Air Layering
Air Layering
Air Layering
The branch to
be air layered
should be
healthy and
free of
disease, and
at least one
year old.
HOW- to do Air Layering ?
First, decide where you want
the new roots to form on the
Remove any leaves/buds from
that spot.
Using knife make an upward
slice, 1½ to 2 inches long, at
about 30-degree angle.
Cut one-third to two-thirds of
the way through the stem or
branch, but not all the way
Use a toothpick to hold the cut open and sprinkle
or brush powdered rooting hormone over it.
Place damp sphagnum moss over the area and
wrap it up with a piece of clear plastic wrap or a
clear plastic bag.
Use twine or floral ties to hold everything in place.