ASBP Briefing Paper Whats in My uPVC Window
ASBP Briefing Paper Whats in My uPVC Window
ASBP Briefing Paper Whats in My uPVC Window
1.0 Introduction: What is uPVC and how do we make across the UK. Ineos have since opened an energy from
it? waste plant on site and in July 2016, Ineos suggested
they would be putting in thirty planning applications
As a reminder, uPVC stands for Unplasticised Polyvinyl to frack in England by the end of the year. However,
Chloride. How many consumers or indeed construction by September, these plans appear to have been
professionals know this? And have they considered downgraded, with Ineos stating it hoped to lodge just
how uPVC is manufactured? five applications by the end of 2016.
Time for some basic chemistry; Poly(vinylchloride) 2.0 The toxic history of the site in Runcorn
(PVC) is produced by the polymerisation of vinyl
chloride monomer, which is in turn derived from Friends of the Earth produced in 2016 an excellent
ethylene dichloride. Ethylene dichloride is obtained briefing on Ineos. [2]
from the reaction of ethylene with chlorine, with
the ethylene being obtained by steam cracking of Back in February 2000, the Guardian broke the news
hydrocarbons derived from fossil oil reserves. under the headline Toxic Shock that a chemical known
as HBCD had leached from a dump within the ICI
Chlorine is produced from brine (salt solution) by facility in Runcorn, Cheshire.
the chlor-alkali industry. Total chlorine production in
Europe was nearly 9.7 million tonnes in 2016, with the The village of Weston, population around 1,000, with its
largest single end use (33%) being for PVC production. good housing, good schools, good church and people, is
Demand for PVC products in Europe is close to deep in this nightmare. Ever since ICI knocked on 120
5 million tonnes per annum, with window profiles doors along Weston Road in the first week of January,
accounting for 28% or 1.4 million tonnes. the stress levels have been rising. So far, 19 out of 104
properties in the street tested near the two linked waste
The vast majority of chlorine (85%) used in UK PVC tips have proved positive for HCBD, and more than 50
manufacture and 95% of chlorine added to the UK people have been evacuated to local hotels.
drinking water supply, is manufactured in Runcorn,
Cheshire, in a plant formerly owned by ICI and now The bulk of the several million tons of waste in the two
owned by Ineos. quarries is rubble, lime, chlorinated solvents, chemical
catalysts and general industrial waste. But also known
1.1 Manufacturing chlorine is highly energy intensive to be dumped were large amounts of highly toxic
mercury, sodium, perchlorethylene, trichlorethylene,
Manufacturing chlorine is highly energy intensive carbide and lime slurry, and thousands of unmarked
as the CEO from Ineos commented in 2013. Such steel drums whose contents are unknown. The site
(energy) costs are particularly important for Ineos. made chlorine gas during the second world war, then
Its Runcorn plant, which provides the chlorine for helped make atomic bombs. More recently, it was
95% of Britain’s water, “consumes as much energy as one of the world’s largest producers of CFCs - the
Liverpool”, says Ratcliffe. “We are one of the largest propellants and coolants that destroy the ozone layer.
industrial consumers of both electricity and gas in the It is now one of Britain’s greatest producers of deadly
UK outside of the power generation sector”. [1] cancer-causing dioxins and is hounded by Friends of
Jim Ratcliffe may not be a household name. But it’s the Earth for its pollution record.
hard to find another British industrialist who, in 15 The following year in May, 2001 the Guardian ran a
years, has built a business from scratch into a global follow up article;
$43bn (£27.5bn) operation, employing 3,500 people