Tut Revision BCOM 1
Tut Revision BCOM 1
Tut Revision BCOM 1
Final Exam
2 hours
● 2 discussion questions
● Case study - 3 questions
1. You have to make arguments which are supported by theories and
knowledge you gain from this course
2. Please be objective, don’t be subjective and biased
3. Don’t say “I think…” or “I believe…”
4. Always write your answer in paragraphs
5. Don’t leave the answer sheet blank
1. What is the difference between primary and secondary data, and what are
the advantages and disadvantages of each in conducting research for a
business report or project? Provide examples to illustrate your answer.
Key ● Data collection methods: surveys, ● Data sources: books, journal articles, government
characteristics interviews, observations, experiments, or reports, industry publications, databases, or previous
direct measurements. research studies.
● Originality: It is specific to the research ● Accessibility: It is readily available and accessible
project and has not been previously collected to researchers without the need for extensive data
or published. collection efforts.
● Control: Researchers have control over the ● Large-scale data: Secondary data often provides a
design, methodology, and specific data broader perspective and a larger sample size
collected compared to primary data.
Question 1
• Relevance
• Accuracy • Cost and Time Efficiency
• Historical Comparison
• Customization
Advantage • Large Sample Size
Key ● Zero-sum mindset: Parties perceive the negotiation ● Focus on common ground: Parties seek to identify
characteristics as a zero-sum game, where one party's gain is shared interests and goals to reach a mutually
considered the other party's loss. beneficial outcome.
● Positional bargaining: Parties take rigid positions ● Problem-solving mindset: Parties work together to
and engage in adversarial tactics to secure the most explore creative solutions that satisfy the needs of
favorable outcome for themselves. both sides.
● Limited cooperation: There is minimal collaboration ● Information sharing: Parties exchange information
or sharing of information between parties openly to facilitate understanding and generate
options that create value.
- Tony replied, "It would be awfully nice if I could start work at 8 AM instead of 7 AM."
- Simon then stated, "Tony I'm very pleased with your overall work performance, so it's OK with me if your workday begins at 8 AM."
During the month of July 2021, Tony was late eight times. Another conversation occurred similar to the one at the end of July. As a result of it, Tony's starting time was
changed to 9 AM.
On November 11,2021,Joe Simon posted the following notice on the bulletin board: Any employee late for work more than two times in any one particular pay period is
subject to termination.
On January 20, 2022, Joe Simon called Tony into his office and gave him a letter that read, "During this pay period, you have been late for work more than two times. If
this behavior continues, you are subject to termination." Tony signed the letter to acknowledge that he had received it.
During February 2022, Tony was late eight times and between March 1 and March 11, five times. On March 11, 2022, Joe Simon notified Tony that he had been fired for
his tardiness.
On March 12, 2022, Tony came in with his union representative and demanded that he get his job back. Tony alleged that there was another employee in the company
who had been late as many times as he had, or more. Tony further charged that Joe Simon was punching the time clock for this employee because Joe Simon was
having an affair with her. The union representative stated that three other people in the company had agreed to testify, under oath, to these facts. The union
representative then said, "Joe Simon, rules are for everyone. You can't let one person break a rule and penalize someone else for breaking the same rule. Therefore,
Tony should have his job back."
1. Identify the problem in the case. Was the manager communicating a message to Tony? What was the message the manager communicated to Tony? Should
Tony get his job back?
2. What would you do if you were an arbitrator in this dispute? Case study might be longer
➢ Identify the problem in the case. Was the manager communicating a message to Tony? What was the message the
manager communicated to Tony? Should Tony get his job back?
Possible answer: Students identify the problem based on the Communication process. Tony and His boss interpret the
meaning of the message differently
Should or should not depend on students’ argument/jusify
1. Identify problem
Có thể sử dụng tất cả các business communication model để tìm problem e.g business
communication goals, communication process, conflict resolution, cross culture etc
E.g communication problem có trong case vì missing 1 goal in business communication goals/
làm sai/ thiếu/thừa stage trong communication process
2. Suggest solution
E.g nếu chỉ ra limitation ở communication process ở step 3 thì suggest thay đổi step 3.
Conclusion :
Luôn luôn viết recommendation SAU discussion
Tips :
Sử dụng nhiều theories và articles để làm sáng tỏ quan điểm.