Lecture 12 Certification of Eco Tourism

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TIES online offers a professional Certificate in Sustainable Tourism Management, which is awarded jointly by The International Ecotourism Society (TIES) and the George Washington University (GWU). This program has been developed through a partnership with the GWU's International Institute of Tourism Studies, which has provided professional tourism education for nearly ten years.

Sustainable Tourism Assessment and Development Sustainable Tourism Destination Marketing Electronic Marketing and Internet

Applications (currently not available) Ecotourism Management Ecolodge Development Environmental Management for Destinations Tourist Guide Techniques Coastal and Marine Ecotourism Cultural Heritage Tourism Community-Based Tourism


The rapid growth of tourism worldwide has created many challenges and opportunities for established and emerging tourism destinations. This course looks at how to conduct a tourism assessment to examine tourism potential, and how to measure the potential costs and benefits of a tourism development program.

Course topics include:

Expand economic development in your destination Develop a community leadership model Compile visitor profiles and economic impact data Survey resident attitudes regarding tourism and its development Conduct visioning and goal setting activities with your

Assess tourism potential using a demand-driven marketing

Conduct a preliminary competitive-advantage analysis, using

attraction and facility inventory techniques

Identify potential projects that contribute to economic

development or investment promotion goals

Implement social, economic, and environmental project analyses Establish strategic alliances and partnerships



A practical, intensive, idea-packed approach to marketing tourism destinations. Examine how and why tourists make destination choices, and learn how to develop a strategic marketing system that emphasizes your destination's distinctive appeal. The course features case studies, and practical tips for stretching marketing dollars through better monitoring, cost controls and evaluation.

Course topics include:

Identify and attract profitable market segments Create appeals that resonate with visitor benefits Establish strategic alliances and public-private

Prepare an action-oriented marketing plan Spot opportunities in tourist spending patterns Track preferences of target visitors Add value to natural and cultural attractions Create and link attractions together Benchmark and counter competitor strategies Measure the performance of your marketing campaign Determine your return on your marketing investment

Ecotourism has proven to be an economically

Course Topics Include:

Understand the basic elements of ecotourism, the market

and market trends

Assess the potential of individual and group ecotourist

viable alternative for attracting tourism revenue without compromising local community values or degrading the environment. This course provides the tools needed by tourism planners, conservationists, businesses and communities to work together to develop ecotourism plans and products that will attract and accommodate the ecotourist while conserving natural resources and benefiting local people. Designed to help you understand the unique structure of the ecotourism industry, the course provides the most recent information on ecotourism marketing approaches and product development.

specialty markets
Use green guidelines for operating a successful ecotourism

Analyze and address the special needs of ecotourists and

local communities
Establish an ecotourism planning process at the local and

regional levels
Develop trip circuits and travel packages that are safe and

offer a wide variety of experiences

Understand the vital role of interpretation and education in

adding value

ecotourism continues to establish itself in the global economy,

Course Topics Include:

Assess the market demand for eco-lodge types and the

the demand for well-planned, environmentally sound lodging facilities is at an all time high. Ecolodges are the answer to this demand. Ecolodges enable the visitor to interact with the natural and cultural surroundings of the region. The facility is created with conservation as a top priority. Innovative water, waste and energy systems lessen impact and promote conservation while planning, construction and operation are carried out in harmony with the natural landscape. This course will help sustainable tourism specialists, investors, resort developers, architects and landscape architects assess the financial feasibility and market potential for an ecolodge. Market research results and trends in this industry will be reviewed in order to more accurately project costs and potential revenue, and determine whether an ecolodge venture is economically viable.

experiences they provide Estimate realistic cost projections/revenue potential and develop pricing strategies Find the best locations and evaluate site development opportunities and constraints Establish regional planning cooperation Develop a master plan to incorporate sustainable development and green guidelines into the project Benefit from the use of renewable energy technologies, and proper water and waste management Launch a successful eco-lodge, including scheduling, budgeting, staffing, "soft" opening, vendor selection, public relations, transportation, and customer service



This course focuses on sustainable tourism strategies and innovations, including Agenda 21 and the Green Globe Destination Program. It examines how destinations have improved competitiveness by creating environmentally friendly tourism products and services. The course emphasizes establishing policies and management plans to identify and reduce the environmental impact created by tourism facilities and services, and looks at how to create environmental management systems (EMS) with broad public/private support.

Course topics include:

Identify consumer demand for environmentally friendly


Develop and maintain a unified environmentally

sustainable theme for your destination

Develop an EMS policy and strategy, situation analysis,

visioning, priority definition, gap analysis, and strategy formation Plan EMS implementation steps using environmental performance indicators and action plans Incorporate the EMS process into existing management regimes and design EMS training programs Review ongoing EMS and make adjustments to reflect failures, successes, and/or changing requirements

Course topics include: TOURIST GUIDE TECHNIQUES

This course provides tourist guides and new entrants into the industry with essential skills to deliver an exceptional tour experience. A focus on practical information related to interpretation, guiding techniques, tour logistics and mechanics.
Explore motivations for travel to develop profiles of travelers Understand cultural heritage tourism issues in relation to tour guiding Understand the way tourist guides interact with tourism industry

List the different types of tours available and identify the challenges

faced by each
Explore the significance of interpretation and interpretive techniques Establish methods for working with groups of different cultural

backgrounds and beliefs

Enhance methods for working with groups of different cultural

backgrounds and beliefs

Enhance interpersonal skills ? presentation, public speaking, and social

Develop techniques for dealing with tour logistics


As coastal areas and marine ecosystems (e.g., reefs,

Course topics include:

Integrate coastal zone management and marine/reef

mangroves, beach/intertidal zones) in the more developed countries have degraded over time, tourists seek intimate contact with nature in more remote and pristine environments. This course assists destination managers, local resort managers, and government authorities in maintaining sustainable marine ecotourism and reef recreation activities while working with the local community to accommodate their needs and preserve the marine and coastal environment. It also shows how marine resorts in degraded areas must work with local authorities to rebuild marine resources to re-establish their place in the traditional coastal tourism and growing marine ecotourism market.

conservation into a sustainable tourism development strategy

Identify the special characteristics of marine ecotourists Use innovative resource planning techniques and coastal zone

management best practices

Establish zoning and visitor tracking methods Educate visitors and staff about low-impact forms of recreation Monitor and assess more accurately the long-term effects of

tourism on local resources

Increase government's commitment in marine park protection

and effective coastal management

Anticipate marine tourists' expectations Develop effective educational programs including guest

briefings, videos and demonstrations


Course topics include: CULTURAL HERITAGE TOURISM

Cultural and heritage tourism is a major force in the tourism industry, but one that must balance visitor interests and needs against protecting cultural and heritage resources. This course examines the range of cultural and heritage assets that can become viable tourism attractions, and looks at ways of linking quality cultural heritage tourism to community development, from effective planning and marketing to community involvement and partnership approaches.
Develop cultural and heritage resources as tourism attractions Marry cultural heritage tourism and economic development Use collaborative techniques to ensure community objectives

and heritage preservation are served

Conduct a resource assessment Facilitate community participation in developing a community-

based cultural heritage tourism planning process

Market cultural-heritage-related tourism services Use proven techniques to enhance the visitor experience Assess the potential of festivals and events to produce low

impact and high visitation results

Create strategic partnerships for funding and resources Use accreditation and certification processes to develop and

monitor the cultural tourism development and marketing process (e.g., Iowa's TEAM/CEPP process)


Students will be introduced to the issues and challenges of CBT, and will learn the elements and basic steps of planning and implementing CBT.

Course topics include:

The concept, principles, and aims of CBT The various actors involved in CBT The critical importance of participation when developing and implementing a CBT venture The planning and implementation stages of a CBT venture The positive and negative impacts, and challenges of CBT.

In order to receive a certificate, you have to complete three core courses and three electives. The core courses are: 1. Sustainable Tourism Assessment and Development 2. Environmental Management for Destinations 3. Sustainable Tourism Destination Marketing


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