Kundalini Yoga Mantra
Kundalini Yoga Mantra
Kundalini Yoga Mantra
Each True Bliss Mala is infused with the vibrational sound of Kundalini Yoga
Mantra and Music.
Mantras are typically in Gurmukhi, a sacred Indian language, and
occasionally, in English. These mantras contain the vibrations of
peace, prosperity, connection, and many other qualities and are
understood by their impact, even if the meaning of each word is
not known.
"Mantras are not small things, mantras have power. They are the mind
vibration in relationship to the Cosmos.
The science of mantra is based on the knowledge that sound is a form of
energy having structure, power,
and a definite predictable effect on the chakras and the human psyche." ~
Yogi Bhajan
I bow to the primal Guru
I bow to the truth that has existed throughout the ages
I bow to True Wisdom
I bow to the Great Divine Wisdom
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This is a mantra of protection and is recited to invoke the
protective energy of the universe. "When you cannot be
protected, this mantra shall protect you. When things stop, and
won’t move, this makes them move in your direction." - Yogi
Aad Pooran Madh Pooran Ant Pooran Paramaysureh
Aad is sometimes taken to mean the beginning. It actually means
more like the primal, something that existed before the beginning,
beyond and predating anything. This concept is very hard to
translate into English. Pooran means complete, needs nothing else
to complete it. In the beginning, God was complete truth. Madh
pooran, in the middle, God is completely whole, completely true,
all pervading. Ant Pooran, in the end God will be all pervading.
Parmaysureh. Why? Because he is parmaysureh. He is the highest
of high, highest of the world. This is a lot like Guru Nanak Dev ji's
words at the beginning of Japji Sahib. Aad Sach, Jugaad Sach, Hai
Bhee Sach. Naanak Hosee Bhee Sach.
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The focus of this mantra is to help remove blocks when you get
stuck and help get you moving. This chant is from Baba Siri Chand
who was the eldest son of Guru Nanak (the first Guru of the Sikhs).
"Now suppose something you want to move and it’s not moving.
There is a block and it’s not movable…..then chant this mantra.
It’s a lever. It is the biggest lever available to you as a mantra.”
Yogi Bhajan
You, Divine One, have become my refuge. True is Your support,
Great Creative Infinite.
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According to Yogi Bhajan this mantra "...will totally eliminate
enemies and block the impact of animosity forever, it can give you
mental self-control..."
This mantra meditation from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib is a gift to
you that will let you penetrate the unknown without fear. It will
give you protection and mental balance. Cuts Negativity inside and
I bow to (or call on) the primal power.
I bow to (or call on) the all encompassing power and energy.
I bow to (or call on) that through which God creates.
I bow to (or call on) the creative power of the Kundalini, the Divine
Mother Power.
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The Adi Shakti Mantra tunes one into the frequency of the Divine
Mother, and to the primal protective, generating energy. It is said
that chanting it eliminates fears and fulfills desires."Merge in the
Maha Shakti. This is enough to take away your misfortune. This will
carve out of you a woman. Woman needs her own Shakti, not
anybody else will do it. When a woman chants the Kundalini Bhakti
mantra, God clears the way. This is not a religion, it is a reality.
Woman is not born to suffer, and woman needs her own power." -
Yogi Bhajan
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Ang is 'a part'. Sang is 'in every,' or 'with every'. Wahe is 'the
indescribable living ecstasy of Infinite Being'. Guru is 'the
knowledge that transforms your mind, emotion and essence.' The
whole phrase means, "The Infinite Being, God, is with me, and
vibrates in every molecule and cell of my being."
The prayer has been given to Guru Amar Das. The prayer is
manifested by Guru Ram Das. The miracle is complete.
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“Normally there is no power in the human but the power of prayer.
And to do prayer, you have to put your mind and body together
and then pray from the soul. Ardas Bahee is a mantra prayer. If
you sing it, your mind, body and soul automatically combine and
without saying what you want, the need of the life is adjusted. That
is the beauty of this prayer.” — Yogi Bhajan
Bhaja Man Mere Hari Ka Nam, Hari Ka Nam Sat Nam
Oh my mind, meditate on God's Name
God's Name is Sat Nam (Truth).
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The practice of mantra hypnotizes the mind into a state of
tranquility. The translation for this is “Oh my mind, meditate on
God’s name! God’s name is the truth of my identity.” - Yogi Bhajan
You are pervading in all the four directions, the Enjoyer in all the
four directions. You are self-illumined, profoundly beautiful, and
united with all. Destroyer of the torments of birth and death,
embodiment of mercy. You are ever within us. You are the
everlasting giver of indestructible power.
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This mantra is taken from the last four lines of Guru Gobind Singh's
Jaap Sahib. It is a mantra used to remove fear, anxiety and
phobias. It is a mantra to make one experience victory. "Chattr
Chakkr Vartee is the mantra for the heart center, it gives direct
energy to it. When you are sinking, if you know this mantra and
can sing it, you can totally recuperate yourself.” — Yogi Bhajan
Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad, Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar
There is one Creator of all Creation. All is a blessing of the One
Creator. This realization comes through Guru's Grace.
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It must be chanted in a sacred way. After chanting it, it is wise to
keep your thoughts and words positive, as you will be in a state of
manifestation. The mantra takes thought and reverses it to come
out positive. A thought rides into your consciousness to be
processed with "Ek Ong Kar Sat Gur Prasad," and comes out pure
with, "Sat Gur Prasad Ek Ong Kar."
The Creator and the Creation are One. This is our True Identity.
The ecstasy of the experience of this wisdom is beyond all words
and brings indescribable bliss.
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This mantra, in the "Long Chant" form, is done every morning at
the beginning of the morning Aquarian Sadhana. It can also be
chanted as a mantra without the long chant format. It brings
Kundalini awakening, opening of the chakras, and a sense of bliss.
This mantra, in its Long Chant (also called Long Ek Ong Kar or
Morning Call) form, was the first mantra taught by Yogi Bhajan in
the US. He said it was the mantra of the Aquarian Age.
Gobinday Mukunday Udaaray Apaaray Hariang Kariang Nirnamay
Sustainer, Liberator, Enlgihtener, Infinite, Destroyer, Creator,
Nameless, Desireless
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Noted for the capacity to break through deep-seated blocks.
Relieves anger, pain and attachment. Clears the karma. "Besides
helping cleanse the subconscious mind, it balances the
hemispheres of the brain, bringing compassion and patience to the
one who meditates on it." - Yogi Bhajan
Guru - teacher or guide that brings one from the darkness to the
Wahe - exclamation of ecstacy like ''WOW!''
Ram Das - literally translates as "God's Servant",
but also refers to Guru Ram Das, the Fourth Guru of the Sikhs
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This mantra was given to Yogi Bhajan by Guru Ram Das in His
astral self. As Guru Ram Das, the fourth Guru of the Sikhs, was
known for humility and healing abilities this mantra is also known
for its healing qualities and for imparting humility to the one who
chants it.
Har Har Har Har Har..........
Creative Infinity.
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This bij (seed) mantra represents the Infinite in it’s creative form.
This mantra is used for a very powerful prosperity meditation. It is
also a mantra that develops will power.
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This mantra expresses the three qualities of the word Har -seed,
flow, completion, Bliss! Shakti/Bhakti mantra that uses the primal
force of creativity to rid one of obnoxious situations in life and can
bring you through any block and opens up your own creative
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This mantra literally means that we are the spirit of God. It is total
spirit. Total spirit represents God. It fixes the identity into its true
The sword breaks through and cuts down the demons of the mind
and body. This beautiful and powerful weapon adorns the
battlefield of life.
It is as an extension of the arm, unbreakable, terribly fast, it’s
awesome splendor overshadows even the sun.
It protects the peace and happiness of the saints and destroys any
powerful negative energy. It has erased the negativity and guilt
that I carry. I seek its refuge.
Praise, praise be to the great doer of the world, savior of the
creation, my great protector, praise be to the sword!
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Brings strength courage and inspiration, cut through your karma
and erase negativity.
"It is so intoxicating that it intoxicates the entire evil in the human
being, this shabad. And once you can get this shabad around you,
you are done. It will follow you. That is also the power of this
shabad. You can... without uttering and trying to hear, whenever
there will be any negativity within the orbit of your life, this shabad
will start ringing in your ear. And I think this is the best gift Guru
has ever given us. Language is absolutely straight. There's no
duality about it." - Yogi Bhajan
Ek ong kaar, sat naam, karataa purakh, nirbho, nirvair
Akaal moorat, ajoonee, saibhang, gur prasaad. Jap!
Aad such, jugaad such, Hai bhee such, Naanak hosee bhee such.
One Creator. Truth is His name. Doer of everything. Fearless,
Revengeless, Undying, Unborn, Self illumined, The Guru's gift,
Meditate! True in the beginning. True through all the ages. True
even now. Oh Nanak it is forever true.
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The Mul Mantra translates as the root mantra from which a
spiritual foundation is built. The Siri Guru Granth Sahib is based
upon the concepts of the Mul Mantra. Yogi Bhajan says on chanting
the Mul Mantra "The Mul Mantra is a fate killer. It removes the fate
and changes the destiny to complete prosperity."
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Yogi Bhajan taught this is ancient yogic mantra as a tool to relate
instantly to the divine teacher within.
Rakhay rakhanhaar aap ubaariun
Gur kee pairee paa-eh kaaj savaariun
Hoaa aap dayaal manho na visaariun
Saadh janaa kai sung bhavjal taariun
Saakat nindak dusht khin maa-eh bidaariun
Tis saahib kee tayk naanak manai maa-eh
Jis simrat sukh ho-eh saglay dookh jaa-eh
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These are the words of Guru Arjan, the 5th Sikh Guru, and are for
complete protection. It is from the evening prayer (Rehiras), which
adds energy to one’s being, and helps when you are physically
weak or have limited wealth. It is a victory song which allows us to
be guided by God’s graceful and merciful hand. It does away with
the obstacles to fulfilling one’s destiny. Gives a person elevation
and altitude over their life.
Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Say So Hung
Ra - Sun
Ma - Moon
Daa - Earth
Saa - Impersonal Infinity
Saa Say - Totality of Infinity
So - Personal sense of merger and identity
Hung - The infinite, vibrating and real.
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This mantra taps into the energies of the sun, moon, earth, and the
Infinite Spirit to bring deep healing. It can be chanted to heal the
self or to send healing energy to anyone you wish.
Ram Ram Hari Ram, Ram Ram Hari Hari
Ram: Raa is sun | Ma is moon. Together, they are Ram, God’s
Hari: Seed of God
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“The first Ram invokes the creativity and blessing of the universal
magnetic field and existence. The second Ram consolidates and
protects that magnetic field and creation. The Third ram
completes and gives peace through the time of death. The final
Hari’s are the platform of the four corners that elevates you in
consciousness as you journey across earth." - Yogi Bhajan
Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Re Sa Sa, Sa Rung Har Re Har Har,
Har Re Har Har, Har Re Har Har, Har Rung
That Infinite Totality is here, everywhere. That creativity of God is
here, everywhere.
Saa = Infinity, totality of the Cosmos
Taa = Life (birth of form from the Infinity)
Naa = death (or transformation)
Maa = Rebirth
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Panj means five, and expresses the five primal sounds of the
Universe. (SSS. MMM. TTT. NNN and AAA.) It is the atomic or Naad
form of the mantra Sat Naam. It is used to increase intuition,
balance the hemispheres of the brain and to create a destiny for
someone when there was none. This mantra describes the
continuous cycle of life and creation. This mantra is a great
catalyst for change.
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This mantra is probably the most widely used mantra in the
practice of Kundalini Yoga. Sat means truth—the reality of one’s
existence. Naam means the identity. It is a bij (or seed) mantra.
Within the seed is contained all the knowledge of the fully grown
tree. The essence or seed is the identity of truth embodied in
condensed form, Chanting this mantra awakens the soul and gives
you your destiny. This mantra balances the five elements (tattvas).
Sat Narayan Wahe Guru Hari Narayan Sat Nam
Sat Narayan is True Sustainer
Wahe Guru is indescribable Wisdom
Hari Narayan is creative sustenance
Sat Nam is True Identity.
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This mantra is chanted to create inner peace so one can project
outer peace, happiness and good fortune. Narayan is the aspect of
Infinity that relates to the water element. This mantra helps you
“go with the flow” and takes you beyond the world to the
experience of Infinity.
toon ghat ghat antar sarab nirantar jee har ayko purakh
ik daatay ik bhaykhaaree jee sabh tayray choj vidaanaa.
tooN aapay daataa aapay bhugtaa jee ha-o tudh bin avar na
tooN paarbarahm bay-ant bay-ant jee tayray ki-aa gun aakh
jo sayveh jo sayveh tudh jee jan naanak tinh kurbaanaa. ||2||
har dhi-aavahi har dhi-aavahi tudh jee say jan jug meh sukh
say mukat say mukat bha-ay jinh har dhi-aa-i-aa jee tin tootee jam
kee faasee.
jin nirbha-o jinh har nirbha-o dhi-aa-i-aa jee-o tin kaa bha-o sabh
jinh sayvi-aa jinh sayvi-aa mayraa har jee tay har har roop
say dhan say dhan jin har dhi-aa-i-aa jee jan naanak tin bal jaasee.
toon aad purakh aprampar kartaa jee tudh jayvad avar na ko-ee.
toon jug jug ayko sadaa sadaa toon ayko jee toon nihchal kartaa
tudh aapay bhaavai so-ee vartai jee toon aapay karahi so ho-ee.
tudh aapay srist sabh upaa-ee jee tudh aapay siraj sabh go-ee.
jan naanak gun gaavai kartay kay jee jo sabhsai kaa jaano-ee.
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This bani, So Purkh, creates a sacred space in which grace prevails
so as to allow the greatness of the sould to come forth. It was
written by Guru Ram Das, whose vibration exists holding a state of
grace and love that heals all realms of the heart and being. The
Siri Singh SAhib, Yogi Bhajan, taught that if a woman recites this
bani eleven times a day for any man, it has the power to make him
a saint and dissolve any negativity between them. He would often
give this as a sadhana to women for the men in their lives.
Wahe is a statement of awe and ecstasy.
Guru is the one who brings us from darkness to light.
Wahe Guru is an expression of complete ecstatic awe of the
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This is a mantra of the Infinity of ecstasy and dwelling in God. It
expresses the indescribable experience of going from darkness to
light (from ignorance to true understanding). It is the Infinite
teachers of the soul. A trikutee mantra, it balances the energies of
the generating, organizing, and transforming principles. It
expresses ecstasy through knowledge and experience. It is the
gurmantra, which triggers the destiny. It is said that chanting
Wahe Guru is equivalent to chanting Har 11,000 times.