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Zeum - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide teens from low- income urban communities with specializ ed and in- depth training in digital media and technology. 221 Fourth Street San Francisco CA 94103 Michael Noblez a Dir. of Development & Marketing 415- 820- 3350 | Email | Website

Yout h Speak Collect ive - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to promote higher educational achievement by youth attending underperforming schools in Los Angeles County through the increased utiliz ation of advanced information technology and media arts.

11243 Glenoaks Blvd. #11 Pacoima CA 91331 Melissa Khamvongsa Director of Development 818- 890- 2928 | Email | Website

Yout h Radio - $17,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to bring forward the voices and perspectives of young people in in- depth examination of key privacy issues affecting youth as they use online and mobile media, and to do so in a way that is both informative to adult media audiences and engaging and credible to youth media audiences. 1701 Broadway Oakland CA 94612 Jacinda Abcarian Executive Director 510- 251- 1101 X324 | Email | Website

YMCA of Great er Long Beach / Communit y Development Branch - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to maintain their Long Beach Neighborhood Technology Learning Continuum, which teaches creative content technology skills as an integral mechanism for promoting positive youth development and education and workforce skill building for low income, culturally diverse urban children and youth. 525 E. 7th St. Long Beach CA 90813 Bob Cabez a Vice President of Community Development 562- 624- 5474 | Email | Website

World Inst it ut e on Disabilit y - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to increase rural and urban access to health services and information and reduce health care disparities for English and Spanish speaking consumers with disabilities in California.

510 16th Street, Suite 100 Oakland CA 94612 Anita Aaron Executive Director 510- 251- 4326 | Email | Website

Women Organizing Resources, Knowledge & Services (WORKS) - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to expand and enhance access to information technology and media arts training by low- income youth in Pasadena seeking to achieve their academic and employment goals. 795 N Avenue 50 Los Angeles CA 90042 Jolie Sheppick Fund Development Director 323- 341- 7028 X27 | Email | Website

Women At Work - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide technology training and job search assistance for low- income women through the expansion of class opportunities through two new mobile computer labs. 3871 E. Colorado Blvd., 1st Floor Pasadena CA 91107 Robin McCarthy Executive Director 626- 796- 6870 X22 | Email | Website

Vent ura Count y Communit y Foundat ion - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to support technologically- literate nonprofit organiz ations and enhance technology- related skills among nonprofit employees, Board members and volunteers. 1317 Del Norte Road, Suite 150 Camarillo CA 93010

Dena Jenson Vice- President & Director, Center for Nonprofit Leadership 805- 988- 0196 X128 | Email | Website

Venice Art s: In Neighborhoods - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to positively impact the lives of low- income youth by engaging them in technology, and building sophisticated digital literacy skills, through media- based arts education and internship opportunities. 610 California Ave Venice CA 90291 Lynn Warshafsky Executive Director 310- 578- 1745 | Email | Website

Ut ilit y Consumers Act ion Net work - $125,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to enhance the capacity of Legal Aid agencies in Orange County and San Diego Counties to resolve the telecommunications complaints of low- income, limited- English proficient consumers in California and to utiliz e the complaint data to promote more responsive telecommuications policies and practices. 3100 Fifth Ave, Suite B San Diego CA 92103 Michael Shames Executive Director 619- 696- 6966 X600 | Email | Website

Urban Oasis Film Academy - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to empower underrepresented youth in South Los Angeles by providing them with the tools, knowledge and mentoring required to express themselves utiliz ing digital media skills. 1818 S. Western Ave., Suite 505 Los Angeles CA 90006

Mark Schwartz Program Director, Urban Oasis Film Academy 310- 614- 4016 | Email | Website

TURN- The Ut ilit y Ref orm Net work - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to demonstrate public support for the creation and enforcement of consumer protection laws to hold pre- paid international calling card companies accountable and protect the basic rights of consumers, through the development of a coalition of immigrant and military families and advocates. 268 Bush Street, #393 San Francisco CA 94104 Mark Toney, Ph.D. Executive Director 415- 929- 8876 X301 | Email | Website

The St ride Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to prepare out- of- work adults with training and employment in the Bay Area and Sacramento for jobs in the information technology field. 1200 Broadway, Suite 400 Oakland CA 94612 Michelle Shutz er Associate Director 510- 234- 1300 X122 | Email | Website

The Lords Holiness Resource Cent er dba Childrens Resource Cent er Net work - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to provide academic enrichment opportunities for low- income, underserved youth in San Bernardino through the delivery of digital media and information technology training. P.O. Box 8822 Redlands CA 92375

Carol Hartwick Executive Director 909- 289- 9503 | Email | Website

The Learning and Loving Educat ion Cent er - $4,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to enhance the Centers capacity to utiliz e state- of- the- art technology and software in daily instruction and communication with the public. 16890 Church Street, #16 Morgan Hill CA 95037 Sr. Pat Davis Director, Development & Programs 408- 776- 1196 | Email | Website

The Foundat ion f or Educat ional & Employment Resources Development , Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to provide technology training, job preparation and placement to limited- English speaking Hispanics in Ventura County. Box 1387, 438 South A Street Oxnard CA 93032 Dr. Deborah DeVries Project Director 805- 487- 8170 OR 805- 216- 4530 | Email | Website

The Angel's Depot - $2,500 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2010

to increase the efficiency of staff and the number of seniors able to be served through the installation of a new phone system. 1495 Poinsettia Avenue, Ste. 151 Vista CA 92081 Susan Hall Founder and Executive Director 760- 599- 7093 | Email | Website

TCU Communit y Part nership, Inc. - $30,000 / 9 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide small business entrepreneurs with the information technology and telecommunications tools necessary to increase revenues that promote economic stability and sustain jobs in San Bernardino County. 1040 South Mount Vernon Ave, Suite G- 193 Colton CA 92324 Luvina Beckley Manager 951- 682- 4646 | Email | Website

Su Casa ~ Ending Domest ic Violence - $5,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2010

to improve connectivity, security and access to internet network for staff and clients. 3840 Woodruff Ave, Suite 203 Long Beach CA 90808 Vicki Doolittle Executive Director 562- 421- 5297 | Email | Website

St . Barnabas Senior Cent er of Los Angeles - $32,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to broaden access by low- income, disadvantaged seniors in Greater Los Angeles communities to the Internet and information technology via a mobile technology lab. 675 S. Carondelet Street Los Angeles CA 90057 Rebecca Benard VP, Development & Strategic Initiatives 213- 388- 4444 X206 | Email | Website

Self -Help f or t he Elderly - $15,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2010
to enhance employment opportunities Asian Pacific Islander seniors in San Francisco Bay area through addition of culturally responsive technology education and training. 407 Sansome Street San Francisco CA 94111 Ella Lee TIE Program Manager 415- 677- 7600 | Email | Website

Search t o Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA) - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to utiliz e digital music production as a tool to provide underserved Pilipino and Latino youth ages 15- 18 in Central Los Angeles with the tools necessary to achieve their educational and vocational goals. 3200 West Temple Street Los Angeles CA 90026 Peter Corpus Director of Development & Communications 213- 382- 1819 X104 | Email | Website

Sant a Monica-Malibu Educat ion Foundat ion - $12,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2010
to enhance the educational and vocational opportunities of low- income, underserved youth in Los Angeles by building their technology and digital media literacy skills through an intensive media- based- in- school arts education program. 1649 16th Street Santa Monica CA 90404 Linda Gross Executive Director 310- 396- 4557 | Email | Website

Sant a Barbara Part ners in Educat ion - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide low- income families in Santa Barbara County with access to the information technology, the Internet and on- going training as a strategy to improve the educational outcomes of their children. 3970 La Colina Road, Suite 9 Santa Barbara CA 93110 Ben Romo Executive Director 805- 964- 4710 X4413 | Email | Website

REACH LA (Realist ic Educat ion in Act ion Coalit ion t o f ost er Healt h) $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to utiliz e a new youth- driven website along with social networking to provide increased access to HIV prevention information, counseling, testing and care information and services for HIV- positive youth by at- risk African American and Latino gay, bisexual, and transgender youth in Los Angeles County. 1400 E. Olympic Blvd., Suite 240 Los Angeles CA 90021 Carla Gordon Director of Development 213- 622- 1650 X105 | Email | Website

PUENTE Learning Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to increase access to, and use of, telecommunications and technology among low income communities in Downtown and South Los Angeles through educational programs, workforce training, and job referral services. 501 S. Boyle Avenue Los Angeles CA 90033- 3816 Sue Stamberger Development Director 323- 780- 1163 | Email | Website

Public Counsel - $30,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2010
to empower low- income consumers on their telecommunications rights through education, public awareness campaign, and complaint resolution services. 610 South Ardmore Avenue Los Angeles CA 90005 Stephanie Benson Director of Grants and Program Development 213- 385- 2977 X110 | Email | Website

Providence Lit t le Company of Mary Foundat ion - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to increase access to primary health care for children through the use of an electronic insurance application and installation of a satellite dish on the mobile clinic to reduce the time it takes to register and see patients. 2601 Airport Drive, Suite 220 Torrance CA 90505 Jim Tehan Director, Community Health 310- 257- 3586 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to ensure passage of key telecommunications and high- tech- related bills in the remainder of the 2010 California Legislative session and the 2011 session that provide strong consumer protection in the area of privacy rights. 3100 5th Ave., Suite B San Diego CA 92103 Beth Givens Director 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Point Arena Schools Dist rict Arena Tech Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs

Awarded 2010
to provide rural youth with advanced media arts training to create small business, community, and youth focused radio programming in collaboration with KGUA (Native American Radio) and Youth Radio. PO Box 87 Point Arena CA 95468 Blake More Director, ATC 707- 882- 4173 | Email | Website

PICO Nat ional Net work - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to train community volunteer leaders who are directly impacted by the foreclosure crisis to use digital media and web- based technologies that will help them organiz e and impact public and corporate policies that will help keep families in their homes and hold banks accountable for rebuilding neighborhoods and the economy. 171 Santa Rosa Avenue Oakland CA 94610 Adam Kruggel CCISCO executive director (PICO affiliate) 925- 313- 0206 X12 | Email | Website

Peoples Communit y Organizat ion f or Ref orm and Empowerment (Peoples CORE) - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to strengthen the leadership and capacity of Asian, Pacific Islander, and Latino youth in Central Los Angeles to initiate positive social change in the community by utiliz ing digital media, Internet marketing and publicity, and information technology as community organiz ing and advocacy tools. 1610 Beverly Blvd., Ste. #2 Los Angeles CA 90026 Christine Araquel Resource Development Manager 213- 241- 0995 | Email | Website

Opport unit y Junct ion - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to empower low- income Contra Costa adults to support themselves and their families through an integrated job training and placement program incorporating technology training, life skills, case management, career counseling, paid experience, counseling support, and long- term follow- up. 3102 Delta Fair Blvd. Antioch CA 94509 Alissa Friedman Executive Director 925- 776- 1133 | Email | Website

Oakland Asian St udent s Educat ional Services - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to enhance technology access and learning opportunities for 3rd 5th grade low- income, immigrant youth and their families. 196 10th Street Oakland CA 94607 H. Nhi Chau Executive Director 510- 891- 9928 X101 | Email | Website

Nat ional Consumer Law Cent er, Inc. - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to promote access to affordable telecommunications services and consumer protections through advocacy before the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). 1001 Connecticut Avenue Northwest Washington DC 20036- 5579 Olivia Wein Project Director 202- 452- 6252 X103 | Email | Website


Message Media Ed - $18,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to introduce telecommunications and technology to underserved African American seniors and youth in South Los Angeles as a means of strengthening intergenerational communication, building critical career skills, and increasing cultural awareness. 2244 W. Adams Blvd. Ste. 6 Los Angeles CA 90018 Shani Byard- Ngunjiri Executive Director 323- 708- 2526 | Email | Website

Merced Lao Family Communit y, Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to increase technology access and trainng to Southeast Asian Leaders and community members in Merced County so that they can become more successful in their path to self- sufficiency. 855 W. 15th Street Merced CA 95340 Houa Vang Executive Director 209- 384- 7384 | Email | Website

Mat ernal and Child Healt h Access (MCHA) - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to educate consumers on the use of e- screening software and the Internet to apply for benefits and ensure that the business rules used in the screening and application software accurately reflect actual program eligibility rules. 1111 W. Sixth Street, 4th Floor Los Angeles CA 90017 Lynn Kersey Executive Director, Low Income Public Benefits Consumers Technology and Policy Advocacy Project 213- 749- 4261 X309 | Email | Website


Los Angeles Met ropolit an Churches - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to strengthen the capacity of small and medium African American churches in Los Angeles to utiliz e telecommunications and technology as tools to advocate for social justice and other community issues. 7607 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles CA 90047 Cheryl Branch Executive Director 323- 238- 0445 | Email | Website

Los Angeles Brot herhood Crusade - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to ensure that low- income, underserved, under- employed individuals and under- performing students in South Los Angeles acquire the skills necessary to utiliz e information technology and the Internet to achieve their employment and educational goals. 200 East Slauson Avenue Los Angeles CA 90011 Charisse Bremond President and CEO 323- 846- 3322 | Email | Website

Lit t le Tokyo Service Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide low income youth with digital media education and hands- on exposure to mediarelated professions necessary to achieve their academic and career goals. 231 E 3rd St., Suite G106 Los Angeles CA 90013 Naomi Uchida- Boas Director of Community Technology 213- 473- 1684 | Email | Website

Le Grand High School - $25,983 / 10 mont hs


Awarded 2010
to increase student access to hands on technology projects, increase critical thinking/problem solving skills and to incorporate multimedia production into the classroom for students in Merced County. 12961 Le Grand Rd Le Grand CA 95333 Danny Silva Administrator 209- 389- 9400 | Email | Website

Koreat own Immigrant Workers Alliance - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to utiliz e telecommunications and information technology to improve English proficiency and computer literacy among youth and low- wage immigrant adults in Koreatown that are seeking improved job opportunities. 3465 West 8th Street Los Angeles CA 90005 Eileen Ma Campaign Director 213- 738- 9050 X104 | Email | Website

Kern Assist ive Technology Cent er - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to strengthen the capacity of the Kern County regional center to deliver professional advice on and access to Assistive Technology and related technology tools to people with disabilities and their families. 3101 N. Sillect Avenue, #115 Bakersfield CA 93308 Aaron Markovits Director 661- 852- 3291 | Email | Website

Jef f erson Economic Development Inst it ut e (JEDI) - $25,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2010
to create an online microenterprise development e- learning product that will allow JEDI to serve more low income and disadvantaged people interested in starting or growing a business in the rural frontier region of northern- most California and eventually beyond. P.O. Box 1586 Mount Shasta CA 96067 Nancy Swift Executive Director 530- 926- 6670 X12 | Email | Website

Ivey Ranch Park Assoc. - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to enhance the ability of families who have children with disabilities to access appropriate services for their children through the installation of an upgraded system- wide telephone system. 110 Rancho del Oro Dr Oceanside CA 92057 Tonya Danielly Executive Director 760- 722- 4839 | Email | Website

High Desert Resource Net work - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to improve access by nonprofits and volunteers in San Bernardino to appropriate technical assistance, information and quality training through the upgrade of an existing website that supports a regional nonprofit management assistance resource. P.O. Box 293928 Phelan CA 92329 Vici Nagel President/CEO 760- 949- 2930 | Email | Website

Help Me Help You - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010


to provide improved access to information on services and programs for clients and other community stakeholders through the redevelopment of an existing website. One World Trade Center, Suite 800 Long Beach CA 90831 Zina Washington Executive Director 562- 733- 1147 X160 | Email | Website

Girls Inc. of Carpint eria - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to utiliz e technology education and media arts training as a tool to enhance the educational achievement and vocational aspirations of girls and boys ages 13- 18 that are incarcerated at the Ventura County Juvenile Justice Complex. 5315 Foothill Road Carpinteria CA 93013 Pam Knitowski Director of Development 805- 684- 6364 X25 | Email | Website

Friends of L.A.C.E.S. - $22,500 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to enhance the opportunities of public school students in grades six twelve at Los Angeles Center for Enriched Studies to utiliz e digital media and other advanced technology applications as tools to achieve their academic and career goals. 5931 W. 18th Street Los Angeles CA 90035 Maggie Scott Co- President 323- 549- 5900 | Email | Website

Freedom Bound Cent er/Sol Collect ive - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to empower youth and adults from low- capacity community organiz ations by improving access to technology and telecommunications training. PO Box 189265 Sacramento CA 95818 Estella Sanchez Executive Director 916- 585- 3136 | Email | Website

Foundat ion f or Second Chances - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to improve the coordination and delivery of information technology and Internet education to lowincome parents and students attending underserved public schools in Los Angeles through the use of more efficient hardware and creation of wireless organiz ational network. 453 South Spring Street, Suite 839 Los Angeles CA 90013 Melissa Wyatt Executive Director 213- 627- 1745 | Email | Website

EmpowerTech - $15,000 / 10 mont hs Awarded 2010

to enhance assistive technology assessment services for people with disabilities and their families to include information on employment and Social Security Administration incentive benefits and how they can find employment and still receive benefits. 6234 W. 87th Street Los Angeles CA 90045 Ally Walker Development Director 310- 338- 1597 | Email | Website

El Concilio del Condado de Vent ura - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to strengthen the ability of low- income, underserved Latino youth ages 14- 18 to pursue their

educational and career goals through access to information technology and Broadband education and training in Ventura County. 301 South C Street Oxnard CA 93030 Yvonne Guiterrez Executive Director 805- 486- 9777 X228 | Email | Website

Echo Park Film Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to utiliz e digital media arts and technology training as a tool to inspire, educate, and empower youth seniors in underserved Los Angeles communities to achieve their academic, vocational or personal goals. 1200 N. Alvarado Street Los Angeles CA 90026 Lisa Marr Operations Director 213- 484- 8846 | Email | Website

East Bay Asian Yout h Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to engage disenfranchised youth in relevant educational programming that equips them with skills in and access to technology, while re- engaging them in school and preparing them for sustained employment. 2025 East 12th Street Oakland CA 94606 Peter Kim Managing Director 510- 533- 1092 X33 | Email | Website

Creat ing Economic Opport unit ies f or Women (C.E.O. Women) - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to integrate advanced technologies such as texting and webinars into micro- enterprise training targeting low- income immigrant and refugee women. 405 14th Street, Suite 712 Oakland CA 94612 Jessica Galeria Development Director 510- 836- 3481 X303 | Email | Website

Consumer Act ion - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to train community- based organiz ations to educate their clients on how to avoid the current most prevalent consumer telecommunications complaints. 221 Main Street, Suite 480 San Francisco CA 94105 Ken McEldowney Executive Director 415- 777- 9648 X304 | Email | Website

Connect ing t o Care - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide and expand specialty telepsychiatry services to developmentally disabled individuals with dual diagnoses and assistive technology services to individuals with physical challenges in nine rural Northern California counties. 120 N Auburn St., Suite 120 Grass Valley CA 95945 Susan Ferrier Executive Director 530- 274- 0292 | Email | Website

Congress of Calif ornia Seniors Educat ion and Research Fund - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to provide low- income, minority and non- English speaking seniors in Ventura County with

increased access to appropriate resources and consumer services through their increased use and understanding of the Internet and information technology. 519 South C Street Oxnard CA 93030 Gary Passmore Director 805- 486- 8873 or 916- 442- 4474 | Email | Website

Congregat ions Organized f or Prophet ic Engagement (COPE) - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to mobiliz e parents and community stakeholders within the San Bernardino Unified School District (SBUSD) to advocate for the adoption of broadband technology to improve the educational outcomes of students and strengthen the involvement of parents in the education of their children. 600 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino CA 92401 Samuel Casey Executive Director 909- 717- 3952 | Email | Website

Communit y Technology Net work - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to cultivate a network of Community Technology providers by connecting community members and increasing the capacity and viability of local technology centers through improved training, better resources, sustainability advocacy, and stronger leadership. 390 Valencia Street San Francisco CA 94103 Kami Griffiths Executive Director 650- 784- 1156 | Email | Website

Communit y Development Technologies Cent er (CD Tech) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to enhance the educational opportunities of K- 12 students attending Central Los Angeles public schools through the integration of Information Communications and Technology (ICT) applications into interdisciplinary standards- based instruction. 520 W. 23rd Street Los Angeles CA 90007 Kristine Williams Vice President - Strategic Initiatives 213- 763- 2520 X228 | Email | Website

Communit y Asset Development Re-def ining Educat ion (CADRE) - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to equip low- income parents with new technology, and innovative information management and communication tools that will help build their social capital as advocates for their children. 8510 South Broadway Los Angeles CA 90003 Maisie Chin Executive Director 323- 752- 9997 | Email | Website

Communit y Act ion Part nership of Sonoma Count y - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to promote the effective use of information in order to meet the needs of low- income children and childcare workers particularly at more remote, rural sites. 1300 N. Dutton Avenue Santa Rosa CA 95401 Oscar Chavez Executive Director 707- 544- 6911 X1072 | Email | Website

Cent ro Lat ino f or Lit eracy - $15,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2010


to increase basic reading and writing skills through Leamos, a web- based technology application, targeting non- literate Spanish- speaking immigrants in the Greater Los Angeles area 1709 West 8th Street Los Angeles CA 90017 Mari Riddle Executive Director 213- 235- 9990 | Email | Website

Cent ral Coast Assist ive Technology Cent er of t he Unit ed Cerebral Palsy of San Luis Obispo Count y - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to increase communications, reduce social isolation and improve the daily functioning and mental health of individuals with disabilities through the use of assistive technology. 3450 Broad St., Ste. 111 San Luis Obispo CA 93401 Paul Mortola, MS, OTR/L, ATP Director, CCATC 805- 549- 7420 | Email | Website

Cent er f or Mult icult ural Cooperat ion - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to engage Native American youth and families through Native Voices, in intergenerational community media production, while training Native youth in technology and media skills to increase their involvement in YES Enterprises, which will provide paying jobs to young people as they help build the technological capacity of nonprofit organiz ations in the central San Joaquin Valley and greater Sacramento Metropolitan Region. PO Box 27442 Fresno CA 93729 John Minkler Executive Director 559- 445- 0015 | Email | Website

Canal Alliance - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010


to enhance the earning potential of low- income Spanish speaking clientsfrom the Canal community and other areas of Marinthrough small business training and support, technology training, and public and in- home technology access. 91 Larkspur Street San Rafael CA 94901 Bob Jackson Director of Economic Development and Technology 415- 306- 0438 | Email | Website

CAMINOS-Pat hways Learning Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to increase access to technology and technical training for low- income Latina women and families in San Francisco so they may obtain higher- wage jobs, which will require computer literacy. 2301 Mission Street, Suite 105 San Francisco CA 94110 Laura Valdez Executive Director 415- 824- 0682 X203 | Email | Website

Calif ornia St udent Public Int erest Research Group, Inc - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to expand the use of social media as a tool to recruit, train, and stay in touch with an expanding number of student activists on University of California and community college campuses throughout California. 369 Broadway, Suite 200 San Francisco CA 94133 Emily Rusch State Director 415- 622- 0039 X307 | Email | Website

Calif ornia St at e Rural Healt h Associat ion - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to ensure that the most rural and frontier communities have access to health information technology (HIT) resources and to ensure their issues are included in guidelines being focused on HIT implementation. 3720 Folsom Blvd., Suite B Sacramento CA 95816 Desire Rose Executive Director 916- 453- 0780 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Indian Museum and Cult ural Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to increase Native youth multi- media skills while developing the resources needed to implement a conversational Pomo distance learning course. 5250 Aero Drive Santa Rosa CA 95403 Nicole Lim Executive Director 707- 579- 3004 | Email | Website

Black Women f or Wellness - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to strengthen the capacity of African American women and girls to utiliz e the Internet and information technology as a tool to improve their health and well being. 3450 W 43rd Street, Suite 104 Los Angeles CA 90008 Janette Flint Executive Director 323- 290- 5955 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic Islander Small Business Program - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010
to assist API and other clients in understanding and using social networking and website technology in their micro and small businesses in order to reach a wider non- ethnic mainstream

customer base through a cultural heritage tourism program that will be developed in patnership with the City of Los Angeles and the National Park Services Preserve America Neighborhoods Program. 231 E Third Street, G- 106 Los Angeles CA 90013 Ron Fong Director 213- 473- 1603 | Email | Website

American Indian Healing Cent er Inc. - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to improve the quality of care provided to low income, uninsured urban American Indian patients through the acquisition of a new state- of- the- art Practice Management/Data Management System that will address medical quality improvement indicators to help manage chronic conditions. 12456 E. Washington Blvd. Whittier CA 90602 John Andrews, MPH Executive Director 562- 693- 4325 | Email | Website

All Peoples Christ ian Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to increase the computer and Internet usage of residents of Vernon Central so that they can utiliz e as tools to become more effective advocates and puruse their educational and career goals. 822 E 20th Street Los Angeles CA 90011 Saundra Bryant Executive Director 213- 747- 6357 X11 | Email | Website

ACLU Foundat ion of Nort hern Calif ornia - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to create a downloadable mobile device program that will provide greater transparency about the information collected by mobile applications, demonstrate how information is shared with third parties; and show targeted users, such as youth and communities of color, how to better safeguard personal information. 39 Drumm Street San Francisco CA 94111 Linda Rapp Director of Foundation Support 415- 621- 2493 x 432 | Email | Website

A Place Called Home - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide low- income youth in South Los Angeles with access to quality technology instruction utiliz ing a range of digital applications as tools to achieve their educational and vocational goals. 2830 South Central Avenue Los Angeles CA 90011 Melissa Molina Sr. Development Associate/Grant Administrator 323- 232- 7653 X324 | Email | Website

A Place Called Home - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To ensure low- income, underserved students in South Los Angeles with access to digital technology training that will promote higher educational achievement and viable job opportunities. 2830 South Central Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90011 Melissa Molina Sr. Development Associate 323- 232- 7623 | Email | Website

Access OC - $50,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2008
To increase access and efficiency of specialty care delivery to Orange Countys safety- net population including reduced patient wait times for specialty care, reduced overhead costs of referring clinics, and decreased overall healthcare costs. 25283 Cabot Road Laguna Hills, CA 92653 Linda Haghi Executive Director 949- 553- 1320 | Email | Website

Access Inc. - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To provide increased access by advocates and community workers on the rights of immigrant domestic violence victims to healthcare benefits under the Violence Against Women Act through the further development of an existng website. 2612 Daniel Avenue San Diego, CA 92111 Anne Bautista Program Director 858- 560- 0871 | Email | Website

Access, Inc. - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide access to computer training and microenterprise development training to low- income Latino immigrants in order to enhance their opportunities to obtain better jobs and/or create viable small businesses. 2612 Daniel Ave San Diego, CA 92111 Charlene Browne Director of Program Development 858- 560- 0871 | Email | Website

Access, Inc. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2007
To increase the earnings and work related benefits for Mexican immigrants working in the San Diego region through technical training and English instruction. 2612 Daniel Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 Bob Steward CEO 858- 560- 0871 | Email | Website

Accion Lat ina - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To develop and coordinate a statewide media campaign on telecom consumer rights. 2958 24th St. San Francisco, CA 94110 Eva Martinez Executive Director 415- 648- 1045 | Email | Website

Access, Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To provide increased access by limited English immigrant and refugee communities on the their rights as domestic violence victims to health care benefits under the Violence Against Women Act through the further development of an existing website. 2612 Daniel Ave. San Diego, CA 92111 Anne S. Bautista, Esq. Program Director 858- 560- 0871 | Email | Website

ACLU Foundat ion of Nort hern Calif ornia - $62,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To educate community members, opinion leaders, and businesses about the privacy

implications related to the use of the Internet and safeguards that can be implemented to protect Internet privacy rights. 39 Drumm Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Maya Harris Executive Director 415- 621- 2493 | Email | Website

Al Woot en Jr. Herit age Cent er - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To improve literacy and computer skills through practical experience to assist African American youth to gain readiness for college. 9106 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90047 Linda Broadous Miles Executive Director 323- 756- 7203 | Email | Website

Al Woot en Jr. Herit age Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To improve and expand the current level of computer instruction and after- school enrichment program; and to upgrade computers and related equipment throughout the facility. 9106 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles , CA 90047 Linda Broadous Miles Executive Director 323- 756- 7203 | Email | Website

Alameda Count y Homeless Act ion Cent er - $10,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005
To invest in a state of the art telephone system that has the capacity to handle the volume of calls received and increase the efficiency of service to clientele.


2500 MLK Jr. Way, Ste. 1 Berkeley, CA 94704 Patricia Wall Executive Director 510- 540- 0878 | Email | Website

Alameda Count y Library Foundat ion - $10,870 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To promote and ensure access to the extensive digital communications technologies of Alameda County libraries for disabled community members through assistive technology. 2450 Stevenson Blvd. Fremont, CA 94538- 2326 Richard B. Ajluni Executive Director 510- 745- 1514 | Email | Website

All Peoples Christ ian Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To enhance communications and a sense of community among residents and block clubs in South Los Angeles through access and instruction on telecomunications/technology applications and the adoption of broadband. 822 E. 20th Street Los Angeles, CA 90011 Saundra Bryant Executive Director 213- 747- 6357 | Email | Website

All Peoples Christ ian Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To utiliz e the adoption of broadband, job- related telecommunications and technology instruction as a means to build a sense of community among residents and block clubs in South Los Angeles. 822 E 20th Street Los Angeles, CA 90011

Saundra Bryant Executive Director 213- 747- 6357 | Email | Website

Allenswort h Progressive Associat ion - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To hire a consultant to plan a computer training and telecommunications access program for low- income and minority residents. 8126 Ave 36 Allensworth, CA 93219 Samuel Pierro President 661- 725- 8880 | Email | Website

Alliance f or Af rican Assist ance - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide computer access and training to refugees, immigrants and low- income residents in San Diego. 5952 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 Walter Lan President & CEO 619- 286- 9052 | Email | Website

Alliance f or Af rican Assist ance - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer access and training to refugees, immigrants and low- income residents in San Diego. 5952 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego, CA 92115 Stan Miller Director of Resource Development 619- 286- 9052 | Email | Website

Alliance f or Af rican Assist ance - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To expand the introductory computer training program to include computer repair which will adress the need for computer repair and upgrades in the community and make donated computers available to needy families. 3869 42nd St. San Diego, CA 92105 Cyril Okeke Contract Administrator 619- 282- 2318 | Email | Website

Alliance f or Af rican Assist ance - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To improve the educational and economic outcomes of youth and their families from the refugee community in San Diego through technology and small business training. 5952 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115 Walter Lam President and CEO 619- 286- 9052 | Email | Website

Alliance f or Af rican Assist ance - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To improve the educational and economic outcomes of refugees, immigrants and low- income families in San Diego through the delivery of technology and small business training. 5952 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115 Walter Lam President & CEO 619- 286- 9052 | Email | Website

Alliance f or Af rican Assist ance - $35,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2009
to improve the educational and economic outcomes of refugees, immigrants and low- income families in San Diego through the delivery of technology, small business, and micro- enterprise training. 5952 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92115 Barbara Hansen Grant Manager 619- 286- 9052 | Email | Website

Alliance f or Af rican Assist ance (AAA) - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To continue to improve the availability of and access to telecommunications and computer technology among refugee, immigrant, and low income populations in San Diego County. 5952 El Cajon Blvd San Diego, CA 92105 Sallie Bayless Director of Resource Development 619- 286- 9052 | Email | Website

Alliance f or Technology Access (ATA) - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To expand and broaden the online library of digital stories of disability advocates in California that address issues affecting the lives of people with disabilities. 1304 Southpoint Blvd. Suite 240 Petaluma, CA 94954 Mary Lester Executive Director 707- 778- 3011 | Email | Website

Alliance f or Technology Access (ATA) - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005


To build and strengthen the capacity of people with disabilities to use technology as an advocacy tool. 1304 Southpoint Blvd. Suite 240 Petaluma, CA 94954 Mary Lester Executive Director 707- 778- 3011 | Email | Website

Amador-Tuolumne Communit y Act ion Agency - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To strengthen and solidify long- term, local support for the Information and Asssistance Network Project in Amador and Calaveras Counties. 935 S. Highway 49 Jackson, CA 95642 Susan Sells Dep. Dir., Community Programs 209- 533- 1397 | Email | Website

Amador-Tuolumne Communit y Act ion Agency - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To enhance and expand the InfoNet web portal to include Amador and Calaveras Counties; and to develop 6 Neighborhood Information Centers that provide free public access to the Internet. 935 S. Hwy. 49 Jackson, CA 95642 Julie Plevancic I & A Network Project Manager 209- 533- 1397 | Email | Website

Amador-Tuolumne Communit y Act ion Agency - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To increase computer literacy and Internet navigation through establishment of neighborhood access points and education on the importance of broadband technology in a 5 county region.

935 S N Hwy 49 Jackson, CA 95642 Shannon Mosher 209- 533- 1397 | Email | Website

American Civil Libert ies Union Foundat ion of Nort hern Calif ornia - $90,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To educate California consumers about their rights and about threats to their privacy and to educate policymakers and businesses about how they can best develop and incorporate adequate privacy protections into the use of Internet and other technologies. 39 Drumm Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Erin Scott Foundation Support Director 415- 621- 2493 | Email | Website

Anew America Communit y Corporat ion - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To promote the long- term economic empowerment of new Americansnew citiz ens, immigrants and refugeesand to encourage their full participation in the political, social, and cultural growth of America. 1918 University Ave, Ste 3A Berkeley, CA 94704 Sylvia Rosales- Fike President 510- 540- 7785 | Email | Website

Anew America Communit y Corporat ion - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To provide technology training to assist immigrants in starting or expanding small businesses. 1918 University Ave, Ste 3A Berkeley, CA 94704

Sylvia Rosales- Fike President 510- 540- 7785 | Email | Website

AnewAmerica Communit y Corporat ion - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To create an online marketplace through which low- income, new American entrepreneurs can sell their products directly to the consumer using innovative, Web- based commerce technology. 1918 University Ave., Ste. 3A Berkeley, CA 94704 Sylvia Rosales- Fike President & CEO 510- 540- 7785 | Email | Website

AnewAmerica Communit y Corporat ion - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to expand access to the benefits and opportunities of e- commerce to AnewAmericas entrepreneurs, while developing a replicable model to bring these same benefits to microenterprise owners across the state. 1918 University Ave, Suite 3A Berkeley, CA 94704 Sylvia Rosales- Fike President & CEO 510- 540- 7785 | Email | Website

Applied Principles f or Service, Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To increase the awareness and knowledge of parents of school- age children in San Bernardino County on safe telecommunications and technology practices 26044 Edgemont Drive San Bernardino, CA 92404 Cynthia Fraz ier Fraz ier 909- 499- 5536 | Email | Website

Arcat a House - $1,500 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2007

To build the organiz ational capacity of Arcata House through the purchase of computers to serve their homeless clientele more effectively. 1005 - 11th Street Arcata, CA 95521 Karen Olson, MSW Executive Director 707- 822- 4528 | Email | Website

Asian Immigrant Women Advocat es - $19,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To increase immigrant women's ability to participate in civic action through instruction and use of information technology, and increase the organiz ational capacity to evaluate and strategiz e action via an updated database system. 310- 8th St., Ste 301 Oakland, CA 94607 Charlotte Cox Literacy Coordinator 510- 268- 0192 | Email | Website

Asian Immigrant Women Advocat es - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To advance immigrant womens leadership capabilities through their understanding and use of computer technology 310 8th St. Oakland, CA 94706 Young Shin Executive Director 510- 268- 0192 | Email | Website


Asian Law Caucus - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To educate limited- English speaking Asian American communities in San Francisco and Oakland about telecom fraud and misleading marketing practices. 939 Market Street, Suite 201 San Francisco, CA 94103 Gen Fujioka Executive Director 415- 896- 1701 | Email | Website

Asian Law Caucus - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Asian and Pacific Islanders in the Bay Area, Sacramento County, Merced County and Stanislaus County. 939 Market Street, Suite 201 San Francisco, CA 94103 Philip Ting Executive Director 415- 896- 1701 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic American Disput e Resolut ion Cent er - $5,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006
To enable limited English API and Latino consumers seeking dispute resolution services to access culturally responsive information and referrals via an updated, more flexible telecommunications system. 1145 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Charles Chang Executive Director 213- 250- 8190 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic American Legal Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2003
To educate monolingual API consumers about language rights in the purchase and leasing of automobiles and to advocate for stronger consumer protections for limited- English consumers. 1145 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Stewart Kwoh Executive Director 213- 977- 7500 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic American Legal Cent er - $52,600 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide lead agency related services to the Asian/Pacific Island communities, as well as overall CTR assistance. 1145 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Stewart Kwoh Executive Director 213- 977- 7500 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic American Legal Cent er - $100,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To supply information about basic services, to telemarketing, calling card theft, and other scame, APA immigrants need eduction so that they can be empowered to make decisions about telecommunications and avoid being victimiz ed. 1145 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Stewart Kwoh Executive Director 213- 977- 7500 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic American Legal Cent er - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004


To work with the Foundation and other lead agencies to implement the TCPF Coordinated Campaign. 1145 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Stewart Kwoh Executive Director 213- 977- 7500 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic American Legal Cent er - $120,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To work with the Foundation and other lead agencies to implement the TCPF Coordinated Campaign. 1145 Wilshire Blvd., 2nd Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017 Stewart Kwoh Executive Director 213- 977- 7500 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic Islander Legal Out reach - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To increase awareness of and prevent, especially technology- based, abuse and harassment of Asian Pacific Islander youth via text messaging and other internet- based technology to provide resources and information. 1188 Franklin St., Ste 202 San Francisco, CA 94109 Maikiko James Program Developer 415- 567- 6255 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic Islander Small Business Program - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To strengthen the capacity of low- income, small- business entrepreneurs to utiliz e business technology and the Internet for marketing and e- commerce purposes.

231 East Third St Los Angeles, CA 90013 Cooke Sunoo API SBP Director 213- 473- 1603 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic Islander Small Business Program - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To incorporate introductory business technology training into an existing Entreprenuer Training Program. 231 East Third Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 Cooke Sunoo API SBP Director 213- 473- 1603 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic Islander Small Business Program - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To strengthen the capacity of low- income, small- business entrepreneurs in Los Angeles County to utiliz e business technology and the Internet for marketing and e- commerce purposes. 231 East Third St #G106 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Cooke Sunoo Director 213- 473- 1603 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic Islander Small Business Program - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To strengthen the capacity of low- income, small- business entrepreneurs in Los Angeles County to utiliz e business technology and the Internet for marketing and e- commerce purposes. 231 E. Third Street Los Angeles, CA 90013 Cooke Sunoo Director

213- 473- 1603 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic Islander Small Business Program - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to strengthen the capacity of low- income, small- business entrepreneurs from the Asian Pacific Islander community in Los Angeles County to utiliz e business technology and the Internet for marketing and e- commerce purposes. 231 E Third Street, G- 105 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Cooke Sunoo Director 213- 473- 1603 | Email | Website

Asian Pacif ic Self -development and Resident ial Associat ion (APSARA) $8,550 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To purchase, upgrade the Computer Rooms computer system, to build a digital library prototye and to teach Park Village youth how to do research and use computers. 3830 N. Alvarado Ave, Suite C Stockton, CA 95204 Sovanna Koeurt Executive Director 209- 944- 1700 | Email | Website

Asian Perinat al Advocat es - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To develop a Chinese version of IRWIN (Information and Referral Web- based Network), a comprehensive system that provides information on community resources. 1001 Potrero Ave. MS6E San Francisco, CA 94110 Mai- Mai Ho Executive Director 415- 206- 5450 | Email | Website

Asian Resources, Inc. - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To establish partnership with telecommunication providers, create a curriculum, train employees low- income residents and create employment opportunities for Sacramento County. 5709 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95824 Pamela Bessett Deputy Administator 916- 454- 1892 | Email | Website

Asian Resources, Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To improve the outcomes of small businesses in Fruitridge neighborhood by providing owners with training on basic computer skills, e- commerce, and other telecom applications. 5709 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95824 Elaine Abelaye Acting Director in Charge 916- 454- 1892 | Email | Website

Asian Resources, Inc. - $32,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to prepare young adults for their future by training them to become micro entrepreneurs and to integrate technology skill- building that reinforces transferable research, presentation, and leadership skills that will benefit them in the workforce. 5709 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95824 Elaine A. Abelaye Executive Director 916- 454- 1892 | Email | Website


Asian-American Resource Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To help economically disadvantaged Southeast Asian- Americans and other low- income individuals in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties gain access to technology training that will prepare them for economic self- sufficiency. 1115 South E Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Rasmey Sam President/Executive Director 909- 383- 0164 | Email | Website

Asian-American Resource Cent er - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide telecommunications consumer education and protection to Southeast Asians in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties. 1115 South E Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Rasmey Sam President/Executive Director 909- 383- 0164 | Email | Website

Asian-American Resource Cent er - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To help economically disadvantaged Southeast Asian- Americans and other low- income individuals in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties gain access to technology training that will prepare them for economic self- sufficiency. 1115 South E Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Rasmey Sam President/Executive Director 909- 383- 0164 | Email | Website

Asian-American Resource Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2005
To sustain and expand an accessible and effective consumer education and protection program in collaboration with CCPF. 1115 South E Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Rasmey Sam President/Executive Director 909- 383- 0164 | Email | Website

Asian-American Resource Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and protection to Southeast Asians in San Bernandino and Riverside Counties. 1115 South E Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Rasmey Sam President/Executive Director 909- 383- 0164 | Email | Website

Asian-American Resource Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To provide economically disadvantaged Southeast Asian- Americans and other low- income individuals in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties with technology training and job placement assistance. 1115 South E Street San Bernardino, CA 92408 Rasmey Sam Executive Director 909- 383- 0164 | Email | Website

Aspirat ion - $7,800 / 3 mont hs Awarded 2010


To improve the strategic online communications capacity of social justice organiz ations in Southern California to enhance the reach and impact of their work. 1370 Mission St., 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 Allen Gunn Executive Director 415- 839- 6456 | Email | Website

Aspirat ion (San Francisco Nonprof it Technology Cent er) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To improve the strategic online communications and advocacy capacity of social justice organiz ations in California for increased reach and impact to consumers. 1370 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94103 Allen Gunn Executive Director 415- 839- 6456 | Email | Website

Aspirat ion (San Francisco Nonprof it Technology Cent er) - $53,042 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to improve the strategic online communications capacity of social justice organiz ations in California to enhance the reach and impact of their work. 1370 Mission St., 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 Allen Gunn Executive Director 415- 839- 6456 | Email | Website

At lant ic Communit y Economic Development Corp. - $8,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2004


To improve and update an existing community technology center serving low- income, minorities in Central Long Beach. 2131 Long Beach Blvd. Long Beach, CA 90806 Phyllis Venable Executive Consultant 562- 599- 7775 | Email | Website

Big Brot hers Big Sist ers of Vent ura Count y Fillmore/Piru One St ep A La Vez Teen Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to enhance the educational and vocational opportunities of low- income youth through project and advocacy- directed media and visual arts training 445 Rosewood St, Suite Q Camarillo, CA 93010 Lynn Edmonds Program Director 805- 907- 6576 | Email | Website

Black Women f or Wellness - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To increase access to health education and information by African American women in Los Angeles County utiliz ing a variety of technology- based tools. POB 292516 Los Angeles, CA 90029 Janette Robinson Flint Executive Director 323- 290- 5955 | Email | Website

Black Women f or Wellness - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To provide African American women with increased access to culturally responsive information on key health issues and opportunities to advocate on behalf of these issues via the development

of an .org website. POB 292516 Los Angeles, CA 90029 Janette Robinson Flint Executive Director 323- 290- 5955 | Email | Website

Black Women f or Wellness - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to strengthen the capacity of African American women and girls to utiliz e the Internet and information technology as a tool to improve their health and well being. 3450 W 43rd Street, Suite 104 Los Angeles, CA 90008 Janette Robinson Flint Executive Director 323- 290- 5955 | Email | Website

Blazers Yout h Services Club, Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To increase access to computer literacy instruction by youth and young adults in South Los Angeles. 1517 W. 48th St. Los Angeles, CA 90062 Carlton Davenport Associate Director 323- 292- 2261 | Email | Website

Blazers Yout h Services Communit y Club, Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To strengthen the capacity of an existing technology lab to offer digital video production to young adults and to serve at least 20 percent more clients overall in its open lab. 1517 W. 48th St. Los Angeles, CA 90062

Carlton Davenport Executive Director 323- 292- 2261 | Email | Website

Boat People SOS - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To inform and educate Vietnamese refugees and immigrants in Sacramento about the abusive telecommunications marketing and sales practices 5029 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95820 Nhi Cao Branch Manager 916- 456- 5524 | Email | Website

Booker T. Washingt on Communit y Service Cent er - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To promote economic self- sufficiency for low- income youth and adults through specializ ed technology training, job search assistance and work- place skill building. 800 Presidio Ave. San Francisco, CA 94115 Patricia Scott Executive Director 415- 928- 6596 | Email | Website

Boys & Girls Club of Barst ow - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide increased access to technology and telecommunications programs by underserved young people and their families in the Barstow community. POB 204 Barstow, CA 92311 Jennifer Araiz a Executive Director 760- 255- 2422 | Email | Website

Boys & Girls Club of Font ana - $19,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To expand access to telecommunications and information technology and high- quality instruction by children and their families in South Fontana through the start- up of a satellite technology center. P.O. Box 3712 Fontana, CA 92334 Terrie Schneider Chief Professional Officer 909- 822- 4988 | Email | Website

Boys & Girls Club of Hollywood - $16,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To strengthen the capacity of an existing technology lab to offer high quality basic through advanced telecommunications and information technology instruction annually to almost 700 children and young adults in Hollywood. 850 North Cahuenga Blvd. Hollywood, CA 90038 Melba Culpepper Executive Director 323- 467- 2007 | Email | Website

Boys & Girls Club of Sant a Clara Valley - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To foster economic advancement within the Santa Clara Valley community through computer literacy training targeting parents of club members. 806 Railroad Ave. Santa Paula, CA 93060 Patricia Zwagerman Chief Executive Officer 805- 525- 7910 | Email | Website


Boys & Girls Club of Sant a Clara Valley - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To provide underserved youth in Ventura County with increased access and training to technology that will serve as a foundation to achieving their educational and vocational goals P.O. Box 152 Santa Paula, CA 93060 Doug Caldwell Chief Executive Officer 805- 525- 7910 | Email | Website

Boys & Girls Club of t he Ant elope Valley - $18,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide club members daily access to computer technology; increase intellectual development; encourage the exploration of careers in science and technology among youth in the Lancaster community. P.O. Box 901055 Palmdale, CA 93590 Laura Setz er Asst. Executive Director 661- 267- 2582 | Email | Website

Boys & Girls Club of Venice - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To adapt a youth model based on a proven Internet job search program for low- income and technology deficient adults; and to establish an Internet activity center geared toward developing Internet technology skills in adolescents. 2232 Lincoln Blvd. Venice, CA 90291 John A. Dz ubak Executive Director 310- 390- 4477 | Email | Website

Boys & Girls Clubs of East Count y, Inc. - $28,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2006
To provide 1200 youth with the technology support that they need to complete homework and technical training projects. 260 East Chase Ave., Ste. 204 El Cajon, CA 92022 Lesa Mitchell Development Director 619- 440- 1600 | Email | Website

Boys & Girls Clubs of Mant eca/Lat hrop - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To build the technology and academic skills teens will need to perform better in school and make a productive future through the expansion of their existing computer lab. 545 W, Alameda Manteca, CA 95336 Alex Vila Executive Director 209- 239- 5437 | Email | Website

Boys and Girls Clubs of Sant a Clara Valley - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To develop and enhance the capacity to serve the disadvantaged and isolate populations through technology centers located in Santa Paula, Filmore, and Piru. to design and upgrade equipment and infrastructure to create wireless computer labs computer train 806 Railroad Ave. Santa Paula, CA 93060 Patricia Zwagerman Chief Executive Officer 805- 525- 7910 | Email | Website

Brave Kids - $23,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004


To increase Hispanic access and utiliz ation of a bilingual Internet directory for children with special needs in Los Angeles County. 1223 Wilshire Blvd., #1411 Los Angeles, CA 90403 Kristen Fitz gerald Founder and Executive Director 310- 395- 5474 | Email | Website

Bresee Foundat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To improve the quality of life in the Pico Union and Boyle Heights communities by offering children and their families access to technology/telecommunications resources that enable them to achieve higher levels of literacy, academic success, and obtain 184 Bimini Place Los Angeles, CA 90004 Seth Eklund Director of Education & Career Development 213- 387- 2822 | Email | Website

Bresee Foundat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To provide children and their families with access to the Internet and computer resources that enable them to achieve higher levels of literacy, academic success, and living- wage employment. 184 Bimini Place Los Angeles, CA 90004 Seth Eklund Director of Education & Career Development 213- 387- 2822 | Email | Website

Cabrillo Cooperat ive Housing Corporat ion - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To establish a computer lab within an academic youth center that will provide access to

computer technology and information. 1515 South Saticoy Avenue Ventura, CA 93004 Lonnie I. Miramontes Program Manager 805- 647- 4083 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Associat ion f or Microent erprise Opport unit y (CAMEO) - $15,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2009
to develop a regional, online network of rural Micro Enterprise Organiz ations and their micro business clients that will build capacity to access regional and global markets, and create a strong advocacy voice for rural Micro Enterprise issues. 275 Fifth Street, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 Claudia Viek CEO 415- 348- 6214 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Black Women's Healt h Project - $6,500 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To replace a defective laptop and computer, also upgrade Router, DSL, Network Printer and portable printer for the road and five back- up tapes for the server. 101 North La Brea Ave., Suite 610 Inglewood, CA 90301 Crystal Crawford Director of Public Policy 310- 412- 1828 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Cent er f or Law and t he Deaf - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To provide effective representation for deaf and hard- of- hearing consumers before the CPUC, the Legislature and the FCC as these bodies attempt to respond to rapidly changing technology

and a changing industry. 14895 E. 14th St., Ste 220 San Leandro, CA 94578 Kenneth Kresse Executive Director 510- 483- 0902 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Cent er f or t he Law and t he Deaf - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide effective representation for deaf and hard- of- hearing consumers before the CPUC, the Legislature and the FCC as these bodies attempt to respond to rapidly changing technology and a changing industry. 14895 East 14th St., Suite 220 San Leandro, CA 94578 Kendrick Kresse Executive Director 510- 483- 0902 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Communit y Part nership f or t he Prevent ion of Financial Abuse $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To empower elders to prevent and report financial abuse through community educational events including hands on training in the use of technology and telephone services to assist elders in managing their personal resources. 1400A Grant Ave. Novato, CA 94947 Jenefer Duane Executive Director 415- 258- 9111 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Communit y Technology Policy Group - $40,750 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To strengthen the capacity of low- income communities to have a voice and participate in the

development of public policy regarding telecommunications and technology. 1000 N. Alameda St., Ste. 240 Los Angeles, CA 90014 Richard Chabran Chair 909- 234- 1768 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Communit y Technology Policy Group - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To strengthen the capacity of low- income communities to have a voice in public policy regarding telecommunications and technology. 1000 N. Alameda Street, Ste 240 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Richard Chabran Chair 213- 346- 3200 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Communit y Technology Policy Group - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To strengthen the capacity of low- income communities to have a voice in public policy regarding telecommunications and technology, provide strategic opportunities for community members to exercise their voice, and effect policy changes that enable communi 606 South Olive St., Suite 2400 Los Angeles, CA 90014 Richard Chabran Chair 909- 234- 1768 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Dent al Associat ion Foundat ion - $65,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To expand and improve access to oral health services for underserved populations through the use of electronic communication technology (teledentistry) and collaborative relationships between community- based oral health professionals and dentists.

1201 K Street, Suite 1511 Sacramento, CA 95814 Jon R. Roth Executive Director 916- 554- 4915 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Foundat ion f or Independent Living Cent ers - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To enhance the computer skills of staff at CFILC's 28 independent living centers throughout California. 660 J Street, Suite 270 Sacramento , CA 95814 Patricia Yeager Executive Director 916- 325- 1690 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Foundat ion f or Independent Living Ct rs. - $5,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2008
To document the experiences of people with disabilities and individuals with access and functional needs as a basis for advocating on behalf of responsive public disaster preparedness telecommunications policies and practices. 1029 J Street Sacramento, CA 95814 Teresa Favuz z i Executive Director 916- 325- 1690 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Pan-Et hnic Healt h Net work - $8,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006
To improve access to health care and eliminate health disparities by advocating for public policies and sufficient resources to address the health needs of communities of color. 654- 13th Street Oakland, CA 94612

Pam Flood Program Manager 510- 832- 1160 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Pan-Et hnic Healt h Net work - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To strengthen the ability of community- based organiz ations to advocate on behalf of people of color through support for online, web- enabled advocacy software. 654- 13th Street Oakland, CA 94612 Pam Flood Program Manager 510- 832- 1160 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Public Int erest Research Group (Calpirg) - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To enhance the quality of two existing websites so that they can be used more effectively to mobiliz e and inform consumers. 369 Broadway, Ste 200 San Francisco, CA 94133 Emily Clayton Advocate 415- 622- 0039 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Public Int erest Research Group (CALPIRG) Educat ion Fund $25,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2008
To promote the civic participation of youth in the electoral process through new technologies linked to voter mobiliz ation, and leadership development. 369 Broadway, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94133 Emily Rusch Advocate 415- 622- 0039 | Email | Website

Calif ornia Reinvest ment Commit t ee - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To assist in the development of an interactive website for community activists that can move forward community reinvestment campaigns for increased economic and social vitality. 474 Valenicia St., Ste. 110 San Francisco, CA 94103 Alan Fisher Executive Director 415- 864- 3980 | Email | Website

Calif ornia St at e Rural Healt h Associat ion - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to achieve policy changes that remove disincentives for Health Information Technology and telehealth services in rural and remote areas of California through a Rural eHealth Policy Reform Campaign. 3720 Folsom Blvd., Suite B Sacramento, CA 95816 Desir e Rose Executive Director 916- 453- 0780 | Email | Website

Calif ornia St udent Public Int erest Research Group, Inc - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To promote the ability of college students to more effectively organiz e and participate in the political process in California through the use of targeted text messaging and other related social media strategies. 369 Broadway, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94133 Emily Rusch Advocate 415- 622- 0039 | Email | Website


Calif ornians f or Just ice Educat ion Fund - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To train youth in media technology in order to document physical and educational conditions in their schools statewide. 1611 Telegraph Ave., Ste 317 Oakland, CA 94612 Rona Fernandez Development Director 510- 452- 2728 | Email | Website

Calif ornians f or Just ice Educat ion Fund - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To amplify the voices and concerns of high- school- age youth about their education through access to and training on media advocacy and new computer and software technologies. 1611 Telegraph Ave., Ste. 317 Oakland, CA 94609 Deborah Ranker Development Associate 510- 452- 2728 | Email | Website

Cambodian Associat ion of America - $14,000 / 4 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide telecommunication consumer education to and advocacy on behalf of Cambodians and Vietnamese individuals and families living in Long Beach. 2390 Pacific Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 Kimthai Kuoch Associate Executive Director 562- 988- 1863 | Email | Website

Cambodian Associat ion of America - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005


To provide telecommunication consumer education and information to Cambodians, Vietnamese and Latinos living in Southern California. 2390 Pacific Ave Long Beach, CA 90806 Kimthai Kuoch Associate Executive Director 562- 988- 1863 | Email | Website

Cambodian Associat ion of America - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunication consumers education to Cambodians, Vietnamese and Latinos living in Southern California. 2390 Pacific Avenue Long Beach, CA 90806 Kimthai Kuoch Associate Executive Director 562- 988- 1863 | Email | Website

Cambodian Communit y Development , Inc. - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To create a model telemedicine project to increase access to comprehensive health services for a tremendously underserved Cambodian population. 1900 Fruitvale Ave., #3 B Oakland, CA 94606 Lucy Dul Executive Director 510- 535- 6120 | Email | Website

Caminos Pat hway Learning Cent er - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To enable immigrant women to develop the technical skills necessary to move into the technology job market and out of poverty and to plan for the creation of a revenue generating

call center. 1470 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Petra Chavez Executive Director 415- 824- 0682 | Email | Website

Caminos Pat hways Learning Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To strengthen organiz ational capacity and revenue generation by expanding the Caminos computer training program and Caminos Computer Services. 1406 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Laura Valdez Executive Director 415- 824- 0682 | Email | Website

Caminos Pat hways Learning Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To promote the economic self- sufficiency for unemployed or underemployed Latina women through basic through advanced computer technology training and the expansion of their social enterprise, Caminos Computer Services 1406 Valencia Street, Suite A San Francisco, CA 94110 Laura Vald z Executive Director 415- 824- 0682 | Email | Website

Caminos/Pat hways Learning Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To facilitates the personal and economic development of immigrant women for the San Francisco Bay area by offering and into role education of computer technology, job skills and self- development.

1470 Valencia St San Francisco, CA 94110 Petra Chavez Executive Director 415- 824- 0682 | Email | Website

CAMINOS/Pat hways Learning Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide 200 Hispanic women with computer instruction, operate a computer repair shop, provide employment development, and provide board development opportunities. 1470 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Petra Chavez Executive Director 415- 824- 0682 | Email | Website

CAMINOS/Pat hways Learning Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide 200 Hispanic women with computer instruction, operate a computer repair shop, provide employment development, and provide board development opportunities. 1470 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94110 Patrick Hayford Development Director 415- 824- 0682 | Email | Website

Campaign f or Social Just ice - $14,000 / 4 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to low- income immigrants and refugees in Los Angeles County, including those who speak Russian, Armenian, Farsi, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Laotian and Cambodian. 18375 Ventura Blvd #358 Tarz ana. CA 91356

Casey McFall Executive Director 310- 920- 0648 | Email | Website

Campaign f or Social Just ice - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to low- income immigrants and refugees in Los Angeles County, including those who speak Russian, Armenian, Farsi, Vietnamese, Korean, Chinese, Laotian and Cambodian. 18375 Ventura Blvd #358 Tarz ana, CA 91356 Casey McFall Executive Director 818- 376- 8281 | Email | Website

Campaign f or Social Just ice - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to low- income immigrants and refugees in Los Angeles County, including Russians, Armenians, Farsi, Vietnamese, Koreans, Chinese, Laotian and Cambodian. 7949 Woodley Ave., Ste. 213 Van Nuys, CA 91406 Casey McFall Executive Director 818- 376- 8281 | Email | Website

Campaign f or Social Just ice - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To strengthen the capacity of nonprofit organiz ations to advocate on behalf of telecom services and policies that are responsive to low- income, limited English proficient consumers in California. 18375 Ventura Blvd #358 Tarz ana, CA 91356 Casey McFall Executive Director

310- 920- 0648 | Email | Website

Canal Alliance - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To address the technology training and access needs of the Canal community. 91 Larkspur Street San Rafael, CA 94901 Bob Jackson Technology Director 415- 454- 2640 | Email | Website

Canal Alliance - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To address the technology training, access, and small business support needs of low- income, primarily Latino residents so that they can transform the Canal area into an economically and socially thriving community. 91 Larkspur Street San Rafael, CA 94901 Bob Jackson Technology Director 415- 454- 2640 | Email | Website

Canal Alliance - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To enhance and expand the earning potential of low- income workers through increased access to the Internet combined with technology and small business training. 91 Larkspur Street San Rafael, CA 94901 Bob Jackson Technology and Economic Development Director 415- 306- 0438 | Email | Website


Canal Alliance - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to enhance and expand the earning potential of low- income clients through small business training, training for cooperatives, technology training and access. 91 Larkspur Street Bob Jackson Director of Economic Development and Technolo 415- 306- 0438 | Email | Website

Canal Alliance (f ormerly Canal Communit y Alliance) - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To educate limited- English speaking individuals living in the Canal area and San Rafael to advocate for themselves with regard to telecom consumer protection. 91 Larkspur Street San Rafael, CA 94901 Claire Bradshaw Director of Development and Marketing 415- 454- 2640 | Email | Website

Canal Alliance (f ormerly San Raf ael Canal Minist ry) - $34,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunications consumer education and protection to limited- English, mainly Hispanic, consumer in San Rafael. 91 Larkspur Street San Rafael, CA 94901 Tom Wilson Executive Director 415- 454- 2640 | Email | Website

Canal Alliance (f ormerly San Raf ael Canal Minist ry) - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer access and training to low- income, Hispanic residents of San Rafael, Ca. P.O. Box 3905 San Rafael , CA 94912 Nancy Rosa Executive Director 415- 456- 1443 | Email | Website

Casa Cornelia Legal Services - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To increase their client processing capacity, in order to extend services to their target population. 315 Laurel St. San Diego CA 92101 Eliz abeth Camarena Development Coordinator 619- 231- 7788 | Email | Website

Cat holic Charit ies of San Jose - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To inform limited- English speaking Asian Pacific Islander consumers in Santa Clara County about their telecommunication rights and to support them in their efforts to enforce their consumer rights. 2150 Alum Rock Ave San Jose, CA 95116 Milton Cadena Program Manager 408- 251- 0217 | Email | Website

Cat holic Charit ies of San Jose - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunications consumer education and protection to low- income, culturally diverse families living in housing complexes in San Jose. 195 East San Francisco Street San Jose, CA 95112

Angie Pratt Director 408- 282- 8601 | Email | Website

CCVNA Foundat ion (Cent ral Coast Visit ing Nurse Associat ion) - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To increase the number of patients a nurse is able to follow, reduce paperwork, data entry errors, and provide immediate transmission of chart data to physicians and the home office. 5 Lower Ragsdale Monterey , CA 93942 Tina Del Piero Grant Coordinator 831- 648- 3734 | Email | Website

CCVNA Foundat ion f or Cent ral Coast VNA & Hospice, Inc. - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To improve the well being of chronic care patients using daily home telemonitoring. 5 Lower Ragsdale Drive P.O. Box 2480 Monterey, CA 93940 Susan Dollemore Grant Coordinator 831- 214- 0936 | Email | Website

Cent er f or Accessible Technology - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To develop the capacity of six community based organiz ations to serve disabled clients through assistive technology. 2547 8th Street, 12- A Berkeley, CA 94710 Dmitri Belser Executive Director

510- 841- 3224 | Email | Website

Cent er f or Democracy & Technology - $43,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To develop effective public policy, education and self- regulatory principles on internet- based behavioral profiling. 1634 Eye St. NW, Suite 1100 Washington , CA 20006 Jim Dempsey Policy Director 415- 494- 5725 | Email | Website

Cent er f or Democracy & Technology - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To develop informed public policy, consumer education and industry cooperative self- regulatory guidelines on Internet- based behavioral profiling that will protect privacy online. 20 Sherwood Ct. San Francisco, CA 94127 James Dempsey VP - Public Policy 415- 494- 5725 | Email | Website

Cent er f or Disabilit y St udies and Communit y Inclusion - $46,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To increase access to health information, provide networking/technical assistance, staff development and training opportunities. 4650 Sunset Blvd. MS #53 Los Angeles, CA 90027 Cary Kreutz er Community Education Director 323- 671- 3830 | Email | Website


Cent er f or Employment Training - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide 40 unemployed farmworkers and other unskilled workers Business Office Technology Training. "761 South ""C"" Street Oxnard , CA 93030" Johnny Rodriguez Director 805- 487- 9821 | Email | Website

Cent er f or Government al St udies - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To build a comprehensive affordable housing database as part of ConnectLA, a community resources website that provides a broad range of information to low- income individuals and families in Los Angeles County. 10951 W. Pico Blvd., Suite 120 Los Angeles, CA 90034 Audrey Thompson Director of External Relations 310- 470- 6590 | Email | Website

Cent er f or Government al St udies - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to build upon the tremendous success of the first phase of the ConnectLA affordable housing database and website by upgrading the technical platform and increasing the number of affordable units featured in the database. 10951 W. Pico Blvd., Suite 120 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Audrey Thompson Director of External Affairs and ConnectLA 310- 470- 6590 | Email | Website

Cent er f or Independent Living - $35,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2006
To increase access to the internet for people with disabilities. 2539 Telegraph Ave Berkeley, CA 94704 Jan Garrett Executive Director 510- 841- 4776 | Email | Website

Cent er f or Nonprof it Management - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To improve community access to training and information systems experience, and encourage learning and collaboration for non- profits through the purchase and use of video conferencing equipment. 606 Olive St., Ste. 2450 Los Angeles, CA 90014 Peter B. Manz o Executive Director 213- 623- 7080 | Email | Website

Cent er t o Increase Communit y Organizat ion (CINCO) - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To expand the capacity of four community technology facilities to leverage their combined resources to better serve the community and attract additional funding. 125 S. Avenue 57 Los Angeles , CA 90042 Martha Rivera Executive Director 323- 255- 9030 | Email | Website

Cent ral American Resource Cent er (CARECEN) - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide telecommunications consumer education and advocacy services to limited- English speaking Latino residents in the Los Angeles region. 2845 West Seventh Street Los Angeles, CA 90005 Frances Balcomb Development Director 213- 385- 0312 | Email | Website

Cent ral American Resource Cent er (CARECEN) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide continued support for a technology access and training program serving Central American /Latino communities in the Pico Union area of Los Angeles. 2845 West Seventh Street Los Angeles. CA 90005 Frances Balcomb Development Director 213- 385- 0312 | Email | Website

Cent ral American Resource Cent er (CARECEN) - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunications education and protection to Central American/ Latino immigrants in Pico- Union area of Los Angeles. 2845 West Seventh Street Los Angeles, CA 90005 Frances Balcomb Development Director 213- 385- 0312 | Email | Website

Cent ral American Resource Cent er - CARECEN - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To create broader access to the Internet by children, youth and their families in Pico- Union through the creation of wireless hubs at a local technology/recreation center.


2845 West Seventh Street Los Angeles, CA 90005 Marvin Andrade Executive Director 213- 385- 7800 | Email | Website

Cent ral Calif ornia Legal Services, Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide assistance on telecom issues to consumers through workshops and ethnic media outlets in Fresno, Tulare, and Mreced counties. 1999 Tuolumne Street, Suite 700 Fresno, CA 93721 Manuel Romero Special Project Coordinator 559- 570- 1200 | Email | Website

Cent ral Calif ornia Legal Services, Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to low- income consumers in Merced, Tuolumne, Mariposa, Fresno, Kings and Tulare Counties. 1999 Tuolumne Street, Suite 700 Fresno, CA 93721 Manuel Romero Special Project Coordinator 559- 570- 1200 | Email | Website

Cent ral Calif ornia Small Business Development Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To provide technology training and microenterprise development training to low- income Latino persons in order to enhance their opportunities to obtain better jobs and/or create viable small businesses in the Central Valley. 3302 N. Blackstone Ave. #225 Fresno, CA 93726


Tom Burns Director 559- 230- 4056 | Email | Website

Cent ral Cit y Lut heran Mission - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide training to 50 Hispanic adults in both basic computer literacy and Internet research skills in San Bernardino County. 1354 N. G Street San Bernardino, CA 92405 Tom Dolan Administrative Director 909- 381- 6921 | Email | Website

Cent ral Coast Assist ive Technology Cent er of t he Unit ed Cerebral Palsy of San Luis Obispo Count y - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To increase communications, reduce social isolation and improve daily functioning and mental health of individuals with disabilities through the use of assistive technology. 1150 Laurel Lane, #184 San Luis Obispo, CA 93401 Paul J. Mortola Director, CCATC 805- 549- 7420 | Email | Website

Cent ral Coast Cit izenship Project - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To help immigrants build effective organiz ations of their own and integrate themselves into the civic life of their communities. 931 E. Market Street Salinas, CA 93905 Cesar Lara Executive Director 831- 424- 2713 | Email | Website

Cent ral Coast Visit ing Nurse Associat ion & Hospice - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To provide a vehicle for telemedicine to monitor the health of rural patients. 40 Ragsdale Dr., Ste. 120 Monterey, CA 93940 Susan Dollemore Grants Coordinator 831- 648- 3731 | Email | Website

Cent ral Valley Healt h Net work - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to increase underserved patients access to comprehensive health care services using telecommunications- based technology in the Central Valley. "2000 ""O"" Street, Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95811" David Quackenbush Executive Director 916- 552- 2846 | Email | Website

Cent ro CHA Inc. - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To increase access to work readiness youth development programs for low- income HispanicLatino youth in Long Beach by implementing the WIA Daisy Model and LDC best practices. 727 Pine Ave, 2nd Floor Long Beach , CA 90813 Jessica Quintana Executive Director 562- 570- 4709 | Email | Website

Cent ro CHA, Inc. - $20,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2006
To increase access to technology- based work readiness development programs to low- income Latino youth in Long Beach. 727 Pine Ave., 2nd Floor Long Beach, CA 90813 Jessica Quintana Executive Director 562- 570- 4709 | Email | Website

Cent ro Communit y Hispanic Associat ion, Inc. (Cent ro CHA) - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to improve the financial stability of urban, low- income Latino youth and young adults by providing greater access to technology- related workforce development training and services. 727 Pine Avenue Long Beach, CA 90813 Jessica Quintana Executive Director 562- 570- 4709 | Email | Website

Cent ro La Familia Advocacy Services, Inc. - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide low- income, limited English speaking Hispanic residents in Fresno County with consumer education and advocacy regarding telecommunications fraud and abuses. 2014 Tulare Street, #711 Fresno, CA 93721 Margarita Rocha Executive Director 559- 237- 2961 | Email | Website

Cent ro La Familia Advocacy Services, Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004


To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Hispanic, Southeast Asian and other minorities in Fresno County. 2014 Tulare Street, Suite 717 Fresno, CA 93721 Margarita Rocha Executive Director 559- 237- 2961 | Email | Website

Cent ro La Familia Advocacy Services, Inc. -- The Family Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide residents in Fresno County with consumer education and advocacy regarding telecommunications fraud and abuses. 2014 Tulare Street, Suite 717 Fresno, CA 93721 Margarita Rocha Executive Director 559- 237- 2961 | Email | Website

Cent ro Lat ino de Educacion Popular - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To build on the success of Technology Education Center by increasing its accessibility to the surrounding community with expanded hours, and adding a bilingual computer literacy program that meets the diverse needs of low- income non- English speakers in gr 1709 West 8th Street, Suite A Los Angeles , CA 90017 Melanie Stephens Executive Director 213- 483- 7753 | Email | Website

Cent ro Lat ino de Educacion Popular - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To strengthen the capacity of the LEAMOS Campaign, a web- based training resource, to provide

instruction to novice tutors, educators, and their non- literate counterparts on how to learn to read and write in English. 1709 West 8th Street, Suite A Los Angeles , CA 90017 Melanie Stephens Executive Director 213- 483- 7753 | Email | Website

Cent ro Lat ino f or Lit eracy (f ormerly known as Cent ro Lat ino de Educacin Popular) - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To increase the number of individuals that can access a web- based literacy program that trains tutors on how to provide literacy training and Spanish- speaking students on how to learn to read and write. 1709 West 8th Street, Suite A Los Angeles, CA 90017 Kathrin Buschmann Development Associate 213- 483- 7753 | Email | Website

Cent ro Legal de la Raza - $14,000 / 4 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to low- income, poorly educated, and limited- English speaking residents of the Fruitvale District of Oakland. 2501 International Blvd Oakland. CA 94601 Patricia Loya Executive Director 510- 437- 1554 | Email | Website

Cent ro Legal de la Raza - $2,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005

To enhance the capacity of program staff to perform their jobs more effectively and efficiently

utiliz ing accessible technology. 2501 International Blvd Oakland, CA 94601 Patricia Loya Executive Director 510- 437- 1554 | Email | Website

Cent ro Legal de la Raza - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to low- income, poorly educated, and limited- English speaking residents of the Fruitvale District of Oakland. 2501 International Blvd Oakland, CA 94601 Patricia Loya Executive Director 510- 437- 1554 | Email | Website

Cent ro Legal de la Raza - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to low- income, poorly educated, and limited- English speaking residents of Fruitvale District of Oakland. 2501 International Blvd. Oakland, CA 94601 Patricia Loya Executive Director 510- 437- 1554 | Email | Website

Cesar E. Chavez Foundat ion - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To promote the increased involvement of youth that attend underperforming schools in Los Angeles in their own education and community through the use of technology and advanced telecommunications applications.


500 N. Brand Blvd. #1650 Glendale, CA 91203 Julie Rodriguez Programs Director 818- 265- 0300 | Email | Website

CHARO Communit y Development Corp. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications education and protection to limited- English speaking Latinos in Los Angeles San Bernardino, Riverside and Orange Counties. 4301 E. Valley Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90032 Cynthia Amador President & CEO 323- 269- 0751 | Email | Website

Child Advocat es of San Bernardino Count y - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To increase the effectiveness and efficiency of child advocates and volunteers that serve the children and families in the San Bernardino County Juvenile Court System through the purchase of updated computers and software. 1635 North D Street San Bernardino, CA 92405 Jenna Colburn Executive Director 909- 881- 6760 | Email | Website

Childhelp USA - $32,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

"To address the ""digital divide"" needs of low- income, at- risk or abused children at Village of Childhelp West in Beaumont, CA, by providing computer and Internet access and training in collaboration with the Beaumont Unified School District." 15757 N. 78th St. Scottsdale, CA 85250

Chuck Bolte Chief Operating Officer 480- 922- 8212 | Email | Website

Children Yout h and Family Collaborat ive - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To enhance the educational and economic opportunities of foster youth in South Los Angeles by providing increased access to computer literacy and telecom training. 1200 W - 37th Place Los Angeles, CA 90007 Lydia Cincore- Templeton Executive Director 323- 730- 9400 | Email | Website

Children, Yout h and Family Collaborat ive (CYFC) - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To enhance the ability of inner- city underserved youth to obtain the telecommunications and technology tools they will need to achieve their educational and vocational goals through a partnership of public schools and a local community- based organiz ation. 1200 W. 37th Place Los Angeles, CA 91501 Lydia Cincore- Templeton CEO 323- 730- 9400 | Email | Website

Chinat own Service Cent er - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide telecommunications consumer education and advocacy to non- English and limitedEnglish speaking Chinese Americans in Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, Monterey Park, and Alhambra. 767 N. Hill Street, Ste 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Ruth Chu Program Director

213- 808- 1733 | Email | Website

Chinat own Service Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide telecommunications consumer education and advocacy to non- English and limitedEnglish speaking Chinese American in Los Angeles, San Gabriel Valley, Monterey Park, and Alhambra. 767 N. Hill Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Ruth Chu Program Director 213- 808- 1700 | Email | Website

Chinat own Service Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and protection to limited and non- English speaking Chinese in Los Angeles. 767 N. Hill Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Ruth Chu Program Director 213- 808- 1700 | Email | Website

Chinese Newcomers Service Cent er - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To strenthen the ability of parents of children with disabilities to access appropriate resources and services utiliz ing technology and the Internet. 777 Stockton Street, Room 104 San Francisco, CA 94108 Julia Ling Executive Director 415- 421- 2111 | Email | Website


Chinese Newcomers Service Cent er - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Chinese Americans living in the San Francisco Chinatown, Sunset, Richmond and Visitation Valley Districts. 777 Stockton Street, Room 104 San Francisco, CA 94108 Julia Ling Executive Director 415- 421- 2111 | Email | Website

Chinese Newcomers Service Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Chinese Americans living in the San Francisco Chinatown, Sunset, Richmond and Visitation Valley Districts. 777 Stockton Street, Room 104 San Francisco, CA 94108 Julia Ling Executive Director 415- 421- 2111 | Email | Website

Chinese Newcomers Service Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications education and protection to Chinese immigrants in San Francisco. 777 Stockton Street, Room 104 San Francisco, CA 94108 Julia Ling Executive Director 415- 249- 4696 | Email | Website

Chinese Newcomers Service Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2007
To strengthen the ability of limited- English speaking parents, especially those who have children with disabilities to access appropriate resources and services utiliz ing technology and the Internet. 777 Stockton Street, Room 104 San Francisco, CA 94108 Julia Ling Executive Director 415- 421- 2111 | Email | Website

Chinese Newcomers Service Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To strengthen the ability of limited- English speaking parents, particularly those who have children with disabilities, to access appropriate resources and services utiliz ing technology and the Internet. 777 Stockton St., #104 San Francisco, CA 94108 Anthony Ng Executive Director 415- 421- 2111 | Email | Website

Chinese Newcomers Service Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To increase the ability of limited- English Chinese speaking parents, children with disabilities, and people with disabilities to access appropriate resources and services utiliz ing telecommunications and information technology. 777 Stockton Street #104 San Francisco, CA 94108 Anthony Ng Executive Director 415- 421- 2111 | Email | Website

Coachella Valley Housing Coalit ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2006
To increase housing residents exposure and knowledge to computers and help them to see the value of technology in upward economic mobility. 45- 701 Monroe St., Ste G Indio, CA 92201 Nadia Villagran Special Projects Manager 760- 347- 3157 | Email | Website

Coachella Valley Housing Coalit ion - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To level the playing field for hundreds of underserved farm workers and their families through increased exposure to technology and English literacy programming needed to thrive in today's technology- driven society. 45- 701 Monroe Street, Ste. G Indio, CA 92201 John F. Mealey Executive Director 760- 347- 3157 | Email | Website

Communit y Asset Development Re-def ining Educat ion (CADRE) - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To provide low- income parents with instruction on new technology, and innovative information management and communication capacities that will strengthen their ability to serve as advocates for better educational opportunities for their children. 8510 1/2 South Broadway Los Angeles, CA 90003 Maisie Chin Lead Organiz er/Director 323- 752- 9997 | Email | Website

Communit y Development Technologies Cent er - $20,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2007
To enhance the capacity of residents of the Vernon- Central neighborhood of South Los Angeles to access and utiliz e responsive telecommunications/technology programs through the development of a community- wide technology plan. 520 West 23rd St. Los Angeles, CA 90007 Denise Fairchild President 213- 763- 2520 | Email | Website

Communit y Development Technologies Cent er (CD Tech) - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To develop and implement a social media strategy to strengthen on- and off- line communication to improve educational outcomes for schools in Vernon- Central corridor, in particular, working with the families of Carver Middle Schools 520 W. 23rd Street Los Angeles, CA 90007 Kristine Williams Vice President, Strategic Initiatives 213- 763- 2520 | Email | Website

Communit y Part ners - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To maximiz e the participation of community- based organiz ations, and social- justice activists representing underserved communities in the development and implementation of a Digital Inclusion Strategy for the City of Los Angeles. 1000 North Alameda St., #240 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Linda Fowells Vice- President and Public Affairs 213- 346- 3211 | Email | Website

Communit y Part ners - $24,945 / 6 mont hs


Awarded 2008
To conduct an assessment of the grants made under the Community Collaborative Fund in order to identify lessons learned and methods of incorporating the characteristics of successful projects in how future grants are awarded. 1000 North Alameda St., #240 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Linda Fowells Vice- president 213- 346- 3211 | Email | Website

Communit y Resource Project , Inc. - $60,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer and education to Latino, Asian and Russian communities in the Sacramento Valley, and to host and coordinate regional TCPF grantee meetings. 250 Harris Ave., Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95838 Lisa Yep- Salinas Program Director 916- 567- 5220 | Email | Website

Communit y Technology Alliance - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To enhance the capacity of transitional and permanent housing providers to deliver more effective services through the use of enhanced telecommunications applications. 115 East Gish Road, #222 San Jose, CA 95112 Betsy Arroyo Project Coordinator 408- 437- 9167 | Email | Website

Communit y Technology Net work - $35,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2009
to cultivate a network of community technology providers by connecting community members and increasing their capacity and viability through improved training, better resources, sustainability advocacy, and stronger leadership through website and meetup tools. 390 Valencia Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Kami Griffiths Executive Director 650- 784- 1156 | Email | Website

Communit y Technology Net work of t he Bay Area - $115,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide continued support for the Community Technology Network of the Bay Area. 435 Brannan Street, Suite 100 San Francisco, CA 94107 George Gundrey Senior Program Manager 415- 633- 9310 | Email | Website

Communit y Technology Net work of t he Bay Area (Compument or) - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To improve the effectiveness of participating community- based organiz ations that have technology access and training as a significant part of their mission. 435 Brannan St San Francisco, CA 94107 Phillip Ferrante- Roseberry Executive Director 415- 663- 9300 | Email | Website

Communit y Technology Organizing Consort ium - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006


To strengthen the capacity of community technology centers in Los Angeles by providing access to information on best practices, training, and opportunities to influence policies that lead to more equitable access to technology in California. 7603 S. Western Ave Los Angeles, CA 90047 Micheline Wilcoxen Project Coordinator 323- 664- 8862 | Email | Website

Communit y Technology Organizing Consort ium - $150,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To build the capacity of community technology centers and programs in the greater Los Angeles area by providing program enhancements, sustainability and capacity building events. 7603 W. 65th Street Los Angeles, CA 90047 Jennifer Muhle Project Coordinator 213- 763- 2520 | Email | Website

Communit y Technology Policy Council - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To increase API serving nonprofit CBO participation in shaping consumer- focused telecommunications public policy and practices. 4096 Piedmont Ave., #312 Oakland, CA 94611 Vida Benavides Executive Director 510- 543- 4974 | Email | Website

Communit y Union, Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To utiliz e telecommunications and technology as a tool to engage low income, primarily limitedEnglish- proficient parents in seeking better educational opportunities for their children in

attendance in the Los Angeles Unified School District. 7555 Van Nuys Blvd. Van Nuys, CA 91405 Larry Ortega President/CEO 818- 781- 8170 | Email | Website

Compument or - $100,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To work with three local organiz ations in three separate locations in the Central Valley to build or improve community technology centers. 435 Brannan St., #100 San Francisco, CA 94107 George Gundrey Senior Program Manager 415- 512- 7784 | Email | Website

Comput er Access Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To expand access to assistive technology as a tool to achieve independence and economic selfsufficiency by children and adults with disabilities in Los Angeles County. 6234 W. 87th St. Los Angeles, CA 90045 Marcy Kaplan Executive Director 310- 338- 1597 | Email | Website

Comput er Access Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide access and training to accessible technology to enable disabled children and adults to use technology. P.O. Box 5336 Santa Monica, CA 90409

Mary Ann Glicksman Executive Director 310- 338- 1597 | Email | Website

Comput er Technologies Program - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To expand an employment training program with a pilot program to serve blind and visually impaired clients. 2002 Addison Street, Suite 201 Berkeley, CA 94704 Joan Breves Executive Director 510- 849- 2911 | Email | Website

Concerned Cit izens - $14,000 / 4 mont hs Awarded 2006

To expand and strengthen its delivery of consumer information and advocacy on telecommunications issues to Latino and African American individuals and families in South Los Angeles. 4707 S. Central Ave Los Angeles, CA 90011 Juan Garcia Project Coordinator 323- 846- 2500 | Email | Website

Concerned Cit izens of Sout h Cent ral Los Angeles - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To expand and strengthen its delivery of consumer information on telecommunications issues to Latino and African American individuals and families in South Central Los Angeles. 4707 S. Central Ave Los Angeles, CA 90011 Juan Garcia Project Coordinator 323- 846- 2500 | Email | Website

Concerned Cit izens of Sout h Cent ral Los Angeles - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To support a computer lab for youth, conduct educational forums to teach computers, and provide at least 12 refurbished computers to residents of LA City Districts 8 and 9. 4707 South Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90011 Noreen McClendon Executive Director 323- 846- 2500 | Email | Website

Concord Communit y Economic Development Corp. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide technology training to low income Latino residents in the Monument Community of Concord to bridge the existing digital divide and increase job related technology skills. 2699 Monument Blvd, Suite G Concord CA 94520 Mike Van Hofwegen Executive Director (925) 682- 8248 ext. 2140 | Email | Website

Concord Communit y Economic Development Organizat ion, dba Michael Chavez Cent er (f ormerly Monument Fut ures) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to develop and offer comprehensive, practical and transferable computer skills training and mentoring for low income Concord residents to obtain future employment opportunities or start and manage a small businesses of their own. 2699 Monument Blvd., Unit G Concord, CA 94520 Mike Van Hofwegen Executive Director 925- 682- 8248 | Email | Website


Concord Communit y Economic Development Organizat ion, Inc. - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To develop the capacity of immigrant women and other residents in the Monument corridor to use telecommunications to achieve their income and community- building goals. 2699 Monument Blvd, Suite G Concord, CA 94520 Molly Clark Executive Director 925- 680- 2844 | Email | Website

Concord Communit y Economic Development Organizat ion, Inc. - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To greatly increase the technology and telecommunications proficiency of low income and immigrant residents and local business owners for personal, professional and community capacity- building. 2699 Monument Blvd, Suite G Concord, CA 94520 Angel Iraola Technology Coordinator 925- 680- 2844 | Email | Website

Concord Communit y Economic Development Organizat ion, Inc. - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To strengthen the capacity of resident- led community development initiatives through the increased access to technology and telecommunications training. 2699 Monument Blvd., Unit G Concord, CA 94965 Molly Clark Executive Director 925- 680- 2844 | Email | Website

Congregat ions Organized f or Prophet ic Engagement - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to enhance the capacity of low- income and limited English parents in San Bernardino County to utiliz e the Internet and technology as a strategic advocacy and organiz ing tool. 600 N. Arrowhead Avenue San Bernardino, CA 92401 Samuel Casey Executive Director 909- 717- 3952 | Email | Website

Congress of Calif ornia Seniors Educat ional & Research Fund - $65,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To establish and coordinate an Internet and email training program for CCS member and affiliate organiz ations; and provide access for member and affiliate websites on the CCS' website. 1228 N Street, #29 Sacramento, CA 95814 Don E. Sherrill Executive Director 916- 442- 4474 | Email | Website

Conscious Yout h Media Crew - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To increase organiz ational capacity of this new organiz ation to provide access to digital media technology and increase the ability of youth to use telecommunications technology, such as the internet. 1337 Misson St. 3rd fl San Francisco, CA 94103 Debra Kofler Executive Director 415- 250- 5552 | Email | Website


Conscious Yout h Media Crew - $46,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to use digital media and technology training as a tool to discuss emerging trends, issues, and leadership in the growth of green consciousness and green careers from the perspective of youth in Bay area inner city communities. 1230 Howard St. San Francisco, CA 94103 Debra Koffler Executive Director/Founder 415- 250- 5552 | Email | Website

Conservat ion Corps of Long Beach - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To double the capacity of a community technology center in Long Beach to offer computer instruction to clients and to other community- based organiz ations in the region who do not have in- house technology training resources. 340 Nieto Avenue Long Beach, CA 90814 Mike Bassett Executive Director 562- 986- 1249 | Email | Website

Consolidat ed Tribal Healt h Project , Inc. - $12,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To develop a technology plan. 6991 N. State Street Redwood Valley, CA 95470 Michele Curley Grants/Compliance Administrator 707- 485- 5115 | Email | Website

Consumer Act ion - $76,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2001
To educate 100,000 consumers and 2,500 community- based organiz ations about the revised FCC rules on telephone slamming. 717 Market Street, #310 San Francisco, CA 94103 Ken McEldowney Executive Director 415- 777- 9648 | Email | Website

Consumer Act ion - $70,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To educate low income and limited English proficient individuals, on their privacy rights and how to protect them. 221 Main Street, Ste 480 San Francisco, CA 94105 Ken McEldowney Executive Director 415- 777- 9648 | Email | Website

Consumer Act ion - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To educate consumers in California, especially low income and limited English proficient individuals, on their privacy rights and how to protect them. 221 Main Street, Suite 480 San Francisco, CA 94105 Ken McEldowney Executive Director 415- 777- 9648 | Email | Website

Consumer Federat ion of Calif ornia - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To introduce legislation that results in telecommunications consumer rights that protect

consumers, especially low- income, limited English- speaking individuals and families in California. 520 S. El Camino Real #340 San Mateo, CA 94402 Richard Holober Executive Director 650- 375- 7840 | Email | Website

Consumer Federat ion of Calif ornia - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To introduce and work to enact California legislation that restores telecommunications consumer rights and protects their privacy. 340 South El Camino Real, Ste 340 San Mateo, CA 94402 Richard Holober Executive Director 650- 375- 7840 | Email | Website

Consumer Federat ion of Calif ornia - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To improve the knowledge of consumers concerning the cost and uses or telecommunications products and services . 340 South El Camino Real, Ste. 340 San Mateo, CA 94402 Richard Holober Executive Director 650- 375- 7840 | Email | Website

Consumer Federat ion of Calif ornia - $69,200 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To provide legislative leadership in strengthening privacy laws and in opposing federal preemption of the Security Breach Law and other state privacy legislation.


520 S. El Camino Real #340 San Mateo, CA 94402 Richard Holober Executive Director 650- 375- 7840 | Email | Website

Consumers f or Aut o Reliabilit y - $60,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To prevent motor- vehicle related fatalities, injuries, and economic losses by better informing consumers who buy or lease automobiles of their rights. 1303 J Street, Ste 270 Sacramento, CA 95814 Rosemary Shahan President 530- 759- 9440 | Email | Website

Consumers f or Aut o Reliabilit y and Saf et y - $7,400 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide assistance and advocacy for victims of auto dealers who engage in illegal activity immediately prior to going out of business 1303 J Street, Suite 270 Sacramento, CA 95814 Rosemary Shahan President 530- 759- 9440 | Email | Website

Creat ing Economic Opport unit ies f or Women - $48,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide technology and telecommunications training to aspiring immigrant women entrepreneurs in Alameda County. 405 - 14th St., Ste 712 Oakland, CA 94612 Farhana Huq Founding Director

510- 836- 3481 | Email | Website

Deaf Counseling, Advocacy & Ref erral Agency - $140,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To increase access to information and resources for deaf/hard of hearing (D/HH) individuals in 14 northern California counties. 14895 E. 14th St., Ste. 200 San Leandro, CA 94578 Robert Roth Chief Executive Officer 510- 483- 0720 | Email | Website

Disabilit y Right s Advocat es - $10,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2001

To represent disabled electric consumers before the California Public Utilities Commission and the U.S. Bankruptcy Court. 449 15th St, Suite 303 Oakland, CA 94612- 2821 Patricia Kirkpatrick Development Director 510- 451- 8644 | Email | Website

Disabilit y Right s Advocat es - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To promote telecommunications policies and services before the California Public Utilities Commissions that is responsive to the needs of people with disabilities. 2001 Center Street, 3rd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 Patricia Kirkpatrick Development Director 510- 665- 5644 | Email | Website


Disabilit y Right s Advocat es - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To promote telecommunications policies and services before the California Public Utilities Commissions that is responsive to the needs of people with disabilities. 2002 Center St., 4th Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 Melissa Kasnitz Managing Attorney 510- 665- 8644 | Email | Website

Disabilit y Right s Advocat es - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to promote the adoption by businesses and government of websites that are fully accessible and expand the universe of usable content to ensure that people with disabilities can fully participate in modern life. 2001 Center Street, 4th Floor Berkeley, CA 94704- 1204 Mary Daughan Sheft Development Director 510- 665- 8644 | Email | Website

Disabilit y Right s Educat ion & Def ense Fund - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To provide access to California legislative, other health care reform and policy changes and issues by individuals who have communication disabilities through the improvement of adaptive Web site enhancements. 2212 Sixth Street Berkeley, CA 94710 Susan Henderson Managing Director 510- 644- 2555 | Email | Website

Disabilit y Right s Legal Cent er - $15,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2007
To facilitate the collaboration of California- based disability focused organiz ations via an interactive website and accessible teleconferencing. 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 Randi Sunshine Director of Development 213- 736- 1468 | Email | Website

Disabilit y Right s Legal Cent er - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To facilitate more effective collaboration among California- based disability- focused organiz ations via an interactive Web site and accessible teleconferencing. 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 Randi Sunshine Director of Development 213- 736- 1468 | Email | Website

Disabilit y Right s Legal Cent er - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide people with disabilities with greater access to accurate and up- to- date information on current disability- related issues, particularly those related to health access, special education and cancer law, through the maintenance and enhancement of an accessible website. 919 Albany Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 Randi Sunshine Director of Development 213- 736- 1468 | Email | Website

East Bay Communit y Law Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009


to educate low- income clients to use internet resources to facilitate their own legal advocacy. 2921 Adeline Street Berkeley, CA 94703 Tirien Steinbach Executive Director 510- 548- 4040 | Email | Website

Edna Maguire Element ary School - $36,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide computer access, technology education, and technical assistance to the students of Edna Maquire Elementary School 80 Lomita Drive Mill Valley, CA 94941 Lisa Zimmer Principal 415- 389- 7733 | Email | Website

El Cent rit o De La Colonia - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer access and training and build academic and job skills of low- income Latinos in Oxnard. P.O. Box 1613 Oxnard, CA 93032 Luann Rocha Executive Director 805- 483- 8685 | Email | Website

El Cent rit o de la Colonia - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To provide technology skills through access, training and support so that youth and adults achieve their educational, vocational and economic goals. P.O. Box 1613 Oxnard, CA 93032

Luann Rocha Executive Director 805- 483- 8685 | Email | Website

El Concilio del Condado de Vent ura - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide computer skills and computer access to assist the Latino community in assimilating and succeeding in American culture. 301 S. C Street Oxnard, CA 93030 Tania Corona Project Manager 805- 486- 9777 | Email | Website

El Concilio del Condado de Vent ura - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To reduce the digital divide that exists among underserved, Latino and limited English speaking individuals and families in Ventura County by establishing a community- based computer technology center. 301 S. C Street Oxnard, CA 93030 Yvonne Gutierrez Executive Director 805- 486- 9777 | Email | Website

El Concilio of San Mat eo - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To decrease the occurrence of marketing abuses targeted at low- income, non/limited English speaking cosumers in San Mateo County by telecommunications companies. 1419 Burlingame Ave., Suite N Burlingame, CA 94010 Ortensia Lopez Executive Director 650- 373- 1087 | Email | Website

El Concilio of San Mat eo Count y - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To decrease the number of marketing consumer abuses by telecommunication companies in low- income, non/limited English speaking communities in San Mateo County. 1419 Burlingame Ave., Suite N Burlingame, CA 94010 Ortensia Lopez Executive Director 650- 373- 1087 | Email | Website

El Concilio of San Mat eo Count y - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to low- income, Hispanic, non/limited English speaking residents of San Mateo County. 1419 Burlingame Ave., Suite N Burlingame, CA 94010 Ortensia Lopez Executive Director 650- 373- 1080 | Email | Website

Elect ronic Front ier Foundat ion - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To empower consumers with information covering the tracking and other mechanisms that are being used to monitor their use of color printers and other consumer products. 454 Shotwell St San Francisco, CA 94110 Katina Bishop Associate Director of Development 415- 436- 9333 | Email | Website

Elect ronic Front ier Foundat ion - $30,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2008
To protect consumer privacy rights in light of increasing cell- phone tracking efforts by the government and law enforcement 454 Shotwell St. San Francisco, CA 94110 Katina Bishop Development Director 415- 436- 9333 | Email | Website

EmpowerTech - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to educate, train, support, and empower people with physical and developmental disabilities through computers and computer- related assistive technology (AT). 6234 W. 87th Street Los Angeles, CA 90045 Ally Walker Sr. Development Director 310- 338- 1597 | Email | Website

EmpowerTech (f ormerly Comput er Access Cent er) - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To expand access to assistive technology as a tool to achieve independence and economic selfsufficiency by children and adults with disabilities that reside in Los Angeles County. 6234 W. 87th Street Los Angeles, CA 90045 Joanne Orenski Interim Executive Director 310- 338- 1597 | Email | Website

Esperanza Communit y Housing Corporat ion - $8,500 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006


To enhance the capacity of Esperanz a Community Housing Corporation to utiliz e more efficient technology and telecommunication applications in the delivery of community development programs in the in the Maple/Adams- Hoover/Adams neighborhood of South- Central Los Angeles. 2337 S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90007 Nancy Ibrahim Executive Director 213- 748- 7285 | Email | Website

Et hiopian Communit y Services, Inc. - $32,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To ease the transition into American society and increase the employability of the Ethiopian immigrant community through increasing their computer technical literacy. 304 North 6th Street San Jose, CA 95112 Birku Melese, Ph.D. Executive Director 408- 297- 7638 | Email | Website

Except ional Children's Foundat ion - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide 54 developmentally disabled adults in Los Angeles with access to technology training in order to advance their independent living skills, broaden their communication abilities, and assist in transition to facility- based work projects. 8740 Washington Blvd. Culver City, CA 90232 Elinor Sz ekunda Director of Development Services 310- 845- 8034 | Email | Website

Familia Cent er - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004


To upgrade current computer technology and provide computer access and training to lowincome Latino families in the city of Santa Cruz . 711 East Cliff Drive Santa Cruz , CA 95060 Yolanda Henry Executive Director 831- 423- 5747 | Email | Website

Familia Unida Living - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To expand an existing website and related technological services to better serve limited and non- English speaking clients. 4716 E. Ceasar Chaver Ave., Build. A East Los Angeles, CA 90022 Irma Resendez Executive Director 887- 298- 3267 | Email | Website

Familia Unida Living wit h Mult iple Sclerosis - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To maintain and update an existing website so that it is more accessible and culturally responsive. 4716 E. Cesar Chavez Ave. Bldg A Los Angeles, CA 90022 Irma Resendez Executive Director 323- 261- 5565 | Email | Website

Family Resource Cent ers Net work of Calif ornia (FRCNCA) - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To increase the access of families of children with special healthcare needs in rural and frontier communities to accurate and timely information, education and support services through

videoconferencing. c/o Support for Families of Children with Disabilities 2601 Mission Street, Suite 606 San Francisco, CA 94110 Debra Sarmento FRCNCA Coordinator 916- 962- 0832 | Email | Website

Family Resource Cent ers Net work of Calif ornia (FRCNCA) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to develop a comprehensive series of web- based trainings designed to enhance the education, professional development and support skills of collaborative partner staff, other communitybased organiz ation staff, and family members. c/o Support for Families of Children with Disabilities (SFCD) 2601 Mission Street, Suite 606 San Francisco, CA 94110 Debra Sarmento FRCNCA Coordinator 916- 962- 0832 | Email | Website

Family Resource Library (PHFE) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to increase expertise of parent leaders in community agencies on how to use technology and web- based learning so that they can provide families of children with special healthcare/ developmental needs with tools to utiliz e technology to access appropriate resources. 1000 S. Fremont Ave., Suite 6050, #35 Alhambra CA 91803 Yvette Baptiste Executive Director 626- 300- 9171 | Email | Website

Fiest a Educat iva, Inc. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005


To strengthen Fiesta Educativa's ability to deliver quality programs and services through the use of technology. 163 So. Avenue 24, Suite 201 Los Angeles, CA 90031 Irene Martinez Executive Director 323- 221- 6696 | Email | Website

Filipino American Development Foundat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To develop a community technology center in the Bayaniham Community Center in the South of Market of San Francisco. 953 Mission Street, Suite 30 San Francisco, CA 94103 Bernadette Sy Executive Director 415- 348- 8042 | Email | Website

Filipino American Service Group, Inc - $28,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

FASGI syrups homeless and low income individuals by providing counseling, social service information and referral, client advocacy, food distribution, care management, transitional housing, educational outreach, and educational forms. 135 N. Parkview St Los Angeles, CA 90026 Susan Dilkes Executive Director 213- 487- 9804 | Email | Website

Filipinos f or Af f irmat ive Act ion - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To enhance the civic engagement opportunities of Filipinos residing in California, particularly

Northern California through the development and implementation of e- advocacy outreach and advocacy campaigns. 310 8th St., Suite 308 Oakland, CA 94607 Lillian Galedo Executive Director 510- 465- 9876 | Email | Website

Foundat ion f or Educat ion and Employment Resources Development , Inc. $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To develop a youth- driven job search and placement agency that capitaliz es on the effective use of telecommunications and information technology. Box 1387, 438 South A Street Oxnard, CA 93032- 1387 Dr. Deborah DeVries Co- Director 805- 216- 4530 | Email | Website

Foundat ion f or Educat ional & Employment Resources Development , Inc. (EERD, f ormerly La Lucha) - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide youth with the critical technology enhancements and preparation to to effectively compete in this competitive and technology driven labor market. 438 So. A Street Oxnard, CA 93032- 1387 Armando Vaz quez Executive Director 805- 487- 8170 | Email | Website

Foundat ion f or Second Chances - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To expand students use of technology and more sophisticated telecommunications

applications as vehicles to improve their overall academic performance in school and provide a creative outlet for at- risk youth in South Los Angeles. 453 S. Spring Street, Suite 819 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Melissa Wyatt Executive Director 310- 383- 0785 | Email | Website

Foundat ion f or Successf ul Solut ions - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To improve the ability of the community and other stakeholders to access information on telecommunications and information technology training and other programming through the development of a more interactive website. c/o 5213 West Pico Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90019 Karen L. Wade President/CEO 323- 300- 6077 | Email | Website

Foundat ion f or Taxpayer & Consumer Right s - $25,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2001
To represent consumer interests during the state electric crisis by conducting a public education and advocacy campaign. 1750 Ocean Park, Blvd., Ste. 200 Santa Monica, CA 90405 Jamie Court Executive Director 310- 392- 0522 | Email | Website

Foundat ion f or t he Ret arded of t he Desert - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To strengthen the ability of people with disabilities to obtain economic independence through the delivery of high quality and tailored employment training using technology.

73 255 Country Club Drive Palm Desert, CA 92260 Richard Balocco Adminstrative Services Director 760- 346- 1611 | Email | Website

Frank D. Lant erman Regional Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To promote the utiliz ation of assistive technology and augmentative communication devices, equipment and software as a tool to improve the lives of people with disabilities in Los Angeles County. 3303 Wilshire Blvd., Ste. 700 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Rose Chacana Assistant Director 213- 252- 4980 | Email | Website

Frank D. Lant erman Regional Ct r - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To enhance the capacity of people with developmental disabilities to live full, productive and satisfying lives by increasing their access to assistive technology in an environment that is family and community centered. 3303 Wilshire Blvd Ste 700 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Lisa Anand Resource & Information Specialist 213- 383- 1300 | Email | Website

Fresno Cent er f or New Americans - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To educate and provide advocacy services to the Hmong community in Fresno County with regard to their rights as consumers and telecommunications fraud and abuses. 4879 E Kings Canyon Road Fresno. CA 93727

Blong Xiong Deputy Director 559- 255- 8395 | Email | Website

Fresno Cent er f or New Americans - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To continue to educate the Hmong community in Fresno about telecommunications fraud and abuses. 4879 E. King Canyon Road Fresno, CA 93727 Blong Xiong Coordinator 559- 255- 8395 | Email | Website

Fresno Cent er f or New Americans - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Southeast Asians primarily the Hmong people of Fresno County. 4879 E. King Canyon Road Fresno, CA 93727 Blong Xiong Coordinator 559- 255- 8395 | Email | Website

Fresno Nonprof it Advancement Council - $15,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2007

To research and develop a plan for providing technology resource information and a volunteer workforce of technology assistants to serve the technology needs of Fresno area nonprofits. 1752 L Street Fresno, CA 93721 Kate Henry Executive Director 559- 264- 1513 | Email | Website

Fresno West Coalit ion f or Economic Development - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To reduce unemployment by providing occupational guidance, computer skills, and job development workshops for west Fresno residents. 302 Fresno St., Suite 212 Fresno, CA 93706 Keith Kelley President / CEO 559- 485- 1273 | Email | Website

Fresno West Coalit ion f or Economic Development - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To promote the development of small business in West Fresno through the delivery of technology/telecommunications- based entrepreneurial training to local residents. 302 Fresno Street, Suite 212 Fresno, CA 93706 Keith Kelley Chief Executive Officer 559- 485- 1273 | Email | Website

Fut ure Leaders of America, Inc. - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To enhance the leadership training, educational experiences, and personal growth opportunities of Latino youth and parents in the Santa Maria region utiliz ing telecommunications. 702 County Square Drive, Ste 103 Ventura, CA 93003 Christopher Martinez Executive Director 805- 642- 6208 | Email | Website

Fut ure Leaders of America, Inc. - $10,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2008
To increase organiz ational capability through increased data networking, updated hardware/software, and staff technology capacity. 702 County Square Drive, #102 Ventura, CA 93003 Ms. Arroyo Executive Director 805- 642- 6208 | Email | Website

Fut ure Leaders of America, Inc. (FLA) - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To improve the promotion of and awareness by low- income students and their families in Ventura County about leadership training and educational opportunities through the enhancement of an existing website 702 County Square Drive, #103 Ventura, CA 93003 Ms. Angeles Arroyo Executive Director 805- 642- 6208 | Email | Website

General Assist ance Advocacy Project - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To assist over 400 new individuals in learning to use computers, establishing email accounts and preparing resumes to give clients the essential tools and ability to return to the workforce. 276 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco, CA 94102 William Hart Executive Director 415- 928- 8191 | Email | Website

General Assist ance Advocacy Project - $4,500 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2001


To purchase a voice mail system that will enhance GAAP's ability to serve clients and that will allow homeless and disabled clients to use the agency's phone system to take messages. 276 Golden Gate Ave. San Francisco, CA 94102 Bill Hart Client Advocate 415- 928- 8191 | Email | Website

George Washingt on Carver Academy Middle School - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To promote computer literacy and student engagement in learning through increased teacher and student implementation of educational technology. 2463 MLK Boulevard Fresno, CA 93706 MaryJo Meader 1st Librarian 559- 497- 5336 | Email | Website

Girl Scout Council of Great er Long Beach - $8,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To make the computer training program more accessible and useful for blind, deaf and physically challenged girls and expand the reach of the program within the communities being served in Long Beach. 4040 Bellflower Boulevard Long Beach, CA 90808 Shannon Johnston Chief Executive Officer 562- 421- 8456 | Email | Website

Girls Inc. of Carpint eria - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To improve academic, career and life opportunities for female, incarcerated youth through technology access, education and instruction.

5315 Foothill Rd. Carpinteria, CA 93013 Pam Knitowski Director of Development 805- 684- 6364 | Email | Website

Girls Inc. of Carpint eria - $27,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide technology access, education and training to Kindergarten through sixth grade girls in Santa Barbara County, their parents, and incarcerated youth (ages 13- 18) in Ventura County. 5315 Foothill Road Carpinteria, CA 93013 Pam Knitowski Director of Development 805- 684- 6364 | Email | Website

Girls Inc. of Carpint eria - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To increase the academic performance and technology skills of youth and improve the technical capacity of their adult parents and community members to access resources through technology training. 5315 Foothill Road Carpinteria, CA 93013 Pam Knitowski Director of Development 805- 684- 6364 | Email | Website

Girls Incorporat ed of Carpint eria - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To improve the educational and career opportunities of incarcerated girls and young women in Ventura County through increased access and education on technology and telecommunications. 5315 Foothill Road Carpinteria, CA 93013

Pam Knitowski Director of Development 805- 684- 6364 | Email | Website

GirlSource - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To provide telecommunications and technology training to low- income young women in San Francisco in order to prepare them for employment, college preparation, and community leadership. 1550 Bryant Street, Suite 675 San Francisco, CA 94103 Leticia Hernandez Executive Director 415- 252- 8880 | Email | Website

GirlSource - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to prepare low- income young women in San Francisco for employment, college preparation, and community leadership through basic and advanced computer and digital media technology training. 1550 Bryant Street, Suite 675 San Francisco, CA 94103 Leticia Hernandez Executive Director 415- 252- 8880 | Email | Website

Give Every Child a Chance - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To enhance the academic and career opportunities of children in grades K- 12 from low- income, limited English communities in San Joaquin Valley by utiliz ing technology and telecommunications strategies. 602 E. Yosemite Ave Manteca, CA 95336

Carol Davis CEO 209- 825- 7003 | Email | Website

Great Valley Cent er/Regent s of t he Universit y of Calif ornia - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to develop a youth supported social enterprise that will increase technology learning opportunities and promote greater economic stability among youth and businesses in a rural, primarily agricultural community. 201 Needham Street Modesto, CA 95354 David Hosley President/COO 209- 522- 5103 | Email | Website

Greenlining Inst it ut e - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To protect vulnerable communities from marketing abuse and to provise them with resource to protect themselves, as well as affrod telecommunications products and services. 1918 University Ave., Second Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 Itz el Berrio Deputy General Counsel 510- 926- 4000 | Email | Website

Greenlining Inst it ut e - $25,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2001

To represent the interests of low- income consumers during the state electric crisis by advocating at the California Public Utilities Commission. 785 Market St., 3rd Fl. San Francisco, CA 94103 Chris Witteman Staff Attorney

415- 284- 7202 | Email | Website

GRID Alt ernat ives - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To help low- income job trainees obtain long- term employment in the solar electric installation industry through a combination of hands- on and Internet- based training. 1610 Harrison Street, Suite C Oakland, CA 94612 Erica Mackie Executive Director & Co- Founder 415- 839- 8437 | Email | Website

Habit at f or Humanit y, Fresno - $2,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005

To increase the access of partner families, volunteers and donors to the Habitat for Humanity Fresno low- income home building program. 2219 San Joaquin Fresno, CA 93721 Tony Miranda Executive Director 559- 237- 4102 | Email | Website

Hands f or Hope - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To enhance the ability of underserved children and youth in North Hollywood to access telecommunications and information technology as a tool to improve educational and vocational outcomes. P.O. Box 812198 Los Angeles, CA 90081 Lydia Floyd Executive Director 818- 763- 4673 | Email | Website


Happy Camp Communit y Comput er Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To support the continued operation of a community technology center serving Native and nonNative youth and young adults in the Karuk Ancestral Territory in Siskiyou County. P.O. Box 515 Happy Camp , CA 96039 Diane Oliver Director 530- 493- 5213 | Email | Website

Healt h Access Calif ornia - $100,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To develop a master plan for implementing the Videoconferencing Medical Interpretation (VMI) Project including site evaluations, provider trainings, and testing of new telemedicine applications. 1600 San Pablo Avenue Oakland, CA 94612 Anthony Wright Executive Director 510- 873- 8787 | Email | Website

Healt h Access Foundat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To improve access for limited English speaking, low- income patients by equiping medical interpreters at all Contra Costa Health Services locations with videoconferencing units, and all patient service areas with videoconferencing units allowing interprete. 414 13th Street, Suite 450 Oakland, CA 94612 Melinda Paras RVVMI Project Director 510- 873- 8787 | Email | Website

Healt hy House Wit hin a MATCH Coalit ion - $10,000 / 6 mont hs


Healt hy House Wit hin a MATCH Coalit ion - $10,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006
To improve health outcomes through effective patient- provider communication. 1729 Canal Street Merced, CA 95340 Marilyn Mochel Clinical Director 209- 724- 0102 | Email | Website

Home St art , Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To empower limited English Latino consumers in the South Region of San Diego County by providing telecommunications consumer information and complaint resolution assistance. 5005 Texas St., Suite 203 San Diego, CA 92108 Sharon Hudnall Director of Planning and Development 619- 692- 0727 | Email | Website

Home St art , Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to low- income families, primarily Hispanic, in South San Diego County. 5005 Texas St., Suite 203 San Diego, CA 92108 Sharon Hudnall Director of Planning and Development 619- 692- 0727 | Email | Website

Homeless Healt h Care Los Angeles - $27,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To increase service providers ability to access health related information and resources

through the Internet. 2330 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90057 Eve Rubell Director of Training and Education 213- 744- 0724 | Email | Website

HOMEY - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To develop a telecommunications technology plan that increase the telecommunications capacity of 25- 40 youth organiz ers, and to replace stolen computers, printer and software. 2068 Mission St. San Francisco, CA 94110 Julia Sabori Executive Director 415- 863- 1100 | Email | Website

Humboldt Communit y Access and Resource Cent er - $2,500 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2007
To improve computer and internet access for clients with developmental disabilities through the purchase of additional computers and to upgrade the server and back up systems that support these computers and staff computer systems. 1707 E Street Eureka, CA 95501 Shelley Mitchell Fund Development Director 707- 443- 7077 | Email | Website

Ident it y Thef t Resource Cent er - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To create an on- line legislative clearinghouse on identity theft; to research, analyz e and advocate for identify theft legislation to protect and assist telecommunications consumers; and to instruct and assist victims of identity theft in self- advocacy.

P.O. Box 26833 San Diego, CA 92196 Linda Goldman- Foley Director 858- 693- 7273 | Email | Website

Ident it y Thef t Resource Cent er - $25,025 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To empower consumer privacy through the delivery of victim support, public awareness, research, and community education on privacy and identify theft. 9672 Via Excelencia #101 San Diego, CA 92126 Rex Davis Director of Operations 858- 444- 3282 | Email | Website

Ident it y Thef t Resource Cent er - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To strengthen consumer privacy through the delivery of victim support, public awareness, research, and community education on privacy and identify theft. 9672 Via Excelencia, #101 San Diego, CA 92126 Rex Davis Director of Operations 858- 444- 3282 | Email | Website

Ident it y Thef t Resource Cent er (ITRC) - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

Tto educate consumers about the safe use of telecommunication and computer technology, given the problem of the increasing number of scams and identity theft P.O. Box 26833 San Diego, CA 92196 Linda Foley Executive Director

858- 693- 7935 | Email | Website

Independent Living Cent er of Sout hern Calif ornia - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To facilitate improved access to information on services, programs, and other resources by people with disabilities through the re- development of an existing website. 14407 Gilmore Street, #101 Van Nuys, CA 91401 Norma Jean Vescovo Executive Director 818- 785- 6934 | Email | Website

Independent Living Cent er of Sout hern Calif ornia, Inc. - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To strengthen the ability of people with disabilities to utiliz e telecommunications coupled with assistive technology as a means to achieve economic independence. 14407 Gilmore St., #101 Van Nuys, CA 91401 Norma Jean Vescovo Executive Director 818- 785- 6934 | Email | Website

Inland Agency - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide staff to deliver telecommunications/technology literacy classes to low- income adults and youth in Adelanto. 6296 River Crest Dr., Ste L Riverside, CA 92507 Becky Foreman Executive Director 951- 697- 6565 | Email | Website


Inland Count ies Hispanic Roundt able - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunications consumer education to Hispanics serving organiz ations and individual in San Bernardino and Riverside counties. 468 W. 5th St. San Bernardino, CA 92401 Graciano Gomez Board President 909- 885- 5777 | Email | Website

InnVision of Sant a Clara Valley - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To provide computer and Internet access to homeless clients through existing computer laboratories. 974 Willow St. San Jose. CA 95125 David Eastis Chief Development Officer 408- 292- 4286 | Email | Website

Int ernat ional Inst it ut e of t he East Bay - $16,440 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To increase the understanding and use of telecommunications technology and simultaneously expand the knowledge immigrants and other underserved Oakland residents have of community resources. 449- 15th Street, Ste 201 Oakland, CA 94612 Herb Castillo Executive Director 510- 451- 2846 | Email | Website

Int ernat ional Inst it ut e of t he East Bay - $20,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2005
To establish Project RISE: Resilience of Individuals through Self- Sufficiency Planning and Employment in an effort to to increase the economic resiliency of immigrants and refugees through the development of marketable skills. 44915th St., Suite 201 Oakland, CA 94612 Herb Castillo Executive Director 510- 451- 2846 | Email | Website

Int ernat ional Inst it ut e of t he East Bay - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To pilot a community technology center for low- income immigrants and refugees in Alameda County. 449 - 15th Street Oakland, CA 94612 Anne Mawdsley Director of Training Employment 510- 451- 2846 | Email | Website

Inyo Mono Advocat es f or Communit y Act ion - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To provide parents of children with special needs with the technical training and access to the internet that will empower them with the information they need to advocate for their child's needs. POB 845 Bishop, CA 93515 Stephanie Simpson Family Education Manager 760- 873- 3021 | Email | Website

Ione Band of Miwok Indians - $5,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2009


To create a more efficient workplace and increased security by replacing an existing off- site, antiquated phone system with a new VoIP telephone system in a rural Tribal office. P.O. Box 1190 Ione, CA 95640 Rodney Lawrence IT consultant 209- 274- 6753 | Email | Website

Jef f erson Economic Development Inst it ut e - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To decrease the digital divide by providing the technology training, and access necessary to help socially and economically diverse women and men of Siskiyou County to create sustainable businesses that will help them achieve economic self- sufficiency. POB 1586 Mt Shasta, CA 96067 Nancy Swift Executive Director 530- 926- 6670 | Email | Website

Jef f erson Economic Development Inst it ut e (JEDI) - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To offer affordable credit to existing JEDI clients who are ready to enhance the technology use in their business to improve their economic status. POB 1586 Mount Shasta, CA 96067 Nancy Swift Executive Director 530- 926- 6670 | Email | Website

Jef f erson Economic Development Inst it ut e (JEDI) - $12,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2009
to plan the integration of new online strategies into JEDI microenterprise training and technical

assistance programs that will lead to greater business viability and access to information and resources for underserved, low income, rural micro- entrepreneurs. P.O. Box 1586 Mount Shasta, CA 96067 Nancy T. Swift Executive Director 530- 926- 6670 | Email | Website

John C. Fremont Foundat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To improve healthcare services to rural, chronically ill patients through telemedicine. POB 216 Mariposa, CA 95338 Cindy Kincade Director 209- 966- 3800 | Email | Website

John Muir Element ary School - $42,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide elementary school students attending John Muir Elementary School with on- site, high quality technology instrution. 380 Webster St San Francisco, CA 94117 Andrea James Outreach Consultant 415- 241- 6335 | Email | Website

JVS - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide 500 Bay Area residents with drop- in computer access and training through JVS' Technology Access Center (TAC) 225 Bush Street, Suite 400 San Francisco, CA 94104

Abby Snay Executive Director 415- 391- 3600 | Email | Website

Karibu Cent er f or Social Support and Educat ion - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To hire staff to conduct computer literacy classes in Long Beach for individuals with HIV/AIDS who wish to utiliz e telecommunications to access information necessary to manage their health. 3960 Park Blvd. #H San Diego, CA 92103 Arvella Murray, M.B.A. Executive Director 619- 325- 2773 | Email | Website

Karuk Communit y Development - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide workforce development activities in Native American communities utiliz ing three Community Computer Center throughout Siskiyou and Humboldt County. PO Box 1148 Happy Camp CA 96039 Emma Lee Johnson Workforce Development Coordinator 530- 493- 5213 | Email | Website

Karuk Communit y Development Corp (Happy Camp) - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To train staff on micro- enterprise development and to provide direct technology- driven financial and micro- enterprise classes to community members. POB 1148/ 25 Fourth Ave. Happy Camp, CA 96039 Rosie Bley Director 530- 493- 5213 | Email | Website

Kat harine & George Alexander Communit y Law Cent er - $20,000 / mont hs Awarded 2006
To educate and provide advocacy services on behalf of limited English proficient, low income individuals residing in Santa Clara County on their rights as consumers with regard to telecommunications issues. 1030 The Alameda San Jose, CA 95126 Angelo Ancheta Director 408- 288- 7030 | Email | Website

Kayne Eras Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To increase the educational achievement of children with disabilities in Los Angeles through the strategic use of technology and telecommunications. 5350 Machado Rd. Culver City, CA 90230 Ginge Shontell Grants Manager 310- 737- 9393 | Email | Website

Kern Assist ive Technology Cent er - $18,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide increased access to assistive technology assessments by people with disabilities residing in isolated communities of Kern County utiliz ing telemedicine applications. 3101 N. Sillect Ave. Ste 115 Bakersfield, CA 93308 Aaron Markovits Director 661- 852- 3291 | Email | Website

Khmer Societ y of Fresno - $20,000 / 6 mont hs


Awarded 2006
To educate the Cambodian, Lao and newly arriving Hmong families in Fresno County about their rights as consumers with regard to telecommunications issues. 5191 E. Tulare Ave Fresno, CA 93727 Tia Lam Executive Director 559- 252- 0474 | Email | Website

Khmer Societ y of Fresno - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To educate the Cambodian, Lao and newly arriving Hmong parents in Fresno County about their rights as consumers with regard to telecommunications issues. 5191 E. Tulare Ave Fresno, CA 93727 Tia Lam Executive Director 559- 252- 0474 | Email | Website

Khmer Societ y of Fresno - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Cambodians in Fresno County. 5191 E. Tulare Ave Fresno, CA 93727 Tia Lam Executive Director 559- 252- 0474 | Email | Website

Korean American Coalit ion - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To enable the Korean American Coalition to raise awareness of deceptive telecommunications

marketing practices through education and improved access to information by Korean households in Southern California. 3727 W. 6th Street, Suite 515 Los Angeles, CA 90020 Alice Lee Grant Coordinator 213- 365- 5999 | Email | Website

Korean American Coalit ion - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to nonlimited- English speaking Korean immigrants in Los Angeles and Orange Counties. 3727 W. 6th Street, Suite 515 Los Angeles, CA 90020 Alice Lee Executive Director 213- 365- 5999 | Email | Website

Korean American Family Service Cent er, Inc. - $7,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006
To build the information technology/telecommunications skills of at- risk and adjudicated youth in Los Angeles County so that they are better prepared to transition to living wage employment. 3727 W. Sixth Street, Ste 320 Los Angeles, CA 90020 Peter Chang Executive Director 213- 389- 6755 | Email | Website

Korean Communit y Cent er of t he East Bay - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To support the continuation and expansion of the Virtual Village Program, currently composed of 18 sites in the Korean- American community of the Bay Area.


4390 Telegraph Ave., Ste A Oakland, CA 94609 John Kim Executive Director 510- 547- 2662 | Email | Website

Korean Healt h Educat ion Inf ormat ion & Research Cent er - $6,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To attend training seminars at the Telemedicine Learning Center at UC Davis. 3727 W. Sixth St., #410 Los Angeles, CA 90020 Cari Kennedy Development Coordinator 213- 427- 4000 | Email | Website

Korean Resource Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To educate Korean American seniors and youth in Los Angeles County on using techonology as an advocacy tool and for grassroots organiz ing. 900 S. Crenshaw Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90019 Dae Yoon Executive Director 323- 937- 3718 | Email | Website

Korean Resource Cent er - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To strengthen an existing bilingual website, including the development new interactive sections focusing on health access and health care for Korean Americans in Southern California. 900 S. Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles , CA 90019 Dae Yoon Executive Director

323- 937- 3718 | Email | Website

Korean Resource Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To support the increased civic participation of limited- English speaking Korean seniors and youth through telecommunications/technology and related multimedia training. 900 S. Crenshaw Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90019 Dae Yoon Executive Director 323- 937- 3718 | Email | Website

Korean Yout h and Communit y Cent er, Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide computer access and training to minority residents of Koreatown in Los Angeles 680 S. Wilton Place Los Angeles, CA 90005 Kara Carlisle Development Officer 213- 365- 4700 | Email | Website

Koreat own Immigrant Workers Alliance (KIWA) - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To utiliz e telecommunications and information technology to improve English proficiency and computer literacy among low- wage immigrant adults and low- income immigrant youth in Koreatown that are seeking improved job opportunities. 3465 West 8th Street Los Angeles, CA 90005 Danny Park Executive Director 213- 738- 9050 | Email | Website


La Casa de la Raza, Inc. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer access and training to limited- English Latinos in the east and west side of Santa Barbara. 601 E. Montecito Street. Santa Barbara. CA 93103 Raquel Lopez Program Director 805- 965- 8581 | Email | Website

La Casa de la Raza, Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to low- income Latinos in the east and west side of Santa Barbara. 601 E. Montecito St. Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Jose Martinez Executive Director 805- 965- 8581 | Email | Website

La Clinica de La Raza - $15,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2001

To develop a plan for introducing and incorporating telemedicine technology into existing programs and systems. 1515 Fruitvale Avenue Oakland, CA 94601 Mona Palacios Senior Planner 510- 535- 4000 | Email | Website

La Lucha/ The Foundat ion f or Educat ional - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide a comprehensive youth development program including computer access and training, to 80 Hispanic youth in Oxnard. P.O. Box 1387 Oxnard, CA 93032 Armando Vaz quez Executive Director 805- 487- 8170 | Email | Website

Labor/Communit y St rat egy Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To strengthen and expand the Strategy Centers web and email organiz ing in order to strengthen membership recruitment, popular education, technology training, and overall grassroots campaign work of the Bus Riders Union program. 3780 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 1200 Los Angeles, CA 90010 Geoff Ray Development Coordinator 213- 387- 2800 | Email | Website

Lao Family Communit y Development , Inc. - $37,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommmunications consumer education and protection to limited- English speaking immigrants and refugees in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. 1551 23rd Avenue Oakland, CA 94606 Jennie Mollica Associate Director 510- 533- 8850 | Email | Website

Lao Family Communit y of St ockt on - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Southeast Asians in San

Joaquin County. 2701 E. Hammer Lane, Ste 120 Stockton, CA 95210 Pheng Lo Executive Director 209- 466- 0721 | Email | Website

Lao Family Communit y of St ockt on - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To start- up a program to provide basic and intermediate computer and Internet training to 60 adults in the Southeast Asian refugee community of Stockton. 807 N. San Joaquin St., Ste. 211 Stockton, CA 95202 Pheng Lo Executive Director 209- 466- 0721 | Email | Website

Lao Family Communit y of St ockt on - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To start- up a program to provide basic and intermediate computer and Internet training to 60 adults in the Southeast Asian refugee community of Stockton. 807 N. San Joaquin St., Ste. 211 Stockton, CA 95202 Pheng Lo Executive Director 209- 466- 0721 | Email | Website

Lat ino Coalit ion f or a Healt hy Calif ornia - $28,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To enhance advocacy support at the local level through technical assistance on technology and advocacy, provide health data research for community use, and electronically link regional networks.


1387 Monument Street Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Lia Margolis Executive Director 310- 573- 7746 | Email | Website

Lat ino Coalit ion f or a Healt hy Calif ornia - $28,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To enhance advocacy support at the local level through technical assistance on technology and advocacy, provide health data research for community use, and electronically link regional networks. 1387 Monument Street Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Lia Margolis Executive Director 310- 573- 7746 | Email | Website

Lat ino Issues Forum - $50,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005

To continue to provide lead agencies services for CTR, and assist with the wind down of the CTR project.. LIF will provide and consumer education, legal advocacy and public policy needs of California's limited English and not an English- speaking communities. 160 Pine Street #700 San Francisco, CA 94111 Luis Arteaga Executive Director 415- 284- 7208 | Email | Website

Lat ino Issues Forum - $100,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To advance new and innovative public policy solutions for a better, more equitable and prosperous society. 160 Pine Street #700 San Francisco, CA 94111

Luis Arteaga Executive Director 415- 284- 7208 | Email | Website

Lat ino Issues Forum - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To work with the Foundation and other lead agencies to implement the TCPF Coordinated Campaign. 160 Pine Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Ana Montes Technology Director 415- 284- 7208 | Email | Website

Lat ino Issues Forum - $120,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To work with the Foundation and other lead agencies to implement the TCPF Coordinated Campaign. 160 Pine Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Ana Montes Technology Director 415- 284- 7208 | Email | Website

Lat ino Issues Forum - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To support the maintenance, further development and utiliz ation of the Communities for Telecom Rights website by community- based organiz ations and other agencies involved in consumer telecom advocacy. 160 Pine Street #700 San Francisco, CA 94111 Ana Montes Director of Technology and Consumer Education 415- 284- 7208 | Email | Website

Lat ino Issues Forum - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To strengthen the capacity of nonprofit organiz ations to advocate on behalf of telecom services and policies that are more responsive to low- income, limited English proficient communities in California. 160 Pine Street #700 San Francisco, CA 94111 Ana Montes Director of Technology and Consumer Education 415- 284- 7208 | Email | Website

Learning and Loving Educat ion Cent er - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To provide very low- income limited- English- speaking women with increased access to technology- based English language, academic, health, and job preparation training to enhance their employment opportunities and self- sufficiency. 16890 Church Street, #16 Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Sister Pat Davis Executive Director 408- 776- 1196 | Email | Website

Learning and Loving Educat ion Cent er - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to provide level- appropriate and culturally- sensitive technology and literacy instruction to lowwage, un- or underemployed limited- English- speaking immigrant Latino women for the improvement of linguistic, social, emotional, economic, and cultural participation. 16890 Church Street, #16 Morgan Hill, CA 95037 Sister Pat Davis Executive Director 408- 776- 1196 | Email | Website

Legal Aid Foundat ion of Sant a Barbara Count y - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To ensure that bilingual and monolingual Spanish- speaking individuals are aware of telecom consumer abuses and have assistance resolving their telecom billing and service problems in Santa Barbara County. 301 E. Canon Perdido Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Ellen Goldstein Executive Director 805- 963- 6754 | Email | Website

Legal Aid Foundat ion of Sant a Barbara Count y - $1,555 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To ensure that bilingual and monolingual Spanish- speaking individuals are aware of their rights and assist consumers with resolving billing and service problems to identify and report suspected cases of telephone fraud or abuse in Santa Barbara County. 301 E. Canon Perdido Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Ellen Goodstein Executive Director 805- 963- 6754 | Email | Website

Legal Aid Foundat ion of Sant a Barbara Count y - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To ensure that bilingual and monolingual Spanish- speaking individuals are aware of their rights and assist consumers with resolving billing and service problems to identify and report suspected cases of telephone fraud or abuse in Santa Barbara County. 301 E. Canon Perdido Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Ellen Goodstein Executive Director 805- 963- 6754 | Email | Website

Legal Services of No. Calif ornia - $19,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

Woodland John Gianola Managing Attorney - - | Email | Website

Legal Services of No. Calif ornia - $19,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To maintain and improve a telephone hotline system and help cover the cost of staffing for the hotline. 619 North Street Woodland, CA 95695 Gianola Managing Attorney 530- 662- 1065 | Email | Website

LeRoy Haynes Cent er f or Children - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To provide a more integrated approach to preparing disabled youth ages 16- 22 with the telecommunications and technology skills necessary to develop and achieve their academic and vocational goals. 233 W. Baseline Rd., Box 400 La Verne, CA 91750 Dan Maydeck President/CEO 909- 593- 2581 | Email | Website

LETMESAIL - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009


To provide increased access by clients and other community stakeholders to information and resources that improve the lives of people with disabilities through the redevelopment of an existing website. P.O. Box 801715 Santa Clarita, CA 91380- 1715 Pam Sorlagas Executive Director 661- 702- 8555 | Email | Website

Library Foundat ion of Los Angeles - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To provide on- site technology training in branch libraries free of charge to youth and adults through the purchase and deployment of Cyber Carts. 630 West Fifth Street Los Angeles, CA 90071 Evelyn Hoffman Executive Director 213- 228- 7500 | Email | Website

Libreria Del Pueblo, Inc. - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide telecommunication education and information to low- income, limited- English Latino individuals in the San Bernardino County. 251 Carousel Mall San Bernardino, CA 92401 Ruben Martinez Program Coordinator 909- 875- 8378 | Email | Website

Libreria Del Pueblo, Inc. - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and protection to residents of San Bernardino County.

761 W. 2nd Street, Suite D San Bernardino, CA 92410 Ruben Martinez Program Coordinator 909- 888- 1800 | Email | Website

LIFT3 Support Group - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To provide technology and telecommunication training for domestic violence survivors and lowincome women in order for them to regain control of their financial lives and enhance their ability to gain economic independence. 1125 Missouri Street, Suite 209 Fairfield, CA 94533 Claudia Humphrey Executive Director 707- 398- 6865 | Email | Website

LIFT3 Support Group - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide technical and telecommunication training for domestic violence survivors, low- income individuals, and disabled men and women in order help them move into the workforce and promote greater self- sufficiency. 1125 Missouri Street, Suite 203A Fairfield, CA 94533 Claudia Humphrey Executive Director 707- 398- 6451 | Email | Website

Lit t le Company of Mary Communit y Healt h Foundat ion - $25,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005
To maintain the diabetic retinopathy screening program for an additional 6 months while the Los Angeles Department of Health finaliz es their diabetic retinopathy program, which will fold in all existing health system projects in LA County.

2601 Airport Dr. Ste 220 Torrance. CA 90505 Jim Tehan Director, Community Health 310- 257- 3586 | Email | Website

Lit t le Tokyo Service Cent er CDC - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To train 25 teenagers in web development, digital imaging, and multi- media creation skills. 231 E. 3rd St., Ste. G106 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Davis Park DISKovery Center Coordinator 213- 473- 1684 | Email | Website

Lit t le Tokyo Service Cent er, a Communit y Development Corporat ion $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To broaden and enhance access by low- income residents, small businesses and nonprofit organiz ations in the Little Tokyo and surrounding Downtown Los Angeles community to broadband Internet and information technology. 231 E. 3rd Street, Ste. G106 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Davis Park Director of Community Technology Programs 213- 473- 3030 | Email | Website

Lit t le Tokyo Service Cent er, a Communit y Development Corporat ion $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to expand the ability of low income residents in Little Tokyo and surrounding Downtown Los Angeles community to access culturally- sensitive training utiliz ing the Internet, and other information technology through the delivery of classes and workshops at local technology centers.

231 E. 3rd Street, Suite G106 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Davis Park Director of Community Technology Programs 213- 473- 3030 | Email | Website

Lit t le Tokyo Service Ct r - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To enhance access by low- income residents, small businesses and nonprofit organiz ations to broadband Internet and information technology via a new wireless network. 231 East Third St Ste G106 Los Angeles, CA 90013 Davis Park Director Community Technology 213- 473- 1684 | Email | Website

LivingHist ories.us - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To enhance the educational outcomes of low income youth in Northwest Pasadena through their participation in a digital story telling program that also promotes computer ownership. 851 Woodland Drive Sierra Madre, CA 91024 Eliz abeth Converse Executive Director 626- 826- 7445 | Email | Website

Livingst on Memorial Visit ing - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To purchase and install telemedicine patient monitors for low- income patients, from infants to elderly, in Ventura County. 1996 Eastman Ave., Suite 101 Ventura , CA 93003


Judith Milligan- Hecox President/CEO 805- 642- 0239 | Email | Website

Local Init iat ive Support Corporat ion - $75,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To increase the capacity of three regional community development corporations to access and effectively utiliz e technology. 450 B Street, #1010 San Diego, CA 92101 Robert Turner Program Director 619- 239- 6691 | Email | Website

Long Beach Day Nursery - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To train preschool teachers to effectively utiliz e telecommunications and technology to enrich the academic and recreational experiences of low- income children in Long Beach. 1548 Chestnut Avenue Long Beach, CA 90813 Patrice Wong Executive Director 562- 591- 0509 | Email | Website

Long Beach Nonprof it Part nership - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide technology assessments, support to implement the assessments, and training on software applications to selected nonprofit organiz ations in Long Beach. 3635 Atlantic Avenue Long Beach, CA 90807 Judy Ross Executive Director 562- 290- 0018 | Email | Website


Long Beach Nonprof it Part nership - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To strengthen the capacity of nonprofits in Long Beach to effectively utiliz e telecommunications and technology through the delivery of technology assessments, implementation support, and training on software applications. 4900 E. Conant Street Long Beach, CA 90808 Judy Ross Executive Director 562- 290- 0018 | Email | Website

Long Beach Nonprof it Part nership - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to strengthen the capacity of nonprofits in Long Beach to effectively utiliz e telecommunications and technology through the delivery of technology assessments, implementation support, and training on software applications. 4900 E. Conant Street Long Beach, CA 90808 Judy Ross Executive Director 562- 290- 0018 | Email | Website

Los Angeles Communit y Reinvest ment Commit t ee - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To provide training and access to technologies a means to build personal and professional success for small business owners in disinvested areas of Los Angeles. 4060 South Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA 90037 Tara Taylor Vice President & COO 323- 233- 1900 | Email | Website

Los Angeles Free Clinic - $15,000 / 12 mont hs


Los Angeles Free Clinic - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To halt and reverse the progress of diabetic retinopathy among low- income diabetic patients through early detection using telemedicine. 8405 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90034 Stephanie Thomas Development Director 323- 653- 8622 | Email | Website

Los Angeles Free Clinic - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To halt and reverse the progress of diabetic retinopathy among low- income diabetic patients through early detection, improving overall health and quality of life. 8405 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048- 3476 Abbe Land Co- chief Executive Officer 323- 330- 1783 | Email | Website

Los Angeles Free Clinic - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To halt and reverse the progress of diabetic retinopathy among low- income diabetic patients through early detection using telemedicine. 8405 Beverly Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90048 Shannon Cisch Development Director 323- 330- 1656 | Email | Website

Los Angeles Met ropolit an Churches - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007


To strengthen the technology and telecommunications capacity of a network of faith- based organiz ations to provide low- income families in South Los Angeles with increased access to educational, economic and health resources. 7607 S. Western Ave Los Angeles, CA 90047 Felicia Jones Associate Director 323- 238- 0445 | Email | Website

Lot shaws Helping Hands (Vict ory Resource Ct r) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To strengthen the capacity of nonprofit organiz ations to advocate on behalf of telecom services and policies that are responsive to low- income, limited English proficient consumers in California. 1492 Palmyrita Ave Riverside, CA 92313 Sally Camacho Program Director 951- 781- 6514 | Email | Website

Love, Inc. - $5,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005

To purchase and install 3 networked computers, and to provide training to staff on new system use. PO Box 6442 San Pedro, CA 90734 Jimmie Talley Executive Director 310- 831- 7038 | Email | Website

Madera Coalit ion f or Communit y Just ice - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006
To provide information about telecom marketing abuses, and telecom consumer rights, and to provide assistance and referral services covering telecom complaints to Latino individuals and

families in the community of Madera. 117 S. Lake Street Madera, CA 93638 Rachel Vasquez Moy Director 559- 661- 1879 | Email | Website

Madera Coalit ion f or Communit y Just ice - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To continue to provide consumer education, and complaint resolution related to abusive telecommunications practices to limited- English speaking Latinoconsumers in Madera County. 117 S. Lake Street Madera, CA 93638 Janet Sanchez Program Coordinator 559- 661- 1879 | Email | Website

Madera Coalit ion f or Communit y Just ice - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Latino farmworkers in Madera, California. 117 S. Lake Street Madera, CA 93637 Janet Sanchez Program Coordinator 559- 661- 1879 | Email | Website

Marcus A. Fost er Educat ional Inst it ut e - $14,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide a computer in the homes of Oakland public middle and high School students combined with training on education- enhancing technology and Internet use for families. 1203 Preservation Park Way Oakland, CA 94612

Safi Jiroh Executive Director 510- 835- 0391 | Email | Website

Mariposa Count y Unif ied School Dist rict - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To provide Native American and other students with access to training on advanced telecommunications and multimedia training to improve self- esteem, academic performance and reduce drop- out rates. 5082 Old Hwy North Mariposa, CA 95338 Barbara Milaz z o Service Learning Coordinator 209- 742- 0240 | Email | Website

Marjaree Mason Cent er - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide under- privileged children, shelter residents, access to technology in a state- of- theart computer lab. 1600 M Street Fresno, CA 93721 Pamela Kallsen Executive Director 559- 237- 4706 | Email | Website

Mart ha's Village & Kit chen - $57,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To support the Career and Education Center, which provides computer literacy and job search assistance. 3350 E Street San Diego, CA 92102 Father Joe Carroll President 619- 687- 1034 | Email | Website

Mat ernal and Child Healt h Access (MCHA) - $70,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To mobile a network of community- based organiz ations to research, assess, monitor and effectively address the privacy rights of low- income consumers enrolling in health and other public benefits programs with e- applications and related technologies in selected communities across California. 1111 W. Sixth Street, Ste. 400 Los Angeles, CA 90017- 1800 Lynn Kersey Executive Director 213- 749- 4261 | Email | Website

Media Alliance - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To educate and mobiliz e a unique coalition of media/tech workers, community- based organiz ations, and social- justice activists to make their voices heard in media policy debates that will ensure their access to affordable and universal communication service. 1904 Franklin Street, #500 Oakland, CA 94612 Jeff Perlstein Executive Director 510- 832- 9000 | Email | Website

Media Alliance - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To mobiliz e a statewide coalition of media/tech workers, community- based organiz ations, and social- justice activists to participate in media policy debates that will ensure their access to affordable and universal communication services in Northern California. 1904 Franklin Street, #500 Oakland, CA 94612 Tracy Rosenberg Interim Executive Director

510- 832- 9000 | Email | Website

Media Alliance - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to build a network of people and organiz ations who gain communications capacity through digital media training in the San Antonio neighborhood in Oakland and Manilatown in San Francisco and to develop community- owned and controlled communications infrastructure to beter address issues like violence and poverty in these neighborhoods. 1904 Franklin Street, Suite 500 Oakland, CA 94612 Tracy Rosenberg Executive Director 510- 832- 9000 | Email | Website

MEND, Inc. (Meet Each Need wit h Dignit y) - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to improve access by very low income families in Pacoima and surrounding communities to basic Internet and information technology training and other resources through the upgrade of an existing computer laboratory. 10641 San Fernando Road Pacoima, CA 91331 Marianne Haver Hill President/CEO 818- 896- 0246 | Email | Website

Merced Lao Family Communit y, Inc. - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide culturally responsive advocacy and education on telecom issues to limited- English speaking Asian Pacific Islander individuals and their families. 855 West 15th Street Merced, CA 95340 Judi Zoboli Project Coordinator

209- 384- 7384 | Email | Website

Merced Lao Family Communit y, Inc. - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide consumer education and advocacy on telecom issues to more than 900 new Hmong refugees who have immigrated to Merced County. 855 West 15th Street Merced, CA 95340 Judi Zoboli Project Coordinator 209- 384- 7384 | Email | Website

Merced Lao Family Communit y, Inc. - $33,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommmunications consumer education and protection to Southeast Asian immigrants in Merced County. 855 West 15th Street Merced, CA 95340 Judi Zoboli Project Coordinator 209- 384- 7384 | Email | Website

Mexican American Communit y Services Agency, Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to the Latino community of Santa Clara County. 130 North Jackson Ave. San Jose, CA 95116 Xavier Campos Fund Development Director 408- 928- 1122 | Email | Website


Mexican American Communit y Services Agency, Inc. - $40,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommmunications consumer education and protection to limited- English Hispanics in Santa Clara County. 130 North Jackson Ave. San Jose, CA 95116 Cynthia Cuellar Fund Development Director 408- 928- 1122 | Email | Website

Mult icult ural Communit y and Family Services - $2,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005
To ensure that children from low- income families enter school ready to learn as their peers more from advantageous circumstances 7437 Broadway Lemon Grove, CA 91945 Amaka Okeke Executive Director 619- 464- 6417 | Email | Website

Mut ual Assist ance Net work - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to residents of the Del Paso Heights area of Sacramento. 811 Grand Avenue, Suite A- 3 Sacramento, CA 95838 Wilmer Brown Jr. Director of Family Services 916- 927- 7694 | Email | Website

Nat ional Consumer Law Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006


To provide expert legal research, policy analysis, and advocacy on behalf of low- income people who face injustices in the marketplace. 77 Summer Street, 10th Floor Boston, MA 02110 Willard Ogburn Executive Director 617- 542- 8010 | Email | Website

Nat ional Consumer Law Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To promote access to affordable telecommunications service and consumer protections by maintaining their participation in CPUC proceedings focused on ULTS improvement and to promote greater, more meaningful outreach. 77 Summer Street, 10th Floor Boston, CA 02110 Willard Ogburn Executive Director 617- 542- 8010 | Email | Website

Nat ional Consumer Law Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To conduct a two- year telecommunications advocacy project on behalf of low- income people in California, working in collaboration with state and local organiz ations. 77 Summer St., 10th Fl Boston, CA 02110- 1006 Willard P. Ogburn Executive Director 617- 523- 8010 | Email | Website

Nat ional Consumer Law Cent er, Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To represent low- income consumers in California in proceedings before the CPUC and the FCC

to ensure that the CPUC adopts certification and verification rules that preserve the 330 million in federal Lifeline assistance. 77 Summer Street, 10th Fl. Boston, CA 02110 Williard Ogburn Executive Director 617- 542- 8010 | Email | Website

Nat ional Council of Negro Women Bet hune Cent er - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To conduct a planning process regarding the development of a technology/telecommunications career development and employment training program. 649 E. Foothill Blvd., Ste. D, Rialto, CA 92376 Sandra J. Doyle Executive Director 909- 874- 6000 | Email | Website

Nat ional Indian Just ice Cent er - $33,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To reduce the rate of dropout, substance abuse and violence in project participants and to increase their academic performance, employability and self- esteem. 5250 Aero Dr. Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Raquelle Myers Project Director/NIJC Staff Attorney 707- 579- 5507 | Email | Website

Nat ional Indian Just ice Cent er - $70,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To increase the ability of California Native People to participate in internet- based distance education to promote social and economic development in their Tribal communities.


5250 Aero Dr. Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Raquelle Myers Staff Attorney 707- 579- 5507 | Email | Website

Nat ional Mult iple Sclerosis Societ y - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To establish an Adaptive Computer Resource Center for individuals with Multiple Sclerosis and provide access to Chapter's website for education. 2440 So. Sepulveda Blvd., Ste. 115 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Leon LeBuffe Chapter President 310- 479- 4456 | Email | Website

Nonprof it Management Solut ions - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To strengthen the capacity of nonprofit organiz ations in San Diego County to effectively utiliz e technology through the delivery of remote technology maintenance and emergency services. 8265 Vickers St., #C San Diego, CA 92111 Sara Roscoe- Wilson Executive Director 858- 292- 5702 | Email | Website

Nort hern Circle Indian Housing Aut horit y - $31,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To enhance communication via internet connectivity between Northern Circle and participating tribes, and thus solve many of the geographical limitations faced by tribal members in meeting their housing needs. 694 Pinoleville Drive Ukiah, CA 95482


Darlene Tooley Executive Director 707- 468- 1336 | Email | Website

Nort hern Sierra Rural Healt h Net work - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To support a regional telemedicine network that currently consists of 25 rural health care hospitals and clinics spread throughout the rural northeastern state. 700 Zion Street, Suite E Nevada City, CA 95959 Speranz a Avram Executive Director 530- 470- 9091 | Email | Website

Oakland Asian St udent s Educat ional Services - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To increase low- income, Asian students ability to access information on the internet, make informed choices, compete in school and for jobs, and improve their chance of achieving greater self- sufficiency through technology training. 196- 10th St. Oakland, CA 94607 Jessian Choy Development Associate 510- 891- 9928 | Email | Website

Oakland Asian St udent s Educat ional Services - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To enhance and transform youth connections and engagement with school day curriculum and each other through building students ability to use state of the art software and hardware. 196 10th Street Oakland, CA 94607 Nitya Venkateswaran Grant Manager 510- 891- 9928 | Email | Website

Oakland Asian St udent s Educat ional Services - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to improve the economic stability and mobility of underprivileged high- school youth through telecommunications services and information technology skill building focused on collegepreparation and job- readiness. 196 10th Street Oakland, CA 94607 H. Nhi Chau Executive Director 510- 891- 9928 | Email | Website

Oakland Communit y Housing, Inc. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To create access to technology for low income children, youth, adults, and seniors through strengthening OCHIs community- based computing infrastructure. 2030 Franklin St., 6th Floor Oakland, CA 94612 Michael Morell Executive Director 510- 763- 7676 | Email | Website

Oakland Technology Exchange - West - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To decrease the digital divide for school- aged students and underserved, low- income adults by providing them with refurbished home computers and training. 1680 - 14th Street Oakland, CA 94607 Bruce Buckelew Director, OTXWest 510- 893- 4822 | Email | Website

Oakland Technology Exchange - West (OTXWest ) - $30,000 / 12 mont hs


Oakland Technology Exchange - West (OTXWest ) - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide basic computer and telecommunications literacy, free home computers and technical support to close or eliminate the digital divide for students and families of students in Oakland Public Schools. 1680 - 14th Street Oakland, CA 94607 Bruce Buckelew Director, OTXWest 510- 893- 4822 | Email | Website

OCCUR / East mont Comput ing Cent er / East mont Comput er Clubhouse $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide youth with the skills and knowledge needed to take an active role in ensuring their own success. 7200 Bancroft Ave, Suite 209 Oakland, CA 94605 Karrima Muhammad Clubhouse Coordinator 510- 382- 0555 | Email | Website

Olive Crest - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to strengthen the results of traditional abuse treatment strategies received by foster youth ages 12- 18 in Los Angeles through the integration of media and technology arts programs. 17800 Woodruff Ave., Ste. A Bellflower, CA 90706 Jessica Valdez , MSW Project Manager 562- 866- 8956 | Email | Website

One East Palo Alt o Neighborhood Improvement Init iat ive - $18,000 / 12 mont hs

Awarded 2005
To engage nonprofit and faith- based institution leaders to thoughtfully plan the nature, process, policies, and action agenda necessary to sustain existing systems and build comprehensive technology- leveraging and data systems. 1798- B Bay Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 Faye McNair- Knox, Ph.D. Executive Director 650- 330- 7462 | Email | Website

ONE STEP A LA VEZ TEEN WELLNESS DROP IN CENTER - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To provide low- income youth in Fillmore with access to culturally- relevant advanced media training that will help them build workplace skills, express their opinions, and advocate for their own interests. 403 4th Street Fillmore, CA 93015 Lynn Edmonds Program Director 805- 907- 6576 | Email | Website

OpNet Communit y Vent ures, Inc. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer access and training to youth in the Bay Area. 120 Montgomery Street, Suite 2270 San Francisco, CA 94104 Dan Geiger Chief Executive Officer 415- 362- 5510 | Email | Website

Opport unit y Junct ion - $30,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2010
to empower low- income Contra Costa adults to support themselves and their families through an integrated job training and placement program incorporating technology training, life skills, case management, career counseling, paid experience, counseling support, and long- term follow- up 3102 Delta Fair Blvd., Antioch, CA 94509 Alissa Friedman Executive Director 925- 776- 1133 | Email | Website

Opport unit y Junct ion - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide low- income Contra Costa residents with the technology, literacy and life skills that will enable them to become economically self- sufficient. 3102 Delta Fair Blvd Antioch, CA 94509 Alissa Friedman Executive Director 925- 776- 1133 | Email | Website

Opport unit y Junct ion - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide low- income residents with access to internet ready computers personaliz ed technology tutoring and technology related career counseling in East Contra Costa County. 3102 Delta Fair Blvd. Antioch, CA 94509 Alissa Friedman Executive Director 925- 776- 1133 | Email | Website

Opport unit y Junct ion - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008


To empower low- income Contra Costa adults to support themselves and their families through an integrated job training and placement program incorporating technology training, life skills, case management, career counseling, paid experience, counseling support, and long- term follow- up. 3102 Delta Fair Blvd. Antioch, CA 94509 Alissa Friedman Executive Director 925- 776- 1133 | Email | Website

Opport unit y Junct ion - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To empower low- income Contra Costa adults to support themselves and their families through a technology- based integrated job training and placement program. 3102 Delta Fair Blvd. Antioch, CA 94509 Alissa Friedman Executive Director 925- 776- 1133 | Email | Website

Opport unit y Junct ion (f ormerly OPTIC) - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2007
To serve organiz ations with complementary missions within the East Bay and beyond by creating a guide to implementing Opportunity Junctions successful technology- focused job readiness program. 3102 Delta Fair Blvd. Antioch, CA 94509 Alissa Friedman Executive Director 925- 776- 1133 | Email | Website

Orange Count y Rescue Mission - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide flexible access to technology training and related job placement services by low and

no income individuals in Orange County using a Mobile Technology Education Vehicle (MTEV). POB 4007 Santa Ana, CA 92702 Ashley Teran Grant Coordinator 714- 247- 4308 | Email | Website

P.F. Bresee Foundat ion - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide beginning through advanced technology- training opportunities to residents of Central Los Angeles to enable them to attain their educational and professional goals. 184 South Bimini Place Los Angeles CA 90004 Seth Eklund Executive Director 213- 387- 2822 X166 | Email | Website

P.F. Bresee Foundat ion - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to strengthen the capacity of low- income residents of Los Angeles to obtain meaningful work and improve their lives through improved access to Internet and technology education and training. 184 S. Bimini Place Los Angeles, CA 90004 Seth Eklund Executive Director 213- 387- 2822 | Email | Website

Pacif ic Asian Counseling Services - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To improve access to culturally relevant, linguistically appropriate psychiatric and therapeutic care for monolingual adult clients through telemedicine technology. 8616 La Tijera Blvd., Ste 200 Los Angeles, CA 90045

Michi Okano Director, External Relations 310- 337- 1550 | Email | Website

PALS f or Healt h/Special Service f or Groups Inc. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To improve access to health care by limited- English- proficient (LEP) consumers in Southern California through the development of an interpreter request function on their Web site, interpreter advocacy by LEP consumers and health provider/lawmaker education through digital storytelling. 605 W. Olympic Blvd., #600 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Anita Hong- Ha Le Program Director 213- 553- 1876 | Email | Website

Parent s f or Public Schools - $3,670 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide families with up to date information and increase the organiz ational and staff capacity to serve low income San Francisco families. 9 Silliman Street, Suite 6 San Francisco. CA 94132 Lorraine Woodruff- Long Executive Director 415- 468- 7077 | Email | Website

Parent s Helping Parent s - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To incorporate a new documentary entitled, Freedom Machines, into the community outreach to underserved communities in Santa Clara, San Benito, San Mateo, Santa Cruz , Monterey and San Joaquin Counties. 3041 Olcott St. Santa Clara, CA 95054 Janet Nunez Director of iTECH Center

408- 727- 5775 | Email | Website

Past or C.L. Paul Educat ion - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To develop a Community Technology Center serving low- income African American and Hispanic residents in San Bernandino. 2700 N. Little Mountain Dr. Bld. B, Suite 104 San Bernardino. CA 92405 Debra Paul Pastor/Director 909- 886- 7637 | Email | Website

Past or C.L. Paul Educat ion & Training Inst it ut e - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To further develop a Community Technology Center, Employment Training Program and Computer Literacy Program serving low- income African American and Hispanic residents in San Bernardino. 2700 North Little Mountain Drive San Bernardino, CA 92405 Debra Paul Pastor/Executive Director 909- 886- 7637 | Email | Website

PATH (People Assist ing t he Homeless) - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To strengthen the capacity of community- based organiz ations in Los Angeles to creatively serve people with disabilities and the homeless utiliz ing more advanced technology applications, such as digital storytelling, as a tool to build their communities. 340 N, Madison Ave Los Angeles, CA 90004 Jennifer Chang Associate Development Director 323- 644- 2214 | Email | Website

People Organized t o Win Employment Right s (POWER) - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To better engage low- income families and youth in advocacy activities focused on employment, health coverage and educational opportunities through increased access to an improved, interactive bi- lingual website. 32 7th Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Aspen Branch- Moore Development Director 415- 864- 8372 | Email | Website

People Who Care Yout h Cent er - $11,500 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide no- cost telecommunications and information technology training for youth and residents in an underserved low- income area of South Los Angeles. 1500 W. Slauson Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90047 Connie Watson Executive Director 323- 778- 8905 | Email | Website

People's Communit y Organizat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to Filipinos in Central and East Los Angeles. 1610 Beverly Blvd., Ste. 2 Los Angeles , CA 90026 Joe Navidad Executive Director 213- 241- 0995 | Email | Website


People's Communit y Organizat ion f or Ref orm and Empowerment - $14,000 / 4 mont hs Awarded 2006
To provide culturally responsive advocacy and information on telecom issues to underserved limited- English Asian Pacific Islander individuals in Los Angeles County. 1610 Beverly Blvd., Ste #2 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Joe Navidad Executive Director 213- 241- 0995 | Email | Website

People's Communit y Organizat ion f or Ref orm and Empowerment (People's CORE) - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To strengthen the capacity of Asian- Pacific Islander and Latino youth in Central Los Angeles to create systemic change in their communities utiliz ing technology- driven strategies. 1610 Beverly Blvd., Ste #2 Los Angeles. CA 90026 Jose Flores Resource Development Specialist 213- 241- 0995 | Email | Website

People's Communit y Organizat ion f or Ref orm and Empowerment (People's CORE) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide telecommunication consumer education and protection to Filipinos in Central and East Los Angeles. 1610 Beverly Blvd Ste #2 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Joe Navidad Executive Director 213- 241- 0995 | Email | Website


People's Communit y Organizat ion f or Ref orm and Empowerment (People's CORE) - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to strengthen the capacity of Asian, Pacific Islander and Latino youth in Central Los Angeles to initiate positive social change in the community by utiliz ing telecommunications and information technology as community organiz ing and advocacy tools. 1610 Beverly Blvd., Ste. #2 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Christine Araquel Resource Development Manager 213- 241- 0995 | Email | Website

People's CORE - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To strengthen the capacity of Asian- Pacific Islander and Latino youth in Central Los Angeles to initiate systemic change in their communities utiliz ing technology- driven strategies. 1610 Beverly Blvd., Ste #2 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Jose Flores Resource Development Specialist 213- 241- 0995 | Email | Website

People's CORE - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To strengthen the capacity of Asian- Pacific Islander and Latino youth in Central Los Angeles to utiilz e telecommunications and information technology as community organiz ing and advocacy tools. 1610 Beverly Blvd., Ste. #2 Los Angeles, CA 90026 Christine Araquel Resource Development Manager 213- 241- 0995 | Email | Website


Planning f or Elders - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To increase website accessibility through assistive technology and language translation for seniors. 1370 Mission St., 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 Meg Cooch Directory 415- 703- 0188 | Email | Website

Planning f or Elders - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To coordinate and expand computer training and access opportunities through a network of existing computer training and access sites to low- income neighborhoods of San Francisco. 1370 Mission Street, 3rd Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 Amy Stone Executive Director 415- 703- 0188 | Email | Website

Planning f or Elders in t he Cent ral Cit y - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To support PECCs Senior Survival School Digital Divide organiz ing project, aimed at empowering a significant proportion of the 80,000 low- income seniors and persons with disabilities in San Francisco County to impact policies and services. 1370 Mission St., 3rd Fl San Francisco, CA 94103 Marie Jobling Executive Director 415- 703- 0188 | Email | Website

Point Arena Joint Union High School Dist rict - $50,000 / 12 mont hs

Awarded 2004
To create a Community Technology Center and art/business incubator where North Coast residents, businesses, artists and students can; gain technology skills and interconnectivity with the world, enhance entrepreneurship/local economy, and increase employment skills through access to online college classes, technology training and digital marketing. P.O. Box 155 Point Arena, CA 95468 Kim Swenson North Coastal Rural Challenge Network Coordin 707- 882- 2218 | Email | Website

Point Arena Schools - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To expand the telecommunications and technology capacity of an economic incubator that enables students, community and businesses access to the Internet, training and educational coursework. P.O. Box 87 Point Arena, CA 95468 Kim Swenson Arena Tech Center, Director 707- 882- 2218 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To support a coalition of at least 12 consumer and community groups working on at least 8 telecommunications and technology- related legislative bills and regulatory actions. 3100- 5th Ave., Ste B San Diego, CA 92103 Beth Givens Director 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse - $19,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2005
To support a coalition of at least 10 consumer and community groups working on at least 8 telecommunications and technology- related legislative bills and regulatory actions. 3100 5th Ave., Suite B San Diego, CA 92103 Beth Givens Director 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse - $28,900 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To launch a consumer education campaign that addresses privacy issues related to wireless telephones. 3100 5th Ave., Suite B San Diego, CA 92103 Beth Givens Director, Privacy Right Clearinghouse 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse - $19,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To support a statewide coalition of consumer and community groups working to initiate and support legislative bills and regulatory actions that safeguard the privacy of consumers utiliz ing telecom and technology- related services. 3100 5th Ave., Suite B San Diego, CA 92103 Beth Givens Director 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001


To increase the number of privacy- related Spanish- language fact sheets available on the Internet to Spanish- speaking individuals. 3100 5th Ave., Ste. B San Diego, CA 92103 Beth Givens Project Director 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse - $17,500 1 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To support a coalition of 8 consumer groups to advocate in the state legislature for consumer privacy. 3100 5th Ave., Ste. B San Diego, CA 92103 Beth Givens Project Director 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To promote the efforts of community- based organiz atons to leverage their efforts to protect the privacy rights of consumers through the increased collaboration and coordination of their advocacy activities. 3100 - 5th Ave., Suite B San Diego, CA 92103 Beth Givens Director 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To coordinate the efforts of a coalition of consumer and community groups to promote passage of California state legislation that furthers consumer protection in the areas of telecommunications

and information technology. 3100 5th Ave., Suite B San Diego, CA 92103 Beth Givens Director 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Privacy Right s Clearinghouse, a program of UCAN - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To promote passage of California state legislation that furthers consumer protection in the areas of telecommunications and information technology. 3100 5th Ave., Suite B San Diego, CA 92103 Beth Givens Director, Privacy Rights Clearinghouse 619- 298- 3396 | Email | Website

Project Amiga - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer access and training to low- income youth in East Los Angeles and Boyle Heights . 2001 Tyler Avenue, Suite 203 South El Monte, CA 91733 Irene Portillo Executive Director 626- 401- 1395 | Email | Website

Project T.E.C.H. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To serve as a community resource for access, information, education and training in the application of information and communication technologies in Mid- City Los Angeles. 2951 West 15th Street Los Angeles , CA 90006

Karen Wade Project Director 323- 687- 4662 | Email | Website

Public Counsel - $30,750 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide direct representation to at least 750 students and their families and train service providers who serve teens on issues relating to telecommunications fraud and abuse in Los Angeles County. 610 South Ardmore Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90005 Daniel Grunfeld Executive Director 213- 385- 2977 | Email | Website

Public Law Cent er - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide consumer education and advocacy services to consumers in Orange County who are victims of telecommunications fraud and/or abuses. 601 Civic Center Dr. West Santa Ana, CA 92701 Kenneth Babcock Executive Director 714- 541- 1010 | Email | Website

Public Law Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To continue to provide consumer education and advocacy services to consumers in Orange County who are victims of telecommunications fraud and/or abuses. 601 Civic Center Dr. West Santa Ana, CA 92701 Kenneth Babcock Executive Director 714- 541- 1010 | Email | Website

Public Law Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommmunications consumer education and protection to limited- English Asians and Hispanics in Orange County. 601 Civic Center Dr. West Santa Ana, CA 92701 Kenneth Babcock Executive Director 714- 541- 1010 | Email | Website

Public Law Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To strengthen the capacity of nonprofit organiz ations to advocate on behalf of telecom services and policies that are more responsive to low- income, limited English proficient communities in California. 601 Civic Center Dr. West Santa Ana, CA 92701 Charlotte Finklea Director of Fund Development 714- 541- 1010 | Email | Website

Pueblo Y Salud, Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To increase access to technology and telecommunications services by low- income, primarily monolingual Latino families who reside in the San Fernando Valley. 1024 North Maclay Avenue, Ste M13 San Fernando, CA 91340 Xavier Flores Executive Director 818- 837- 2272 | Email | Website


PUENTE Learning Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To provide increased access to academic and job preparation training utiliz ing technology to low- income, and limited English speaking residents in Los Angeles County. 501 South Boyle Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90033 Susan Stamberger Development Director 323- 780- 8900 | Email | Website

RCNO Training Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To improve community access to training and information, and encourage learning and collaboration among a Statewide network of African American faith- based nonprofits utiliz ing videoconferencing equipment. 1061 East 54th Street Los Angeles, CA 90011 Eugene Williams CEO 323- 234- 8154 | Email | Website

REACH LA - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To expand the free training in social enterprise, digital media arts information technologies and communication for youth/young adults in Central, South Central and East Los Angeles. 1400 E. Olympic Blvd., Suite 420 Los Angeles , CA 90021 Martha Chono- Helsley Executive Director 213- 622- 1650 | Email | Website

Redwoods Rural Healt h Cent er - $18,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2005
To create and sustain access to medical and behavioral health care to the underserved, under insured and uninsured. 101 West Coast Road Redway, CA 95560 Eric Fimbres Executive Director 707- 923- 2783 | Email | Website

Remedial Reading and Learning Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide increased access to academic and job preparation training utiliz ing technology by low- income, and limited English speaking residents in Los Angeles County. 2239 West Washington Blvd Los Angeles, CA 90018 Antoinette Laudermilk Executive Director 323- 732- 1350 | Email | Website

Renaissance Ent repreneurship Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To develop the technological skills and capacity of local entrepreneurs in Bayview Hunter Point's and their employees in the Bay Area. 275 Fifth Street, Second Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 Sharon Miller CEO 415- 348- 6243 | Email | Website

Renaissance Ent repreneurship Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To provide Bayview/Hunters Point construction entrepreneurs with the technical assistance,

technology- based training and tools, that will help them access well paying, local contracting opportunities. 275 Fifth Street, Second Floor San Francisco, CA 94103 Sharon Miller CEO 415- 541- 8580 | Email | Website

Renaissance Ent repreneurship Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide integrated technology training, access and capacity building services to help low income Bayview/Hunters Point construction entrepreneurs access local contracting opportunities and achieve economic self- sufficiency 275 Fifth Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Sharon Miller CEO 415- 541- 8580 | Email | Website

Rising Sun Energy Cent er - $3,200 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2004

To employ computer programmer to de- bug a web- scheduling system and a computer specialist to migrate over to a Microsoft operating system and network a server. P.O. Box 3456 Berkeley, CA 94703 Ori Skloot Executive Director 510- 428- 2357 | Email | Website

Rising Sun Energy Cent er - $2,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2007

To build the capacity of Rising Sun Energy Centers staff and more effectively assist their clients through providing training on software and website maintenance.

2033 Center Street Berkeley, CA 94704 Jodi Pincus Executive Director 510- 665- 1501 | Email | Website

Rising Sun Energy Ct r - $1,800 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005

To create a more efficient workplace and provide greater access to services for Spanish speakers through the installation of a small, yet better phone system. 2033 Center St Berkeley, CA 94704 Ori Skloot Executive Director 510- 665- 1501 | Email | Website

Rout es f or Yout h - $10,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2004

To purchase, network and upgrade the organiz ation's computer systems. 3360 Coffey Lane A- 2 Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Dyan Foster Executive Director 707- 527- 6810 | Email | Website

Rout es For Yout h - $23,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To conduct a 6 month planning process to initiate and maintain a local technology- based information and educational service for youth- offenders and other youth- at- risk. 1146 State Farm Drive Santa Rosa, CA 95403 Dyan Foster Executive Director 707- 527- 6810 | Email | Website

Rural Innovat ions in Social Economics, Inc. - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To provide the rural Esparto Region and surrounding communities with a small but effective employment development program. 17313 Fremont Street/POB 133 Esparto, CA 95627 Cathie Wicks Executive Director 530- 787- 3433 | Email | Website

Sacrament o Lao Family Communit y, Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide consumer education and protection to Hmong, Mien, Lao, Russian and Ukranian refugees in Sacramento. 5840 Franklin Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95824 Nadia Bobyk Fiscal Manager 916- 424- 0864 | Email | Website

Sacrament o Mut ual Housing Associat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To expand the ability of low- income, English- learner immigrants to benefit economically and access human services through computer technology proficiency. 3451 5th Avenue Sacramento, CA 95817 Allison Fleming Resource Development Coordinator 916- 453- 8400 | Email | Website

SAGE Project - $7,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2006
To increase the chances of SAGE clients successfully exiting street life, overcoming barriers to employment, and re- entering mainstream society to lead productive and satisfying lives. 1385 Mission Street, Ste 300 San Francisco, CA 94110 Tom McCaffrey Chief Operating Officer 415- 551- 0497 | Email | Website

SAJE (St rat egic Act ions For A Just Economy) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To provide low- income, limited- English proficient residents in Central Los Angeles with increased economic opportunities through employment training that incorporates utiliz ation of telecommunications and technology. 152 West 32nd Street Los Angeles, CA 90007 Beverley Keefe Development Director 213- 745- 9961 | Email | Website

Samuelson Law, Technology & Public Policy Clinic - $76,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To conduct research on secondary use of information and authentication systems to determine consumer understanding of privacy policies, business adherence to established privacy requirements and the mechanisms by which consumer information is gathered. 396 Simon Hall Berkeley, CA 94720 Chris Hoofnagle Senior Staff Attorney 510- 643- 0213 | Email | Website

San Diego Communit y Technology Coalit ion (SDCTC) - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To strengthen the capacity of a regional network of community technology centers in San Diego County. 8799 Balboa Ave, Suite 120 San Diego, CA 92123 Xavier Leonard Program Director 858- 560- 0411 | Email | Website

San Diego Fut ures Foundat ion - $50,000 / 12 mont hs mont hs Awarded 2010
to encourage the adoption and use of Broadband technologies by providing equipment, software, training and services to 2,4000 low- income families and people with disbilities in San Diego County. 4275 El Cajon Blvd. San Diego CA 92105 Charlene Browne Director of Development 619- 269- 1684 | Email | Website

San Diego Fut ures Foundat ion - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To promote increased access and utiliz ation of telecommunications and information technology by low- income families in San Diego County under a multi- pronged technology adaption campaign driven by a collaborative of local businesses, philanthropists, governmental agencies and local nonprofit agencies. 4275 El Cajon Blvd., Ste. 200 San Diego, CA 92105 Charlene Browne Director of Development 619- 269- 1684 | Email | Website

San Diego Fut ures Foundat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to promote the adoption and utiliz ation of broadband by low- income families in San Diego County through personaliz ed training and technical assistance. 4275 El Cajon Blvd., #200 San Diego, CA 92105 Charlene Browne Director of Development & Communications 619- 269- 1684 | Email | Website

San Francisco Adult Day Services Net work - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006
To develop a technology plan that will increase the technical capacity of member organiz ations to serve patients, communicate effectively and prepare for Federally mandated reports. 221 Main Street, Ste 300 San Francisco, CA 94105 LaNay Eastman Assistant Director 415- 808- 7371 | Email | Website

San Francisco Adult Day Services Net work - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To increase the technical capacity of nine adult day health care centers to serve low- income, frail elderly patients by upgrading and purchasing new computer hardware and software, and provide technology training for staff. 221 Main Street, Ste 300 San Francisco, CA 94105 LaNay Eastman Interim Executive Director 415- 808- 7371 | Email | Website

Sant a Barbara Part ners in Educat ion - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To enhance access to technology and related skills of low- income fourth, fifth and sixth grade students and their families residing in Southern Santa Barbara County.

4400 Cathedral Oaks Rd Santa Barbara, CA 93160- 6307 Sarah O'Brien Development Specialist 805- 964- 4710 | Email | Website

Sant a Barbara Part ners in Educat ion - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To enhance access to technology and related skills by low- income fourth, fifth and sixth grade students and their families residing in Southern Santa Barbara County through the distribution of refurbished computers and training. 4400 Cathedral Oaks Road P.O. Box 6307 Santa Barbara, CA 93160- 6307 Sarah O'Brien Development Specialist 805- 964- 4710 | Email | Website

Sant a Barbara Part ners in Educat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To enhance access to technology and related skills by low- income fourth, fifth and sixth grade students and their families residing in Southern Santa Barbara County through the distribution of refurbished computers and training. 3970 La Colina Road, Suite 9 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Ben Romo Executive Director 805- 964- 4711 | Email | Website

Sant a Clara Count y Asian Law Alliance - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006
To provide culturally responsive advocacy and information on telecom issues to underserved limited- English Asian Pacific Islander individuals in Santa Clara County.


184 Jackson Street San Jose. CA 95112 Richard Konda Executive Director 408- 287- 9710 | Email | Website

Sant a Clara Count y Asian Law Alliance - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To educate and assist victims of fraudulent telecommunication practices in the Asian/Pacific Islander communities of Santa Clara County. 184 Jackson Street San Jose, CA 95112 Richard Konda Executive Director 408- 287- 9710 | Email | Website

Sant a Clara Count y Asian Law Alliance - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Asian Pacific Islanders and low income communities in Santa Clara County. 184 Jackson Street San Jose, CA 95112 Richard Konda Executive Director 408- 287- 9710 | Email | Website

Sant a Clara Universit y Cent er f or Science, Technology and Societ y $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To increase the participation of low- income people, people of color, limited- English proficient people, people with disabilities and rural residents in California on the municipal broadband policy debate. 500 El Camino Real Santa Clara, CA 85053

Chad Raphael Associate Professor 408- 551- 6027 | Email | Website

Search t o Involve Pilipino Americans - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To increase access to technology by Pilipino Americans in the Echo Park/Silverlake communities of Los Angeles County. 3200 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 Peter Corpus Director of Development & Communications 213- 382- 1819 | Email | Website

Search t o Involve Pilipino Americans - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide consumer information and advocacy on telecom issues to Pilipino Americans, Latinos, and other multi- ethnic residents of Historic Filipinotown in Los Angeles County. 3200 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026- 4522 Peter Corpus Director of Development & Communications 213- 382- 1819 | Email | Website

Search t o Involve Pilipino Americans - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide consumer information and advocacy on telecom issues to Pilipino Americans, Latinos, and other multi- ethnic residents of Historic Filipinotown in Los Angeles County. 3200 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 Peter Corpus Director of Development & Communications 213- 382- 1819 | Email | Website

Search t o Involve Pilipino Americans - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to primarily Filipino and Latino American in Los Angeles County. 3200 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 Peter Corpus Director of Development & Communications 213- 382- 1819 | Email | Website

Search t o Involve Pilipino Americans - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To increase the technological competency of youth, teens and/or adult through workshops/classes offered in the Pilipino Americans in the Echo Park/Silverlake communities of Los Angeles County. 3200 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026 Peter Corpus Director of Development & Communications 213- 382- 1819 | Email | Website

Search t o Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA) - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To provide computer, Internet, and technology access, orientation, training and education for low- to moderate- income Pilipino, Latino, and other ethnic minority youth, families, and individuals in multi- ethnic Historic Filipinotown and the greater Los Angeles Pilipino American community. 3200 West Temple Street Historic Filipinotown Los Angeles, CA 90026- 4522 Peter J. Corpus Director of Development & Communications 213- 382- 1819 | Email | Website

Search t o Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA) - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To provide increased access to Internet, and information technology training to Pilipino, Latino, and other ethnic minority youth, families, and individuals in multi- ethnic Historic Filipinotown and the Greater Los Angeles Pilipino- American community. 3200 West Temple Street Los Angeles, CA 90026- 4522 Peter J. Corpus Director of Development & Communications 213- 382- 1819 | Email | Website

Self -Help f or t he Elderly - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Asian immigrant seniors in San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties. 407 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Anni Chung Interim Director 415- 677- 7667 | Email | Website

Self -Help f or t he Elderly - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Asian immigrant seniors in San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties. 407 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Anni Chung Interim Director 415- 677- 7667 | Email | Website

Self -Help f or t he Elderly - $40,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Asian immigrant seniors in San Francisco, San Mateo, and Santa Clara Counties. 407 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Anni Chung Interim Director 415- 677- 7667 | Email | Website

Self -Help f or t he Elderly - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To strengthen the capacity of nonprofit organiz ations to advocate on behalf of telecom services and policies that are more responsive to low- income, limited English proficient consumers in California. 407 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Ella Lee Center Director 415- 677- 7667 | Email | Website

Self -Help f or t he Elderly - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To bridge the digital divide by providing technological education, material and support tailored to the cultural needs of Asian Pacific Islander seniors who live in the San Francisco Bay Area 407 Sansome Street San Francisco, CA 94111 Ella Lee TIE Program Manager 415- 677- 7529 | Email | Website

Senior Act ion Net work - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001


To educate and organiz e seniors in San Franciso through an Internet, web- based organiz ing effort. To create a web portal for 20 senior community groups where they can create and host their own websites. To arrange free email for up to 2,000 seniors. 1370 Mission St., 3rd Fl San Francisco, CA 94103 Bruce Lee Livingston Executive Director 415- 863- 2033 | Email | Website

Senior Advocacy Cent er of Nort hern Calif ornia - $5,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2005
To increase access for mostly low- income, rural senior citiz ens to legal, long- term care and health insurance information. 1647 Hartnell Ave Ste 6 Redding, CA 96002 Betty Young Fiscal Officer 530- 223- 6979 | Email | Website

Senior Legal Hot line - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2004

To obtain an advanced hotline phone system to better answer legal questions for seniors, especially limited- English speakers and the disabled, statewide. 515 12th St. Sacramento, CA 95814 David Mandel Supervising Attorney 916- 551- 2145 | Email | Website

Senior Legal Hot line/Legal Services of Nor. Calif . - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To expand the capacity and increase quality and efficiency of service by developing a sophisticated intranet with legal and resource information, much of it to be shared with advocates

at senior legal services partner agencies statewide and as a model for similar programs in other states. 444 North 3rd Street, Ste. 312 Sacramento, CA 95811 David L. Mandel Program manager & supervising attorney 916- 551- 2145 | Email | Website

Sensory Access Foundat ion - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To assist people who are blind or visually impaired to obtain or retain competitive employment by providing the highest quality access technology assessment, computer training, job placement and accommodation services. 300 W. Iowa Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Diana Drews Executive Director 408- 245- 7330 | Email | Website

Sensory Access Foundat ion - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer access and training to the blind or visually impaired and to assist them in keeping their jobs through the use of accessible technology. 300 W. Iowa Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Diana Drews Executive Director 408- 245- 7330 | Email | Website

Sensory Access Foundat ion - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To assist people who are blind or visually impaired to obtain or retain competitive employment by providing the highest quality access technology assessment, computer training, job

placement and accommodation services. 300 W. Iowa Avenue Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Diana L. Drews Executive Director/CEO 408- 245- 7330 | Email | Website

Societ y f or t he Blind - $27,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To promote access by young people with visual disabilities (ages 12- 18 years) to technology tools and services utiliz ed by the general population. 2750 24th St. Sacramento, CA 95818 Kevin Duggan Executive Director 916- 452- 8271 | Email | Website

Sout h Asian Net work - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To translate and provide telecommunication consumer education and protection information for South Asians (Bangla, Hindi, Urdu) in Southern California. 18173 S. Pioneer Blvd Artesia, CA 90701 Hamid Khan Executive Director 562- 403- 0488 | Email | Website

Sout h Asian Net work - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To translate and provide telecommunications consumer education and protection information for South Asians (Bangla, Hindi, Urdu) in Southern California. 18173 S. Pioneer Blvd., Suite I Artesia , CA 90701

Hamid Khan Executive Director 562- 403- 0488 | Email | Website

Sout heast Asian Communit y Alliance - $26,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To build the capacity of Southeast Asian community to utiliz e technology as a tool to advocate, educate and organiz e communities in the struggle for social, economic and racial justice. 1145 Wilshire Blvd., Ste 100 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Sissy Trinh Director 213- 241- 0241 | Email | Website

Sout heast Asian Communit y Alliance - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To strengthen the capacity of Latino and Southeast Asian youth to utiliz e technology as a tool to advocate, educate and organiz e communities in the struggle for social, economic and racial justice. 970 N. Broadway, Suite 209 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Sissy Nga Trinh Director 213- 628- 8667 | Email | Website

Sout heast Asian Communit y Alliance - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide low- income students with increased literacy and self- expression skills through digital media and the development of critical analysis skills on how mass media and technology impact their personal and community health. 970 North Broadway, Suite 209 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Sissy Nga Trinh Director

213- 628- 8667 | Email | Website

Sout hern Calif ornia Library - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To provide residents of South Los Angeles with increased access to basic and advanced technology and media training through the implementation of enhanced telecommunications capacity at the Southern California Library. 6120 S. Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90044 Michele Welsing Communications Director 323- 759- 6063 | Email | Website

Sout hern Calif ornia Library - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide increased access to the history of community change and the struggle of marginaliz ed communities in Southern California through the implementation of a web content development program. 6120 S. Vermont Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90044 Michele Welsing Communications Director 323- 759- 6063 | Email | Website

Sout hern Calif ornia Library - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2010

to expand access by teachers, students, and community- based organiz ations to the unique collections on Los Angeles community history through an enhanced, interactive website and a pilot a rich media, e- learning component. 6120 S. Vermont Avenue Los Angeles CA 90044 Michele Welsing Communications Director

323- 759- 6063 X15 | Email | Website

Sout hern Mono Healt hcare Dist rict (Mammot h Hospit al) - $37,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
to purchase the equipment necessary to develop a teleradiology program known as the Picture Archival and Communication System (PACS). PO Box 100 PMB 160 Mammoth Lakes, CA 93546 Greg Bissonette Grant Writer 760- 924- 4128 | Email | Website

SSG/PALS f or Healt h - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to utiliz e Video Medical Interpretation to increase access to culturally sensitive and linguistically appropriate health care services for limited English proficient health care consumers of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles (CHLA). 605 W. Olympic Blvd, Suite 600 Los Angeles, CA 90015 Anita Hong- Ha Le Program Director 213- 553- 1818 | Email | Website

St . Francis Cent er - $5,000 / mont hs Awarded 2009

to increase access to advanced digital media applications and related computer training by middle- and high- school youth and their families residing in Downtown Los Angeles. 1835 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 Sylvia Quintero Development Director 213- 747- 5347 | Email | Website

St . Francis Cent er - $5,000 / mont hs Awarded 2009

to increase access to advanced digital media applications and related computer training by middle- and high- school youth and their families residing in Downtown Los Angeles 1835 S. Hope Street Los Angeles, CA 90015 Sylvia Quintero Development Director 213- 747- 5347 | Email | Website

St . Joseph Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide Internet access and training to low- income Hispanic families and individuals in Venice, California. 204 Hampton Drive Venice, CA 90291 Rhonda Meister Executive Director 310- 396- 6468 | Email | Website

St . Joseph Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001

To support the Vocational Development Project, which includes office and computer skills training for adults and access to technology for at- risk youth. 204 Hampton Dr. Venice, CA 90391 Diann Tyau Assistant Director of Development 310- 396- 6468 | Email | Website

St . Luke's Episcopal Church - $20,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2005
To offer a telecommunications outreach and training program to address: The need for culturally and linguistically responsive training programs, the limited opportunities for low- income, immigrant and English Language Learners in Long Beach. 525 East 7th Street Long Beach, CA 90813 Gary Commins Rector 562- 436- 4047 | Email | Website

St . Madeleine Sophie's Training Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide training for disabled clients with proper assistive technology and computer technology for greater dexterity, socializ ation outcomes, job preparedness and quality of life. 2119 East Madison Ave. El Cajon, CA 92019 Jane Walstrom, CFRE Senior Development Director 619- 749- 1780 | Email | Website

St ephens Middle School - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To increase the academic success of low- income, culturally diverse urban public school students through the use of computer technology and training. 1830 West Columbia Street Long Beach, CA 90810 Shivaun Williams Principal 562- 595- 0841 | Email | Website

St ephens Middle School - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007


To increase the academic success of low- income, culturally diverse urban public school students through the use of computer technology and training. 1830 West Columbia Street Long Beach, CA 90810 Shivaun Williams Principal 562- 595- 0841 | Email | Website

St one Soup Fresno - $5,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To implement a significant technology upgrade to increase the efficiency of service and accountability for program delivery to the isolated Southeast Asian refugee community in Fresno County. 1345 El. Bulldog Lane, #4 Fresno, CA 93726 MaiKa Yang Development/Training Officer 559- 224- 7613 | Email | Website

St rat egic Act ion f or a Just Economy (SAJE) - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To provide low- income, limited- English proficient communities in Central Los Angeles with increased economic opportunities through employment training that emphasiz es utiliz ation of technology. 152 W. 32nd St. Los Angeles, CA 90007 Beverley Keefe Development Director 213- 745- 9961 | Email | Website

St rat egic Act ions f or a Just Economy (SAJE) - $28,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide low- income communities in Los Angeles with increased economic opportunities

through employment training that emphasiz es utiliz ation of technology. 152 West 32nd St Los Angeles, CA 90007 Beverley Keefe Development Director 213- 745- 9961 | Email | Website

St reet Tech - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer technology training to underserved adults in West Contra Costa County; to refurbish and distribute donated computers; and to replace graduates in a entry level jobs in spin- off business, Relia- Tech. 2300 El Portal Dr. Suite F & G San Pablo, CA 94806 Barrie Hathaway Executive Director 510- 234- 1300 | Email | Website

St reet Tech - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To provide technology training that will create economic self- sufficiency among unemployed and underemployed adults. 2300 El Portal Dr. Suite F & G San Pablo, CA 94806 Barrie Hathaway Executive Director 510- 234- 1300 | Email | Website

St reet side St ories - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To give underserved youth access to high- quality media arts curriculum that will build technology and academic skills, opening the doors to opportunity.


1360 Mission Street, Ste 200 San Francisco. CA 94103 Linda Johnson Executive Director 415- 864- 5221 | Email | Website

St reet side St ories - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To give underserved youth access to high- quality media arts curriculum that will build technology and academic skills, opening the doors to opportunity. 1360 Mission Street, Ste 200 San Francisco, CA 94103 Linda Johnson Executive Director 415- 864- 5221 | Email | Website

St reet side St ories - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to build technology and literacy skills through digital media, story- based programs and teacher technology training that will engage urban, underserved students in learning. 3130 20th St., Suite 311 San Francisco, CA 94110 Linda Johnson Executive Director 415- 864- 5221 | Email | Website

Su Casa ~ Ending Domest ic Violence - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To improve the efficiency of service and accountability for program delivery through updated software, training and telecommunications networking of remote sites to domestic violence victims and their children. 3840 Woodruff Ave., Ste. 203 Long Beach, CA 90808


Vicki Doolittle Interim Executive Director 562- 421- 6537 | Email | Website

Su Casa ~ Ending Domest ic Violence - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to improve the delivery of services to domestic violence victims through the implementation of an improved and networked client data collection and coordination system. 3840 Woodruff Ave, Suite 203 Long Beach, CA 90808 Nicolassa Galvez Grants Manager 562- 421- 8096 | Email | Website

Sunburst Project s - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To replace and update database system, enhance the agency website, and create an online chatroom for families with children living with HIV/AIDS. 2 Padre Parkway, Suite 106 Rohnert Park, CA 94928 Geri Brooks Executive Director 707- 588- 9477 | Email | Website

Suscol Int ert ribal Council - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To increase the economic stability of American Indian women through small business and technology education resulting in online businesses. P.O. Box 5386 Napa, CA 94581 Ms. Charlie Toledo Director 707- 256- 3561 | Email | Website


TCU Communit y Part nership, Inc. - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

TCU has a commitment to underserved residents and small businesses in rural and isolated areas of San Bernardino and Riverside Counties (its targeted population). TCU has established an effective network in order to develop and create access to resources . 1040 S. Mt. Vernon Ave., Ste G- 193 Colton, CA 92324 Luvina Beckley Project Manager 909- 844- 2395 | Email | Website

TCU Communit y Part nership, Inc. - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To increase the utiliz ation of telecommunications and technology and e- commerce resources by low to moderate income minority entrepreneurs and individuals residing in San Bernardino and Riverside County. 1040 S. Mt Vernon Ave., Ste G- 193 Colton, CA 92324 Luvina Beckley Project Management 951- 682- 4646 | Email | Website

TEAMS - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To help high risk, low- income Samoan youth engage their community through digital storytellingbased health promotion and information technology. 2832 Summit Street, 2nd Floor Oakland, CA 94609 Judith Rosenberg Executive Director 510- 286- 8940 | Email | Website

TEAMS - $20,000 / 12 mont hs


TEAMS - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To build financial self- reliance and mutually supportive communities by engaging low- income urban young adults with artistic and technological skills as passionate leaders who will learn about small business, advanced technology and financial literacy. 2832 Summit St., 2nd Floor Oakland, CA 94609 Judith Rosenberg Executive Director 510- 286- 8940 | Email | Website

Technology Training Foundat ion of America - $13,800 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To refurbish high- end computers and donate them to schools and non- profit organiz ations in underserved communities in California. 8817 Production Ave. San Diego, CA 92121 Jeanette Roache President 858- 547- 3992 | Email | Website

Telet rut h / Ut ilit y Consumers Act ion Net work - $32,500 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2004
To conduct a detailed survey of phone bills in San Diego and to prepare a summary report on FCC Truth in Billing violations, mistakes, overbilling, cross- subsidiz ation and questionable taxes. c/o UCAN San Diego, CA 92103 Bruce Kushnick Chairman 619- 696- 6966 | Email | Website

Thai Healt h and Inf ormat ion Services, Inc. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide telecom consumer education and information to the Thai community in Los Angeles County. 1717 N. Gramercy Place Hollywood, CA 90028 Nongyao Varanond Executive Director 323- 466- 5966 | Email | Website

The Blazer Yout h Services Communit y Club, Inc - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
To strengthen the capacity of an existing technology lab to offer staffed technology training to increased numbers of young adults and community- based organiz ations in South Los Angeles. 1517 W. 48th St. Los Angeles, CA 90062 Carlton Davenport Executive Director 323- 292- 2261 | Email | Website

The Freedom Bound Cent er Sol Collect ive - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To empower youth and adults of limited resources by improving acess to technology and providing training in order to use telecommunications and digital media arts to promote and market their artistic work. P.O. Box 189265 Sacramento, CA 95820 Estella Sanchez Executive Director 916- 410- 1256 | Email | Website

The Greenlining Inst it ut e - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To cultivate a diverse generation of socially responsible media professionals with the skills,

tools, knowledge and passion to shed light on the issues most relevant to underserved and lowincome communities through media technology training. 1918 University Ave, 2nd Floor Berkeley, CA 94704 Braelan Murray Multimedia Academy Director 510- 898- 2063 | Email | Website

The Inst it ut e, dba EDUCATE L.A. - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

To provide improved access to education and career preparation resources through the expansion of the use of an interactive bi- lingual website to students and parents in low- income communities in Long Beach. 4401 W. Slauson Avenue, Ste. 157 Los Angeles, CA 90043- 2717 Eric Moore Executive Director 310- 645- 0188 | Email | Website

The Inst it ut e, Inc. dba EDUCATE L.A. - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To promote parental participation in their childrens education through the utiliz ation of an enhanced Web- based educational program. 4401 W. Slauson Avenue, Suite 157 Los Angeles, CA 90043 Eric L. Moore Executive Director 310- 645- 0188 | Email | Website

The Media Aid Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to expand the diversity and distribution network available to residents of South Los Angeles through the development and implementation of a community- driven website to disseminate

news and information. 7862 S. Western Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90047- 2727 Martin Cheeseborough Executive Director 323- 751- 9000 | Email | Website

The Saban Free Clinic (f ormerly The Los Angeles Free Clinic) - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to halt and reverse the progress of diabetic retinopathy among low- income, urban diabetic patients through early detection using teleophthalmolgy. 8405 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048 Shannon Cisch Director of Development 323- 330- 1656 | Email | Website

The SAGE Project , Inc. - $9,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide technology access and training to 250 survivors of prostitution in the Bay Area. 1385 Mission Street, Suite 300 San Francisco, CA 94110 Andrea Dooley Chief Operating Officer 415- 551- 0497 | Email | Website

The St ride Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to expand the Stride Centers successful technology training into Sacramento and Santa Clara Counties to facilitate economic self- sufficiency among unemployed and underemployed adults.

2300 El Portal Drive, Suite F&G San Pablo, CA 94806 Michelle Shutz er Associate Director 510- 234- 1300 | Email | Website

The St udio - $2,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2008

To increase the capacity of the Studio through the purchase of computer equipment to increase the number of people with development al disabilities who are able to learn to educate and advocate through filmmaking. 1707 E Street Eureka, CA 95501 Shelley Mitchell Fund Development Director 707- 443- 7077 | Email | Website

The Ut ilit y Ref orm Net work - $25,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2001
To represent consumer interests during the state electric crisis by mobiliz ing TURN's membership base and educating the public about out- of- state corporations making windfall energy profits in California by manipulating of market power. 711 Van Ness Ave., Ste. 350 San Francisco, CA 94102 Nettie Hoge Executive Director 415- 929- 8876 | Email | Website

Tierra del Sol Foundat ion - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to enable developmentally disabled adults to use technology to gain personal empowerment, advance their independent living skills, and discover and develop their talents and abilities. 9919 Sunland Blvd. Sunland, CA 91040

Gail Peters Director of Development 818- 352- 1419 | Email | Website

Transf ormat ion t hrough Educat ion and Mut ual Support (TEAMS) - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2001
To develop a practical, cost- effective technology plan, through a participatory community- based process lead by resident facilitators, designed to help low- income residents develop and advance their own community building agendas. 3540 Grand Ave. Oakland, CA 94610 Judith Rosenberg Executive Director 510- 286- 8940 | Email | Website

Truevine Communit y Out reach Inc - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide youth and their families who live in Lynwood, Paramount, and Compton with continued access to computer education and related instruction. 5238 Clark St / POB 1750 Lynwood, CA 90262 Rev. John Hopkins Executive Director 310- 635- 4300 | Email | Website

Tulare Dist rict Hospit al - $42,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To improve the respiratory health of rural, Latino farm- worker children using telemedicine- based asthma monitoring units. 869 Cherry Street Tulare, CA 93274 Dawn Wells Grant Writer

559- 816- 3612 | Email | Website

Tulare Dist rict Hospit al - $42,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To improve the respiratory health of rural, Hispanic, low- income middle school students using a telehealth- based asthma monitoring unit. 869 Cherry Street Tulare, CA 93274 Teresa Menez es Foundation Director 559- 685- 3448 | Email | Website

TURN - The Ut ilit y Ref orm Net work - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To demonstrate widespread public support for price protections, and preservation of features of home phone service, including essential calling, emergency access, privacy rights, and information retrieval to policy makers. 711 Van Ness Ave., Ste. 350 San Francisco, CA 94102 Mark W. Toney, Ph.D. Executive Director 415- 929- 8876 | Email | Website

TURN The Ut ilit y Ref orm Net work - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to demonstrate widespread public support for price protections and preservation of features of Lifeline phone service for low- income consumers in California, including unlimited local calling, emergency access, and privacy rights. 115 Sansome Street, 9th Floor San Francisco, CA 94104 Mark Toney Executive Director 415- 929- 8876 | Email | Website

UCAN Ut ilit y Act ion Net work - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To strengthen the capacity of nonprofit organiz ations to advocate on behalf of telecom services and policies that are more responsive to low- income, limited English proficient communities in California. 3100 5th Ave., Ste. B San Diego, CA 92103 Michael Shames Executive Director 619- 696- 6966 | Email | Website

UCAN Ut ilit y Act ion Net work - $34,000 / mont hs Awarded 2008
To develop a model that can be used by advocates and the state that highlights the policies and practices of telecom companies that negatively impact consumers, particularly in California. 3100 Fifth Ave., Suite B San Diego, CA 92103 Michael Shames Executive Director 619- 696- 6966 | Email | Website

Unit ed Cambodian Communit y, Inc. - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To train at- risk youth on computers, specializ ing in website design and employment skills. 2338 East Anaheim Street, Suite200 Long Beach, CA 90804 Mike Puaai Executive Director 562- 433- 2490 | Email | Website

Ut ilit y Consumers Act ion Net work - $50,000 / 6 mont hs


Awarded 2005
To continue UCANs role as lead Agency for the CTR project, and assist in the 2006 close out of the project. 3100 5th Ave., Ste. B San Diego, CA 92103 Michael Shames Executive Director 619- 696- 6966 | Email | Website

Ut ilit y Consumers Act ion Net work - $100,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To work with LIF to wind- down and document all aspects of the Communities for Telecom Rights Project. 3100 5th Ave., Ste. B San Diego, CA 92103 Michael Shames Executive Director 619- 696- 6966 | Email | Website

Ut ilit y Consumers Act ion Net work - $130,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
The goal is to develop a resource center and clearinghouse available without charge to help create a more level playing field for consumers and consumer attorneys against well- funded telecommunications companies. 3100 Fifth Ave., Ste B San Diego, CA 92103 Michael Shames Executive Director 619- 696- 6966 | Email | Website

Ut ilit y Consumers Act ion Net work - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To work with the Foundation and other lead agencies to implement the TCPF Coordinated Campaign. 3100 5th Ave., Ste. B San Diego, CA 92103 Michael Shames Executive Director 619- 696- 6966 | Email | Website

Ut ilit y Consumers Act ion Net work - $25,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2001
To represent consumer interests during the state electric crisis by advocating at the legislative level for a state buy- out of electric transmission lines. 3100 5th Ave., Ste. B San Diego, CA 92103 Michael Shames Executive Director 619- 696- 6966 | Email | Website

Venice Art s: In Neighborhoods - $30,000 / 10 mont hs Awarded 2010

to provide access to a library of educational materials, links to teaching and research resources, and a peer- driven, interactive forum that will support nonprofit organiz ations and educators interested in building the quality and impact of their technology- and media- based educational programs targeting under- served, low- income youth. 610 California Avenue Venice CA 90291 Lynn Warshafsky Executive Director 310- 578- 1745 | Email | Website

Venice Art s: In Neighborhoods - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To expand a program that utiliz es advanced graphic arts/telecommunication training to

encourage youth from low- income communities in Venice and surrounding beach communities to pursue professional opportunities in the technology field. 610 California Ave. Venice, CA 90291 Lynn Warshafsky Executive Director 310- 578- 1745 | Email | Website

Venice Art s: In Neighborhoods - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To increase utiliz ation of advanced graphic arts/telecommunications applications and pursuit of professional opportunities in related fields by youth from low- income communities in Venice and surrounding beach communities. 610 California Ave. Venice, CA 90291 Lynn Warshafsky Executive Director 310- 578- 1745 | Email | Website

Venice Art s: In Neighborhoods - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To increase utiliz ation of advanced graphic arts/telecommunications applications and pursuit of professional opportunities in related fields by youth from low- income communities in Venice and surrounding beach communities. 610 California Ave. Venice, CA 90291 Lynn Warshafsky Executive Director 310- 578- 1745 | Email | Website

Venice Art s: In Neighborhoods - $5,275 / mont hs Awarded 2009

To host a daylong convening and followup meeting with a small group of interested and

able CBOs to identify strategies to develop or expand youth media art programs for lowincome youth in the greater Los Angeles area. 610 California Avenue Venice, CA 90291 Lynn Warshafsky Executive Director 310- 578- 1745 | Email | Website

Venice Art s: In Neighborhoods - $45,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to strengthen the ability of low- income youth and their parents residing in Venice and the surrounding communities to understand and utiliz e media arts and technology as a tool to enhance their ability to obtain improved academic and vocational opportunities. 610 California Ave Venice, CA 90291 Lynn Warshafsky Executive Director 310- 578- 1745 | Email | Website

Vent ura Count y Communit y Foundat ion - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to support technologically- literate nonprofit organiz ations and enhance technology- related skills among nonprofit employees, Board members and volunteers in Ventura County. 1317 Del Norte Road, Suite 150 Camarillo, CA 93010 Dena Jenson Vice- President & Director, Center for Nonprof 805- 988- 0196 | Email | Website

Vent ura Count y Communit y Foundat ion/Resource Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To improve and increase the utiliz ation of technology by nonprofit organiz ations located in

Ventura County through the delivery of high quality technology assessments and assistance. 1317 Del Norte Rd, Ste 150 Camarillo, CA 93010 Dena Johnson Vice President/ Director Resource Center 805- 988- 0196 | Email | Website

Vent ura Count y Communit y Foundat ion/Resource Cent er - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To increase the effective utiliz ation of technology by nonprofit organiz ations located in Ventura County through the delivery of high quality technology assessments and assistance. 1317 Del Norte Road, Suite 150 Camarillo, CA 93010 Dena Jenson Vice President/Director Resource Center 805- 988- 0196 | Email | Website

Veronica's Home of Mercy - $6,200 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To increase the capacity and to provide homeless mothers with the ability to obtain a General Equivalency Degree (GED) via the purchase of up- to- date internet connected computer technology. 1476 W, 6th Street San Bernardino, CA 92411 Adrienne Schubert Administrator 909- 889- 2558 | Email | Website

Vict ory Resource Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To assist and educate limited- English speaking Latino consumers in San Bernardino and Riverside counties about abusive and fraudulent telecommunication issues.

POB 5515 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Jose Arias, Jr. Director 909- 383- 0795 | Email | Website

Vict ory Resource Cent er - $4,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To assist and educate limited- English speaking Latino consumers in San Bernardino and Riverside counties about abusive and fraudulent telecommunication issues. POB 5515 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Jose Bustamante Program Manager 909- 383- 0795 | Email | Website

Vict ory Resource Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to minority and non- English speaking people in San Bernardino County. POB 5515 San Bernardino, CA 92412 Jose Bustamante Program Manager 909- 383- 0795 | Email | Website

Viet namese Communit y of Orange Count y - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide information about telecom marketing abuses, and telecom consumer rights, and to provide assistance and referral services covering telecom complaints to Vietnamese individuals and families in Orange County. 1618 W. First Street Santa Ana, CA 92703

Anh Nguyen Interim Director of Operations 714- 558- 6009 | Email | Website

Viet namese Communit y of Orange Count y, Inc. - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to Vietnamese people in Orange County. 1618 W. First Street Santa Ana, CA 92703 Anh Nguyen Interim Director of Operation 714- 558- 6009 | Email | Website

Viet namese Communit y of Orange Count y, Inc. (VNCOC) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To educate consumers about telecom marketing abuses, and telecom rights, and to provide information, assistance and referral to Vietnamese consumers regarding telecommunications grievances or complaints in Orange County. 1618 W. First Street Santa Ana, CA 92703 Anh Nguyen Interim Director of Operations 714- 558- 6009 | Email | Website

Viet namese Yout h Development Cent er - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To expand an existing technology lab program by providing greater access to academic support and job preparation training for youth in the Tenderloin. 150 Eddy Street San Francisco, CA 94102 Judy Young Executive Director

415- 771- 2600 | Email | Website

Visible Light , Inc. - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer access and multi- media training to Native Americans in Ventura and Santa Barbara Counties. P.O. Box 325 Buellton, CA 93427 Silvia Tyndall Education Director 805- 686- 1647 | Email | Website

Visit ing Nurse Associat ion of t he Inland Count ies - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006
To maximiz e the skills of nursing staff, increase the quality of patient care and the number of patients seen through point- of- care technology. 42600 Cook Street Palm Desert, CA 92211 Susan Dollemore Grants Manager 760- 346- 3982 | Email | Website

Wat sonville Law Cent er - $20,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To provide education and advocacy to low- income Spanish- speaking communities in Santa Cruz , Monterey, and San Benito counties on consumer issues relating to the sale and use of telecommunication products and services. 521 Main Street, Suite H Watsonville, CA 95076 Dori Rose Inda Center Director 831- 722- 2845 | Email | Website


Wat sonville Law Cent er - $22,500 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To educate low- income, vulnerable communities on their rights under the new Car Buyers Bill of Rights. 521 Main Street, Suite H Watsonville, CA 95076 Dori Rose Inda Center Director 831- 722- 2845 | Email | Website

Wat sonville Law Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To address consumer issues relating to the sale and use of telecommunication products and services by low- income Spanish- speaking communities in Santa Cruz , Monterey, and San Benito counties. 521 Main Street, Suite H Watsonville, CA 95076 Dori Rose Inda Center Director 831- 722- 2845 | Email | Website

Wat sonville Law Cent er - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to limited English or nonEnglish speaking primarily Latino families in Santa Cruz , Monterey, San Benito Counties. 521 Main Street, Suite H Watsonville, CA 95076 Dori Rose Inda Center Director 831- 722- 2845 | Email | Website

Wat sonville Law Cent er - $25,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2007
To enhance the delivery of services and build program partnerships through the development ofa new an interactive website. 521 Main Street, Suite H Watsonville, CA 95076 Dori Rose Inda Executive Director 831- 722- 2845 | Email | Website

Wat t s Labor Communit y Act ion Commit t ee - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004
To provide basic computer skills training and computer repair to disadvantaged individuals in Los Angeles. 10950 South Central Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90059 Dr. Messel Negash Technical Service Director 323- 563- 5639 | Email | Website

West Valley Boys & Girls Club - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To expand an existing technology lab program to accommodate the specific needs of teens in the Canoga Park community. 7245 Remmet Ave Canoga Park, CA 91303 Kelsy Maruyama Vice President 818- 610- 1054 | Email | Website

West Valley Boys & Girls Club - $32,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to expand the digital arts program in the areas of music, film, photography and graphic arts as

possible careers for the organiz ations teens. 7245 Remmet Street Canoga Park, CA 91303 Kelsy Maruyama Vice President 818- 610- 1054 | Email | Website

West Valley Boys and Girls Club - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005
To provide computer training and access to our members and help them improve their grades, obtain new skills, explore career options, and learn researching capabilities 7245 Remmet Ave. Canoga Park, CA 91304 Kelsy Maruyama Executive Director 818- 610- 1054 | Email | Website

West ern Regional Council - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide registration fees for 100 primarily African American parents to attend a conference in Los Angeles on practical ways to educate children with math, science and technology. 7945 Oceanus Dr. Los Angeles, CA 90046 Doris Dillard President 323- 936- 0112 | Email | Website

West side Tule Ent erprise Communit y - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008
To provide an opportunity for 70 area youth to learn marketable skills in graphic arts/media technology and improve the computer application skills needed to achieve educational, vocational and economic goals.


7324 N. Dearing Ave. Huron, CA 93720 Becky Barabe Executive Director 559- 824- 3730 | Email | Website

West side Yout h, Inc. - $15,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To increase the acedemic aptitude and access of youth to technology. 1709 Seventh St Mendota, CA 93640 Nancy Daniel Executive Director 559- 655- 4808 | Email | Website

West side Yout h, Inc. - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To provide computer access and training to Hispanic students and their families and other lowincome people of Mendota, Ca. 1709 Seventh Street Mendota, CA 93640 Nancy Daniel Executive Director 559- 655- 4808 | Email | Website

Women At Work - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To provide women in the Pasadena community with improved access to employment training and job support on state- of- the art telecommunications and technology equipment and software. 3871 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, CA 91107 Robin McCarthy Executive Director 626- 796- 6870 | Email | Website

Women Organizing Resources Knowledge & Services (WORKS) - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009
to enhance the educational and economic opportunities of youth at Los Angeles affordable housing developments in Highland Village and the surrounding community through the delivery of advanced technology training at two onsite- technology labs. 1139 West 6th Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 Enrique Vergara Senior Enriched Social Services Coordinator 213- 202- 3930 | Email | Website

Women Organizing Resources, Knowledge and Services - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007
To enhance the educational and economic opportunities of residents at two Los Angeles affordable housing developments through the delivery of quality technology training at two onsite- technology labs. 1139 West 6th Street Los Angeles, CA 90017 Nancy Gomez Director of Supportive Services 213- 202- 3930 | Email | Website

Women's & Children's Crisis Shelt er - $5,000 / 6 mont hs Awarded 2006

To increase the accessibility of advocacy services on behalf of women, children and people with disabilities who are victims of domestic and other violence through the installation of improved telecommunication systems. 10007 S. Cole Road Whittier, CA 90603


Judith Gordon Executive Director 562- 945- 3937 | Email | Website

Women's Economic Vent ures - $10,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide increased access by low- income women seeking self- employment to high quality business training and information through the upgrade and expansion of an interactive educational website. 333 S. Salinas Street Santa Barbara, CA 93103 Marsha Bailey CEO 805- 965- 6073 | Email | Website

World Privacy Forum - $75,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To conduct more extensive research on the incidence of medical identity theft and to educate consumers and health providers on how to effectively address this issue. 2033 San Elijo Ave #402 San Diego, CA 92007 Pam Dixon Executive Director 760- 436- 2489 | Email | Website

World Privacy Forum - $75,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To conduct research and a consumer education campaign on the significant privacy issues associated with genetic testing offered directly to California consumers over the Internet. 2033 San Elijo Ave., #402 Cardiff by the Sea, CA 92007 Pam Dixon Executive Director 760- 436- 2489 | Email | Website

YMCA of Great er Long Beach - $20,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To utiliz e telecommunications/technology as a tool to promote positive youth development that enhances academic success and career readiness of low- income middle school students in Long Beach. 525 E. 7th Street Long Beach, CA 90813 Bob Cabez a Executive Director 562- 624- 5474 | Email | Website

YMCA of Great er Long Beach - $25,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2004

To improve technology skills of 70 low- income, culturally diverse, urban high school students in Long Beach. 525 E. 7th Street Long Beach, CA 90813 Lenore Gabel Development Director 562- 624- 5470 | Email | Website

YMCA of Great er Long Beach - $51,000 / mont hs Awarded 2008

"To increase the awareness of and utiliz ation by technology- related programs of ""best practices"" of privacy and safety strategies within social networks, cell phone texting and Internet usage generally" 525 E. 7th Street, #20033 Long Beach, CA 90720 Bob Cabez a Executive Director 562- 624- 5474 | Email | Website


Yout h Advocacy Council - $35,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To promote healthy relationships, and provide peer mental health support and resources online for Asian Pacific Islander youth. 1188 Franklin St., Ste 202 San Francisco, CA 94109 Julie Hatta Development Director 415- 567- 6255 | Email | Website

Yout h Cent ers of America - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to provide an opportunity for rural, Central Valley youth to learn marketable skills in graphic arts, media and computer technology necessary to obtain jobs and achieve their educational, vocational and economic goals through partnerships with local business owners and other agencies. 580 Tulare Street Parlier, CA 93648 Eduardo Gonz alez Director of Youth Services/Grants 559- 519- 9823 | Email | Website

Yout h Radio - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2008

To expand the media training department in order to increase opportunities for youth to participate in Youth Radios Web- based social messaging work. 1701 Broadway Oakland, CA 94612 Jacinda Abcarian Executive Director 510- 251- 1101 | Email | Website

Yout h Radio - $40,000 / 10 mont hs


Awarded 2010
to increase Broadband accessibility and literacy among low- income youth and/or youth of color in the Greater Bay Area by providing training in cutting- edge technology coupled with career development and academic support services. 1701 Broadway Oakland CA 94612 Jacinda Abcarian Executive Director 510- 251- 1101 | Email | Website

Yurok Tribe - $12,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2006

To improve emergency telecommunication systems for resident safety on the Yurok Reservation. 190 Klamath Blvd. Klamath, CA 95548 Lebecca Nassier Planner: Grants 707- 482- 1350 | Email | Website

Yurok Tribe - $50,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009

to construct two telecommunication towers on the Yurok Reservation and the infrastructure to support education, internet access, telephone service, and Public Safety emergency communications, and broadband service in currently un- served communities of Del Norte and Humboldt Counties. 190 Klamath Boulevard P.O. Box 1027 Klamath, CA 95548 Paul Romero Information Technician 707- 482- 1350 | Email | Website

Zeum - $25,000 / 12 mont hs


Awarded 2006
To improve underserved youth reading, writing, speaking, and decision- making skills through creative technology not readily available or taught in schools. 221 Fourth Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Winnie Chu Director of Development 415- 820- 3342 | Email | Website

Zeum - $21,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2005

To provide telecommunications consumer education and assistance to low- income youth and familes, particulalry women and girls, by using innovative arts and technology- based processes and culturally relevant messages and outreach mechanisms. 221 Fourth Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Adrienne Pon Chief Executive Officer 415- 820- 3333 | Email | Website

Zeum - $30,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2007

To provide low- income youth with access to culturally- relevant new media training that will help them build workplace skills, express their opinions, and advocate for their interests. 221 Fourth Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Audrey Yamamoto Director of Programs & Experience 415- 820- 3325 | Email | Website

Zeum - $40,000 / 12 mont hs Awarded 2009


to expose underserved San Francisco youth to positive shared experiences, collaborations, and ultimately to have increased self- confidence in their ability to express and advocate for themselves through digital communications media. 221 Fourth Street San Francisco, CA 94103 Michael Noblez a Director of Development 415- 820- 3350 | Email | Website


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