Pharmacognosy Short Notes
Pharmacognosy Short Notes
Pharmacognosy Short Notes
Reading Material
Compiled by:
Ehsan Izhar
Deputy Director (Training)
Punjab Pharmacy Council
Pharmacognosy is the study of crude drugs of plant and animal origin. The American Society
of Pharmacognosy defines Pharmacognosy as;
"The study of the physical, biochemical and biological properties of natural drugs and their
chemical constituents. As well as the search for new drugs from natural sources."
Introduction of Pharmacognosy: `
The word "Pharmacognosy" is derived from the Greek words pharmakon “drug”, and gnosis
"knowledge”. The term Pharmacognosy was used for the first time by the Austrian physician
Schmidt in 1811 and 1815 by Seydler in a work.
Originally - during the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century - "Pharmacognosy"
was used to define the branch of medicine which deals with drugs in their crude, or
unprepared, form.
Historical development:
The history of herbal medication is as recent as human civilization. Herbal medicines, as the
major remedy in ancient system of medicine, are employed in medical practices since antiquity.
The early medicines of Pharaohs, the Greek; Hippocratis, the Roman; Disoscorides, a Greek
physician of the first century AD was the writer of the first Materia Medica. They described 600
medicinal plants and those of Middle Ages exemplified by the Arab Physicians (Rhazes 865–
925; Avicenna 980–1037) relied mainly on plants for therapy.
India has renowned for practicing classical medicinal systems such as: Siddha, Buddha,
Ayurveda, and Unani methods of medication and treatment. These medicinal systems are found
even in the ancient Vedas and other ancient literatures and scriptures. The authentic meaning of
Ayurveda is “science of life,” because ancient Indian system of health care focused on views of
human and their sickness. It has been pointed out that the positive health means metabolically
well-balanced human beings.
Modern concept:
Higher medicinal plants have a vital role in the development of new drugs. During the years
1950–1970, nearly hundreds of new drug-based plants were introduced into the USA drug
markets, consisting on ricinin, derbipidine, reserbine, phenplastin, and phenicristine derived from
higher plants.
Scope of Pharmacognosy:
Pharmacognosy is the branch of science which deals with the biological, biochemical and
economic features of natural drugs and their constituents. It also deals with the study of;
In this field of science, researcher deals with the secondary metabolites found in many plants,
animals, and microbial natural sources, for example, plant leaves, seeds, fruits, stem, roots,
rhizosphere, herbs, spices, fungus, algae, corals, star fishes, jelly fishes, sponges, sea cucumber,
sea urchins, sea weeds, snakes venom, frogs skin, cockroaches, and many more.
Crude Drugs
A crude drug is any naturally occurring, unrefined substance derived from organic or inorganic
sources such as plant, animal, bacteria, organs or whole organisms intended for use in the
diagnosis, cure, treatment, or prevention of disease in man or other animals.
1. Morphological Method
Organized Drugs:
These are the drugs obtained from direct parts of the plant and containing cellular tissues are
called as organized drugs. For example flowers, seeds, leaves, rhizome, bark etc.
Unorganized Drugs:
The drugs which are prepared from plants by physical process such as incision, drying or
extraction with a solvent and not containing any cellular plant tissues are called unorganized
drugs. For example Latex, Tragacanth, Gum acacia.
Taxonomical Method:
In this method, drugs are classified according to their natural relationship and distinguishing
characteristics. They are grouped in phylum, order, family, genus and species.
Taxonomical Classification
Pharmacological Method:
In this method drugs are classified according to their therapeutic effects.
Pharmacological Classification
Chemical Method:
In this method drugs are classified according to their principle constituents.
Acerose: Needle-shaped
Acute: Tapering to a sharp-pointed apex with more or less straight sides along
the tip
Basal: At or near the base, often describing leaves and where they attach
Ovary: The basal portion of a pistil where female germ cells develop into seeds
after germination
Stems: Stems do many things. Support the upper parts of plants. They act like
the plant's plumbing system, conducting water and nutrients from the roots
and food in the form of glucose from the leaves to other plant parts. All
plants have stems. Stems grow up into the air and towards the light. The
leaves and flowers are on the stems.
Fruit: A "fruit" is the seed-bearing part of a plant; Fruits have been heavily
used for medicinal purposes. Dried whole fruits or portions of fruits can
be used. Many members of the carrot family have fruits that are used in
medicine including fennel fruit and anise.
Seeds: A seed is a small embryonic plant enclosed in a covering called the seed
coat, usually with some stored food. The seeds of many plants are used
for their medicinal properties. Seeds may be contained within a fruit or
are sometimes used on their own.
Bark: The protective outer layer of a tree trunk that is formed by layers of
living cells above the wood. Active ingredients are often found in higher
concentrations in the bark. Examples of bark used for medicinal
properties are quinine bark, oak bark.
Wood: The hard fibrous material that forms the main substance of the plant is
called wood. Thick stems or the wood of trees or shrubs are used for
medicinal properties.
Herb: Herb, in botany, is a plant that does not form a woody stem, and in
temperate climates usually dies, either completely (annual herb) or back
to the roots (perennial herb) by the end of the growing season.
Gum: Gums are solids that are mixtures of polysaccharides (sugars). They are
water-soluble and are in part digestible by humans.
Resins: Resins are a mixture of essential oils and terpenes that are usually not
soluble in water. They are excreted by specialized cells or in ducts of
plants. Examples include frankincense, myrrh, and mastic.
Identification of a drug and determination of its quality & purity is called Evaluation of Drug.
Following methods are frequently employed for the determination of quality & purity of Crude
Organoleptic Evaluation
Physical Evaluation
Chemical Evaluation
Biological Evaluation.
Organoleptic Evaluation refers to evaluate the crude drug by using organ’s senses which include
its external features & morphology.
Study of Morphological Characters:
To study morphology of drug, its shape & size, color, external marking, fracture, odour and
taste are examined. The organized drugs are classified into;
Barks e.g. Cinnamon
Leaves e.g. Senna & Tulsi
Flowers e.g. Clove
Seeds e.g. Nux-Vomica
Herbs e.g. Pudina
Morphology of plants
Annulations (Ipecac) Wrinkles (Cinchona)
The drugs like Ginger & capsicum have pungent taste while glycyrrhizin & honey are sweet in
taste. Crude drugs belong to class fixed oils have bland taste
Stomatal Number:
The average number of stomata per square millimeter of epidermis is known as stomatal
Microscope Stomata
Physical constants are frequently applied to Alkaloids, Glycosides, Volatile Oils, Fixed oils,
Tannins & Sugar drugs to check their quality & purity.
Elasticity in fibers
Viscosity of drugs containing gums
Swelling factor of mucilage
Melting & Boiling point of crude drugs
Spectroscopic Analysis:
(UV, IR, NMR, and MASS) and radioimmuno assays are applied frequently to check the Physical
constants of herbal drugs. Chromatographic techniques such as Paper Chromatography, Thin
Layer chromatography, HPLC & Gas liquid Chromatography provide information about the
chemical constituents present in the Crude Drug.
Chemical Evaluation involves the determination of quality; quantity & purity of Crude Drugs through
Chemical Test. Chemical test for Alkaloids, Amino Acids, Carbohydrates, Glycosides, Tannins, Volatile
Oils and Fixed oils are performed to ensure their quality.
Titrimmetric Assay, Ester Value, Saponification Value, Acid Value and Ash Value are determined in
chemical evaluation.
Biological Evaluation (biological assay) is a type of scientific experiment carried out on intact animals,
animal preparation, isolated living tissues or micro-organisms.
Since living organisms are used the assays are called “biological assay”.
There are basically two types of Biological evaluations, Quantal & Graded. Following are the
Techniques which are used in Biological evaluation of Crude Drugs;
The term allergy was first defined by Von Pirquet in 1906. He described that a change or
altered reaction in the body is called allergy.
Allergy is a hypersensitivity disorder of the immune system. Allergic reactions occur to normally
harmless environmental substances known as allergens. Strictly, allergy is one of four forms of
hypersensitivity and is called type I (or immediate) hypersensitivity.
An antibody is a type of protein. The body's immune system produces antibodies when it detects
harmful substances, called antigens.
The allergen (the foreign substance that provokes a reaction), it is a substance that can cause
an allergic reaction. Allergens are particle that, in some people, the immune system recognizes
as "foreign" or "dangerous" but cause no response for most people.
Drugs (such as antibiotics or medications you put on your skin)
Foods (such as milk, chocolate, strawberries, wheat)
Insects stings
Pet dander
These allergens are dispersed in air .when we inhaled air these allergen are also enter in our
Respiratory tract and cause of allergy.
What is pollen?
Pollen is the cells of flowering plants, including trees, grasses, and weeds. Pollen is microscopic
in size. Pollen is the most common cause of seasonal allergic rhinitis, sometimes known as "hay
Dust Mites:
Dust mites are microscopic organisms that can live and thrive throughout homes and schools. The
mites and their waste products present in the following:
Sneezing, swelling of nasal cavities & eyes lacrimation
The allergic attack due to bad environment is termed as Environmental Allergy. If a person lives
in a smoky, or in an industrial area we can easily examine that he is allergic from smoke.
These allergens are present in our food stuff. When we eat that contaminated food these
allergen are also ingested with food particles
A food allergy is an abnormal response of the body to a certain food. It is important to know
that this is different than a food intolerance, which does not affect the immune system.
Soya beans
Tree nuts
Allergic symptoms may begin within minutes to an hour after ingesting the food. The following
are the most common symptoms of food allergy.
Itching or swelling of the lips, tongue, or mouth
Itching or tightness in the throat
Difficulty breathing
Lowered blood pressure
Injections of medication
Insect sting
The four-group classification was expounded by P. H. G. Gell and Robin Coombs in 1963.
Often mentioned
Type Alternative names Mediators
Hay fever
I Allergy (immediate) Anaphylaxis IgE
IgM or
II Cytotoxic, antibody-dependent Erythroblastosis IgG
Contact dermatitis
Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH), cell- Chronic transplant
IV mediated immune response, antibody- T-cells
independent Multiple sclerosis
1. Immediate Hypersensitivities.
These occur quickly after exposure to the allergen. They are usually mediated by antibodies of
the IgE class.
IgE antibodies present on the surface of the basophils, these antibodies have no effect until and
unless they encounter allergens, when this occur the mast cell discharge their granules. The
granules contain a variety of active agents including histamine etc.
Local Anaphylaxis:
Release of these substances into the surrounding tissue causes local anaphylaxis: swelling,
redness, and itching.
Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) in which airborne allergens (pollen) react with IgE-sensitized
mast cells in the nasal mucosa and the tissues around the eyes, causing runny nose also
called “Rhinorea”
Bronchial Asthma in which the allergen reaches the lungs either by inhalation or in the
blood; and cause bronchoconstriction.
Hives (physicians call it urticaria) where the allergen usually enters the body by food.
Systemic Anaphylaxis
Some allergens can cause life-threatening collapse of the circulatory and respiratory systems.
Frequent causes:
2. Antibody-Mediated Cytotoxicity:
Cell damage caused by antibodies directed against cell surface antigens. In these disorders,
the person produces antibodies directed against antigens present on the surface of his or her
own cells.
Rh antigens are expressed at the surface of red blood cells. During pregnancy, there is often a
tiny leakage of the baby's red blood cells into the mother's circulation. If the baby is Rh-positive
(having inherited the trait from its father) and the mother Rh-negative, these red cells will cause
her to develop antibodies against the Rh antigen. The antibodies, usually of the IgG class, may
not develop fast enough to cause problems for that child, but can cross the placenta and attack
the red cells of a subsequent Rh+ fetus.
The hallmark of this autoimmune disorder is weakness of the skeletal muscles, especially those in
the upper part of the body.
In this type of hypersensitivity antibodies form complexes with antigens. Damage caused by the
deposition of these complexes in the tissues.
Serum sickness
Serum Sickness:
Serum sickness is caused by the many proteins present in the antiserum. Being foreign to the
recipient, an active immunity develops against these proteins. The resulting antibodies bind to
them forming immune complexes. These are carried by the blood and deposited in the walls
of blood vessels as well as in the glomeruli of the kidneys.
arthritis and
Protein in the urine.
4. Cell-Mediated Hypersensitivities:
Because it takes a day or two for the T cells to stimulate following exposure to the antigen, these
responses are called delayed-type hypersensitivities (DTH).
Cell-mediated hypersensitivities can occur with extrinsic antigens or with internal ("self")
Extrinsic Antigens:
The most common example of cell-mediated hypersensitivity to external antigens is the contact
dermatitis caused in some people when their skin is exposed to a chemical to which they are
allergic. Some examples:
Structure of Neuron
A. When an allergen first enters the body, the B lymphocytes produce an antibody called
immunoglobulin E (IgE).
B. The IgE antibodies attach to mast cells, large cells that are found in connective
tissue and contain histamines along with a number of other chemical substances.
A. The second time any given allergen enters the body, it becomes attached to the newly-
formed Y-shaped IgE antibodies.
B. These antibodies, in turn, stimulate the mast cells to discharge its histamines and other
chemical substances.
C. Mast cell will burst up, Neurotransmitters present in mast cell will enter in circulation &
causes allergy.
Inflammatory Mediators:
I. Histamine.
II. Bradykinin
III. Prostaglandin
IV. Interleukin I
V. Interleukin II
VI. Thromboxane.
VII. Leukotriene
General Examination:
Age, sex, type of environment where he work & live, occupation, any allergy symptoms.
Vital Signs:
Some scientific tools are applied to prove the disease. By using following tools the severity of
allergy can be diagnose.
I) B.P
II) Temperature
III) Breathing Rate
IV) Pulse Rate.
V) Cardiac output.
VI) Heart Rate.
Allergy testing measures how a person reacts to specific allergens, such as tree pollen, pet
dander, foods, medications or molds. A "positive" allergy test means that a person has a specific
allergic antibody to the substance tested. This often means that the person is allergic to the
Skin Test
Blood Test
Testing begins with a prick, puncture or scratch method, which involves the placing a drop of the
allergen on the skin. (Usually a commercially available extract of pollens, molds, foods, pet
dander,) the skin is then gently scratched through the small drop with a special sterile needle.
After the skin is scratched, the tests takes about 15 minutes to develop. If the skin reddens and,
more importantly, if it swells, then the test is read as positive and allergy to that substance is
considered probable. This test is used to diagnose hay fever allergy (house dust mite, grass
Encapture the allergen & prepared a solution in fat soluble solvent(Ether Acetone
Alcohols).Which is chemically inert & compatible with allergen. In this 0.1ml of allergen solution
is injected into the dermis or epidermis, If there is any kind of allergic reaction occur than the
patient is has +ve test for this particular Allergen. ELISA:
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), also known as an enzyme immunoassay (EIA), is
a biochemical technique used mainly in immunology to detect the presence of an antibody or
an antigen in a sample. An unknown amount of antigen is affixed to a surface, and then a
specific antibody is applied over the surface so that it can bind to the antigen. This antibody is
linked to an enzyme, and in the final step a substance is added that the enzyme can convert to
some detectable signal, most commonly a Colour change in a chemical substrate.
Once a person has allergies, the best way to treat allergies is to prevent them from occurring
in the first place, by avoiding the allergic triggers.
There are three general approaches to the treatment of allergic diseases that are:
5.7.1 Avoidance:
5.7.2 Pharmacotherapy:
When avoidance or control of an allergen isn't possible, medications may be necessary. Common
allergy medications are;
1. Antihistamines:
Diphenhydramine (Benadryl),
Chlorpheniramine (Piriton).
Newer antihistamines, called second-generation antihistamines, include;
Cetirizine (Regix),
Fexofenadine (Fexet), &
Loratadine. New to the market and available by prescription only, is an
antihistamine nasal spray called Azelastine (Astelin).
2. Leukotrienes inhibitors:
Leukotrienes are chemicals released from a variety of allergic and immune cells, and may cause
allergy symptoms
5.7.3 Immunotherapy:
When avoidance, environmental control measures and medications fail to control allergy
symptoms, the doctor may suggest allergy immunotherapy ("allergy shots").
The enzymes can be defined as “These are the catalysts of biological system that are produced
by the living cell which are capable of catalyzing the biological reaction.
The enzymes are the organic catalysts produced by the living organisms that’s why called as
Biological Catalysts.
Catalyst is a chemical which is inorganic in nature used to boost up chemical reaction but it is
not utilized itself in the chemical reaction.
All enzymes are catalyst but all catalysts are not enzymes.
All the chemicals that contain mainly carbon are called organic substances.
All the chemicals that are not containing carbon are called inorganic substances.
These are the molecules on which enzymes can act.
All the enzymes are organic substances. All the catalysts are inorganic substances.
Enzymes mostly destroyed during the Catalysts are not destroyed in the
reaction. chemical reaction.
Enzymes are very complex in nature. Catalysts are very simple compounds or
Speed of the enzyme reaction does not Speed of catalyst reaction will depends
depend on the concentration of upon the concentration of catalyst.
Small amount of enzymes can catalyzed the large amount of substrate in a Biological reaction.
Sucrase enzyme in its small amount easily catalyzed the hydrolytic reaction of the sucrose.
6.1.2 Solubility
Enzymes are mostly soluble in water and dilute alcohol solution. The Enzymes can precipitate in
the following solvents.
1- Concentrated Alcohol
2- Ammonium Sulphate
3- Tricholro Acetic Acid.
The velocity of the enzymatic reaction increases as the concentration of the substrates increases
up to certain maximum. But after certain period of time it decreases.
6.1.4 pH
Acids deactivate those enzymes that act at alkaline PH e.g. Trypsin act at alkaline PH 8.57. At
acidic PH it will destroy. Trypsin is an enzyme that secreted by Pancreas and very important for
proper digestion of food.
Bases deactivate the enzymes that act at acidic PH e.g. pepsin act at acidic PH 1-2. At alkaline
PH, it will destroy.
pH Scale
6.1.5 Temperature
At 0 °c ---------------- Inactive
10° c to 20° c ---------------- Very little active
35° c to 40° c ---------------- Maximum active
50° c ---------------- Inactive
60° c --------------- Destroy
In solid Condition it may be stable up to 100 ° c.
6.2.1 Bromelain
It is a protolytic and milk clotting enzyme.
Source: It is obtained from juice and stem of “Ananas comosus”.
Family: Bromeliaceae
Molecular wt.: 2800mmol
Colour; Light yellow colour Or Buff Color.
Solubility: It is very much soluble in Water, Alcohol, Chloroform.
6.2.2 Papain
It is protolytic enxyme.
Source: Papain is dried latex obtained from green fruits and leaves of
“Carica papaya”.
Family: Caricaceae
Molecular wt.: 25710 moles
Colour; It has amorphous light whitish color powder.
Solubility: It is incompletely soluble in water, but insoluble in alcohol, ether
and acetone.
Tenderizing of meat.
Used as protein digestant, as Antihelmintic (nematode)
Clarification of beverages. (Soft & Hard drinks)
It is used to remove the protein molecules from contact lenses.
1. Old Method
2. New Method
By using this method, the Enzymes are named by adding Suffix “Ase” to the name of the
Lipase _____________ Hydrolyzing the Fats
Cellulase ____________ Hydrolyzing the Cellulose. Esterases
It is the group of enzymes that hydrolyzed the lipids.
Lipase: It is present in pancreatic juice of animals and human body and oily seeds. Lipase
hydrolyses the fat Molecules to fatty acids & Glycerin. Amindases
These are the enzymes that are present in liver and intestinal mucosa. They will be catalyses the
ammonia related break down reaction.
Arginases: It converts Arginine to Urea.
Ureases: It is found in liver cells and soyabean seeds. It converts urea into ammonia and
carbon dioxide. Nucleases
These are the group of enzymes that act on the nucleotides.
Ribonucleases → RNA
Deoxyribonucleases → DNA Carbohydrases
This class is named after those enzymes that can catalyses breakdown of sugar molecules in a
biological reaction.
Sucrase: It is present in yeast and intestinal juice. It causes hydrolyses of sucrose into
glucose and fructose.
Maltase: It is also present in Intestinal Juice. It converts maltose to glucose.
Proteolytic enzymes are the protein digestive enzymes. These enzymes catalyses the protein
breakdown reactions.
Pepsin: It is found in gastric juice of animals. It digests the protein by converting then into
proteases and peptone.
Rennin: It is a milk coagulating enzyme found in the mucous membrane of fresh stomach of
mammals. It curdles protein of Milk. Dehydrogenase
It is an enzyme that acts on the substrates and remove their hydrogen molecule. Oxidases
It is an enzyme that catalyses the oxidation reaction without any regard of the substrate. Hydrolases
These are the enzymes that boost up the speed of the hydrolysis reaction without any regard
of the substrate.
It is an enzyme that promotes or boost up the speed of the reactions in which new bonds are
formed with the cleavage of ATP (Adenosine Tri Phosphate.)
There are many plants available in northern areas & ground areas of Pakistan. Theses plants
have the ability to produce some drastic effects on the human body.
Name of plants
Family: “Araceae”
Habitat: Sindh ,Gilget ,Swat,Ayubia and Nathiagali
Name of plants
(1) Narcissus tazeeta
(2) Amaryllus vittae
(3) Crinum asiatcum
Family: Amaryllideacea
Habitat: Narcissus tazette is widely found in Gilgat and Swat Valley
Amarlllus vittae and crinium asiaticum both widely found in
Punjab, Sindh
Toxicology: There are various alkaloids in these plants but lycorine is the most
dangerous one, that cause multiple symptoms
Inflammation and burning sensation in mouth
Increase salivation nasal secretion
Name of plants
(1) Aseculus indica
(2) Podophyllum emodi
(3) Abrus pectorius
Aseculus indica
Family: Hippocastanaceae
Habitat: Kasmir, Ziarat, Quetta, Murree, Swat.
Toxicology: This plant contain many chemical substances from which saponin
(glycoride ) is a toxic to our GIT.
Inflammation of gastric mucosa
Peptic ulcer
Duodenal ulcer
Inflammation eye. (Conjunctivitis)
Sever sneezing
Podophyllum emodi
Family: Berberidiaceae
Habitat: Kashmir, muree, swat and Gilgit.
Toxicology: Podophyllum emodi contain many resinous compounds among
them podophyllin is the most toxic.
Abdominal or epigastric pain
Persistent emesis
Inflammation eye. (Conjunctivitis)
Abrus pectorius
Family: Leguminosae
Habitat: Sindh, and Kashmir. It is found at 3000-5000 altitude.
Toxicology: The toxic substance of abrus pectorious is abrin.
Datura stramonium
Family: Solanaceae
Habitat: It is widely available in 5000 to 9000 feet altitude mainly in
Swat, Gilgat, Chitral, Muree and Kashmir.
Toxicology: (1) There are different compound present in Datura stramonium
mainly hyoscine and hyosyamine if Any human ingested there raw
plants they can cause Toxicity.
(2) If leaves and flowers of this plant eaten by Some animal
and their meat is used by human can Caused toxicity.
Dryness of mouth
Muscular Weakness
Eye Sight weakness
Atropa belladona
Family: Solanaceae
Habitat: It is present at 6000-1000ft altitude. The place where It is found
widely hills of Murree, Hazara, Mansehra and Chitral.
Toxicology: The main chemical compound which is present in Atropa
belladona is atropine.
Abdominal or epigastric pain
Persistent emesis
Dryness of mouth
Muscular relaxation
Name of plants
(1) Conium maculatum
(2) Nicotiana tobaccum
Family: Umbelliferae
Habitat: Hazara, Abottabad and hills of muree and Chitral.
Toxicology: There are many alkaloids present in conium maculatum.
But the toxins that are harmful to humans are coniine, pseudo
conohydrine ,N.Methyl coniine.
Increase the intestinal motility
Paralysis of motor Nerve ending
Paralysis of spinal card
Respiratory Depression
Nicotiana tobaccum
Family: Solanaceae
Habitat: It is widely available in Rural Sindh , Punjab and N.W.F.P
Toxicology: There are mainly alkaloids available in nicotiana tobaccum .But
the most effective is nicotine.
Enhance the motility of Intestine
Name of plants
1. Digitalis purpura
2. Digitalis lanata
Digitalis purpura
Family: Scrophulariaceae
Habitat: Hazara , Azad Kashmir
Toxicology: These are two plants contain many glycosides. In which the
Digitalis purpura most active are Digoxin, Digitoxin and
Ventricular tachycardia
Sinus arrythemia
Shortness of breath
Nerium indicum
Family: Apocynaceae
Name of plants
1. Cannabis stiva
2. Cicuta virosa
Cannabis stiva
Family: Cannabinacea
Habitat: Widely available in Punjab & NWFP
Toxicology: The glandular trichome of cannabis stiva is secreted a Resin which
usually a waste material called as Narcotic resin and also called
tetra hydro cannabinol.
Shrinkage of mouth
Dryness of mouth
Dry cough
Cicuta virosa
Family: Umblifeareae
Habitat: Azad Kashmir
Toxicology: In cicuta virosa there is a mixture of toxic substances called
cicutoxin is a slightly alcoholic in nature the barks of the cicuta
virosa is more toxic then the seeds and leaves of this plant.
Respiratory depression which ultimately leads to respiratory failure
Increase salivation
Name of plants
1. Manihot esulenta
2. Prunus amygdalus
Manihot esulenta
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Habitat: It is easily available in the forests of Northern area
Toxicology: There is a toxic substances name cyanogenocyte which can
produce harmful effect on the living systems.
Muscular Weakness
Liver Damage
Prunus amygdalus
Family: Rosaceae
Habitat: It is easily available in Northern area of Pakistan
Toxicology: It contain a toxic chemical name amygladin.
Liver Damage
1. Ascending Chromatography
2. Descending Chromatography
3. Circular chromatography
4. Radial chromatography
In descending chromatography the solvent tends to move downward. The compounds of mixture
separated in the form of spots.
In circular chromatography the solvent tends to move in circular form and the different
compounds of mixture are separated in the form of rings.
In radial chromatography the solvent or mobile phase tends to move in circular form and the
compounds of mixture will separate in the form of arch.
4. Al-oxide
5. Activated charcoal.
This phase is the components of chromatography procedure which has ability to move. e.g.
solvent used in paper chromatography.
The most popular mobile phase is used chromatography are.
1. Petroleum ether.
2. Propanol
3. Ethanol
4. Acetone.
Rf value is the ratio between the distance covered by any substances to the distance covered
by the Mobile Phase / Solvent.
1. Paper chromatography
2. Thin layer chromatography
3. Column chromatography
Stationary Phase:
Mobile Phase:
Rf value:
Rf value is the ratio between the distance covered by any substances to the distance covered
by the Mobile Phase / Solvent.
1. First of we will take chromatographic paper and cut it down according to the style of
chromatography e.g. redial , circular ascending descending
2. In case of ascending a line has been drawn on the bottom side & in case of descending
the line is drawn on upper of chromatographic paper. The line is called baseline. The
distance of this baseline from the final edge is 2.5cm.
3. The sample is applied in the center of baseline and the paper is applied into mobile
phase in a chromatographic tank. After the appropriate time the components of
sample will separate and finally Rf value of each component is calculated
4. In case of circular chromatography the sample is applied in the center and thread has
been passed in through the center the mobile phase will move under the capillary
action and components of sample will separate in the form or rings finally Rf value of
all the components is calculated .
5. In case of radial chromatography the sample is applied across the center and like
wised dipped in the mobile phase and components of sample will separate in form of
arch. Finally the Rf value of the components is calculated.
Thin layer chromatography (TLC) is a chromatography technique used to separate mixtures. Thin
layer chromatography is performed on a sheet of glass, plastic, or aluminium foil, which is coated
with a thin layer of adsorbent material, usually silica gel, aluminium oxide, or cellulose.
Stationary Phase:
Mobile Phase:
Rf value:
Rf value is the ratio between the distance covered by any substances to the distance covered
by the Mobile Phase / Solvent.
1. First of we will take special thin layer chromatographic sheet coated with the absorbent
and cut it down according to the style of chromatography e.g. redial , circular ascending
2. In case of ascending a line has been drawn on the bottom side & in the case of descending
the line is drawn on upper of chromatographic paper. The line is called baseline. The
distance of this baseline from the final edge is 2.5cm.
3. The sample is applied in the center of baseline and the sheet is applied into mobile phase
in a chromatographic tank. After the appropriate time the components of sample will
separate and finally Rf value of each component is calculated
4. In case of circular chromatography the sample is applied in the center and thread has
been passed in through the center the mobile phase will move under the capillary action
and components of sample will separate in the form or rings finally Rf value of all the
components is calculated.
5. In case of radial chromatography the sample is applied across the center and like wised
dipped in the mobile phase and components of sample will separate in form of arch.
Finally the Rf value of the components is calculated.
Stationary Phase:
The stationary phase or adsorbent in column chromatography is a solid. The most common
stationary phase for column chromatography is silica gel, followed by alumina. Cellulose
powder has often been used.
Mobile Phase:
Mostly ethanol, water, acetone or their mixture is used as mobile phase.
It is the specialized type procedure of chemistry that involves the separation of different
compounds on the basis of their relative solubility in two different immiscible solvent / liquids.
The extraction is a complex pharmaceutical procedure in which the active pharmaceutical
ingredient (API) is removed from crude drug (animal or plant origin) by using.
Any liquid that is used in the pharmacy for extractions procedure is called manstrum.
With the advancement in medical treatment technologies the demand of herbal medicine
diminished. But still some glycosides alkaloids, resins, fixed oils volatile oils and tannins have
importance to us. So we use extraction process to purify them.
Advantages of extraction
Theory of extraction
Any extraction procedure depends upon some fundamental principles and these are very much
common in all types of extraction.
i. Suitable size reduction of crude drug
ii. Selection of suitable solvent
iii. Penetration of solvent into the crude drug
iv. The cell should be at right position to collect to solution.
v. Supply of appropriate heat.
vi. Who apply pressing force?
vii. The separation of solvent from the raw crude drug the pressing Force becomes more
viii. Separation of solvent from mark
ix. Evaporation technique is applied to get purified solid drug.
1. Infusion
2. Decoction
3. Maceration
4. Percolation
5. Digestion
6. Continuous hot extraction
It is a method of extraction in which hot manstrum (water) is used poured on crude drug or
crushed drug and allow them for suitable time.
It is the techniques of extraction in which the drug is used in the form of powder or coarse
particles. These drug are together boiled with water for certain are given period of time.
It is the method that require prolong time in this method drug is powdered and cover up in the
porous cloth then it is dipped in the menstrum for 2 to 14 days as required.
It is the extraction technique in which the fine powder of drugs are packed in to the column are
packed in to the column after suitable menstrum selection are allow the menstrum to percolate
through the column of packed drug.
It is the extraction technique which resemble with the maceration in fact it is a maceration
procedure in the presence of gentle heat.
It is the technique of extraction in which soxhelt apparatus is used .the drug is always used in
hot condition.
Infusion is a process or technique of extraction which is usually used for soft natured drugs. So
that the menstrum (which is water) can easily diffuse into the drug b/c of these drugs easily
release their active constituents in the menstrum.
The extracts that are formulated through infusion process have shelf life of only 24 hours so. It
is recommended to use these kinds of extracts freshly.
The main apparatus in infusion procedure is infusion pot . a simple beaker can also be used
instead of infusion pot.
It is the techniques of extraction in which the drug is used in the form of powder or coarse
particles. These drug are together boiled with water for certain are given period of time.
It is the method that require prolong time in this method drug is powdered and cover up in the
porous cloth then it is dipped in the menstrum for 2 to 14 days as required.
Types of maceration
1. Communication of the crude drug. The drug is converted into coarse powder rather then
2. Take a pouch of suitable material and captured the coarse particles of drug into it.
3. Selected the suitable menstrum according to the whole menstrum of drug.
4. Take a whole menstrum in a tank.
5. Suspended the pouch with the help of thread for at least 7 day.
6. Occasionally shake the pouch.
7. After 7 days the manstrum is separated.
8. Now combine the menstrum with the pressed solution/ liquid.
9. If required filter it and finally adjust the volume according to the requirement.
Multiple maceration is very important and effective procedure as for as its accuracy is concern.
The basis aim of this procedure is to remove the remaining (API) in to menstrum
In multiple maceration we prefer the alcohol as menstrum on other menstrum like wise water.
The drug is subjected to a suitable size reduction by using technique usually the drug is crushed
moderately to fine powder depending upon the nature of drug.
The moistening of crude drug is called imbibitions. The powdered drug is place with little amount
of menstrum for at least 4hours in a close container.
Open percolator
The upper surface of this percolator is open it mainly use for mainly non-volatile solvent.
Close percolator
The upper surface of this percolator is close and it mainly used for volatile menstrum e.g. alcohol.
After imbibitions of powdered crude drug it would be evenly packed in suitable percolation.
This is an extraction method that involves the use of moderate heat during extraction process.
The solvent of extraction is poured into a clean container followed by powdered drug material.
The mixture is placed over water bath or in an oven at a temperature about 50Co. Heat was
applied throughout the extraction process to decrease the viscosity of extraction solvent and
enhance the removal of secondary metabolites. This method is suitable for plant materials that
are readily soluble]
In continuous hot extraction the drug is enclosed in a drug chamber and Menstrum is placed in
lower flask. A reflex condenser place at the upper portion. When heat is applied to the
Menstrum, it convert it self into vapours these vapours are condensed by reflux condenser. The
drops of Menstrum tickle down on the drug chamber and purified extract is obtained from
collection point.
These are organic compounds, abundantly present in plants; on hydrolysis they yield a sugar
component called Glycogen and non-sugar component called A-glycogen.
The glycosides are classified as follows;
1. Anthra-quinone Glycosides (example: Senna, Aloe, rhubarb)
3. Saponin Glycoside
1) Drug; Senna
Chemical Class: Glycoside
Synonym; Alexandrian Senna
Tinnevelly Senna
Biological Source;
It consist of dried leaflets of “Cassia acutifolia” (Alexandrian
Senna) and “Cassia angustifolia” (Tinnevelly Senna).
Family: Leguminosae
Chemical Constituent;
Sennosides A, B, C, D
Aloe-emodine glycosides
Medicinal Uses;
2) Drug; Cassia
Botanical Name: Cassia fistula
Chemical Class: Glycoside
Family: Leguminosae
Chemical Constituent;
Medicinal Uses;
Anti Gout. (Cassia fistula)
3) Drug; Aloe
Synonym; Gwar Gandal
Chemical Class: Glycoside
Biological source; It is dried juice obtained from leaves of “Aloe barbadensis” (Aloe
Family: Liliaceae
Collection: V-shaped leaves contain spines on the margins. For collection of
juice the leaves are cut in March & April transversally and put a
vessel below it and then heat the juice in copper vessel on open
fire. Poured the juice in canes and tins and solidify it.
Chemical Constituent ; Aloin, Barbaloin, Emodine
Medicinal Uses ;
Skin diseases
Burns by heat, radiation &sun
Hair tonic
4) Drug; Glycyrrhiza
Chemical Class; Glycoside
Synonym; Liquorice, Mulethi
5) Drug; Digitalis
Chemical Class; Glycosides
Synonym; Foxglove, Purple Foxglove
Biological source; Dried leaves of “Digitalis purpurea” and “Digitalis lanata”.
Family; Scrophulariaceae
Collection; For its cultivation stained seeds are sown into equal parts of clean
sand are garden soil. When seedlings arise they are transferred
to the fields. The leaves are collected from September to
November in afternoon. The leaves are dried immediately at 60
centigrade after collection. If drying is rapid it will retain it green
colour. Dried leaves are packed in air tight container having a
desiccating substance that is silica gel or calcium oxide.
Chemical Constituent; Digitoxin, Gitoxin & Gitaloxin
Medicinal Uses;
As cardiac stimulant
In CHF (Congestive Heart Failure)
6) Drug: Strophanthus
Chemical Class; Glycosides
Biological source; It is dried ripe seeds of “Strophanthus kombe” and “Strophanthus
Family; Apocynaceae
Collection; It is obtained from wild plants. Fruits are many seeded and consist
of two follicles. Mature fruit are collected in June and July Epicarp
and Mesocarp are separated and seeds are removed. The seeds
are washed and then dried.
Alkaloids are naturally occurring, nitrogen containing compound. These are basic
in nature and are physiologically active.
1. Pyridine-piperidine (Example: areca nut )
1) Drug; Rauwolfia
Synonym; Snake root, Chota chandan
(Rauwolfia serpentina)
2) Drug; Catharanthus
Synonym; Rattanjot
Chemical Class; Alkaloids
Botanical Name; It is dried whole plant of “Catharanthus roseus”
Family; Apocynaceae
Anti Neoplastic
Used in Leukemia
3) Drug; Ephedra
Chemical Class; Alkaloids
Biological source; It consist of whole aerial parts of “Ephedra sinica”
Family; Ephederacae
Chemical Constituent; Ephedrine, Pseudo-ephedrine
Medicinal Uses;
Anti asthmatic
Used in flu, fever and allergic conditions
CNS stimulant
4) Drug; Opium
Synonym; Post, Afim, Heroin, Poppy plant
Chemical Class; Alkaloids
Biological source; It is the air dried milky latex obtained by incision from the unripe
capsules of “Papaver somniferum”.
Family; Papaveraceae
Chemical Constituent; Morphine, Codeine, Narcotine, Thebaine, noscapine, Papaverine
Medicinal Uses;
Codeine is used as anti tussive
Papaverine is smooth muscle relaxant
5) Drug; Nux-Vomica
Synonym; Kuchla, Poison nut, Vomit nut
Chemical Class; Alkaloids
Biological source; It is the dried ripe seeds of “Strychnus nux-vomica”.
Family; Loganiaceae
Chemical Constituent; Strychnine, Brucine, Vomicine, Novacine, Colubrine
Medicinal Uses;
Circulatory stimulant
Bitter tonic
Increase tone of intestine
Used in alcohol poisoning
Improve appetite and digestion
Medicinal Uses;
Anti pyretic
Hay fever
Medicinal Uses;
Smooth muscle relaxant
Used in Asthma
CNS stimulant
8) Drug; Belladonna
Synonym; Death herb
Chemical Class; Alkaloids
Biological source; It consist of dried leaves and flowering tops of “Atropa
Family; Solanaceae
Chemical Constituent; Atropine, Hyoscyamine, Asparagaline
Medicinal Uses;
Rapidly evaporating oil, especially an essential oil that does not leave a stain.
Any organic oil present in plants, usually containing terpenes and esters and having the odour
or flavour of the plant from which they are extracted.
1) Drug; Fennel
Synonym; Saunf
Chemical Class; Volatile oil
Biological source; It is obtain from ripe fruit of “Foeniculum vulgare”
Family; Umbelliferae
Chemical Constituent; Anethol, Fenchone, Phellandrene, Chavicol
Medicinal Uses
Flavoring agent
2) Drug; Caraway
Synonym; Zira
Chemical Class; Volatile oil
Biological source; It is obtain from dried ripe food of “Carum carvi”
Family; Umbelliferae
Chemical Constituent; Carvone, Carveol, Limonene
Medicinal Uses
Flavoring agent
3) Drug; Peppermint
Synonym; Pudina
Chemical Class; Volatile oil
Biological source; It is obtain from dried leaves & flowering tops of “Mentha
Family; Labiateae
Chemical Constituent; Menthol, Menthone, Jasmine, Limonene, Phellandrene
Medicinal Uses
Flavoring agent
4) Drug; Cinnamon
Synonym; Darchini
Chemical Class; Volatile oil
Biological source; It is obtained from dried bark of”Cinnamomum zeylanicum”
Family; Lauraceae
Chemical Constituent; Eugenol, Phellandrene, Pinene
Medicinal Uses
Flavoring Agent
5) Drug; Cardamom
Synonym; Ilayachi
Chemical Class; Volatile oil
Biological source; It is dried ripe seed of “Elettaria cardamomum”
Family; Zingiberaceae
Chemical Constituent; Cineol, Borneol, Limonene
Medicinal Uses
Flavoring agent
6) Drug; Clove
Synonym; Long
Chemical Class; Volatile oil
Biological source; It is dried flower buds of “Eugenia caryophyllus”
Family; Myrtaceae
Chemical Constituent; Eugenin, Chromone, Vanillin
Medicinal Uses
Flavoring agent
Dental Preparation
7) Drug; Curcuma
Botanical Synonym; Curcuma longa
Chemical Class; Volatile oil
Biological source; It is dried roots of Curcuma longa.
Family; Zingiberaceae
Chemical Constituent; Curcumin
Medicinal Uses
Anti Inflammatory
Use in Jaundice
Use in Gall Stones
Resins are solid or semisolid plant exudates formed in schizogenous cavities.They are complex
mixtures of compounds like resin alcohols (resinols), resin acids, resinophenols.
Natural resins are usually transparent yellow to brown and can melt and burn. Most are exuded
from trees, especially pines.
Classification of Resins:
Resins are classified on the basis of their occurrence in combination with other compounds as:
Balsams are resinous substances which contain large proportion of benzoic acid
or cinnamic acid either free or in combination with their esters. Examples are Tolu
balsam, Benzoin and Peru balsam.
When resin occurs with volatile oils the mixture is called Oleoresin. Examples are;
Ginger, Capsicum etc.
Gum Resins:
When resins are found in combination with gums then such resins are known as
gum resins. Examples include; Asafeotida.
Oleo-gum Resins:
These are associated with gums and volatile oils both. The volatile oil is removed
by steam distillation and gum is separated by dissolving in water. Examples are;
Myrrh, Ipomoea
Medicinal Uses
Family; Styraceae
Chemical Constituent; Balsamic acid, Benzoin acid, Cinnamic acid
Medicinal Uses
In Cosmetic Industry
Compound benzoin tincture
2) Drug; Colocynth
Synonym; Bitter apple, Bitter cucumber, Bitter gourd, Korh tuma (Punjabi)
Chemical Class; Resins
Biological source; It is obtain from dried pulp of unripe but fully grown fruit of
“Citrullus colocynthis”
Family; Cucurbitaceae
Chemical Constituent; Cucurbitacin-E
Medicinal Uses
In Cathartic
4) Drug; Asafeotida
Synonym; Food of god, Hing
Chemical Class; Resins
Biological source; It is obtain from Oleo-gum-resin from exudation by incision on
roots & rhizome “Ferula Asafeotida”
Family; Umbellifereae
Chemical Constituent; Ferulic acid, Umbelliferone
Medicinal Uses
Anti-spasmodic(muscle relaxant)
Hysteria & epilepsy (mental disorder)
4) Drug; Ginger
Synonym; Zingiber, Saunth (Hindi), Adrak (Urdu)
Chemical Class; Resins
Biological source; It is obtain from dried rhizomes of “Zingiber officinale”
Family; Zingiberaceae
Chemical Constituent; Resins constituents are;
Gingerol, Shogaols, Gingediols
Volatile oils are;
Zingerone, Zingiberene
The pungency of ginger is due to Gingerol. Dehydration of
Gingerol produces shogaol which is not present in fresh rhizome.
Ferulic acid, Umbelliferone
Used in Cold & Cough
Used in Asthma
Carbohydrates are pollyhydroxy aldehyde or ketone, with at least three carbon atoms. These
compounds are produced by photosynthetic plants and contain only carbon, hydrogen, and
oxygen, usually in the ratio 1:2:1.
Glucose, sucrose and starch.
The source of carbohydrates is plants. They are widely distributed in plants.
Carbohydrates are classified into 3 main classes.
2. Oligosaccharides
3. Polysaccharides
1. Monosaccharides:
These are the simple sugars and can not be hydrolyzed. Chemical formula is (C.H2o) n.
For example:
Glucose (C6H12O6) Blood Sugar
Fructose (C6H12O6) Fruit Sugar
Pentose (C5H10O5)
2. Oligosaccharide:
2.1 Disaccharide:
In which 2 monosaccharide combine to form disaccharide with a linkage called
Glycosidic linkage.
For example;
Sucrose (Table Sugar) it forms by the combination of D-glucose and D-fructose
2.2 Polysaccharides:
In which large no. of monosaccharide combine to form polysaccharide and they are
very complex in structure and these are called non-sugar
For example: Starch, Agar, Pectin etc.
flume cells convert into gum and then it is stored in lathery bags
for 2-3 months.
Colour: Dark brown
Shape: 1-3 in diameter and round
Odour: Odourless
Chemical Constituent:
Arabin (Magnesium, Potassium, Calcium salts of Arabic acid.
Medicinal Uses:
As emulsifying agent
As binder
As demulcent
As thickner in juices
2) Drug; Tragacanth
Synonym; Gondkatera
Chemical Class; Carbohydrate
Biological source; It is dried gum obtain from exudates of the stem of “Astragallus
Family; Leguminoseae
Collection; The tree is 1 m high and thorny branches of shrubs and obtains
from plant when plant is 1-2 year old by a process called
When plant is injured the internal layer pith is converted into gum then
the plant absorbed water and swells up and throws the gum on the
outer surface and by the reaction with air it become hard due to the
evaporation of water.
Colour: Pale yellow and off white
Shape: Depend upon the type of incision
Odour: Odourless
Chemical Constituent:
Tragacanthin and bassorin.
Medicinal Uses:
As emulsifying
As suspending agent
As demulcent
In cosmetics
In food industry
3) Drug; Agar
Synonym; Japan agar
Chemical Class; Carbohydrates
Biological source; It is dried hydrophilic complex obtain from of “Gelidium
Family; Gelidiaceae
Collection; Algae is cultivated on coast and washed for 24 hours in running
water then beaten and shaken to remove sand and shells. Then it
is moved in steam heated digester for 30 hours to extract
Chemical Constituent:
Agarose and Agaropectin.
Medicinal Uses:
As emulsifying agent
As cathartic
As demulcent
As nutrient media for bacterial culture
As laxative
4) Drug; Starch
Chemical Class; Carbohydrates
Biological source; It is a polysaccharide obtains from seed like grains of plants
Corn Starch B.O: Zea mays
Family: Gramineae
Firstly take wheat and add water to make dough. After that make small
bolls and add in water and shake it. Liquid starch is obtained then
centrifuges it and dried.
Solubility: Insoluble in cold water and forms a colloidal solution on boiling
Colour: White mass
Shape: Irregular
Chemical Constituent:
Amylose and Amylopectin
Medicinal Uses:
As emulsifying agent
As binder
As nutritive
As anti-dote in iodine poisoning
In dusting powder
As a filler in tablets
These are complex organic, non-nitrogenous, pale yellow to light brown amorphous substances
widely distributed in plants and used chiefly in tanning leather, dyeing fabric, and making ink.
Their solutions are acid and have an astringent taste.
1) Drug; Catechu
Synonym; Katha
Medicinal Uses;
Used in Burns.
These are esters of glycerol with long chain fatty acids. They are nonvolatile in nature obtained
from plants (Castor oil, Almond oil) or animals (Cod liver oil).
Fixed Oils are most commonly used in aromatherapy oil blends, toiletries, food and industry.
Fixed Oils are not volatile, they do not evaporate.
Chemical Class;
Lipids (Fixed Oil)
(Prunus amygdalus)
Biological source; It is dried ripe seeds of “Prunus amygdalus”
Family; Rosaceae
Chemical Constituent; Sphingolipid
Medicinal Uses;