Chapter-2 - Distance Measurements - PPB - Surveying - I
Chapter-2 - Distance Measurements - PPB - Surveying - I
Chapter-2 - Distance Measurements - PPB - Surveying - I
1. A rectangular plot of land of area 0.55 hectare is represented on a map of similar rectangle
area of 6.11 cm2. Calculate the representative factor of the scale of the map. Draw a scale to
read upto a meter from the map. The scale should be long enough to measure upto 400m.
2. A rectangular plot of land of area 2.0 hectare is represented on a map of similar rectangle
area of 8.12 cm2. Calculate the representative factor of the scale of the map. Draw a scale to
read upto a meter from the map explaining procedures. The scale should be long enough to
measure upto 600m.
5. A map is drawn lo some scale so that a plot of 51750 m2 is represented by 4.6cm x 4.5cm on
the plan- Calculate the RF of the scale of the map. Draw a scale to read up to a single meter
from the map and scale should be long enough to measure upto 600m.
7. What are the selection criteria of scale for drawing a map? A rectangular plot of land of area
0.55 hectare is represented on a map of similar rectangle area of 6.1 I cm'. Calculate the
representative factor of the scale of the map. Draw a scale to read upto a meter from the map.
The scale should be long enough to measure upto 400m
8. A 30m steel tape was standardized in catenary condition under a pull of 5 kg and found to be
30.008m. This tape was used to measure a distance of 66m in three equal span in catenary
conditions at a pull of 5 kg. The weight of tape was 30 gm/m. Apply necessary tape
correction for the measured length of line.
9. A steel tape was exactly 20 m long at 20"C when supported throughout its length under pull
of 100 N. A line was measured with this tape under pull of 160 N at mean temperature of
30°C and found to be 1020 m long. The cross sectional area of tape is 0.03 cm2, weight per
Assignment: Chapter-2- Distance measurements
meter length is 24 gm, coefficient of thermal expansion for steel is 11 * l0-6 /°C and modulus
of elasticity of steel is 2.1 x 106 kg/cm2. Find true length of line if tape was supported at
every 10 m during measurement.
10. A 30 m steel tape was standardized in catenary condition under pull of 5 kg and found to be
30.015m. The tape was used to measure distance of 24.726 m in catenary conditions at a pull
of 5 kg. The weight of the tape was 30 gm/m. Apply necessary tape correction.
11. A plan represents an area of 18000 m 2 and measures 8 cm x 9 cm. Find the scale of the plot
and indicate through a sketch how a suitable scale can be constructed to read up to 1 m in the
plan. If the same plan is to be drawn on a topo sheet with a scale of 1: 12500, what will be
the represented area of that plan on the sheet?
12. A 30 m tape weighing 8.9 N and has a cross sectional area of 2.58 mm 2 was standardized and
found to be 30.005 m at 20° C with 52 N tension at fully supported condition. This tape was
used for measuring the distances at constant temperature of 31.2 °C and pull applied 110 N.
The tape was supported at 0 and 30 m end. The observed distance was 630 m. Calculate the
correct horizontal distance between points. Take coefficient of linear expansion of tape α =
12 x 10-6 °C and Young's modulus of elasticity of tape material. E = 12 x 1011 N/m2.
13. A steel tape 30m long weighs 0.7 kg and is used with supports at the ends only. A line is
measured in three segments using a 5 kg pull and the, length was recorded as 76.35m. What
is the length of the line corrected for sag?
14. A 50m steel tape weighing 0.68 kg was standardized on the catenary and found to have
length 49.995m at 20 °C, tension 5 kg. Calculate the horizontal length of 30m span at 26 °C.
15. The following slope distances were measured along a chain line with 30m tape.
Slope distance (m) = 25.50,24.60,28.70,29.50 and 18.50
Difference of elevation between ends (m) = 2.50,5.30, 3.35, 2.50 and 1.50.
It was noted afterwards that the tape was 2cm too long. Find the true horizontal distance.
16. A tape of nominal length 30 m is standardized in catenary at 40N tension and found to be
39.8850m. If the mass of the tape is 0.015 kg/m, calculate the horizontal length of 16m in
fully support condition.
17. The tape is tested before commencement of surveying and was found to be 30m. At the end
of surveying it was tested again and was found to be 30.15m. The area of plan of the field
drawn to a scale 1cm = 5m was 55 Find the true area of the field in hectares?
Assignment: Chapter-2- Distance measurements
18. A plot of land acquired for a soap factory site measures 30 cm × 25 cm on village map drawn
on a scale 1cm = 100m. what is its area Ropani, anna, paisa and daam ?? What will be its
area on a topo sheet 1: 50,000 scale?
19. A rectangular plot in plan is 10cm x 20cm, drawn to a scale of 1: 100m. If the same plot is
redrawn on a topo sheet to a scale of 1: 1km, what would be its area on topo sheet?
Determine also RF in each case.
Assignment: Chapter-2- Distance measurements