HRM Notes

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rd nd
year| 2 Semester
Prof. Romeo Clemente, Ph.D, DPA

TOPIC 1| Definition, Nature and Essence of Human Resource

HRM is the study of activities regarding people working in an organization. It is a managerial function
that tries to match an organization’s needs to the skills and abilities of its employees. This involves
employing people, developing their resource ,utilizing ,maintaining and compensating their services in
tune the job and organizational requirements. Human Resource Management is also a function of
management, concerned with hiring, motivating and maintaining people in an organization. It focuses on
people in the organization.
 Employing people (Obtain) – It is a
requirement to the part of HRM Officer to
select and to recruit. In selection, select so
many people that responded and those with
qualification. As a HRMO you are looking for
the best applicant for the job or position.
 Developing their resource (Develop) -It
concern with the development of abilities,
competence, potentials, and giving training, as
well as providing training module in
accordance to the need of assessment. 
 Utilizing and Maintaining (Monitor)- This is
more on monitoring that could be done in
knowing the performances of employees in

doing their job. This is to monitor their attitudes, characters and manifestations of employees.
 Compensating their Services(Reward)- These are the benefits that employees can acquire.
 Compensate- tangible and intangible, recognition, and acknowledgement.
 Rewards- give to someone what is due to him or her
 Benefits- this is something permanent (13th month pay, clothing allowance, chalk allowance for
teachers) or something tangible and intangible provided by the law or contract.

Human Resource Management is a series of integrated decisions that form the employment relationship;
their quality contributes to the ability of the organizations and the employees to achieve their objectives.
 Organizations does not only consist of building, machines or inventories. It is people they manage and
staff the organization 
 HRM applies management principles in procuring, developing, and maintaining people in the
 Aims at integrated decision making and decisions on different aspects of employees are consistent with
other HR decisions 
 HR Decisions must influence effectiveness of the organization leading to better service to customer and
high quality product and services at reasonable price. 
 It is not confined to business establishment only, HRM is applicable also to the non business
organization, like government department, education, health care etc.

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1. Staffing- putting the right people and right number of people in a position or right job, in a right
The aim of staffing is to provide a sufficient supply of qualified individuals to fill jobs in an
organization. Job analysis, recruitment and selection are the main functions under staffing.

2. Human Resource Development: Providing training work with management.

Beginning with the orientation of new employees, talent management and development
includes different types of training. This also is concern in keeping talented people in your
company, giving them enough training for them to reach their best.

3. Compensation and benefits- In Philippine education this is sought to be one of the underling
factors why most of the teachers of DepEd are resigning and seeking for greener pasture. This is also
involves loss of attitudes among employees. 

4. Safety and Health- School managers should enforce safety and health inside and outside of the
HRM addresses various workplace risks to ensure protection of workers by meeting legal
requirements and being more responsive to the concerns for workplace health and safety along
with disaster and recovery planning.

5. Employee and labor Relations- These include the rights, responsibilities, and privilege of the
The relationship between managers and their employees must be handled legally and
effectively. Employer and employee rights must be addressed. It is important to develop,
communicate, and update HR policies and procedures so that managers and employees alike
know what is expected


• Mg of people employed
• Employees are treated as economic man as his service are exchanged with salary
• Employee are viewed as tool, equipment
• Employee are treated as cost center. Therefore mg controls cost of labour
• Employees used as organization benefit
• Personnel function is only auxiliary (secondary)
• Short term perspective

• Mg of employees skills, Knowledge, abilities
• Employees are treated as economic, social & psychological man
• Employee are treated as a resource
• Employees as treated as profit center. Therefore, invest in human resource.
• Employees used for multi-mutual benefit for org, employees & family
• HRM is a strategic(planned) mg function
• Long term perspective

Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley 3500
Human Resource Management is important to all managers despite their various functions because
of the following reasons- 
 Hire the right person for the job- this requires very specific in hiring the right people in
the right job. 
 Low attrition rate- keeping your employee in the organization and not allowing them to
transfer to other institution. It requires investing to them in a way that it will develop their
skill. 
 Ensure people do their best- as HRMO you must bring out the bests of your employees to
contribute greatly to the company.
 Time saved in not conducting useless interviews- Total quality management should be the
mantra of the organization. HRMO should and will not waste time in useless things.
 Avoid legal action for any discrimination- Laws and regulations should be well
implemented in the institution.
 Safety laws are not ignored- Laws are in-placed and not ignored.
 Equity towards employee in relation to salary etc.- Proper compensation should be given to
the employees according to their efforts and job performance.
 Effective training- Providing the need of employees in terms of skills development.
 Avoid unfair labour practice- Every employees should know their rights.


Human Resource Planning is the process of forecasting a firm’s future demand for, and supply
of, the right type of people in the right number.
Human Resource planning includes the estimation of how many qualified people are necessary
to carry out the assigned activities, how many people will be available, and what, if anything, must
be done to ensure that personnel supply equals personnel demand at the appropriate point in the
future. Human resource planning translates the organizations objectives and plans into the number of
worker needed to meet those objectives. Without a clear cut planning, estimation of an organizations
human resource need is reduced to mere guesswork.
 Whatever plans to be implemented in the future it must be ready (demand) 
 Appropriation of the work allotted ( right type of people)
 Human resource planning is the process of analyzing and identifying the availability and the
need for human resources so that the organization can meet its objectives. The focus of HR
planning is to ensure that the organization has the right number of human resources, with the
right capabilities, at the right times, and in the right places. In HR planning, an organization
must consider the availability and allocation of people to jobs over long periods of time, not just
for the next month or the next year1.
 Planning is progressive (developmental) and dynamic (innovation)

 Future personnel needs- Human resource planning is significant because it helps to determine
the future personnel needs of the organization. If an organization is facing the problem of either
surplus or deficiency in staff strength, then it is the result of the absence of effecting HR
planning. Instances that HRP is needed to fill the job vacancies are
 Retirement
 Maternity Leave or Paternity Leave
 Termination
 Recognition or Promotion

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 Helps in strategic planning- It provides the institution a way to strategically plan to achieve its
HRP has become an integral part of strategic planning. HRP provides inputs in strategy
formulation process in terms of deciding whether the organization has got the right kind of
human resources to carry out the given strategy
 Creating high talented personnel- through HRP
Manpower planning in the form of skill development is required to help the organization in
dealing with this problem of skilled manpower shortage . 
 Global strategies- HR professionals must master bench marking, which is a tool for continuous
improvement- directing the human side associated with the strategic path adopted by the
organization. Through this, HR department will start appreciating the changes happening within
and outside the environment while expanding the knowledge about how to add value to decision
making at the highest level of the organization
 Foundation of personnel function -HRP provides essential information for designing and
implementing personnel functions, such as recruitment, selection, training and development,
personnel movement like transfers, promotions and layoffs
 Increase investments in human resources- Organizations are making increasing investments in
human resource development compelling the increased need for HRP. P. Organizations are
realizing 22 that human assets can increase in value more than the physical assets. An employee
who gradually develops his/ her skills and abilities become a valuable asset for the organization.
Organizations can make investments in its personnel either through direct training or job
assignment and the rupee value of such a trained, flexible, motivated productive workforce is
difficult to determine.
 Resistance to change- Employees are always reluctant whenever they hear about change and
even about job rotation. Organizations cannot shift one employee from one department to
another without any specific planning.

1. Reservoir of talent- retain skilled people
2. Prepare people for future- motivated and developed to meet future needs
3. Expand or contract- continuous supply of people to handle challenging jobs
4. Cut cost- hr budget
5. Succession planning- stars are picked for challenging projects

An effective Human Resource Planning sets efficient objective, provide management support,
improve employee skill inventory, monitor human resource information system , and does the


 Type and strategy of organization- It is the classification of the company or organizations, thus
in planning you need to consider what kind of personnel you hire and recruit. Type of the
organization determines the production processes involve, number and type of staff needed and
the supervisory and managerial personnel required.
 Organizational growth cycle and planning- All organizations pass through different stages of
growth from the day of its inception. The stage of growth in which an organization is determines
the nature and extends of HRP. Small organizations in the earlier stages of growth may not have
well defined personnel planning. But as the organization enters the growth stage they feel the
need to plan its human resource. At this stage organization gives emphasis upon employee
development. But as the organization reaches the mature stage it experience less flexibility and

Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley 3500
 Environmental uncertainties- Political, social and economic changes affect all
organizations and the fluctuations that are happening in these environments affect
organizations drastically.
 Time horizons- HR plans can be short term or long term. Short term plans spans from six
months to one year, while long term plans spread over three to twenty years. The extent of
time period depends upon the degree of uncertainty that is prevailing in an organizations
 Type and quality of forecasting information- The information used to forecast personnel
needs originates from a multitude of sources. The forecast depends to a large extent upon
the type of information and the quality of data that is available to personnel planners
 Nature of jobs being filled- Personnel planners need to be really careful with respect to the
nature of the jobs being filled in the organization. Employees belonging to lower level who
need very limited skills can be recruited hastily but, while hiring employees for higher
posts, selection and recruitment need to be carried out with high discretion.
 Outsourcing- Several organizations outsource part of their work to outside parties in the
form of subcontract. Outsourcing is a regular feature both in the public sector as well as in
the private sector companies.


When we say emerging issues these are the things that bothers the people in the
organization or company. Let’s look into the seven (7) emerging issues;
1. Increase in size of workforce- this includes additional demands for better pay, benefits and
working condition.
a) This issues can happen in situation where there is a need to increase the number of
b) Planners should forecast the increase of payment or wages of the employees.
c) It is important to note that EMPLOYEES ARE THE PILLAR OF THE COMPANY.
Thus, HR Planners must be wise enough to keep its people, especially those who
perform well.
2. Composition of workforce- the raising percentage of women in workforce, demand in equal pay
and gender equality
a) If the nature of the company centers in military it is better to put men personnel on
grounds rather than women.
3. Employees expectations- as workers are better educated, more demanding, voice strong financial
and non-financial demands is ever-growing and expanding.
a) It is part of the company’s growth to have promotion and increase the salary or
b) To the newly hired employees, they are expected to execute skills in unnecessary way
(pakitang gilas)
4. Change in Technology- increase in automation, modernization and computerization. Employees
must update their knowledge and skills constantly. This will necessitate constant training at all
a) Technology must be viewed as something that saves time, effort and money.
b) Update the company’s website from time to time.
5. Lifestyle changes- people are ready to change jobs, shift location, start up companies and even
experiment with untested ideas.
a) It is important to put boundary between the employer and the employee.
6. Environmental challenges- burden of training and retaining falls on the shoulder of a HR
a) HR planner must always ready to face consequences and have a ready made solutions.

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7. Personnel Function- job redesign, career opportunity, productivity, reward, safety and welfare,
talent hunting and developing, labor relations and health care benefits.
a) In job redesign provide realignment, and arrange tasks and responsibilities among
b) In career opportunity provide mentoring and training
c) In productivity it involves putting the right person in a right function

Demand forecasting is the process of estimating the quantity and quality of people required to meet
future needs of the organisation

Supply forecast determines whether the HR department will be able to procure the required number
of personnel. Specifically, supply forecast measures the number of people likely to be available from
within and outside an organisation.
The supply analysis covers: 
 Existing human resources 
 Internal source of supply 
 External source of supply


Job may be defined as “collection or aggregation of tasks, duties and responsibilities which as a
whole, are regarded as a regular assignment to individual employees.”
When we say “JOB,” it concerns with the duties, task, responsibilities should be considered by
the workers.
a) DUTIES- things a person is obliged to do
b) TASK- things you only do
c) RESPONSIBILITIES- you do things accountable with answerability

Job Analysis is the process of studying and collecting information relating to the operations and
responsibilities of a specific job. The immediate products of this analysis are job description and job

A list of job’s duties, responsibilities, reporting relationship, working conditions, and supervisory
 Job title: the position to be filled
 Location: Setting or the destination
 Job Summary; the nature of the task (specific task to be performed) in bullet form
 Duties: obliged to do
 Machine Tools: things needed for the job
 Material: office supplies
 Supervision: the process on how to manage the employee
 Working Condition: nature of the job which includes the working hours, set up (can be work
from home), benefits and compensation
 Hazards: difficulty, risk, discomfort
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A list of job’s “human requirements” that is, the requisite education, skills, personality and so on.
 Education: qualification of the applicant
 Experience: how you perform your previous jobs
 Training; seminars, workshops, attending. It can be the future training
RETOOLING- it is continuous process of organization’s development.
 Initiative: personal commitment of the employees and doing their jobs efficiently not only
 Physical Effort: physical presence, physical fitness
 Responsibilities: accountabilities
 Communication skills: ways to express the views of the employees
 Emotional Characteristics:
 Unusual sensory:

Job analysis involves following steps: 

1. Collecting and recording job information 
a) Interview (ask related questions to the Job Descriptions ans Specification
b) Study the nature of the information
d) In the interview, necessary that HR does background investigation
2. Checking the job information for accuracy 
a) If applicants are over qualified, make sure that the company be able to give the necessary
3. Writing job description based on information
a) Rewrite the job description and job specification to improve the capacity of the company.
4. Using the information to determine the skill, abilities and knowledge 
a) Trying to know what can be generated further as a result of the interview.
5. Updating the information from time to time
a) Members of the Board must meet to change policies needed from time to time.

Recruitment 
It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins
when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is pool of
applicants from which new employees are selected.
Prior to initiating a recruitment procedure, the following matters should be
considered: 
A) Clarification of the scope and skill sets required to successfully perform the duties of the
position 
i. It involves the bountiness of the work identified and knowing what the company
a) Review of the Job Fact Sheet or Position Description to ensure that the skills and abilities
required coincide with the current expectations of the position. If they do not, then a
position evaluation should be undertaken. 
b) Review of the compensation available to the position (i.e. salary and benefit plans, etc.)
I. Look how much the company can afford for the compensation
II. Benefits (sick leave, 13th or 14th month pay
c) Analysis of the impact that the hiring will have on the budget
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1. Supply and Demand- the number of people available in the market for workforce. Advance
initiative from the HR should be done.
2. Unemployment rate- the higher the unemployment rate, the higher the recruitment. In recruiting it
is advisable to offer higher benefits and salary.
3. Labor Market and Employment Agencies- this involves In-direct hiring with the presence of
Employment agencies. The HR should be knowledgeable enough that he/she is the Employment
Agency ITSELT.
4. Political- employers should refrain from getting employees recommended by politicians.
5. Social- this involves the interference of highly intellectual people in recruitment.
6. Sons of Soil- the company has the preference in hiring the right people (I.e. ISO certified
companies only accept applicants from ISO certified Universities).
7. Image- What are the impression of employee to the company. Company with good image can
only get applicants.

1. Recruitment policy-
2. HRP- looking into the “What are the aspirations laid down in the plan for the future needs.
3. Size of the firm- the complexity of the Institution. (can be Small, Medium and Large Scale). note
that the smaller the simpler.
4. Growth- the improvement for the individual applicant.
5. Expansion- greater number, provide clearer plan for who are the people to be recruited.

1. Current Employees- these are the Contract or Probationary Employees
2. References from present employee- involves asking the current employees to whom they can
3. Databank of former applicants- these are your previous employees, note that you should have a
databank for their records.
4. Retired Employee- those retire who can still render services.
5. Former employee- restoration of employee from their position.

1. Advertising- (Social Media, radio, Tv ads r print media like tarps)
2. Employment agencies- (Labor Markets)
3. Temporary help- (relievers like transferring of employees)
4. Executive recruiters- (recommendations)
5. Referrals and walk-ins- (job hunters, opportunity by chance)
6. College recruiting- (Ex; Lucio Tan, Henry Sy scholarship programs)
7. Company’s web site- (to be posted in the website including all the vacancies, aims)
8. Free and fee-paying Website services

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Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao City, Cagayan Valley 3500
Recruitment 
It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment. The process begins
when new recruits are sought and ends when their applications are submitted. The result is pool of
applicants from which new employees are selected.

Acc to Edwin B.Flippo defined recruitment as “ the process of searching for prospective employees
and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization”

Recruitment forms a step in the process which continues with selection and ceases with the
placement of the candidate. It is the next step in the procurement function, the first being the
manpower planning. Recruiting makes it possible to acquire the number and types of people
necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organisation. Recruiting is the discovering of
potential applicants for actual or anticipated organisational vacancies. 5
Initiating the Recruitment Process  City, Cagayan Valley 3500
Caritan Sur, Tuguegarao
Prior to initiating a recruitment procedure, the following matters should be considered: 
 Clarification of the scope and skill sets required to successfully perform the duties of the
position 
 Review of the Job Fact Sheet or Position Description to ensure that the skills and abilities
required coincide with the current expectations of the position. If they do not, then a
position evaluation should be undertaken. 
 Review of the compensation available to the position (i.e. salary and benefit plans, etc.) 
 Analysis of the impact that the hiring will have on the budget

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