Air Layering

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Air layering is a method of propagating
new trees and shrubs from stems still
attached to the parent plant. The stem
is wrapped with damp moss to
encourage roots to form.
 Air layering is also a quick and easy way to make
more plants. It is a simple method of propagating
fruit trees from their branches.
 This propagation method works on many tropical
plants often grown indoors, including weeping fig,
rubber plant, hibiscus, crotons etc.
WHY - do Air Layering ?
1. A tree grown from seed willl take a long time to
produce fruit (8-10 years).
2. Although the seed may be taken from a very good
tree, producing excellent fruit, the new tree may
NOT produce good fruit.
By air layering a tree, we can guarantee that it will
produce: fruit sooner, and the fruit will be as good as
the tree from which the branch was taken.
Species which can be Air Layered

Most of the citrus varieties - orange, lemon, lime,

grapefruit, etc.
Also, pomegranate, lychee, guava, star fruit, custard
apple, plum, and pear.
Choosing the branch to air layer

 The branch to
be air layered
should be
healthy and
free of
disease, and
at least one
year old.
HOW- to do Air Layering ?
 First, decide where you want
the new roots to form on the
 Remove any leaves/buds from
that spot.
 Using knife make an upward
slice, 1½ to 2 inches long, at
about 30-degree angle.
 Cut one-third to two-thirds of
the way through the stem or
branch, but not all the way
Use a toothpick to hold the cut open and sprinkle
or brush powdered rooting hormone over it.
Place damp sphagnum moss over the area and
wrap it up with a piece of clear plastic wrap or a
clear plastic bag.
Use twine or floral ties to hold everything in place.

Once a week, check the moss. If drying out,

moisten it with water from a spray bottle.
Depending on the type of plant you’re propagating, new roots
will develop in two weeks to three months.
Wait until you can see them and they’re a couple of inches long
before you remove the plastic.
Leave the moss in place while you cut off the unwanted part of
the stem just below the new roots.
Don’t remove the moss until you’re ready to pot up your
shortened plant. It’ll help protect the young roots.
How to Air Layer Woody-Stemmed
House plants
 Air layering woody plants, or plants that become woody as they
age, is slightly different. Instead of slicing into a stem or branch,
you’ll need to peel off a ring of bark.
 It’s best to do this in the spring and summer when the plant is
actively growing.
 Measure the diameter of the branch or stem you want to
 Make two parallel cuts 12 to 24 inches from the tip of the branch.
 The distance between the parallel cuts should equal 1 ½ to 2 times
the diameter of the branch.
 Remove all the bark between the cuts. This leaves a ring around
the branch without any bark on it.
 Scrape cambium if present with knife.
 Put moist sphagnum moss over the ringed area, cover it with
clear plastic wrap, and secure it with twine or floral ties. When
new roots form and grow a couple of inches long, remove the
plastic and leave the moss in place until you pot up the new
Benefits of Air Layering

1. Seeds is one way to propagate plants, but it’s not

the most reliable: Yield no true type. While Air
Layering Yield True type
2. Stem cuttings can die, and hardwood cuttings
won’t always root. Many plants simply can’t be
propagated by leaf cuttings.
3. Researchers have found plants grown from air
layering often grow to a desirable size, faster, and
are usually stronger.

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