Rubric For Essay Writing

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Criteria Checklist YES NO

1. Has the essay fully addressed the essay prompt
and provided a clear response to the question?
2. Has the essay presented a well-structured essay
with an introduction, body paragraphs,
and a conclusion?
3. Has the author supported their arguments with
relevant examples and evidence?
4. Is the conclusion a summary of the main points
and a restatement of the author's opinion?
5. Are the ideas organized logically, with clear topic
sentences for each paragraph?
6. Used a variety of linking
Coherence and words/phrases/sentences
Cohesion 7. Has the author used linking words and phrases to
connect ideas and paragraphs?
8. Does the essay flow smoothly from one point to
the next?
9. Has the author demonstrated a variety of sentence
structures, including complex sentences?
Grammatical 10. Has the author checked for common
Range and grammatical errors, such as subject-verb
Accuracy agreement and sentence fragments?
11. Are the punctuation and sentence structure clear
and appropriate?
12. Has the author used a variety of vocabulary
avoiding repetition of the same words?
13. Has the author employed subject-specific
Lexical Resource
vocabulary relevant to the topic?
14. Has the author used words accurately, without
significant spelling or word choice errors?
15. Is the vocabulary appropriate for a formal
academic essay?

Graduation Paper Assessment Rubric

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Improvement
(3) (1)
The paper
The paper
covers all The paper The paper The paper does
covers most
required topics covers the covers some not cover the
required topics
with in-depth main topics required topics required topics
Content with adequate
details and but lacks but is missing or shows
details and
demonstrates depth in key minimal
thorough some areas. information. understanding.
The paper
The paper is
The paper is The paper is has some
poorly The paper lacks
well-organized, organized with organization
organized with organization
Organization with clear minor issues in but lacks
several and logical
sections and flow or clear sections
sections flow.
logical flow. sectioning. or logical
lacking clarity.
Excellent use Good use of use of Poor use of Very poor use
of grammar and grammar and grammar and grammar and of grammar and
Grammar &
vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary vocabulary with
with minimal with some but with with frequent numerous
errors. errors. noticeable errors. errors.
All sources are Most sources Few sources
sources are No sources are
correctly cited are correctly are correctly
Citations & correctly cited or
and referenced cited and cited, with
References cited but with references are
in the required referenced with many errors in
noticeable incorrect.
format. minor errors. format.
The paper
The paper The paper
shows The paper
shows original shows some The paper lacks
Creativity & limited shows minimal
thought and original originality and
Originality originality originality and
creativity in thought and creativity.
and creativity.
presentation. creativity.

Overall Score Interpretation

 Excellent (22-25): The paper is of very high quality and exceeds expectations.
 Good (17-21): The paper is good and meets most expectations.
 Satisfactory (12-16): The paper meets basic requirements but needs improvement in
some areas.
 Needs Improvement (7-11): The paper does not meet several requirements and needs
significant improvement.
 Unsatisfactory (1-6): The paper does not meet basic requirements and shows minimal

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