ngfield and Walhem: Mass:3 Tunica, Miss.; 'I the speo~al p~o~e of. trying out the B1'it'~Sh t Cleveland and Akron, Oh1.0;, hU_ter, S Okle..; Supermar1neSp1tf1re a>rplane. , For cOlll{iB1'ili' " Pittsburgh, Pa.; Sen Antonio. Texas: 'Salt Lake tive tests by the CADBdians, n ~Pu1'suit a . City, Uteh; and MUweukee,Wis., 3 each. plans. the Curtiss P-40, VIas flownto .. t,tawe.. O Correction: Syracuse. N.Y is .also repre. The officers returned to Wright Field 011";<1 sented by five students. 18th. An official report of thespi~fire The names endres~dences'of the students of tests was submitted to the Chief oftheAi~.j the new class are bsted on pages 10 to 13" I Corps.,. :.." .b.r inclusive, of this issue of the NewsLetter. i ".cr,tbb,B

. . '"


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Professor D.K. Wood and 14 stude.nts .0.:...the So anxious were the 45 Flying Cadets of Senior AerODautioal Engineering Class :of\Pur,du( Class 4D-Hto begin their military careers at University spent two daa's. May11th ,12th'. theAir Corps Training Detachment, Cal-Aero at the'Materiel Division, Wright Field.;':Th;;s Training Corporation, Glendale, Calif ... thet annual visit forms part of the curriCu1um~e8cl> the IlRjority of the future officer-pilots had Puryear the Aeronautical EngiI)Ser}~:~qlf'S~;cft' of reported nearly a week in advance of their 'sue. , ., . ."" b~d orders. Professors of Aeronautics Al9xander ,ltlemiJi 'The menwere scheduled to.begin flying on ~and Bradley Jones. of NewYork Univ~rsS:'f;,y;arla ~ 20th. university of Cincinnati, re.,pectiWly;'i're:r<1' visitors at Wright Field on Ma;y 21st. purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ~M~.~~'







-00 eev l:t.r: t: ~.F).i~(,-


, REHABILITATION OFPATTERSON FIELD HOSPITAL By the ~teriel Division Correspondent ,

n.<o'On Mon,daY, 6th, Lieut. Colonel C. aged their usual evil holiday. The .Ma.Y J,,'Ba.ker. 'F1uht SUrgeonat Wri/lht and place, however, was all that was avail'P?-tterson Fields since 1936; lef't to. able for hospital purpcses . take':Up his new duties as, Station Sur- .l ". Colonel Baker ana his assistants lookUB"'~nand~Flight Surgeon of' the Second ed over 'the old building, the estimated WiM'at Langley Field, Va. longevity of which at the time of erecA""'EVen.before the inauguration of the' tion had been five years, and saw possi."E,JqJansicin Program, in the interests of bilities. Floors could be braced, pas.~vt1).l:Cl(G<?lonel Baker ~ accomplished sagewtwB blocked up, doors put in walls, siiI'pnslllg results, his service at the Windows enlarged, scrub and paint brushS\V8':~ields '.'las outstanding .. In SIIiaU es dexterously melded. A ainal.L bud:get n:>ie.s,,:w.ell lmportan. matter.s pertaining as t was cautiously used for necessary adai~~9;ithe'~!lical well bEiirtgof personnel, tional equipment. All old furnishings lhs:iPhyslclan1s aid, quietly and capahly not formerly white were made white biit , administered, could be counted upon,and wher~ P9ssible, stainless steel new he 'leaves here a great store of regard furn1shings were obtained, the latter in the hearts not only of his assistants neither chipping off nor corroding. and associates but also in those of the Whatwas accoI!mlished in a brief period large .. ilitary and civilian family which of time with gooa will, plenty of ideas m mBkesup the personnel of the two fields. and interested as sf.atance on the part -JUs b1itstandlilg service, however, is a all concerned,/,has proved no less than <separate story. '. remarkable. uut of comparatively ""'"The'main station hospital for Wri.eht nothiv.g, a clean, ligq.t, 50-bed hospital !~,and,Patterson Fields has since' the Iast now flourishes. Besfdes the extensive rl;war'beenlo'cated at McCook and Wri,eJ:it examining rooms, to which more space is Fields, With a small energency station devoted than in the usual hospital beb'at,Patterson Field for the dispensing cause of the enormousnumber of routine of"f.irst aid. Morerecent years have physical examinations for officers reseen'the'establishment of permanent of- serve officers, enlisted men, Air6 orps (ficers""quarters at Patterson Field. In cadet applicants, and others that must addi~ion, since the adoption of the Ex- be conducted at this station, there are pansion.Program, tempor:;~ barracks for a roomfor light treatment and physioenlisted menhave been ed, and quar- therapy, dental offices, ear, nose and tered' in them are between 1150 and'1.250 throat treatment room, eye examination men, '".of wh9m 1,000 belong t~ the Air room, :warmacy, laboratory, operatin~ Corps. 'Prdor to the Expans10nProgram, roommth oxygen tent, latest operatlng 150 enlisted men answered the needs of lamp and anesthesia equipmant, X-Ray both fields. room, sterilizing room, several wards These ~es have naturally thrown inclUding one for isolation JlUTposes, tho 'wei.eht or medical need at Patterson I' dining roomfor patients and-attendants. .e. rElctl:).er.than t Wright Field, with the ~ a large modernly equipped kitchen, and reS:Ult.. hat 1t appeared essential to t supply and storage rooms where beds, have. some sort of hospital immediately i stretChers, mattresses ,~s, .. oxygen la\T!li'lable. Appropriat ions for a sui t- I tanks, and other suWlles, large and able, building .were not availsmall, are arranged m a neat arra;y. :;abl'e~ ana, even if the had been, some The staff consists of seven mediCal ofsorteof stop-gap for 1mmediateuse was Ificers, one dental officer, and 53 enessell.t~al .. The pr<?b~em wa~to provide i ~isted meI?-' l~le the buildin~ itself .a,hosp1tal of suff'Lci.enf ai ae at Patter-I 1S of ancfent VJ.ntage, the eqlllpment son' Field, transferring to it medical that Coloriel Baker has been able to as"eq\1iplnentfrom Wright Field, .except.. semble is Of the most modern type and, tlil3.t necessary for routine and first with a eilps]le staff in attendance, aid emergency~oses, and obtaining there is no reason why all personnel. additioruil equ1pmentwith the limited should not receive tthe best of medical funds at hand. aid..' ,''';.At:'Patterson Field there. was an old . The maintenance of a building of this """wartimehospital building.which had. ,type is, of course, costly, and it is -beeaerect'ed in 1917. A fel7 of the greatly hoped that a new permanent hos}fro~t:'t<?OIl/S ~ been used for. Patterson pital will be an eventual possibility. ',;:,FI~9-:f.l~,st',ald and eme~,ge~cy cas~s. ,Plans are now up for ~p:proval. . 'The'remalllder of the bUlld1ng, which On the davof our V1Slt the wards' 1l.d.noLbeenused for 15 years, had were pt'tially filled, and the at tend-: .i'!\l,J:e'n;so.In. into disrepute I floors I ants, frqm cooks to doctors ~eemed ew. hat l~~.?,n~.l~and terI;lites havtng man-_9-, . (Continued on Page i 5).


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~ ~,~ 1"S.

~[f' ., .


THE MAY, 1940, Alabama Institute of Aeronautios, TUscaIoosa, lie.. Lanford, S.R. Burleson, N.B. Cunningham. J:B., Jr. Kiser, G.E. Meson, H.H. . Granberry, J.M., Jr. Alexander .: J .E. DeBriere, S.L. Hamilton, E, W. Spears, W.J..... Jackson, E.R. Ellstram, 'G.O. Wright, T. W. , Truelove, D.V. Wilson. L.F., Jr, Boyle, J.F. Collins, H.E., Jr. Cowdery. B.W. Switdle, E.T. ,Jr. Shaka, N.A. Beck, H.A. . Blackstook, !loy Spen, Seymour K'ahan. Moe Best, James F. KeufrIan, L.R. Connelly, M.B. Allen, C.W.' Burke. J.R. Cappuooilli, A.A. Bower, R.D. Willis, M, D.


... Dallas Aviation School and Air Colleg;;' ..; i"~~LlSn:: D91~Te:xa.s . . .~. ...LT'IJk
. . . ! . .

r;: t~as.1

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Mills. R.T. O'Brien, H.R. Robbs, J.W. Freemen, H.T., .Jr. Lanford, H.W. O'D'"lIlell, A.J., .Jr. Hatcher," T,W. !doss, R.C; Higginbotham., L .E. Cole, J.M. West, IV.G. Birdsong, J.Y. Fedigan. J.J.. Lundquist, G.E. Rock, N.J., Jr. Stewart, W.S. Calvert, L.A: Linebaugh, P.L. Robinson. E.W. Gilmore, E.B. Xe.naga, !l.A. Flynn R L Mitchk:K:W. Flu..cming,' N. Y. Sta.pleton, J .R. Hamburg. N.Y. Chandler, L.ll. NewYork,N. Y. Coen, O.H. Syracuse. N.Y, lqers,'G.T., III H""'P, N.C. Atwater, A.S. Pittsburgh, Pe, Edwards, C.G. Warren, R.I. Stralser. B.J. Ch 1es t on, S.C Ta d10ck II' D a.r Clemson, S.C. Clark, J.C. Dendy, JuHan, Jr. Chioago School of Aeronautics, Glenview. IlL !mClellan, P. S. Prl:ester, N.E., Jr.' Ahl bin. Fred E, Bridgeport, Conn. !hoek. T.A. Stamfo rd , Co Geddes, T.W. d C nn. Townsen. J '" J r~ Carroll, T.L. W. Hartford, Conn: Long, L.n. Washington, D.C. Watson', C. v. Callahan. E.H.. Hersey.' t.F. Boston,Mass. MoClure, G.D. Chioopee; Mass. Allen, W.C;, Jr. Sweeney, D.J. Murphy, E. W. Dorchester, Mass. Harrison, E;F. Murphy, J,F. Dorchester, Mass. Palmer. R.A. Tabb. D,C, Eoterett, Mass. Remere, S;A.; NeIVCombe, 'IV.H. Fitchburg, Mass. WaShburn.'W.R., Jr. Crene. V.M. Manchester, !lass. Carroll. Davy E. . Gordon, Philip Medford, Mass. Kissinger, R.T. Curtis, F.M., Jr. Milton, Mass. Crockett . D.S. .",._-' P Dacey, T,J."; Jr.' Newton, Ma SSt .&,I~an. R Schreiber, L.A; Plymouth, Mass. Hoover, Robert Bird, J.R. . Reading, Mass. Lillard, J. W. Rindone, F.J". . - llOxbury,"Mass. $luinka; B.C., Jr.. Hoclcenberrir, F. C. Springfield, Mass. GoetZka; K.H. Ls,1I'$on, D. C. . Waltham. Mass. Denson; H.T., Jr. McInnj.s. V.J. :.' Waltham;'l4ass.Doggett, E.G. Power,IV.S. Waltilalm,Mass. A.tkins;J;L., Jr. Baosik, . Trenton, 'N;J.Swenson,:Edward ' 'St Fluharty, J.W. Brom,. NY' .. ewer.t. L .,H Bachers, G.A, Rochester, N.Y. Back, James']). . Jf' ,. LaBerge, G.F. N. Syracuse. N.-Y. Barrick, 'J.F. Draganjac; N.C. Etna. Pa.' Wheeler, B.H.' Linberg, E.F. ., 'Morrisdale, Pa;' Taylor. !l.R. Ford, W.B., Jr. Pittsburgh, Pa. Anderson, I.G; DansereaU, F~C. Johnston, R.I; Frost, John II. Paterson,l~.J. -. .. . Moskowitz, LBlns
I ..'

Anniston, Ala. Auburn. Ala. Birmingham, Ala.' Birmingham,"Ala. Eclectic, Ala. Uontgomery, 'Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Al~ Tuscaloosa, Ala. Tuscaloosa, Ala. WBson I'lIm, Ala. Hartford, Conn. Alpharetta. Ga. Athens, Ga. Atlanta, Ga. Springfield, Mass. Springfield. Mass. . Needham, Mass. Heatlman, Miss. Manchester, N.H. Livingston, N.J. Brooklyn N Y Brooklyn: N:Y:

Conway,;Ar1;..- =, . 'Miami Springs;' Fle."rJ'4'2 o:f Milton, Fle.: " ,. ' ~'AtheIiS.-Ga."is,:::~ Atlanta,. Ga.; . t: Atlacia';'(:a:'3-7L09.; Atlanta.LGa'~"'~"~' Iloerun.-'Ga{;j2~V.5 E1berton, Ga.' .m:", Ft. Benning.Gii.',:I ,2201: Manchester, v' :!11-'<'Ii)' Newborn, ~~.:.:~~, Chieago;IlL "~,~. Chicago' nH"'3iis.l?' Chicago;'i:l1: ;<eHU . Uni'TeI'sity, :LB:!~:~:' Jum Arboi','Micli!--~,.L:.,~ Detroit, Mich,~'I.""''', Ferndale, Michl" ,M&:: Highland Park .: Mich,to:shs~ 'Highland Park, MiO\lf .b<u'o~ Tunica Mis's'. Tunica: Mi;;Sl!.:>U"ti)

00-"'1' r.!"G;:.


"~=" ..


Mi:ss ec'laG~:


West Point, Miss(""a,;,:",t Thomson 111\. .. Swmlerville .... !lO~. ~ '~ , Boone, N,C:; :-;-'<F~ WUmington, It;~,"'J.~~L1 Detroit "W'cili~ it!_ ,m:: Bele'1gh" '" . ":,,~,!boch ~. Columbia, .S;.O: ',':~""~ Col\Jlllbia, 'g;'a . v.~.~-' Columbia,:' S.dpn,' !.11' Columbia, 's'i:!:,,"!b,~ Columbia,:"S;C.,.tw;';; ~c" Columb' . ~S.C';l:"",,, 13T 18., ':-~; ' ...IC!X: Laurens ....S.a.. ..~." Laurens;: s~a,so' '.";, .... Chattacooga; Temi~lIo~;jJe. Memphis', Temr;buqnEAustin, Te:xa$, Beaumont.. Te"", ~ Bell1lI1OIlt, ellSS T Cleburne, Te:xai; ., Coleman,' Te"'#\'~:~~:J College Station, Te;xas ,,,,,,.' . llBllas, Te:z9:S Dell as, TOexas ,- ,.1'1l.!>.j . .,. ""DallaS, T#.;~o~V ~l~, Te"s'ihil:>:': Grend 1'l'.ur1e, Te;xasrr3_""'~ Harlingen,' Te,.,u;. Houston, Te~, .""k;; o1o~,. Te".:.bni!!<la KingllY111e. Texas.""., "J" ;Maxlor Te<'iiS':~_'''~ , . "-".... ""ILL,"".! m=gor,~ .T e!'?'-S,D& .b/j MaLean, T~C'Io.tll .. "\3 Odessa" T~qr'lld" Pleaeanton, ~.TeJ<i$~:"MU Robstown, . Texas;"" ". "..- Anteme , TEl... " .aa." ' . gu.u. XBS:-- b'XBtT" San Antonio, ~1;~J,jrl;an-a ... ." V-8482. A.d.-,hnE .'I"M ..2


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Dallas Aviation School aDd Air 'Cbll~8e T.E. E.V .;."-

Dan s ,

H. M~

Ackel'lllan, teeilJD!ln,

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, '1:llni:l.,.B,A/' ,,' , otS'Roo!.)H;.C;X;

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Newberry. S., C. Levi ne, IUrbert San Antonio. Texas:\' Newbauer. J,.A. Shernlln, Texas Steele. D.C, Waco. TeXas Baudebaugh, T.C. Petersburg. Va. I s.:ott, Bay L, '

Akron, Cleveland; Columbus, Columbus, Akron, rayton, Elk Point,

Ohio Ohio, Ohio ' Ohio: Ohio Ohio S.D. '

.. II '

-Aero ,Trai




East st. Louis. Ill. "'c'P:!!ar::k~sw:A~i.::r,"C:o!o'!.::i::l.!e8ll:e~.,-",~~~~~~...:;:::..

Washington. D. C. Glendale,;Calif. I Berrj'lIaI>,W.C., ' , Springfield, Mass.' Glemale. Calif. ,I Handy, W.J, Carnien. N.J. Glendale, Calif. Bell, J,H. Hillside, n.J,' Long Beach. Calif. Baur, Sol. NewBrunswick. N.J. Los Angeles, Calif. Finnie, T.W., " ' NewBrunswick,N.J. Los Angeles" Cal~f.' Phillips, MiChiull l'assaic, N.J; Los Angeles, Cal.f' Valko, J',R., ,Jr. ' Astoria, L.I N.Y. Los Angeles, Calif. Kutch,;Fred,' Brooklyn, N.Y. Los Angeles. ,:Cal, ~f'l Berkowitz, H.N. Brooklyn, N.Y. Los Angeles. Cal'f' . Geller, Jack Brooklyn. N.Y. Los Angeles, Calif. Levy, C.E. , . Brooklyn, N.Y. Los Angeles. Calif. PullDBn, Irving Brooklyn. N. r, Los Angeles. Calif. I, Rothstein, George Elnhurst, L.I.','N.Y .. , Riverside. Calif. Krail. A.W., Jr. Glen CoTe. N.Y. SanPedro. Calif, Whitely, W.C.,Jr. Jackson Heights, N.Y. Santa Monica.' Calif. Gottlieb, A.A. , Long Island City, N.Y. Fargo, N.ll. ,Angiolini, Aldo ' Nanhasset, L. I., N.Y. Fargo. N.D. Malone', B,G. Mount Vernon. N.Y. Rugby'"N.D. Langbein, J.D., NewYork. ,N.Y ?"-"f Bea.verto~, Ore. Bose~li. T;J, NewYork, N.Y. Corvallis. Ore. Dale, J, D. New 'York, N.Y. Corvallis, Ore. Pettit, llonalcl. S~ NewYork, N.Y. Corvallis, Ore. Schwartz, Wm. New York. N. Y. Kelix. Ore. I !iDith, C.A., Jr,. Ro"bu.ry, N.Y. Medford, Ore. Meed, BrUce s., Ifr. Salamanca. N.Y. Pendleton, Ore. Krieger, A.E" Jr. , Syracuse. N. Y. Portland. Ore. Ansley, F.A. Syracuse, N.Y. Portland, Ore. Garrett, P.C. Woodside, N.Y. Portland, Ore. Ilertbrodt. F.A. V. , ; Akron. Ohio Roseburg, Ore. Andes, I.'F. Cincinnati, Ohio Salem. Ore. Griffith, J.G, Cleveland, Ohio The Dalles, Ore. Brickner, L.G. Toledo. Ohi6 Rapid City, S.D. Hendlton, H.G. Aliquippa, ps.:: Snoqualmie Falls, Wash. Mo'ttow, L.M. Clairton, P,e.. ; ttson;"C.F. Sumner, Wash. Johnston, L.K. Philadelphia. Pa.' CezJpbell:.F.D.' , Tacoma. Wash. Dittmaxm. E.E Jr. Philadelphia.. Pa. .:-:':, .. Sharp, A.H. Philadelphia, Pa. LiIic0ln Ai;'Plane and Flying School., Traerse, Albert Philadelphia. Pe. ':._' L1ncoiii. Nebrii.Ska Wolt9llate, R.C. Scranton, Pa. " . Schroth, F.D. Wilkes Barr e. pal : ore, Wiloon Conwa;y,Ark. Kruzel. J.J. Wi kes BeJlJ:e,Pa. l tatourette;.H. E. Jonesboro, Ark. Popham, W.L,, Jr. Milwa>Jkee,Wisct Avery, j..;J Jr. . Arlington Il'ei8ht Ill. Loehrke, J.E. Milwa>Jkea,WisC( Colburn, 'I. T. 'Chi",,;:,o, 'Ill. ""eller, E.H. Milwa>Jkee.' ise; W Jones, 'EIilrYS A. Chicago, Ill. lJarcan, D.J. Valorz,'E.H. Chicago, Ill. ' qan'School' of AeroDalltics , Ltd. , Mc!la.ffi/'~" Maurice Danville. Ind. . -" . san mego .. caIif'. . Cassell,7oF. C. ' IndienBpolis, Ind. Morris,~J,.J. Oaklandon, Ind. Phoani" .tJi z. ; Kni~t.:J.;,W. Caulp Beauregard. La. Clark. J.t;' Safford, . Ati a, Sch1ndl:er.. J.D Jr. ,Sturgeon, Miss. Merrill, K.N. El Cajon. Caii' f. Reissau:il';'C.A. Cepe Gi~eau Mo. !Iuffman. Orland 'G. Los Angel;;s. ,Wif., Downing,,"H.L.' Chilhowee, Mo. '!4usij. WeI Jr; San Diego, Calif. McAtee,' Gerald P. ,Clayton., M::>. Hay~s, J,. W. , Jr., Denver., Colo., Santciro~""A;L." KansaS City. Mo. Redington. W., M; hillip's;:;'g.E: ." " 51>'., Louis, Mo. Walthere, G.A. Denver" COlo. MoscoW, 'ld/lho Underwo9d;:G.W" Jr. St. Louis, Mo. Ball, A.D. lViss. H;W.P~,.' St. Louis; M::>., Parsons, lb. A. , ElY. ,Nevada Ward C;C;"::' .Q',,' "Rolla. M::>. Cobeago, M.A., Reno, Nevada Speoht,"'F;';T; ,0"'.'. White Plains, N.Y. ~chEllllOndy, J;M. Reno, Nevada Reno, Nevada Sather, Harl~- .:,.' :E\Yder,N.D. Kinkel, D.E. V-8482, A.C. I Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -11-







Chapel,' R.B.' . Je;ckson:;c~cb;. "-Stu of .Aero,;;,,;itic8 Ltii. (Cont' d) i ", . Lane, G.V., Jr. Selfridge,-mCh-;--; Reno, Nevada Porter, J. W. St. Louis.1Mo",,;twEI Tra.nter, J. C. . .l!IlI1O, Nevada Schrllmll, H.F. St. Louis,71!l:>':l!e~,,{ Wikstrom. F.E. M"mston, H.E. . llPill'kh, Nevada Burke, P.M. . East Cleveland;, 0!l.iO"'9~nJ Pow9ts, '11.'11. , ,~ar, ,~,.Ne,veda Reese, W.G., Jr, ' Grafton".Ohi"po:J~!! Ortega, J.A. AlbUquerque, N.M. Re .. , Amadeo .. ' NewYork, .N:Y,.q,'r.a1 She.Eif er, R.E. Al~$rque. N.M., Robert E. Fairhav8l1;.N.Y."o"'sil' . Por,tales, .,U.lL Mesits., J. V. . SyraOise, .1'.1{.~229M Hamra, J.A. . C<:>rValll.s', re. Perna, A.J. O Mineola,;.N. y" ~<fLBR Ingermutt . W. w. , ,:Cor~his'; ore. Welsh, R.J.J. Ott_~ I:i.h,fILii'; Patton,' C.l'. Bensoil, N.S. MclAinnyille\ ,Ore. Hoover. VI.H: Alttis; Okla...!:x',I.! Felton', G.B., ..POrtJ.SilCh .'Ors. Brown. E. D. - . Apache, Okl;;.. dl,J !'her"son. J. G. . l>oHleild,. Ore, Obert, D.L. ' Apache,:;OOe;o.,.ig:rt ]!r~.d, Telr8.l!lStockett, MoW. ,. : Bethilxly.l:Okla:,~b"'o~ Williamson. J. A. Cherry. R. W. Houston; Tems Qni. th. Eo bert E. Cooperton'; .0kl'!.d2ze a WahlstrOllll N.O. taketblm, Utah Browers, C.E. CrCllllW8ll, cOkleHoo"<." Chri stensen, H.R. Salt Lel<eCity, Utah Albright, C1Eo/ l!l1 Reno"Okta.rl"2<rC: McGhie. R.D., Jr. Salt Lake City, Utah ~son" F.R. E1 Reno . 000a;eI~'.s5i Salt Lel<eCity, Utah Burke, A. M. Grendfield;.Okl",,62~.l3'l: Peterson, ~ WoodsCross. Utah Stanton, C.L. Jenks,iOk1a:"H",<r Hatch, H.E. Seattle, Wash. Rice, Lewis D. Frederick, Olda. .et,":! Brocks, H.W. Seattle, Wash. Culbertson, Kline O. Kingfisher,e.OId""e"'''''':.' Cowan, J.H. Cox, J. W., Jr. Seattle, Wash. Kelley, W.J. Lexington, Okla..'Wi.<J Seattl", Wash. Burch, M.J. Mar'iette. ...Qkl ['_or.c"a Graham, George A., Jr. Seattle, Wash. Ballard, Carl V. Norman,.Okl o"""! Johnson, R. S. Ludwig, R.H. Seattle,' Wash.!Miner, J.W., Jr. Oklahoma CitY',,:Okla,!,;,,~<;: Seattle, Wash. HEo/s, N..F. Stillwa.ter,.'Okla.-s"2o'i[ Moore, A. K. Seattle, Wash. Lackey,.J.W.,. Stillwater,\Okl ... ".tto'T Shore, M.B. Seattle, Levee, D.B. Still_ter. :Okla.dd'oS' Stevenson, H.L. Seattle, Wash. Walker, F.L. Stringtown, .Okla. Heo:;: Storkan, D.K. Voellmeck, J.W., Jr. S"attle, Wash. Bowlin, P.F. Tulsa, Okla::i::'l'OH Seattlo, Wash. N"ttles, J.E. Wagoner".!lkla. Wormser, V.J. Tacoma.. Wash. Shero, A.R; Wilburton, Okl... Edris, G.L. Moslener, L.G., Jr. Monaca,,. Pa, Clark, C.R. Pittsb.urgh, Pa, Spartan School of Aeronautics, Tulsa, Ma. Badle, R.L., Jr. Charleston. S'P'A. Madison,.WiSc~Ashdown, Ark. Davis, D. W., Jr. Pierce, J.R., Jr. Jasper, Ark. I Friske, N.E. Phillips. J Jr. Greenwood, Wisc''3.1''1W' Searcy, Ark. Turk, Joseph Criner, D.W. nattllVille, ~sc::d'U. J Atlanta, Ga. Cross. C.H. Clinkscales ,.R. S. South Range, W~S?''' Millar, J.R., Jr. Ilepesvill e, Ga. Larson, C.W. Wonewoc,W1SCiilM Savannah, . Ga. Ellis, A. J. Snith, 1V.A., Jr. Rsmpton,Va.'biCll' Davis, Wm. O. . Bronx, N.Y:.... ;' ~ Aurora,Ill. Steib, stllVen F. Berwyn, IlL Vacel<. Fred J., Jr. Allan Hancock ColleR" of Aeronautics. '.' ~~'<l Brookfi'eld, , Ill. PlourcJ, W. W. santa Maria, edit. :/~~,~, Brock, R.C. ChiC8o, IlL Burb&lk. Cali:~dIi;j Friedman, M. N. Chicage. IlL Long, R.N. Jarman, J.T. Chica.go, Ill. Long, R.M. . Burbank, CaCell~;~.~"a Malloy, M. o D Chicago, Ill. Puerta. F.J., Jr. Berkeley t.L.ero"i Monaco John, Jr. Chicago, Ill. Ireland. F.R. Casmalia. Callf'_'y';;tt :_Cla,reDX)nt. csn f~ Morgan, HOW&'d . W Chicago, IlL Martens, R.C. ,'I', Rogers, W.C. Gl"ndal e , Cal" f' ,djli'i Chicago, Ill. LBChasse, A.W. 1. Wasl<owitz, F.T. Chicago; Ill. Blanton, N.H. Mer Vista, Ca.liI';:'E:" .. Ol..son, J.S. Woodbridg", COIlIl. !lempster, K.C. Oakland. Cel.i:t'~tlo"",h. Benes, C.G. Cic"rc. IlL Catton, J.J. Pacific Palisades" Celif .,,'.! Gravenhorst. E.H. Effingham, IlL Webb, R. .. PetalUIf8.'~~r-~ Albanllse. F.T. Evanston, Ill. Conradi. A.,' Jr. Piedrront, Ca.l~f~. II Kinsley. R.R. Evanston . IlL M9.rtensen, J .K. Pomona, Calli,coo:;,),! Stites, J.O. Franklin Park, IlL Haas, C.R. RedwoodCity. Calif. '1" Weaver, J.R. Fr"eport, Ill, HaYes, J. F. Sacremento, Cal~.".L:aCt Fenoli, J.R. Mount Vernon. Ill. Luque, J .A. Sen Leandro, Ca.l~f:iU'~ Winamiller, P.P. Naperville. IiL Salisbury, C.F. Senta Ana, Cal~f . ",;.",::, : Stephens, R.G. Osk Park, IlL Whidden, J.D. Van Nuys, Callf ... ,!! . Nampa,'!diilio ~ Thompson, D.M. .Oel< Park, IlL . Withersp<:>on,W.L. Pixley, J.E. Ottawa., Ill. R. M. AJ:ne.s ...,.J2~: Ottawa, Ill., Irwin, R.B; , Schinz, A. W. Esthervill"eT'Ibwa, Marr, L.F. Jr. Detroit, Mich. Krebs, L.F. Fonde",Io~!:>uW Stevens, C.J. Detroi t. Mich. McDonald, E.A. Iowa 9i ~y lii~~'L[\a: ' Waite, A.E. Detroit, Mich. Strait, Matth"" D. Milton, Iowa. Valusek, John. Jr. Flint, Mich. Allard, C.A. Arkansas City ,. Kana. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -12V-8482. ,A. C.

$.>' School


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. c.

"Allan IfllMock College of Aeronautics (Cont' d).

eel-Aero Traimng Corporation

Glendale.Celif. Burtoni .J.C. Arkansas City. Kans. Harris. Richard C. Dusenbury. J.A. Antho~. Kans.. ' A.C. Detachment, Glendale, Celif. Grace. Idaho Anderson. J.P., Hutchinson. Kans. 'Allen. Barnett S. McCowan. M.S. Leoti. Kans. Hamilton Field. Calif. Ness Cl.,ty. Kans. Vargas, MoJ. au.stine. Celif. Bos". Jerome H. Henson. B.E. Baudette. Minn. Hamilton Field, Celif. Judi th Ge:p, Mont. Messenger. L.C. MiDDllapolis.!linn. Thompson,'Berry P. Halbert. H.T. St.l'aul . inn. M Moffett Field. Calif. Spokane. Wash. Wi1l'ismS; J.H. Cape Girarde_. Mo. Moore. Henry C Jr. Aiexander; R.B. Fayette. Mo., Moffett Field. Calif. Lutz. ,i1;F.' FLilton. Mo. ,Cobb "B' . Camp Ord Cal'f M.1rphy;.R.E.~ , St. Louis.Mo. , Lincoln Airplane end Flying School Gordon;fM.K ' Jr. Bozeami.Mont. Stast~:'L.R. Lincoln. Nobr. Brereton. J.R. EmlIletsburg.Iowa Arnoldus. R.T. Corvnllis, Ore. Chanute Field. Ill., Busch. ' K.N. Corvallis. Ore. Rawls.' J.A Jr. Corvallis. Ore. , !!!parten ScliOol of Aeronautics Parso"". L.F. Multl1Olll9h, Ore. Eobinson. R.W. Corvallis. Oro. Charles J Jr: . ~ Chicago. Ill. Hale. Z.I. Abilene. Texas Scott Field. Ill. Wagner,iF;S. 'Fort Worth. Toxas Yengst, Craig 14. GGlesburg. Ill. Carey .-P.'S. 'Cheney. Wash. , Chanute Field. 'Ill. Swe.nnack,,:G.E Jr. Ephrata. Wash. Morehead. James R.' Moccasin. Ill. Tempest;.L.T. Opportunity. WaSh. 'Chanute Field, Ill. Peaslee,'J.C. Seattle, Wash,'l Vose, Marshall T. Farmington, Me. Foster,tR.T. Spokane. Wash. Langley Field. Va. Potter;J,R.A. Spokane. Wash. MoMfee. Peul G. ' Grand :Re,> ids, Mich. Robins, IDonal d D. Woodland. Wash. ,Selfridge Field. Mich. Moeller,;,:S.A.. Jr. Honolulu. T.H. F.iclJm)nd.Manley O. Marshall. Mich. NOrE:'''Ali of the above listed students were Scott Field. Ill. MJ.skegon.Mich '<ll{>pointedFlying Cadets from civil life. Neel. Eobert W. ' ,'-:' '_____ I Selfridge Field. Mich Edinburg, Ind. . G;.. n.YING CA.lrerS EIlLI Sl'ED MEN _ Lutes. LY."""l'C, ,p. Fort Sl11. Clkla. 'Jackson, Nebr. Al'e.bama Institute of AeronSlltics. Inc.. Howenstein. Wm. N. Chanute ,'ield. Ill. New York. N.Y. ,,I Fl or el a. <Ua. I Hover. Robert E. Turner; Ernest Scott Field. Ill. Albro~Field. Canill Zone Cooperton, We,. Den Col Snith. Robert H. Kimsey,;' W.L. ver. o, Selfridge Field. Mich. Mitchel Field, N.Y. Lawton, Okla. Sneads. Fla. Jones. J~ll E ' Whiddon';',Da.vid T. W a. Fort Sl. Maxwell Field. ,.Ala. Du.quesne.Paro, I Osek, Andrew Ame Cannon. Hubert R. , rlCUS....... I Scott Fi~ld. Ill. Maxwell Field. Ala. E. Mauch ChUIJk:: 'P,a. Fort Myers Fla. Barrons. Wl11iamT. Calbert. Roy , Langley F,ield, Va. Maxwell Field. Ala. White River. S.D. Brigliton Iowa Olson. Clifford B. Seitzinger. Bernard K.' Ind. " ChBJ:Jll.te Field. Ill. Fort; Benjamin Harrison. Ennis. ,Texas Cinda, Ky. Keever, Jmm;" E., Jr. Baker. H.B. , LanBley Fleld. Va. Fra:ilce Field,' Canal Zone Eockport. Texas Jackson" Ioliss. Winburn, Th'!""'SH. Watkin.. J. D. ' Langley Field, Va. Barksdl.J.e Field. La. Carrollville, Wise. Moorhead. Miss. Gregg, Harry W. Aaron;~ ~D. ~ SEiItridge Field. !lich. Maxwell" Fi eld. Ala. . Maywood.N.J . 'Guerra'." S.R. Allan Hancock College of Aeronautios Mitchel Field. N.Y. t". -, Tidioute. Pe,. McCool~, elbert E. D Jones, Richard V; Cottonwood, Calif. Mitchel' Field. N.Y. Towanda.Pa. Moffett Field. Calif. Davidson,' H.I. Santa Ane. Calif'. :Piker. Preston Iolitc.hel Field; N.Y. Altoona. Wise. I March Field. Celif. Duganne ;~J; ' A. Clyde, lob. Henggeler. Francis J. Fiald. La. O~- ('.1 .... . Hicks Field. T.H. Van Haur, James P . Missoula, ldont. Diilliis. Aviation School and Air College Ha.'llilton Field. Calif .:.!I v .. ~ :' Hamburg, N.Y. Brownsville. Te""" Sharp, Frank A. Ge.rciiVr.ilau1'_. " Wheeler Field. T.H RaM.~1pb.. Fi~id, Texas .3'b'Cl ,fiO... -13V-8482, A. C .

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IDDPENING ARMY AERON.AtJTIC.ALliUSEUM OF B,y the Materiel Division Correspondent The Army Aeronautical iviuseum,iriPt ' Field, Ohio. which at the inauguratlon of the Exp<msionProgram was closed in order that, 'all enei'g1es nU.ghtbe bent to that single aiin was recentlY opened to the general public. , The reo~nlng . wallannoUtiC~d CoIC?nel livei' P. .: by O Echols. ASslst.<mtChie of the MateI'lel DiviSion, in response to a growing number of .requests from local civilian orltimhations and based upon the fact, that because 'of its location visitors. could be directed to the Museum and. returned to the gate without in My w~ interfering with the work of the laboratories, Hours were arranged with this sp.ec1al aim in view. " , , The I"luseum will be o~ during the week from M:mdav Frl~, to inclusive. from 9:00 a.m. t.o 2:30 p.m.', and on, Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 . a.m, It will be closed on Sat~ afternoons, SundaySand holidays. . ' From January 1, 1939, until September 18, 1939, the closing day, 79.282 visitors checked in at the MUseum. They came from allover the United. States. From these figures some idea ~ be . obtained of the public appeal contained in the Air Cor:psexhibits. The months during l'Ihich vIsitors have not been admitted have not been idle for the Museum curator and his assistants. Several new exhibits have been added, amongthem notably a Bleriot air:plane. The collection of engines, whiChis most complete, shows types r~g from those used by the 'Wright Brothers up to and. includ.ifu: modern models. . These had not heretofore formed part of the Museum displays. They have now. been cleaned, repaired and labeled .. Somehave been sectionalized for st~, and some converted into wor~ models. Together they form an outstandIng demonstration of the devel~w:;nt of the gasoline power plant as _ted to aircraft uses.


. . t

.Tho 16thPursui t Group, :\S a component of Albrook Field, recently undor~ went the ennual inspection of the Comm,mding General of the Panama Canal Department, Major Genercl VonVoorhis, whowith his entire staff~. acoompemed Qy a ~oupof visiting oflicers from Costa Rica,' occupied the ,reviewing stand. Iv.hile the entire' personnel of Albrook Field passed in 'ground and aerial review. ..All. organizations. departments and activities were subseq1,lentlyin~pected; .Apparently all outflts were an good condft Ion , with the 44th Recon. Sgdn., attached to the . Group, receivmg special comnendatdcn. -14V-8482 , A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

Within the past several weeks. Lt.hr_e.~ of five rescue boats constructed::(o~.... ,1A the Air Corps have been launched. ,These boats, which.will be used for resP\le; purposes in case of forced landings""of. aircraft in the water, have a totill".mi-: length cif 72 feet, with a beamof.~,15((,:':: , feet. draft 3% feet. and displacement",> of 32 tons. ~he power plar't .Q()niptisesJ two Hall Scott marine engines deY;elop;;: ing 575 horsepower. each driving tWO:CI screws, With provision made for .a .thard enzine and a. screw if additional .pOwerj ana: speed are required. Approxim8.t~YM one'lons of gasoline ar,e:!):) carrled~ a su~y deemed sufficieIit&or 25 or 2b hours run at a cruising speed of 18 miles per hour. 'J 'l',MDThese boats are capable of atop,j[.S~ ~eed in excess of 30 miles p. rno:tird:'!l e quipped with radio receiving and \ttansmi t t lng set s 1 ship to ship, Ship~tO!"Isa shore and ship to airplane conmunica-::J8 tion will be possible. Each boat ,is:el also equipped with remote controls'.:Ji,,'.7 that permit the captain to control,j;-!le.. engines from the brid,ge.. ,... I.rrie.s','! Available in the aft part of the ,boat are di~ensary facilities for render~ first ald to injured ~rsonnel ...... ther! O accessories include lIfe saving;eqUi~J ment, a shoulder line throwing gun.'! LA acetylene cutting torches, exUnguI,sh-:-l ers. etc. Provision is also madefdr a "bridle" hitch for use in towing dis"'> abled aircraft. Each boat is also '{IO equipped IVith searchli.w.ts and other:o.i standard ship accessorfes. The construction of the hUll follolVs closely. stand.':' ardCoast Guard practice. and by extending the engine bed bearers asfarfoi-",; ward as possible, additional st renzthtt is gained. The engine room is proteCt:'ed by steel bulkheads and. is equiIJPedU with fire .extinguishers. A Cspe C6d~",a do!:y is placed on the deck. . 'i-"1A Four men comprise the crew of the:~~~ rescue boat, consisting of the 'Captain';.; e~neer and two deckhands. The cal:lUl1 of the boat is streamlined to cut down wind resistance . The Air Corps fields to which Oninof these rescue boats will be assi~ed:are ~ey Field. Va. . Borinquen FleldJJiv Puerto Rico't MacDi1 Field s ,.Tampa'l!'J;a';' i . ' .. ,_ France and Albrook Fields, Panama ,Canal Zone. ..: ... ~.:i:~i; The first one of these IlBSctieboatSnE lVaslaunched on Hay 4th, the ceramo!lY)1!J taldng place at the docks ofthe~Gr.een., port Basin and Construction Co. 1QntIA Island, N. Y. Mrs. Douglas B. Netheri'oO wood, wife of the Col!llllaI).ding Officer of 14tchel Field, N. Y. (Colonel Netherwood), was the sponsor , and the boat was named the "Major General William L.

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RESIGNATION MR.,KNI~ OF General. Kenly, during the World War, se:tVe-das Chief Aviation Officer of the Mr. A. Ward Knisley, who has been as.Am6r~fcanExpeditionary Forces in France sociated with the Armamentand Equipment lfor',.a perioa of, approXimately six Laboratories of the Air Corps Materiel IllOnths" in the course of whfch he com- Division, Wright Field, Ohio, since pl-et8d' the skeleton or~ization of the 1929, resignea: to accept a position Amer1can Aviation Servace in France. with the Barnard Aviatlon Equipment RetUrning to the United Statesk he was Company, Inc., of Newark, N.J., as as\:ligned to duty as Director 01 liiili-. sales engineer., He reported for' his lrar.:';A6ronautics. He was retired from new position on May 13th. ' the1,\nUitary service on October 31, As Assistant Mechanical Enidneer, Hr. 1919" ",' Knisley has been active in tEe develop":" J)'I.iJih~''-~~cond rescue boat, christened ment of aircraft armament equipment and tlfe'V'Ilajor General Charles T. Menoher,11 navigation equipment, and has had an \vaslQi:\mchedon hiay 18, 1940, !lirs. act i ve part in aiding in the ~reparaColB"wife of Lieut. Colonel Ross F. tion of many of'the famous flIghts of ;:Gtile,'l'of lflitchel Field, H.Y., acting as the past ten years undertaken oy both lspollsor. ArrrrY and civilian pilots. In these preGenfilral MenQher, who co.nsonded the parations he has been ~articularly suc42nd L{Rainbow)Division in France dU!'- cessful in plotting fhgpt courses over ing:;the World War, succeeded General, extended areas and advising the types -a<:efi1~,.as the head of the Army aviation of navigation equipment to be used-unservace. He served as Director of Air del' narticular conQitions. SeT-vice in Washington from December 23. In- such prefli,mt \'Iork he assisted in 191,,8:,.to October 2I, 1921, following , Ji~Jatternl s Round-the-World Flieht, 1'1h~chhe was assigned as COllllllaIlding Gen- the Alaskan Flight, Wiley POSt""-8 E!l"81 .of the 9th COrps Area. He died in hio2h al itude tests, IAajor He~bergers Vlashinl':ton, D.C., August 12,1930. ana: Chester Snow's navigation tests, in jcrhe..'E'hird rescue boat, named in memo- extended radio compass tests, and in ~r.Y:"9f2:BrigadierGeneral William h1it~e1l, navigati9? ~quipment tests over the was; j.aunched on June 1, 1940, the m,fe Gulf of Menco. In many of these latofl~a:eut:.Colonel Richard H. Ballard, tel' tests, Knisley was navigator on the ~i:r ,Corps, of ],jitchel Field, N.Y., act- fli,gpts.. ,. lIig:as sponsor. I:Jr. Knlsley spent his early youth and 'J ',General Mitchell was a noted war-time his schooling in Charleston, S.C. He pilot, whose military career is probagraduated from Drexe l Institute, Philaoly familiar to all those who haVe fol- delP!lia, Fe.. , in 1917, and from the U.S. lowed'the pr0.ez''!lssof mili taq aviation Naval AcadeIr\Y Annapolis in 1920. He at -:im:America. !lhile overseas l'tlth the s~ent four years at sea as a Naval of'Ainer.i.can Expeditionary Forces, he held flcer and later resigned from the Navy -ja~nUlllberoIveq resDolllsible positions. to take a commercial position. The and-for 'disnlaylng bravery ana. -oerform- companywith which Mr. Knisley has beirrg;~exceptional service as a pilot over come affiliated manufactures aircraft .the,battle lines he was decorated With uuller and armament equi:pment. His the-Distinguished Service Cross. He ~righ Field associates wlsh him the Served as Assistant to the Chief of the besf of luck. A:rm.v Air Service in Washington for a ' --000--perIOd of about four years. and resign-, " edrf'rom the service on February 1, 1926. . ENTHUSIASM CORRESPONDENCE COURSE Fa" Hetdied on February 19, 1936. ' The 21st Pursuit Squadron; 35th Pur.;'!i,,,.J'l ~ ---000-suit Group, Moffett ,li'ield, Calif., turnlWright Field. Dayton, Ohio, was honed out almost l~'in favor of the ne1'1ored on Monday, i&J.y 6th, by a brief ly initiated Air Corps Correspondence visit from the Secretary of the TreasSchool. Ninety out of 108 men present ;ury, the Hon . Henry lliorgenthau Jr. for duty expressed a desire to enroll ~momas returning to Washin/':ton from a for ,these correspondence courses, If, trip to the West. General George H. the success of this school is in proBrett, Chief of the l\Qater~el'Division. portiqn to the enthusiasm voi~ed by. the met.crJ!r.l'lOrgenthau at IndianapQlis, Ind., men, 1t ~uld go far toward lllI]JroVlng and':acco!DPaniedhim to'iiri,mt Field., the efficlency of the Air Corps. SaYs AfterJa brief conference, r'll'. l!JOrgenthal the News Letter Correspondent: "Wewi sh contmued his journey. to be quoted as saying, (We Ire one 'It):)',' : ". ---000--hundred percent in favor of this move-'I!)d;t~ ~ , ,ment. III ;/,eOG -15V-8482 , A.C. .1 lU.3Hil . Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

Xe'Kly'!'f1 :,\:0, died on' January 11, 1928.

was movine:day for the 39th"lthe: s.e,<:,~nd such event in the threem6nths :whi't:t1r France Field. have elapsed since the SquadI'o~>{s~~tlivation. For several weeKs,the.~6th Bombardment roup: Startin~ in G ron has been occup~ng a secti~n ~o~~tp.e MaY, ground tralIll!l,!; became of major large barracks asstgned to ~he.6t.h.,llo}lli!'!POrtance for the junior officers \lot bardmentGroup .and has been :funct'io!'.~Jlg this field. Due to the recent examma- as a sort .of service or allXlli~ unl~ tions for Regular commissions, the for the Group. Now,howeyer,the'.Sc(Iiadyouugofficerswere. given plenty of opron is about read.v to beg:Ln.CJPerations. portunity to study, and 'ground training as a separate tactical unit.ofthe.::J,:9Jth was some,mat curnai l.ed . There is a WinI;, and the move into separate 'bBl";r, differentstorl now, however. racKs was the first step in tl:iat'liirec The 25th BombardmentSqi.1adi'onas h tion. " . . ...-- ",::-;:;;;; beel1,holdirlg'cotirses on arinBment,'under The new quarters should be an..IiIProyei the tutelage of Lieut .. Herblin, new ment over t1le old ones, since the1'~~ ~.ment Officer, Class 39-D. Every of permanent constructlon and'are"petj phase was expl.ored , not only theoretter equipped as to bathing 'facilitieft", ically but practically as well. Such etc. 'They are also more centrally:lo;details as stripping automatic pistols cated on the PQst, being but a .few)l~~eps and machine guns and the actuel firi~ from the Post Exchange, the Thee;\e!';'l~d of all types of flares and the delica e the new Post Office. ..' .~.v._"" business of fusing bombs, ade indelim ~oup Mess The new GroUP"JI.I~.sll cate by using dummy fuses, were made a, or conso dat ed mess, for.:~~,~6.Lth part of everYdaYconferences and pracBombardment roup lS finally near.urg:s G tical study. "completion. Slowly, but surely,-::B1f,h. The Conmunications Section, guided by the details that tend to the' upkellt>,~ol Lieut. Thomas R. Ford, becomes more and a mess hall, such as griddles, coffeEl'. more interesting to the insatiable dit- urns and a storage room have beendbni;l dab boys, as Lieut. Ford points out the awes with, and by May20th the ~.,C?'ff finer details of radio procedure in the Group were schedUled to ha:.:ve. :'a,me"ss everything from International Morse to I hall that tJ:1eycan call their .()Wi('":~ Q. SlgS. 7th Reconnaf asance Souad.ron, attacl1e1L Training on the bomb sights by both to the Group for tacfical traiiling;ID:.... ll the 3rd and 25th BombardmentS~ons also share this modern up-to'"date,:me~s. also made u.p an important :{Jart of the The mess hall is ultra-modern:/~wij;:tta training, ,Vlth l?enodic fll/lllts in the I cafeteria style of serving food;';-ari4~ familiar '.'Jeep, which has flown thous- very comfortably seats about 4OO,in~:\: ands of J!llles and never movedyet - the By ringing the chowbell twice ,~oJ;'ie~h Link Trroner.'. meal, the men of the Group will~. no Captain Guy F. Hix has his 7th Recon- more troubles or confusion in sat'i'sfy:.;. naissance Squadron at Rio Hato , where ing their hunger urge. . ' ~:i,~~ bombing practice has been conducted for Above the messha.ll is a spacib-qS;'(~ the past three weeks at. that popular roomwhere Group me~~ ;;pentt:l,J.6ir:>t: resort, made so by the lncreasiilg deleisure hours. It lS equfpped w:LthWol mandfor open spaces for the bOfs who tables, ping-pong tables anaotnerj tily want to try theIr hand at droppmg door pastimes. The reading roo. ;:; iCh. m ~ things.. . . ~ will be completed in a short tiDie;."will 3rd Bombardment S~on: In the I be equipped with the latest ~ziM~J past few months, ]'taneneld has more and newspapers from every possible'~d' ,than doubled the enlisted personnel. source. , . .;~,17o~ Ea.chsquadron on the field.has received' , ., ::,"~;) more and more men','most of them newre. A1brookField '.~"'_' cruits. Newtemporary quarter~ have; The 37th PurSUlt Group (Int. ):act~yatbeen constructed on the east sfde of .' ed on February I, 1940, and asslgn~i"j;o theRant;~ Road. '. :_ " ~., Albrook Field", comprised . Hqts. ,.~a'; The S. on received 32 new recruits Hq;os.Squadron, 28th, 30th and31.s~~~durin;g ril. These men, with the exSUlt SqUa4rQns. The 74th Bombarament ception of four whO,wereplaced in . SquadrOn (M) was attached toth~.37~h quarantine because of measles contractat the time. . ,-.:;:,,~;", ed lvhile enroute to the Canal, Zon",~ are At "the inception of the new,GrC?up;~,lj.e being put through recruit drill. ~lof officer ~ersonnel included eaptal!l~:~i the new men are probably sa.yj.zu;. that Russell E. Randall J. .GroupCommand~ri ~, they joined the Air Corps,' but -it looks 1st Lieut. ,lI.orley ~'. Sla7;;ht.OPer-at.1))n. , B as if they were in the.lnfantry. Every and Intelligence Officer and morning all of them are to be found on the Hqrs. and'Hqrs .. Squadron::?n~:L~~ s . the ~&de ground drilling in the.funda- Alber~ A. Cory:AdJUtant; 1olfti::W~"Wel,~mentals of the .Army'sStreamliile Drill. man.. Materiel6fficer; :\.st;Lleuts12~Q39th Observation Squadron: . ~ 3rd Robert D.Gapen. Carl T. GOldenbergand -16V-8482,.A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.




and 'CaptB1nRoger J ~ :BroWneil co-pilots. a ,3,at7i~1!lld:31st ursuit ,Squadrons;re.spec- First Lieut. John R.Kelly ~loted the P -"'t1:vel'y;'~;"- . '. ",.. QA.-9,with 2nd Lieut. N,B. s as co,,7f~i,iic.e"';nception, t],1e. roup has been G p~lo~. It waslearned later ha~ the :~~ytio~g ~d obtalnlng commendable mlsslng boat was picked up with ltS ,,[roEf:S1f!.:ts;cons~dering skeleton orgaz:- crew ,by a Chilean freighter and returnt~e i) ,i;za.tIon';:,parhcularly In regard .to offi-ed to Balboa Docks" ' . ,,oce; personnel. A few of the salient . --'ni,fAlights in the history of the Group Three 'officers.of the Eucadorean Army, .d'',~~,rlps San Jose, Cos~a l;tiea;par-. Whowere visiting on the Isthnnis for ,~o ~t~c.J.pat,tilg a .19th 'Wlng JJlJ.SSlon;' an coseveral days , were returned to Guayaquil .ophative' low target .missions with the on May 11th, via U.S. Army :8-18. First -'CO'c;stArtiHery;. missions of practice Lieut. Richard T.Ki~, cOljllll?Ilding the _s.4!l;\'.e,nse, sing slmulated ground interu 74th BombardmentSC[UBlU'on was navi(M), ~cePti'on:ilett' frequent flights to ..Jaquc, gator on the flight, and Major &'Ieeley .the,I'.erlas sl.ands , Point Pinas in coand Captain Munroe, both of France ' -Ciperation '?ith the Engineer COrps,aI;ld Field, were pilot end co-pilot, respect'varlous'obJectives euch as transportlng ively. The visiting officers'.were ~dO'ctorsto administer medical afd to Maior L. Hi<;Ua.go and Captain~ -B. Tober rJ~:W:ft~ves;flights to Port A;'nn1elles ' . ana C. Gercla., ' .where, 8.9 guests of the Unlted Fruit P~OJDPany, ~ilots found new friends :the Probably the fastest growing communir!./l:illi:.learnedf1rst hand regar~ the ty in Central America is the. Air Corps '~~se, complicated and ext ensfve opGUnneryCanro Rio Hato. The P9st was at erahons of .that Col!lPa!lY..All of these formally opened on S!ilPtemberl, 1839, ',dutl'es were accompliShed in addition to and has grown steadily. First Lieut. t,heFregUlar.schediile of tactical flying Jack M. Malone, Commanding fficer of O ,ano:the duhes and problems attendant Rio Hato , is in charge of the construc'~p.::~J;i.e" 'organi zat ion and proper adminis- tion program, which has progressed iretl'atronof a new GrOUIJ.' ,markably well. The men are now housed a~;:;'"Sbi:f:tingersonnel has notsi'!!Plified p in three barracks and have a consoli.t~Elproblems. , It has resulted an the dated mess to handle the rapidly inr fqIl~lt,it1 replacemen~s and an. even creasing personnel. " . -Ja'eater .need foroffJ.cers. Lleut. Ca'Otain Clifford P. Michael is in ' . ~"li~t ,relieved from assignment and che.rge of the Medical petachment. which B asslgned to the 15th Air Base Squadron, is housed in a nel~ly constructed df snsnwis"'replaced by 1st Liell.t. John 'H. sery. There is one radio house on rthe ;i.Jeffus, 'Second Lieuts. Burton E. post Iffiich handles communications. The :;SCl:\wi:nd, Leon \!i. Gray and Rober t :8. needs and personal wants of the o:Mueller were relieveil from achve'duty; are handled by two Post Exchaz!ges . .2nd"Lieut. John Ie Hester was assigned Water for the entire area is fUrnished vJo :the Group on ~ril 29th and to the .by a 20,QOO-gallon water tower, which ""3otn.~~Squadron. Uring Ma,Y, 1st Lieuts. D was also installed b'y the enlisted perro,Rober:t'']). Gapen , JohnR. kelly and Carl sonnel. . , . T~/Goldenberg were scheduled to return The landing field Was 'cleared by the 't'o_the United States. enlisted men.. who worked for weeks with rl~~J5roudof its history, the,37th Group hand tools and tractors. The men dug Llboks forward with ambitiousanticipaapproximately tan miles of ditches to t.i'bn:to. the future. Time will justify house water mains and electrical cables. that pride and indelibly record the The work of constructing the buildings achievements of the organization. and lendscaping was all Performed by Of her officers serving with the Group Air Corps man power but has been under _j',i~"variou~ positions include, 2nd Lieuts. the supervision of the Corps of Engin~K:vle,L, Ridale and John ':8. Henry Jr. eers. . .' _ v3lst'Squadron; Marshall P. Campand' There is little time for recreation, _'l"/~nald H. Hays, 28th Squadron; J.C. and the men have WOrkedso hard that .?lJ',. 30th Squadrcn. . they thought little of recreation anydt'" " ----way. They have one of the finest beach'Pilots at Albrook Field are called es in the world at their disposal, howelli?Onfor lots of things, latest of ever. The Rio Hato sand beach is fam:lus waich being a im ssron to rescue three the world over and runs for five miles . 10~t-, isl;1ermenwho w~re las~ reported f without a blotch. There is a Post I.l,~nithe-: VJ.cinity of Pinas Pctnt , some Theater which runs first-run shows :!'ll?P:l,mile.ssoutheast of this station.' ni91tly, and which seats about 300 .et,Wfto.lQA.-c8' one QA.-9 s and were used in , peoIlle. On week-ends, the men find time _~~~,~s~ch., The 0A-8's were piloted by to fish in one of the most fertile ' BJorrA,;'~;hur . ~ L and Captain R.E. waters of Central America. The daY is b~:dvith 2nd Lleut . .Albert A. Cory ooming whe~Rio Hato will be one' of the r'I' '.C '. most beanhful posts in Panama . '.., .J'.. I~"" . -1 ,r 8482 ". A C vPlease purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

fJrr30JXii R~~Keiiy; cOilllllazlciing 28th, th~

MORE PlLOTS-TO-BEl'ARTBASIC S TRAINING Class 4O-F. the sixth class of Flying Cadets under the Air Corps Expcmsion Program. reported to Ranaoloh Field on M~ 1&-16for the second of' the three 13-week phases offli/dltinstruction that will transform tfiem into military ain>lrole pilots in less than a year. The days when a 1OO-man primary Class reported for duty. SPent ten dayS or tw 1,Veeks becoming.accliinated before. report lng to the flymg .line for trB.lD.lIlg.are no more. . Long before 4O-F appeered over the RandolM-Field horizon. plans were being lrod for handling the 254 men. Instractions had been sent to each of the nine civilian flying schools. "Your class of Flying Cadets should report to the Cadet Administration Builclini;, RandolPh Field.. at 8:00 a.m., Ma 15," one schOol was told. "Your men re'POrt at 10:00 a.m. on I'l!cV 15." another~was told. In al.L, the nine schools were spread over a two-<l.ay period. As each group arrived. they were immediatel~ formed into squads of 11 men each. "Squad 16 goes to the barber shop for a hair cut, S~ 20 to the s~pl~ room for the inltial issue of clothmg. squad 7 to the special photographic room set up in the basement, Where identification pictures of each men are made." . A "Master Coordinator," in direct charge of all squadS stations himself on the st~s of the 6 adet Administration Buildlng and directs each the next processdng location. Each . squad is an char~ of an u:ji'perclassman, himself an old. timer of six weeks. In less than 48 hours. each of the . 254 men have drawn clothing. athletic equipment, been measured for tailor made trousers. received their first real taste of the new close order drill drawn flpng tQgS and are ready for the flying hne. TIle present class of new Flying Cadets , 4O-F, reported on Wednesda;1 and Thursday, had all daY Friday to become acclimated. and reporled for their first look at a 1lT-9 on Saturday .morning.

CHIEF OFAIR CORPS ISITS .ALllRooK' FM.D V :By the NewsLetter Correspondanti'3

Major General Henry H.' t:.cnfef of the Air COT:(ls. expressedcomp:Letesatisfaction wlth the development,of; local Air Corps units and withtheientire Air Corps organization before ";leavin; Albrook Field, l~ 9th, .efter';a:~twoda,.vvisit. .0 llA General ATnold arrived at the ,Fiela on Tuesd?Y. V~ 7th, at 7:20 n;m~:~in a Dourlas C~l Transport,. and Sperit~:lil6'st ofms brief stay on the Isthfuus,'in-; specting the status of Air Corps housing and other Air Corps developments. He was accompanied on the trip by'.061. B.N. Grant, MaJors B.W. Chidlaw,..W.R. Carter and Captain E.H. Beebe.';,ns-q On his arrival at AlbrookField,~he was met by Brill.'adier General Herbert A. Dargue. commanUinghe 19th Wing.)aful. t by Colonel A.H. Gilkeson, command;li:lg Albrook Field. All officers ofithe'i field were present as the General's shi:(l len~d... .\'1'.01 Dlscusslng hous~ conditions"the Chief of the Air Corps pointed,ou:t?,that of the numerous barracks and officers I quarters to be built on theIst~) Albrook will receive her share. iJ..n.' Wednesdaymorning and a portion?'!)! Wednesdayilf'ternoon were spent, by~.oenern! Arnold in inspecting the various functions under way on the Isthmus that pertain to Air Corps development'. Included in his itinerary was a fli~t to Rio Bato , where ~he Air Corps Traln~ School has been lnstituted, and aviSlt to France Field. He also s:ppzt,:so'me time looking at HowardField.on\BrUja Point, where a major portion ofthel work on a long new runway has beeIl')~om:pleted. He expressed satisfaction;:with the progress being made. . .: 11.8 On his return to Albrook Field;. at about 3:00 p.m., he was honored by:members of the Albrook Field command.1lllAll s~ips were lined ul' on a taxi strip'! wlth combat crews m front of them;'; "~or General Daniel Van Voorhis,~nepartment Comnander, and General' Arnold, first inspected the Guard of Honor:and then the Ships and combat crews: Later t~e~ ~spected b~racks and variotis)ac---000--tlvltles on the fleld.,[:~;,J General .Arnold was the guest, ofihonor at a reception at the Albrook Field. The 95th BombardmentSauadron, along Officers I Club on Wednesdaynight';()'He with other members of tlie 17th Group. held at least one long conference With are under orders to leave for their General Van Voorhis, and several c6i1fernew stations at MeChord Field. near ~nces ~vith other hiM ranki;W,officllrs, Tacomar Wash., on June 15, 1940, and by lncluding those at Albrook Fleld:;1J0Ire that tlme expect to have finished'all left the field Thursda,.v morning:fol'.~La training schedules and to have become a Guire. Venezuela,imd from thefe?pliiiDned full-fled..:ed Bombardment nit. u to head back north toward thecUnited States with stops in Trinidad,(aild.:>SBn The 17tli Bombardment Grotlp is now Juan, Puerto Rico, en r01lte.-hHe'3.P1anned stationed at March Field, Calif. . -18V-8482, A.C. . Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

Cfu,~'O;a.rxg:ve' ',in

Washington, D.C., on or


~,Fr.ance,Field: . , ,,,On; liedries<!4'. May7th. General Henry E.} Arnold vls1ted France Field. ' Arriv'.ring'by 'air at 12:15 p.m. in an Army. -'m~Transport, General Arnold inspectea. the -ow;;l?Elrsonnel and equipment of this post . All of the men and planes were in parad j'forniation on the flying field. The 14t B 3nfantriY band furniShed the lIIUsicdur;t~~i:lg .the inspection. . 'cAt(l:OO p.m., a luncheon in honor of ..,Jlen:eral.Arilold was served at the OffiSTUDENTS REPORTORADVANCED F TRAINING .cersl Club. The entire officer ~rson. . in'el, and their '~ives had the opportunity A class of 213 students, whohave .of,:meeting and talking to the. General just completed their basic flight inpersonally. The Arrrry Transport depart- struction at Randolph Field, reported "ed from France Field at 2:30 p.m., ,for May14th at Kelly Field. Texas, where ..1,,' Albrook Field, which is located on the they will wind up their training with .tPp.cific side of the Iathmus . A recepthree months of advanced work. tronwas given for General Arnold by. In the class were three student offi'General Van Voorhis. cers and 210 Flying Cadets. Of this l'E<reryoneat France Field.was happy to number, 45 were sent to Brooks Field, have had the opportunity of meeting the sub-base of Kelly Field, to complete head of our, branch of the service and their course. , .:tgdsuc!l'an iI,D.POrtant cog in the macllineryUpon their arrival at Kelly Field, 'a,of;,the nahon's defense - the U.S. Arlrry the students were welcomedby Colonel Ai.r.Corps. All hope that General ArnoldiEugene A. Lohman, Commandant the Air of ,vill be able to P8J us another visit I Corps AdvancedFlying Scl1001,and then '!mdl, ,that, he will be able to spend more I assIgned to the various flying sections, -n}ime!on our ownFrance Field. supplied with necessary equipment and alroh.' ',--000-...,.. I ass1gnedquarters. . jBri;t e'" '.' , :Beginning May14th and conti~ -e: 'NEil CRASH FORLANGLEY :BOAT FIELD I throUghout the week, the new arrivals c,l :'r:"L i .. ' were slated to be given their physical ~cif'A newcrash boat, 72 feet long and ! examinations end ground school instruc;f..:a.equipped with two e~nes, will be add-I tion preparato~ to beginning actual ;ed:"to the Lantdey Field fleet in the I flight instructlon on I1ondav, May 20th. s[,Jnextdew montlis, according. to a report I Aside from the incoming class, Kelly made'.today by Colonel Jacob W. . Wuest. and Brooks Fields have a class of 241 S -flm~CoiJlllk"lilder'of Langley Field air base,! students who have to date co~eted the onerlji,by.:iLieut, Colonel Fred L. Black, the ! half of the advanced course. This air base quartermaster. I brings the total number of students now ~nilir:.'Lavern L. Cockrell" of Hampt-on, I in training at the two advanced air":l!:l::the' assistant. engineer of theQ,uarterI' dromes to 454. . , .LIAmas'terCorps at Langley Field,is now r --000--. ati the plant of the Greenport Basin and I' . C~nstruc~ion Company,Gr~enpoint! Long Patterson Field Hospital (FromPage 9 ) -rlsland, N.Y., where he w1ll remain un- i al, t . t .. .bI,ttl-the yess~l is c<;>mpleted. He Ivill I ~r .. 1p eres t ed' 1Il th'e1r.Jo b s , and br.,al:so'ass1st an the mspect Lon and in- . busy. Tn~, et of the hospdtal, at the 'l$,st~J.lation of the engines and equipment I time was ?chmchtenberg, the son -Oof;j,the four other crash boats tliat are ,of Captain Wlchtenb~. one of the being manufactured for. the Army Air I staff ph.vsicians, who , suff'ered a 'IOlI.OotpS. ' , fracturea. skull. some time prevlO'';lsly, 'J.Oolone1Wuest revealed that it is PTOll but whowas having such a good hmel ePosed to dredge a channel, approximate- now that he was conValescent," in be1ng a rl;;l-y ,60 feet 'vide and 250 feet long, from man amongmen.that heshowe~ not the -":c-j';}the ;Langley Field boathouse to the main least bit of. mt.erest i,n g,Ol~ home a';cllD.!lhelof the Southwest.branch of the The best '."'1. shes from 1;>oth F1eld~ f!J> e:J3ack)~iver: The dred~ of this chan- with Colol,lel Baker to hi s 'new duhes, sJnell1'S--rnecess1lXY provide for the to and greet~ngs are extended to his suebsrmp@sqte::Of a larger crash boat. which cessor , L1eut. Colonel C.F. Snel,l, who ~~nf!ibe.used in case of an airplane arra ved from Manil~, P.1.. to .e:uide nQ;:~.!i.n!,:tp-eriver or the bay, , the fortunes of, this, "old-new"nosbsrrllSIIte~ter~.;'~re sent by Lieut. Colonel ~l~~ital.. _ .. " Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
.0.A .,,~

Walter Bender, Executive Officer.of the Lant!:leyField air base. to owners of oyster leases in that branch of the r1ver, Their opinion has been requested as to the probable damaze to oyster ground therein. It is a:esired to obtain releases from the lessess. In his let,tets, Col. Bender pointed out that the nearest point to any oyster lease which dredging will approach is approximately 500 feet, It is believed that no damage will be, caused to BIJ.Y leases. , --000-.


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Hundreds of hours nightly of nil!ht' or loiver one?" Yousee, i.n BdditY6njt'b+ ~lYing training are entirely possfblethe four zones, there aM also.'tiv6''?diy;iL rn a Bombardlllent ~sui t squadron or' sions within the zone itself:" 'Leiwei' or It'? group. N. avi/;!l.tion fli,ehts, I'Ifth the one is' assigned the air space between/I' planes schedUled to return to their . 1000 and.~500 feet: .upper one 'haS' jfne .. o homeairdrome at intervals .solves the 500-footmterval between 2000'arid 2flX}, problem.. But .to train 250 Flying Thus,; every Week-~ night;;""L Cadets in the rudiments of night landpermitting, there are sixteen 'ai'rtll:ill;l.'Ii'l!' ings and take-offs is another matter. aloft ,all within a five-mile,radlus"b1') NormallYl ~ight t::aff~c control system the field. On an. ~v\lr\l@ night~,)~~t~k at any mlltary au held ronsists of a ly more than 200 iild1VidlJa.Lr~gs,r9$;T zoning system,dividing. the ?irsp~eare made, approximately fifty !'}):'i1I~fu,i into four sectors. A p110t 1S ass1gned hours flown. . . .., hrJ j",,~~u., each z~ne, and is 91eared in for' a landTo extllain the methodused!i~;ge~r~ 1~, e1ther byrad100r a system.of the '{anous.upper and.lo\7er;zone.~'~~Oji ll,eht. si~s.. landing pos1tlon and back to then Il&!,;;c Essentlally, this is the system emsigned ~o9ations is rather, leni\;)i;Y,,~-~~ ployed at Raildolph Field, Texas, where' is sufhc1ent to say tha~ each.,C!f'J~fi,Ei; J'! c~asses of Flyin~ Cadets',get their sixteen planes ~ a def1nit\l ,patn.9''I\!rl.: fust,tas.te ofn1ght. However., he follows, both m approachingif.orr,a, instead of four .zones,eight are used, landing and also in returning .to"hi'S 'IiA . and instead of one,pilot and one plane zone. The control officer, throUgh"ex-:: to a zone, two craft are assigned each perience, has learned how to. stagger '1."" sector. . . . the. various schedule a . At the:.star4; eM Minimum ..requirements for each class of a :period, the upper planes. axe sent.", of Flying Cadets is approximately 750 off fust; remain below th.e l()()()">foot,,," hours of "N" time, that is, three hours level until they reach their zone,"'.-then per cadet .. With the. staggered system climb to 2000 feet . Following'-tnem.''O'ff of cl.asses ;' nowbei~ eD1Ployednder u are the four lower zones, also'remailf-'''' the Air Corps Expans10nProgram, two ing below 1000 feet until in ,their -'i',,::) basic classes always are in session,one l!'one, then 'W to the 1000-1500 level. six weeks further advanced than the' Lower one J,s called in for a land,in.g, other. and upper one drops downinto' lower''''~... Let I s ...,)00 two specific. cl.asses and . one's position; for he knowshe 'is" see howthc'nlghtfl~ngtime is obtain- next. As the first student pil.ot. is on ed , Class 4O-'=A arnved at Randolph his approach leg, the rontro1.toiVllZ:,,.rr Field about October 'of last year, ca+J,s upper one to start his appro8cli"2 th~ ~irst c~B.!ls. under ~he new system. L?lldings are madeat the rat~.of:;9A~.;;: Utlllzing. C1 Vlhan flymg schools .: SlX lJl1nutethro.u.mout the oPE\ratlon. eI':J;Q.C sr' weeks later, Class4O=-Barrived. Two WJ;len tliird phase of then~ ,~'<fh! the separate and .distinct .basf c schools had , f1~ng course is scheduled, thiJ:' ~e been organized at Randolph Field , each ! bemg landings by means of a flare ",~:l: Oneutilizing one side of' the four-sided students ease out into the far 'corners! af.rdrome, By the time 4O-Barrived, of their ZOnewhile upper one drops his Class 4o-A was ready to start night fly- flare and glides on in for his :landing. ing.' .. ' . '. . Lower one climbs to the 2,OQO-foot 10 Both sides of the field were'assigned level, drops his flare,and so on,:~j cd';' them for this work, and both radio conOf course, in addition to the'radiO' . trol towers were used. An iniaginary used 95 percent of the time incontr'-6]jt: line was drawn' down the center of Ran-. ling traffic. the familiar bar. signals. d.qlph Field 'properl dividing it and the red and green circl\ls, and ~helfghtdH au space surrounding' it into two gun, also are used an case of' trahsmft. halves. , . In each of. these two main sec- ter or receiving 'failure; ',S ,'CWil /; ~ors ,self"-contained red blinker li~ts This system of traffic contrcil"'forA had been installed at .properlocations, student training activities duringq~~ diVidin~~~h.half ofJ~he field and its nightf:j.ying is not. eiJ.tirelynew>"It. surroun ~r space. mto.fourzones. has been in use for a couple of years, , a total of eJ.ght sectors.'.. but in .the past few months. ho~eY:9x: . ,~lJ ,. Comesthe ,:take-off. ."FlyingCadet. ( has reached a' hi~er degree O!. pI-oHeF Bl.ank ; ready .to take off for Zone 1;'" ency than ever. before, due t-o the .inblats the, radio on a certain frequency. creasedf'Icwot' Fly:i.ngCade:ts':",Ifr~' ., ~'O Only the east.icont ro), tower hears that, ;l"~ 't .. ---000-...,. f::-" .... however, for .two frequencies are used. ., ,. : .':; .~;~;"." ,.e "To _ .... r .. ". wer to Mr:Blank . .".' "'"e you upper . ,. .,,,,"~ '''> enc 0 ~;"".Ii7.GcO!oa





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GRADUA1'ION OF CLASS 4O-BATKELLY FnLD, The News Letter Correspondent begins to 'feel that_e)/tll'y. time he sits down to prepare IIlater-' "ia.ld'o:i:~,'theAir Corps NewsLetter he starts olf 'w~th: a graduation W1'ite-up. Aotually, this is not 'quite fact, but in every issue of late' eitner' a new class has just arrived at !telly Field or, a class is about to graduate, or a 'cr~s has' just graduated. With the expansion pr.ogrem in full swing, such actually is the

_ ;:.Qn':May 1th; Class 4O-B set a new record at, 1 the' Traini,ns Center by graduat ing only seven weekCaftil%' Class 4Q..A., which graduated on Malicli1'23rd; Since recent developments tend to s,~~s~ an even greater expansion is on .that tlie\ wa;y,' Kelly Field I s boast that in two years i Ii) lias qUadrupled its e.nm>a1 pilot .outp.-t is ' ---000--about tob" belittled. However, Kelly Field NEW SIGNAL CXlEPS UNITSAOrIVATED AT LANGLEY nas set;a new peece-time reoord in graduating ,8:, .c1ass 'only seven weeks after the first class Three new Siilgal Corps organi ....tions spreng .toC1gr'aduate in 1940: into being on May 1st at Langley Field, Va., COlonel Eugene A.Lohman, ColDlljndlll'tof the nBlIS1y, ths 30lSt and 303rd SigDa1 Companies, Air~i'ps Advanced'Flying School, introduced' Ayi...ion, end the First Signal Platoon Air t Colonel :,Augustine W. RobinS,; ConraandingOffiBase; , , ' , cer of;,the 'Air Corps Trainiilg Center,. was For se.... l1'al' i!X>liths,recruits izla previouS t!;le .principal speeker at the graduation exer-. serviee men of the Signal Corps have been ar-: cl'seo; ,After Colonel Robins' address, he''!'reThey were assigned sentedleechgraduate his dip1011la,while Col. , riving at Langley Field. to a ~teJqlorary orgs:iization known as the Sig~~, presented each graduate with wings. nal Detachment, GliQ Air Force, and were attecl>I";~he.'il!'l""s,of the' graduates of Class 4O-B ed for ration'; and quarlers to the First Air i we,,,:Ms1;eli .in the previous issue 'of the Air Base Squadron' (lbubh). These men, 125 in' Corps .News Letter. ," [6':::1' ,-"" ~_:"000--- '. number, have %lOw'become members of permanent orgs:iizations., They have been undergoing r I . A"TRIBUl$ TO W,srERElmGEA.NT 1lAU'B W.BOTTRIllLLdrill and training under Csptain John H. , By GaryF. Hinton, 24th Air Base Squadron, Brewer,SignalCorps. . Although each of the Signal CoJqlanies. Aviano c; _,-: ~, .: Kelly'Field, Texas .' 11. tion, are supposed to have a strangthof four" "1r ~ ". officers and ~71 enlisted men, and the Air Base T!>Il :~pllowing poem is intri bute to Llo.ster Signal Platoon a strangth of one officer and " Sergeant'Ralph W. Bottriell. fBlllOUS pioneer . 24 enlisted men, the expension to that numbsr( p,!:!~hUtej~er. His past and his 1IOr!< in, . th1S":d:~rechon, I flle~ deserve a JIllre lasting , haB ~een dsferred until funds become available. However, more men ere expected in June from '; tribut'ec;than an unknown poet such as I, can ex'the graduating class of the Signal Corps School p:i!es1i; ',Even so, I sincerely believe that rtIIf at Fort !4lJlllX)uth, .J. N ,) ~~,. 'h~e as it is, glodfies to SOlll> exPlans call for the assignoentof the J01st ' ti!nt' :Iils ,lasting efforts Il%ld success. " [LCI:.~:~:Hi. Signal Compall\r,Aviation, to duty with the , Headquarters of the GliQ Air Force, and the ' Iji"tAe'hlll10f fallll is carved the 1lBID8, Of a'!IBn as yet unsung, ' 30iSrd Signal ~, AviatiOn, to the Second Wing Headquarte%'s. The First Signall'latoon, Who tekes his place with humble grace. Th'e.heroes there llIIOng. . Air Base, will serve with Langley Field Air , Base Headquarters. ' Wl1Ue~.abovedoes soar the ,swift Air Corps, Describing the fUXlCtionsof thsse three new .e~':grandeur through the clouds, Signal Corps organiza.tions, Ce:ptain Brewer His;;~r waving, all life saving, stated that Signal Companies, Aviation, are -~AcPar'chutels silken shrouds. charged with the instellatiOn, operations, and A gasp, a sigh, a tear stained eye, maintenance of all signal cOllllllUnicationactiviA:. renilling lip in praYer: t ties, except tactical radio, of the'hsedquarGod praise his name, give him the fame, ters to which assigned, while the 8ignall\1 ... ()~ conquest o'er the air. ' " ' toonS, Air !lase, will supplement the Sign8.l ---000--t :'V'.:,' Corps personnel furnished from the Corps Area ~l ,"'.t,.~ FP.3~l~ CONCli:lmlATIONlAA1lC!l FInD,CALIF. Sigtlal Service CoJqlall\r.' In the case of Langl~ AT Field, this personnel is supplied by the 16th -a1 ';1' ' ." of Beltillllre, Md. ,All on ~'2nd to 4th, tactical units of ,ths 1st Signal Service ~ Wing, GliQ Air Force, held a Wing concentration of the three new Langley Field uni to will be at March Field, 001. All tactical airplanes undsr the technical' supervision of the Signal of the 3:lth Pur sui t Group, Moffett Field: 7th Officer, GliQ Air Force, Lieut. Colonel Cedric BO!'!bardJl!snt ,Group, HBIlIiHonField: 17th and W. Lewis, Signal Corps, 19thlBomb'iu-dment roups, and the 36th and 89th G -21V-8482, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
_0:;1 f .) ... ~


P.econnai~sanc~ Squadrons from March Field par.; ticipated. A problem was held in which San ClElll9nte Island, off the coast of southeTn OOifornia, was defended from an invading force. On the evening t>f M>y 3rd, a dinner was given at' the Officers' Club, March Field, with all officers attending. Short skits were gi vel to add to the gaiety of the occosion. A buffe; dipnsr was also g; ven for the combat,crews in . ~ No. '8, with approximately 300 enlisted: men present., Plenty of good food was available. , Officers were billet ted in ths post gymnasium 8nd enlisted llI>nin space available in the ' t""l'oruy barreoksscattered about March Field,. All,partic~pents agrsed that all n:aneuvers . should be thusly conducted. .





. Grey clad cadets of the U.S. Military Acad It was leer""d that the 82nd Observation at West Point. N.Y about 450 of them. will Squadr",,-. l'Ihich hft in the middle of ~ for descend on t!ltlg:tey Field, Va during June. maneuw.,.....will pB1'tl.cipate in the Fourth 1l;rmy They will not arrive at one time but .will be war gBlIlBs in be held in August. di vided into .three groups of 150 cadets each, Plans have been made for the lIlObile troops to .B1'rive on June 15th, 22nd end 29th. Each of this section of the .A:rat!t. IIUIDberingpproxa group will leave Langley Field ob the TUee~ iIllately 40.000 officers end men. to train after its arrival. The,Air Base orgenizatioh south of Fort Lewis. near Centralia and is charged with the duty of providing acCorxm:l-Chehalis. Wash. The 82D.d$quadronis one of datious for these cadets end for the arrang&six aerial units to participate, l'Ihi1e either mentecf an aerial bcmbiDgend ma.c.hillll un d&- troops fr(llllMonterey. Fort Scott and Fort g IIX)ustration for each.of the three cadet groups. Ma.e.Arthur nd other California points. will a Artailgellents will also be ma.d.e for a visit join in. by each cadet group to the laboratories of .the National Advisory Cod ttee for Aeronautics.. Seven ~-6 airplanes Me recently flown The Air Base ColDIlEUlder. Colcnel Jacob W. Moffett Field, Calif., from the North AmerWuest. has appointed seven officers to pilot ican factory at Los An8e1es. Three of these the oadets around Langley Field end to provide planes were assigned to the 35th Pursuit Group their accoJllllOdationsduriDg their s~at end four to the a:lth Pursuit Group. to be used Langley Field, vizt Lieut. Colonel Clyde V. for instrument trainiDg. . Finter. officer .in charge'of cadet activities; Means for instrument training" in the Pursuit 2D.d Lieut!. Harvey C. Dorney. officer in Groups have been very ine.d.equate; end. the' . charge of recreation end social activities; delivery of these planes will provided ths John P. Healey. assistant to Lieut. Dornsy; needed means for the Pursuit pilot.s to obtain. Cyrus W. Kitchens. Jr., ~ly officer. end this .training. Keith K. Compton.mess; Major E.A. .1 DeWitt. transportation offioer. and Captain Six pilots of the 55th Pursuit Squadron. Kenneth G. Gould, medical officer. 35th Pursuit Group. attended the 1st WiDg DuriDg their stay at Langley Field. the Exercise at March Field, Calif., on May 2nd cadets will be housed in the gy=esium. l'Ihere.. end 3rd. After the exercise they flew to beds will be made up. with racks for,hangiDg I MurocLake, l'Ihere they finiShed firing the clothiDg, and room orderlies to'keep the . ground guonery course. This is .thelast building clean. They will eat their mapls in "base of the yeerly training end fiDishes the, messes of the 2nd Bombardment roup (H.). Iced S5th I S training directive 100%for the Fiscal . G _ter will be provided in the gytmasium, Year. 1939-1940. The schedule for the cadets' visit calls for arrival of each group on Saturday at 11:00. . . Offic~~s of the 18th Pursuit Squad=. a.m.; lunch at 1:00 end recreation, such 35th Pursuit Group. l'Iho participated in the as swillllling. squash or boat~ at the option >m.r ~oh Field recently. included of the cadets during the reJminder.of Captain NonnanD. Sillin. 2nd Lieuts. H. On Saturdays. a convoy..of trucks will convey Viccellio,'Patrick B. Arnold. Charles A.Gayle. the cadets to colonial V/illiemsburg...where Cecil J. Locke, Jr end William A. Bowie. ' they will tour the village.. The tour Williemsburg is optional. so that the yc)!Ug Extended navigatIon flights were made by Ill8nrm::f. if they wish. again eDgage in'sports two officers of the Hqrs. end Hqrs. Squadron. or trips to nearby beaches that will be ar35th Pursul.t Group. during the past lIlOnth. ranged by the recreation officer. . Major George P. Tourtellot fleVl to Fort Religious services will be held at the Air Leavenworth, Kans" .on April 21st end returned Base Cha:pelat 8:00. 10:00 end 11:00 a.m. on ~ril 27th. l'Ihile Cinc.innati. Ohio. was the On Monday. visits will be made to th.eBase dest1nat1on of 2nd Lieut. Lawrence R. Gibbonei1. engineering' departments. 2nd Bombardment roup Air Reserve . l'Iho flew there on April' 20th end,' G end 8th Pursuit Group. in gro~s of approxireturned e"vual ..~'latar. ,,; mately 50. spending about 30 DUIlutes each of the three activities. At the 2nd Bombard94THPURSUIT ~UA.mON REl'URNS FROM MANEUVERS ment Gro~.: Bool7end B-18 BombersWill be on hend for 1IlSpecticn by the cadets ..nile the The 94th Pursuit SquBdron(Int.) returned to 8th Pursuit Group will dieplay the P-36 end Selfridge Field, Mich on May 12th, after an P-3? Pursuit planes. .' The nm item on the program will be a visit arduous weak in the field. during l'Ihich time by truck to Messick Point to observe bombing the unit actively participated in the Third Miss the end aerial gunnery d8IlX)nstrations. In the af- .A:rat!t Maneuvers. Based at McComb. Squadron spent a busy week of patrol end .in- . ternoon. cadets will be given an opportunity terception work. Recreational activities into fly in Bool?airplanes of the 2nd end 25th Bombardment roups. . Cadets l'Iho are not sched- cluded ekeet shooting. horseshoe pitching end G baseball~. . .. uled to fly will be givenllU opportunity to 'Upon returning to Selfridge. Field. the S'l.usdengage in recreational activities. ron began preparations for training the eight . On T..esday the cadets will spent the entire new pilots whoarrived duriDg its absence. viz' IIlOrningat the N.A.C.A. Laboratory. end they Lieuts. Sheppard. Strew;s. Mahoney.1lcCa1lum. will leave by air at lt30 p.lD. for Wright . MacInnes, Sloan. watermark. Field. Dayton. Ohio. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove thisThyng end Young.


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OL. 'XXIII .A I R Information.Division Air Co. s



June 15, 1940

LET T E R NO.12. MunHionsBuilding Wash! on, D.C.

The chief purpose of this publication is to distribute information on aeronautics. to the flying personnel in the Regular.Army, ReserVeCorps, National Ouard and others connected with aviation. , . ... .. ---000---, TRAINING PROGRAM AIRCORPS ,WANSIQN FOR E Under date of June 14, 1940, the Hon. training center at RandolphField is Harry H. Woodring, Secretary of Waran- now in operation .. The training centers . nounced 0. comprehens programfor ive at MaxwellField and l.loffett Field will training pilots and other aviationperopen in Septemberand October of this sonnel in connection with the Air COrps year, respectively. expansion provided by recent CongresA school for Pursuit instructors will sional enactments. . . be established at Barksdale field, beThe plan for the expansion of trainginning December' 1940, and one for I, ing facilities will provide for the pro navi~.tors and bombard.iersat the same duction of Air Corps pilots at the rate ste.hon, beginning February 15, 1941of 7,000 per year. In addition, 3,600 An additional school, for PUrsu~t pilots bombardiers and navigators will be will be opened later. ., . trained ar.nually. Present classes at the enshngtrronPrimary will be conducted as Ing center at RandolphField and those at present at civilian flying schools, enteri~ in June will receive their adwhich ~til~ be materially expande9-o t v~ced ."raining. at KellY and Broo~s care for Lncr eaeed classes. Bastc ad- F~elds,. and then spec~ahzed training vanced and specialized train~ mil be with GHQ, Force units. Subsequently, Air given at three Air Corps train~cenbasic, advanced and specialized trainters, as follows: ing will be conducted under the three 1. Gulf Training Center, Headquarters training centers. RandolphField, Texas. The class entering .t he civilian pri2. Southeast Training Canter, Read';' mary schools on ~st 3, 1940, will ~ters MaX'.-rell Field, Montgomery, la. complete its traimng at the three A 3. West Coast Training Center, Head- training centers in .April, 1941, with quart er s at Moffett Field, Calif. an estimated 475 graduating as militl:a:ry The Air Corps Tactic'.l School at Max- pilots. Every five weeks thereafter well Field will be discontinued, effec- classes will Waduate, gradually intive June 30, 1940. creasine; in sase until the peak of 685 Hereafter Air Corps pilot training .. pilots as reached by .August9 1941. will be accom:plislled four llhases:The in class entering the civi iian :pri10 weeks pramary training at civilian mary schools on MIllf 8, 1940, was an1 flying schools, .. creased from 396 to 466. Classes enter10 weeks basic tre.ining; inE;thereafter will have the follOWing 10 weeks advancedtraining, streru;ths: ~ .. , 5 weeks specialized training in com- : June,.. 1940 605 bat types. . August, 1940 900 The nine civilian schools at which September. 1940 1,100 pilots are nowbeing given primary':. October, 1940 1,234 training will continue in operation exNovenber 1940 1,292 , panded to the fullest possible capaciand thereafter. ty. Each will open a branch Groundschool instructors in primary . school to accommodate additional stuschools Will be increased from a presdents. It is expect-ed that by next No- ent total of 20 to approximately 100. v'ember1,292 students will enter these Flying instructors' in these schoaLs schools ever~ ~i'fe week~. will be increased from ~ present to~al . ~om the cJ.v~llan fl~ng schools qual of ~35 to 430'. Fly:l,ng~nstructors m ~hed cadets w~ll be sent to one of the baste and advancedflying schools Will three training centers where they l'Iill be moreased from 240 to approximately be assigned to basic schools for addi-. 1,000. The employment f approximateo tional training, after which they wilIly 60 civilian .navigation instructors progress to advancedand thence to spe- is contemplated. cialized combat schools. The existing ---000--1V-849l, Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. A.C.

Vansant \ 2nd Lieuts. John F. Fey.' Jobij.; G. Ziera.t.' Infantry; 2nd Lieuts. ueorge The construction of a new wi!'l; on the H. Minor, John B. Nance, DonR. OstrandMoffett Field hospital, which Wlll con- er , Paul W. Scheidecker, Cavalry. siderably increase the facilities" was --000--:.".,.s.'lw'i started recently., A contract for the construction of MR.DAVISONISITS GHQ, V AIRFOR9E.6!g!l~ ~ the new wing, and for some'remodeling ., . work on the ~nterior of the present lAx.F. Truhee 'Dt.vison. formetAssiS2 ~;j: structure, was awarded to the Carl N. tant Secretlll'Y of War for Aeronli:utics' ,3". SwensonCo. of San Jose, CaJ,if. The during the Hoover administration and" o~.!Oj low bid on the contract was $46.036. nowhead of the American Museum of'. ,cl-r"ujO The wing,-to be located on the \vest Natural History. New.YOX'k City,'arriy~~1f end of the present structurel will be at Langley Field, Va., on Ma~28th'.... yj{b 34 ft, bJ 52 ft. in size, ana. will give private yacht from Long Island,'N.Y',"'yo m.s the hospi t al, an added capacity of 32 was accompenied b1 Mr. James Lee;~'a 'Newrli7i beds. The addition will be of wood York banker. and drs. Lee. The Y.acht, - ~ C9n~truction with plaster and stucco was anchored in Back River off .the'~:-;;" .<lll! hUlsh. . . . shore from the Enlisted Men s Service'(~ o~ I -;'-000--Club. Mrs. Davison arrived the fOllOI'C;'i~~ ing day by plane from NewYorkJo':;jP'iri'~9;-'~ NEW PHOTO' SHIPSFORlIUE'l!:ElLT FIELD the parly, the ~mbers thereof -belp:g;' .:J ~" the ~sts of BSJor General and Mrs,.'..:lXX_ . A new s~ecially desi~ed photographic Delos C. Emmons. The four visit6rs~ .:.~:o~ plane. which will elimnate the difI'iremained at Langley Field forseveraJ.O:l cul.t formerly encountered in planes days and then returned to NewYork::- ~.,~"c~ which did not have a sufficiently high . 000' -.. , v~ ~ v



~~c~ t~i~~~ralan~~~~:a;~e i~o~ind. '~BE mSI'R{JCTOR~-;OR AD-VANCEl) FLY~NG'f;:~; recently arrived at the i.1offett Field SCHOOLS" , ...... ?C '1I'0 1 Air Base .and was assigned to Flight "E," . Lcg"!L'q s!ij The f'ave Se t.~,ms 0f th e Air, C,,.,r,,,em i1e.f Phot 0 Sec t.ron, . .c orps~i.oerfO The new plane has a service ceiling Advanced.Flymg School.s, Kellyand",:'[c woy; of 30,000 feet, with a cruising speed Brooks F~ela.s, Texas, were increase4-,bY'flob of over 200 miles per hour. Spec~al 13 new flying instructors .. all. of; Who!)!, r camera mounts are provided, with doors are Reserve second lieutenants. ,"!.hO' ar ..'e;~~~ in the belly' of the plane through which on extended actlve duty and ass~gtle4~,to'1""'j the pictures may be taken. Headq,uarters, Air Corps Advanced-FlYi'Ms'~ll Lieut. ,Elvin F.' Maughan, coimnanding Sc~-':>61s.These men/and the sections',!2jW the flight sect Lon, and C'P1. 'George i'I'. which they were ass~gned, are:, '}:' ,berf.') deVilbiss. crew chief, returned on June To Section I: C.L. Abercrombie, F.H'''''to~ 2nd from the factory with the plane. l Bounds ane;tF. C. FQY; ". ,1;ti~. Aerial surveys were formerly made To Sectlon II: F.X. ,:Bradley and'P.;p.,,, from Observation type ships. on which George' . .> '" a"'II~. provisions had to be ronde for photogra- . To S~ction III: J.B. Riley, R.T. '~~ ~jnL phic work. With the new planes; design- McKeeand R.M. Snow;' ,!lA ed and built for the purpose, it is exTo Section IV: A.F. Gordon and C.F:I~a.\ pected that aerial surveys will be made ~,lcKenna,III. '. ,. . 'dl el'! muchmore efficiently than before. A To Section V at Brooks Field: K.F;"_?!. c~ second ship of the same type will be Grunewald, W.C. Stroud and Robert ...... ),0';91.: assigned to the local base later. Sonenfield.' . ::10:> -';!IS

.... --000---


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"WHISTLE WHILE WEWORK" SI'IrTAIlR01{iho . -o'd i\n~w Ce,pt. :EdwardP. Mechling, commanding . The 63rd School Squadron at Kelly~gnjL~ the first :platoon. Tenth Ordnance SerField, Texas, is a .very radio-minded'~oR~~ vice Company,recentl~ announced that geni~ation. EveI'J department ?lld'pan'13 student officers OI the School of gpr i s e@pped mth a streaml~nei',pUsh-:" a, Aviation Ordnance were recently attachOutton radio. Even the mech8n-:.'."'''rl ed to Base Headguarters and First Air ics are performing a routine inspe'Cti:on,,.;~ Base Squadron, Langley Field, Va., for changing a ~nerator. clwnging an- eil;';';;::: ~ temoorary flying duty. . gine, or "wnat-have-you,1l they can;stU:Ls~g These students are 1st Lieuts. Wm.A. listen to the baseball gaDles,or _l?er- .iJff" Davis, Henry W. Eerlong, Harry C.Porter, haps a pttle "swing.lI. "We~ekp.,Oi~.;~.m:f Field Artillery; Foster LJ1'urphy, Coast' as the whistle while we work"S,q\@'99? 9W Artillery; 1st Id eut e , Winston R. ron;" declares the NewsLetter~Corr.ltS-~o.i:j Maxwell, Merle R. Williams, Corwin P. pendent. V-8491,~: C".-.~~ .9'IeM Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.



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- .Dr..s7 J ,~O .

THELONG FROM WAY BE!lE 'TO.THI!1RE By Bruen D. ,Btddlenombi Flying" Cadet, Class 4O-B.

Perhaps one would presume that la per.Ah! IVlkt 1s that a:na::r over on our' son '9fT;~m;)ager experience could hard- left side? It looks like a fiver. and ly be-qualified to expound on the suba town on the other side. With a SOrig ject ofj-.navigation. But such a one ~ in 9ur he. t (mus~have been "DOwii .. ~ rest assured that I was prevailed upon Menco W8JT we .aJlli our trusty Ship in I to doso:Only after I had convinced that direc ron. '. , others ," and nwself. that there is a Much to our chagrin, we find tliB.t. long"and a short lVaJ'. And the long we::! what we hoped was a toWnis rtaiight but is :possIble .but perhaps not plausible. a large ranch. SaY; you .donlt sizpp9se II;;jyou'will follow me step by step. I we are in Mexico, a.o you? HIn---m' coUld am sure that my system of naVigation be. but look! There far to the north; will'be,no clearer to you than it is to doesn't that look like a. towii? Let's me. How can one travel from Kelly Fiel have a look. . .. to Cr~stB1 City. from Crystal City to With eyes glUed to this resemblance Fort ,,,lark, and from Fort Clark to . of a town. we do not ,at first realize Kelly F,i01d and still don that experithat on across the river' from it is an enced'l;traveler's air - having flown"via even larger town. But as IV6 draw nearMexicO'? 11 er. of course. we see. it. Now,where Now. b'efore starting on a crossdo you suppoae we are? country.,:.we must very carefully prepare . Well. let's cross the r1ver and check our course. Wemust figure too true the lorger town. We start a wide course and from this derive our magnetic Circle around the town, or should we . course. Whenthis is, done. we will s8JTcity? At!yW8JT, see two big white we pick ou,j;a good many check points along tanks on the north side. Let's take a our course. If you are at all vague to look at the map. All! Here are two the purpose of check points. then please white tanks indicated, but they are at let me .elucidate.. Del Rio! Perhaps we had better invesCheck'points are the "mile post" of tigate further. I say, that looks your.~pr,ogress,along the course. Please like an air:rort downthere! Yes. sure donl't"TCOnsiderthem too lil!htly. Of enough, it lS! And there. painted on course;"all they do is telI you where the roof of a building is Del Rio. YQU are: If that does not interest you, It is a matter of a feV!minutes until then"Just disregard them. (':'his will be we arrive at Fort Clark. At Fort Clork illustrated later in the discussion.) it is necessary thE.t we land and refuel, Well,' we have our ccurse plotted. our we WG have only about forty gallons of ' check ~points des i1lB:ted ana. our esti, gas left. mated--time of arnval at these check . After refueling. we take off for points. c:-Otherpertinent data. such as lIlly Field. iVe are very c!" Winds'alOft., deviations. etc., are taken check 0'11' check points now, and arrive into consideration. at Kelly without difr"iculty .. Now,hen , t All. it is one 0' clock! Wetake off! can anyone doubt that such navigation After ,climbing to our assi~ed altitude, is possible? Or is there doubt? lYehe'ad.our course. At thl~ til)1e there . BUt there is one t!:ling the.t m1istnot lS no thought. such as "NaVlgatmg via be doubted. If you would not terminate Menco."to trouble us .. Good suirits your navigation problem in this and confidence abound. . "CHECIC YOUR CHECKPOINTS:" Everything is runnin~ smoothly. Our ---000--check points are checking , our motor is motoring, etc. At last, under our left I '.mE SPACE FORGLENDALE DETACIndENT wing is Crystal City., it is .'t t , With confidence that lVeturn towards Negctiations are virtUally comnl.eted FoI:J;"Clark. What is that? 'Well, it 1 for a 375-acre airport at Ontario. the.general direction of Calif., for the use of Flying Cadets of FOI.:t;,Clark.. . ..' the Glendale, ..Calif., Detachment. acTlie":;eheck pomts have .q1,11t hecking! c cordii!g to en announcement made by ob, ,well;,.themotor is still motoring, Major C.C. Moseley, owner of the Calso m~b(3' that last check point. Fort Aero Corporation, the contract school. ClaJ'k'l~will be visible at the required Hangars, shops, and maintenance equiptime'.-:'~'We.Ca.rryn. o ment to the extent of a quarter of a Hm-m,.:~what!s this! Our time is 1.Ipl million dollars. are to lie built at the but we";can't see Fort Clark. In fac.. field it was announced. we s~i~;b.Otbingthat resembles civiliza'" tion. ~except a few small roads here and ---000--there. .' .~.. V-8491,A.C .. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

L '

COLLEGE IlDl'AILS FORAIR CORPS ,OFFICERS models of the Aircraft Carrier""USS' Yorktown" and the Cruise:t''USS Widl:iita:J' '(c[ Under Special Orders of the War DeModels of the llUSSAkronl~1t~iUi:'sliip partment, recently issued eleven Air hangar at t Naval Air ::>l;ahon JJA Corps officers were detai i ed to attend Lakehurst, }l. J .; the Naval ~viatJ.on~.:,L~- ! dfr summercourses and rec;u1ar courses of s~gnia ' and e~uipm~nt used J.nconne~::JIcfm5a instruction at civiliE'.n educational in- hon with Naval. aVJ.ation were also; JAw jn(:S stitutions, as indicated below, viz: eluded in tl1e Navy eXhibit. . ' v- :lA, b>rhiT To the California Institute of TechThe exhibit of the National.Advisoryrrol;t no~0f' Pa~ena Committee for Aeronautics included ,W:Or.~~Hm ~ tieu3:P;m'1 ~iJne, from Chanute. ing J!l0dels of, a wind tunne~, \leap;L1W-e;!i;r 10 Fleld, Ill., and HowardM. McCoy,from tank and a f'ree-spfnnmg 1V!1l!!! 9';-;:cl Wright Field, Ohio, to pursue suinmer tunnel. r' B5-rI'i' course and course in Aeroll8lltThe U.S. Coast Guard eXttJ.bited pic~e,idI ical Engil'leerlllg. " . tures of the Coast Guard aviation ,in-;:.,.,..,~,j: 1st Lieuts. JOM K. Arnold, Jr. ,from. action and eqUipment used by the GC?o~}'Ii.;9 Langley Field, Va.; and NormanC. Guard. :'.,.~ "),0{'1' Bpencer,.22nd Observation Squadron, The Post Office De:partm~nthadca'd;~!',':;rlJ Brooks F1Sld, Texas, to pursue SUJ!lIIler l~. of stamps and Air ail c9vers,/, ~~IJ:'j'!,rl p course of instruction ~ MatheJ!1etl~s cl~Ilg covers on the f~rst aUmallt[t';;~Y!2 and regular, course of Lnst.ructaon an fli/dlts. A postal statJ.on was establ'~"IJ"r Meteorology... l~slied, .and covers for the delll?ns'tra:t;;1r.roo To the Umverslty of Michigan. AnI1 hon flJ.ghts between Bolling FJ.eld.artCj:_"I Arbor. Mich.: . 'Washing'ton AiI'IJOrt were sold. Off~'ciaJ.';l: 2nd LleutS. Clarence A. Neely, Marvin c~ets all phil~te~ic~rri C. Demler and HarOld E. Watson, from mall. A cachet of dJ.fferent'~al':; Materiel Division, Wright Field,O., applied to covers transported on the~'$o~rlj to purs1;l8summerc9urse and re~ar a:utogyro~planes and those transporye,*hvo course m Aeronairti cel, En.e:ineermg. on the plck-up planes. ' , 'r: ~rsn ' To Massacl].usetts Institute of Technolo. OtJ:er eXhibltors. were Martin Airc;'a!:~n"!j f!:3..J. Nllrl~,~~s.: Bendrx Products, Pi.oneer- Instrument "l1ivom -1:s leuB: Wl lam W. Jones, .Lewis Compaw, Hamil~on Standard Pro~el!e,Z::~;;3.'I,t L. Mundell and James W. Twada.ell Jl'., GoodrlCh and FU6s+'one Rubber vompanle,S:i f!,om Mitchel Field, N.Y. and 2nd. .' Which,included one 9f the tires:ma<i6;;;,f Jc L~eut. James B. Baker, from Scott for tne A1;my B-19.aln,>lan~ now,unMZ:8 rlJl"c Fleld, Ill., to pursue, summercourse constructJ.on. ThlS tue lS 96 inches';.'."00 of instruction in JathemaHcs and in diameter and has a carrying capaciF~'I't rezular course of lnstrucolon in of more than 70,000 pounds. The,U"S'W1UCo Mefeorology. . " Sj:.eel Oorporat ion Exhibit. inclUded "ab:,dos8 --000" alrolane WlIlg and other alrolane.partsii~ , of staiiiless steel, ,uslng a newL~I.bll THEAIR SHOW ATBOLLINGIELD .process called "Shotweld" instead"o:t;"r~(W,;.. F . .. . . rivets .. Other erJribits, too.numero:Usi;;;';J: .The Army Au C<?rps~xl"ll t .at the bJ. to mentlon, made up the remamder ,o!d;j 113 Air Sho~ at Bolllng Fleld, D.C., during, the Show. " " .. ' )1:01 10 the perlod May26 - 30, 1940, consisted A number of different t''Pes of A.""J!IY'"~T'< of an AT-6 airplane suspended from the airplanes were on eXhibitlon outsids,of;Q5 ceiling of the hangar. in diving position the hangars, along with .a TWAStl'ato.ino~~ as though it were making a turn around ,liner and a Ne:vyPatrol-Bomber, also.a'Jl., a pylon whi~ was placed ~ short disI number of either airplanes manufa.c. tance from 1t: The p!'<?peller, was refor private use . .,'.~, del, pl?Ced by a cucular prece ox glass I Included ip th~ Show. program wex:ei"10 s gave the appearance that the pro- I fliE;.lJ.til.o' tne. fle;j.d of Air CorpsunitS,"",I t pel~er was t':Jl'll~g over. The LiJ:.k I at Landey end MitChet F~elds and~'.t~~ltVs~. T;,al~er, o!'dinarlly uS,\3d Bol~l~ at of theu.S. navy and ,.la,rme Corp6":.i,,",[JI)~ Flela. for mstrument f.Lying trammg, Searchli/dlt and anh-alrcraft JDJ.SSlons.:)()v was on eXhibition, alo~ with the' were performed by the National Guard,:!,:;];" Gordon-Bennett Inte~~lone.l AV~E'"tion The Showw~ o!ficially closed ~8:~";0T Trophy, the Locate!...J. ~rophy, tne ll:OO p.m., ,!Jay oOth. J"~,'" n Collier, Trop~ and the Spokane ' . -000--'.'5:~~ ;;;;\; i%>9kesrnen-ReVJ.ew Tro'Ph.y.The Army ex., " . ",' ....QDr ~bit ?lso ineludedaiSpl~s ~n connecCaptain F.H. Smith, 'of :the 36th'~;':"'d; t ion m th~~ recently. estab1J.s~d. sys- suit Squadron, Landey Fleld,bro~5,m.lil:J tem.of tramlng ~pilots at clVJ.lian a sp6Z1King ew AT-5 from th~:West~icp,as:t. n . flymg schools prJ.or. to entrance at the other day. Says the news.Lett'e.r;~~;;~ Randol'Ph Field: ..' . Correspcnden'l;: "The 'Peep and.?@t ~rfT The :Navyex..1Ub:Lt mcluded scale models boysmll now have the long aWalted:,,!)]ljs''I of a number of ,Navyairplanes and scale poi'tuni ty to do mor!lsquiiLtj;ngilillilEl.ssr,w ~i peeping in asbjp,equipped fcrblindilYilig.' Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-8491, A. C.






tanks and. infentry of a Red Army of 50,000 men against a re,treating Blu~ anf~ of 40,000, theoretAn armada'of approximately 320 figp.tically dropping tons of explosives and ininih-ips' of the D. S. krm.v Air Corps as-I firi~ thousends of rounds of machine sembleo,'at Barksdale Fiela, La., l,f~ , gtlIl fue at fleeing troops. 2.'3rd"w 25th, inclusive, during the Third A:rm,V Maneuv<lrs, and gave the naI The 16th Provisional Observation t~oI,l,:~t'jl.first dei}lOnstration o~'comp~ete i Squadron, organized for the Third Arrrg m:Lht'3Xy', plus a s:Lmulahon i !&lIleuvers, and composed of me@bers of of the -Eand and air operations \~hicg' ,the 27th Bombardment Group '(L), Barkshave blfim going-oon in :Ellrope. dal.e Field, La., has been laid to rest. IjIhree l1JingHeadquarter's were est.ab-.' This S~dron was the ees of both the liwed:;",t Barksdale Field as a complete Blue and Red forces dur1~ the Maneuvgener:,aJ.dair force, with Bri,g; Gen- 'I ers. ' Satisfactory operahons of the eral, "Frederick L. Martin, Air Comme.nder. comnnmications section, under the able The.,provisional fighting unit took to , supervision of Sergeant Joseph H. the-air on the momint$ of May 24th to ! Landry, made it possible for the red part-i'cipate in pre1im:Lnar;;r bombing, land blue pins marking the battle area ground ~strafing, reconnaissance and i on the operations wall map to be conpursuit fighting. The folloTIlll(; dav the 'I tinual1;,' ,Oli. the move. 1'101; a message comba(~armada swept through the mock , was lost. war ,area in sirnulatedtotal air and; I Under th"ldirection of )l~or Y.A. land~'~blitzia'iej;.l1 Individual planes Pitts, Group O'i'erationfl Ofi'lcer, airin ya'ti'ous flignts went ti:p to , ,planes$ the 16th Squadron wing"tip,in the final smash, whJ.le 011 'j shuttled back ana. forth covering the ground tanks, horse and mechanized : thousands of miles of terrain and cavwy;"foot and meoheni.zed infantr.r, j brineing in the bacon 'in the form of fie~~J;r~~llery, machine SU1'l unrt s and i photographs of every important objectruCli:"tra:I.llS st~d what was the fastest; tive passing under their wings. moving_attack 8.110. retreat eyer demoni strC\teo.'ir. ,the United states. ! During the I'l:.ircL Arrrry Ma11\3uvers,the Sett~~up the provisional Air Force '8th Bombardment 3r;:uadron (L), Barksat Barksdale Field was accompl i.shed dale Field. La., saw action actual1;r \"lith ,&,r;Joothness and speed. Under the as a Light Bombardment Souadron , usang conmand of G0nerol Martin were three A-1S's exc.Iusd ve1y. A wfd"l variety of Provbional Wings. The Pursuit Wir;g, missions were flown. such as attacks compr;i:sing 125 fast Fighters, WDS the I on enemy airdrome~., t ank organizations, Secorid~'~ing, under the commandof Brii anti-aircraft batteries, convoy trucks gadi'eZ:,'General Arnold lJ. Kro(:;strul., nor- i and ground strafing of t roops . The mally;,C/)llllIitnd.ingGeneral of the S\3cond I lJee';Js" have performed creditably, too, Permanent nng (Heavy Bombardment) at tl18n!CSto superb maintenance. Lang~ey,Fie1d, Va. The First Provt ston- I ---000-al ihng'; HeSlTY Bomoardment , was made up I , of fo.ur-motored Bombers from General MORE ~lELEl'YPE OPERATORS QPALIFY Krogstad I s normal ccmmand It "as un. der ..thecommand of H".jor HaroLd L. I Lieut. Wendell ,.. Bowman, commanding G~orge_; . The Thir~ Provi sfonal, Wine:, the 2nd ComIffimications SquWJ.'on and lath';.Il)e(jiulIl and hght Bombardment .. I principal director of the, LangleyField :fl1anes," W:J,S under the commandof ColoneL I school for training teletype operators, John .Q,-, Ms:lxmnell, normally' coemandar ! announced the,t 15 Air Base enllsted of tlie 'l'hird BoLlbardmentGroup at Barks- I men were recently examined in the opdaJ;'ri:FielJ.. La. erating and procedure of teletype mal;:.lJaddition, there wer-e the usual, 1'13chines and were found "qualified as exconnaj.s sance units, headed by the 16th perf enced operators, viz: Robert E. ~t,Jcd~!j1ssance Squadron,jk.rksdale' .Admns, G~orgeE. ~le .. nens , Roger J. ~1610.." . Evans, 30th Pursw.t Squadron; li'm. C. The personnel demonstr-ated higp.est ef-! Brunner, Wm.E. Fleming and Harry fic.iency throug?-out tl;1e maneuver-c. ~lle I Li ~, Hqrs . and..Hqrs. Sqdn., 8~h worx ,Of assembllng tIns force by radio Pw:sw.t GrouPi lA.DomzalskiJ order,s, apul"oximate1;v 18 hours from Francis K. MCLiOwn and Joseph H. the;AUantic.and Pacific Coasts, the : Hqrs.and Hqrs. Sqdn. 2nd :Bomb.Group: Can~.ian]lorder and Virginia, was-a Donal.d V. G6od.l1art, 96th Bomb. Sqdn.; l'lQs't"er;p'iec'eof execution by the GHQ, Josepll i\la,ichrowski, 22nd Pursui.t Sc.dn.: Personnel.>' harry A. 1iintz, John Park and Robert F. The,'alt"iend of the Maneuvers was car-. Sle.d.ek, Hqrs , and Hqrs. S~dn., GHQ.: ~iedJ.'9.\l;~:'isp;Lendidly. To the .spectator and Hal A: TrennerJBase iqrs , and: 1st 1j;-l3~1~".\W9f~erful sig.'lt as the p1an~s Air Base Squadron (Doubl,e Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove thisV-8491, A.C. watermark. ,~,J. " -5By tq~:"f..C'fksdale Field. Correspondent



liUl1llEUVERS -

I led. cavalry,



LABNERECOMES B MANAGER 6F THENAAmade a eonid~nhal survey and report s: _. .' ,~for the Chief ot'. the Air Corps on the Movingtoexp'edite cooperation for Aviation ~ansion Program. nationaJ. defense,.asy!ell as to promote He has tra"leled'extensively in South . all.phases ofl ci~lian av~ation, the America and Mexico, as well as,in:., Ii1\. ~atlonal, Aeronautlc Ass6clation, through EuroPeI, social and economrc tf:aoo lts lJreSldent ,Csptain Gill Bobb '!filson, c~lnd1hons and nth partlcul~a~tenJB.::.b announced the; a;ppo~tment, effectl ve. hon to the developl!lent ofav;atlon, :driw June 3, 1940, oI,L~eut .. Colonel G,. , . . --oO~'. ','":,,,,'! d.eFreest Lerner. Air Reserve, as Gener'. '." ", _ :\1 oj al ~r. , ,, . 19THAIR BASE iS~ADR01! MJVES J. 22ct j .TO A nahve of WashlDgton, D.C., and.ison MdCHORD FIELD.. '. d ,:,or..) ' of the late Robert .Martin Lerner, noted < .' .... '''B 10 new~paper correspondent in the NationaJ. Afte(weeks arid months of'.rUni6;-si'~lie" Capltal and charter memberof the Grid- 19th Air Base S<Ju?dronstarted ndmg'Tkc iron Club, Colonel Larner has been con- the railroad Wheels for theirnewbome';;.:': t~nuousl.V identified. with aviation' at l~cCbord,Field;.Tacomal Wash" ~h~' ;;;';'b sance 1917.. .' traln leavlng Hamilton Fleld, Callf "",_,~ During the ;Vorld War, Gel. LBrner was on the morning of June 4, 1940. .The~,:":':~':t a corporal in the famous Lafayette Esspecial troop tr4n bound,for the ..: ;::..~;;:r C*i~l. e, French Flying Corps, and Cap- northw.estern statlon carrd ed 196;8nll.l~trrl taln an the l03rd PUrsUit Squadron, If.S. edmen of the lower grades, 5 Staff.J' as ~r Corps, He iS,offiCially'credited Sergeants, 'and one officer, 2nd :r,ieut" e1 \'I1th the destructlon of sevenen~, . T. S. Morse.. The Hews.Letter Correli\-;;,cl'I1 planes, and was awarded the Distinguish- pendent states that this 'IlBB probably~"s rrr ed Service Cross with Bronze Oak Leaf, the first time that the Air Co!ps ever:( the Croix de Guerre with three Palms, traveled in such elaborate style in \'~$,".i and three Silver Star citations. Upon such large numbers. . !,! blb his return to ~he United States in 1919, The resourceful Sgt. Laney and lUS>.:.) 1 2 he was made ~ef of Pursuit Training. thr,e capable cooks, Pvts. 1st ClassT3f!~ii for the ~ Ai;- Corps. ' He resigned Hamilton, Alderson and ~, bore~t,I:i~-ra his COmmlSS10n ?ept6l!lber of tnat an bI'l,Ultof the trip by agreelpg to feed.)r.,ob year to complete his :uxllversity edncathls lnmgrypersonnel for the 24-bour,iJeo tion t!tt Columbia,. from w14ch he graduduration of th~ trip. The train'; :ina1e'3bl: ated in 1921, havmg speclalized m ~of six Tourl.St Sleeping cars ,one" ivI1 comme~cial and investment banking, cor- dining car and one baggage ~ar;, trav~*.lel3 porahon finance and accounting. From ed by the way of Napa Junctlon to ,tv.' ,Y8m. 1921 to 1930, Col. Larner was with the Davis, and then northward. The dinmgjiJ Guaranty Trust Comp~ of NewYork and . car is one used by the railroad for, j:"{1 t BrownBrothers and Company,of NewYork feeding groups ofC.C.C. men. It::'is;:+J~ City, resigning as manager of the bond arranged with two'long tablesand:';;;~'T~ department Of the. latter firm when it benches built. the full.length of tp.6aCal7'was merged 1'11thli.A. Harrlman & Co. ,in car on each slde. Jilahons.for theE~!,lp....,.C: 1930.. ,'.' were takan from H8Inllton Fleld. A porr,,,.tJ.j Col. Larner's public service career ter kept the car clean, saw to it tha:ljJ' included work with General H~ S. the ice box was filled and placed wa.te~.u Johnson as a Deputy H.R.A. AdIDinistrain the kitchen containers. Eachof.:tne ..~ tor! as Secretary of the Ind1;lstrial R'- Tourist ?l!!epers carried a porter. '.,::';~ latlons Committee of the Busmess AdnsIn addihon to the personnel travel"p.e" ory Council . and as special Assistant ing by rail, 6 officers and 39 enli'stj3a:r;; to Administrator John D. Biggers .of the men of various grades traveled to . "i",['o'1 . ;m.employment9ensus .. Since '1938,.~ . 'I McCbordField by private conveyan. ~::6~:TiOD C nas been Special Asslstantto Admlnls---000--"',' 'i trator 'Nat~Strl)llIl,ofthe .United '.' . '. : '. -.;~JJ~~~ States HouslngAlithority:. , NEW OFFICEB.S MOFFE1'T,FI~.!QJi'1;0 FOR C?LLarner-has.approxlmat:~ 2,000 _ .' '.'. .,.. -.' ,:.t.1;U' flymg hours. to hl s credit, . . as a .. .Announcement as made'at. Moffet);. - coI " w Reserve officer has. maintained his fly- Field', Calif. ,that 115 new,Arnv offJ:;; al ing proficiency iii the latest AJ:my _ cers, all' members of the latest clli!Sli'r_~Jt[ eiNipment. -He has a ,blind flying certo graduate from the Air Corps Traill:iiig~., hficate from the Bolling' Fi:eldScbool, Center ,will arrive t!tt thatfieg-;~1;@i.ta} and uses beam and radi9 facilities when. July 1st . These offlcers are 0elngi nol,f flYing .. - In t~e pastS1X :rears .he com-. . sent. to l.bffettFiel,d forpe:nnan~~rj'JBIs :tJleted ~our Au Corps achvedutytraindlltYI.and.~l~ rece~ve 12 we,k!l.~of~~Y.-olj' mg penodsof two weeks each, and. re-', t ensive tr~mltig llrlor to b,e~':a.l?S.~gt11ej cenqy ret.urned from t~voweeks flying , ed t.o tac~lcal ~ts. 'l'heyivill PE1P-I<snw servace with the GHQ. Force at ' Au form tactlcal dutles with the,2,Otp: aZ1'!i.,o,f Langley Fiald, V(j,. 1n October, 1939,he 6 35th,PurSQ.1~ GroupS and 8za O~.:;~s . - -:... . V~, A.C. 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'0 ',,".,'.



THEPROBLEMQF RAlN. SNOW, DUST lIND 'STATIC' By the Wri@lt Field Correspondent
~. T ,_



rlj'r~",:"" ~

Al~ l'ilots have. noticed ~hat in somer .ratory that under conditions of rain, ' condJ.honsof flym/1; in raln,snOlV. or" snow, and dust static the above 0i?er~d:.llst-;ni;adiO interferen.ce is experienced tion ,of the compass on "Rec Loop mll which seribusl.v interferes with radio usuall;y reduce Such static to a point reception and i'requentl;y gets so bad as where J.t is possible to follow the to block out all receptJ.on. At .other . radio raIl@' Howeve::-for operat1on of I times' when flying in rain. noillterfer' the communication eqUlpment additional ence 1s experienced and the rlili16 is devices, such as wire dischargclear as a bell ers are necessary, . ,The. first cond~~ion is yaused by the' The second method involves use of. alrpl~eflyill.g m a heaVJ.l;ycharged'. trailing wire dischargers which are let atmosphere, . The charged rain, snow.and out. thrOW!:h the tail cone of. the airdl,lst particles in this atmosphere im,'" plane. 'TEree types. of such dischargers pange on'the airplane structure and are now being tested by the Aircraft transfer their charge to the airplane, Radio Laboratory to determine if they resulting in the case of largeaJ.rplanes can be adapted to meet the re~rements in;a! charge on the airplane of as iIIuch of military aircraft. Two of these can ' as 100,000 volts. Raaio interference be reeled :in and out for purposes of is caused when this charge leaks off test. The third type is the-Bendix" from TJ.vetS or sharp edges of the airtrailing wire discharger which when replane .structUre....' leased stls behind tlie ship and is . It"i:'s necessary to differentiate beusually broken off on landing. 'T'ae tween thunderstorm-static and rain. snow. :Bendix dischar~r is ten feet long. and dust'static. Thunderstorm static Five feet conafst of carbon impregnated is cansed by electric discharges becord, rubber covered for weather protween'ciouds'or between clouds and the t ect Ion , and five feet of .03 stranded grGund~ "' this form of stat:hc steel wire with a small paper cup on does))not block out all recention because the end. Wnen the pilot throws a between crashes sufficient Cruadrantal switch. a fuse is bUrnt out which causidentification can be heard to wrmit es E'. sprin,g: to tri:p and eject the disflying' a radior?llg6 for short aistanccharger. The Bendfx type is extensivees-of; for example, 50 to 100 miles. It ly used by United Airlines. The theory may, however, prevent voice conmmfcabehind trailing wire discharger is to tioIi'~c 'Very little can be done to elim- furnish discharge points smaller than inate the bad effectS of thunderstorm . any other pOints on the structu:.:eof. . static'on low fre~cies. All forms the aircraft and to locate these points of static will be reduced to a nedifar enough aYfay so that the field set. giE~,!l~aegI'~e intensity if and When up by the discharges from them will be of 0~' operate on ultra, attenuated to a low value when it him~fl:', . .' reaches the receiviIlg antenna. ~~:r::e are two methods at .'the present ..' ---006-"'time';of cutting down interference of raifio reception caused by rain snow, SAME B-17 BOMBER .AT SAN FRANCISCO FAIR and dust, static: use of the ri;ho com- pass:.on "Rec , Loop" and use of trailing Hamilton Field is well represented at. wire" di schargers. . ',' the San Frencisco World's Fair. with Lt. For ~l1-e first method, 'use the'radio I W.R. Stark, 5th Air ~e Squadron, and . compass'and place on "Rec , Loop.'" If Lt. JohnE. Dougherty, lltli BOmbm'dment loop is rotatable as on B-18 or.G-39 . I SqtIa!j,ron. who arevassd st ed by Sgt .. airplanes; rotate the loop until plane I \'/iii. E. :Bostwick. 22nd Bomb, Squadfun; . of loop points toward desIred station, ,Staff Sgt ,Nolan E. ThibodeauX and Sgt., that is. on 90 or 270 de:!'eesfor sta-. Elden W. Meeker. 9th Bomb. Squadron; . ~io:n\ direction of fllght, . . If loop Sgt. HowardD. Nichols and cp'l. Albert . i.s not.:rotatable, 'as for example on ."'. J; . .Alexander, .1lth':Bomb. Squadron; SI'ct;.' :BG-lA"orA-17 airnlanes, turn airplane' :BenhartE. Melartin and Cpr. Robinett' A., un~;1;~.':fore ,aft axis of thefl,iselagePotts,. '.and. Hqrs. and 'Hars. SqUadron, and, ~ i~'pen'~.J.cular to airplane radio sta- ' Pvt. Dallas E. HawIey, Sgth Recortnais- , hon 1-~ne.;"The yompass.loop has an . '. sance SqIl?dron.- The B-17plane used at ele~~ro:s~a~J.cshJ.ela which reduces eta- the. Fair last year 'was,reconditioned at. t~~1~; .:.As,we al~knowl loop ?Il.- .. the S('IC~amento ir Depot and is now on A t .,'p~clfup exhibJ.tJ.on at Treasure Island. lIbre when llEe plane of the loop J.S pointed .than 1.600,000 sightseers want through tc,~~,~n:e,:'4esired.~tation., !tis.the. this :Bomberast.year. l The plane was , expenence"'of the Aircraft'Radio Labc-: . transported by rJ.ver barge. . . .~.}. .:'.:. . -7V-849I, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.
< < '.

CHANUTE FIELDPOPULAR IVITHV1SITORS \\tme touring the' School faciliti6s~ Of By the NewsLetter Correspondent this number it is conservatively esti~ mated that 75yergent were high.S~.'O~!~b~ Testi~as to the ~:pularit:t of YO\ .l!lqU8.Lly popular.Wlt~I .vs .. as Chanut'eField with civlllen vis1tors . Clubs, Rotarian groups, etc., are, the.. rw o may be found in the many letters on addresses riven by Chanute F1eld. of!,:l:.,.";"cr . file in the Public Relations Office, cers , and (luring the above mentioned .~" Chanute Field Branch of the Air COrps ~ri09- ten te.lks were made by orfieet's; Technical School.. Rantoul, Ill. Un- . of this station. ,'"d') 'IH. doubtedly, the foremost reason for this --OOo--~f: ="1 may be attributed to the fact that we are fortunate eno-gghto have the bulk . AT-6AIRPLANE DELIVERED TO22D of the Air Coros Technical Schools 10. cated here ~ The general ~blie has . "After many iveeks of rumors, II saysi:~;;n cometo regard Chanute Field as the the NewsLetter Correspgndent of the .".if.) \Uliversity of the Army Air Corps, end, 22M Pursuit SqIl?dron, Lanrl~y Field; '6~A in full consideration of the advanta&-s Va.i"we finally have our AT-6, which ~..... !d offered the enlisted men of the Air wi! soon be out. for a 4O-hourchec1~~"IJd:r Corps through the schools at this staAll of the boys in the ~on have.: nv; tion, thisscarcel;{ seems to be an over- been checked out in it and are buildihg.['\ statement. Also of wide interest is up instrument time which most pilots".;!u,l: the large scale expansion program in lack because of the ruling of no under-:-,x.! progres s , the-hood flying in P-36 t s , Everyone'" -s.d.! .'Ie quote verbatim two oil' the letters likes the ship, and the performance :is;<e we have C?n file, because they are repflllI1lrising when comparedwith similarl'1S:; resen~atlve of all le~ters and of genships at the flying school." . ~::=''' eral mterest. The fust letter, from -----. -, "",.u the Physics Instructor, Burlington Basically" the AT-6 (North Americah);! Junior College, Burlington, Iowa,- advanced trainip.gplane, is an ~oved follows: model of the BG-lA (Basdc Combat . cwhich, "May we bhank you agfl,in for your was selected after competition th .j6 courtesy last Tuesday? Our stUdents other entrants in tests conducted by ..... ct have shownthat they en.1oyedthe trip the Materiel Division at Wright Fiela::-:ob to Chanute.Field, and there is much It is a two-place, low-wing monO:\llaiieiil evidence that they learned as muchas of e.ll-metal construction. The eqUJ.p-:-,~;_:) they could assimilate in .one dav. ser- ment includes instruments. flap~"con-r.f.! geants Dysinger in Mechanics Bl'la trollable pitch propeller, lanc1ing .s;'L"tNiOrtonin Communi.cations ere such w ligj:lts, and retractable landing gear.. ,'oS;' valuable guides that we had trouble to It is powered with a 9-cylinder Pratt.o,-.,~ get the students a\7ay." . & Whitney radial engine. The gross .. ","Ot In this instance, Chanute Field not weight 'is approximately 5273 poundsr ....-m!T only gained the good will of the visitthe wing span, 41 feet 10 inches. :i;~<,,:,,>X ing group, but a bit of p'~blicity as ' One of the most interesting featureslJOlI well. The second letter ~ a request for \ of this 'Plane is the provision for .? .::;1,,1 a sj?eaker, is quoted as Iollows: "blind" n~'ing. Full equipment is in~u8 M chairman of the NJB;y progrem com- stalled in the rear cockpit, togetherhaf mittee for Rotary, I em lnterested in with a blind flying hood under the ."rt;;. s~curing a good spe?ker,for C?urMemo- sliding canopy top. I~ ,emergency, the .~11 r1al de~progrem which 1S held hood can be relel'.sed eltner by the StU.~L'r. on Tues ,May 27 and I hope you dent or by ~he safety pilot in the':"':' will be Le to hei p us out. front COCkP1 t.' . . . - I;; The subject matter of, course 'Y0uld The primary use of the AT-6 will bei:ov~" be left somewhatto the discretlon of as a transition airplane which will " "'"'~ the speaker .. Borrevar , if he touches provide students, whohave mastered::1;Il;" some on Memonal D~' and then works priLJary and basic training airplanes',' Ii into what the Air COrps has and what. with the intermediate experience re-: M iI it needs, I believe it wo,\,.1de very b auired before. they are ready to flt .,.a'~ interesting, especiall~' at the present. Pursuiters, Bombers and other tactlcaJ:~:i time." types. As a-secondary mission! the ::-..::;;;: Needless to say, both mattarswere AT:'6will be suitable for Air (j()rPs,~""~ given prompt attention, pilots on duty awayfrom tactical . , . . -,;..,-_. . units. By using this airplane to mainFrom APril 1 to t/J8Y 25, 1940, twelve tain flying proficiency, the larger groups or visitors were conducted . more eJqlensive tactical 'airp~anesw.:j,1J,,,O'I throUgh the Chanute F1eld Branch of the be left free for purely tactlcal pur;:- s""E Air Corps Technical School. These. PO ses . . _',1 ,bL.,iOJ: groups varied from 30 to 100 persons ---000--. ;;.'t.""i~"en" each and spent a~ least three hours' . V-S491, A.C. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

PURsOft:i .> ."




~.~ .....

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liAR llEPAmMENT S!'ECIALORDERS Changes of ste.tion

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Li~tit . C<ilonel Hubert V. Hopkins was prOllXlted to'.Colonel (temporary), with rank from ~ To Barksdale Field, Le..: Lieut. Colonel h 27, 1940' Major DeCheMoe. Reeves to Lieut. B, MijI'llr, from Scott Field, nr.. Captain Col?Ijel te"!P~rary) and Captain lbsse11 E. DiXon M. Allison,. from Selfridge Field, Mich." RallaSll to Ma;j<>r t""i'ore.ry) with ri!nk from l To Bollinp; Field;;nD.C.: Captain.Arthur LaS. June 6, 1940. . smith, fromRaildor Field, Texas; , Th~ foliowing-Il8Ired First Lieutenants of the' Minton W. Kaye, from Hawaiian Departmel?ot. Air Corps were prOIIOted to Captain, with rank To Cambridgefsaplolass.:1st Lieut. John B.Cary. from June 12, 1940: from mien a.rtment, to pursue course of ;RelphP. SVlOfford,Jr. Troup Miller, Jr. instruction e.t Herverd Graduate School of Bu8iPaul 'E. :Emestow WilHem D. Eckert ness Administration. George ,Jr. Schle.tter Le.uris Norstad To Dalle.s, Texas: 2nd Lieut. James B. Upton, Howard11. McCoy Millard Lewis from BB:iidolphtiera, for duty with Air Corps Charl es,'W. Haas Othol R. Deering Training Detacbment. Dallas Avie.tion School Aubrey K. Dodson John C. XUborn and Air College. . Mark E: Bradley, Jr. Carl A. 'Brandt To FortM,yer., Ve..: IolajorArthur I. Ennis, Dougl.... M. Kilpe.trick Richard S. Fre...from On,ce of the .Chief of the Air Corps, Wiley D. GaDey Harold L. Smith Washington, D.C., for duty with the Staff end Thews C..-Odom Nornsn R. Burnett Jacul ty of the Coast Artillery School. Walter C, Sweeney, Jr.' Richard J. O'Xeefe To Hsme.iien Department: Colonel Charles T. MoITis J. Loe Joseph A. Miller Phillips. reheveC1 from detail as e. memberof Marvin L. Harding Xurt M. Landon the War Depe.rtment General Staff, Washington. Birrell: Walsh Gerry L. Iolason D.C.; Cs;>tain WilUa:n C. Dolan, from duty with David :H.'Bsker H. Pe.ul Dellinger 22nd Observation Squadron, 3rooks Field, Texas. James S, Sutton Daniel A. Cooper To Xell~ Field, Te:xas' Colonel Shepler 1~. Edwin S. Perrin Sory'SIIlith FitzGer9l , from He.wahen Department; 2nd Lt. I' al E Au "'aul.rr Bl -'--J Thoxre.s Powell, from Y",ffett field, Calif. E. eMe-"" 11 !.~ ,S!lBn ..." en=<U.'d, r. T0 Ladd F'1eld , F' b--" ''-4 .' "" ..."'s~ Al--'" """"e.. ......,or ;:J.',!e. oVI1ng-IlBI:led '.0 Second L1eutenants of Everett S. DaVis from Bar SCl9leFIeld, La. the 'Air'corps were prollXlted to First LieutenTo Langley Fieid" Va.: Major Joseph Qnith, ant. with rank from Juno 12, 1940: Captains Joseph C.A. I:enniston, David P, JacktN.~nOnohew . John. T. Shields Laubach, 1st Lts. Lenris Norstad, Krl TruesJohn D. stevenson Curhs R. Low dell, Jr 2nd Lts. Earl E. Bates, Jr and Niii3'(k Obms.n Richard-H. Hackford llobert C. Sexton, fromlfd.tchel Field, 'N.Y. GeorgeL. Holcomb Barry E. Henmond TO'LiIlO01PliNebr,: 2nd Lt. Maurioe R.Leman, WIn. . R:-Clingerman. Jr. Jack E. Caldwell from RalidOl Field, for duty with Air Corps W81 ter Eckman Edwin B. Broadhurst Training Detachment, Linooln Airplane and FlyRichard P. Klock" Charles B. Westover ing School. Harol~dB. Wright . Horace Greeley To MacDill Field, Tal!Jle..Fle..' Captains .John F.-Batjer .Joseph A, Miller, Jr. Drs;>er F. Henry and George H. :MaCnair, from Thome.s"A.Holdi= SenuelC. Gurney, Jr. Lengley Field; 1st Lt. Edwin J. Ti'llberlske,Jr., Kenneth S, Wade Harvey C. Dorney from Brooks Field. Texas. Donald:B: Br=el. Conrad H. Diehl, Jr. To M::ChordFleM;. Wash.: 1st Lieut. John John G. ,Eriksen Charles A. Sprs.gue A. !lilger. from oli Field, Calif . .-Harry :F,' van Leuv"", WilHam E. McDonald To Iolaroh Field, Calif. , Ma.jor Byron E. Riche.rdR. Barden Jasper N. Durham Getes, from duty With starf and faculty of the Charles L. Robbins John R. Ulri080n Air Corps Tactical School, MaxWellField, Ale.. 11'11 H. Stratton b)l.r Lawrence A. Spilman To Pasadena, Calif.;: Ldetrts , Garl F. Dslnberg ,Richard W. Fellows William G. Hipps and Charles H. Terhune, Jr., to pursue course Whiteford C. l.Iauldin Marshall R. Gray of instructione.t Californie. Institute of TechBruce K. Holloway Colin P. Kelly, Jr. nology. . Alvord' Rutherford Woodrow Dunlop W. To Patterson Field, Ohio: Ce.lltain l.hrre.y C. Maurice A. Preston KennethO. Sanborn WoodbUry,fro:n wright Fiela, for duty with 1st Ivan W. M::Elroy. Willi"", J. Cairi, Jr. Transport Squadron. 1VilliamK. -E:orrigs.n Maloolm Green, Jr, To Randolph Field, Texas: 1st Lt. Leslie Alen I!; .Clark Thome.s Powell E. RayhOid, fro:n duty wi tll Air Corps Training DeRobert H.Herman Ch&les W. Stark, Jr. techment, Gr,andCentral Air Terminal ,Glendale. Floyd,J .. Pell Gordon C. Leland Calif. James'Y. Parker Morton D. MS.goffin To We.shi~on. D.C.: Major James F.Phillips, Sam W. Agee, Jr. , James T. Posey. from keiiy leld, Texas, for duty in Office of Robert Te,ylor, 3d Render D. Denson the Chief of the Air Corps. . ---000--To Scott Field, Ill. , Lieut. Col. Vlolcott ~'~.m~ : ' . ' P. Hayes, from duty e.t Hqrs. 4th Corps .Ares., MaSter Sgbs. Sidney Miller. 11th Bomb. Squad. AUente., Ga. ron,LHsmilton Field, Calif., and Daniel Stone, To D.C.. Captain Edward H. a.;.se 'Heirs. eiul. 6th Air Base Sqdn:, Barksdale Alexander ~ om duty e.t Alan He.ooockCollege Field, La., are retired from e.ctlve service, of Aeronautios, Sante. Marie.. Celif., for duty effec:tive June 30, 1940. (Continued on Page 11) .9V-8491, A.C.

PHOrOGRAPHY - HOW ACCOMPLIsm:D A:r NIGHT . By a Wri~t Field Engineer .

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The practice' of taking aerial photo:' used to check the condition of the. :~lillr graphs at nigpt presents a number.of in'batteries in the electrical unit. :Whep. ~eresting problems, some ~ite technical these bat~erie~ have been. checked,s;,,;, an nature. It also calls for the use of rheostat 1S adJUsted to gl vethe ,P.rQP, E3r scientific equiPment and a technique , volt~ from the aillllane po"er 'S'\lPPly. which involves thorow;h pre~ation and Nowll,e:ht is cau.sed.o fall upon ,~he~"T." careful execution. Tlie art of taking:, 'llhttp-81ectric cell, using a po4tElt,~'fIl pictures consists essentially of' csusrlaShligpt or the, small lamp.on ~heb:.'3 ang rays of li,e:htreflected from the camera. The sound of the Cl1cki.ngsn'; suoject to falLupon a piece of sensishutter indicates that the cBJ!l6r,a +,S.i~ti tized material. usually liliotographic ", readiness. The main power;smt,ch, }-'lbJ' film, with ligpt energy being transform- now.turned off ,and, a sufflciant;:~~ied into chemical energy, to oeutilized tyof film, either cut or roll~,JE:l:oe.t' :j.ater in the developing.process' Alens placed near. the camera. ready Ior,:us.e~ lS employedto focus all the reflected A numeer of flashligpt bombs'mus1;;;~e ligpt from one PQint on the-subject ' ~ied' on each mission, J.n order cJi~~ upon a single PQint on the film, SO,l~' one bombwill be available for-eacli'.'io' that a sharply defined photograph Will photograph to be taken. These bOlI!b,sn result. ., mst be carefully rennved from :the,m~ Whenaerial pictures are taken in shipping container in which they~:ar,e're., dayligpt, the camera is focused upon ceived, and the suspension s~raps. at.+-~. ' the desired subject matter and an extached if they are to be suspena..ed,.oo,;. posure made in accordance with ,the inrizontally. They are suspended ,i~!t~ tensity of the sun:j.igjlt reflecte, d :from . bombracks and armed '\ly ashl>rt m, re.)'ln the subject. At n1ti;ht ever.ything 1S . the samemanner as demolitionbombs.>:fCl1 . diff~rent. The subJect is reflecting ,Whencarried in the, vertical;posiUon'i no llgpt because. the::e is none to re-, in spec1a;J.racks,they are placed,~d:) flect. i ts locatlon 1S not immediate- armeo:in"the: methodused for landin.e:,,6, ly apparent, because the landmarks so flares..All items must be checked,.tOJ ' familiar in dEwtimecan no longer be insure that the bombswill, fall. free:;:.! seel?-' Neither are there beacons or without any possibility of ;fouling, Ga. radao beams to ~de the airplane to 1'Ihen these preparations have,been,.com; the spot. The J.llumination necessary. pleted, the airplane is ready J;o:embark is provided by photofl~ bombsdropped upQnthe pllotographic mission;,. '-,t,':cnl from the photographic auplane. The In the air. the camera 'Photo":-electdc present bOmb tIle Type'M-l2Al, which iCell is made ready. The location+ofl;t is is suspended ~rizontallyin the bomb the subject to be photographed 'ist.d,ete~ racks of theal!'Plane, or m~ be mount- mined by the pattern of ground ligpts, ed in a vertical position in racks pro- by the aid of moonli,e:htor starliJ,lt if, vided for the Purpose. available, or by the:J.i,e:ht of flares. The camera is precision eQUipment nd If moonli>ht r gI'OuncJ. Ii,e:hts render the a o mst be handled with care. 1:t is subject Vlsible, a trial fiigpt' over,~it trically o~rated bya j?hoto-electric is usually advisable. " :-:., cell, or Relectric eye, which caases For this' trial fli&1t, the ~bje<:v~~~s the shutter to trip at the same lnstant approached at the desued altltude,- ~; ,the light from the gombis illuminating namely 2000 to 3500 feet, IYith the '!OWthe ~oUlld. It. is mstalled in a est reasonable speed of which the, aarcusluoned gilllba! IllO$t.. plane is capable, and w1t~ the.airpl~e The.1E!IlS cap 1S left pre- thru!'t line as n~arly hOrlzontaJ.,as;,;o::, ~ent 1n,Jury to the expensave lens dur- ,poss1ble. The all'Plane shou+dbe.fl~wn 1ng take-off, or the camera is swung . lnto the wind in order to ellminate .e1;into a position which will protect it ,ror due to drift and to permit .the pho,. from gravel or similar material which tographer to determine the necessaryjt~ migpt"be thrown against it. The photo- crab setting for the camera. 'On the electric cell is mountedin a fixture trial run, the photographer IlI\lStalso provided' for the purpose. determine the point above IVhich.heTmuSt The camera must be thorowdlly checked release the photoflash bomb, in"order;~ and tested before leaving tIie ground. ',that the p1'CIper ubject matter,wHift'S' . s Whanall electrical connections have within the field of the lens wrum~:tlle'" been made, it is woundby means of a' bombexplodes. Here it IlIIlstbe;reih~ hand crank, and the main ~~: switch bered that the M-l2Albombexplodes.!lPturn~d on. .AI!JOng other t. ,'.1 this op.; seven seconds after:'x:el~,. erat ron illummates a sma+l vOJ.tmeter Errors In ~ the true ve~;;c~~~2'" carrying a push .button smtch which is ,When determinmg the pointover'whJ.cli'b Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. ,,,,10V-8491, A.C.

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to release ',;he bomb will cause the de29THBOMBARDMENT REACHES GROUP TAMPA sired subject lie a~- from,' the center, or entirely outside of the" CoinInents the Correspondents of the of area photographed. ',.' various units of the 29th Bombardment ,.. Whenthe phOtographer signsls the . Grouo which movedrecently from Langpl1C5tcthat all is ready, a seCOndfligj:lt ley rield, Va., to Tampa, Fla., are "ls'made' over the area to' be photograph""', given below, as follows: ~. ,e~~. Tne film llIUstbe placed in tful ~rs. rod Hqrs. ~uadron: This Squad', the camera wound. the power " ro co!!iPletetra ve successful move to ,.tiiriled on, and the camera leveled by MacDill Field on IIlaY 21st. the last conmeans of ltS built-in spirit level. tingent arrivin~ by train at 7:30 p.m. . -Thi.'s'latter operation insures' that , the ' The personnel hYing off the post have rod'fPof ~he camera does not deviate,.fran been very busy t~ng to Locate houses. thELvertlcal. \'Ihen the proper spot. has . unload .their :funu ture and become !~beeil attained at which to release the.' settled as best they could, At present bomb,' the photographer uulls a hand1e~" tents are being set up and offices made -l'loca.te~ at .his side. or; if rele~ing,.' re~ for ~neering, operatiqns, etc. mechand lS not locatea. at the camellB:-.' .The people of Tampa: ave done everysm . h 'st'ation, signals the bombardier. As ,: thing possible to make the Army feel at ' the flash of light frClh;the ' home. A service club has been organiz;bOinb observed ; the power is"'turned. is ed with i~s 1?-eadquart~rs downtown: and 0, ff:,<tt. the camera, and the same pr~, a- 'a nonccnmfssd.onedofflcers I .club lS an tirolis.;are repeated for su.ccessive photo- process of organization .. graPhs.. ' " 6th BombardJDant quadron: On Tues~ S ..:?J.I~a.t .:is desire~ to make a mosaic evening, 7:,30 p.m. Mi'.y""217 1940, fifstrlp of ,overlapplIlg photographs, a teen .PUllman and bagg;, ars, reprec ,'s~c~ssi,on,,' of .bombs~s dropped at p!e~e- senting the major Wt C!f the 29th Bom,~:erl)llned 'lntervals Wlth the camera bel bardment Group, .pulLed lnto Tampa. s. rese.t:"~ llldthe filmchane;ed ~cir each. E . Florida, to Itt~e over" the new SC?uthphotograph. The det ermfnat ion of the eastern Army Au Base under the Air proper 'bombing'interval invo1lres ccinsid-Corps' Expansion Program. . erable,calculation at present, but will I After a hurried meal, a. quick shower, ,be}SiJnplifi~abv the use of. aspeC1al and change of uili;o::m, the majority of computer which bas .been deslgnedtt the men Were off to tnelr new haven, '''The . Materiel Division, and Which will soon Sunshine City. It to make new connections , be subjected to. service test; The com- over the old at Langley Field, Va. put er will permit the calculations to It wasn't long afterward. thougj:l,that ::J'!'!'formedin a very few seconds iiur- the effects of the long and tiresome ~ng fll.eht. Standard equi:(lmentis .1ourney could be seen on the faces of oav,mlabIe at the various Au Corps ac- ' the soldiers and, as a result. dark tivitiesCand numerous satisfactory , silhouettes seen every fE1W -'InigJ?t"photographs have been produced. minu.tes barely struggling along the ,\ 2"9~.",~---000-'ankle-deep sand at Ma.cDiIlField after rr jq.r.i;"" I trying to take in the whole city in one . 85'.\Varll6partm:mt Orders (From Page 9) shor-t and warm even~' . eo,oj.av,;}",, -r ' - . T 'th 1t S t . pal me. s, 1arge . tto j'in.:the.Ciffice oithe Chief Of .the Air Corps. . ampa,. Wl - To'r:-right Field, Ohio: Major James E.Parker w;nter homes and danclng payillons ,pro from duty m.thstal'f and faculty of Air Corps' ! Vld~!l a new type of recreatlon fo:: ~~ ~Te.ctice.l School. 1... """,11Field. Ale. for duty solO.lersw~re it s'\lemsthat the. C1Vlll. ,iI! Materiel Div-ision. " 'al?populatlon are. G.Oingeverything pos-'Iv~. , _____, sfbl e to make then stay a pl.easant one: -"Relieved f= duty ?lith the U.S. 14ission to Until MacDill Field is completed. the, SArgentina., Buenos Aires, the folloYling Air I crews of ,the variC!Us airpl(llles will op,Corp'soffioers were aasdgned, as follows: erate from'Drew Fleld, a df st.ance of 'Capts. 'John T. Murtha., s->, to Barksdale Field1 about four miles from Tampa. " . 'La.; Elwood R. ~sade. to 'Office of the Chief 43rd BombardmentSguagron: Past ru-'o~.the'Air Corns.[ton, .C.; e:nd 1st Lt. mors concerning the IIlOVlng Florida D to Mill":dL: Ha.sid" to Langley Field. Va. , became a thing of realit1 this month: ' ... -' -----R . I The hammerand in the Squadron became saw illJllediately 'First Lieuts. G<>orge . Smith e:nd James F. the main tools as crates ;Thompson ...Jr upon completion of their present! were made and eouipment packed. For c0l;U'se: f .instruction at the. Massilchusetts In- several davs there was a humdrumof aco ,st~~:t;~:of Technolosy~ Cambridge. Mass are tivity. ana finally the ~ arrived for ~.'!;,~'HO Mit,Chel~eld, N.Y., e:nd Randolph which everyone had been walting. l'ihen " Jq:!'J&:.':[T":'<aS ... espeCt1velY., r the troop train departed from Langley -qI;\ 2sh'JA;::" .. " -----. . ' Fiald. there didn't seem to be enough .se~J;ieqol,.\'O~lv-erp. "9~hlln was relleved from Windowsin the train as the men took a'ig~t; to the E~llan Department m:d ordeparting glance at the field. The " det:eil,,~,o~p:t'o.ceed hlS hometo e.waitret1rement. to ." u,,~...';;", '. -11V-8491 Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. A. C.
~;).J'.. ~.. ~. '.


fohowing night the train arrived in 2NDBOMB. ROUP 3RDARMY ~ G IN Tanrpa. where trucks were waiting to transport the men to the field. The un The outstanding event"of the(pastriJ: loading of the trains was started the several weeks was the part iciw.t iOn)of next day. and between trips on the .' the 2nd BombardmentGroup, of Liingley trucks the men Were able to form an _ Field. Va. in the Third Army Mane'1lVers opinion of MacDill. Field and the vicin- in Louisiana.. ' ...:tT -, ity. . '. This Group. in collaborationwithJ;he .. Since their arrival in Florida, the West Coast unit. had been schedul.ed..,to men have found an attitude of good will form the 1st Provisional Win~.,butsdue . everywhere they f1? . The photogra'Phers to the delay in arrival of the~latt. er, ' are kept busy taldng various "Shots" of un1t , the .and Group toolt over ther::t:Uncthe field and of the men at work.' The' ticns of. the entire 1st Wing. V.n people of Tampll. re doing evemhing : l, - , The f.!.irnt southward ~ved like,_cl.,?cka they can to make the A:rmY fealat hOme work. mtIi superb weather at Langle; and enjoy themselves. . Field. along the' route 'over the mo:un~ 52nd BOmbardment ~n: s Following tains. over the "bottoms" of the:,,-.te the arnvBl of the m3iii0dj' of this "Father of Waters," and at Barksdale! . S~n and a'hearty supper at MacDill Field where the heat seemed to'youXJ\reF~eld. the men moved into .the barracks porter to be at its hot-test.. .:t.r::GVl prepared for them by the advance echelOn the afternoon of May 21st ,>op13raon. On the follo~ day, the task of tiona were set )lp in the OperationsyOfunloading the supplies and equipneIlt fiee of the 27th BombardmentGroUP.lf!,J , from the train was completed. and the and at 3:30 the Field Order came '3dJ . men were given an opport'..mity to look through - the war VIaS on. Then,folJQwed over their new home.the hUstling and scurrying of a The men have taken a great liking to staff. with orders. conrerencea.: .. _' this section of Florida, and the typical reports coming with clock-like .pred:Florida sunshine and cool nights Imve sion. . '. ..... "T[sfl appealed to them greatly. Tlie resi.After several busy, but well. enjQy:ed dent s of Tampabave shonn a warmweldays, we end our "b~g uns" lifted'i; Come'o the peraonnel, stationed here, t the air and sped home to Langley, ~i"eld. and have taken a great. deal of pride in I AlthowdJ. bad weatner was en. ounter"e~' c havi~ Tampadesignated by the Army as along the way, our airplanes -, ,iD: ,0J"il' the sJ.t13of an Air Corps field. I estimation the best there are -::took . . ---oCo-lit in "stride." ,'. .,i .l1'X,1 In connection with these maneuvers., . TALXS ONTHEAIR CCRPSOVERHEA:Ut T we, the membersof the 2nd Bombardment Group, would like to express our.tliallks I,to Colonel Jacob n. S. Wuest. ColllIDCinding th~ personnel of 'Barksdal.e Field:lfor Officer of the UulrleyField Air Base. i ~he aid they extended. to US,. thus:r..elpdelivered a $b. lOrt {alk over radio sta- I' m:; us successfully to carry out OUT. tion WGH May 29th .. His subject was pa:ct.. on ' .. ,[!o;J "The krrrw as a Career," and the talk. I ---000-~ t TO was the first in a series 'of broadcasts. , !eq~ by Air Corps officers under the general ADDITIONAL OFFICERS FOR35THPORSUIT headine or "Highlights of the Air I . . '~.. l CODls.11" . The 35th Pur sui t Sque.dron. L8nI!:l:ey FUrther talks were given at 9:00 p.m, I Field, Va. ,was augmented with l:<L.2i:ld on June 3rd, 5th, 7th and lOth the I lieutenants who recently graduateddrom speaker-s being Lieut. Colonel Theodore II the Advanced Flying School, Kelly.:Field. J. Koenig. Col!lllandir.g Officer of the Texas. T" personnel of thel 25th BombardmentGroup' (Heavy), of the ! Squadron consdst s of Captain Francis H. GHQ..Air orcei, Major rAalcolmN. stewart, I Griswold. command.1n,e:; Lieut.,Peter F 1st CO! of Hqrs. and Hqrs. I McGoldrick. Adjutant; 2nd Lieuts:Nov.,ris Squadron, 2nd BombardmentGroup,. GHQ.Perry, Operations Officer; William"K. Afr Force; Major DemasT. Craw. Assisttt. I McNown.Senior Fligj:J.t Co;nmander;Geor~ ' and G-2, GHQ. Force, and Lieut. Leo I W. Hazlett. 1]ngineerin.g Officer; Guy F. Air P. Dahl. BaSe Meteorological Officer, i McCafferty, Com:m.micatJ.ons Officer; all of Langley Field.' I Gilbert L. Mverss ' Supply. Officer;;:>I:'o. . --000-' j Leonard C.. Lydon, Edmn M. RaJria.e:e. cWID. . ~. I W.MolllJrer.Joe K;. McNayand.Joe!..Mason. '. The' 3l?th PuI:s'.lit . Sq-.ladron, Langley I . The newcomers'are James J .Flood.;:l;tavFJ.eldJ. an conjunct icri with the 8th Pur- I mond Kc Gallagher. Eugene H;:Hallwil1. suit 17roup. made formation. Vincent W. Howard. MackE.Hubbard,;Hoyt fli~tsto Washington to represent the A. LTolly, Loren G. McCollom. David:R. Air Corps at the Aviation FOrumMeet. . 'McGovern. George E. Meeks. NormandG,,; held recently at :8?lling Field. D.C: l Morris, JOM G. Patterson,Rob!t ,T~Rose. -12V-8491, -s. C'1"ob Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.


ceive three months' "basfc'' training in a mu.chlarger and faster airplane; Then would comethe final three months of ''ad. '{cl';Ol.., vanced" fl~~ at. J{elly Field -. Here I a'I9y;II])(y you want wings?" . would be t' t how to plit to practical , , '.Yhie q\l?stion impressed me at first use the trailiing of the previous six 5n:in:lnUchthe same lIlaIlllerthat anyone months. Cross-country flYf'ng, ~ and Q,oould. e ~ressed b if he were asked: ,night. a.9-vanced instrumen "o1ind fly5,1I!b11.\vould like to have a millioning, you raibo-beam flYing -all these com'dOllars?" It seemedredicul6Ua to me prise the course at the Army's Advanced -::r;th8.tanyone would not like to:learn to Flyip.g School. Whenthis course was . fly. Most of'us have gone.through that completed, I would receive a commission -J::J.pre:-adolescent period Whenthe heroes as "Second Lieutenant in the Air Corps of JOur young eyes were firemen. '10co1llOReserve and be sent to one of the Army ,tive engineers, and in the last decade, Air Corps tactical units for active airplane pilots. :Also, most of us ,per- duty in the best and fastest e~pment haps' fortunately, never attain those in the world, Here I would be allowed -~~youthful goals. However, I really to COiIIpeteor a permanent commission f wanted wings. if I chose to do so. ~-."iEarlY last spring the opportunity of This was an opportunity.I could hard'-J.~ealizl~ my afubiti:on to become an air- ly af~ord to decl~.' I had everything \'plane 'pilot was plopped in mylap by to gain. After nine months, I woUldbe the. V.'S. ArmY Air Corps, whichlamlched making more moneythan I could hope to bO\'!il'ts'much PUblicized expansion :program make fo;, many ye~s following the civil atlthat tlme. The cost of flYJ,ngtrain professlon for whlChI had prepared is so great. that it had been entire self in college. A new life hBd opened -ly'beyond the reach of people like .my- )lp for me. Besides financial security, self Whowere freSh out of- college and here lay the chance to step in on the b~i'eSh out of mihney. Brief investie;atim ground floo;, of the most promising proO'!?f: ..theArm.v1s plan revealed an asto'lmd.., fess~on or md.ustry on earth. It look.blJingoffer to menof my status. Not ed Ilke a perfect post-gra.9-uate course only ,-would learn hOwto fly from.the for me. I would be prep~lng myself we ~b~st"instructors in.the world, but in for such future work as alrUne ~ addition we would be :paid $75.00 per ing, avia~io~ sales and procfu.ctiqn.alrmonth, 'Plus our clothmg board and plane deslgnl~ and, above all, ror a .1'60m After graduating~rom the nine .. permanent conmf ssfon in the United ~fll1onthstcourse, we IVOUld offered a be states Army Air Corps. a2'~1$250 .per month 'POsition. What could I With all of these factors pla,ying an 'Io'!l6se? I literally grabbed at this ofimportant part in my decision, I met -Q:ifer'with both hands the educational requirements and took 'U'l soon learned, however, that the'Air the physical examination. The ezammaCorps required a few things of me betion was severe in that it required abfore I wOUld accepted. First, lmust solute normality anatomically, nervousbe meet the physical reguirements. This lYI.and mentally. Somehow passed. I TeXBmiilation to select physically nor is JUter a month of iIl!Patient waiting, I mal applicants and eliminate those with was informed that my application had defects or diSeases which migj:J.t ecome been accepted, that I had met and passb f:aggravated b~ flying training. This ed all the examinations and had all the rr,o'ls(l1.mded s~slble to .IDe' Second, I Il1Ust prereauisites necessary for appointment thmeet certam educat ional requirement s ' as a ]'lyipe; Cadet, U.S. ArmyAir Corps. Lmust furnish documentar'J e\'1dence of Enthusiashcally, eagerly, and again ,R graduation from, or satisfactory comple impatiently, I awaited the ~ that I 'lotion.of two year\l' work at, a reccgnt s- was to leave for, SaI: Diego calif., .' e,nedcollege or unlverslty. or pass an mere I was to receave my first three . examination the scope of which covers months.of primary training at the Ry:m. <i::lthe' equivalent of two years of college School of Aeroneutics.. . S ~ork. . Uponmy arrival at San Diego, I step;I:began to.rationalize. SupposeI pad into a new life, a life di.:fferent !!!et;the re~rements and was accepted :f.roman.vthing,I had ever ex:penenced or ,!Cas,a.Flying Cadet. Whatthan? I would i.mag1.noo. llfe a that opened up before .108b'eLsanto one of the nine civilian' t me a ,glittering panorama that left me -X;E!i'!h60ls .scattered thro~ut the coun- speecliless. Meeting my classmates I would receave flying and ea. me that we were a group of \Vide-eyed instruction Army freshmen who had just set foot on a big . ~rvlsion. After complet~ three cantpUS. Here we were, most of us colm6nths!,:,lIprimarY"training, I would be le~ graduates, fired \Vith ambition and .easent'. te'the West Point of the Air, Ran- coIifidence, cock-sureness, egotism and dol~, .Field, Texas, Where I woul.drs"wordliness, II looking and acting like a Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. A.C. -13V-8491,
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WIN G S <>.ByJ~yingCadets Delwin B.Avery and .oQl:iorgeE. .Brown, Univ. of Utah, '39

t~~ ~~e~~~i~~en~ryi:t~ri~r~g~~:~soon we were to learn that we really;: out it a student mightbedangeI'QusJ~ot were freshmen, that we were just begin- only to himself but also to tne:mafiIHy-, ni~'a curriculum as intensively intering in other airplanes. The.Air.iCorps est1-!Jg, as comprehensively complete, as refuses to take that or any other;":I0,1 enythmg we haC. ever experienced in col- chance. It is no reflection on the;"i"n- lege! ' , , di vidual to be "washed out ": or. eliminatWhile at San Diego, we received ined from this course. It is':a"contin~~ struction in~ine Theory, Theory of gency that must be faced by thei'person i Flight I Navigahon, Meteorology,and concerned, and with it come's.thelIlea1i-. relatea. s1i.bjects, from the aca.a.emic zation that it is for the best., iilt',erb staff of the Ryan School. Our flying ests ofeve:i-yone. Those who,haver:been instructors were men of long experience, eliminated need not feel ashamed ,ox~9 thoroughly qualified in all phases of that they are failures. Iristeadl1 ;;LtXl flying I selected because of their abil- should give them a feeling of, pnde' .. nd, a ity ana. ~rsonality. Each civilian in- self-satisfaction to know thatr(theyjlbe-: structor had passed the special train'longed, even for a Short while,"it,o;.Mie ing .course given at Randolph Field by finest group of men whofly., -r, ':(uO ' the Army for the selection of instruc, After completiW the three month's:'',:l tOFf'l carry out the program of the ex- training at San Dlego, I was' transfer,;to pansion. . , red to Randol:phField, Texas, to:,~con-i: The first three months at DiegO' tinue the tralning that hadno~: liec.otne were a period of adjustment, of learnso mllcha part of my life., ,IkY- ' ing, of work, of regimentation, interview of this beautiful magic citJ':.;: as, ' rupted frequently by pleasant relaxait unfolded before my eyes, malle.'me:S'J tion athletic pilrtlclpation and social gasp. The bri/1ht TeXas sun reflect'ing functions. Out life was full and com- from the red-tIled roofs, the bealitiifiUl J?lete, and vastly interest ing. The landscaping and gardens, the ,windirrgci Army had taken a heterogeneous group of .drives, the clean white stucco Jioines,j young men from every walk of life, pour- arranged in perfect symmetry,'aJ.l1appear ed them into a common mold, and at the to have been reproduced from, the.,:if"anci-i end of three months, launched them' ful imagination" of an architect "di'eaIil-; upon the second phase of training ing of his Uto:pia. Randolnh .Fidd:ois ' wnich, when completed, would include like an oasis an the vast '1'exas:plam, " them 8l!10. ~t the best military pilots ret!Jining al:v~s ~ts. individuality:ydt~ of theu . refinement, :Lts dlgIllty;, HGf13 'From the irst intensely excitinl; moI inmediately became consodous cthati, ment of my first solo flight, to tne as new and different as 'my. life h.9il3lJ completion of my last check flight at been for the past three months(:.the'8o San Diego, the achievement of grad\ three months at Randolph wereat:d tion and "he obtaining of my "wings" be even more different and new,.RandolIh . became an obsession, a challenge to me. Field, steeped in tradition, rhonor.eand Initiative, self-reliance, cooperation, discipline, gENeme my first rea1rfconcourage, consideration for others, team- ception of what the word "officer" ,.L~ work, character, honesty, and many means. Uninitiated and other attributes were required, and, was in the,ways of the Ilmilitairec,:~J:i[ they all challenged me to prove to myat first, believed the stringent -discipself, instructors, friends, and most of I line, the hard and fast rules and:',:reguall, the Army, that I could and woul.d lations I the iIIlJ?ersonal, unquest.ioning win my "w~s." manner m which orders were ~venl,and Of necessft y, there were some of our accepted, were unfair and unJUst. After classmates whowere, eliminated. Some the first few weeks, however, "I~cameto men could not learn to land their realize that behind the hours of1!drill, planes perfectly on three points and at the strict discipline, the inevitable the same time pl;t their Wheels down inspections and parades, there,layr,alI within a forty-foot circle from 500, purpose and a J?lan. The comprehens~v:e 800, and 1,000 feet above the field. , haminl; to whlCh we were SUbjected,,} Others al'.V!lYseemed to get mixed up s served 'to fit us better tobecome10ffi.wh~nflying. 8.9robatically upside down cers and gentlemen; it ens:bled uslJ;on WhllepractlClng 10~, slow rolls, be better prepared to fulf~ll~thesdu~ snap rolls, aJ;ldImm an t~. Tl:eyti~s, that x7ould.become'o~s upoJi:tgradu-' lacked the abllity to maint.ain thelr atlon. ,; """" .DJ.J.fO\I I ,orient?-tion I,lo]Ilatter in,:Position ' After three months.of:stud.v:im?:,?ofo they mlght fmd themlilelves. In a " flying, an~ of occaslonal'rel:a,xat:L?~q course as comprehenstve and coJDP1ete as Randolnh Fleld became enother!ls:b.eppmg this one, not everyone "has what it stone to my future, and Lwasl,transtertakes." Some, through no fault of red to Kelly Field. Here;at1.iKel1l.lf.) the Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -14v-849l, A.C.

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eil.~1Ye10f'~lil!lmarcation between officers and opinion, aviators are not a group of -r!itadets:;is:not so pronounced; There is rattle-:-brained daredevils. Weall have .1il,01;2.'tne:'constant supervisioni the disa mission - a job to perform. Myclass-";cipl:l:ne:is not so severe; ana. much more mate, Flying Cadet Perry. has phrased ,t::lJhe" tS.:lO.venfor relaxation. Vieere what I flIld difficult to express, thus: now on tEe last nhase of our training. . "To ~ who are not pilots, the ul-:;:.ffiJV~r.y~'da;y".we flY.lVing to Wingin ~ighttimate aim of flying is often ov:er~ook-" f.oZ'mationover. the vast Texas plams. ed, obscured by the spectacular. ,'/hen Formation flying appeared very daring a ~ilot has mastered his .ship and ac(at"first,. but has becomequite ,simple qu1red a working knowledee in meteorol-,With:practice and with the instruction :.ogyandother su15jects reTevant to of~'Qtlr: ligj:lt commanders. We:put to f flillht, the pUI'pOseof aviation un-" ~r-Mtical application our earHer cours- folas ~tself. The long hours spent an es "1n"navigation, visiting on cross. ground school and in the air are the _ count.ry" in the most modern training'~ 'means to an end,. wh~chis the accomDtpl3Iles ~nthe world, such towns as Dal- ,plishment of ami ssaon. --<:I:a,s'f' Houston, Brownsville ,and Corpus , liThetask a civil pilot is entGhhsti.., : trusted with and the military mission Our first cross-country was to,a of National Defense, though they difHt;tleauxilial7.1anding field .55 miles f~r in JJIll'POse,.ny-olve tfie sBJ!lS i prin-south.of Kelly F~eld, called Pawnee. It c~ples:- The pnnc~ples govermng is:cvery difficult to find because of fHght. They"ere too many to be enu\tlfe>lack of outstanding landmarks in' merated. It -is oilly after hours of it's:'licinity and because it blends in flying, often tedious - more often, SO~well with surrounding fields., We however; greatly enjoyed - that the gen-erally have a little bet amongourDilot arnves at en understending of i:se'l'Vesas to wholvill and who will not the importance of his mission. i.6re" Df-intJ:dt. I didn't mind losing a wil,!!;er, then merely piloting a ship to its. boJ;k!l:felt' rather silly when an Insfiruc- dest inat ion , it is'the accoinplishment tor-cHew up beside IIiY plane end told me of an assigned task, the overcoming ~ebYi:;:!id:l:o t~t I had flown directly over - of C?bst~les often CC?nsid~rable.and -.iP-awnee20'mnutes ago. Myclassmates behind ~t all,. the s~,gnif~cence of -oI+'stne'groundsaw me finally'arrive . man!S' flight through t'heatmo~here. A from,-,the. rong direction, trailing the w real~zat~on of th~s, couple<:l VJ.ththe . I ,iristructor. However, by graduation, it f'ascdnat Ion pecul.Iar to fl~ng, and to: ",Would: not be boasting to say that I. nothing else in the same sense, raises' shall be proficient enough to return to aviation from merely an avocatlon to.a ,Iliy;.formercampusat the University of lconUnuueof experiences, which defines Utahi~tithciut ever seeing the ground exit as a proresston. It cept,;'for landings end take-offs. At It wasn't patriotic fervor or emotion, tlie"end of the course we will make al propagaIlM.that made me take the, '. :qICrOss-country trips flying under the step that I, di,d last spring, but still , Jilfood-:;on:instrumentsend radio only. I enjoy the wonderfully sahsfying f'eal,-rrcThe,:highJ.ightof IIiY traininq; -at the ing of knowing that I am in a posltion r"Corps Flyirig School Wasmght flywhere I can best serve my country in I;ng';'Those whohave never flown' at event of emergency I have at least en . iii/!,tlt'certainly have a thrill in store ?ppreciation of the expresston "patriot-G~forLthem. The world is not the one we ism." No, it wasnl,t sense of ,duty; it -LJlm~~~~but hides beneath a shadowycoat Waspriniarily the realization of a ~s:t led with flashing jewels - a new dream and the opportunity to make a ., ..: lvorld :in itself, and a very beautiful good living tharpromptedme to enter "XEOne . " . . . ,this partiCular profession. I am proud oj ~Gradli.ationand the coveted '''Itings'' il;1every. sense of the word.for what ,Lare;now but a matter of weeks away. As Lfes behind-me and am looking forward iIlriow look back over the past seven to my fui;urew:l:th the knowledge.that I months, for the first time I feel that have somethi.n,g definite and tangible s~;chences Of gr~uation are good. The . around which tot:puild my life. " has t, until now been ,"-~-oOo-- fearJof"eliminatlon 'L~_ I.. -.ever.:present. It has been no easy -, . acltievement.. It has been a period of Colonel He.rold A. str!ll;1ss end L~,eut. unCertainty, of constant endeavor of Colonel RosenhamBeam Air Corps, .have I f '-l.':Cou;ltless mllhts spent wonderingWh,ether been, detailed to the, nspector General s I would still be on the roll in a week Department, the t:orJ!lerreport~ for oroa.1IlOnth., Every clayhas been a test . duty to" the COIllllallding General of the O:fomy," ";.i:q116, stionab,le a:bllity of what I PanamaCenal, D~partmentend the latter ~~1a.earned!the day or the week or the to the Collllllllllding General of the -'!before;, ,Hawaiien Department. sLit Cgiitrary, to the general concensus of 15 --000-- .: A C' - V-8491, .. Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. . :J ..A . L:'. ,.

BOMBING.:ANlD RANGES GUNNERY FORAIR CORPS tion and gunnery ranges in order to ' familiarize themselves with all types . A recent announcement of the SecretaIY of terrain over which they might be reof War, Hon. Harry H. Woodring, is to quired to operate." the effect that the War Department, is --000--, taking immediate steps to acquire bomb' ing and gunner ranges for too Army Air AIR CORPS TECHNICAL SCHOOL GRADUATION Corps in the v1cinity of Sacramento, . ..: Calif.; Wendover, Utah, and Ton~, On M9;}r 24,1940, the Chanute.Field' Nevada. .' Branch of the Air Corps Technical" tmom Because of the rapid expansion of the School, Rantoul, Ill., graduated.l28iiJr Army Air Corps during the year ju,st students. Of this number, 95 were"gr<J;dpassed and the further expansion now uated from the Airplane Mechanics'.).s;;;!s; being undertaken under the recently an- course, 23 from the .Ureraft ,Metal,.:O . nounced directive of the President of Workers course and 10 from the AiX'c:t:af~ .the United .States, there is an urgent Welders course.': 7$)1:1: necessi ty for adequate bombing and gunTwo Najors of the Argll1ltineArmY;J\iI:' nery ranges for use by the Army Air Corps were among; those who graduat,ed;"Q!l Corps BombardmentGroups on the West the above date, Luis E. Brzuela and'!GiJ Coast. The areas were selected as a Gustavo Hermanson, from Buenos Ail:~s,t3t result of a careful studY which has Argentina. Upon return to theirI).a~-l,Ye been made bY a Board of Air Corps officountry, these officers will furtb,eJ:', , cera. A description of the ranges sel- introduce the hicll standards .of' Ame:t:i~ ected is as follows: . . can aviation in their nation.. . ,8381 sacramento, Calif.; - This range is Below is a list of the ntimberofs:st.u:.. located 15 miles east of the City of dents \\ho graduated ~ 24, 1940;rSfrom sacramento and immediately a.d.iacent to courses and stations, as indicated:: rri' h'.ather Field, which was established Aircraft .' !l;io":'. during the World War for the training Airpl?Ile Metal Aircr~;t of pilots. It is ~roximatelY 4500 . Mechwllcs Workers' Weldez;s acres in area and hes about 30 feet __ '" . above sea level. This range will afArgentine , j";,;;'Xcs,:1 ford en excellent all-year practice Army A.C. 2 . -''':r:::tL. bombing and gunnery range for units st a- Barksdale' 9 2.. 'k':':".;:..':! tioned at Hamilton Field. . Bolling 6 1 . - ....'-:h:rLt , Tonapah. Nevada: The site is south Chanute 2 3, . j~oJ;aCi , and east of Tonapilh; is irreguJ,ar in Duncan' 1. '(,,;'),,-,:;,dj' shape; and is about 60 x 90 miles in Fort Crook 1.,; 't ,;:"'::<J area. It lies at an altitude of 6 000 Fort Lewis 2 ~''::7":; feet above sea level which varies to. FF0rt R~ley 1 ::::-':-A'3i.i 9,000 feet at the tops of the mount.ains ort Sl11 3 ~":li"'-,;cf located in the same area. The country Hamilton 5 3., ;,-r.~:f.l , is wasteland, rouen and broken, and Kel~ 3 l,~ 'i'cri;;>iI contains 'very litUe, vegetation. It is Lan ey 15 2 . -,("',oJO apart of the public domain. The ~!ar 16 5; :'"1';,;;:3 country surrounding the area is unin1!a.cDill 1 ~U1ST.-a he.bited. Weather conditions are excel- Mavell 5 . ;i';;;-30 lent for all-year bombing and gunnery Middleto\VIl 2 <: :'7:h:J practice. . . N.itchel 7 1 :l:i:!;:i.f Wendover. Utah: This ran@ has been Moffett. 3 1.: J "':::-1 selected for use as a hi@:laltitudeNewJerseY:OJ.dlrY;' gunl1e~ .and bomb~ range, It lies Coast Guard . . ~--'<.;lf east 0 Wendover, tab. and is about ReuS dottlph 26 ""--2':1 54 x 108 miles in size, LYiIu':about co '.c-;-'.,3 4,000 feet above sea level~ it consists Selfri~ 5 1 ;,~S!~:r of the bed of a dry lake. llat and hav- Stewart l",L':U ing no vegetation. Weat1}erconditions Total go Z . ..r;q., for all-year round pract Ice are excelThe airplane mechanics were members lent. '.. " . ,of the December clas s , which was ,the.1 liTo properly traln' Air Corps tactlcal third of the enlarged lOO-menclasses, ~its. alinost continuous use of ~ pr~- and the fact that 95 of the 100 did');} hce rllIlge within one hour's flYl~ d1S- graduate further attests to the ~:r tance .of the home base is a necess1ty, II calibre of the students.' 'However'ltjie said Major GeI,leral Henry H. Arnold,Chief A,M. classes were increased from iOO~to of the A:J;!n ~lr Corps, In. recommencl1J,lg 2COstudents during the early .part~o:t: the acquis1hon of these areas. "It 1S March 1940; 100 of this number~atterld ~also necessary t~t our personnel make ing classes in the new schoolfa.ciU~JeE periodic use of h1gh altitude deJII)liand the remainder receivinginst~,lon . in the old area. .' : ;;nsv' ,. -16-' V-8491'?"A',Cr.a.a,: Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark.

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The,.'Air,.Corpswas shocked on Sunday mo~ing, ;June16th, to hear of the suddeli> death of Brigadier General Augusthe --J.iVather. Robins, woo succumbed to a heart ,attack-at ~dolph Field, Texas. " On.the death or General Robins the .. ir:~COi:'psnd the Army have lost an ofA a f.i,cerof. great e~er~ence and 9utstanding abillt;yin aVlatlon, and his innuliilerablefriends in 811 branches of the service will mourn the passing of a <~yn.lnCh friend and an inspiring ex-

in Glo~cester County"Virginia, on September 29, 1882. He attended high school in -RfclJDi.ond, ,Vir~ia, aA9- was appointed t'O-~the'. ted States 1,,111 U!U t~ Academy in 1903.' Upon graduation from West Point he was assigned to the Twelfth jCay~,' y at ~ort 1 Georgia. r Reo,served mth his br~ an the PliH.ippines and at Fort.Robinson, Nebraska. In 1912, he went to the if.i.litary Academyas an instructor in, mathematics. A year later he was with th<;i'Cavalry again at Fort Meade, S<mth Dakota, and then became a student at the'r.iounted Servfce School. He was a NEW COURSES AT CHANUTE FIELD member of the Punitive Expedition to Mexico in 1916 and remained on the Twonew courses of instruction were Mexic?D- order until September" 1917, B recently added to the curriculum of the by"mllch t nne he had been promoted to Chanute Field :Branch of the Air Ocrps a 'Captain of Cayalry, and appointed a Technical School, one for Weather ObM!l\lorof Aviation Sect ion, Elgnal servers and the other for Weather ForeCons. . casters. The first group to receive 'General Robins' first assignment in instruct ion in the Weather Observers' aViation was at Scott Field, where he course at Chanute Field will begin began his flying training in 1917. He their class on August 12, 1940. Forty continued his training at Park Field, students will be enrolled in the class Millington, Tennessee, and qualified which will be conducted over a period for the rating of Junior iJii!itary of 22 weeks, The Forecasters' course Aviator on August 9, 1918. Thereafter will cover a period of 39 weeks,end it he served successively at Indianapolis, will open on September 16th with a in-the Office of the Director of Air class of 35 studentia . There will be only Service in WashiM:ton, and at the Air DepOt at Fairfield, Ohio, which.he com- one class for Forecasters annually. ---000--' mandeduntil 1926. In June of that \ year he took a Special Observer's ,,' FLI GHI' SURGEONS GRADUATE course at Kel~y Field, .Texa,s, andob; tamed the ras ing of AiUllane Observer. Thefollo'ving-named medical officers ,n;Returning to the Fairheld Air Deuot, whohave' been pursuing a three monthsI General Robins remained on duty there basic course of instruction at the ' until 1928, when he went to the Air , Randolph. aCOrpsTactical School at ~et Field. ,S~hool of Av-iation Medicine.,/,., ojF~!Jl ,~his duty he was assigned to com-- F1eld, Texas,' graduated as .l!'.LightSUr'" IlIanI}~the .San Antonio Air Dewt. _where ' geons on JUne 14, 1940. The were assigned to t~ station appearlIlg after -.ilhejserved until November,,1931, when each name, VlZ: " _ ~~.ihll:-",!ent the Materiel Division at to. Captains Louis K. Pohl, l-ilacDill Field, !i01'lfilcliti FJeld. _In 1933, General Robins .. < T~, Fla.; Jack P. Scott and 1st Lt. went-to the AriJW. Industrial College in A.S. D'Amore, Landey Field, Va.; WashinJ1:ton, ;whicll was followed by a Eldred LaM. Gann and 1st Lieut. Ifubert tour at ehe Arrrry War College. This T. Elders, Barksdale Field. La.; 1st latter course was interrupted in the Please purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. -17V-8491, A.C.

'~~~;ai' was born Robins

spring of 1935 by his appointment as ' Assistant Chief of the .All' Corps with the rank of Brigadier Oeneral , He held this rank and assi~ent as Chief of the 1~eriel Divis~on at Wright Field for the normal period of four years. Upon completion of this duty, on February 24, 1939,' General Robins resumed ' his Re,gular .A:rmy rank of Colonel, and ' entered upon his last assignment as Commanding Officer of the Air Corps Training Center. During his last tour at Randolph Field, he carried out the difficult task of supervising the fly~ ing training of the e~ded Air Corps with outstanding skill and success. ' His loss 'at this time of national ener~cy deprives the Air Corps of one of ~ts ablest officers and most @allant gentlemen. Surviving General Robins are his widow, Mrs. Dorotlly H. Robins, and three daW;hters, Dorothy, Elizabeth and Helen, all of Randolph Field, Texas. : The deepest sympathy of the Air Corps is extended to his bereaved family. : , ---000---"

several of them; and, too, rain squalls Lieuts. John A. Booth, Patterson Field, Ohio; Eui<eneM. lIJ81'tin, Bolling Field, . and thunderstorms forced us to land and stalfon the ground for about two hours, D:C. t ana: Robert W. Robinson. Chanute However, .before dark the Sau.adrOn was F1.elo.."Ill. bivouacked at Hensley Field. Following introdJl.ctory remarks by "Perhaps the troops who participated Lieut. Colonel Fabian L. Pratt, Medical Corps, Commandant f the School, he in- in the Third .ArmY Maneuvers thoU;ht o trouuced Lieut. Colonel David N.W.Grant, that they were accustomed to heavy rains, but this correspondent has never iii.C., Chief of the Medical Division. before seen a rain that could compare Office of the Chief of the Air Corps, with the one that feHat Hensley Field who delivered a very interesting and inspiring address. Major John M. Har- on the night of May 27th. All aVail- . greaves. d.C., Director of the Depart- . able canoes, boats, rubber boots, pon- . ment of Opthalmology and Otology of the toons ,etc. ,wel'eput :into use and, as a result of this action, no School, tnen presented diplomas to tne were reported from'drowning .. The next . students, adding his personal co~atumorning each truck had to be PUlled to lations and words of good cheer. The hicll ground with the aid of the I s-oider , invocation and benediction were delivered by Chanlain E. J. Griffin. A num- ana:tlie strength of the entire SauBd- . ron .. By ten o'clock we were on fhe . ber of. distinguished guests, relatives last Leg.of' our return trip. T'Lliswas and friends of the stUdent officers made without trouble,' the balloon havwere present. ing to dodge numerous thunderstorms on The present class makes the fifty- the WBi/ in and the Squa:dr6narrived . second to graduate from the School at ,Fort sih, . intact , at 5:00 p.m. since its establishment in 1919. In , During the month of Mav the Squa4.addition to the resident courses, the School also conducts a cor-respondence ron~iled up a total of 136 hours and I course for medical officers oI the Or- . 40 Ill1.nutes pilot time, and for the maneuver as a whole a total of 170 ganized Reserves and National Guard. There are 609 students enrolled in this hours .and 35 minutes. The balloon was f~own'under extreme~y adverse condicourse at the present time. t Lons much of .the hme, and Imlding Another basic course lvill begin on safely in the fields entirely covered July 15, 1940. Fourteen medical officers of the RegularA:rmYare now under wi~h burntstUlIlps required nd little With orders to report for this course, as , sk1.1l'oh the part of our pilots. follOws: CaPtain RiChard L. Bohannonand this total of pilot hours, we believe : that this is some sort of a record for' 1st Lieut. Charle? E. Melcher, eey. Field, Va..; Captam Charles F. ey a 0-6 motorized balloon." -.--000and 1st Lieut. John T. Martin, Mit el Field, L.1(, ~ew York; Captains '/Iilliam F, Cook, MacD1.11ield, Tampa, .Fla.; F . John R .. McGraw,McChord Field, Wash'i' MajorsNol'IIlBD. Brophy and George v.OOcPikf D. John Brancato , .MaxwellField, Ala.; st Lieuts. Elmod E. Baird, Randolph Field, are. relieved from'duty as instructors at the.'; Texas; Julius J. Snyder, March Field . ArrrrI Industrial College, l7ashington, D. C" eti<l. assignsd to duty at the Materiel Division. -, Calif.; William K. Mli ven i Barksd;ie Wright Field, Ohio. 'k' Field, La.; James IV.Brown, Hamilton Field, Calif.; George S. Boyer, Fort Major Edmmd'P; Gaines is relieved from cJnty Riley, Kansas; RaymondC. Stiles, Fort at Wright Field. Ohio, and assigned to .duty a~ Aberdeen Proving Ground, !Id.l' ~ox, Ky., and Roger L. O'Toole, Scott F1.eld. Ill. . . 1s.. Lieuts. Norman Peterson, Clark L. t L. .". --000-HoSll>9r, Rayrrond T. Lester and lavid H. Kennedy


are assigned to duty, respectively, at Langley and McCiiord Fields upon th<i completion of their ~resent course of instruc~ "The old fight in I First Balloon S~tion at the Califorma Institute of Technology ron," salfs the NewsLetter Correspond- Pasadena. Calif. ent , "is back at Fort Sill after a Co10mi!Arthur G. Fisher is relieved .rom month of m~euvers with the Third Army duty at .Scott Field, Ill., and assigned to in the Sabme Area. duty at Headquarters, .9th Corps Area, Presidio "The Souadron left Leesville, La., on of San Francisco, Calif, the morn!ng of ~ 27th at 4:00 a.m.,. Selected for detail as students at the Como for the return tlf1.P,to Fort Sill. M nand and Generallltaff School, Ft.Leavenworth, we were blessed mth s0'!1eworn out for the Feb. 1941 course, are: Lt. Colonels trucks, that we were back to Chas. E. Branshaw, Neal Creighton, Tholms 'Ii. Fort S1.11to. be turI,led iilto the ~terHastey, Paul J. Mathis, Majors E.V.Harbeck:, master at thi s stahon, our progress DonMcNeal, Edward Morris, Carl 'Ii. Pyle. M. was somewhathampered by hanng to tow Capts. Charles F. Born end JSIISS B. Burwell. purchase PDF Split-Merge on to remove this watermark. V-B491,A.C. -16-


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