Class 6 CBA 2024
Class 6 CBA 2024
Class 6 CBA 2024
Cost-Benefit Analysis
Dr. Mark Hsu
Class Outline
❑ Cost-benefit analysis
❑ Valuation techniques
❑ Time value of money
❑ Investment criteria
- Net Present Value (NPV)
- Benefit/Cost Ratio (B/C)
- Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
- Discounted Payback Period
❑ Case study – Hong Kong Express Rail Link
❑ Decision making tool
❑ Not limited to tangible costs and
❑ The values may change upon the
situation, preference and timing.
❑ Compare with “no action” or “do-
minimal” scenario.
(“With” and “Without” Analysis)
Infrastructure Projects
An infrastructure is a particular allocation of scarce resources in the
present which will result in a flow of output in the future.
Main problem in most public project
appraisals are:
❑ Long life-span
❑ their uneconomic nature make it wildlife habitat
difficult to monetize Land
Labor & Material
Travel time
Vehicle operating costs Accessibility
Traffic accidents
Economic benefits
Community impacts
What is Cost-Benefit Analysis
❑ CBA is a analytical tool for public decision making by evaluating
the impacts of an investment, program or action , accounting for
we want to consider
all the benefits and costs in monetary terms. fortos und convert them into
monetary teams
❑ CBA measures the efficiency, welfare change, or resource
allocation effects of an investment (a regulatory change), by
outlining the dollar value of the gains and losses for the society.
❑ If present value of expected benefits > present value of costs
= Positive NPV
= Increase efficiency of the society !
Why Use CBA
❑ CBA provides a consistent and systematic basis for comparing
alternatives with different levels of estimated benefits at
different timeframes for policy decision-maker.
❑ Does the proposal provide a net benefit to the society?
❑ Should an existing project or program be continued?
(“with” and “without” analysis)
❑ Which option is preferred over others (net monetary benefits)?
(NPVA ($) > NPVB ($) > NPVC ($))
Advantages of CBA
• Both tangible & intangible costs and benefits
are being assessed
Major Steps of CBA
1. Identify project needs
2. Identify project constraints
3. Define the base case
4. Identify alternatives of the projects
5. Define a time periodeliveryell
6. Define work scope
7. Analyze project effects
8. Monetize benefits and costs
9. Calculate the present values (discounting)
10. Analyzing the options
11. Risk Assessment (sensitivity analysis)
Major Steps of CBA
1. Identify project needs
❑ Clearly state project needs so that key relationships can be identified,
and a wide range of alternatives can be examined.
❑ The project’s objective should not be too broad, making it difficult to
examine all of the trade-offs, or too narrow, excluding key relationships.
Major Steps of CBA
3. Define the base case
❑ Known as the “no action” case – the continued operation of the
current facility without any major investments.
Major Steps of CBA
7. Analyze project effects
❑ Analyze the effects that the project would have on the society to
calculate the costs and benefits.
❑ Include direct and indirect, environmental and social impacts, and other
effects relative to the base case(no-action).
Refer to previous reports, papers, guidelines and case studies.
❑ Inclusion of social and environmental impacts, by referring to the local
T standards/codes.
Follow to
they if not
e.g. EU Vehicle noise rules (97/24/EC) regulates the prescribed level for a motorcycle should not
exceed 80 dB(A).
the regulationswill
then they
get (Australia)Protection of the Environment Operations (Noise Control) Regulation 2017 regulates
the prescribed level for a motorcycle should not exceed 94 dB(A).
(Hong Kong) Noise Control Ordinance provides descriptions without the prescribed level.
Comparison of the international assessment of urban rail project evaluation
A study in 2008 compares CBA approaches to urban rail project evaluation in
Australia, the US, the UK, Canada, New Zealand, Germany, Holland, France,
Japan, Hong Kong, the Korea and Singapore.
Australia USA UK France Germany Japan HK
Capital Costs
O&M Costs
Costs of required mitigation measures to
reduce the negative effects of the project
Costs of required improvements on
other transport system
Residual value
Travel time savings
PT User Fare savings and out-of-pocket
Benefits Travel time savings
Noise impact – many countries use a hedonic pricing method except Germany which bases the value on the cost for equipping houses with
noise-proof glazing.
Accident cost savings – (a) human capital approach involves estimating the costs arising from a crash that can be directly measured,
including the loss of future earnings. (b) WTP approach involves estimating the monetary amount that people are
willing to forgo to reduce the risk of death or injury.
Savings in “avoided costs” – whatever would be done in the absence of the any rail initiative in “no action” case.
How to determine the Economic Value
Market Price
Production Function
Direct Market
Valuation Avoided damages
Replacement cost
Benefit Transfer
Direct Market Valuation
❑ Direct Market Valuation - data from actual market.
❑ Market price - reflect the actual goods and services that are bought
and sold in markets.
e.g. capital investment, O&M costs, revenue (from other local suppliers), etc.
How to determine Non-market Value
❑ Willingness to Pay (WTP)
❑ The maximum amount you are willing to pay to attain desirable outcome or
avoid undesirable outcome.
❑ WTP is constrained by the individual's budget.
❑ Willingness to Accept (WTA)
❑ The minimum compensation you would accept for a loss or an action not
❑ WTA is not bounded by income.
❑ Applied in Contingent Valuation, Choice Experiments, Hedonic Pricing
Analysis, and Travel Cost Method.
Contingent Valuation (CV)
❑ To measure individual preferences for changes in the quantity or quality of a
non-marketed good or service.
e.g. benefits of improving air and water quality, cost of noise and dust, etc.
❑ Steps Involved
❑ Creating a survey/questionnaire.
(a) Open ended: ask ‘what is your maximum WTP for...?’
(b) Bidding game: a sequence of increasing amount is shown to the respondent until he says ‘no’.
(c) Dichotomous choice: respondent answers yes/no to whether he is willing to pay a given amount
❑ Choosing an appropriate survey technique.
e.g. face-to-face interview, mail survey or telephone survey.
❑ Identifying the stakeholders and developing a sampling strategy.
❑ Survey analysis.
❑ Aggregating the WTP or WTA of the respondents.
Example for CV – WTP for de-carbonization
Aim to evaluate residential WTP for de-carbonization of electricity
supply in Hong Kong (electricity mix)
A phone survey was conducted for a random sample of 1,460 households
(2016) and open ended method was applied.
Example for CE – Green building development
Aim to evaluate the WTP of HK citizens for enhancements on various aspects of
environmental performance in green buildings.
6 environmental attributes and 2 scenarios were listed in each choice card and
the respondents need to state their preference.
The respondents are found to be willing to pay more for energy conservation, than indoor air quality
improvement, noise level reduction, landscape area enlargement, or water conservation.
Example for HP – Long Island case study
The town of Southold, Long Island, New York is a relatively rural area.
Intensive data were collected on residential property sales for a specific time period (1996)
based on different attributes (property structure (S), neighborhood (N), accessibility,
environmental (e) characteristics that affect prices)
PRICE = f (N, S) + e
The environmental variable is the property adjacent to: open space, farm land, major roads
and wetland.
❑ The simplest travel cost models assume that individuals take a trip for
a single purpose.
Example for TC – Great Barrier reef case study
Aim to quantify the value of Great Barrier reef (2 million visitors annually)
A total of 607 people was interviewed, later aggregated
into 39 regions of origin.
Main variables include: visitation rate, travel costs, and
socioeconomic shift variables (e.g. GDP per capita).
The best estimates of the annual recreational benefits range from $0.7-$1.6 billion.
(an average value of between US$ 350-800 per visit, times 2 million visitors)
Compare with other ecotourism sites: McNeil River-watch brown bears in Alaska (US$ 250 per
visitor) or a site to see lemurs in Madagascar (US$ 276-$360 per visitor).
Conservation policies to protect these resources are warranted and should be supported.
e.g. Travel time savings for urban rail: 30-50% of the average hourly wage rate for 1 hour saving.
Benefit Transfer
❑ Best to use values from the same region in the past 5-10 years.
❑ Appropriate adjustments on :
❑ Income or price if use values across regions;
(i.e. income elasticity; GDP per capita; Purchasing Power Parity)
❑ Price if adopted from studies conducted years ago (i.e. inflation rate) ;
❑ Other cultural and value differences between regions.
❑ May be associated with uncertainty about values, hence a sensitivity
analysis is recommended to assess the uncertainty and transfer error.
Example for Benefit Transfer – Income adjustment
Aim to value the willingness to pay (WTP) for constructing 9 new wastewater
treatment plants in Spain.
➢ The reference studies were selected from a database of 40 cases on the basis of
two criteria: project type and the socioeconomic context of the country.
➢ 28 selected projects were referred with WTP divided by national per capita GDP.
➢ The WTP for the projects in Spain was calculated with the average WTP,
weighted by (per capita) GDP, and in turn weighted by Spanish per capita GDP.
➢ The estimated WTP is EUR$ 88.11 per household (2011 prices)
The described methodology implicitly assumes the income elasticity of WTP as being equal to 1,
meaning that the ratio of WTP valued in each of the 28 reference countries and in Spain, that is
equivalent to the ratio of per capita GDP at the different sites.
Major Steps of CBA
1. Identify project needs
2. Identify project constraints
3. Define the base case
4. Identify alternatives
5. Define a time period
6. Define work scope
7. Analyze project effects
8. Monetize benefits and costs
9. Calculate the present values (discounting)
10. Analyzing the options
11. Risk Assessment (sensitivity analysis)
Major Steps of CBA
9. Calculate the present values (Discounting)
❑ Costs and benefits occur at different points in the life of the project so
the valuation must take into account the time at which they occur.
❑ Time value of money (TVM) : money that is available at the present
time is worth more than the same amount in the future, due to its
potential earning capacity.
e.g. $100 saved today at an annual interest rate (r) of 4% will be worth:
$104.00 in 1 year; $108.16 in 2 years ; $112.49 in 3 years.
Future value (FV) of $100 at the end of the 3rd year is worth $112.49
Present value (PV) of $112.49 in the 3rd year is worth $100
Time Value of Money
❑ Discounting allows comparisons for current and future costs & benefits
on an equal basis, by converting future value to present value by
applying a discount (or a negative interest) rate.
FV = PV(1 + 𝑟)𝑡 FV = Future Value PV = Present Value
r = discount rate t = number of periods
Future Present
Values Values
Selection of Discount Rate
A. Social Opportunity Cost of Capital (SOC)
❑ It largely reflects the cost in financial market (what “similar” projects
would provide in returns if undertaken in private sector).
❑ It assists in determining the “efficient” allocation of resources between
the public and private sectors. e.g. toll road, high speed rail, etc.
SRTP = 𝑝 + 𝑒 𝑔
𝑝 = “pure” rate of time preference
e = elasticity of marginal utility with respect to consumption
g = expected growth rate in per capita consumption
1. The rate is based on government borrowing rates
2. Refer to Zhuang et al. (2007) and Harrison (2010)
Major Steps of CBA
10. Analyzing the options
❑ There are a number of decision rules to differentiate between
options/investment projects. These include:
❑ Net Present Value (NPV)
If NPV > 0, accept the project!
❑ Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
If BCR > 1, accept the project!
❑ Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
If IRR > Discount rate, accept the project!
❑ Payback period
Example – NPV & BCR
0 1 2 3 4 5
Initial Investment 75,200
Operating Costs 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000
Total Costs 75,200 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000
Total benefits 48,000 52,000 59,000 62,000 68,000
Discounted Costs 75,200 27,619 26,304 25,051 23,858 22,722 Sum up to
Discounted Benefits - 45,714 47,166 50,966 51,008 53,280 calculate B/C
Discounted Cash Flow - 75,200 18,095 20,862 25,915 27,149 30,558 ratio
Cumulative Cash Flow - 75,200 - 57,105 - 36,243 - 10,328 16,821 47,379
NPV $ 47,379
B/C Ratio = $248,134 / $200,755 = 1.236
Example – IRR
Trial and error
Discounted Years
Rate 0 1 2 3 4 5
5% - 75,200 18,095 20,862 25,915 27,149 30,558 47,379
10% - 75,200 17,273 19,008 22,539 22,539 24,216 30,376
15% - 75,200 16,522 17,391 19,725 18,868 19,390 16,696
20% - 75,200 15,833 15,972 17,361 15,914 15,673 5,554
25% - 75,200 15,200 14,720 15,360 13,517 12,780 - 3,624 IRR is around 23%
30% - 75,200 14,615 13,609 13,655 11,554 10,504 - 11,262
- Discounted Rate (r)
5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%
Example – Payback period
0 1 2 3 4 5
Initial Investment 75,200
Operating Costs 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000
Total Costs 75,200 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000 29,000
Total benefits 48,000 52,000 59,000 62,000 68,000
Sensitivity Analysis
Spider plot illustrating the elasticity (line gradients) of each variable.
Transportation • Railway
• Ports, airports
• Waste treatment
Environment • Water supply and sanitation
• Natural risk prevention
• Industrial investment
Industry and
• Energy production and renewable
• Schools & other training facilities
Social • Hospitals
• Parks and forests
Case Study – HK High Speed Rail
❑ The Hong Kong Section of the Express Rail Link (XRL)
❑ Construction started in year 2010, ended in 2018.
❑ Connecting the Mainland section (25,000km long national high-speed
rail network).
❑ 26 km long
❑ Train speed – 200 km per hour
Costs Benefits
Initial Operation
and External Operator User External
Investment Maintenance Costs Benefits Benefits Benefit
Cost (O&M) Cost
HK XRL Costs - Valuation
❑ Initial Investment Cost
❑ HK$85.3 billion1 (June 2015 estimation)
❑ It is assumed to distribute evenly during the 8-year construction period –
HK$10.66 billion per year.
1 Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Carbon (2013); 2 The World Bank (2015) 49
HK XRL Costs - Valuation
External Costs
❑ Operation Carbon Emission
❑ No local data available – from literature review.
❑ One of the main factors in affecting the energy use of the HSR is the
speed of the train1, 2.
❑ HK XRL runs at a maximum speed of 200 km per hour.
❑ According to van Wee et al. (2003), the average electricity use per
passenger kilometer of trains that run at 200 km per hour is 95 watt-
❑ Energy consumption per passenger kilometer of the HK XRL is
assumed to be 95Wh.
❑ Leisure or personal trips – 30 to 50% of the average wage rate
(e.g. San Francisco Bay Area Metropolitan Transportation Commission model
estimated the VOT for leisure trips as 32% of the wage rate).
previous sandies
1 Transport and Housing Bureau (2009); 2 Census and Statistics Department (2015) 54
HK XRL Benefits - Valuation
User Benefits
❑ Reliability Improvement
❑ HSR is more reliable than road transports in terms of relatively accurate
arrival and departure time with fewer delays occurred.
❑ Planning Time Index can be used to measure the improved reliability1.
❑ It refers to the amount of actual travelling time needed plus the extra
buffer time.
e.g. Average PTI of California is found to be 1.30, which means for each traveler
on the road, he/she would reserve 30% of the actual travel time as the buffer
❑ By shifting from road transports to railway, the buffer time can be saved.
HK XRL Benefits - Valuation
User Benefits
❑ Reduction of Traffic Accidents
❑ Cost of traffic accidents
❑ Direct costs – medical rehabilitation cost, cost of insurance, vehicle repair
cost etc.
❑ Indirect costs – productivity lost due to injury
❑ The average cost of road crashes in New South Wales, Australia (WTP,
value per person)1
❑ Fatality – US$2,479,776
❑ Seriously injured – US$247,049
❑ Slight injury – US$13,652
1 NRMA (2012) 59
HK XRL Benefits - Valuation
User Benefits
❑ Reduction of Traffic Accidents
❑ Since no local data is available, the costs of accident of NSW, Australia
are adopted for the XRL case.
HK XRL Benefits - Valuation
External Benefit
❑ Carbon Emission Reduction
❑ This benefit is highly depending on the extent of passenger shifts from
road transports to HSR.
❑ 21,467 passenger trips diverted from coach to HK XRL per day 1
❑ Daily per passenger carbon emission by coach – 0.13 kg 2
❑ Total amount of carbon emission avoided
= 21,467*0.13kg*365 = 1,018.6 tonnes per year
HK XRL CBA – Discounting & Decision Rules
❑ Evaluation parameters
❑ Decision Rules
❑ Net Present Value (NPV)
❑ Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
❑ Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
HK XRL CBA – Results
❑ Net Present Value (NPV)
n bt – c t
NPV = ∑ - Initial investment
t=1 (1 + r)t
Discounted Net Cash Flow & Net Present Value
r = discount rate 250,000,000,000
t = year
n = analytic horizon (in years)
2000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070
HK XRL CBA – Results
❑ Benefit-Cost Ratio (BCR)
∑ ( 1 + r )t r = discount rate
BCR = t = year
Ct n = analytic horizon (in years)
t=0 ( 1 + r )t
Value (billion HK$)
HK XRL CBA – Results
❑ Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
❑ IRR is the discount rate at which NPV equals zero
0 = (Initial Investment) + (1+IRR)
1 + (1+IRR) 2 +…+ (1+IRR) n
IRR = internal rate of return
CF = cash flow of the year (B-C) Internal Rate of Return
n = analytic horizon (in years) 1,000,000,000,000
Decision Rule 0
HK XRL CBA – Sensitivity Analysis
❑ Sensitivity Analysis
❑ It is regarded as a risk assessment with the main purpose of determining
the variables that are critical in altering the outcome of the CBA.
❑ Carried out by adjusting variables by a certain amount (e.g. ±10%-20%),
one at a time.
❑ 4 variables are tested:
❑ Discount rate
❑ Construction cost
❑ Annual rate of passenger increase
❑ Fare
HK XRL CBA – Sensitivity Analysis
❑ Variable - Discount rate
❑ Although HK Government suggested using 4% discount rate for infrastructure
projects, there is no consensus on the choice of discount rate yet.
❑ A higher discount rate of 7%, which is the rate used for California HSR and
Australian HSR CBA, is applied for the analysis.
HK XRL CBA – Sensitivity Analysis
❑ Other 3 variables
❑ ‘Annual rate of passenger increase’ has the steepest slope.
❑ NPV is more sensitive to the change of the passenger growth rate.
Fare 1% 3% 0
-20% -10% 0 +10% +20%
% change in variable
Cosntruction cost Annaul rate of increase of passenger Fare
HK XRL CBA – Conclusion
❑ Distribution of Discounted Costs and Benefits
❑ Largest share – construction cost (58%) & reduction of traffic accidents (72%)
❑ Insignificant – construction carbon emissions & carbon emission reduction.
HK XRL CBA – Conclusion
❑ The HK XRL is an economically feasible construction project.
(NPV > 0, BCR > 1, IRR > Discount Rate)
❑ NVP reaches zero at around year 2027.
(Payback period about 10 years)
❑ Sensitivity analysis shows that annual rate of passenger increase
plays a significant role in altering the NPV.
❑ Most of the transportation infrastructures – benefits rely on the
patronage forecast and modal shift prediction for valuation.
❑ The accuracy of the predictions is a key factor in affecting the
precision of the CBA result.
❑ Identifying the tangible and intangible costs and benefits of the Green Deck development.
❑ Determining if the benefits of the Green Deck development outweigh its costs.
❑ Conducting a sensitivity analysis as a risk assessment for infrastructure investments.
Tangible Intangible
Processes of Cost Benefit Analysis
Step 4
Sensitivity Analysis
Step 3
Cost and Benefit Analysis
Step 2
Valuing the Costs and Benefits
Step 1
Identifying Associated Costs and Benefits
Cost & Benefit Identification
➢ Costs/benefits that directly influence Design & consultation cost
Cost & Benefit Identification
Visitor expenditures
Temperature reduction
Cost & Benefit Identification
Example on Calculating the Benefit:
Visitor expenditures ➢ Temperature reduction: 11.82 million/year
❑ Energy saved
Tangible Revenues (art & sports) • Average electricity rate: 1.83 HKD/kWh (CLP, 2023)
• Temperature reduction by trees in Hong Kong:
Property value (hedonic)
on average 2.4 Celsius degree (Kong et al. 2017)
Air pollution reduction • Saved electricity by reducing one Celsius degree:
Benefits Operation stage 2501277 kWh (Fung et al. 2006)
Carbon sequestration Saved electricity cost by temperature reduction:
2501277 * 2.4 * 1.83 = 10.99 million HKD/ year
Noise pollution reduction
❑ Emission avoided
Intangible Surface runoff reduction • Emission factors of electricity generation: 0.55 kgCO2e/kWh
(CLP, 2022)
Temperature reduction
• Social cost of CO2: 43 USD/tonne (Interagency working group
Health and well-being on social cost of carbon, 2013)
• PPP exchanged rate: 1 USD = 5.875 HKD (world bank, 2021)
Travel-time reduction Total save on annual emission cost:
2501277 * 2.4 * 0.55 * 0.043 * 5.875 = 0.83 million/year
Cost Valuation
Parameters for Benefits Evaluation Values References and Notes
Annual Operation & Maintenance (O&M) cost per hectare 3.6 (LSCD, 2015)
Median Hourly Wage rate in 2021 (HKD) 75.7 (Census and Statistics Department, 2022a)
Traffic flow of the cross-harbour tunnel in 2021 107,450 (Transport Department, 2022)
(Interagency working group on social cost of carbon,
Social Cost of Carbon (USD/ton) 43
PPP exchange rate of HKD/USD 5.875 (World bank, 2021)
CLP Group's Greenhouse Gas Intensity (kg CO2/kWh) 0.55 (CLP, 2022)
Benefit Valuation
Parameters for Benefits Evaluation Values References and Notes
Average annual rainfall in Hong Kong (mm) 2307.1 (Hong Kong Observatory, 2022)
Willingness to pay to reduce road noise per
115.60 (Leong, 2019)
decibel/year/person (HKD)
Temperature reduction by trees (Celsius degree) 2.4 (Kong et al., 2017)
CLP Group's Greenhouse Gas Intensity (kg CO2/kWh) 0.55 (CLP, 2022)
Median hourly wage in Hong Kong in 2021 (HKD) 75.7 (Census and Statistics Department, 2022a)
Medical cost saving per person (HKD/person/year) 1829 (Census and Statistics Department, 2022b)
Population living near Green Deck 132022 (Census and Statistics Department, 2022c)
Cost & Benefit Valuation
Annual Values
(million HKD)
Design and Consultation Cost 25.05
Construction Cost (11-year) 626.36
Construction Stage
Cost of Temporary Traffic Congestion 755.78
Cost Intangible
Construction Carbon Emission 0.27
Tangible O&M Cost 10.80
Operation stage
Intangible Operation Carbon Emission 0.29
Revenues (art gallery & sports complex) 9.29
Tangible Visitor expenditures 598.47
Property value (hedonic) 411.39
Air pollution reduction 5.53
Carbon sequestration 0.02
Benefit Operation stage
Surface runoff reduction 0.14
Intangible Noise pollution reduction 9.32
Temperature reduction 11.82
Health and well-being 79.68
Travel time reduction 0.28
B -- benefit
σ𝑇𝑡=1 𝐵𝑡
൘ 𝑡
2 Benefit-Cost Ratio (B/C Ratio) 𝐵𝐶𝑅 =
σ𝑇𝑡=1 𝐶𝑡
൘ 𝑡
𝐵𝑡 − 𝐶𝑡
3 Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 𝑁𝑃𝑉 =
1 + 𝑟𝐼𝑅𝑅 𝑡
BCR 1.35
B -- benefit
IRR = 5.5%
Decision Rule
If IRR > Discount rate, accept the project
Comparison with urban infrastructures in Asia
NPV: HKD 3.32 billion B/C Ratio: 1.35 IRR: 5.5%
Item Value
3 Solar photovoltaic system for commercial buildings India 1.11 Goel and Sharma (2022)
Risk Assessment
Sensitivity Analysis
The selected parameters concerning visitors and property value:
Sensitivity Analysis
❑ This study estimated the costs and benefits of the Green Deck development.
The result shows that the Green Deck project is economically feasible (pay back year: 2058).
Internal Rate of Return (IRR): IRR (5.5%) > Discount Rate (4%).
❑ Compared with some urban infrastructure development projects in Asia, the B/C ratio of the
Green Deck project is viable.
❑ Marketing strategies (e.g., collaborations with surrounding art and cultural institutions) are
advised to target attract more visitors to increase the net present value.
Thank You!
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