Project Management Lecture
Project Management Lecture
Project Management Lecture
Assignment on
Questions on Video Session
Course Title: Entrepreneurship & Project Development
Course Code: FIN – 4104
Submitted To:
SK. Alamgir Hossain
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance,
Jagannath University
Submitted By:
Group 13
BBA, 13th Batch
4th Year, 1st Semester
Department of Finance,
Jagannath University
Members of Group 13:
SL. NO. Name ID NO.
01 Puja Roy B180203001
02 Utsha Saha B180203044
03 Priya Saha B180203063
04 Nayan Saha B180203071
05 Dawn Argho Mondol B180203104
1. Why volunteering activities is important to become an entrepreneur?
It is essentially unpaid work; providing a service for the benefit of others and
helping a community to thrive. The range of volunteering work is endless.
Entrepreneurs usually have their plates full. While some balance
entrepreneurship with another job, others balance it with family, and others
find themselves working 80+ hour weeks. Volunteering can prove to be highly
beneficial for entrepreneurs. Studies have found that volunteering helps
relieve stress, improves health–and indirectly your job performance as you
feel more energized and inspired–and can help you hone your professional
Self Confidence.
Take some alternative initiative.
Do not give any complain or excuse.
Shall be unique in pricing, customer care.
A strong need to achieve.
Make a story about life to share with others and make others motivated too
Start and hang-up
Don’t think what others will say
Make passion to fulfill dream
Spend some of years alone to ensure success in life
Good health, happiness, wealth, education
Be positive
Be honest & keep commitment
Take time
Think about solution with problem
Rain is for everybody but you want to get wet in it or not, it’s your decision
Don’t get upset after fail
10.“An entrepreneur learns from his mistakes and finds the way to move
forward by correcting his mistakes.”- Do you agree?
Mistakes are one of the wisest teachers for entrepreneurs. Employing mistakes
and failures to make future decisions about businesses could be a good
strategy that most entrepreneurs can implement.
11.How does an entrepreneur reach the customers of his service or products
by proper marketing and profit can be earned?
2. Business funding: For starting the business he must sort out his source of funds.
An entrepreneur can take loan or may invest his own savings, but he must have clear
knowledge of the funds.