3 G10 Mid Term

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Portions for Mid-Term Examination

Grade – X

Subject Portions

Info. Technology 1 Introduction To the Internet

2 Internet Services
3 Introduction to MySql

English First Flight

1 Letter to God
2 Two Stories about Flying (Part-1 & Part 2)
3 A Long Walk to Freedom
4 Diary of a Young Girl
1 Dust of Snow
2 Fire and Ice
3 A Tiger in the Zoo
Footprints without Feet
1 A Triumph of Surgery
2 A Thief’s Story

Writing Skills and Grammar

1 Formal Letters
2 Letter to the Editor
3 Placing an Order
Letter of Complaint
1 Official
2 Business

1 Modals
2 Subject – verb concord
3 Tenses
4 Prepositions
5 Determiners
6 Reported speech
7 Commands and requests
8 Statements
9 Questions

Words and Expressions Book -2 Unit 1 to Unit 4

Refer and learn from CW Notes; Google Class Notes; Text Book; Question Bank;
Words and Expressions; Resource Material


2L-French Chapter
2 – Après le bac
3 – Chercher du travail
4 – Le plaisir de lire
5 - Les médias
6 – Chacun ses gouts
Workbook – Pg. 23-94

1 Le présent, le passe compose, le plus-que-parfait, le futur simple, le futur antérieur,
l’impératif, passe récent
2 La forme nominale – Nominalisation
3 Les pronoms relatifs simples
4 Les pronoms relatifs composés
5 Les pronoms personnels – y, en
6 Les pronoms démonstratifs simples et composés
7 Le pronom ‘on’

1 Le système d’éducation en France / en Inde
2 Décrivez vos projets d’études
3 Parlez de son travail
4 Conseiller quelqu’un pour lui aider à trouver un emploi.
5 Raconter un événement / une fable
6 Laisser un message
7 Proposer / Accepter / Refuser une invitation
8 Décrivez une fête / une célébration
9 Raconter une histoire

Mathematics 1 Real Numbers

2 Polynomials
3 Pair of linear equations in two variables
4 Quadratic Equations
5 Arithmetic Progression
6 Coordinate Geometry
7 Introduction to Trigonometry
8 Statistics
9 Probability

Science Biology
1.Life processes.
2.Control and co-ordination.
3.How do organisms reproduce-asexual mode of reproduction[till page no-118]

Biology practical’s
1.Preparing a temporary mount of a leaf peel to show stomata.
2.Experimentally show carbon-dioxide is given out during respiration

1 Electricity (Including numerical)
2. Magnetic effects of current
3.Reflection and Refraction of Light (50%);- Reflection def, laws of reflection, sign
convention for mirrors, definitions:- principal axis, focus, focal length, Radius of
curvature, magnification, Rules for drawing ray diagrams for mirrors, Ray diagrams (8)
both concave mirror and convex mirror, Applications of concave mirror and convex mirror.
1. Ohm’s Law
2. Resistors connected in series and parallel
3. Concave mirror

1) Chemical Reactions and Equations
2) Acids, Bases and Salts
3) Metals and Non-metals
* Finding the pH of the following samples by using pH paper/universal indicator:
*Types of Chemical Reactions

Social Science 1 Resources and development

2 Forest and wildlife resources
3 Water Resources
4 Rise of nationalism in Europe
5 Nationalism in India
6 Development
7 Sectors of Indian economy
8 Power Sharing
9 Federalism
10 Gender, religion and caste
11 Money and Credit
12 Globalisation and Indian Economy

Map-Water Resources
Nationalism in India

Midterm Examination Schedule: (Kindly refer page no 36 in school diary)

Date Day Subject

12.09.2024 Thursday Computer
20.09.2024 Friday English
23.09.2024 Monday Math
25.09.2024 Wednesday Social
27.09.2024 Friday II Language
30.09.2024 Monday Science

Please note the following instructions:

1. Regular classes will be conducted on 12.09.2024, 13.09.2024, as per regular schedule from 7.40 a.m.to 3.10 p.m. On
14.09.2024, students will depart at 12.15 p.m. as per Saturday schedule.

2. Study holidays will be on 15.09.2024, 16.09.2024, 17.09.2024, 18.09.2024 & 19.09.2024.

3. Students should report to school at 7.40 a.m. in neat formal uniform with black shoes and white socks with proper
haircut(boys) & tie their hair(girls).

4. Attendance is mandatory on all the exam days. Exams will not be rescheduled.

5. Students are not permitted to wear smart watches, carry mobiles nor any other electronic gadgets to school during
the exam time.

6. 21.09.2024, 22.09.2024, 24.09.2024, 26.09.2024, 28.09.2023 & 29.09.2024 will be study holidays.

7. No late arrival or early departure to school will be permitted during the exam time; students will depart at 12.15 p.m.
on the examination days.

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