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Gordon [1.

Strategy Guide
The purpose of this guide is to provide additional detailed information not in Help Menu to
assist in completing all quests correctly to get the most content out of this game.

Info - You can see the relationship level with everyone else here.
Parent Icon - It tells whether or not your parents are home
Money - You can get money working at the Store / stealing it from your dad
Fast Travel - You can use this only from your room, use it to avoid paying money to taxi driver
if possible.
Karma - For now there is not benefit of having low Karma, so you will need high Karma (+145)
to unlock all the content, you can go to the park and give money to Bum Megel (Monday
midday) or not having sex with Karen when she is drunk
Important Info: You can only use your bed in the evening, using Skip Time will advance the
day to midday or evening
Jack story

1- Go to the Café in the midday and talk to Fiona and Jack

2- Go to the street, use Skip Time and go to bed, go to the Café in the morning and talk to
3- Select Agree
4- Go to the street, use Skip Time one time and go inside the Café again, talk to Fiona and
5- Next morning go to school and talk to Fiona
6- Use Skip Time two times and talk to Taxi Worker, then select Bar
7- Talk to Jack
8- Use Skip Time and go to Bed
9- Use Skip Time two times go outside your room and then enter your room to trigger the
Karen story:

1- Use Skip Time until is Monday morning

2- Go to the bathroom and select Take a chance to look
3- Use Skip Time two times and go to bed, then use Skip Time one time and go to the
Kitchen (You can only speak to Karen during lunch on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday).
4- Talk to Karen and select Yes! Let’s have lunch together
5- Go to bed and Skip until Saturday
6- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen room
7- Go to bed
8- Use Skip Time once and go to the Kitchen, talk to Karen, select What an ass you
9- Go to bed
10- Use Skip Time one time, go to the Kitchen and talk to Karen
11- Go to bed and skip until Thursday
12- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
13- Go to the Office and talk to Abdula
14- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
15- Use Skip Time one time, go to Karen Room and talk to Karen
16- Select If you want, I can give you a massage
17- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday
18- Use Skip Time two times, go outside your room and then enter your room to trigger the
19- Go to bed and skip until Thursday
20- Use Skip Time one time, go to the Kitchen
21- Talk to Karen and select Yes! Let’s have lunch together
22- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
23- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
24- Talk to Jack
25- Go to bed
26- Use Skip Time one time, go to the Kitchen and talk to Karen
27- Go to bed and Skip until Sunday
28- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
29- Talk to Karen and Meranda
30- Agree/Go see: sex scene (Taxi Worker, Karen and Meranda threesome)
Refuse/Be honest and wait for them: nothing happens
31- Skip until Monday, use Skip Time on time and get out of your room
32- Click on the Window and select Crawl through the window
33- Go to bed
34- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
35- Talk to Karen and select Yes! Let’s have lunch together
36- Go to bed
37- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
38- Go to the Office (sex scene Abdula and Karen)
39- Go to bed
40- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Café
41- Click on the Thugs, select Try to do, select Go slowly
42- Go to bed
43- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
44- Talk to Karen and select Yes! Let’s have lunch together
45- Go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
46- Go to the Office
Peter Story:

1- Go to bed
2- Use Skip Time one time and go inside the Café
3- Talk to Peter
4- Go to bed
5- Use Skip Time one time, go to the Kitchen and talk to Karen
6- Go to bed
7- Use Skip Time one time and go inside the Café
8- Talk to Peter
9- Go to bed and Skip until Saturday
10- Use Skip Time two times, (INSIDE THE HOUSE) go to the Hallway and then go back to
the Corridor to trigger the event
11- Go to bed and Skip until Monday
12- Go to school and talk to Pit and Frank
13- Go to bed and Skip until Saturday
14- Use Skip Time two times, (INSIDE THE HOUSE) go to the Hallway and then go back to
the Corridor to trigger the event
15- Go to bed
16- Go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Agree
17- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
18- Use Skip Time one time, (INSIDE THE HOUSE) go to the Hallway and click on the
19- Go and talk to the Taxi Worker
20- Use Skip Time one time, go inside your house and go to Corridor
21- Go to bed and skip until Monday
22- Go to school and talk to Peter and Frank
23- Go to bed
24- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
25- Talk to Karen and select Yes! Let’s have lunch together
26- Go to bed
27- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Bathroom
28- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
29- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
30- Go to bed
31- Go to Peter’s House and talk to Mike
32- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday
33- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen Room
34- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
35- Go to Peter’s House and talk to Mike
36- Go to bed
37- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen Room
38- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
39- Use Skip Time two times, go to Peter’s House and talk to Peter
40- Go to bed
41- Use Skip Time one time and go to Peter’s House
42- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday
43- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
44- Talk to Karen and select Yes! Let’s have lunch together
45- Go to bed
46- Use Skip Time one time and go inside the Café
47- Talk to Peter
48- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday
49- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen Room
50- Select Go check
51- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
52- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen Room
*Now you can call Karen before going to sleep to have sex with her (only if your
parents aren’t at home)
* Now you can call Karen Saturday Evening when you are having a shower
Fiona Story:

1- Go to bed
2- Go to school and talk to Fiona
3- Go to the toilet
4- Go to the Café and talk to Fiona
5- Go to bed
6- Go to school and talk to Pit and Frank
7- Go to bed
8- Go to school and talk to Pit and Frank
9- Go to bed and skip until Monday
10- Use Skip Time two times, use Fast Travel go to Subway, click on the Subway Car and
select Mr. Parker’s Office
11- Talk to Mr. Parker
12- Go to bed and skip until Thursday
13- Use Skip Time one time and go inside the Café
14- Talk to Fiona
15- Go to bed
16- Use Skip Time one time and go inside the Café
17- Talk to Frank, Fiona and Peter
Mrs. Godness Story:

1- Go to bed and skip until Monday

2- Go to school and talk to Mrs. Godness
3- Go to bed and skip until Friday
4- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
5- Talk to Mr. Fatterson and Mrs. Godness
6- Go to bed and skip until Monday
7- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
8- Go to bed
9- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
10- Talk to Mrs. Godness and select Mrs. Godness. I have seen...
11- Go to bed and skip until Friday
12- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
13- Talk to Mr. Fatterson and Mrs. Godness
14- Go to bed and skip until Monday
15- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
16- Go to bed and skip until Friday
17- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
18- Talk to Mr. Fatterson and Mrs. Godness
19- Go to bed and skip until Monday
20- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
21- Go to bed
22- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
23- Talk to Mrs. Godness and select I wanted to talk to you about that incident...
24- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
25- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
26- Go to bed and skip until Monday
27- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
28- Go to the Office and talk to Abdula
29- Go to bed
30- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
31- Talk to Mrs. Godness
32- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
33- Use Skip Time two times go outside your room and then enter your room to trigger the
34- Go to bed and skip until Monday
35- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
36- Talk to Mrs. Godness and select Mrs. Godness! I will not stop wishing you!
37- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
38- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs.
Godness House
39- Go to bed
40- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs.
Godness House
41- Go to bed
42- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs.
Godness House
43- Go to bed
44- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs.
Godness House
45- Talk to Mrs. Godness
46- Go to bed
47- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
48- Talk to Mrs. Godness
49- Go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs. Godness House
50- Talk to Mrs. Godness
51- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
52- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs.
Godness House
53- Click on the Window
54- Go to bed
55- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs.
Godness House
56- Talk to Mrs. Godness
57- Go to bed
58- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs.
Godness House
59- Go to bed
60- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
61- Talk to Mrs. Godness
62- Go to bed
63- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
64- Talk to Mrs. Godness
65- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
66- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs.
Godness House
67- Talk to Mrs. Godness and Roberto, select I’m in!
68- Go to bed and skip until Monday
69- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
70- Talk to Mrs. Godness
71- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs.
Godness House
72- Go to bed
73- Use Skip Time one time and go to School
74- Talk to Mrs. Godness
75- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
76- Go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Mrs. Godness House
77- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Restaurant
78- Talk to Mrs. Godness, Roberto and Mr. Parker
79- Select Red, select Come In.
Mrs. Parker Story:

1-Go to bed
2- Use Skip Time one time and go to Frank House
3- Go to bed and skip until Friday
4- Use Skip Time two times and go to Frank House
5- Go to bed and skip until Friday
6- Use Skip Time two times and go to Frank House
7- Click on the Window
8- Go to bed and skip until Monday
9- Go to school and talk to Pit and Frank
10- Go to bed
11- Go to school and talk to Pit and Frank
12- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
13- Use Skip Time one time and go to Frank House
14- Talk to Mrs. Parker
15- Go to bed
16- Go to school and talk to Pit and Frank
17- Go to bed and skip until Friday
18- Use Skip Time one time and go to Frank House
19- Talk to Mrs. Parker
20- Go to bed
21- Use Skip Time two times and go to Frank House
22- Talk to Mrs. Parker
23- Go to bed
24- Use Skip Time one time and go to Frank House
25- Talk to Mrs. Parker
*Now we need to do Mr. Fatterson Story to unlock the rest of Mrs. Parker Story

Mr. Fatterson Story:

1- Go to bed and skip until Monday

2- Use Skip Time two times and go to the Park
3- Talk to Mr. Fatterson
4- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
5- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
6- Talk to Mr. Fatterson
7- Go to the street and talk to Taxi Worker
Back to Mrs. Parker Story:

26- Go to Bed
27- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Store
28- Talk to Mrs. Parker
29- Go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Park
30- Talk to Bum Megel
31- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
32- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Store
33- Talk to Mrs. Parker
34- Go to bed
35- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Park
36- Talk to Bum Megel
37- Go to bed
38- Use Skip Time one time and go to Frank House
Chack Story:

1- Go to bed and skip until Thursday

2- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
3- Talk to Karen and select Yes! Let’s have lunch together
4- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
5- Go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
6- Select Go Slowly
7- Talk to Taxi Worker and select Police Station
8- Talk to Chack
9- Go to bed
10- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Police
Back to Karen Story:

47- Go to bed and skip until Wednesday

48- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
49- Talk to Karen
50- Go to bed and skip until Monday
51- Go to Karen Room and select Peep
52- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Subway and
select Mr. Parker’s Office
53- Talk to Mr. Parker and Karen
54- Go to bed
55- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
56- Talk to Karen and select Yes! Let’s have lunch together
57- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
58- Use Skip Time one time, go outside your room and talk to Karen
59- Behave Yourself (sex scene with Gordon or +Karma) Repetitive
Behave Indecently (Karen will return home with her mouth full of cum)
60- Karen will be at the sofa every Saturday midday, talk to her and select Behave Yourself
61- Use Skip Time one time, (INSIDE THE HOUSE) go to the Hallway
62- Sorry, but you’re too drunk! (+Karma)
Undress! (-Karma & Karen sex scene)
Lucy Story:

1- Go to bed and skip until Monday

2- Go to School and talk to Lucy
Back to Chack Story:

11- Go to bed and skip until Monday

12- Use Skip Time two times, (INSIDE THE HOUSE) go to the Hallway and then go back to
the Corridor to trigger the event
Back to Lucy Story:

3- Go to bed
4- Go to School and talk to Lucy
5- Use the kettle (Mrs. Torres gets mad at Abdula)
Use the case (Abdula deal with Chinese Mafia goes wrong)
6- Go to bed
7- Go to School and talk to Lucy
8- Go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Lucy’s House
9- Go to Lucy’s Bedroom, talk to Lucy and select Sure!
10- Select Make a compliment!
Meranda and Zichel Story:

1- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday

2- Use Skip Time two times and go to the Store
3- Zichel: He become the store owner and will send Meranda to fuck you every
Monday evening
Meranda: She become the store owner, you can go to the Store at evening to
have sex with her
Back to Fiona Story:

18- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday

19- Go to School, go to the toilet, Select the ? symbol
20- Go to bed
21- Go to School and speak with Pit and Frank
22- Help Frank! (Meranda and Frank sex scene/Fiona and Frank sex scene)
I do not care! (Fiona and Mr. Parker sex scene/Fiona & Borak sex scene)
23- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday
24- Go to School, go to the toilet, Select the ? symbol
Help Frank!
- Speak with Meranda (Store at evening)/Zichel Monday evening at your room
- Go to bed
- Go to School and talk to Frank
- Go to bed and skip until Monday
- Use Skip Time two times
- Go to the Corridor and then back to your room to trigger the event
Peep (Meranda and Frank sex scene)
Wait for Frank (Nothing happen)
- Go to bed
- Go to School, go to the toilet, Select the ? symbol
I do not care!
- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
- Use Skip Time two times, use Fast Travel go to Subway
- Click on the Subway Car and select Mr. Parker’s Office
- Go to bed and skip until Monday
- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Café
- Talk to Fiona
Oh you Whore! (Fiona and Borak sex scene)
I love you... (Fiona and Borak sex scene)
- Go to bed
- Go to School, go to the toilet, Select the ? Symbol
Mrs. Torres Story:

1- Go to bed
2- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
3- Talk to Licinia
4- Go to bed
5- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
6- Talk to Licinia and select Lick her feet
7- Go to bed
8- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
9- Talk to Licinia, select Lick her feet and select Turn around!
10- Go to bed
11- Go to the bathroom and click on the Massage Oil
12- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
13- Talk to Licinia and select You are the best!
Back to Lucy Story:

11- Go to bed and skip until Monday

12- Go to School and talk to Lucy
13- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
14- Go to Lucy Bedroom
15- Talk to Lucy and select Let’s go for a walk!
16- Select Talk heart to heart!
17- Go to bed
18- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
19- Go to Lucy Bedroom
20- Talk to Lucy and select Let’s go for a walk!
21- Select Make a Compliment!
22- Select Vaginal Sex
23- Go to bed and skip until Friday
24- Go to School and talk to Lucy and select With Pleasure!
25- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
26- Click on the Wardrobe and get the Swimming Trunks
27- Use Skip Time one time, go to the Beach and talk to Lucy
28- Select Joke!
29- Go to bed and skip until Friday
30- Go to School and talk to Lucy and select With Pleasure!
31- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
32- Click on the Wardrobe and get the Swimming Trunks
33- Use Skip Time one time, go to the Beach and talk to Lucy
34- Select Have a Heart-to-Heart talk
35- Go to bed and skip until Friday
36- Go to School and talk to Lucy and select With Pleasure!
37- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
38- Click on the Wardrobe and get the Swimming Trunks
39- Use Skip Time one time, go to the Beach and talk to Lucy
40- Select Make a Compliment
41- Go to bed and skip until Friday
42- Go to School and talk to Lucy and select With Pleasure!
43- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
44- Click on the Wardrobe and get the Swimming Trunks
45- Use Skip Time one time, go to the Beach and talk to Lucy
46- Select I Want You!
47- Go to bed
48- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
49- Go to Lucy Bedroom
50- Talk to Lucy and select Let’s go for a walk!
51- Select Talk heart to heart!
52- Select Anal Sex

Back to Mrs. Torres Story:

You need High Karma to unlock Mrs. Torres sex scene (+150)

14- Go to bed
15- Go to the bathroom and click on the Massage Oil
16- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
17- Talk to Licinia and select Strip down to your underpants!
18- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
19- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
20- Go to bed
21- Go to the bathroom and click on the Massage Oil
22- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
23- Talk to Licinia and select Try without panties!
24- Continue and rub with oil
- I like your ass better
- We have problems with anal sex
Ask to do it with her feet... (footjob)
25- Go to bed
26- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
27- Go to Lucy Bedroom
28- Talk to Lucy and select Let’s go for a walk!
29- Select Make a compliment!
30- Select Anal Sex
31- Go to bed
32- Go to the bathroom and click on the Massage Oil
33- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
34- Talk to Licinia and select Strip down to your underpants!
35- Select I’m all for it!
36- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
37- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
38- Select Pay attention to Mrs. Torres!
39- Bring what Mrs. Torres ask
40- Select Yes... I really like your figure!
You will need to select (Stick your fingers in the pussy, Stick your tongue in
the pussy and Stick your fingers in the butthole) to progress further with Mrs.
Torres, repeat from step 31 two more times and select always a different option
41- Go to bed
42- Go to the bathroom and click on the Massage Oil
43- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
44- Talk to Licinia, select Try without panties!, select Continue and rub it with oil!
and I like your ass better!
Mrs. Flatcher Story:

1- Go to bed
2- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
3- Talk to Mrs. Flatcher
4- Go to bed
5- Go to the Café and talk to Mrs. Flatcher
6- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
7- Talk to Mrs. Flatcher
8- Go to bed
9- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker, select Lucy’s House
10- Talk to Licinia
11- talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
12- Talk to Mrs. Flatcher
13- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
14- Go to Peter House
15- Click on Mrs. Flatcher and select Jerk off on Mrs. Flatcher’s tits
16- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
17- Talk to Mrs. Flatcher
18- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
19- Go to the park
20- Talk to Mrs. Flatcher
Ivory Story:

1- Go the bed and skip until Tuesday

2- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen room
3- Go to bed
4- Go to the Beach
5- Talk to Ivory
6- Select Can we go somewhere? and Okey!
7- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
8- Use Skip Time one time and go to Ivory House
9- Talk to Ivory and remember what she asks for
10- Talk to Meranda and order what Ivory need
11- Talk to Ivory
12- Go to bed and skip until Friday
13- Use Skip Time two times and go to Karen room
14- Go to bed
15- Use Skip Time one time and go to Ivory House
16- Talk to Ivory
17- Go to bed
18- Use Skip Time two times and go to Ivory House
19- Talk to Ivory
20- Select No!, select Tell us about yourself, select Talk about fashion
21- Go to bed and skip until Thursday
22- Use Skip Time one time, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Photo Studio
23- Talk to Ivory and Benjamin
24- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
25- Go to Ivory House
26- Go to bed and skip until Wednesday
27- Go to the beach
28- Talk to Ivory
29- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
30- Use Skip Time one time and go to Ivory House
31- Talk to Ivory
32- Select With Pleasure!
Show video (Benjamin & Ivory breakup and -Karma)
It is too much (+Karma)
Your parents will be at your house for one week and they will leave the next
week, you must have your parents at home to make progress with them, to
make them comeback follow this: start skipping the days one by one on
Monday the first day they leave, otherwise they will bug and won't comeback.

Barbara and Harry Story:

1- Go to bed and skip until Friday
2- Go to the corridor and get back in your room to trigger the event
3- Go to bed
4- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen Room
5- Go to bed and skip until Wednesday
6- Go to the Kitchen and talk to Barbara
7- Don't talk to Aunt Kim yet, she should not be there and you can break your saves.
8- Go to bed and skip until Saturday
9- Go outside your Home
10- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Bathroom
11- Go to bed and skip until Friday
12- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Store
13- Talk to Barbara and Harry
14- Go to bed and skip until Thursday
15- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen Room
16- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday
17- Use Skip Time one time and go outside your Room
18- Talk to Barbara
19- Go to bed and skip until Friday
20- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Corridor
21- Talk to Barbara and Harry
22- Go to bed and skip until Wednesday
23- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
24- Talk to Barbara and Harry
25- Go to bed and skip until Monday, your parents should have left so you will need to skip day
by day until the follow Monday for them to come back.
26- Use Skip Time one time and go outside your room
27- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday
28- Use Skip Time two times and go to the Kitchen
29- Talk to Harry
30- Go to bed and skip until Thursday
31- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen Room
32- Select Be arrogant!
33- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
34- Use Skip Time one time and go to Beach
35- Talk to Karen and Barbara
36- Go to bed
37- Use Skip Time one time and go outside your room
38- Go to bed and skip until Thursday
39- Go to Karen Room
40- Get oil from the Bathroom and your swimming trunks from your bedroom, go to bed
and skip until Sunday
41- Use Skip Time one time and go to Beach
42- Talk to Karen and Barbara
43- Go to bed, your parents should have left so you will need to skip day by day until the follow
Monday for them to come back.
44- Use Use Skip Time two times and go to Peter House
45- Go to bed
46- Go to the Kitchen and talk to Barbara
Barbara and Harry NTR Story:

1- Go to bed and skip until Wednesday

2- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Kitchen
3- Talk to Barbara and Harry
4- Select Great! I’m in!
5- Go to bed and skip until Friday
6- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Store
7- Talk to Barbara and Harry
8- Go to bed and skip until Friday
9- Go to Karen Room and select Take a chance to see!
10- Go to bed
11- Go to the street
12- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Bathroom
13- Select Take a chance to look
14- Go to bed
15- Use Skip Time two times and go to the Kitchen
16- Talk to Barbara, Harry and Mike
17- Select Russian Dialogue
18- Go to bed and skip until Friday
19- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Store
20- Talk to Barbara and Harry
21- Select Go check and Do Nothing
Mary Fires Story:

1- Go to bed and skip until Wednesday

2- Go to the street (where Taxi Worker is)
3- Go to bed
4- Go to the Store and talk to Mary
5- Go to bed
6- Use Skip Time one time and go to Mary House
7- Select Sure!, select Go to the Store
8- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
9- Go to Mary House
10- Select Sure!, select Go to the Store
11- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
12- Go to Mary House
13- Select Sure!, select Go to the Store
14- Select Follow Mary and Go away
15- Go to bed
16- Use Skip Time one time and go to Mary House
17- Select Take Mary by force
18- Go to bed and skip until Sunday
19- Go to Mary House
20- Select Sure!, select Go to the Store
21- Select Follow Mary and Continue watching
Your parents must be at your house to advance in Aunt Kim story
You need High Karma to advance in Aunt Kim Story (+150)

Aunt Kim Story:

1- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday

2- Go to the Kitchen and talk to Barbara and Aunt Kim
3- Go to bed and skip until Monday
4- Use Skip Time one time and go the Store
5- Talk to Aunt Kim, select Can I help you with something?
6- Go to bed and skip until Friday
7- Use Skip Time one time and go to Karen Room
8- Select Turn around... and Super!
9- Go to bed
10- Use Skip Time two times, go to the street, talk to Taxi Worker and select Bar
11- Talk to Aunt Kim, select Approach unnoticed, How is it going Aunt Kim?!, I’m
crazy about her myself! and Maybe I’ll keep you company Aunt Kim?
12- Go to bed and skip until Tuesday
13- Use Skip Time two times and go to Karen Room
14- Select Take a chance to see!
15- Go to bed and skip until Thursday
16- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Corridor
17- Talk to Harry
Now you need to improve your relationship with Aunt Kim, Barbara and Harry
Aunt Kim: Go to the Store Monday midday, talk to Aunt Kim, Select Can I help you with
something? (DO THIS 5 TIMES); Talk to Aunt Kim Wednesday midday at the Corridor, give
her money (DO THIS 5 TIMES)
Barbara: Go to the Kitchen Monday and Saturday morning, talk to Barbara and select Can
I help you? (DO THIS 5 TIMES)
Harry: Go to the Store and buy a Bottle of Whiskey, give it to him Tuesday evening at the
18- Go to bed and skip until Thursday
19- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Corridor
20- Talk to Harry
21- Go to the street, talk to the Taxi Worker and select Restaurant
22- Talk to Harry, Barbara and Aunt Kim
The goal of this minigame is to reach happy and drunk lv 5 with Aunt Kim and
23- Select Let’s drink! 13 times
24- Talk to Aunt Kim (about Harry) do this 5 times
25- Talk to Aunt Kim (about Barbara)
26- Talk to Harry (about Barbara)
27- Talk to Aunt Kim (about Barbara)
28- Talk to Harry (about Barbara)
29- Talk to Aunt Kim (about Barbara)
30- Talk to Harry (about Barbara)
31- Talk to Aunt Kim (about Barbara)
32- Talk to Harry (about Barbara)
33- Talk to Aunt Kim (about Barbara)
34- Talk to Harry (about Barbara)
There is a chance of your father getting mad at you and send you home, so save
here and load if that happens.
Sex scenes at the Restaurant:
Barbara Blowjob – Talk to her and select You’re so sexy today... and I can see you off if
you don’t mind!
Aunt Kim Blowjob - Talk to her and select You’re so sexy today... and I can see you off
if you don’t mind!
Barbara & Harry - Talk to her and select You’re so sexy today..., Go alone... and Go
Aunt Kim & Harry - Talk to her and select You’re so sexy today..., Go alone... and Go
35- Go to bed and skip until Wednesday
36- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Corridor
37- Talk to Aunt Kim
Events and Sex scenes:


School Toilet scene: Monday morning go to the School, then go to the Toilet and Talk to


Bathroom scene: Wednesday evening go to the bathroom, select Take the risk of
peeking in! and Help Barbara!
Bathroom scene 2: Thursday evening go to the bathroom, select Take a chance to look
Bathroom scene 3: Friday midday go the to the bathroom, select Take a chance to
Karen Room scene: Friday morning go to Karen Room, select Take a chance to see!
Karen Room scene 2: Sunday morning go to Karen Room, select Take a chance to see!
and Can I touch it?
Yoga Scene: Thursday morning go to Karen room; select Can I help you?
Hold her feet (foot job)
Hold her back:
Grab the ass!(blowjob)


Kitchen scene: Friday midday go to the Kitchen, talk to Karen and select What an ass
you have!
Karen Room scene (need oil): Sunday midday go to Karen Room, talk to Karen
Foot massage (foot job)
Back massage (anal sex)

Karen and Barbara threesome:

1-Click on the PC in your room go to Internet Shop, www.doctor-cock.com and select

Buy a Magic Pill
2- Go to the Store and buy a Bottle of Whiskey and Female arousal Pill
3- On Sunday go outside your house to get the Magic Pill
Your Parent must be at home to continue
4- Monday midday go outside your room
5- Use Skip Time one time and go to the Corridor
6- Talk to Barbara and Karen
7- Select I just have a bottle of good whiskey! and Pour the whiskey! (Add the
Female arousal pill, and drink the Magic pill)
The goal of this minigame is to reach happy lv 5 with Karen and Barbara, the
only way of increasing happiness is drinking whiskey, but be careful Barbara and
Karen will leave if their Drunk lv reach 9, paying attention to Karen steals 1
Happy and lowers the drunk lv by 1 of Barbara, this does the same to Karen if
you pay attention to Barbara, so my advice is once theirs drunk lv is at 8
alternate speaking between Barbara and Karen, when theirs drunk lv is low
again start drinking whiskey until they reach happy lv 5.
8- Select Something is somehow hot here! and Show them your huge cock!

Aunt Kim assjob: LMAO no idea how to get this scene

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