Evaluate The Capability and Accuracy of Response-2000 Program in Prediction of The Shear Capacities of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Members
Evaluate The Capability and Accuracy of Response-2000 Program in Prediction of The Shear Capacities of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Members
Evaluate The Capability and Accuracy of Response-2000 Program in Prediction of The Shear Capacities of Reinforced and Prestressed Concrete Members
Ibrahim M. Metwally ,Assoc. Prof., Reinforced Concrete Dept., Housing & Building Research Centre P.O. Box 1770 Cairo, Egypt E-mail: dr_ibrahimmetwally@yahoo.com Mobile: 002-0102683991
The program Response -2000 developed at the University of Toronto by Evan C. Bentz (1) was used in this research to obtain shear strength predictions. This program allows users to analyze beams and columns subjected to moment, shear, and axial loads comprising virtually any type of beam geometry, material types, and material properties. The fundamental theory supporting the program is the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT). Member response analysis and sectional analysis were both used in Response -2000 to predict the behavior of the beams. Member response calculates the full member behavior including the deflection and curvature along the member length, as well as predicted failure modes. The analysis was performed by specifying the length subjected to shear and any constant moment region. Response -2000 provided a very good prediction of experimental behavior when compared to a database of 534 beams tested in shear. These include prestressed and reinforced sections, very large footing-like sections, sections made with very high strength concrete and elements with unusual geometry. All are predicted well. The results include that Response -2000 can predict the failure shear with an average experimental over predicted shear ratio of 1.05 with a coefficient of variation of 12%. This compares favorably to the ACI 318-08 (2) Code prediction ratios that have an average of 1.20 and a coefficient of variation of 32%. Keywords: Response -2000, Shear capacity, Concrete beams.
Response -2000 computer program was developed at the University of Toronto by Evan Bentz (1) as a part of his Ph.D. thesis. This two-dimensional sectional analysis program for beams and columns will calculate the strength and ductility of a reinforced concrete cross-section subjected to shear, moment, and axial load. Al1 three loads are considered simultaneously to find the full load-deformation response. Response- 2000 is able to calculate the strength of beams and columns with rectangular sections as well as or better than traditional methods and, more importantly, is able to make predictions of shear strengths for sections that cannot easily be modeled by such traditional methods. Response -2000 allows analysis of beams and columns subjected to arbitrary combinations of axial, moment, and shear. It also includes a method to integrate the sectional behavior for simple prismatic beam-segments. The assumptions implicit in the program are that plane sections remain plane and that there is no transverse clamping stress across the depth of the beam. For sections of a beam or column a reasonable distance away from a support or point load, these are excellent assumptions. These are the same locations in beams that are usually the critical locations for brittle shear failure.
Response 2000 uses the Modified Compression Field Theory (MCFT) which is considered the theoretical foundation for the analytical process (3). The MCFT is a smeared, rotating crack model describing the load-deformation response of reinforced concrete elements subjected to general two- or three dimensional stress conditions, as shown in Fig. 1. Conditions of equilibrium, compatibility and constitutive response are formulated in terms of average stresses and average strains; also central to the formulation, however, is the consideration of local stress conditions at crack locations. Concrete is treated as an orthotropic solid continuum with evenly distributed (smeared) cracks, as opposed to a solid interrupted by discrete physical discontinuities. The smeared cracks freely reorient, remaining coaxial with the changing direction of the principal concrete compressive stress field. As well as being computationally convenient, the smeared rotating crack approach is consistent with the distributed and meandering crack patterns observed in many reinforced concrete structures. In the basic form of the MCFT, the following assumptions are made: reinforcement (permissible in any direction) is well distributed; cracks are uniformly distributed and fully rotating; element boundary stresses are uniformly applied; a unique stress state exists for each strain state, without consideration of strain history; strains and stresses are averaged over distances that include several cracks; concrete principal strain and principal stress directions coincide; perfect bond exists between reinforcement and concrete; independent constitutive relationships can be defined for concrete and reinforcement; and negligible shear stresses exist in the reinforcement. These assumptions lead to a simple and powerful conceptual model that can be applied to a wide range of practical problems.
Response 2000 will calculate strengths and deformations for beams and columns subjected to axial load, moment and shear based on the familiar assumption plane sections remain plane of engineering beam theory. Therefore, to have a reasonable analysis result, a limitation on the depth/span ratio of the frame component should exist. Unlike the other programs, Response -2000 program does not have a default cross section entered into it. This is not a problem, however, as one can be made quickly. For this example, an 80 foot span prestressed concrete bridge girder and slab will be analyzed. Program Response-2000 provides enhanced modeling and analysis capabilities for beam elements, using a layered section analysis approach (1). In addition to the traditional abilities of a sectional model to account for the effects of axial load and shear, Response-2000 also allows
rigorous inclusion of the effects of shear. Thus shear-moment-axial load interaction effects on strength and ductility are automatically taken into effect. The program is based on the assumption of plane sections remaining plane, zero clamping stress through the depth of the beam and the constitutive relations of the MCFT. Example capabilities are illustrated in Figs.2 and3.
Examine the validity of the Response 2000 program and ACI 318 Code for finding the shear capacity of all types of concrete members with any cross sections (reinforced and prestressed concrete members).
MacGregor[4] Kani et al.[5] Ghannoum[6] Moody et al.[7] Adebar and Collins[8] Taylor[9] Shahawy and Batchelor[10] Collins et al. [11] Khalifa and Collins[12] Aregawi [13] Podgorniak[14 ] Shioya et al. [15] and Shioya [16] Yoon et al. [17 ] Angelakos[18]
0 to 1.3
0 to 12
500 to 1000 445 256 and 457 125 to 1000 300 to 3000 750 1000
Table 1- (Continued) Number & Specimens type Response2000 M Point load on beam with tension or compression Point loads on continuous span Point loads on continuous span 2 point loads on simple span Point load on simple span Point load on simple span Point load on simple span Point load on simple span 2 point loads on simple span Various loading 13 to 44 COV, % 11.1
Depth, mm
fc, MPa
Stirrups Avfy/bws
62 Tbeams
0 to 4.8
Pasley et al.[20]
13 Tbeams 15 Tbeams 12 rectangular beams 10 rectangular beams 33 rectangular beams 16 I-beams 7 I-beams 8 rectangular beams 5 rectangular beams 4 I-beams 2 Interlock hoop 534 beams
0 to 0.57 0 to 0.77 0 to 0.71 0 to 8.1 0.6 to 1.48 7.41 to 15.4 4.02 to 6.03 0
Palaskas and Darwin[21] Ozcebe et al.[22] Roller and Russell[23] Kong and Rangan[24] Rangan[25] Levi and Marro[26] Kawano and Watanabe[27] Gupta[28], Arbesman[29] and Kuzmanovic [[30
31 58 to 82 72 to 125 64 to 89 29 to 45 25 to 60 25
406 to 610
25 to 50
0 to 2.0
Fig. 4- Experimental and Predicted Shear Strength by Response-2000 and ACI 318
0 0 40 80 120 160
0 0 40 80 120 160
Fig. 5- Experimental to predicted shear strength of beams versus concrete compressive strength
fc, MPa
fc, MPa
0 0 2 4 6 8 10
a/d ratio Fig. 6- Experimental to predicted shear strength of beams versus shear span to depth ratio
a/d ratio
Effective depth, mm
Effective depth, mm
0 0 2 4 6 8
Longitudinal Rfts, %
`Longitudinal Rfts, %
Fig. 8- Experimental to predicted shear strength of beams versus tensile Longitudinal Reinforcement
0 0 1 2 3
0 0 1 2 3
Transverse Rfts, % Fig. 9- Experimental to predicted shear strength of beams versus Transverse Reinforcement (Stirrups)
Transverse Rfts, %
Response-2000 Program was used to calculate the shear strength of 534 prestressed and reinforced concrete beams tested in 27 different investigations. The calculated shear strengths using this program were compared to those calculated by the ACI 318-08 equations and the experimental ones. Based on this comparison, the following conclusions can be drawn: 1. Response-2000 Program gives accurate predictions and yet conservative over the range of variables known to affect the shear strength. 2. Response-2000 Program was compared to the ACI 318 Code using the available test data. More accurate and consistent predictions were obtained using this software. 3. It is very needed to modify the ACI 318 Code provision; it provides more conservative and inaccurate estimate of the shear capacity for concrete beams.
Bentz, E. C., Sectional Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Members, PhD thesis, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 2000, 184 pp.
2. 3.
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