b2 - Geo. & DM w1d4 - Solution

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Q1-Explain the structure of the atmosphere with a diagram. Analyzing the reasons for variation in temperature in
different layers of atmosphere, comment as to why troposphere is considered as the most important layer.

An atmosphere is a layer of gas or layers of gases that envelop a planet, and is held in place by the gravity of the
planetary body. The atmosphere is comprised of layers based on temperature. The column of atmosphere is divided
into five different layers depending upon the temperature condition. They are: troposphere, stratosphere,
mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere.


1. Troposphere: It generally extends from the Earth's surface up to about 8-15 km depending on latitude and
weather. It is thicker at the equator (around 18 km) and thinner at the poles (about 8 km).
a. The environmental lapse rate is at an average rate of 6.5°C per kilometer in this layer.
b. Contains approximately 75% of the atmosphere's mass and 99% of its water vapor and aerosols.
c. All weather phenomena, such as clouds, rain, and storms, occur in this layer.
For example, the development of thunderstorms and cyclones happens within the troposphere.
d. It contains the air we breathe (about 21% oxygen and 78% nitrogen) and is where most weather changes
happen. The troposphere is also the layer that directly interacts with the biosphere, making it crucial for life
on Earth.
2. Stratosphere: It ranges from the top of the troposphere to about 50 km (31 miles) above the Earth's surface.
a. It contains the ozone layer, which absorbs and scatters ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation & is concentrated
between 15 to 35 km above the Earth's surface, peaking at about 25 km.
b. Temperature increases with altitude due to the absorption of UV radiation by ozone, reaching up to -3°C near
the top of the stratosphere.
c. Commercial jets often fly in this layer as it is free from weather disturbances, providing smooth flight
d. The stability of the stratosphere also helps in the dispersion of pollutants, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs),
which can damage the ozone layer.

3. Mesosphere: It extends from 50 km to about 85 km above the Earth's surface.

a. Temperature decreases with altitude, reaching the coldest temperatures in the atmosphere, around -90°C at
the mesopause (the boundary between the mesosphere and the thermosphere).
b. Most of meteors burn up upon entering the Earth's atmosphere, creating meteor trails or "shooting stars” in
this layer only, thus acting as a protective shield, preventing most meteors from reaching the Earth's surface.
It also plays a role in the dissipation of atmospheric tides and waves.
4. Thermosphere: It ranges from 85 km to 500 km above the Earth's surface. Temperature increases dramatically
with altitude, reaching up to 2,500°C or higher. However, due to the extremely low density of particles, this heat
would not feel warm to a human observer.
a. It houses the ionosphere, a region filled with charged particles that facilitate radio communication by reflecting
and refracting radio waves back to Earth.
b. It is here only where auroras (northern and southern lights) occur, particularly near the poles.
c. It also absorbs high-energy X-rays and UV radiation from the Sun, playing a critical role in protecting the
Earth from these dangerous forms of radiation.
d. It also supports satellite operations, as many low-Earth orbit satellites operate within this layer.
5. Exosphere: The region beyond about 500 km above the surface of earth is called the exosphere
a. The exosphere serves as the transition zone between Earth's atmosphere and outer space, where satellites in
geostationary orbit and some long-duration space missions operate.
b. The temperature in the exosphere can vary greatly, but the concept of temperature becomes less meaningful
due to the extremely low density of particles.


Layer Temperature Reason for Variation


Troposphere Decreases with altitude The troposphere is heated primarily by the Earth's surface. As
(about 6.5°C per km) altitude increases, the distance from the heat source (Earth's
surface) increases, causing temperatures to drop.

Stratosphere Increases with altitude The presence of the ozone layer absorbs ultraviolet (UV) radiation
from the Sun, causing temperatures to rise as altitude increases.

Mesosphere Decreases with altitude This layer lacks a significant heat source, and the thin air results in
less absorption of solar radiation, leading to a decrease in
temperature with increasing altitude.

Thermosphere Increases sharply with The thermosphere absorbs highly energetic solar radiation (X-rays
altitude and UV radiation), causing temperatures to rise dramatically
despite the low density of air in this layer.

Exosphere Temperature continues to The exosphere is the outermost layer where particles are so sparse
increase but is negligible that they rarely collide. The few particles that are present can
absorb solar radiation, leading to extremely high temperatures.


The troposphere is considered the most important layer of the atmosphere for several reasons:
1. Weather and Climate: All weather phenomena including precipitation, storms, and winds occur in this layer,
thud making understanding the dynamics of the troposphere crucial for accurate weather forecasting and climate
prediction further enabling disaster preparedness and management
 For example, tropical cyclones, which can cause widespread destruction, form in the troposphere due to the
interaction of warm ocean water and atmospheric conditions.

2. Support for Life: The troposphere contains sir with about 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, and trace amounts of other
gases. This composition is essential for the survival of most living organisms, including humans, animals, and
 The presence of oxygen supports respiration in humans and animals, while nitrogen is a critical component
for plant growth through the nitrogen cycle.
3. Water Cycle: The troposphere is the primary zone for the water cycle, where about 505,000 cubic kilometers of
water evaporate annually, driving essential processes like condensation and precipitation that sustain ecosystems,
agriculture, and drinking water supplies.
4. Energy Balance: The troposphere, containing about 75% of the atmosphere's mass, absorbs solar radiation and
redistributes heat through convection and weather systems, playing a crucial role in maintaining a stable climate
that supports life.
5. Influence on wind systems and monsoons
a. Jet Streams and Monsoons: The Indian Monsoon is driven by jet streams in the upper troposphere, which
direct moisture-laden winds from the Indian Ocean.
i. These powerful winds, reaching up to 400 km/h, also play a key role in aviation.
b. Wind Systems: The troposphere generates Earth's major wind patterns, such as the Trade Winds and
Westerlies, which redistribute heat and moisture globally.
i. This regulation is vital for maintaining climates, like the Sahara's dry conditions.
6. Aviation and Human Activities: The troposphere is relatively stable temperatures and pressures make it ideal
for air travel. It is here where commercial aircraft typically operate, flying at altitudes between 8 km and 12 km.

In conclusion, the earth's atmosphere is structured into different layers with varying temperature profiles due to the
absorption and radiation of solar energy. Temperature variations in different layers are primarily due to differences
in solar-radiation absorption, pressure, and density. The troposphere is particularly important due to its role in
weather phenomena, climate regulation, and supporting life on Earth. Understanding the troposphere is critical for
comprehending the broader dynamics of Earth's climate and environmental systems.

Q2 What is Earth's heat budget? What are the factors responsible for the distribution of temperature across the
planet? How does Earth maintain its balance of heat?

The total radiation returning from the earth and the atmosphere which balance the total radiations received from
the sun is termed as the heat budget or heat balance of the earth. The primary source of incoming energy is solar
radiation from the Sun.
It consists of visible light, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and infrared (IR) radiation. Some of the incoming solar
radiation is reflected back into space by clouds, aerosols, ice, and the Earth's surface. Also, the Earth emits thermal
infrared radiation, also known as longwave radiation or heat, as a result of its temperature.

Fig.1 Heat Budget of Earth



1. Latitude: The temperature of a place depends on the insolation received. The amount of solar energy received
varies with latitude.
a. Equatorial regions receive more direct sunlight throughout the year, resulting in higher temperatures.
b. Polar regions receive less direct sunlight and are cooler due to the low angle of incoming solar radiation.
2. Altitude: The atmosphere is indirectly heated by terrestrial radiation from below. Therefore, the places near the
sea level record higher temperatures than the places situated at higher elevations.
 In other words, the temperature generally decreases with increasing height. The rate of decrease of
temperature with height is termed as the normal lapse rate. It is 6.5°C per 1,000 m.
3. Distance from the sea: Another factor that influences the temperature is the location of a place with respect to
the sea. Compared to land, the sea gets heated slowly and loses heat slowly. Land heats up and cools down quickly.
 Therefore, the variation in temperature over the sea is less compared to land. The places situated near the sea
come under the moderating influence of the sea and land breezes which moderate the temperature.
4. Air-mass: Like the land and sea breezes, the passage of air masses also affects the temperature. The places, which
come under the influence of warm air-masses experience higher temperature and the places that come under the
influence of cold air- masses experience low temperature.
5. Ocean Currents: Ocean currents redistribute heat across the planet. Warm currents like the Gulf Stream raise
temperatures in coastal regions, while cold currents like the California Current cool adjacent land areas.
6. Greenhouse Gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor trap heat in the atmosphere, regulating
the Earth's temperature by reducing the amount of heat that escapes into space.


Earth maintains its balance of heat through a process known as the greenhouse effect
1. Radiative Equilibrium: Earth maintains its heat balance through radiative equilibrium, where the incoming
solar radiation equals the outgoing terrestrial radiation. If more energy is absorbed than emitted, the Earth warms;
if more energy is emitted than absorbed, the Earth cools.
2. Atmospheric Circulation: The atmosphere distributes heat around the planet through wind and weather
patterns. Warm air from the equator rises and moves toward the poles, while cooler air from the poles moves
toward the equator, helping to balance temperatures globally.
3. Ocean Circulation: Oceans play a crucial role in heat distribution through currents and the storage of solar
energy. Warm water from the equator is transported to polar regions, while cold water from the poles moves
toward the equator, moderating global temperatures.
4. Cloud Cover: Clouds reflect a significant portion of incoming solar radiation back into space, helping to cool the
Earth. They also trap heat emitted from the Earth's surface, contributing to the greenhouse effect and stabilizing
the planet's temperature.
Additional Readings

The process of atmospheric & ocean circulation is achieved through the following mechanism as follows:
1. Terrestrial Radiation: Certain gases in the Earth's atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),
and water vapour, act as greenhouse gases. They allow incoming solar radiation to pass through but trap some of
the outgoing thermal infrared radiation, preventing it from escaping directly into space.
2. Conduction: The conduction in the atmosphere occurs at the zone of contact between the atmosphere and the
earth’s surface. Conduction is important in heating the lower layers of the atmosphere.
3. Convection: The cyclic movement associated with the convection process in the atmosphere transfers heat from
the lower layer to the upper layer and heats up the atmosphere. The convection transfer of energy is confined only
to the troposphere.
4. Advection: Winds carry the temperature of one place to another. The temperature of a place will rise if it lies in
the path of winds coming from warmer regions. The temperature will fall if the place lies in the path of the winds
blowing from cold regions. In tropical regions particularly in northern India during the summer season, local
winds called ‘Loo’ is the outcome of the advection process.

Human activities, particularly the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, have increased the concentration of
greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. This enhanced greenhouse effect contributes to global warming and climate

The Earth's heat budget balances incoming solar radiation with outgoing terrestrial radiation, influencing global
climate and temperature distribution. Factors like latitude, ocean currents, and atmospheric circulation shape this
distribution. The Earth maintains its heat balance through processes like the greenhouse effect and global
circulation, ensuring temperatures that support life. Understanding this balance is crucial, especially in addressing
climate change.

Q3-What are the various factors responsible for formation of pressure belts? Highlight how these pressure belts
play instrumental roles in the origin of prominent planetary winds.

Pressure belts are regions of the Earth where there are consistent patterns of high or low atmospheric pressure.
These belts are primarily caused by the uneven heating of the Earth's surface due to its spherical shape and the tilt
of its axis. The variation in temperature across different latitudes leads to differences in air pressure, which in turn
creates these distinct pressure zones.

These pressure belts are:

(i) The Equatorial Low-Pressure Belt;
(ii) The Subtropical High-Pressure Belts;
(iii) The Subpolar Low-Pressure Belts;
(iv) The Polar High-Pressure Belts.


1. Uneven Solar Heating: The Earth receives solar energy unevenly due to its spherical shape. The equator
receives more direct sunlight, resulting in higher temperatures, while the poles receive less, leading to cooler
temperatures. This differential heating causes air to rise at the equator, creating a low-pressure zone.
 Example: The migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) northward during the Northern
Hemisphere summer and southward during the Southern Hemisphere summer.
2. Seasonal Shifts: The tilt of the Earth's axis causes pressure belts to shift northward or southward with the
changing seasons.
 Example: During the Indian monsoon season, the ITCZ shifts northward, drawing in moist air from the
Indian Ocean and resulting in heavy rainfall across South Asia.
3. Coriolis Effect: The Coriolis effect, caused by the Earth's rotation, influences the movement of air masses. This
deflection of wind patterns creates distinct pressure belts as air moves from high-pressure to low-pressure areas.
 Example: The Trade Winds in the tropics, which blow from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere and
from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere, are shaped by the Coriolis effect.
4. Convection Currents:
a. Rising Warm Air: At the equator, intense solar heating causes the air to warm up, expand, and rise, creating
a low-pressure zone (Equatorial Low-Pressure Belt or Doldrums). Example: The Doldrums, an area around
the equator where sailing ships often got stuck due to lack of wind, is a direct result of this rising warm air and
the calm conditions it creates.
b. Sinking Cool Air: As the warm air rises, it cools and sinks around 30° latitudes in both hemispheres, forming
high-pressure zones known as the Subtropical High-Pressure Belts. Example: The Sahara Desert and the
Arabian Desert, located around 30° latitudes, are regions of high pressure and low precipitation due to sinking
5. Temperature Differences:
a. Polar Cooling: The poles are colder due to the lower angle of solar incidence, leading to the formation of
high-pressure zones (Polar High-Pressure Belts) as cold air sinks. Example: The Arctic and Antarctic regions
are associated with Polar High-Pressure Belts, contributing to the frigid temperatures in these areas.
b. Temperature Gradient: The difference in temperature between the equator and the poles creates a
pressure gradient that drives the movement of air masses, contributing to the formation of various pressure

belts. Example: The strong temperature contrast between the equator and the poles drives the Polar Jet
Stream, a fast-flowing air current that influences weather patterns in the mid-latitudes.
6. Land-Sea Contrast: The differential heating and cooling of land and sea surfaces affect the location and intensity
of pressure belts. Land heats up and cools down more rapidly than water, leading to variations in pressure over
continents and oceans, especially during the monsoon seasons.
 Example: The Asian Monsoon is influenced by the differential heating of the Asian landmass and the Indian
Ocean, creating a seasonal reversal of winds and pressure systems.


Pressure belts, which are zones of varying atmospheric pressure around the Earth, are fundamental in generating and
directing planetary winds. These winds, including the Trade Winds, Westerlies, and Polar Easterlies, are essential in
maintaining the Earth’s climate and weather systems by redistributing heat and moisture throughout the world.
1. Equatorial Low-Pressure Belt and Trade Winds: The equatorial low-pressure belt, also known as the
doldrums or the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ), is created by intense solar heating at the
a. This heating causes the air to rise, creating a zone of low pressure.
b. As the warm air rises, it moves poleward in the upper troposphere and descends at the subtropical high-
pressure belts around 30° latitudes. The descending air then flows back toward the equator as Trade
c. Due to the Coriolis effect, these winds are deflected, blowing from the northeast in the Northern Hemisphere
and from the southeast in the Southern Hemisphere.
2. Subtropical High-Pressure Belt and Westerlies: In the subtropical high-pressure belts, the descending air
splits, with some of it moving towards the poles.
a. This poleward-moving air is deflected by the Coriolis effect, forming the Westerlies, which blow from the
southwest in the Northern Hemisphere and from the northwest in the Southern Hemisphere.
b. The Westerlies are significant in temperate zones and have a major impact on the climate. For example, they
contribute to the mild, wet conditions in Western Europe by bringing moist air from the Atlantic Ocean.
3. Subpolar Low-Pressure Belt and Polar Easterlies: At around 60° latitudes, the warm air from the
Westerlies meets the cold air from the polar regions, forming the subpolar low-pressure belts.
a. Now, the cold, dense air from the poles descends and moves equatorward as the Polar Easterlies. These
winds are crucial in maintaining the cold climates of the polar regions.
b. The interaction between the Polar Easterlies and the Westerlies at the subpolar low-pressure belt leads to the
formation of the polar front, which plays a key role in the development of weather systems in the mid-
4. Global Wind Circulation and Seasonal Variations: The global wind circulation system, driven by pressure
belts, shifts with the seasons, altering wind patterns and affecting the global climate.
 For example, the seasonal movement of the ITCZ influences the monsoon systems in South Asia and Africa,
bringing seasonal rains that are vital for agriculture. These shifts demonstrate the integral role of pressure
belts in the Earth's atmospheric dynamics.

Pressure belts form due to the uneven heating of the Earth's surface by the Sun and the Coriolis effect resulting from
its rotation. These pressure belts are essential for establishing global wind patterns, which play a pivotal role in
Earth's atmospheric circulation, weather dynamics, and overall climate systems.

Q4 What are local winds? Highlight some prominent local winds across the planet and their effect on local weather.

The winds existing in a place due to local climatic conditions are called local winds. The local weather pattern,
temperature, pressure etc. are the main determinants of these winds. Eg: Loo, Chinook etc. Local winds usually affect
small areas and are confined to the lower levels of the troposphere.


1. Land and Sea Breezes: Land and sea breezes are local winds that occur along coastlines due to the differential
heating of land and water.
a. Sea Breeze: During the day, land heats up faster than water, creating a low-pressure area over the land and
a high-pressure area over the sea. Cool air from the sea moves inland, bringing cooler temperatures and higher
humidity to coastal areas.
b. Land Breeze: At night, land cools faster than water, causing air to move from land to sea. This breeze leads
to cooler temperatures and clearer skies over land.
c. Effect on Local Weather:
i. Sea Breeze: Brings cooler air and increased humidity during the day, often leading to afternoon showers
in coastal regions.
ii. Land Breeze: Causes cooler temperatures and clearer skies at night, particularly in coastal areas.

2. The Mountain and Valley Breezes:

a. On a warm sunny day, the mountain slopes are heated more than the valley floor. Hence, the pressure is low
over the slopes while it is comparatively high in the valleys below.
i. As a result, gentle wind begins to blow from the valley towards slopes and it assumes the name of valley

b. After sunset, the rapid radiation takes place on the mountain slopes. Here, high pressure develops more rapidly
than on the valley floor. Cold arid heavy air of mountain slopes starts moving down towards the valley floor.
This is known as the mountain breeze.

3. Hot Winds:
a. Loo: Loo are hot and dry winds, which blow very strongly over the northern plains of India and Pakistan in
the months of May and June. Their direction is from west to east and they are usually experienced in the
afternoons. Their temperature varies between 45°C to 50°C. These make the weather very hot.
i. Many birds and animals succumb to the Loo in the summer months, especially in deforested areas where
the Loo blows unhindered and shelter is unavailable.
ii. Certain insect-borne diseases, such as malaria, have historically registered dips during the Loo season as
insect populations also plummet during this season.
b. Foehn: Foehn is a strong, dusty, dry and warm local wind which develops on the leeward side of the Alps
mountain ranges. The temperature of the winds vary from 15°C to 20°C which helps in melting snow. Thus
making pasture land ready for animal grazing and help the grapes to ripe early.
c. Chinook: Chinook is the name of hot and dry local wind which moves down the eastern slopes of the Rockies
in the U.S.A. and Canada. The literal meaning of chinook is ‘snow eater’ as they help in melting the snow
i. They keep the grasslands clear of snow. Hence they are very helpful to ranchers.
d. Santa Ana: It is a hot, dry, powerful, blustery föhn-type wind that blows over southern California from the
northeast or east and carries a lot of dust. It is most common in the winter, but it can also happen in the spring
or fall.
i. They cause vegetation to dry out, increasing the likelihood of wildfires; and once fires have started, the winds
fan the flames, hastening the spread of the fires.
e. Sirocco: It is a Mediterranean wind that originates in the Sahara and blows at the speed of a hurricane
throughout North Africa and Southern Europe.
f. Harmattan: It refers to the warm, dry winds that blow from the east to the west in the eastern Sahara Desert.
Because of their voyage through the Sahara Desert, these winds become extremely dry. These winds take up
more sands, mostly red sands, as they sweep over the Sahara Desert.
4. Cold Winds
a. Mistral: Mistrals are most common local cold winds. They originate in the Alps and move over France
towards the Mediterranean Sea through the Rhone valley.
b. Blizzards: These are severe stormy cold and powdery polar winds filled with dry snow that is common in the
north and south poles, Siberia, Canada, and the United States.
i. The advent of these winds results in a sharp decrease in air temperature to below freezing, a thick blanket of
snow on the ground, and the commencement of cold waves.
c. Bora: The bora is most common blowing down from the mountains on the eastern side of the Adriatic Sea
where it flows mainly from the northeast through gaps in the Dinaric Alps.

The local winds can have a significant impact on the local weather, and understanding their behavior is crucial for
weather forecasting. These winds are influenced by the local geography and weather patterns of a particular region
and can bring both relief and adverse effects to the local environment.

Q5-Explain the concept of the polar vortex and its significance in regulating weather patterns in the polar regions.
Discuss the impact of changes in the polar vortex on global climate patterns.

The polar vortex is a large, cyclonic area of low pressure and cold air surrounding Earth's poles, existing year-round
but intensifying in winter and weakening in summer. Located in the stratosphere, about 10-30 miles above the
Earth's surface, the polar vortex acts as a barrier, preventing cold polar air from spreading to lower latitudes. This
wind pattern circulates counter clockwise around the North Pole and clockwise around the South Pole, trapping cold
air in the polar regions.

During winter, the polar vortex at the North Pole expands, sending cold air southward. The temperature dips all over
the north but it gets drastic in the US as it is not used to such low temperatures while areas of Canada and Siberia
witness biting cold in winter.

Fig1. Polar Vortex

1. Cold Air Isolation: The polar vortex plays a crucial role in trapping and isolating cold air within the polar
regions, particularly in the Arctic. The strong winds of the vortex act as a barrier, preventing the intrusion of
warmer air from lower latitudes. This isolation helps maintain the extreme cold temperatures characteristic of the
polar regions.
a. Example: During the winter, the Arctic polar vortex can maintain temperatures as low as -60°C (-76°F).
2. Circulation Patterns: The polar vortex's cyclonic circulation influences the movement of weather systems and
air masses in the polar regions.
a. It affects the path and intensity of storms and the distribution of precipitation and cloud cover. The stability
or disruption of the vortex can lead to significant changes in local weather conditions.
b. Example: The 2021 polar vortex disruption led to severe winter storms in the U.S., particularly in Texas.
3. Atmospheric Wave Interactions: The polar vortex interacts with large-scale atmospheric waves, such as
Rossby waves, which transfer energy and momentum from lower latitudes to the poles.
a. These wave interactions can cause the vortex to strengthen or weaken, influencing overall weather patterns in
the polar regions.
b. Example: Sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) events, where the polar vortex weakens or splits, often occur
due to disruptions caused by these atmospheric waves. The January 2021 sudden stratospheric warming event,
linked to polar vortex disruption, brought extreme cold to Europe and North America.
4. Stratospheric Influence: While the polar vortex is primarily located in the stratosphere, changes within it can
propagate downward into the troposphere and impact surface weather conditions.
a. Disruptions in the vortex can lead to shifts in the jet stream and alter weather patterns, potentially bringing
colder air masses and extreme weather events to lower latitudes.
5. Sea Ice Formation: The polar vortex influences the formation and extent of sea ice in the polar regions. The cold
air trapped within the vortex helps maintain low temperatures, promoting the freezing of seawater and the growth
of sea ice. Changes in the strength and position of the vortex can impact sea ice formation and its seasonal
a. Example: Variations in the polar vortex in winter 2021 affected Arctic sea ice extent, contributing to its
seasonal variability.
6. Climate Feedback: The behavior of the polar vortex can have significant feedback effects on the climate system.
A weakened polar vortex can lead to increased heat exchange between the Arctic and lower latitudes, potentially
affecting global climate patterns and the stability of the jet stream.

a. Example: The Arctic amplification phenomenon, where the Arctic warms faster than the rest of the planet, is
partly linked to changes in the polar vortex, leading to more frequent and intense weather extremes in mid-
7. Ozone Depletion: In the stratosphere, the polar vortex can contribute to the depletion of the ozone layer. The
vortex isolates a pool of cold air, which facilitates the formation of polar stratospheric clouds.
a. These clouds, along with chemical reactions driven by the cold temperatures, can lead to the destruction of
ozone molecules.
b. Example: The Antarctic ozone hole, first observed in the 1980s, is a direct result of chemical reactions
facilitated by polar stratospheric clouds within the polar vortex.
8. Polar Amplification: Changes in the polar vortex influence the phenomenon known as polar amplification.
a. As the vortex weakens, it allows for greater exchange of heat and moisture between the polar regions and lower
latitudes. This accelerates the rate of warming in the Arctic, contributing to the ongoing process of Arctic
b. Example: The Arctic has warmed at more than twice the global average rate in recent decades, a trend that
is closely associated with changes in the polar vortex and its impact on heat exchange between the Arctic and
lower latitudes.


1. Cold snaps: When the polar vortex becomes disrupted, it can cause cold air to be pushed southward, leading to
cold snaps in places that would not normally experience such cold weather.
 For example, the cold snap that hit the United States.
2. Snowstorms: Changes in the polar vortex can also lead to more frequent and severe snowstorms.
 For example, the winter of 2014-2015 was one of the snowiest on record in the United States, and it was
attributed in part to changes in the polar vortex.
3. Droughts: Changes in the polar vortex can also lead to droughts. This is because the cold air that is pushed
southward can block the arrival of moisture-laden storms.
 For example, the drought that hit California in 2015 was attributed in part to changes in the polar vortex.
4. Heat waves: Heat waves are also becoming more common and more severe due to changes in the polar vortex.
This is because the warmer Arctic air can trap heat in the atmosphere, leading to higher temperatures.
 For example, the heat wave that hit Europe in 2003 was one of the deadliest on record, and it was attributed
in part to changes in the polar vortex.
5. Floods: Changes in the polar vortex can also lead to floods. This is because the warmer Arctic air can melt more
snow and ice, which can lead to increased runoff and flooding.
 For example, the flooding that hit the Midwest in 2019 was attributed in part to changes in the polar vortex.
6. Wildfires: Wildfires are also becoming more common and more severe due to changes in the polar vortex. This
is because the warmer Arctic air can dry out vegetation, making it more susceptible to fire.
 For example, the wildfires that hit California in 2018 were some of the deadliest and most destructive on
record, and they were attributed in part to changes in the polar vortex.

The polar vortex is an important atmospheric phenomenon that helps regulate weather patterns in the polar regions
by containing cold air and influencing the tracks of storms. Changes in the polar vortex can lead to stratospheric
warming events, affect Arctic amplification, shift weather patterns, and impact global climate patterns.

Q6. Briefly describe El Niño and La Niña phenomena. Further, analyze how these phenomena influence the
occurrence of cyclones and monsoon patterns in the Indian Subcontinent.

The ENSO is a recurring climatic pattern involving temperature changes in the waters of the eastern and central
tropical Pacific Ocean, and changes in the patterns of upper and lower-level winds, sea level pressure, and tropical
rainfall across the Pacific Basin. And both El Nino and La Nina phenomena are part for ENSO.

It is a climate phenomenon characterized by the warming of sea surface temperatures in the central and eastern
equatorial Pacific Ocean. It occurs irregularly, typically every 2-7 years, and can last from several months to a couple
of years.


1. Features:
o Warm Water Pool Shift: During El Niño, the warm water pool typically located in the western Pacific
shifts eastward toward the central and eastern Pacific.
o Weakened Trade Winds: The trade winds that normally blow from east to west weaken or even
reverse, allowing warm water to spread across the Pacific.
o Weather Patterns: El Niño can cause increased rainfall and flooding in the eastern Pacific (e.g., western
South America) and droughts in the western Pacific (e.g., Australia, Indonesia).
o Temperature Anomalies: It often leads to higher global average temperatures.
o Thermocline: The thermocline (a layer of rapid temperature change) deepens in the eastern Pacific,
reducing nutrient upwelling and affecting marine ecosystems.

 La Niña is the opposite phase of El Niño, characterized by the cooling of sea surface temperatures in the central
and eastern equatorial Pacific Ocean.
 Like El Niño, La Niña also occurs irregularly, typically every 2-7 years, and can last from several months to a
couple of years.
 La Niña influences global weather patterns, often in contrast to those observed during El Niño.


1. Features:
o Cool Water Pool: La Niña is characterized by cooler-than-average sea surface temperatures in the central
and eastern Pacific Ocean.
o Strengthened Trade Winds: Trade winds are stronger than usual, pushing warm water further west and
increasing upwelling of cold water in the eastern Pacific.
o Weather Patterns: Increased rainfall and flooding in the western Pacific (e.g., Australia, Southeast Asia)
and drier conditions in the eastern Pacific (e.g., western South America).
o Temperature Anomalies: Often leads to lower global average temperatures.
o Thermocline: The thermocline becomes shallower in the eastern Pacific, enhancing nutrient upwelling
and boosting marine productivity.
o Atmospheric Circulation: Enhances the Walker Circulation, reinforcing traditional weather patterns
but often intensifying them.


1. Impact on Monsoon Patterns
a. El Niño and Monsoons
1. Weakened Monsoon: El Niño is often associated with weaker and delayed monsoon seasons in the
Indian subcontinent.
i. During an El Niño event, the warming of the central and eastern Pacific Ocean alters the global
atmospheric circulation, particularly weakening the Walker Circulation and shifting the rising limb of
this circulation eastward.
2. Delayed Onset: The onset of the monsoon can be delayed, resulting in a shortened rainy season.
3. Reduced Rainfall: This shift results in subsidence (downward air movement) over the Indian
subcontinent, which suppresses cloud formation and reduces the overall monsoon rainfall.
4. Agricultural Impact: The 2015 El Niño was one of the strongest on record and significantly weakened
the Indian monsoon affecting agricultural output, especially the production of pulses and oilseeds. India
received only about 86% of its average rainfall, leading to drought conditions in several states, including
Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Telangana.
b. La Niña and Monsoons
i. Enhanced Monsoon: Conversely, La Niña is typically associated with stronger and more active
monsoon seasons in the Indian subcontinent. During a La Niña event, the cooling of the central and
eastern Pacific strengthens the Walker Circulation, leading to enhanced convection over the Indian Ocean
and the Indian subcontinent.
ii. Early Onset: The onset of the monsoon may be earlier, and the rainy season can be extended.
iii. Increased Rainfall: This strengthening generally results in above-average monsoon rainfall. For
instance, the La Niña events in 2010 and 2011 were associated with above-normal monsoon rains, which
contributed to good crop yields and healthy water reservoirs across the region.
iv. Risk of Flooding: However, the excessive rainfall during strong La Niña years can also lead to flooding,
particularly in the north-eastern and central parts of India, as seen during the 2010 La Niña when many
regions experienced severe flooding.
2. Impact on Cyclones
a. El Niño and Cyclones
i. Increased Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal: El Niño tends to increase the frequency of cyclones in the
Bay of Bengal during the post-monsoon season (October to December). This is due to the elevated sea
surface temperatures (SSTs) in the Indian Ocean, which provide more energy for cyclone formation.
ii. Weaker Cyclones in the Arabian Sea: However, El Niño conditions are usually associated with
reduced cyclonic activity in the Arabian Sea. The increased wind shear and subsidence in this region during
El Niño make the environment less favourable for cyclone development.
o Example: The 1997 El Niño was one of the strongest on record and coincided with a higher-than-
normal cyclone activity in the Bay of Bengal, such as the 1997 Odisha cyclone, which caused significant
b. La Niña and Cyclones
i. Decreased Cyclones in the Bay of Bengal: During La Niña events, the cooler SSTs in the central
Pacific and stronger Walker Circulation reduce the cyclonic activity in the Bay of Bengal. The increased
wind shear and lower SSTs during La Niña make it harder for cyclones to develop and intensify in this
ii. Increased Cyclones in the Arabian Sea: The 2020-2021 La Niña conditions were associated with an
increase in cyclonic activity in the Arabian Sea. Cyclone Tauktae, which formed in May 2021, was one of
the strongest cyclones in recent years to develop in the Arabian Sea. It intensified rapidly due to the warm
sea surface temperatures and made landfall in Gujarat, causing significant damage across the western
coast of India.
o Example: The 2010-2011 La Niña event was associated with an increased number of cyclones in the
Arabian Sea, including Cyclone Phet, which caused significant damage in Oman and Pakistan.


 Heatwaves: Higher temperatures and prolonged dry periods can increase the frequency and intensity of heat
waves, posing health risks to vulnerable populations.
 Water Scarcity: Decreased rainfall and lower river flows can lead to water scarcity, affecting drinking water
supplies and sanitation.
 Wildfires: Prolonged dry conditions increase the risk of wildfires, which can destroy habitats, reduce air quality,
and pose a threat to human settlements.


 Risk of Flooding: Excess rainfall can lead to flooding, damaging crops, infrastructure, and property, and
displacing populations.
 Reduced Heat Stress: Cooler temperatures can lower heat-related health issues and improve livestock

In the Indian subcontinent, El Niño often results in weaker monsoons, leading to below-average rainfall and drought
conditions like in the 2015 El Niño caused a 14% deficit in monsoon rainfall, severely affecting agriculture.
Conversely, La Niña strengthens monsoon rains, resulting in above-average rainfall. The 2010-2011 La Niña event
led to a 12% increase in monsoon rainfall, boosting crop yields but also causing widespread flooding in states like
Assam and Bihar. Understanding these phenomena is crucial for predicting and mitigating their effects.
1. Analyse how climate change is impacting rainfall pattern across globe giving suitable

Approach for Question 1

Analyze how climate change alters rainfall patterns, citing examples like increased
precipitation in some regions (e.g., extreme rain in the UK) and droughts in others (e.g.,
prolonged droughts in Australia). Discuss mechanisms such as shifting weather patterns,
altered jet streams, and increased evaporation rates.

2. Discuss various types of Rainfall. Why Western Ghat receive more rainfall than Eastern
Ghat in India?

Approach for Question 2

Discuss various types of rainfall: convectional, orographic, and frontal. Explain why the
Western Ghats receive more rainfall than the Eastern Ghats due to orographic lift, where
moist monsoon winds from the Arabian Sea rise over the Western Ghats, causing heavy
rainfall, while the Eastern Ghats lie in the rain shadow region.

3. Explain the mechanism of Precipitation along with the distribution of Rainfall across globe.

Approach for Question 3

Explain the precipitation process: condensation of water vapour into droplets forming
clouds, followed by droplet coalescence and falling as rain. Discuss global rainfall
distribution, emphasizing equatorial regions with high rainfall due to convection, mid-
latitudes with frontal precipitation, and arid regions due to high-pressure systems.

4. What are the different factor which affect the distribution of temperature. Also explain the
process of temperature inversion. Discuss the significance of it.

Approach for Question 4

Identify factors affecting temperature distribution: latitude, altitude, ocean currents,
distance from the sea, and land surface characteristics. Explain temperature inversion,
where temperature increases with altitude due to radiative cooling of the Earth's surface.
Discuss significance, such as trapping pollutants and impacting weather conditions.

5. Analyze the mechanisms behind the formation and development of frontal rainfall in mid-
latitude weather systems.

Approach for Question 5

Analyze the formation and development of frontal rainfall in mid-latitudes, where warm
and cold air masses meet. Discuss mechanisms like the warm front (warm air rises over
cold air) and cold front (cold air pushes warm air upward), leading to condensation and
precipitation. Explain the impact on weather systems and precipitation patterns.



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