Account Deletion Form

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We certainly acknowledge your rights as a data subject, which, among them, include the right to

erasure/blocking, removal, or destruction of your personal information from our systems.

In responseto yourrequest, youraccountwillbetagged as'Inactive'to prevent itfrombeingused forany GCash

transaction once we complete this process. The actual deletion of your data from our systems, on the
other hand, will be done 5 years from the date your account has been tagged as 'Inactive'. This is in
relation to ourcompliancewith R.A.9160, asamended, which requiresa retention period of5years.Asa
financialinstitution,underthejurisdiction oftheBangkoSentralngPilipinas(BSP), wearealso required to
observe said law, and in particular, the prescribed retention period.


I. DataSubjectDetails


GCash Registered 09568266386

Mobile number:

II. ConfirmingyourIdentity

A. Pleaseconfirmidentitybysubmittingacopy ofanyofthedocumentslistedbelow.Pleasetick the

appropriate box to indicate which document you have enclosed.

☐ DigitallyPrintedGovernment-issuedID(NBIClearance,SSSID,UMID,Driver’sLicense,etc)

☐ Passport

If your name is different from the document or ID presented, you must supply a copyof
documentaryevidencetoconfirmtheprovidedID(e.g.,marriagecertificate,changeofnamedeed or
statutory declaration).

Additional validation procedures to validate the identity of the requestor or authorized


B. ’If you request made by an authorized representative, please confirm the identity of
your Authorized Representative by submitting a copy of any of the documents listed
below. Tick the appropriate box to indicate which document you have enclosed’

☐ DigitallyPrintedGovernment-issuedID(NBIClearance,SSSID,UMID,Driver’sLicense,etc)

☐ Passport

IftheAuthorizedRepresentative’snameisdifferentfrom thedocumentorIDpresented,please
provide a copyof documentary evidence to confirm the change in name of the Authorized
Representative (e.g., marriage certificate, change of name deed or statutory declaration).
Thedatacollectedherewillonlybeusedtovalidateyouridentityandprocessyourrequestfor data/account

Once you accomplished the form and we’ve validated your identity, we will forward this request to
ourOperations Team to affect the necessary tagging.

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