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Alalum National High School

Ylang-ylang (Cananga Odorata) and Ginger (Curcuma longa) as


Science Investigatory Project

Presented to
Alalum National High School

Van Louie R. Canimo

May 2024

Alalum National High School

This Science Investigatory Project entitled “Ylang-ylang (Cananga
Odorata) and Ginger (Curcuma longa) as Aromatherapy” prepared and
submitted by Van Louie R. Canimo, in partial fulfillment of the requirements
in Research IV (Grade 10), has been examined and is recommended for
acceptance and approval for Oral examination.


Approved by the Committee of Oral Examination with a grade of




Member Member

Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements in Research

IV (Grade 10).


Principal II


Alalum National High School

Table of Contents

Title Page…………………………………………………………………………….………..i

Approval Sheet…………………………………………………………………….…………ii

Table of Contents……………………………………………………………………………iii




I. Introduction…………………………………………………………..………..9

Background of the study……………………………………………..…9

Statement of the Problem………………………………………….…..9


Significance of the Study……………………………………………..11

Scope and Delimitation…………………………………………………11

II. Review of Related Literature …………………………………………….....13

III. Methodology ………………………………………………………………….17

Research Design……………………………………….……………17

Materials and Method…………………………………………….…17

Conceptual Framework……………………………………………..18

IV. Results and Discussion……………………………………………...……21

V. Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Recommendation………….…24

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References and Bibliography……………………………………………………...26


Curriculum Vitae………………………..………………………….…..………..….…29

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The researcher would like to express his gratitude to the people who helped

him in doing the science investigatory project and to those who are directly give their

assistance in the preparation for this. These are the following:

Research teacher- who helps us to perform our research.

Family – who me financial support

My girlfriend – who gives me moral support


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This piece of work is dedicated

with much love and appreciation

to Almighty God and

to the researcher’s family.

- Van

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Worldwide misuse and overuse of medicines, especially topical

antibacterial ointments, have resulted in antibiotic-resistant microorganisms.

This poses a significant risk to public health as it lowers the effectiveness of

available treatments and may lead to infections that are more severe and

difficult to treat. As a solution to that, the researcher wants to work with

amaranthus spinosus as a primary component in making antibacterial


The researcher chose to use the amaranthus spinosus roots because

it’s also considered to have potential anti-inflammatory and antioxidant

properties, which may contribute to their traditional medicinal uses. The

leaves and roots are applied as poultice to relief bruises, abscesses, burns,

menorrhagia, gonorrhoea and inflammatory swelling. This property of the

roots can help in making the antibacterial ointment.

As the researcher conducts the investigation, the researcher found out

that there are made product texture is smoother while its odor is still needed

to improved. Moreover, the study also reveals that there is a significant

difference between then odor of the made product or the antibacterial

ointment and the commercial. On the other hand, there is no significant

difference between the made product and the commercial ointment in terms of

its texture

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Chapter I


This chapter includes the background of the study, statement of the

problem, hypothesis, significance of the problem, and the scope and

delimitation of the study.

A. Background of the study

Aromatherapy is commonly used to test a wide variety of mental

and physical problems form stress and anxiety, to headaches and digestive

issues. The essential oils used in this practice trigger messages to the brain’s

limbic system, which controls your emotions, memory and how people learn.

It is used in a wide range of settings; from health spas to hospitals,

to treat a variety of conditions. In general, it seems to relieve pain, improve

mood, and promote sense of relaxation. They may also affect the

hypothamus, which responds by creating feel-good hormones like serotonin.

The essential oil is also claimed to be absorbed through the skin.

It is holistic healing treatment that use natural plant extracts to

promote health and well-being. Therefore, those who needs improvement in

health problems from anxiety to poor sleep, people may want to consider

aromatherapy. In this kind of treatment, extracts from plants called essential

oil, can improve the health of the body, mind, and spirt. It enhances both

physical and emotional health.


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B. Statement of the problem

This study aims to produce organic aromatherapy oil out of Ylang-

ylang and ginger.

1)What are the properties of Ylang-ylang and as aromatherapy oil?

2) How do the finished products differ when using the two methods below in

terms of:

2.1) odor

2.2) consistency

3) Is there any significant difference between the two methods in terms of

odor and color.


There are no significant differences between the two methods in terms of

odor and color.

C. Significance of the Study

This study will be undertaken to find out the possibility that Ylang-

ylang and ginger can be use as aromatherapy and to measure its

effectiveness to the users. Benefiting the study are the various sectors as


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The Natural Aromatherapy Users. The direct recipients of the output of

this research are the natural aromatherapy users with sensitive type of smells.

Any improvement of a natural aromatherapy with the ingredients to be use

can pave the way of producing better natural aromatherapy to help the people

who have sensitive smell in the world.

The Environment. The research benefits the farmer who produce and

can provide the ingredients for this study. The farmer will be benefited by this

by having income by being the source of the natural ingredients instead of

using the other industry’s chemicals or any substances that are not good for

the therapy. The more use of natural aromatherapy, the more farmers will

produce the ingredients to be used that increase the economy and may help

to have healthy environment.

The Future Researchers. This study can help their future researchers,

especially to the researchers who regather and finds information about the

selective ingredients that this study has. Through this research, researchers

may purposefully discover how Ylang-ylang and ginger can produce


D. Scope and Delimitation.

This study aims to know what are the properties of Ylang-ylang and

ginger as aromatherapy. In additional this study will tackle how organic

aromatherapy out of ylang-ylang and ginger differ from the commercial

product in terms of color, odor and consistency and aiming to know if there a


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difference between the made product and the commercial one. Nevertheless,

this study will not focus on how this product will last.

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Chapter II


This chapter includes the review of related literature and studies

which the researchers have pursued to shed light on the topic under



According to Pub-med Ylang-ylang is one of the plants

that are exploited at a large scale for its essential oil which is an

important raw material for the fragrance industry. The essential oils

extracted via steam distillation from the plant have been used mainly in

cosmetic industry traditionally C. odorata is used to treat malaria,

stomach ailments, asthma, gout, and rheumatism. The essential oils or

ylang-ylang oil is used in aromatherapy and is believed to be effective

in treating depression, high blood pressure, and anxiety. Many

phytochemical studies have identified the constituents present in the

essential oils of C. odorata.

Ylang-ylang essential oil (YEO), obtained from the

flowers of the tropical tree Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. &

Thomson (family Annonaceae), has been largely used in the traditional

medicine with many uses, including anxiety and altered neuronal

states. Neuropathic pain is a chronic pain condition with a high

incidence of comorbidities, such as anxiety, depression, and other


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mood disorders, that drastically affect the patient's quality of life. The

currently available

drugs used for the management of neuropathic pain are inadequate

due to poor efficacy and to lerability, highlighting the medicinal need of

a better pharmacotherapy. Several clinical studies have reported that

massage or inhalation with s elected essentials oils reduces

symptoms associated to pain and anxiety. (2022)

For many years, ylang-ylang has been used in the food,

perfume and cosmetic industries, as well as in traditional medicine and

aromatherapy. Some research suggests ylang-ylang oil can be used to

relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression, and to lower blood

pressure and heart rate.

Ylang-ylang oil is also commonly used in aromatherapy as

a treatment for symptoms of anxiety, depression, and insomnia. Known

for is sedative and calming effects, ylang-ylang may help to decease

blood pressure, relieve stress, and promote an overall sense of well-

being. Finally, ylang-ylang is used in some medicinal traditions as

natural remedy (often dried or made into a paste and applied directly to

the skin).

Ginger is a flowering plant in the family Zingiberaceae. As

such ginger toot and ginger essential oil are gaining popularity to their

preservation and flavoring capabilities. Ginger is a herbaceous


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perennial that grows annual stems about three feet tall. The stems bear

narrow, green leaves and yellow flowers.

The health benefits of ginger essential oil are nearly

identical to medicinal health benefits of fresh ginger. In fact, the most

potent form of ginger is the highest levels of gingerol. The essential oil

is the best way to use ginger. It can be taken internally to treat with a

carrier oil on an area of pain. Ginger Oil Uses 10 Ginger Essential Oil

Benefits Risks and Side Effects How to Use (and Find) Ginger oil - Dr.

Axe If you aren’t familiar with ginger oil, there’s no better time to get

acquainted with this essential oil than right now. Ginger is a flowering

plant in the family Zingiberaceae. Its root is widely used as a spice, and

it has been used in folk medicine for thousands of years. The Chinese

and Indians have used ginger tonics to treat ailments for over 4,700

years, and it was a priceless commodity during the Roman Empire

trade around the coming of Christ because of its medicinal properties.

Over time, ginger was spread across Asia, Africa, Europe and India

because of the spice trading business. Due to its digestive properties,

ginger is an integral part of Asian cuisines. Most commonly, it’s added

to meals, including meat, because of its ability to aid digestion. As

such, ginger root and ginger essential oil are gaining popularity for their

preservation and flavoring capabilities. Ginger is an herbaceous

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perennial that grows annual stems about three feet tall. The stems bear

narrow, green leaves and yellow flowers. It is part of the plant family

that includes turmeric and cardamom, both exceptionally beneficial to

your health and wellness. It has a sweet, spicy, woody and warm

scent. Ginger essential oil is a warming essential

oil that works as an antiseptic, laxative, tonic and stimulant. The

health benefits of ginger essential oil are nearly identical to the

medicinal health benefits of fresh ginger. In fact, the most potent form

of ginger is the essential oil because it contains the highest levels of

gingerol. The essential oil is the best way to use ginger. It can be taken

internally to treat health conditions or rubbed topically with a carrier oil

on an area of pain. Today, ginger essential oil is used at home to treat

nausea, upset stomach, menstrual disorders, inflammation and

respiratory conditions. When used as aromatherapy, it’s also known to

bring on feelings of courageousness and self-assurance, which is why

it’s known as “the oil of empowerment.”


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Chapter III


This chapter incudes research design, conceptual frame work, and the

materials methods.

A.Research Design

These are the sequence on how to prepare Ylang-ylang (Cananga

odorata) and Ginger as Aromatherapy.

Prepare the Put the ylang-ylang Pound it until

materials to be and ginger into the the juice is
used. pestle and mortar. extracted.

Put it
aside for Put a piece of cloth
Strain it using the
at least in the top of the
strained. (repeat if
10 beaker and strain it.

After that put it

on the spray

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B. Materials

The materials needed for this study are Ylang-ylang and Ginger,

knife, spoon, chopping board and pestle and mortar.


For this study, there are some methods needed. First, prepare all

the materials needed, after pounding the ylang-ylang squeeze it until it

produces the extract. Next, after straining put it into the spray bottle.

C. Conceptual Framework

Pounding A Aromatherapy
Ylang-ylang made of ylang-
ylang and ginger

The first box contains the input will be use to conduct in this study which

are ylang-ylang and ginger. The second box shows how the process will be

use in this study. The third box will be the output or will be the finish product

which is an Aromatherapy

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B. Research Design

Prepare all the These are the sequence on how to prepare Ylang-
needed. ylang (Cananga odorata) and ginger as


Put water on the

Peel the ginger. pot then boil it.

Put the extract Put the ylang-ylang

on a container Strain the ylang- and ginger when it is
and let it sit for ylang and ginger. boiling.
a while.

B. Materials

The materials needed for this study are Ylang-ylang and

Ginger, knife, spoon, saucepan, and strainer.


For this study, there are some methods needed. First, prepare

all the materials needed, peel the ginger using the knife or a spoon. Next put

some water on the saucepan then boil it, then when the water is boiling put

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the ginger and ylang-ylang on the boiling water, let it boil for 2 minutes. Lastly

get your container then strain the extract of ylang-ylang and ginger. Let it sit

for a while and you’re done.

C. Conceptual Framework


Ylang-ylang Peeling A Aromatherapy

made of ylang-
Ginger Decocting
ylang and ginger

The first box contains the input will be use to conduct in this study

which are ylang-ylang and ginger. The second box shows how the process

will be use in this study. The third box will be the output or will be the finish

product which is an Aromatherapy.


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Chapter IV


This chapter includes the properties of Ylang-ylang and Ginger as

Aromatherapy. It also includes the result and significant different of the

method used in terms of its odor and consistency.

Table l

Ylang-ylang and Ginger

Ylang-ylang oil is used in aromatherapy and is believed to be effective in

treating depression, high blood pressure, and anxiety. Many phytochemical

studies have identified the constituents present in the essential oils of C.


In aromatherapy applications, Ginger Oil is stimulating and warming. It can

enhance concentration and it can soothe and reduce feelings of stress,

sadness, anxiety, lethargy, agitation, dizziness, and fatigue.


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Table 1 shows the properties of ylang-ylang and ginger as

aromatherapy. The properties of ylang-ylang and ginger based on some

researchers is can reduce depression, high blood pressure, and anxiety.

Ginger can and reduce feelings of stress, sadness, anxiety, lethargy,

agitation, dizziness, and fatigue

Table ll

Odor Consistency

Trial 1 There is a strong scent Watery

of ginger and ylang-

ylang while pounding.

Trial 2 There is a strong scent A little bit congealing

of ginger and small hint

of ylang-ylang.

Table 2 shows the result of methods used in terms of odor and

consistency. The result is trial 1 (pounding) in terms of odor is a strong scent

of ylang-ylang and ginger; in terms of consistency is a watery because the

researcher added water while pounding to extract the aroma of the ylang-

ylang and ginger. Trial 2 (boiling) in terms of odor is a strong scent of ginger

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and a little bit hint of ylang-ylang; in terms of consistency is a little bit

congealing because of the ylang-ylang particles.

Table lll

The significant different between the methods

Computed P- Decision Interpretation

F-value Accepted/not

Odor 24.57 4.195 Rejected There is a significant

different between

the two methods


Consistency 7.45 4.195 Rejected There is a significant

different between

the two methods


Alalum National High School

Table 3 shows the significant difference between the methods used in

terms of odor and consistency. Based on the computation of the f-test of odor

and consistency, the results of the computed f-value are higher that the p-

value. To conclude this, there is a significant difference between the methods

used in terms of odor and consistency.

Chapter V


This chapter includes the findings, conclusion and recommendations


The study revealed the following findings:

1. The properties of ylang-ylang and ginger as aromatherapy. The properties

of ylang-ylang and ginger based on some researchers is can reduce

depression, high blood pressure, and anxiety. Ginger can and reduce feelings

of stress, sadness, anxiety, lethargy, agitation, dizziness, and fatigue.

2. The result is trial 1 (pounding) in terms of odor is a strong scent of ylang-

ylang and ginger; in terms of consistency is a watery because the researcher

added water while pounding to extract the aroma of the ylang-ylang and

ginger. Trial 2 (boiling) in terms of odor is a strong scent of ginger and a little

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bit hint of ylang-ylang; in terms of consistency is a little bit congealing because

of the ylang-ylang particles.

3. Based on the computed f-test of odor and consistency, the result of f-value

is higher that the p-value.


Based on the findings, the following are concluded:

1. Ylang-ylang and ginger has a potential of being an aromatherapy.

2. Trial 1(pounding) has a strong scent of the both ingredients

Trial 2(boiling) has a strong scent of ginger and a hint of ylang-ylang

3. There is a significant difference between the methods used in odor and



With the above finding of the researcher, the following are hereby


1. The researcher recommend to try another method.

2. The researcher recommend find more properties about ylang-ylang and


3. The researcher recommend to try more ingredients when doing


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Brossard, F. (2020, December 21). Ginger (Zingiber officinale).


Brossard, F. (2020b, December 21). Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata. f.

genuina). Puressentiel.


Seladi-Schulman, J., PhD. (2019, May 24). About ginger oil. Healthline.

Whelan, C. (2023, July 13). About Ylang Ylang Essential Oil.


ylang ylang properties as aromatherapy - Google Search. (n.d.).


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This part presents the procedure, survey and the computed t-test.

A. Procedure

I. During the experiment


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B. During survey
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Curriculum Vitae

Name: Van Louie R. Canimo

Address: Alalum, San pascual Batangas

Contact number: 09165854959

Email address:

Date of birth: September 1, 2008

Father: N\A

Mother: Myla B. Ramirez

Educational Background

Elementary: Alalum Elementary School

Year graduated: 2020

Junior High school: Alalum National High School

Year completed: 2024

Motto: “Never trust too much, remember Satan is once an angel”

Ambition: I want to be a business man and a medical technologist.

Alalum National High School

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