Topic - Impact o-WPS Office
Topic - Impact o-WPS Office
Topic - Impact o-WPS Office
Position: Using Social Media Platforms should be regulated and maintained to minimize
its negative effect.
Thesis Statement: Using Social Media Platforms should be regulated and maintained to
minimize its negative effect which can ultimately impact thei Mental Health,academic
performance,and overall well-being.
A. The rise of social media usage among adolescents has brought both opportunities and
B. Excessive and unmaintained use of social media platforms can lead to negative effects
on mental health.
C. To protect adolescents from the Bad effects of social media, its use should be
regulated and managed.
A.Sleep Disruption
1.Lack Of sleep Due to excessive usage of social media
a. Constant Notification and Nightime usage can interfere to sleep pattern.
a.1- Can be Contributes to academic perform and Health.
B.Addiction and Dependency
1. Adolescents may develop a compulsive need to check social media, leading to
2. Dependence on social validation from likes and comments affects self-esteem and
anxiety levels.
C.Poor time Management
1.Excessive screen time reduces spent time such as school activities or health exercises.
a.Lead to procastination and missed of focusing on the important task.
1.The negative effects of social media platform significant affect adolescent mental
a.It might affect the performance of adolescent in all aspects including mental health
and can hinder their ability to think positively and probably give them a negative
solutions because they are becoming too dependant on what they see on Social media,
but they can be addressed with the help of parents, educators, and adolescents
themselves should work together to regulate social media usage, ensuring a balanced
and healthy digital life.
How to Regulate Social Media to Protect Adolescent Mental Health
Using social media platforms should be regulated and maintained to minimize their
negative effects, which can ultimately impact adolescent mental health, academic
performance, and overall well-being. The rise of social media usage among adolescents
has brought both opportunities and challenges. However, excessive and unregulated use
of these platforms can lead to negative effects on mental health. To protect adolescents
from the harmful effects of social media, its use should be carefully regulated and
Moving forward, it is crucial to understand that sleep disruption is one of the most
common negative effects of excessive social media use. Constant notifications and
nighttime usage can interfere with sleep patterns. Poor sleep then contributes to
decreased academic performance and health issues. Another concern is the potential for
addiction and dependency. Adolescents may develop a compulsive need to check social
media, leading to addiction. Moreover, dependence on social validation from likes and
comments can significantly affect self-esteem and anxiety levels.
Indeed, the negative effects of social media platforms significantly affect adolescent
mental health. It might affect their performance in all aspects, including their mental
health, and can hinder their ability to think positively. Adolescents may also become
overly dependent on what they see on social media, leading to negative thought
patterns and poor decision-making. However, these issues can be addressed. Parents,
educators, and adolescents themselves should work together to regulate social media
usage, ensuring a balanced and healthy digital life.