EJHC - Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Pages 399-409
EJHC - Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Pages 399-409
EJHC - Volume 15 - Issue 1 - Pages 399-409
Background: Many factors are crucial to be considered when determining labor outcomes
and mode of giving births for pregnant women. The aim of the study: The current study aimed to
investigate the correlation between cardiovascular imaging categories and determining the labor
outcome based on Donabedian model approach.. Methodology: A correlational and descriptive
study design was adopted in the labor room at maternal and children hospital (MCH) in Najran-
Saudi Arabia. A purposive sampling technique was utilized for recruiting a total of 390 full term
pregnant ladies at labor stag with specific inclusion criteria. A self- reported questionnaire, besides
check-list was used for collecting data. Results: The age of the participants ranged between 18 and
41 years, with a mean of 26.2 ±6.1 years. Gravidity ranged between 1 and 7, with a mean of 2.7
±3.1. Moreover, parity ranged between 1 and 8, with a mean of 1.9 ±1.8. The observed delivery
mode was spontaneous normal vaginal delivery for 43.1%, followed by emergency cesarean section
for 26.7%, while the least reported mode was vacuum-assisted (instrumental) vaginal birth for 9.2%
of the participants. CTG was determined to be 86% for category I, 9% for category II, while
category III was estimated for 5% respectively. Most of the newborns 362 (92.8%) had 7-10 Apgar
scores in 1st minute, and almost 96% of them had 7-10 Apgar scores in the 5th minute. Only 7.2%
(n=28) of newborns had been admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Mode of
delivery, Apgar score at first minute, and admission to NICU were significantly associated with the
CTG categories (P= 0.001, 0.045 & 0.012). Conclusion & recommendation: CTG categories were
significantly related to labour outcomes in terms of mode of delivery, Apgar score at first minute,
and thus NICU admission. For increasing CTG efficiency, continuous training is crucial for
obstetricians and midwives on how to interpret CTGs and to escalate when there are concerns.
Keywords: Cardiotocography; Donabedian model; Labor outcome
Introduction which are unique to the individual life
Both mothers and their fetuses are experiences of pregnant women (Humenick &
subjected to significant metabolic stress during Howell, 2003) and (Bang & Lee, 2009) and
labor and delivery process. Nonetheless, most (Kim & Lee, 2008).
women are able to cope with these stressors
without adverse effects on their labor results1. On the other hand, fetuses too might
Multiple factors should be considered when expose to stressful periods for instance
determining labor outcomes as well as mode of disrupting oxygenation which may result in a
giving births for pregnant ladies. These factors degree of acidosis and even death (Walton &
had been grouped into psychological, Peaceman, 2012). Accordingly, intermittent
psychosocial as well as psychosexual factors and or continuous fetal monitoring is a crucial
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1
mode of delivery. The researcher observed the structure, process, and outcome. In
CTG for 40 minutes during the active or Donabedian's view, health care systems are
transition phase of the first stage of labor. Then, shaped by their structures, which in turn affect
the researcher asked an experienced midwife or processes and outcomes21. For the current study,
the obstetrician to interpret the CTG according the setting's policy and procedure regarding
to NICHD 2008 criteria system which was continuous fetal monitoring, staff training
already used in the current study setting17. If regarding CTG, and the application of
any changes occurred in the CTG pattern, the continuous fetal monitoring in routine care are
midwife or the obstetrician was asked to all considered care structures. Moreover,
reinterpret the CTG. The researcher considered examining the relationship between
and recorded the last interpretation category interpretation of CTG categories based on
before women's delivery. NICDH is considered as a process of care.
Part two: a. Neonatal Outcomes While the outcomes denote the mode of
Immediate Assessment in terms of birth weight, delivery, 1st and 5th minute Apgar score, and
Apgar score at 1st and 5th minutes, and NICU admission rate in NICU (Figure 1).
admission status. Health care structure in form of physical
b. Cord Assessment After delivery, cord and organizational aspects of care, is
blood was collected in heparinized containers represented in the current study as applying
and analyzed within 5-10 minutes. Normal cord continuous CTG monitoring to all laboring
blood pH was defined as 7.25 or above while women. While the care processes that showed
neonatal acidosis was defined as cord blood pH in the middle of the diagram (figure 1) in the
of 7.20 or less (NICE, 2020). current study, the process of care is denoted as
Tool III: Donabedian model interpretation of CTG categories which based
The Donabedian model provides a on NICHD and health outcomes that specified
framework for evaluating and improving the as labor outcomes.
quality of healthcare. The Donabedian domains
of structures and processes were the focus of the
elements influencing the infant outcome. This
model based on three main constructs namely,
Figure 1: Donabedian Model
Donabedian Model
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1
NICU except one baby (0.3%) who was not admitted to NICU (Table 4).
Variable N (%) P
Age 0.61
≤25 112 (28.7%)
26-35 207 (53.1%)
≥36 71 (18.2%)
Educational level 0.33
Elementary/intermediate/secondary 280 (71.8%)
College/University 110 (28.2%)
Employment status 0.17
Employee 138 (35.4%) 0.09
Not employee (House wife) 252 (64.4%)
Previous Infertility >1 year prior pregnancy 78 (20%) 0.11
Number of pregnancies 0.045*
Primiparas 106 (27.2%) 0.001*
Multiparas 284 (72.8%)
Previous Mode of Childbirth
Normal Vaginal Birth (one or more) 168 (43.1%) 0.16
Instrumental (vacuumed) Vaginal (one or more) 36 (9.2%) 0.037*
Elective caesarean section (one or more) 82 (21%) 0.002*
Emergency caesarean section (one or more) 104 (26.7%) 0.101
Gravidity Mean ± SD Range
2.7 ±3.1 1-7
Parity 1.9 ±1.8 1-8
9% 5%
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1
Table (2): Comparison between Gravidity Groups and indication for Categories of
Cardiotocography (CTG) (n=390)
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1
practitioner for 66 cases (16.9%), expert delivered vaginally, and only 13.4% of them
midwives for 178 lady (45.6%), and specialists had cesarean section. While mode of delivery
for 146 (37.4%) respectively (Yan Jia, et al., for the participants having abnormal CTG was
2021) cesarean section for 66.7%, assisted vaginal
In regard to CTG categories that can be birth for 10%, and spontaneous vaginal delivery
determined by this tool, most identified for 23% of them (Amsumang et al., 2017)
category was category I. In the same line, In regard to the neonatal outcomes, the
numerous studies showed that, more than two current study revealed a significant statistical
third of the participants had CTG category I. relationship between CTG categories and 1st
(Ayrapetyan etal., 2019) and (Rahman et al., minute Apgar score (P = 0.045). In the same
2012). line, a previous study revealed that all newborns
with CTG category I had reassuring at 1st
In terms of the third Donabedian model's minute Apgar score (Joshi et al., 2019).
component was the health outcomes that Different results were found in another study
represented in form of delivery mode, APGAR where 86.7% of the new-borns with CTG
score at (first & fifth minute) & NICU category I had a reassuring 1st minute Apgar
admission rate. In the light of this point, our score and 90% of them had a reassuring 5th
study revealed that there was a statistically minute Apgar score. While 63.4% of the
significant relationship between CTG categories newborns with CTG category II and III, had a
and mode of delivery where majority of the reassuring 1st minute Apgar score (Amsumang
participants with CTG category I (49.2%), had et al., 2017). This difference may be
normal vaginal birth. Only 1.5% of the attributed to the small sample size (n=60)
participated ladies with category III gave birth compared to ours in addition to different
normally. These findings agreed with previous population and study area respectively
studies (Nabukera etr al., 2006) and (Garite Additionally, another study revealed that, two-
& Simpson , 2011). thirds of the newborns who had moderate
This study showed a significant asphyxia at the 5th minute after delivery were
statistical association between CTG categories with CTG category III while, the vast majority
and mode of delivery (P = 0.001). These of the new-borns who had reassuring 5th minute
findings agreed with another study which Apgar score were with CTG category I (Ikram,
showed that, two thirds of the participants 2018)
delivered by vaginal delivery, followed by This study showed no statistically
cesarean delivery and the least mode was significant relationship between CTG categories
forceps extraction respectively Devane, et al., and cord pH (P-value = 0.111). Coincided, other
2007) and (Ayrapetyan, et al., 2019). studies reported a statistically significant
association between CTG categories and
Additionally, participants with CTG umbilical cord pH where newborns with CTG
category III were more likely to undertake category II were more likely to develop
emergency cesarean delivery. Whereas, more neonatal acidosis than those with category I
than half of the participants with CTG category (Furthermore, it was found that, only 0.5% of
II had either normal or instrumental vaginal the participants with CTG category I had acidic
delivery. In the same line, it was reported that, umbilical cord blood pH, 0.8% with CTG
vaginal delivery was the mode of delivery for category II had acidic umbilical cord blood pH
99.7% of the participants with CTG category I, and, 1.5% with CTG category III had acidic
while cesarean sections was the mode of umbilical cord blood pH. These results were
delivery for most of the participants with CTG much lower than another study in which the
category III with a statistical significant acidic pH of the umbilical cord blood were
relationship as reported by Joshi et al documented to be 2% of the participants with
respectively (Ikram, 2018). Moreover, another CTG category I had acidic umbilical cord blood
study used only two classification system of pH, 22% with CTG category II had acidic
CTG categories, normal for category I and umbilical cord blood pH and, 44% with CTG
abnormal for category II and III identified that, category III had acidic umbilical cord blood pH
83.3% of the participants who had normal CTG,
Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1
respectively (Devane, et al., 2007) and at 10 Minutes and Outcomes in Term and Late
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Original Article Egyptian Journal of Health Care, March 2024 EJHC Vol 15. No.1