Curriculum of The 11th Grade
Curriculum of The 11th Grade
Curriculum of The 11th Grade
Aims: The course includes: Can understand sentences and frequently used expressions
related to areas of most immediate relevance (e.g. very basic personal and family information,
shopping, local geography, employment). Grammar function and development of the 4 skills
through a variety of communicative tasks, and systematically recycles key language items.
Above all, it is designed to promote active (activating all new vocabulary and structures in
meaningful). Can communicate in simple and routine task requiring a simple and direct
exchange of information on familiar and routine matter. Can describe in simple terms aspects of
his/her background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need.
At the end of the lesson students are ready to do the writing or speaking activity on the topic
It consists of ten modules of six lessons each (there is an also self-check section at the end of
each module) and provides systematic preparation for all skill required for successful
communication both in the written and spoken form.
It is intended for students of English at LOW B1+ level and provided an introduction to new
grammar, vocabulary and usage of English environment and matters in areas.
Listening: Students develop their listening skills through a wide variety of tasks which
understand specific information in extended talk in increasing range of general curricular topic
with some support in the module. This reinforces students’ understanding of the language
taught in the module.
Speaking: Controlled speaking activities have been contact what others have said in a pairs,
group, classroom talk in the increasing range leading them to speaking activities. Functional
dialogues set in interact with peers to negotiate, agree and organize priorities and students with
natural language. The dialogues also present useful expressions so that students can practice
in English.
Reading: Throughout each module there is a wide variety of reading implied meaning of texts
such as emails, text messages, letters, articles, poems etc , which allow skills such as reading
for gist and reading for specific information to be systematically practiced.
Writing: Students develop their writing skills through the use of all four language skills. Guided
practice of the relevant vocabulary is given and consolidated and followed by a model text which
is thoroughly analysed. Plans are also provided to guide students. There are writing activities
throughout the modules, based on realistic types and styles of writing, such as letters,
descriptions, notes, postcards, and articles. These progress from short sentences to paragraphs
and finally to full texts, allowing students to gradually build up their writhing skills.
Evaluations: Evaluation is an essential part in the learning process. It helps the learners
recognize their progress in the target language, how much they have achieved and what areas
need further practice. The learners’ attitude towards their own learning experience is positively
influenced as they participate in the whole process. Evaluation also allows teachers to reflect on
the validity of their teaching practices and the types of material being used.
Initial evaluation: This evaluation centers mainly on the students’ reports from the previous
school year. The teacher can assess the students’ level , work already covered, work which
needs to be covered, strengths/weakness, ect.
Formative evaluation: Any exercise a student does can be used for this type of evaluation. The
result are then recorded on the student’s Formative evaluation chart.
Cumulative evaluation: Cumulative evaluation takes into account the work the students have
done throughout the module as well as their participation and attitude. The instruments of
evaluation are:
After students have completed the Self-Assessment Form section of each module , they
fill out the photocopiable Self -Assessment form, giving their subjective opinion of their
own performance. This learning to learn technique enables the students to develop
awareness of their progress.
Student assessment
The ultimate goal of curriculum evaluation is to ensure that the curriculum is effective in
promoting improved quality of student learning. Student assessment therefore connotes
assessment of student learning. Assessment of student learning has always been a powerful
influence on how and what teachers teach and is thus an important source of feedback on the
appropriateness implementation of curriculum content.
ЗОРИЛГО: Aims: Students will be able to express their ideas about art, history and culture in
the written and oral ways and communicate with others using new vocabulary and structure.
Avoiding repetitions
Knowledge: too / enough
Ss will learn table ticking Describe basic present and past actions
or crossing, making
prediction, making Declarative what a/an+adjective+noun
comparisons and discussing Geographical features
about devices and gadgets
Places means of transport
Types of building
Module 3
Free time
Unit 8
Unit 9
How annoying -10
Great expedition
Review -6
Ss will talk about number and Self-check -6
formula. ss will be able to Exam-2
use past simple regular and Knowledge:
irregular forms
-solve the formula
Past form of can
-Adjectives for describing fairy tales
-characters / -inventions
Is it art? -10
Review -6
Self-check -6
Teacher’s self-evaluation
You can write up your lesson plans, observation and analysis in a Lesson Record. It is
useful to ask questions of yourself under each heading in order to structure your record:
1. Planning:
- What are the aims of this lesson?
- What will I expect children to do by the end of the lesson which will show that
the aims have been achieved?
- Are there opportunities to develop interactive social skills?
- What problems could be anticipated? How could these be overcome?
- How will I be able to support the less able children / challenge the more able
2. Observations
- Where children absorbed in the activities? (Give examples of what pupils did.)
- Where any children not involved? Why?
- Did any children show particular abilities (e.g. producing spontaneous
- Was pair / group work carried out effectively?
- Were there any practical problems (e.g. problems with materials, space, noise)?
3. Analysis
- To what extent were my aims achieved?
- Which aspects of the lesson were most successful? Why?
- Which aspects were less successful? Why?
- How can I reinforce pupils’ learning?
Цаг 48
Нэгж хичээл Calculating :To be able to Making plans: using related
сэдэв ask and answer related to words with discuss about
stories using past tenses clock and time : listening, Review
skills: listening, writing, reading, writing and
speaking, reading. speaking.
Судлах цаг 16 18 19
Ээлжит 1. How annoying 1. Is it art?
2. Culture shock
2. Crime fighters
3. Culture corner
3. Culture corner
4. Everyday english
4. Crime technology
5.Be the change
5. law cases
6. Self-check
6. Self-check
2021 оны 09 дугаар сарын 02 ны өдөр
Ашиглах ном,
Ямар учраас
сурах бичиг, Тоо
№ ТБ Зохиогч Он сонгосон (давуу
гарын авлагын ширхэг
Дүрмийн мэдлэг
Access student’s Virginia Evans олгох, хөнгөнөөс—
1 30*1-4 -01 2013
book Jenny Dooley хүнд үг зүй хэрэглээ
30*1-4 -02
Access grammar Унших сэдэв ихтэй,
2 Virginia Evans 2004
book авиа зүй хослосон
Jenny Dooley
Унших даалгавар
болон сэдэвт дүн
Virginia Evans шинжилгээ хийн
9 Mission 1,2 -11 2000
Jenny Dooley үгийн сан
2 /english/
Смарт анги