Unit 5 Theatrical Design P-Scale Assessment Lesson Plan
Unit 5 Theatrical Design P-Scale Assessment Lesson Plan
Unit 5 Theatrical Design P-Scale Assessment Lesson Plan
(3) Creative expression: production. The student applies design, directing, and theatre production concepts
and skills. The student is expected to:
(A) determine specific technical elements to provide a safe setting and to support character and action in
improvised and scripted scenes;
(B) create theatrical elements such as scenery, properties, lighting, sound, costume, makeup, and publicity
appropriate to specific performances;
Assessment Evidence:
(How will you know students met the objective? performance task(s) and/or other evidence such as quizzes, tests, academic prompts)
(Check to indicate what additional purpose(s) (D2, D3, D4) this lesson addresses. Briefly explain how this purpose is accomplished in the lesson.)
D2 Acquiring and Integrating Knowledge:
D3 Extending and Refining Knowledge:
D4 Using Knowledge Meaningfully:
(5 mins) Success starter: What are three words that you would pick to describe yourself? Why did you pick
those words?
(5 mins) Opening:
I will greet students at the door and help direct them to their seats. They will start thinking about the success
starter. This will be displayed on the presentation. I will call on some volunteers and draw popsicle sticks for
their check in question. We will read the learning target. Graphic Organizer.
(20 mins) P-Scale Assessment
We will review the P-Scale for Design.
Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of theatrical design through a P-Scale assessment.
P-Scale assessment.
P-Scale assessment with accommodations.
(5 mins) Closing: We will review the learning target.
Today we worked on building our theatre classroom community, reviewed our learning, and demonstrated
our knowledge of theatrical design by engaging in a theatrical design P-Scale Assessment.
I hope you’re proud of the growth you’ve shown, because I sure am!
Exit Ticket: What is one thing you learned about this unit that you could explain to someone else? What
would you say to them about it?
(Identify the learner preferences such as MI and LS that are specifically considered as well as any differentiation for readiness and interest.)
Students will be able to draw their variations of the designs in whichever way they please, appealing to
interest. They can be as detailed or as simple as they would like them to be.
(How are you going to accommodate the unique needs of specific students? examples: accommodating language learners and modifying for special
education students… Be specific. Listing students by name can help to ensure that you are recognizing and meeting their individual needs.)
I will have two sets of P-Scale assessments. One will be chunked with sentence starters.