Madison County Scores and Inspection Notes
Madison County Scores and Inspection Notes
Madison County Scores and Inspection Notes
Total 46
Murphy USA # 7763 Limited Food 8600 Madison Blvd Madison 47-6875 Allen
27 9/13/24. I found bucket and squeegees in warewashing handsink. Corrected on site. PIC 9/13/2024 9/13/2024 0
removed items from handsink.ta
Pieology Pizzeria Food Service Establishment 365 The Bridge St Huntsville 47-5335 Allen
15 9/11/24. Dirty soda machine nozzles and tea urn nozzles.ta 9/11/2024
9/16/24. Follow-up. Issue NOIS. Tea urn nozzles were cleaned. Dirty soda machine nozzles.ta
15 9/11/24. Dirty can opener blade. Corrected on site. PIC cleaned blade.ta 9/11/2024 9/11/2024 0
PR MIG Huntsville OpCo, LLC Food Service Establishment 6860 Governors W Huntsville 47-8126 Allen
27 9/10/24.I found glassware in bar handsink and sanitizing bucket in the kitchen handsink. 9/10/2024 9/10/2024 0
Corrected on site. PIC removed items from both handsinks.ta
39 9/9/24. Missing pool records from June 16, 2024 to August 9, 2024.ta 9/9/2024
29 09/09/24. Dirty ice machine dispenser nozzles on first and second floors.ta 9/9/2024
1 I observed an employee prep ready to eat foods by bare hand contact. Cos. Employee discarded 9/13/2024 9/13/2024 0
foods, washed his hands, and then placed gloves on before prepping ready to eat foods. Cb
First Baptist Church Daycare Daycare Food Service 600 Governors Dr Huntsville 47-0568 Boykin
27 employee found washing pitchers in hand sink. Cos. Employee stopped washing pitchers in hand 9/13/2024 9/13/2024 0
sink. Cb
Hardee's # 0564 Food Service Establishment 2015 Drake Ave Huntsville 47-0134 Boykin
7 ham in RIC 47F. Shelled eggs in RIC 52F. Butter in found left out on prep area 47F. Cos. PIC 9/13/2024
discarded butter. Cb
Huddle House Food Service Establishment 3101 Mountain Cov Owens Cross R 47-6204 Boykin
Jim's Grocery Limited Food 839 New Hope Ced New Hope 47-1215 Boykin
7 sausages and beef found left out on prep table at 54F. Cos. PIC discarded sausages and beef.cb 9/10/2024 9/10/2024 0
Maki Fresh Huntsville, LLC Food Service Establishment 930 Bob Wallace A Huntsville 47-5684 Boykin
2 no person on site during operations with a certified food safety course. Cb 9/9/2024 9/16/2024 7
9/16/24. food safety recipient was present .abated. Cb
7 tomaotes in RIC 47F- 48F. Chicken in RIC 46F. Cb 9/9/2024 9/16/2024 7
9/16/24. tomatoes 41F. Chicken 41F. Abated. Cb
15 residue found in ice chute.cos. PIC cleaned residue found in ice chute. Cb 9/9/2024 9/9/2024 0
Wendy's of Bowling Green, Inc Food Service Establishment 6694 Highway 431 Owens Cross R 47-7144 Boykin
5 9/11/24. Unapproved food source-Homemade fried puffs/wraps in front warmer. Issue 9/11/2024 9/11/2024 0
condemnation order. Corrected on site. PIC removed homemade food items from site.ta
38 Chemical bottle stored next to food. COS by PIC. Abated. R Ouazaz 9/10/2024 9/10/2024 0
Filled With Life Commissary Seasonal 704 Arcadia Cir N Huntsville 47-8668 Ouazaz
7 9/13/24: Critical violation marked on mobile inspection on 8/27/24. R Ouazaz 9/13/2024 9/13/2024 0
I Love Sushi Restaurant Food Service Establishment 2000 Cecil Ashburn Huntsville 47-3145 Ouazaz
1 9/9/24: Food employee, wearing gloves and cleaning her nose with a paper towel went ahead and 9/9/2024 9/9/2024 0
continued filling soup and drinks without changing gloves or washing hands. I immediately let the
person in charge know and he had her wash her hands properly and changed gloves. R Ouazaz
So Yummy, Pizza-Juice-Ice Cre Limited Food 11823 Memorial Pk Huntsville 47-9330 Ouazaz
27 9/12/24; Missing drying towels at hand sink. COS by PIC, Abated. R Ouazaz 9/12/2024 9/12/2024 0
Jack's Family Restaurant LP 26 Food Service Establishment 7845 Hwy 72 West Madison 47-5904 Stargell
7 Grilled chicken salad 48 F in RIC. TCS items: egg, cooked chicken, blue cheese. 9/9/2024
9/16/24 Not abated. NOIS issued. Grilled chicken salad 49 F in RIC TCS food items: eggs 50 F,
cooked chicken 49 F, blue cheese 60 F.
Little Libby's Catfish Food Service Establishment 234 Lime Quarry R Madison 47-0285 Stargell
15 Black residue at soda machine nozzles. Sanitizing solution 0 ppm chlorine. 9/10/2024 9/16/2024 6
9/16/24 Abated. No residue observed. Sanitizing solution 100 ppm chlorine.
Wendy's of Madison AL #503 Food Service Establishment 8814 Hwy 20 W Madison 47-0859 Stargell