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Chapter 5 Bookwork

Personal Assessment
1. What do you do to make yourself feel better after a hard day (coping
After a hard day, I usually choose to take an hour's nap in my bed to relax.
2.How do you generally talk to yourself from day to day?
I usually communicate with myself by analyzing my emotional fluctuations
throughout the day.
3.Do you notice if you are your own harshest critic? If so, why do you feel
that way?
Yes, because I always want others to be satisfied with me.
4.What do you think you could do better to become more resilient and cope
better in life?
I should be easier on myself.
5.1 Key Term
Body image: Term that describes a person’ s thoughts and feelings about how
she or he looks.
Muscle dysmorphia: A disorder characterized by an extreme concern with
becoming more muscular.
Dietary supplement: a product that can be ingested to give a person’ s body
more of a specific nutrient; can be harmful when used in excess.
Creatine: an amino acid that helps the body build protein; can be taken as a
dietary supplement to help a person build muscle mass.
Anabolic steroids: Artificial hormones used to treat muscular disorders; are
sometimes illegally used to help people build muscle mass.
5.1 Review QS
1. A person's subjective imagination or mental image of his or her body.
2.A person's body image can be influenced by many factors, such as parents,
peers, culture/media, or past experiences.
3.Aesthetics and beauty standards drive them to lose weight because “fit” is
so important
4.Different ethnic groups will have different beauty standards and cultural
expectations. Due to years of tradition, some ethnic groups may also value
physical beauty more.
5.Reviews of research suggest that parents can influence their children's body
image through direct means, such as comments or criticism about weight and
appearance, and more indirect means, such as parents' eating behaviors and
attitudes toward their own bodies and appearance.
5.2 Key Term
Eating Disorder: A Psychological illness characterized by a serious
disturbance in a person’s eating behavior.
Anorexia Nervosa: An eating disorder in which a person has an intense fear
of gaining weight, eats too little, and loses far more weight than is healthy for
her or his height.
Bulimia Nervosa: An eating disorder in which a person has recurrent
episodes of binge eating followed by purging.
Binge-eating disorder: An eating disorder in which a person repeatedly
consumes a huge amount of food in a short period of time.
Lanugo: The growth of fine hair all over the body; often a result of anorexia
Constipation: a condition characterized by infrequent or delayed hard, dry
bowel movements.
Infertility: A condition in which a man or woman is physically unable to
Acid reflux disorder: A gastrointestinal problem in which acid-containing
chyme moves from the lower stomach into the esophagus.
Laxative: A medication that is used to encourage and aid bowel movements.
Hypoglycemia: a deficiency of sugar in the blood; often a result of excessive
amounts of insulin being released to lower blood sugar levels.
5.2 Review QS
1.Anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, acid reflux disorder.
2.Anemia, arrhythmia, slow heart rate, heart failure and mitral valve prolapse.
3.Swelling around the cheeks and chin. Indigestion, frequent constipation,
diarrhea, or intolerance to new foods. Irregular heartbeat, hypotension.
4.High cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, gallbladder disease,heart
5.Anorexia nervosa, a form of self-starvation; bulimia nervosa, in which a
person repeatedly binges and alternates between self-induced vomiting or
starvation; and bulimia nervosa, which is similar to bulimia but without
compensatory behaviors to avoid weight gain.

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