Account Deletion Form
Account Deletion Form
Account Deletion Form
I. DataSubjectDetails
II. ConfirmingyourIdentity
☐ DigitallyPrintedGovernment-issuedID(NBIClearance,SSSID,UMID,Driver’sLicense,etc)
☐ Passport
If your name is different from the document or ID presented, you must supply a copyof
documentaryevidencetoconfirmtheprovidedID(e.g.,marriagecertificate,changeofnamedeed or
statutory declaration).
B. ’If you request made by an authorized representative, please confirm the identity of
your Authorized Representative by submitting a copy of any of the documents listed
below. Tick the appropriate box to indicate which document you have enclosed’
☐ DigitallyPrintedGovernment-issuedID(NBIClearance,SSSID,UMID,Driver’sLicense,etc)
☐ Passport
IftheAuthorizedRepresentative’snameisdifferentfrom thedocumentorIDpresented,please
provide a copyof documentary evidence to confirm the change in name of the Authorized
Representative (e.g., marriage certificate, change of name deed or statutory declaration).
Thedatacollectedherewillonlybeusedtovalidateyouridentityandprocessyourrequestfor data/account
Once you accomplished the form and we’ve validated your identity, we will forward this request to
ourOperations Team to affect the necessary tagging.