Thalia Mara Hall Inspection

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STATE FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE, cs oer Division OF THE SSISSIPP INSURANCE DEPARTMENT o otmet oc. “wna “TeLePvone: or) 8-061 ne Eh eon 0 | September 11, 2024 ‘Angela Ladner ‘Audtoriam Manager ‘Thalia Mara Hall 255 € Pascagoula St. Jackson, MS 39201 ear Ms. Ladner, ‘On Monday, September 03,202, the Office ofthe State Fire Marshal received a complaint reference tollife safety issues at Thala Mara Hall, 255 €. Pascagoula St, Jackson, MS 39201. Deputy State Fire ‘Marshal Supervisor Jonathan Owens and Deputy State Fire Marshal Zach Purvis arrived atthe fcilty ‘that same day at approximately 430 hours. They were in the presence of Mi. Judd Vance during the Inspection. ‘According to the Annual Fire Code Update, the City of Jackson has adopted ands currently enforcing ‘the 2018 Internationa Fie Code (IFC). The State of Mssssipp| adopts the most current IFC as itis ‘updated. As of July 01,2024, the Office ofthe State Fire Marshal enforcing the 2024 IFC along with enforcing the Rules and Regulations ofthe Misissppl Fire Prevention Code (Miss. Code 6 45-£1-101 through § 451-11). Section 7.02.4 ofthe Missisppl Fire Prevention Code, Mss Code § 45-11-101(), sets forth the ‘obligatory requirements ofthe Office of the State Fite Marshal to enforce such codes, which includes all ‘oulldings owned by the State or State Agencies or any ather politi subdvsin, ‘Attached you wil find the ie safety code violations, along with pictures. These violations didnot meat sate requirements according tothe misssipp Fre Prevention Lode, Miss. Lode 9 42-11-101. You nave ten (10) working days to make contact with our office to provide a plan of action or make necessary corrections. You may contact me recty or the supervisor over the Code Enforcement Division = Jonathan Owens a 652-255-0050 or email him at jonathan. owens(@mid,mssov Two other health issues | would ike to mention: ‘© Mold that is growing throughout thefaciity lors, seating, al ee ‘+ Human waste products were noted along the upper balcony onthe outside ofthe bullding, just outside ofthe doors. It you have any questions, please feel free to cll me. Respectully, Cunée [dakec Connie Dolan State Chief Deputy Fre Marshal Ce: Mike Willams, Deputy Ditector of Human & Cultural Services Tiffany Murray, Executive Assistant tothe Mayor Vig indsay, Ward 7 Counelwoman Ccupant: Tas Mara npn on4 Ms STATE FIRE MARSHAL INSPECTION REPOR V3. Ms tate Fre Marshals Office Misisspp! Department of insurance 239 North Lamar, Ste 101, PO 80x79 Jackson, MS39201 Jackson, MS 39205, State Chief Deputy, Connie Dolan ‘State Fite Marshal Mike Chaney Insnectlon and Comaliance Orders Facility Name: Thala Mara_Lecation Street 255 Name: ThalaMara val uber: Ha Location street Pascagoula Occupant Street 255 ‘ame! ‘Number: Location City: Jackson Occupant Street Pascagoula Name: Location state: MS Occupant City: Jackson ‘Occupant state: MS Passed: No Inspector: Pun, Zachary; Owens, Jonathan Inspection Date: 09/09/2024 Inspection Type: Inspection- ste Violations Violation Code" Description comments 603.6 Extension cards shallot bea substitute Fr permanent ‘nog ond shal be sted and labeledin accordance with UWL, Extension cores shall at be affixed to structures, extended though wal, clings or lors er under doors ‘or floor coverings, nor shallsuch cords be subject to environmental damage or physical impact. Extension cords Shollbe used only with potable applances. Extension ‘Cords marked for indoor use shall not be vsed outdoors 907.8 Themalntenance and testing schedules and procedures Flee alarm panel had several system trouble codes Faire slarm and fire detection systoms shal ben howing ‘ccordance wth Sections 4078.1 through 07.84 and NEPA T2 Records a inspection, testing and maintenance hllbe maintained, 3153.1 Storage shall be maintained 2 feet (610 mm) or more ‘below the cling in nonsperklered areas of buldings or ‘ot less than 18 inches (7 mm) below sprinkler head

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