(8601) Assignment
(8601) Assignment
(8601) Assignment
Assignment: 01
Course: General Method of Teaching
Code: 8601
Semester: Spring 2022
Level: B.ed
Q. 1 Specify the personal and professional characteristics of good teachers
Some Personal and Professional characteristics of a good teacher is as follow:
8. Community-building skills
A teacher can impart knowledge more effectively and with greater results if they have strong
verbal, nonverbal, and visual communication abilities, which include speaking, writing, imagery,
body language, and organizing concepts into understandable frameworks.
These teachers are aware of when they have communicated effectively and when they have not
since a big component of effective communication is understanding when the audience has
understood. When it becomes clear that their communication has failed, has not reached, or has
not engaged with the entire class, they frequently rephrase, demonstrate, or use a totally
different tactic.
A skilled teacher makes an effort to speak with each student personally when necessary and
detects when even one student out of many is not understanding.
Explanation of the duties and expectations is another aspect of communication. Students do
significantly better when they completely comprehend what is required of them.
It's remarkable that communication skills are among the most crucial abilities in every situation,
not just in the classroom. Most Americans believe that communication is the most crucial ability
for long-term success in order to "go ahead in today's society," according to a new Pew
Research Center study. Teachers are thus setting a positive example for students by being
effective communicators.
Superior listening skills
Good instructors are also strong listeners in addition to being good speakers. According to a Turkish
saying, "If listening is gold, speaking is silver." Effective communication, of course, only occurs when at
least two persons actively participate in the process together, and the only way to determine whether
communication has been heard is to ask (and listening to the answer).
Therefore, in a perfect learning environment, teachers pose significant questions before actively,
attentively, and sympathetically hearing what students have to say. When a competent teacher
cultivates this patience within themselves, they begin to excel. Great instructors pay close attention and
then apply what they learn to enhance communication.
Enthusiasm contagious. A person who is passionate about a subject will study more about it, research it
more thoroughly, and consider it more carefully. The finest instructors are those that genuinely like
what they are teaching and inspire their pupils to learn more. Every class is improved, and every student
may be motivated, when the instructor not only knows the correct response to a student's question but
also has the ability to broaden the topic with vivid examples, entertaining explanatory tales, and
pertinent information.
Community-building skills
The most effective educators recognize the value of creating welcoming and cooperative settings. The
finest instructors establish wholesome and respectful connections between the pupils in addition to
developing loving ties with each one of them. They are aware of how to set up rules and delegate
responsibilities to recruit each student's assistance and involvement. Each student has the impression
that they are not just included in the bigger group but also that the enchantment of the classroom
depends on them being there. Each student participates and feels at home in their little communities-
like classrooms.
Effective Teaching
We all prefer to have a connection with the speaker when in a classroom. The learners may ask
questions since they feel at ease and secure because of this relationship. Effective teaching results from
being able to make this connection, something all instructors aspire to. It takes competence to provide
content to pupils in an efficient manner during effective teaching. There are several methods of
instruction, but some are more successful than others. Successful teaching is defined as education that
makes use of instructional methodologies that are most suitable for the subject matter and the student
and is carried out in a way that facilitates effective learning.
The two primary categories of learning strategies are teacher-centered and student-centered, with the
latter being the preferred approach. In order to address each student's unique requirements, a number
of teaching techniques, such as adapting assignments, are used in student-centered learning. Even
though this is the optimum approach, there are moments in the classroom when teacher-centered
approaches are required. With this approach, the lesson must center on the teacher. For instance, the
instructor might need to be the focus of attention during a lecture or presentation to introduce a new
A teacher is said to have a desirable teaching personality if their personality contributes to the creation
and maintenance of a classroom or learning environment where students feel at ease and are motivated
to learn. Research says that teachers are cognitively oriented toward pupils while pupils are affectively
oriented toward teachers. Teacher’s personality is, therefore, directly and indirectly related to learning
and teaching in the affective domain as well as to that in cognitive and psychomotor domains. Climate in
their classroom is based on the teachers’ personality and style of teaching, the tone of their voice, and
the little things they continually say and do on a daily basis. In the classroom, the learners’ behavior
could be determined from the way their teachers behave with them. The traits of passion, patience,
cooperation, authoritativeness, and creativity were studied in particular because these are the essential
personality traits of an effective elementary school teacher. He says teachers in the twenty- first century
are responsible for the overall well-being of their students, as well as educating, disciplining, and
stimulating their developing minds. Because teachers have these additional duties, many more
requirements are needed to be an effective teacher
The following techniques can be used to cue and convey instructional content:
Display different iterations of the same material (e.g. video, demonstration, lecture, podcast,
group work, etc.)
Utilize a range of mediums to get students interested in studying.
Utilize active learning techniques to keep students interested.
Make content on Blackboard available so that students may access it outside of class.
Provide learning guidance
Inform students about the resources available and teaching techniques that will help them learn the
material. Help students learn how to learn, in other words.
Ask deep-learning questions, have students work with their classmates, and guide practical
laboratory tasks as examples of ways to encourage student activity.
Offer chances for formative evaluation, such as written assignments, individual or group
projects, and presentations.
Create efficient examinations and quizzes that allow students to show their understanding and
application of course content (as opposed to simply memorization and recall)
Provide feedback
Give students timely feedback on their performance to evaluate and support learning and to enable
students to spot comprehension gaps before it's too late.
The learner receives affirmatory feedback to let them know they performed as instructed.
Feedback of this nature motivates the learner rather than telling her what she needs to do
Although it informs the learner of the correctness of their performance or reaction, evaluative
feedback does not offer instructions on how to advance.
Corrective feedback does not give the right answer; rather, it instructs students to locate it.
Feedback that is descriptive or analytical offers the learner tips, instructions, and knowledge to
help them do better.
Learning gaps and performance issues can be found in peers' and their own work with the use of
peer and self-evaluation.
Assess performance
Check to see if the course objectives have been met in terms of the expected learning outcomes.
Pre- and post-tests should be given to gauge students' level of material or skill proficiency.
Include chances for formative evaluation during the learning process by using spoken questions,
quick active learning tasks, or quizzes.
Implement a range of evaluation techniques to provide students various opportunities to show
Create unbiased, useful criteria to evaluate written assignments, projects, or presentations.
Do not isolate the course material. To strengthen connections, relate course ideas to earlier
(and later) concepts and build on earlier (and earlier) learning.
To help you remember the material from the course, keep include questions from prior exams in
your exams.
Asking pupils to translate knowledge acquired in one format onto another (e.g. verbal or
visuospatial). For instance, having students make concept maps to show how ideas relate to one
Clarify your lesson goals, utilize them to direct your instructional design, and attach learning
activities to those goals if you want to encourage deep learning
Q.4 a) Describe difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
b) Define the term inquiry approach and enlist the methods that come under the
umbrella of this approach.
Intrinsic Motivation
The urge to behave when there are no visible external incentives is known as intrinsic motivation. You
engage in it because you find it to be pleasurable and intriguing, not because of any external constraints
or incentives like prizes or deadlines. In a nutshell, intrinsic motivation is the desire to carry out an
action for its own sake as opposed to out of a need for an external reward or under external pressure. In
essence, the action itself is a reward.
Playing sports because you enjoy how they make you feel
Staying longer at work because you believe in your work
Using positive affirmations because you want to change your mindset positively
Extrinsic Motivation
Extrinsic motivation, in its simplest form, is the behavior of people who complete activities and learn
new abilities in order to receive rewards from outside sources or to avoid receiving negative
consequences. In this situation, action is chosen not because it is pleasurable or rewarding but rather
because it will help you get something valuable in return or avoid something unpleasant.
b) Define the term inquiry approach and enlist the methods that come under
the umbrella of this approach.
Inquiry Approach
In any class students come from different backgrounds and contexts, they have different capabilities and
different styles of learning. This situation demands different teaching techniques, strategies and
methodologies, which teacher adjusts according to the situation and requirement. There are variety of
techniques and methods which teachers use under the umbrella term inquiry approach. Inquiry is an
approach that roots in the Socrates logical thinking. Teachers often use logic to foster the thinking of
their students. During this process the teachers impose questions to their students after judging the
level and ability. If the student answers the question correctly the question of higher order is asked. On
the other hand, if he/she could not the follow up questions are imposed to create the link between the
known and the unknown. There is variety of techniques but many teachers prefer inductive method
according to Prince and Felder (2006) in inductive teaching learning process the instruction begins with
specifics for example a set of observations or experimental data to interpret, a case study to analyze, or
a complex real-world problem to solve. As the students attempt to analyze the data or scenario or solve
the problem, they generate a need for facts, rules, procedures, and guiding principles, at which point
they are either presented with the needed information or helped to discover it for themselves.
something that involves both physical and mental effort and is done for a specific reason in a social
setting These activities aid in creating an environment that is stimulating for artistic expression.
This is only conceivable if the techniques now in place for various aspects of education are periodically
updated in light of new advancements and shifting requirements. As an implementer, the teacher's role
becomes more important. In order to provide the next generation with "successful education," teachers
must use innovative teaching methods and strategies. For this reason, some experts or educators feel
that learning is more successful when a student actively participates in the process rather than merely
seeking to acquire knowledge. Regarding this, the most of the approaches focus on a sort of guided
discovery where the instructor tries to help the student via inquiries and activities to uncover, explore,
appreciate, and communicate the new information while avoiding the majority of direct instruction. The
utilitarian nature of this unit's goal thus provides the answers to the following queries.
A group of students may set out to determine how many households in a rural location have members
who also work in a city or town on occasion. It is possible to find out in a city how many residents are
from rural regions and why they moved there. An approximate estimation of the likely experience can
be formed with the assistance of the teachers.
Expressional – Presentation
On the subject of "In the judgement of the house, mechanized agriculture is the sole route of economic
improvement in the Punjab," a discussion may be scheduled. You may construct maps of the Punjab that
indicate the distribution of (1) agricultural products, (2) important industries, and (3) notable and
specific cottage enterprises. Charts may be built to depict the flow of raw materials, labor, and power to
a select number of important industries and (a) the classification of industries based on the type of the
items produced. It is possible to create graphs that indicate the number of industrial laborers in the
Punjab from 1947 to 2010 and other dates.