Heroscape Web Scenario #1

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Sonlen’s Journal, Entry #01

Nineteenth Day of Astara

iance are fractured.

Fractured. The bonds of all luential
hin t of th e wa r’s en d, rep resentatives of the most inf
Amidst the first for Jandar.
ere d: Kn igh t Ire ne an d he r mighty Ursine presented
generals gath yrion
tam oto an d his ret ain ers lobbied for Einar. “Queen” Qh
Taro the Ha hrax the
un kn ow n no bil ity ) cla im ed to represent Vydar. Xenit
(a kyrie of uilla. Loviatak
an d he r aid e, De rin se th e bard, spoke on behalf of Aq
dragon I myself spoke on
e tu rn coa t Ra elin sto od in service of the vile Utgar.
and th
e Taamin the Hunter.
behalf of Lord Ullar, alongsid a new Valkyrie
en to all of us th ou gh, was the arrival of Revna,
Un for ese chott,
rea ch pe ace as we ll. He r ad vocates, Misearx and Raak
general wishing to the
rs acr oss th e var iou s arm ies uneasy. A kyrie back from
left many soldie in this new
l-b en din g wiz ard did no t instill a great deal of trust
dead and a sou
contender’s goals. ferent generals’
tio ns we re un de rw ay, inf ighting began across the dif
As negotia ickly ignited
en ts. Wh at sta rte d as a spark of petty squabbles qu
encampm y negotiations
inf ern o of ind ign an ce. It did not take long before an
into an rmishing.
led off an d th e for ces all retreated a distance after ski
were cal ve sprouted up in
ce th e pe ace su mm it, su spicion and a bitter hate ha
Sin nged
th e bri nk of res pit e, th e weary nations have been plu
people’s hearts. At not be achieved
ing their views that peace can
into a renewed war, maintain ing of
are rem ov ed fro m th e wo rld of Valhalla. With the tim
until all threats her public
arr iva l, it wa s no t lon g be fore the correlation between
Lady Revna’s nds of all.
d th e su mm it’s col lap se fir mly etched itself into the mi
revelation an k them in
ect few see k an sw ers in fac t and investigation, most see
While a sel
blood and retribution. e before
th e be ne fit for a gen era l to announce their eminenc
I fail to see ent. Convincing
ati ng att ack s, on ly to im mediately deny any involvem
instig are melodies oft
sol die rs ho we ver wa s no t fruitful. Pleas for patience
unheard by battle-deafened ies; some even
lintered out of the various arm
Multiple warbands have sp campments
ba nn ers in th e cau se of justice. While the various en
unifying across ps
for tif y th em sel ves , ma ny soldiers depart from their cam
reorganize an d Anund.
ati on , cha sin g th e bu lk of Revna’s forces all the way to
seeking retali s tasted relief,
lha lla we ep s. It we ep s th e bitter tears of one who ha
Tonight, Va orders from
it to be cru sh ed un de rfo ot once more. While we await
only for st. Old wounds
era ls, it ha s bec om e dif fic ult to know who we can tru
our gen ding bonds of
be en reo pe ne d, an d it is un clear if any of the longstan
have ce. I do not know if
e pa st sti ll ho ld an y of th e Valkyrie together in allian
th ardless of who is
olvement are correct, but reg
my intuitions of Revna’s inv
ace that shall not be.
responsible, I mourn the pe
Map 1: The Regenerated Riverside
Required sets: Age of Annihilation Master Set (x1), The Grove at Laur’s
Edge (x1) , Battle for the Wellspring (x1)
The Marro pollutants from upriver in Bleakewood have gradually dissipated,
and the land of Anund is slowly returning to life. Small woodlands have
resurrected during the past decade, drinking in the snow-melt water and
growing despite the blood and wreckage winding downstream from the
highlands. These hopeful groves lie tranquil, unaware of the renewed war
which is poised to tear apart their fragile ecosystem before it fully recovers.
Notice centers Grass Sand Rock Water 03
and border colors dark green centers tan centers gray centers blue centers

24 space
tan borders

7 space
purple borders

3 space
black borders

2 space
yellow borders

1 space
red or blue borders

Special Tiles
Jungle Trees 04
brown borders, gold centers number indicates tree height









Online Scenario 1

Online Scenario 1: Claiming Wayward Souls (Master Game)

Amidst the underbrush near one of Anund’s rivers, Revna’s congregation waits. Round
Player 1 ? Marker
Their prey, an Einar warband on the hunt for deserters, is marching pastFiathe
Bonny the
1 Track
Soul-Cairns. This army is formidable, outnumbering the acolytes hiddenVoid in Siren
trees. Despite this, Revna’s forces remain undeterred in their ambush,2 for the
faithful know that as long as the Soul-Cairns surround them, death is only a ?
3 Killian Vane III
temporary setback.
Revna promises to protect and embrace the deserters seeking her. WithPlayerthis2 ? ?

Ewashia, Master
promise comes the swift and hateful justice that her warriors will bring
4 down
of Tides
upon any wayward souls that dare strike down her newest believers.
Kita the

GOAL: Destroy all of your opponent’s figures.
Onshu the ?

SETUP: Both players decide who will be player 1 and player 2. Player 1 is the
warband player, who builds and places a 450-point Army in the purple starting
zone. Player 2 is the ambush player, who builds and places a 300-point Army in
the orange starting zones. Place randomly chosen Glyphs facedown where shown 6
on the map (in the hexes marked with a “?”).

VICTORY: When the other player has no figures left on the battlefield, you win! At the end of round 6, if both Armies still have figures on the battlefield,
the warband calls for backup and player 1 wins the game.


Look alive, it’s an ambush! At the start of the first round, instead of rolling for Initiative, player 2 is given Initiative. Initiative is rolled for as normal after
this round.

Before starting the game, place the six Glyphs shown on the map facedown. These Glyphs cannot be revealed.

At the start of each round after the first, after rolling for Initiative, player 2 may reveal the ‘X’ Order Marker on the Army Card of a Small or Medium
figure to return a previously destroyed figure from that card to the battlefield and place it on one of the face-down Glyphs. Then remove the Glyph the
figure was placed on. If the placed figure has a Life Value greater than 1, place Wound Markers onto its Army Card (or figure, if it is a Squad figure) until
until it has a number of Wound Markers equal to one less than its Life Value.

If any figure enters a space with a face-down Glyph on it, the figure ends its movement as normal, then removes that Glyph from the battlefield
immediately without revealing or activating it. Kicking over the Cairns appears highly destructive to their magic.

Senior Producer: Dan Bojanowski
Associate Producer, Heroscape: Lee Houff
Creative Director: Jeanne Torres
Renegade Design and Development: Sarah Rowan,
Alex Davy, & Dyllan Fernandez
Scenario Design: Daniel Chance
Illustrators: Corey Rivera & Unreal Studio Works
Graphic Design: Jeanne Torres
Production Artist: Noelle Lopez
Sculptors: Max Dunbar & Volta Media
Editor: William Niebling
Original Heroscape Design: Stephen Baker, Rob Daviau,
& Craig Van Ness
Age of Annihilation Design and Development: Craig
Van Ness, Ben Harris, Adam Tarr, Rod Phelps, Don
EXPANSION REQUIRES Zimmerman, Tanner Harlow, Nathan Spear, & Kevin Daly


Heroscape and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. © 2024 Hasbro. All Rights Reserved. Licensed by Hasbro. Used Under Authorization.

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