SUMMARY Articles Issues in ELT

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Group 3

• Erika Nabila : 2105125233

• Silsilia Wulan Dika : 2105125234
Subject : Issues in ELT
Lecturer : Dr. Eliwarti, M. App. Ling
Summary Articles for Second Performance

Challenges and Strategies of English Language Teaching Within the Freedom-to-Learn

Curriculum in Indonesia

In the article entitled "Challenges and Strategies of English Language Teaching

Within the Freedom-to-Learn Curriculum in Indonesia, the author explores the challenges
and strategies of teaching English within the Freedom-to-Learn curriculum in Indonesia. The
Freedom-to-Learn curriculum is an innovation in Indonesian education that aims to develop
students' learning potential and interest. This curriculum gives students freedom to choose
their learning interests, reduces academic burden, and encourages teacher creativity. In
implementing the freedom-to-learn curriculum, of course, teachers experience challenges in
teaching English. There are challenges faced in teaching English, and strategies are needed to
face these challenges. For this reason, in this research, the author aims to examine the
challenges faced by junior high school English teachers in the city of Banyumas, Indonesia,
and to explore the strategies used by teachers in facing these challenges.

In this research, the author uses a qualitative approach, where the qualitative approach
uses text for its findings, analyzes the data, and interprets its meaning. Researchers took
junior high school English teachers in a district called Banyumas, Indonesia, as research
participants. There are six English teachers from four state junior high schools. Researchers
used convenience sampling as a method to select participants. In collecting data, researchers
used various techniques. There are three techniques used in this research, namely semi-
structured interviews, observation, and document study, to obtain holistic information for
research. The main data was taken from semi-structured individual interviews with each
participant. Supporting data was obtained from observations of the learning process in class.
Moreover, researchers also use supporting data from documents, which are teacher teaching
modules. Data analysis uses thematic analysis. Researchers go through several stages in
thematic data analysis. The first and second stages are introduction and coding; the third to
fifth phases are theme development, refinement, and naming; and the final phase is writing.
The researcher revealed in the results and discussions that there were several challenges
faced by teachers in teaching English in the freedom-to-learn curriculum. The following are
the challenges teachers face in teaching English in the freedom-to-learn curriculum:
• Teachers' lack of understanding of the concept of the freedom-to-learn curriculum and
lack of preparation in implementing the freedom-to-learn curriculum, including delays
in planning and teacher training after implementation.
• The independent learning curriculum has high flexibility in its concept. Project-based
learning, focus on essential material, and flexibility in curriculum design are
characteristics of the freedom-to-learn curriculum. However, this also creates
confusion for teachers in implementing it.
• The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic which increases learning loss, especially
among students with low educational backgrounds.
• Large class sizes are a challenge in implementing a student-centered learning
• The ratio of teachers to the number of students is not ideal in student-centered
• Difficulty in adjusting simultaneous summative tests due to differences in material
flow between schools in the independent learning curriculum.
• Challenges faced by teachers in teaching grade 7 junior high school students who
have long been accustomed to online learning since elementary school due to the
• Grade 7 junior high school students still need guidance like elementary school
students. Because the lack of learning English in elementary school is an additional
obstacle for grade 7 junior high school students.
The challenges faced in teaching English in the Freedom-to-learn curriculum lead
teachers to find strategies to face the challenges in teaching English in the Freedom-to-learn
curriculum.To confront the challenges of curriculum implementation, the teachers have some
strategies as follows:
 Teacher Training: Despite the availability of information on the Freedom-to-learn
curriculum through government platforms, teachers still require formal training to
understand the concept thoroughly. This training helps them teach professionally
within the framework of the new curriculum. It ensures that teachers attain high
standards and subject matter competence, contributing to their overall
 English Teachers Association Meetings: These meetings provide a platform for
teachers to discuss and share experiences related to the implementation of the
curriculum. It helps in addressing various challenges, such as differing understandings
among teachers and the need for curriculum adaptation. By coming together, teachers
can reach mutual agreements on key aspects like teaching materials and
administration, which facilitates smoother implementation.
 Creating an Exciting Learning Environment
 Grade 7 students have lower English competencies, prompting teachers to focus
on creating an engaging learning environment.
 Strategies include using games to enhance social and emotional skills, integrating
teaching material into daily life, allowing students to choose their own topics (At),
and utilizing outdoor spaces for study.

 Implementing Differentiated Learning

 Due to the student-centered nature of the curriculum, teachers face challenges in
catering to diverse student needs.
 Differentiated learning involves adapting teaching methods and materials to
accommodate varying readiness levels, interests, and learning profiles.
 Strategies include student profiling, grouping based on competencies, and peer
 Teachers employ various approaches such as focusing on different learning styles,
personalizing learning processes, and integrating other teaching models like
project-based learning.

 Conducting Evaluations
 Continuous evaluation is essential to improving curriculum implementation,
particularly in assessment methods.
 Feedback and criticism from teachers help refine policies and decisions related to
curriculum implementation.
 Evaluation occurs at various levels, including school, sub-region, and government
 Teachers use evaluations to modify lesson plans and teaching methods to better
align with student needs and curriculum goals.
 There's a need for practical guidance and materials to support teachers in
implementing assessments effectively within the Freedom-to-learn curriculum.

In conclusion, the Freedom-to-learn curriculum has already been implemented in

Indonesia. However, English teachers as the front guard of the language teaching and
learning process are challenged to implement the new curriculum. There are some challenges
faced by the teacher in the freedom-to-learn curriculum implementation: lack of
understanding of the concept, lack of preparation, learning loss, big class size, and adjustment
of a simultaneous summative test. Although they got challenges, they still did their best effort
in implementing the new curriculum. They have some strategies to confront the challenges:
taking training, attending an English Teachers’ Association meeting, creating an exciting and
enjoyable learning environment, implementing differentiated learning, and conducting an
evaluation. The implementation of the Freedom-to-learn curriculum has given the teachers a
lot of learning. Whatever challenges are faced, the teachers have made their best effort to
implement the new curriculum. However, the thing to remember is that the teacher as the
spearhead of education requires the teachers to alter their paradigm and terminology related
to education today which is far different from the past. The Freedom-to Learn Curriculum
provides flexibility to educators to create quality learning that suits the needs and learning
environment of students. Although the reality shows that it has not reached the curricular goal
yet, all parties have tried to do their best.

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