Adjustment Scale

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Practical no: 3

Title : Adjustment scale for School students

AIM OF THE TEST – To assess the subject level of adjustment using the
Adjustment scale by Sinha and Singh.
The Adjustment scale was introduced by Sinha and Singh. It is a widely used self-
report instrument for evaluating the adjustment level of a school student.
Meaning of Adjustment -
The term adjustment is used to describe the process of finding and adopting modes
of behavior suitable to the environment or the changes in the environment (Carter
V Good, 1959).

Adjustment, to Sinha and Singh (1993), is the emotional stability and courage in
social relationships, as well as the interest in education and school, which is seen as
emotional adaptation, social adjustment and educational adaptation.
Different types of adjustment -
1. Social adjustment – It involves the individual’s adjustment to his or her
social environment and refers to a process in which the relationships
between individuals, groups and other elements are satisfactory, so that it
provides mutual satisfaction.

2. Emotional adjustment - It is the mechanism by which a person achieves

emotional stability. It includes good mental health, satisfaction with personal
life, and coordination between feelings, thoughts and deeds.

3. Educational adjustment – It refers to the satisfaction and effective

functioning in the educational environment.

4. Family adjustment - It is the mechanism by which a person acquires a

sense of security and trust towards family members, especially parents,
thereby establishing a proper relationship with them.

5. Health adjustment – It includes “a sense of responsibility towards oneself

and the choice of a healthy lifestyle.” The World Health Organization (1947)
defines health as: “Health is the state of complete physical and psychological
well-being, and not just the absence of illness or disability”.

Characteristics of a Well adjusted person –

A well-adjusted person is supposed to possess the following characteristics:

1. Awareness of his/her own strengths and limitations. He/she tries to make

capital out of their assets in some areas by accepting the limitations in

2. Respecting himself and others. The dislike for one-self is a typical symptom
of maladjustment. An adjusted individual has respect for him/herself as well
as for others.

3. An adequate level of aspiration. The level of aspiration is neither too low nor
too high in terms of their own strengths and abilities.

4. Satisfaction of basic needs. They do not suffer from emotional cravings and
social isolation and feel reasonably secure and maintains his self-esteem.

5. Absence of a critical or fault-finding attitude. They appreciates the goodness

in objects, persons or activities.

6. Flexibility in behavior. They are not rigid in their attitude or way of life.
They can easily accommodate or adapt themselves to changed circumstances
by making necessary changes in their behavior.

7. They have an inherent drive to master their environment rather than to

passively accept it and holds a realistic vision and always plans, thinks and
acts pragmatically.

8. A balanced philosophy of life. A well-adjusted person has a philosophy

which gives direction to their life while keeping in view the demands of
changed situations and circumstances.

Adjustment Mechanism

An adjustment mechanism may be defined as "any habitual method of overcoming

blocks, reaching goals, satisfying motives, relieving frustrations and maintains
equilibrium". Adjustment mechanism is a device by which an individual reduces
the tensions or anxiety in order to adjust themselves properly with the
environment. It helps them to regain their mental health. To solve the problems or
to meet conflicting situations a child's uses certain self-adjective, self-defensive
approaches which may protect them from such frustrating situations. These are
called defense mechanism.

DESCRIPTION OF THE TEST – It is a 60 item scale that measures adjustment

of a student with age ranging from 14-18 years in terms of three adjustments areas,
that is, Emotional, Social and Educational adjustment.


Rapport Formation – The subject is called inside the laboratory and made to sit. A
light conversation is started so that the subject feels comfortable with the testing
environment and with the subject consent the details of the subject is taken.

Preliminaries of the subject

 Name –
 Age –
 Sex –
 Date and time of conduction –
 Place of conduction –

Materials required

 Adjustment Scale questionnaire

 Manual of the scale
 Stencil keys
 Stationeries


 The seating arrangement should be checked so that both are comfortable.

 All the testing materials should be ready beforehand to conduction.
 The instructions of the test should be read out loud and clear.
 Any doubts of the subject should be clarified before conduction.
 All the physical conditions of the room should be well maintained.
 There should be minimum distractions like noise etc.

The instructions are read out from the manual.


The subject is called into the laboratory with his/her consent after being informed
about the test. Then a proper conservation is started with the client to make the
client feel comfortable with the testing environment. Once the rapport is formed
with the subject, he/she is given the instructions of the test and is asked about any
further clarifications that the client needs. If no further clarification is required, the
subject is given the questionnaire with the required stationary and asked to answer
the test. Once the test is completed, the subject is asked to write an introspective
report and then thanked and allowed to leave. The tester is also required to make a
behavioral observation report of the subject during the conduction.

Introspective report – (Pasted)

Observation report – (Pasted)

SCORING – The stencil keys are required for scoring the test. The test is scored in
three different areas by using the stencil keys and then the total of each page is
calculated for each area. From the table 11 of the manual, the raw score of each
area and its corresponding level of adjustment is calculated.

INTERPRETATION – The aim of the test is to measure the adjustment level of

the subject using the adjustment inventory for school students. My subject has
obtained a raw score of …………………in total adjustment, which indicates the
adjustment level as………………

The test also measures adjustment in three different areas, that is, Emotional ,
Educational and Social. For Emotional adjustment, my subject has obtained a raw
score of……..which indicates the level of adjustment as…...................Similarly,
for social adjustment, my subject has obtained a raw score of…....................which
indicates the level of adjustment as…………..For educational adjustment, my
subject has obtained a score of ……………..which indicates the level of
adjustment as……………….

CONCLUSION – My subject total adjustment score is…………..which indicates

that he falls under….............level of adjustment.

1. Manual of the Adjustment inventory for School Students
2. Psychology – Textbook for class XII, NCERT

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