Emerand College Quality Assurance Policy Revised

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QUALITY Audit Unit policy

Emerand International College


List of Abbreviations ......................................................................................................................................3

Definition of Terms .......................................................................................................................................4

1. Introduction ...........................................................................................................................................8

2. Historical background of the institution................................................................................................8

3. Vision, Mission, and Educational goals .............................................................................................. 10

4. Purpose of the policy .......................................................................................................................... 11

3. Objective of the policy ............................................................................................................................ 11

5. Fundamental Principles of the Quality Assurance Policy ................................................................... 12

6 Quality Assurance Framework ........................................................................................................... 14

7 Self-evaluation program ..................................................................................................................... 17

8 Quality Improvement Plans (QIP) ....................................................................................................... 19

9 Amendment of policy document........................................................................................................ 19

1 |AT H S C Q u a l i t y U n i t P o l i c y d o c u m e n t
Emerand International College


The Emerald International college Quality Audit Unit would like to acknowledge all
those participated directly or indirectly for the production of this policy document,
without their positive contribution and effort this document would not be realized.

Finally, the unit would like to acknowledge in advance those who will give their
comments for the improvement of this policy document.

2 |AT H S C Q u a l i t y U n i t P o l i c y d o c u m e n t
Emerand International College

List of Abbreviations
AC Academic Commission
PC Emerald International college
CQAU College Quality Assurance Unit
EQA External Quality Assessment
HERQA Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency
HDP Higher Diploma program
ICT Information Communication Technology
IQA Institutional Quality Assurance
IQA Internal Quality Assurance
QA Quality Assurance
QAC Quality Assurance Committee
QAU Quality Assurance Unit
QIP Quality Improvement Plan
SED Self Evaluation Document
TVET Technical Vocational Educational Training

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Emerand International College

Definition of Terms
Assessment: A general term that embraces all methods used to judge the performance
of an individual, group or organization.
Audit: Audit, in the context of quality in higher education, is a process for checking
that procedures are in place to assure quality, integrity or standards of provision
and outcomes.
Criteria: Criteria are the specification of elements against which a judgment is made.
Effectiveness: Effectiveness is the extent to which an activity fulfils its intended
purpose or function.
Efficiency: Efficiency is the extent to which an activity achieves its goal whilst
minimizing resource usage.
Enhancement: Enhancement is a process of augmentation or improvement
Evaluation: Evaluation (of quality or standards) is the process of examining and
passing a judgment on the appropriateness or level of quality or standards.
Excellence: Excellence means exhibiting characteristics that are very good and,
implicitly, not achievable by all.
External evaluation: External evaluation is:
 A generic term for most forms of quality review, enquiry or exploration
 A process that uses people external to the program or institution to evaluate
quality or standards.

Focus area: thematic representations of related activities.

Governance: Governance in higher education refers to the way in which institutions
are organized and operate internally and their relationships with external entities
with a view to securing the objectives of higher education as a realm of enquiry
and critique.
Grading: Grading is the process of scoring or ranking student academic work as part
of assessing student learning.
Indicator: an observable measure that clearly articulates one of the elements of the
desired performance standard; one criterion that makes up a performance

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Emerand International College

Institutional audit: An improvement orientated, external evaluation of institutional

arrangements for quality in teaching and learning, research, community engagement
and support services, based on a self-evaluation conducted by the institution. The
external evaluation is conducted a by a panel of peers and experts against the quality
assurance agency’s pre-determined criteria and other quality requirements set by the
institution itself. The audit panel’s report forms the basis of the quality assurance
agency’s report to the audited institution with commendations on good practice and
recommendations for improvement.

Institutional quality management system: Institutional policies, systems, strategies

and resources for assuring, developing and monitoring and quality of teaching and
learning, research, and community engagement.

Internal evaluation: Internal evaluation is a process of quality review undertaken

within an institution for its own ends (with or without the involvement of external
Performance indicators: Performance indicators are data, usually quantitative in
form, that provide a measure of some aspect of an individual's or organization's
performance against which changes in performance or the performance of others
can be compared.
Program: A purposeful and structured set of learning experiences that leads to a

Quality assessment/Quality review: The actual process of external evaluation

(reviewing, measuring, and judging) of the quality of higher education institutions
and programs. It consists of those techniques, mechanisms, and activities that are
carried out by an external body in order to evaluate the quality of the higher
education processes, practices, programs, and services.

Quality assurance (QA): An all-embracing term referring to an ongoing, continuous

process of evaluating (assessing, monitoring, guaranteeing, maintaining, and
improving) the quality of a higher education system, institutions, or programs.

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Emerand International College

Quality assurance system: Organizational structure, procedures, processes, and

resources needed to implement quality management.

Quality control: is a process whereby conformity with standards is checked and

steps are taken if conformity is not achieved.

Quality Culture: It refers to a set of shared, accepted, and integrated patterns of

quality (often called principles of quality) to be found in the organizational cultures
and the management systems of institutions.

Quality improvement plan: A plan developed by the audited institution specifying

activities, designated responsibilities and time-frames in order to address the
requirements and recommendations of the audit report.

Quality management: Institutional arrangements for assuring, supporting,

developing and enhancing, and monitoring the quality of teaching and learning,
research and community engagement.

Quality: A multi-dimensional, multilevel, and dynamic concept that relates to the

contextual settings of an educational model, to the institutional mission and
objectives, as well as to specific standards within a given system, institution,
program, or discipline. Quality may thus take different, sometimes conflicting,
meanings depending on (i) the understanding of various interests of different
constituencies or stakeholders in higher education (e.g. students; universities;
disciplines; the labor market; society; a government); (ii) its references: inputs,
processes, outputs, missions, objectives, etc.; (iii) the attributes or characteristics of
the academic world worth evaluating; and (iv) the historical period in the
development of higher education.
Self-assessment: Self-assessment is the process of critically reviewing the quality of
one’s own performance and provision. Standard: a goal statement that identifies a
desired performance; represents the essential knowledge, skills, behaviors, and
attitudes that must be demonstrated in order to be successful with a particular

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Emerand International College

Self-evaluation: The process by which an institution or a department review the

effectiveness of its quality management system for assuring, developing and
monitoring the quality of teaching and learning, research, community engagement
and support services against the pre-determined standards and criteria. The self-
evaluation process may lead to the development of a quality improvement plan
and/or audit portfolio as a baseline for external audit.
Summative assessment: Summative assessment is the process of evaluating (and
grading) the learning of students at a point in time.
Total Quality Management (TQM): A particularly influential comprehensive
approach to quality management that places emphasis on factors such as continuous
improvement, customer focus, strategic management, need for explicit systems to
assure quality of higher education, and a view of leadership and supervision that
stresses employee empowerment and delegation.

7 |AT H S C Q u a l i t y U n i t P o l i c y d o c u m e n t
Emerand International College

1. Introduction
Emerald International college (PC) is committed to applying the values of equity,
participation, transparency, service, tolerance and mutual respect, dedication,
responsibility and academic freedom in all its activities. This includes, by definition, all
the activities related to quality at the college. This is best illustrated by considering the
commitment of the college to have a quality training, research and community services
that it is delivering.

This document serves as a broad policy framework, which must be interpreted in the
context of the other relevant policy and procedural documents produced by the college.
PC believes quality institution could be buildup on the investment of different inputs and
cooperation of the whole community for quality. Therefore, this policy document is
prepared in order to establish a system that works for quality institution that gives quality
training, quality service, etc. in the college.

2. Historical background of the institution

PC is an indigenous private college (Educational Institution) established by enthusiastic

multi-disciplinary professionals in the year 2016 with the aim of contributing its role in
the country’s National Development goal in the health and business sector.

As health related indicators show, an estimated 60 – 80 percent of health problems are

due to infectious and communicable diseases and nutritional problems. The public
health care system is underdeveloped and only able to provide basic service to about
64% of the population. The health care delivery systems respond both qualitatively and
quantitatively to the health needs of the people. Previously, the health delivered in a
fragmented way and relied on vertical programs; and there was little collaboration
between the public and private sectors (planning and programming department, MOH,

8 |AT H S C Q u a l i t y U n i t P o l i c y d o c u m e n t
Emerand International College

The health professionals population ratio clearly indicates the health service coverage of
the country which really needs due emphasis to produce health professionals at all
levels to minimize the existing health problem of the country.

The educational policy and strategy of the country encourages the private sectors to
involve in educational endeavor. Therefore, it has initiated Emerald International
college (PC) to be one of the models of health Science College in the country. PC’s
contributions and effort is the outcome of the new educational policy which allows
institutions to provide academic and vocational training of professionals for middle and
higher qualifications indifferent fields of study.

In light of each a conducive environment and acute need for the expansion of
educational services, the founders believes that the establishment of PC was paramount
importance to increase health professionals at the National level. Moreover, based on its
accumulated experience and favorable government policy, it up-grades the level of
training to BSc degree in Nursing and Public Health.

Currently, the TVET graduates of the college are successful enough to get employment
opportunity within the government and private health institutions. The demand of
higher education in the health center and the success it secured the last eight years
inspired the college to promote the certificate and diploma programs to BSc level which
we hope is highly encouraged by the government and concerned bureaus.

Therefore, PC is born not only to produce skilled health professionals but also to give
consultancy and social services to address the recurring health problems in the society.
Moreover, in order to excel the college’s contribution, conducting research in different
aspects of the college missions has been given a due attention.

9 |AT H S C Q u a l i t y U n i t P o l i c y d o c u m e n t
Emerand International College

3. Vision, Mission, and Educational goals

The institution has been established to achieve the following visions, missions and

We aspire to become best private health institution of higher learning in Ethiopia.
 To bring into being a competent, ethical and healthy citizen that can contribute
towards change societal health development of Ethiopia
 Access to higher education in the health fields of studies and excellence in teaching
and learning;
 Initiating and encouraging educational and health research;
 Upgrading health personnel's competence through short term and in service training.
 Provision of professional consultation, and related public services.
Produce competent enough graduates, who are efficient, responsible health professional,
and researchers in any health institutions.

Committed to practice the following values:
 We support, and expect, professional growth of all employees
 We are all partners in the success or failure of the organization.
 We respect the dignity of all individuals; civility, collegiality, and the highest
standards of professionalism should characterize in PC.
 We are proud of the quality of the College but always seek improvement.
 We practice ethical decision-making and responsible use of financial and institutional
 Does not favor one against the other due to ethnicity or such considerations
 Does not hurt the other party
 Is completely true and be honest in your negotiations at all times

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Emerand International College

 Avoid abuse of office/position

 Do not delay or distort information

4. Purpose of the policy

The purpose of this policy is to:

• Advance the college’s mission of promoting quality education and services, and
• Promote the engagement of the college community in activities related to establishment
of quality institution

3. Objective of the policy

The objective of this policy is to provide a framework for the promotion of quality
education and quality service at the University.
Moreover, the specific objective of this policy is
o To formally endorse the quality education principle of Ethiopia
o To establish principles and responsibilities in which the college
improves its quality of training.
o To establish principles and responsibilities in which the college gives
quality services.
o To provide guidance in the development and implementation of
internal and external quality assurance procedures and practices.
o To ensure that academic standards of the college maintained and
securely managed.
o To enable students and other stakeholders to have confidence on the
training that the college gives.
o To provide guidance in identifying internal and external standards and
criteria consistent with internationally recognized standards.
o To assure quality in appointment, development and performance of
staff contributing to teaching and learning policy.

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Emerand International College

5. Fundamental Principles of the Quality Assurance Policy

PC is committed to ensuring that appropriate standards are achieved and maintained
in its educational programs and that it is offering a high quality education consistent
with national standards. The standards and performance indicators described in the
policy are based on a number of principles about quality assurance both internal and
external to higher education.
These include:
5.1 PC has in place a formal, approved, transparent policy committing it to
ensuring the quality and continuous improvement of its academic programs.

5.2 The policy applies to current and planned programs, research and the support
services given to the academic and research processes.

5.3 All academic programs are subject to internal and external review on a regular
cycle, according to pre-set criteria.
5.4 There is a procedure for the regular review of the PC’s quality assurance policy
and related processes.

5.5 The quality assessment process involves relevant internal and external

5.6 The quality assessment process is based on self-evaluation and independent

external review.

5.7 The quality assurance policy assumes the active participation of all the
members of the academic community and strategic social partners in the
process of analysis.

5.8 The regular review and updating of the evaluation system of PC in the light of
the internationally recognized norms and criteria is an integral part of the
quality assurance policy.

5.9 The primary purpose of quality assurance is enhancement of the quality of the
student learning experience and the maintenance of academic standards in the

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Emerand International College

context of the student population that is increasingly diverse in background and

in aspiration and the particular nature of PC’s academic portfolio.

5.10PC understands that high quality of academic provision is characterized by a

good match to the needs and aspirations of students’ attention to the
requirements of stakeholders.

5.11PC understands that enhancement means the deliberate fostering of reflection

by staff, with input from students and external advisors and bodies, on the
effectiveness of teaching and learning and appropriateness of standards set and

5.12Staff should be able to exercise their responsibility within a supportive

environment where expectations and standards are defined, continuous
improvement and innovation are encouraged, development and training
opportunities are provided, and feedback is actively sought from students and
other major stakeholders, while avoiding duplication of efforts.

5.13The College’s academic quality assurance framework:

o Seeks to promote consistency of good practice and enhancement of quality
across the institution;
o Incorporate feedback loops within departments and the College that provide
comparative information and stimulate modification and improvement of PC’s
educational provision.
o Is underpinned by concepts of quality and fairness; and
o Provides for explicit means to ensure that AC and management committee of
the College receive robust accounts of the effectiveness of the policy and
practice in relation to the management of academic quality.
5.14All policies, codes of practice and procedures will be appropriately
documented and readily accessible to staff, students and other stakeholders,
primarily through the academic quality and standards manual.
5.15The College will rigorously and continuously monitor the effectiveness of its
quality assurance procedures to assure itself and others that they are operating

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Emerand International College

in accordance with good practice, in the best interests of students and the
maintenance of academic standards.
5.16The College will work constructively with external agencies, including
professional, statutory and regulatory bodies relevant to academic programs,
Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA).

6 Quality Assurance Framework

PC aims to foster a quality culture whereby each and every member of staff assumes
responsibility for the quality aspects of their work. In addition to individual
responsibilities and accountabilities, PC has a comprehensive governance structure in
place to take ultimate responsibility for the operation of quality assessment at the College
and ensure that its mission is achieved.

6.1 Governance Structure

6.1.1 Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) composition:
 The committee consists of the quality assurance unit head, Academic vice dean,
Academic program officer, department heads, administrative and finance head
and head registrar of the college; and chaired by the quality assurance unit head.
 The quality assurance unit is accountable to the college Dean.

6.1.2 College Quality Assurance Committee responsibility:

 Oversees quality assurance operations in the college;
 Oversees the internal monitoring, evaluation and review of all courses in the
 Receives the outcomes of external reviews of quality and standards, and monitors
action plans to address any matters raised;
 Co-operates with other Colleges’ Quality Assurance Unit in the development and
dissemination of effective practice in relation to quality assurance processes;
6.1.3 Responsibilities of QAU Head
Institutional Quality Assurance Unit Head has the following responsibilities:
o Develops policies and instruments for quality assurance and auditing.
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Emerand International College

o Coordinates total quality management system and oversees the implementation of

the different units of quality assurance activities.
o Report the audit outcomes to the Executive Dean and the management at large.
o Accountable for assuring the quality of all processes of the College.
o Initiates and supports courses, program and institutional self-assessment, peer
review, external review.
o Work in consultation with the College’s community to establish, coordinate, and
monitor the College’s assessment programs.
o Provide assistance for assessment conducted by academic departments as part of
Academic program Review.
o Provide assistance for assessment conducted by administrative units as part of the
Support Unit Review Processes.
o Establish and maintain a set of procedures which allow the College to respond in
a systemic and transparent manner to the external requirements of External Audit
Agencies, HERQA.
o Ensuring compliance with the College’s quality framework to meet required
o Work with Colleges/Departments to provide professional advice and guidance on
quality assurance and enhancement matters.
o Responsible for any other activities related to institutional quality assurance.
6.2 Quality Model Employed
The quality model employed at PC consists of four major components: context, input,
process and output. These are the major focus of the quality assurance process.
o Vision, Mission, Strategic plan
o Administrative Atmosphere
o Environment
o Departments & Staff
o Students
o Administrators

15 |AT H S C Q u a l i t y U n i t P o l i c y d o c u m e n t
Emerand International College

o Finance and Budgeting

o Facilities

o Teaching and Learning Process
o Quality Assurance Process
o Research Process
o Administrative Process
o Finance and Budgeting Process
o Academic Services Process
o Quality and Quantity of Academic Services
o Quality and Quantity of Graduates
o Quality and Quantity of Research and Community Services
o Quality and Quantity of Administrative Services

6.3 Quality Assurance Mechanisms

The policy shall be applied to all departments, support units and programs (regular
and night) of the College and shall include internal quality assurance (continuous)
and external quality assurance (periodic).
6.4 Areas of Quality Assurance Policy

Quality Assurance shall include all the following focus areas:

o Quality of Programs and Courses
o Quality of Academic Staff
o Quality of Teaching and Learning Experience
o Quality of Learning Resources and Facilities
o Scholarship, Research, and Community Service
o Quality of Administration and Support Staff
o Quality of Student Admission and Support Services
o Student Complaints and Appeals

16 |AT H S C Q u a l i t y U n i t P o l i c y d o c u m e n t
Emerand International College

o Student Progression and Outcomes

o Internal Quality assurance
o Institutional Assessment/Audit

7 Self-evaluation program
7.1 Expectations for self-evaluation

While this Quality Assurance Policy does not prescribe the details of an individual
department’s self-evaluation process, it requires that every self-evaluation process be
guided by several general principles:
• It must be an on ongoing cyclic process;
• It must begin with a plan;
• It must be evaluative rather than descriptive;
• It must clearly identify the departmental strengths that must be maintained and
areas in need of improvement; and
• It must produce a report showing that the department satisfies the appropriate
7.2 Guiding principles of effective self-assessment
In organizing an effective self-assessment, one has to take into account some basic
• Primarily, a self-assessment should never be felt as threatening.
• A self-assessment should not be used to assess an individual, used for punishment
or to blame someone.
• A self-assessment aims at improvement and enhancement of quality.
• It is necessary to create a broad basis for the self-assessment and to sensitize staff
and students. The whole organization has to prepare itself for it.
• Looking at quality is more than testing the performance. It also means
organizational development and shaping the institution. Everybody has to be
responsible and involved for real self-assessment.
• The management of the institution must fully support the self-assessment.
Relevant information is needed for an effective policy and good management; the

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Emerand International College

self-assessment serves to acquire structural insights into the performance of the


Carrying out a critical self-evaluation demands a good organization. Primarily

someone has to coordinate the self-assessment process. It would be good to charge
someone specifically with the self-evaluation project. The coordinator has to meet
some requirements. In order to obtain the required information, it is important that the
coordinator has good rapport at all levels of the institution. Therefore, it is very
important that the coordinator has good contacts within the institution, with the central
management as well as with the faculties and the staff members.
• The coordinator must have the authority to make appointments.
• It is desirable to constitute a substantive team of staff in-charge of the self-
• It is important that the team is structured in such a way that the involvement of all
sections is assured. The working group is in charge of the self-assessment,
gathering data, analyzing material and drawing conclusions.
• It is assumed that self-assessment is an analysis supported by the whole
department. Therefore, it is important that everyone should be at least acquainted
with the contents of the self-assessment report and should recognize it as a
document from his or her own institution. The working group may organize a
workshop or seminar to discuss the draft Self-Assessment Report.
• Not everyone has to agree with all the points in the Self-Assessment Report.
There may be disagreement as to what are seen as weaknesses and strengths and
what is considered as the cause of the weaknesses. Should there be very big
differences of opinion between certain groups or bodies, then the Self-
Assessment Report should report on it.

7.3 The organization of the self-assessment

The College or department determines how self-assessment is carried out in consultation
with QAU. However, the following suggestions are made that can facilitate the process:
• Self-assessment should never be the work of one person.
• Make a group responsible for the self-assessment.

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Emerand International College

• This group should consist of some three to five people, chaired by a coordinator
appointed by the faculty or department in consultation with the QAU. Students
should be involved in the self-assessment.
• A clear timetable should be set up.
• The topics that have to be considered in the self-evaluation should be distributed
among the committee members and each member made responsible for collecting
information, and for analyzing and evaluating the data from the self assessment.
• The draft results should be discussed on the largest scale possible. It is not
necessary to have consensus concerning the report; it is, however, necessary for as
many people as possible to be aware of its contents.

8 Quality Improvement Plans (QIP)

A Quality Improvement Plan (also called Self Improvement Plan) is a plan developed by
the Institution or Department specifying activities, designated responsibilities and time
frames in order to address the requirements and recommendations of the Self-review
and/or Audit Reports for the purpose of follow-up, validation and closing the quality loop
by the Institution or Department.
The Department should submit the Quality Improvement Plan to Quality assurance unit
within a reasonable time after the Self-review Report has been completed. The
Department will be required to forward a progress report on the implementation of the
improvement plan.

9 Amendment of policy document

This policy is subject to internal discussion and debate. In the quality assurance process,
it is PC’s fundamental belief that the Quality Assurance Unit should continuously review
and enhance the policies and procedures that support this process in order to improve the
quality of the programs and services.

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