Soil Survey and Organization
Soil Survey and Organization
Soil Survey and Organization
Soil survey work is conducted generally to help farmers locate areas that
are responsive to management. Also, to help them to decide what crops and
what management practices are good for the kind of soil in their farms.
Most soil classification system assumed that there are individual soils, just
as there are individual animals or plants; and that these small, discrete units
can be treated as a population.
However, soils do not appear as discrete individual but rather a kind of
continuum varying from place-to-place reflecting changing soil-forming
conditions. Soil properties changed gradually over distance.
Most soil classification system assumed that there are individual soils, just
as there are individual animals or plants; and that these small, discrete units
can be treated as a population.
However, soils do not appear as discrete individual but rather a kind of
continuum varying from place-to-place reflecting changing soil-forming
conditions. Soil properties changed gradually over distance.
Soils vary from place to place even at a very short distance, the soil
variability is usually controlled or is dictated by the geography or landscape
Soil Taxonomy, specify a standard size of pit or what you may call sampling
unit, it is called PEDON (Greek, pedon, meaning ground).
- defined as one or more contiguous pedons, all falling within the defined
range of a single soil series.
- has a minimum size that is the same as the minimum size of one pedon, 1
m2, with no prescribed minimum area.
- Also called soil individual
2. Map units
- a collection of areas defined and named the same in terms of soil components
or miscellaneous areas or both.
- Each map unit differs in some respect from all others in a survey area and is
uniquely identified on a soil map.
- mapping unit with only one identified taxon plus allowable inclusions
occurring in each given delineation.
- at least one-half of the pedons are of the same soil component providing
the name for the map unit
Names of Complex:
- names of taxa, usually soil series joined by hyphens.
- surface texture, if the surface texture of all major components is the same,
otherwise the taxa are followed by the word “complex”.
(1)Sharkey-Alligator clays;
(2)Gem-Springerville complex, 0 to 5 percent slopes.
Names of associations are similar to those of complexes except that the word
“association” always appears in the name.
(1) Cohoe-Kenai association
(2) Hollis-Rock outcrop association
Associations can also be named for taxa of higher categories:
(1) Crete-Butler families association
(2) Typic Fragiochrepts-Aaeric Fragiaguepts association
Undifferentiated groups
- consist of two or more taxa components that are not consistently associated
geographically but are included in the same map unit because use and
management are the same or very similar for common uses.
- identifies the principal components, but the map unit is identified by one
symbol on the map and by one name
(1) Mardin and Wellsboro channery silt loams, very steep, is an undifferentiated
group of very steep soils of two series;
(2) Renshaw and Sioux soils, undulating, is an undifferentiated group of soils in
two series that have different surface texture phases.
- Any property or combination of properties that does not duplicate class limits
for a taxon can be used to differentiate phases, and any value of a property can
be set to divide phases.
- In general, phase criteria are given less of a range where soil use is intensive
and more of a range where use is extensive.
Attributes most used in defining phase of soil survey:
1. Texture of the surface layer
- identify the dominant texture of a mineral layer to a depth of 12 to 25 cm
- In some areas such as deserts, where the surface layer is normally thin and
cultivation is unlikely, the texture of the A horizon can be used in naming
phases even if less than 12 cm thick.
2. Deposits on the surface
Depositional phases of the buried soil may be recognized:
- Overblown: recent deposit of wind-blown material on the surface of an older
- Wind hummocky: Recent wind-laid deposits form a fine pattern of hummocks
that markedly alter management requirements of the soil.
- Over wash: Material deposited by water contrasts with underlying soil and is
thick enough to influence management requirements significantly.
3. Rock fragments
- Rock fragments on the surface and in the surface layer are commonly used
as phase distinctions. Kinds of rock fragments are defined by shape and size.
- “rocky” -rock outcrops cover 10 % or less of the delineations
- area is more than 10 % rock outcrop, the map units are named as complexes
or associations of soil and rock outcrop.
5. Slope
Slope gradient, complexity, shape, length, and aspect are all potential bases
for phase distinctions.
- used mainly in high latitudes
25 to 40 percent north slopes (or north-facing slopes).
6. Depth
- used where variations in depth to a contrasting layer are significant to soil use,
management, or behavior
7. Substratum
- used when underlying material contrasts sharply with the material above and
interpretations are affected
- Plano silt loam, gravelly substratum, 6 to 20% slope
8. Soil-Water
- used to distinguish differences in soil-water state, water table level, drainage,
and the like where the series range in one or more of these properties need to
be divided for purposes of the survey.
- phases commonly used include high water table, moderately deep water
table, poorly drained, slightly wet, wet, ponded, and drained.
9. Salinity
- used to distinguish between degrees of salinity that are important for soil use
or management.
- Electrical conductivity values and observations of plant growth are guides for
recognizing phases.
10. Sodicity
- “sodic” is used as a phase designation, if needed, generally without terms for
degrees of sodicity;
Alpha loam, sodic, 0 to 3 percent slopes.
11. Physiography
- used as a phase criterion to distinguish phases of a single taxon can be used
to identify the less extensive soil.
Example terms that have been used to designate physiographic phases:
bench, depressional, fan, karst, ridge, and terrace.
(Tioga gravelly loam, fan, 0 to 8 percent slopes.)
12. Erosion
- Significant differences in a soil’s potential for use, management needs, or
performance may be brought about by accelerated erosion is the basis for
recognizing phases provided the taxonomic unit has not changed
Alpha loam, 8 to 15 percent slopes, eroded.
13. Thickness
- used to divide the range of thickness of the solum or of the upper horizons if
mappable areas of one such phase differ consistently from areas of the other
phase and require different interpretations for the purposes of the survey.
- Phases are not used to differentiate thickness of the subsoil or the
14. Climate
- In some places, especially in mountainous or hilly areas, precipitation or air
temperature can differ greatly within short distances, yet these differences may
not be reflected in internal properties of the soil.
Miscellaneous Areas
- have essentially no soil and support little or no vegetation, without major
reclamation, because of active erosion, washing by water, unfavorable soil
conditions, or man’s activities.
Recognized kinds of miscellaneous areas:
(1) Badland
- moderately steep to very steep barren land dissected by many intermittent
drainage channels
- common in semiarid and arid regions
- potential runoff is very high, and erosion is active.
(2) Beaches
-sandy, gravelly or cobbly shores washed and rewashed by waves
-may be partly covered with water during high tides or storms
(3) Blown-out land
-consists of areas from which all or most of the soil material has been
removed by extreme wind erosion
- areas are generally shallow depressions that have flat or irregular floors
(4) Cinder land
-composed of loose cinders and other scoriaceous magmatic ejecta.
-Water-holding capacity is very low, and traficability is poor
(5) Dumps
-areas of smoothed or uneven accumulation or piles of waste rock and
general refuse
-consists of areas of water rock from mines, quarries, and smelters.
-some dumps with closely associated pits are mapped as Dumps – Pits
(6) Dune land
-consists of sand in ridges and intervening troughs that shift with the wind.
-sand dunes that have been stabilized by vegetation are named as a kind of
soil rather than a Dune land.
(7) Glaciers
-large masses of ice formed on land by the compaction and recrystallization
of snow
(8) Gullied land
-consists of areas where erosion has cut a network of V-shaped or
U-shaped channels
-The areas resemble miniature badlands
(9) Lava flows
- areas covered with lava.
-Most flows have sharp, jagged surfaces, crevices, and angular blocks
characteristic of lava
(10) Oil-waste land
- consists of areas where liquid oily wastes, principally saltwater and oil,
have accumulated
- includes slush pits and adjacent areas affected by the liquid wastes.
(11) Pits
-open excavations from which soil and commonly underlying material have
been removed, exposing either rock or other material
Kinds of pit include mine pits; gravel pits; and quarry pits.
(12) Playas
-barren flats in closed basins in arid regions.
Table 1. Actual land area represented by minimum size delineations (0.4 cm2 )
at various map scales