Field SweaterENGLISH

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Field Sweater

Design: Camilla Vad
Field Sweater


1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (6) 7 (8) 9


Circumference under armhole: Field Sweater is worked top down in the round.
94 (100) 106 (112) 120 (126) 132 (138) 142 cm Make sure you keep the gauge!
Length from armhole to bottom:
32 cm
Sleeve length from armhole: POSITIVE EASE
44 cm It is recommended to have 0 til 15 cm positive ease.
Full length:
56 (57) 58 (59) 60 (61) 62 (63) 64 cm But please note that finished knitted garments
tends to ‘grow’ in use.

Isager Eco Baby (68% Baby Alpaca + 32% GRAIN
Organic Pima Cotton, 150 m/50 g) Knit into the front of the next stitch, yarn over, knit
into the front of the same stitch again, then lift the
350 (350) 400 (400) 450 (450) 500 (500) 550 g col. 2s st off to the right needle. The 3 new sts you have on
your right needle is now a grain.

Circular needles 3,5 mm + 4,0 mm in suitable LARGE GRAIN
lengths Knit into the front of the next stitch, yarn over, knit
1 Cable needle into the front of the same stitch again, yarn over,
knit into the front of the same stitch again, then lift
the st off to the right needle. The 5 new sts you
GAUGE have on your right needle is now a large grain.
20 sts x 28 rows = 10 x 10 cm in stockinette stitch
on needle 4 mm needles after blocking.

In this pattern German short rows are used. k = knit
Work to the point where you need to turn. st(s) = stitch(es)
Turn work. Slip the first st (the last st worked) st st = stockinette stitch
pwise with the yarn in front of the work. Bring p = purl
the yarn up over the needle and over the last st rnd = round
worked. Pull slightly on the yarn to create a tog = together
“double stitch”. ssk = slip, slip, knit (dec)
tbl = through the back loop
Continue working as per the directions. wyib = with yarn in back
When you come back to the ”double stitch” inc = increase
work the 2 loops together as 1 stitch (a purl or a dec = decrease
knit according to the directions) yo = yarn over
M = marker
PM = place marker
BOR = beginning of round


NECK A TIP! If you don’t work the Field Pattern on the

yoke all in once, please do mark how far you have
Cast on 96 (100) 104 (108) 108 (112) 112 (112) 112 come in the pattern before you let it to rest. Also if
sts loosely on needle 3,5 mm. you are just going out to get a refill of coffee (or
Work in rib; * k1, p1 *. Join, PM to indicate BOR, wine!), answer the phone, waves to the neighbour,
work rib in the round. Work 17 rnds so you have a klap the dog or whatever that might distract you
total of 18 rows of rib. If you want a more narrow from the pattern so that you always know which rnd
neckline you make a total of 12 rnds of rib. you are knitting. It is not easy to count the rows in
this pattern and it would be a pity if you have to
Change to 4 mm needle ‘harvest’ all the lovely grains and start all over
because you forgot which rnd you were knitting.
Size 5 (6) 7 (8) 9: Work 1 rnd on which you
regulate the st count to 112 (116) 120 (124) 128 sts; So now let’s sow some grains and make it grow into
a field round by round:
Size 8: K 11, pick up the strand between the sts
and knit it tbl Rnd 1: (5 sts) k1, make grain (see how to make
GRAIN on page 2), k the yo tbl, make grain, k1
Size 5 (6) 7 (8) 9: K *27 (28) 14 (9) 7, pick up the
strand between the sts and knit it tbl *, repeat from Rnd 2: (5 sts) k1, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl, slip
* to * 3 (3) 7 (9) 15 more times. grain purlwise wyib, k1

Size 8: K 11, pick up the strand between the sts Rnd 3: (5 sts) slip next st to the cable needle, hold it
and knit it tbl to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k the st
on cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib, place
All sizes: grain on cable needle in front, k1, k the 3 sts in the
grain tog tbl
K 1 rnd
Rnd 4: (5 sts) k2, k1tbl, k2
Inc rnd: *k2, yo, k2*, repeat from * to * till end of
rnd Rnd 5: (5 sts) yo, k1, make grain, slip next st
purlwise wyib, make grain, k1
You now have 120 (125) 130 (135) 140 (145) 150
(155) 160 sts on your needle. You now have 144 (150) 156 (162) 168 (174) 180
(186) 192 sts on your needle.

FIELD PATTERN Rnd 6: (6 sts) k the yo tbl, k1, slip grain purlwise
wyib, k1tbl, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1
The pattern starts with 5 sts and is repeated 24 (25)
26 (27) 28 (29) 30 (31) 32 times across the rnd as Rnd 7: (6 sts) k1, slip next st to the cable needle,
described in the pattern below. The number in hold it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k
parenthesis on every rnd is how many sts to repeat. the st on cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib,
So, after a rnd with inc the number grows. place grain on cable needle in front, k1, k the 3 sts
The Field Pattern has a total of 43 rnds. in the grain tog tbl

Rnd 8: (6 sts) k3, k1tbl, k2 Rnd 20: (8 sts) k4, k1tbl, k3

Rnd 9: (6 sts) k2, pick up the strand between the sts Rnd 21: (8 sts) slip next stitch purlwise, put left leg
and knit it tbl, make grain, slip next st purlwise of st in row below slipped st on left needle, k lifted
wyib, make grain, pick up the strand between the sts st tbl, k2, make grain, slip next st purlwise wyib,
and knit it tbl, k1 make grain, k2

You now have 192 (200) 208 (216) 224 (232) 240 You now have 216 (225) 234 (243) 252 (261) 270
(248) 256 sts on your needle. (279) 288 sts on your needle.

Rnd 10: (8 sts) k3, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl, Rnd 22: (9 sts) k the next 2 sts tbl, k2, slip grain
slip grain purlwise wyib, k2 purlwise wyib, k1tbl, slip grain purlwise wyib, k2

Rnd 11: (8 sts) k1, slip next 2 sts to the cable needle, Rnd 23: (9 sts) make grain in each of the first 2 sts,
hold it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k k1, slip next st to the cable needle, hold it to the
the 2 sts on cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib, back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k the st on
place grain on cable needle in front, k2, k the 3 sts cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib, place grain
in the grain tog tbl on cable needle in front, k1, k the 3 sts in the grain
tog tbl, k1
Rnd 12: (8 sts) k4, k1tbl, k3
Rnd 24: (9 sts) *slip grain purlwise wyib, pick up the
Rnd 13: (8 sts) k3, make grain, slip next st purlwise strand between the sts and knit it tbl, slip grain
wyib, make grain, k2 purlwise wyib, k3, k1tbl, k3, * repeat from * to * till
last 9 sts on the rnd, slip grain purlwise wyib, pick
Rnd 14: (8 sts) k3, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl, up the strand between the sts and knit it tbl, slip
slip grain purlwise wyib, k2 grain purlwise wyib, k3, k1tbl, k2, slip next st
purlwise, remove marker, put the stitch back to the
Rnd 15: (8 sts) k1, slip next 2 sts to the cable needle, left needle again, PM on the right needle to indicate
hold it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k new BOR.
the 2 sts on cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib,
place grain on cable needle in front, k2, k the 3 sts You now have 240 (250) 260 (270) 280 (290) 300
in the grain tog tbl (310) 320 sts on your needle.

Rnd 16: (8 sts) k4, k1tbl, k3 Rnd 25: (10 sts) slip next st to the cable needle, hold
it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k the
Rnd 17: (8 sts) k3, make grain, slip next st purlwise st on cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib, place
wyib, make grain, k2 grain on cable needle in front, k1, k the 3 sts in the
grain tog tbl, k1, make grain, slip next st purlwise,
Rnd 18: (8 sts) k3, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl, make grain, k1
slip grain purlwise wyib, k2
Rnd 26: (10 sts) k2, k1tbl, k3, slip grain purlwise
Rnd 19: (8 sts) k1, slip next 2 sts to the cable needle, wyib, k1tbl, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1
hold it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k
the 2 sts on cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib, Rnd 27: (10 sts) k1, make grain, slip next st purlwise
place grain on cable needle in front, k2, k the 3 sts wyib, make grain, k1, slip next st to the cable needle,
in the grain tog tbl hold it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k

the st on cable needle, make large grain (see LARGE Rnd 37: (11 sts) slip next 2 sts to the cable needle,
GRAIN on page 2), place grain on cable needle in hold it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k
front, k1, k the 3 sts in the grain tog tbl the 2 sts on cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib,
place grain on cable needle in front, k2, k the 3 sts
Rnd 28: (10 sts) K1, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl, in the grain tog tbl, k4
slip grain purlwise wyib, k3, slip large grain purlwise
wyib, k2 Rnd 38: (11 sts) k3, k1tbl, k7, pick up the strand
between the sts and knit it tbl
Rnd 29: (10 sts) slip next st to the cable needle, hold
it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k the You now have 288 (300) 312 (324) 336 (348) 360
st on cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib, place (372) 384 sts on your needle.
grain on cable needle in front, k1, k the 3 sts in the
grain tog tbl, k2, k the 5 sts in the large grain tog tbl, Rnd 39: (12 sts) k2, make grain, slip next st purlwise
k2 wyib, make grain, k7

Rnd 30: (10 sts) k2, k1tbl, k4, k1tbl, k2 Rnd 40: (12 sts) k2, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl,
slip grain purlwise wyib, k7
Rnd 31: (10 sts) k1, make grain, slip next st purlwise
wyib, make grain, k6 Rnd 41: (12 sts) k1, slip next st to the cable needle,
hold it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k
Rnd 32: (10 sts) remove marker, move first st on the the st on cable needle, make large grain, place grain
right needle to the left needle, PM on the right on cable needle in front, k1, k the 3 sts in the grain
needle, move the first st on the left needle back to tog tbl, k6
the right needle again, k1, slip grain purlwise wyib,
k1tbl, slip grain purlwise wyib, k3, pick up the Rnd 42: (12 sts) k3, slip large grain purlwise wyib, k8
strand between the sts and knit it tbl, k2, *k2, slip
grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl, slip grain purlwise wyib, Rnd 43: (12 sts) k3, k the 5 sts in the large grain tog
k3, pick up the strand between the sts and knit it tbl, tbl, k8
k2 *, repeat from * to * till end of rnd
You now have 288 (300) 312 (324) 336 (348) 360
You now have 264 (275) 286 (297) 308 (319) 330 (372) 384 sts on your needle.
(341) 352 sts on your needle.
K 1 rnd.
Rnd 33: (11 sts) slip next 2 sts to the cable needle,
hold it to the back of work, k the 3 sts in grain tog, k Now continue in st st and at the same time, work
the 2 sts on cable needle, slip next st purlwise wyib, short rows (please see the instructions in the
place grain on cable needle in front, k2, k the 3 sts pattern techniques section above) to shape the
in the grain tog tbl, k4 neckline;

Rnd 34: (11 sts) k3, k1tbl, k7 K 56 (59) 62 (65) 68 (71) 74 (77) 80, turn, p to 56
(59) 62 (65) 68 (71) 74 (77) 80 sts after M, turn, *k to
Rnd 35: (11 sts) k2, make grain, slip next st purlwise 6 sts after last turn, turn, p to 6 sts after last turn,
wyib, make grain, k6 turn * repeat from * til * 2 more times. K to M.

Rnd 36: (11 sts) k2, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl, K 10 (12) 14 (18) 22 (24) 26 (26) rnds.
slip grain purlwise wyib, k6

DIVIDE THE WORK FOR BODY AND You now have 64 (68) 72 (72) 74 (78) 78 (82) 84 sts
SLEEVES on your needle.

K 44 (46) 48 (51) 54 (56) 59 (61) 63, place 56 (58) 60 K to 1 st before the first picked up st, ssk, k 3 (4) 5
(60) 60 (62) 62 (64) 66 sts on a stitchholder, cast on (5) 6 (7) 7 (8) 8, PM to indicate BOR, k 3 (4) 5 (5) 6
6 (8) 10 (10) 12 (14) 14 (16) 16 sts, k 88 (92) 96 (102) (7) 7 (8) 8, k2tog, k to BOR.
108 (112) 118 (122) 126, place 56 (58) 60 (60) 60
(62) 62 (64) 66 sts on a stitchholder, cast on 6 (8) 10 You now have 62 (66) 70 (70) 72 (76) 76 (80) 82 sts
(10) 12 (14) 14 (16) 16 sts, k 44 (46) 48 (51) 54 (56) on your needle.
59 (61) 63.
K 2 rnds.
Break yarn. Remove marker, move 44 (46) 48 (51)
54 (56) 59 (61) 63 sts from left needle to right Dec rnd: K 2, k2tog, k to 4 sts before M, ssk, k2.
needle, PM to indicate (a new) BOR.
You now have 60 (64) 68 (68) 70 (74) 74 (78) 80 sts
You now have 188 (200) 212 (224) 240 (252) 264 on your needle.
(276) 284 sts on your needle.
Repeat the dec rnd on every 13 th (11 th) 9 th (10 th) 9
(9 th) 9 th (8 th) 7 th rnd till you have 46 (48) 48 (50)
BODY 50 (54) 54 (56) 56 sts on your needle.

K in the round til body measures 26cm from Continue to k in the round till sleeve measures 38
armhole. Knit rib (still on needle 4 mm); *k1, p1 *. cm. Continue in rib (still on 4 mm needle); *k1, p1*.
Knit a total of 6 cm rib. Bind off all sts in your Work a total of 6 cm rib and sleeve measures 44
prefered way. cm.

Bind off all sts in your prefered way.

Make the other sleeve in the same way.
Move the stitches for sleeve from stitchholder to
needle 4 mm. Pick up 8 (10) 12 (12) 14 (16) 16 (18)
18 sts in the cast-on sts under the armholes; FINISHING
pick up 1 st before the cast-on sts, pick up 1 st in
each of the cast-on sts, pick up 1 st after the cast-on Weave in ends. Wash the finished knitting and lay
sts. it flat to dry


Field Sweater Colourwork

Field Sweater Colourwork



A: Eco Baby by Isager (68% Baby Alpaca + 32% Organic Pima Cotton, 150 m/50 g)
Long sleeves: 350 (350) 400 (400) 450 (450) 500 (500) 550 g col. 0
Short sleeves: 300 (300) 350 (350) 400 (400) 450 (450) 500 g col. 0

B: Mohair Willow Lace by Treehouse Knits (72% Mohair, 28% silk, 420m/50g)
All sizes: 50 g colorway ‘Coco’s Bow



Cast on 96 (100) 104 (108) 108 (112) 112 slip next st purlwise wyib, place grain on
(112) 112 sts loosely on needle 3,5 mm with cable needle in front, k1, k the 3 sts in the
one strand of A and one strand of B. Follow grain tog tbl, k2, k the 5 sts in the large
the pattern for Field Sweater above for the grain tog tbl, k2
your size till rnd 28. On the following 15
rnds you use both col. A and col. B when Rnd 30: (10 sts) k2, k1tbl, k4, k1tbl, k2
knitting grains and the stitch between the
grains and only col. A when knitting the Rnd 31: (10 sts) k1, make grain, slip next st
other stiches and hold col. B behind the purlwise wyib, make grain, k6
work. On rnd 29 to 43 the stitches knitted
with both colours are red and bold. Rnd 32: (10 sts) remove marker, move first
st on the right needle to the left needle, PM
Rnd 29: (10 sts) slip next st to the cable on the right needle, move the first st on the
needle, hold it to the back of work, k the 3 left needle back to the right needle again,
sts in grain tog, k the st on cable needle, k1, slip grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl, slip

grain purlwise wyib, k3, pick up the strand Rnd 39: (12 sts) k2, make grain, slip next st
between the sts and knit it tbl, k2, *k2, slip purlwise wyib, make grain, k7
grain purlwise wyib, k1tbl, slip grain
purlwise wyib, k3, pick up the strand Rnd 40: (12 sts) k2, slip grain purlwise wyib,
between the sts and knit it tbl, k2 *, repeat k1tbl, slip grain purlwise wyib, k7
from * to * till end of rnd
Rnd 41: (12 sts) k1, slip next st to the cable
You now have 264 (275) 286 (297) 308 needle, hold it to the back of work, k the 3
(319) 330 (341) 352 sts on your needle. sts in grain tog, k the st on cable needle,
make large grain, place grain on cable
Rnd 33: (11 sts) slip next 2 sts to the cable needle in front, k1, k the 3 sts in the grain
needle, hold it to the back of work, k the 3 tog tbl, k6
sts in grain tog, k the 2 sts on cable needle,
slip next st purlwise wyib, place grain on Rnd 42: (12 sts) k3, slip large grain purlwise
cable needle in front, k2, k the 3 sts in the wyib, k8
grain tog tbl, k4
Rnd 43: (12 sts) k3, k the 5 sts in the large
Rnd 34: (11 sts) k3, k1tbl, k7 grain tog tbl, k8

Rnd 35: (11 sts) k2, make grain, slip next st Break yarn B and continue with only col
purlwise wyib, make grain, k6 A. Follow the main pattern from here.

Rnd 36: (11 sts) k2, slip grain purlwise wyib,

k1tbl, slip grain purlwise wyib, k6 SLEEVES

Rnd 37: (11 sts) slip next 2 sts to the cable If you are making short sleeves you knit the
needle, hold it to the back of work, k the 3 sleeves without dec and stop when the
sts in grain tog, k the 2 sts on cable needle, sleeve measures 10 cm from armhole.
slip next st purlwise wyib, place grain on Change to needle 3.5 mm and continue in
cable needle in front, k2, k the 3 sts in the rib *k1, p1*. Work a total of 4 cm rib and
grain tog tbl, k4 sleeve measures 14 cm.

Rnd 38: (11 sts) k3, k1tbl, k7, pick up the Bind off all sts in your prefered way.
strand between the sts and knit it tbl
Make the other sleeve in the same way.
You now have 288 (300) 312 (324) 336
(348) 360 (372) 384 sts on your needle.



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