Chapter IV

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This chapter presents the conclusions and recommendations on the

findings revealed by the study. This study focused on the experience in learning

among Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy students.


Based on the findings of the study, the following conclusions were


1. The level of experience in online learning among Bachelor of Science in

Pharmacy students of Universidad de Zamboanga in terms of knowledge had a

grand mean response of 3.50 that shows the knowledge-based level of

experience in online learning among Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy students

of Universidad de Zamboanga is at a moderately high level.

2. The level of experience in online learning among Bachelor of Science in

Pharmacy students of Universidad de Zamboanga in terms of instructions had a

grand mean response is 4.14 shows that the instruction-based level of

experience in online learning among Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy students

of Universidad de Zamboanga is at a high level.

3. There is no significant difference in the level of experience in learning

among Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy students when grouped according to


Based on the results of the study, the researchers would like to make the

following recommendations:

For the Academic Institutions and School administrators

Based on the results of the study, academic institutions and school

administrators should continue to provide a much more effective approach and

ensure that every learning material is sufficient in catering the student’s

knowledge needs.

For the Pharmacy instructors/professors

The professors should provide lessons and other reference whilst using

ICT tools for easy access and give easy to understand instruction in weekly

activities and assignment.

For the Students

The students should learn to properly adapt to the change of learning

system method and continue to interact with professors and administrators

regarding their educational/learning experience.

For the Parents

The parents should be the encouragement and motivator to their children

and help them manage their academic responsibilities to improve their

experience in online learning.

For the Future Researchers

Future researchers should further study that covers information involving

their experiences as an approach through their online learning, such as this study

in experience in online learning among Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy

Students.. Discussion relating other that the 3 aspects of this study which is

knowledge and instruction may be research. Future researchers may be guided

truly with the use of these results as a strong background information and


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