Lecture 6 Pelvis & LL 2023
Lecture 6 Pelvis & LL 2023
Lecture 6 Pelvis & LL 2023
Lecture 6
Lower Limb skeleton and bony features
The contents of this lecture is solely for the education purpose for the TWC BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy students
Dr Anthony Kwok
Associate Professor & Deputy Programme Leader (Physiotherapy)
Skeleton of the Lower Limb (LL)
Pelvic girdle: 2 pelvic bones + sacrum
Pelvic (coxal/hip bone) = ilium + ischium + pubis bones fused
The 2 coxal bones joined anteriorly by the pubic symphysis
(fibrocartilage), and posteriorly by the sacrum forming the
sacroiliac joints (SIJ).
On each side: Thigh, Leg, Knee cap, leg, Ankle & Foot
1 Femur, 1 Patella,
1 Tibia, 1 Fibula,
7 tarsal, 5 metatarsal and 14 phalanges
The Pelvis
1. Ilium: Largest of the 3 hip bones (the superior part of the hip bone)
• Consists of a superior ala and inferior body to form the acetabulum, housing the socket for
the head of the femur.
• Superior border - iliac crest
• Hip pointer - occurs at anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS)
• Greater sciatic notch - allows passage of sciatic nerve
Acetabulum: formed by the illium, ischium, and pubis + the socket that accepts the rounded
head of the femur → forming the hip joint.
Obturator foramen: the ischium and pubis surround this foramen.
False and True Pelves
• Pelvic brim: a line from the sacral
promontory to the upper part of the
pubic symphysis.
Femur and Patella
• Femur - longest, heaviest,
and strongest bone in the
• Head
• Neck
• Medial and lateral
• Also articulates with
The femur (thigh bone):
Head of the femur articulates with the
acetabulum in the pelvic bone to form
the hip joint.
Distal part of the femur articulates with
the tibia and kneecap to form the knee
Femur: the strongest and longest bone in
the human body.
Length on average: 26.74% of a person's
height (in both genders, and most ethnic
Femur: comprises a diaphysis
(shaft/body) + 2 epiphyses (extremities).
Area between the head and neck:
attachment of muscles and the hip
joint capsule.
Greater trochanter: the most lateral
prominent of the femur, box-shaped
and easily be felt.
Trochanteric fossa:
Trochanteric fossa: a deep a depression
depression bounded posteriorly by
the intertrochanteric crest on
medial surface of the greater
Lesser trochanter: a cone-shaped
extension of the lowest part of the
femur neck.
Body/Shaft of the femur:
Long, slender & cylindrical in form: slightly
arched: convex in front, and concave behind.
Strengthened by a prominent longitudinal ridge,
the linea aspera (in the posterior aspect) which
diverges proximal and distal as the medial and
lateral ridge.
Gluteal tuberosity: proximal to the lateral ridge
of the linea aspera
Pectineal line: continuation of the medial ridge.
The shaft: 2 bordes = lateral & medial border.
Gemellus superior muscle Insertion Upper edge of Obturator internus's tendon (indirectly greater trochanter)
Gemellus inferior muscle Insertion Lower edge of Obturator internus's tendon (indirectly greater trochanter)
Adductor magnus muscle Insertion Medial ridge of linea aspera and the adductor tubercle
Vastus lateralis muscle Origin Greater trochanter and lateral ridge of linea aspera
Articularis genu muscle Origin Lower 1/4 of anterior femur deep to vastus intermedius
Behind the adductor tubercle, over the lateral epicondyle and
Gastrocnemius muscle Origin
the popliteal facies
Plantaris muscle Origin Over the lateral condyle
Q angle:
formed between
the axis of femur to
the axis of tibia
Coxa valga: an abnormal
increase in the femoral angle.
Coxa vara: an abnormal
The head & neck of the femur is
vastly embedded in the hip
musculature and cannot be
directly palpated.
In skinny people with the thigh
laterally rotated, the head of the
femur can be felt deep as a
resistance deep for the femoral
Fibula: Not a main weight bearing bone: small & lateralbone of the leg
• Non-weight bearing
• The head forms the proximal tibiofibular joint
• Lateral malleolus - distal end, articulates with the tibia and the talus at the ankle
Tibia and Fibula
Muscle Direction Attachment[7]
Horizontal head of
Insertion Medial condyle
the semimembranosus muscle
Popliteus muscle Insertion Posterior side of the tibia over the soleal line
Soleus muscle Origin Posterior side of the tibia under the soleal line
Flexor digitorum longus muscle Origin Posterior side of the tibia under the soleal line
Foot: Tarsals,
and Phalanges
7 tarsal bones:
talus (articulates with tibia
and fibula), calcaneus (the
heel bone, the largest and
strongest), navicular, cuboid
and 3 cuneiforms
5 metatarsals:
(I-V) base, shaft, head
14 phalanges:
(big toe is the hallux)
Tarsus = ankle 36
Arches of the Foot
2 longitudinal arches + 1 transverse
maintained by the interlocking shapes
of the foot bones, strong ligaments,
and pulling muscles during activity.
Revision on the anatomy that you have learnt in the upper limb:
• Upper Limb Muscle Anatomy | 3D Anatomy with Actions of muscles,
Forearm muscles, muscles of hand
• https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pSOa5UVv4sM
• Agur AMR. & Dalley AF. (2009). Grant’s Atlas of Anatomy. (12th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins.
• Anatomy & Physiology Revealed (APR) Version 2.0 (2008) An Interactive Cadaver Dissection
Experience, CD-ROM, McGraw-Hill.
• Drake, RL, Vogl, W, and Mitchell, A. (2014) Gray's Anatomy for Students (3rd ed.). Elsevier.
• Ebrall, Phillip S.; Sportelli, Louis; Donato, Phillip R. (2004). Assessment of the Spine. Elsevier Health
• Jacob, S. (2002) Atlas of human anatomy. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone.
• Kendall, FP; McCreary, EK; Provance, PG; Rodgers, MM; Romani, WA. (2005). Muscle Testing &
Function with Posture and Pain (5th Edition), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
• Moore, Keith L. (2014). Clinically oriented anatomy. Williams & Wilkins.
• Moore KL, Dalley AF, Agur AMR. (2010). Clinically Oriented Anatomy. (6th ed.). Philadelphia: Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins.
• Netter, FH. (2014) Atlas of human anatomy (6th ed.). Saunders/Elsevier.
• Platzer, Werner (2004). Color Atlas of Human Anatomy, Vol. 1: Locomotor System (5th ed.). Thieme.
• Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System. Thieme. 2006.
• Tortora, G.J. & Nielsen, M. T. (2013) Principles of human anatomy (13th ed.), John Wiley & Sons.
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