Int - Report All
Int - Report All
Int - Report All
This report is express about the internship experiences that have been under taken
during the last 30 days. In this report I have tried to list the overall aspects of the
internship experience. In the first chapter of the report, it provides introduction,
background of the organization and the mission, vision, value of the hosting
organization. It starts from the brief history of the company and from the time it has
been established. In second chapter of the report, it describes about tasks that I was
given to perform in the hosting organization , supervisors support and benefits gained
from the internship program. The third chapter mainly describe internship
experience , details listed and explained of tasks that I have accomplished, during the
program by using image reference. The fourth and the fifth chapters states the
conclusion and recommendation. Generally, I tried to list general and specific
concepts and IT duties during my internship program.
Before all I would like to thank virgin Mary and her son! Then I express my deepest
thanks to my supervisor Mr. Biruk Hailu junior IT officer at BOA for taking part in
useful decision & giving necessary advises , guidance and arranged all facilities to
make life easier. I choose this moment to acknowledge his contribution gratefully.
List of Acronyms
App Application
ASTU Adama science and technology university
ATM Automated Teller Machine
BOA Bank o f Abyssinia
CAT Category
CSE Computer science and engineering
LAN Local Area Network
MAN Metropolitan Area Network
MTO Money transfer option
OS operating system
PAN Personal Area Network
POS point of cell
UTP Unshielded twisted pair
WAN Wide Area Network
Table of content
Executive summary.........................................................................................................I
List of Acronyms..........................................................................................................III
Chapter one...................................................................................................................1
1. Introduction..............................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the organization........................................................................1
1.2 Description of the organization.........................................................................2
1.3 Mission vision and value of the organization....................................................2
1.4 services of the organization...............................................................................3
Chapter Two.................................................................................................................4
2. Management Trainee and Employee Information................................................4
2.1 Major duties to perform in IT department of BOA...........................................4
2.2 How I become Oriented with my IT responsibilities........................................5
2.3 Supervisors support during my internship........................................................5
2.4 Qualities I developed to succeed in my daily duties.........................................6
Chapter three................................................................................................................7
3. Specific job information...........................................................................................7
3.1 Technical duties and responsibilities I had...............................................................7
3.1.1 OS troubleshooting..................................................................................7
3.1.2 Application support.................................................................................7
3.1.3 Networking..............................................................................................8
3.1.4 ATM Support and Deployment.............................................................16
3.1.5 Hardware maintenance..........................................................................20
3.1.6 POS machine Activation.......................................................................20
3.2 Other responsibilities I had During The internship.........................................21
3.3 Beneficial Technical Knowledge And skills from my courses.......................21
3.4 Problem I identify in the Organization............................................................21
Chapter four...............................................................................................................22
4. Reflection and conclusion......................................................................................22
4.1 How my internship Fit my career goals..........................................................22
4.2 Did my career goal change as a result of this internship experience?.............22
4.3 The value of this internship.............................................................................23
4.4 Challenges during the internship.....................................................................23
4.5 Self -Evaluation...............................................................................................23
Chapter five................................................................................................................25
5. Recommendation....................................................................................................25
Chapter one
1. Introduction
An internship is an experiential academic experience in which a student has
intentional learning goals/objectives with measurable outcomes. These learning
goals/objectives may include:
Academic Learning: the student may apply and test knowledge learned in the
classroom to a professional work environment.
Career Development: the student may explore a specific field of interest, expand
his or her professional network and gain and understanding of the qualifications
and duties involved in a specific profession or career field.
Skill Development: the student gains an understanding of the transferable skills
and knowledge required for success in a professional work environment and
integrates those skills in their academic learning
Personal Development: the student gains decision-making skills, self-
confidence, business savvy, ethics, and teamwork required for success in a
professional work environment.
An internship provides a variety of benefits for young workers who want to broaden
their chances for landing a job and jump-starting their careers. Internships give you a
taste of what a profession is like, help you build your resume and let you meet people
who can help you in your career.
The objectives of a student participating in an internships are to: Explore career
alternatives prior to graduation. Integrate theory and practice. Assess interests and
abilities in their field of study. Learn to appreciate work and its function in the
BANK OF ABYSSINIA (BOA) is located in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia and is part of the
Depository Credit Intermediation Industry. The present-day Bank of Abyssinia was
established on February 15, 1996 (90 years to the day after the first but defunct
private bank was established in 1906 during Emperor Menelik II) in accordance with
1960 Ethiopian commercial code and the Licensing and Supervision of Banking
Business Proclamation No. 84/1994.
BOA started its operation with an authorized and paid up capital of Birr 50 million,
and Birr 17.8 million respectively, and with only 131 shareholders and 32 staff. In
about sixteen years since its establishment Bank of Abyssinia has registered a
significant growth in paid up capital and total asset. It also attracted many
professional staff members, valuable share holder and large customers from all walks
of life.This performance indicates public confidence in the Bank and reliability and
satisfaction in its services.
Currently, employing the state-of-art banking technology, the Bank provides
excellence domestic, international and special banking services to its esteemed and
valuable customers. It also strives to serve all economic and services sectors via its
ever increasing branch networks through out the country.
1.2 Description of the organization
In an era where commercial banking services were in an inchoate stage and striding
towards transforming different sectors of the economy, Bank of Abyssinia’s founders
believed in the need for a bank that gives comprehensive commercial banking
services. Thus, the Bank of Abyssinia (BoA) was open for business in 1996 with
enthused initiation and determination.
The name Abyssinia resembles bravery and character which are the core attributes of
BoA. Its identity is demarcated with a sense of hope, optimism, and belief as it is
perfectly displayed in its logo, the Adey Abeba. Adey Abeba brings the promise of a
new beginning. BoA brings that very sense to all the customers it engages with.
Working with and through BoA brings sustained success with the help of a bank that
is a symbol of determination and hard work.
To become the leading commercial bank in East Africa by the year 2030.
Customer Satisfaction
The quality of our work is always measured by the level of satisfaction our customers
get. To attain the maximum value, our financial services are always of the highest.
always of the highest.
The services we deliver throughout the country keep their uniformity and standard to
display our integrity.
The services given by BOA are to accept deposits, pay interest, clear cheques,
advance loans, act as an intermediary in financial transactions, and provide other
financial services to its customers.
Chapter Two
2. Management Trainee and Employee Information
By the time I was practicing at BOA the It officers was training me at almost every
duty of theirs except some sensitive issue, so there was no single task I was given I
was participating in multi tasks. Whenever a duty comes we was performing as a
team. So the followings are major IT duties performed by BOA’s IT team.
OS troubleshooting
OS repair
System restore
Data recovery
Backup and restore
Application support
MTO (Western union, Moneygram, xpress money, kaah, transfast,
ria,dahabshill, …)
Driver installation (Printer and scanner)
Applicatio program installation (Power geez, Office, PDF readers, mozilla,
Printer sharing with hostname
Printer sharing with computer ip address
Printer sharing with the printer ip address
Ethio telecom modem configuration
Turn on network discovery and file sharing
Turn off firewall setting
Network installation
Network troubleshooting (ipconfig, ping, tracert)
Remote support
Ethio-telecom modem configuration
ATM Support
New ATM Deployment
Follow up , call login and escallation
APTRA installation
Hardware replacement
First line maintenance (FLM)
Network troubleshooting
Weather the network cable is blinking or not
Weather the NIC driver is disabled or not
Weather the computer IP configuration is correct or not
Weather we are able to ping the gateway or not
Weather we are able to ping the remote server or not
Weather the proxy setting is correct or not
ATM Deployment
Site selection
Communicate to HO
Receive LAN IP, Terminal ID and Port No from HO
Check the EThio telecom line
Configure ATM (Hostname, IP address, Port no, EJ…)
Replenish cash
Test Functionality
Change ATM combination
There are three IT officers under the district two of them are male and one female. By
the time I was their the female staff wasn’t there because she gave birth. So I was
using her place at the office.
At the first day, my supervisor gave me orientation about that I was the first intern
they accept as a district and how the IT team organized and divided the tasks for three
of them. Each of them coordinates around 20 branches under them. Since the female
staff was taking rest , duties under her was again separated for the two officers.
Then he showed me several IT duties that they are performing in detail. And we agree
to do almost all tasks together in order to train me practically. Sine my internship
duration is small we agree to see tasks as far as our time limits as.
After that whenever an IT support request comes to my supervisor we agree that we
are going to handling them together chronologically. And for example when one
request comes and we do it together he shows me in detail at first and then If that
similar case happens again he orders me to do it my self.
At the last , he introduce me other staffs of the district so that I will have a comfort
working environment.
My supervisor
I learn to work as a team without focusing entirely on myself. And each one in a team
needs to work together to finish the task. I found it helpful for my future semester
Work Ethics
In school education, I used to making excuses for late submissions, short attendance .
But it is only when i introduced to the actual environment that I learn work ethics.
Adaptability Skills
Being adaptive to my surroundings easily is one of the most useful soft skills also
important to my self-growth
Communication Skills
I learn that good communication is one of problem solving skill in day to day social
Time Management
I learn to manage my time better by maintaining a balance between my duties and
personal life, without harming any of them.
This intern makes me more responsible and accountable for what decisions I will
make in my day to day activities
Chapter three
3. Specific job information
3.1 Technical duties and responsibilities I had
3.1.1 OS troubleshooting
For instance imagine that the computers controlling the ATM machines (cashpoints)
crashed or stopped working properly all around the world. As an App Support
Analyst, you are expected to work quickly with the team to diagnose problems and
get the systems back up and running. You will also be responsible for communicating
with users, regulators and other stakeholders and reporting on status when the service
has been restored.
The App Support it officer will also be expected to work through finding the root
cause of the issue and recommend what should be done in order to avoid this
happening again. These recommendations could cover many things, such as process
changes, improved monitoring, new errors, user training or changes to the app’s code.
The following attributes are also essential to a successful career within Application
Excellent customer service skills
Attention to detail
A proactive approach
Ability to work under pressure and to tight deadlines
3.1.3 Networking
In BOA the local area network and wide area network are used. Most of the time the
branches who need It support are far from the district and It officers are only 3 in
number , so that giving the support by going in the branches physically is difficult
therefore we use “Remote connection” which is under networking duty by using the
ip address of the computer.
But, for some cases which requires physical touch the IT officer and I was going in
different areas for instance: Meki branch in Meki city, dhera branch ,at dhera city,
Awash melkassa branch, at awash melkassa city and sodere resort hotel, (for ATM
The following tasks are the main duties under network which I was performing in the
bank district and branches
After the internship day was completed , till now(until I write this report) , by the
order of my supervisor I am doing network installation at adama, franko sara mole
third flour office full network installation for the bank with two others workers ,to
open new district office there.
The followings are instruments (tools) I use during the network installation process.
Extension cable
Extension cords provide power for devices with cables that can't reach any nearby
electrical outlets. Choosing the right type of extension cord is important to ensure
electrical safety and prevent home fires.
An electric screwdriver is a portable electric device that allows you to screw and
unscrew effortlessly. The head of the screwdriver is equipped with a bit holder which
can be magnetic or have a quick release system. The bit holder allows you to quickly
insert the bit that corresponds to the screw head.
Figure 3. 2 Rechargeable screw driver
Crimping tool
A crimping tool is a device that is used to make cold weld joints between wires and a
connector through deforming one or both of them to hold the other. A special
connector is used to join metals together.
cutter is typically a hardened metal tool that is used to cut, shape, and remove material
from a work-piece by means of machining tools as well as abrasive tools by way of
shear deformation.
Figure 3. 5 cutter
Hand hacksaw
A hacksaw is a hand-powered, small-toothed saw used for cutting metal pipes, rods,
brackets, etc. Hacksaws can also cut through plastic. The blade can be installed to cut
on either the push or pull stroke; cutting on the push stroke is more common.
Drill, cylindrical end-cutting tool used to originate or enlarge circular holes in solid
material.The point, or tip, of a drill is usually conical in shape, and it has cutting edges
where the flutes end.
UTP cable
Unshielded twisted pair (UTP) is a ubiquitous type of copper cabling used in
telephone wiring and local area networks (LANs). There are five types of UTP cables
identified with the prefix CAT, as in category -- each supporting a different amount of
Figure 3. 9 UTP cable
Patch panel
A patch panel in a local area network (LAN) is a mounted hardware assembly
that contains ports used to connect and manage incoming and outgoing LAN cables.
Patch panels are also referred to as patch bays, patch fields or jack fields and are also
commonly used in radio and television.
A switch is a device in a computer network that connects other devices together. Each
device connected to a switch port can transfer data to any of the other ports at any
time and the transmissions will not interfere.
Figure 3. 11 switch
Known by many names, a network rack is a metal frame chassis that holds, stacks,
organizes, secures and protects various computer network and server hardware
devices. The term "network" refers to the rack being used to house network hardware
like routers, switches, access points, and modems.
Figure 3. 12 Rack
Final output.
3.1.4 ATM Support and Deployment
An ATM, which stands for automated teller machine, is a specialized computer that
makes it convenient to manage a bank account holder's funds. It allows a person to
check account balances, withdraw or deposit money, print a statement of account
activities or transactions, and even purchase stamps.
There was an ATM which was out of service for around 2 months at kereyu Hill Hotel
at Adama city, and while my supervisor trains me how to fix the problems I have
known the following duties then for the next time when we placed new ATM
machine at sodere resort hotel I by myself deployed the new ATM machine by using
the former knowledge.
ATM Deployment
Site selection
Communicate to HO
Receive LAN IP, Terminal ID and Port No from HO
Check the EThio telecom line
Configure ATM (Hostname, IP address, Port no, EJ…)
Replenish cash
Test Functionality
Change ATM combination
The following picture shows ATM deployment at sodere resort , kereyu hill hotel and
parts of ATM
Figure 3. 14 BOA ATM at Sodere Resort and hotel while deployment
Card Reader. This reads account information that is stored on a magnetic strip,
the one that you always see on credit and debit cards. The data retrieved is passed
on to a host processor, which in turn is able to interpret the information and
retrieve the customer’s account information.
Keypad. This allows customers to input the information they need to give. It lets
them input their personal identification or pin code, select what type of
transaction they want to make, and generally communicate with the ATM
Display screen. Like any computer, this allows customers to see each step of the
process or transaction they are doing.
Speaker. This allows the customer to hear when keys are being pressed on the
keypad, but it may also allow for additional voice features on certain ATMs.
Receipt printer. Although much of the process of an ATM is digital, printed
receipts are requested by many or most ATM customers. This ATM part makes
this possible.
Cash dispenser. The main purpose of an ATM is for a customer to acquire cash,
so of course this is the most important part. The cash dispenser is a pivotal part
and a part that is highly sophisticated.
Most common ATM Fault I Observe and Fixed in Fist line maintenance
Communication Down
Capture bin full
Retract bin full
Card reject
Note jam
Card jam
Unable to pay cash after deducting from account
Fraudulent action
Figure 3. 15 BOA ATM at kereyu hill hotel and resort while formatting
Figure 3. 16 Me and My supervisor while
working ATM machine
Network troubleshooting
Most of the time this kind of support is given by creating a Remote connection and
checking the below listed alternatives.
Hardware maintenance is done by the head office. I didn’t see any maintenance
activity during my intern whenever hardware part of computer printers or cash
counting machines damaged it will be sent directly at head office. But my supervisor
previously worked at commercial bank of Ethiopia under maintenance team so that he
shows me some activity and detail explanation about printer hard ware parts as
Replace computer parts (HDD, PSU,RAM, CMOS battery…)
Troubleshoot printers (Paper jam, Fuser error, paper feed problem, tonner
Troubleshoot Copy machine (Paper jam, Fuser error, paper feed problem,
tonner problem…)
Troubleshoot cash counting machine (Replace parts)
A POS or Point Of Sale machine is a terminal or part of the checkout process that
processes credit or debit cards and finalizes the transaction. Sometimes it can be a
whole terminal with a cash register, printing uni, display monitor, etc. or sometimes it
can be as small as a mobile. We register and activate pos machine at dembel view
hotel, and dire international hotel adama city. And at hotel in Meki city.
3.2 Other responsibilities I had During The internship
During my internship besides the It duties, one time I helped an auditor by ordering
his papers. Since the working environment is so busy and there is shortage of labor I
have no time to do extra job beside the IT duties. I was only focusing on my IT duties.
Chapter four
4. Reflection and conclusion
4.1 How my internship Fit my career goals
Internships can provide a great transition between the education process and a career.
There is a tradeoff involved with internship positions, however. On the one hand,
many internships are unpaid. On the other hand, I get an apprentice-level experience
not typically available. By bridging the gap between learning and finding a career,
internships can speed up the process of moving me toward my career goals.
Choosing a Career
An internship allows me to try out a career in a low-stakes situation, helping me to
make more informed decisions on what I want to do with my life. For Example after
attending internship at BOA I am now interested to join the banking sector after
New graduates face a common and frustrating problem: You need relevant experience
to get a job, but you need the job to get that experience. Internships address this
problem. Businesses may be willing to hire an inexperienced intern for a short-term
period and at low or no pay. They would be less willing to take a chance on an
inexperienced employee in a full-time paid position. Internships allow me to gain
experience by watching, learning and participating in the work. This experience can
help me land a permanent position, perhaps even at the same company.
Networking is one of the primary benefits of internships. People I meet during an
internship can later become mentors, sources of job opportunities and references.
They may help me develop skills and offer moral support in my early career. Building
a strong network of contacts is reason enough to do an internship.
Resume is a record of my accomplishments, talents and experience. If I don't have
what the employer wants, I won't get hired. An internship is a proven way to build up
your resume. Potential employers will focus on the skills and experience I gained
during an internship, as well as the professionals I list as references. Work samples I
gained through an internship will also be valuable when you seek a job.
Yes, I changed my career goal after attend this internship in BOA. First I want to be
an accountant so that I studied accounting and finance weekend program at rift valley
university parallely while I am studying CSE in ASTU. I graduated this year my
Accounting course and I was looking for Job. But know I highly want to be an IT
officer or attend IT department in banking sector.
4.3 The value of this internship
allows ASTU university students to test drive their chosen career path.
open the door for many networking opportunities.
is a valuable source of work experience and portfolio additions.
There are many codes of conduct that aren't taught in a university classroom. Putting
yourself in an office environment allows you to learn to coordinate your schedule
with others. Things that seem petty, like lunch hours and days off should be scheduled
with co-workers and relevant supervisors.
My strength as an intern.
I likely communicate regularly with employees,and supervisors during my internship,
so the ability to write and speak in a professional manner is helpful.
I am willing to work hard and learn as much as possible as an intern.
Adaptability I am willing to learn new tasks or try different processes, handling
different challenges and changing environment.
The ability to work hard without much oversight, which is a strength that employers
often want interns to have.
To collaborate and build rapport with other employees has a vital role in the success
of a workplace. As an intern, I can expect to work with many professionals and other
interns, making teamwork a good strength to develop.
My weakness as An intern
Time management.
I came to work less then 20 minutes late because my home if far from the office. And
I need to improve it by scheduling.
Chapter five
5. Recommendation
BOA Adama district was established before two years and I am the first intern that
was request and accepted by the district.The company accept my internship request
positively with out any primary requirement. And the working environment there is
comfortable, my supervisor and other staffs treats me positively.
Carefully evaluate each proposed internship position and employer prior to approving
it as an internship station.
Require that students to keep a journal while on internship.
Currently ,Is it possible to live in Ethiopia by 1950 birr for 1 month? No! In order to
encourage students to find a proper internship station which might be far from their
families destination I recommend the internship payment given by the university
should be considerable.
Finally I recommend that BOA Adama district IT team is the right place for future